14 TlfE " BIOKIVIiNii OKlSUOIAr, TlIUKSliAr, AIUIST X99 llllb. FOB RALE. Dogs, Biro, fet Stock. BOYD'S BIRD STORE. 228 ALDER ST. 100 golden and orange canaries, finches, love birds, parrots, seed, cages, supplies. ONLY 33, thoroughbred Pomeranian male spits puppies. 4307 7 Otto. st. ML Scott caxiine. . THREE pedigreed English setter puppies. 5 months old, tor sale, rnone -nam iut 4 THOROUGHBRED blue greyhounds. CaJ FOXHOUND pup wanted. 6223 East 70th, st. Ed BrunxelL WE have 20 head fresh milch cows, some fat stock, and 4 head o good Holsteln Springers to freshen last of Sept. Call Farmers' Fwd Yard. Phone 270. or Hid den Bros.' ranch, 2 miles east 4th Plain ' road. Vsncouver. Wash. C. W. Hyde, 3 FRESH cows, $3 and up; Government In spec ted. pltf East John st., St. Johns. MILK cows for sale, tin. Or. Weith Bros., Tuala- Poultry. RHODE ISLAND RED chickens for sale. Phone Woodlawn 715. 14U3 Fern. Furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING, OR THOSE WHO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURfi THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO., "BANKRUPT," HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY, AND NO OTHER SALE CAN COMPARE WITH THL CALL AND SEE- 63 FIFTH ST., CORNER PINK. FOR SALE Library or director's plate-glass top table, fumed oak. four drawers: price 923. cost $75; nearly new. Apply 42 J Chamber of Commerce. f'.2A HOUSE for rent, furniture tor saie; eight rooms; near hospitals; good loca tlun for roomers. Main 4204. FURNITURE, separate pieces, beds, ward robes, dressers, kitchen ware, crockery. range, ruga ovi jsaraei. NICE furniture of 6-room modern house, for $250; 2 rooms rented for $20. 30 K. 11th North. NEW furniture 4 or 5 rooms; a real bar gain. 40o Halt Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-h. p., 530-voit Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard biade starter, no voltage release and 75 -ampere over load, L T. E. circuit breaker, la A-l con dition. Address room 203. Oregonlan bldg FOR IMMEDIATE delivery, any part, 15H tons choice 33-pound relaying steel. Tee rail with angle bars; delivery at any Pa cific terminal or Coast port at very low price. Jardine Machinery Co., 444 Market at., San Francisco. FOR SALE. One 1 25-voIt d Irect current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breakers. This machine is In good repair. Address room 2txi, Oreronlan bidg. FOR SALE: 225-horsepower Atlas tandem compound steam engine; also GO H. P. return tubular boiler. Apply chief en gineer Portland Woolen Mills, St. Johns. Phone Columbia Id. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 300-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room 2V3. Oregonlan bldg. CORLISS engine. All is, 22x48 ; steam shovel, Marlon, l-yard; bargains If you can use. AO 317, Oregonlan. Automobile. WE HAVE 24 automobiles to exchange for good real estate; also some of the best real estate in Portland to exchange for autos. Call and see the Live Wire auto. Exchange, 3"1 Henry bldg. Mearow & Rayl. Main 4u6T. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS Will nickel-plate, varnish, refinlsh, top your auto; take apart and put together In three days. Portland Plating ft Mfg. Co.. 22d and Thurman els. Main 943, A 5282. TO settle business matters will sell today, at SO0 off regular price, new 11J Ma rion roadster or 5-passenger car; reason able terms. Call 41 Corbett bldg. be twfn 1 and 4. Phone Main 4067. 1U10 WHITE gas car, detachable body, 30 horse power, price 3400; must leave town. Write J. E- 6 tine, 711 West Johns sL, St. Johns. Or. EQUITY of $273 In lot 73x100 to trade for motorcycle or runabout: 925 to assume; In Lenta. Apply Larsen, 311 Stark U city. FOR SALE CHEAP for cash One 1911 Jackson, one 1012 National roadster, one 1012 Havers Six roadster, phone Mar. 5S3L IF you want good Ford runabout, call M9 Williams ave. I need the cash. East 4447. GAKFOKD 40, excellent condition, for sale or trade unincumbered lot. Tabor 773 or Tabor 4o$5 between 2 and 4. $3 PEH MONTH for storage oo drained automobiles In best fire-resisting building. E. P. Jamison ft Co.. 17th and Thurman IF YOU want automobile fire Insurance at one-half the old-line rate, telephone Main 8109. PANELED auto delivery top at a bargain. Call Main 241. 129 N. 11th st. FOR SALE or trade, a 3-ton truck kissel cur. In flrst-class condition. Tsbor 4::43. 1000 I -Pass. Cadillac, nickeled, painted, electric lighted, good condition. Tabor 444. 5-PASSENGER auto for rent, 9L30 an hour, with driver. Main 2725. Automobiles Wanted. 2-C YLINDER auto engine, 16-h.p., wanted, or old auto would do; must be reason able. AR 819. Oregonlan. "WANTED A second-hand Ford automo bile. 314 E. Wash. st. East 3TW, B 2,'HH. Motorcycle. . BARGAINS in new and used motorcyc.ea Preer Tool ft 3 up pry Co., 311 Oak 1. Miscellaneous. 2000 FEET S. IS. -inch Roehilrg p;Qw steel wire rope nearly new, anvtl, portable forge, chocker nooks and sockets swamp hooka, etc. Phone B 3060. feA l-'ES, new and second-hsnd ; low prlcea easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted. PURCELL SAFE CO., and PORT LAND SAKE CO.. 83 Oth tt. Main C3U9. MINERAL collection, consisting of over 3000 specimens. Including ores, gems, petrifac tions and fossils fro mall parts of the globe. Address AP 319, Oregonlan. FOR SALE or trade, 23-foot, speedy launch, 10 passengers, 18 H. P.; a beauty; fully equipped, in perfect condition, W. 1L 'riteser. Willamette, Or. CAFES M osier Safe Co.. manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains In second-hand safes 10S 2d st. Phone Main 7676. COCKROACH-KILLER. A new discovery; guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or no charge. Phone Marshall 3h?$ or call 2S9 Broadway. bPECIAL sale on filing cabinets, oak and mahogany: 40 per cent off. Haley Desk Co.. 2lw Broadway, between Taylor and Salmon. Main 5S7. MUST sell 24-foot launch, top, reliable en gine, electric lights, carpets, chairs; Ideal pleasure boat; fine condition, Marshall 277, Main 3319. BAKER'S outfit for sale, with counter and cash register; will sell cheap. Phono Tabor 4241. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, Jlv to 165. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 262 Stark st. LARGE Ice box for restaurant, gas range, 8 showcases, lot household goods. Ill Union ave. FOR SALE Silk quilt, profusely worked wifii floss and lined with tafteta. Mrs. N. J. Simerson, 1433 E. Everett. 6tv''M)-HA.N'D roll-top desk, two flat-to desks and 3 chairs. Bushong ft Co V Park L NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices, Povey. asm Wash., basement Mala Od. NO. 2 revolution china kiln for sale cheap. Phone ' East 33 lO. FOR SALE 130.000 vitrified paving bricks: prompt delivery. AP 8u3. