14 HIE MORNING OREGOXIAX. WEDNESDAY- AUGUST 27, 1913. TO EXCTLGE. 1'riADE for automobile and cash. 40 acres irrigated land near Bend, 2 y miles from Deschutes. O'JQ Yeon BlUg. TRADE my $350 cash equity Hawthorne lot for clear lot. player piano, auto or good motorcycle, jaain e-40. FOB SALE. Monte. Vehicles. Etc AUCTION AUCTION. Hones, mutes, vehicles and harness. Monday, September 1; Friday. Septem ber 5. and every Monday and Friday for the 'balance of the sear. For tola, our opening Fall sale, we will have a car load of Eastern Oregon HORSES and MARES weighing from 1200 to looO lbs., from 3 to i years old. all broke and sound. Also a large cumber of all classes of horse consigned by different parties to be sold on commission. If you are la need of a horse of any description or havs one to sell, patronize our saies snd we will guarantee you atlsfactlou. Saies be gin st 10 o'clock sharp. THE MURPHY HORSti MULE CO 240 K. fith St.. near Hawthorns. Phone E. 6313. MORSES AND WAGONS FOR BALK OR RENT. Second-hand Tehlcles bought and sold; new wagon and auto beds mude to order; It very f urnlsued to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72, B 1309. ONE bay work mare. 1200 !bs., price $75; one I-vesr-oid bay horse, weighs 1300 lbs.. price $; one bay mare, weighs lKx lUm., price v . ein oi iiubii muie. ft and S years old. good workers and good drivers, price lltti. O. R. Smith, S-k N. lh st. JliiT received, car- of Eastern Oregon horses' and mares, 8 to 6 years old, 10" to 1.VJO peunas; extra gooa quality, an broke and ready for-service. Tne Murphy Horse & Mule Co.. 2W E. 8th St., near Hawthorne. Phone E. 415. BUY city-tired mares to take on my ranch for light worK ana breeding; tnorougn breds preferred; animals will be well cared for; state price and particulars. G 324. Oregonian. FOR SALE Team of big dapple-grays, ages s years oia. weignt o-uw; sauna, true ua without blemishes; also new harness and wagon and one line Jersey cow. . a. riace. suvenon, ur. XENTL'CKT-Br.ED, five-galted mare, guar an teed absoiuiely safe and gentle, to be sold st a sscriflce because of owner go- ingKast. mono Main iiai. ONE pair of brown mares 8 and U years old. gooa narness. 1 1-; : one brown horse. 1300 lbs.. 8 years old. $99. Call 270 E. 7tb st. J. A. Hunt. WANTED 2 young mares from 4 to 6 years old; true broke, gentle; must weigh over 1400 lbs.; lor farm work. AN filo, Oregonian. FOR SALE One team of mares weighing '2109 lbs. harness and rood wagon, one 5-year-old driving mare weighing 110V ltS. '229 KUBSelL FOR SALE or trade, one team small mares weighitiK 2000 lbs.: will trade in on larger team. 2Z5 Kusseu. FOR SALE City broke. 1250-lb. mare. sur. rev. light wsgon. harness, all for $l7o.v0 ; owner leaving city. Tabor M9. HANDSOME bay horse, 7 years old: gentle rider or driver; rubber tired buggy, har ness. $100.0O. 4:& Prescott st. buKKSL mare, a good driver, cneap. Call at Star Sana Ccmpany, Barn No. 3, East i'th and East Flanders. BEAUTIFUL Shetland and Shetland-Arabian pontes for sale, W. T. Blnkley, Wood burn. Oregon. FANCY driver, standard bred, family and rliy broke, cheap. 1103 57th ave. WW car. A NICE small horse, good size, gentle; will sell cheap. 112 Union ave. next Postoffice. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O. L. A S. Co. Phone Main 1410. HORSES for sale at SH East 7th st. North. Dogs, Biros, iet htork. BUY or take pedigree dogs, male and fe male, collies, shepherds and others; will be well cared for on my ranch; give price and particulars. G 822. Oregonian. BOYD'S BIRD STORE, 220 ALDER ST. lOO goldan and orange canaries, finches, love birds, parrots, seed, cages, supplies. THREE pedigreed English setter puppies, b months old, for sale. Phone Main 1734. H EALTHY Airedales for companions and hunters. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada. Or. FOXHOUND wanted. C225 East 70th st. Ed Brunzell. Livestock. W E have 20 head fresh milch cows, some fat stock, and 4 bead of good Holstein Springers to freshen last of Sept. Call Farmers' Feed Yard. Phone 275. or Hid den Bros,, ranch 2 miles east 4th Plain road. Vancouver. Wash. C- W. Hyde. MILK rows for sale, tin. Or. Welth Bros., Tuala- Poultry. RHODE ISLAND RED chickens 'for sale. Phone Woodlawn 7lo. 1413 Fern. Furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING, OR THOSE WHO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURE THE ENTIRE STOCK. OF PETERS MFG. CO., "BANKRUPT." HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY, AND NO OTHER SALE CAN COMPARE WITH THIS. CALL AND SEE. 63 FIFTH T.. CORNER FIXE. WANTED From private party who desires to sell house furnishings for 8 rooms rea sonable; nothing shoddy; answer imme diately. N 20t. Oregonian. FOR SALE Library or director's plate-glass luj table, fumed oak, four drawers; price $25, cost $70; nearly new. Apply 42 J Chamber of Commerce. S.t25 HOUSE lor rent, furniture for sale; eight rooms; near hospitals; good loca tion ior roomers, .unin s-v-t, FOR SALE Good kitchen and gas range cheap. Call Wednesday or Thursday. 473 W. Park et. DINING-ROOM suite, rug. bookcase, gas range, sanitary couch, etc., nearly new. Tabor 1132. NICE furniture of 6-room modern house, for $2.'0; 2 rooms rented for $25. 30 E. 13th North. FOR SALE Furnished apartment for sale cheap, phone Main 4-1,4. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 43-h. p., 530-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 7 5 -ampere over load. L T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l con dition. Address room 203, Oregonian bldg FOR IMMEDIATE delivery, any part. l.M'O tons choice rift-pound relaying steel. Tee rail with sngle bars; delivery at any Pa nne terminal or Coast port at very low price. Jardine Machinery Co., 444 Market et.. San Francisco. FOR SALE. One 123-volt direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breskers. This machine Is in good repair. Address room 2o3, Oreponlan bldg. FOR SALE 223-horsepower Atlas tandem compound steam engine; iso 60 H. P. return tubular boiler. Apply chief en gineer Portland Woolen Mills, Et. Johns. Phone Columbia 16. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., oOO-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker. In good condition. Address room avo. Oregonian bldg. Automobiles. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS Will nickel-plate, varnish, refinish, top your auto; take apart and put together In three days. