Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 21, 1913, Page 14, Image 14

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C. J. M'CRACKEN, tfu4 McKay Bldg.
Ideal location for tie mill; stream run
ning to railroad spur. No. h3 5th.
WANTED To rent, a good dairy ranch;
well stocked with good improvmeau,
cash rent; can furnish Rood reference.
Frank Miller. Orcharoa, Wash, route L
"WANTEDTO rent ranch to run on shares;
every tning furnished; must be about 30
Oregon 1 an.
EXPERIENCED man wants to rent full.,
Equipped dairy farm: references. F. E.
Goffar. 1756 Dwlght at., Portland. Or.
I HAVE a good 44-room brick hotel In a
Cood valley town; price $12,000; a $00U
Mcond mortgage, secured by SO acrea of
land 160 acrea of land in Southern Ore
gon. 'heavily timbered with fir and cedar,
price $30OO, 4 lota in the Ctty of Port
land, price $160; and 1 acre in a good
valler town, price $.-X, and with an in
debtedness of only $2000 against the whole
of said property, which 1 wish to ex
change for good Income property In
near Portland, and might assume a reas
onable amount. J. E- Smith. 41 Chamber
of Commerce, r'ortiana. kt.
WANTED House of seven rooms and about
a quarter block of ground, with trees and
hruba, not to exceed $0ou0; x-ast Side pre
ferred. . O. W. BRYAN,
Main 1063. 508 Cham, of Com. A 1227.
FROPc-RTT WA.M t-l-f.
Tns'.de vacant business property; also,
apartment-house site. We can get you
quick action if properly located and price
WANTED Modern 0 or 6-room bungalow.
5ox1K lot. Rose City Park. Alt. Tabor or
Hawthorne district; must be real bargain;
give full particulars; owners only. R 30Jt,
WANT a good Irvlngton house; must have
garage; give full description; house num
ber and phone; also price and terms. M
3f'ft. Oregonian.
WILL giv cash for 6 or 7-room snap.
l,aurel burst or Irvlngton. I know, values
and if not snap don't answer. AD 303,
RESIDENCE lot. within two blocks car,
paved street, bargain only, cash. Buyer,
Mala 4930.
WANTED To buy a bungalow from owner
for cash; name location and bedrock price;
no agents. Address AK 309, Oregonian.
LOT wanted, near car. Alberta district :
must be cheap: cash. 1076 E. 15th N.
We offer one of the best stock ranches
in Eastern Oregon for sale or trafle; 7430
acres on John Day River; 60 acres -now in
alfalfa producing tuns to acre; 150
acrea more can be put in altalfa at small
expense; ba'ance finest bunch grass pas
ture land controlling immense range tor
stock. Good buildings and full farm
equipment. Price $.".u.O00; will sell on
easy terms or take good property aa first
payment up to $o5.0W and give long time
on balance at 6 per cent.
113 Chamber of Commerce.
$4000 ROGUE RIVER 108-acre farm. No
encumbrance; bearing fruit, timber, good
buildings, fine spring. Want Portland
00 acres, Lyle, near Columbia River; fine
oil, irrigated, private system. -40 acres
cultivated, 13 acres bearing trees and ear
ly berries; ilS.O-JO, mortgage $3ooo. Want
house or acreage near Portland,
bee Mr. Townsend, with
211 Lewis BIdg.
$150,u0O to $30u,otH will make payment
In part, with farm of over ftoO acres, near
ly 3000 in Summer fallow, good buildings,
tine pumping plant, price $lMf.0Oo.
t0-acre oherman Co. farm, between
Moro and Grass Valley. R. R. crosses farm.
$20 per acre, consider property to two
thirds value.
$150,000 worth of property in and
around best city tn Willamette Valley,
trade all or part for Portland property.
L. K. MOOHE. 817 Board of Trade.
17 acres In good wheat district; alt
cultivated, all level, good school on land;
splendid community, good farm buildings,
well :i93 ft. deep with gasoline pumping
outfit; prha $7000; will trade fur small
stock farm of equal value in Western
Oregon or the Valley.
913 Chamber of Commerce.
WANT a good loO-acre farm near Salem or
in Willamette Valley, well ated; will
give In exchange 2 so acres, Weii improved,
lu Nei Perce County. Idaho; 3 1 miles
from railroad and good town: o living
springs on place and water piped to house
and barn ; best agricultural section in
Idaho. AX 27b, Oiegonian.
FOR SALE or exchange, $3400 equity in
gjOOO new modern 7-room house, -hardwood
floors, fireplace, furnace, full ce
ment basement, all modern conveniences,
lUUxlOO corner; will trade for modern
bungalow clear of incumbrances. A hi 306,
O r eg on an.
worth of clear property and some cash
to exchange for a good Income prop
erty; client might assume a email mort
gage, but the property will have to show
a good Income ; located in Oregon. See
Taylor at Chapln-Herlow Mtg. ft Trust
Co., 332 Chamber of Commerce.
$ 1 50. OOO TO $300,000.
Have a farm of over GOoO acres, worth
$l."o.0O0. as part payment. Will assume
difference. If priced right. Farm has
nearly ooOO acre Summer fallow, good
buildings, two fine wells with pumping
plants. L. K. Moore. S17 Board of Trade.
30 ACRES. 44 miles out on 4th-t. line,
clear of Incumbrance, good level land ;
traue for grocery or rooming-house clear
of Incumbrance; trade with owner. M 410,
'1 HAVE an SO-acre piece of land. 1 miles
of Vale, county seat of Malheur County;
would like to exchange for an auto, value
SiKO or $lutK. i4S -Commercial st. W.
a. p.
CALIFORNIA home, S-room house, located
in South Pasadena, price $6000; I have
equity la aame to trade for Port
land property or automobile. Phone B
1RVINGT0N corner lot, valued at $-500,
mortgaged for $14uO; -will deed subject
to mortgage n exchange for auto or dia
monds. R 2VS. oregonian.
HAVE 7-room house and lot. 1 block from
car line, worth $320o: bus a mortgage of
il.VHi; exchange equity for anything w orth
the price. Jordan. 19 Lumberman hlclg.
7-PASSENGER Packard. In the best of con
dition, to exchange for house and lot;
must be clear of encumbrance. Jordan,
tilt Lumberman bldg.
HAVE 7-room modern dwelling on paved
street; will trade for 5-roora dwelling,
closer In; will pay cash difference. T
2S2. Oregonian.
WEST SIDE, two-flat building, full lot, with
$4000 equity, to trade for 3-room unin
cumbered bungalow, or close-In acreage.
Vanduyn ft Walton. 013 Cham, of Com,
1iU ATRF.S Wasco CountT 1m. nd. clear of In
nimbrancA. 44) acrea in cultivation and
the balance partially cleared; price $25.00
an acre, -tt 2S4, oregonian.
lO ACRES, improved, at North Yakima,
worth $3500; mortgage $700. to exchange
for Portland or Oregon property. &u4
b pa Id. in g blag.
UNIMPROVED Hood River fruit land to ex
change for city or suburban property.
rhone fc-aat sou..
WILL trade for small runabout. 2 2oxI20-
den. Oregon. AK SOS. Oregonian.
