THK MORNIG OKEUO.MAN. THURSDAY. AUGUST US, 1113. 6 IN SMASHING RALLY I BEAVERS WIN 6-5 Klawitter "Blows Up" in Ninth and Portland Scores Six on as Many Hits. RODGERS LINES OUT HOMER Fisher Later Slam Out Two-Backer J With Sacks Loaded, Chad Scores Him and Then Business Men Fans CaTOrt Like Monkeys. Ftdflo Coast ataadlngs. w l re- w l rc Portland.. 76 59 .!W3 Los Atf... 70 73 .40 Sacram to. 69 7 .SOT.San Fran.. 7'i .4. J. Venice.... 3 T3 .500. Oakland. . . 88 T .4oe Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland 8. Sacramanto S. ' At Venice Venice 3, Oakland 0. At f-an Francisco San Francisco S, Lo Angeles 2. Am It Is Son, la Portland. Oh. say. can you by th dawn' early Wnrhtth Wot cocky pitcher. Ai Klawitter. beat It? At the aiart of the ninth ho M making: In slirht. t. But new. he's a scare as a clam wha you est it. BY ROSCOE TAWCETT. Curfew hour Was approaching:, the lowing herd had -wound slowly o'er the lea and several hundred faint-hearted fans had departed for their suppers when Al Klawitter. Sacramento pitcher, walked out in front of the right field bleachers yesterday and lunged out: "How'd you like to have me back In Portland T' -Hun t want you." shrieked one loyal bug In return, although his heart was faint and sore, for at the time this dialogue occurred first half of the ninth inning Klawitter had Portland goode-eggad by a 6-0 score. Bat, Walt, a Rally's Ahead. It looked very much as if Sacramento was destined to win the second game of the series, but Just then Klawitter's wing of Harveyized steel cracked. He baa the victory chalked up .in his cranium, but not in his arm, or, as we say in Latin, terra firma. Six terrific clouts the Beavers banged out in a row. Those six biffs scored six runs six, count 'em and Portland came out first best In one of the most sensational and thrilling ninth-Inning Tallies in local history. Rodgers and Fisher were the big stars. With Derrick on first. Rodgers knocked a home run over the right field wall, netting the first two runs his second homer this week and Flsh r tied the score a moment later on a two-bagger with the bases full. Chad bourne drove Fisher in with the win sing run. Leber's Drive Nearly Homer. Young's low throw to first and hits by Lindsay. Doane and Lober con tributed greatly to the remarkable two alarm display of pyrotechnics. Leber's drive came within one fuot of following Rodgers' over the right-field fence. Two men were on and another hornet at that stage would have made it 5 to S. But the fence-buster filled the bases and gave McCredie a chance to send Fisher out to do a plnch-hittlng stunt for Berry, and Fisher's wonder ful drive over third base scored three and enough to tie. Lively succeeded Klawitter on th mound when Fisher strode to the plate. The Btrategy was unavailing, for they all looked alike at that juncture. Klawitter Is charged with th defeat and Krause with the victory. Krause, too. went in as relief man to HI West. The latter twirled only four Innings, cashing in with a score of t-0 against him. Krause was nicked for a couple mor runs in the sixth on three bits, two errors and a stolen base. Business Mea Tara Moakeys." Twenty-eight hundred was the actual paid attendance at the hair-raising matinee, but the fanatical uproar at the finale sounded like a chbrus ot all th females of Billingsgate turned loose. Twenty-eight hundred bugs sat on the edge of their seats all through that terrible ninth, hovering on th brink of expectation and palpitating on th precipice or despair. It must be ad mitted, too, that there was mere pal pitating than hovering, for up to then the Beavers had not looked like cham pions. But. even though the Beavers had stung their former teammate, Klawit ter. for only three hits In the first eight innings, six In a row in the ninth proved enough and sufficient to metamorphose staid and sober business nien into so many monkeys, whose sole ambition seemed to be to climb the wire netting to the roof beams above. The series stands two straights tor Portland. Mac's men being seven and one-half games to the good this morn ing. Score: ssennento I Portland BHOAE' B H p A K tounic.s. 1 S 2 I Chad'e.m. 4 1 2 00 Lewi.l.. Six POD.rrlck.l. a 0 15 10 4 6 0 0 0 Rollers. 