Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 22, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Prattlns-Room Main 7070. A WW
City Circulation Ham T070, A03
Uuailu Editor Main 7070. A 6005
Sunday Editor Main 7070. A 6095
CompoalnBoom Main ivio, a eu
Superintendent Bundles Main 7070. A 603
and tonight at 8:15.
oivrines THEATER (Broadway al Al
derl -Vaudeviiie. This afternoon at 2:15
and tonight at 7:30 and .
rupir.ct THEATER (BroftdetT and Tun
ku: Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 2:14
and tonll.u at 7:30 and .
LTRIC THEATER (Fom-th and" Stark)
VfuBirkt nunedv. "Malonev'B Weddlnff."
Thia afternoon at 2:1ft an dtonight at
6:30 to 10:45 o'clock.
ture. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M.
Iniioa) Continuous (irat-rua picture
from U A. M.
GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Waan-
lngtol) Continuous first-run motion o.c-
First and Aider) Royal Italian Band and
vaudeville. Afternoons at :S0; evenings
at e. 1L
RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and
. Vaughn) Baseball. Portland TS. Los An
- ;. Thia afternoon at 6:1a.
For quickest delivery of The Ore-
fonian at Summer resorts subscribe
through the following agents. City
rt. SubacriDtlons by niaa are
payable in advance.
Bar Ttew. Or B. F. Jaeltaoa
Bay City. Or M. J. Miller
Bar Oeeaa. Or M. A- Shirley. Jr.
Brlchtoa Beach. Or... J. A. Baldvrla
Carson. Wuk. . .Saepberd'a Sarins
Caacadla. Or C. M. Celseadorfer
Garibaldi, Or C. F. Alexander
Lobs Beach. Wask Frank HochXleld
Maaaanlta Beach. Or. Ernll G. Kardell
Kaaeotta. Wash J. H. Brown
Kewport. Or George Sylvester
Oeeaa Park. Wna...D. E. Beechey
Rockaway Beach. Or. . .Fraak Miller
Rockaway Beach, Or...F. H. WUklaa
it. alartlns Springs, Wash
Mrs. 2f. St. Martin
Seaside. Or Clark Strattoa
Sea view. Wash. .Coast able Jk Putnam
Tillamook. Or J. S. Lamar
Wheeler, Or K. H. Cady
Wtlholt, Or F. W. UcLeraa
Advertlesments Intended for the City Newl
la Brief eoliunna in Sunday's lasne maat bs
banded la The Oregonlan boslnesa office by
( o'clock Saturday evening.
Club Asks For Cross-Tow Car
Link. The president of the Greater
Kast Bide Club has addressed a letter
to President Griffith, of the Port.unti
Railway. Light & Power Company, !..
lng that the proceedings for the con
struction of the propose! cross-town
car line, as promised, be expedited. The
ordinance providing the franchise from
Hawthorne avenue to East Stark and
northward to a connection with the
Broadway care line at East Twenty-
fourth street has been framed, and is
now In the hands of the street car com.
pany, and the club asks the company
to move a little faster ao the track may
be laid this year.
Special Suxdat Excursion. A special
excursion to Greeham and the location
of the new Beaver State Automobile
factory, on the Mount Hood line, will
leave First and Alder streets, 1:30 P. 1L,
Sunday, returning at 6:30. Fine quarter-
acre home sites for factory employes
and excellent Investment property near
factory location will be shown. The
excursion has been arranged by the
Umbdenstock at Larson Co. Tickets are
25 cents, on sale only at 286 Oak street.
Positively no tickets sold on train. Tou
may get seats on train by 1 o'clock at
First and Stark streets siaing.
REOtrCBD Car Farsj Approved.
The Rose City Park Improvement
Learu Indorsed the Daly ordinance for
six street ear tickets for 25 cents, and
a movement was started to seoure play
grounds, by the Rose City Park Civic
Improvement League at the meeting
Wednesday night. Also the club will
undertake to secure a library for the
district. The club will urge the en
forcement of the weed cutting ordi
nance. Metcalfe hall. Bandy boulevard
and East Fifty-fourth streets, was fixed
as the meeting place for the club.
