THE 3IORNIM OMttAiOXlAJI. AUGUST 23, 1913. FOR RE XT. Apartment. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS The House of Tone, lars-est and finest apart ments on the Pacific Coast; in heart of apartment-bouse district; new ana moo era in- every particular; apartments fur nished and unfumihid: en elusive bache lor Quarters with clubrooms in south sleeping porches in every apart ment: hlh-elK arvic. refined clientele: no disappeparing furniture; terms reason able, inspection inviteo; reiwtutM re quired. Phone Marshall llol. KEW brick building with modern up-to-date J-room apartment, private bain. iu ranges, neat, not ana com lundr room, larre porches, at 146 Killings worth, corner Borthwlck, near Jefleraon High SchooL l you want a one place to live with the very best car service, see tnese xurnisnea or uniur nlshed apartments, from $18 up. Call Blanch ard Jt Clemson, 702-3 Selling bldg. CUMBERLAND, w. Park and Columbia st. very choice 2 and a -room completely fur nished apts. ; all mouern conveniences, beautiful location facing the park; 5 min utes walk from business center. We el waya maintain our reputation for f Irst claas, clean aots.. with best of service, at reasonable prices; references required. GLEN COURT. (Formerly tb W'heeldon). Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartments in 2. 3 and 4 -room suite; furnished complete; llrst-claai service. In down-town district but quiet. THE IRVING, 69 IRVING 6T. S, 4 and fl -room unfurnished apartments, all outside rooms, heat, hot and cold wa ter, gas range, private bath, laundry room, phone each apartment, ample closet room, lots of porch room, good service, reason able rates; W car. Reference required. Manager. 3iar. 2748. janitor Main LUCRET1A COURT. On Lucretia su. near "Washington and 23d sts.. strictly modern and finest un furnished apartments, 2 to 5 room, with maids rooms; all outside large room, rents reasonable. Manager. Marshall 1513, Janitor Marshall 1 5oO ; re f . req u 1 red. TH3 ALTAMONT. FIFTH AND COLLEGE Clean, cosy, three and four-room fur nished apartments, very cheap. Also bachelor's apartments. Heat. water, phone and janitor service included. THE EVERETT. 044 Everett. Bet. 2uth and Ella Sts. Furnished three-room apartments, lo cated in one of the choicest resident dis tricts; automatic eievaior and all modern conveniences; walking distance. FHE CHETOPA. 18th and Flanders, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments, modern, furnished or unfurnished ; hot water, steam heat, electric elevator and phono in each apart ment. SUMMER RATES, $22.50. One only; 3-room completely furnished, Including bed and table linen: all large, outside, airy rooms, See this sure. Tabor 2393. B u4 S-ROOH furnishtal apartment. outside rooms, yard, cleau, neat and airy, light, phone, water and heat furnished: $2r. 260 E. 23d sc., 1 block North Hawthorne. East 1678. ROSENFELD APTS. 14TH AND EAST STARK. New. modern (Just finished) 3 and 4 room apts., furnished and unfurnished. References. WEIST APARTMENTS. 69 N. 23d St. For rent, one C-room apartment, an modern conveniences. Call between 10 and 4 o'clock, apartment 4. PAGE APARTMENTS. Beautiful apartments, furnished and un furnished. Including fireplace, etc E. 8566. THE DAYTON Comfortably furnished moderns-room apt., only $25. 862 Flanders. ttata FLATS. $25 5 rooms, 364 East 1st at. North., near Broadway. 45 6 rooms and store space at 168 10th, near Morrison. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox bldg. Phone Main 8089. A zoos. 6-ROOM flat, 7S0 Glisan St., near 23d-st, car; new, modern, convenient; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan, Flledner Jt Boyce, 503 Ablngton bldg. "WEfT 6IDE, best view, 5-room. porches, lawn, flowers, shrubs; walking distance, near Portland Academy. 405 16th St.; also 4 rooms, bath, 580 Broadway. Phone Sell wood li70. 6-ROOM flat, hot water heat. Janitor serv ,. ice, porch, lawn, all outside rooms, rent " $35 per month. 126 E. Uh, or phone B 2106. IRVINGTON FLAT. 5 room and sleeping porch; oak floors, tile bath, fireplace; adults. 324 ut 14th North. "B" or "I" car. W EST SIDE. walking alestance, clean, modern 3 and 4-room flats, partly fur - nished. $10, $12. A 4105 or call at Mor ris restaurant, 91 Cth st. TWO ti-large-room upper flats, all outside rooms. I corner, rent reasonable to good tenants. East 2"4. 635 Est Madison st. (35 6-room upper flat, with attic, sleeping porch, yard; exclusive, nice. 226 18th sL, between Lovejoy and Marshall. 6-ROOM apts., steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range, very desirable neigh borhood. 687 E- Main. 5-KOOM modern flat. In Nob Hilt district. 7 Flanders at.; rent $22. Key at lower flat, forenoons. ,-,0 NEW. modern 5-room lower flat, furnace, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, etc.; corner East 19lh and Davis. $-5 Modern 5 rooms. East 9th and Hancock, Irvlngton; hardwood floors, tiled bath, gas range, heater. Key 472 Hancock. E. 5570. TWO 6-room modern flats, upper and lower; , choicest location. Inquire at 424 Wash ington St., or 175 ltith st. si MODERN 4-room lower flat, walking distance. $16. t;2S E. Main st. Inquire Horn Grocery Store, 17th and East Main. 1 MODERN 4 or 5-room flat; electricity, gas. tubs, fireplace. linoleum. 814 E. Morrison. Sunnyside. Tabor 1798. IDEAL location, nicely furnished, modem four-room flat, with sleeping-porch. 810 Borthwick. Phone Woodlawn 104O. UPPER and lower 4-room flats, rent $30. 36.1-370 loth at. 350 13th st. MODERN 6-room flat cheap; $15; walking .distance. J. D. Morris. M. 676. (ROOM, modern conveniences, very de sirable flat; garage if wanted. East 1137. ROOM upper flat,- fireplace, attlo. 690ft Northrupst.M ai n 3225. 6-ROOM lower flat, fireplace. 69$ GUsan, near 21st. Main 3225. FOUR and five rooms, close In. free phone, sleeping porch. East 2173. 6-ROOM flat, modern, centrally located. Main 8020 or Marshall S8u. UPPErTTiat for rent, 86HWest Park. In quire 88 W. Park. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt U Inquire 130 6th st. Phone M ain 6278. 4-ROOM modern fiat, near 23d and Wash ington. Main SS33. A 2676. 6-ROOM, modern conveniences, very de eirable flat; garage if wanted. East 1137. 6-ROOM flat, newly tinted. 9th and Schuy ler. Phone East 547, C 1068. EAST BURNSIDE, cor. 12th, modern single lower flat, 5 large rooms. East 2301. 7 ROOMS, modern flat, for rent; 10th, near Burnside. 427 Burnside. Main 32SS. bTKAM heated modern 5 rooms. West Side", close in. Read. Marsh. 556. SWELL 6-roora fiat, all modern oonveni ences, all outside rooms. East 1S53. MODERN 5-room upper flat, all conveni ences: adults. 61Q East Madison st. 4-ROOM modern flat. 8S3 Ross St., 2 blks. Broadway bridge. C 8100. MODERN 6-room fiat, 920. Inquire 529 Everett st. FLATS, close in. Inquire 1S9 16th st. Furnished Flats. FOR RENT Furnished lower flat, one of the nicest 4-room arts, in the city; large front porch; rent $25. Call 870 Belmont, cor. 2.tth, Sunnyside, or Mount Tabor car. FOR RENT 5-room completely furnished modern flat, rent $1S per month; key at 1471 Madrona St., Woodlawn. Phona East 4367. S20 Small, neatly furnished flat for 2; pri vate bath, sleeping porch; walking dis tance: desirable. East 6043. 