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Motorboat. first-class condi tion, only $3. Phone Sell wood 1622. SHOWCASES, sea lea etc.. or will exchange for strong bugy. Woodlawn 1642. DIAMOND cluster ring for sale ax big rlfice. AN 319, Oregonlan. COMPLETE office outfit cheap, on time, typewriter desk, $10. 319 Beck bldg. SPLENDID new safe for sale cheap. Sift Chamber of Commerce. ONE set of university law books for sals cheap. Call Marshall 31US. WANTED -MISCEIXAXEOCS. W K buy for cash second-band National Cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley, 34 BurnslUe st, phone Main 1S16, A 1M6. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given, is 1st. near Yamhill. Main 4773. HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing and shoes. Marshall 2354. NATIONAL cash register, price must be rea sonable. Main 606. A '8906. W E want 110.000 worth of second-hand fur niture: highest prices paid. Sell wood lesa FOUD AUCTION CO. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8f3L CASH paid for hair comb in ga Sanitary B eauty parlors. 4'H) Dekum bldg. WANTED Baby buggy. In good condition; state price. P Swii. Oreg-dnlan. WE ray highest prices tor second-hand clothing. 2y4 3d au phone Mala 9264. TTET.P WANTETJ MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN Hardware ft Furniture Co., 221 Front st.. buys second-hand furnltflr. car pets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any k t n d. If you have anything; in this line, call Main 1W72. Our buyer calls promptly. FEATHER BEDS wanted to make Into feather mattresses; pay cash; feather teds and pillows renovated. Phone Tabor 1433. Folding Mattre.s Co.. 11Q4 Hawthorne. WE want to buy worth of econd- hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay all the cash tt Is worth. Wllliams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East e36. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid lor ladles' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2W. 234 1st st. The Globe. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second hand clothing and furniture. Cell Mala 8272. Gufe 3d. N. M. GUckmaa. prop. HELP WANTED S.ALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many.) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment (20 his total cash asset) If 1 pay you $5 for employment membership. I will have only 313 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay 3 tor employ ment membership you will have the Y. C C. A., with all iu resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a weak he had satisfactory employment. Record-for six months ending June 30: Calls for men from employers... 1174 Positions filled ... i 1037 Our special employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund membership fee; gives two months full and lu months social privi leges. CONSTANT DEMAND FOR CLERICAL. TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN, All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially Invited to consult with the Secretary cf the Em ployment Department. FEW SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Four rough carpenters, $3 and 33.50. Two car-loading tallymen, $2.73 and S3. Mill hands, yardmen, carpenters, tally men, etc., etc., for large mill Just starting. Night watchman (mill), J 63. Man and wife on farm. So0. Teams to haul wood (city), ts day. Waiter, small restaurant, 3 12 up. Large list of other Jobs too numerous to mention here. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, 22 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 2d. BE PAID WHILE LEARNING mechanical trade. Join U. S. Navy If over 17. Steady promotion possible up to over 390 per month clear of living expenses. Excellent chance now for Interesting cruises. Must be an American citizen. Complete Infor mation, Navy Recruiting Station, Rallwa) Exchange bid?.. Portland, Or. Get booa let. "The Making of a M an -o'-Wars man." Address Bureau of Navigation, box 327, Navy Department. Washington. D. C. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied ul married men between ages of 18 and 86; cltiseus of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer. Worcester building, 3d and Oak sts.. Portland, Or. MEN WANTED who are looking for steady work where they can make a home. Plant In small town t miles from Portland wants sev eral men of this class. Wages 32.23 to $4. Pay 82.20 to start. See Damon. CHAPIN-HERLOW MTO. ft TRUST CO., 332 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED For a marble plant at Vancou ver. B. C.. experienced foreman and draughtsman: steady position, with good prospects: only competent men need ap ply by letter to F. Botefubr ft Co., 3d and Ash sts., Portland, Or. YOUNG man. with reference to solicit. Ex perienced man will go with you and teach you the business and assist In closing ale. Big money In it and a permanent position. Call evenings, 929 Chamber of commerce Duiiamg. WANTED Salesman who does not know wnat timid i; to present a proposition which any intelligent man will thank him for; unless you are In ths $o0wO-a-year class, or better, don't answer. Address AS- 204, Oregonlan. WANTED A young man with som expe rience in mechanical drafting. Apply in person or write to Jamea Duvall, care Crown Columbia Paper Co., Camas, Wash. W ANTED Waihman, first-class, all-round washer, capable of turning out high-grade collar and shirt work; good salary to lirst-clasti man. -Elite Laundry Co., Van couver. Wash. WANTED Your.g man for clerk In lumber company's commissary store In the coun try; give phone number and city refer ences; iv aces $Z0 per month and room and board. Address AP 317, Oregonlan. WANTED Several young men of neat ap pearance, between the ages of 18 and 24 years; good pay assured. Apply, B:60 until 2 P. M.. Room 20 C. Fleidner bldg., 10th and Washington. WANTED Honest, industrious man or boy to work about garden and house and drive car; good home and fair wages t rig ht p a rt y . A H 3 2 1 ,0 re g o xuea. WANTED Young man to leave town at once; must be over 21, single, fair educa tion and willing to work. Call 9 to 11, Mr. Gilham. Carlton Hotel. WANTED Reliable man to take charge of young orchard for term of years; guar anteed salary; cosh bond required. Phone Marshall CM WANTED Man to sell a high grade office specialty; must have a good appearance; good salary; state experience. . L 31 U, Oregonlan. LADIES tailors, highest wages and steady work, for first-c'ass competent hands; no others need apply. Tom Gallagher, 382 Washington st. WANTED Man to solicit rural routes for country daily; apply by letter, giving experience and salary wanted. AV 347, Oregonlan. WANTED Bright, ambitious young man for installment salesman and collector, stdtt Htft, experience and salary wanted. At' 311. Ort-goulan. COOPERS WANTED. Tight barrel coopers wanted. Address Oregon Cooperage Co., box 158 or phone A 1265. WANTED AT ONCE. ' First-class realty salesman to handle Industrial townsite property. Call at 021 Yeon bldg., between 1Q-12 A. M. today. WANTED Boy for grocery store, between 13 or 13 years old. Apply cor, 17th nd Market, West Side. MAN wanted for pressing soap, also boys ovrp as of 16 for wrapping. Apply in wrson; .'o not phone., Mt. Hood Soap Co. IF G. E. Pettlt will communicate with C. E. Smith. 