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co. Z2& and Thurman sts. Main s43, A 52S2. TO settle business matters will sell today, at $500 off regular price, new 1911 Ma rlon roadster or o-passenger car; reason able terms. Call 4R Corbett bldg. be tween 1 and 4. Phone Main 4967. FIVE-PASSENGER 40-H. P. TOURING CAR, IN GOOD CONDITION. THIS IS THE BEST BUY IN TOWN. I3S0. PART CASH. Uil E. S7TH. NR. HAWTHORNE. PHONE TABOR 1147. KRIT RUNABOUT. FIRST-CLASS CON DITION. GUARANTEED. A SNAP FOR S.lMt. TERMS. 20 E- 37 TH, NEAR HAW THORNE. TABOR 1147. Ibll. $25oO ROADSTER, well equipped and new tires at a very low price if taken at once. Call Main S925 or 1015 Board of Trade; ask for Huston. 1010 WHITE gas car. detachable body, 30 horsepower. price $400; must leave town. Write J. E- Stine, 711 West Johns it, be Johns, Or. FOR SALE CHEAP for cash One 1811 Jackson, one It 1 2 National roadster, one 3 0la Havers Six roadster, phone Mar. 5S3L FINS furniture of 5 -room modern flat, com plete; 2 rooms rented ; cheap for quick sale; ca?h or terms. Everett, cor. 17th. LArxfOnL) 40. excellent condition, for sale or t raue unincum bered lot. Tabor 7 73 or Tabor 4S5 between 2 and 4. MUST have money; take East Ankeny car to 61 East 22d and make offer on 6-cylinder, .Vpaas. auto. J 5o, Oregonian. WILL trade equity in fine home for high priced aut. Woodlawn 13S. PANELED auto delivery top at a bargain. 'atl Main 241. 120 N. 11th sC FOR SALE or trade, a :l-ton truck Kissel cwr. in flr?t-c!a5S condition. Tabor 4:48- $;.;.tV 4-Pia- Cadillac, nickeled, painted. electric lighted, good condition. Tabor 444. WANTED New ft-pass. au!o:nobll7foriia00 lot nearly clear. Marshall 24S. FOB SALE. Automobile. ALTO SNAPS Bulck. 3 or 4 -pass.. $3 SO; terms. Cadillac. ! or 4-pass., terms. Maxwell. 5-pass.. $i75; terms. Oven, (-pass.; good rent car; snap, easy terms. AUTO DEALERS CLEARING-HOUSE. Second ar.d Ankeny fits. FLANDERS (-passenger, equipped with top, windshield. & lamps, generator, speed ometer, tools. Jack and extra tubes; the tires are n-w ; detachable tonneau; can easily be converted Into runabout or light delivery: thta car Is In the very best con dition: S350 if sold this week. 264 11th at. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. Chalmers $400 Hupraoblle Touring $.".Q Hupmobtle Runabout $373 Dulmage Auto Company. 40 N. L'Oth St. 1913 FORD ROADsTER, has been used 3 months, has sioo worth extra equipment, also delivery box on rear; this car Is in the very best of condition and cheap; can be seen at 28 11th st., cor. Jefferson. $3 PER MONTH for storage on drained automobiles in best flre-resistlng building. E. P. Jamison A Co., 17th and Tuurmao Automobile Wanted. WANTED A second-band Ford automo bile, :il4 E. Wash. st. East 71C. B 21,68. Motorcycle. MOTORCYCLE sale, second-hand machines at cost; a few 1312 models at reduced prices. WEST COAST SUPPLY CO SI North Broadway. BARGAINS In new and used motorcyctea. Freer Too! & Supply Co., 811 Oak St. Mi seel tan roue. 2000 FEET S. IW-inch Roebllrg plow steel wire rope, nearly new, anvil, portable forge, chocker hooks and sockets, swamp hooks, etc. Phone B 30dO. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices easy terms: safes opened, repaired and pointed. ITRCELL SAKE CO.. and PORT LAND PAKE CO.. S5 5:h St. Main 300. MINERAL collection, consisting of over TrfiOO specimens. Including ores, gems, petrifac tions and fossils fro mall psrts of the globe. Address AP 3!9. Oregonian. SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; ssfes opened and repaired; bargains in second -baud safes lOH 2d st. phone Main 7t76. COCKROACH-KILLER. A new (1 iseo very ; guaran teed to give perfect satisfaction or no chance. Phone Marshall 3y7 or call 2 Broadway. SPECIAL sai cn filing cabinets, oak and mahogany; 40 per cent off.. Haley Desk Co.. 210 Broadway, between Taylor And Salmon. Main 637. MUST sell 24-foot launch, top, reliable en gine. . electric lights, carpets, chairs; Ideal pleasure boat; fine condition. Marshall 277, Miin 331S. CHANCE for two sportsmen to take inter est in fine duck shooting reserve. L 317, Oreeontan. BAKER'S outfit for sale, with counter and cash register; will sell cheap. Phone Tabor 4241. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. lv to NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 22 Stark st. LARGE Ice box for restaurant, gas ranK. 3 showcases, lot household goods. 112 Union ave. FOR SALE Silk quilt, profusely worked wirh floss and lined with taffeta. Mrs. N. J. Simeraon. 14;t3 E. Everett. ciiiu.Nb-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-to desks and U chairs. Bus hong k Co.. 91 Park at. NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices. Povey. 351 Wesh., basement. Main k)& CIGAR and tobacco fixtures cheap. Cain Cigartand, b0N.JBth sL FOR SALE 100.000 vitrified paving bricks: prompt delivery. AP 305. Oregonian. L. C. SMITH typewriter. 2-color, In "first- ciass conattton, cneap ior casn. 3Uj imu COMPLETE office outfit cheap, on time. typewriter desk. 810- 319 Beck bldg. SHOWCASES, scales, etc., or will exchange for strong buggy. Woodlawn 160 J. NEW Monarch No. 2 typewriter, cheap for cash. Kahn. "44 Washington. SPLENDID new safe for sale cheap. 815 cnamoer or commerce. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIM Hardware ft Furniture Co., 221 Front sc. buys second-hand furniture, car pets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything; in this line, call Main 1072. Our buyer calls promptly. FEATHER BEDS wanted to make Into feather mattresses; pay cash; feather beds and pillows renovated. Phone Tabor l4&i. Foiling Mattress Co., 1104 Hawthorne. WE wut to buy Slooo worth of econd hand furniture In the next U0 days and pay . all the cash It la worth. Wllllams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 630. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paia ior laaiee ana men s cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2uo0. 234 1st st. The Globe. WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash regihters and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley. 304 Burnslde sc Phons Main lSld. A ism. FAIR DEAL -We pay best prices for second hand clothing ana lurniture. call Alain 9272. ut 3d. N. M. G lick man, prop. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED- Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. IS 1st, near Yamhill. Main 4773. WE pay highest prices tor second-hand clothing. zw4 oa su p none Main yiio. HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing ana a noes. Aiarsnau zair. NATIONAL cash register, price must be rea sons a le. ain wt, A bwij. WE want $10,000 worth of second-nsnd fur niture; highest prices paid, heiiwood losa. FORD AUCTION CO. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8051. SECOND-HAND candy tools; state condition and price in letter, r xuy,uregonian. