Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 21, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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House Judiciary Committee in
Secret Session Probes
Emory Speer's Acts.
Accusations Are Said to Include Al
legation That Fifth Circuit Jurist
Xamed 5on-In-Law Executor
to Certain Estate.
WASHINGTON". Aug. 20. The House
judiciary committee assembled in a se
cret session today to hear the report of
an investigation by the Department of
Justice on the conduct of Federal
Judge Emory Speer, of the Fifth Cir
cuit. Various charges against the Judge
have been brougnt during the last
three or tour years, but the Investiga
tion of which Attorney-General Mc
Reynolds was to present a report today
was made last year by special agents.
J'Jdge Speer recently denounced what
be characterized as the "eftpotnage of
Federal ajrents on Judges." and Sen
ator Borah recently charged in the
Senate that Federal agents had ha
rassed Judges by investigations to in
fluence their action in cases in which
the Government was Interested.
Katare of Report Withheld.
The Department of Justice has In
vestigated three Judges within the last
five years. Robert W. Archbald, of
the Commerce Court, was one and he
was impeached.
The nature of the report of the De
partment of Justice agent was being
withheld today pending Its presenta
tion to the Judiciary- committee, which
has the power to dispose of it by let
ting It pass or by framing articles of
impeacment for presentation to the
After a long executive session, the
committee, through Chairman Clayton,
Issued a statement saying that the De
partment of Justice had transmitted a
report of one of its special examiners
bearing on Judge Speer's case and that
the committee had not finished, having
made an examination of only a portion
of the exhibits and other papers.
Rfmii Take I'atll Monday.
"The committee." the statement add
ed, "lias nothing to say except that it
took a recess until 10 o'clock Monday.
August 25. when they will give the
matter further consideration and will
aa soon as possible determine what, if
anything, the committee should do
with respect to such report and pa
The charges are said also to include
allegations that Judge Speer appointed
nis son-in-law as executor of certain
estates and permitted him to .charge
exomitant rees.
(Continued From First Page.)
away. Openly partisan to the fugitive
on their gossip, the townspeople never
theless showed their comparative lack
of interest by their absence from the
courthouse. Though there are 20.000
In Sherbrooke, less than 300 came to
the court. Of these 22 were women.
There was the usual craning of necks,
the usual whispers and the usual spec
ulation, but shoving and crowding as
conspicuously lacking.
Messrs. Conger and Hornbeck waited
like the others for the disposition of
the Thaw case, and departed with the
immigration authorities when it was
announced that the application for the
writ had been granted and would come
up for argument In the morning.
C'OBser Firm la Purpose.
"I am here to get Thaw," Mr. Conger
said. "Get him I will."
"Thaw will surely be returned to
New York State." the District Attor
ney continued, "probably by deporta
tion, as the Canadian government does
not want him on its hands. If not by
deportation, then by extradition. We
have a lot of possibilities to develop
In both directions. In fact. It Is a
matter of choosing the best one. Thaw
should be back in Matteawan soon.
Then we shall see whether he "can es
cape again.
"I ara co-operating with the officials
of the Canadian immigration service,
who have full power to act on author
ity from their superiors in Ottawa.
They feeem fully disposed to help us.
and I hope, although I have no rea
8oi. at present to expect, that when
he Is deported, it will be at the border
of New York State, where we will not
have to go through further formali
ties, as In some state other than New
Other Avenues Opea.
"If by chance, our plan to secure
Thaw by deportation falls through (and
I can barely Imagine such a contin
gency) you may be sure there will be
a strong case against him to bring
extradition. It would not be proper
at this time to say upon Just what
grounds we shall move."
Mr. Conger carries with him a war
rant charging Thaw and his five de
liverers with conspiracy, but he ad
mitted his efficacy was uncertain.
"That is the least of my worries,
though," he added.
Tomorrow the District Attorney
hopes to receive more assistance In his
activities here.
Tomorrow it was expected that a
Deputy District Attorney would arrive
from New York.
Thaw was a busy man with his cor
respondence and callers today. Most
of the former was by telegraph and
lie received frequent assurance of sup
port from relatives and friends. His
mother. Mrs. Mary Copley Thaw, how
ever, had up to tonight sent no word
as far as could be learned.
Suiter I rued to Come.
Perhaps the most interesting of the
telegrams he sent was that which in
dicated a sense of lonesomeness and
a longing for a direct word from some
one near to him in the midst of his
fiht for liberty. His sister. Mrs. Mar.
