Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 28, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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List of Merchants to Provide
Entertainment for First Two
Days Is Named.
Nathan Strauss, Head of Delegation
In Charge of Excursion Week,
O Says Indications 'ow As
sure large Attendance.
Special committees to have charge
of the entertainment features for each
day of the buyers' excursion week,
September 1-6. are being appointed and
' when the list of committees is com-
plete-1 practically trie enure memuci
ehlp of the organization of Jobbers and
merchants, which is conducting the ex
cursions, will be included. The ex
ecutive committee will hold a meeting
Triday and complete details of plans
for the week.
"Ripliea to our Invitations are com
ing in even better than we expected
from the merchants In Eairtland's trade
territory and there is every muicauou
that the result will exceed in magni
tude the highest expectations of the
organization which launched it," said
Nathan Strauss, chairman of the com
mittee, yesterday.
Knthusiasr among the manufac
turers and joobers in tne organization
Is strong and all are working aealous
ly to make the enterprise successful in
eery respect
Hradiiuarlrn Are Planned.
"In addition to the acceptances that
are rvring in at the headquarters at
the Commercial Club, manufacturers
and wholesalers are making continual
reports to me of messages received
personally from their out-of-town cus
tomers, announcing their intention of
taking advantage 01 tne excurmuu
wk rates and refund provisions. All
three of the Northwest states will be
strongly represented in Portland next
week by visiting mercnanis.
Mavor Albee will be asked to make
the address of welcome to the visitors
at the reception wmcn win oe given
in their honor at the Commercial Club
Monday night.
Definite arrangements have been
made to establish headquarters for the
week In one of the ground-floor rooms
of the Commercial Club building, for
the purpose of registration. Informa
tion valMatlni tickets and other
hiixfno that may be necessary In
conducting the affairs of the excursion
Two Committees Xamed.
Two committees have been appointed
to have charge of daily entertainment,
one for Monday and the other for
Tuesday. Others will be announced
as soon as possible. Following are
the names of those who will serve on
the nrst two committees:
Monday Reception Committee.
TV. H. Beharrell, chairman, Heywood
Bros. & TVakefleld Company; T. J. Arm.
strong. W. C. Noon Bag Company;
Frank Barringer, E. C. Atkins &. Co.;
Kenneth Bee be. The Beebe Company;
O. C. Calhoun. Jililler, Simington &
Calhoun Company; H. A. Conner. Pa
cific Coast Syrup Company; Jerome
Fulop, Baron-Fulop Company; S. E.
Holcomb. Multnomah Trunk & Bag
Company; E. C. Johnson, Portland Seed
Company; Fred Jennings, Portland
Furniture Manufacturing Company; I.
K. Krausse, Krausse Bros.; "V. B.
Mann, John Clark Saddlery Compar.-;
K. C. Oliver, F. S. Harmon & Co.: L. R.
Parker, John A. Roebling's Sons Com
pany: John Renken, Portland Glove
Works; R. A. Stewart. Hoflus Equip
ment Company; Edward E. Shaw.
Henry Disston & Sons, Incorporated;
Otto Stein. Clarke-Woodward Drug
Company; W. J. Walrath, Aldon Candy
Tneadar Smoker Reception Committee.
Faul De Haas, chairman, Dougherty
Shoe Company; B. F. Boy den. Prince
Shoe Company: F. S. Doernbecher,
Doernbecher Manufacturing Company;
Dwlght Edwards, Dwight Edwards
Company; H. J. Frank. Blumauer
Frank Drug Company; O. H. Flthian,
Fithlan-Barker Shoe Company; George
E. K. Fitchner. Rudgear-Merle Com
pany; Joseph Goodman. Goodman Bros.
Shoe Company; Sol Hart, Hart Cigar
Company: A. J. Klngsley, Oregon Chair
Company: J. C. Luckel, Luckel, King
& Cate Soap Company; Robert Lutke.