2. 4 J 1 SO Shlnn. r.. 3 3 8 l V LlnJuy.S. 1 1 SI Kralhv.! SIS lODoane.r.. 41101 Tennanl.l 4 1 T lOutwt,!.., t 1 0 00 Halllnan.3 8 2 S (lIBfrn.t... 8 1 8 31 Hliss.c... 3 14 2 0 M'Cor'ick.s 8 1110 Kla'ltter.p SOI 3 0 We.t,. . . 10140 Lively. p. O O 0 OOiKrause.p. S O O IS , 1 Fisher.. 1 1 0 O0 ' Totals 28 8S8 SI Totals. S3 9 27 IS 8 ; Two out when winning- run was scored. Batted for Berry in ninth. Sacramento .2 0 O 1 O 2 0 0 0 6 Hits a t o 2 a a o o io Portland 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 S Hits 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 Rum Young, Shlnn 2, Kenworthy, Ten nant. Derrick. Rodgers, Lindsay. Doaaa, Berry, Lober. Struck out By Klawitter 6. West 1. Krause 2. Bases on balls Oft Kla witter 1. West 2. Krause 4. Two-base hits Kenworthy, Fisher. Three-base hit Lewis. Home run Rodgers. rouMe plays l.lndsav to Derrick: Klawitter to Young to Tennant. Charge defeat to Klawitter: credit victory to Krause. i-acrince hits Lflwlg Kenworthy. Klawitter, McCormlck. Stolen bases Shlnn 2, Kenworthy, Tennant. In nings Ditched by West 4. bv Klaaltter 8. Base hits off West, A: runs 3: off Klawitter s, runs a. Tim 1 :-o. umpires rinney ana Phyie. l ! Notes of the Game. -The fleet-footed Jimmy Shlnn ptirered two bases yesterday, besides securing two safeties and a walk. In the first Shlnn and Ken' worthy pulled a double steal. Shlnn scoring with ease when Berry throw wld to Rodgers. HI West didn't seem to hive Ma usual control, which accounts for th ftv taps th 6enatora secured in his four Innings of box swork. Doane waa given an error because his throw plunked Kenworthy la th back when that worthy was hoofing to eeoond on his two-bagger In th sixth. Kenworthy ad vanced to third and scored on Tennant's single. Tennant stole second and waits cd to third on Berry's low heave. He scored th second run off Krause on Halllnan's alngle. Eugen Krapp will pitch for Portland to day opposing stroud. Klawitter mixed his offerings with wonder ful results up to th blowup, which was occasioned ' more as a result of over-eonfl- dene than physical weakening. Por a eouple of Innings prior to that grins and leers showed the contempt in which b n:d Me Credle's men. Errors have -cost Sacramento heavily In both garaea of the weak. Yesterday Young's low toss to first put Derrick safe and started . the fireworks in tn aintn. A heavy wind from th northwest swept THESE TWO BATTING DEMONS BROUGHT VtCTOEY TO PORTLAND COAST LEAGUERS YESTERDAY IN THRILLING . NINTH-INNING SIX-RUN RALLY. W -w U ? u " 1 r -.: "--' I fry - - -v II ja - rav-. tr L; :i ' ' V M , if Vy .4 be j '"a i. 1. scross th field and probably kept Lober! drive from clearing- th fence. Tbe ninth In detail follows: Derrick safe on Young's error. Rodgers drov a horn run, orlng Derrick ahead of him. Lindsay singled over third. Doane beat out a tap to second and Lober filled the bases with his slam against th fence. Fisher pronged a two-bagger Into left, clearing th tacks. MaCormii-k sacrificed Fisher to third. Krause grounded out. Young to Tennant. Young making a nice play. Chadbeurn singled ever second, scoring Fisher. "BCCK" O'BRIKX is bumped Venice Knocks ex-Boston Star Off Monnd and Winn, 3 to 0. LOB ANGELES, Aug. ; ST. "Buck" O'Brien, formerly of the , Boston world's champions, was bumped hard In hisinltial appearance on the mound for Oakland today, Venice, with Hark nesa pitching airtight ball, winning by the score" " of 3 to 0. O'Brien pulled through the first Innnlng la rood shape. After that he was no pussle for the Southerners. He was taken out after tne Sixth and Killilay, who relieved him, stopped th slugging and struck out four of the six men who faced him. He gave Way in the eighth for a pinch hitter. JHarkness, who has been used all season as a relief pitcher, was invin cible, yielding but three scattered hits, -score: Oakland ! Venice- BHOAtl BHOAE Leard.2... S 1 1 0 1 rarllsle.l. . 4 1 S 00 SChirm.I.. 4 O o OOKane.m... u I vu Neas,l.... 4 15 O 0 Bsyless.r. . 