Eerl Cox Pleads Gciltt. The eighth
victim of Municipal Judge Stevenson's
policy of severity with the automobile
speeders, was Earl Cox, driver for the
Portland Taxlcab Company, arrested by
Patrolman Bales and Rudolph. The
testimony was that Cox traveled along
Corbett street at the rate of 43 miles
an hour. Cox talked of talcing an ap
peal, but, as he had entered a plea of
Kulltv. such further proceedings are
barred unless the court consents to re-J
open the case.
Mrs. Labbk's Estate Isventoribd.
Realty of a rental value of $1500 a
year and personal property estimated to
be worth $10,000, were left by Angelina
M. Labbe. widow of John Labbe. .Mrs.
Lab be died July 6. The heirs are her
three sons, Edmond J. Lab&e. who has
spplied for letters of administration;
C. Henri Labba and Antolne G. Labbe.
Mrs. Labbe did not leave a will so the
three will participate equally In her
Fireman Leaks Out Window; Hurt.
B. W. Jennlson, a fireman In the em
ploy of the Northern Pacific Terminal
Company, was slightly Injured yester
day when he leaned out of the window
of his engine cab and struck his head
against a shed which the engine was
passing. He was not badly hurt, how
ever. Yesterday afternoon he walked
to the Good Samaritan Hospital and
had a gash an Inch long dressed.
Sorr Filed Against Lodge. Suit
was filed yesterday in District Court,
against Rose City Lodge of the Im
proved Benevolent and Patriotic Order
of Elk of the World, a negro organiza
tion, by John C. Logan, administrator
of the estate of Thomas Johnson. The
plainUff alleges that the officers of the
order have refused to pay the agreed
sum as death beneflL
Charles Preoswt Dies. Charles
Pregent. who was picked up uncon
scious by the police at the corner of
Twenty-fourth and Thurman streets at
S o'clock yesterday morning, died at
the Good Samaritan Hospital about
noon. The man's skull was fractured
and he never regained consciousness
after his accident.
Fastening together three - valise
straps. Joe Jobin, a lodger at the Hous
ton Hotel, on North Sixth street, put a
noose around' his neck and leaped out
of the window, early yesterday. The
strap broke and he plunged through a
skylight. He was taken to the hospi
tal In an unconscious condition.
Lbcttrb on Crimb to bs Grvr.T.
An Illustrated lecture on "The Phren
ological Interpretation of Crime" will
be given by George Morris at the
weekly Anti-Hanging Protest meeting
of the Universal Auto-Metric League at
IS Belling-H-irsch building, at I P. M.
For Sale. Dental practlc In town of
1000, fine farming country, all electric
equipped; this proposition will stand
closest Investigation. Reason for sell,
lng. JV IS1. Oregonlan.
Earlt Crawford Peaches, direct from
our Ashland peach farm, for putting up
and also highest grade for table use.
H. Jennlng A Sons Telephone Main
19. Home A 1230.
Asthrs, beautiful plants; special, S5c
per pot. Lubllner, 428 Washington.
Omcst for rent to doctor and family.
A 304. Oregonian. -
Ics Cream delivered to all parts of
the city. Phone Washington Cream Co.
Dr. KkapPi Selilng-Hlrseb. bid.
the unanimous consent of his children,
John Kekel has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of Julia Kekel.
his wife, since 1881. who withdrew
divorce against him just a few days be.
fore her death, following an operation
at a Portland hospital. The suit was
drawn at the request of the children
after Mrs. Kekel had been taken to
the hospital. Assets of $500 are shown
In the probate petition. In addition
to the husband, nine children are enu
merated as heirs. A farm of 35 acres
in Clackmas County, to which Mrs. Ke
kel professed title in her divorce com
plaint. Is not mentioned In the probate
Sparc arresters Arb Compiled. A
new booklet on spark-arresting devices
is being compiled by Shirley .Buck, As
sistant District Forester of-the' United
States Forest Service. Spark-arresters
are placed on the smoke-stacks of
steam engines, and are regarded as
large factor In the prevention of forest
fires. Mr. Buck compiled a similar
book two years ago. In which he de
scribed 13 successful spark-arresters.
but since Its publication several new
types have been invented, so that he
considers the Old publication incom
plete. ,
Sell wood Club to Incorporate.
