THE 3IOK.NING OKEUOMAA, TllUKSDA 1. ALtiCNT 151. 1913. 17 A NAN A PRICE GUT ;en Competition Results in War Among Dealers. IGGER BUNCHES SOUGHT test Quotation Is 4 Cents a Pound, I but Lower Values Are Expected. Hot "Weather Demands Watermelons. petition amonp banana dealers is "ly to result In iom lively price cutting I m which the public expect to set the lefit within the next few days. Iv fresh shipment of bananas U due here Friday and lower prices are expected to 60 far any price cutting that has 3D done U purely local and In a small hy. but It is expected that there will be l-ne excitement next week on the arrival a rood. lot of low-priced fruit from New I leans. Ixhe trade here in recent years has been Vng a medium -si xed bunch of medium- ked bananas, but as they can"t get enougn I that trade to make an Impression oa tne a.rket it Is probable that the traae wm back to the old-fashioned large-sixea laches so as to have fruit to "throw to Is birds' I Bananas are selling; today at 4 cents a und. with prospects of a further cut vary on. I Yesterday's warmer weather resulted Id l-ne lively business along- Front street. latermelons were in better demand a Ievioua quotations. Peaches and tomatoes continue scarce and tlve. Grapes, outside fancy Malagas, are I re or less neglected. There Is a wide ngm In Malaga prices, some stock from the nperial Valley being very soft and selling nominal prices. On the other band some I tra fancy stock from Fresno County brings I e top quotations. I A small shipment of extra fancy grape- Ijit of tbe Florida variety was received yes rday, and sells at J 5 and $6, according to k. Other sorts sell down to $3.50. IIGII BEEF PRICES ARE PREDICTED cent Drouth May Cause Steaka to Sell at 50 Cento, esy Packers. I Chicago packers declare that the retail ice of beef will go to unheard of figures 1 I xt Winter, as a result of the recent I outh in the Middle West. I "Forty cents a pound for the choice cuts Isms a certainty, 43 cents is a probability i.d even SO cents a possibility before ring declared a packer's representative. I The corn killing drouth in Kansas and Southwest has deprived the cattle rais- r sections of feed for their stock. Fod- I r remains, but the corn Itself, necessary fatten the steers for the market, will l:ve to be shipped Into whole sections of I untry that are naturally grain exporters an expanse that precludes the Idea of I y great profit making- by the cattle-rals- 1 3 at anything near the present prices. For ten days a steady rush of cattle to e big livestock markets of the Middle est has been fn progress. A great cattle l-ortage, Is a certainty within a few months. lockmen declare. Cattle receipts In the Western market Irnt became above the normal when tbe hot rather killed off pasturage. Western Krcners saw a light crop of hay and began l ipping carload after carload of steers to hlcago, Kansas city and all the other teat markets. Then the certainty that the prn crop would be a failure in many sec- Ion s sent more thaln loads o feteers into markets. I HEN TO EAT APPLES OUTLINED forth west era Growers Give Schedule for Consumption of Products. Seasons for eating apples have been of- dally named by Oregon-Washington apple- rowers as follows: October and November Jonathan; bril- lant red; a splendid family sort; Juicy, rich Ind vinous. October. November and December Grimes; olden yellow; an old-time favorite; tender Ind spicy, with delightful aroma. November, December and January Spits- n berg; bright red; the aristocrat of apples; I'isp. Juicy; dejlclously rich and fragrant. November, December and ' January De- clous; dark red; the latest favorite; sweet. i.Udly touched with acid; fine and melting. December. January and February stay- ian; rich red; an improved Winesap; very ender with rich sub-acid. , January, February and March Rome I'esuty; red striped; the champion baker; - rightly and pleasant. February, March and April Yellow New- own; greenish yellow; the best late apple; I ne flesh with refreshing high flavor. February. March and April Winesap; in- nsely rich -red; very Inviting. Grain Receipts Not so Heavy. Portland grain receipts are maintaining a omial basis pending the movement of ie season's crop. Arrivals, however, are I clow those of last year so far as the wheat Iepartment is concerned. Barley, oats, flour nd hay are running above last year's level. Farmers are holding out for higher prices Ln4 It is believed that they wilt get them. ri:ere has been a strong undertone favorable to the bull element in the last few days. j.ittle business Is passing and quotations re- iain fixed at levels established more than week ago. Carload receipts, as reported yesterday I y the Merchants' Exchange: Wheat Barley Flour Oats Hav llonday ' 71 14 o 13 l uesday "t 4 4 4 10 IVednesday .... 