3 1 3 0 0 Coy.r..... 4 0 2 OOBraahear.l I I HI Zacher.m. 3 0 1 1 0 u'Rourke.s 4- 8 2 20 Hetllng.S. 3 13 1 0,Lltschl.3. . 4 0 0 2 0 Cook. a... 3 O 8 2 lpatters'n.l S 1 3 00 Rohrer.c SOS 0 1 Elliott. c. . . 8 O 9 11 O'Brien.p. 1 O 0 2 0 Harknoss.p Gardner. 1 O 0 00i Klllllav.p. 1 O 0 001 "Kaylor. 1 0 O 0 01 tCl mm'ns 0 O O 00- Kreitl.C. . 0 0 O O Oi Lohman.p. 0 0 0 18' Totals. 2 8 24 7 -J I Totals. 81 1ST 81 Batted for O'Brien In sixth. Batted for Rohrer In eighth. tEatted for KUlllay In eighth. Oakland 0 O O O 0 0 0 O 00 Hits 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 8 Venice O100JO00 3 Hits 0 2 1 1 3 0 1 8 Runs Carlisle. Bayless and O'Rourke, Hltf Off O'Brien, 7 and 3 runs In 5 In rlngr; off Killilay. none and no runs In 2 Innings; charge defeat to O'Brien. Stolen bases Leard, Carlisle. Patterson. Two base hit Hetllnir. Sacrifice fly Klllott. First on balls Off ITaikness 3. Struck Out Br O'Brien 5. sv liarkr.ess T, by Killilay 4. Double play Hetlln to Leard. Balk O'Brien. Hit hy rltched ball By Lohman, Faylesa. Tim T: !V Crap ires Bush and McCarthy. SEALS WIX OX CLEAX HITS Los Angeles Loses, S to 3, and John ston Beats Zelder's Record. SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 27. Clean hitting won the game today for Ban Francisco from Los Angeles by a score of 5 to 2. All of the Seals' runs wer earned. The Seals did their heaviest work in the sixth inning when they batted out four hits that yielded three runs. Fanning pitched for the Seals and allowed nine hits. Jimmle Johnston, the San Francisco centerfielder, now holds- the Coast League stolen base record. When he stole second in the third inning Of to day's game he brought his total for the season to 84, bettering by one, the record achieved by Rollte Zelder, a San Francisco player in the season of 1808. More than eight weeks of play remain of the present season and If Johnston keeps his stride he will aslly pass the National record which Is 111 stolen bases In one season. Score: Lo Angela I Gan Francisco BHOAEI BHOAE Page!.... 4 12 0 Vundorff.r. 3 1111 vV'otell.r... 8 I t tMcArdle.l. 4 2 7 1 0 Mnnrel... 4 111 1 0 lohnstnn.m 4 140 Magg'rt.m 4 18 0 0 Hogan.l.... 4 1140 Howard.!. 4 10 zouowns.I z 4 IV lohnson.a. 3 12 B 1 T"orhan.s. .. 4 1 0 R0 Elllal 4 3 1 0 0'rtwrlght.I 8 2 3 0 0 Arbogast. lis 1 0 ehm1lt.o.. 4 0 7 20 Toser.p.... 3 11 2 0 Fanning. p. 3 1, 0 0 0 ritaon.r. 4 w wi Totala 33 8 24 18 1 Totals.. Sl 27111 Los Angeles 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 ! Hits ! 1 1 0 8 1 0 0 1 San Francisco ot 10881 I Hits 2 S 4 1 3 a a Run Ellis. Arbogast. MuiKlorff. McArdle. Hogn 2, Corhan. stolen bases Johnson, Johnston, Downs. Two-base hits Maggert. McArdle. Ellis, Corhan. Sacrifice hit Mun dorff. Downs. First on ball Toser 2. Fan ning. Struck out By Tozer J. by Fanning 7. Doubl play Downs to Cartwrlght. Earned runs Los Angeles 1. San Francisco 6. Left on bases Los Angeles i. 8an Francisco 4. Wild pitch Toser. Time 1 :35. Umpires Held ana liutnrie. Dan Ho-wley Is Traded. BROOKLYN. Aug. 27. President Llchtenhelm, of the Montreal club of the International League, announced today the sale of two prominent Mon treal player. Outfielder Gilhooly goes to the New Tork Americans In ex change for Pitcher George McConnell and a cash consideration not stated. The Philadelphia Nationals secured Catcher Burns In exchange for Catcher Howley and two other players to be announced later. Berkeley Athletes Out. BERKELEY. CaU Aug. 2". The sports opened today at the University of California with 235 candidates out for the Varsity rugby squad and 158 for the freshman squad. California lost six stars this year from its Var sity ftam and must depend largely on new material with which to meet Stanford on Novmr 8. Track work and soccer practice also began. A - a- v en eU. Sacramento Pitcher Wins 12 Out of 17 Games. FIVE BEAVERS WELL UP Johnston of Ran Francisco Tops AH Base Runners With 88 to This Week and Ties Carlisle) on Total Tallies. 