- ApartnitBti EETLLB COl'RT. 4-roora apa7imm-. including all the modern up-to-date khia:2 wood floor-, tiled bathroom, Dutch ti mn.tr phone. -"IkuciW PW red wall, etc. A place you are Sad to call jour home. , , , THE BLin L. Love jo v n-r 21st; 2 and 3 -room -1" I T Moai:nients. with built-m con vinces ob-aPpeailng b- 'e Pho"- hood large Summer lurches; $22 to $.ti. Sim 'one 2-room furnished apartment $2i Inducement made t.i permanent ten ,nlg pply on premlfM nr call THE FRSO A- JACOBS CQ.. Main-Cio. 23 Washington at. A C26. THE BRETNOR 20th and Love Joy sts. Exceptionally weM arrsns-d. 3 and 4 rooms. nfuruiBnd. Nw Modern Huh cs. Very desirably located. Reference required. CUMBERLAND. W. Park and .oiumb! JJJ; very choice 2 and S-room conetely fur tiiahed apts.; all modern conveniences, beantiful location faring the park. J mm utes' walk from badness center. W e i ways maintain our reputation for rials, clean spts.. with best t al reasons. ie rire: reiresce rcgni.ed. GLEN COfRT. (Formerly the Wheeldon) Corner Karn ana i j ami 4-roora Modern apartments in suites: furni3hed complete 1 1 rat -ci as "rw'ri'own.tftwn district hut quiet. THE IRVING. 6S9 IRVING ST. 3 4 and 5-room unfurnished apartments, ll'ouLBide rooms, heat, hot and cold wale- gas range, private batn. laundry room, phone each apartment, ample closet room, lors of porch room, good service, reason able rates; W tar. References required. Minager. Mar. 274S. janitor Main 02J0. LUCKETIA COL'RT, on Lucrena St.. b l Wash, and Everett sts.. from 2 to 5-room unfurnished auartments, Including all mod ern, up-to-dat conveniences; hardwood floors, reception hail, maids' rooms, free ohone: rents rtaouttBie. wbi Manager, Mar. 1313; janitor, Mar. VILLA ST. CLAR.V. Uth and, Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished complete. Roof garden in o,uueciiua walking distance. References. THE CROMWELL filth and Columbia. 2 and S-roora apartments furnished; strictly modern and new; references; close wa lkin g distance; service first-class. jrQR RENT 3-room furnished apartment, with sleeping porch, 2 very large closets, private bath, hot and cold water, heat, phone. Phone East 1710. 551 East Yamhill street. THE SAN MARCO. r ni unfur. 3-room mod. apis.; private bath and phones walking ONE complete! furnished Si-room apt-, with im heat and all conveniences; fine lo- r..rinn oniv S 2 2.5 v. IS l?th St., near Yam hill. " THE DEZBNDORP. 08 16th, near Taylor. Main 4795. One elegantly furnished 5-room, apt. One 5-room unfurnished apt. HODEKN 4-roora apartment, unfurnished. T-n. r -.n- thin Includes heat, water. nhAn pal "ruiice fireplace, linoleum. 53 l.ucretla Place. Phone Marshall 35i. vnvrftftMERT APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern outside, furnished 2-room apartments, ele vator; close in; $20 to 130. Main tf4id. THE Drlckston. 443 llth Nicely furnished 2 and 8-roora modern outside apts., near Heights. jLira. r. tt. -' ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, newly renovated: north porches; 670 Kearney St.; 3 and f 52.50. Portland TTut Co. or Janitor. fc-KOOH pleasant apt., hot and cold water, steam heat, gas range, Summer rates. 5s 7 PAGE APARTMENTS. Beautiful apartments, furnished and un- furnlshca. inciuumi - ItANVER Apartments. 483 Clay su Modern t rooms, completely turnished, Jib'. $18 and -U. .xj 1 . - -" THE STANFIELD. 2-room apts., llsht and gas ln- eluded; io up. :04 Porter su Main 73 U2. THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district six-room apartment; every convenience. Phone Main 7510. Ki L'P Clean, airy .-room auue. not. iizht rhone free; sleeotng rooms 443. corner of K. 7th and Hassalo. East g.'O rup VALON Nearest to Union Depot of all East Side apts. Phone East lyui. 2ai Ross. THE DAYTON Comfortably furnished mod ern 4-room apt only S5. Cd3 Flanders. TIIF MAN DIE. Nice 5-room apartment. Flanders. Nob HiH. 7'ain -51. A AND 5 rcoms. lipht and airy, S0 and Sou. Kearney Apts. Phone Marshall 247. MAYO APTS., 5034 Unlo n a c No rth New. up to date; reasonable. Ea.it 020. S-ROOM unfurnished apartmen:. 3a Trinity LADi' ants lady to share apartment with Iter. it6 Lowusdaie St.. apt. o7. MODERN apartment. 3 rooms, furnished, com p 1 ate, near Wash. 175 Ford. Flats, IRVINGTON FLAT. B rooms and sleeping porch, fireplace, oak floors, tiled bum. extra nice; 'D ' or T car; adults. 34 Eaat llth N. East 2S96. 6-ROOM flat, 7S0 Gllsun St.. near d-st. car- new, modern, convenient; haruwood floors drepiace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan. Flieuuer & Boyce. ju Abinfcton bld. FOR RENT! September 1, W. E. Prud homme's desirable 7 -room lower f'.at, 14 vith mt. bet. Hoyt and Irving. Inquire , 67 Broadway. . COSY, clean, modern. 4-room, linoleum, Sorches, basement yard, nice neighbor ood; adults; Sift. 7ao AVUliams ave. Woodlawn 426. ilODERN tt-room flat on West Side, close to business center, very cheap rent In quire Vlo Chamber of Commerce. Mar. lfv5. cj0 Modern 5 rooms. East I'th and Hancock Irviugton; hardwood floors, tiled tath. gas range, heater. Key 472 Hancock. E. 557. l MODERN 4 or 5-room flat; electricity. gas, tubs, fireplace. linoleum. l14 E. Morrison. Sunnyaide. Tabor 170S. WALKING distance. 5-room modern flat, alcove, sleeping porch. 340 Clackamas. C 1001. NiiW modern 6-room fiat; furniture for sale; snap. S44 College. Reasonable rent. Walking distance. Phone Mar. 3a TWO 0-roora modern flats, upper and lower, choicest location. Inquire ai 4-1 Wsn lngion St.. or 175 16th st. FLAT of 6 rooms and batn. 731 Koyt su Inquire 130 tith st. Phono Main tiPPER east 5-room flat, 40 9 Yamhill st. opposite new library. Apply 4v7. JlODEiiN 5 or 6-room na:. newly tinted, la quire 52J Eveiett t-. Wes: Side. a-ROOM modern flat, near 22d and Wasb-ington- Mala B&33, A 2676. MODERN 6-room upper fiat, all convea lences; adulta 610 East Madison st WEST SIDE, choice location. 6-room upper flat, attic porches. Main 4220. E ST BURN SIDE. cor. 12th. modern single "lower fiat. 5 large rooms. Eas: 23J-L S-ROOM modern conveniences, slrabie" flat; garage if wanted. very de- Ea?t 1137. -KOoM modern fiut for rent. lo;h. ne..r . . j. a-T kitrm i it:tn r-i""" rturntice. ihuuh ilODEUN hve and s.-room fiats. S2s and $2. Inquire &2u vere. su tVELL Oroom flat, all modern conven iences, all outside rooms. East 1S55. MODERN upper 5 large rooms, sleeping porch, adults. Cor. &th and E. Arkeny. Lfi iCR and lower flat. 471 W. Park; mod em. Inquire 46S Park, near Jaclcson. 4-ROOM modern flat 33 Ross t, 2 blocks Bro art way bridge. C SW. MODEKN 5-room upper flat, all conven iences: adult. 10 Kt Madison st. rLAT.S. eljce in Inquire 1SW 16th st. FnnDlshMI Flata. TAYLOR, near 17 th, nicely furnished 4-room apartment: gas range, hot water heater for bath. 3 large bay windows, rent only S25. CICELY furnished S-rocm flat, phone, water and bath; rent J.s. 20k N. ISta. . illij iuuiiiiu A-tvji f --j - y i .