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary jeauiy finors. -iuu jjeaum Diag. HELP WANTED-MALE, THE Holts Store requires the services of Apply S to 10 A. M.. to Supc, The Holts Store. 6th & Washington. WANTED Reliable man to take charge of young orchara for term of years; guar anteed salary; cash bond required. Phone Marshall tfOO. STEADY employment for a man with $0O0 to drive a Ford delivery car: wages $6 per day. with gas and oil furnished. Phone Tabor 1040. WANTED Man to sell a hlph yrade office specialty; must have a good appearance; good salary; state experience. L 310. Oregonian. WANTED Maa to solicit rural routes for country daily; apply by letter, giving experience and salary wanted.' A 847. Oregonian. COOPERS WANTED. Tight barrel coopers wanted. Address Oregon Cooperage Co., box 15 or phone A 1265. IF G. E. Pettit will communicate with C. E. Smith. 920 West Jefferson sc. Los Angeles, he will learn something to his advantage. WANTED Good live men to sell diamonds, watches snd jewelry on the installment plan. Apply 207 Corbett bldg. TAILORS wanted to work on ladies jackets; oniy first-class need apply. S. Weiss, 147 10th st. ADVERTISING solicitors, cash commission. Clyde agency. Stock Exchange bldg., Jd and Yamhill. WANTED At once, 3 men to learn moving picture operating. Apply 512 Rothchlld bldg. WANTED Men to take contract to hew railroad ties; large Job. Apply 515 Cor bett bldg. INTELLIGENT man for educational propo sition; pleasant work, good pay. M 33, Oregon Ian. SALESMEN and dist. mgrs, for Oregon. Nat Casualty Co., 601 Railway Ex. bldg. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio. 546 H Morrison. W ANTKD Pan washer; $12 per week. iijtni'm uairy uccn. jjj v asnington. WANTED An Al advertising man; " give phone number. AG 323. oregonian, MAN to help painter;, no experience necea- WANTED Man to take contract to pick prunes. Main 6521.2tf3 Burnslde. 2- PAINTERS; sood stsge men ; no other need apply. 404 Hall, near 13. WANTED Pot washer. Lelghton's Dairy Lunch. tZ2 Washington it. WANTED An experienced furniture fin isher. AO 3W, Oregonian. DELIVERY boy wanted. Portland Electro & Stereo Co, 92 Front St. C'oLLCTOR w anted; give phons number. L -ii?1. Oregon isn. DISHWASHER. Come resdy to work. The raranh!! "3rf and Hnvt W ANT ED Bell boy foe residential- hotel. Call at the Campbell. 23d and Hoyt sts. BARBER warned, good man, steady job. 1 -V- At h mt WANTED One second cook- Apply AO N. fith sc HELP WANTED MALK, INCIDENT. Ona of Many.) Office Secretary Emploment Department, I. 1L C A. Younir man. stianger. seeking employ menr ttm h?a total cash asset) If I P you $3 for employment membership. I will nave oniy sio between me aua iiri'. Secretary If you pay (0 Tor employ ment membership Vou will have .the x. M.. C A., with ail its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week ho had satisfactory employment. Record for slv months end in a June 80: Calls for men from, employers. ....... 1 174 Poiltlnna flllerf 103J Our special employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or rfund membership fee, gives two months full and 10 months' cociai pnw leces CONSTANT DEMAND FOR CLERICAL. TECHNICAL AND COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially Invited to consu.t witn tne secretary ox me em ployment Department, ENERGETIC BOYS "WANTED. Apply at bupt.'s office. th floor, be tween 8:30 and 9:30 A. 21. MEIER & FRANK CO. WANTED FOR U. & ARMY, able-bodied unmanled men between ages of 18 and 34; cHisvits uf L nited States, of good ensr erter and temnerat habits. who can speak read and write the English lan guage, f or information apply to itecruu lng Officer, Worcester building, 8d aiid Oak sts., Portland, Or, WANTED Experienced man for ladies' cloak and suit house; must be window trimmer and card writer, as well as ex perienced salesman ; good salary to right party; ro application consiuerna witnoui nrst-claffs references, Audress V einDeig s, Butte, Mont. MARRIED farm hand, familiar with horses, to take steady position on laree orchara, wiKfi, $oS.jO monthly; must h willing to Invest pari of w ages In small tract In neignoornooa ; sms'i can pajncni re quired; school and store on premises. AJ :ni, Oregonian. WANTED Drug clerk, rood habits, steady and experienced, for store In small town In Washinrtnn on Columbia River not far from Portland: man of some years pre f erred; state wages desired and give rcf- eren-ea in first letter. AV 34. Oregonian. WANTED For a marble nlant at Vancou ver. It. C. exoerienced foreman smd draughtsman ; steady position, with good prospects; only competent men neea ap ply by letter to F. Botefubr & Co., 3d and Asn sts,, portiana, or. YOUNG man. with rererence, to solicit. Ex perienced man will go with you and teach you the business and assist la closing sales. Big money in it and a permanent position. Call evenings. Ud Chamber of commerce ounaing. WANTED By wholesale house, young man for billing; must be able to operate type writer and be quick ana accurate at ztgures. Apply in own handwriting, stat lng age. experience and phone number. G oregonian. WANTED Carpenters, S3.S0; car-loading tallymen, il'.to and . PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO., 2J2 COUCH ST. COMPETENT marker and sorter wanted at once: $15 to start ; also an experienced washman a no engineer; state experience ana wages, houth Bend steam Laundry, South Bend. Wash. 1CUN5 MAN for clerk In office, wholesale house; advance - to assistant bookeeper; prefer ono living at home; give age, ex perience, salary expected, references, ad dress and phone. AN 3i3, Oregonian. WANTED Salesman for country work In B. Oregon and N. California; liberal com-rr-isulons; experience not essential. If yon want something permanent and good ad -dres Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco. Oregon WANTED Several young men of neat ap pearance, between the agea of 18 and 24 yvars; good pay assured. Apply, 8:30 until 2 P. M.. Room Fleidner bldg., 10th and Washington. CHRISTIAN gentleman, over 45 years old. to fill bookkeeping and office position; $76 month; near Portland; no bad habits tol erated; give phone. K 322. Oregonian. WANTED Young man to leave town at once; must be over 21. single, fair edu cation and willing to work. Call 9 to 11 and 1 to 2, Mr. (J i I ham, Carlton Hotel. WANTED Honest, Industrious man or boy to work about garden and house and drive car; good home and fair wages to right party. AH 321. Oregonian. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL wanted with some experience, with city reference, to work In confectionery store. 