I'UK SIOKMAli OKEUOMA.N. THURSDAY, AlUtSI 2H, 19 1. HIGHER BIDS DOT Offers of 85 Cents Are Made for Bluestem Wheat. FARMERS SLOW SELLERS Demand for Club Subsides and , Prices Are Lowered One Cent, bat Baying Is Checked. Barley Trade Sluggish. Bids of 85 cents for bluestem wheat were put out yesterday, but met with not much response on the part of sellers. Bluestem was the only firm feature of tho wheat market. The demand for club has subsided materially and most dealers reduced their bids to 79 cents, although they could not buy at this flrure. Tbo recent flurry baa left farmers,- particularly In Umatilla County. Jn a bullish frame of mind, and they are sitting; back waiting- for the market to re turn to last week's level. While a rood part of the buying- at that time was for account of early ships, some of It was in the natur of the usual scramble by warehousemen to Set the movement to their houses started. The eaalntr off of the Ban Francisco barley market has had a qnletlny effect on trade hera. particularly In view of the alujg-lsh local demand. Feed oat wera quoted yes terday at $24 24.60. The oats market was steady and unchanged. There have been no developments of Im portance In the export flour market this week. Japanese buyers are taking; a little flour occasionally, but Chinese buyers are doing nothing, and are not likely to In the near future. Fairly large stocks are reported to be available at Hongkong, with a eon siderable quantity afloat for that port. Financial conditions In South China are de moralised, and even the ending: of the revo lutionary troubles would not bring about Im mediate improvement. 1 Local receipts In cars were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hay Monday 121 11 1 ... TiiMriav tH 2 A 7 21 Wednesday.... 44 4 4 2 6 Tear ago 51 2 4 1 4 Sanson to data. 930 7-6 350 12 40 Year airo 1111 10S .25 1 374 TXRTWKR PURCHASES OF Ft'OCLK HOPS ' Trading- la the Later Crop California Yield Estimated at 95,000 Bales. A few additional purchases of fugglo hops were made yesterday. Since the buying began T. A. Livesley fc Co, have bought the Schiedler crop of 50" bales at SUvertoa. and the Bosgs and Murphy crops, aggregating a carload, at Harisburg. H. I. Hart bought the Albright and Morley crops at Mount Angel and the Hammlttee lot at Eugene, amounting; In all to over a car load. Most of the fuggles were bought at jl to 22 cents. There was no demand yesterday for con tracts on the later crop, though some of the dealers are holding: orders from the East at IS cents. It would probably take SO-cent offers how to interest growers. A California wire reported that new Sac ramento hops could be bought at 17 cents. An estimate of U5.000 bales as the Cali fornia crop was received from a reliable authority. ' The latest cables reported that weather conditions in England and on the continent were favorable. Recent consular advices state that ths area under hop cultivation In Bohemia dur ing 1912 was 3T,2t3 acres and ths yield w-as 34.23C.00O pounds. The leading districts for the production of hops are Saa. Aushca and Dauba. The production of ths Saas district was S5.S0O.VOO pounds. These are regarded as the finest hops produced in the world and usually command ths high est prices. Ths Auscha district produced S, 564. 820 pounds and Dauba 1.710.000 pounds. Over three-fourths of ths total hep crop of Austria was produced in Bo hemia last year. This year, however, the Bohemian crop will be decidedly short. 10-CET ADVANCE IX SCGAR. Refiners Take Advantags of Opportunity to Kaise Prices. Local sugar quotations were advanced 10 cents a hundred on all grades of refined yesterday. This advance, which was ex pected, was in sympathy with higher prices In the East. Mall advices received from the East yesterday say of the general sugar situation: "Consumption throughout ths country has bsea heavy, for while withdrawals as a rule have been small Individually, they nave been numerous, and the aggregate is large. This has resulted In the supplies In the hands of distributors becoming much reduced, and as they have been chary in the placing of new contracts, it is thought that the necessity of their providing for future requirements will shortly compel them to operate on a broader seals. The strength of raws Is very pronounced, and this sustains the firmness in refined. Ad-, vices from Cuba say that holders are very confident, refusing to consider concessions, and In some instances they are asking slight advances. The feeling abroad was somewhat easier, but quotations for both cane and beet sugar were practically un- t changed. etPPLY OF PEACHES 13 LARGER rlrst Car of Elherta (Starts . From Yakima for Portland. The peach market was heavily supplied yesterday and prices were somewhat easier. The bulk of sales were at 40 to 65 cents. The first car of Elberta peaches left Yak ima yesterday and will reach Portland Fri day morning. A car of Ashland peaches is due today. Advices jfrora that place are that this week will clean up the big end of the early Crawford. Watermelons and good cantaloupes wers firm. The grape market was steady. The banana train of eight cars, due yes terday, will arlrve this morning. The tomato market was heavy with large receipts from Southern Oregon and nearer points. The best stock sold at 40 to 6S cents. Poultry and Meats Firm. The poultry market was generally in a firm position. Hens were scare and aold up to lSifc cents. In Springs ths tendency is toward lower prices in ths near future. Country-dressed meata were also very firm. There vat no further change In ths egg market, which was firm and lightly sup plied with good local stock. Butter and cheese were as last quoted. