Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1913, Page 18, Image 18

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Fall Butterick Patterns 25c
the Copy including any 10c or
15c" Pattern Free. Advance
Fall Patterns now ready.
First Floor. Mala Bids.
Mall Orders Filled.
Any Style Willamette
Sewing Machine delivered
to your home. $2 at time of
purchase, then $1 per week
till paid.
Third Floor, Mala Bids.
Come to Our Talking Ma
chine Section and hear
your favorite .selections
played on a "Columbia" or
Fifth Floor, Kiw Bulldlas;.
" Indestructo " Trunks
are insured for - five years
against theft, loss, fire, dam
are or destruction. Sold ex
clusively here for Portland.
Fourth Floor. Mala Bulldlag.
Our Free Rental Bureau
has a dependable list of
Houses, Apartments, Rooms,
etc., for your perusaL No
charge for services.
Foarth Floor, Mala Balldlsg.
All Our Developing and
Printing is given the per
sonal attention of an expert
formerly with the Eastman
First Floor, Mala Bids.
Purchase Furniture on
Our Club Plan of Easy
Installments. Ask Any
Foarth Floor, Mala Bulldlsg.
All Charge Purchases Made Tomorrow and the Balance of This Month Will Go On September Accounts and Are Made Payable October First
Hall Caine's Latest Novel, '"The Woman Thou Gavest Me," Is Now On Sale Purchase Your Copy Today Bookstore, in Basement Annex
Men's Specials From 11 to 2
Just Inside Morrison-Street Entrance
SOc Silk Socks, 29c
Pure Thread Silk Socks In black,
wine, cadet, green, lavender and OQ
purple, special these hours, pair
50c Work Shirts, 39c
Work Shirts in plain, tan, gray, blue
and white stripe and black and white
stripe, all sizes. Good and durable are
these shirts. We specially price OQ.
them for these two hours only. . J7C
$1 Golf Shirts, 25c
Broken lines of Blue Chambray.
Fancy Percale and Plain White Pleat
ed Bosom Shirts, sizes 13 J4. 14. 14 H. 15.
1H. 17, 1714, special for these otf.
hours only, each AuC
No Phone Orders
Final Hourly Sales
A Whirlwind Clean-Up of Odd
9 to 10 A. M.
Flour, the Sack $1.09
Pure Food Grocery, Basemeat.
Royal Banquet Flour the stand
ard of excellence In family flour
special for this hour only, d- Q
the sack W leU7
$1.25 Food Chopper, 89c
Big Basemeat Store.
No. 1 Universal Food Chopper,
with four cutting knives, chops all
kind of food, special for this OQ
hour only, each 07C
10c Neck Ruchings, lc
First Floor. Mala Bulldlag.
Keck lengths of Beautiful Ruch
ings In assorted styles and col-
ors, special this hour, the piece C
50c to 75c Gloves, 21c
First Floor, Mala Bulldlas;.
Clean-up of Women's 16-Button
Mousquetalre Chamoisette Gloves in
broken lines of colors and sizes,
special for this hour only, 01
while they last, the pair as 1 C
Linen Collars, 20c Dozen
First ' Floor, Mala Bulldlag.
Clean-up of odd lines of Plain and
Embroidered Linen Collars for
women: also a line of Soft Outing
Collars in assorted colors and sizes,
regularly selling from 25c too
60c, sp'l this hour, 20 doz., ea.asC
Of Special Interest
to Women!
During the Health and Beauty
Lecture given by A(me. De La Vie
today, one of the newest creations
in Gowns, Evening Wraps and Hats
will be worn by a beautiful model
direct from New York.
Mme. De La Tie will dwell upon
the new styles in a manner sure
to interest " every woman.
Attend the Lecture Today at
2:30 P. M.
Ordinance Under Consideration Fro-
hlblls Tuberculosis Sanitariums
From Operating in City.
