Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 20, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Wilson's Programme Carried
Out When All Amendments
to Schedule Are Beaten.
Dutch Standard Color Test for Sugar
Adopted Democrats Jubilant at
Outcome and Predict Early
Final Passage of Bill.
"WASHINGTON'. Aug. It. President
Wilson's programme for free sugar in
1916 carried the day In the Senate today
when Democrats rallied to the support
of the tariff bill and defeated all
amendments to the sugar schedule.
With all but Senators Ransdell and
Thornton, of Louisiana, standing firmly
for the Administration, the Democrats
defeated the Bristow amendment for a
compromise duty; the Norrls amend
ment against free sugar, and the Gal
linger amendment against free mapl
An amendment to abolish the Dutch
standard color test for sugar was
adopted during the fight. Under its
provisions the Dutch standard, against
which a consistent fight has been
waged since 1909, abolished as soon as
the tariff bill becomes a law, instead of
next March as the bill otherwise would
have provided.
Senator Brlstow's amendment would
have established a gradual reduction in
duty from the present tariff of 11.90 pe
hundred pounds until in six years the
tariff would have been $1.27. Under
the Cuban treaty this would have eS'
tablished a 97 cent tariff on Cuban
sugar, which constitutes the bulk of
the imports into the United States.
Kree Sugar Is AMorfd.
The proposal to put all cane and
raw sugar on the free list in 191. be
hind which President Wilson had mus
tered the Democratic majority after
long and persistent effort, came
squarely before the Senate on a mo
tion by Senator Norrls, Republican, to
strike out that feature of the bill. This
was defeated by a viva voce vote, and
Senator Norrls made no demand for a
roll call.
This proposal will come up again,
when the bill has paased its stage of
consideration, "in committee of the
whole," and advances to the next read
ing in the Senate. Senator Ransdell
of Louisiana, who gave notice earlier
in the day that he would make a sim
ilar motion, urged Senator Norrls to
wait. When 'made again, the motion
will undoubtedly call for a Tecord
vote, but Democratic leaders tonight
expressed entire confidence that they
would still have a clear majority of
at least one vote.
Xlne Votes Paired.
Senator Works Is now In California
and is not paired with any Democratic
Senator. Nine Democrats were paired
with nine Republicans on today's vote.
Without a further break in the Dem
ocratic ranks, however, the vote should
still be 48 to 47, should all pairs be
broken and all Senators return.
Should the Democrats insist upon with.
drawing existing pairs, the advantage
would be largely In their favor, as
Senators Dupont and Root, Republicans,
are now In Europe: Senator Burleigh Is
HI. and Senator Works has indicated
that he does not expect to return to
Washington for the tariff session.
Senator Simmons gave notice that he
would offer further amendments to the
sugar schedule before the bill was ap-
proved, to make It clear that existing
sugar duty of 11.90 per 100 pounds is to
continue In force until the new rate of
Jl per 100 becomes effective next March
, Senator Cummins said he believed
unless such amendments were made,
, sugar would come in free of duty from
the time the new tariff becomes law
until the proposed duties take effect
next year.
Work MvviaK Rapidly.
Democratic leaders expressed con
fidence tonight that tariff revision
would be greatly hastened within the
next week. The fight over free wool
Is still to occur, but the success today
on the sugar schedule was accepted as
indication of what will happen when
wool is reached.
Before adjournment tonight the Sen
ate had disposed of the schedule de
voted to rates on spirits, wines and
liquors with the exception of the
provision relating to the tax on forti
tied wines, and the cotton schedule was
taken up and briefly debated. Senator
l.lppitt attacking the proposed system
of fixing ad valorem duties on thread
and yarn based on the trade number
of the product.
California, arrived .here at 5 o'clock. Sat
urday night from Salem, where they
secured the signature of Governor West
to the requisition papers issued by Gov
ernor Johnson, of California, for me ar
rest of W. A. Iden, alias W.. I Dickey.
The Deputy Sheriff had three sepa
rate warrants for the arrest of the
defendant, two of them for selling
mortgaged property, the third for ob
taining money under false pretenses.