'Williams, of Sacramento, has won 12 games out of 17 and Is the leading pitcher In the Coast clroult Fanning, of the Seals, ranks second; West, of Portland, third; Klawitter, of Sacra mento, fourth, and Hlgglnbotham, Ot Portland, fifth. - Speck Harkness, of Venice, also is having a good year, with nine wins, and six losses. TheBe statistics include games up to Tuesday. Portland has Ave pitchers who rank up with the best in wins and losses West. James, Hlgglnbotham, Krapp and Hagerman. Jimmy Johnston, of San Francisco, tops all the base runners with 88 up to this week. He pilfered six last week. With over 80 games yet to be played Johnston bids fair to establish a new record. Johnston and Carlisle are tied as best run getters, each hav ing scored 81 tallies. Pitching compilations up to August 28 are as follows: PITCHERS, AND CLUB. Williams, Sac. Fanning. 8. F... West, Port Klawitter, 6a! Hlgginbot'm. P. Harkness, ven.. Prultt, Oak Melarkey, Oak.. James, Port... Perrltt, L. A... 1 Llefleld. S. F... Krapp. Port....! Baker, 6. P.... Stroud. Sac... Raleigh, ven... Hltt. Ven. Ryan. I. A Hagerman, Port Klnsell.i, Sac... Christian, Oak.. Lively 8 PernolX Oak... Toser, L A..... Baum. Ven. ... Koestner, Ven.. Slagle. L. A Drucke, S.-V.-O 17 i2i a. o:.7'! 0-.W7 1 .8-'i 0 .!!,. Ol.lW'O o; . w lol .-) 1 .5 1 .577) 0 .671 oj.c:.i! 0 .S'I3 O .6.-0 0'.631 l.542l 0 B3 Oi.6.1-! O,.03 o .D2t! ,-.S24 0.522 O .317! 0..300I O .JOO O'.JKW .6-K) O'.snoj O .480 0 ,47 0.453 01.444 2:.4.'isl 2.4o; 0-.37.-,! 2'. 884 O .S.-.7! 2-. 34 8; 0(.813 0l.2fl 0.167 2 .100 OI.OOOl Ol.OOO! Oj..000 30 20,101, 23 14 81 i io ..0 IS 12! 15 , a; 10 81 4 32 ljl8 IO' 171121 27 1. -i 11 -l 81 IB 0' 7 27 IS 12 18 IO' 81 23 18 11 2-J 14 12! is; 7 j is! 7! 15l 81 7 171 8 ai tl'i 21 12 11 ftl'lS 14 318 IS 14; 7 7 ll 4 I! 3 1 1 1 ! 7 0 0 0 8 3 1 0 1 4 o 4 2f 2 21 1 1 2' 1 1 Overall, B. F... Orlffln, Ven Henley. 8, F.... Crabb. L. A.. Abies. Oak..... Chech L. A.... Krause, Port.... Arrellanes. Sac. 0 01 2fl '12:131 1 2 ill 8J 'S7!l2 16 lis; 7 0 ?:'io 15' 8j S; 51 13 4 7 1 , ! a, 1 1 Oi 8 i 1 1 2; 41 D SI 0! Klepfer, Ven Munsell, Sac. . . Thomas, S. F. . . Killilay. Oak... Decannlorc. S.F. Lohman,. Oak... Jackson, Ven.. . Greg'ry. V.-LA. Stanley. Port... . Standridge. S.F. Ferguson, Ven.. 3'- 0! 0 2 2 3 0 2 2 24I s'is; SI 8 7 2' n 0 0 01 0 0 1 1 121 1 1 0 1 0 61 0 0 1 8l8 0 0 0 V o O; Oi 0 o 1 o 01 : o 0 Also no-htt tfctn. -Also onft.hlt game. August 24. Inclusive. FEW VETERAXS ARE SnSSIXG Hoquiam High Kxpeets to Retain Football Championship. HOQUIAM. Wash., Aug. IT. (Sps clal.) Prospects for a winning football team this Fall are good for the Hoquiam High School. Most of last year's champion team will be back and ready to report when school opens September 8 to John I. Ehrhart, who coached them to the Southwest Wash ington championship last year. The team lost, through graduation, Askey, Richard and D. Abel. Two pupils who will attend school this year from Rainier will try for the tackle position made vacant by D. Abel and the fight for positions will bs so close that no guess at the lineup could be made now. Th schedule for the season has been practically arranged, with the follow ing games assured: Chehalis, October 11: Centralis, October 18; Olympia, October 2S; Lincoln High, Portland, November 1. and Aberdeen on Thanks giving Day. Games probably will be arranged with Broadway High, of Seattle, for November 15, and with South Bend for October 4. Aviator LeTort Returns. LONDON, Aug. 26. Leon LeTort. the French aviator, has returned safely to Paris, according to a dispatch from that city tonight. LeTort In the com petition for the POmmery cup made a non-stop flight from Paris to Johannls thai and left that town for Riga Sat urday afternoon. Until tonight noth ing had been heard from him. WILLIAMS IF! LEAD INGERSQLL STRIKES OUT TEN AND WINS Colts Helpless Against Van couver Pitcher, While Car son Gets Bumping. MOHLER STAGES FEATURE Portland Second Baseman Spears Une Drive and Puts Oat Runner at Same Time Ex-Coast Hurler Is Forced to Leave Box. Karthweoteru League btaadlngs. W L PC W L PC Vancouver 79 88 . RUO, Victoria. . . 04 7S .471 Portland.. 71 B7 Tacoma... SO 77 .4.13 Seattle.... 72 4 .52;Bpokan. .. 