Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 20, 1913, Page 20, Image 20

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Read "Laddie-A True Blue Story," Just Published, Price $1.35 Written by the Author of " Girl of the LimberlosrBookstore, Basement Annex
The New Fall Suits for Men Are Here-The Famous Invincible" Make at $16.50 Equals $25 Suits Offered Elsewhere-Third Floor Men's Store
to polish furniture and woodwork Invariably acclaim
this wonderful Invention a great labor silver. With
the least effort and without stooping or bending, floors
and woodwork can be polished and cleaned, and with
the most satisfactory results. This remarkable mop
f:athers the dust and holds It. which lessens the dust
ng so necessary heretofore after the older methods
of sweeping and cleaning. See the O'Cedar Mop
demonstration today in oar Big Basement Store. This
mop Is only $1.50. Polish for same from 25c to $3.50.
according to quantity. Bin- Biimnl Stare.
Again Today Our Sale of
Toilet Goods and Drugs
Continues to Offer Our
Patrons Great Economy !
We Are Never Undersold
Enjoy Today's 50c Luncheon
11 TO 2iS6 P. M.
Scotch Broth with Barley. Coiuanc Prlneeaae or Iced
Staffed Olives Dill Plrklrm
Boiled Columbia Hlver Salmon. Sauce Kir he Pommea RIeI
Choice of Breaded Hoaat Uak Tomato Sinn Shirred
Kago, an tirntln Itonat Loin of Pork Apple Sauce
Cold Sliced Veal I. oaf Peach Preaerveo Maxbrd Potatoea
Steamed Potatoea Snmmer Sejaaah Cold Slaw
Sliced Pineapple or Strawberry lee Cream
Ten Coffee Iced Ten Milk Buttermilk '
Seventh Floor Restaurant . Direct Elevator
$23.00 Seamless Velvet Rugs at $17.50
Plain Green, Size 9x12
Wool & Fiber Rugs, 9x12, only $6.75
20c Heavy China Matting, Yard at 11c
Third Floor Carpet Department Mala BuIldIaK Mall Order Filled.
m4 h
& Frank's Semi-Annual $33 Sale Today
Offering for Today Only 17 Most Unusual Specials in Furniture at $3.33
Telephone Stand and
Chairs of solid oak, fin
ished in fumed or wax
golden, regularly $7.00.
Saddle Seat Rockers of
solid oak, finished in wax
golden, elegant design, reg
ularly selling for $7.50. Special,
Imported Chinese Grass
Chairs with paper pocket
on side, strongly woven, just
as illustrated. Special,
Reed Rockers in Baronial
finish, a comfortable Rocker,
and practical, regularly $6.00,
Library Tables size of top
28x42, leg 2-li in. square, fin
ished in wax golden, with
drawer as illustrated, regular
ly $8.00. Special.
Library Tables size of top
2Sx42 in., legs 24 in. square,
finished in wax golden, with
drawer, regularly $9. Special,
Solid Oak High Chairs
with box frame and tray,
as illustrated, wax fin
ished, regularly . $6.50.
White Enamele
Cribs size 28x52
with good springs, in
design. Special,
d Iron
a neat
Imported Grass Chairs close
woven and strong, and will
give long service; just as illus
trated. Special,
Full Box Slip Seat and Chair
of solid oak, in genuine leath
er, finished waxed golden. Special,
5-Foot Extension Tables of
solid oak, finished in golden,
well constructed, regularly
$8.00. Special,
Oxidized Sanitary Couches
with splendid springs, well con
structed and comfortable. Special,
Kitchen Treasure with 2
bins, 2 drawers and 2 cutting
boards, with shellac base and
white top. Special,
Muft-aalne Staada of solid
oak finished in-early Eng
lish, with four shelves.
Cubist Underwear of Silk Here
Kayser's Make
The latest Silk Underwear novelty is
here the Cubist design and colorings in
embroidery on the finest quality of silk
and possessing the beautiful finish to be
found only in Kayser Silk Underwear.
These dainty and beautiful Garments are
made in Combination Suits, as illus
trated; also Vests and Knickerbockers.
. llilady fastidious . in dress will find
these garments a pleasing diversion from
the plain style.
Cubist Silk Combinations So.OO
Cubist Silk Vests 1 . ..$3.50
Cubist Silk Knickerbockers $3.75
-Flrat Floor, Main Bid.
Mall Ordera Filled.
Iron Beds just as illustrated,
finished in pretty shade of green
enamel, size 4x6 feet onlj-, regu
larly $6.00. Special,
I 1; I
Hardwood C h a ira
with brace arm, fin
ished in golden; splen
did design and durably
constructed; set of 4,
regularly $6.60; special,
Sanitary Kitchen Tables of
steel, finished in white en
amel, with nickeloid top, "in two
sizes. Size. 27x40, regularly $15;
size 18x40, regularly $12.50. Spe
Women's $2.50, $3.75 Shirts
Tailored Styles
Fe've a collection of handsome Tailored Shirts for women,
mannish styles with vokes, pockets and soft collars and cuffs,
made of soisette and fancy striped madras material. You'll be
delighted with the selection. They're worth $2.50 to $3.75, and
you may choose from them at the remarkable
price of, each . . .
Second Floor. Main Bids Mall Ordera Filled.
Supply Flour Needs Now
Flour made from new wheat is not satisfactory for baking, and soon it
will be difficult to buy any but new Flour. To" protect our customers
against disappointments we've secured nearly 2000 barrels of our well
known Royal Banquet Brand Flour, and prudent housewives will antici
pate Flour needs and purchase today at the special price of, J 09
Pure Food Grocery, Bnaement Mall Ordera Filled.
