V THE MORNING OKEGOMAX, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2$, B uyers' Week Visiting Buyers will find much of interest in going -through the Portland Factory and Warehouse plant of HEYWOOD BROTHERS AND WAKEFIELD COMPANY the largest manufacturers " of CHAIRS in the world. "We hare local factories and distributing houses in all leading centers of trade. We want .your business, but we want to make your visit to Portland educational, as welL x Heywood Brothers and Wakefield Company 148-154 North Tenth Street Fleischner, Mayer & Co. Importers and Jobbers DRY GOODS, MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, NOTIONS LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL Mtmufacturers of Mt. Hood Overalls SHIRTS AND MECHANICS' CLOTHING Attention, Dealers: We Are Extensive Jobbers of Toys, Dolls, Fancy Holiday ... .... Goods, Baskets, Toilet Sets Sporting Goods Sample Rooms at Broadway and Taylor Sts. Meier & Frank Co. Portland, Or. A Cordial Invitation To Visiting Buyers and Their Families An enjoyable morning trip is that to North Portland to inspect our mammoth packing plant, the home of Columbia Brand products. Uniformed guides to show and explain everything of inter est, including the Government Inspec tion of meats. . UNION MEAT COMPANY North Portland. Take Kenton Cars on Second St. For Auto Supplies and Tires Motorcycles and Bicycles Be sore to call on Ballou & Wright BROADWAY AT OAK. Largest Distributers of These Goods in Northwest Seattle Store, 817 Bast Pike St Thanhauser Hat Co. 63 AND 55 FBONT STEEET Invite you to inspect our complete FALL AND "WINTER LINE OF Men's, Boy's and Children's HATS and CAPS We invite our friends to inspect our HOLIDAY LINE now on display. Most complete and best assortment ever shown by lis. BIumauer-Frank Drug Co. Wholesale Drug Company. Jobbers of drug sundries, drugs, chemicals, soda fount ain supplies, ' liquors, cigars and PUROLA Products. EIGHTH AND EVERETT STS., PORTLAND, OR. Henry Weinhard Brewery The most complete and best equipped brewery on the Pacific Coast. Come and See Us. Portland, Or. 475 Burnside Street Phone Main 72, A 1172. Meese & Gottfried Co. 67-69 Front Street ELEVATING, CONVEYING SCREENING AND TRANSMISSION MACHINERY Sawmill Chains, Pullies, Shafting, Etc COME TO PORTLAND UYE WEEK SEPTEMBER 1 TO 6, 1913 The entire week'of Monday to Saturday, September 1st to 6th, 1913, has been set aside by the Jobbers and Manufacturers of Portland to meet buyers from all parts of th6 Pacific Northwest. The object of establishing buyers' week is primarily to help the Jobbers and Manufacturers become better acquainted with their trade throughout the three States of Washington, Oregon and Idaho; also to demonstrate the advantages of Portland as a wholesale market. It is only by visiting this city, seeing the enormous stocks that are carried, and getting in closer touch with the Jobbers and Manufacturers that the retail merchants can fully realize the advantages of trading with this city. In many lines by far the largest and most complete stocks on the Pacific Coast are carried in Portland, Oregon. The largest volume done on the Pacific Coast in many jobbing lines is done in Portland, Oregon. You-will be amazed at what will be shown you during Buyers Week. YOUR RAILROAD FARE, REFUNDED As a special inducement it has been arranged to refund the round trip railroad fare to one visiting buyer from each store who places orders aggregat ing not less than $500 with the Jobbers and Manu ' facturers who are participating in this invitation. WHEN TO BUY TICKETS AUGUST 28 TO SEPTEMBER 3 To secure the benefit of this refund it will be necessary to buy your ticket one way on the certifi cate plan, taking receipt. Buy a one-way ticket to Portland either on Thursday, Friday or Saturday of the week preceding Buyers' "Week; or on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of Buyers' Week Tickets bought after Wednesday cannot be honored on this arrangement. Return trip tickets will be honored until September 9th, or three days after Buyers' Week is over. This refund privilege also applies on tickets purchased via steamboat lines. Buy steam boat tickets round trip, taking receipt. BE SURE AND GET A RECEIPT A validating headquarters will be opened in the Commercial Club building. Each visiting buyer is requested to present his receipt upon arrival at Portland, at which time he will be given detailed information as to the many courtesies which await him, SPECIAL RATE FOR MEMBERS OF FAMILY Members of family and business associates of buyers will have the benefit of a fare and OTthird to Portland and return home during the same period, but to secure this, be sure to take receipt for fare paid. Buy one-way ticket to Portland via railroad; round trip ticket if via steamboat. . ENTERTAINMENT The Portland Commercial Club, Fifth and Oak Streets, will be the entertainment center for the en tire week. A reception for visiting merchants and their families; a smoker, a banquet, and a business meeting will occupy several of the evenings; other evenings will be spent in social jollification; a lunch eon at the Ad Club will be one of the big events. Many other courtesies and attentions characteristic of Portland are being planned. The week will be crowded with business and pleasure. TRI-STATE BUYERS' LEAGUE During Buyers' . Week there will be sessions -of the Tri-State Buyers' League, at which