669i Belmont. BEAUTIFUL furnished outside flats, $16 and $20 month. 9S5ft Albina ave.. cor. Blan dena. 4L car. NICELY furnished 8 -room flat, phone, water and private bath. 230 S N. 18th. MODERN 5-room furnished flat, clean, and lijrhu 171 E. 27th st. Reasonable. 3-ROOM furnished fist. Phone East 2100. 4u2 Ross st. Housekeeping Rooms, $1.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4: tree heat; laundry, bath. yard. gas. Phone E. 6039. 4o6 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. U car. THE UPSHUR, 406 26th st. Furnished 2 room inta. steam heat, light: $17 UD. Main 559. Take 8. 23d or W car north. FURNISHED h. k. room cheap. Cambridge THE G1LMAN. 1st St., cor. Alder Furnished housekeeping rooms, f 1.50 week up. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms: heat, light, bath. $15. 1162H Union. FURNISHED h. k. and sleeping rooms, $L23 to 11.60 week. 211 2d st. 4tl ET MORRISON, cor. East 8th. neatly (urnisaed housekeeping suites, reasonable. FOR KENT. Housekeeping Room. THE BEAVER. 12th and Marshall t- Furnished for housekeeping; ga ra3f electric light, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per month up; a clean place; best in the city for the money; snort d (fiance from Union Tepot. Take S or 16th-s cars north, get. off at Marshall. No dogs. 1 13 TWO large front housekeeping rooms, nicely furnished, private entrance and pri vate porch; also one large room witn kitchenette, including electricity and gas. $12; verv nle neighborhood, walking dis. tance to P. O. lot r.. leiniu Housekeeping Room in Private Family. FIRST-CLAPS houekeeplng-rooms. also sleeping porch, heat, lights, bath, phone, large lawn, desirable location. $2.-o to 4 week; rale by month. 2nd. W car from Union depot, walking distance to city proper. 375 Couch, corner ISth. 2-ROOM suites and single housekeeping rooms; newly furnished, modern dwell ing, best West Side apartment district, clean, Mght rooms; everything included; walking distance. Summer rates. 655 lan- oer. near mn NICELY furnished front room and partly furnished housekeeping rooms in German family, very reaaonable: ue of piano, bath and gas; walking distance. 556 E. Alder. Phone Main 2901. GROUND floor, front parlor, kltohen, bed room, complete housekeeping, piano, phone, bath Included; adult only; 412 month. 731 Rodney, corner Fremont. Wir Ilams-ave. car. TWO or 3 large, nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms, private bath and porch, two en trances, beautiful view. Call mornings or phone Sellwood 165. 572 E. 6th at. LARGE H. K. rooms, large lawn and fruit trees, bath. fas. lights, free phone: $10 and $12 suite. 254 Union ave. North. 2 oiocKB nowaday, h.. H6Zi. NICE front suite housekeeping-room; price $4.50 per week: no objection to children. 1U4 11th. near Washington. LARGE furnished front room and kitchen; 2 and kitchen, modern every way; rent reasonable. 306 4th. X47 HALL Very desirable furnished rooms for housekeeping ; moderate prices. Mar shall 49r. NICELY furnished two connecting house keeping rooms S16: also nice room $9; all conveniences. J70 12th. CLEAN front famished housekeeping rooms; gas and bath; 13 week. 44 East 7th st. DON'T search; exceptionally pleasant well furnished H. K. rooms; fine bath, always hot water, heat. 407 Jefferson. SHARE flat, close in. very cheap, for two women, employed; investigate at once., N 300. Oregonian. $10 Three unfurnished housekeeping-rooms; 115. three furnished housekeeping-rooma 127 East 16th. near Morrison. East 5356 FRONT room, with kitchenette, furnished with sewing machine, gas range, $3. 695 Overton. $11 THREE clean unfurnished housekeep ing rooms, gas. sink. bath, yard, separate entrance, close In. 610 1st st. CONNECTING rooms; gas. running water, phone, electric lights: also single room. 29 East 15th st. North. YOUNG men to board and room: private home. Portland Heights; nice rooms; fine view. Call Marshall f94. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, steam heat, elec tric lights, rent with rate for Winter. Call Main 1SS3. THREE housekeeping rooms, $45 E. Couch; yard, no objection to baby or small child. $10 AND $12. furnished h. k. rooms; bath, gas, electricity, phone. 651 East Morrison. 2 NEWLY furnished housekeeping rooms; bath, gas and nhone. 350 Montgomery. NEATLY furnished H. K. room. $2.50 and up. 427 Salmon ct FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ground floor. 127 X. 22d St. 105 20TH, cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. LARGE, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms $13. 275 N. 21st. 4CS YAMHILL Cosy two-room suite, com plete for housekeeping. TWO light housekeeping rooms, $14. Glisan st. 574 HOUSEKEEPING suite, modern, $3 to $5 a week: c.nse In. 57 Clay. Main 171. LIGHT, airy, clean housekeeping rooms, clean beds, clean people. 32 N. 11th. 2.5o ONE nice, clean, corner room, first floor, bath and phone. SSs 6th st. NICELY furnished cool and clean H. K rooms. $2.50 per wk. and up. 202 14th. Boot ATTRACTIVH six-room residence, Meunt Tabor for rent to desirable tenant at moderate rental; also neat three-room cot tage, large ground with beautiful view, rent $7 a month. Mount Tabor. Main 1903. A 1227. MODERN house. 6 rooms and bath, fire place, furnace, gas range, electricity, $25. E. 38th. near Alder. Sunnyside. near south entrance to Laurelhurst. Apply Hammond Mortgage Company, 423 Chamber of Com merce. MT. TABOR. Select homes for select people; two very attractive new modern homes, complete In every detail; select neighborhood: fine view. Kaste Bros.. 618 Henry Bldg. IRVINGTON. New, 5-room, lower, corner flat. In two flat building ; hard ood floor, fireplace, built-in conveniences; no small children or dogs, phone East 4206 or C 1378. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER & THERKELSEN, 306 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. FOR RENT Rose City Park, 5-room bunga low, sleeping-porch; furnished or unfur nished; all conveniences. Phone mornings C 2998. 2-STORY, six rooms, gas, electricity, wash tray. bah, cement basement, yard, newly tinted, paved street, block to car, $22; adults. 7i0 Williams ave. DESIRABLE houses and flat for rent, all parts city. NATIONAL REALTY & INV. CO, Main 5129. I HAVE 6-room modern house, furnished complete, for housekeeping; must seil by the 1st; snap; price $100. B 2779; rent $18. 7 ROOMS, 6S8 First, near Sherman, 7 rooms, 871 Kelly st., near Gaines; modern, in fine condition. Phone cell wood 1640. IRVINGTON Modern 7-room house, large sleeping porch, lawn, corner lot. 775 Schuyler St.. cor, tu. -ttn, $15 MODERN 7-room -cottage. Myrtle rtrx : Dig yarn, eiecincny, gas range, rx. McFarland. 3t-tf Yeon bldg. tt-KOOM house, with hardwood floors, tile bath, plate glass. iMh and Wasco sts. Phone East 4.l4 or call 625 Thompson St. $18 FOUR rooms, bath, nice yard, Haw thorne car. See today, bet. 12 and 8, 261 East 2Sth. cor. Madison. 5-ROOM modern bungalow, $15; 4-room cot tage $9. C. W. Well. Stewart fetation. Mu 8cott line. Tabor 860. WALNUT PARK Modern 8-room house, near Jefferson High SchooL 11 S3 Rodney ave.; rent $3flL NEW 8-room bungalow, $39, 33th and Clin ton: rt-room bungalow, $22. 