Articles of Incorporation have been pre
pared for the Sellwood Commercial
Club and filed, but were not received
in time for action at the meeting of
the club Tuesday. Action will be taken
at the regular meetlnir next Tuesday.
Election of officers will be held at the
first meeting In September, at. which
time plans for the future of the club
will be laid. F. C. Algar, Walter
Critchlow and C. B. Lance were ap
pointed a special committee on olvil
improvements for the suburb.
Axtonb Mat Bb Detective. If the
administrative code prepared by the
Municipal Research experts Is adopted
by the. City Commissioners, numerous
radical changes will be mad In the
Civil Service rules. One provides that
anyone aspiring to become a detective
may do so by passing the necessary
examination. At present only police
men are eligible to try for sleuth work.
A merit system Is provided, by the
working of which any policeman or
fireman guilty of cowardice may lose
his position.
Forest Map is Compiled. The TTnlted
States Forest Service has compiled a
new map of the Oregon National Forest.
Some time ago an erroneous announce
ment was made that a new map of the
forest of Oregon had been Issued, and
many requests have been made for cop
ies of It. The Oregon National Forest,
which 1s a part of the Federal timber
reserve In Oregon, was Issued. It com
prises the National Forest lying in the
northern part of the State, embracing
more than a million acres.
Millard Avexos Church Calls Pas
tor. The Millard Avenue Presby
terian Church, In the Mount Scott dis
trict, has Issued a call to Rev. W. H.
Amos, of Ida. Grove, Iowa, to supply
that church until next April, with a
view to his becoming permanent pastor
In that time. Rev. Levi Johnson, of ths
People's Institute, has been supplying
the pulpit, but the need of a man on
the ground all the time Is felt. The
church baa a large young people's con
stituency. Two Divorces Granted. On grounds
of cruel and Inhuman treatment incited
by excessive use of Intoxicants, Gay
Dulany was allowed a divorce from
William H. Dulany, by Circuit Judge
McGinn yesterday. She declared her
husband had become an habitual drunk
ard and that when intoxicated his lan.
guage towards her was not fit to appear
In the complaint. Judge Morrow al
lowed Nathan Burger a divorce from
Lena Burger, on the ground of cruelty.
Municipal Laborer Discharged.
At yesterday's meeting of the Munici
pal Civil Service Commission in the
City Hall, C. E. Taylor, a laborer in the
employment of the street - department
was discharged for unruly conduct. The
secretary was Instructed to send no
tices to the heads of all the city de
partments reminding them that no mu
nicipal employe can be absent from, his
work longer than 30 days without the
consent of the Commission. '
Lorn J. Eri'i Ftxeral Held At
Kelso. The funeral of Louis J. Eri,
who died at the home of his cousin,
Louis Hauglum, Kelso, Or., was held in
the Kelso Church Sunday. . Interment
was made In the Sandy Cemetery. He
leaves a daughter and widow at Sell
wood. He had been In the Sellwood
sanitarium and went to the home of his
cousin the day before his death.
Religious Worker Returns. R. R.
Perkins, who has charge of the re
ligious work department of the Y. M.
C. A., returned from the convention at
Lo Angeles yesterday. Several new
secretaries will be appointed Septem
ber 1 to take the places of men who
have gone to other cities to take up
T. M. C A. work.
Namb or Highway Changed. On pe
tition of persons living along the route,
the County Commissioners yesterday
changed the name of Patton road, from
its intersection with Broadway to Ra-
vensvlew Drive, to Broadway Drive.
The house numbers on Broadway Drive
will be & continuation of those on
Temporary Storkkkefbr Named.
City Purchasing Agent Wood yester
day appointed W. W. Bollen as store
keeper to serve lor one month until
the Civil Service examinations shall be
held. He will receive $75. The po
sition, when permanently filled, will
pay $125 a month.
Government Milk Exhibit Sought.
