Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 21, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Upper House Leader Intimates
Suggestions From "Sense
of Duty!" .
Hollis Says Measure Satisfactory to
Administration Will Result, Not
withstanding Perfunctory
S Digestions Are Likely.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 20. While
Democrats of the House were threshing
out differences over the Administra
tion's currency bill In caucus today.
Chairman Owen and his Democratic
associates on the Senate currency com
mittee began the consideration of pos
sible chances to be made In the meas
ure when It is taken up in the Senate.
Senator Owen visited the White
House early- In the day and held a
short conference with the President
He said later that he expected to sup
port the Administration bill, but that
he held himself free to recommend
such changes as he considered advis
able. His suggestions yesterday to
members of the committee that Con
press might be necessary in the plan
for regional reserve banks occasioned
seneral comment in Congressional cir
cles today.
nam of Actio Not Set.
The meeting- of the Democratic
members of the Senate committee to
day brought out a number of tenta
tive suggestions for amendments, but
no definite plan of action. Senators
Shafroth and Hollis. at the conclusion
of the conference, expressed confidence
that a currency measure would be
passed at the present Congress and
Chairman Owen said there was "no
doubt of if'
"I believe we will perfect a bill that
will be satisfactory to the Administra
tion." Senator Hollis said. "I expect
to support what is known as the Ad
ministration bill, but the Senate would
not think it had done its duty if it
did not improve it."
Among- the suggestions considered by
the Senate committee today were one
by Senator Shafroth to drop all pres
ent forms ot paper currency except
silver certificates and replace them
with treasury notes secured by a BO
per cent reserve fund, and another by
Senator Reed to have the treasury iB
sue money directly to the banks under
careful restrictions.
Owen' Opposes Sneucestlon.
Chairman Owen opposed suggestions
for the adoption of a plan similar to
that embraced In the Lea bill, now in
the Senate, which would amplify the
present Aldrich-Vreeland emergency
currency law. He insisted this would
commit the Democratic party to the
Aldrich-Vreeland plan and was politi
.rally objectionable, and that it would
contemplate the issuance of notes by
'he banks, a form of currency that
b strongly opposed.
'. The House caucus completed general
"-irbate and will begin the reading of
the Administration bill and the consid
eration of amendments tomorrow. The
measure has now been before the cau
cus more than a week and Its consider
ation probably will not be completed
for several days.
Henry Offers Amendment.
Representative Henry Introduced in
the caucus today his amendment spe
. cifically to authorize the Federal banks
to rediscount notes or tills secured by
warehouse receipts or liens on agri
cultural products. A similar amend
ment will be reported by the banking
and currency committee.
Before the bill passes the House and
leaches the Senate It is expected that
Democrats of the Senate committee will
have agreed upon a general plan of
currency reform and will Invite the
Republican members to Join them In
thit discussion of the prospective
amendments to the bill.
Automobile Accident Is Fatal to
Type Foundry Manager.
SAX FRANCISCO, Aug. 20. (Spe
cial.) In an automobile accident near
San Mateo last night. George L. Alex
ander, of this city, formerly of Port
land, was killed and J. S. Andrews and
Mrs. J. Spaulding and Mrs. S. J. Smith,
of Oakland, were injured. Mr. Alexan
der, who was Pacific Coast manager of
tho American Type Founders' Company,
was killed almost instantly. Mr. Alex
ander at one time was manager of the
Portland branch of the American Type
Founders' Company, and has a brother
in Spokane with the same company.
The accident was the result of an
effort of another car to pass, the police
were told by Mrs. Smith, who was the
least injured.
The widow of Mr. Alexander is pros
trated over the affair. Mrs. Andrews
was unable to tell who Mrs. Spaulding
or Mrs. Smith are.
Mr. Andrews, a San Francisco mer
chant, is in a critical condition.
Appropriation for Improvement on
Klectric Is Alloned.