The Lutke Manufacturing Company;
TV. A. Montgomery. J. K. Gill Com
pany; S. J. McCormlck. EUers Music
House; J. W. Pettit. Pettit Feather &
Bedding Company; F. C. Stettler. F. C
Stettler Company; H. S. Tuthlll, Ore
gon Casket Company: Paul Wessinger,
Henry Weinhard Brewery; C. F.
Wright, Ballou & Wright; Dom J. Zan.
Zan Bros., Incorporated.
Court Orders George Obdie Sent to
State Training School.
George Obdie, 12 years old. who has
made periodical appearances before
the Juvenile Court for more than five
years, his delinquencies. Including the
forging and passing of a worthless
check for $40. picking a man's pocket
for $20. all sorts of petty thieving, bad
language and truancy, came to the end
of his string yesterday. Juvenile Judge
Gatens ordered the boy committed rb
the State Training School.
Before sending the lad to Salem,
however, the Judge will have a
thorough physical and mental exam
ination made by .Dr. Mary Evans to
determine if physical injury is re
sponsible for his persistent criminality.
Paul Gibson and Peter Kosevac also
are to be examined.
a series of meetings this week by mem
bers of the City Commission and mem
bers of the Municipal Civil Service
Commission at which general revision
of titles and salaries are to be con
sidered. Standardization of salaries In various
classes of work is the keynote of the
meetings and in working out the plan
it Is likely that many employes will
find their salaries reduced when the
affair is finally straightened out. Em
ployes doing the same kind of work
in different departments receive dif
ferent salaries at present. It is the
plan to make these salaries uniform
and the basis it is thought will be
determined by the smallest salary re
ceived by employes In his particular
line rather than the highest.
In the engineering department chain
men receive $85 .a month. It Is said. In
the Water Department chalnraen doing
the same class of work receive $93.50 a
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Freight on Flour to Orient Pro
vokes Protest.
, David I Rnaaell.
VANCOUVER. Wash- Aug. 27.
(Special.) David L. Russell, of
Washougal, who died here Mon
day night, was the first state
master of the Washington
Grange, in 188S. and served six
consecutive years. He was once
a delegate to the National
Grange. He was a member of the
Territorial Legislature from 1873
to 1875. and up to the time of
his death was Justice of the
Peace at Washougal. - Mr. Rus
sell wa born in West Virginia
June 20. 1335, and when but 14
years old crossed the plains to
California. He also fought' in
the Civil War.
The funeral will be held at
Washougal at 11 o'clock Friday
morning from the Congregation
al Church.
month. The salaries of clerks ranee
widely as do the wages of stenographers
and Inspectors of various kinds.
Paciric German Meeting Will Begin
This Morning.
The ninth annual session of the Pa
cific German Conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church will begin this
morning and close Sunday night at the
First German Methodist Episcopal
Church, Fifteenth and Hoyt streets.
Bishop R. J. Cook will preside. There
was a preliminary social services at
the church last night. Several changes
in the pastorates are expected.
Sunday school will be addressed by
G. S. Rader and T. M. Hermann and the
sermon next Sunday will be preached
by Bishop Cook. The Epworth League
will meet in the afternoon and in the
evening there will be a missionary
sermon by the Rev. G. V. Magg.
Low Figures in Departments and Not
Highest Will Be Basis.
General salary cutting at the City
Hall Is expected to be the outcome of
Public Wharf to Be of Concrete and
Will Accommodate Six Big
- Steamers at One Time.
ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 2". (Special.)
After closing the deal yesterday for
the purchase of a tract of 1700 feet of
water frontage In the' West End of the
city, the Port of Astoria Commission
today decided to have plans prepared
at once so that the construction can
be undertaken within the comina- few
weeks on building the first unit of the
big public wharf, to be completed
ready for use early next Spring.
inis is to consist of two slins 300
feet wide and 1000 feet long, separated
by piers 200 feet In width, each to nave
a large warehouse. These will be of
sufficient capacity to accommodate six
mammotn steamers at one time. The
piers are to be constructed by driving
piling, wnicn win De cut off at low
water mark and surmounted by solid
The plan is to have the entire wharf
as well as the warehouse, of rein
forced concrete without a slns-le nlm-.
of wood. They will be strictly fire
proof tacn pier and warehouse is to
be equipped with every modern elec
trical appliance for the handling of
freight, so that vessels can be loaded
and unloaded In the shortest possible
The matter of sellina- the nrnnoned
Issue of bonds is to be rushed by the
Commission and so soon as that is
settled the port will be ready to let
tne contracts on construction.