Faret Thaw Carnegie, wife of Georse
1-ajder Carnegie. Jr.. had telegraphed
Harry that she was ready to start for
Sherbrooke soon, "if I can be of any
help to you." His answer was, "Yes.
come. 1 need you."
Mrs. Carnegie's action was prompt,
for she notified her brother that both
she ami her husband would be here
to preet him tonight. They reserved
rooms at a local hotel and Thaw ex
pressed wish to his counsel that his
sister be brought to the Jail imme
diately aftor her arrival.
Other telegrams sent or received by
Thaw referred to legal and medical
assistance, to advice as to the possi
bilities of extraditing him, offers of
assistance from relatives and a call
by him upon his relatives In Pittsburg
for funds. This waa answered by a
telegram from the Union National
Bank, saying: "Draft will be honored."
Thaw had "only a few cents," the gov
ernor of the Jail said, when he was
searched after his commitment.
Detective O'Mara to Help.
Among the telegrams waa one from
Roger O'Mara. the Pittsburg detective,
long Identified as "a worker for Thaw."
"I have opinions from best author
ities that you cannot be extradited.
Wire me what can be done for you
from here," was O'Mara's message.
In his petition for a writ of habeas
corpus Thaw set forth first that he was
committed to Jail "without any prelim
inary examination whatever and with
out any opportunity having been given
him to be heard."
He recited further that "he is not
charged with any offense against the
criminal laws of Canada or any other
country," and "because the offense
charged against him Is not an offense
under Canadian law." he "therefore
cannot be charged."
Thaw's Attorneys Hire Hope.
The offense with which Thaw is
charged is. briefly, that "He Is a fugi
tive from Matteawan, where he was
serving a life sentence for a criminal
charge of which he waa convicted."
It Is upon the wording of this com
plaint that Thaw's attorneys hope to
carry them successfully through to
morrow's skirmish without uncovering
their principal defense.
"Why, we have masked batteries that
will blow any case of this kind to
smithereens." one of his attorneys ex
claimed this evening while discussing
the matter.
Thaw also complains In his petition
that he waa never confined at Mattea
wan on a criminal charge, and that It
Is untrue that he was ever convicted of
any crime, or that he waa confined for
Further Reasons Given.
As a further reason why his present
detention is illegal, the prisoner con
tends he was arrested by Chief of Po
lice Boudreau. of Banford, who also
made the complaint and explained the
warrant he himself had sworn out.
. Thaw "prayed" in his petition that
he be released from further detention
and confinement, taking- oath over his
signature that he "is detained without
reasonable or probable cause." It will
be on this prayer for Thaw's freedom
that Judge Globensky must pass to
morrow. The agents of the Dominion Immigra
tion department have seriously consid
ered the probability that Thaw will be
released. They do not plan to give him
more than a moment's freedom. To
sustain their case they have half a
dozen clauses in the immigration act
which they say are applicable. Among
these is one which places In the pro
hibited class "Any insane person or
persons who have been insane within
five years." Another clause provides
for the deportation of any person who
enters Canada "by force or misrepre
sentation or stealth."
Freight Trackage at Oregon City
May Be Built by Two Compan
ies In Co-operation.
OREGON CITT, Aug. 20. (Special.)
Demand was made upon It. I. Shep
herd, agent of the Portland Railway.
Light & Power Company, at a meeting
of the City Council Wednesday morn
ing. for an explanation of the reason of
his road not having met the require
ments of Its franchise through the city
and constructed freight yards as 1t had
agreed to do when the Council granted
the title to the company.
The agent explained that his com
pany has been waiting for the further
construction of the line of the Clacka
mas Southern in the hope that the two
roads could get together and build
Joint freight yards Inside of the city
limits and promised the Council that
the matter would be adjusted as soon
as possible.
The question came up when the agent
asked the Council for the right to park
special passenger cars on the tracks at
the north end of the city during the
Sunday excursion season to Cancmah
Park. The Mayor will grant the com
pany the right to use the streets for
this purpose, provided it does not abuse
the privilege.
The board of water commissioners
was Instructed to supply water for the
new hydraulic elevator being con
structed at the foot of the bluff. The
Council adopted a recommendation of
the committee to lease rather than buy
a rock crusher for the use in the im
provement of the city streets. A reply
from the City Commissioners of Port
land relalve to furnishing Bull Run
water Is expected in the next few days.
Street improvements at various
places through the city were ordered.