SALEM. Or., Aug. 10. (Special.)
D. TV. Campbell, general superintend
ent of the Southern Pacific lines in
Oregon, notified the State Railroad
Commission that the management of
the Corvallis & Eastern Railroad Com
pany bad receivea an appropriation suf
ficient to ballast the road from Cor
va'.lis to Xorrons 3 nilles. The com
mission also was informed that the
management had sufficient meney to
lay 7o-pound rails from Norton to
Y equina Bay. Other parts of the road
m-iil be equipped with the heavy rails
next year.
The appropriation for the work, which
is between $400,000 and S500.000. was
made at the suggestion of the Railroad
Commission, which made an investiga
tion of the line recently.
Premier Gets 'ReTenje' for Charge
Made by Army Man.
BUDAPEST. Hungary. Aug. 20.
Count Stephen Tissa. the Hungarian
Premier, fought a sword duel this
morning witb Marquis Pellavlcini, a
lieutenant in the Austrian army. Both
were slightly wounded In the, heed.
Their quarrel arose over the Marquis'
charges that the Premier had tried to
influence witnesses in a recent libel
uiu -
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Democratic Party's Power Is
Held Only Temporary.
Mexican President Cites Attacks on
Washington Administration and
Declares American Peopl Not
Behind Demands Made.
(Continued From rirt Page.)
and in effect make the Mexicans con
tinue activity on the battlefield.
Stand Ar"l"t Wax Finn.
The Administration is determined
against intervention or war, and the
only alternative, friendly mediation,
has apparently failed. Officiala here
believe, however, that the United
States, through the mission of Mr.
LJnd, will have satisfied foreign gov
ernments generally of its desire to
bring about peace and they do not con
ceive that there will be any pressure
to bring about intervention. ,
To grant arms to the Constitutional
ists would, in the opinion of many offi
cials, only add to the dangers of an
archy in the Republic, equipping ban
dit bodies with weapons of destruction,
of which they have hitherto been de
prived. That the United States will "keep
hands off" was considered more than
likely in many quarters here tonight.
and Administration officials pointed to
an Important precedent for such action
during the term of President Hayes,
when General Porfirio Dial assumed
the reins of government on May 54,
1ST", after defeating the forces of Pres
ident Lerdo. Germany recognised Dias
on May 30 of that year, Salvador and
Guatemala on June 7 and Spain on June
1. there being no other governments,
except the United Etates, represented
at Mexico City at that time.
Hayes' Message Recalled.
In President Hayes' message on De
cember 1. 1877. he announced that rec
ognition of the Dias government had
been deferred on account ef opposition
to him In Northern Mexico and Minister
John W. Foster was Instructed by Sec
retary Seward to state that the "Wash
ington Government would wait before
recognizing General Dias as President
of Mexico until It shall be assured that
his election is approved by the Mexican
people and that his administration is
able to endure and comply with the
rules of international comity and the
obligation of treaties.
Troposal of Washington Govern
ment. Rejected, Set Forth.
MEXICO CITY. Aug-. 30. The propo
sals of the Washington Government
which Mexico rejected In toto were:
First, complete cessation of hostlll
ties: second, that President Huerta re
tin in favor of a president ad interim:
third, the fixing of an early date for
the presidential election, and tourtn.
that General Huerta should not be. a
candidate for the presidency.
An additional feature of the Araerl
can note was the request for a reply
to the question as to what, in the opin
ion of General Huerta, tne present con
ditions were due and what the remedy.
In a general way President Huerta
places the blame for Mexico's civil war
upon the United tates. He Insists that
had it not been for President Wilson's
refusal to recognise his administration
he would long ago have suppressed the
rebellion, and even now he asserts the
United States can indirectly enable him
to restore order in a comparative short
time. He asks of the United States
Government only .recognition and the
withdrawal of American battleships.
Lower California Cnrest Growing,
Declare Fugitives.