68 77 .421 Yesterday's Results. At Vancouver Vancouver 4, Portland 2. At Victoria Spokane 2, Victoria L At Tacoma Seattle 8, Taooma 1. VANCOUVER, bTC. Aug. 27. Ex cept In the first and third, when two hits and a walk and single, respect ively, scored runs, lngersoll Was in vincible and pitched one of bis finest games this year. Th Canuck twirler kept the hits far apart and his strike outs were numerous. In one Inning re tiring the side in this manner. Carson a former Portland Coast Leaguer, gets charged With th defeat. A walk, two singles and a triple scored three runs for tbe locals in the fourth, while Hellmann's error and two single netted th Canucks an Other In the seventh. Mohler's catch Of Walsh's line drive In the first and his put-out of Bennett oa second at the Same time was a feature, wnne Bring er's shoestring catch of Callahan's short fly to left was splendid. Score: Vaaouvr . portian. BHOAE' BHOAE iBHrkeM 4 3 1 0 9 Bancroft. 8 O Bennett,2 Kippert,m tvalsh.l. . Scharn'r.S Konnlck,c Frlsk.r. .. 1 0 z u M0hter,2. 1 0 O'Gulgnl.r. 1 T 2 0 Melchlor.l. to a 1 2 I 8 O 8 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 8 0 0'Heilm'n.l 8 10 2 0! Msho'y.ra 0 9 00 coltrin,. King.... Carson, p.. Hlester.3. Ingersoll.p 3 (Mays'... . IHyne.p. . . IC'allanan" Total 8 87 lll Totala. 28 8 24 8 1 Batted for carson in elgntn innms. Hatted rar Coltrln in ninth Inning. VaneouVee I) Oil I v 0 1 0 I Portland 1 0010000 02 Runs Walsh, Schamweber. Konnlck, In- fersoll, Gulgni 2. Three-base nit konnicn. orirt. htn ftnnnett. Konnlck. Gulgni. Melchior. Sacrifice fly Frisk. Base on balls lnarr1l ft Carson 2. Struck out Inger- oll 10, Carson 6. Hynes 1. Stolen bssee Oulgni, Mahoney. Double play Mohler, un assisted). Pitchers summary Four runs, 9 hits off Carson In 7 Innings; no runs, no hit off Hynes In one Inning. Charge de feet t Carson. Left on bases Vancouver 6, Portland o. Time 1:47. empire vea. SPOKAXE DEFEATS VICTORIA Xarreson Has One Bad Inning and Indians Win, 2 to 1. VICTORIA, B. C. Aug. T.Spokan again defeated Victoria loflay a to . irvMnn had one bad Inning in which be was toached for four bits, one of them a trlDle by Lynch. Victoria nao Srnltn, who sucoeeded Peters, the latter being wild, In trouble several times, but were unable to deliver in a pinch. Tbe score: Spokane Vlctorla B H oae! Wuff!l,2.. 8 1 2 30 ytcCsrl.l. 4 1 11 00Rawils.8 Wagner.r. 8 2 1 0 O.AIberts.r.. Powell. L. 8 0 1 OOMeek.l Lynch.m. 4 2 1 00,4waln.l... Yohe.8... 4 0 3 2 l;Delmas,c Fltsel'ns. 4 1 8 6 0 Lamb. 3... Hannah. c 2 0 6 1 0,Shea.c Peters.p.. 8 1 0 0 0 Narves'a.p Emlth.p.. SOS OO, B It OAS 8 1 2 00 0 13 1 1 3 0 12 10 1 0 8 1 80 00 40 Total. Virion S3 8 27 12 1 Total. 82 27 14 1 O0OO10O0 0 1 00020000 0 8 Spokane n yi- -- t vnnt, n,v litii Sacri fice hit PowelL titolea bases Wagner, Yohe. Three-base hits Lynch. Alberta. hi... wufril tn riulmmom to alo- Carl; NarVeson to Bawllngs to Meek. Struck out By Narreson . by Peters 1, by Smith 8. Bases on balls Off Peters 8. off Jsar veson 8, off Smith 1. Innings pitched Pe ters 3. runs Ot hits 0. Time 1:6 1. Credit victory to Peters. L'mplre Toman. KELLY TOO MTJCH FOR TIGERS Seattle Pitcher Tightens When Ta coma Men Find Bases. TACOMA. Aug. 27. Pitcher Kelly held the locals In check When there were men on bases, being Invulnerable after the first lnnlne. Although the locals were credited with eight hits four were of a decid edly scratchy type. Score: a. I Taooma BHOAE B H O A B Jackson. 1. 4 1 12 0 O'McMullln.l 8 0 14 8 Fullerton.r 4 13 1 0 Million. L. . 4 2 3 1 0 1 .. 4 1 1 liFrles.m. ... 4 1 3 Strait. 1... 4 0 2 0 OiLanham. 1 .. ( 3 11 10 Cadman.e. 4 0 2 1 HN'ghmora.r 112 0 4 Nlll.S 4 11 7 OBrowne.s.. 4 0 3 2 0, 4 8 3 O'Keller.l... . 3 8 141 Raymond. I 1 2 8 OIHarrls.c. . . 10 11 Kelly.p.... 3 8 1 0 0 Kaufman.p 8 180 IHenslina. 1 8 00 lCrisp.... 1 1 0 00 Totals. 24 7 17 13 21 Totals.. 3 8:7 12 1 Batted for Keller In nlnthi batted for Kaufman In nintn. Seattle 2 0 0 1 0 8 83 Tacoma 1 0 0 8 8 0 3 3 01 Runs Fullerton. XIII. Killilay, Fries sin).. k,u, KMiiiav 2. Raymond. Lanham. Doubl plave .Mil to Jackson: Fullerton te Cadman. Two-bas hits NU1. Killilay, Mil lion. Three-base hit Fries. Sacrifice hit Kelly. Struck out l.eny s. nauiman . Bases on ballsKelly 8, Kaufman L Hit by pitched ball Lanham. Tim 1:33. Umpire ostaiea. JfATIOXAL- UEAGCE. 