803 East Franklin. NEW modern 6-room bouse, fireplace, fur nace, close in, very desirable. 7U6 East Main. $16 MONTH Goo4j. 7-room house, on Irv lngton marline. SS6 East 13th st. North. E J. Geiser, 42o Chamber of Commerce. 6-ROOM house, beautiful lawn, 623 Love joy between 19th and 20th. BJelland. gro cer, 16th and Marshall. Main 1867. $2t Modern 6-room house, ut completed. 1 4 blocks to car, close to school and church, walking distance. Call Tabor So81. MODERN 7-roora house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water colL Phone Main 4607; A 49. FOR RENT 6-room house in good con dition. 206 Whltaker st Key at 821 Front st. MODERN 7-ROOM house, Lovejoy, bet. 23d 41U. IU4I -uj M Walton. 515 Chamber Commerce. DOUBLE house. Montgomery street, near Fourth. 22 rooms, S05. H. A. Holmes, 60S Beck bldg. Main 6532. MODERN S-room house, with garage, 24th and Overton sts. Inquire of Xr. A. Tilzer. Phone Main 2474 or 774. MODERN 8-room house, 19th and Marshall. Inquire of Dr. A. TUxer. Phone Main 1474 or 774. MODERN' 6-room bungalow, 1210 E. Madison- price $20, 316 Board of Trade, Main 7461 FOR RENT 6-room coxtage, E. Ankeny, $13. Phone B 837L 6-ROOM house, 739 Union ave., near Fre tnonl ; 8j2.30. TWO 6-room house, $16 and $1$ per month Phone woodlawn 1799. SIX-ROOM modern house in 8unnyide, 1066 E. Yamhill. Phone Tabor 2407. NEW, modern 7-room house. 325 East 17th N . between Weldier and Halsey. Phone Main 2006. ft ROOMS, fireplace, good condition, low rent. 6.S E. Washington st. Main 8225. 576 MAIN 10-room corner houes. newly tinted, papered, cheap. Main 1940. CLEAN 6-roora cottage with bath. 611 2d.l bet. Sherman and C arm her. 6-KOOM house and barn. 32 Phone Main 1027. Front st. 775 GLISAN 12-room iiouse; good condi tion; $30. Inquire 171 N. 6th. FOB RENT. Hoi 12-ROOM home for residence only, large grounds, excellent location; West Side. 6-room modern house; Marshall near 34th. GEO. T. 6 CHALK. Main 892. A 2991U 228 Stark St. BEAUTIFUL, 6 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH; HARDWOOD FLOORS THROUGHOUT; SHADED. FURNACE WITH HOT WATER COIL. ROSES. LAWN; RESTRICTED DISTRICT; ONE .BLOCK TU CAR; LEASE $35. MARSHALL 4200. A 715S. MODERN 7-room house, with every con venience; splendid fireplace and Al fur nace ; good residence district ; 15 blocks from Postofflce. h block to carllne: good home for business man; adults preferred, rent $10. Phone Main 373W. 6-ROOM modernhouse, close in. 631 East Taylor. Phone B 23b3. MODERN 7-room house. 546 Marshall st. Furnished House. FREE HOUSE RENT. 6-room furnished house at let and HaBsalo; a good chance for right party. Call me up evenings after 7 o'clock for particulars. anor at iv. 6-ROOM furnished home in Irvlcston. hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement. xumace, duxiou iou inquire uccargar. Bates & Lively. 301 Yeon bldg. WEST SIDE, walking distance, modern 6- room newly furnished flat, sleeping porches, close to high school, all outside rooms. $35 404 Hail near 13th. COSY 6-room modern bungalow, sleeping porch, to responsible party of adults until March 1. W ooQiawn 2U4o. electricity; also 8-room apartments, near c. sr. snops. 011 ziau v tv car. 8-ROOM house for rent, cornnletely fur nished; large lot: fruit trees; desirable lo cation. 721 Hawthorne ave. HOUSE Rent with everything furnished to man and wife. Call 1003 Rodney ave., near Jefferson High. FURNISHED 8-room house. 618 Quiraby St.; $40. 200 Stock Exch. bldg., 3d and Yam hill. Main 6821. 6-ROOM. well furnished flat, modern, best location. 613 West aiaint. Phone Marshall 135L m. $3 Furnished comnlete. new. clean, mod ern 7-room house, furnace. 968 Hawthorne ave. COMPLETELY furnished house; piano, pool table and yard, suitable for young men or adults. Phone Marshall 9!8. $16 3-room cottage ; bath, laundry trays, large porch, lawn, shade trees, 1 block to car. Phone Sellwood 1978. NICELY furnished cottage; large lawn, . roses. Inquire 3tt0 Cook ave. E. 1:33. C-ROOM modem home, 1280 Commercial at., Piedmont. Marshall 1949 for particulars. MODERN 6-room furnished house; reason able. East 3311. 958 E. Davis, PARTLY furnished house; large yard. Phon Sellwood 22. FURNISHED house for rent reasonable. 721 E. Broadway. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage. Call 414 toiiege. MODERN 0-roorn house. West Park, with piano; a nuns. .Mars nan ion. $20 Neatly furnished 5-room cottage. 124 East 20th st. September 1. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage, with piano, close in. East 60O, c alio. 7-ROOM furnished house, paved street, nice lawn. $25. Phone Sellwood 1299. FL FINISHED house at Mount Tabor. Phone Tabor 777. Hummer Reeorta. COTTAGE at Saltair for rent during Septem ber ; 1 block from station, hot and cold water, beautiful surroundings. Phona B 1190. T CAMPING sites at Manhattan Beach, with piped spring water, 60 cents a week. See f . j. uattreu, ri's staric st., tor particulars. 4-ROOM cottage at Seaside, completely fur nlshed, balance of season $20. Phone East 4U3S. NYE BEACH Furnished cottages, $14 month, including water. Tower, 733 Ui- rard sr. 6 ROOMS, facing ocean: modern; $35 te JktnKAr 1 Vapthnll 7L1T.1 GKAl.H ART furnished cottage for Septem- ber. Phone Woodlawn 5S9. Stores. FELDE.VHEIMER'8 STORE FOR RENT. Will lease for terra of years our two fine store on Washington at., between 4lh. and 5th. Apply A. A C. FELDENHEIMER, 283-285 Washington St. FOR RENT or lease, a modern, up-tod ate corner grocery store, located In ideal business and residence section ; slse of store 40x60, with full concrete basement, plate glass windows, modern vegetable window display, all shelving and bal conies; this corner ha au established trade of three years; long lease and mod erate rent to right party. Inquire 10 A. M. to 6 P. M., S. W. cor. Water and Gibba Take "S" car. WASHINGTON-ST. store, near lth, splen didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent; SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted; N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop. etc. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 6u3 Ahin g t o n bid g. LARGE stores, Vancouver ave. and Killings worth; excellent location for hardware and furniture dealer and for druggist. 2it Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yam hill sts. Main 921. THE DALLES. OR. For rent Brick building. 82x100 feet, and full basement, best location in The Dalle for any business; long lease. 616 Liberty. STORE, good location. 60S 1st St.. suitable for grocery and market, or other pur poses; ha cold storage room and 3 rear rooms; rent reasonable. 324 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT A delicatessen shop where a good paying business can be done; 3 living-rooms In rear of store: rent with 2-year lease $20 per month. 19Q Gibb L STORE for rent in Broadway building, now occupied by Multnomah Drug Co Apply at R. M. Gray' store, Morrison and Broad way. FOR RENT Stores, Nos. Z48 and 2S0 Viw thorn ave., east end of bridge. ply Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 20t3. SMALL store for rent. 403 E. Morrison, near Grand ave.: good place for watch maker. Inquire Paul Zimmerman. 