- - , . I - no I Bnn.vr.HnrV I SPECIAL NOTICES. I " FINANCIAL. curnished Flat. TOL CAN'T BEAT THIS: 3 and 4-room upper flats, nicely iur nlehed, all modern conveniences, gooa neighborhood, paved street, near car. iv-iy East 21st street North; rent 1- and ?u. S; 4; L'5 upper) S-roorn "trictly modem flats. corap:e:ely furnished, also S -r oom tiouse. $40. ao Chapman et. Nlr E furnished flat. nsr High School. 1 block from esrliue; walking dibtance to city. East 53. 104O BELMONT RT. 4 or 5-room lurniaueu flat, with or without garage. Houekrtrptng Boo"- THE BEAVER. 1 1Kb ana Marshall Furnished for housek-.eF'Oe:: fas electric light, hot maier, ban.. free S12 per month Ui; cltan P-ac. best' in the city for the mow: hort d:stanc from Lnlon Depot 1-ith-si. tars north, get off at MarsoalL No dogs. ONE large ront room, with kitcnonetta. 3 a week; suite 2 front rooms, $4. for electric lights, gas for cwsinic, phon e and bath- all clean and well furnished. o4 21st st. North, near Washington. $1.60 TO $2 76 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, suttafiie for 2 or 4; free heat, laundrj, bath. yard. gas. Phone E. 4vd Vancouver, Stanton. U car. THREE furnif-hed housekeeping room, light, water, bath, VS5 Alblna, cor. fc-andena. T, car. THE UPdHUR. 406 S atfth sU FurnUhed 2 roora apts.. steam beat, light; Sir up. Main 85v. Take S, 18d or W car north- TWO rooms, large ard clean, steam heat, lots hot ater; fine place to laundry. 4io Columbia s. FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bidg., Sd. cor. Morrison. Pfaooo Main IH3. 461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East Sth. neatly furnished housekeeping suites. raaonari. THE GILmXnI 1st" "it., cor Alder Fur nished housekeeping rooms. $Lfr week up. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms; light, baths, fli. 11B2H Union. heat. 1 A NL li-room suites. Third st. $2.ru and up, bath. Housekeeping Rooms in Private FmmUy. FIRST - CLASS housekeeping rooms. als sleeping porch, heat, lights, bath, phone, large lawn, desirable location, (J. 50 to 4 week, rales by month. Jd. W car from Union depot, walking distance to city proper, it 5 Couch, corner lath. 2 OA S large, nice.y iurnished. H. - tC rooms, private bath and porch, two en trances, beautiful view. Call mornings or phone Scllwood 165. 072 East ttlh st. Wo JOHNSON ST. Fineiy furnished light, lare, two-room houskeeping suite, first floor. good neighborhood; also single sleeping or H. K. room: bath, ptione. VERY nice housekeeping room with kitch enette. 500 Couch, near ISth su; reason able. LrtNISHlD housekeeping-romfl In pri vate home. 115; modern. 61M East Burn eide et. NICELY furnished two connecting front housekeeping rooms, all conveniences, ftltf, also room, kitchenette, SI". 87Q 12th at TWO well-f urniahed housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, phone, Sli per month. SIS Columbia St.. near 6 th. TWO rooms, bath, gas. electric lights, phone, also siugio room. East 15th st. North. FL'KNIijHED 1 ousekeoplng-rooms In private family. 1S1 Lith st. TWO or three nice, clean furnished house keeping rooms. luth, corner Palmon. 105 JOTH. cor. Flanders, neatly furnished housekeeping rooms. FL'RNISHED front room, alcove; housekeep ing, gas range, porch; modern, 475 Clay. HOL'SiiKEEINO rooms, $2 per week up; furnished. tf55 Flanders, near 2uth. LARGE front suite housekeeping rooms, nice home place; rent 3.5l. 4ttf Taylor. CLEAN, airy furnished housekeeping rooms, 'J per month. 44 East 17th st. TWO largo rooms, completely furnished for housekeeping. 114 I3tn. FL'RNISHED rooms for housekeeping, S up. 435 Alder. 1I-ROOM home for residence only, larje grounds, excellent location; West oiae. 4-room modern house; Marshall, near S4th. GEO. D. 8 CHALK. Main S93. A 3893. 128 Stark St WORTH sSi). RENT FOR S37.50: 7-ROOM AND SLEEPING PORCH : RESTRICTED DIST. NEW AND MUDEKJV MAR. 4200. A 7153. r. ir rrv F.H. romar. 13 East Adh St.: beau tilul 5 rooms, all large and light hot water heat, fireplace, hai awooa iiowra, desirable location, references. DESIRABLE houses and flats for rent, all parts city. NATIONAL REALTY & INV. CCX, Main 5129. rkpt i lean. modern. 2-story, fl-room basement, yard, good neighborhood, paved street, block to car; adults, S22. Woodlawn 426. 780 Williams ave. Jltt MONTH Good 7-room house, on Irv ington car line, ooo casi oin si., " i -E. J. Geiser. 42u Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 4-ROOM house. 1457 Union ave., on two carlines, opposite Woodlawn School. Nice and clean; some lawn; Ask for Mrs. Marlow. HOUSES AND FLATS FO RRENT. HACKER A THtRKELSEN. fiuS Spacing B.dg. Main 75Q2. NEW. modern, C-room residence. H2 WelQwr St.. near cast .fin ai. ur1". F. V. Andrews Main 1S7. Abington bidg. SEVERAL beautiful homes in Hawthorne district for rent cheap to responsible ten ants. 140; Hawthorne ave. NEW modern 4-room bungalow at Multno mah station, O. i. tty. nawiey Main 454W. modern 7-room house. West Side; ful basement, furnace wun water coit Phone Main 4607; A 4e;ifc virt-i v urntshed modern cottaxe Of rooms, Sellwood, for 1 mo., or six weka. $is: all conveniencca. xs ov.u. for RENT 6-room house in good con d 1 1 ! on. 204 Whi taker st. Key at w i Front st - vi.nER 7-ROOM house. Lovejoy, bet. 23d and 24th. full lot. tine roses, Vanduyn Walton. 515 Chamber Commc-co. FOR RENT 5-room modern house, newly i.ainted. $14 month. 7iW East Cth North. phone Woodlawn 24oS. MonKRX a rooms, in walking distance, fireplace, ynrd, furnace. inquire tihehy Bros.. 120 12th. norniK house. Monteoinenr street, near Fourth, rooms, tx. a. oaiuui wo B e ck bidg. Main Q.JZ. lUROOM cottage, beautiful lawn. 621 Love- Joy between lth and 20th. Owner, BJel land, grocer. 16th and Marshall. it", it ROOMS, with attic, sleeping porch. yard; ve-y desirable and nice. 226 loth et., between Love joy and Marshall. FOR RENT Modern 8-room house, in Irv ington district; S fireplaces, hardwood floors. Pnone owner. East 491. I.A I'RELHL'RST RESIDENCE. $40; 7 rooms; everything complete. Smith-Wagoner Co., jtock Lxchane. v v.w ironm buncaiOM. S3U. 35th and Clin ton: 6-room bungalow. 22, bbJ East Franklin. .-..Ftnou cottase. teas and electric lights, modern In every way. 446 E. Harrison. Call 440 fc. iarrison. Kent u. 70 LUCRETIA ST. Walking distance. West Side, modern nouse. a rooms, verauua. yard. $15 5w33n Washington, upper flat. 312 20th, 6-room house, gooa condition. NICELY furnished 5-room eoltage; reason able to a desirable tenant. 86$ Knott. S15 5-ROOM cottage, good, condition. 825 hi. atara st. 0-ROOM modern bungalow, large grounds. FOR RENT Nice S-wm houe, 105 N. 17th bt., bet. Flanders-Gllsan. Call at house. MODERN bungalow, fine lueaitoni rent $12.50 mo. S loth. Marshall 1218. A &7bt. 6-ROOM modtrn house, close in. West Side. Mam 3S5 and Marshall 5442. MODERN 6-room house, newly tinted. 211 riancroit ave., io mwuu. FOR RENT Irvington home; it rooms, mod ern; S50. Owner. 4iL 5-ROOM modern house for rent; gas, elec tricity. 