3t. Louis IS, Philadelphia a. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 27. St. Louis walked away with today's game with Philadelphia by 15 to 4. Bren nan was driven off the rubber In two Innings, during which the visitors niiarf un elsrht rus and 10 hits. Imlay lasted three lnrtings, Rlxey one and Halsllo. formerly of Dallas, Texas, club, finished the game. Philadelphia also hit the ball hard but could not bunch safeties with run-getting effect. In six times at bat. Oakes made four singles and a triple. Score: a. v I Phlladalnhla W CI A PJ BHOAE L.Maree.1 4 1 O0Byrne,3... 4 0 0 2 0 Huggina.3 Oake,m.. ldawrey.3. Konetc'y.l Whllted.r O'Leary.a. Hlldebd.o Grlner.p.. Harmon.p a v n.naoe.. 0 0 I-eakertra 1 0 9 Magee.l. 0 0 Cravath.r. 0 0 Luderus.l. 8 0 Doolan.s.. 0 0 Reed.s. .. . 0 0 KlIllfer.G. 0 OBrennan.p. Imlay.p.. Si. miser. p. . Halsllp.p. uevore-, Miller". . Totala .. 42 21 27 10 0 Totals. . .42 IB 87 10 8 Batted for Brennan in second. Batted tor Imlay In fifth. St. Louis 0 8 1 0 0 9 8 0 118 Philadelphia 021010000 4 Runs L. Mage. Hugglna 2, Oakes 4. Mowrey. Konetchy, Whltled 2, O'Leary. Hll debrand. Grlner. Harmon. S. Magee. Cra- vath. Killlfer, Devore. Two-base nits O'Learv. paskert. Three-base hit Oakes. Home run Mage. Hits Otf Griner 8 In 2 Innings Iron out In third), off Harmon 10 In 7 Innings, off Brennan 10 In !. off Imlay 4 In 3. off Rlxey a In 1. off Haisllp 4 In & Sacrifice hlte L Magee. Koiuuhr. Sacri fice r.l'S L. Magee. Konetchy 2. Stolen Lass Oakes, KoMlohy, Mowrey. Luderua. Doubl plays Killlfer and Luderua Left em bases St- Louis 9. Philsdelohla 13. First on balls Off Griner 1. off Brennan 1. off Haisllp S. r trst oa errors Ht. Louis a. mi by pitcher By Griner, Byrne. Struck out Bv Giinr 1, by Harmon 3. by Brennan 2. by Imlay 2. Passed ball Killlfer.. Tim of gam 3:10. Lmptres Klem and Ortn. Cincinnati 5, New York 1. NEW YORK, Aug. 27. Cincinnati celebrated Its last appearance In New York tbia season by defeating the ch&mpions, 6 to L Mordecat Brown, the old Chicago star, was In great form and held the locals to seven scat tered hits. Cincinnati made the same number of hits off Fromme, but made them count. Tinker drove in four of the Cincinnati runt. The visitors scored one run In the second inning on Marian's single. Fletcher's poor throw, and Tinker's single. In the fourth inning passes to Bates and Marsans and Hoblltsell's single filled the bases. Tinker's sacrifice fly scored Bates. In the sixth Inning Egan dou bled and scored on Hoblitsell's single. Hoblltzell scored ahead of Tinker when the latter drove a borne run Into thd left Held bleachers. New York escaped a shutout when Merkle scored in the seventh on his single, an In field out and Sodgrass' single. Score: Cincinnati I New 1'ork BKOAK! BHOAK Beacher.l. 5 0 3 OOBurns.l... 4 1 4 00 Batea.r... 0 1 0 0 1 I 3 r sharT.S. . i 0 O FIetcher.S 8 O SHDoyle.2.. O 1 0 Groh,2... Egan.2... Mars' s.m Hobllts'Ll Tinker.a. Dodge.S. Clarice. . Brown.p. . 2 2 1 2 C 0 7 10 8 00 8 00 1 3 OOlMerkle.!.. 4 8 2 1 OO Murray.r. 2 0 0 o snoag-s.m 2 0 McLean. c. 1 0 Prom me. p 0 1 1 2 0 0 4 10 1 00 0 00 0 0 0 O 00 Z O'Schupp.p. Meyers- t!oooer . iSchauer.p. 0 00 Totals 82 7 87 14 11 Totals. 82 7 27 71 Patted for sonupp in signtn. Ran for Movers In eighth. Cincinnati 0 1010800 O J New Tork OOOO0O1O Ol U .. .fa. V-an VlFlini Hoblltzell. Tinker. Merkle. First On errors New Tork 1 Two-base hits Egan. Merkle. Burns. Home run Tinker. sacrifice iiy -iinaer. Stolen bases Bates. Murray, Bescher, Snod- aaa Tft On haaes Vew Tork fi. Clncln- .i rtAiihl. l-v rtnvle Fletcher and Merkle. First on balls Oft Fromm 4, off Brown 1. struck out rty rromme o, vj c v. . . t t, n-nn i ulta Off Fromme. 