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday wers as follows: Clearlnga Balances. Portland $1.5iU.5 $l;i,t2 Seattle 2.01V.042 -21H.7..3 T a core a JH3.ft.S 1 15.350 Spokane 5W.031 5-.S1S PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. Grain, Floor. Feed. Etc WHEAT Track prlcea: Club, 79 9 0c; bluestem. $3c; forty-fold. SMc; red Hus sian. fife. Sc; valley, SOc. FLOUR Pa tents, Z4- 70 per barrel ; straights, $4.10; exports, S3.55&3.63; valley. 94.70; graham. $4.00: wno.e wheat, 94.60. OAT; .V . 1 white. $23 1 25. per ton. CORN Whole. 337; cracked, S3S par ton. MILLSTUFFS Bran 1-4 per ton; shorts, S2s per ton; middlings. ol per ton. - BARLEY Feed, $J J-.5o per ton; brew ing. 425.50; rolled. ,NJrT per ton. HAY Fancy Idaho timothy, 17glt; fan ct Eastern Oregon timothy. 1&$1C: timo thy and clover. $14$1; timothy and al falfa. SlSj14; a! fa .fa, Sl; closer, IS. .14 QIC; oat and vetch. j:o ll; cneat. SlOfell; Valley grain ha. 10io-ll. Fruits and Vegetable. ' Local jobbing quotations: TROPICAL. FRUITS Orang-ea, $4,609 $ per box; lemons. SS.SOQ per box: pine apples, 7c per pound; bananas. 3 0 $ 4 pr pound. nviovs walla walla. 11. SO Mr sack. VEGETABLES Beans. 3 ij.c per pound; rabbace. 2ta24c ter round: caul II lower. per crate; corn. 10$ 15c doxen; cucumbers. maiac- mp box: Acsolant. -Attic pound: head lettuce, 35t40o per dosen; peas. 67e per" pound; peppers. i8a per pound: rad ishes. IW&lXc per doxen; tomatoes, vvw per box; garlic, loc per pouno. POTATOES Oregon, $1 per hundred; sweet potatoes. $2.00 per crate. il R IT Ii' V PRITT A nnlM 11 r 1 25 tT bOX I cantaloupes. 91.3O&2.0O per crate; . peaches. feOfidoc par box; watermelon, $L5d per cwL; plums. 7icJU per box; pears. $1.2551.75 per box; grapes. 55cft$L-5 P" crate; case baa, SI. id per aoxen. 75c 6 II per box. Dairy avid Country Produce. Local Jobbing quotations: POULTRY Hens, I5frl0 4c; Springs, ISc; turkeys, live. i.'uc; dressed, choice. 23c; riurV intftl.'.f- reese. vounK. Ei;r,S -Oreaon ranch, case count. 25926c per dozen: fresh ranch, candled. 28030c CHEESE Oregon triplets, lttc; palsies, 17c; Young Americas. 18c ptttfr Ore con creamery butter cubes. 32c per pound; butter fat, delivered, 32c per pound. PORK Fancy. l?Hc per pound. VEAL Fancy, 154c per pound. Staple Groceries. Local lbbinr quotations: SALMON Columbia River, one-pound tal la. $2.23 per dosen : hslf -pound fist s. S1..0: one-pound Tiata. ?-4a: Alaska, pin it, one-pound talis, 85c; sUversldes, one-pound tails. HONEY Choice, $3.233.75 per case, NUTS Walnuts, 18c per pound; Brasll nuts. 12H?15c; filberts. 15 13 Ho; almonds, 18c; peanuts, cocoanuta, 0O$l per doxen: chestnuts, 11c per pound; hick- orynuts. &FlOc; pecans. 17c; pine, 17 H w 29c. BtAivfr small wnite, oc; large wnite, 5.00tftc; Lima. ft. 30c; pink, 4.15c; Mexican, 6c; bayou. 4.15c. SUGAR Fruit and berry, $9.A3: Honolulu plantation, $5.60; beet, $5.45; extra c. $5.l; powdered, barrels, $5.iH; cubes, barrels, $ft.06. COFFEE Roasted. In drums, 19032o psr pound. SALT Granulated, $14 per ton; half ground 100s, $10 per ton; 50s, $10.75 per ton; dairy. $12.50 ner ton. RICE No. 1 Japan. BfSHc: cheaper grades, 4c; southern head, ofnfcc IRIED FRUITS Apples, 10c per pound; apricots. 121S14c; peaches. 8911c; prunes, Italians, 8010c: sliver. 18e; figs, white and black, 614 7c; currants, OVsc; raisins, loose Atuscatei, t?;c; bleached. Tnompson. llc; unbleached. Sultanas, 5c; seeded, HSc; dates, Persian, 7 ft ff So per pound; fard, $1.65 per box. FIGsS Twelve 10-ounce. 85c; 50 6-onnce. $1.85; 70 4-ounce. $2.50; 80 10-ounce. $2.25; loose, B0-pound boxes, H4yTc; - Smyrna, boxes, $1.10 L25; candled, S3 per box. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1913 contracts, 182c; 1913 fug gles. 21922c; 1913 crop. ltiVxMSa PELTS Dry, 10c; lambs, salt shearling. 10t? 50c WOOL Eastern Oregon, . llQlfto; ral- ley. IS U 19c per pound. GRAIN BAGS Selling price, 10 Port land. HIDES Salted hides, im12c per lb.; salt kip. 12913c; salted cslf. 17tfl7Hc; green hides, 10ttt?Hc; dry hides, 22 & 23c, dry calf. No. 1, 20c; No. 2. 20c; salted bulla LSc per lb. .si unAi n iio cup, zii per pouna. CASCARA BARK. Old and new, 5c psr pound. Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 22Jr23c: 12 to 14 pounds, 22$2;c; picnic, 15a; cottage BACON Fancy, SOgaie; standard, 250 26c; KngUsh, 21 22c LARD In tierces, choice, 14 o; com pound. 