113 E. fe.ierman. MODERN 7-room house, . West Side, close in. Main 874. MCE 6-room house, 914 E. Alcier. cor. 10th, fla oo; snap. NEW, modern, 6-room house fireplace, fur nace, close in. very oeairaoi. i jo a. Jaain, V KV mn.lern 4-room house. 24th and Dl vision. Apply 413 Chamber of Commerce, ft ROOMS, corner, near Hawthorne ave., sig. Apply 1033 Hawtnorne. 8 ROOMS, newly tinted, corner, yard, shrub bery, near Muitnoman ciup. Main jstf. " Furnished House. $1 4-OMPLETELY furnished 3-room. new. modern fiat. ..4'i Mill. .Mam oi. MODERN" 6-room house. West Park, piano: artulTs. Marshall 1c6l M-.ELY furnished e-room o&tae, Ci i Coiiege. ttip inilVIM: m; v i v THI'KSIH Y. AI.ItI.ST HI. lUlO. Furaished House. 6-ROOM furnished home in Irington. hardwood floors, ff replace, full basement, furnace. 51'xlOU lot. Inquire McCargar, Rates & Lieiy, 301 Leon bldg NEATLY furnuthed modern house, seven larxe, chvertul rooms, plu.no. furnace, nicely loraieu; adults. 2b E. 47th St.. rear Hawthorne ave. 6-ROOM furnished home In Irvington. hardwood floors, fireplace, full basement, furnace. 50x1 oy lou Inquire McCargar, Bates Lively. 301 Teon bldg. 54 TAYLOR, near 17th, nicely furnished 4-room apartment; gas range, hot water heater for bth. 3 large bay windows, rent only $25. MODERN furnished cottage. 5 rooms, gas. electritMtv; also 3-room apartments, near S. P. shops. &M East Slsu "WR" car. MODERN. nell-furni5hed 8-room house, piano, phonograph. 013 East blh North. Woodlawn .'14J; $35. WILL reut half my house, close to Jeffer son High and grade school. Woodlawn 1-iROOM modern house, partly furnished, close in. Inquire 33 E. Morrison. Phone Kest 4i-. FOR RENT "i-rom furnished house, u-w Tioga st.. St. joune; siu. r3: BROADWAY Furnished four and 0 room apartments, electric lignts, bath. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 6-room house. modern. 4Ui owen FIVE-ROOM fottare. strictly modern, su- nurhs. near car. auresn d"x o-l. cuy. 12-ROOM completely furnished house, close in, W5t Si'le. map. y. rt tn st. MY beautif uily-furnialied it-room bungalow. homelike in every way. sen. wov. NICELY f urnfshea house, modern; choice loc.it ion. close m. T e.bi i tor. Foil RENT t omp.etcly furnished nouse, nd iocatlon: cheap, na:gnt ave. Rummer Kesortsv CASTING sites at Manhattan Beach, witn piped spring water, av ceuia a wee, w F. J. OaxtrelU 228 Stark sl, for particu lars. Store WAFHINGTON-ST. store, near lth. aplen- didlv fitted for aeiicateasen, tancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels aad apartments; very reasonable rent; SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and Alder sis.; suitable for cafeteria, printing shop, etc. Morgan. FUedner 4c lioyce, &U3 Abington bldg " STOR E, good location. COS 1st St.. suitable for grocery ana m Arise i or oiner pur poses; has cold storage room and I rear rooms; rent :ea&onaole. 32 Worcester bidg. FOR KENT titorea, Nos. 248 and 250 Haw- tnorno ave.. oast ena ot on age. Appiy hailior;i Dock Co. Phone East 2otW. TWO nice stores for rent on Russell st, one at $25 and one at $1U per month, can Gruisi & Bolds, 314 Board of Trade bidg. BRICK store, cor. llth and Hawthorne, for rent sept. 1. fraircniiQ, bnerioca. HEADQUARTERS FOR STOKES & BLDG3. W. H. WErit. 'M ioon uiug. Main TH I: EE emnll stores, Williams ave. and Broad wny. luquiie svt j wiuiams ave. Office MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES; NIGHT ELEVATOR MSRVICE. PWiSTLANU BtL)G.. CTH & WASH. STS. FOR RENT To physician, beautiful recep tion room, with separate omce. may oe had with dentist; modern building, splen did location, low rent. Marshall 264. PART of well-lighted, centrally located of fice suite, reasonable terms. aiain r:tu. DESK room; ST0 per month. Both phones; vault lavatory, .id uregonian oidg. TO UCASE. FOR RENT Three story brick building; 100 bv loo northwest corner r ront aud Clay sts. Will remodel to suit tenant; lease and low rent. Wakefield, Fries 4b Co., 85 Fourth st. TO LEASE; Oxford Hotel, corner Sixth and oak sis. wilder uroi., Lommonwcsna blag. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A $350 LUNCH counter and restaurant, can be had for siso. ifine location, west tiae: rent paid to 1st Sept,, clearing net 5 a day; large new refrigerator; cost S115; ail equipment la good; lots of new dishes. etc. owner. tt"3 LumDer .xenauge. CIGAR STORE In business center, ave rag ing S2u; rent month; lease on quica deal; will take 75v. Owner, J 311, Ore- go nian. BUSINESS MAN .'or wholesale mercantile corporation In Portland ; ground floor proposition. Rare chance for investment 5OO0, or more. No experiment. Big profits. T 2. Oregonlan. OUT OF TOWN MEAT MARKET. Here is a nig mouey-maaer established 25 years and doing a business of about S30uu a mouth: population of town 7uoo near Portland; rent only $20; price SlOvu. Can you neat it t tcou. pis icon Diag. RESTAURANT SNAP. Located on 6th su. between Washing' ton and Gllsan sts. If sold today. 45 takes It. Call room 702 Couch bldg- Main 1277. FLOUR MILLERS INVESTIGATE. Goou money-making 60-bbl water power flouring mill in county seat, Willamette alley, lor saie; price iu,vuu. F. FUCHS, 420 CHAMBER OF COM. TO TRADE for automobile in first-class condition, lots in South Bend, Wash.; best opportunity on the Coast lor Increase in value; also Ocean Park lots. C. W. Kora- beck. South Bend. Wash. WANTED Man or woman to nan ale West ern agency for new fast selling article ; exclusive right; large possibilities for 'right party; must have $iuuo. Address X 3UJ .oregonlan. PARTNER wanted for old-established em ioymeut ugency ; owner will teach you the business; w ill pay you $lim month over expenses. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. GOOD, clean stock of dry goods, shoes and furnisnings; win invoice auout toou; splen did location; rent $20, including living rooms; uotng good business. This must be cash. Jordan, old Lumberman btdg. COUNTRY hotel, want to sell at once; must leave for East; 25 steady boarders and fine transient trade: good, chance for someone. N 2S0, Oregonlan. WELL-ESTABLISHED, most popular res taurant and delicatessen In Nob Hill dis trict; must sell this week at any price. Owner leaving Oregon. 153 N. 2d. WANTED Partner, live wire; mmt have good recommendation; $15u month guar anteed; oid-established business. 708 Selling bldg WANTED Partner with $bOO, lady or gen tleman. In good paying business; security given for your money; good profits guar anteed. Box 832, Portland. AUTOMOBILE garage business; owner will take active man as partner, teacn nim tn business and guarantee a money-making proposition. Call 24SV Stark st. PARTNER wanted in employment agency; owner will guarantee 100 month ana share profits. Particulars 24S Stark st. IF YOU are looking for business opportuni ties, call on us. We have chances to offer at bargain prices. 