7 In 7 ln'lnga; off Schupp. non In 1; off 8chauer, none In 1. Tim 1:45. Umpires u-Uiy ana :rasne. Chicago 3, Brooklyn 0. BROOKLYN, Aug. 27. Jim Vaughn, th former New York American south paw recently secured by Chicago from Kansas City pitched shutout ball hare today and Chicago won the third Straight game from the looals by thrss to nothing. Vaughn and Reulbach had a great duel up to the seventh, when Vaughn started a winning rally with a single to left. He went to second on Laach's sacrlflc and EverS had besn passed, both runners scored on Ward Miller's triple. Vaughn pitched great ball all the way, Brooklyn getUng but two men as far as third Base. He struck out sight of the locals, and held them to six hits. Hummell batted for Reulbach In the seventh and Rucker finished the pitching, letting tbe vlsl tors down Without a hit. Bcorel dhleara Rrankl,n BHOAE B H Oil Lach.m.. 4 11 OOMorgan.r.. 3 0 1 00 Evers.2... 3 I 1 1 1 1 11 0 2 0 3 0 8 1 0 2 0Klrkp'k. 1 W.MUler.r 4 Phelan.8. 8 Salnr.l... 4 Williams,! 4 Brldwell, 8 Archer.c.. 8 Vaushn.p. 4 O Meyer.r. 2 0 Cutshaw.2. 1 0 I Collins.: OOlWhaet.l... 8 O'Daubert.1. JO smith. 8... lFlsher.a... lO.Mlller.o. IReulb'ch.p Humm'll Rucker.p.. Totals. 84 7 27 1211 total. 30 8 27 0 2 Raited for Morsn in eighth. Batted for Heulbesh In seventh. Chlrag 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 08 Brooklyn 0 0000-000 O 0 Runs Ever, Phelsa, Vaughn. Left oa bases Chicago 10. Brooklyn 8. Tw-bs hits Ctttshaw, smltn. Tnre-ssi una " . Mlllsr, Baler. Sacrlflc hits Leach. Fisher, Reulbach. First on errors Chicago . Brooklyn 1. Doubl plays Fisher Cut shaw nod Daubert First on balls Off Reul bach 8; off Rucker 1, off Vaughan 4. Struck out By Reulbach 4. by Kucker 1. by VBUgnn B. tilt oy pnenw "J """'""') . . . . V IM 9 thninal Arcner, nil wu n.,i u, ... - off Rucker, non In 8. Time 1:60. Umpire Brennan and Eaaon. B06TON, Masa, Aug. 27. Th Pittsburg-Boston game waa postponed on account ot rain. FOXHALL KEEXE II CRT IN PLAY Prominent Polo Player Thrown and Horse Rolls on Him. COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo, Aug. 27. -Foxhall Keen, candidate tor the American polo team in Its recent con test with England, was seriously In lured at th polo tournament of the .k.u.n. Xtm.nlnlT, rmintrv Cluh hart this afternoon. He was thrown In play and bis horse roiled over on mm. ms right shoulder was broken and he was badly bruised. Keene was playing No. I In the Cheyenne Mountain Country Club team against th Denver Prairie Dogs. It waa the first serious mishap for the Eastern Polo crack since bis accident Jrevious to the International series in une. On Monday, Keene Was slightly hurt here, but was able to contlnus In th tournament. Walla Walla Signs Welsher. WALLA WALLA, Wash., Aug. 27. (Special.) Manager Bade, of the Bears, today signed Weigher, a pitcher, dropped a tew days ago by McOlnnlty, of Tacoma. Welsher worked today. STANDING OF THE TEAMS. Xatlonal League. W. L. PCI tV. L. PC. New York.. 82 36 .093 Brooklyn.. 6164.443 Phlladelp'a 67 45 .5BS Boston 50 05.4113 Chicago... 63 55 .54'.'! Cincinnati. 49 75 .33 PUtsburg. 3 64.53slSt. Louis 44 77.304 American League. Phlladelp'a SO 89 .6?8!Boston- 58 59 .496 Cleveland. 72 49 .69oi Detroit 52 71.423 Washington 67 51 .SSS'St. Louis... 48 7S .3nl Chicago 6569.524lKew York... 40 76 .345 American Association. Milwaukee. 77 64 .583St. Paul. . . .88 70 .408 Minneapolis 78 56 ,576,Toledo 68 72.446 Iiulavilln. 74 ST .665 Kansas CIIV.B8 75 .43 Columbus.. 74 59 .656,Indianapolls 48 81.372 Western, Trl-Stata. Boise 23 19 .SSSiNorth Yak. .22 22 .600 WallaWalla 23 21 .523,Pendleton. . 18 26 .409 leeterday'B Results. American Association St. Paul 2-8. Kan sas City 4-1: Minneapolis 11, Milwaukee 1: Columbus L Louisville 0; as other same scheduled, Western League Wichita 0, Denver 7; Lincoln s. Topeka 8: SL Joseoh 8. Sloua City 1: pas Moines 6, Omaha 8 (10 In nings. Knuthera League NashvllI 17. Kw Or leans 4; Mobile 0, Birmingham 1; Atlanta 8, Memphis 6; Chattanooga ft, Montgomery 6 (called end of 10th Inning on account ot darkness; . Came Scheduled Today. " Pacific Coast League eaoramento at Portland, oakiana at Venice, Ae Angciea at San Franalaco. Northwestern League Portland at aa couver, Seattle at Tacoma, 6pokan at Vic toria. How the Series Stand. Pacific Coast League Portland 2 game, Sacramento n game: Vnlc 1 came, Oak land 1 game; San Francisco 1 same, Loa Angeles 1 game. Northwestern League Vancouver 2 game. Portland 1 gam; Seattle 1 game, Tacoma 2 games; 6pokan 2 games, Victoria 1 game. Portland PaclflO Coast Batting Avwrar. North wtrn AD. n. Av. AO. K. Av. 358 820 .295 .27a .278 .2 ,2o4 ,259 ,2.15 249 24S 194 .13 .176 145 .133 UUO Lober. . T a n m . 