LOS ANGELES. Auk. 20. Lower Cali
fornia is to burst into revolt against
the Huerta central government, accord
inr to nredictionn of Mexican refugees
arriving here today. They reported
that the unrest was noi connutu
to territory along the international
Conditions became so critical at En
senada. the capital of the territory, that
the entire City Council with its secre
tary was ousted this week.
The action wag taken by the Jefe
politico, Vecognized as a firm adherent
to the Huerta government. Conditions
in smaller interior towns were said to
have been even more critical than at
the capital.
The arrivals confirmed plans of con
stitutionalist revolutionists to open
the campaign in the territory by taking
Mexican, opposite Callexico, Cal. - This
would be the signal. It was said, tor
uprising at other points.
Deputy Sheriff Badly Beaten by
Miners Before Citizens Able to
Effect Rescue.
CALUMET. Mich., Aug. SO. For a
time this afternoon military rule, as
a result of the copper miners' strike,
prevailed in Calumet, when serious
riotlna- broke out as the result of a
clash between a number of deputies
and strikers. The presence of infantry
and cavalry prevented possible blood
shed. Soldiers patrolled the streets ana
kept the crowds away from the trouble.
One of the deputies, jonn uasvoaa.
was struck on the head by a striker
and suffered a serious scalp wound.
Ha was attacked while going on duty.
He fired several shots into the air, but
wu severely beaten before he was res
cued by civilians. Other deputies and
secret servicemen were attracted to the
scene, but the strikers became so
threatening that the troops were hast
ily called.
A number of arrests were made by
the deputies after the arrival of the
troops, but this did not end the trouble.
At the Jail, where no troops were
stationed, the wife of one of the mar
ried men took a hand in the affair and
landed a heavy blow on the Jaw of an
officer before she could be made to
desist. .The arrival or soldiers pre
vented further disorder.
Cavalry waa called out to disperse
a mob ef strikers who assembled at a
non-union boarding-bouse in Laurium
and threatened the landlady and board
ers with violence. The cavalry es
corted the non-union men to their
Two Claim Thaw Reward.
MATTE A WAN. Aug- i0. There are
now two claimants for the reward of
600 offered by Superintendent Kieb. of
'.he Matteawan Hospital, tor tne cap
ture of Thaw. The second claim was
put in today by John Bondreau. Chief
of Police ot coatieooK. wue. ine nrsi
claimant was B. H. Kelsea, the New
Hampshire Sheriff, who discovered
.Thaws identity
-"jar , -
1 a, yZfy . , - -
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Hills Fade, Stumps Disappear
Before Volunteers' Licks.
Governor's Proclamation Campaign
Expected to Mean $1,000,000 to
state Women and Children
Give Much Aid.
KANSAS CITT. Mo.. Aug. 20.-
Stumps were eradicated, hills were re
duced and wherever sad roads ex
lsted new and substantial grading re
suited today throughout Missouri, when
850,000 or more volunteer roadworkers
of all classes and stations in life
Joined with vim in Governor Major's
good roads programme. It was the
first day of a two days' campaign
of volunteer road building. Inaugurated
by the Governor and expected to mean
$1,000,000 In road betterments to Mis
souri without a cent of actual money
cost to the state. Wives of visiting
Governors and women and their
daughters in every county in the west,
era section Joined in the work, feed
ing, carrying water or otherwise help
ing the men. Business was practically
suspended In many localities.
This, the first state-wide movement
in favor of better roads, was expected
to be not only an epoch In the develop
ment of Missouri, but an example that
would be followed by other atates and
thus lead to a general Improvement of
highways all over the United States.
"Let ours be the banner county,"
was the slogan of every community.
Mrs. Hodges VVorks.
Governor snd Mrs. Hodges, ef Kan
sas, came to Missouri to give their ac
tive support to the work. They were
guests of Governor and Mrs. Major.