37 4 g ear ago 4, 2 4 1 h Reason to date.rtJl 0r 114 :; ' ear ago 74 ;;ui III 342 Virtue Sells Peach Crop. WEVATCHEE. Wash.. Aug. One of lie big peach contracts of the state vn isde recently when George A. Virtue coo- -acted the output of his big Moses Coulee Irchard to the A. . Baker Fruit Company, f Chicago. Under the contract Mr. Virtue I ereit es Zb cents a box cash In advance. hnd the company officials believe thry will e able to realise 60 cents a box for the flipper. Mr. Virtue estimate his crop at -om V to SO carloads, about half of which r. re Elbert?. Prune Estimate Made. The Nt-w York Commercial sizes up the dune situation as follows: "Our advices from the Coast are that the ?13 crop will not exc-ed 43.CW tons, of hn:h fully ae.Outf tons have already been jld to European buyers. It is difficult at his time to estimate th quantity sold to f ) trade throughout the United States, po- Insttc requirements 'are from 75,soo.OOe to OA.0i0.000 pund annually. The tonnage ii'a year Is practically the same as tn 1910. 'urchawi up to date have been small in omparlson with trade, requirements.' Hide Markets Inaetlve. Quiets prevails In hide circles, both !o- ily and in the chief commercial centers of he country. According to New York brokers l aoners continue to hold aloof from the com- I--on dry hides and no sales ef Importance er noted last week. But the market re- l eaned a firm tone as stocks are moderate ind mountain Bogotaa were maintained at ;e. No change occurred In either the wet t the dry salted hides. There were no new llevelopmenu in the city packer market. trading being reported quiet at steady price. Bank Clering. Bank Clearinc of the Northwestern rlHes I ester day were as follow: rl rin em Tim ltnrf IPcjrUand .....v...:.....ti.721.a Seattle M43.J77 ;S.007 Ticomt 41.531 ;. Spokane SJ0.S37 t.2l PORTLAND MARKET QCOTATIOXS. Grain. Hour. Feod, Etc. WHEAT Track prices: Club, 7 "?:, 83c; forty -fold. 780c; Kvuian. 7o; fife. 71c; Valley, boc FLOIR t-atenta. s.7( Pr barrel: straights. S4.10; exports.; vallsr. 94.7U; graham, 4.bu; wbole fletu OATS No. 1 white. 2T par toa: new. $24.0u per ton. CORN Whole. M; cracked. 3S per ton MILLS TUFFS Bran. J4.J0 pr toa; shorts, ,20.50 Pr ton; middlings, $31 par ton. BARLEY Feed. $:4I4.3 per ton; brew ing, nominal; new feed. 123.JO; new brew ing. 125; rolled, 26.4ui7.iO car ton. HA i- Fancy Idabo tlmotby. li18; flu ey Ktrrn Oregon timothy, K. li; timo thy and clovw. I11: tlmotby and al fa;fa. 13SH; aUalfa. 12.30; elover. .60 4,10; oat and vetch. ISll; cbeau 110 Oil; Valley grain hay. 1UKH1. Dairy and Country Praduea. Local Jobbing quotation,: POULTRY Hen MfcUtjc: Springs 169 17c- turkeys, live. lS'oiuc; drtsied. choice. 24620c;- aucka. 11&12l; i;ete. oun. lli-. tuGS Oreion ranch, cut count, 22c per dozen: freah rauth. candled. 2SSf29c CHEfc.Sti Oregon tnpi.ta. iuac; Dalslea, 17c- Young Am.rloaa, lSc BUTTEH Oregon creamery butter cobea, t2c per pound; butter fat, delivered, 32a per pound. PORK Fancy. HftUVjC per pound. VEAL Fancy, 14 10c per pound. Frulta and' Tecetablaa, Local jobbing- quotatlona: y iROPlCAL, FKclTS Crangea. (4.300 6 per box; lemona, 3&.2l$9.00 per box; pine apples, 6 Q la per pound; bananaa. HJ3a per pound. O.NluNa Walla Walla, tl.OO per aack. VOETABLS Beans. 3iif4c Per pound; caiioage, 22Sio pur pounu: cauiiltow.r, S2 per crate; corn, lOlOc doscn: cucumbera. 20&4UC per box; eggplant. Base pound; head jettuce, 8340c per dosen; peas. 57e per pound; pappera, SulOc per pound; rad laaoa. 10O12O per doscn: rhubarb. ly2o pr pound; tomatoes, 5Uc6l per box; garlic, 10c per pound. POTATOES New. 75ca$1.25 per hun dred; sweet potatoes, J'j'aJc per pound. GREEN FRUIT Apples, new, 90C&I2.25 per box; aprlcota. 7oc 'it ( 1.20 per box; can taloupes, S1.232 per crate; peaches, 23 90c per box; watermelons. $1.25 per cwt.: plums, 70c6tl.2O per box; raspberries, $1.00 per crata; loganberries, $1 per crate; peara, 12. 2.2j per box; grapes, L23 per crate; casabaa, $2.25 pu dosen. btartle Grocarlea, Local Jobbing quotatlona; SALMON Columbia l;lver. ons-pound tails. $2.25 pr doaen; half-pound flats, $1.40; on. -pound flats, $2.43; Alaaka, pink, on.-pound talla, 3c; sUversldes, one-pound tails. $1.26. HONEY Choice, ',3.25 3.73 per caaa. NUTb) Walnuts, ISo per pound; Brastl cut a, 12H016C; filberts, 13016te; almonds, 18c; peanuts, 60otac; oocoanuta, Buc0$l per desen; cnestnuts, lie per pound ; nica orynuts. sluc; pecana, 17c; pine, 17 W 200. BEANS Small wblu. oc; large wblt 5.06tfc; Lima, 6.3UC; pina, .13c; Mexican. 0c; bayou, 4 10c SUUAR Fruit and berry. $0.05; Honolulu plantation, $5.0u; beet. $0.35; extra C, $0.u0. powdered, barrels, $0.o0; cubea, barrels, $3.1)5. COFFEG Roasted. In drums, lS4JX2o per pound. bALT Granulated, $14 per ton; half ground 100s. $10 prr ton; 30a, $10.75 per to; dairy, $12.30 per ton. RICK No. 1 Japan, EQ3tto; cheaper gradea, 4 toe: 6outbern head, fittllfcc. DRIED FP.UiTd Applea, 10c per pound; aprico'a, 12 8 14c; peaches, telle; prune. Italians. bolDc; ailvar, lec: li.a, whit, and black. bHtfTc; currants, ttHc: ralalna, looae Muscatel. t!aC7l!tc; bleached, Tbompaon. 1194c; unbleached. Sultanaa. le: seeded, 78c; dates, Persian, 7iatJ8o par pouaA; fard. $1.63 per box. FIGS Twelve lu-ounce, 85c; 30 6-ounc., 1.S5; 70 4-ounce, $2.50; JO 10-ounce. $2.25. looa., 60-pound boxea, 07c; Smyrna, boxes, $1.1091.23: candled. $ per box. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 22023c; IX to 14 pounds, 22023c; picnics, 13c; cottag. rcll. IiHc BACON Fancy. SOftSlc; standard. 234) 2c; English, Il(ric LARD In uercea, cholcav I4)ae; com pound, 10c VAX SALT MEATS Rezular short clears UljSflOo; ahort clear backs, 13 to It lbs., lOiHObo; short clear backs, IS to 25 lbs., isolate; exports. 