Marine Notes.
Barge No. 91. of the ' Standard Oil
fleet, is to be dropped off .the Colum
bia this morning by the steamer El
Segundo, which is bound for Puget
sound, ine Darge will be towed here
to discharge.
To designate the edge of the sands
and mark the harbor limits across the
channel from Astoria a gas buov has
been established at the instance of
Henry L. Beck, inspector of the Sev
enteenth Lighthouse District. It re
places a can buoy heretofore known as
No. 11.
It was reported yesterday that the
steamer Annie Comings, of the West
ern Transportation Company's fleet,
had grounded in Camas Rapids, but it
was not believed she was Injured.
Kerr. Gifford & Co. say they took the
British steamer Spithead for wheat
loading at 37s fid. Instead of 41s 3d as
was reported.
Reports From Vessels.
By Marconi Wireless.
Steamer Klamath, San Francisco to
Portland, 55 miles south of Columbia
River at 8 P. M. August 27.
Barge 91, San Francisco to Portland,
off Cape Meares at 8 P. 11. August 27.
Steamer Chanslor, Monterey to Port
land, 30 miles south of Columbia River
at :15 P. M. August 27.
Steamer Manchuria, Orient to San
Francisco. 19J9 miles from San Fran
cisco at S P. M. August 2.
Steamer Enterprise. Hilo to San Fran
cisco, 1798 miles from San Francisco at
8 P. M. August 28.
Steamer Sierra. Honolulu to San
Francisco, 869 miles from San Francisco
at 8 P. it. August 2$.
Steamer Atlas,' Portland to San Fran
cisco, 120 miles north of San Francisco
at 8 P. M. August 27.
Steamer Northland. San Francisco to
Portland, off Point Gordon at 8 P. M.
August 27.
Bandon Charges Investigated.
BANDO.V. Or.. Aug. 17. (Special.)
Inspector Quinan. of the United States
Lifesaving Service, was here to investi
gate charges preferred against the
Bandon lifesaving crew. In connection
with the wrecking of a small fishing
boat on the bar recently In which Sid
ney Cisco lost bis life. The crew was
charged with being slow in responding
and using the drill boat instead of the
power boat.
Shippers Maintain Tariff or $31 to
Japan, $5 to Hongkong, $5.5fr to
Shanghai and Manila 50
Cents to $ 1 Too High.
Through the offer of Japanese tramp
steamers to load flour and wheat here
for Japan on a basis of $3 a ton, while
the rate fixed by steamship lines hold
ing membership in the Pacific Con
ference, to Japanese ports has been $4,
since August 16, millers have renewed
their contention that tariffs are higher
that market conditions warrant and
ask that a cut of 60 cents a ton be al
lowed. Both the Hamburg-American and
Royal Mall fleets, operating out of
Portland, have been approached with
reference to the situation and while
the petition must be forwarded to the
Pacific Coast headquarters of both lines
at Seattle. It is believed that more con
sideration will be given the proposal
now than when it was broached be
fore. Exporters argue that there should
not be a range of $1 a ton between the
tariff on regular lines and the ruling
rate for tramp steamers and. further
more, the Japanese buyers have taken
a stand against paying on a basis of
$4 a ton, intimating that business can
be done at SO cents less. Should It ap
pear that the liners can be' filled with
cargo despite the apparent inactivity of
the Oriental flour and wheat market.
Coast agents naturally are expected to
oppose any further decline, but at pres
ent it seems as if ships will go light
unless there is a marked change In the
demand for foodstuffs.
It was felt when the present rates
were made, being an advance of $1
instead of $1.50 a ton as expected over
the Summer charge, there would be a
spirited stir in buying, but unsettled
conditions across the Pacific and the
disinclination of buyers to place or
ders at what they regard as high fig
ures, combined to check the rush.