various mat ters of great interest to its members will be dis cussed. - The expenses of this league are defrayed entirely by the Jobbers and Manufacturers of Port land, so no membership fees or dues are charged. All merchants and buyers are eligible to member ship. Membership card will be furnished immedi ately upon registering at headquarters in Portland Commercial Club. Other courtesy cards will be pre sented at the same time. PORTLAND AS A MANUFACTURING CENTER Portland occupies a commanding position in the variety of lines manufactured, and it will be to the interest of the merchants of the Northwest to pay a personal visit to our factories, the size and output of which will be a revelation to our visitors. Portland Manufacturers will entertain visiting merchants at their plants during the entire week. A PARTIAL LIST OF JOBBERS AND MANU FACTURERS PARTICIPATING IN THIS INVI TATION IS ON THIS PAGE, SURROUNDING THIS ANNOUNCEMENT Purchases made of any of the firms listed while you are in Portland during Buyers' Week will be registered at official headquarters in the Portland Commercial Club Building, and will apply on the amount required for refund, of round-trip fare. YOU ARE MOST CORDIALLY INVITED To visit Portland during Buyers' Week and secure the full benefit of these special inducements, and very pleasant trip. Address all inquiries for further information either to the Portland merchant or manufacturer with .whom you are dealing, or to C. C. CHAPMAN, Secretary, JOBBERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF PORTLAND Commercial Club Building, Portland, Oregon Geaeral Committee. NATHAN BTRAUSS, General Chairman. L LOWENOART, Treasurer-. C. C CHAPMAN, Secretary. Flma.ee Committee. Max S. Hirsch, Chairman, Mark Gia M. I. Kline, K. J. Frank. O. H. Flthlan. Executive Committee. F. A. Spencer, Chairman. Geo. Lawrence, Jr O. W. Mielke. C. C. Colt. A. H. Devers. M. G. Thorsen, Z. T. Honeyman. Bring This Announcement to the Big Music House FEEE CONCERTS DAILY. 1 TO 3:30 P. M. I. Recital Rail, Seeoaa Floor. FBEE - BUBBLERS FOB, THE CHILDREN (Soaobabblea wlthoot soap or fuss.) ELEGANT ALUMINUM BOOKMARKS TOR THE LADIES See (pedal announcement at bottom of this page Broadway at Alder The Nation's Largest OUR aim is to render the most helpful service in the broadest sense in everything connected with modern banking. "The Bank That Can Serve You Best" The Northwestern National Bank Affiliated With , Portland Trust Company of Oregon THIRD AND OAK STS. Portland, Oregon OOpWAgo eHoliday GoodTXo -j Now on Display r Something for Every Store y-' I PARISIAJN IVORY) The Urges Line Shown Wert A VA of the Mississippi 'i V SAMPLE ROOM. FIFTH FLOOR S -WOOD -LARK" BLDC Tfev . U" at Woot Path Sk Business Men Find our popular 7th Floor Restaurant an ideal meeting place for friends and business associates. Delightful 50c Luncheon 11 A. M. TO 2:30 P.M. . Prompt and Efficient Service. Meier & Frank Co. Diamond Quality- SEEDS are tested Seeds Their Purity and Germination Are Above the Stand ards of the Pure Seed Laws. Tew will laterete In our Seed-Testing- Lab oratory and our Facilities for Kecleaning and Hand ling Seeds. Ymm are tavitea to make our store your headquar ters desk room and stenographers at your service. PortlandSeed Company Freat aaa Yamhill Streets. Our "Diamond" trade-mark Is a g-uarantee of quality and full value. Sacrifice Of Special Interest to All Musicless Homes Two carloads of choicest latest Player Pianos are being sold for bankers' account at exact ly half price $310 will bny a Player Piano with lots of free music rolls. More elaborate ones are $355 and $3S5. See them at Eilers Music House. Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Band Instruments; the finest makes -at specially low prices during buyers week at Eilers Music House. Everybody wel come open house music and recitals free daily souvenirs for ladies and children. Eilers Music House, Eilers Building, Broadway at Aider street - : .If', i . I J.- ' mm: , 4 - Special for Buyers' Week Only! Superb Latest Talk Machine With Free Records Seventeen Elegant Combinations A Real Feast of Music for The latest machine, genuine mahogany or In fancy figured oak cases (hornless, of course), INCLUDING FREE 26 REC ORDS OP THE BEST VOCAL A. D OTHER ARTISTS. Vocal, Instrumental, opera, vaudeville. Buyer's choice or our own selection. Thousand beat needles, latest record al bum, oil and can, everything1 complete. ALL INCLUDED IX THE SDRPRI SIGLY LOW PRICE OF S43.45. May be had on our new easy-payment plan 11 a week aecures It. There are only a limited number of these complete TALKING MAC'HIXB HEADQUARTERS. At Eilers Music House, the Nation's Largest, Eilers Bldg., Broadway at Alder street. combinations, so come early, for this great offer wilt be very popular A few years ago such su perb quality could not have been obtained for less than 225: positively the first time In the history of talking-machine manufacturing that so much intrinsic value Is ob tainable for so little. The Xatloa's Lara eat BROADWAY AT ALDER. A Great Popular Music Offer! Take Advantage of This "Getting Acquainted" Offer One sheet of mu sic, either Instru mental or vocal, free with any sheet of latest popular bits yon buy. All latest popular music, per copy, 15c: seven sheets $1.00, and one sheet free with every one you buy (a total of fourteen sheets for f L00). Music Department Broadway at Alder