1:4 v Washington. WANTED Girl, no washing. two adults. Good wages and home. Tabor 351 L Mrs. HlKRins, ;tl K. 41st st. WANTED A lady to work In boarding-houe for her and husband's room and board. 1.-1H Russell. Phone East 4765. STRONG, healthy young girl for general housework ; references required ; wages $ M. 1022 Raleigh sc Main 8347. WANTED Stenographer, one who under stands bookkeeping. Apply 307 Corbett bldg. RELIABLE, ambitious woman of refinement and ability; permanent position. 45 Trln ity place. Apt. 12. WANTED Girl for general housework and assist with baby; two in family. 778 Mar. shall sc MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 's Wash., room 33. near 4in. rncne iiain jjo or a 3iu. GIRL for general housework, family of 4; good position for tha right party. Call phone Sellwood 1895. WANTED Markers and sorters; experience not necessary, l'ale Lauudry, 00 H. Mor rison. GIRL as nurse for two-year-old child and help about small bungalow. Phone Tabor 2150. WANTED . Girl for general housework and plain cooking. Apply at once. S A M. to 12, morning. o4o 10th st. WANTED Thoroughly experienced and compvtent stenographer; salary $12 per w et-k. Address AG 2m, Oregonian. GIRL for general housework, good home and good wages. 413 EL 11th sC North. Broad way car. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and downxialrs work. Marshall 32. 5o2 Clif ton sc GIRL for cooking and general housework; good wagt-s. 315 Thompson St.. Est 4140. WANTED Experienced girl for cooking and waiting; good wages. Apply SO N. lvtth. COMPETENT stenographer, steady position; give experience. L 321, Oregonian. VV ANTED Girl for general housework, small family; good wages. 564 Hoyt. WANTED Good cook. 3 adults In family. M iss Page, Vancouver Barracks. LADY BARBER WANTED. 234 COLUMBIA ST. COMPETENT girl for general houseworks small family. 5& Tillamook sc GIRL wanted to assist with housework In small flat. 7U1 Northrup. Apt. 3. LADY to pose for pictures, leisure hours, $1 hour, w 320. Oregonian. APPRENTICE girls wanted to learn milli nery. 4u3 Morrison sC APPRENTICE for beauty shop, position as sured. Velvetlna Shop. 616 Swetland bldg. EXPERIENCED lady spotter and presser for fan:y gowns. 3il Burnslde. Oregon Dye Works. GIRL wanted to assist with general house work; good home and good wages. 042 4th. WANTED Girl for general housework. 702 Northrup. GIKL for general housework; small family; n washing. o4 Love joy. WANTED Competent girl to do general housework. Apply 520 Halsey, cor. E. 11th. WOMAN to do kitchen work In cafeteria; no Sunday work. 206 Stark st. 2 EXPERIENCED labelers for wholesale grocery nouse. AP 313. Oregonian. WANTED Competent colored second maid. Call mornings. Main 24o3. GIRL wanted as marker and sorter at Main Hand Laundry. 067 Washington. VEST MAKER. Leveen A Franseen, iub Rothchiid bldg. WANTED Maid to do light housework and cooking by the month. Phone East 42yo. A ANTED Stenographer and bookkeeper. Call at 811 Nlcolal st. GIRL for general housework. Call at. 2bU North 20th. corner Overton, GIRL to assist with housework; small fam ily, good home..SJ Love joy. EXPERIENCED folders and hand lroners. Palace Laundry Co.. E. 10th and Evererc WANTED Girl for light housework on fa Apply Belvedere Hotel. GIRL for housework; small family. 6S5 Marshall. WANTED Girl for general housework. Call 741 Wasco sc LADY barber wanted at 285, Burnslde- sL GIRLS wanted. Apply 34 First street North. GIRL for confectionery. Call 135H N. I Oth. WANTED Waitress at M2 Burnslde. WANTED 2 lady barbers. 148 2d sC HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATORS WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE ; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE & . TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST OFFICE). COR. TH AND " EAST ANKENY STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE. WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST NO. GIRLS WANTED Between 1 8 and 21 ears of age as In spectors snd wrsppers. Apply to Mr. Por ter, delivery dept., basement annex, be tween :30 and :30 A. M. MEIER FRANK CO. WANTED TODAY. 3 cooks. $2 a day. Cook, country. $00 a month, fare paid. Cook and waitress (out), $40 and $25, fare paid. Chambermaid (country). $25 and board, fare putd. Kitchen helper (out), $30 a month. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO.. Ladles' Dept. 2u5 4 Morrison. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN WANTED. Experienced In gelling Women's Cloaks and Suits. Apply superintendent's office, tiia floor, between 8:30 and 1:30 A. M, MEIER FRANK CO. EXPERIENCED MILLINERY MAKERS. Apply at SupC's office. 6th floor, be tween 8:30 and 0:30 A. M. MEIER ft FRANK CO. WOULD like a middle-aged woman, Nor wegian, Swedish or colored lady, to go into the country; must be a good cook and willing to stay and make her home; not too good looking, but must be neat and elfin; moderate wages as lung sa you live. Phone Tabor 1203 or Mala 6070 or Call bil E. Taylor. BY SEPT. 10 Two girls to do marking and sjsFurtine and polishing and starching; good wages if you know the business; If not don't answer. Address A. F. Der lnger, BenUoa Steam Laundry, Bandon, Or. EXPERIENCED clerks for Infants wear, hosiery department, undewear department. Infants' department, notion department; must be over 20 years of age; permanent position and good wages. Address O Cub, oregonian. WANTED Girl; must be experience paper boxmaker, or staying machine hand; gooa wages. Apply American Chicle Co., be- twetn S and 12 sts. WANTED At once, for professional ladies' orchestra, lady flute, comet, clarinet and piano players; concert work; only artists need apply. Phone B 3362. East 6193. CAMP helpers, man and wife, $W; pantry woman iuid waitress (out), $00; famliy cook, $40; t.econd girl, $30: nurse girl, $12. Hansen's Empc Office, 34o Wash, ec MANY of the best families of the city ars registered wlta the Domestic Service Bu reau tor cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7o67. WANTED rive bright, cspaDle ladles to travel, demonstrate and seil dealers; rail road fare paid; $25 to ?uU per week. Call Velvetlna Shop, U13 Swetland bldg. WANTED Experienced skirt and waist help, also bright errand girl, one expe rienced In shopping. Tracy es Copeland, 2o Columbia blag. WANTED I WANTED! WANTED! Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bl-ig. Sanitary pariora WANTED Two girls between the ages of 17 and 2 years; pleasant and profitable work. Apply 2u0 Fleiuner bldtf., loth and Washington, a until r. ai. GIRLS for addressing; must be good writers. Answer In own handwriting; state age and experience; salary $1. per nay. ST. LOL'Irf AGENCY Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids. housekeepers, general house w orkg Iris. 28 SM a in sC Main 2038. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 60 Rota cr.iid bldn.. 4th and Washington. MAID wanted to do light housework and cooking; famJly of two; work by the month. Phone East 42V9. WANTED Reliable girl for second work In small family. Apply i iJin, cor, 'Overton. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALE. 20O HOPl'ICKERS wanted, near Brooks, Or. V mites uur.n vi oiom, vu wibvh w Call SC Charles Hotel on the 27th, 2sth or 20th. WV P. Massey. HOPPICKERS. Call and see Bartlett at St. Charles Ho tel today and arrange to pick hops; good accommoaations. 150 HOPPICKERS, Chemekcta, big dance halu 1m)xoO. good music. Soe B. F. La rontaine, grower, SL cuanes noise Aug. iiAKt money writing short stories; big pay. Send for tree Dooxtet, tens now. United press Syndicate. San Francisco. MAKE money writing short stories; big nav; send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Syndicate, tan Francisco. WONDER CLOTH metal polisher; agents wanted everywhere. Christy. .cum ber EchanKe bldg. TEACHER wanted, rural school, 60 miles from railroad, oo- leaoners Agency, -u 0th sc HOPPICKERS WANTED. Yard at Mission Bottom. Call office at 233 2d si. WANTED 50 hoppickera, near Brooks. Call SC Charles Hotel, 27th and 2Mb. Bruce Jones. HOP DRYER and some pickers wanted. Wm. Johnson. &ii7 cjiamner oi commerce. FiSK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 3i6 Journal bldg. Main 4t35. HLP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. no expfa'SE to learn electricity, automo biles, plumbing. Corrsspondence lessons luruisneu; tnen actual worn, on couui Jobs; - your work pays expense; 300 stu dents last year; get free catalogue. United Trade- School Contracting Co., Los Ange les. THE Mohler Barber College will teach you the trade In 6 weeks; tools free; send for catalogue ; 20 years In the business ; 37 schools, a lifetime scholarship given to each student; special inducements siren to ladies. 43 N. 2d sC WIRELESS OPERATORS in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. AH the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coasc WANTED ICO men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaran teed; modern college; tools free; a trade that you can get In business for yourself. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison sc GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men. women; ie5 to SI 50 month, list positions free. Franklin institute. Dept. 527 F.t Roches ter. N. 1 WANTED Experienced man and wife to work on Eastern Washington wheat ranch. Inquire 20 lth sc North Thursday be tween 10 and 12 A. M. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPON D K N C E SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts. Phone: Main 1026, A 4121. Also headquarters 1. C S. Fraternity. GOVERNMENT CLERK-CARRIER. Exam ination Nov. 1. Parcel post requnea clerks; salary S00 to 11200. Free iiook. Pacific States school. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or I V ANTED Men, IS o 43. to become Port land mail carriers, S& to $10o month; va cations. AV" 217, Oregonian. PRVATK BUSINESS COLLEX3B Individual Instruction. UKoGG SHUrtiriA.-su, toox keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 422S LEARV to operate moving picture machine; good pay, easy nours. secure positions. 417 Rothchlld bldg. SHORTHAND TYPEWRITING SCHOOL 269 14TH ST. M'N. 3J3. EXP. INSTHL'O GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 013 rtotncnua ma KEISTER'B Ladles' Tailoring College and Cfc.,.! . TWaumabln 1ASI H. 11 fh mt SHORTH.VND. TYPEWRITING, -month .nnr. l mnnth XHX 11th mt. SITUATIONS WANTED MALB. bookkeepers and Clerks. Yul'NG man, Industrie us. 1'ke position, clerical or bookkeeping. T 300, Ore g on isn. HIGH-CLASS salesman wants position with food nouse, a-4i. urggunian. BAKERS helper, experienced, wants steady position, w uiciuuiwi. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. OFFICE man married. 3S years old. six years In railroad dtiIon superintendent's oft Ice. one year In railroad auditor dis bursements oaice. five ears on Panama Canal on accounting and report wet wants permanent work. AH 319. Ore rt'iKan. CH Al'FFEl'R wants position : ool around man in private lamily; will he:p i uujiu do use ana taice lull care of ma chine; best city ref. AM 31. Oregonian WILL ACD1T, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITS up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems. GilllcKham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 71T. liENTLEMAN with several years' experience ss bookkeeper desires position; sm good typewriter operator, p 326. Oregoniaa- MlseeRsuseoua. ABLE-BODIED. neat-SDoearinr voun mar rled man would like steady work, good mechanical ability, quick and accurate witn xigures, have store and stockroom experience and can handle horses; win accept any reasonaoie oner. J 347, Ore gonian. COLLECTOR, salesman, acquainted, mar ried and Christian ; must leave good In side salary for wholly outside work. Ex ceptional local references. Must have some salary ' for supporC M 331, Ore- Kunian. CHAl'FFEL'R Japanese. desires position, private car. tn o v ears' extxienca nr. f erred good repair man. willing to do xamuy wora oesiues; references, k. 3.3. isregoman. WANTED Janitor work, porter work, clerk fn hotel or apartment-house Janitor; mid- oie-ageu man. sober, trustworthy; city eierences ; permanent joo. ASK tor c.d- monus. pnone wain w-U(. POSITION wanted bv exoert furniture man tnlddle-aged; has a lifetime experience in carpet and linoleum work; best of ref- it i cm r. a rv urrsonian. WANTED By rolddle-ai;ed man. Job on soiaii i arm; smau wages it sieauy place; an batch; experienced. AL 317, Ore- gumaii. POSITION by experienced clerk in grocerv or general merchandise store; will accept permanent position on moaerate wages. a v ai, uregoman. CHEF Reliable, first-class, wishes position In private family only; city or country; references oi nigtt ciass. au sa, ore gonian. CHEF Reliable, first-class, wishes position in restaurant, ciuo, noiei, city or country; rei-srences excellent. AC uregoman BARTENDER, young man, age 25, wants position; married; stranger In city; best or reference. 4oZ bast 6i th st. RECEIVING and shipping clerk of consid era bio experience needs work. Phono Main r.'i4. ri. tno;en. JAPANESE boy, cook or waiter, has expe rience, wishes position in private family. Aunreaa ueorge i ana, t4 v asnington st. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 719, A 4910, Portland Walters' Club, 14H 5th. Portland. Or. O. C. Gerald, manager. AS Janl Lor or houseman by experienced and active elderly man; very moderate wages. ti. a.'f, uregoman. SITUATION wanted by salesman, capable oi nanutingt utrge proposition. x &xv. uregonian. EXPERIENCED N. Y. traveling salesman wis'aes position with reliable house. P oregonian. VOL NO man, working in garage, will care for car for room and board. East Side, K U21, Oregonian. BOY 7 years wants place to work for room aid board and go to school. 8 2i0, Ore gonian. PIANO player, young man. wants position, experienced, good reader, large repertoire. v wjt uregonian. EXPERIENCED auto driver wants position on any car, private or delivery. N 29 Oregonian. POSITION In law office by graduate Oregon university law departnieac R 304, Ore gonlan. GRADING yards and lawn work and cement work, all first-class work done. George Hertford. East 3U&9. CHAUFFEUR wants Position. 6 years' ex perlence and acquainted with the city; do own repairing, a Z3oi. SOBER, reliable young married man wants sieaay wora. rnone juain ib.'v. KXPERIENCED hardware man wants posi tion. Phone Woodlawn 503. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers smd Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper, two years' experience, desires position; best of refer ences. Marshall 11701. EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes per manent position; no commercial work. Muin 24Q1. STENOGRAPHER, three years experience, wants position with doctor or lawyer. main ztoc STENOGRAPHIC position by young lady witn experience, nione lanor . DRESSMAKING by reliable, dressmaker. Tabor SS7. experienced DRESSMAKER wants sewing by day. Phone Main o.oi. Norses. RELIABLE woman! trustworthy. refer ences. desires care Invalid, adult or child. a t. -i-v, uregonian. NURSE wishes to care for Infant or child at her home, 1215 Mall sc. near 42L WW car. Housekeepers. LADY with a girl would like a place as housekeeper in some good home. Aa dress 3SS Fremont. Domestics, EXPERIENCED cook would like work. R Slw. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. YOUNG Japanese woman wants position as general housework in small family where she could learn to speak English; no ob jection to wages, al 3io. uregonian. YOUNG lady wants position seamstress and chamber work in private family wlch even ings off; references given, F 322, Orego nian. DINNERS cooked or day work done, or cooking by the oay; experienced woman. Marshall a94. CAPABLE woman wishes day engagements, laundry or as substitute cook. Mar shall 5167. RELIABLE young woman wishes position In bakery or as cashier; strictly compe tent. M g.w, uregonian. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Woodlawn i?4. Mrs. xeison. YOUNG lady would like place in country with small family. K 307, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED lady wants any kind of day work. Can Mrs. stooaaro, a 7479. EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing to tnke home, rnone itast LACE curtains, draperies, linens laun dried by experc Called ror. xapor ttif. WOMAN wants any kind of work by hour. Phone East 5073, room 25. WOMAN wants to do day work. Mrs. Mc- Guire. Main 717. A 1&17. WOMAN wants day work by hour. Phone East 5073. room v. GIRL wants general housework. Call at 7734 WMson st. FIRST-CLASS laundress wants work Wed. and Fri.; references. Woodjawn 1611. DAY work, Tues., Wed. and Friday. Phons Main 4394. MARRIED lady would like management of apartments for renC S 2S5, Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. MEN are daily making 7 and better handling dependable 2 So article, costing Gc; easy selling, what customers need. Two samples 6c Domestic Mfg. Co., 513 Washington ave.. Minneapolis. AGENTS Do not accept any offer until you have ours. Write for free sample ana Fait catalogue of whirlwind sellers. Acme Supply Co., 213 No. Hill sc, Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED TO BENT. Houses. WANTED To lease for year, 5 or 6-room bungalow, with garage or one close by; about $30 per month; will pay S months In advance. Address 009 Villa SC Clare Apartments. Pnone Main 7543. WANTED To rent 5 or o-room modern use, with barn and some grounds, rea sonable rent, good neighborhood. Address AH 82S, Oregonian. WANTED SepC 10, modern six or seven room furnished house, Irvlngton preferred. Phone E. 3536. WANTED A small furnished cottage; close In. Phone B 26S4. LI ST rent bouse now : people Inquiring. Smith-Wagoner Co.. Stock Exchange. WANTED Unfurnished room, light house keeping, private family. West Side. L S2. Oregonian. YOUNG man wants room In private family; state price. AM 3:7. Oregonian. Rooms With Bear. YOUNG man desires room with breakfast and dinner with private Catholic family; French preferred. AN 3-4. Oregonian. LADY, employed, desires board and room In private home or boarding-house. C 333, Oregonian, FOB RENT. nrnisneci JSousne, HOTEL ROWLAND, HOTEL MINOOK, 2u7 4th. 213 4th SPECIAL SUMMER R Al ES. Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cod water, private baths; Summer rates, (3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give ur a call; you will like It for you get your money's worth and then some. YOUNG man, rooming Y. M. C A., w ants roommate to reuue rooming expense, reasonable cost; fireproof builuing. snowei baths, vacuum oeaaed, many club ad vantages; In f.VuO.uvo buUdiug. inquire business office Y. M. C cor. eth. and njior sis. FOR Y. M. C A. MEMBERS lurnlshed rooms, reasonable in pries; fireproof build in;?, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim ming pool, ciuo Tat-: ii ties; special rates at cafeteria and 10 other features. Fuil par ticulars at business office, cor. 6lh and Ta lor sts. THE HOTEL AR1 UUR. llth, between Morrison and Yamhill Re centry opened; every modern convenience; Slenty of hot water and heat; beautiful Jbby; rates S4 week and up; with private bath. t&.&O week and up. transient rates, 7Sc and up. Free phone. Main 4226. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Urpncum 1 neater, jiatn io- - HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 6u2 Washington sc. cor. Ella; elegantly located, new and modern, all outside rooms; $2.50 week up; with private bath 93 week up; transient rata HOTEL SAVON, 331 Eleventh street New modern brick building, steam-heated, pri vate barbs, hot and cold water, comfort- spty rurnisneo; transients soiiciteo. 