8-ROOM store; no second-hand business. 3o7 W 1st. Marshall 4440. BRICK store, cor. 11th and Hawthorne, for rent Sept. 1. Fairchlld, 231 Sherlock. HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES & BLDG3. W. H. WEBB. 405 Yeon bldg. Main 4913. STORES In new brick building to lease; rent low. 8J8 Mississippi ave. FOR RENT Bakery. Al oven, store and Uv- In groom. F 325, Oregonian. Officee. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES; RENT VERY REASONABLE; ALL NIGHT ELEVATOR SERVICE. PHOTO GRAPH STUDIO. ANGLE LIGHTS: VERY LOW RENT. 803 SWETLAND JBLDG., 5TH AND WASH. STS. FOR RENT To physicians, beautiful recep tion room, with separte office, may be had with dentist; modern building, splen did location, low rent. Marshall 262. DESK room; $10 per month. Both phones; vault, lavatory. 215 Oregonian bldg. LAW clerk wants deskroom with lawyer; business getter. O 311, Oresonian. hOLLTOP desk to rent, with phone, etc., $7. Phone Marshall 4112. DESK room, $6 per month. Call 9 to 10 A. M. 316 Fenton bldg. DESK room, with phone and girl to an swer calls. 1026 Chamber of Commerce. DESK room. 603 Board of Trade. A 5070, Main 6534. TO LEASE. TO LEAS Oxford Hotel, corner Sixth and Oak sts. Wilder Bros., Common wealia bldg. BUSINESS OrrORTTNTTTES. PARTNER in an to repair shop, flourishing business, mechanic preferred. H 814, Ore gonian. RESTAURANT for sale, doing good busi ness. $150 if taken at once; must sell 7ti5 Thurman st. GOuD opening for butcher. 41st and Hol gate: everything furnished. Sellwood 972 or o? bt'HRAOER'S Bakery for sale, cheap; must sell In few days. Miss Schrader, 502 3d at., Oregon City. MUST sell this week, paying grocery and confectionery, with living rooms; a good "buy, $4J5 cash. 778 MHwaukie st. RESTAURANT, fine location, good town, steady business. Box 233, Chehalis, Wash. PARTNER with $20n for half Interest in produce business. 206 Cerlinger bldg. PARTNER wanted in manufacturing busi ness; LlUe money required. Call A 1809, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. R. H. GOODKIND CO. (INC.) 401-2-3 WILCOX BLDG. COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON". LARGE COMMISSION HOUSE NEEDS MORE CAPITAL TO ENLARGE. Wholesale dealers and shipper of po tatoes, onions, onion sets, nay, grain, etc., doing a large business and Increas ing to such an extent that they find themselves needing more capital, will take in one or two partners with I50O0 eacn; at present nave iour warenousea. This is a 1 Irs t -class, legitimate business, and will bear thorough investigation; busi ness is located close to Portland. Full information by calling at our office. HIGH-CLASS RESTAURANT. ESTABLISHED OVER 20 YEARS. ' If you are interested in this line of business, we can show you one of the finest opportunities in Portland ; located in the heart of retail business district; never offered for sale before : net profit over f.iooo year; rent is reasonable, long lease, finest of equipment, large dining room, up to date In every way, and tne main thing la. it can be bought ror s-tooo. Remember, this la no rundown, old, worn out place, but is doing a big business every day. Coma to our office and let us expiatn. R. H. GOODKIND. INC. WANT to meet an experienced, competent ana iinisned per, one wo can furnish aood references and who would consider a good. 4-year position in Alaska at $tfO per month; must be competent; no other need apply, and one who has $500 to loan for 90 days to a competent party; can explain everything satisiaetor ily; your name, time and p.ace of zneet lug. Ajv. 83, oregonian. BUSINESS opportunities come to the stu dents of the Y. M. C. A. commercial col lege, which is run not to make money, but for the good of men; ha a $300,000 equipment. Ten different business course are offered; new term open Sept. 2; men leacners, term moueraie., v rue or for catalogue. . Y. M. C A- Cor. 6th and Taylor ts. PARTY of many years' executive experience In office work and management of em ployes desires, an Investment of from $5tM)0 to $10,000 with services. No trades or takea Proposition? must be good and first-class references will be given and required. Call Main 1242. 4ul McKay bldg.. except Sunday. GROCERY Centrally located. West Side, at invoice, about $2300; large corner store room, rent only $40, living-rooms In rear If desired; all cash trade over counter: $50 a day average; can be greatly in creased by delivery. O. C R. Ellis Js Co, 8t9 Board of Trade. I WANT A LIVE WIRE. Fortunes are not made by work All the rich men have made good be cause they had some kind of a cinch. Yon can get In right on the right thing. See Doctor Mentor Howard at the St. Charles Hotel, 204 Morrison St., Portland. MEAT MARKET. SALE OR LEAKE. Shop, slaughter-house, new residence; a good paying market; in country town 20 miles from Portland; will sell shop, team and fixtures and give lease, or sell proper ty, easy terms: do your own slaughtering here. Jacob Haas, 3Q8 Gerllnger Bldg. AUTOMOBILE school, with high-grade ex pert teachers. Complete $10,000 equipment to train for thla comlni vocation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. See or write aupt, or All-the-i ear Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner 6th and Taylor sts. BAKERY, confectionery, ice cream and lunch room; best town in valley; good lot a lion: brick building, extra good fix tures, all necessary tools and machinery; wholesale and retail business; auto de livery. AV 2S4, Oregonian. IF you are looking for a laundry location this Is your chance; thoroughly equipped laundry, doing $:o0 weekly ; owning real estate, team, etc., in flourishing town with five railroads. Address AV 34L, Ore gonian. GOOD confectionery and dellcsteaseu store on East Side transfer point ; close to business center; $1250; will bear inspec tion. Ask for Wing. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., 3u6 Spalding bldg- M. 7592. SHORTHAND is the stepping stone to busi ness opportunity. Expert men teachers at Y. M. C. A. commercial college; terms moderate, new term opens Sept. 2. Write or call for catalogue Y. M. C A., Cor. 6th and Taylor sta CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Interest in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary. 818 Chamber of Commerce WASHINGTON-STREET BARGAIN. Thia leading news company will Invoice $2400; $-00 rent; big earnings; must be sold at once; $120O will take it; thla is positively the biggest snap in the city. C303 618 Yeon bldg. FOR 6 AXE Corner grocery, with 4 living rooms, good, clean stock and fixtures; must be sold this week for cash; big bar gain If taken at once. Phone Tabor 981 or B 167tf. HAVE A WALL STREET ADDRESS. Your letters and telegrams forwarded, any other service desired; reasonable charge; responsible firm. Addrasa Bankers, room 402. 