Ihe tariff to. Japan in $4. to Hong
Kong $5, to Shanghai and Manila $5.50.
Shippers have Intimated that besides
seeking a $3.50 rate to Japan they deem
the tariff to Hong Kong $1 higher than
It should be.
Commission Accepts Reid Property
and Will Perfect Title.
Now that the Commission of Pub
lic Docks has gained possession of the
Martin dock property, and steps will
soon be taken to cover It with the north
half of Dock No. 1. the first unit of
which has been contracted for. the
North Pacific Steamship Company will
again be asked to vacate the dock and
shift its headquarters to Albers dock.
The commission had decided not to dis
turb the line when complications arose
affecting the Martin dock abstract, but
since the land was secured after a suit
that terminated without loss of time,
it is desired to have full possession.
Some Insurance carried by the Mar
tin heirs will be cancelled, but suffi
cient will remain In force for the com
mission's purposes, and the members
are not In favor of having a night
watchman on the ground.
The matter of finally acquiring the
William Reid property, between East
Oak and East Washington streets, was
renewed at yesterday's meeting, and
City Attorney La Roche held that tho
warranty deed offered by Mr. Reid
could safely be accepted, and as Jta.ioU
is to be withheld to protect the city
against claims by heirs of A. H. John
son or others, it was agreed mat tne
city proceed at once to quiet title to a
partion of the land.
Captain Clift Formerly Commanded
Weil-Known Ships.
Funeral services will be held at Ta-
coma today over the body of Captain J.
B. CUft. one of the best-known mari
ners on the Coast, and former Harbor
master there. During his active expert
ence at sea he was master at one time
of the American ship William H. Star
buck, and it was on her that he em
barked on his first honeymoon, in
18S3, being bound to this city from
the Atlantic side, and Mrs. Clift died on
tho voyage.
Captain Clift was also master cf the
T. F. Oakes. the" first steel sailing ves
sel built under the American flag. Five
years following her launching at Bath,
Me., he was her skipper, and she carried
the first cargo of steel rails to Puget
Sound used on the Northern Pacific
Railroad. The ship was owned by Will
iam Starbuck. then a director in the
Northern Pacific, and was named in
honor of T. F. Oakes, at that time pres
ident f the Northern Pacific. The de
ceased was Harbormaster at Tacoma
for 18 years, besides being surveyor for
several marine Insurance corporations:
Stream Close to Normal Stage and
Continues Failing.
As the Willamette River has dropped
to a stage of 4.9 feet above zero and
at places on the Columbia River is re
ported under four feet. Captain H. T.
Groves, superintendent of dredging for
the Port of Portland, opines that ex
tremely low water will be experienced
unless Dame Nature Interferes in some
manner to check the run out.
Dredging is going ahead at the prin
cipal bars on the Columbia but he says
that should the river fall to zero a
large amount of extra digging will be
necessary to get rid of sediment that
piled in the cuts during the freshet.
The normal stage of water Is about
three feet above zero, though there are
times between high water periods
when the stream is at a lower height
for a short time. Regarding the plan
to return the dredge Columbia to Sand
Island so the channel can be finished
to Fort Can by for the accommodation
of rock barges to be towed to the
north Jetty base. Captain Groves says
she cannot be spared for at least 20
Government Will Pay for Messages
Containing Information.
To assist in obtaining Information
promptly of any defect in aids to nav
igation, such as lighthouses, minor
lights, lighted and whistling buoys and
day marks, Henry L. Beck, inspector of
the 17th Lighthouse District, has Is
sued a notice showing bow masters of
vessels may report any lights ex
tinguished or aids missing, at no cost
to them.
The notice. Indicating the procedure
In such cases, is as follows:
Mariners observing anything wrong with
the aide to navigation la the Seventeenth
Lighthouse District (comprising- the naviga
ble waters of Oregon end Washington) are
eques:cd to Inform too Inspector by letter
or telegraph, addressing "L.lgnthoua Id
spetor. Portland. Oregon." and marking tel
egrams "Paid. Government rate, charge Bu
reau of Lighthouses, Washington. I. C." (A
telegram so marked does not require its
prepayment by the sender).