10?4c. DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears. 14 16c; short clear backs, 13 to 16 iba, 15&l6fec; short clear backs, 13 to 25 Iba. 15ltmc; exports, l5f17c. BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef, 20; mess beef. $2U; plate beef. $22, Linseed OH, Gasoline, Etc LI NJ SEED OIL Raw, barrels, 62c; boiled, barrels, 64c; raw. cases, 67c; cases, 69c OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works; Car Iota, $35; 5 and 10-ton lots, $04; ton lots, $33. TURPENTINE Barrels, 52Ho; cases, BSc. COAL OIL Cases. 17 Jr20 c; drums and barrels, 10?UHc GASOLINE Cases, 23c; bulk. 16c QUALITY BfiiWGS THE TOP FULL. PRICES ARE PAID FOR BEST STOCK OFFERINGS. Prime Steers Sell at $8.35 at Xorth Portland Yards Choice Sheep and Lambs Firm. Ther. wn only a .malt run of livestock at th. yard, yesterday, and trad, was there fore, limited, but th. sales put t irouch showed th. cattle and sheep markets to b. in excellent condition. No hoes were offered. Th. most Important ssl. In the cattle di vision was a small load of srlme steers. averaging 1JS8 pounds, at IS.S5. Cattle sale, otherwise were of odd lots, tor th. most part or medium rraae. Operations were more extensive In the sheep house, where the best prices of last 'K were saaln obtained. Two bunohe. of choice w.thers brought 94.2S. and a lighter ioaa was sola at (..so. Good ewes went at 13.19 and M. and a load of choice lambs was taken at $S.25 Keceipta were 71 cattle and 513 sheep. Shippers were W. J. Snodarass. Lebanon. 1 car of cattle; T. J. Allison. Malta. Mont., 1 car of cattle; L. C. btevenson. Gateway. 1 car of cattle, and J. M. Williamson. Ked- mond. 2 cars of sheep. Ihe day s sales were as follows: Weight. Price. 3 cows l(i0 .5.00 1 cows 1041 t.SO 1 steers -- 1002 C.75 2 steers ISO 6.30 3 steers 1035 7.00 1 cows o: (.50 4 cows 1067 fl.75 1 steer .....1070 t.OO 1 steer 1112 1.70 4 heifers 1012 7.75 1 cow 11.10 7.00 1 bull loM) S.25 6 steers 1045 7.00 :i ewes 3 3.tu ICS ewes . 4.00 33 ewes S7 3.50 Zi ewes ........................ 1 2.r0 13 steers l:s (.35 1S4 lambs i 190 wethers 99 3.0 170 wethers 10A 4.25 SO wethers 104 4.23 The ranee of prices at th. yards war. as follows: Cattle Prime steers .$9,000 $8.35 Choice steers 7.50 (U 7.75 Medium steers 7.25 3 7.50 Prime cows f.t50 7.00 Choice cows - (.50 it C.75 Medium cows t.zo ( DO Heifers C.75& 7.76 Light calves 8.00 o t.OO Heavy carves ...-? j.o UHS if.OV StuJS 6. 7 -((J S.2S Hoee Light ' i9 .0 Heavy i.ouv a.?. Kheep Wethers ., - 3.30 9 4.25 Ewes 3.50K 4.00 Lambs V50y .25 Omaha Uv retook Market. sni-TH OMAHA. Aug. 17. Cattle Re ceipts. 4000; market, stronger. Kstlv. steers, $7t4tt: cows and heifers, 0. 737.75; West ern steers. IB37.60; Texas steers, 33.700 7.40; . range cows and heifers, 3.54)$7; calves. ia.SOtf. Hogs Receipts, 8300; market. higher Heavy, 7.0ISi S; light, 37.Sr.yS iJ: Pig. 7 8S: bulk of sales. J7.7S7.i. Sheen Receipts. -0,000: market, higher. Tearlings, oS: wethers, .t4.30)5; lambs. S7.10WS.10. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO, Aug. 17. Csttle Receipts, 16.00O: market, steady to a shade up. Beeves, $6.ots9.30; Teas, steers, 36.7507.70; West ern steers. S&.103;S: Blockers and feeders, f5.oOv7.VO; cows and heifers, J.SOS.3i; calves. !igl2.;. Hogs Receipts, ?$.000; market, steady to shade higher. Light. 38.4"$.35: mixed: $7.K'?9.-.: heavy. S7.40&S.S3: rough, 17-40 ilT.70; pigs, 4S.JO; bulk of sales, $7. Si 0S.6S. bheep Relr. V,0O; market, strong to lie higher. Native. 33.M 94.UO: Western. 4.10ft4?0: yesrllng. So-'.l H 6.25: lambs, native, 3S.T5i -l': Western, $8,006 $.20. Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO. Aug. 31. Butter Unchanged. Kftiti I'nchanged. Hecelpts, 10.110 cases. Chees Hither. Daisies. KHJ14t; twins. 14t.'9l4V?c; Tftunt Americas, lot 15!c; long horns, l.Hj1oc, Hop. at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 2 7-Hups firm. BEARS START RAID Sell Stocks Because Prices Do Not Advance". MESSAGE HALTS TRADING Dellverj lias No Immediate Effect on Values, but Smelting; Is Weak est of Leaders Important Bond Issues Show Strength. NEW YORK. Aug. 37. Until th. last hour of trading today stocks held steady, with a good undertone, although fluctua tlona were narrow. Such movements aa oc curred wex. mostly upward, with specialties. Including Am.rlcan Ice, American Agricul tural Chemical, People's Gaa and Sears Roebuck In the lead. Toward the close of the day several points of weakness ap peared. Union Pacific. Reading. Lehigh Val ley. New York Central. Can, 8meltlng and varlons other stocks fell off 1 to 3 points, snd th. whol. mark.t was heavy at th. close. Mexican affairs retained first place In th. determination of stock market Mntiment. After orders on hand at the opening had been executed the market settled down to await President Wilson s message, and trad lng cam. almost to a standstill. Delivery of the message had no Immediate effect on prices, 8meltlng, which has heavy Interests in Mexico, was th. weak stock among th. leaders. Th. slump appeared to b. due, however, less to any alarm over th. situ atlon than to selling by bears who put prices down simply beesus. they had not gone up on delivery of the message. ' Union Pacific's decline was Influenced by th. unfavorable July statement, showing a decrease in net earnings of 9671.000. Haven again developed weakness In the early trading, falling to a new low record at United States Express mad. another low record by falling m to 40 Bonds wero Irregular. A number of lm nortant Issues showed a considerable deare. of strength. Total sales, par value, ll,140,. 