150lTc BAilKELLl BEEF Kxtra mess beef. $20: mess beef, ,'2U: plate beef. $22: rolled Hope, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1812 crop. 130 loo per pound; 101$ contracts, 20c per pound. i'ELTS Lry. 10c; Uuuba, salt shearling. 10 035c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, HO 16c; vat lay, IS&lBo per pound. GRAIN BAGS selling price. 100 Port laud. HIDES Salted hides, 11V4012C par lb.: salt kip. 12 lie; salted rsir. lrlc: greea hides. lOVsBUc; dry hldu, 120 230; dr calf No. 1, 20c; No. S, ZOc; salted buua. ac MOUAIR 181 clip. 31c per pound. TAnaeed CHI. Gasoline, Etc. LINSEED Oil Raw, barrels, 62c; boiled, barrels, 64c; raw, cases, tiic; boiled, cases, 68c' OIL MKAL P. o. b. Portland works: car lota. $35; 5 and 10-ton lota, $34; ton lotj. $35. TURPENTINE Bsrrcla 624c: cases. 85a COAL OIL Cases, 17H02OVic: drum! and barrels. lO013toc. GASOLINE Cases. 23c; bulk. 16c. ROADS 10 BE DISCUSSED XEW DKPAUTSfEXT PLANNED AT LANE COCNTY FA1K. Daily Lectnres Will Be Given by Ex perts and Vse of Building Ma chinery Demonstrated. EUGENE. Or.. Aug. 20. (Ppecial.T A good roads institute for the benefit of the farmer, is art innovation which Judge Thompson and the Lane County Court proposes to bold on the Fair Grounds at the Lane County Fair in September. The fairgrounds commit tee proposes to make this Institute, perhaps the first of its kind In the Btate, a leading; feature of the educa tional part of the fair. Tne plan is to hold dally lecture?, with prominent road authorities as speakers, and day demonstrations of the proper use of road-making machin ery. State Highway Engineer Bowlby has indorsed the project and will be present. Among the speakers secured ara W. B. Fountains, assistant engi neer of the Southern Pacific in Ore gon, formerly a prominent highway en gineer; County Judge Thompson. Clyde R. Seltx. Cascade Forester, and others. The lectures will be held September 18. 19 and 20, at 10:30 A. M. An hour each morning will he devoted to ac tual demonstration of the use of grad ing machinery. In one tent will be a series of models showing steps in road- construction, and methods of handling various types of ground. These mod els are furnished by the department of Agriculture at Washington. Recently the County Court held a road institute among Its County Su pervisors, which was largely attended and which was entirely educational. The county officers war more than pleased with its success and now pro pose to hold a road Institute for the benefit of all the farmers In the county. POSTAL TEST ANNOUNCED Aplrant for Troutdale Office to Be Examined September 2 7. TROUTDALE. Or- Aug. SO (Spe cial.) With tha approach of the end of the four years' term of Fred Har low as postmaster of this place there will be a vacancy. The office pays S10 a year. Troutdale is a fourth- class postoffice and will be filled un der the civil service rules. The United States Civil Service Com mission will hold an examination In Portland September 27 for selection of a postmaster for Troutdale. Accord ing to tne rules applicants must reside in tlfe district in which the postoffice is located. i LOSS IS RECOVERED Stocks Regain Ground With Better Mexican News. COPPERS, SMELTERS LEAD Entire List Is Stronger but Cncer tain Air Causes Unsteadiness. Steel and National Biscuit Advance Pew Points. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Conditions in tha stock market were mora propitious today and tha list responded by regaining the ground lost yesterday, although It did not hold Its advantage throughout the session. Kelief from alarm over affairs In Mexico was tbe most definite fore, in formulating sentiment. Another important Influence was cessation of heavy Belling by Kurope. titocka wer. not in abundant supply, aa bear traders discovered when they attempt ed to cover. The most pronounced move ment was In the first hour of trading, whan many of the favorltea advanced from one to two points. The copper stocks showed strength, smelting meeting with especial favor because of tha improvement In Mex ican news. Some of tha specialties were strong. National Biscuit rose five points. The upturn aroused little speculative in terest. Trading became listless and prices eased off. Steel, one of tha strong features of tha early trading, relinquished mpst of Its gain, but later stiffened again. New business for August was reported showing improve ment over July. Bonds were steady, with little trading In Important Issues. Total sales, par value. IU17.000. United States 4s coupon advanced i and the registered declined on call. CLOBIXQ STOCK QUOTATIONS Reported by J. C Wilson acCo., Lewis building, Fortlaud. Closing Open. High. Low. Bid. Amal Copper... 10,W0 74 73 73 Ame Beet Susar 2'0 2ii 2 2rt Am Can 2.0W 34 33, 33 s, do preferred.. 200 i)3 9 3i. i4 Am Car t Ftiy ,3 Am Cotton Oil. goo 44 44 43 Am Km It & Kfg 3,40 6S 07 do prefrrred.. 200 10OH loot, loo" Am Sugar 1od do preferred ill Am Tel & Tel.. 100 130 130 130 Am Tobacco 23 Auaconda 20O 30H 36V. SH1 At Coast Line.. 2u 121 4 121 121 li AT Santa Fa 1.200 tfttb VH Pu do preferred 6ta Bait oc Ohio... 204 07 9314 (tot, Brook Rap Traa S.10U iV fcS oS Canadian Pac. 2,100 210 210 C At O t00 67 5T 57 C & Gt W " 13 C & S W 12U C M ofc St P 1,100 107 lOtHi lvS Central Leather. 