The main charge against Iden was
brought by E. L Stellar, a rancher who
resides near Tulare, wno accuses aim
of taking 30 head of cattle, mortgaged
to him, into another county and selling
them to M. Costa.
Iden was arrested here several days
ago on his return from Canada, where
he had passed several weeKs visiting in
a, number of cities. The members of
his family, including bis son. Wade,
who toured Canada with him. are
spending the Summer at Long Beach.
Deputy District Attorney Burk stated
that the cases airamst laen are strong.
He gave an interesting account of
Men's past life which revealed the fact
he was at one time a minister of the
gospel, having been pastor of the South
Methodist cnurch at Ylsalla, Cal.
Deputy Sheriff Smith left on the
Shasta Limited last evening, with his
prisoner, bound for California. Iden
did not fight the extradition as expected.
He employed an attorney here to fight
the case, but later changed his mind
and left for the south peaceably, where
he is to answer to the several charges
made against him.
State ot Washington to Experiment
With Honor System.
OLTMFIA. Wash., Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) Superintendent Frank Randolph,
or the state rock quarry at Meakill,
who has handled, convict labor camps
for the state for four years, has been
designated by Highway Commissioner
Roberts to take charge of the honor
road camp of convicts with which
Washington will experiment for the
first time on the Hoods Canal highway.
Roberts and Randolpb went to Walla
Walla today to select 25 or SO honor
men from the penitentiary. Each will
be paid SO cents a day and promised
a conditional pardon after doing from
three to nine month's road work.
R. O. Baker, now foreman at the
Dixie quarry, will be promoted to the
superintendency of the Meskill quarry.
Vancouver Council Allows $263 In
Suit Over Cemetery Site.
VANCOUVER. Waslu. Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) Mayor Irwin, who refused to
sign the warrant of (10.900 for the pur
chase of the Adams' tract tor a ceme
tery site, and who was defendant in
mandamus proceedings on this account,
taking the matter Into the Supreme
Court, will be reimbursed In the sura
of t-63.71 by the city, the Council vot
ing to do this. This amount does not
include attorneys- fees.
While reports from Olympia say
Mayor Irwin will be compelled to sign
the warrant, he has received no official
notification of this fact. Before the
Supreme Court made the decision, the
City Council voted to cancel the waf
rant. go this may be a new phase in the
buying of a cemetery for the city.
Former Methodist Minister Does Not
J'ijjht Extraditlon."
ALBAXT. Or.. Aug. 19. (Special.)
Deputy Sheriff Smith and Deputy Dis
trict Attorney Burk. of Tulare County,
Families Are Favored- and Bachelors
Subjected to Test Employes,
However, Are Plentiful.
OREGOX CITY, Or.. Aug. 19. (Spe
claL) Industrial Workers of the World
are not wanted in the hopyards near
here. Several of the biggest hopgrow
ers of this district have instructed their
representatives to employ only men
whom they personally know and who
they are sure .are free from the propa
ganda of the anarchistic order.
The representatives have been In
structed to favor married men and their
families and to take on only those
single men who are well known and
whose tendencies do not align them
with the I. W. W.
Hop pickers are going into the yards
by the hundreds and L W. W.'s have
been barred by the most stringent tests.'
Many of the pickers are taking their
families with them, and the growers
report that they are having no trouble
in getting men.
One representative was instructed to
get 150 men for a yard. He has more
than 250 on the list, all eager for jobs.
The disorders in Portland, California
and other points have placed the grow
ers on their guard, and they declare
that they will take every measure to
prevent L W. W. from getting into the
Seattle Pioneer Was Born at Xorth
Yamhill In 1860.
Men's Fall-Weight Serges
THERE'S a special price on these new Fall
Navy ' Serge Suits and they're just the
weight for the present and for early Autumn
f 4L
In every style that's wanted fitted coats, box
back, English sack models to fit you, whether
medium, slender or' stout.
A decidedly clever buy for you. at the price
' $14.85 .
Nev Fall models are on display all At lahrio
producing countries are represented the height of
perfection in fine American tailoring $20 to $40.
Morrison Street atJElourth
Portland and Molalla Wen See
Picturesque Town.
SEATTLE, Wash, Aug. 19. (Special.)