930 West Jefferson st., Los Angeles, he will learn something to his advantage. WANTED Good live men to sell diamonds, watches and Jewelry on the Installment plan. Apply 207 Corbett bldg. TAILORS wanted to work on ladles' Jackets; only first-class need apply. 8. Weiss, 147 loth st. ADVERTISING solicitors, cash commission. Clyde agency. Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. F1P.ST-CLASS stlckerman wanted. Apply Enterprise Planing Mill, E, Water and Yamhill. AN Al Janitor, with wife, for apartment building; references required. 4i Henry bldg. WINDOW-CLEANERS wanted. Experi enced men only. Apply basement. Board of Trade bldg. CHANCE to learn to operate moving-picture machine; w can place three more men lu theater. 417 Rothchild bldg. BOY to run errands and work In store; one with wheel preferred. Apply Archer ft Schanz Co., 5th and Oak sts. F1KST-CLASS sklrtmaker wanted. C. Gaw-er Co., Ladles' Tailor, 307-8 Globe hide. SALESMEN and dlst. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co.. 501 Railway Ex. bldg. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cut berth Studio. Dekum bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio. 846 Morrison. WANTED Bell boy for residential hotel. Call at the Campbell, 23d and Hoyt sts. WANTED One second cook. Apply SO N Cth ml. WANTED Experienced performers for vaudeville act. Main 825L MA N U FACTU R I NO Jeweler wanted at once. Call M. S. Myers, cor. 3Sj Wash. WANTED Man or boy to learn auto repair ing. T01 Hawthorne ave. DENTAL work In exchange for carpentering. AL 313, Oregon ia n. WANTED First-clase coat maker. A, Lip man. 311 Selling bldg. BOY wanted, 1ft years of age. Apply shlp plng clerk. 85 Front st- WANTED Experienced young man for del icatessen. 694 E. Broadway. Mr. Love. RELIABLE man wants position as watch man. Forester. Main 717. A 1517. MAN and wife on ranch. Call today, 12 to 1. Oregonlan. p 821, Oregonlan. WANTED A competent ladles' tailor. Jefferson st. 4o3 BARBER wanted, good man, steady Job. N. 6th st. WANTED Pianist, male, road show, join at once, V 312, Oregonlan, HELP WANTED MALE. WE have .calls for the following men: Free to members Y. M. C. A. Asst. credit man. local experience. Al collector, local experence. chipping clerk, experienced In whole sale hou&e. Three chauffeurs, capable developing Into salesmen. A I specialty salesman. S150 and ex penses. ' o stenographers, 100 to $. Salesman, silk and dress good a Auto driver to deliver and take orders. Janitor, married, aoartment-house. Bookkeeper and . stenographer, college graduate. Christian, glOvO. R. R. rate reviser. Experienced fre.ght claim dept. man. See Secretary Employment Dept. Y. M. C. A. ENERGETIC BOYS WANTED. Apply at SupL's office, 6th floor, be tween 8:30 and 9:30 A. M. MEIER St FRANK. CO. ENERGETIC BOYS WANTED. Apply at Supt.'s office, fcth floor, be tween 9:30 and :30 A. M. MEIER ft FRANK. CO. WANTED Salesman for country work la 3. Oregon and N. California: lloeral com missions; ext-erlence not essential. If yon want something permanent nnd good ad dres Oregon Nursery Co.. Qrenco. Oregon ONE high-class specialty salesman, Wash ington, Oregon and Idaho territory; good salary to right man. Address, stating past experience and phone number, AP 314, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN for clerk In office, wholesale house; advance to assistant boo keeper; prefer one living at home; give age, ex perience, salary expected, references, ad dress and phone, AN 323, Oregonlan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. REQUIRED immediately by dressmaker, competent help for bodice work; good sal. ary to experienced worker; no others need apply ; also an apprentice. Apt. &, 714 Glisan st. WOMAN, neat appearance, with experience in confectionery ana cigar ptore no lunchroom. Address Pennington ft Co., St. Johns, Or. GIRL for general housework in family of 3; references required. Call 730 Halsey st., near 22d st., Broadway car. Tbone East 27o7. WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help, also bright errand girl, one experi enced in shopping, call from 9 to 11. Tracy ft Copeland, 2ihj Columbia bldg. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 0Qo Central bidg. M. 7t)67. WANTED! WANTED! WANTEDl Five girls to Isarn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed, 400 414 Dekum bMg. Sanitary parlora WANTED A first-class lady spotter and presser to go to Centralia to work on ladies' garments. Call office of Van Gor der Hotel, 105 12th St., Friday evening. WANTED Two girls between the ages of 17 and 2V years; pleasant and protttable work. Apply 20J Fleidner blag., 10th and Washington. 2 until 6 P. M. GIRLS for addressing; must be good writers. Answer in own handwriting; state ag and experience; salary 1.23 per day. Add. AT 321, Oregonlan. WANTED Girl, must be experienced paper box maker, or staying machine hand; good wages. Apply American Chicle Co., be tween 8 and 12. corner 14th and Jonnson. iV A NTEDt-A lady to work in boarding-house for her and husband's room and board. 121H Russell. Phone East 4766. ft c LIABLE young woman to accompany mother and children hopplcklng; expenses and some wage. Call Sellwood 814. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, housekeepers, nurses, housemaids. 2!S Main st. Main 2039. COOK, one meal, $30; hotel cook, $40; wait resses, 333: second girl, 330; pantry wo man, 13u. 345 H Wssh. St.. room 7. WANTED Trimmers, milliners and appren tices. A pprent ices paid w hlls learning. A p ply Lo wen gait ft Co. GIRL to work 3 hours at noon and 8 hours In evening; must live near 22d and Ever ett ; easy work, $4 per week. Main 034&. ITALIAN lady wanted. If married have Job for buaband; good proposition. Call 227 Hall St., g:3Q P. M. WANTED Lady to work In delicatessen store; must be experienced, Puritan Deli catessen. 291 10th st. WANTED Exchange operator from 4 to 9 P. M. at 741 Washington st. Wages $15 per month. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. ttO Ko ta enia bias., -tin ana vtmsmngion. EXPERIENCED girl, cooking and general housework, family of 2. Telephone Sell wood 1320. WANTED Experienced chocolate dippers. Apply Mcdexn Confectionery Co., 18th and Hoy. 2 WAITRESSES, $20. country; cook, $40; other. Howe's Agency, 33, 270ft Wash ington. WANTED Experienced girl for second work, private family; references. Apply 405 Clay st., cor. 10th. WANTED Stenographer, one who under stands bookkeeping. Apply 207 Corbett bldg. WANTED Girl for general housework and assist with baby; two in family. 773 Mar shall su jvi na. huvvas iAiica Aor-.v. 1 . Washington bldg.. 270 Wssh., room 83 near 4th. Phcne Main Sb3q or A S2MO. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and competent stenographer; salary $13 per wek. Address AG 294. Oregonlan. GIRL for general housework, good home and good wages. 415 E. 11th au North. Broad. way car. TWO women to cook for crew of men or housekeeper and cook for several men on country ranch. AN 318. Oregonlan. A ANTED Experienced girl for cooking and downstairs work, Marshall 32. 052 Clif ton st. GOOD girl wanted for housework; good wages to right party. Mar. 143L 409 7th street. GIRL for housework, good home, good wages, small family, no laundry. 685 Mar shall st.. near 19th. EXPERIENCED girl wanted as marker and sorter. Steady work. Main Hand Laundry, 067 Washington. WANTED Lady cook In delicatessen store. 112 North 21st, near Glisan. WANTED- Girl for dining-room work. Campbell Hotel, 23d and Hoyt. GIRL wanted to assist In general house work. Call In the morning. 354 10th. WANTED Good cook. 3 adults In family. Miss Page, Vancouver Barracks. LADY BARBER WANTED. 234 COLUMBIA ST. COMPETENT girl for general housework; small family. 6Se Tillamook st. APPRENTICE glrla wanted to learn milli nery. 403 Morrison st. APPRENTICE for beauty shop, position as sured. Velvetlna fchop. 616 S wet land bldg. t ANTED Competent girl to do 'general housework. Apply 320 Halsey, cor. E. 11th. WANTED Competent colored second maid. Call mornings. Main 2453. WANTED Experienced woman to do cham ber work. 548 Hi Washington. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call 741 Wasco St. GIRL wanted for general housework. Call at 294 waamngton. Main e-'T. GIRL for general housework. Telephone NURSE, competent, who undertands giving maamamm lllmn(l 1 Ol 1 Prtrhalf KM it NEAT girW general housework and cooking; aauiis. V jaax oin .-sorm, near Honaaty, WANTED A capable girl for second wor Apply at 721 Johnson su GIRU 16 to 20, to help with housework and baby. Mar. 3'.'92. WANTED First-class sklrtmaker. A. Lip man, .'ill Selling bldg. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework. Call 2S7 N. 24th st. WANT CDA competent maid for general housework. 6U Kearney. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework, 2 In family. 119 East 3Jd, corner Alder. WOMAN for cooking and general housework. 704 North rup St. GIRL for general housework, nhail ItlTO or A 1076. Call Mar- EX PERIENCED waitress wanted. Palace Cafe, 434 Washington st. GIRL for general housework In small family, good wages. Call fo4 Hoyt at. EXPERIENCED and helpers for dressmak ing. 280 Park ac WANTED Girl to help in small family, Scaii'lmitvian preferred. 415 Halsey st BINDER girl for all-around work. Call Thursday, Oregon City Enterprise. COMPETENT girl for general housework. LADY barber wanted at 2954 Burnslde st. WANTED 2 lady bar bar a 149 24 sL HELP W ANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN WANTED. Experienced In selling Women's Cloaks -and Suits. Apply superintendent's office, 6th floor, between s:3U and 0:30 A, M. MEIER ft FRANK CO. EXPERIENCED MILLINERY MAKERS. Apply at SupL's office. th floor, be tweta 3:30 and 0:30 A. M. MEIER ft FRANK. CO. WANTED Largest farm paper on Pacific Coast desires lady representative to secure subscriptions at county fairs and farmers meetings during Foil and Winter; expenses will no: be advanced, but competent party can make over $100 per month clear; give street and telephone addresses. Farm Paper, box AK 310, Oregonlan. WANTED Three young ladies of good ap pearance and must nave good voice, to sing In grill; cabaret ork Is very popu lar and salary from $Z to 330 per week: experience unnecessary. Call at Cabaret Grill at 2 P. M. ValterOweaa. stage di rector. 23 .X. Id st. WANTED Bright, well-educated lady of mature age. who is accustomed to the society of cultured people and Is In po sition to leave city when required; salary 313 weekly, with advance as merited; ref erences expected. AL 313. Oregonlan. , BY SEPT. 10 Two girls to do marking and assortlnr and polishing and starching; good wages if you know the business: If not don't answer. Address A. P. Der lnger, Bandon Steam Laundry, Bandon, Or. EXPERIENCED woman for family second cook where cook Is kept; no washing! $30; references. Mrs. Clark W. Thompson, Caa cade Locks, Or. - WANTED Experienced cook; must have city references; good wages. Phone Main 5274. Call up between 0:30 and 1 HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. 230 HOP1UCKERS wanted, near Brooks, Or. 8 miles nor'.h of Salem, on electric Una Call sr. Charles Hotel on the 27th, 23th or 29th. W. P. Maasey. 130 HOPPICKERS, Cbemeketa, big dance hall, loox&o, good music. See Li. F. La Fontaine, grower, St. Charlea HctsL Aug. 25. 2. 27. MAKE money writing short stories; big pay. Send for free booklet, tells how. United Press Syndicate, San Francisco. MAKE money writing short stories; big pay; send for free booklet: tells how. Lnlted Press Syndicate, SanJFran Cisco. HOPPJCKERS wanted; good yard, water, wood, fruit, potatoes free. E- W. Abra ham, St. Charles Hotel, 2oth and ' 9th, WON DE I lC LOTH metal polisher; agents wanted everywhere. Christy. 332 Lum ber Exchange bldg. HOPPICKERS WANTED. Yard at Mission Bottom. Call office at 233 2d sc. WANTED 50 hopplc.ers, near Brooks. Call St. Charles Hotel, 27th and 23th, Bruce Jones FlSK. Tachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal hidg. Main 4&33. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE Mohler Barber College will teach you the trade In 8 weeks; tools free; send for catalogue; 20 years In the business; 37 schools, a lifetime scholarship given to each student; special Inducements given to ladles. 48 N. 2d st. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. Thla coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. WANTED 100 men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaran teed; modern college; tools free; a trade that you can get In business for yourself. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st, GOVERNMENT-CLERK-CARRIER Exam lnatlon Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clerks: salary S00 to $1200. Free book. Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Portland, Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON D E N C E SCHOOLS, 605 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sis. Phones: Main 1026. A 412L Also headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity. WANTED Experienced man and wife to work on Eastern Washington wheat ranch. Inquire 2o 12th st. North Thursday be tween 10 and 12 A. M. GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men, women; 303 to 3130 month; list - positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. G27 F. Roches ter, N. Y. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258. COOK for home restaurant, prefer on a who will take small Intereat In it. 2bih and Sandy road. WANTED Men. IS ta 5. to become Port land mall carriers, 163 lo $100 month; va catlons. AV 217. Oregonlan. LEARN to operate moving-picture machine; good pay, easy hours. Secure positions. 417 Rothchild bldg. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 20 14TH ST. MN 3t3. EXP. INSTRUC'N GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money whUe learning. ol3 Rothchild bldg. KKISTER'S Ladles' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143fc 11th su SHORTHAND, typewriting, 3-month course, $- per month. 303 11th st. SHORTHAND speed drills, any system, day and night. 6l' Worcester blk. PHONE for the furniture buyer when you want to sell. Main 945. grrCATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. OFFICE man married, 38 years old. six years In railroad division superintendent'! office, one year In railroad auditor dis bursements office, five years on Panama Canal on accounting and report work, wants permanent work. AH 319, Ore gonlan. CASHIER, bookkeeper or creditman, with over 8 years' experience In Portland, now employed but desirous of change, would like position In near future; middle-aged and married, hardworking, capable and honest; best references. AN 320, Ore gonlan. YOUNG married man with six years' expe rience In clothing, furnishings, hate and shoes, sign writer and window trimmer, wishes position, city or country; best of references. AL 311. Oregonlan. YOUNG man with several years experience in' general merchandise and mail order house and best of references wants posl tion as clerk. R 321. Oregonlan. SHOE salesman, four years' experience In first-class stores, wishes position, window trimmer and sign writer; references; city or country. AK 818. Oregonlan. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. Gilllngham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. GENTLEMAN with several years experience as bookkeeper desires position; am good typewriter operator, p 326, Oregonlan. BAKERS' helper, experienced, wants steady position. C 330, Oregonlan. M iscelianeous. WANTED To deliver goods with my new auto delivery for some responsible firm, by the day or week. Address J. Schoger, pDflt5ff!ce box 810, citv. MIDDLE-AGED man, business experience with fine, large horse, wishes position as collector or any good job. Woodlawn 2:;C5. , SOBER married man wants steady work; Janitor in office building preferred, AS 2:. Oregonlan. BARTiCNDER, young man, age 20, wants position; married; stranger In city; beat of reference. 432 East Jf7th St. JAPANESE boy, cook or waiter, has expe rience, wishes position In private family. Address George Tana, 644 Washington St. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 710, A 4010, Portland Waiters Club, 14b S 5th, Portland, Or. G. C Oerald, manager. SITUATION wanted by salesman capable of handling large proposition. H 31U, Oregonlsn. EXPERIENCED N. Y. traveling salesman w lsies position with reliable house. P Si'tf. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED auto driver wants position on any car, private or delivery. N 287, Oregonlan. GRADING yards and lawn work and cement work, all first-class work done. George Hartford, East 30S. MIDDLE-AGED German, experienced fire man and Janitor, wants work, AR 517, Oreuoman. CHAUFFEUR wants position, 6 years' ex perience and acquainted with the city; do own repairing. B 2351. SOBER, reliable young married man wants steady work. Phone Main 1820. CHAUFFEUR wants position, private, com mercial or shop. AO 315, Oregonlan.- W ANTED Good Job on farm, man and wife, experienced. AT 320. Qregonian. EXPERIENCED chauffeur wants position st once. AN $17, Ortgonlan. JAPANESE wants contract to pick prunea. Main r21. 291 Burnslde. COMPETENT gardener wants work. - AJS 317. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED hardware man wants posi tion. Phone Woodlawn Mj, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Miscellaneous. EXPERIENCED retail salesman lu dry goods, clothing1, men's shoes and furnish ings desires a position as floor walker or bead salesman; capable of doing toe man as in g and buying or taking exclusive charge If necessary; is 33 years old and does not use liquor or tobacco in any form. Addreys AM 31. Oregonlsn. TRAVELING salesman with eight years' success, full road experience, desires po sition with a reliable firm, either salaried position or expense account and commis sion considered; prefer Washington. Ore gon or California territory. AM 311, Ore goniaa. ABLE-BODIED, neat-appearinc young mar ried man would like steady work, good mechanical ability, quick and accurate with figures, have store and stockroom experience and can handle horses; will accept any reasonable ofter. J 337, Ors gonlan. COLLECTOR, salesman. Christian, and em ployed, but muft make Immediate change to outside work; married; property; law knowledge; references; reasons not ordi nary. AH 317. Oregonlan. . CHAUFFEUR Japanese, desires position, private car, two years experience, pre ferred good repair man. w tiling to do family work besides; references. K 32J. Oregonlan. POSITION wanted by expert furniture man, middle-aged; has a lifetime experience In carpet and linoleum work; best of ref erence. AK 324. Oregonlan. POSITION by experienced clerk In grocery or general merchandise store; will accept permanent position on moderate wages. AV $63. Oregonlan. SITCATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers'. WANTED Office position by competent bookkeeper. Understands lumber and mer chandise business thoroughly. AR 315, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER, 2 years' experience, desires position; best of refer ences. Marshall 2751. JT E N OG R A PH E R, f ou r years experlen na. di-sires temporary position, phone A 063L room 811. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes per manent position; no commercial work. Main 2451. . STENOGRAPHER, three years experience, wants position with doctor or lawyer. Main 2431. STENOGRAPHIC position by young lady with experience. Phone Tabor 337. STENOGRAPHER desires position, experience. AK 317, Qregonian. Dreee makers. DRESSMAKING by reliable, dressmaker. Tabor 5S7. experienced CAPABLE. experienced graduate nurse wants position with wholesale drug firm, representative or manager; less than $73 not acceptable; references. AK 310, Ore gonlan. RELIABLE woman, trustworthy, refer ences, desires care Invalid, adult or child. AE 320. Oregonlan. UNDERGRADUATE: nurse. 2 years houl. tal training, wanta a case. Phone East 8323. GOOD practical nurse; doctors' references; moderate charges. Main 6f37. Housekeepers. HOUSEKEEPER, good cook, wants position in small family without children or for widower; best references. 25 Benton at-. Apartment C. WANTED Management of an aoartment- house by woman of experience. P. O. Box omo, city. LADY with little girl wishes position as housekeeper. M., 103 East 74th st. North. Domestics. HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes position with small family, assist with housework for room, board and some wages. Address AJ 317, Oregonlan. LADY, good cook, wishes position house work; no washing; has quiet baby. AR Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. SWEDISH young lady who has bad expert- care of Invalid, or children, or assistant 16th st. phone Marshall 5350. YOUNG Japanese woman wants position as general housework In smalt family where sne coujo. learn to speaic tngusn; no ob jection to wages. AL 316. Oregonlan. YOUNG lady wants position seamstress and chamber work in private family with even ings off; references given. F 322, Orego nian. DINNERS cooked or day work done, or cooking by the day; experienced woman. Marshall 6974. RELIABLE young woman wishes position in bakery or as cashier; strictly compe tent. M 850, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Swedish girl wants ceneral housework and cooking In family of aauirs. rnon t-at sis. SWEDISH girl wants work In small family; ?laln cooking; willing worker; $23 month 04 2d sL North. WANTED A child under t years to care lor; expenencea; aid. can xaoor &ol between 12 and 1. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. v oouiawn i,v. jirs. is e if on. YOUNG lady would like place in country with amail family. K 307, Oregonlan. L.PEH1ENCED lady wanta any kind of dsy work. Call Mrs. Stoddard, A 7479. MARRIED lady would like management of apartments for rent. s 2o. Oregonian. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundrled oy expert. Laiifuior. laoor EXPERIENCED laundress wanta washing to taKe nome. rnone tast rtM. STRONG young girl wants position for housework. Call Tabor 27L LADY wants laundry and housework by the aay. nam n.ai, a oia. GIRL wants general housework. Call at 773 4 Wilson st. DAY work. Tuea Wed, and Friday. Phone Alain 4J-i. COMPETENT woman wants day work. Mrs. Moore. Marshall 3499. DAY work by a competent woman. Mar shall 242. WANTED AGENTS. THI RTY aalesDeoDle. house to house can vasslnr. In s n d out of Baker, Or., Call for J. B. Griswold, 22 N. Burnslde at, to- oay, 4 to o p. u. - WANTED TO KENT. Houses, WANTED To lease for yea, 5 or 6-room bungalow, wUh garage or one close by; about 330 per month; will pay 3 months lu advance. Address &0 Villa SU Clare Apartments. Phone Main i543. 5 OR 6-room house; must be modern; per manent; adults; would prefer Hawthorne, s. s." or "W. . ' canines, aj bu, ore gonlan. WANTED Sept. 10, modern six or seven room furnished house, Irvington preferred. Phone E. 8536. WANTED Modern unfurnished 6 or 7 -room house; must be close in. Phone MarahaU 6336. WANTED To rent neatly furnished 4 6-rocm bungalow, by family of two. AL S14, Oregonlan. Apartments WANTED To rent tf or 7 -room furnished flat or cottage on South Side, within walking distance. AM 3irf, oregonian. Rooms With Boaro. " YOUNG man desires room with breakfast and dinner with private Catholic family; French preferred. AN 324, Oregonlan. LADY, employed, desires board and room In private home or boarding-house. C 833 Oregonian. WANTED Nice place for baby board. Phone Vancouver, 924 R. girl to FOB RENT. a'BU'BUsiied j&oea THE HOTEL ARTHUR, 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill Re cently opened; every modem convenience: plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up; with private bath, $3.50 week and up; transient rates, $Zic and up. Free phone. Main 4226. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people ; centrally located ; elegant rooms: modern convenience. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 632 H Washington St., cor. Ella; elegantly located, new and modern, all outside rooms; $2.30 week up; with private oath 33 week up; transient rats a MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington Rooms. S3 week; private bath, 13 week; corner front suite. $5 week. THE LARRABEE, 227 H Larrabee Room. S2 week up; brick building, steam heat, hot. cold water, bath, phone, electricity. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Pantages; mod ern outside rooms, S2.30 up, with bath 33 and up. Cheapest in ths city! HOTEL EDWARD?, Grand ave.. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. up; $22.30 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 823. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 6th and Main. IHREB nicely furnished rooms on second llvor. 6bl Hoyt su Main 3787. FOB BINT. Vnfurwihed Room. HOTEL ROWLAND, HOTEL MINOOJ, 2oTSs 4th. 21 4th, SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms, faomaiike. re spec Labia, clean and modern; hot and eoid water, private baths; bummer rates, (1 per week acd up; special attention given to tourists; give ns a call; you will it It for you get your money's worth and then some. YOUNG man, rooming Y. M. C. A-. wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses; reasonable cost; fireproof building, showei baths, vacuum cleaned, many dab ad vantages; in 33aH.iao building, inquire buainuas office Y. M. C, A cor. 6th and Taylor sta. FOR Y. M. C A. MEMBERS I urnlahed rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build Ing. vacuum cleaned, sbower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria and 10 other teat urea. Full par ticulars at business office, cor. 6th and Taylor sta HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street New modern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished : transients solicited. Furnished Roeme In Private Family. EEAUT1KULLY furnished room, one block from Orpheum: hot and cold water, elec tric llfciits. open fireplace, etc.; the heigr.t of elegance and refinement; $3-30 per week and up; everything new. 227 Broadway. rnona Main cr. LARGE, well ventilated, nicely furnished j rooms; also light houseaeeping tune: u of piano; close In. good locality; large lawn and porch. 