000. united states 4s registered declined 34 on call. CLOSLNO STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. C Wilson Co., Lewis building, Portland. Closing galea lilgo. Low, jJia. Amal Copper .. 10,700 74Vi 73 73 Am Beet Sugar. Am Can Co ... 9.100 85'. 88 8414 do preferred.. 800 V6tt IWVk Am Car at Fdy. ...... ..... ..... 45 Am Cotton Oil.. 200 44 4 44V, 44 A in Smel A Rei' 3.700 7 0S4 6S do preferred.. zoo lou 100 lot Am Sugar 1O0 110 H 110 ft 109 do preferred.. 113 Am Tel it Tel., 400 I8OU ISO" 160 Anaconda 100 3tf 3J. 86 Atl Coast Line.. 100 121 121 121 AT banta Fe 1.300 t5; 5 . do preferred........ ..... 90 Bait sc Ohio ... 300 6 IKt V6 Hrunk R Tnn.. 1"00 8V 61) oO Cansdlan Pao .. 1.400 210 218 Sl C & O ' 00 S M 6 C O W 13 C E N W 30O 130 130 J30 C. M A St Psul. loo lto 106 100 Centrsl Lesther 100 24 23 22 Central of N J si Chino 2.BO0 40 39 40 (Ja Fuel A Iron ' 81 Col Southern 2S Consol Gas 400 132 131 131 D L A W 404 Distilling Secur 13 Erie 1.700 28 2S 29 Ocnersl Electrls 30O 140 140 145 Gt Xorth Ore .. 84 Gt North pf ... TO 127 12T 126 Illinois Central. TOO 107 100 105 Interboro Met .. 2.3oO IB 16 16 do preferred.. 7.800 3 62 2 Inter Harvester . 107 K C Southern 25 Lehigh Valley.. 1.SOO 105 154 l..i Louis Nush.. 20O 134 134 134 Mexican Central 800 13 18 14 M. S P S 6 M 3u0 133 132 132 Mo. Ksn Tex. 100 22 22 22 Mo Psclflc 800 81 SO 80 National Lead...l.... ..... ..... 48 Nat Biscuit 124 do pref errad.. .. . . . . ..... ..... lie X Y Central ... J.80 87 N Y. Ont 4t We. 29 Norfolk & West 600 106 106 I06 North America. Tl Northern Pao .. S"0 111 111 HO Pacldo Mall 2oO 21 21 21 Pacific TsT.. 100 27 27 27 do preferred. 90 Pennsylvania ... 500 112 112 112 People's Gas v. 1.40 110 117 117 Reading T.OOO 161 160 10 Republic S AVL 8K 23 3 23 Rock Inland Co. 10O 17 17 17 Southern Pso .. 98,100 0 88 89 Southern Ry 24 Texas Oil 1.800 125 124 124 Union Psclflc .. lS.ooO 103 162s 102 do preferred.. ..... 83 United Rds S F 200 20 21 20 U 8 Steel Cor.. 83.5" 68 (12 62 do preferred.. 2i 107 K'7 107 Utah Copper ... ,00 51 51 61 Wabash Western Union. ' Wealing Eleo .. 8.2VO 78 T2 72 Wisconsin Cent. 46 Total sales for th. day. 199,000 shares, BONOS. Reported by Overbeck A Cook. Co.. Board of Trad, building. Portland. Bid. Asked. Atchlscn general 4s 94 95 Atlantic Cosst Lin. 1st 4s 90 91 B i O gold 4s 95 B P. T 4a Jf SS Chesapeake A Ohio 4s 95 97 C M St P gen 4s 101 im C K I col 4s 57 Di C.I O.. 5. ;'' C B Q Joint 4a 94 94 Erie rtenernl 4s 5 Int Met 4s 76 Louisville Naihvlll. unl 4s... 93 .... Missouri pacifio 4s 64 68 NYC gen 3's M 83 N W let con 4s 93 Northern Pacific 4s 93 .... Oregon Short Line ret 4s 80 91 Oregon Ry Nav 4s 91 93 Pacific Tel 6s 97 Penna con 4s '' 9(1 Reading general 4s 94 95 St L a F ref 4s 70 Tl Southern Paclflo ref 4s 91 91 Southern Pacific col 4s........ SB vo Southern Rellway 5s 102 .... southeri Railway 4s 10 76 United Rsllway lnv 4s flu 69 Union Paclflo 1st and ref 4s... 91 92 United states Steel 5s 10O loo West Shore 4S 5 96 Wabash 4s 54 WestinKhouse Eleo conv 5s.... 89 9 Winconaln Central 4s &6 .... Money, Exchange, Etr. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. Money en call steady. 22: ruling rate. 2; closing. 2 6 2. Time loans weaker; 60 days, 8; 90 days, 4H: alx months, 6 per cent. Prim, mercantile paper, 606 per cent. Sterling exchange easy, 4-5290 for 60 day bills, 84.6813 for demand. Commercial bills, 84.82. Bar silver. 59 e Mexican dollars. 46c Government bonds easy; railroad bonds Irregular. LONDOX, Aug. 27. Bar stiver stesdy. 27 8-1 Gd per ounce. Money. 2 per cent The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 84 3 per cent: for three months' bills, 8 11-1603 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 27. Sliver bars, 5c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafta, sight 3 He telegraph Sc. Sterling on London, 40 days, I4-I3: sight, 4.i. SAN FRA CISCO PRODUCB EXCHANGE. Prlcea Quoted at th. Bay City for Vege tables, fruit. Etc SAX FRANCISCO.. Aug. 17 Th. follow ing produc. prices wer. current here todsy: Fruit Apples, Gravensteins. 75C0I1.75; other varieties. ?5c4$:.15: Mexicsn limes, $10612.60; California lemons, (f 97.60; pine apples, 81.208 2.20. Cheese New, 16 (Us; Young Americas. la Hay Wheat. $19.50ff2O.50: ' wheat and oats, 817018: alfalfa. $11014. Butter Fancy creamery, 25c; seconds. SOe. Eggs Fancy ranch, 82c; .tore, 27c Vegetables Cucumbers, 25 050c; gren peas. 304c; string beans, J04c; eggplant, 15 75c Onions New. yellow. 