1 w ANT to exenange a aanay iittie, weii
i nip roved farm In Washington County for
a Itouse in city. N 266, Oregonian.
WHAT have you for $3S0O equity In Mil
waukee. Wis.. 2-fla:, Income ? AC SOS,
THREE bungalows to exchange for farm
land. f oio, oregonian.
Bl'NOALOW to exchauge for lot or acreage.
R 2V7. Oregonian.
WANT acreage or farm near Portland for
rooming-house. srooo. AT So, Oregonian.
Here. Vehicle. Etc
Second-hand vehicles bought and sotd
new wagon and auto beds made to order;
beds n
t usln
iivery furnished to
ess parties at
pedal rates.
riawtnorne Ave.
Phone East 72. B 1369.
FOR SALE Team of big dapple gra.1 . fgs
ears old. weiieht XJoO; sound, true and
without blemishes; also new harnesa and
wagoa and one fine Jersey cow. L, H.
P'a-e. SU vert on. Or.
fcuKK 11 L. m re, a .good driver, cneap, Ca.l
itar Sand Company. Barn No. 3, East
Wth and East K landers.
WANTED 25 teams for grading. Apply Al-lott-Forresier
Co., 332 Mohawk bldg.
WANTED To buy a good cheap single
drlv i ng horse; must be gentle. East S i i.
PASTURE for stock. clo to Portland. O.
1 .. t S. t o. Phone Main 1410.
Ki R SALE Black 3-year-old. well-broken,
at a saenftce. Wlh-ox bldg.
HORDES for sale at bit East 7th at. North.
frurnitnre lor bale.
FCRNITURE of S-room house for sale
cheap if taken at once. 765 ThuYman at.
Cheap rent; rooms pay rent.
MR. OFFICE MAN. pick up bargain In ma
hogany furniture: sacrifice price. Mar
shall 713. Fast 2774.
FUKNITCRE of nice ti-room modern house
for i'2:; 3 rooms can be rented. 30 E.
Hth North.
kjR SALE at a bargain, all or part of fine
furniture and carpets of an 8-room house.
Nb Hill district, fall Main 414.
F1V E rooms furniture, best condition; sell
cheap. 7 East 2tUh N. Phone East 12 ii
FOR SALE Freeh cow. give 4 gal.
dsy. rS2 Lake at.
Dog. Bird 1I Stork.
100 golden and orange canaries, finches.
!ove birds, parrots, seed, cages, supplies.
WE have several can that have never been
used, but on which a year's depreciation
In price has been deducted; up to date in
every particular; foredoors. electric lights,
with generator, demountable rims, etc.;
you get the first year at second-hand
price. In used cars we have very attrac
tive offers in
1 r-passenger Chalmers.
1 Maxwell with delivery body.
1 Peerless with delivery body.
1 33-h. p. Michigan roadster.
1 40-h. p. Michigan roadster.
1 4o-h. p. Michigan touring car.
Investigate they're bargains.
MAIN 3906. A 3626.
1912 Owen. tS-pa.s.. 5o H. P.. electric
lights, new tires, Warner speedometer, z
extra tires, has 42-lt'Ch wheels, easiest ria
Ing car rn city and in A-l condition; 1
wish to dispose of this car at once; will
make low price; will take smaller car or
diamond as part payment, a '.so give terms.
Car may be seen at New Market Garage,
Second and Ankeuy sis. phone Marshall
I RECENTLY purchased a new five-paasen-p?r
car of well-known make and have paid
$500 on same; 1 can't meet balance
monthly payments snd business reverses
com pell me to sell car or lose all I have
paid; next payment due Sept. 1. Will sac
rifice my equity; make me a cash offer.
O 3-'3, Oregonian. ' '
Three of the best bargainet mer offered
In the state of Oregon. It you are inter
ested call at once, for you will never get
this chance again. U3 North Park. Mar-
shall 136U.
nickel-plate, varnish, reflnish. top your
auto; take apart and put tusether in three
days. Port laud Plating ft Mfg. Co., 2Ud
and Thurman sts. Main 943, A 622.
O-PASSENGER CHALMERS, newly painted,
overhauled and nickeled; make me cash
offer; if you want an automobile here
is your chance. AM 3o0, Oregonian.
HAVING recently lost my husband through
sickness, must sacrifice and will sell our
car, recently purchased; need money bad
lv. Address widow, N 27S, Oregoniaiu
WE will sell today new 5-passenger. 4-door.
2912 Cartercar, for $S00 off list price. Car
la in absolutely first-class condition. Mar
shall 4501.
$3 PER MONTH for storage on drained
automobiles in best f Ire-resisting building.
E. P. Jamison & Co.. I7th and Thurman.
10 ACRES, at Bpxton. Or., clear of Incum
brance, good level land, trade for 5-pas-
senger. 4-door. M 312. Oregonian.
CA Dl LLAC, 4-passenger, painted, electric
HirhiAd nickeled, zood condition. $550.
Tabor 444-
FOR SALE One 1912 Reo truck, 1300 lbs.,
first-class condition. Call B 2666 or East
LOOK 3ie snap; must sell immediately,
1912 roadster, $275; will trade for dia
mond or lots. Marshall 4641.
3-TON truck for sale, in good condition.
van muur Mto.
EXCli AN G E Electric phaeton for clear lot
or mortgage. Tabor 191)3.
$1'H! 5 -pass, car, good order. See It. 0307
Sttth ave. S. E.
Automobile Wanted.
$500 CASH and one or two lota, cash
value tfi0 ech. for 19 3 0-paseenger
auto, fully equipped. X 179. Oregon l:tn.
WANTED 5-posseajrer auto, in part pay
ment on motiern bungalow, two blocks to
:ir. A H 3"0. Oregonian.
WANT automobile for equltv of 6'X. houe
. and lot. Rose City carllne. $1-00, bal.
terms, owner, 'iaror 5J.
EXCELSIOR motorcycie, with side car, to
ird for llrht runabout, run t WO months.
Phone Marshall 5443.
MOTORCYCLE sale, second-hand machines
a t cos t; a few 1912 models at reduced
31 North Broadway.
ELEGANT 1913 7-H. P. Excelsior, fine
Presto light and tnnk. $15 rear seat: Just
like new; cost $300 cash; price $235; $0U
down. $13 month. T5o Alder st.
JUST like new, 1W13 Twin Indian, - Presto
light, tank, fine rear seat and speedome
ter; cost $316; price $223, 0 down, $20
monthly. 350 Alder st.
FINE 1012 Twin chain Merkel, rear seat,
fine shape: cost $300; price $140; $50
down. monthly. 350 Alder.
$125 MOTORCYCLE. Used f i months;
cost $240. 29 E. 47th. Tabor 01.
BARGAINS in rew and used motorcycles.
Freer Tool ft Supply Co.. 311 Oak st.
Auto Tires and Accessories.
FOR SALE Portable garage, nearly ' new,
wired for lights, work bench, now located
on Marshall and 21st sts. Address. 978
Council Crest blvd.
A 45-h. p., 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo
tor, complete, with standard blade starter,
no voltage release and 75-ampere over
load. I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l con
d.tlon. Address room 203, Oregonian bldg.