62 Wall au . FOR SALE A No. 1 harness and shoe repair shop; more work than one man can do; reason fur selling, old age and bronchial trouble; compelled to change climate White P. J. Davis, sutneriin, jr. MOOSE picnic concessions for sale; Esta cada, Sunday. Sept. 7. Expected attend ance 6O0O: tickets 75o round trip. For concessions apply Chas. W. Ackerson, Holts store. FLOUR MILL MEN, INVESTIGATE. Good money-making water power mill in county seat, a bargain for $10,000. F Fuchs, 40 Chamber of Commerce. BEST location in city for butcher, counter and Ice chest in; cash trade; no deliver)'; reasonable rent. D. Kellaher A Co., 183 hi Grand ave. East 418. &PLNDID location for millinery and hair goods store, cor. Grand ave. and East V irrison. D. Kellaher, .133 ft Grand ave. East 41b. $1500 WILL BUY INTEREST IN ONE OF TUB BEST RESTAURANTS IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. 713 LEWIS BLDG. SIO.OOO RESTAURANT, BEST IX CITY. TO TRADE FOR CITY OR FARM; WILL ASSUME; FREE AND CLEAR. 714 LEWIS BLDG. FOR sal or trade, good restaurant In pros perous town, aiso ,one discs rercneron stallion, by owner. Address AV 124, Ore gon ian. A FIRST-CLASS grocery and dellcateen store (corner), good location, atrictly cash business; long lease and cheap rent; good reason for sellin- AO 812, Oregonian. CASH GROCERY, confectionery, soft drinks. 2 furnished living-rooms go, gooa casn trade; price $750, $450 casn will handle. 803 Lumber Exchange. HALF Interest in garage, a big money maker; good zor to eacn pwmei monthly; only man with some money con sidered. Call 2484 Stark st. PARTNER wanted to take half Interest In business that will bear all Investigation; guaranteed to make you $150 a month; price $700. 301 Henry bldg. $200 AND services will buy half Interest in nice umo cmu uu- ni j u can make better than wages. Call 248 fitark su WANT to dispose of my interest In going manufacturing company; gooa caanee ror a mechanic; $1060 required. AB $04, Oregonian PARTNER Honest, reliable man. take half interest in bonaiide business, receive phone orders, handle cash; $350 with service. Inquire 88 Grant st. IF you are looking for a chance to buy a gooa grocery, iiroie, cvuiccuunvi j r pool hall come In and see us. 319 Lum ber Exchange bldg. BARGAIN Grocery, fine location, strictly cash business, clearing ;o mommy. Exceptional opportunity. 319 Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTED Grocer to open business in new store: good location and modern building; will help to finance if conditions warrant " It. Call 317 Railway Ex. Bldg. PARTNER wanted for solid employment; a grocery; will pay $luO monthly; owner will teach you the business; don't take much money. van zw. ptara m. FOR SALE $450. grocery and confectionery 4.1-1 hmlnik ltvlnr ronmi In con nection; av ageu. s -.cemi. $3M PUTS you In as partner in a cash business where you can make $150 month clear. 303 Lumber Exchange. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY. Partner wanted; must have A-l refer ences. $350. 311 Lumber Exchange. FOR EXCHANGE City lots. Ford automo bile or sawmill xor me block. Kenyon, owner, 4Q McKay bldg. Main 964. FOR SALE Two-chair barber shop, cheap rent, good location, main street and car track, Lents. Or. GROCERY; will sll; invoice about $4000; sale $2500 per month; retiring; 25 year business: no agent. E 823. Oregonian. WILL sell at a sacrifice, complete equip ment of 8 table Poolroom. Write or phone. C V. Dudrey, 306 Hannah Hotel. RESTAURANT, close to Portland, beat town in the valley; must leave the first; cheap rent; price si-o. xesna-n, jr. FOR SALE Meat market fixtures, cheap; owner leaving city, building for rent. In quire 118 KUpatrlck at. Kenton station. TO TRADE for merchandise, one of best 100-acre wheat farms In Franklin County, Wash. J 83S, Oregonian. RESTAURANT, fin location, steady busi ness. 213 4th st- A SMALL restaurant, doing good business; see owner. E 330. Oregonian. GROCERY Best offer takes this store, with good business. AL 810. Oregonian. BCSIXE53 OPPORTl'MTUESw $450 CASH. SOME TRADE. CASH STORE, located in splendid West Sid neighborhood, with 10 furnished room; enough rented to pay total rent; excellent chance for man and wife; take $45 cash, clear lot or real estate mort gage for balance. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO., S09 Board of Trade. - HFRF. la aolendid ODDortuDitV for an UD to-date grocer to step into an established business of 3 years; store is strictly modern and will pay good liberal profit, can be secured for term of years at rea sonable rental. Cor. Water and Gibba sts. bet. 10 A. M. and 5 P. M. INTEREST In a cood naylnx business with position carrying a good salary; call to investigate; no phone lcrormation. u. i. R. Ellis & Co.. 3o Board of Trade. BARBER shop. 875. 5411 E. 72d St. S. E. Mt Scott canine. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED Responsible party to lease apart ment of 40 suites 'for a term of years. plans being completed. Will alter to suit This is to be the finest apaAmsnt in Port, land. C 832. Oregonian. HOTEL WANTED. To lease, best hotel in thriving town of about five thousand Inhabitants; must be good paying business. Box 164, San Benito, WANTED Responsible party to lease for a voars a AvxlOO hotel, oians belns com Dieted: this 1 centrally located: n re proof building, six tor tea AJ 316. Oregonian. WE want to leas an apartment for five yaar on 60x14)0 or lOOxlOU. Can give A-l security. If you have lot and will build, see me at once. C S31. Oregonian. WOULD like to purchase Interest in es tablished lob orfntlna nlant in city; me chanic, wide acquaintance. AT 322, Ore gonian. ROOMING-HOUSES. APARTMENT-HOUSE SPECIAL. One of the finest up-to-date apartment houses in the city; bo rooms, nsw and elegantly furnished, finest of carpets throughout; the house haa all heavy brass beds, finest of mattresses, mahog any and solid oak dressers, chairs and rockers; we and tha owner will guaran tee this Place has not had on vacancy all Summer. There Is a reason; it Is located In the Nob Hill district, 1 block off t he car line, has nice, large rooms, norches for ail auartment. allow no dogs nor children, now has a waiting liau we can sell you this elegant place for $HOoO; H cash; no trade considered. This is only a sample of a few good buys we have. Be sure and see our large list of hotels and apartment-houses. R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. BARGAIN HUNTER. SEE THIS. Owner leaving for the East, must sell at once her rooming-house, containing 88 completely furnished rooms, very best of furniture, strict iy modern, private and public baths, finest close-in West Side location; rent only $-00 ; this house is clear ot mcumorance; win traue tor mar ket value, clear property or sell on easy terms; this is one ox tne paying nouses. A snap for someone. 4u ROOMS. $500 CASH. balance of $700 payable $5o month, for this modern corner brick rooming-house; finest West Side location; rent only $175 a montn. K. H. GOODKIND CO., INC.. 401-2-3 WILCOX BLDG. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. 69-ROOM HOTEL. Very best business district. West Side location; a money-maker every day in the year; thia Class A uv-room hotel win ap Deal to any uo-to-dat hotel man; splen didly furnished; has a nrst-clasa grill in connection mat may on pure n a sea 11 ae stred; $45tK in cash will handle It. (B250) 018 Yeon bldg. . ONE BIO BARGAIN. Eleven rooms of aood furniture. In sured for $mju; always full of first-class roomers; line west Mae location; rent S4u: brlnsr us $100 and you can have a clear blil of sale, but you will have to burrry. 