Senator Harry Lane has been Impor
tuned to get the government to make
an exhibit at the pure milk show at
Meier & Frank s the week of Sep
tember 21. The committee on arrange
ments met yesterday. and heard reports
from sub committees.
Nero - Wanted for Monsj. Mayor
Albe Is in receipt of a commutation
from J. A. Braun, of Los Angeles, who
offers to buy Nero, the Hon at Wash
lngton Park, which recently was "mani
cured." He wants nim ior moving pic.
ture purposes.
Sewer Wore in Sellwood Pro
gresses. Sewer construction is pro
gressing rapidly In East Sellwood on
the streets there to permit the paving
of the streets under contract. A steam
digger is being used. Jacobson-Bode
Company has the contract.
Portland Academy. The principal,
3. R. Wilson, has returned from his va
cation and will be at the Academy daily
from 9 to 12 in the morning and 2 to 4
in the afternoon to confer with parents
and students In regard to studies and
to enter students, old and new.
Mt. Tabor Club To Consider Street
Work. The Mount Tabor Improve
ment Club will meet tonight at the
store building on East Sixty-ninth and
Belmont streets to consider street and
other Improvements. Women of the
district are Invited to attend.
Greater East Side Club Meets To-
nioht. The Greater East Side- Club
will consider parks and playgrounds.
public market and street railway mat
ters at the meeting to be held tonight
at the club rooms. Hotel Clifford. East
Morrison street.
Services Held Tonight. Regular
services are held at Temple Beth Israel
tonight at f o'clock and at 10:10 on
Saturday morning. All are welcome.
Dr. Georob F. Koehleb has re
turned from his vacation. Broadway
Wood-Lark" lunche and sodas ar
dellcloua. Tea. Room, Woodard. Clark
A Co.
Six Extension Lectures Are to
Be Delivered.
Speaker and Lantern Operator Will
Bo Provided for Clubs and So-'
cletles Making Requests' to
Be Furnished With Them.
"The Voter and th City of Portland1
1 the title of the proposed extension
course of lectures by Reed College this
Fall, announcement Of which has just
been made. . This course will be given
with the co-operation of Mrs. H. L.
Corbett, Mrs. Frederick EKgert and
Mrs. Max Hlrach and its object is for
the "betterment of Portland through
enlightened and devoted cltlzenshln.
The titles of the stat lectures are as
follows: "How the City I Governed;
Old and New Form"; "The City's Money;
How It I Spent"; "How. the City Pro
tects Life and Property"; "Th Beauty
of the City; a It Is and as It Might
Be"; "Social Progress; for All the City's
About 1000 ploture will be .made
from which 800 will be selected for
stereopticon 'illustrations of the lec
tures. The six lecture In printed form
will b givenvto th authorised rep
resentative of any club, circle, church.
society or group In the city to make
arrangements for reading th lectures
and discussing them. Th lectures will
be so framed that they may be given
either with or without th lantern
illustrations, but where arrangements
can be made the illustrations should be
used. Tiler will be no charge for the
course. If desired. Reed College and
th co-operating committee will pro
vide th lecturer and lantern operator.
The college and co-operating com
mittee asks the following assistance:
suggesting ideas and providing ao
ourate information that ought to be
Included in th lectures; proposing or
sending photographs that might be
used effectively for lantern slides; by
naming groups before which the lec
tures should be given and by making
arrangements through the secretary of
tne extension courses for bringing th
six lectures to groups of citizens.
The Greater East Side Club is mak
ing arrangements to have th entire
six lecture delivered in the East Side
Branch Library, East Eleventh and
East Alder strets. early In the Fall.
They also will be given in the Alblna
and North Portland 'ibrarles at dates
yet to be fixed. The Mothers-Teachers'
clubs probably will arrange to have
the course given in several of th
Sunday trips leave Taylor street dock
A. M.. 12 M.. 3 P. M. Leave Oregon
City, 10:30 A. M-. 1:30 and SP.M. Round
trip, 40c ,
103 Fifth st, Perkins Hotel Block.
Leftover Funds From Christian Con
ference Are Placed.