Bids Will Be Opened Today for Work
on Thielbek.
Repairs to the Norwegian steamer
Thode Fagelund can be made for $25.
000 and those to the German bark
Thielbek will approximate $15,000. ac
cording to estimates. Bids for work on
the bark will be ODened todav and
when her ballast is discharged she will
be drydocked. As the steamer Ockla
hama had the Thielbek in tow when she
collided with the Faa-elund off Astoria
Sunday morning, M. Talbot, manager
of the Port of Portland, Inspected the
'xnieioeK yesterday.
The Fagelund is to leave up from
.Astoria toaay, as now planned. 'and she
will not be drydocked unless it is found
impracticable to lift the forward part
of her sufficiently, through discharg
ing cargo, to permit repairs being
made. United States Inspectors of
steam Vessels, Edwards and Fuller,
are to begin Investigating the circum
stances of the collision today.
Lumber Carrier Out Since April 1 on
Way toAntofogasta.
As the last report received concern
ing the schooner Eldorado, which sailed
rrom the Columbia River April 1 for
Antofogasta with a lumber cargo, was
April is, in 35:40 north, 126:30 west,
her long voyage is causing uneasiness
in shipping circles.
Apprehension has Increased because
of the fact that the schooner Samar.
which left the Columbia the same day
for Auckland. N. Z.. entered the river
Look Out For
Poison Ivy
Due to Arrive.
From. Sate.
Los Anirelea. . Tn port
Breakwater. Com Biv In
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook Aug. SO
Bear Loi Angeles. . Aug. 31)
Yucatan San Dleso. .. . Aug. 31
Alliance Eureka Sept.
Rose City San Pedro. .. .Sept. 4
Roanoke .San Diego Sept. 7
To Depart.
Name. For.
Breakwater. . . .Coos Bay. . .
Harvard S. F. to U. A,
Beaver I .o Arr.l.. .
Tale & F. to U A..
Kan Ramon. ...San Francisco
Klamath Kan Dieso
Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook.
lucatan San Franrlsco
Bear Los Angeles. .
nose liit. . .. ..i.os Ancelea
Alliance Coos Bay
xtoanoa. ..... .ban JJlego.
Aug. 2$
Aug. a 2
Aug.' Sl
European and Oriental Service.
Name. From. ' Data.
Vestalia London Sept. 8
Brlsgavia Hamburg. ... Sept. 12
Vckermark Hamburg. ... Oct. 3
C Ferd Laeln. Manila Nov. 4
Andalusia Hamburgh... Dec 4
Elthonia Hamburg.... Dec, 81
Name. For. Data.
Brlsgavla London Sept. IS
Cckermark.... Hamburg.... Oct. 8
Vestalia Hamburg. ... Oct. S
a Ferd Lselsz. Manila. ....... Nov. 8
Andalusia Hamburg. ... Dec. 10
Slthonla Hamburg.... Jan. T
Tuesday, terminating- a speedy round
voyage, as she was but four months
ana zs a ays on the trip.
Anotner carrier of the Columbia Rlv
er fleet that has so far failed to show
up at ner aestinatlon is the schooner
Americana, which crossed out to sea
March 3, bound for Newcastle. N. S. W.
Buoy Changes Xoted.
Buoy changes have been made as fol
Columbia River, main channel
Tongue Point to Jim Crow Point Tongue
Point crossing gas buoy. 3. to be chanaed.
about September 20. 1813. from fixed white
to occulting wnite with the following char
acteristics: Light 10 seconds, eclipse 10 seconds.
Nehalem River North Snlt Buov 1. -
ond-clasa can. established in 1 fathoma of
v. aier.
Coquille to Hare Xew Carrier.
COQtTILLE. Or.. Aug. 27. (Special.)