A petition 62 feet In length, bearing
l$00 names of residents of the Waverly
and Richmond districts, and a delega
tion of more than J00 persona were the
arguments which convinced the City
Commission , yesterday that there
Should be enacted an ordinance to pro
hibit the erection of a tuberculosis
sanitarium on the old Kelly tract at
F.ast Twenty-eighth and Tlbbetts
streets. The Commission heard many
protests against the sanitarium and
then passed to third reading an ordi
nance prohibiting not only this partic
ular hospital, but all others from the
t The measure as it now stands ready
for final passage is drastic containing
a provision which will require all tu
berculosis hospitals now within the
city limits to move within one year
from the date the measure goes into
effect. It will also prohibit any such
Sanitarium from being built within
the limits of the city dating from Au
gust 1. 1913, which was prior to the
date the proposed Tibbetts-street In
stitution was commenced.
'. Dr. E. A. Pierce who was the origi
nator of the Tibbetts-street hospital
plan, attended the meeting and de
clared that he had not completely for
mulated plana for his Institution. He
Refused to deny that his plan is to erect
a tent city on the ground he has ac
quired. The ordinance against the tubercu
25c Silk Ties, 12Vc
Fancy Silk Four-ln-Hands. made with
flowing- ends, reversible and French
fold styles. Large variety of popular
patterns and colors. Special 101,r
for these hours only 15 2C
Hop Pickers' Hats, 9c
Mexican Peanut Straw Hats, Ideal for
hop-pickers and garden wear, regular
ly selling; at 20c. special for these Q
hours only, each
Hop Pickers, Attention
A large table in the main aisle filled
to overflowing; with Canvas Gloves,
regularly selling for 10c the pair, C
between 11 and 2 only, pair. wC
for Hourly Specials
10 to 11 A. M.
Batiste and Ratine, 6 l-4c
First Floor, New Bulldlas;. -
1000 yards of White Batiste and
Ratine, regularly selling from 15c
to 26c the yard., special for CI
this hour only, the yard.... O4C
Cut Glass Shakers, 21c
First Floor, Mala Building.
35c Cut-Glass Salt and Pepper
Shakers, with glass tops, beautiful
assortment of cuts, specially
priced this hour only, the set falC
4 Packages Corn Flakes, 25c
Pure Food Grocery, Basemeat.
Corn Flakes, the popular Quaker
Brand, special for this hour of?
only four packages m3C
Women's Kerchiefs, 21c
First Floor, Mala Bulldlas;.
Final clean-up of a small assorted
lot of Pure Linen Kerchiefs, with
hand-embroidered initials and cor
ners; also high-grade Colored Nov
elty Kerchiefs, soiled and mussed
from handling, regularly sell0
ing from SOc to 75c, sp'l, each sXC
25c to 50c Guimpes, 10c
First Floor, Mala Building.
Clean-up of odd lines of Lovely
Plain Net and Shadow Lace Guimpes,
In white, cream, ecru and black, spe
cial for this hour only, yourin.. .
choice 1UC
25c Robe Flannels, 10c
First Floor, Mala Building.
Pretty Robe Fleece Flannels for
kimonos and bath robes, assorted
dark colors with and without bor
ders, special for this hourin
only, the yard 1UC
5c to 10c Ribbons, lc
First Floor, Mala Building.
1500 yards of Narrow Washable
Lingerie Ribbons in Nos. I, 3 and 5.
selling regularly for 6c to 10c
the yard, for this hour, the yard i C
Laundry Bags, 15c
Third Floor. Mala Bulldlag.
Stamped R e a d y - Made Laundry
Bags, of medium sixe. in white and
natural linen crashes, selling regu
larly for 25c each, for this 1 f
hour only, each IOC
losis hospitals would have gone
through yesterday but for the objec
tion of Commissioner Brewster, who
declared that ha believed such a meas
ure would be unfair to institutions al
ready established and perhaps to that
proposed on Tlbbetts street. He In
terposed an objection to the measure
passing with an emergency clause, and
accordingly it went over for eight
days, as required by the city charter.
Commission Takes Vp Ordinance
Affecting Front Street.
A small forest of light and telegraph
poles on Front street, from Flanders
street north, is to give way In the near
future to one single line of electric
poles. The City Commission yesterday
passed to third reading an ordlnanc
with an emergency clause, requlrtns
the removal of the present array ot
poles as soon as possible.