343 110 4"W 131 .321, Mays. ... .320 Eastley. . .817,Hetlmaaa .311 Mohler. .. .30U Uahoney. .293 Melchior.. .29 Oulgnl... .25 tal.ahan. .20.Bsn-roft. .272 Williams. .2K.V Murray.. .26.-1 Coltrln... .245 Hyne. .. . .212 Todd .196 Martlaonl .132 King .0l. Carson . . . .0"O .ovo 6-) 24. 72 23 , 305 90 . 428 119. S3 lOl 4.M 121 375 99. 143 37 4"7 104 riihar 2.-6 61 33 St2 112 S2 24 841 158 25 69 432 131 t3 99 150 76 20 196 48 228 S 51 10 76 IO 45 4 1 0 1 0 Hlggln'm Lindsay. Krause. Rodeers. Speas. . .. Korea. .. Derrick .. Chadbo James. . . Berry. . . MCor-Ick 240 59 lt-5 371 49 17 4S 43 3 KraoD West. . . . Hagerman Stanley.. MoCredl Baseball Statistics Buyers' Week at the Hotel Multnomah Every merchant visiting Portland Buy ers' week will certainly take advantage of the Special Rates made for that week only: A fine outside room for One Dollar. Room with bath, Two Dollars. Add One Dollar more for two in a room. . The Arcadian Garden of course, will be the center of attraction in Portland during Lunch, Dinner and Supper and after the theaters. The 50c Merchants' Lunch will be con tinued during Buyers' week. The Hotel Multnomah -Revue Follies 1913 Under the Direction of Miss Nancy CXefl. Miss OUeil Miss Jean Howard Miss Wells Miss Jamel Miss Hamilton Miss Martell Miss Howard Miss Martineau Miss Grant Most Spectacular, Original and Attract ive Entertainment also The Popular Hotel Multnomah . Orchestra Under the Direction of Herman S. Heller Entertainment During Lunch, 11:30 Un til 2 P. M. Dinner Hour Entertainment .Commences 7P.M. Evenings 11 P. M. H. C. BOWERS, Manager. GA1XER THIGPEX, Asst. Manager. BOISE W1HS 1U TWELFTH XORTH YAKIMA PROTESTS GAME AT IDAHO CAPITAL. Plrich Hitter's Bat Flat, Is Charge. Walla Walla Wins Loose Con test From Bucks. Boise defeated North Yakima Irt ll-lnnlng contest In the Western TrW state League Wednesday, 4 to 3, while Walla Walla bested Pendleton, 8 to 8. In a farce of a tame. At Botss Melter trdn th game for th Irrigators. He went In as a pinch hitter with the score 8 to 8 In favor of Yakima and score. In the 12th he put on Into deep left center that scored th win nlng; run. Gordon protested th frame, itl.lmlrt. t ar'm hat waa flat. Wood and Peterson pitched irreat ball. Bofl ner went in in the inn. Tne score: n n rl H n tr N. Yakima.. 3 10 0;Bolse....... 4 10 3 Batteries Peterson and Taylor; Woods, Bonner and Garfl. At Walla Walla the Bucks, the Bears, ANewHav For the man who guards his health . Muriel is a skillful blending of rare tobacco marvel- ously mild, remarkably fragrant. When you smoke Muriel no brain pinch, no cluttered tongue, no filed nerves. v ) jyji The Mild Havana Blend The Hart Cigar Co, Distributors, Portland the umpire and the fans were In th air most of the time and the game was a Joke. Manager Lodell, fired from the field Tuesday, got peeved In the sec ond Inning; over a close base decision, threw down his glove and quit. The whol Pendleton team threatened to tiult at on tlrne. L'mplre Washbura did poorer work Wednesday than Tues day and changed his decisions twice. The bucks tied the score twice before the fifth, but there was so much argo Ing that finally th balloon want up and the Bears scored five runs on five hits and two errors. Davis hit a homer. The ecorai R. H. E. R. H. E. Pendleton.. 6 14 4 i Walla wa'a 8 11 0 Batteries Welch and Haworth; Pe terson, Welcher and Brown. RITCHIE AXD WELSH SlGXED Forfeits for Bout September 20 at Vancouver, B. C, Due Today. VANCOtJVEn, B. C. Aug. 27. Ar ticles for the world's lightweight championship bout between WilUo Ritchie and Freddie Welsh at Brig house arena On September 10, wer signed at noon. Forfeits will be posted tomorrow. Jim Orlffln, of San Francisco, will b referee. Start and end the day with MURIEL and 10Stfel$lt ma