Founding of Motor Plant to Be
Celebrated by City.
GRESHAM. Or., Aug. 20. (Special.)
Plans have been made for celebrating
the founding of tho Beaver State Motor
Company's plant In Gresham. A ban
quet Is planned to which citizens and
promoters of the factory will be in
vited. O. A. Eastman, president of the
Gresham Commercial Club, said today:
"We are looking forward to a rapid
development of Gresham as a manu
facturing center. We have the best
schools in Multnomah county outside
of Portland, and we have every facility
needed for an ideal home site. We have
the same advantages as the residents
of Portland in the matter of power
rates and transportation.
Mayor Shattuck declared that the
location of the automobile factory here
will bring an additional 200 employes to
this cify. A. W. Myers, of the First
State Bank, predicts a substantial
growth for the city.
Milwaukie Property Owners Say
Contract "ot Completed.
MILWAUKIE, Or., Aug. 20. (Spe
cial.) The Council, In session last
night, refused to accept the Improve
ment of the Foster road because some
property owners complained that the
contract had not been compiled with.
The Rockalite Paving Company made
the improvement. The cost was $18,000.
After the improvement has been made
to comply with the contract it will
be accepted.
The gas franchise of the Oregon City
Gas Company was considered, and
ordered amended in some ways. At
first the franchise was for 50 years, but
the time was reduced to 40 years. The
amended ordinance will come up at the
next meeting. Mayor E. T. Elmer
Moving of Relics Brings Trotest.
CHICAGO, Aug. 20. Formal protest
against the removal of the Columbus
caravels, presented to this city by the
Spanish government in 1892. and now
intended to form an exhibit at the
Panama-Pacific Exposition, waa filed
with the Park Commissioners here to
day by the Palette and Chisel Club, an
organization of Chicago artists. In
junction proceedings may be Instituted
to prevent the removal of the ships.
Victor and Columbia
$1 Down $lWeek
No Liquors
No Groceries
No Restaurant
C'Merclianclis ofc
Merit Only"
- No Liquors
No Groceries
No Restaurant
Sewing Machines
$1 Down $1 Week
New Fall Tailored Suits on Sale
At $26.50
Regularly Sold at $35.00
These suits were unpacked yesterday
and created the greatest enthusiasm among
the saleswomen.. There are no better
judges than these women, who are con
stantly in touch with apparel fashions.
The suits on sale are extremely at
tractive, beautifully tailored and lined
throughout with Skinner's satin.
The coats are uncommonly attractive
and graceful, being modeled in the new
38-inch length. In two and three-button
.fronts, cutaway styles.
The materials are worsted and serge.
in black, navy and brown.
The skirts are draped in the
New Vogue Fashions
We direct your especial attention to
the quality of materials, to the tailoring
and finishing of these garments.
Third Floor.
Cubist Neckwear
That Has Just Arrived
Vests with collars and revers, in
unique and quaint shapes and rivaling
the rainbow in gorgeousness of color
ing. Bright and striking cardinals,
woodsy browns, mossy greens, unset
yellow, soft tans, sky and peacock
blues, blended in the most exquisite
harmony, in unusual and pleasing de
signs. Priced From $1.75 to $10.00
First Floor.
In By Express
Fur Trimmings
Japanese Embroidered Vests
Shetland Veilings
Water-proof Malines
Broche Chiffons
Turkish Velour Vesting
Shadow Lace Ruffling
Bobinettes in white and colors
Cubist Allovers
Beaded Allovers Fichu Collars
Marabout Trimming
Velour Ribbons
Ratine Trimmings
Cubist Ratines First Floor
Two Smart New Fall Waists
Regular $5.00 Styles, Special $3.95
These new Fall waists take their inspiration from Paris
models, and show the very, smartest and newest ideas for
the coming season. Waists of soft shadow laces and
waists of chiffon combined with net. and lace trimmed,
having velvet ribbons.
Made with fancy yokes and the new long sleeves, with
net cuffs and silk pipings in a contrasting shade. Navy
blue, Copenhagen blue, brown and taupe are the colors.
Third Floor.
New Fall Models in Corsets
The W. B. Nuform W. B. Elastine Reduso
and La Vida
These corsets are the best product of the most expert cor
setters of today. Graceful in their lines, correct in their form,
superbly made of the best coutil, they have no superior any
'where. '
These new models will appeal to women who wish to be
up-to-date in the most important matter of style. They show
the extremely low bust and are modeled without the bone over
the hips.