This is the first attempt to enforce a
recent decision of Commissioner Daly
to the effect that there shall be no
more than one line of poles in any of
the streets. The new rule is to be car
ried into the residence districts as
rapidly as possible. . All pole will be
subject to common use by all com
St. Paul Fire Captains Escort Local
Musicians Through City.
A dispatch received by The Oregonlan
from St. Paul last night says that the
Portland fire department band marched
by the offices of the News and Dis
patch in that city, serenading them
and making a splendid appearance.
The band was escorted by six cap
tains of the St. Paul fire department.
Store Opens 8:30
50c Luncheon
Served Dally,
' 11 A. M. to 2i30 P. M.
Direct Elevator.
Cream ef Celery, a Petit
Coasonuae Jnlleaae .
Teed Cmifttnmf.
Staffed Olives. Dill Pickles.
Baked Royal Chlaook Ssl
atoa, Creole.
Pommrs slurs I.
Choice of
Fried CslTs Liver. Oaloas.
Breaded Veal Cutlets,
Roast Sugar-Cored Haas,
Champsgae Saaee.
Assorted Cold Mests vrlta
Potato Salad.
Mashed Potstoea.
Aa Gratis Potstoea,
Gsrdea Peas.
Sliced Tomatoes, French
Apricot Slump, Fruit Saaee
Chocolate le
Tea. Coffee. Iced Tea.
Milk. Battermllk.
11 to 12 A.M.
4 Cans Salmon, 25c
Pure Food Grocery, Basemeat.
Chime's Brand Salmon In No.
cans, lunch size, special loroC
this hour only four caas stOC
' Children's Gloves, 25c
First Floor, Mala Bulldlag.
.Clean-up of Eight-Button Tricot
Silk Gloves for children, sizes 1 to
years, colors white and pon-o J
gee. special this hour, the pr.siwC
10c to 15c Kerchiefs, 3c
First Floor, Mala Building.
A small lot of Fine Dress Ker
chiefs, with fancy embroidered cor
ners, soiled from handling, spe- O
clal this hour, while they last, ea. O C
$1 to $1.50 Gloves, 39c .
First Floor, Mala Building.
Clean-up of W o m e n's Gauntlet
Riding Gloves, broken sizes and col
ors, regularly selling for
and $1.50 the pair, this houi
50c Coral Beads, 12c
Third Floor, Main Building.
Vegetable Coral Beads, for neck
laces, regularly selling for O
60c the string, for this hourXaSC
12 l-2c Muslin, 8 l-3c
First Floor, New Building.
4-4 Bleached Muslin, of good heavy
quality, specially priced lorQl
this hour only, the yard O3C
Infants' Sunbonnets
Second Floor, New Bulldlas;.
Infants Sunbonnets, made of fine
frrade chambray, with h a n d - scal
oped or feather-stitched edges, reg
ularly selling at SI. 25, special CO
this hour, each Just half price DOC
$2.50 Emb'd Gowns, $1.39
Second Floor, New Building.
Just five dozen iFrench Hand-Embroidered
Gowns made In the slip
over style and short sleeves, fronts
and sleeves are embroidered In dain
ty designs, hourly special. d 1 OQ
your choice wltO7
85c Fern Dishes, 59c
First Floor, Mala Bulldlas;.
Brass Hanging Baskets, with
beaded fringe in Oriental effect, al-'
ready equipped with pretty fern,
specially priced for this hourPQ
only, each ZjtJC
Several Proposed Projects, Including
Sewers, Discontinued by
At a meeting yesterday of the City
Commissioners proceedings were start
ed fo rthe improvement of 19 streets In
various parts of the city. Proceedings
for the Improvement of a number of
other streets and several proposed
sewer system were discontinued.
The streets to be Improved are as
follows: Portions of Arthur, Meade,
Hooker, Porter. Woods. Grover. Gibbs.