Robert Merchant, 63 years old. native I jneetlng
of Oregon and pioneer of Seattle, died
at his home this morning, 2763 Wash
ington street, from a complication of
stomach trouble and dropsy.
Mr. Merchant was born In North
Yamhill. Or.. January 11, 1860, on a
homestead which his parents had taken
after crossing te plains from Iowa in
an ox team. He lived there until 1882,
when he came to this city. Prior to
the Seattle Are, 1889, be was proprietor
of the largest candy-making business
in the state, situated on the present
site of the Colman building. After the
fire he engaged In the merchandise
business until three years ago, when
he organized the Ohio Investment Com
pany with H. EL Domlny.
He is survived by a widow. Minnie
M. Merchant; a son. Clause C. Merchant,
of this city, and a daughter, Grace Gray,
who lives in Australia; two brothers.
William Merchant, living on the old
homestead at North Yamhill, and War
ren Merchant, of Carlton. Or., and a
sister, Maria Hendricks, of Seattle.
Council Rescinds Action.
ASTORIA. Or.. Aug. 19. (Special.)
The Municipal Council at its meeting
ast evening decided to rescind its
former action in ordering another S9600
automobile chemical engine and hose
wagon. The reason for this decision
was an Irregularity In the manner of
awarding the contract and the an
nouncement by the insurance com
panies that the purchase ot the addi
tional equipment would have no effect
In reducing the rates of insurance.
Newspaper Men on Portland, Eugene
: Eastern Junket Are Photo
graphed at Resting Place
of Homer Davenport.
SILVERTON. Or.. Aug. 19. (Special.)
Silverton was favored with a visit by
number of men of more or less prom
inence Sunday afternoon. According to
announcement, a large delegation from
the Molalla Commercial Club came over
automobiles for the purpose of
special train carrying of
ficials o' the Portland, Eugene as East
ern. Railroad and about 20 newspaper
men from Portland.
The Molalla "boys" came about 11
o'clock, in order that they might have
a little time to look the town over.
They were met by members of the Sil
verton Commercial Club and enter
tained .until the arrival of the special,
which was at 8:40. They all seemed
favorably impressed with conditions
and expressed satisfaction at the large
area oi pavea streets. aiiiuiib me
members of the visiting club was G.
J. Tavlor. editor of the Molalla Pioneer.
When i the special train arrived it
brought Mark Woodruff, publicity man
for the Portland, Eugene & Eastern
Railroad Company, besides representa
tives of all the publications in the
metropolis. As soon as they alighted
a tihotograoh was taken by J.
Drake, local photographer, and then
the delegation went to the cemetery to
see Homer Davenport's grave. At this
place another picture was taken of the
newspaper men standing at the foot ot
the grave of the man who was so good
a friend to the fraternity during his
lifetime. All expressed satisfaction at
the splendid, thrifty appearance of con
ditions generally in this vicinity, and
went on their way to Molalla by au
tomobile, and from there to Canby,
taking the route chosen for the Port
land, Eugene Eastern road.
Blight Preventive Out.
HOOD RIVER. Or, Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) For fear that fruit growers of
the Northwest may be prone to follow
the advices of certain people of the
Northwest, who assert that the blights
that attack pear and apple trees are
not bacterial, the United States Depart
ment of Agriculture has Just issued
bulletin, which has been received by-
local growers. The department's ex
perts have met with success in cutting
out the affected parts ot the trees with
a mixture of one part corrosive sudm
mate and 1000 parts water.
A portion of the report of the Depart
ment of Agriculture Is as follows:
That pear blight Is a bacterial disease of
the pear tree is not open to discussion.
The scientists have established clearly the
existence of the bacteria by means of micro
scopic examination, and have reproduced the
disease by inoculating- rruu ana trees wnu
them. The verm Is the bacillus amylovorus.
It is an oval-shaped body, and is 1-18.O0O of
an inch long and 1-25.000 of an inch across,
and can be seen clearly with a high-power
microscope. Moreover, the scientists nave
niMil 4hs bacteria In the laboratories and
have used them a large number of times in
their experiments to Infect healthy trees
and fruit. Wherever this bacillus has been
introduced Into a healthy tree or fruit, the
near blight has followed. The scientists
have also proved that the disease can be
communicated from the blossoms of an
affected tree to healthy trees by bees and
other Insects.