One 123-volt direct current generator,
complete with field rheostat, ammeter and
circuit breakers. This machine is In good
repair. Address room Oreronlan Mdg.
A 40-K. W 500-volt Crocker-Wheeler
generator, complete, with field rheostat
and circuit breaker. In good condition.
Address room i6, Oregonian bldg.
SAFES, new and second-hand ; low prices,
easy terms; safes opened, repaired and
painted. PURCELL SAFE CO., and PORT
LAND SAFE CO.. 85 Bin at. Main 6309.
SAFES Moslep Sale Co.. manufacturers;
low prices, easy terms; safes opened and
repaired ; bargains m second-hand safes
lOS 2d st. Phone Main 7676.
6PECIAL tale on filing cabinets, oak and
mahogany: 40 per cent off. Haley Desk
Co.. 10 Broadway, between Taylor and
Salmon. Main 687.
Rambler automobile remodeled Into
wood saw; this is something new; sell
reasonable. 227 N. 17th. Main b6C.
TWO pool tables and fixtures for sale for
less than half at 710 Union ave. N. In
quire at corner Cook, and Union ave,, real
estate office.
FOR SALE SO II. P. three-phase motor,
00 R. P. M.. complete, cheap for -quick
casn saie. inquire ai 3": oregonian.
1 POOL TABLE, regulation size, first-class
conaitiou; price vv. oeorge xrosser. ii
NEW Derby solid oak. double drawers, dis
appearing typewriter desk; cost $00; wl.l
s-i: for $40. Cull at 207 Oregonian bldg.
TYPEWRITERS', all makes. $10 to $tt3,
262 Stark st.
tsE- 'ON D-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-ton
desks ana a cnairs. rtusnong c lo., vi
Park su
USi: Basset t s Native Herbs for rheumatism;
5oc tablets for 2c. All drugittsis.
COMPLETE office outfit cheap, on time.
typewriter desk. $U. 3i BcK Mdg.
NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices.
Povey. 3314 Wash., basement. Main 6od,
COMPLETE moving-picture outfit for sale
cheap. 54S Commercial st.
HOLLTOP desk, little used, good condition;
t-he.ip. 6S East 2Sth st. North.
FOR SALE or trade, canoe, doing good busi
ness. L. Ash. Phone Mam 3ji.
$32.50 BICYCLE, used two weeks, $20. M
;to , iregonian.
FOR SALE A combination housebont and
launch. lurnisned. k. uruwr. warn 314.
WE want $,.0,0'M) w orth of second-hand fur
nlture; highest prices rd. Sellwood 10$t
WANTED Good light oak swivel chair; also
scl cabinet a fe. Oornon, ?Taln M43.
FOKD AUCTION CO. pays moat cash for
any kiud of furniture. Mala bO&L
LEVI?:, Hardware ft Furniture Co., 221
Front St.. buys second-band furniture, car
pels, stoves, ranges, hardware or toots of
any kind. If you have anything ia this
line, call Main 1HJ72.
our buyer calls promptly.
FEATHER BEDS wanted lo make Into
feather ma: tresses ; pay cash; feather beds
and pillows renovated. Phone Tabr 1433.
Folding Mattress Co.. 1104 Hawthorne.
RESTAl'KANT outfit, chairs, square tables,
refrigerator, cash register; must be in
good condition and cheap for cash. AK.
5 05, Oregonian.
Highest prices paid for ladles and men's
cast -off clothing and shoa Call Main
2o$o. 234 1st et. The Globe.
V K want to buy $ltC0 worth of second
hand furniture tn the next SO days and
pay all the cash it Is worth. Wililams
Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636.
WE buy for cath second-hand National Cash
registers end sell them on easy terms. W.
J. Macauif.v. 304 Burnslde U Phone Main
1 8 1 A 1M6.
WANTED Two 2iid-Iand 7v H. P. Return
TuimUr Ko;lers. fully equipped with full
fronts, etc. ; must be in good condition.
AN ::o. Oregon ian.
Lucr calis promptly; estimates given
IM lsr, near Vain bill. Main 4773.
KALSOMINING, $2.5( room up; papering
mill painting reasonable. Fin lay. Main
3. A 277S.
FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second
hand clothing aud furniture, call Main
172. ttU ' j 3d. N. M. GHckman. propJ
HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing
and shorn. Marshall 2354.
NATIONAL cash register, price must be rea
son a h 1 e. Main 6", A 30v0.
CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary
Beauty parlors. 400 Dekum bldg.
WE pay highest prices for second-hand
clothing. L".4 3d st. Phone Main 1263.
(One of Many.)
Office Secretary Employment Department,
Y. M. C. A.
Younr man, stranger, aeeklng employ
ment t.$20 his total cash asset) If I pay
you $3 for employment membership. I will
have only $15 between me and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership you will have the V. M.
C. A with all its resources between you
and starvation.
Result Young man Joined association.
In less than a week he bad satisfactory
Record for six months ending June 30:
Calls for men from employers J 174
. Positions tilled i . Ui:?
Our special employment membership
guarantees members will secure employ
ment or refund membership fee; gives two
months' full and 10 mouths' social privi
leges. '
All young men seeking employment,
especlallv strangers, are cordially Invited
to consult with the Secretary of the Em
ployment Department.
who are looking for steady work where
they can make a home;- plant In small
town miles from Portland wants sev
eral men of this class: wages $2.25 to $4;
pav $2.25 to start. See Damon,
33S-Chamber of Commerce.
iV ANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied
unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36;
it.xeiin of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
guage. For information apply to Recruit
ing Officer, Worcester building, 3d and
Oak sts., Portland, Or.
HAVE opening for two live, energetic young
men as real estate salesmen. You need
not appty unless you are willing to follow
up leads or prospects that will be fur
nished. I spell success, ' W-O-R-K. We
have it. No. 4 Chamber of Commerce,
AMc for Mr. Northrop. 12 to 1.
COATMAKER wanted, one able to make a
first-claes Job; must be sober and steady;
a married man preferred; will furnish
steady employment; have the best back
shop In the city and the largest trade.
Also tailor for ladies' coats. D. H. Moaner,
Salem, Or. Phone Main 1267.
TAILOR A scteady, all-around good tailor
(uerman prererrea), wno will preier ana
accept a good job In a lively, near-by
country town, answer this ad. ; must be
able to make a. good coal. AV SU, Ore
gonian. WANTED Salesman for country work In
S. Oregon and N. California; liberal com
missions; experience not essential. If you
want something permanent and good ad
dress Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco, Oregon
WANTED Sash and door layout man; must
be familiar with operating sash and door
machinery; s iao moulding atlckor man;
give age. ex erienre and reference. Call
Tabor or B 3122.
YOUNii man for bookkeeper in wholesale
house; must bs competent and accurate:
etate a so. experience and reference a M
305. Oregonian.
AUTO MECHANICS contemplating, employ
ment with new motor company at G re sh
am can learn of interesting proposition.
For employed men only. O 3uT, Oregonian.
WANTED 3 boys, beL 16 and 19 yrs., for
messenger work in railroad office; good
chance for advancement. Apply room liiul
Wells-Fargo bldg.