3S5 lllh SL Main 7S73. LOVELY front room, porch, closet and fire place, new. modern, clean and pleasant home; board If desired. 2 hk Everett, near list. 912 MONTH, nicely furnished front room, fine nelghbrnood; all modern conveni ences; close in. ISO N. lbth. Marshall 5512. FURNISHED room In private home- no ether roomers; 2 blocks from Broadway bridge: lady preferred. Phone East 2U3M. LARGE, well furnished rooms, home priv ileges and comforts, board If desired. 12 minutes postoffice. East 23 NICELY furnished rooms, from 2 weekly; easy walking distance. Phone t33 Wash ington. 3 LARGE, light rooms suitable for 2; rea sonable; home privileges; meals close at private home. Phone East 18. . PLEASANT sleeping room, privilege of siting-room; rent 310 month; In a modern fiat. 24 14th at. Main 602. LARGE front room for 2 gentlemen, sepa rate beds, walking distance. 406 Clay st. Marshall 2S36. UESlMABLE, well furnished room, steam heated, modern apartment. Nob Bill. Afii 2il, Ortgonlaru FRONT room, alcove, furnished for bouse keeplng, gas range, furnace heat, porch. 475 Clav. $10 FURNISHED room In modem steam heated apartment, private family. Main 7594. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home; references; Nob Hill. 73S Johnson street. DESIRABLE rooms, light and airy, porches, lawn, bath, phone; $2 week. 3oU Madison. 530 DAVIS Nice furnished basement room, respectable workingman. 11.30 week. 649 YAMHILL, large front room, 912, small room $7; new, clean, convenient. 1 ROOM 91.30 a week; 1 room 92 a week, 2t;i 12th. Booms With Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to car line. THE BILL. - Washington at 23d at. Residential and Tourist Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran sient. Main 73S4. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jefferson Sts. An exclusive residential hotel; attractive rates to translen ts or permanent guests Main B283. A 662S. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms, with excellent table board; very reasonable rates. 11th and Ysmhtll sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 8M Montgomery St., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. ROOMS and board at the Calumet for 937.50 per month; doubls with private bath. 973 per month; rooms, European. 913 and up; rates by the day and week. 150 Park ac Main 7300. THE WHITEHALL, 233 OTH ST. A residential hotel; larga sun porch: rooms with or without baths; home cook ing: tsble board a specialty. THE MANITOU, 201 13th st. Excellent tabie, large, airy rooms; Sum mer ratea "J car at Depot. LARGE, newly furnished room, with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds; ptano, home comforts. 19J 11th. Main C381. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 24lh year, rooms with board, use of sewing-room, 11 brary. 310 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE CALVARD, 432 Morrison, cor. 13th. Well f u rn is hed rooms and board. Mod ern conveniences. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel. Special Summer rates; strictly home cook ing. 385 Sd st. Phone Main 70W4. , THE WEAVER HOTEL. Coxy rooms, with bath ; board tf de-i sired; attractive rates. 710 Wash. M. 865L KING Davis apt. 33; furniture of 8-room apt, for sale. CHOICE rooms, single or en suite; first-class table. 23 N. 17th, CASA K03A, 300 Jefferson L Larga airy furnished rooms with board. Booms With Board in Private Family... ROOM with board, suitable for one or two; walking distance; reasonable Call 433 Hall st. phone Marshall b'.uiO, WOULD like to giva room and board to 1 or 2 children, near school. Call forenoon, C 2il4. ROOM and board In Southern family; home cooking, walkir.c distance. West Side. Phone Marshall 3724. 241 22D ST. NORTH 2 connecting rooms excellent board; men preferred. Main 2071. NICELY furnished room, board, 162 N. 2Xd. rnone a otw. FRONT room with board, for gentleman; piano. Main S312 G01 10th. NICE rooms, with board, 33; walking dis tance. 0-0 flBwmorna inu ioia. FURNISHED rooms, with or without board. iQA Tavlnr. NICE furnished front room with board, 534 Ladd ave. East 4492. COSY front room, with board, suitable two; modern, homelike. Main 6485. NEATLY furnished room, with board, 921, without. 96 per month. 366 12th st. 920 FRONT parlor, for 2, $40; modern con venlences. b8 17th, near Everett. ROOM with board. 404 Madison at., cor. 10th. Phone Main 2006, Miss 1 as see. ROOM and board for 3 or 3, 94.30 a week; cIosj In. C07 Clay st- Apartments. DESIRABLE, well furnished six-room, light apartment; two sleeping-porches; Nob HUM one year; references. AS 22, Ore gonian. ANGELA APTBL 39 Trinity place, 2, 3 and 4-room fur nished apartments; private bath and tele phone; modern. HAMMERSLEY COURT, 250 12th, beL Main and Madison. Private baths, modern; close to P. O. Bachelors' apts. cared for, low prices; Illwtjr i ui iuuru. j--n. -.v-i-.. OLIVE APTS Neat and modern 2 -room apartments, homelike, Jt.ast avta ana .Bel mont sts., 913 and up; one 3-room apart ment, unrurmsnea. i apor 2 . jj. GARDNER, corner 13th and East Ash, 5 large rooms, all outside, hot water heat, fireplace, hardwood floors, very desirable; reference. Phone East 8370. STUDENTS, Attention; completely fur nished, homelike apt., centrally located; references; reservations by mail. 270 Lin coln. GARDNER, cor. 13th and E. Ash. 5 large rooms, all outside, hot water heat, fire place, hardwood floors, very desirable; reference. Phone East 3370. HISLOP HALL Hawthorne and E. 6th st-, 1. 2 and 3-room furnished, modern apart ments; service first-class, unexcelled car service, or walking distance. THE M'KINLEY APARTMENTS, East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com pletely; private baths; from 920 to $21.50. ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, newly renovated, north porches; 6J Kearney it; 930 and :12 50. Portland Trust Co. or Janitor. THE STANFIELD, New 2-room apts., light and gaa In cluded; 115 up. 2C4 Porter it Main 7212. ON Portland Heights carllne. exclusive, new unfurnished apt., matchless view. Mil 13 THE OR M AN DIE Nice 5 -room apartment. r.8 Flanders. Nob HIU. Main L251. 3-ROOM unfurnished apartment. 30 Trinity piacob 4 AND 5 rooms, light and airy. 920- and 930. Kearney Apts. Phone Marshall 487. THE LEONARD; 3-room apartments, mod ern, new. 665 East Main. THE HYLAND. 490 Morrison; 2-roora apart ments, everything included. 918 to 925. THE CA MAR. T04 Lovejoy. S-room fur nished epta $2o and 932.30. Mar. 2913. FOR BENT. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. FMrnlshed and unfurnished apartment from to 3 rooms, from SIS to $57. per month. If you want one, telepho: Main 2U13 - Sundays, or A 20 i Evenings rail Mr. Balden. Marshall 22W0. Oar automobiles will call at any addrei wun our agent, wno win be g:ad to sno these apartments. Reference. required. We own or control tiie following; Cecilia. 