2 TO 3 week newly furnished, la"K cool rooms, plenty hot water and baths, all hours. Hotel Cadillac, clean as Wax. 3d st., near JefTerson. MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington itooms, .j week; private bath, $ week; corner front suite. $.1 week. THE LARRABEE, 227S La rrabee Rooms. $2 week up; brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Pantages; mod ern outside rooms, $::.5o up, with bath . ana up. .neapen in tne city. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave.. E. Belmont rooms S12 mo. up; $22.30 and up with oatn ; aosoiuieiy respectaoie. li.ast 33. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautlfullv furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. 6th ana Main. FnrnUhed Rooms in Private Fsmlly. from Orpheum; hot and cold water, elec tric lights, open fireplace, etc.; the helgnt 01 eiegance ana reiinement; sj.ou per week and 11 ti : e-Arvthinr nw ?"'T Rma ila-v Phone Main 34. LOVELY front room, porch, closet and fire place, new, mouern, -clean ana pleasant home; board If desired. 92 Everetc near .'iBi. $12 MONTH, nicely furnished front room. ences; close in. iso X. 18th. Marshall idl2. rLK.MsHEU room In private home; no ether roomers; 2 blocks from Broadway briage; lady preferred. Phone East 2i'o'J. NICELY furnished rooms, strictly modern. walking distance, just off West Park; use or piano. 310 Jackson sC A 52bo. FOR RENT Large steam heated room, modern; 1 gentleman, $10, or two for 13. W 13th sc. near Washington. A 1177. NICELY furnished front room, six minutes to business district, choice location, pleas ant, attractive home. 3u llth sC LARGE, light rooms suitable for 2: re a sonable; boms privileges; meals close at prlvato home. Phone East 18. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room In good home; references; Nob Hill. 70S Johnson street. 1 ROOM 1.50 a week; 1 room $2 a week. DESIRABLE rooms, light end airy, porches lawn, bath, phone; S2 week. 30 Madison. SINGLE front room, $2 per week, both phones, walking distance. 325 12th sc FURNISHED room, modern home, roflned family of two, Nob Hill. Marshall 02. $3 MUNI H Pleasant. neatly furnished room for two; ail conveniences. 12s 2ia 2. 543 YAMHILL, larse front room. $12, small room 7; new, clean, convenienc NEAT furnished room with double closet running water. Marshall 4733. 745 Hoyc Unfurnished I Coomb. LARGE front room, nantry and kitchen; separate entrance; $lo a month. 3i2 Kverett sc Booms With Board. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE American and European plan; near City Pars:; convenient to canine, THE HILL. Washington at 23d st. Residential and Tourist Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and tran sients. Aiain 1 13. THK VIRGINIA HILL, An exclusive residential hotel; attractive rates to iransirn is or per mnueui guesLs Main 923. A 6328. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms, with excellent table board; very reasonable rates, llth and Yamhill sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL, 3fMJ Montromery st., at West park Mod era conveniences: rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates Tor regular and transient guests. ROOMS and board at the Calumet for S37.50 per month; double with private tath, $75 per month; rooms, European, fio and up; rates by the day and week. 150 Park sc Main 7300. THE WHITEHALL, 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel; large sun porch rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. THE MANITOU. 261 13th SC Excellent table; large, airy rooms; Stun. mer rates, -j- car at Lfepoc LARGE, newly furnished room, with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds; piano, nome comrorrs. iyi inn. nun 63 si. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 24th year. rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 610 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, cor. 13th. well lumisnea rooms ana Doara. Mod ern conveniences. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hoteL Special Summer rates; strictly home cook ing. 3o5 3d st. Phono Main 7004. THE WEAVER HOTEL. Cozy rooms, with bath ; board if de sired; attractive rates. 710 wash. M. 8651. WOULD like to give room and board to 1 or 2 children, near school. Call forenoon. C i'V. CHOICE rooms, single or en suite; first-class iaoie. so rt. mn. JUST opened, new boarding-house, all kinds 01 rooms tor rent, call East 2w7. CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson sC Large airy lumisnea rooms witn Doara. Rooms With Board in Private Family... COMFORTABLE 'room, pleasant surround ings, modern conveniences, cosv. reason able, board optional; special prices for two, jiain ayy. aist Broadway. CONNECTING rooms with hot and cold wa ter, suitame ror two or three persons; fin location; West Side; walking distance; poaro. optional. fnone A 376. ROOM and board for one or two men: nri vate family; every home comfort; no orner Doaraers, Phone East 44J3, ROOM with board, suitable for one or two; lial! it Dhnn XJ .. vV, I I En.; A 241 22D ST. NORTH 2 connecting rooms 1 " '-'- i-. JLillll fJi NICELY furnished room, board. -162 N FKONT room with board, for gentleman piano. Main 3312 3-il 10th. GOOD rooms and board, modern, close in. 472 Salmon sC Marshall 4273. NICE rooms, with board, $5; walking dls FURNISHED rooms, with or without board, son Tavlor. . NICE furnished front room with board, 064 Apartments. THE DEZENDORF. 205 13th. near Taylor. Main 4795. One elegantly furnished 5-room apt. One 5-room unfurnished ape THE SAN MARCO. Nicely fur. and unfur. 3 -room mod apts. : private bath and phones: walking distance. $18 up. Phone East 2759. ANGELA APTS. 89 Trinity place, 2, 3 and 4-room fur nisned apartments; private bath and tele phone: modern. HAMMERSLEY COURT, 2.10 12th. bet. Main ana iiauiaon. rnvaie oatns, moaem. close to P. O. Bachelors apts. cared for. low pric3s; nicely furnished. Mar. 2vZ2, A 223 PAGE APARTMENTS. Beautiful apartments, furnished and un furnifhed. Including fireplace, etc. E. 35otJ. 4 AND 5 rooms, light and airy. $20 and Ijo THE LEONARD; 3-room apartments, mod era. new. ooa t-ast xaio. DOVER APTS. I rooms, unf umlr?ed. $11. Inquire IS7 N. 24th. Marshall 433ft. T- U t- T-k V T(iV i-nr, fr.fty ' , - 1 . . am a- Mom ant.. an!v n.:- k :m,i.r. FOB RENT. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartmen from 2 to 5 rooms, from $15 to $- per monfh. If you want one, teleph .ain i."v 1 5 Sundays, or A 2 Evening call Mr. Balden. Marshall 2o. Our antomobiles w ill call at any addT with our agent, who wul be glad to sh these spartments. References requirec We own or control the following; Cecilia. 