Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Cross-Barrieau, Not Ritchie
Campbell, Labor Day Card.
Vancouver, B. C, Will Be Seat ol
Contest 'Sext Monday Between
Dentist and Canadian Ritchie
and Welsh Reach Agreement.
VANCOUVER, Aug. 27. Leach Cross,
the New York dentist, waa matched
w.lth Frank Barrlean, of thta, city, to
night for a 15-round contest at Brig
house arena on Labor Day. Cross, who
la at present In San Francisco, will
leave tonight on the Shasta Limited
for this city, arriving here Saturday
It was thought that Willie Ritchie
would meet Ray Campbell, of Seattle,
here on Labor Day, but the champion
was not anxious to take a chance three
weeks before his battle with Welsh.
Articles were signed this morning for
a 20-round bout , between Ritchie and
Welsh September 20. and forfeits with
stakeholder Al Hagrerl. thereby bring
ing to a close-any doubt as to the hold
ing of the contest.
Jack Johnson Buys Villa.
PARIS. Aug. 27. The Journal says
that Jack Johnson, the American pu
gilist, has purchased a house at Joln
ville LePot, six miles from Paris, where
he intends to reside for the requisite
time to become a naturalized citizen
of France.
Jockey - Thro wn to Death.
TORONTO. Ont.. Aug. 27. Jockey
William Hall was thrown from his
mount and killed at the Hill Crest
race track yesterday.
Indiana Governor Takes Step to Stop
Betting at Mineral Springs.
PORTER. Ind.. Aug. 27. Two com
panies of the Indiana National Guard
arrived here at 6:30 this afternoon and
immediately took charge of the Min
eral Springs race track, where betting
on horse races is said to have flour
Ished since the opening of the meet
ing last Thursday. The troops were
ordered out by Governor Ralston, after
he had received information that the
track officials were permitting gam
bling and that the county authorities
were doing little to stop it.
Today's racing card had been corn
Dieted and the largest crowd of the
Bieet had disappeared before the ar
rival of the troops. W. F. Knotts,
president of the racing association, was
present, but made no attempt to defy
executive interference Mr. Knotts
said that, in the event the troops at
tempted to carry out Governor Ral
ston's order to clear the race course of
everybody but the track officials,
horse owners and employes, the meet
would come to an end.
There probably will be no racing to
morrow with the soldiers camping in
the enclosure. 1
QUARJO RUN, AND ST. LUU1H JfliAXxitfc nuw is til IU hbiuai.
Canadian Champion Has Edge In
Tennis Play at Xiagara-on-Tjake.
27. The weather today favored the
players in the International tennis
tournament. The hard-fought set be
tween Baird, Canadian champion, and
Devereux, of Utica. Interrupted by the
storm yesterday, ended In Baird's fa
vor. 7-5. 6-2.
Continuing the second round of the
s'ngles. Leggett, Toronto, beat Waugh,
Fort Erie. 7-5, 5-7. 7-5; Calder. Toronto,
beat McLean, S-2. 9-11, 6-4. and Boulte
bee, Toronto, beat O'Grady, 6-2, 6-3.
In the ladles' singles, Mrs. H. Bickle.
Toronto, Canadian champion, played
against the American doubles cham
pion. Mrs. Robert Williams, of Phila
delphia, and went down to defeat at
6-1, 2-6, 6-2. Miss Mary Browne, of
Los Angeles, beat Miss Boultebee, of
Toronto, 6-1. 6-2.'
Baird and Sherwlll. Canadian doubles
champions, won from Larned and Mc
Lean in straight sets.
Track at Southeast Washington Fair
Grounds Is Fast.
CENTRALIA. Wash.. Aug. 28. (Spe
cial.) A crowd. estimated between
4000 ami 5000 witnessed the second
day's racing at the Southwest Washing
ton Fair today. The track waa fast.
2:20 trot Zomeno first. Jerry Zom
bero second. McAlzo third. Al McKay
fourth. Time. 2:15 54. 2:li. 2:18.
2:14 pace Aldlne first. Grant N. sec
ond, Dan S. third, other starters were:
St. Elmo. Black joe. Katrlnka Norte.
King Seal, Dan I and LaConne Maid.
Time. :13Vi. 2:12. 2:17.
Half-mile dash Beaumont fh-st, Sally
Mint second. LaParente third. Old Set
tler and Paddy Button finished second
and third, but were disqualified. The
other starters- were Cute. Black Bess,
Lommer W. and Sister Julia. Time. :50.
Sporting Sparks
i ' I
Washington Idol Gaining on
Rube Marquard's Record.
American League Star, Ont for
More Money, Has 29 Victories
and Loses This Tear.