18 eon 01 ug. 30 ROOMS, all on one floor, very desir able location xor transient ana ie uj roomer, thi house is clearing $100 mo,; owner will sacrifice, consider some trade; don't overlook this snap if you have aome cash. H. B. JAMES CO., 88 10th, near Stark. 21 ROOMS, housekeeping, clears $100 per month, besides beautiful home; elegantly furnished, modern dwelling, lawn and porches, cheap; easy terms. Owner, 55 Flanders. 14 CHEERFUL, outside, nice furnished rooms; electric lights, furnace heat; dandy home; special price If sold thi week. See owner at 530 Davis st. HOTEL, 28 rooms, well furnished, rent $30 montn, taxing m over w 'wu"'; steady trade; very low price today. Call 24SH Stark st. 40 ROOMS, corner brick, best location, steam heat, cheap rent; price $10uO. 3ul Henry biag. HAVE $100 and services to put into money making Pendleton round-up concession. AT 319. Oregonian. TEN rooms, best location on West Side, furniture good, all full; price $4u0. 3ul rienry biag HOUSE, 28 rooms. Just remodeled, close in, rent $30. Particulars Sellwood 1351. 0 ROOMS, best location, good furniture, fVia r rent IHnn X'll lfnrv hlnc 10-ROOM furnished house for sale or rent. Call at 82 3d st. No. EIGHT rooms, good furniture, good location, $250. 301 Henry bldg. LOST AND FOUND. THE following is a list of articles found on the car of the Portland Railway, Light Power Company and turned in at the dif ferent division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as indicated; Sellwood barn, phone A 6131 1 pkg. tools. 2 lunch buckeia, 1 baby shoe. 1 lady's coat, 1 pkg. clothing, 1 pkg. roedl - cine, 1 box peaches, 1 suit case, 1 iron. Piedmont barns, phon A 6131 1 grip, 1 pr. gloves, 2 pkg. Savter Street barn, for 8-23-11 2 am- brellas, 1 dress, 1 hat. Anaeny Darn - paga, grip, oaset, purse, bundle laundry, coat, handbag, pin. LOST A neckchaln, fine gold, with pen dant of emeralds and tiny pearls, at pen insula park or on car between Rose City Park and Peninsula park, Wednesday aft. ernoon, August 27; reward. Call C 157. 1 10 Siskiyou. LOST Wednesday afternoon between 4 and 5, sunburst brooch, amethyst setting, with ring fur chain. Liberal reward. Phone Marshall 4722. Call Luvern Apartments. 3d and HalL Mrs. L. J. Struetu LOST Tuesday, lion's bead fob, diamond . eyes and mouth, monogram on back. "H. H., from Mother. UK' 7." Return to Becker Auto Co., 14th and Burnside sta Reward. LOST Solid silver mesh purse, initial M." at Meier A Frank's, Saturday evening; chum's name Inside. "Frances." East e3o4. Reward and proof will be given by owner. LOST, since August 20, light gray Jersey cow, with point ot on horn o3; finder plea notify John Roth, MHwaukie, Or. R. 1. Reward $20, LOST Lodge pin of 3 link and Rebekah emblem; has Illy and bird suspended from It. at the Oaks, Sunday. Reward. Mar shall 1041. FOUND Brindle cow, owner can have sam by proving property and paying for adver tising. Phone Sellwood lr93. LOST or stolen Cralt 6-passenger auto; liberal reward; license No. 2U41. 577 East 11th St. North. Phon East 6437. LOST Kryptok eyeglasses, gold chain at tached. Call Main 44 ; reward. 8 FECIAL NOTICES. Miscellanea ua. NOTICE OF APPLICATION OF UNITED RAILWAYS COMPAN Y r OK A t ItAH- ch1se to construct and operate a standard-gauge commercial Railway within the city of portland and requesting per sons having objections to file THE SAME: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the United Railways Company, on August 18, 1913. filed with the Auditor of the City of Portland. Oregon, an application to the Council of the City of Portland for the granting of a 25-year franchise to maintain a certain line of single-track, standard-gauge commercial railway here tofore constructed and now existing on Macadam street, within the limits herein after described, and to construct and operate a line of single-track, standard gauge commercial railway (but not for use as a street railway). In. over, along and upon the following-named streets in the City of Portland, to wit: On Macadam street from where the rorth line ot section 15, township l south, rang 1 east of the Willamette meridian crosses the said street; thence southerly on the said Macadam street to where the center line of section 22. township 1 south, range 1 east, crosses said street. Said proposed franchise has been pub lished in full in the Portland Daily Ab stract jx the Issue of August 26, 1913, and the same I on file In the office of the undersigned and may be examined by persons interested. REQUEST IS HEREBY MADE that any person having objections to such proposed franchise, or any provisions thereof, file the same In writing with the Auditor within 20 days from the first publication of this notice, and If request is made therefor the Council will fix a time for hearing such objections and will give reasonable notice of the time so fixed, which notice shall be not less than five days. This notice is given pursuant to the charter and ordinances of said city. Dated at Portland, Oregon, and first published the 27th day of August. 1913. A. L. BARBt'R. Auditor of the City of Portland. ' SPECIAL NOTICE-, Miacelianeooa. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY. OREGON. Notice ia hereby given that on Monday, September 8, 1U13. the Board of Equal isation of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Assessor of said county and publicly xamiu the assess ment roli for the year 1U13, and correct all errors in valuation, description or qual ities of lands, lot or other property. It 1 the duty of all persona interested to ap pear at the time and place appointed. If It snail appear to said Board of Equalisa tion that there are any lands, lots of other property assessed twice, or in the name of a person or persons not tha owner of same, or assessed under or beyond their vaiu. or any lands, lot or other property not assessed, said Board of Equalisation ahal make Ui proper correction. HENRY E. REED, County j Portland. Or.. August 15, 191$. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Bauer Stop per, of the Portland Shoe Repairing Co, have dissolved partnership and all ac counts will be settled by Henry Pauer. R. STOPPER- N. D. ROOT and J. W. Hogan, operating a Keystone View Co., Portland, have eis solved partnership. N. D. Hoot assuming all obligations. BARGES for rent. Main 1410. Proposals In rlt en. IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United Siatei for the District of Oregon. In the matter of Co-Operative Supply House, Inc.. bankrupt. Request for bids. A trustee of the above-named bank rupt I will receive sealed bias for the reuowing property 01 tne saia Danarup. situated in the storehouse corner East First and East Madison sts.. Portland. Or.: 1. property purchased from the Mar halltown Buggy Co.. consisting of 27 buggies, hacks and vehicle of the in ventoried value of $2044.iK 2. A lot of Crown mowers, rakea, im plement and extras pertaining to same being purchased from the Thorns Mig. Co.), of the inventoried value of $2171.2'. up to and until 12 o'clock noon on Thurs day. August 28, 1913. bids to be made upon each parrel separately. certified check for 10 per cent of the amount bid to accompany same. ale subject to the anoroval of the court, Inventory can be seen at my office and tne property inspected upon appointment. R. L. SAB1N. T First St., Room 8, Portland, Or. THE CITY OF PRINEVILLE will receive bids for 1667 lineal feet of curb; 16.5"0 square feet of five-inch concrete walk. 453 square feet of five-inch roadway and 14 66-foot local basalt crosswalks, to b built and completed on or before Novem ber 1, 1913. AU bids to be accompanied with certified check for one-tenth of total bid and delivered to A. K. uowmtu, Recorder, on or before September 2. Iil3- Bids ta be opened at Council meeting September 2. 