The W. D. Corsets sell from $1.00 to $5.00 and the La
Vida is priced at $3.50 Up iO '$1 0.00. Fourth Floor.
Manufacturers' Sample Curtains
That Sell Regularly at $1.50 to $2.50 Pair
Special 39c Each
lurtains that measure from I J4 to 1 Vz yards long and 40 to
50 inches wide. This assortment includes all net and scrim curtains,
in white or Arabain color. These curtains are very suitable for the
small windows. -
$18.50 Tapestry Brussels Rugs, $13.45
These tapestry Brussels rugs are of a good, fine weave, in pretty
Oriental and floral patterns. In brown, blue, red and green.
$12.50 Wool and Fiber Rugs, $8.75
A most varied assortment of wool and fiber nigs, in effective de
signs and colors. These rugs are reversible and are especially suitable
for bedroom use. In tan, blue, gray and brown.
Handsome Indian Blankets
Special, $4.95, $5.95, $7.95 and $9.45 Eacji
These blankets are woven in real Indian designs and colorings
characteristic of these people. In size 60x72 inches. They make
most acceptable gifts, especially for friends 'in the East, as typical
souvenirs of the West Fifth Floor.
Thursday New Fall Trimmed Hats on Sale
Marked for This Event Special $9.95
To give some idea of the beauty of these hals we picture five models. Black,
of course, predominates, as it does in the millinery fashions of the season: but
all the new colors are shown, such as terra colia, a new blue and a rich plum.
Hats of a fine soft velour, velvet, satin and moire in the close-fitting shapes
Others with narrow brims that are to beWorn jauntily to one side and many
with a new soft puffed crown. Trimmings of folds of silk and fancy feathers
m white and various colors. The woman who wants either a simple morning
hat or a moderate-priced dressy hat will easily find it among these excel
lent styles.
The New Velour Felt Shapes, $3.95 and $4.45
are also presented for Thursday. The last word of Paris in untrimmed hats is
uttered here. Wonderfully becoming styles with narrow brims and high crowns
in various colors, as well as black an combination effects. Prices $3.95
and $4.45.
Second Floor.
Native of Tahiti Denied Pass
age Home.
Liner Held tp IS Minute While
Flunkies Search Steamer for
Dun Streak, Which Sped
Aboard at SallinsTime.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 20. (Spe
cial.) A dun streak aped up the Bang
way of a Union liner bound for Tahiti
at 10:30 o'docK thia morning-, passed
through the crush of passengers on the
main deck and darted up the compan
ionway leading to the cabin of Captain
The streak was Krnest Willing
Darling. "Nature." as he is known to
the peaceful natives of the South Seas,
and his unexpected appearance on the
steamer at about sailing time was
caused by his desire to return to Pa
peete, whose soil naa Deen Kissea oy
his bare feet for a matter of six or
seven years.
The dun streak waited patiently out
side the skipper's room and many of
the fashionably gowned ladles prome
nading the Tahiti's spacious decks
paused to survey this strange creature,
who might have come from Mars, or
any other place but San Francisco.
Then the captain's door opened and
Darling. In a voice quivering with emo
tion, asked Evans permission to make
a return voyage to the inland, the
Mecca of all nature lovers. There was
an aoDeal in "Nature's" eyes, but it
failed to move the liner's commander.
"No." said Captain Evans, with a
tone of familiarity. "I'm sorry, Darl-
lnr. but I do not think I can help you.
"It would not be much." Darling
pleaded. "You could Just drop me off
at Tahiti; that's as far as I care to go."
But the captain shook his head nega
"I cannot help you," he said. "How
ever, you might ask the chief engineer
If he needs a man.
The streak was gone in another in
stant and then, of a sudden, the captain
seemed to regret his refusal and die
patched a man post haste with instruC'
tions to keep at Darling's heels until
he had left the ship.
This shadow started for the engi
neer's quarters, but when he arrived be
found that Darling had not put in an
Thus it happened that the report was
circulated around the ship that Darling
had stowed away and so the big liner
was held up 15 minutes after sailing
time until a thorough search could be
The mooring had been cast off, but
the great green hull remained station
ary, while flunkies sped up and down
the decks, darted into corners and
peered under lifeboats in a search for
a half-nude man. with a tangled mat of
blonde hair and a pair of dungaree
All thin might not have been neces
sary If Captain W. F.. Lewis, pilot com
mander and superintendent of the
Union line, had cast his eyes wharf
ward to where the rebuffed "Nature
had hisd himself at the suggestion of
real work. And so. with a blast of her
siren, the Tahiti put out.