I : : 5
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Photo by Drake.
, Bark Raw, John T. Dongal. of Spectator (Face Partially Hidden by
Flo were) t P. K. SnUlvaa, ot Catholic Seattnel; J. 1 Wallin. ot Ore
goa Jonraalt Mark Woodruff, of, Portland, Eogeae 4t Eastern Rall
wayi Shad O. Kraals, ot Oregaataa. and T. J. Taylor, of Molalla.
Frost Root, staadias;, W. T. Bnrkaaaa, ot Portlaao Railway. Light
Jt Power Com pa art J. Kyis, ot Portland Dally Kewat Editor Hodges,
ot Mlvertoa Appeal! H. J. Lsnsse, of Paetfle Skaadinavea; M.
Moaeeaoha. ot Chamber of Comnerre Bolletlol Krerge Carry, of
Forest Grove Press, aad Judge C L. Gaateabela, of Portlaad Hacht
rtrhtea Kneeling in Front, A. Rosenthal, of Portland Press Clnbj
Arthnr BlsnaaaJ, of Italian Tribune, and W. P. Straadborg, of Even
ing Tele
Visitors Shown Valley and Are to
Pass Two Days in Crater Jjake
Xational Park..
MEDFORD. Or.. Aug. 19. (Special.)
Mrs. Franklin K. Lane, wife of the
Secretary of the Interior, and Mr. and
Mrs. Adolph Miller, Mr. Miller being
Assistant Secretary of the Interior, ar
rived In Medford' today and were taken
in automobiles about the) valley and
shown the famous Hillcrest orchards
by Reginald H. Parsons, the owner.
Tonight a dinner was given at the
Medford Golf and Country Club by Mr.
and Mrs. P. W. Hamill, In honor of
Mrs. Lane and Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
Mr. Hamill and Mr. Lane are friends of
many years standing. Later, at the
University Club, Secretary Miller was
given an informal reception by the
members, and made a few remarks
complimentary to the valley and the
reception he had received throughout
the Northwest.
Tomorrow the Lane party, accom
panied by Will G. Steele, supervisor of
the Crater Lake Xational Park, will
motor to Crater Lake, where a atop of
two days will be made, during which
time the Assistant Secretary will make
an inspection of the park. Important
announcements regarding the Federal
policy toward the administration of the
park are expected
Colorado Operators Refuse to
Treat With Union.
State Federation of Labor Indorses
Effort of United Mlneworkers to
Obtain Recognition Killing
of Llppiat Is Justified.
TRINIDAD. Colo, Aug. 19. Indorse
ment of the efforts now being made by
the United Mine Workers of America
to secure recognition of the coal opera
tors In District 15, waa embodied In an
emergency resolution" passed this af
ternoon by the Colorado State Federa
tion of Labor in session here.
The resolution, which also condemned
the policy of the coal operators of ira
porting armed guards and promised the
moral support ot the affiliated unions
In the event the miners should striae,
precipitated a stormy scene in the con
vention. Charges of "traitors" and "Is-
cariots of the labor cause" were made.
A deadlock still exists in the threat
ened strike of union miners, the union
leaders demanding recognition and the
coal operators flatly refusing to treat
with the organization.
Frank J. Payes, National vice-presi
dent of the United Mine Workers, de
clared today that the strike would be
called the moment it became certain
that no other hope remained of settling
the demands of the unionists.
The shooting of Gerald Lippiatt, an
organizer of the United Mine Workers,
who was killed in a pistol duel with
G. W. Belcher and Walter Belle, Bald
wln-Felte guards, in this city Saturday
night, waa Justifiable in the opinion of
the Coroner's jury which Investigated
the anralr this afternoon.
Sample Models
New Suits, Coats
and Presses
For Fall Wear
iWomen :who appreciate newness
in design and cleverness in tailor
ing "will surely be delighted with
the splendid showing of new Coats,
Suits and Dresses at this store.