According to the report of th com
mittee of 100, which is being mailed to
citizens of Portland by the Commercial
Club, there was taken In at the World's
Christian Citizenship Conference held
here June 29 to July 6, the sum of
$3860.97. This was made up of $1621
from the sale of association member
ship tickets and $2237.97 from church
subscription and other sources. After
disbursements of $2925.67 the balance
of $932.30 was given to the Portland
Commercial Club on vote rf the execu
tive committee to reimburse the club
for money expended.
The committee states in its report
that It had nothing to do with bring
ing th conference to Portland or with
the pledging, raising or expending the
fund of $15,000, and that it was organ
ized a year after the contract with th
National Reform Association had been
George T. Slade and Party, of St.
Panl, in Portland. . .
George T. Blade, third vice-president
of the Northern Paolflo Railway Com
pany and a son-in-law of James J. Hill,
Is In Portland. He Is accompanied by
his wife and a party of guests. They
will leave for their home In St. Paul
today In Mr. Blade's private car. In
th party are Mrs. Slade, Miss Geor
glana and Norman Slade, Mrs. T. L.
Wann and Miss Markoe.
This is Mrs. Slade'a first trip to the
Coast In two years, and she Is de
lighted with the many Improvements
that she sees, especially In Portland.
It Is one of Mr. Blade's regular trips,
of which he makes four or five a year
for the purpose of inspecting the main
tenance and operation of the company's
Final Cleanup
For Friday
fl Long Whits Silk. Gloves GOc
$1.25 Women's IB-button Silk
Glores, all colors, 89.
Womens Cape, Chamois and Pique
Kid Gloves, great values, 95?
Women's Extra Heavy Black Silk
Hose, 50.
60c Men's Everwear Socks, good
colors, Sot.
9 ?9?r fyr o
fPeassV SiC-scs i;3i;.f lire tin
The Biggest Little Store.
Morrison St., Opposite Postoffice.
0. P. Berg, Mgr.
sorts overhead. It was shown that th
doors were kept locked sine the re
cent abatement proceeding against
these places.
Jenkins' saloon Is the old Tony Ar
naud resort at Fourth and Everett
streets, while Warner's Is the place
owned by Charles Aubrey. A barten
der from the latter place was con
victed Wednesday of soliciting patron
age for the women upstairs, and it
was testified that as many aa 50 men
were sent up from the saloon in on
Oaks Attendant "Makes Good" After
Practicing Considerable Deception.
T .
K month ago Miss Norma Oldlng
stopped to speak to Luther Hammers
ley, formerly editor and proprietor of
the Rogueriver Argus and now a mem
ber of th Oa constabulary force,
as she entered the park.
"Who's that?" was the general query,
after she had gone.
"My wife," responded Hammersley.
"How long married 7"
Deeper Into the mire went Ham
mersley. "Two days," he said.
A surprise banquet was arranged for
the couple at the house of Treasurer
Younger, of the Oaks, and it was re
marked by some of those present that
there was evidently something worry
ing "Mrs. Hammersley."
A few days later Hammersley -aid
there had been a "reparation" a "di
vorce" was pending. Various of the
young matrons employed at the Oak
tried to make "peace."
Yesterday morning Hammersley met
his "wife."
"I can't 11 any more, let's get mar
ried," she declares was the gist of his
And last night they were "honest-for-true"
married, and that banauet of
a month ago wasn't wasted after all.
Hammersley hasn't the faintest idea
how he Is going to square affairs at
th Oaks.
Business Suits for the
Weil-Dressed Man
FOR the business man who wants his
clothes stylish, yet dignified, in
color, pattern and model, the most
popular is the 'new Kuppenheimer,
in. the Fall model. Either English or semi
box, in a dark, mixed fabric, will give you
good satisfaction.
A Wide Variety From Which to Choose at
Twenty-Five Dollars
Others at Fifteen to Forty.
We Give Green Trading Stamps
The windows are daily dis
playing' new Fall arrivals.
"The Steinbach Store"
Morrison at Fourth
Sentences Suspended In Cases
Xorth End Proprietors.