.Konetchy's Fame Rises.
With Walter Johnson still winning
his games, the 2 to 1 defeat of Chicago
Sunday being the 14th consecutive win.
Rube Marquard had better be looking
to his laurels, tor his record of is
straight wins does not seem beyond the
reach of the big Washington pitcher.
Johnson, who Is now working for
$7500, has already announced that he
will demand 812.000 next season. At
that he is worth it in the opinion of
many, and Connie Mack praises htm as
one of the greatest men in baseball.
The vlatorv of Sunday made his rec
ord for the season 29 victories and five
The man Is already the Idol of the
Washington fans, who recently raised
a purse of $1000 as a present for the
big pitcher, and every good family has
his picture on the mantel.
The fans have only one regret inai
Manager Griffith does not use him
oftener and against all comers. It seems
to affect his work when used out ol
his turn and the bleacherites would like
to see him used every fourth day
against whoever the opposing batter
or pitchers may be.
He has not been overworked this sea
son and In the last four weeks he has
pitched but five games, wnicn ougnt
not to overtax his arm.
Konetchv. the star first baseman or
the St. Louis Cardinals. Is also coming
to the front In the talk of the day.
Rumor has it that McGraw has been
offering fabulous sums for the lime
light first Backer.
Below Is a record of Johnson's con
secutive wins:
for more than a week, and last Friday
Captain Smith made his final offer to
Spencer. The latter waa hurriedly
called out of the city on Important
business, namely, fishing on the White
Salmon, and told a friend of his to call
Smith and tell him that everything was
satisfactory and that the money would
be shipped to Rainier Just as soon as
Spencer returned.
The consummation of the deal would
make Spencer the owner of two boats,
the Oregon Kid and the Baby Bell, the
latter being the present Pacific Coast
20-foot champion. Both boats may be
taken to Fortola Festival the latter part
of October.
Spencer financed the recent Eastern
trip of the Oregon Kid, under a lease
agreement with Smith.
What Kind of Music Do You Prefer?
Unless you have listened to the ANGELUS PLAYER PIANOS and have heard
their marvelous rendition of vour favorite melodies, be they the classics of Chopin,
Beethoven, Schubert or Mozart, or the more simple and tuneful numbers of your
childhood, "Old Black Joe," "Bonnie Sweet Bessie," "Massa's in the Cold, Cold
Ground," you are yet incapable of judging just what a truly artistic Player Piano
is, just what it should do.
The Ludwig-Angelus Piano
combines the beautiful tone
of the most popular of all
medium-priced pianos with
the most perfect piano play
ing mechanism ever invented. There is no jumble of melody in the Angelus. In
stead, every note of the melody stands out -with the distinctness and clearness of
skilled hand playing. Best of all, it requires no effort on your part to play it beauti
fully the MELODAXT separates melody and harmony, while just the touch of one
finger on the PHRASING LEVER imparts your own individuality to every number
played. The Ludwig-Angelus is medium priced and is sold on easy payments.
Your Money's Worth or your Money Back
Morrison Street at Broadway
ivALTER M'CKEUIK. manager or
W the Portland Coasters, placed
wacpr yesterday that drafts
will be levied on Doane, Korea, Lober
and Rodgers. Fielder Jones recora ' Dome to Detroit last year.
along with Klawitter, but the Tigers
did not make a bid.
Portland has won 16 and lost 10 in
this year's struggle with Sacramento.
Th.n Tim owned bv J. E.
Montgomery, of Davis, won the free-
- .ii n . ,t Wnnril&nd.' Ca.1.. In
2:03. August 22, he broke the local
and state records. 1 nese maras were
2:04H and 2:03. Don Pronot and Dan
Logan were close secona ana mini.
According to Gustave Touchard. of
the West Siae jennia uuo, i-cw iur.,
he was eliminated from the all-comers'
v..i...i nnla chamDionships at New
port through the calling of a foot fault
on him In nis maicn n.u
Williams. Touchard was touched hard.
Ttin VTnarerman is endeavoring to
have McCredie put in a draft on a star
Western League outfielder. Mac also
-. ivi- telegram from - Catcher
Burch, Houston. Tex., last night, tip
ping htm off to a cracK oacasiop.
m m
What would Coast League clubs give
for a few fans like these:
Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Buren motorsa
over 300 miles from La Grande to take
In the Portland-Los Angeles and Portland-Sacramento
Both know all the Portland athletes
by sight and they are enthusiastic
Answer to Query. "
B. B.. Vancouver, Wash. In 1910,
when Lajoie made eight hits in eight
times at bat the last game of the year,
his final batting average was .284 in
169 games, while Ty Cobb average
yv m .38a In 140 games, Joe Jackson
the American League that year,
with .387 In 20 games, but Cobb was
considered the actual leader.