31tf Lumber Exchange. CCnT'ECT10NERY store at great bargain; owner must sell account sickness; a great bargain. Cull 24 Stark st. SJim EQUITY. one-half acre, 3-room shack, for grocery, fruit stand or room In; house. O 302. Oregonicn. SMALL business for sale in Troufdaie. cigar stand, poolroom and soda fountain; price $-uu Geo. Prosser. 71 Broadway. LIGHT arocerles and vegetables; cash tiaue, living rooms, cheap rent, $row ing district. 517 Henry bids. BARBER shop for sale reasonable; owner leaving city. Cor. East Ovth and GLsan. Monmvllia car. GROCERY A live place with good stoca and No. 1 location and business, direct from owner for $U00. W 3t, Oregonlan. GROCERY store doing good business, tine location, estaulished 4 years; will taxe part trade; Invoice. Phone Woodlawn So77. RESTAURANT and cafeteria, doing a big business; if you want a business, see this tod ay. Call 88 10th. near Sta rk. DELICATESSEN Light lunches, located rigat. West S.de; two people are clearing $35 week; $550. 303 Lumber Exchange. PARTNER for business office to attend to phones. Must nave reierencea. rmau in vestment required. 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Partner, collection business, $150 month salary guaranteed. 319 Lum ber Exchange. WANTED For office, man of ability; sal ary $150 month. 439 chamber Commerce. merce. BUSINESS gentleman with $500 to Invest, with services; large profits for man of ability. AK 30". Oregonian. BARBER shop, $73, if taken quick; must leave for Last. Art . go, oregonian. FOR $4 SALE Grocery and Woodlawn 263. confectionery. FURNITURE, atock and buildin- for sale or trade, vatiey town. a aj. oregonian. CONFECT OXERY and grocery. $4n 0 w ill take it this week. J 8L0. Oregonian. PHTO STUDIO for aale, tnclud'ng building. $300; excellent location. J iiZ, OregomaiL R, H. GOODKIND CO. INC 4l-2-3 WILCOX BI-L". COR. STXTff AND WASHINGTON. LARGE COMMISSION-HOUSE NEEDS MORE CAPITAL TO ENLARGE. Wholesale dealers In and shippers nf potatoes, onions, onion sets, hay, grain, etc. doing a large business and Increasing to such an extent that find themselves needing more capital; will take in one or two partners with 15000 each; at present have four warehouses; this la a first class legitimate business and will bear thorough investigation: business is located clos to Portland. Full information by me- at mir office. high-clas restaurant. Established over 20 years. If you are interested tn this line of business we can show you one of the finest opportunities In Portland; located in the heart of retail business district; never offered for sale before; net profit over $,"ooo year; rent is reasonable; long lease; finest of equipments; largo dining room. , up to dte in every way. and the main thing is It can be bought for S4oOO; remember, this is no run-down. old. worn out piace, but is doing a big business every day. Come to our office and let us WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BAKERY. Old-established business In good close In location. East Side; net profit for past 2 years f:itO a month; erery modern, up-to-date equipment, including automobile delivery; s'rlrtly cash business: turns out lw to JtfflO loaves of bread a day; owner retiring; will sell for f360. half cash, balance or close-In acreage: the rent is only f.0 a month, with 3 years lease; if eer yon expect to get In this line of business right. Investigate at once. DKNTIST. Licensed can who has 1750 casn can equipped office paying aw par month. Address AV 2S2, Oregonlan. WASHINGTON ST. CONFECTIONERY. On account of interests In California which demand his immediate attention owner will sell his confectionery toje which la the best equipped Place on this street; feost over $5W ; over $3000 1 Id stock: 10 years' lease at low rentaL This place is doing over $50irt per mo. business. Have bsrgaiu price on this. Call Room Ola Yon bidg. (CH5S . $125 CASH. $175 terms, 16 housekeeping rooms, corner, cioae to. $.'00 equity in 8-room modern houee. traiie for apL-bouse furniture. 50xloo lot. value $luu, all clear, trade for rooming or apartment-house. $350. half interest in business; will pay 40 weekly; fine opening. , G50, half Interest In manufacturing business: $10 week salary and half profits. Chattel mortgages and diamonds bought, Rvan, the Inspector, 418 Abington bidg. A GOOD, high-grade business roan with a thorough commercial training, with $10. OOO. can get an interest in a manufactur ing plaut in Spokane. Wash., a-nd tne management of same, that will bear the etrlcteet Investigation as to its being le gltimato and pruH table. U Is an oppor tunity that does not often occur and the ability Is more desirable than the money, although this amount of money is neces sary. A Oregonlan. and pnn kite x nwiv built. eaulDoed : rnrnr frnMrv ODDOllle alll Dopol. In a rapidly improving center of. fhm Dnlb- Pminiv seat: stock at invoic prlce; fixtures less than cost; will either sell, rent or take a suitable partner; about SiU'Ht will carry this: exceptionally od chance: rent $16 per month. J. C. Rickll, th: Lpot Store. .Pallas. Or. NEWSPAPER for sale; the best-paying and the best-equipped small country news-.at- ninnt in Idaho: electric motors, new .i .....n.,1al. mutdrlnl' A UK lift t adVer i.ir.. tii maileitt month's iob ork i.v-. : a. i.a'naln: S750 required; balance on time; pood reason for selling. Tribune, is ew Meadows, wana WHOLESALE AND RETAIL fAVIV MANUFACTORY. Also full plant for making Ice cream, established over 13 years; best equipment. Including 2 wagons and auto truck; rent $50, good lease. Will consider trade for Portland property up to I3OO0 and $lXKt casn. i an room 019 icon uius. WET WASH LAUNDRY. Doing from 450 to 050 bundles per week at Otic, 3 wagons, also auto; rent onty $2j month, with 2 years' lease; If you want an established business that Is clearing over $4uu per mo. and have $35tM in real money (no trades) call on me at Room CIS Yeon bidg. (0303) p IF you are a salesman and have $500 or more to Invest, can show you how to clear $200 to $500 monthly; your original Investment back In 60 days and still in the business. A clear, gilt-edge buainesa. Best selling system in the world. Investi gate. G17 Henry bidg. NEWSPAPERS AND CURIOS One of the best locations on Wash ington street. 3V4 years' lease at low ren tal; doing a large business NOW and getting better every day; sickness In owner's family compels a quick sale. Further particulars 613 Yeon bidg. C. 303. AUTOMOBILE school, wllh hlgn-grade ex pert teachers. Complete $10,0oO equip ment to train for thla coming voeation. Not run to make money, but for the good v. men. See or write supu of the All-the-Y ear-Round Y. M. C A. Day and Nlgat Schools. . corner Rh aud Taylor sis. DELICATESSEN. Owner says sell and cut hla P"" t0 $450; fixtures cost more than thla; doing a business of over $35 a day. Enough said. Call for particulars Room 61b leon bidg. C184.) CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal for so-called Inter est in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. V. L. PURSE. Secretary. 