1913. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, profile and specifications on file at office of Th oregoman or t-ity j.ngmeer ot x-rine-villa. ' PROPOSALS FOR EQUIPAGE Depot Quartermaster Office, 10S6 North Point St., md rraneisco, aj.. august -4. ivjo. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived her until 10 o'clock A. M.. Sep tember 15, 1913. for furnishing at this depot or I. o. o. cars, r-oriiano, ur., mat tress covers, pirkax helves, bugle slings, tent flies and barrack chairs. Information on application. Jno. T. Knight. Depot quartermaster. WANTED To let contract for getting out 30.00O feet piling, 30,OoO hewed caps and stringers: same must be hpulei on suit able wagon from one to litur miles; only parties with light outfit accustomed to getting out small logs or piling need ap ply. Columbia Nehaiem River R. R., Spalding bldg. OFFICE OF QUARTERMASTER, Colum bia bulldlnsT. Portland. Oregon. Ausrust 25. 1913. Sealed proposals will be received here until September 15, 1-)13. at 11 A. M., for 8000 tons hay and 7w0 tons oats for shipment to Manila rrom Portland, Seattle or Tacoma. Information upon ap plication. A. W. YATES. Q. M. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. 7l!3 Central bldg.. Los Angeles. Cal.. July 29. 1913. Sealed 'proposal for dredging at San Diego Har bor. Cal.. will be received her until 11 A. V.. August 2M. 1913, and then publicly opened. Information on application. C H. McKinstr.. engineers. Master's Notice. GERMAN bark Thiclbek." Bergmann mas ter, from Santa Rosalia; neither the mas ter nor the undersigned consignees of the above named vessel will be responsible for any debts that ma v be contracted by the crew. KERR, KIFFORD A CO. FINANC WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTES. WESTERN BOND MORTGAGE CO., 416 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. WE furnish the money at a low rat of interest and save you more man the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co.. Ins., 324 Abington. WILL loan you money to build or lift your mortgage, per cent, long time it ce sirsd ; have some fine West Side lots or you may select; will build for you. 1003-4 Broadway Diog. CASH paid for good first or second mort gages on real estate or sellers' Interest in contracts of sale. H. E. Noble, 314 Lum- bermans bldg. $2500 OR LESS to loan at 7 per cent on close-in farm and city property; give full particulars. (J s. oregonian. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought, J. Miller, 410 AO lngton bldg. ' MORTGAGE LOANS, notea con tract a mort gages i 1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. Lewis Co.. t Lewis bldg. $5Oo0 TO LOAN on Improved real estate; Irvlngton district preferred. AK 815, Oregonian. $1600. $2500. $o5UO. $5000 on Improved property. Main 3726. 904 Yeon bldg. $4500 TO LOAN en Improved city property. A 822. Oregonian. LOANS procured on real and collateral m curity. Nelon Bros.. 804 Lewis bldg. Money to Loan Real Estate. ON GOOD real estate security, at reason able rstes. GEORGE P. DEKUM, Henry bldg. ON Improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privilege; money advanced as building progresses. Th Equitable Sav ings A Loan Association. 24Q Stark st. LOANS from $1!W0 rflo $10,wO on good Portland security. HACKER THERKELSEN. 306 Srldlng Bldg. Main 75H2. MONEY ON HAND to loan on improved realty: no delays after approval of security and title. UNION SAFE Uti'UM 1 1 un mx. WE have money to loan en your real es tate Tirst mortgage oniy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MoNEY to loan on farms only. Mortgag Co. for America, Ainsworth bldg., Port land. MONEY to loaa on improved city property at current ratea I-aw vers Abstract A Trust Co., room . Board of Trade bldg. $112,000 TO LOAN CITY OR J J. O. ROUNTREK. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 30r My own funds; prefer Improved prop erty, but with good margin may loan 00 vacant lot or acreage. AP 313, Oregonian. MORTGAGE LOANS, Real Estate security, current rates, 201 5 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunc. 448 Sherlock bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 2u2 McKay bidg.. Third snd Stark sta $5t0 TO $500 to loan on city and farm property. T. W. Nordby, 702-3-4 Couch bidg. TO LOAN 130.000 OR LESS. FARRINGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. $200 000 TO loan in sums to suit; building loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 315-316 Failing bidg. Money loaned, real estate, contracts mtga bought. H. Mt:ey. 2Q4 Gerlinger bldg. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real es. tati. 313 Chamber of Commerce, MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMAN. 229 STARK ST. MONEY, any amount. 8 to 8 per cent. W. H. Selts Co., 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry C. Prudhomme, gu6 Wilcox bldg. SHORT term loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bidg. STATE FUNDS, t per cent. W. E. Thomas, agent Multnomah County. 40Q Ch. of Com. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAX W ELL. 010 cnamoer ot commerce. $10t0 TO $500O to loan on real estate. Ta bor 771 or B 169, Oregonian. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. H AKLii-u, in. or om. $1500, 8 per cent, on good city property. C a 8':i PhimhAr of Commerce. $500 TO $2500 to loan on improved realty. 401 Stock Exchange bldg MONEY to loan, city or farm lands J. J. Cahalln. 435 Chamber of Commerce MONEY to loan. 6 to 8 per cent. F. Fuchs, 4 jo Chamber or commerce. TO LOAN $700 on city property. E. J. Uiser, v vi- -- FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL- ESTATE TOR fUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO, 916 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL 300 CHAMBER OF COMMEF.CB. Real Estate Mortgage Loans. Any Amount Desired. HARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK Mortgage Locn Dept. MORTGAGE LOANS. City and Furro, Currant Rates. MALL & VOX BOKSTEL, U4 Stcord Su. near Stark. Money to Loaa Chattel end Salaries. $$$$$$$$$ $10 OR MORS LOANED TO AN ONE. W'e have striven to make thla office the best place of its kind in the city. We are now prepared to say that if w can't convince you that our rates are reasonable, considering expenses, risk, etc.. our terms easy, OUR TREATMENT OF YOU FAIR, SwcAKiC and aoove board, w w on' a ex pert you to make a lon. O PORTLAND LOAN CO., . 