VOL. Mil. XO. 16,462. PORTLAND, OREGOX. FRIDAY. AUGUST 29, 1913. PRICE FiVE CEN'TS. HOPE OF PEACE IN MEXICO RENEWED Huerta's Attitude Is More Friendly. DEFINITE PROMISE RUMORED Assurance Given pf Help in Adjusting Finances. PRIDE IS DELICATE ISSUE frtted Stales Avers It Has So De sire to Interfere With Sover eign Rights Tension Is JIuch Relieved. MEXICO CITY, An. SS-Tfce -mttmnt of tbe return of Joha I.lnd to Mexico brougat from Seaor Gamboa the declaratloa tonight that Mexico agreed to aothlnar aad that Seaot Gamhoa'a note of August 28 to Mr. I.lnd waa the last communlralloa he seat. WASHINGTON', Aug-. 28. President Wilson received a long message from John Lind at Vera Crui late tonight outlining: the prospects of a settlement of the Mexican problem In most optl mtstlc terms. While absolute silence was main tained at the White House there was a well-defined impression in official cir cles that the Huerta government and Mr. Lind had reached a preliminary agreement which might lead to peace in the Southern republic It was said on high authority that the situation was more encouraging than It has been at any time since Mr. Llnd went to Mexico. The message to the President was essentially a sum mary of the points made by the Huerta rovernment in ita last note, which was carried to Vera Crux today by Colonel Manuel Guasque. More Frinkifil Show. While no details were made public it Is understood that both, tbe United States and tha Huerta government feel they can now renew negotiations on a franker basis. There were persistent reports current that Huerta -had said he would make public an announce ment of his intention not to be a candi date in tbe coming election, but they lacked confirmation in official quar ters. It is admitted that the attitude of the Huerta administration Is much more friendly than at any time in the past. Huerta Becomea Immediate Isaac. The two notes exchanged by Llnd and Gamboa were published in full here today, and official Washington read them closely. Interest waa manifest In Llnd's sug gestion that all proposals be laid aside for the present, except that which asks Huerta not to be a candidate in the coming elections. It was learned that, while President Wilson knew the gist of Mr. Llnd's second proposal, he was not acquainted until today with the text of the com munication in which Mr. Lind promised that, if his last suggestions were ac cepted, assurances would be given American bankers of the moral sup port of the American Government for a loan to rehabilitate the finances of the present Mexican regime. The White House view of the offer of . the loan was that, should the present effort to bring about peace appear to be bear ing fruit, it would be Incumbent on the United States to help Mexico straighten out her financial tangles. Proposal Closely Examined. The statement of Senor Gamboa that Huerta, as provisional President of Mexico, was prohibited by the Mexican constitution from succeeding himself and that the American contention, therefore, was unnecessary was scru tinised closely. Some officials pointed out that no guarantee existed that President Huerta would not resign prior to the election and thereby make 'himself eligible. It will be suggested, too. that to accept the citation of the Huerta constitution .as sufficient re striction on Huerta's candidacy might be construed as a recognition of Huerta as the constitutionally chosen ruler. However, hope was found In the vig orous disclaimer of Senor Gamboa that anyone should have suspected 'Huerta of desiring to become a candidate. This was regarded as a tacit implication that Huerta finally would not enter the Presidential race. Pride la Chief Obstacle. The chief difficulties now, accord ing to Administration officials, are the questions of pride and national honor involved. Protestations by Senor Gam boa that to yield to the contentions of the United estates would be a surren der of sovereignty and would permit a foreign government to veto the candi dacy of individuals in Mexican elections hereafter have been met by the state ment of officials here that the United States has not the slightest' desire to interfere with the sovereign rights of Mexico. There