The two Governors donned their over
alls, and setting out from Jefferson
City, were among the first to get on
the field of action. Mrs Hodges aided
in serving to the workers fried ehicken
which had been prepared by Mrs,
Women took an Important part In
the campaign. The 000 members of
the Missouri Federation of Women's
Clubs aided th movement in every way
Dossible. and thousands of farmers'
wives and other women prepared and
served meals to the workers.
' "It has been one of the greatest
days of my life." said Governor Major.
"As a boy I traveled over nothing but
bad roads. I made up my mind then
if I ever got a chance I would do all
I could for better highways. The Gov
ernor of Arkansas has notified me he
has set aside September 2 and S for
road work and I am happy at the re
"I intend to fix two road dayg when
I return home, said Governor Hodges.
"It is remarkable how many have re
sponded to Governor Major's procla
Mosses Inspire Men.
Reports from every county in this
part of the state told of throngs of
workers, many of them encouraged by
the presence of their wives and
daughters, who served dinner.
Sedelia. in Bettis County, specialized
on organization. Small Sunday school
irl formed a "water-carry Inr club"
that did service today said to be bet
ter than that furnished By boys.
A scythe squad named "death to the
weeds'' marched out or 1 renton and
reduced the weeds that fringed the
Grundy County highways.
Meadrille reported hundreds at
work in Ltnn County. A hill north
At All Family Liquor Stores, Grills and Cafes
HI il. ! iii.umiihi sjji WW;.!',iwJtl'li,u uJV'ln '- i J l ' pi .mv.m lyjjmg
V ' ekll!ji sJL asmw alia yif-y'-.Vy.i .V'1
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V -v is tk JlMMr r. sr
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tx,t m ' jll'PIJHjH.IUIH.' 1
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of town, a husaboo for years, was re
duced to smoothness.
Stipsnps Are Eradicated,
w . n a ri.l wirk fn
Green County. Many of the roads
that smble tnrougn tne unni i
w . . AnAAnt - BttimTi stumol
WIICU tilV"U"..t r - .
eradication waa emphasised in the
Greene County work. Judges Perkins,
Cowell and Gercsuh, of the County
Court, laid asice juoiciai wur
neaded tho workers.
At Walnut Grove, in Greene County,
every merchant In the village signed
an agreement to close their doors so
that every business man In town
might get to the roads.
Every able-bodied prisoner from
i.-...... - ritv'M munlcinal farm. s in
all, worked on a suburban road.
Kantera Sertlos Interested.
In the eastern part of the state
thousands of men turned out. In St.
Louis county, however, the response to
the Governor's call was slight, aa the
county is well supplied with rock roads.
The roads of the county are maintained
by a heavy tax. Business men of St.
Louis City, however, though there was
no opportunity for them to work on
.w. .i .nn,hiitMl llherallv to a
fund with wnicn to dux u
machinery for the rural parts, of the
state. ,
The response to the Governors call
throughout the rural districts was note-
. i t-,ivi0iii County, in
r. .i ".... viiaeAT.i 9fiao men worked
fJUUUICBatCIU ........ . .. ...
on the roads, and every aisirici w
thoroughly organisea. ine "
here is to be permanent.
Interior Department Head Says He
Favors Allowing More Time lor
Settlers to Pay Assessments.
. cmcv Tj.K. ino- 20. iSoecial.)
Secretary Lane arrived it u -"".
.w:- Aminv hr from Nam,
pa by automobile. He spoke at Nampa
and Caldwell, giving mi pnmii -dress
at the latter place. Following
his arrival here he immediately went
Into conference with Reclamation Serv
ice officials on the Fayette-noise prwj-
. . S Via mt tha directors
of the Black Canyon irrigation district
. i i; nnhiir rooontlon was held
In his honor at the Commercial Club
rooms. He dined at the owynoe.
