THE MORXIXG OREGONIAX. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20, . 1913. '3 OIGGS CASE READY FOR JURY TODAY Women Crowd Courtroom to See Handsome Prisoner Who Blames Girl. DEFENSE TESTIMONY BRIEF Xo Effort Made to Deny Facts as o Trip to, Ilcno, Lawyers Trying Only to Show That Motive t night AVas Fear Alone. SAX FRANCISCO. Aug. 19. Who Rtll limit the devotion of a wfe Mrs. Maury Diggs sat today In th courtroom where her husband stands charged as a white slaver, heard him testUy under hostile questions that he liai been unfaithful to her with Marsha Warrington In their own bed room, and 20 minutes later herself took th witness stand to testily in nis With her evidence the defense and the. Government alike rested and the Government began its argument to the Jury. By stipulation of Judge van Fleet each side has two hours and 20 minutes In which to convince the Jury and the case will be In their hands late tomorrow afternoon. Three Witnesses Take Stand. Three witnesses held the stand to day. Maury Diggs occupied the fore noon with his own account of the words, deeds and fears that led up to his final flight to Reno with Marsha Warrington, accompanied by Drew Caminettl and Lolo Norris, thei close friends. They were arrested in Reno, Xev., brought back to Sacra mento and the two men charged by the Federal Government with violation of the Mann act, which makes it a felony to transport women from one state to another for Immoral purposes. Caminetti will be prosecuted an nounced the Government today, when the jury has made up its mind about Biggs, and regardless of whether it finds him innocent or guilty, or dis agrees. ' The other two witnesses were Mrs. Caminetti and Mrs. Diggs. Both were questioned briefly and the substance of their discourse was of the sleepless ness, erratic, nervous behavior, the exercise of worriment that character ized their husbands for the week, be ginning March 3 and ending In Keno. Mrs. Camlnettl's Testimony Barred. Mrs. Diggs told how she had gone with her troubles to her father-in-law. Mrs. Caminetti tried to tell how she had threatened to interview Judge Hughes of the Juvenile Court, but Inasmuch as she did not go until after the arrests in Reno, the Judge held her testimony immaterial. Diggs was the center of the day. Handsomely gowned women stood two hours without luncheon In the corri dors of the Federal building to hear his concluding testimony in the after noon. For the first time since the trial began there were more women In at tendance than men. By early attend ance the men were in the majority dur ing the forenoon, but they capitulated to hunger and when they returned the women had -their seats.- "We have heard that Diggs is so handsome," the women whispered among themselves. "We want to hear what he has to say for himself. Any way, the girls were just as baa. Every Shade of Story Told. When Diggs was done the story he .and Marsha Warrington and Lola Nor rls have in turn related, had been told inside out and upside down, backwards and forwards. Chiefly his account was notable for its omissions. His lawyers did not attempt to have him deny that he bought the transportation to Keno, paid for the Pullman booths, and was intimate with Marsha Warrington in Nevada. All the stress was laid not on what he did but what he intended to do. Not a word was said of what happened at Reno. The case closed with no character witnesses introduced and no attempt niade to blacken the reputation of the girls before they met Diggs and Caml nettl. Under the rulings of Judge Van Fleet evidence of that nature was lm material. The Jury was there merely to determine did Diggs go across the state line with Marsha Warrington, did he pay her way. and did he go for Immoral purposes? What blackening of character was done Diggs did himself. He testified freely to the plight into which he had worked himself, and there was this bit of testimony about the companion of his errors: "Relate the facts concerning the visit of Lola Norrisv Caminetti. Miss War rington and yourself to your home on that night early in January during the absence of your wife. Did you take Miss Warrington into your wife's bed room?" Xlct Pnts Blame on Girl. "Miss Warrington took me In." Thereupon Diggs. testifying with, a display 'of reluctance, told of Miss War rington's alleged gloating because of her triumph over his wife. Mrs. Diggs was not forced to listen to all these details. She stood outside the door waiting to be called. But there was an ordeal In store for her. She had to submit to the curious com parison of the women between herself and Marsha. Warrington, who sat for 40 minutes at the Government's coun sel table, while the- courtroom stared first at mistress, then at wife. Mrs. Diggs is a strikingly pretty hrunette. Her manner was gentle and refined, her voice sweetly modulated, and her words well chosen. Neither