WANTED -FIrat-c lass salesman . for large
country general merchandise store as
manager of wash goods department. AR
3'jc o:rgonian.
WILL pay young man $20 weekly, country
reqiremenut: give phone In answering.
AM 2'jJ, Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly qualified herdsman
lu certified dairy ; must be experienced,
with good references; good wages. AK 2'J'i,
WANTED Strong boy bet. 13 and 16 years,
for general shop work; chance to learn the
trade. Call 7:30 A. M. 3ut E. 11th St.
WANTED A janitor with apartment-house
experience and city references- 410 Haw
thorne ave.
WANTED Dentist with Oregon license;
good proposition to right man; must be
goon operator, am ii, rregoinn.
A COLLECTOR that has had" experience, for
AtintTv wirlr flilarv nt v rtan ntm tn
right party. Clark Hotel, room 204.
WANTED 2 young men to work aa newa
agents 00 passenger trains; cash security
required. Apply 326 Johnson et.
WANTED Good, steady, reliable boy to
learn the fur trade. Apply In afternoon
at the Sllverfield Co., 20 Morrison St.
WANTED Man to do house -to-house can
vassing. Apply at The Kerr Giaas Mrs.
Co.. 13th and Davis.
jtt A N tml wife in apartment-house as Jani
tor, etc., free rent. Call 315 Lumber Ex
change bldg.
DENTIST Licensed in Oregon, who Is cap
able of talcing care of an estaollshed prac
tice. Address AV 2S3, Oregonian.
OPENING for young man to learn nursing
and massage. Nlabeth'a Sanltorium, 616
Love Joy su
WANTED For office, man of ability; sal
ary $150 xnonth 439 Chamber Commerce.
WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Ad
dress F. R. Angle, The Dalles. Or., glv
ing age ana experience.
MALE piano player; must be good vaude
ville player and transposer; union wages.
t . 1 t n mini. c.i.ih 1.
WANTED Delivery boy with wheeL
R. Mi. GRAY.
Fourth and Morrison.
WANTED Trustworthy man to wheel In
valid lady. 261, basement, cor. 4th and
CHANCE to learn to operate moving picture
machine: we ran place three more men
tn theater. 417 Itothcliluld bldg.
F"1TR cotter and eXDcrlenced mailer want
ed. N. M. Ungar Co., Orpheum Theater
WANTED A first-class tinner. Valley
Heating ft Plumbing Co., Inc., Eugene,
Oregon. v
STATION men. god wora, good prices, log
ging road, construction. Apply Abbott
Forester Co.. 332 Mohawk bldg.
SPLENDID opening for life Insurance
agents to represent- security Life Insur
ance Co. Call 324 Board of Trade bldg.
EXPERIENCED kitchen porter In ho let 23d
and Hoyt.
SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. for Oregon.
Nat. Casualty Co., 501 Railway Ex. bldg.
PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest
starteo. L-utoertn aiuq:o, ueaum Diag.
PHOTO COUPON agents, new winnlnr con
test offer. Ssrony Studio. 346 S Morrison.
WANTED A good man' to help view oper
ator. ;- ( fci. MiTn st. e.
WANTED Cook s h-!per at Winter's Res
taurant. z;:o urst si.
TIRE company requires services of fivst-
ClUW M.nff'Hn. - 1 t( 'i -Wi j a u.
HAVE money maker for 3 A-l sollcltu
Call 15 E. Lincoln.
ciass salesman. 1, oregonian.
GOOD hardwood finisher wanted. Union
store Fit. Co., K- join ana howfii,
FIRST-CLASPS wash man, steady position:
rood waves. Apply Troy Laundry, Adtia.
WANTED Dlshwiper. Leighton's , Dairy
i-vncn. tt.-jj vtasningron si. -
BARBER wanted at once. Phone or address
C. O. New-man, Hood River, or.
WANTED Carriage or atto painter. Apply
Si? T-i th si. "
WANTED Cake baker at 1020 Belmont su
ITS 14 N. Second St.
M. 7'7. A
10 bridge carpenters, 13.50.
5 tunnel timber men, $3.25.
20 laborers. Govt work. 8 hrs, fare ad
vanced. $1.74 to $2 and board.
2 Hurley drillers, b hours, $54 mo. ami
Headquarters for es?orter Broa., Grant
Smith A Co. iCoos Bay Ry.), via. Eugene
and Drain.
23 Austrian or I tali ana $2.30. with
boss, $3.5o. Free fare.
13 laborers and track men. $2.3 up:
Outhri-. McDougall ft Co.. Wenatchee.
Free Xare,
ATI orders given prompt attention.
trade. Join V- S. Navy If over 17. Steady
promotion possible up to over $WO per
month clear of living expenses. Excellent
char.ce now for interrstlng cruises. Must
be an American citizen. Complete infor-
million, Navy Recrulilnr Station, Railway
Exchange bldg.. Portland, Or. Get book
let. "The Making of a Mari-o'-Warsman
Address Bureau of Navigation, box 32",
Navy Department. Washington. 1. C
SALESMAN who can close sales: will fur
nish Interested leads, no time for experi
ments; com a prepared to prove your
ability. A. M. 512 Spalding bldg.
CLYDE AGENCY, catablished lSOd. wants
several advertising solicitors, local pub
lications; tsh commission. Slock Ex
change, 3d and Yamhill.
WANTED Married couple. German or Swiss
preferred, to go to Hood River: wife to
care for child and do second work, the
man to cook and help in housework. AP
ply Portland Maternity Hospital "or M
3t9, Oregonian.
WANTED A first-class pantry woman with
thorough knowledge or making salads,
sandwiches and dishes for a dairy lunch.
Apply by letter, giving experience and sal
ary desired. X 304, Oregonian.
for general office work : no typewriting
experience required. Apply In own hand
writing; state salary desired. P 3U6, Ore
gonian. WE have splendid position for wide-awake
young lady of energy and ability; ad
vancement rapid and certain; splendid rer
muneration. tiou Northwest bldg.
WANTED First-class hairdresser and man
icure; must be A-l on hair work; write
at once, experience and salary. Marinello
hop. Cora Utley. Medford, Or.
WANTED Two young ladles, not over 21,
for advertising company, $18. Apply be
tween 9 and 4 P. M., apt. 24, Lincoln
Apt a Don't phone. .
WANTED, by young couple with child, a
goou girl or woman for housework; home
and easy place more than wages to right
party. loss Vaughn.
WANTED tiirl or young woman for gen
eral housework, also to assist with chil
dren; no wihing; good home, good sl
ary. Call 330 E. 20th N.
WANTED Five bright, capable ladies to
travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; rail
road iare paid; $3 to $30 per week. Call
Velvetina Shop, 613 Swetland bldg.
Five girls to learn dfeauty culture; pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 4U0
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary parlors.
MANY of the best families of the city are
registered with the Domestic Service Jsu
renu for cooks, general housework and
second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 76 67.
EXPERIENCED picture and vaudeville
pianist; no matinees except ounuay.