300 23 23 23 Cent of N. J 2i Chino 1,400 40 3V 3D Colo Fua it Iron 31 Consoluated Gas i.... lwl D & it G 20 Llstlllng Sec... 200 14 14 13 trio 2,200 2V 2414 2d do 2d Pfd 37 It General Electric 700 145 144 145 "4 Gt North Ore.. 8oJ 35 35 35 do preferred.. 300 127 127 127 Illinois Central.. 100 10S 10S 107 Interboro-.Metro. 8.00 10 15 11 do preferred.. o.ouO 2 60 61 Kansas City So. - 100 25s 25 25 Lehigh Valley.. 600 153 153 153 Louis 4 Nash.. 185 Mexican Central 30O 14 14 13 M St V B S M. 400 134 133 188 Mo Kan & Texas 23 Missouri Pacific 1,000 81 SI $1 National Lead 48 National Biscuit S00 127 123 12i do preferred.. 116 X y- Central... SOO OS US fs N V Ont ac W... 100 30 30 80 Norfolk at West. 400 H 1 lot) North America. 200 72 71 Ti 71 Northern Pacific 2,000 112 111 ki lll'i Pacific Vail 21 pacific T Jt T.. 200 27 27 27 do preferred vo Pe:.n K H 1.000 113 112 112 Peoples Gas 113 iteadlng 24.1X0 101 10 lei Republic Sal.. IN -4:4 24 24 ICock Island ... 100 17 17 17 Southern Pac... 14.3'JO Si VI 1 Southern Rail... 2UO 25 25 24 Txas Oil 100 12.1 123 123', Union Pac 10,51)0 154 153 153 do preferred.. 300 S3 S3 Ml Un Rds of S P 23 U S Steel Cor. 4S.4O0 B4 83 03 H do preferred.. out 107 107 lu7 Utah Copper ... 3.400 51 50 51 Wabash 40O 5 4 4 West Union Tel 66 Westing Elec... 1.200 72 71 71 Wisconsin Cent 47 Total shares, 180.000: bonds, par value, 8395,500; call money. 2 pr cent. BONDS. Reported bv Overbeck Cook Co., Board of Trade building, Portland. Bid. Asked. Atrhiaon general 4s 04 v5 Atlantic roast Lin. 1st 4s ll VI B O gold 4S 1 til M, B R T Is OS oo Chesapeake It Ohio 4s 3 l C M 4 t P gen 4s l-io loo i- R I col 4s Jm ', 5S ral Gas ! 03 fc4 C B W Joint 4S 01 04 Erie eneial 4s 75 70 lilt Met 4s 75 75 Louisville Nashville uni 4s.. t)3 D.I Missouri Pacific 4s 07 t N Y C gen 3s 81 M N A W 1st con 4S t"3 4 Northern pacific 4 4 4 Oregon Short i.nnee ref 4S fro 10 Orrson Rv Nav 4s I1 WJ Pacific Tel 5s IH5 97 Penna con 4s 'J Reading general 4s 04 15 St I, i St F ref 4s 70 71 southern Psclflo ref 4s no tl . Southern Pacific col 4a 0 Southern Railway 4s 75 75 I'nlted Pacific 1st and ref 4s.. 12 03 I nited States Steel 5s 10u lOO West Short 4s OS .... Wubash 4s 53 43 Weftlnxhouse El'C conv 5s !' M Wisconsin Central 4s M Tnited States 2s registered !"8 100 I'nlted States 2s coupon PS Iim) Unlt-d States ::s registered 102 o:s I'nlted states 3s coupon 102 103 I'nlted states 4s rectstered 110 112 United States 4s coupon 110 112 Stocks at Beaton. - BOSTON. Aug. 20.- Aliuui-x 35 AmalK Copper.. 73 -Closing quotations: MuliuH'k 4:: an Nvada Con .... jNipifsing Mines. A . 1. A: s-m 1 Arixona Com . . 2 27 4i SO 6'l ' 24 2iS 3 47H o 51 114 .-orin fciuite..... I.N'orth Lake.... Old Dominion... Osceola IQuincy shannon Superior Siin A Bos Mln.. Tamsrack U S 8 R A M . . . do preferred... itb Con i.'tah Copper Co. Winona Wolverine B&CCftSM. 1 ra! Arisona.. tvl i.'al a Hecla 425 Centennial 14 Cop Ran Con Co 3i E Butte Cop M. 11 Franklin 4 Granby Con ... Gl Grene Cananea. n 1 Koyalls tCopl lii't Kerr Lake 3'i Lake Copper. ... o La Salla Copper 3 Miami Copper... 22 41 Money, Exchange, Etc. NbW YORK. Aug. 20. Money on call steady. 2&2; ruling rate. 2; closing, 2tf Time loans tinner; SO days. 3 : 90 daya, 4; six months. 5 51 5 per cenu I'rime mercantile papfr. oo per cent. Sterling exchange - steady. I4.S.1S for So day bills. 84.060 for demand. Commercial bills. 84.82-. Bar silver. 3u. M-xican dollars. 48c Ciovenmient bonds. Irregular; railroad bonds, steady. 6 AN FRANCISCO. Aug. 20. Sterling ex change. SO days. 84.82: do sight. 84.88; do doc.. 84.81. Transfers, telegraph. 4 per cent premium; do sight. 1 per cent premium. LONDON. Aug. 20. Bar silver steady. 27 5-14d per cunce; bond rate. 4 per cant; consols, 73- New York Metal Markets. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Lead steady. 4.70; in London, 20 7s 6d- ' Spelter Steads. 6.75d5.80; lu London. 20 12s Sd. Copper Firm: standard spot and Au gust. 14.75 bid; September. 11.75 15.82; October. 14.77318.60: electrolytic, ls87jr 18.00; lake. 18 00; casting. 15.82 S 13.75. Tin quiet.: spot and August, 41.2094160; September, 41.006 4LS7; October, 40.80 v 41.20. Antimony Dull; Cookson'a, S. 40 Q 8.50. Iron Steady and unchanged. London markets closed aa foll.wa: Copper Firm:, spot, 89 2a sd ; futures. (80 3s d. Tin Strong: spot, 158 5s: futures, 1188 15s. Iron Cleveland warrants. S3 M. Cotton Quotatlona at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Spot cotton stesdy, middling uplands, 12.15: sales, 1240. Futures close-! very steady; closing bids: Ansust 11.81. September 11.84. October 11.58, November 1L4U, lievember 11.51, January 11.43. February 1L45, March 1LS0, May 11.54. Following la the rang, of contract prices prcviuiitg iiubi on Hie .rw j.jik ..vt.uu Exchange, as reported by th. Ov.rbeck at Cook. Company, of tbl city: Opi January ...... .11 High. Low. Close. 11.44 11 27 11.43 11.51 lt2 1150 11.54 11.81 11.53 11 M 11. 7J 11.81 11. S 11.41 ll.iit 11.54 11.S5 11.58 11.53 11.29 1L51 ttctober NEW YORK. Aug. 10. Cotton closed steady at 11 to 30 points net advance. SAX FRASC1SCO FltODCCE EXCHANGE Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Vege tables, iruit. Etc, SAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 20. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples, California Newtown Pip pins, $1.75t2: Gravenstelna. 