A Reader When a runner Is on
base and the batter hits to an inflelder
who In turn tries to force the advanc
ing runner, and both men are safe, the
batter is credited with a hit in leagues
which countenance the "Cincinnati
Base Hit." It Is so called because It
was In Cincinnati that this method was
first used.
Phllad!'. June 27
Boston, June ou..
nmnn JulV S...
Detroit. July -
Cleveland. July 13
a, ijinir July i,.
fit' Louis, July IS.
Chicago. July !
St. Loula, July 2j--Detrolt,
Aug. 2....
Chicago. Aus. ...
Clcvelana, aui. o.
Detroit. Aug. IS...
Cleveland, Aug. 1.
Chicago. Aug 2-
? S3??
S SI : a ,
: ?2 : . .
. n ...
2-0 S 11 0
5- l 4 12 0
1- 0 15 15 1 O
8-0 2 1 1
6- 4 10 0 0
8-2 1 10 0
5-1 4 0 0 0
2- 1 V 4 2 0
8-8'll 3-3 7 t O
3- 21 BIO
11-2 4 10 0
4- 3 70
-7( T 1 O
"l S-1110 7 10
2-1 8 O 0
u-pstprn Kiiieuien .cuter vuv
Event Today t Camp Perry.
CAMP PERRY, Ohio. Aug. 27. (Spe-
,.ial The Oregon rifle team passed a
busy day. the second and nnal day of
,,i.rv nractlce for the two-day
battle which opens in the morning for
the 13000 National iropny.
perfect for snootma
. .h HaV
civ.nn 12-men teams will com-
..nrMantinx the four arms of the
service and Including, the District of
ki mud Oregon and J9 other
Captain Spencer Dickers for Fast SC
Foot Champion Boat.
The Oregon Kid. National S2-foot
motor-boat champion, is again on the
block and will probably be sold within
the neat few days. Captain K. W.
.,ni.,r is dickering for the craft.
hir-h Is now in Keokuk, Iowa, and,
although no money has passed. Captain
Milton Smith of Rainier admitted last
night that the boat would probably run
under a new owner before long.
Some time ago the boat was reported
sold to a party of Portland motor-boat
men for the sum of $1600, but this did
not occur because of a hitch in the
price. The new deal has been pending
Crossing isthmus of Panama
1857, Early Years Passed as
River Pilot.
VANCOUVER, Wash., Aug. 27. (Spe
cial.) J. J. Wlntler. a Vancouver pio
neer of 1857. is lying unconscious at
hi. home. Tenth and Esther streets.
where he has lived for nearly 35 years,
continuously, and his death Is expect
ed at any time. The children have
k.. nntiriad. Mrs. John Jaggy, his
sister, 87 years old, died here July 4.
Coming here In 1857 from Buffalo,
hv wav of the Isthmus of Panama, Mr.
Wintler took up a donation land claim
on what is now called Prune Hill, about
two miles from Camas. For years he
was a steamboat captain above the
Cascades, on the Columbia and Snake
Just half a century ago he piloted a
packet up the Snake River to Lewis-
ton, and the aame year ran ii mi
lumbla as far as Priest River. He was
captain of the Iirst steam ierrj i
cross the Willamette River. Later he
opened a harness store here, which he
operated for 29 years, closing it about
seven years ago, wnen no muim
business. .
Mrs. Wintler survives, and the
daughters and sons are Ralph Wintler,
of Alaska; Miss Marion Wintler and
Carl Wintler, of fortiana;
Wintler, of Pendleton: (Jiyae inner,
of Tacoma; Walter Wintler. of San
Jose; John Wintler. of Seattle: Miss
Ella Wintler, or oum
Clarence Wintler, a stuaeni i
ford University. All or. me cni.urcu
except Ralph Wintler, wno waa iu
Alaska, returned here last Christmas
for a big reunion.
ter from Frank Fretwell, secretary of
the Seattle club, today entering vigor
ous protest. The new road was opened
last Sunday ana seaiue autoisis were
out in force on the highway and Pierce
County officials on duty made 15 ar
rests for speeding. Among tnese was
M r, Leirv. a pioneer resident of Se
attle, who declares the Pierce County
officer told her he was "laying for Se
attle cars."