90c 0$1 per sack. Potatoes New river whites, 9Oc0$l.lO; Merced sweets. 1 0 2c Beans Pink, $3.1508.80: llmss. $5,800 S.60; small white, $5.&v05.oO; large white. 34.5SH4.63. Flour Family extras. $5.6006.; bakers' extras, $; Dakota, loUO'3 7.40; Kansas. $008.25. Receipts Flour, 24.138 quarter sacks; bar ley, &o; centals: potatoes, '6370 sacks; hay. 644 tona Cwffee and 8 NEW YORK. Aug. 2T. Wall, today's of ficial weather report from Brasll show. th. temperature. 4Wwa to nearly freeslng, the coffee market was unsettled as a result of heavy realising and reports the. Brasll was urging Its offerings. Opening 14 to 19 points down, prices rallied four or ftv. points, with th. cloee eteady at a net loss of 21 to 26. September, 9c; October, 9.04c; December, 9.24o; January, 9:84u; March. 8 54c; May, 9.60o; July, 9. Tic Soot, unsettled. Rio. No. 7. 9c: bantoe, No. 4. 12012e Mild, dull. Cordova. 1$ 016c Raw surer, firm. Muscovado. 8.80c; centrl fugal, 8.80c; molasses, 8.06c Refined. steady. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 27. Lead steady, s-TO 0 5.00; In London. 120 10a Spelter steady, S 850 5.95; In London. 21. Cooper oulet. September and . uctooer. 16.12 asked; electrolytic 15.87018.00; lake. 16.00; casting. 16.62 016.87. Tin Qrm. Spot end August. 42.25 0 42.75; September. 42.20 0 42.62; October, 42.UOV 42.50. Antimony dull. Cookson's. $3.400 8.50. Iron steady and unchanged. London markets closed as follows: Copper arm. Spot, 170 s 6d; futures, 170 6s 3d. Tin easy. Spot, 1192 10s: futures, 191 12s oa Iron, Cleveland warrants. 54s 6d- Naval Stores. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. 27. Turpentine. S9c; sales. 93; receipts, 8S2; shipments, 67; stocks. 59.945. Rosin, firm: sales, 2601: receipts. 351: shipments, 254: stock, 167.408. Quote: A. B. $3.T503.85: C. D, $3 853.8T: F. f3.85 0 8.i: G, $8.850395: H, $3.0594.04: I, 14.0504.10: M, $4.40fM.6: N. $3,109 5.10; WO. $6.0006.10; WW, $6.2506.80. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 2T. Cotton Spot auiet. Mid uplsnds. 12.35: Gulf. 12.80. Futures closed firm. Cloeing bids: August 12.89, September 12.23, October 12.19, No vember 12.07, December 12.09, January 12.00, February 12.02, March 12.0b, May iz.10. 1 Dried Fruit at New fork. NEW YORK. Aug. 27. Evaporated apples quiet and steady. Prune, firm. Peaches steaay. 4 Dulnth Linseed Market, DUXCTH. Minn., Aug. 27. Close: Lln- seett $1.48; September, $1.47; octoDer, $i-4. Black Cat "Exhibit A" In Municipal Court Joha Feraadocw, a Sailor, aad Tabby Gathered la by Patrolnaaw Wylle, la North End. r ATROLMAN WTLIE "pinched- the r cat, too. And ther have the cat a big; black one down at police headquarters as a mascot. John Ferandoea, a sailor on the steamer Beaver, went ashore as soon aa his ship came to anchor and pro ceded to blaze a trail, or toddle along the Great White Way. whatever that is, or paint the town red, or, to put it In plain English, to tour the jsorm tna. Sailor Ferandoes hove to at Third and Everett streets in the wee sma' hours with every pocket In his clothes filled with salt cellars and pepper cellars. He hadn't missed one on either side of any of the streets In that section. His pockets fairly bulged with them. Also, in bis arms. Ferandoes clasped the big black cat. He had pilfered it from one of the North End eating houses, and was having one large time keeping it in captivity when Patrolman Wvlle came along. The cat was exhibit A In Municipal Court when Judge Stevenson fined the sailor $10 for being drunk and dis orderly. Tabby has forgotten her former address altogether, and can now be found during any oi the 24 hours at police headquarters. CANAL AIDS APPLE MEN Shipment to London Will Cost Less Says British Dealer. The opening of the Panama Canal will mean a larger and better market for Oregon and Washington apples In London, as it will reduce shipping charges and allow the fruit to be land ed In better condition than Is now the case. ' This is the opinion of C. M. Si mons, a member of the Simons Fruit Company, of London, who is now In Portland. Mr. Simons said yesterday: The large American apple crop last year gave us our opportunity to Intro duce box apples in England and on the continent at reasonable prices. They met with favor, and I anticipate a larger market as the consequence. The European demand for Western apples will continue to grow if prices are kept within reasonable bounds." . Mr. Simons, who has been Investigat ing crop conditions on the Coast, be lieves the Oregon and Washington ap ple crops will be about TO per cent as large as last year. He estimates the California crop at IS to 40 per cent less than last year's. M'DOUGAL RITES ARRANGED Late Insurance Man's Funeral Will Be Held Saturday. Funeral services over the body of John G. McDougall, late state manager for the New York Life Insurance