Captain Russell Panter is arranging
to buna a large stern-wheel river boat.
patterned after the Columbia River
stern-wheelers, for service between
here and Bandon. The boat will be
built to carry passengers and freight.
and is expected to e one of the speed
iest river boats In the state.
Breakwater Establishes Record.
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Aug. 27. 'Spe
cial.) Captain Macgenn, of the Break
water, plying between Portland and
Coos Bay, says the month of August has
been a record-breaker for the vessel,
which has carried more passengers and
more freight during the month than
during any similar period In the seven
years she has been on the run.
Striking Miners Return.
SEATTLE. Aug. 27. The 750 union
coalminers who struck last month at
Black Diamond because a member of
the pit committee had been discharged
after he had engaged in a fight with
a foreman went back to work today.
George Capron Visiting Portland.
George Capron, famous Middle West
ern football star. Is a Portland visitor,
en route to New York City on a busi
ness trip. Capron Is located at Klam
ath Falls, and Is planning to embark
in the cattle-raising industry.
Sockeye Run Is Light.
VANCOUVER B. C Aug. 27. The
Strolling through the woods or clear
Ing brush, picnickers, hunters, fisher
men look out for poison ivy. And In
the meantime keep your blood pure by
using S. S. S. If your skin is rough.
with eczema, pimples or any other
eruption, 8. S. 8. stimulates tne nne
network of blood vessels in the skin to
drr up and heal all sore spots.
a a a will do this positively. It
dominates the principle of osmosis.
stimulates the cells of the skin to select
their own nutriment from the blood.
made pure and healing by the wonder
ful medicinal ingredients of this fa
mous blood purifier. It is a safe rem
edy. as it contains no minerals, and yet
Its action is a marvel.
You can get a a a in any drug
store, but insist upon having It. The
Swift Laboratory in Atlanta, Ga. pre
pares this famous blood purifier, and
you should taKe no cnance oy permit
ting anyone to recommend a substi
tute. And if your blood condition Is
such that you would like to consult a
specialist freely, address the Medical
Dept. The Swift Specific Company, 18C
Swift Bldg.. Atlanta, Ga,
9)ockeye salmon run on Fraser River Is
practically ended. The total pack is
estimated at 500,000 cases. This is the
smallest pack ever known in any of
the "big-run" years.
Marine Xotes.
Captain Thomas Crang. of the Union
Oil Company; Captain "Billy" Patter
son, pilot for the Associated Oil Com
pany, and Captain H. T. Groves, su
perintendent of Port of Portland
dredges, sounded the Lower Willam
ctte as far as its mouth Tuesday and
reported having found "good water on
all shoals.
As Monday was the last day of the
present salmon season, steamboatmen
expect few shipments until the period
reopens on the lower river. Reports
from Chinook are that during the latter
part of the week salmon thieves raided
traps there and secured about $2000
worth of salmon.
Frits Kirchhoff. agent for the China
Import & Export Lumber Company, re
ceived news yesterday that the Danish
steamer Arabien had sailed Sunday
from Kushlro with a cargo of hardwood
for Portland, and she will load lumber
for the return to North China.- The
tramp Bangor left Karatsu August IS
with a sugar cargo for San Franclaca,
and after discharging Is to proceed here
for lumber for Shanghai.
To undergo her annual overhauling
the Government dredge Clatsop arrived
up yesterday from Eureka bar, where
she operated for a short time after
leaving up from Astoria.
Bound for Redondo by way of Ta
coma the steamer Oliver J. Olson was
cleared yesterday with 250,000 feet of
lumber, which she worked at Rainier
and Westport. The Yellowstone shifted
from Kalama to Portland to complete
her cargo and the Shoshone went to
Grays Harbor. The O. M. Clark cleared
for Los Angeles with 1,000,000 feet.
Wor dhas been- received that the
British bark Birksdale. bound here to
load wheat for the United Kingdom,
put out from Huasco, Chile, August
17. She is under charter to Hind, Rolph
& Company.
Through the fact that two or three
log rafts swung Into the stream at
St. Johns yesterday, though they re
mained fast at one end, a report was
started that what Is known as the St.