On promise to desist from an illegal
practice, Clyde Jenkins and Ben War
ren, managers of North End saloons,
received suspended sentences In Mu
nicipal Court yesterday when they an
swered to charges of maintaining stalr
ways from their saloons to Immoral re-
East Side Club Wants Room for His.
tor leal Society and Mnsenm.
The Greater East Side Improvement
Club wants the auditorium building
erected to include also the Oregon His
torical Society and Museum of Art In
a communication to the Mayor and City
Commissioners th club sets forth the
advantages of this combination. It
urges that the plans of the auditorium
be changed and that the structure be
built on the two blocks on Orand ave
nue between Holladay avenue and Has
salo street, where there ar two blocks
available for the purpose.
"Such a building," says th letter,
would be at least 10 stories. Four
stories would be devoted to the uses of
the Oregon Historical Society for the
storage of its documents and relics and
valuable records, two stories could b
used for the art museum department,
and the auditorium with its high cell
ing could take bp the balance on th
ground floor and should b larga
enough to seat 12,000 people and not
7500, as proposed by the present plan
In the erection of this combination
building all unnecessary expenses
should be eliminated completely. It
should be a neat and plain structure
of brick or reinforced concrete and
would serve 10 persons where a struct
ur for an auditorium alone would
serve one person."
Sons of Veterans Camps Will Be
Instituted In Willamette Valley.
Colonel C. S. Scott, past commander
of the California and Pacific Sons of
Veterans and organizer on this Coast,
will be In Portland Sunday.. He will
stop off here and visit the' Camps in
the Willamette Valley and Institute
other camps where practicable.
Colonel Scott is op his way to Chat
tanooga, Tenn., to attend the National
encampment of Sons of Veterans. He
will be at the Portland Hotel next
Sunday to organize the Oregon-division
of Sons of Veterans before leaving for
the South. Colonel Scott wishes that
all who are eligible for membership In
the order will call on htm to encour-
There Is Only One
Only Portland Office Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison
President General Manager ' Assistant Manager
OrfpntiTiff has more Policyholders
llUUlll and more Insurance in
force in Oregon than all other Oregon . .
companies combined.
JlCKUlimt SETS than any other
Oregon Company.
Discriminating Buyers Give Us Preference
Best for Oregonians
age and assist In completing th or
ganization. In order to sever tn con
nection of the Oregon organisation
from that of California, to- whloh it
has been attached for organisation pur
Colonel Scott 1 secretary of th Pan'
ama-Paclfia Exposition and a promi
nent business man of California.
Witnesses Lacking In Peeping; Case
. and New Complaint Xeceseary.
Though a large crowd, comprising
many members of the bar, gathered In
Municipal Court yesterday to hear the
trial of J. "Hat" Hitchtngs, lawyer,
accused of playing ("peeping Tom," the
developments were tarn a, due to a fail
ure, to charge an orrense wnicn tn wit
nesses could prove. It was alleged
that Hitching had peeped In at a win
dow, but th on witness who was re
lied upon to testify to thl act could
not be got into court.
A number of men and women told of
seeing Hltchlngs prowling around
upper Columbia street at all hours up
to midnight, and they showed great
Indignation, saying that women and
children wer terrified by him. Th
City Attorney admitted, however, that
th case charged had not been made
out, and a new complaint will b pre
pared. Hltchlngs caused some diversion by
Order Your, Sunday
Refreshments by
Main 6499, A 4499
Everything We Sell
Guaranteed to Be Ex
actly as Represented
Sherry. Port, Angelica or Mus
catel, regular $1.60 qual- JC.
ity. special, per gallon. DC
Rye or Bourbon WnlVv, reg
ular 4 quality, ape- ejo f l
cial, per gallon atfaeef O
California Brandy, regular t
quality special, per ) JCt
gallon )e I J
calling Patrolman Bchlrmer, the ar
resting officer, a "pup," and threaten
ing to have him into Circuit Court on
a damage suit. He also charged that
the whole case against htm had been
"framed by a certain police officer"
whom he would indicate at th proper
by guessing weight of Gdlefsen's large
block coal at Meier Frank's.
Free, Tonight!