32. Oregonian.
YOUNG woman wanted to keep clean
, ladies and gents' furnishing store. 3-4
1st st. Mar. U60.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Ylavt Co., 60 Roth-
ctina Diag.. 4tn ana w asnington.
GIRL for general housework, family of four
good position for the right party. Call
nhnn. 1 it .H 1 fib
WANTED Japanese girl or woman to care
ior cnua a, uay anu nigni, oia or young,
not married: Phone Sellwood 1006.
WANTED A Swedish or German girl from
21 to lio years old who wants to go out on
a farm. Particulars 14 N. 16th st.
WANTED Girl for general housework.
good wages, small xaxniiy.' Apply tx
Love J oy, cor. 22d.
BOOKKEEPER . to work as substitute for
about 10 days. The Campbell Hotel. Mar
shall 881.
CrlKL wanted to do general housework.
small family; must do experiencea. .asi
1TJ34. 614 Hawthorne ave.
THOROUGHLY experienced cook for small
boaraing-nouse; no otner need apply. ii
11th. Main 6381.
Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35.
near. 4th. Phone Main 36 or A 32M6.
WANTED Thoroughly experienced and
competent stenographer; salary $12 per
week. Address AG 2ul. Oregonian.
resses, cnamDermsias, no use Keepers,
housemaids. 2SS Main st. Main 2U3U.
WANTED A firl for general housework;
mall family, gooa wages, can oo xioyi
TWO experienced lady sollcltora pleasant
work and riat saiar-. Appiy w to xx, io
Mohawk bldg.
GIRL for general housework. 90 E. 16th,
near Stark st.
WANTED Experienced waitress. The Hill,
741 Washington st.
WANTED A woman to work for husband's
room and board. 97 Russell st.
WANTED Girl or woman for general house
work; 3 adults. 60b E. Morrison, cor. lath.
A GIRL to do housework. Good wages. Ap
ply! 00 k. mtn st. .-s.
GIRL for light housework ; small family.
430H Broadway; West Side.
GIRL for general housework. 636 North up.
bet. 23 tn ana -'otn. Airs. wm. isams.
WOMAN for cooking and general house
work. 704 Northrup st.
WANTED Girl for chamber work. Necanl
cum Inn. Seaside, Or.
GOOD home for some nice girl and $15 per
month. P 807, Oregonian.
COMPETENT girl wanted for general house
work:. 7 1 1 Kearney.
WANTED Girl to assist general housework.
rnone jtiam o.oo.
FINfll opening for apprentices for dressmak
ing ana nuic wwriiig. or mi . t.
WANTED Waitress, 10th and Burn si do.
Smith Restaurant.
GOOD position for lady chiropodist. P SOS,
WANTED 2 lady barbers. 14ft 2d st.
WANTED lOO hopplckera for well-known
hop yards of T. A. LlveLsly & Co located
aa follows: Lake Brook farm, consisting
of 160 acrea In hops, also Holmes yard,
consisting of 200 acres, both near Salem;
Independence yard, 60 acres, all located
cm the Orea-on Electric Railway; will
have special train for each yard, leaving
Portland on or about September 1, with
special reduced rates; will furnish free
wood, tents, chairs, tables, straw, best
spring water on aa grounds ana a Beau
tiful camping ground, with all conven
iences, such as stores, butoher shop and
bakery: will pay 50c per box; yards In
excellent condition: do not wait, aa nop-
plckeres will be plentiful this year; come
early and make arrangements for tickets
wnich are on saie at uorcas arc", on ice,
6o2 Worcester bldg.. 3d dud Oak sts.,
Portland. Phone Marshall 3216. A 1717;
for benefit of worki-ng people office will
oe open i a. m. until o:.m r. .
CALL at Dorcas Bros.' office, 602 Worcester
bldg., Portland, Or., for tickets and tents
for The John Morrison Hon lard at lmie
pendence; free wood, tents, good water,
store, meat shop, bakery. Fare $1.73
round trlpJ
Shacks and potatoes free. Round trip
on Oregon Electric. $1.23. Will be at St.
Charles Hotel Aug. -I and 22. Homer
:30 HOPPICKERS wanted, near Brooks, Or.
8 miles north of Salem,, on electric line.
Call St. Charles Hotel on the 27th, &th
or 29th. W. P. Massey.
WANT 25 hoppickers: good hops to pick ;
. plenty of wood, water and potatoes: will
be at St. Charles Hotel Aug. 21 till no6n.
C A. Yergen. ;
Yard at Mission Bottom. Call office at
733 2d su
WANTED Hoppickers. I will be at the St.
Charles Hotel Aug. 20. 21. 22; round trip
$l t. Romeo Gouley. grower.
MAKE money writing short stories; bg
pay; send for free booklet; tells how.
United Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
UKi'H ESTK.V plajers. nonunion; must be
good; give phone. R 302, Oregonian.
WANTED Hoppickrs. CrJl St. Char lea
Hotel, room 2t3. call X to & f. -l .
FISK Teachers" Agency secures positions for
teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 433.
SHORTHAND speed drills, any system, day
and night. 629 Worcester block.
EXPERIENCED Janitor and wife for first
class apartment-huse. N 276. Oregonian.
KEISTER'fi Indies Tailoring College and
School of Dressmaking, 143 Vs Hth U
THE Mohler Barber College will teach you
the trade in a cki; tools free; send for
rataloRue: 2' yVara In the business; 37
s.-hools. a. lifetime scholarship given to
each student; special Inducements given
to ladies. 4S N. IM SL
mand. This' coming vocation taught at
Y. M. C. A- All the Year Round Day and
Night Schools; complete equipment; best
on Coast.
WANTED 100 men rfnd women to leara
barber trade Irr o weeks: position guaran
teed; modern college; tools free; a trade
that you can get in business for yourself.
Oregon Barber College, 233 Msdison at.
GOVERNMENT Jobs open lo men. women;
15 to $1.) month, list positions free.
Franklin Institute, Dept. 527 F-. Roches
ter. N. Y. -
SCHOOLS, MrKav bldg.. cor. 3d and
Stark sit. Phone: Main 1"26. A 4121.
AImo headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity.
ination Nov. 1. Parrel post requires clerks;
salary $oo to 12w0. Free book. Pacific
States School. MrKv bldg-. Portlsnd, Or.
WANTED Men. 18 to 43, to become Port
land mall carriers. $ii3 to $10v month; va--athna.
AV 217. oregoman.
Instruction. GREGG SHoKTHAND. book
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 425s
WONDER CLOTH metal polisher; factory
ag-CL-y; territory free, Christy, 333 Lum
ber Exchange.
course, $5 per month. 3V3 11th at.
Bookkeepers) aad Clerks,
POSITION by good accountant and of
fice man, capable of opening books and
taking charge of office; would not object
to leaving city, can furnish best of refer
ences and bond. AG 303, Oregonian
n-ii r. ii-ruT npr.v. rl J"x K O R WRITE
up books, prepare balance and statements,
mstau systems, ij-iiiiuniiaiw, uuhui,
Iewls bldg. Mars nan m.
YOUNG man with one year's drug exper
ience, wishes position, city or country. AP
3MJ, Oregonian.