Johns boom had broken loose.
With lumber for California the
steamer George W. Fenwlck sailed
yesterday from Westport. The steam
er Nehalem. which cleared for San
Diego with 350,000 feet, left for Rai
nier to finish The Saginaw cleared
for San Francisco with $72,000 feet and
the Johan Poulsen for the same desti
nation with 395,000 feet and 650 tons of
On the schooner Andy Mahony,
which left the river yesterday for Sala-
verry, Peru, was a lumber cargo meas
urlng 702,149 feet that was valued at
Lumber for Adelaide. Australia, was
For Summer diarrnoea in
children you will find noth
ing better than Chamber
Iain's Colic, Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy, followed
by a dose of - castor oil. It
should be kept at hand and
given as soon as the first un
natural looseness of the bow
els appears. It only costs a
"I believe Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy saved my
little boy's life two years ago when he
had Summer complaint that run into
bloody dysentery. After giving him
one dose of this medicine I saw a
change for the better. Thus encour
aged. I kept up the treatment and he
was soon out of danger," writes Mrs.
W. S. Kunkle. Blalrsville, Pa.
Santa Fe
on sale daily until
September SO. Good for return "
until October 31, 1913.
When you go Santa Fe through
California, you avoid the
excessive heat and have
stopover privilege for visit
to Grand Canyon, also you
may visit Oakland, San Francisco and
Los Angeles.
Let me arrange details of your
trip, and send you our picture folders.
H. E. Vernon, Gen. Agt., Santa Fe By
260 Alder St., Portland.
Phone MAIN 1274.
Fort Peck
Indian Reservation
Open to Settlers
The Fort Peck Indian Reservation located on main
line of the Great Northern Railway in Northeastern
Montana has been opened for settlement under
homestead laws. The opening of this large area of
agricultural land marks the last big land drawing
that will be held in the United States.
1,345,000 Acres
Open to Homestead Entry
This reservation comprises the best agricultural land in the country
and is adaptable to raising of wheat, oats, barley, hay, vegetables
and similar crops a great stock country with splendid ship
pine facilities. 'Here is your opportunity to secure a farm home from
Uncle Sam at $2.50 to $7.00 per acre. Any American citizen who
has not already used his homestead birthright or who docs not own
more than 160 acres of land may file.
Register at Havre, Glasgow or Great Falls, Montana
September 1st to 20th
The above points of regi ft ration are reached only by the Great Northern Railway and
are the principal points of registration for thi reservation opening. Fill out and mail the
attached coupon lor free literature and information today to
E- C LEEDY, General Immigration Aftent
' 6irfle nniiiunnaMnuMiHnfflnitnii
lNfiajiyA J E. C. Leedy, General Immigration Aseat
I5ear Sin Pleaae aeod me copy of roar Fort Peck
folder arid frill detailml information aa to bow,
5 when and viiere to tile foe this .
s tar ted aboard the British steamer
Rothley at tho Eastern & Western mill
yesterday. She reached thero during
the night from Caspar, Cal. where she
took on 989,000 feet of redwood worth
$22,459. She is under charter to Bal
four. Guthrie &- Co.
In order to provide greater depth
for the fireboat David Campbell at the
East Washington-street station, a
clamshell dredge was employed there
yesterday removing- sediment, which
was deposited in a barge to be towed
away and disposed of.
In tow of the tug: Wallula, of the
Port of Portland bar fleet the schoon
er Samar. In ballast from Auckland.
N". reached the Port of Portland
dry dock last night. She is to be lifted
for cleaning: and painting.
Movements off Vessels.
PORTLAKD. Ana. 2T. Arrived Steamer
Wlllapa, from San Francisco; steamer Shas
ta, xrom lmm Angeies: scnooner &amar, irom
Auckland. X. Z. tailed 6 ten me r Koanoke.
for San Diego and way ports; steamer Yo
semlte. for San Francisco; steamer Catania,
tor fcan rancisco.
Astorl.i. Aua. 2T. Ift no at S A. M..
steamer Willlapa. Ballrd at 3 A. II., steamer
Oliver J. Olson, for Kedondo, via Tacoma.