Com pany, will be held at 2 o'clock Satur day at the Holman undertaking estab lishment. Third and Salmon streets. Rve. Mr. Touel, pastor of the Sellwood Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Mc Dougall was an elder, will conduct the services. The Masons will have charge of the ceremony at the cemetery, and the Modern Woodmen will send a dele gation. Mr. McDougall died of apoplexy on a train near Buffalo on his way to New York Sunday night. The body will reach Portland Sat urday morning In charge of C. E. Milligan and Duncan B. McDougall, of Chicago, a hrother. CHURCH EXEMPTION FIXED District Attorney Rnles as to What Constitutes Place of Worship. In an opinion submitted to County Assessor Reed at the request of the latter. District Attorney Evans rules that a church building and the ground on which it Is situated are exempt from taxation from the time construction is started In good faith, not merely from the time holding of services is com menced. a Mr. Reed's second question was whether a building used for public wor ship is exempt when situated on land not owned by the church organization and for which rent is being paid and whether land so rented is exempt. To this Mr. Evans replies: "If it Is- a house of public worship then the lot Is exempt from taxation." NEW SCHOOL PROJECTED Instruction May Be Provided for Minors Who Hold Positions. A conference will be held at 10 o'clock this morning between members of the Industrial Welfare Commission, heads of department stores and City Superin tendent of Schools Alderman to con sider the plan of establishing schools for employed minors. . It is proposed to give instruction at certain hours three times a week to minors employed In department stores ard other establishments. Today's meeting will be held at the offices of the Industrial Welfare Com mission In ths Commercial block.. SPRING WHEAT SAFE Chicago Grain Market Has Downward Tendency.. EXPORT TRADE IS DULL Corn Is Active Feature of Specula tive Operation!", With Profit Tak ing? Carried On on Large Scale. Oats Are Easy. CHICAGO. Aug. ST. Corn agala today was the activ. feature of speculative later- ' est.' but weakened en liberal selling by longs; but In th. finsl part ef tbe session rallied f!r;y wvll en rebuylng by traders who consldeiea the market oversold. Final prices aero net lower to o net higher, with lha September option showing the greatest recovery. Wheat closed c to c lower, oat? 4e to He otf.and provisions unchnnged to !Oc lcsci. O.'rn rtarted with a goo1 show of strength on the ront;uat:ce ,t hit dry weather In the Southwest. Ptofr.-taking Mies followed fie Kufurn. some n. tl,e Uadlns lonss nut ting bis lines on the market. Prices essed rapidly and It coon 1 train evident tnst titer, had ben overselling In tbe face of the naturally bullieh crop conditions. A buying rally. In which some of th. chief early sellers figured, lifted prices fairly well and th. close was firm. A feature of the tiav was liquidation of September torn and subsequent buying that caused It to eenver nearly ail of the V It aeciinea ficm its bigh point of the day. Wheat ass weak on the announcement that the Spring wheat belt crop was now practlcaly safe ana that canaaa win soon ccirpleie the harvesting of a large yield. Lower cabls also denressed the msrket and another bear factor was the fallinr off In export t-uslnera The steadiness shown by corn helped wheat at the close ana tn. tone was firm In the final hour. Oats showed weakness almost throughout the day. due to lack of demand. Seiltng by longs depressed provisions. The oemsna was eiow most ot tne oay. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. High. Low. Close. Sept .6' c:S71 I .8 uec. ...... .trvfc .vi' s .ovi. .io t. May S S .033. .9 .0i CORN. Sept. TSH .74 .73 14 .73 Dec. 69"4 .6B, .S .8? May 7U .70V. . .70 OATS. Sept. 411; .41 H. .40H -40H Dec. 4A .44 4 .43 .43 4, May 4' .47 .40 H .46 MESS PORK. - Sept. 20.95 20.09 CO.sS 20.SS Jan. 1V.42M 1U.4S IS. 40 19.40 LARD. Sept. 11.10 11.1 11.00 11.08 Jan 10.S2V4 10.82 H 10.774 10.80 SHORT RIBS. Sept. 11.110 11.80 11.30 11.92U Jan 10.27 H 10.117 H 10.2 J hi 10.24 Cash prices were: Corn No. 2, 747He: No. 1 white, 76ttfeT7c; No. 2 bsrley, 7oV4e78c Kye No. 1. 00 6 70c fcarley. 60870c. Timothy. (4.S0;5.4O, Clover, .10912. European Grain Markets. LONDOX. Aug. 27. Cargoes on passage quiet but steady. English country markets quiet; French country markets quiet. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 27. Wheat Spot stesdy- futures, steady. October, 7s 2.d; December. 7s lHd. Weather, cloudy. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aur. 27. Close: Wheat No. . 