81.3591.85; other varieties. 5octt 81.75: Mexican limes. 8101.25: California lemons. 8tr7.50; pine apples, 81.2Cfi2.25. Cheese New, lc: Young Amerlcaa, 17c Uay Wheat. 82S.005.O0; wheat and oats, 821.50 22.00: alfalfa, 813.00 8 15.00. Butter Fancy creamery. 32 c; aeconda. SOc Egga Fancy ranch. 33c; store. 27c Vegetables Cucumbers. 200 40c; greea peas. Hf;5c: string beans, 25c; egg plant, 35 75c. Onions New. yellow, 00ei 81.50 per sack. Potatoes New river whiles. 0cS 81.10; Merced sweets, l2c. Receipts Flour. S4 quarters: barley, 48.0OO centals; potatoes. 71SO sacks; hay. VB7 tons. Naval Store Market. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Aug. 20. Turpentine firm, 370 to 3Sc. Sales, SB: receipts. 72t; shipments, 103; stocks, 3ft.074. m Rosin firm. Sales. 21oP; receipts, 171o; shipments, 148T; stocks. 717.083. Quote: A. B. 3.80: C. D. 83.95; E, 83.95: F, 83.00 to 84: G. H. 83.03 to 84.05: I. 8405; K. 84.10; M. 84.40 to 84.45; N, 85.10; WG. 80: WW. 88.2. Prodnee Market at Chicago. CHICAGO, Aug. 20. Butter Steady, un- Eggs Firm, unchanged; receipts, 0009 "cheese Firmer. Daisies. 14 15c: twins. 14414c; Young Americas, 15c; long horns, i c New York 6ngar Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Raw sugar firm. Muscovado. 8.23c; centrifugal, 8.73c; mo lasses. 2.88c Refined firm. Poultry Prices In Saa Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 20. Hens, 84.00 812; roosters, old 84 35. young 87 8; ducks old .14.50. young 858: broilers, large 81.50,5. small 3 4; gaese. 82 6 2.50 ; squab 81.25 2: pigeons. 81-5: fryers. 5ti7. Hope, Hides, Etc, at New York. NEW YORK. Aug. 20. Hops, steady. Hides, steady. Petroleum, steady. Wool, steady. Dried Frnlt at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Evaportad apples, quiet, but firm. Prunes, firm. ' Peaches, quiet. Saa Francisco Closing Barley. SAN FRANCISCO. Aiif. 20. Afternoon session: Barley December. 81.40: Au gust. 81.34 w. asked; September, 8134 asked: May. 81-44 H. HOGS A'.D GATTLE HIGHER PORK STOCK SE1I-S AT $8.85, ADVAXCIXG 353 IX WEEK. Good Steers Selling at $8.35 With Indications That Prices Soon May Be Even Higher. Improvement in tha bog; market and a slight advance In tha price of cattle were noticeable developments of tb. day's trading at tha Portland Union Stockyards y.sterday. First-class hogs now ara selling, at 8S.85, which Is an advance of 5J cents within tha last weak. One lot of porkers want at that figur. y.sterday and the firm under tone in the market Indicates that the price will remain around that position. Beef also Is going up. Two lota of ateera went vast.rdav at 8S.35. Both bunches averaged well under lloo pounds. Heavier steers brought Sf.OO ana poorer eiuv i varying .lower figures. in spite of an avalanche of sheep and lambs, tha mutton market la holding up fairly well. Choice lamba ara bringing 85. Heavier animals are celling at. lesser values. Another large shipment of sheep was re ceived vesterday 1-135 head In all. Other receipts wore 400 cattle, 135 calves, 183 hogs and one horse. Stock growers who sent their products to the local yards yesterday were: Baker City Packing Company. Halnea. 1 car of calves and 1 horse; E. E. Willard. Baker, 1 car of calves: E. Cochran. Baker, 2 cars of sheep: L. B. Swlck. Baker. 1 cars of sheep: G. Hepton. Great Falls. Mont.. 4 cars of cattle: J. R. Pally. Stevensville. Mont, 1 car of hOKS; C. F. Nichols. Riddles, 1 car of cattle; F. B. Decker. Halsey. 1 car of hogs; J. R. Wilson, Modesto, Cel.. 1 car of cattle and calves; C. N. Clark. Modesto, 1 ear of cattle: George McKay. Condon. 4 cars of cattle; J. M- Williams. Redmont. 2 cars of sheep, and T. tv. tiowitt, lerre bonne. 1 car of cattle. Following la a list of yesterday's sales: Weight. Price. 28 steers 1093 ' 28 steers - 1075 8.35 2S steers H"! T.25 25 steers 1171 7.M 2i steers H09 T.90 1 cow H0 8.50 1I lambs S O.l'O 50 lambs ' 4..-0 23 lambs 8 3.U0 258 lambs 07 6.00 129 ewes "5 3. i5 1 ewe 80 S-T-l 18 calvea 218 7.15 :t calvea 214 S.2S 2'.S lambs 13 2:18 lambs 7 4.11 24 ewes 90 8.73 25 steers 73 7.0 32 steers 924 7.23 27 steers H" 7-0 2S steers 12M 6-33 2 cows 970 H.73 21 cows 1048 7.00 1 stsg 1310 8 00 2 bulls 0 S.O0 1 bull ln'" 5S" t bull ias 5.0 .".5 lambs 6 4.30 '.'.-. lambs W S-73 loo hos nil S .75 r. hoga 158 8.75 74 hoSs' 229 8.85 51 hogs 141 S:13 3 boss 258 7.13 Tbe range of prices at the yards was aa follows: choice steers 87.73 SS.33 Medium ateera ... 7.00' 7.50 Choice cows 8.78 7.00 Medium cows 8.231 8.1J Medium calves 8.04)ti 8.. 5 iootl. hesvv calves 7.5on 8.50 Bulls 4.00 S.54 uVh'T. S-T5W 9.08 Hesvv 8.00 -yi 8.80 Sheep , ... Wethers S.i.-. 4.-'S pw., 2.50r 3.30 Lambs-;!! 20W 5.30 Chicago Llvertork Market. CHICAGO. Aug. SO. Cattle Receipts, 1.000; market, steady to a shade lower. Beeves. ": Texas steers, J8 75i7.70: Western steers, 86.249 7.70; stockera and feders. 85.43j70: cows and helfen, 85.80 to S.20: calves. 818 11-23. Hogs Receipts. 21.000: market. 5c to 10c higher for best. Light, S 309 05; mixed. 87.H5t9: heavy. 87.20'S 8.75; rough, J7 206 7.50; pigs. 84.25 1 8.15; bulk of sales. 87.b0 8.80. Sheep Reeelpts. 21,000; market, strong to 10c hlKher. Native. $:l.T59 4.8o; Western, 84C4S0; vearlings. I4.f!5t9.'i3; Iambs, na tive, 5.45tr7.75; Western. 85.736 7.S0. Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. Nb., Aug. 20. Cattl Receipts, 8o0; market. steady. Native steers, 87 20 s 9: cows and heifers. JO.fot 8: western steers, 8.25a7.90: Texas steers, 8697.40: range cows and heifers, $5.50ty 7; calves, 4. Hogs Recelpta. T200: market. higher. Heavv, 87.00 37.85: light, Tt.,a8.50; pigs, 17 4 8"; bulk of sales. 17.75'a 7.85. Sheep Receipts. 9000: market, steady. Yearlings I5'3 5"3: wethers. 84.20S4.90; lambs, 86 .7" 7 80. Abhland Considers Invitation. ASHLAND. Or.. Ausi. 20. (Special.) A telegrram received today from local representatives at the (rood roads con vention at Eureka, advances a propo sition for holding the trl-state good roads gathering; next year at Ashland. Such an offer would be contingent upon the' city's assuming; certain financial obligations, a matter which the Com mercial Ciub now has under advise ment, 1 WHEAT TONE FIRM Bull Element Dominates Day's Trading at Chicago. CORN MARKET IS WEAKER Heavy Buying. However, Holds Prices at Former Level Total Corn Crop Ks-tlmuted at Only 82,500,000,000 Bushels. CHICAGO. Aug. 20 Wheat today was dominated largely by the foreign situation, bullish cables Imparting strength that lasted throughout the aession until the final hour. when the market weakened aomewhat on profit-taking aales. At tha end, prices H to He net higher. Oats declined s8 So. Provisions were 2M to 17V4C higher. The cables brought news of wheat shorts covering at Liverpool, told of rather unfav orable crop conditions in Germany, France and Hungary and carried predictions of ex perts that for some time yet Europe would depend on America for most of ber cnoice, dry wheat. To this bullish news i added opinions that damage was to be feared from further rains in the Canadian Northwest. Good milling demand, espe cially from th. Southwest, and large ex port clearances also served to stiffen prices. Some of th. recent bull snap waa out of th. corn market today, aa traders believe that a turn is due. . However, there was a firm tone and Influential buying cauaed price recoveries after each dip. one sua taininr factor waa tha prediction Of an au thority that the total corn crop, because of the recent drouth damage tn the soumwest. would be only 2.25O.00O.OO0 bushels. Oats eased off In late trading after a firm start. Selling by leading commission houses for Southwest account waa the fea ture of tha market. Higher prices at the yards, reflecting In some degree losses caused, by tne nog cholera in certain sections of the surplus corn states, stiffened provision prices, though at tn. Close more were reactiona on iioora-i olferinga. The leading futurea ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open Hleh. Low. Close. Sept 8 .8 714 8 -S7V4 8 .S64 Dec "' .ito'i .K0H .0(a May 60S -05 .U5H .Mitt CORN. Sept. 73 .73 '4 .74 .7314 Dec. S .Oil .OS .69 4 May 70 .7o . OATS. Sept- 42V4 .421, .421a. .42 Dec 45 4a .45 Vs .44 H -45 May 4SS. .40 .47 .47 MESS PORK. Sept Jan. .21.00 .10.00 .11.33 .11.37', . 10.85 21.10 10.05 LARD. 11.35 11.424 10.05 21.00 1V.50 21.00 19.0214 11.30 11.37H 10.U2 Sept. Oct. . Jan. 11. SO 11.5714 10.V2 SHORT RIBS. Sept 11.47 11.82 1L45 11.82 Oct 11.35 11.40 11.32 11.37 Jan 10.15 10.87 10.80 10.35 Closing quotations: Cash: Corn, No. 2. 7777e: No. 2 white, 77&7&o; No. 2 ye. low. 77 78c; No. 3. 777c; No. 3 white, 77S7Sc; No. 8 yellow, 77 6 77 0. Oata No. 2, 41c; No. 2 white, 4S844c; No. 3 white, 42 43c: standard, 4343c. Bye. No. 2. 7!8sc. Barley, 55 If 75c. Timothy, 84.50 ? 8.40. Clover, $18614. European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 20. Wheat Spot steady, futures, steady; October, 7s SaA: Ueceutber, 7a 2d- Graia at Minneapolis. MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. 20. Close: wheat. No. 1 hard, WOc; .1o. 1 Northern. SS&bSlsc; No. 2 Northern. SOU 97 "Ac: No. 2 hard Mon tana, 88c; No. 8 wheat. 64!4t?b8c: Septem ber, sic; Liecemocr, auc; aiay, vase Nan Franrlaca Graia Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 20. Spot Quota tions: Wal'.a Walla, 81-47 J 1.50-. red Rus sian. 81.47 H; 1.5o; Turkey red. S1.55&1. Ou; blucstem, 81.551.00; feed barley. $1.27 1.30; brewing, nomlnsl; whit, oats, 81-3u0 1.52; bran. 824.5025; middlings, $30081; shorts. $28.504 27. Grain Markets of the Northwest, SEATTLE, Wash.. Aug. 20. Wheat Blue, stem, 83c: fortyfold. 79c: club, 70c; Fife, 7sc; red Russian, 77c Yesterday'a car re celpta: Wheat 14. hay 15, Hour 4. oats L TACOMA. Aug. 20. Wheat: Blueatem, S.'.c; fortyfold. sic: club, sue; red Fife, eoc Receipts, wheat 27, barley 1 corn 1, hay 11 aara. Coffee Futures at New York. NEW YORK, Aug. 20. Higher cables, ru mors of unfavorable Brasillan crop and steadiness In th. cost and freight market caused a further advance In coffee today. The opening waa ateady at 8 to 13 points up. Prices worked gradually higher. cloalng steady at a gain of 11 to 18 points. August, S.0c: September, 8.01c; Octo ber, 0.01c; December. 9.17c; January, 9.25c; March. 0.42c: May, 9.53c: July. S.83c. Spot, steady: Rio, 7s. 9c; Santos. 4s, 12012c Mild, dun; Cordova, 13i8c; nominal, Cleveland and Washington had no g;ame scheduled yesterday. Linseed Market at Dnlnth. DT'LUTH, Minn., Aug. 20. Close: Linseed,1 fl.50; September, $L4V bid; October, $1.30 bid. RAILWAY GRADING BEGINS Crew Starts Construction Work on . Valley & Sileti Line. INDEPENDENCE. Or., Aug;. 