The whistle aroused Darling and he
sprang upon the stringer to wave bon
voyage to the ship on which he might
have sailed but didn't
'I miss my morning cocoanut and
the warm, dry air of the tropics," he
said after the Tahiti had gone.
'However, I have not given up hope.
Astoria Companies to Bond Timber
for Constructon of Koad.
ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 20. (Special.)
The Dubois Lumber Company, which.
with the Wheeler Lumber Company, an
auxiliary organisation, owns several
thousand acres of timberland In Clat
sop and Tillamook Counties, has a large
force of men at work re-cruising its
entire holdings. The cruisers also are
making topographical maps or the land
with detailed descriptions of the prop
erty and data regarding the opportuni
ties for logging.
Recently the w heeler "Company In
creased Its capital stock to provide for
the construction of a sawmill at
Nehalem Bay, the construction of
which is well under way. The new
cruise is said to be for the especial
purpose of Issuing bonds with which to
construct railroads and install the
eauipment necessary to conduct log
ging operations on a large scale. As
near as can be ascertained, the Dubois
Company expects to begin logging in
about two years.
las operates under a charter indebted
ness limitation of 15000.
The original outline of improvement
including 10 blocks. Is now completed
and ready for acceptance by the city.
The construction company will com
mence at once to remove Its plant.
Plans for improvements of next year
are being discussed, and the probabil
ity is that 10 more blocks will be
Commissioner Watson Will Enforce
Blue Sky Law Requirements.
SALEM. Or.. Aug. 20. (Special.)
Corporation Commissioner Watson to
day sent to all delinquent investment
companies letters Informing them If
they did not comply with the blue sky
law by making a statement of their
business by September they would be
proceeded against by the District At
torneys. The letter, in part, says:
"This department has been lenient
in its enforcement of the law in order
that all companies affected might have
adequate opportunity and ample time
to comply with the provisions, and ad
just themselves to the requirements of
the act."
Actors May Bar Jack Johnson.
LONDON, Aug. 20. The Federation
of Variety Artists, according to the
Times, is likely to take effective meas.
urea to prevent the appearance of Jack
Johnon In London music halls. The
announcement that the American" negro
pugilist would do a turn at one of the
smaller West End theaters next week
has brought a number of remonstrances
that the London public, after revela
tions of Johnson's violations of the
white slave laws of the United States,
would not welcome the pugilist as an
Springfield Hops Picked.
SPRINGFIELD. Or.. Ai'g. 20. (Spe-
Dealers who
have the
interests of
at heart
Creamery Co.
Makers of the lumomu
While Clorer lee (ream.
Proposed New Improvements Defeat
ed by Charter Limitations.
DALLAS. Or., Aug. 20. (Special.)
The effort to have five additional
blocks In this city hard surfaced was
defeated by the City Council last night,
because of lack of money in the gen
eral fund with which to pay for the
improvement of the intersections. Dal-
This Wavf
Backache or Headache
Dragging Down Sensations
Nervous Drains
Tenderness Low Down.
"1 I
1 B
It ia because of some derangement or disease
distinctly feminine. Write Dr. R. V. Pierce's
Faculty at Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N.Y.
Consultation is free and advice is strictly in
Dr. Pierce's jpavorite prescription
restores the health and spirits and removes those
painful symptoms mentioned above. It has been
sold by druggists for over 40 years, in fluid form,
at (1.00 per pottle, giving general satisfaction. It can
now be had in tablet form, as modified by R.V. Pierce, M.D.
Sold by MotHolnm Dealors or trial box .
Lbymsui on reoolpt of SOo In stamps
cial.) The first hops of the season
were picked at the John H. Seavey hop
yard here. They are an -early variety
and of a fine quality.
We Have one car in each
of the five Buick models
for 1913 remaining in
Guaranteed for one year
with full B .lick service.
Howard Auto Co.
14 th and Davis
For summer complaints
Duffy's Puie Malt Whiskey
Is best. It will keep your stomach
and bowels' In fine condition to do
all the work called for. thus avoiding-
or relieving cramps, dysentery,
diarrhoea. cholera, malaria and
stomach troubles.
Sold by most
druggists, grocers
and dealers at $1
a bottle (sealed).
Write our doctors
for advice and
medical booklet
The Dvffr Malt Waiakey C
Rochester, K. Y.