22d and Gliaan sta. C la pool. 11th and Clay a I. Columbia, 11th and Columbia. Fordham. 170 Ford. Hanthcrn. "13 12th St.. near Vain. Hanover. 1G3 King st.. near WsshlngtoH A.nicteroocer. iu garrison, near lit Onierleigh, 2 Grand ave. St. Claire, 170 St. Cialrs st.. near Was St. Francis. 21st aid Hoyi sta Wellington. 16th and Everett sta MORGAN, FL1EONER A BOICE, 6o3-&6 Abtngton bldg. BARGAIN HUNTERS! SEE THIS TODAY SURE. Owner will sacrifice 50 per cent of va: TO GET CASH, for beautiful lot In Ml" KATUEADE. Exclusive residence distric High building restrictions. ACTUAL VALUE 92000. WILL TAKE 3350 CASH TODAY. Call 712 Lewis bldg., 4th b Oak sl. HIGHLAND COTOT APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Streets. Walking Distance. Very exclusive, elegantly furnished, and 5 -room apartments; all light, brig! outside rooms. References Required, Marshall 3162. 708 DAVIS STREET. APARTMENTS. On Davis Bt- at Head of King St. 7-story, reinforced concrete, absolute fireproof building. 4 to 9-room unfurnished apartment. AH modern conveniences. Including fir places, maids' rooms with hath tnd hat- rooms, elevator service day and night, et mvutsm a. jiarsnau sa4. CARMELITA, Jefferson and 13th its. 4 and 5 -room unfurnished apartment exceptionally well arranged; walking d tance. Ratea Reasonable, References Modern, Ne THE WKHELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets, Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2, 3 nnd 4-roc apartments; building new and strict modem; service first-class. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sta Thls new four-story brick now open; fu nlshed and unfurnished in 2. S and room suites: reception hall: electric aut ma tic elevator. Holmes disaDDearine bee built-in buffet and writing desk. gJ range, ice dox, plenty 01 cioset rooms; do. ? hones, vacuum cleaner -ree to patron f you want something nice, come 1 the Barker. Phone A 1744. Marshal) 206 VILLA ST. CLARA, 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacif woasu r urmsnea compi Roof rarden In connection. Walking distance. Reference THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia, 2 and S-room apartments furnish e strictly modern and new; references; civ. walking distance; service first-class. THE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts Fu nished 2 -room aDts.. 316. 31a ud: stea beat, hot and cold water In every apar mem; puoiic natn, electric ugnts, g ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take "2r 23d or "W" cars north. Phone Main S. THE WASHINGTON. fi.Mi Northrun 5-roo unfurnished apartment, with bath and a muuein conveniences, leiepnone, stea heat. gas. electric light, etc Take W c to lst and Norxnrui. phones Main 431 DESIRABLE 3-room apartment or 4 roor' rnmisnea or unfurnished, arranged for bedrooms: Verv reasonable rent: desirat location, good service, outside roms, pr vaie Dam, cirect pnone. blSr r ie.L jza n 1 jic. 1 s. -ztz isroaa way. cor. J en THC PlRk'HI'R RT North 20th and Northrun ments; outside rooms; balcony to eve a LUZERNE APTS. Cor. 8d and Hall Cost 2 -room furnish apts., building new and strictly moder all outside rooms; S minutes to P. C rates very reasonable. Marshall 4637. GRANDESTA Cast Stark and Grand ave new building, nicely furnished; priva phones and hatha, automatic elevate moderate prices; walking distance, Fho: East 208. KXELER APTS.. 14th and Clav: beautlf 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, ne brick bldg.; electric elevators; reference NEW TORE! APTS.. nicely furnished, v central. It and 3 rooms, large kltcher baths, heat, light and both Phones: S to 923 per month ; also sleeping room .ast itn and Belmont, THE WINSTON 841 14th st. at Market. New two and three-room apartment completely lurnisneo ; warning distanc prices reasonable. Phone Main 1739. THE DEZENDORF. 20S 13th, near Taylor. Main 4705. One elegantly furnished 3-room apt. One 3-room unfurnished apt. THE SAN MARCO. Nicely fur. and nnfur. 3-room mo-j apts.; private bath and phones; walking distance, 91s up. rnone East zidv. LEEDS APTS. 2, 3 and 4-room furnish apartments, modern and all convenience absolutely fireproof; 913 to 930; also aid gie rooms, xiu aiarKet st. SEE the Overton Apartments furnished anl unrurmsnea. cneapest and best in tne cit. private phone, tath and electric elevate- no inaiae rooms; new manager. xa. W" car. 274 21st and Overton. LINCOLN APTS., 4TH AND LINCOLN. Ail outside 2 -room fur. aDts.: low rat Include free light, heat, private rhon "b or iotn-st. car soutn. Mam isit. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park st.. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished aparl ments by the week or month. HALSEY COURT. 300 Williams ave.. nicely furnished and 3-room apts. Private bath and phon up; waiKing distance, oj. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated room apartments, 920 and up; good Jan tor service; walking distance; reference 712 Washington, opp. -a. Main 7134. MONTGOMERY- APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, mode outside, furnished 2-room apartments, el vaior; close In; $2 to 930. Main 9466. GRACE APTS., 24th and North rup, 3 lar; rooms, hardwood floors, phone, hot wat beat, veranda and sleeping porch, vacuu cleaner: new and strictly modern. thr BEVERLY. Park-Yamhill, furnish rooms, 92 to 33 week; transient 50c axJ l per pay; nice ano quiet piace. BL'ENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room apar ments; beat service. Apply on premises. BANNER Apartn.ents. 483 Clay st. Mode: 2 rooms, completely furnished, 910, 9 and $20. Marshall 2074. NEWLY furnished apt., very reasonab; janitor service. The Jacaaon' iiungalo 434 11th St. BRUCE APTS.. 2."th and North rup; 6-roc apartment; large, light rooms; excelle location. Phone Marahalr 1428, A 3179. THE BJLLLAXD. Itfth and Lovejoy 3 a 4 rooms, unfurnished: low rates. Owne A lstii. Main .IM.JHWI, a JULIAETTE. 2d and Montgomery; Iris, ; an d Mill 2, a " wm , p r 1 va phones: 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnishe THE xrit:kston. 44S lUh Nicely furnish el 2 and 3-room u uulsiuc apis., ne: ri-Mshts. Mrs. F- W. McCune, Marshal 5 APARTMENTS, or 4 rooms, furnished -unfurnished, rent reasonable. fciia MJ. ippl. KINGSBURY, Ford, near Washington a: High-class. unfurnished apartmeftta rooms with private balcony, reasonable re ' HAD DON HALU pcrnfshed and unfurnished apartment 414 lltn si- atarsnau 11 ii. THE MARLBOROUGH, Jft-b Hill diatrict-aix-roora apartment; every convenient Phone Main 7310.