she nor Mrs. Caminetti was cross-examined. To return to the preliminaries lead ing to Reno, as Marsha Warrington and Lola Norris would have them. Diggs was always the leader. His fears In fected them and his threats of scan dal overcame their timidity. Girl Blamed by Digs. Contrarywlse. as Diggs would have It. Marsha Warrington was the promp ter. The annoyances abroad and dis tress at home In which his entangle ment with her and the resultant neg lect -of business had enmeshed him were sufficient to drive him into hid- int;; they shook his will power until be could resolve one thing at a given moment and the opposite, the moment following: he did not dare to face his cwn father; he was- In momentary ter ror of arrest but never did he want to run away with his troubles; he wanted to run away from them. As lie put it today. "I had made up my mind 1 was going. I was going a'.one. I was going to get out." First he was going to Los Angeles. Business detained him. Then he was going to Join his father In Berkeley. Me had packed his valise in that in tent. But he missed the train. In stead he joined Caminetti and the girls again. By this time he was in a mood for anything. "I didn't care who went with me." he testified. Girls la Alarmed state. Tbe girls were in much the same desperate, panicky state of mind. Miss Xorris had never wanted to go and never would have gone had not Marsha Warrington persuaded, but Marsha herself was not steadily of one mind. When first scandal assailed her. as early as January of this year, it was she who had suggested an elopement to Diggs. When he tried to "let her down easv." "to disconnect. as he put It. she had called him a piker. "We girls have framed this." he testified she told him. "and you fellows have got to come along." And again: "Bellevs me! You're not going away and leave me" But later, after Miss Norris had finally consented to an elopement, they both changed their minds and even on the night they finally did go, Marsha Warrington, standing with her hand bag nacked. waiting for Caminetti to bring the money to the ticket office. had urged Diggs to go aione. A train stood waiting. "Your wife is wise to me. I'm scared to death." she had said. ."You'd better rn Take that train." "I'm no piker. I'm not going to leave you here. I m going to stay wltn you people anyway," he replied. Train to Los Ana-eles Hissed. So that train, too, rolled out of the station. Next came the China mail, east bound. There was a train to Los Angeles, but the girls had rejected it because it meant a four hours' wait in the earlv morning at a Junction. In short, the defense would show that the whole episode was a mad scramoie, a jumble of cross purposes ana loss ing emotions, conferences, agreements and disagreements, ending in a wild bolt for cover. "An escapade." Diggs called It. Judge Van Fleet asked that this definition be repeated for his better understand Ing, and. hearing it a second time, al lowed it to pass without comment. Diggs was a confident, cool wit. ness, ready and' earnest with his an swers. He looked his questioners square in the eye. dropping his gaze thoughtfully at times to his nanis. The Government seemed willing to concede he was agitated and fright ened before he went to Reno. In fact, earlier in the case Attorney Roche said the prosecution willingly ad. mitted that Diggs was anxious to go. It centered Its efforts on putting to the front everything sordid, nasty and discreditable to Diggs. This testimony he gave reluctantly. Proseentlon Somi TL'p. In summing up, Roche said in part: "We are satisfied from the evidence in this case that the court will instruct you that the defendant did commit an infraction of the white slave act, and we shall expect that you will find him guilty. "He took these girls to Reno for the purpose and intent denounced by the Mann act and the facts have been demonstrated before you. There Is no conflict in the evidence and the only question for you to determine is whether the intent was there. "The defense says Diggs was nerv ous and excited and beside himself, but he wasn't too nervous to buy a ticket to Reno and to purchase the drawing room with its sequestered' berths. He ought to have been agitated and ex cited. He was leaving behind him the good, pure woman, the mother of his child, who has come here in loyalty and devotion to shield him before you from the consequences of his act. Two Sections Not Used. "There were two unoccupied sections in that car. If he wasn't on that trip for Immoral purposes he could have put the girls in one section and be and Caminetti could have taken the other. But Diggs did what a decent man couldn't have done. He hired the draw ing-room for the four of them and be fore that train left the community in which his own home !s situated and where his wife was living he had for gotten her. Diggs was tne seir-constuutea