1.2ft up it a A. M., schooner bamar. sailed
at 6 A. M.. schooner Audy Mahony, for Sal
averry. Sailed at 9:30 A. M.. attamer Al
liance, for Coos Bay and Eureka. Sailed at
10 A. M.. Norwegian steamer Thor. for Ta.ku
Bar. Arrrfved at 4:30 and left ud at 5 P. M..
steamer Shasta, from San Pedro.
San Francisco, Aug. 27. Arrived at 10 A.
M., steamer Rose City: at 11 A. M.. steamer
Willamette, from Portland. Arrived Steam-
er Bear, from San Pedro. Failed last night,
steamer Northland, for Portland.
Aberdeeen. Aug. 27. Arrived Steamer
Shoshone, from Portland.
San Pfjro. Aug. ?7. Arrived at 11 A. M..
steamer Jim Butler, from Columbia River.
Astoria, Aug. 2& Sailed at 9 P. M..
steamer Shoshone, for Aberdeen. Arrived
down at 10 P. M., Norwegian steamer Thor.
Arrived at 11 P. M., steamer tVillapa, from
San Francisco.
Yokohama. Aug. 22. Arrived German
steamer Brlsgavla, from Hamburg, for Port
land. Itaymond, Wash., Aug. 27. (Special.)
Arrived Steamer Santa Barbara, at noon,
from San Francisco; steam schooner Qui
nault, from San Francisco. Sailed Passen
ger steam schooner Santa Monica, at 6 P.
1L, for Pedro.
; Seattle. Wash.. Aug. 27. Arrived Steam
ers Dolphin, from Skagway; Eureka, from
Nome; Frince Ruber t British), from Prince
Rupert; Carlos, from San Francisco. Sailed
Steamers Humboldt, lor Skagway; Buck
man, for San Francisco- Prince Rupert
(British), for Prince Rupert.
Vancou-er. B. C. Aug. 27. Sailed
Steamer Empress of India t British), for Yo
kohama. Eagle Harbor, Aug. 27. Sailed Steamer
Am line, for San Francisco.
Suez, Aug. 27. Arrived Steamer III on,
from Liverpool for Tacoma.
Hankow. Aug. 37. Arrived previously
Steamer Buffalo, from San Francisco.
Coqulmbo. Aug. 24. Sailed Steamer
Queen Maud, for San Francisco.
Punta Arenas. Aug. 23. Sailed Steamer
Sera pis. from San Francisco via Guatemala,
etc. for Hamburg.
San Francisco. Aug. 27. Arrived Steam
ers Oberon British), from Antofagasta;
Tri-Color Nor.), from Callao; Rose City,
from Portland; Willamette, from Astoria;
Captain A- F. Lucas, from Nome. Sailed
Steamers Spithead (British), for Bremer
ton; Wilhelmina. for Honolulu; Northland,
for Portland; Cordelia (British), for Taltal;
schooner W. G. Irwin, for Roche Harbor.
Colombia River Bar Report.
Condition at the mouth of the river at 5
P. M., smooth; wind, north, 14 miles;
weather, clear.
Tides t Astoria Thursday.
High. Low.
10 :M A. M....6.4 feet'4:22 A. M 0.0 feet
9:.'7 P. M....S.5 feet4:S P. M 4.0 feet
3 Days' Outing for $3
Tillamook County B
Toil ran .leave Portland on the morning or afternoon train, spend Sat
urday afternoon, all day Sunday and up. to late in the afternoon of
Labor day on the beach or fishing in the Salmonberry and Nehalem.
Leave V.lon Depot .........
Leave Fourth and Yamhill. ......... .........
Leave 1?.!ob Depot ...
Leave Fourth and Yamhill
.8:45 A.M.
.8)50 A. 31.
.li2P. M.
.1130 P.M.
Call at City Ticket Office. 80 Sixth St- corner of Oak) Fourth and
Yamhill, or Union Depot.
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland.
I Beverage, a TgA
II Pleases WW