1 bard, eefcc: No. 1 Northern, 870 S'Jc, No. 2 Northern, SSSsBHc: No. 2 herd Montane, S4Tc; No. a wheat 83Q S4Ho; September, tUfto; December, B9ic; May. 4 940; - Grains la Saa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 27 Spot quota tions: Walla Walla, SL47H 91.50: red Rus sian. tl-47t,ei.M; Turkey red. 11.55 0 1.00; bluestem, ll.oil.CO; feed barley. fl.aiVifs 1.40- brewing bsrley, nominal; white oats, 1.501.624: bran. $-'(30u2J; middlings, 406tl: shorts. -'5.62o. Call board sales: Barley firm. December. $1.44 per cental; May, $1.48 Vi per cental; August, new, SLItH bid, 1X40 aaked per cental; September, l.iil'j bid, .1.40 asked per cental. Pnget Sound Wheat Markets. SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 17. Wheat Blue stem. S5c: fort (old, eoc; club, :c; ate, 7ltc; red Russian, 77c. Yesterday's car receipts Wheat, 18; eata, ; bay, 11, flour, 8; rye, 1; corn, 1. TACOMA. Wash.. Aug. 27. No change la wheat quotations. Yesterday's car recelpta Wheat, 13; bar ley, 1; oats, 1; hay. . 20,000 Bushels Co at 78 Cents. LEWISTON. Idaho. Aug. 27. (SnedaLl The Vollmer-Clearwater Company, of Lew lston. today closed the biggest grain deal of tne present season. W. J. Houser. of Pom- ero, sold 20,000 bushels of wheat for the top notch price of 70 cents. There are prospects for a more active market this week than at any time since the market was ooened. f armers are now noiaing No. 1 barley for prices ranging between .1.15 and $1.25. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Aug. 27. Max imam temper ature, a, agrei ; minimum, 69 degreee. River reading at 8 A. M., 4.0 feet; change In laat 24 boura. 0.1 foot falL Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 5 P. M. none: total rainfall aince September l, 89.40 inches) normal rainfall since September 1. 45.01 inchev: de- ricienty or rain tail since baptemoer l. 9 houra, C9 minutea: poaaibla aunahlne, 1$ houra, 84 minutea. Barometer (reduced to eea-ierei) at 6 r. M-, 29.99 lncbea. THIS WEATHER. 0 O a3 i ; a f o a o S f : : e 8 . a : : Stat, ot Weather. STATIONS Baker S4 0 001 NW Clear Boise 900 .OO lojW Pt. cloudy Boston , Calgary ........ Chicago ........ Colfax Denver Des Molnea S'liO euiiOiaw ciouay 001. . I Clear 70 0 74 0 87 0 to 0 ! 0 4 0 J 0 ooilo N'E jPt. cloudy oo 4 H L lear 00 b.NWjPu cloudy Oo 8.6B !Pt- ciouay Duluth Eureka uuiia:. rj rtain .001 4 NW Cloudy eta! a a Galveston 86 1 Helena t 0 KU 0 Clear Jacksonville .... 01 IS Cloudy Kansas City Klamath Falls. . . Laurler Los Ansrelea.. . . . . 102O s;;o .O010 s i;tear 00, 4 ?E Pt. cloudy B7i0 74 o n 74 O Kt.'O 7 0 60 0 8'0 81 10 1V2 0 tH u H SB 0. t 0. U 0. tw 0 40 7 0 eft 0 7.1 0 S(i 0 .00 4 W CO IS !cioudy Marsh field Medford Montreal New Orleans ... New York OoilUiNW Clear .II0 4 W Pt. cloudy 10 12 NE )1 'SB CS.lllE 00 14 N ciouay ciouay Cloudy North Head Clear Clear North Yakima. .. Pendleton 00 4 W 00 4 W Clear Clear Phoenix ......... P oca tell o Portland ........ OOi 4!N oil b se Ipt. cloudy (K).14rv W!Cleer 001 8 NWlClear O0 .1 ICloudy 00 4 NWClear CU 12 fE Cloudy Roseburg ....... Sacramento St. Louis St. Paul Salt Lake....!... 0 10 NW.Clear San ICranclsco. ... OO'lSiW Cloudy pokana .... ... . . 00 ( 4 S 00 . 14 N Clear Tacoma Tatooab Island. . . Clear Clear Clear .001 8 NE Walla Walls. .... 00 8 SE 01 4S . 03 4 SE Washington 0 PC cleudy Pt. cloudy welter 101 0. Wenatchee ...... - 0 6S 0 80 0 OO . . Clear Winnipeg 04 I2;HE Cloudy OOltliNWCIesr Yellowstone Psrk WEATHER CONDITIONS. A lsrse htrtt. pressure field overlies South western Csr.ada and Northweetern United States; high pressure also obtains over the Lakes Region snd Appslsrhian Highland. Depression overlies the Psciric Southwest. Kansss and the vslley of the Bed River of the North, respectively. Fhowers hsve fallen In th. Basin Ststes. Western Moniana. the Vslley of the Red River of the North and th. Atlantic mates, sna nesvy rains nsve isuen on the Esstern l exes cosst. t nunaer storms were reported from rtea &lun, mnnemueca. Tureen, Roswell. Ahtlene. Winnipeg, Duluth. New Tor and Boston. The weather re warmer tn most portions of Oregon and Washington .and In Southwestern Utsh, Arl gona. Missouri and on Ute jivrta Atlantic THE BANK OF PERSONAL SERVICE OUR BANKING SERVICE Our method of quickly and accurately handling all matters en trusted to our care appeals to business men. Equal courtesy extended to large and small accounts. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Under Government Supervision Founded 1886 Washington and Fourth Streets LADD &TILTON BANK Established 1859. Capital , $ 1,000.000X9 Surplus 1,000,000.00 Depoait 14,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts tmcnu, W. K. La a 4. President Robert & Howard. Asst. Caahlea Edward Cooklnahem, V1ee-lra. J. W Ledd. Asst. Cashier. W. H. Duaekley, Cashier. Walter M. Cook. Asst. Cashier. Comer Wuhlnftoii and THri Street. First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains OORNXR FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. ' I i P s ,1 nC .p7 Direct IJne ts Havre-Pafia (Fraac? 6al)inM NEXT LA SAVOIK -.Sept. LA FROVkJi.CE Sept. tFBAtl (lew) Oct. II a" saa Twin -screw iie&msr. rwuaurupie-screw atenaicr. SPECIAL BATUB13AY SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK. S P. 10. ONC CLASS CABIN (II and THIKD-class PuMnseri Only. LA TOl'RAINE Sept. C. W. Stlnffer, SO 6th U A. I. Charlton. S35 Morrlaoii St.; E. M. Taj lor, C H. -A St. P. By.; Deraey B. Snlth. Oath iti A. C. tsbeldoo. 