Mra. Leary says she was going so
miles an hour, but had the roadway
to herself and was not watching the
speedometer and was ignorant she waa
violating the law. Fretwell says he
has had a series of strenuous kicks all
Summer from Seattle drivers, who de
clare they were unjustly arrested in
Pierce County and 'that If it continued
Seattle autolsts threaten to avoid Ta
coma and all connecting roads In fu
Thm Rrnminwton Ci
Western Craft Goes 45 Miles
Hoar In Event One Racer Upsets
Itself, Rights and Finishes.
KEOKUK. Ia.. Aue. 27. Hydro Bul
let upset while rounding a buoy during
the Mississippi River Powerboat Asso
ciation's regatta on Lake Cooper this
afternoon, spilled out the pilot. Earl
H. Deakln, of Lauderdale Lakes, Wis.,
then righted Itself and continued Its
course with Ralph Smith, the engineer.
at the wheel. Smith had clung to tne
boat when It upset. Deakln was not
picked up for ten minutes. Judges and
spectators at first not knowing of his
accident. He narrowly escaped drown
Miss Ethel Salisbury, ot Muscatine.
mascot of the association, was a pas
senger with Tony Jannes on his flying
boat. She was picked up from a small
boat In the middle of the course.
Oregon Kid, owned ny S. T. Black,
of Portland, Or., won the 20-mlle heat.
making the course in 26:50 2-5. approx
imately 45 miles an hour. C. T. Han-
ley, of Muscatine, waa elected admiral
of the association today.
First heat, class D, 16 miles Oregon
Kid. 8. T. Black, Portland. Or., first;
Teaser IV, Evers and Morltx, Quincy,
III- second: Little Leading Lady, W. P.
Cleevland, Galena, 111., third; Grey
hound. E. L. Wungasten, Quincy, 111.,
fourth. Time, 24 :1 4-5.
Second heat, class A, five miles P.
D. Q. III. Dr. A. C. Strong. Burlington,
la., first; Scary Williams. A. J. Ruddlck.
Keokuk, second; Ugly Duckling. Harry
Oodley, Davenport, tnirn; Phantom, u.
L. Osborn, Galena, I1L, fourth. Time,
12:22 t-5.
Second heat, claaa B. ten miles
Phantom, A. L. Osborne, Galena, I1L,
first; P. D. Q. II. Dr. A. C. Strong,
Burlington. I a-, second; Scary William,
A. J. Ruddlck, Keokuk, third; Grey
hound, E. L. Wungasten, Quincy, I1L,
fourth. Time, 24:6o 1-6.
First heat, class E. 20 miles Oregon
Kid. S. T. Black. Portland, Or., first
Baby Reliance. J. Stewart, Blackton, N.
y second; Van Blerk. S. T. Black.
Portland. Or., third; Teaser IV, Evers
and Morltx. Quincy, II L, fourth. Time,
26:50 2-6.
Langford Knocks Ont FIjnn.
BOSTON, Aug. 27. Sam Langford
scored a knockout over "Porky" Flynn
In four rounds at the Atlas A. A. last
night. Ten seconds before the bell
sounded in the fourth round of what
was scheduled to be a 15-round bout.
a right Jab to the Jaw landed and
Flynn went down for the count. It
was Langford's first bout since his re
turn from Australia. He received a
surprise In the first round when Flynn,
with a smashing left drive, sent him to
the mat.
Queen Wilhelmlna Is Immensely wealthy
In her own rlgM. and has settled on her
husband (5.000,000. The Interest of ttaH
sum. about (160,000 a year, will be strictly
OJm avar . -
Vancouver Heights Residents to Ap
peal to Public Service Body.
VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. 2". (Spe
cial.) Citizens living on Vancouver
Heights and the Washington-Oregon
Corporation, which controls the water
here, have been unable to agree In the
30 days given them by the Public-Serv
ice Commission on juiy
The water users, who signed a peti
tion asking for a hearing of the case
and an Investigation ot ino " "
Dany. have deciaea m ""'r""
ihe commission to settle the case. They
will send the question Involved, the
reply given by the water company and
a number of affidavits concerning the
water pressure on the Heights at vari
ous hours. n
At the last meeting i i"o - -
D E. Lunsford filed a protest against
the water company's charge for
sDrlnkllng. alleging discrimination. He
2fd 10 cent, is charged for 1000 gallon,
o7 water on a meter, but that sprinkling
19 Blivwvw
cents month.
Joint Tariff Sheet for West Object of
Meeting in Portland.
ri,.lal. nf various Northwest
ern roads held a conference yesterday
at which a Joint tariff sheet to be is
in the near future was discussed.
-a. nnfarariRii Were xi.
freight agent of
D "" dTk In whose office the
meeting took place; Henry Blakely.
"encraf .Vestern freight agent of
Northern racmc ' .