20. (Special.) A special train was run over the Independence & Monmouth Railway to Airlie yesterday, carrying; a trainload of laborers for work on the Valley A Silets Railway. The rail way company secured the rifrht of way over the old Southern Pacific tracks, at Airlie, to Hoskins. in condemnation proceedings in the Circuit Court last week. Work started today on the actual construction work. The right-of-way agent will begin immediately buying up the rifrht of way beyond Hoskins, as It is the plan of tbe company to build Into the Spauldina; camp this year, com pleting; the road to the fciiletx Basin next year. The sawmill at Hoskins; which was purchased by the Cobb & Mitchell In terests to saw out railway timbers, started to work last Thuraday at saw lng ties and bridge timbers for the road, and as fast as the grading is done these will be distributed alone; the right of way. Machinery for the work is now on the ground. VETERANS' SONS ORGANIZE Ashland Camp Begins Willi SO Charter Members. ASHLAND, Or., Aug:. 20. (Special.) Ashland Camp No. 7, t-ons cf Veterans, was instituted here last' night with a charter membership of about JO. Colonel C 8. Scott, director of the movement on the Pacific Coast, per fected the organization and will visit the northern towns for th same pur pose preliminary to the formation of a division encampment for the state. In order that Oregon may be represented at the National s-atherlng; of the order at Chattanoogra. Tenn. Of'icers of Ashland Camp are as fol lows: Commander, B. W. Talcott; senior vice-commander, Bert Thomas; Junior vice-commander, tf, C. Eddinir ton; treasurer. V. O. N. Smith; secre tary. Donald Spencer. A board of trustees will also assist In the msnanement of the camp. The new organization will meet in the Grand Army Hall i First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus $1,000,000 Oldest National Bank West of the Rocky Mountains CORNER FIRST AND WASHINGTON STS. LADD &TILTON BANK EsUMiihcfl 2859. Capital $ 1,000.000X0 Surplus . 1,000,000.00 Deposit. 14,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts OFFICERS. W M. Led d, President, Rohert B. Howard. Asst. Caehle Kd ward Cooklngbam. VlcPraa. J. w Ladd. Asst. Cashier. W. H. Dun.aUey, Cashier. Walter . Cook, Aest. Cashier. Corner WacUnstoo-ud Thirl Street. iB II J i iUt WZM m . i m & kes till 1 w- Sailings NEXT SAlLIXd LA FRANCE (new) Hevt. El 1 LA EiAVOlfc; Sept. 17 'LA LOKKAINE Oct. 8 LA 1'BOViiXt'E Sept. Z LA SAVOLE Oct, 15 Twiu-screw steamer. rQuadrupie-screw steamer. SPECIAL SATURDAY SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK. S P. M. ONE CLASS C1.N (II) and THIRD-CLASS Passenaera Only. CHICAGO Aua. SO I. W. hunter. SO Sth at. I A. D. Cnarlton. 333 Morrison St.: K. M. Taylor. C. M. St. P. Br. Usner B. Smith. Uteaaoaw 12Z Sd mt. I Aorta ssana tto. PAVING COST OPPOSED ST. JOHNS OWXERS SAT LEGAL UMIT IS EXCEEDED. Volunteer Fire Association Will Hold Annual Picnic August SI Bert Gould's Funeral Held. ST. JOHNS, Or Aus. 20. (Special) At the reg-ular meeting: of the City Council Tuesday a remonstrance was filed by a number of property owners against the assessment for the cost of hard-surfacing Fessenden street, the remonstrance belnar based ' on the ground that the assessment exceeded the SO per cent bonding limit required by law. Twenty property owners petitioned the Council to improve Willamette boulevard by hard-surfacing and put ting down cement sidewalks from Bur lington street to St. Johns avenue, and a resolution was ordered drawn to start proceedings for the improvement re quested. A complaint signed by several prop erty owners regarding the plank side walks on North Jersey street, between Fessenden and Catiln streets, was re ferred to the street committee and City Engineer. An acknowledgment was received from O.-W. R. & N. officials to the re ceipt of orders regarding draining Bradford street and assuring the Coun cil the matter would receive due at tention. The matter of this company planking Bradford street between Richmond and Charleston streets was referred to in this communication, and the company declared that it was too expensive and Impractical owing to the numerous switches and frogs. After some discussion the City Clerk was In structed to order the space described to be filled with cinders by the railway company. Members of the Women's Christian Temperance Union filed a remonstrance against the wearing of X-ray skirts within the city limits, and requested the Council to adopt a resolution mak ing it a misdemeanor. The matter waa referred to Chief of Police Allan for adjustment. When the matter of purchasing sev eral small tracts of land for city parka came up for consideration. Mayor Bredeson suggested that sealed offers be tendered by those having suitable properties to offer, giving a price and complete description of the property offered. 