10 3d at.; IL Dickaan. lit 3d at.: Kartb Buk Road. 6th and Stark at., atront. Portland- Coast. It 1 cooler In Northern California, Nevada, the Rocky Mountain States. West ern South Dakota. Western Canada, th. bSKei rt.gion ana Tn. onto v aiiey. jam Derstures are lO ner cent above normal tn Interior Western Oregon, and 10 per cent or more aoove in tne central riatas states anu Central Mississippi Valley. Th. conditions are favorable for gener ally fair weather In this district Thursday witn no eecidee. temperature cnanges, ana northerly winds. FORECASTS: Portland and vicinity Fair; northerly wind.. Oregon. Wsshtngton and Idaho Fair and continued warm; northerly winds. THEODORE F. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. MAYOR TO BE INOCULATED Oregon City Official to Take Precau tions Against Typhoid. OREGON CITT. On, Aus;. 17. (Spe cial.) Mayor Jonea haa decided that be and his family will be inoculated with an antitoxin that will eliminate any danger from typhoid fever. Mr. Jones says be does not believe tbe city water la spreading- the disease. By a resolution of the City Council at a special meeting; Wednesday, the State Board of Health was called on for an Immediate report as to its con clusions on the typhoid epidemic in the city. IT Bitulithic Paving means smooth, easy driving and motoring for many years J.C.WILSON&CO. felOCsU, BONDS. GRAIN AND COTIOX MKMUkliS NEW YORK. MOlk EXCHANGE. NfcW TO KM. COil ON KiOHANl.S. CH1CAOO BOAKU OF TgAilC, TKit BiOC K ANI BONO EXCUANO& BAN t KANCllOO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewia Building, 269 Oak Street Phones Marshall 4120. A 4187. CONSULTING and 5 CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED O Pine Street New York TRAVELERS' GLIDE. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Round Trip Rates: 1st class t. Tahiti I3& te Welllnat.a .'kl. Sydney H0. Special Pacific Ocean T.ur inclndlss South bea isles! to byuney via TanlU. Rare tones and Now Zealand aad returning te San Francisco (or Vancouver) via Auckland. KiJ or b.moa and Honolulu. 1st cssa Stopovers any point, good an. ysar. all Inss Irons Bsn Francisco August Z0. stpu 17. Oct. 13. etc t'nioa Stearaahln Ca. ef New Zealand, Ltd. Office: Market hireet. aa rraausco. Direct lain t HavrsPmria (Frmc from New York every Wednc-day. 10 A. M. FRANCE New! Wed. Sept. 10 17 -LA LOKRADiS Oct. Z& "LA MVUIla Oct. 15 X LA JKOVLXCE Oct. 2 IAGRA Sept. IS TRAVELERS GUIDE. THE NEW WHITE STAR LINE'S "OLYMPIC" LONDON-PARIS VIA Plymouth Cherbeturj Setrthamptsea Sept 13 n Oct 4 Oct 25 . Nov. 19 Other Saillecs Majearle, Ana. se, frpi. t, Oet. 11. Ooeauiia, beau , Sept. 17, Oc. la. Cedrle Aos; !' Adriatic Sept, 11 Baltic Sept. 4 Celtic. ... Sept. IS Alee Regular Rallies Between BOTON Mediterranean Italy Bestea Qqeenafwrn lj.erp i AM K KIT A V I.IXE ATLANTIC TRANSPORT LINE New York. Lstndoa Direct. RED STAR LINK New York Dares AatwerP. White Star Dominion SaUlasa Erery Patarday from Montreal aad Quebec BT THE LARGEST CANADIAN" XTN- UltS Inclndins tbe LaureaticAua. S0Meraanle. ,.!ept. IS Caaada....6ept. , Teutonic. Sept. 29 Sead far folders ef tbe Short IsH Lcfced Si. Lawrence) Boote t. Enrope. A. K. DISNKT, Paeaencer Aseat, Bailey Bids;.. Ill Second Ave, Seattle. Telephone Main lis or Local Bsulirar aad steamship Aetata, 3LPRS BTAMBs FOR Saa fraaciso and Lo. AnaVes W1THOLT CHANCK. S. 8. BEAVER halls a A. M. An SO. B .S. BEAK, Sails A. L Sept. 4. THE SAX FRANCISCO PORTLAND 8. fl. CO. Ticket Office, 3d and Washing ton, with O.-W. R. A H. C. Fhoae Marshall 4500. A 6121 San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Yucatan, tall Every Wednesday Alternately at P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. IT? A Third St. Phones Main 1314. A IStt, And All A rrrcn t In A Irtrl SV. Lmtc, New and Fns Paviger Steamers Kroin New York every aiixxxuLL OmxaxdM-J-IT DAYS TO aiO JANEIRO, nTornit,et&.applr local ticket Agents, or UOK A lAMLL)i,(reQfnliefTiu, Jl Proda'-e Ex!i..TU'ftr New Sort. LOS ANGELES AND SAN DIEOO STEAMSHIP YALE AND HARVARD Railroad or any stesmer t. Esn Francisco, the F.ida City. Larzest. fastest snd ths ONLY strictly fIrit-cUss psssenger sUlps en tb. Coast. Avsnre speed -i miles psr nour: coat SJ.Oit0.ou0 each. SAM IRAKC1SCO. POK1LAND at JL. A. b. S, CO, Mala ZS. Frank Botlam, Agent. A UCI. lit Third Street. COOS BAY LINE STEAMSHIP BREAKWATER sails from Alcswortb Dock. Portlasd. A. at.. August a. 13, IS. iS. 28. bepL X 1. IX IT. Z'A I. Freight received until & P. el. except day previous to sailing: previous day S P. M- Passenger fare: First-class, $10: second-class. t. Including berlb, and aw I Ticket office Lower Ainsworth Dock. PORTLAND A COOK BAY n. B. LINE. I H. KEAI1NO, Agent. thou. Stain 30, A Mi2. Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now Daily to Marshfield. Wire reservation., to O. Mat toon Drain. Oregon. i