Water, First and Second streets, as a
district; portions ot Dekum and Dur
ham avenues and Oneonta street, as a
district; portions of East Eightieth and
East Yamhill streets, as a district;
Oregon street from Adams street to
Union avenue; portions of Ramona ave
nue and East Fifteenth street, as a dis
trict; Meade street, from Corbett street
to Hood street; East Twenty-seventh
street, from Fremont street to Klicki
tat street: Tlbbetts street, from East
Thirty-ninth street to west line of
Kipple acre tracts; portions of Everard
street and Fifty-seventh avenue South
east, as a district; East Third street,
from Weldler street to Hancock street;
Seventieth street Southeast, from Whit
man avenue to Fifty-fifth avenue
Southeast; East Fiftieth street, from
East Stark street to north line of Wal
lace Addition, extended easterly: Kel
son street, from a point 120 feet east
of Randall street to sewer in Lawrence
street; East Stark street, from 45 feet
east of east line of East Sixty-seventh
street to sewer In East Stark street
ft 8
I r ri rl I
Today at Meier & Frank's
Lines and Broken Lots Regardless of Cost!
1 to 2 P. M.
25c Plisse, 10c
First Floor. New Bulldlas.
Printed Plisse. regularly selling at
25c the yard, specially priced f (TX
for this hour only, the yard.. XVC
$6 Couch Covers, $2.95
Third Floor. Mala Building.
Tapestry Couch Covers in beauti
ful verdure designs, colors are soft
and serviceable, aptclil to QB
for this hour only. each... 0v3
$1 Creepers, 39c
' Seeoad Floor, New Bulldlas;.
Infants' Creepers, made of good
white cambric, with button across
bottom and elastic knee, sizes six
moaths and two years, special OQ
for this hour only at. .OIC
$2.25 Casserole, $1.19
First Floor. Msla Building.
Fireproof Casserole In seven - inch
size, brown and white, with nickel
plate frame, special for j 1 n
this hour only, each 9 A X s
To 50c Beltings, 3c
First Floor, Mala Bulldlaz.
A clean-up of Beltings. In assort
ed colors, plain and striped patterns.
selling regularly to 60c yi
for this hour only, the yard.
$2.50 Gloves, 98c
First Floor. Mala Bulldlas;.
About two dozen pairs of Women's
IS-Button Mousquetalre Chamois
Gloves. In natural color only, assort
ed sizes, regularly selling for no.
$2.60 the pair, this hour only I70C
50c Pillow Tops, 25c
Third Floor. Mala Building.
A clean-up of Stamped and Tint
ed Pillow Tops and Backs, In assort
ed designs, regularly 50c ea., nf?
special this hour only. etcb. .st)C
To 50c Ribbons, 10c
First Floor, Mala Building.
300 yards of three and four-inch
Fancy Hat Band and Belting Rib
bons, In a wide range of beautiful
colors, selling regularly to 60c the
yard, for this hour only, while 1 f n
any remain, the yard........ AvC
80 feet east of Scott avenue; Inaley
avenue. East Twenty-second street and
East Twenty-third street; Skldmore
street, from 120 feet west of East Fif
teenth street to sewer In East Four
teenth street: East Salmon street, frpm
0 feet west of East Twelfth street to
sewer In East Ninth street.
Proceedings were discontinued on
the following street and sewer projects
which have been under way for some
time past: Bidwell avenue, from East
Thirteenth street to East Seventh
street; east one-half of East Twenty
eighth street, from Lavena avenue to
Alice avenue? resolution declaring In
tention to change grade of Harold ave
nue. Introduced by Commissioner Dleck.
Building Inspectors to Look After
Construction of Jail.
The City Commission yesterday
abolished the position of inspector of
the new City Jail building, created
nearly a year ago by the Rushlight
administration. The Inspection work
will be handled from now on by deputy
building Inspectors regularly employed
by the department of public works.
The position was created, at a salary
of $150 a month, to keep check on the
work. Sine that time a city Inspector
and an Inspector employed by the
architects and members of the building
inspection department have been at the
scene of the daily.
Hay All Cnder Cover.
QUINABT, Or, Aug. 27. (Special.)