was confidence in official cir cles that by tbe exchange of other communications, both Mexico and the ! United States would further clarify their positions on this point, imputa tions of dictation would be removed and any changes brought about in Mexico at any rate would result from tbe voluntary acts of ths Mexican ad tConciuded on Pace 2.) FAMILY DUTY PUT BEFORE EDUCATION SUPPORT WIFE Oil QUIT BOOKS, IS ORDER OF COURT. University of Washington Boy, Who Married In Haste, Finds Obstacle In Way f Annulment. SEATTLE, Wish, Aug. 28. (Spe cial.) If the procuring of a university education interferes with the student's support of his wife, the educational work will have to be omitted, accord ing to the decision of Judge Humphries, in divorce proceedings before him to day. Thomas A. Cushman, a student at the University of Washington, is seeking annulment of his marriage with Mer rill Cushman at Tacoma on July 3. last. The husband was 18 and the wife 17 years old at the time of marriage and the license was procured without the consent of parents and under the rep resentation that the parties were of age. They had known each other only a few weeks. The couple separated immediately after the marriage and have since lived with their respective parents. Answering the annulment complaint the wife asked for an order for the payment of alimony pending the liti gation. Cushman was cited to show cause why he should not pay 125 a month, and told the court that he is a student. lived with his parents and had no sources of Income. Judge Humphries held that a man's first duty is to his family and that Cushman alone was responsible for his domestic responsibilities; that if his studies interfered with the support of his wife he must give up the education and engage in something that brings in a revenue. , CENSORS OF MOVIES QUIT Yakima Committee Unable to View Theater Films Dally. NORTH YAKIMA. Wash., Aug. 28. Special.) North Yakima's attempt at a municipal inspection of motion-picture shows has apparently failed, al though an attempt will be made to draft a new ordinance specifying what is permissible and what is objection able. The board of censors, consisting of Superintendent A. C. Davis, of the city schools: Secretary Marie Lindgren, of Young Women's Christian Associa tion; Rector Alfred Lock wood, of the Episcopal Church, and two others, found they could not do their duty when movie managers changed films daily. Tbe .ordinance provided, a penalty for running a film after it had been condemned. Since asking the ordinance changed, the censors have not attempted to at tend the five theaters dally and no censorship has been exercised. PARASITES ARE KEPT COOL Insects Imported to Kill Black Scale Relieved by Fans. SACRAMENTO. Ctl.. Aug. 28. Elec tric fans and ice cakes were pressed into service at the California State Insectary today to save the lives of 100 Calcide flies, "black scale" parasites recently imported from the West Indies. The heat of the last few days has been killing the precious Insects at an alarming rate and Superintendent Vosler conceived the idea of lowering the temperature in the room, where the files were being allowed to breed. The success of the experiment was notlcable almost immediately, for the insects be came active under the cooler air breeze forced into the room over ice. The flies were sent to California by the Imperial director of agriculture of the West Indian government. CITIZENS BURN RESORT Alameda Club Destroyed When Council Delays Taking Action. ALAMEDA, Cal., Aug. 28. Unwilling to wait for the Alameda Council to take action for the removal of the North Star Club building, which gained an unsavory reputation following recent arrests of young men and a girl, an gered citizens burned the place down today. The fire department turned out to fight tbe blaze but it is said the ef forts of the firemen were perfunctory and the building was destroyed. INCENDIARY FIRE STOPPED Gasoline Indicates Origin of Blaze at 330 Taylor Street. Fire pf Incendiary origin at mid night caused slight damage to a wooden rooming house at 330 Taylor street. After a quick run the fire de partment caught the blase before it secured a good