813 Chamuer ol Comnieice. . GROCERY TO TRADE 1 FOR A SMALL FARM. Old established place, best West Side apartment house district; 4 living rooms; will trade for a email farm worth about $-500. Call room ttla Yeon bidg. tCJtfT.j FOK SALE or leasa, 50.00O capacity saw mill and planing mill with logging equip ment and timber, complete equipment throughout; or would soil part interest to practical mill man who would take over management. Address AV 2G. Oregonlan. utw a. tv 4.1.1. STREET ADDRESS. Your letters and telegrams xorwarded. any other service desired; reasonable charge; responsible firm. Adures Bankers, room 402. 52 Wall su FOR SALE A No. 1 names and shoe re oair shop; more work than one man can do; reason for selling, old ae and b rone h' el trouble; compelled to change climate. Write f. J. Davis, gutbsrlla. Or SNAP, for cash, light grocery and confec tionery, cheap rent, no ueimu, rooms, some tn leg good; no ageuis; $4to. W L'Wtf, oregonian. BARBER SHOP FOR SALE. TWO CHAIRS. ADDRESS BOX 27, TILLAMOOK, OREGON. PARTNER wanted In old-established collec tion business; must be a hustler. This will stand thorough investigation. 33 Lumber Exchange, 2d and stark sts. SMALL store business, corner location, do ing good business; will sell' cheap, account leaving city. 523 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. MILLINERY STORE, in good location, for sale at a big bargain if taken at once; owner leaving city; must be sen to be ap- preciated. rnone cast omi. aci mia. OPPORTUNITY for trustworthy, reliable man. haif interest In bona tide, legiti mate business. $350, with services. C 310, Oregonian. FOK sale or trade, good restaurant In pros perous town, also one black percherea stallion, by owner. Address AV 126, Of gonian. POOL hall and cigars; no competition; cheap rent; steady trade: Just the thing for a nlco Winter income, 517 Henry bidg. CAiiH -GROCERY. Good trade. $90"; no agents; rent $1 Buy from owner. Phone Woodlawn 150H. BAKERY and confectionery, only lutkery In town of 15U0 population, for sale. Jerome, Idaho, box 012. RESTAURANT, small place, close to Port land, cheap rent, good town, good trade; no otner ritui"s FOR SALE Half interest in flourishing auto repair business; mechanic preferred. AS RESTAURANT, fine location, good town, steady business. P. O. box 233, Chehalis, Wash. , DOCTOR wants country location; would buy practice, aj- ooi. vi RESTAURANT, $150. doing uess 7ti5 Thurman st. good bust- RESTAURANT for sale; good place for busi ness. 213 4tlv RESTAURANT for sale. For particulars ad dress AM SO oregunmu- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANT TO BUY KTOfK OF MERCHANDISE. Have $1000 in cash and an equity of to...! in -nod S350O residence in ancou ver as payment. Do not want building or leas as I will move stoca. tee me. oi Yeon bidg. ROOMIN'G-HOCSES. 21 ROOMS, housekeeping, clear J 100 per .month, besides beautiful home; elegantly furnished, modern dwelling, law-n and norche. cheap; easy terms. - Owner, 655 F lander. THE following Is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway. I-lKht Powr Company and turned In at the dif ferent division points, owners may secure same by applying at barns as fudirated: East Anlceny barn. August 1I. 1913: A 6131: 1 package shoes. 1 package brushes. Piedmont barn: pnone A ttlol: 1 pair sjloves. I gas engine part. 2 umbrellas. X baby buggy. Savler-at. Dir.. Au 19. 10H: 1 um brella. 1 shawl. 1 hand grip. Sellwood bare: phone A 61S1: 1 corset 1 kev. 1 sweater. 1 pipe, 1 bag tools, 1 auto cushion. 1 book, 1 cigarette pouch, 1 auit- R. H. GOODKIND CO., INC. 4"t-2-3 WILCOX ftLDO. COR. 6TH AND WASHINGTON. BARGAIN HUNTERS SEE THIS. Owner leaving for the east, must sell at once her rooming-house, containing ompletely furnished iw.mi, very beat of furniture, strictly modern, private and nuhli baths, finest close-In West Side location: rent only $2m: this houset Is clear of incumbrance; will trad for mar ket value, clear property or sell on easy terms; this Is one of the paying houses; a snap for some one. . ROOMING-HOUSE FOR lXaSE. 14 rooms and 5-room cottage adjoining. . at East 16th and Main sis. ; steam heat, baths, ever thing very convenient; enjoys first-class pationage of responsible people who are anxious to remain: extraordinary opening fur someone to step Into paying business. See ST. CHARLES LAND CO., 2"4 Morrlr-on St.. Portland. BEST BARGAIN THIS YEAR. $:i-M cash gets you tho best furnished 1 2-room house on the market; splendid West Side location: rmi $; balance of f ;50 monthly. O. C. K. Ellis 4k Co., 3vU Board of Trade, 12 BEAUTIFUL rooms, all rented, near 13th and Taylor, rent oniv tio: a nargain. e it: price $100, S cash. Call SS 10th. near Stark. 12-ROOM rooming and boarding-house, 11 steady boarders besides dinner men. lVz Boundary ave., among factories. Marshall 1 5P5. 17 R OO MS, Cios in, c h ea p rent, maker, for aale, easy frms; place. Owner, forenoons. 34Ci a money homelike Alder. LOST A3iD FOCXD. THE following articles have been found and turned In at the Union Depot: Found on O.-W. R. A N. trnin No. 3tfl Mack fur; found on O.-W. H. A N. train No. 17, 2 bovr coats; found on S. P. train No. 20. man's si raw hat; found In main waiting room. Union Depot, one handbag. WILL the lady who picked niii-h in the lava to rv of the gold Tuesday. Aug. II. please call Miller. East 1611 and avoid trouble 7 up Mrs. further LOST Christian Science Quarterly, with black leather coter; reward, phone East 144. LOST Eagle watch charm, engraved with owner's name; reward. W. II. Bard, 22,j Abinston nUig.. Portland, Or. LOST Tuerdav afternoon, wcrH. A J 243. pearl pin. re- BUNCH of keys on heart-shaped ring ; turn to Oregonlan office; reward. LOST 17 Jewel gold-filled Hamilton watch. S74 Larabee st. N. King. WHITE French poodi. yellow-tipped ears. Phone Woodlawn BHiL Reward. . SPECIAL NOTICES. Misccluueoiia. TO THE TAXPAYERS OF MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON. Notice is hereby given that on Monday, September . 1W13. the Board ot Equal ization of Multnomah County will attend at the office of the County Assessor of said county and publicly examine the assess ment rolls for the year ltflS, and correct all errors In valuation, description or qual ities of lands, lots or other property. It Is the duty of all persona interested to ap- ftear at the time and place appointed. If t shall appear to said Board of Equalisa tion that there are any lands. Iota of other property assessed twice, or in the name of a person or persons not the owner of same, or assessed under or beyond tnelr value, or any lands, lots or other property not assessed, said Board of Equalization shall make the proper corrections. HENRY E. REED. County Assessor. Portland, Or.. August 15, 1913. BARGES for rent. Main 1410. Proposals Invited. SALE OF CITY BONUS. Dalles City. Oregon, hereby calls for olds for the bonds of the city in the sum of $12,000. consisting of 12 bonds of one thousand dollars $11M0 each. These bonds bear date of July 1. 