For the first time in three years every
spear of hay raised In the Willamette
Valley has been placed nnder cover be
fore Injury by rain. Threshing of Fall
sown grain is about completed and the
yield and quality Is reported to be
better than for some years. .
Store Closes 5:30
Healthand Beauty
BY MME. DE E.A VIE, 2:30
P. M.. in our seventh-floor
Reception Hall. Known
throughout as the world's
greatest authority. -Mine.
Ie La Vie will lecture on
Friday also.
precedes each lecture.
Slgnor Pietro Marino and
his orchestra. Ruth C
Blgelow, lyric soprano.
To women who call at
the Toilet Goods Section,
fre tickets for this lec
ture and mustcale will be
given. ,
lime. De La Via uses
none but the famous "Melo
rose" p r e p a r ations "La
Petite Geraldine" Perfume
and Vaucalre Galega Tab
lets 'Bust Developer. Flesh
Builder and Tonic).
2 to 3 P. M.
20c Kerchiefs, 6c
First Floor, Mala Building.
Final clean-up of odd lines of
Linen Kerchiefs for women and
children, hand-embroidered corners
and initials in broken Mne,
epeclal for this hour only, eachOC
90c Curtains, 40c
Third Floor, Mala Bnlldlng.
Lovely Nottingham Curtains. 2
yards long, specially priced ACt
for this hour only, the pair.. . vl W.
Children's Skirts, 49c
Second Floor, New Building.
Children's Muslin Skirts, of good
white cambric and finished with
neat tucks and embroidery flounces,
sizes 2, 4, C, 10, 12 and 14 years, reg
ularly $1 to $2.50, special (or 4Q
this hour only. each. 7l
$1.75 Ash Cans, 99c
Big Basement Store.
"Justrlte" Ash Cans, made of heavy
galvanized iron, full 2S-quartQQ
size, special this hour only. ea.s7C
Hand-Emb'd Linen Collars
First Floor, New Building.
A small lot of Pretty Hand - Em
broidered Linen Dutch Trouville
and Standing Collars In broken sizes
and styles, soiled from handling,
regularly selling at 25c to 60c, 1 r
special for this hour only, ea. 1UC
$1.00 Gloves, 25c
First Floor. Mala Building.
Clean-up of Women's One and
Two - Clasp Glace, Suede, Chamois,
Cape and Mocha Gloves, broken lines
and colors, selling regularly for $1
the pair, for this hour only, QC
the pair fcOC
Umbrellas, $1.59
First Floor, Mala Bulldlag.
Men's and' Women's Mercerized
Union Taffeta. Covered Umbrellas,
fast black and rainproof, eight and
ten-ribbed frames, steel rods, bulb
runners and detachable handles, in
assorted stvles. selling regularly for
$2.50 and $3 each, tor this CJ 1 CO
hour only w X.O
Flash In 'Setting Sun Cut Short by
Blast From. Whistle of Traffic
Officer at Busy Corner.
Of all the fair wearers of diapha
nous gowns, who are more or less
scarce on Portland's streets since the
Issuance of Mayor Albee'a edict against
the airy clothes, a visitor from Seattle
came nearest to arrest late yesterday. A
hasty flight saved her and she hastened
to the Cornelius Hotel and shed the
gown, swearing never again to wear
it in the bright sunlight.
The visitor, who Is connected with
a book publishing concern, waa walk
ing down Washington street toward
the river in the setting sun's light
when at Second and Washington streets
she noticed Traffic Officer Stark stand
ing in the middle of the street. She
edged down the street, to get to the
leeward side of him, but apparently
the ruse failed. He turned and fol
lowed her with his eyes then blew
a shrill blast on his police whistle.