'This suggestion waa adopted by the CounciL ' The Council voted to discontinue the cutting of weeds for the remainder of this season. Tbe ordinance governing the use of intoxicants In pool halls, dance halls, etc, reached the third reading and was passed, with the penalty ranging from 5 to $50 for violation. An ordinance providing for financial protection for members of the volun teer fire department who happen to be Injured going to or from a fire was referred back to city Attorney uatz meyer to insert a clause calling for a certificate of a regular physician De fore any money could be paid. and. in no case shall the amount exceed $300. The question of hard-surfacing Wil lamette boulevard from Richmond to Burlington streets came up. but the City Attorney recommended that no ac tion be taken until after a deal now pending be consummated whereby the city acquires the title to a 20-foot strip for street purposes from J. E. Kirk. The funeral of little Bert Gould, who died Tuesday night ss a result of being run over by a sand-wagon loaded with two yards of sand, took place to day from the undertaking parlors of A. H. Blackburn, with interment at the Rose City Cemetery. The little fellow's father works for the Jackson Sand & Gravel Company and Bert was hanging to one of the company's wagons when he fell off and a rear wheel of the load passed over him. The accident happened Monday and the child lived until Tuesday night. The St. Johns Volunteer Fire Asso ciation will hold its annual picnic at "Mud Flats," SL Johns. August 3U This will be an invitation affair and an en joyable time is promised. Games, con tests, speaking and lunch will be fea tures of the day. A kangaroo court wll be held. The Free Methodists are holding camp meetings on the Caples property on Dawson street and a large number are attending. Flower 'Show Feature Planned. ABERDEEN. Wish, Aur. 50. (Spe cial.) An old-fashioned garden, cor rect and complete In every detail from bleeding; hearts and rosemary to holly hooks and four o'clocks and larkspur, will be the feature of the annual flower show to be given Auirust SO by the Ab. erdeen Civic Improvement Association. Tbe earfen he Indoors, but planted In sand and sodded over. Pretty youna; women of the city have been secured to tend tha garden in the costume of SO years ago. Comptvnle , Generale Transatlantkjue Dlrees Line ta Hstt s-Parts ass from New York every Wednesday. 10 A. 34. PROVENCE, Wed. Sept. 3 IS FRANCE (new) - Oct. 1 t.. TOl'RAINB Sept. 9 Mb St.; A. C febeldon. 100 3d St. ; M. H. I ti biu matt htark sta.. arents. Portlaa J.C.WILSON&CO. STOCKS. BONDS. OR AT AND COTTON. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. ITKW YORK COTTOM EXCHA.M.S, CHICAGO BOA&D Or TBAIlE, tan STOCK AND BONO EXCUAAGB. AN A'KANClaCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street. Phones Marshall 4120. A 41S7.. INCORPOaATEO CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERS PUBLIC SERVICE PROPERTIES FINANCED and MANAGED 50 Pine Street New York TRAVELERS' GODE. EXCEPTIONAL SECOND CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS BY BOSTON SERVICE The 8. S. C.EVfcKA'l A'D CINCINNATI ir ships of unusu-X tonnage, providing sp clous cabins staterooms, and deck sp&ce. Tne teecond Cabin accommodation compare favorably In comfort and luxury with the first CfcOins ot ves sels of leas tonnase. From BOSTON to LON DON FAK1H H AMBl'RU Cleveland brptrmber 11 Ciaciaaatl.. ......... ..September tS Cleveland October 17 Ciaciaaatl October ZS Hamburg-American Line 169 Powell st., San Francisco, ral.: South ern Pacific Co.. SO (tb at.. O.-W. R. A N Co., Nor. Pacific. D. A R- O. R. R.. Burlinc toa Route, afilwaukie ac Pusst Sound R. R.. Great Northern Kailway Co.. Doraey B. Smith. ( 6th St.. Portland. Or. AUSTRALIA TAHITI AND NEW ZEALAND. Round Trip Rates: 1st class to Tahiti S1SS. to Wellinatoa S267.S0, to Srdner S3O0. Special Pacific Ocean Tear (Including South Sea Isles) to Sydney via Tahiti. Rara tonsa and Near Zealand and retarnins to San Francisco (or Vancouver) via Auckland. FIJI or Samoa and Honolulu, 9325. 1st clasa, Stop-ovara any point, sood ona year. Sail Inga from San Franciaco Ausust 20, Sept. 17, Oct. 15, etc Cnloa Steamship Co. of New Zealand. Ltd. Office: Market Street. Saa Franclacav BAH1A, BIO DE JANEIRO. 8 AH TO, MONTP.VIUEO AMD BOS A BIO Large, Hew and Fast Pawnrwr StFamrrs from New York ererr alternate Saturday. For rates, etcapi'ly local ticket agf-ntt,or rot inntLS, On Afx: m tirkor , tXPRESS BTKAMEK8 FOE baa 1 ranrtM-o and la A nicies WITHOUT CHANGE. S. S. BEAK Sails A. M., Auirust Z0. b. b. ROSE CITY, Ana. 5. THE SAX IHASCISCO ft PORTLAND S. & CO. Ticket Office, 8i and H UfUUja--ton, with O.-W. K. Jt H. Co. Phone Marshall 4500, A SI21 San Francisco, Los Angelej and San Diego Direct S. S. Eoanoke and S. S. Yucatan. bail Svery Wednesday Alternately al P. Ss. N0ETH PACIFIC S. S. CO. USA Third St Pnoaea Mans 1314. A Hit. COOS BAY LINE ' STEAMSHIP BREAK WATER sails from Alnsworth Dock. Portland, 8 A. M . August 8, 11. 18. 23. 28. Sept. 2. T, 12. 17, 2, 2. Freight received nntll S P. aC sxcapt day previous to sailing; previous day j p. k. . passenger fare: Flrat-ciass, 110; second-class. $7, Including berth and meais. Ticket oftiee Lower Alnsworth Dock. POKTEAND at COOS BAY S. e. LINE. U H. KCAI1NO. A eat. raoue Xaia MOO. A tiai. IOR ANGELES AST SAX DIFGO STEAMSHIPS VALE Al HAKVAKD Bailroad or any stsamer to San Frncisr the Expo City. Largest, fastest snd tha ONLY strictly first-claas pisser.ter snips on tha Coasl. Average speed 2S par oour: cost IJ.Ooy.OOO each- 6AJT IBANCISCO. PORTLAND I. A. S. S. t-O. 28. Prank Bol'am, Agent. A 150. 124 Third btroek . -x,s --"'im nw ijifh-i