Silks, Dress Goods, Challies, Crepes
Colored Wash Goods
The Reason for This Remnant Sale is the daily arrival of large shipments of
new merchandise, crowding to capacity our stockrooms and shelves. To make
room for these incoming piece goods lines, we have marked all short lengths
as remnants and included in addition all other remnant pieces, pricing them for
quick disposal today at half price. Included are many desirable remnants of
Silks of every quality, a great variety of Dress Goods, Challies, Crepes and
Colored "Wash Goods. Every woman will find many wanted pieces in this
great Remnant Sale today. Early selection is imperative for varied choice.
Half Price
For Wednesday Notion Day-
FREE to All Women
Bring this advertisement to our Notion Department todav and receive,
absolutely free, a regular JOc card of WILSON DHKSS HOOKS.
These popular Nw Dress Hooks are not ordinary hooks and eyes or
snaps they will completely overcome your dress fastening difficulties. The
free cards are not samples, but the same value for which you would regu
larly pay lc.
Don't neglect this opportunity to try the Wilson Dress Hooks you have
seen so wideiy advertised In the leading magazines and atj'le books. Used
by fashionable women everywhere and indorsed by leading dressmukers.
"l"T OUT THIS ADVKBTISKMEXT and present at our Notion Depart
ment. Large and small sizes; gray, black and white colors. One dozen on a
card. We cannot give a card to any one who has received a card free
from any merchant or the Wilson Dress Hook Co., Cleveland, Ohio. None
given to children.
Nation Dcpartnest, First Floor. New Bnlldlnn-.
Principal Portland agents for
Butterick Fashions. September De
lineator now ready 15.
Ftrat Floor, Mala Bldg.
Principal Portland Agents for the
famous Hole-Proof Hosiery for men.
women and children. Guaranteed tol
wear six months without hoies or
new hose free.
First Floor, Mala Bldg.
The- Qjjality' Stoe or- Portland I
B rft),SbcU,T1orriaoiv Alder 3ta. B
Circus Set Brings Joy to Boys and Girls
The Circus spirit will remain with the children long after
the famous Ringling Brothers' performance leaves the city,
and they'll take keen delight in having a Circus set after
wards, with which they may "play Circus." Our Toy De
partment has foreseen this desire of the children and is pre
pared with some especially appropriate Sets and Games. (
The Acrobat Sets comprise wooden chair and ladder,
with Clown and Acrobats. Regularly $1.00. Special, Q
the Set. OI7C
Spero Circus Sets consisting of Clowns and Animals,
chair, ladder, barrels, tumblers and ball. Regular- "I 1 9
ly $2. Special, the set P 1 0
Circus Clown with pet ducks that climb' ladders, and see
saws. Regularly $1.30. Special. 99S
Bring the Children to Our Fifth Floor Playgrounds Today.
New BnHdlnar- Mall Ortlerj Filled.
Jesse Stone, Wanted in California
for Embezzlement, Arrested Here.
"T guess 111 back to the jute mill for
mo." said Jesse Stone, dapper young
tourist, when he stepped off of a train
at tha Union Depot yesterday and was
intercepted by Detectives Itoyle and
(ioltz. Stone, recently paroled from
in Quentin penitentiary, is accused of
embezzling $400 from the San Francisco
firm which undertook his parole and
gave employment.
The detectives received word from
San Francisco just SO minutes before
the train was to arrive, and they were
on hand when Stone stepped down from
the car. They trailed him a short dis
tance down Sixth street and then
stopped him. He gave an assumed name
and said he waa from New York, but
later admitted his identity and tbe
crime with which he is charged.
Stone is a bookkeeper, lie waa pa
roled six months ago to a firm of
butchers, who trusted him lmplicitly
and allowed him to make the dally trip
to the bank. Every day for six months
he did his work punctually, handling
large sums of money. Laft Saturday,
instead of going to the bank, he went
to the ferry and crossed to Oakland,
carrying t00. He had 1336 when ar
rested. He will return without fight
ing extradition.
The United Rtstes produces about 88 per
cent, of th world's oj iters.
Vancouver Girl Ilescues Brother
With Family Bible.
When arraigned in Municipal Court
on- a charge of stealing milk bottles
from porches, Cecil -Oiler, of 1145 Hol
gate street, gave his -age as IS. He
drew a sentence of 60 days on the rock
pile.' Yesterday, when he was on his
10th day, his sister and brother-in-law
came over from Vancouver, Wash-, and
appeared before Municipal .Judge Ste
venson with the family Bible, which
showed that Cecil is only 17 years of
This takes him out of the Jurisdiction
of the Police Court and Into that of the
Juvenile Court. Satisfied that the boy
had been incorrect as to his age Judge
Stevenson ordered his release from the
rockpile and sent him to Probation
Officer Mcintosh, of the Juvenile Court.
The latter gave the lad a good lecture
and then let him go to Vancouver with
his brother-in-law, who guaranteed hiro
Cecil said that he lied about his age
in Municipal Court because he was
afraid of being sent to the State Train
ing School at Salem. A short rockpile
sentence, in. his opinion, was prefcrabfe
to this.
Two Burned jn Troot I.akc Fire.
TROUT LAKE. Wash., Aug. 1.
Frank Pepper and son, Clarence, were
seriously burned in a fire which oc
curred at the Brown sawmill here early
Sunday morning. In attempting to save
his wife and baby from the flames after
forcing' the smaller children out of a
window to safety. Mr. Pepper was badly
burned about the back from head to
feet, as the stairway fell, being weak
ened by the flames. Mrs. Pepper and
baby were uninjured. It is believed tha
fire started .from a lighted match
dropped by an automobilist who stopped
near the barn to pick up a passenger
at about Z o'clock Sunday morning.