191 3. and will bear Interest at the rate of 5 per cent per snuuin, payablw semi-annually, principal and interest payaole In United States gold coin at the fiscal agency of the State of Oregon, In the City and State of New York, and will ma ture on th first day of July. 11)33. A comp.ete certified transrit of all proceedlnga on the part OI tae Council of Dalles City in reference to the issuance and sale of said bonds may be seen upon application to the Recorder of Daiies City. A cop of said transcript has been forwarded to Story, Thorndike, Palmer Dodge, 735 Exchange building, Boston. Mass., who have been employed by Daiies City to render their opinions as to the regularity of all proceedings on the part ot the city on the issuance of these bonds, and as to the validity and legality of the bonds, and the city's power to levy and collect sufficient taxes to pay the prin cipal and interest thereof at maturity, and as to whether there is any local law or regulation of taxation and exemption within Dalles City or the county in which aid city is situated which affects or im pairs the city's right to levy a sufficient tax for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds at maturity. Ail bids may be subject to the uncon: dltional and unqualified opinion of aaio attorneys upon all matter submitted to them, and no bidder will be held bound by his bid unless and until said attorneys have rendered their unqualified and un conditional opinion in favor of the regu larity. vaiidUy and legality of said bonus, and as to all other matters submitted to tnen as above mentioned. In all other itspetts the bids must be unconditional, 1 h bonds will be furnished by Dalles City and will be prepared under the supervision and direcllou of the said at torneys and approved by them as to their Xo-nis, regularity and validity. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check -for not leas than 3 per out of the amount of the bid to be tor fKA tn n ciiv in the event that said bid la accepted and the bidder sha.l refuse lo complete the purcnaae in bonds. Ad bids most be sealed and filed with the Recorder of Dalles City on or before 12 o'clock, noon, the 23th day of August, lltia. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. . , Further particulars will be f urn is he upon request. . Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 22a day of July, litis. ED HOSTETLER, Recorder of Dai.es City. IV THR DISTRICT COURT of the Lnlted States for tho District ot Oregon, in tne matter of Co-Operative Supply Hous. In- hankruDL Ueoueit for DldS. As trustee of the above-named bank rupt I will receive scaled bids for the following property of the said bankrupt, situated In the storehouse corner East First and East Madison sts., Portland, Or. 1. Property purchased from the Mar shall town Buggy Co.. consisting of 27 hunif. hacks and vehicles, of the en ver. tor led value of $2644.00 a. a. lot of Crown mowers, raaes, nn piemen Ls and extras pertaining to same (being purchased from the Thomas Mfg. Co. . of the inventoried value of. 2171. 2U no to and until IZ o ciock noon, on juuiv oj. v. August 25. 1W13. bids to be maue upon each parcel separately, certified check tor 10 per cent of the amount did to accompany same. .oia ni.ii to tne aonrovai of the court. Inventory can be seen at my office and the property inspected upon appointment. 7 First St., Rosm 8. Portland. Or. SEALED proposals will be received by the City Recorder of Beaverton. Oregon, until t mi t i AuKutt 25. lit 13. for the con struction of a gravity water system for the said city. Plans and specifications mv V.a aen at the office Of the City ite- corder at Beaverton. Oregon, or at the ofTicu of the Mayor of said city. A certi-flc-d check. paable to the Mayor of Beav erton, Oregon, drawn on some solvent ' bauK, equal to 10 per cent ot the bid, must ri-oompiny each proposal. The sue cessfu oloder will be required to furnish a surely bond equal to 75 per cent of the total bid to insure the faithful per formance of the contract. Tne Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. C. H. FRY, Recorder. SEALED proposals will be received at -the office of the undersigned, 402 Tllford building, until 12 M. Wednesday, Septem ber 3, 1W13, for the finishing hardware for the Kenton SchooL Specifications may be obtained at the office of F. A. Nara more Supt. of Properties. 48 Tllford building. A deposit of $2 is required for specifications. Certified check lor 10 per cent of the amount of the proposal, pay able to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must accompany each proposaL Board of Direc tors reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. R. H. Thorn, School Clerk. Dated August 20. 113. IN THE MATTER of Davis & Criswell. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, consisting principally of gro ceries, located at Kern Park. Portland. Or., of the inventory value of $2054.41. to gether with fixtures, $H87.S8. up to Mon day noon. August 25. 1913. Terms cash. A certified check for 10 per cent of the amount offered must come with each bid. Right reserved to reject any and all bids. Inventory and Inspection of stock on ap plication. R- I 6ABIN. 7 First St.. Portland. Or. Dated at Portland this 18th day of Au gust, 1913. Proposals Invited. IN THE DISCTKICT COL'RT OF THE UNITED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF OREGON: In the matter of First Mutuallst Asso ciation, Bankrupt: REQUEST FOR BIDS. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise, -consisting of groceries, etc., aitusted at 140 Snaver street. Port land, Oregon, of the Inventoried value of $131'3.1S. fixtures In grocery depart ment of tha Inventoried value of $3'K). and fixtures In butcher shop of the In ventoried value of $116.23, up to and until 12:00 o'clock coon, on Friday, Au gust 22. iftlS. said property being form erly the property of First Mutuailst As sociation. Certified check for 10 per cent of the . amount offered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of tne Court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and the property inspected upon appointment. Dated at Portland. Oregon, this 14th day of August. 1918. R. L. SABiy. Nn. T 1st st.. room ft. Portland. Or. SEALED BIDS will be received by Jno. B. Coffey, County Clerk, Courthouse, Port land, Or., until 10 A. M." of September 2. 1113. for a registered Holstein buil. ten months to two years of 'age preferred, and whose, dam Is in the Advanced Regis- trv or has produced at least 12.W0 lb, of mUk In one year. No proposals will be considered unless; accompanied by a check payable to the order of Board of County Commissioners of Multnomah County, certified by i KnnnnihlA hank for an amount eaual 10 per cent of the aggregate proposal. The right is expressly resorted to reject any or all bids. Dated Portland. August 20, 1ftl3. BOARD OF COL" NT Y COM M i SSIOXERS. RUFUSC. HOLM AN. Chairman Commissioners. D. V. HART, Commissioner. W. L. LICHTNEK, ' Commissioner. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Albany, Or., la advertising for bids for the construction of three main sewers end an extension of one main sewer. Bids to be received up to 5 P. M.. August 3. Detail Information may be obtained from F. E. Van Tasseli Recorder of the City of Albany. FINANCIAL. WE BUY MORTGAGES AND NOTE3. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 414 COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. WE furnish the money at a low rat of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you. It will pay you to eee us. L. R. Bailey Co. Ins.. $24 Abington. CASH paid for good first or second mort gagea on real estate or sellers' interest in contracts of sale, U. K- Noble. 316 Lum ber mens bidg. W5oo OR LEt-S to loan at T per cent on cloee-in farm and city property; give ful! particulars. C 93, Oregonlan. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought E. B. Miller, 410 Ao ington bidg. HIGHEST prices paid for first or second mortgages and contracts. . W. A. Peaks, 5u7 McKay bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gagee tXst and 2d), equities J purchased. . H. IewL 4b Co.. 3 Lewla b'.dg. SELLER'S contract for sale; will discount for cash; $1045. Phone Tabor 893. LoANS procured on real and collateral se- curity. jvcison iros., bp j-ewj mo a- Money to Loan Real Estate. MONET TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE TRUST CO, WlO SPALDING BLDG- TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT $ TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL, 800 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. WE make loans on Portland real estate. Our service is rapid, rates right ana terms reasonable. Submit your security and find out without de iv the result, we are re sponsible. The Western Securities Co., 730 Chamber of Commerce bidg. ON improved city property or for building purposes, to B years- time; uoerai pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. Th Equitable Sav Inge St Loan Association, 240 Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS. City and Farm, Current Rates. MALL t VON BORSTEL. lo4 Second St., near Stark. MONEY to loan on improved real estate. In amounts up to $30,000, at 0. 7 and 8 per cent. Caldwell-Dnnham Investment Company, ori Chamber of Commerce bidg. LOANS ftom $1300 to $10,000 on good Portland security. HACKER THERKELSEN, 806 Spalding Bidg. Main 7302. ON good real estate security, at reasonable OEORGE F. DEKUM. Henry bidg. WE have money to loan at IoV rates of In terest on improved real estate. HAKTMAX THOMPSON BANK. MONEY ON HAND to loan on Improved realty; no delays after approval of security and title. UNION SAFE DEPOSIT CO.. 2&4 Oak st MONEY 5 per cent, any amount; build home or lift mortgage; city or farm prop erty ; no brokerage charges. 003 Orego nian bldff. WE have money to losn on your real es tate first mortgage only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. MONEY to loan on farms only. Mortgage Co. for America. Ainsworth bidg., Port land. MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current rates, 201 5 Stock Exchange bidg., 3d and Yamhilt MONEY to loan on Improved city property, at current rates. Lawyers Abstract A Trust Co., room ft. Board of Trade bidg. $112,000 TO LOAN CITY OR, FARMS. J. O. ROUNTREE. Chamber of Commerce Bidg. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 44a Sheriock bidg MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rates. A. H. Birreil Co., 202 McKay bidg.. Third and Stark sta - $45oO-$0U,0 TO loan on Improved city prop erty, IRVINGTON district preferred. Bu4 Yeon bidg Tn LOAN on improved city property. $1000, $1500, $2000, $3000, $5000, eouO. wm. Mc- C 1 ure. .1 rauma 500U TO LOAN on Laureihurst, Willamette Heights. ML Tabor or Irvington. Phone Main 13tK. $200 000 TO loan in sums to suit; building loans; lowest rates. W. G. BeclC 815-ftltt Failing btag. TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FARK1NGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG. TO LOAN $10.0i0 in sums of $500 to $1500; $25 OC'O or less at 0 per cent- U. W. Bren ner. 505 Couch bidg. Money loaned, reai estate, contracts c miga. bought. U. Mlley, 204 Gerllnger bidg. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real tate. 315 Chamber of Commerce. SHORT term loans on real or collateral secu-lty. -jQt Oregonlan bidg. lii OuG or part loaned on city or farm lands. J. J. Cahalln. 635 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS. AND 7 PER CENT. LOUIS SALOMON. 22 STARK ST. PRIVATE money. j w to :wi;, easy terms. ueriingtr mug.. u ana Aiqtr. MONE"Y. any amount. 6 to 8 per cent. W. H. Sett & Co., 310 Spalding bidg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay. Henry- C. Prudhomme. SOO Wilcox bidg. STATE FUNDS, tf per cent- W. E. Thomas. a-eut Multnomah County. 400 Ch. of Com MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates. L. H. MAXWELL. 318 Chamber cf Commerce. TO LOAN $700 on city property. Geiser. 420 Chamber of Commerce. E. J. $10o0 TO $5000 to loan on real eetaLe. Ta bor 771 or B 169. Oregonlan. $2uoo-42a00-$3500 TO LOAN on improved real estate, current rates. 904 Yeon. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. A. H. HARDING, 513 Ch. of Com. MONET loaned on Improved realty. 401 Stock Exchange bidg. Money to Loam Chattels and Salaries. MONEY for salaried people and olhers upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing else where; confidential. D. D. Drake, 32$ Henry bidg. WE LOAN money on diamonds and jewelry at half the rates charged by brokers Marx St Bloch. 74 3d st. MONEY loaned on diamonds. watches. Jewelry, pianos and warehouse receipta Brown A: Co.. room 1$, Washington bidg. HONEY loaned on dismonds and Jewelry; BtVi ?My confidential. 141 H 3d. near AIdr. i-u Ni elry. on real estate, diamonds and Jew W m. Holl, 1 00m 9, W ashington bidg. to Money to Loan CoatTeU aad Salaries. $$$$! $10 OR MORE LOANED TO ANIONS. -We have striven to make this office the best place of iis kind in the city. We are now prepared to say that If we can t convince you that our tates are reasonable, considering expenses, risk, etc.. our terms easy. OCR TREATMENT OF TOU FAIR. SQUARE and above board, we woa't ex pect you to make a loan. PORTLAND LOAN CO.. . . 413 Macleay Bidg. Open every day and Saturday evening until S P. M. I $ $ I $ $ $ t $ $ $ $ STATE SECURITY CO. $ $ $ B R O K E R 6 SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $I6v CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, HOI KS, S A. M- TO P. M. SATURDAYS UNTIL U P. M. STATE SECURITY CO.. $ $ $ 30 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ E L T5 Y COMPANY. A PRIVATE PLACE TO OBTAIN MONEY ON t ian:onds. Watches. Jewelry, Planes, Ete AT LOWEST POSSIBLE- RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOK LADIES. 