ACCOUNTS audited, books balanced or
closed, systems revised. B. K, Cheshire,
403 Alain .
BOOKKEEPER Competent, rapid, accu
rate, sober and rename, juu, vregu
hian. allscelJ alienor.
WANTED By a man and wife who are
neat-appearing, reliable and congenial,
experienced, a position running hotel or
boarding-house; both good cooks, or will
take charge of rooming-house. Address
Warren, Oregon, H. if. D..a bog 73, care
WANTED By experienced cooks, man and
wife, positl-jn as cooks in camp. J. F.
kid wards, 631 E. Morrison su Phone East
WANTED Work with private gardener;
have had experience and can produce
good references. 11. D., Box b7. Chehalis,
Wash., Route No. 1.
YOUNG man, 27 years old. with 7 years'
banking experience, wants position in
bank; will go out of town; high-class ref
erences; Shrrner. T 27, Oregonian.
ENGINEER Good, all-around mechanic; do
all klndj of repair work, steamnttlng and
plumbing; good reference, S 276, Ore
gonian. FIREMAN, first-class, capable of taking
charge of heating plant, pipelining, pump.
Good references. AE 300, Oregonian.
EXPEitlENCED grocery and delicatessen
manager wants position at once; age 2d
year.i; married. S 20, Oregonian.
WANTED By young man, home where he
can do light work for small salary N
273. Oregonian.
MAN and wife wants work, man care gar
den and auto wife a good cook. M 304,
Oregon lan.
STATIONARY engineer and pipe fitter
wants worn at once, re ie re uvea, xiiii, .uaiu
717, A 1317.
SALES are what count; I make them. If
you have a good specialty let me hear
from you. S 27 'J. Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending school wants to
work spare time for room and board, AM
23, Oregonian.
PRINTER All-around man, sober, compe-
Portland. A. M. Rhoads, Concrete, Wash.
YOUNG man wants position to work at night
3 or 4 hours, any kind of work. AS,
296. Oregonian.
F1RST-CLAS3 waiters furnished. Marshall
71tf, A 4H10, Portland Waiters' Club, J4ii
6th,1 Portland. Or. G. C Gerald, manager.
Bookkeeper and St -nograpners.
SITUATION wanted by experienced sten
ographer from the East; rapid and accu
rate in taking dictation and transcribing:
accustomed to responsibility. AS 276, Ore
gonian. -
COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper,
capable of taking charge of office. AG
301, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED, competent stenographer
will substitute during vacations; any ma
chine. Phone Main 224.
BOOKKEEPER. 8 years' experience, good
city reference; wants position. Main 6474.
f ree n m a aers .
DRESSMAKING and nlteratlona by compe
tent dressmaker. 163 10th, the Colonial.
Phone Main fc25.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking, reasonable
price, home or day. 367 loth mu Main
COM 1'ETENT dressmaker wants sewing at
home. 2923 Clay st. Main
FiRoT-CLASS special on gowns, $2.30 per
day. Phone Marshall 3v2U.
DRESSMAKING, fancy and tailored, rea
sonable; references. Marshall 18 30.
DRESSMAKER desires few more customers;
$2 a day. Main 5231. A 3123.
NURSE w ill care for nervous patient, 1 n -valid
or child In own sub ar ban home.
Phone C2&C1.
UNDER graduate nurse, two years hospital
training, wants, case. Phone Woodiawn
GOOD practical nurse; doctor's references;
charges reafonaoic. jjain og.w.
AN elderly widow, wishes home in wid
owers family: clean, rood housekeeper.
light work, small pay; no trlflers. Address
K.. O.. 17 "5, facmc ave., fcvereti. asn.
WANTED A home In refined family for a
13-7ear-o!d girl; Is willing to assist in
household in exchange for her care. O
301 Oregonian.
BY lady with two children, school age. em
ployment as housekeeper in bachelor or
widower's home. AB 215, Oregonian.
LADY wants position as housekeeper for 1
or 2 In family or -old. gentleman. 81
Grand ave.
EXPERIENCED woman wants position as
nousexeeper in note or apaxunent-nouse,
AE 801, . Oregonian.
WOMAN with two small children wants to
do housework for small pay. Airs. Rivers,
rjaat ti4J.
MIDDLE-AGED Swedish woman wishes no
sition as cook, general housework or
chamber work. care oi .airs, ixiistedt.
646 loth st. Norm
JAPANESE girl wanfl work in private fam.
ily; can't speak English, but willing to
learn. AC oregonian.
JAPANESE woman, plain cook, wants posi
tion, small xamiiy, city, al ore
gonian. HOUSEWIVES, let me do your disagree
able tasks; prices right, satisfaction guar
anteed. Phone Tauor 476.
A WOMAN wants work by the day or hour.
nursing or liousecleaning or washing, and
can go nome at nignt. rnoae t-k.
COMPETENT woman wishes day work
laundering or cooking. Marshall 31ti7,
room v.
LACE curtains, draperies, linens. laundered
by expert; cat led tor. Tabor 317.
SHIRT WAIST done nicely at home, 13c and
Ztrc. call r-ast -f'Jio.
EXPERIENCED German laundress wants
day work. Call labor 4oU?.
WOMAN wants work Thursday. Friday, Sat-
uraay: reierences. Mam tiK.
WOMAN wants any kind -of work by hour.
rnone tast inij,- room iio.
WANTED Work by the hoar at 2ic an
hour, call seHwood libs.
YOUNG lady desires position as companion
for elderly lady. Marshall 707, room 24.
WOMAN wants to do chamber work. Mrs.
Hanna. M)n 17, A l&l.
WOMAN wants to do day work. Alain 717
A 1317.
WOMAN wants work Thursday and Friday;
rererences. wooaiawn ibii.
WOMAN wants work by the day.
Thelrn, East 1614.
WoMAN with two children wants day work.
Mrs. i.lnton, .Main
CAPABLE lady wishes day work. Main
DAY work, laundry or cooking, housework.
Tabor 4 1
WANT sewing oy day. Main 103.
RESIDENCE wanted. 7 or S-room bouse, on
West Side; roui have all ntoderi 1m
nrovements. hardwood f ioora. sleeping,
porch; willing to pay good rent on J to
. years lease. Appiy S 22. oregonian.
WANT a place of from one to three acres
with good modem house and on good au
tomobile road, close in to Portland. Would
prefer a long lease. No children. Give full
particulars, c htj. uregomaa-
W AN TED By a widow, a furnished house
in good neighborhood to take care of 6
months or ear; best references, X 2H.
WANTED by mother and daughter, to take
care of house: will board and room vauer.
A .". Oregonian
WANTED To rent 13 or 20 rooms suitable
for rcomlne-housc; must be modern, close
In. Main 6621.
KK FINE D business woman would like room
In MPrtm-nt house. West Side; references.
'N -i Oreiconiun.
BY ouhg man, empioed. small lurnished
room, private family preferred; close In.
O 2!7, Oregonian.
Rooms and ixsu
WANTED By family of 4. board and room
on Portland Heights, fnone jqain
2u7Vj 4th. 213S 4th.
Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re
spectable, clean and modern: hot and cold
water, l rfvate. taths ; summer rates, $3
tw r u'pIi nil 11 rt ; ti u I btttnlliin E Iven
to tourists; give us a call; you wifl like
U tor you get your money s worm auu
rnen some. -
YOUNG man, rooming Y. M. C. A., wants
roommate to reduce rooming expenses;
reasonable cost; fireproof building, showei
baths, vacuum cleaned, many club ad
vantages; ki $"kmj,ooo builuing. inquire
business office Y. M. C A., cor. 6th and
Taylor sts.
FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished
rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build
inr. vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim
ming pool, club facilities; special rates at
cafeteria and 10 other features. Full par
Oculars at business office, cor. 6th and
Taylor sts.
11th, between Morrison and Yamhill Re
cently opened; every moaern convenience;
plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful
lobbv: rates $4 week and up; with urivate
bath. $3.30 week and up; transient rates.
$75c and up. r ree phone. Main 4 Jo.
HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi
ness people ; centrally located ; elegant
rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway
and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Orpheum Theater. Main P16.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 632 1. Washington
st., cor. Ella; elegantly located, new and
modern, all outside rooms; $2.30 week up;
with private bath $3 week up; transient
HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street New
modern brick building, steam-heated, pri
vate bafths, hot and cold water, com fort -
' ably furnished; transients solicited.
CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Pantages;
modern outside rooms, suitable for two or
. three; single rooms from $2.60 up; with
bath $5 and up; cheapest in city.
1 65 10th ; cou pie of fine corner rooms,
very reasonable rent, permanent ' people;
also splendid large room, downstairs.
THE LARRABEE, 227 Larrabee Rooms,
$2 week up; brick building, steam heat,
hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington
Rooms, Z3 week; private batn, ween;
corner front suite. $3 week.
HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave., E. Belmont;
rooms 112 mo. up ; J.oo and up witn
bath; absolutely respectable. East 323.
HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished
rooms, with an modern conveniences, otn
and Main.
A NICELY Jsirnlshed room. Apply The
Dezendorf Apts.. 23 16th at, M. 4795.
NICELY furnished outside rooms, steam
heat. S3.5o-$4 per week. 2&a lutn st.
Furnished Rooms tn Private Family.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, one blcok
from Orpheum: hot and cold water, elec
tric lights, open fireplaces, etc. ; the height
of elegance and refinement; $3.30 per week
and up; everything new. 227 Broadway.
Phone Main 3S4.
NICELY furnished rooms In refined private
family. Nob Hill, walking distance; prices
according to choice of room, 161 22d st.
North. Marshall 3u63.
NICELY' furnished front room, modern,
suitable for two ladles or gentlemen; only
six minutes to business district; choice lo
cation; attractive home. 301 11 th sL
Fl RNISHED room In modern home; refined
German laraily of two; Nob Hill district.
Marshall 6U2.
U'J YAMHILL Desirable newly furnished
new parlors, single or en suite; small
room $7.
FURNISHED room in modern hose; refined
burman umuy ox two; aoo nun district.
Marshall 602.
NICELY furnished rooms, homelike, clean
and modern, adjoining bath, phone, elec
tric lights, reasonable. 94 North 16th.
TWO large light front rooms, good neigh
borhood, very reasonable. Phone East 18.
ROOMS in private family; board If desired;
German cooking. 321 Montgomery st.
$1.73 NEAT sleeping room for gentleman,
close In. beautiful yard. 251 Broadway.
LARGE room, with sleeping porch, also
single rooms, good location. Marshall 4733.
VERY desirable rooms; light, bath, phone,
porches and lawn. CT.Q Madison st.
$S MONTH Pleasant, light, airy room,
conveniences. 123 23d st.
NEAT room for gentleman, fS per month.
4! Tajl tr.
Booms With Board.
American and European plan; near City
Park; convenient to carllne.
Washington at 23d st.
Residential and Tourist Hotel.
Attractive rates to permanent and tran
sients. Main 73S4.
An exclusive residential hotel; attractive
rates to transients or permanent guesia
Main 263. A 6628.
ROOMS and board at the Calumet for $37.30
per month; double with private bath, $75
per month; rooms, European, aio ana up,
rates by the day and week. 130 Park'su
Main 7300.
t. vj .j :u inu ooara ior juuus uuibu, sew
ing, library and laundry privileges; wailk-
4 735. "
Select Family Hoil.
w j lv. s...lUnt 4.V.U
board; very reasonable rates. , 11th and
lamnin sts.
S86 Montgomery St., at West Park Mod
ern convenlenres; rooms with or without
bath; excellent table service: reasonable
rates for regular and transient guests.
A residential hotel; large sun porch;
rooms with or without baths; home cook
ing: table board a specialty.
THE MANITOr. 2G1 13th st. '
Excellent table; large, airy rooms; Sum.
mer rates. "J" car at DepoL
LARGE, newly furnished room, with board,
suitable for- 2 or more; separate beds;
piano, home comforts. 101 llth. Main 03S1,
rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup.
THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel.
Special summer rates: sinewy nome coo
ins;. 3 S3 3d st. r-none Mam iu-.
coxy rooms, witn cam; ooara ii ae
Ired: attractive rates. 710 Wash. M. S05L
CHOICE rooms, insle or en suite; first -clans
JUST opened, new boarding-house, all kinds
of rooms for rent. Call East 297.
BOaRTj and room for 3 gentlemen, 201
10th. cor. Taylor; close m.
Rooms With Board In Private Family.
Strictly modern home, airy rooms, good
table rates to musician, or z in room
piano. Woodiawn 2U23.
WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS residence offer
room and board to people desirous of
exclusive surroundings. Main 51M4.
FOR RENT Desirable room, and board
private family, for two young men. 243
COMFORTABLE, nleasant room, home com
forts: board optional. Main Jy04. 323
Broadway. n
EXCELLENT board, modern, all home
comforts: u. fcasi 3ow.
ALL the comforts of home, walking dis
tance; nome cooaing. w m nity iace.
241 22D ST. NORTH 2 connecting rooms
excellent poara; men preierred. Main 2i71
NEWLY furnished rooms with or without
board; wanting a:etance. 4 so Taylor st.
FURNISHED rooms with board, sleeping
porcn. o-o inu bi. rnone jv
FRONT room with board for gentleman;
piano. Main 2312. 301 loth.
Furnished and unfurnished apartmenH
from 2 to rooms, irom $i to $t.'
pr month. If you aal one, telephor
Main 2013 Sundss. r A 201.
Evenings call Mr Balden,
Marshall 2-"-Hl.
Our antomotiics will ca:i at sny addres
with our agent, who wiil be giad to sho
these apartments. Reference required.
We own or control the following:
Ceoilia. 22d and Giutan sts.
Claj poil. nth and Clay sts.
ri'lumtin, llth and Columbia.
K-irdham, 1TO Ford.
Hsntii, rn ii'th sL. near Mam.
Hanoer. 163 Kinp St.. near WabhiugtoH
Knickerbocker. 4lu Harr.son, near ilia
Oruerietuh. 2 Grand ave.