Visions of policemen sent to aid the
traffic officer, of arrest, and Incarcera
tion and publicity flitted through her
mind, says the owner of the X-ray
dress, and she gathered the diaphanous-
skltr about her twinkling feet
and hiked. She ran down Second
street to Stark, then still with vision
of arrest, doubled back on Stark street
and sought refuge in the dark hall
way of an office building. After wait
ing sometime until she thought the
pursuit was ended, she ventured out
Men's Specials From 2 to 4
Just Inside Morrison-Street Entrance
Boys' Union Suits, 29c
Boys' Welch White Lisle Union Suits,
with short sleeves and knee length,
sizes ( to 14 years, regularly selling at
75c and tl. special for these two OQ
hours only, the suit a7C
Gotham Underwear, 25c
Broken lines of the famous Gotham
Athletic Underwear Athletic Shirts
and Knee Drawers, regularly selling at
TSc and fl the garment, special of
for two hours only, the garment s-OC
25c Shield Bow Ties, 5c
This lot Includes Fancy Shield Bow
Ties and several broken fines of Wash
Ties in a pleasing variety of col- e
ors, special these 2 hours only, ea. JC
No Phone Orders
3 to 4 P. M.
Butter, the Roll 69c
Pure Food Grocery, Basement,
Clover Leaf Butte r the well
known brand special for this CQ.
hour only, the roll O 3C
$4.50 Suitcase Bag, $2.50
Fourth Floor, Mala Bulldlag.
Suitcase Bag "Travellght" 24
Inches long, 9 inches wide and 12 H
inches deep, hofi fiber leather cor
ners, two straps all around dJO Cfl
and lock, hourly special. . Oas.UlS
- $2 Combinations, 89c
Seeoad Floor, New Bwlldlsg.
Broken line of Combination Draw
ers and Corset Covers, made of good
quality longcloth and trimmed in
dainty edges of lace and embroidery,
four dozen in the lot, special OQ.
for this hour OUC
Children's Frocks, 39c
Second Floor, Main Bulldlag.
Children's Wash Dresses of fig
ured percales and checked ginghams,
some have bloomers to match, sizes
2 to 6 years, special for thisQQ
hour only, your choice OI7C
50c Linen Towels, 25c
First Floor, New Building.
All-Linen Towels, hemmed and
hemstitched, plain and figured, a
few have slight oil stains, Of?
special for this hour only. ea-iC
$1 Silk Gloves, 35c
First Floor. Mala Bulldlag.
Great final clean-up of Women's
1 8-Button Mousquet aire Double-Kinger-Tipped
Silk Gloves in broken
lines of colors, sizes tH and a only,
special, while they last, 'o'QC,,
this hour only, the pair JJC
25c to 50c Neckwear, 3c
First Floor. Mala Building.
Great clean-up of Women's Fancy
Lace-Trimmed Dutch Collars, Jabots,
Side Effects, Robespierre Collars and
611k Novelty Effects, soiled or
mussed from handling, hourly o
special, your choice OC
$1.50 Combinations, 50c
Third Floor, Mala Bulldlag.
Women's Ready -Made Lingerie
Combinations, stamped for embroid
ery, in assorted sizes and patterns,
selling regularly for $1.50 ea., CA
special for this hour only "C
and headed straight to her hotel to don
another gown.
The policeman, however, had not
seen her. He was merely blowing a
(signal for north and south traffic on
the street to make the crossing.
Rose City Park Club Considers Lo
cation of Auditorium.
The Rose City Park Improvement Club
Tuesday night voted to favor an East
Side site at Grand and Hawthorne ave
nues for the Auditorium and will Join
with other clubs In urging that this
site be selected. Walter Seaberg and
L. M. Lepper spoke in behalf of this
site, declaring it better than any of
fered, because it would be free from
noise of streetcars, centrally located
and two blocks could be secured. The
club voted to advocate the proposed
ordinance forbidding the establishment
of a sanitarium for contagious diseases
inside the city.
Elwood Wiles, contractor, announced
that he would complete the paving of
the streets connecting with Sandy
boulevard within three weeks and
would pave East Fifty-seventh street
within four days after the water main
is laid. President T. T. Geer was au
thorized to name three representatives
to the Greater East Side Club.
F. W. Hild. general manager of the
Portland Railway, Light & Power
Company, will address the people of
the Rose City Park Friday night In
Metcairs ball, under the auspices of
the club.
. Purse Snatcher Sentenced.