start. Fumes of gasoline still hung about the rear of the house, approachable througn a dark alley, and there was evidence that the outside walls and steps had been drenched with the fluid. No on waa found about the place. TYPHOON SWEEPS JAPAN More Than 60 Persons Killed and in Tokio 15,000 Houses Flooded. TOKIO, Aug. 28. Extensive loss of life and property has been caused throughout Japan by the typhoon which has raged here for several days. More than tfb persons have been killed and hundreds of bridges and houses de stroyed. In Toklo itself 15,000 bouses were in undated. A party of 17 children was' lost while climbing Mount Koma-Ga-Take. IMPOSING PEACE PALACE DEDICATED Carnegie Gift Put to Formal Use. PURPOSE TOLD IN SYMBOLS Ancient Horrors of War De picted in Stained Glass. GIFTS MADE BY NATIONS Great Temple at The Hague One of Most Impressive of Modern Buildings to Be Seen Any where In Europe. THE HAGUE. Aug. 28. The .Palace of Peace was dedicated here today. The ceremony of handing the edifice over to the Dutch foreign minister was carried out in the great court in the presence of Queen Wllhelmlna, Dowager Queen Emma and Prince Consort Henry. These were surround ed by a distinguished gathering of diplomats, representatives of peace so cieties and people prominent in the arts and sciences. Abraham VanKarnebeek. president of the Carnegie Foundation, with a brief speech, handed the palace into the care of its appointed custodian. He eulo gised the interest shown in the peace movement by the queen and emphasized the significance of the inauguration of the palace, expressing particular thanks for the generosity of Andrew Carnegie Caracsrle Eulogised la French. Jonkheer Reneke van Swlnderen, the retiring Dutch minister for foreign af fairs, then accepted the custody of the building on behalf of the diplomatic corps, in which It is vested, under the presidency of the Dutch fqrelgn min ister. He paid tribute to the late Mel ville W. Fuller, former chief justice of the United States 8upreme Court, and others now dead, who had adorned the court of arbitration. He followed with a few sentences In French eulogistic of Andrew Carnegie. Then, turning to Mr. Carnegie, who was standing beside him and breaking into English, he said: 'Mr. Carnegie, there is no doubt. I should think, that you today are the happiest man among us, seeing In these surroundings the transformation of your, beautiful high-spirited munifi cence into this future seat if inter national tribunal. In the name of the civilized powers of the world, I address you. World Shares Views. The whole world shares your views (Concluded on Page 4.) $ Fin i 1 INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature. S3 decrees; minimum, o decrees, TODAYS Probably fair; southeasterly winds, Mexico. Washington encouraged by new developments In Mexican situation. Pass L Brltlsh press doubts success of Wilson's poller. Pas 2. Americans heeding warning to leavs Mexico. Page . Llnd remains at Vera Cruz, awaiting Invi tation to go to Mexico City. Page i Foreign. Great peace tempi dedicated at The Hague. Page 1. Jerome's quest of Quebec's Premier In Thaw case is in vain. Page 1. National. Democratic caucus agrees on currency bill. Page 1. Currency bill unlikely to become law at spe cial session. Page 8. Polndexter denies charges of nepotism. Page 5. Senate leaders agree to laarease Income tax on large fortunes. Page . Domests. Wile of candy man brings bevy of candy girls Into court to support divorce claims. Page 4. Mrs. Dlggs winces at Marsha Warrington's tsle In court. Page 1. Candy girls tell of stolen kisses. Page 3. Sports. Pacific Coast league results: Portland 5. Sac ramento 2 (o Innings, rain); San Fran rlsco 3. Los Angeles 2; Oakland 2, Venice 1. Page 8. Northwestern League results: Vancouver 3, Portland 0; Seattle S, Tacoma 1; Spokane 6. Victoria 3. Page 8. Score of yesterday's Portland-Sacramento game Is In dispute. Page 8. Van Blerck sinks In powerboat . races at Keokuk. Is, page 8. Paclfie Northwest. Plea made at La Grande for aged Methodist ministers. Page 8. Court places family duties above education. Page L Weston, Or.. In heart of good grain belt, shows evidence of much