413 Macleuy B.dg. Open every day and Saturday evenings until 6 P. M. $$$$$$$$$ $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B K O K E R S SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND HEfT PLACB TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. HOURS. S A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAYS UNTIL P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. $18 HOb FAILING BLDG. $ f $ WHY PAY EXORBITANT RATES OF IN TEREST? We will loan you money as low as 1 per cent on your diamonds and Jewelry. We are the tr.oet liberal licensed money lenders in the city. Our establishment is located at 334 Washington su. near Broadway. Get our prices on forfeited dia monus. Diamond Palace. 34 Washington street. E L B Y COMPANY. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONEY ON Diamonds. Wat me. Jewelry. Pis no. Etc, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. " SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES 320 LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDG. 2d and .stark sts. Open 8 A. M. to 6 P. M. SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. MoNEY for salaried people and others upon their otm names, cheap ratea easy payments. See me before dealing else- ure; confidential. D. D. Drake, 3J8 Henry bldg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rate cnarged by broker. Marx Bloch, 74 3d st. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, jewelry, pianos and warehouse receiwa Brown A Co.. room 10. Washington bldg. PRIVATE party has money to loan, sma U amounts; confidential. E S-W, Orego nian. IMMEDIATE and confidential loaits on fur niture, pianos, auios; mortgages bough u Bauvr. 2V0 Alder St. MONEV loaned on diamonds and jeweiry; strictly confidential, 141 J- 3d. near Aider. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jew-el-y. Wm. HoiL room 9, Washington bldg. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried people. F. A. Newton, Henry blag. JLmbs Wanted. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE, Amounts $200 to $300, mostly 8 per cent; also several applications for good loaue. Henry C. Prudhomme. financial ageni. Wilcox bldg.. WANTED. . $1500 7 PER CENT, 3 years, on Hawthorn ave. property, from private parties. J. L. jvarnopp. l. ;un. $20.000 3 YRS., 7 per cent, on good West Side security; from private party. J. . Karnopp, ML 2574. WANTED A $150O or $Hj0 loan on 100 acre at Mosier; one-third cleared, value $HKH. Y 32t. Oregon tan. WANTED $5000 on city property worth lo.0oo. Main 1166 or S ISO, Qregonlaa. LET me place your money on gilt-edge mortgages. R. E. Hlne, 408 Yeon bldg. PERSONAL. HA IR-HAiK-HAIR-HAIR. $12. 31-iucb swiicnes .............. .$4.45 86. 28-inch awitcne ............... L95 Haiidressing ...................... L ace massage ...................... .25 Shampoo Manicure, 25c 5 for ................ l.uO 12 scalp treatments 6.00 Superfluous hair removed by eiectrie needie; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair In any soaoe; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors, 4uu 41 Dekum ti7., 3d and Wasmugton. GRMAN TRAINED NtRSlb AND MASaEL'S. Long experience, best references, treat ment for rheumatism and lumbago, etc; massage and battia 22ti 13tU su. oetween Main and toaimo Marshall Open Sundays. bClENTI F1C electric treatmen ta for ail nervous and chronic disease. Paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc; also goitre, warts, moles removed. 6U2 Buchanan bidg-, 2frtfVs Washington su SWEDISH TRAINED KURoE Helsingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom acu ailment under physicians direc tions; bain, massage. No. 7 East 11th ft, second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 200, B lftuS. FEB VET A HANEBLT, leadlnr wig and toupe-makera; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; halrdresaiug, mamc nns, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to orcer. 11 1 uo, sear orr;on. am WANTED A wife who saves ten dollars buying coats and suits at 203 wetland bldg.. 5th and Washington. National Cloak A suit Co. . QUIET, refined young woman wishes to know of some congenial person or family with whom to go to hup yards. V 313, Ore gonian. MET CRN ED Sophia B. Seip, mental and apiruuat tiut., huhwuh uu uiomb nights. Wed. and Sun., 8 P. M. abaip; oaiiy, niw v u'"- jbib w.-u MISS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse. New lorn School of C and D., treats rheumatism and nervous casea. 2VO lth su 13lh or Jefferson cars, phon Main 76tiL DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, button sewed on, rips repaired, $l-5u month; prompt rails and deiiverlea Unlqu Tailoring Co., 8o9 6tark. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR; asthma, rheu matism, atomach trouble, etc, cured by my methods; satisfaction guaranteed. Lo re C. Little, health experu labor 178. ANYONE having once owned a Royal pia no can get reward If correct number was owned. Address Hugh t? my the, 4oGl 21st ve. West, fceattie, nun. MISS STOCKS, mental scientist treatments. Union ave. Nortu. corner Multnomaa. East 3S FREE Manicure, massage, shampoo at VEL- VET1N A tr.op. sis owe nana Diag. ASK your druggist for VELVET IX A coupons. LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. 25c per box, 6 for $L25. tlpe-Teylor Drug Co.. 2fttf Morrison. Divorces; lawyer, 25 years' experience; relia ble advice free. 404 Rotbchl.d bidg. 2674 Wsshington. Rev kn. Coon, spiritual teacher and healer. Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. 104 W. Park, bet. Wash, and Stark. Marshall 594 5. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price Read ings, healings daiiy. Circles Tues. 2, Wed, and Sun. 8. 3v- Jefferson. Main MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches. V5c; curls and puffs, 75c. San itary Beauty Parlors, 4u0 Dekum bldg. MRS. S. C- MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, eta. Madison. A 4470, Marshall aWS. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ment, medical gymnastic. 387 Yamhill t . up one flight, room 7. MRS STEVENS. 18 years Portland's lead ing palmist, and clairvoyant, haa her book on paimiatry for sale. hb1 Williams ave. DR. ALBERTA gACRY Expert chiropodist. 4l(j Northwest bldg.. 6th and Washington. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill, 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3474. MISS FRANCIS. Christian Yoga healer, 84 N. 16th st. Marshall 4239. A 7614. MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladle and gentlemen; open Sundays. 189 Park su ELECTRO Swedish message scalp treat ment. 303 Alisky bldg. - MISS DALE, manicuring, scalp and face massage. 125 6th. room 2. BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonio Tablets. 5u4 Davis su Phone Main 2303. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 15. No profession offers equal opportuni ty. Catalogue free. C. Keace. Prea. 1&1S Market St., San Francisco. MEDICAI UE Bassett's Native Herb, for rheumatism; 5uc tablets for 25c. All drug gist a