doss of the expedition. He always took the best things for "himself t the front rooms and the lorer berthsi He rented the bungalow and bought the victuals and did all of those things a major domo might have been expected to do. There is not one syllable of testimony offered to contradict the witness for the Government about the trip on the train and the doings In Nevada. "Xellle Barton was telling the truth. Harris, the attorney, and Diggs told her to go to Marsha Warrington and tell her to protect the men when she was questioned: that uiggs would di vorce his wife and do anything she wanted him to do. Diggs was not con tent with what he had already done. He was ready to sacrifice another girl by having- her go out on such a mis-1 sion. Girls Not on Trial. "You must remember that neither girl Is on trial here. They came here under pressure to testify and are mere ly witnesses. I want you to remember this in the event that the defense sees fit to attack their character. Do you believe they would have come volun tarily to tell the terrible tale that fell from their quivering lips?" Here adjournment cut the Govern ment short. Roche will conclude In 20 minutes tomorrow, beginning at 10 o'clock, and Robert Devlin will then open for the defense and speak one hour and ten minutes. The remainder of the two hours and 20 minutes allowed to the defense win go to Attorney Nathan Coghlan if he is physically able. He drank the wrong medicine by mistake last Satur day and has been under the care of a physician since. Matt I. bulllvan will make the closing address for the pros ecution and will finish by ten minutes of 6. barring unforeseen delays. The Judge will then charge the jury and the case will be In their hands before 6 o'clock. ERTAKERS TO MEET OKEGOX AXD WASHINGTON' AS SOCIATIONS TO rXITE. Organizations of Two States AVill Hold Joint Sessions at Van couver Next Week. VANCOUVER, Wash, Aug. 19. (Spe cial.) Though Vancouver Is far from "dead" town, it will have more un dertakers than any city of 1,000,000 In habitants the last of this month, when the Washington and Oregon Under takers' Association will hold Joint ses sions. August ?8 the undertakers of Oregon will hold a session In Portland, and the men of the Washington organisation will meet here. On August 29 and SO both bodies, about ZOO in number, will hold joint meetings here. On August 23 the ' Washington undertakers will dine the Oreg-on members, while on August 30 the Oregon association will return the compliment. There are three undertaking firms In this city Victor H. Limber. County Coroner: W. J. Knapp. ex-Coroner, and F. W. Beatty, all of whom are assist ing in making arrangements for the entertainment of the delegates. Mining Experts See Smelters. BUTTE. Mont.. Aug. 19. Members of the American institute of mining en gineers today hoarded a special train and journeyed to Anaconda, where an inspection was made of the Washoe copper smelters of the Anaconda Copper Company. In the afternoon a technical session was held, following which the engineers returned to Butte. The in stitute will conclude tomorrow with the election of officers and a banquet. 1 1 The Last Sale of Summer Wearing Apparel Deepest Reductions Linen Suits and Tub Dresses Far Below Wholesale Cost For Immediate Disposal ADVANCEMENT Have you ever heard about the incredulous old farmer who stood looking at the first railroad train to enter his part of the country? It was many years ago, when rail road trains were new. "That thing will never go," he announced scornfully, as the pre historic engine stood wheezing and coughing on its brand-new tracks. Presently the miracle wa per forming with much clanging of the bell and several deafening toots of the whistle the engine began to move. It gathered rate. But the old fanner was not to be so easily impressed. "That thing will never stop," he said with undiminished conviction. But of course it stopped. Whether or not the old settler allowed himself to belie v in the new fangled conveyance after that the story does not say. This store tries to make improve ments every day, some of them very small, for we believe that there is no detail too trivial to merit attention. Each day we take a step forward toward THE BIG IMPROVEMENT PERFECTION IN STORE KEEPING. Linen Suits to $8.50 Each, Special at $2.50 Linen Suits to $16.50 Each, Special $4.50 Tub Dressss to $7.50 Each, Special $2.50. Garments on Sale Are Exactly as Illustrated No half-hearted methods are employed in creating this sale. We have taken every linen suit in the store, assorted them into two lots, disregarded all former selling prices and paid no-attention to cost. -Our one object is to dispose of these stylish garments in the shortest possible time. To clear them out in a day. These suits and dresses are models created for immediate wearv All new, spic and span. Certainly the most oppor tune