prosperity. Page 6. White Cedar Festlvsl attracts crowds to Bandon. Page 6. Source of Oregon City typhoid epidemic re mains mystery. Page 7. Southern Oregon pioneers gather. Page 9. Commercial aad Marine. Naval militia will have two-day drill on lower river. Page 18. - Hay crop of Northwest finer than for years. Page ID. Steady upwsrd movement of Wall street stocka Page 19. rortland aad Vicinity. Commissioner Dleck explains objection to "bllucrete" paving. Pag 14. Lost pen, returning from India, pays 80 cents duty. Page 1. Picture-enlargement agent haled Into court on fraud charges. Page 13. Boston attorneys hold that dock bond Is sue Is Illegal. Pag 1. Crowds view Colonel Thatcher's unique trap pings. Page 14. Undertakers of Oregon and Washington to bold Joint session. Page a. Day school for minor employes may be tried as experiment. Page ?. Actor likes dress extremes on other man's wife. Psge 7. End of Mexican strife predicted by banker now In Portland. Page 18. Effect of deep channel Is shown. Psge IS. Portland girl gets art prise. Psge 12. Fashion's latest decree seen In Portland. Page 12. Orpheura bookings promise some good bills. Page 12. Cblldren from Boys' and Girls' Aid 8oclety have Jolly excursion and outing. Page 4. BRYAN LECTURES AGAIN Secretary at Chautauqua Refuses to Discuss Mexican Situation. NEW YORK, Aug. 28. Secretary of State William J. Bryan delivered a Chautauqua lecture here tonight- He declined to discuss the Mexican situa tion. After the lecture Secretary Bryan motored to Kenton, where he took a late train for Washington. PATIENTLY WAITING. IS. DIGGS WINCES AT TALE IN COURT "Other Woman" Tells - of Trip to Reno. TESTIMONY AGAIN UNSAVORY Judge Warns Members of Fair Sex but None Leaves. DEFENSE IS ANTICIPATED State Shows Note Resigning Position "Written by Camlnettl as Proof That More Than Short Trip Was Contemplated. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 28. For the first time since the story of her hus band's infidelity became public Mrs. Maury I. Dlggs .neard it today from the lips .of Marsha Warrington, the "other woman." The girl told the same story that branded Dlggs a white slaver and told it more confidently, more firmly, more adulbly. though in less detail. In the case of F. Drew Caminettl on trial as in that of Dlggs, she remains the chief witness for the Government although the name of Lola Norrls is the one coupled with that of Caminettl in the indictment- Mrs. Diggs sat just Inside the rail dividing; the audience from the bar of the court. She- listened intently. rigidly, wincing at passages of test! mony more poignantly painful than others. Wife Wlncea at Testlmoay. "How often did you meet him?" asked Theodore Roche, conducting the direct examination. "About every other night," answered Marsha Warrington. Mrs. Dlggs winced, her brows tightened and a drawn look came about her mouth. Be. side ber sat one of her husband's aunts. stroking her clinched hand soothingly, Dlggs himself waa at tbe rear of the courtroom among the spectators. Many of those were women. Renewed interest In the case was shown today by increased attendance. There was again the spectacle of long files In the corridors. Jostling for admission. One woman, who had been a constant at' tendant at the Dlggs trial, rose from the morning session and took her place at the head of the tile, there to stand for two hours without luncheon that she might be present for the afternoon session. Coart's Admonitions Vaheedrd. The pointed admonitions of the court had no effect on these women young (Concluded on Page 3.) cow (tHETCrr) LOST PEN RETURNS FROM TRIP TO INDIA SLOVER PATS SO CENTS DUTY TO RECOVER WANDERER. Fountain Writing Stick, Dropped in Missionary Box, Enriches Gov ernment on Way Home. Nearly a year ago E. A. Slover. then Chief, now captain of police, lost his fountain pen. Yesterday he paid the United States Custom-House 30 cents duty and got It back. In the interim the pen had traveled some 20.000 miles. Though the pen was made in Amer ica and It was not the owner's fault that It ever got beyond the boundary. The hawk-like gaze of Government em ployes spotted tbe manufactured article and recognized It as belonging in schedule "Z,' or some other portion of the Payne-Aldrich act. Therefore it was shunted from the domain of Post master Myers to that of Collector Milt Miller and Captain Slover had to call on the customs officer to recover his writing stick." Last October, while helping other members of the Free Methodist Church pack a missionary box. Captain Slover missed bis pen. He overturned every thing at the police station and his home, even pulling up a post be had set, but found no pen. Six months later, last April, tidings came. " Mrs. Margaret Taylor, a mis sionary at Yeotmal, Berar, India, open ing a box of prunes, found the pen, and by the label on the box, traced it back to the congregation which had sent the package. She notified persons here and they traced the pen's owner ship to Captain Slover. "I don't mind the 30 cents," said the captain yesterday. "The pen -was a valuable keepsake before and It is doubly so now." SCHOOL MORALS DEFENDED Tacoma Teachers Learn of Quiet In- vcstigatlon by State. TACOMA, Wash.. Aug. 28. (Spe cial.) Mrs. Josephine Preston. State Superintendent of Public Instruction, told some 400 Tacoma school teachers, at their Fall institute today, of an In vestigation that has been made by the state as a result of Imputations that the morals In the public high schools are not what they should be. Mrs. Preston spoke on "The Quesc tlon of Service" at the opening session of the institute. "Criticism has been made that our high schools are not able r naintais as high moral - standards - is .. they should," said. Mrs. Preston. "The quiet investigation that the achool people of our state have been able to make has disproved much of what la said, and yet this criticism places a heavy responsi bility upon all of us to do more than our part in giving the people of our state a clear vision of what our high schools are doing, and to demonstrate that their standards are high, both morally and educationally." TIMBER TO BE OFFERED Government to Sell 100,000.000 Feet on Olympic Peninsula. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Aug. 28. More than 100,000,000 board feet of timber on tbe Olympic Peninsula, Washington, is being offered for sale by the Forest Service, .and other sales in the same locality are soon to he announced. The timber to be disposed of at this time consists of 8.136,048 feet of Douglas fir, 1,100.193 feet of Western red cedar, 21,230,402 feet of hemlock and 329.516 feet of Western white pine. The minimum prices at which the timber will be sold are 11.55 per thousand feet for Doug las fir and white pine saw timber, E0 cents for hemlock and 83 for cedar saw timber. Cedar poles will be sold for 1 cent a linear foot up to 45 feet In length: above that the charge will be 1 cents a foot Total returns from the sale will be in the neighborhood of $26,000, of which 35 per cent goes to the State of Wash ington for schools and roads in Clallam and Jefferson counties. NEW SIGNS ARE ADMITTED Illuminated Advertising, Hotly Op posed, Passed by Council. By adopting an ordinaance permit ting the use of several new varieties of electric display signs within the fire limits of the city and fixing a li cense on all electric signs on a square foot basis, the City Commission yester day terminated a lengthy fight and paved the way for a material Increase In the city's license revenue. When the ordinance becomes effect ive It will be possible to erect within the fire limits only such electric signs as are built of fireproof material and in which letters are outlined in In candescent electric globes, gas Jets or magnifying bullseye lenses or 'prisms. RAINDROPS PATTER DOWN Smart Shower Kinds People Gener ally Armed With Umbrellas. Taxi chauffeurs, rolling their weather eyes at the clouds that threatened from the heights, began to rig their canopy tops. This was at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At 4 the spattering drops beginning to merge on the asphalt, they began to clamp the chains on their rear tires. For everyone thought that it looked like rain, and many predicted an old- fashioned. down-East thunder shower, with celestial pyrotechnics. Umbrellas appeared like mushrooms after Just the kind of a rain