3-t LLMrifeK EXCHANGE BLDG., 2d and Stark sis. Open b A. M. to 6 P. M. ATuRDAY KV EN INC 3 UNTIL S P. M. IMMEDIATE aud confidential loans on autre, furniture, pianos and w arehouse receipts: mortgages bought. Bauer, Zvt Aider st. w A icolKAB;.E plfci-e for ladies and gentle, men to borrow money ou diamonds and Jewelry tit Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace, 334 Wasninrton. opp. Owl Drugs tore. MoN E Y sold on installments: confidential salaried peie. i-'. a. Newton. Henry blug. $loo TO LEND for year on Al security; no agents. A K 2Vtf. Oregonian. Loans Wanted. WANTED A loan of $175 on modern $. room Swiss bungalow and three exception ally wen improved lots, value liWtf; in surance $20uu: will pav 8 per cent. HARGROVE A SONS. 123 N. win st Main UM. A 73. I WANT to borrow $oW immediately . will give any one making the loan an Interest in a n.w proposition which wl!l be a big money-maker at Panama-Pacific Exposi tion; this is gilt edge and bona flue. Address AC 3M, Oregon ten. WANTED 4t.MM for 5 years; will pay i per cent mterest and w al give first mon yse on -!It-eige Portland property worth live time the Hmount. AK 2i7. Oresomait. WANTED. $20,000, 3 years, 7 per ueut. West Side busi ness property, improved. AK SOL Orego nian. -uoo ON 7-room MODERN home, occupied by owner, located on 3xlw corner in good residence district: pay S per cent; full Insurance. AO 273, Oregonlan. MORTGAGES for sale, 8 per cant. gUO, $0 X75o, $75. Suyj, 1-M. on improved city property, abstract, insurance, cellars Murtoa Co., 25 Yeon bidg. $Sihu WANTED on $20.0iJ income corner, close in; will pay 7 per cent to PRIVATE PARTY. AT 279, Oregonian. 4C0V WANTED for 1 year. $ per cent In terest, 10 per cent commission; gilt-ed security. Phone East JlOOi'. WANT, of private party. $i5H, 7 per cent, 2 years. West Side re, vat qer $15,0Ov. Phone Main 810U. WANTED Of owner, $tlov at ti per cent, 1-4 years. Inside security, worth $W0. V 214. Oregonian. WANTED $500 to $20,000. best realty se curity, 6 to 8 per cent interest. Bans references. 401 Stock Exchange bidg. WANT lo borrow $7uo of private party; will give gilt-edge security and bonus. Box t32. Portland. $-45oo for 3 years at 7 per cent, no broker age, on $12.iKH close-in Income property AB 217. Oregonian. FIRST MORTGAGE FOR SALE Several amounts. $23o to $33UO. Henry C. Pruo homme. financial aaent, Wilcox bidg. WANTfc-D $17,50, 3 ears. 7 per cent, on apartment-house. East Side, worth $4O,0Ot), net Income $tuo. R 2W. Oregonian. PARTY wants $32u0 loan on improved real estate from private party. S 2b 1, Ore gonian. WANTED $:i5oo, Al security. 7 per ceut, 3 years, private party. T 2S1. Oregonian. $2500 ON good Multnomah County acreage. w ortn oer s-m.uuo. k d'j, urtgoniau. $000 First mortgage on residence property warm Ar jua, oregonian. LET me piace your money on gilt-edge mortgages. R. E. Hlne. 408 Yeon bidg. WANTED $5000 oa city property, by ) ei. Main Hod or S 12u. oregoaiao. PERSONAL. HAIR-HA1K-HAIR-HAJR. $12, 34-in th. switche $4.45 $0, 20-inch switches l.fl.i Halrdreasing ,25 Fee massago .25 Shampoo .-5 Manicure, 25c. 5 for 1.00 12 scalp treatments 5.0O Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; ruaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary parlors, 400 Yi Dekutn bidg.. 3d and Wasnington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc; massage and baths. 22e 13th st., between Main and Salmon. Marshall 5033. Open Sunday a SCIENTIFIC electric treatments for nervous and chronic diseases. Paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc. ; also goitre, warts, moles removed. 602 Buchatxan bidg-, 2oVi Washington st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Kelsingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; bath, massage. No. 7 East llth St. second door south from East Ankeuy car line. Phone East 2Go, B lsu3. FEB VET A HANEBUT. leadinr wig and toupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 85c up: halrdreasing. manicuring, face and scalp treatments; combings made up to order. 147 7th. near Morrison. Main 54L IF Anna wands, formerly of 732 Williams ave.. and Bert Lock wood, formerly of 0 East 33d. will communicate with G. . Wright, 4527 East 45th, they will re calve valuable information. RETURNED Sophia B. Seln, mental and spiritual scientist; question and message nights, Wednesday and Sunday. 8 P. M. sharp: daily, office 302 Aiisky bldg Main $24. MISS PERRY. Eastern graduate masseuse. New York School of C. and D., treats rheumatism and nervous tssea. 290 13th st ' 13th or Jefferson cars. Phone Main 76SL DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired, $1.50 month; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co.. SOU 6tark. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR; asthma, rheu matism, stomach trouble, etc. cured by my methods; satisfaction guaranteed. Lo ra C. Little, health expert. Tabor ltt73- FREE Manicure, massage, shampoo at VEL VETIN A Shop. 1 S wetland bidg. Ask your druggist for VELVETINA coupons. EASTERN trained operator gives facial and scalp massage. 125 6th su, room 2, bet. Washington and Alder. LoRENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality. -'C per dux, o tor J Drug Co.. 2S9 Morrison. per box, o tor L2o. btipe-Tsylor Rev. Mrs. Coon, spiritual teacher and healer. Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. 108 W. Park bet. Wash, and Stark. Marshall 345. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price Read ings, healings daliy. Circles Tues. 2, Wed. snd Sun. b- 3o5 S Jefferson. Main $:69- MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, W5c; curls and puffs, 73c San itary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum blug. MRS. S. C- MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 333 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 39C5. giO TO $100 week for photoplays; we ahow you how. Western Photoplay Association, Box Chicago. SPIRITUAL read in ga and treatments dailv. 54 Union ave. North. East 6SS8. Wood Iswn car. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat -menu medical gymnastics, 387 Yamhill st.. up one flight, room T. DIVORCES; lawyer 25 years experience; reliable advice free. 404 Rothchild bidg.. 27 Washington. jJJ STEVENS, IS years Portland's lead ing palmist and clairvoyant, has ner book on palmistry for sale. 57 H Williams ave. ELECTRO Swedish massage scalp treat ment 167 Park. MOLES superfluous hair removed. Mrs. M. D. Hill. 429 Fliedner bidg. Main 8473. FIRST-CLASS munuicuring ; special prices. Koom . -13 jam uei.iT. MISS FRANCIS. Christian Yoga healer, 4 N 16th st. Marshall 4239. A 7CI4. MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladies . 1 . i:iiiIii lO Dark mt ana gentiem-rn. ..i. . ........ - - BALM OF FIGS, Compound Royal Tonis Tablet. 5J4 Davis st. Pnone Main Cm.. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept 13 No Tirofession offers muI opportuni ty Catalogue tree. C. Keaoe, Prea lol Market st, San Francisco-