A. Lang, who was arrested Monday
afternoon by Josie Petrick, a young
Bohemian girl, whose purse he had
snatched, was tried In Municipal Court
Tuesday and sentenced to 20 days at
the rockplle.
25c Ajax Socks, Pr. 17c
Splendid Quality Socks in black and
a large assortment of colors, they're
the famous "Ajax" brand, and sell reg
ularly at 25c the pair, special for 1 J
these two hours only, the pair. .. 1 (C
Fiber Silk Socks, 19c
You'll find the Fiber Silk Socks of
excellent quality, with spliced heels and
toes and seamless, in black, tan. gray
and navy; some have slight imperfec
tions, which makes them "seconds."
These durable Silk Socks special 1 Q
for two hours only, the pair..... A7C
50c Mufflers, 5c
Neck Mufflers In a large variety f
pretty colors, broken sixes, regularly
selling at 60c each, special lor J!
these two hours only, each wC
for Hourly Specials
4 to 5 P. M.
Victor Coffee, 29c
Pare Food Grocery, Basement.
Victor Coffee always fresh, fra
grant and delicious, ground as you
want It, specially priced lrOQ
thls hour only, the pound. ... C
$4.25 Lawn Mowers, $3.19
Big Basemeat Store.
Genuine Reliance Lawn Mowers.
14 in., three cuting blades, guaran
teed, specially priced for djo 1Q
this hour only, each P3XI7
Peter Thompson Suits
" Seeoad Floor, Mala Bulldlag.
Misses Peter Thompson Suits of
white, tan and Copenhagen percale,
trimmed with white braid, sizes 14
to 18 years, special tor thlsQQ
hour only, the suit sOC
75c & $1 Madras, 30c
Third Floor, Mala Building.
B e a u 1 1 f u lly Barred Madras, In
pink, gold or blue, most artistic and
desirable, specially priced 'orOfl
this hour only, the yard......OUC
50c to $1 Gloves, 15c
First Floor, Mala Bulldlag.
Final clean-op of Women's High
Grade Double - Finger - Tipped Two
Clasp Silk Gloves, In high colors;
also Two-Clasp Chamoisette Gloves
in white, black, mode, natural 1 C
and gray, sp'l this hour, pair IOC
To 12c Ribbons, 2c
First Floor. Mala BuUdlag.
Clean-up of Narrow Fancy Rib
bons, also Plain Ribbons for fancy
work, selling regularly to. 12c o
the yard, special this hour, yard as C
$1.25 Umbrellas, 87c
First Floor, Mala Building.
Men's and Women's 26 and 2S-lnch
Umbrellas, covered with mercerized
Italian cloth, guaranteed rainproof
and fast black, with steel rods, seven
and eight-ribbed frames, bulb run
ners and assorted handles, plain and
fancy trimmed, regularly $1.25 Q "T
each, special this hour only..O I C
Bev. Charles T. McPherson Leader
in Movement Which He Hopes
Will Become Nation-Wide.
The Rev. Charles T. McPherson. with
an organization of Portland citizens
surrounding him and supported by Tom
Larson if he can get in touch with
Laws on and bring him to this city in
time will start a movement against
the forces of Tammany Hall. New
York, in the triangle at the Intersec
tion of Sixth and Ankeny streets, in
Portland tomorrow night.
"When I sent my telegram of en
couragement to Mr. Sulzer a short tinie
ago," says the Rev. Mr. McPherson, "I
did not realize what a movement it
might develop. I have received calls
and letters from numberless people
since that time and find myself obliged
to go forward in the work, although I
little dreamed what proportions it waa
to assume when I started.
"We shall now come out Into the
open in the fight on Tammany Hall
and I believe that the resolutions which
we will adopt at the mass meeting
Friday night may start a National
movement which will sweep with
gathering momentum across the conti
nent and, when it reaches New York,
will smash Tammany Hall to atoms."
Mayor Albee was invited to preside
over the mass meeting, but, owing to
the fact that he will not be in the
city at that time, was obliged to de
cline, although he expressed his sym
pathies with the movement.
In France last year the births exceeded
the deaths by 35,000.