The automobile trip gave Secretary
t on. f.i Am of tne Payette-Boise
project, Lack of time prevented a trip
to the Big Arrow koc
(.... .4 -. r-.i4wii at 12:41 today and
left 'there for Nampa. Hundreds of
,,t... rnnrriitrf at Caldwell to
hear his address. He spoke at the City
Hall after being introaucea ni
Griffith, of the Waterusers' Assocls-
In part Secretary Lane said: "I am
not unfamiliar with tne west. me
sagebrush looks good to me. T have
passed most of my life in the West. I
...nnaA t h . mMtntMt to a position
In the Cabinet because the President
wanted someone familiar witn conai-
ttons In the West.
-it is tnv function to hear troubles
twI t have not been disappointed. I
v.av hmmn nhwnt from Washington a
month, and during that time I have
spent 20 hours out of the 24 listening
to complaints In the Indian Service.
the Ind Department, tne rteciamauon
T . ... m ant m r. ji At S.r.
Ut(J.I .....ill " - .
"Aa to conditions under the Boise
project, you are envied by the farmers
under all other projects in the United
States. ion are tooaea upon as es
i. I lir r.r,imfa
! "I do not come to you bearing gifts
esBSTN mrmzsn eswuttM tasz
or to give glad-hand promises. What
we can do can be stated simply and to
the point. We want to do the right
thing by you the square thing. We do
not want or expuct to be Influenced
by pressure to do things for you. I
think ten years too little time in which
to make payments to the Government
projects. The extension of time and
the terms must be made by Congress,
but my Influence will be used to get
easier terms for you.
I favor an extension of time for
these payments beeause I have found
that If the highest use Is made of this
land you should raise alfalfa, not to
sell, but to put into livestock. You
snould make for yourselves a finished
product in the shape ot hogs, cattle,
sheep and other livestock."
Secretary Lane's remarks roused his
audience to the highest pitch of en
thusiasm. He left Caldwell by automo
bile for the Deerflat reservoir and
from there went to Kampa. where he
stopped but a short time en route to
Corporation Wants Money to Pay
Fee of Secretary of Stale.
smallest issue of stock for which any
California corporation ever sought au
thorization from the Railroad Commis.
slon is one which the commission
passed upon today, and which consists
of IS shares of the par value of $1 a
The application was filed with the
commission by the Finnell Warehouse
Company, ef Tehama County, and sets
forth that the company desires to issur
the stock to obtain IIS to pay the Sec
retary of State's fee for filing the com
pany's articles of incorporation.
Wife Deserter to be Returned.
SALEM, Or., Aug. 20, (Special.)
Governor West today honored an ap
plication for the requisition of James
Ryan, wanted in Olympta, Wash., on a
Summer Prices
needs now. Only a small
deposit holds tbem until cool weather, while a substantial sav
ing rewards your forethought.
The New Catalog
September 1
Peters Furniture Factory
200 OlialrB, RockeTS and Settees, suitable for Hotels, Clubs or Offices
Great opportunity for those starting housekeeping to furnish an
elegant home at a surprisingly low cost.
charge of deserting his wife and chil
dren. Ryan Is under arrest In Printf
vllle. He is said to have posed as a
real estate operator and "does not t. e
to work."
i-iiS U'"l ! II. i 11 . , 11 'I i 1 i
s" .
of hnsaaa eyes Is oar life work.
Our examination is careful and
complete. We measure the nerve and
muscle conditions and explore tha
Interior eve. If vour eyes need treat
ment we tell you so. If glasses are
required we explain why they should
be worn.
If we furnish your glasses tho
lenea will be ground to meet the
Individual requirements of your
eves, the Ynonartnx comfortably and
mechanically fitted to your nose and
tlio price equitable.
50S-S Pwetlaa-il Building. Flftk and
Washington, Flftk Floor.
Make it sound econemy
te select your Winter
Leading Fnrrlrr
286 Washington Street
W i si TlfTsflfsH
li in j ri'i- f