-orIi! .,.l frelzht agent of th
Milwaukee road, at Seattle: H A. Kim
ball assistant general freight agent
orlhe Great Northern, at Seattle, and
w C Wilkes, assistant general freight
ageni of the North Bank road, at Port-
la00er traffic men In the city yester
day Included L. M. Foss. traveling
.nd naasenger agent of the
v;?. t m. k' of Bend: F. R. Hanlon,
district freight agent of the same road,
at Seattle: i. auiho. - o
. iht .rant of the Oregon Short
Line, at Salt Lake, and H. CouUrn. of
the sam- roaa. aiso q -
Prejudice Charged In Arrests Made
for Speeding In Tacoma Territory,
TimMi. Wash.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
Seattle automobllists are on the war
path over the treatment they say Pierce
County officials are handing them on
the new road from Puyallup to Ta
roma. a section of the Pacific High-
Secretary A. L. Sommers, of the Ta
coma Automobile Club, received a let-
Pretty Florence Adams, Once Coun
try Lass Xear Portland, Taken
While in Employer's Company.
LOS ANGELES. Aug. 27. (Special.)
After being watched by his wife and
followed by detectives In ner employ,
F. E. Reed, one of the wealthy own
ers of a chain of cafeterias, and pretty
Florence Adams, a cashier In his em
ploy, were arrested In a hotel here to
day. Both face charges of violating
the rooming-house ordinance and a
more serious charge may be prelerrea
against Reed by his wife.
Reed has retained seven lawyers m
fight the case. Miss Adams has asked
for Jury trial, which has been set for
September 2.
The girl is 25 years old and prior
to seeking employment here lived on a
ranch with her parents near Portland.
Miss Adams made a statement to
the police of her relations with Reed.
She said her parents were well off, but
on the Oregon ranch she found no op
portunity of seeing the side of life sne
craved. Four yeara ago she came to
Loo Angeles and entered the employ
of the cafeterias.
She says Reed was infatuated with
her and one night she consented to be
one of a party that went to Venice.
She says up to that time she had not
knrwn what It was to drink alcoholic
liquor, but she soon learned. After
that party, she says. Reed helped her
to get better clothes, paid her a better
salary, provided her board and made
life pleasanter.
Connecticut Party Much Kiel ted
When Sheriff Takes Member.
While a party of about 0 Knights
Templars from Hamilton Commandery.
Bridgeport. Conn, and tneir laaies
who are making a tour of the Coast
before returning east from the Denver
conclave, were at luncheon in the
Hotel Oregon yesterday Sheriff Word
walked in and arrested F. S. Slosson.
who with his wife are with the Bridge
port party. Many of the other lunchers
In the dining-room seemed deeply con
ceroed at the Incident, and much
sympathy was shown for Mra Slosson.
M. C. Dickinson, one of the proprietors
of the hotel, furnished a bond for the
appearance of Sir Knight Slosson. At
3:30 o'clock Mr. Slosson went to the
Sheriff's office and the case was settled
out of court.
Then, for the benefit of the excited
women around the hotel, it was an
nounced that the whole matter was a
Joke among the Knights Templars, of
which order Mr. Word is a member.
Bnrns Wins Decision. .
OAKLAND, Aug. 27. Frankle Burns
won a decision over Red Wilson last
night after 10 rounds of uninteresting
fighting. Burns did most of the lead
Quett, Pea body it Co., Inc., Maker
f thmm ii mi
mm a j
again, SPEED
rOUR object in shooting' isto get
rour bird -with th&centre or your
load. Ur course! 1 hen shoot
Steel Lined Speed Shells.
They are die fastest shells in the market. '
speed is demonstrated beyond Question
by the one sure test in all ballistic matters
the Electric Chronograph. -
Then, too, there is the experience of-thousands
of seasoned gunners who have been shooting the
Remington-UMC . Steel Lined Shells v eversince
they came out.
. The steel lirr!ng1a the-tiling. ' 1t grips Aapuwtler '
holds it in compression puts all the drrre-of th
explosion behind the shot. J
Your Io4d travels quicker yuu- shorten? up -your
lead. You cut down the goes -work-on, lead and
angles you get more birds. f
YVmr dealer carries meee speed shells. "Cot the
Use them. Find the Ked Ball mark-en-
M sheila sad met Mica yon buy.
Remington- Arms-Union AIetafficartri20,e Go v
299 Broedw.T NawTWk
Have no connection whatsoever with S. Brunn
at Second and Alder Sts., whose license was
revoked August 20 by. the city authorities.
Sole Owner of BRUNN & CO. 1
White Motor Truck
It widens your business circle. Let us show you how. ' Lo
cated in the business district for your convenience.
The White Company