St. Croix, 17t Su c:ir st., near Wash,
Si. Fran,-ls. 21st mml Hoyt et
Weiling:on. l'i:h and Everett st
, 3i:;-jt6 Aii:ngttn bldg.
2d and Glisan Streets.
Walking Diitajice.
Very e.-!u?ive. elerantlv f umisTied.
and "-rom apartimnts; ail light, brigh
outside rooms.
Refer ices Required,
Marshall 3162.
On Davis Su at lUad of King St.
7-story, reinforced 'concrete, absolute!
fireproof building.
4 to 9-room unfurnished apartments.
All modern conveniences, including Xlr
places, maids rooms with bath, tiled bai
rooms, elevator service day and night, et'
P nones A 406$, Marshall 50 J 7.
Jefferson and 13th sts.
4 and 5-room unfurnished apartment
exceptionally well arranged; walking dl-i
Rates Reasonable.
Modern. Reierences.
i-i o use ot Tone, earnest and Iinest apar
menu on the. Pacific Coast. - In heart
apartment-house districu New and mo.
ern in every particular. Aoartments fun
nished and unfurnished; exclusive bachd
lor quarters with clu brooms in bout
wing; sleeping porches in every apar
ment; high-class service, refined ciientel
no disappearing furniture: terms reaso:
able; inspection Invited; references r J
quirea. i-none Marshall 500.
Cor. 2uth and Washington Sts.
Every modern convenience, bath, pho:
In every apartment, automatic elevate
all are side rooms; walking distance; ;
room apartments, $22.30 to $oO; 3-roo
apartments, $30 to $40. Make reserve
tions before Sept. 1 and secure Summ
rates for the Winter. References rd
Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets.
Walking; Distance.
Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-roo
apartments; building new and strict
modern; service first-class.
THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving sts.
Thls new four-story brick now open: fu
nished and unfurnished In 2, 3 and
room suites: reception ball: electric aut
malic elevator, Holmes disappearing bee
buut-in outlet and writing aesK, g
range, ice box. plenty of closet rooms: bo
phones, vacuum cleaner free to patron
If you want something nice, come
the Barker. Phone A 1744. Marshall 290
C44 Everett, Beu 20th and Ella Sts.
Furnished three-room apartments, I
cated in one of the choicest resident di
trlcts; automatic elevator and all mode:
conveniences; walking distance.
69 N. 23d SU
For rent, one 6-room apartment,
modern conveniences. Call between 10 a
4 o'clock, apartment 4.
FINE view, very lighu 2 -room apartmen
modern In every respect; rent $20 to
including heat: walking distance side
Portland Heights. Chapman and Jefft
son cars. 335 Chapman.
One only; S-room completely furnish e
Includlnc bed and table lraen; ail larg
outside, airy rooms, bee this sure. Tab
2&3. B 304 L
:HE UPSHUR, 26th and Upshur sts Fu
nished 2-room apts., $16, 18 up; stea
heat, hot and dbld water in every apar
ment: public bath, electric lights. g
ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take "S
23d or "w ' cars north, rnono Main &v
THE WASHINGTON, 6S8 Northrup 5-roo
unfurnished apartment, with bath and &
modern conveniences, telephone, stea
neat, gas, eiectnc lignt, etc xaae w c
to 2ist and Northrup. phones Main 437
A 1133.
DESIRABLE S-room apartment or 4 rooc
furnished or unfurnished, arranged for
bedrooms; very reasonable rent; Ueslrab
location, good service, outside rooms, pr
vate bath, direct phone. 8HEFFIEL
Ar akj MtMs, z Broadway,-cor. jen
341 14th il at Market.
New two and three-room apartment
completely rurnisned; waiktng distanc
prices reasonable Phone Main 173d.
North 20th and Northrun Sts.
Homelike furnished S and 4-room apar
ments; outside rooms; balcony to even
suite; ail conveniences; rer. Phone M. ix
Cor. Id and Hall Cosy 2-room furnish
ants., building new and strictly moder:
all outside rooms; 8 minutes to P. Cj
rates very reasonaDie. Mars nail 4837.
GRANDESTA East Stark and Grand av?
new building, niceiy iiirnisnea; priva
n hones and batns. automatic elevato
moderate prices; walking distance. PhoJ
East 20S.
KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay: beantlf
a and 4-room unfurnished apartments, ne
brick bldg.; electric elevators; reference
SEE the Overton Apartments furnished ar
unfurnished cheapest and nest in me en .
private phone, bath and electric elevato
no insiae rooms; new nmnigcr. .
W" car. 274 21st and Overton.
New. modern (Just finished 3 and
room apts., furnished and unfurnishe
39 Trinity place, 2. 3 and 4-room fc
nished apartments; private bath and tel
GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup, 6 lard
rooms, hardwood iioo", pnone, not war
heat, veranda and sleeping porch, vacuu
cleaner: new anoi strictly moaern.
All outside 2-room fur. apts.: low rat
Include free light, heat, private phon
S" or 16th-st. car south. Main i& i.
HAMMERSLEY COURT, 230 12th. beu Ma
anri Mnrllsnn. Private hatha modem, clo
to P. O. Bachelors' apts. cared for, lo
prices; nieeily luriiisnea. jaar. ;uj;. a j
park iL. at Madison.
Modern S and 4-room furnished apar
ments bv the weeK or montn.
LEEns APTS.. 2. 3 and 4-room furnish
apartments, modern and all convenience
absolutely xireprooi., to u, auo iut
rooms. 210 Mantei bl
son Wllllam3 ave.. nicely furnished
nd S-room apts. Private bath and phot
$2t up; walKmg nistance. iu. g:ia.
W irvt pniTH Modern" newlv renovated
rrwim r rtmcnlH. S20 and tiO : cood J an
tor service; walking distance; reference
712 Washington, opp. I'Jd. Jdain no.
Hi-iLfiP HiI.I. Hawthorne and E. 6th s
1. 2, and 3-room furnished, modern apar
ments; serviee nrsi-ciass, uucaucucu v
service, or walking distance.
TtH Morrison sts. Very centra
2 and 3-room apartments, furnished cor:1
pletely; private batns; irom to
tht K.IKLI.AXD. lth and Lovejoy 2 a
4 rooms, unfurnished; low rates. Owne
A L-G7, Muin Ja-imo. a inoj.
JITLIAETTE. 2l and Montgomery; Tri.
mnA mhi 4 and 5 rooms : nriva
phones: 2 rooms, furnished or unfurnishe
BRUCE A PCS.. 2.".ih anu Northrup, ti-roc
apartment; larg. light rooms. excelle
location. Fhona Mar. 142j. A S17ft.
12th and Harrison 2 and S:room apar
ments; best servnw. Apuiy on premisea
a t (-n A I'AliTM 1 V Ti
Vnlon snd Couch; new. furnished mo
ern 2-room a pi-. maia-ncc, s
-t x-.--th -o v ford, near WuhinvUn
iK-i.-.-in, iinf urnisned aitirrmnti
roms w ith private balcony, reasonable re
u a rrwv TT ATT.
Furnished and unfurnished apartmen
414 llth st. Marshall 117L
DOVER APTS. 4 rooms, unfurnished, $
Inquire 7 24th. Marshall 4SS.