Bible lecture at Tent Tabernacle, cor
ner Thirteenth and Morrison, on: "Who
Pays the rreacbers?" Musio at f:46.
$7.50 Parasola, special... $2.98
$4.50 Parasols, assorted colors and
handles, special S1.98
$5.00 Lingerie Waists, 6pl S3.83
$4.00 Lingerie Waists, high or low
necks, special S2.48
35o Silk Lisle Hose, sjecial 25d
Guaranteed to give satisfaction
or new Hose free.
$2.00 Balkan Slonses, sp'l S1.35
F. P. Young Co.
Ladies' Haberdashers
328 Morrison Street . .
Portland Hotel. Building
Y. M. C. A.
Day and Night
$500,000 EQUIPMENT
Day Schools Open
Gymnasiums, Swimming, Libraries
Course (Day Schools)
Fee Fall
ana vt in
ter Terms
Commercial ....... M .
Kleetrleal Rnarlaeerlas.
IVlreleae Telegrapkr...
FaaramtT ,
Telegraphy' aaa
College Preparatory....
Boys' Elesneatary. .
Oeaeral Day School
S 50.00
Write or call for Free Illustrated
Catalog, T. M. C A. Building. Port
land, or.
Similar schools Seattle, ' Tacoma.
Spokane. Los Angeles, San Fran
cisco and Oakland.
Thousands of people know, that
every prescription they entrust to
us is filled exactly as their physi
cian ordered. . 1
RelleTe your mind of worry the
next time yon hare a prescription to
b filled bring It to us.
ExclnstTa Preaerlpttosilsta.
Medical Bldg, IS1 Alder Street.
Main 712. A S712.
288-290-292 STARK STREET
I A. I
Buy them by the dozen.
Dole's Pineapple Juice, 25e
size, dozen 2.65
' 50c size, dozen. ... .S4.95
Sweet Cider, Seiter's. 3oc
size, dozen . '. S2.T5
Sparkling Cider, 35 5 size, the
dozen S3. 15
All guaranteed to be absolute
ly pure fruit juices1 the most
healthful of Summer drinks.
White Clover Honey, new, fine
flavor, fragTant, well filled
frames, 2 for. 45d
Queen Olives, 12-oz. bottle,
regular 30o, special 20d
Put a bottle in your lunch basket.
Home-Made Sandwich Bread,
made from finest hard wheat
flour; try a loaf; large 6ize
loaf IOC
Walnut Layer Cake 50d
Home made, finest creamery
butter and new-laid eggs.
Battle .Creek Sanitarium
Foods We are sole agents in
Sterilized Wheat Bran,' the
package . . 25
Zwiebach, pkg .15
Gluten Biscuit, 40 50d
Rice Biscuits, 2 pkgs...25t
Rice Flakes.
Malted Nuts, jar 40t
Jougurt Tablets, pkg. Sl.00
Kariposa Olive Oil, absolutely
pure product of selected
olives, first pressing; larse
bottle, only SHOO
Medium size 50c
Pillsbury's Best Flour, the
world's standard, small sack
only S1.00
ONLY Recoating
Wynkoop Bros.
In crpo rat ed
MAIN 2632 Jl
Geary Street abor Union Square
European Plan $1.50 a day up
American Plan $3.50 a day up
Nw ateel and Wick MucHiia. Third ad
ditioa of bitntired rooms now buildina
Etmt nwdera convenenc. Moderate
ratotw CHitr of tha-ttra mn4 retail dia
trict. On catHmssa trasiiaftvrins mil wrei
city, iiactnc mmmtbma mmm tntm awm
Waaklngtoa Street, Corner 12th.
Mala 6081 Phones A 6631.
Rates per month, one or two
persons in same room, fig t6 125
per month with bath privilege,
130 to S4a per month with pri
vate bath, (60 to $75 per month
for two rooms with bath be
Tbe Onlr Real Monatala Retmrt with
Ceaerlnr! S-now-hoe4nl
Travel Bureau.
lelepboae Maraaall i19.
All Kinds Spanish Cooking. Best
Wines. Liquors and Beers Served.