occasion for any woman in need of one of these prac tical, service-giving garments. The $2.50 linen suits come in Copenhagen, white and natural two and three-button cutaway and bloused jackets; skirts straight models and draped. Heavy embroidered collars. The linen suits selling up to $16.50 come in colors, rose, natural, Copenhagen, navy and white. Three and five-button cutaway, straight model back, trimmed with pin tucks and buttons. One model fastens well to one side, slightly bloused, eyelet embroidered collar. Also plain blouse, with belt and white pique collar and cuffs. Skirts . are draped and straight models, trimmed with buttons. Cuffs are finished with buttons. The dresses are corded dimity, in black and white, tan, rose, blue and white and lavender. One model, white Bedford cord, trimmed with 'rose, lavender, blue. It is a coat dress with white leather belt. Some with lace yokes and cuffs, with velvet ribbon run through eyelets in yoke. A few serges and corduroys in the lot. Third Floor nWof Us & (2a. Merchandise of J Merit Only" 900 Sample Veils of Chiffon Cloth, Shetland and Lace Drapes at Special Prices New Fall Veils From $1.00 to $2.50 Wednesday 59c An Unusual, Remarkable, Offering in Made Veils Secured these samples by purchasing a manufacturer's entire stock. It gives us keenest delight to be able to offer this sale to our patrons. The chiffon cloth veils come 2 1-2 yards long by 1 yard wide. Others in yard-wide squares. Just figure how much more the ma terial costs off the piece than we are offering these made-up veils for. They come in navy, sky, white, black, cardinal, myrtle, emerald, brown and other colors. Lowest-price veil at regular is $1.00; the bulk of them, however, range from $1.50 to $2.50 each. The Shetland and lace-drape veils are one yard and a half long by 22 inches wide. Some are finished with chenille spots; others self-figured. White and black lace drapes. Many pretty Spanish and French lace patterns are to be found in this assortment. As in the chiffon cloth veils, the lowest-priced veil in this assortment retails for $1.00. The majority, however, sell from $1.50 to $2.00 each. First Floor. Xm m I $2.50 Crepe Kimono, Special $1.89 $1.65 Crepe Kimono, Special $1.10 The $1.89 kimono is made of splendid quality serpentine crepe, in light and dark colors and in a variety of the most striking and at tractive patterns. In more than one model loose, flowing style or the high-waisted empire fashion. Prettily trimmed down front, round neck and on slashed sleeves with shirrings of satin ribbon and fasten ing with silk loops in front. The $1.10 kimono is made of the serpentine crepe, too, and is shown in two models. Comes in the plain or figured crepe, in a large assortment of colors and patterns. One model (like the il lustration) has deep yoke and cuffs of sateen in' contrasting color and short set-in sleeves. The other model is finished with satin bandings at neck, round sleeves and down front. Fourth Floor. More Matting Cases More New Trunks At Very Special Prices There are three suitcases for your choice in this new shipment one at $1.48, one at $1.98 and one at $2.50. The $1.48 model is made of genuine malting, over a wooden frame; has leather corners, brass bolts and lock -and is 24 inches in size. "P"e S1.S8 ce is .-dso of the genuine matting, made over a wooden frame, with leather-bound corners and brass lock and bolts. i-.ncn case. The $2.50 case is equipped with leather corners, brass bolts and lock, inside pockets and straps. 24-inch case of genuine matting. Two Trunk Specials, $7.95 and $9.95 The $7.95 trunk has a large canvas-covered box, with fiber bind ing and bumper trimmings. Valance clamp on the box. front dowels, bars and lock and our large hinges. It is equipped with heavy cow hide straps, with strap protectors, and has one deep tray. This is a 36-inch trunk. The $9.95 trunk is a steamer model, canvas-covered with a fiber binding and center band. Bumper trimmings, valance clamps, large bolts and locks, two straps and strap protectors. Cloth-lined through out In sizes 34. 36 and 38 inches. Bmuat. $1.00 Specials in Bohemian Glass Beautiful gold-decorated Bo hemian Glassware, deeply en graved gold fern pattern a most graceful design. One special is an 8-inch comport, tvith (y-inch saucer, nhich comes in three different designs Priced af$1.00. The second special is a pansy or violet basket, 6 inches in diameter, suitable for table decoration priced al $1 .00. slxth rioor. Women's and Children's Hosiery, $1.00 Pair "Silk Service" Hose our own particular brand. Women's stockings of pure silk a stocking that gives the ultimate in service. Made with long-wearing, durable cotton garter tops and spliced cotton heels, soles and toes. They come in black, white, tan and a variety of shades. $1.75 SILK HOSE, $1.39 Made of ingrain silk, in black only. Strong, fine elastic cotton garter tops and cotton soles, heels and toes. Ex tra wide and long. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS "Wear-Well" Brand, 25c Suitable for girls or boys. Ages 4 to 1 7 years. Medium or heavy weight black cotton, made with narrowed ankles tor perfect tit, fashioned teet. Unusually good quality, extra long, full and elastic Children's Hose, 35c; 3 for $1 Children's silk-plaited ribbed stock ings, in fast black, pure white or varied tan shades. Seamless, full and elastic. First Floor. From the Linen Section Embroidered Pieces, Special 49c Each Consisting of stand covers, pillow shams, scarfs and centerpieces. The shams are in hemstitched and scalloped edges. 30x30 inches square. The centerpieces come round, with scalloped edges, beautifully embroidered in pad and tambour effects, on linen-finish cloth of ex cellent quality. 30 inches in diameter. Round Scalloped Edge Table Cloths 45 inches in diameter, $1.75 each . 54 inches in diameter, $1.98 each 72 inches in diameter, $3.49 each These cloths are made of round thread linen-finished pure white cloth, with fast finished scalloped embroidered edges, in many at tractive patterns, bordered to match. TRIUMPH SHEETS AND PILLOW CASES We feel perfectly confident in saying these are absolutely the best sheets in Portland at the price. They are made of clean, long fiber cottor, torn before hemming, insuring perfect shape after laundering.- , - - ' ' Size 54x90 inches, 63c each Size 63x90 inches, 68c each Size 63x99 inches, 75c each Size 72x90 inches. 75c each Size 72x99 inches. 85c each Size 72x 1 08 inches. 90c each Size 8 1 x 90 inches. 85c each Size 81 x 99 inches. 90c each Size 90x 99 inches. 95c each Size 90x108 inches. $1.00 ea. TRIUMPH PILLOW CASES Size 42x36 inches. 19c each Size 45x38 1-2 inches, 23c each WHITE PIQUE SPECIAL, 20c YARD A round, full cord warp welt pique, in soft corduroy finish. Fine, medium and large welts. Specially suitable for skirts, one-piece dresses, children's wear. $1.50 LONGCLOTH SPECIAL, $1.09 PIECE Twelve yards of 36-inch material to the piece. Soft finish, with no dressing. Sold only by the piece at this price. Basement. Women's Flannelette Gowns $1.25 Gowns Special, 98c 75c Gowns Special, 59c Just the gown for those going to the beach, to the country or for sleeping porch wear. Made of pretty light blue and pink and white striped outing flannel of superior quality. High or low necks, long sleeves. Prettily trimmed with feather - stitching button - holing and fancy braid. Fourth Floor. Brassieres of Quality 50c Every day the brassiere becomes more popular. We have a variety of models in a splendid assortment De Bevoise. B. & J.. H. & W. and W. B. all marked at 50c each. They are lace or embroidery trimmed, forming yokes or edgings: round or square necks. In crossback or hook-front style. Sizes 32 to 46. Foarta Floor. Men's, Women's and Children's Pumps and Oxfords At Special Prices $4.00 Women's Pumps, made of black satin, black and brown suede, dull calf and white nubuck. All the popular materials of the season and in the newest and most favored models $1.95 $4 to $4.50 Men's Oxfords, in vici kid, black and tan calf, in lace or button models $3.15. Boys' Oxfords, in dull calf and tan calf, with welt soles and lace or button styles $1.95. $3.50 and $4.00 Women's Pumps, in dull calf and white nu buck. with tip of the same material. Welt soles and medium heels. Spe cial. $1.95. French Plays in the Original By EdmondRostand Chanticleer, L'Aiglon, Cyrano De Bergerac. La Samaritaine, Les Romanesque. By Maeterlinck Monna Vanna. L'Oiseau Bleu. Joyzelle. By Brieux Maternite. L Armature. La Deserteuse, L'Eva sion, Les Bienfaiteur. Les Remplacantes. Basement "The Iron Trail" by Rex Beach A powerful story. On sale Book Department Price $1.35 Basement. From the Home-Furnishing 5th Floor Store 40c Japanese Matting 23c yard. 1 80 warp Japanese patterns, plain or figured, light or dark grounds, in tan, blue, brown red and green. 36 inches wide. 75c Printed Linoleum 57c 10.00 yards of the best standard printed linoleum, in a large vari ety of patterns, in wood inlaid arid tile designs light and medium dark grounds. $1.50 Inlaid Linoleum $1.19 Standard inlaid linoleum in light and medium dark grounds, in a large variety of new patterns. $35.00 Axminisler Rugs $27.50 Axminister rugs of superior quality in beautiful patterns, in Oriental, floral and conventional designs. A large variety of patterns, small and medium figures, in tan and brown shades; also many Oriental patterns in soft rich colorings. Cotton Fleeced Blankets 85c Cotton Fleeced Blankets. $1.00 Cotton Fleeced Blankets. $1.25 Cotton Fleeced Blankets. $1.50 Cotton Fleeced Blankets. . $1.75 Cotton Fleeced Blankets. . Summer blankets, firmly woven, cotton fleeced, in white, gray, tan, with pretty striped fancy borders. . . . 69c ... 85c ... 98c ..$1.29 . .$1.47