that was expected. Nine one-hundredths of an inch was the actual precipitation yesterday. JEROME'SQUESTOF PREMIER IS VAIN Thaw Lawyers Rejoice Over Failure. OFFICIAL LEAVES COUNTRY Tribute to Lord Haldane Is Bar to Further Action. BAIL IS THOUGHT UNWISE Prisoner In Jail Is Still Safe From Immigration Authorities Chauf feur Will Not Tell Secret of Escape. SHERBROOKE, Aug. 28. Harry K Thaw's lawyers, successful .so far In keeping their client in JaiL safe from the immigration - authorities, rejoiced tonight when they received word from Quebec that the trip of William Trav ers Jerome to see Sir J. Gouin, Provin cial Premier and Attorney-General, had been in vain. Mr. Jerome, leader of the New York ftate forces seeking Thaw's return to Matteawan, accompanied by Deputy Attorney-General Franklin Kennedy, left here last night, hoping to lay be fore the Tremler facts that would per suade him to sweep aside the commit ment on which Thaw is held in Sher brooke and place him in the bands of tbe immigration authorities. Premier Goes to Xtw York. Presumably Mr. Jerome did not know that the Premier was to leave ' Quebeo for New York pto Join thos-e paying tribute to Lord Haldane, who is to arrive there from England tomor row. Similarly this fact was not known to Louis St Laurent, engaged by Thaw to defend "Gentleman Roger" Thomp son, the chauffeur. Although con cerning himself chiefly with the Thompson case. Mr.' St. Laurent is a resident of Quebec, a Liberal and sup- ' oorter of the Premier and he waa dis patched thither, it was understood, to uso whatever influence he could brins to bear against the Premier's takln; any action in tbo Thaw case at this time. ChanfTewr Win Not Tell. He will return here tomorrow to de fend Thompson when the latter is ar raigned before District Magistrate Mulvena on a charge of aiding an un desirable alien to cross the border. If Thompson can prove that he Is a Brit ish subject he cannot be deported, but he can be fined a maximum of 500 or Imprisoned for three months. Thompson said tonight that ha would plead not guilty and absolutely would not tell how Thaw planned the escape. One of Thaw's counsel said tonight that his admissison to bail he would re gard as an extremely unwise move. BRIDGE WORK IS RUSHED Every Effort Being Made to Open Viaduct for Cars September 1. If 100 men, working as fast as they are able, can rush the work through In time, the O.-W. R. N. bridge will be opcred to car service on September 1. But it will be a tight race. . In tbe effort to have the disabled upper deck span ready for streetcars in time for Labor Day, George W. Boschke, chief engineer of the O.-W. R. t N. Company Is superintending much of the work in person. Within a. week of the reopening of car service Mr. Boschke said that one side of the bridge would be opened to pedestrians. Whether the bridge can be opened to all traffic in two more weeks he said, depends almost entire ly on the weather. TERRIER ADOPTS KITTENS Feline Orphans Nursed by Canine Mother, Who Lost Puppies. SALEM, Or, Aug. 28. (Special.) In lieu of ber first two puppies, which died a few days after they were whelped, two orphan kittens have been adopted by a fox terrier belonging to T. AL Jones, a liveryman of this city. The kittens were found this morning con tentedly nursing their new mother, and, Mr. Jones says, the terrier and her adopted family seem to be living peaceably and happily. "An astonishing thing about the adoption," said Mr.' Jones,' "is that tbe terrier has never liked cats. In fact, she has been a bitter enemy of tha whole feline family. Tbe mother 'of the kittens was killed by a dray about the time the terrier lost her puppies.'' ONE YEAST CAKE IS POSTED Three Cents Spent on Postage for a 1-2 -Cent Parcel. VANCOUVER, Wash, Aug. 28. (Spe cial. ) An order for 2ii cents' worth of yeast was received by mall today by Page. Davis Co, and filled by parcel post. A physician In Woodland sent a yeast ticket and inclosed 1 cent extra for postage. The letter required 2 cents and the package a penny, so the post age for the yeast cake amounted to half a cent more than the selling price- This Is tha smallest order to be seat through by parcel post from here.