22d and Glisan sts. , Clay pool, llth and Ciay sts. Columbia, llth and Columbia. Farchim, 17i Ford. Haþ, 215 2xa St., near Main. Hanover. Ib5 King St., near Washing. Kri.ckerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 1- Crder:e'.)f a. a Grand ave. St. Claire 170 St. Claire St.. near Wa t-:. Francis. Ulst and Hoyt sts. Weliiiiston. ltith and Everett sts. MORGAN. FL1EDNER A BOYCB, fiuo-.'ifti Aoingtun bldg. HIGHLANP COURT APARTMENTS. 22d and Glisan Streets. . Walking Distance. Very exclusive, elerantly furnished and .-rom apartments; ail light, brir outside room. References Required. Marshall 705 DAVIS STREET. APARTMENTS. On Davis St. at Head of Klnsr SL 7-story, reinforced concrete, absolut xireproo Duilomg. 4 to O-room unfurnished apartment) All modern conveniences. Including f n laces, maids' rooms with bath, tiled ba rooms, elevator service day and night, d Phones A 4ut6. Marshall bOii. CARMELITA. Jefferson and i:th sts. 4 snd 5-room unfurnished apartmerf exceptionally well arranged; walking J tance. Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS House of Tone. Lara est and finest ap ments on the Pacific Coast- In heart apartment-house district. New and n: ern In every particular. Apartments f msnea ana uniurnisnea; exclusive oac lor Quarters with clubrooms in ac wing; sieeping porches in every apJ men;: nign-ciasa service, reiiaeu cnem no disappearing furniture; terms reai aoie; inspection inviieu; reterences quired, phone Marshall 500. THE ORLANDO APARTMENTS Cor. 2Uth and Washington Sta. Every modern convenience, bath, ph In every apartment, automatic elevatj ail are side rooms; walking a l stance room anartments. $22.50 to $o0; 3-r aoartments. s::o to $40. Make reser tions before Sept. 1 and secure Sumd rates ior tne w mter. reterences quired. " THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4Vrc apartments; building new ana stri modern; service first-class. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving st This new four-story brick now open; ' nished and uniurnisued in 2. 3 and room suites: reception hall; electric aia matic elevator. Holmes disappearing b-built-in buffet and writing desk, range. Ice box, plenty of closet rooms; t phones, vacuum cleaner ree to patr If you want something nice, come the Barker, phone A 1744. Marshall 2 VILLA ST. CLARX 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pac toast. Furnished compi Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. Referen SERENE COURT. East First and Multnomah Sts. The most beautiful 2 and J-room nished apartment-house; each suite two disappearing beds with built-in c veniences and tno dressing-rooms; all o side rooms; roof garden and sun par Also 1 3-room unfurnished. East 12 THE CROMWELL Fifth and Columbia, 9 and I -room apartments furnish strictly modern and rew; references; c walking distance; service first-class. IONIAN COURT. f70 Couch, one block from Washing walking distance, 8 and 4-room moc apartments; ail modern convenienc best of service; under new managemt references requtrea. jiain naa. THE UPSHUR. 26th and Upshur sts F nished 2-room apts.. $10, $1S up; ste neat, not ana coia water in every ap. ment; public bath, electric lights, ranges, laundry -room, ail free. Take 2:d or "W" oars north- Phone Main H THE WASHINGTON, 6 Northrup 5-rL unfurnished apartment, with bath and modem conveniences. telephone, stt neat. gas. electric nsnt. etc. laxe v to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4 A 1133. DESIRALLE 3-room apartment or 4 re furnished or unfurnished, arranged fo bedrooms; very reasonable rent; deslrs location, good service, outside romi, ; vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIE APARTMENTS, 272 Broadway, cor. Je: THE PAKKHL'KST North 2oth and Northrup sts. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room ap; ments; outside rooms; balcony to e suite; all conveniences; ref. Phone M. 1 LUZERNE APTS. Cor. 3d and Hall Cosy 2-room fumis apts., building new and strictly mode all outside rooms; 8 minutes to P. rates very reasonable. Marshall 4637. GRAND E.ST A Cast Stark and Grand a new building, nicely furnished; priv phones and baths, automatic eleva' moderate prices; walking distance. Ph East 2"JS. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay; beaut 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, i brick bldg.; electric elevators; rtferen LEEDS AFTS. 2. 3 and 4-room fumls apartments, modern and all convenienc aosoiuieiy fireproof; $15 to $i0; also el g:e rooms, ziu AiarKet st. SEE tne Overton Apartments furnished e uniurnisnea. cneapest ana best in tne c: private phone. Lath and electric eleva: no lnsioe rooms; new manager. x W" car. 274 21st and Overton. LINCOLN APTS., 4TH AND LINCOLN All outside 2-room fur. apts.; low ra Include free light, heat, private rhc & or lotn-st. car soutn. iiain im MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park st.. at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished ipe, ments by the week or month. HALSEY COURT. 300 Williams ave., nicely furnished and 3-room apts. Private bath and pno $20 up; walking distance. E. o273. MEKEuiTll Modern, newly renovated room apartments, $20 and up; good Ja tor service: walking distance; referent. 712 Washngton, opp. 21M. Main 7134. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, mod outside, furnished 2-room apartments, r vator; c.ose in: to jo. 3iam w-iot. r.Rii-R APTS.. 24th and Northrup. 6 la rooms, hardwood floors, phone, hot wa heat, veranaa ana sleeping porcn, vacu cleaner; new and strictly modern. THE BEVERLY, Park-Yamhill, furnis. rooms. $2 to $5 week; transient ouc i Si per day; nice and quiet place. BUENA VISTA. 12th and Harrison 2 and 3-room a pal ments; best service. Appiy on premises. BANNER Apartments. 451 Clay st. Mod 2 rooms, completely furnished, $10, and $-0. Marshall 2074. NEWLY furnished sdL. very reasona; Janitor service. The Jackson Bungai A 454 litn st. BKL'CE APTS.. 2"th and Northrup; 6-ro acartment: larxe. licht rooms; excel! location. Phone Marshall 142s. A 317t- THE BJELLAND, loth acd Lovejoy 3 4 rooms, unfurnished; low rates. Owx A 1S7. Main l?i7. Janitor. A 1S57. JCLIaETTE, 2d and Montgomery; Iris, and Mill 2. 4 and 5 rooms; priv phones; '2 rooms, furnished or un furnish THE Orl-.kston, 44S llth Nicely furni? 2 and 3-room modern outside apts., n Haunts. Airs. F. v Aict-une, aiarsnai APARTMENTS, 3 or 4 rooms, furnished UDium.ftneu ism tuuauit. o& sippi. KINGSBURY. Ford, near Washington a High-class. uniurnn::ea apartments, rooms with private balcony, reasonable r K ADDON HALL. Furnished and unfurnished apartmed 414 llth st. Marsna:i mi. THE CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy, 3-room f nished apts.. -' ana ;t-'.ou. jaar. die THE MAKLBOROl'Gil, Nob HU1 dist rlc six-roni apaitmcut; every convenlen Phone Main 7310.