You are especially invited to
come early, for the unusual values
and the- pleasing appearance of
these new sample models will sell
them fast. They are specially
Sample Models
Sample Models
Sample Models
$30.00 '
Sample Models
Sample Models
You'll Like the Way the Garments Fit Yo'u
Sample Coats, Suits and Dresses
Corner Sixth, and Alder, Opposite Oregonian Bldg.
Babe Drowns in Barrel.
OREGON CITY". Or Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) While her brother and sister
were playing in the yard the 3-year-old
daughcer of Mr. and Mrs. Chris
Goble was drowned in a barrel of rain
water at the family residence, three
miles from Canby. Saturday night.
Vancouver Women Present Petition
to City Council.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. IS. (Spe
cial.) Play grounds. Including swim
mlng pools, on every school site In this
city may be the result of a visit to the
City Council of a number of Woman s
Christian Temperance Union members.
with a petition of 300 names, asking
the Council to assist in providing some
place for the children to play. Mrs.
Elizabeth. Sterling, who will assume
the duties of County Superintendent on
September 1, spoke in behalf of the pe
tition. The matter probably will be taken up
this Fall, when several bond issues
may be submitted to the voters. Plans
Attractive Home
Two-story bungalow, extra large living-room and dining-room,
hardwoo floors,- beamed ceilings, beautiful pan
eled walls, artistic electric fixtures; plate-glass windows,
Inglenook wide brick fireplace to ceiling, built-in book
cases, music cabinet, buffet and seats; Dutch kitchen,
broom closets, dust and clothes chutes, cold water coiled '
refrigerator; screened-in back porch, screeued-in east living-porch,
12x36 ft; screened-in sleeping porch, extra
large cleeping-rooms, two large closets each room, linen
room, built-in chiffoniers each room, fine tile bathroom,
cedar closet for furs ; high basement, floor concrete ; fruit
room, lauadry tubs, extra room plastered; hot-water heat
throughout. In fact, every convenience of modern cozy
home. Built by owner for permanent home. For special
reasons owner must sell.
Beautiful grounds, roses, shade and fruit trees, lawn,
etc Recently shown by Sunday Oregonian as one of the
fine homes of the district. .
View of city and mountains; excellent ear service, near
good schools, clubhouse, churches and stores.
Right home for right party. Can offer fine terms.
Small cash or clear lot or acreage for first payment; bal
ance mortgage at low interest.
If interested, investigate. No agents.
M. 301, Oregonian. Tabor 2265, Main 6376, A 4361.
for the City Hall also provide tor
large swimming pool under it.
New Home of Dr. ' Owens-Adair
Scene of Happy Housewarming.
WARRENTON, Or- Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) Many were the old acquaint
ances renewed today at the new home
of Dr. B. A. Owens-Adair. It was a
splendid tribute to the host that men
and women of all walks and ages left
their farms, offices, homes or business
to spend the day with her In genuine
old picnic style.
Automobiles, buggies, hayracks,
buckboards, boats and the railroad were
used, by the guests to reach Granview
farm, but it mattered not what mode
of transportation the individuals could
afford, for when congregated together,
they- became one huge happy family.
Tonight the farm 1s thronged with
people that stayed to attend the ball.
Dying Dog Causes Xear Panic.
VANCOUVER, Wash.. Aug. 19. (Spe
cial.) A big white Spitz clog ran yelp
ing Into a dry goods store at Seventh,
and Main streets today, when It was
filled with women, and created a stam
pede for the stools and counters. The
dog had been run over by an automo
bile, the driver not looking back. Not
knowing where he was going, the dog
ran into the store door and then
dropped dead.
Wednesday "Jf
$1.00 SALE
For one day Wednesday, Bargain
Day we will hold a Dollar Sale for
the purpose of cleaning up all small
lots of White Waists, Chiffon Waists,
Silk Waists, House Dresses, Petti
coats, Children's Dresses.
We mean J"jj
to De
bythl fir-VCOATSUIT:
value. SHOP
388-90 E. Morrison St., Near Grand Ave.
beashore Limited
at 9 Every Morning
- r - .
Saturday Special 2 o'CIock
Quickest, Most Comfortable "Way to the Ocean
side Resorts.
Northwest Golf Tourney
August 20-23
ticket orncE
Fifth and Stark Streets
Marshall 920
Eleventh and Hoyt Sts.
GO loao