18 THE MORNING OKEGOMAX. "WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 20, 1913. INTERSTATE WATER OFFERS PROBLEMS States and Nation Must Find Way to Solve New Con ditions, Says Lane. CELILO FALLS IS EXAMPLE Washington, Oregon and Federal Government All Interested in De velopment of Power, but Juris diction Is In Question. That an entirely new situation con fronts the Government in the handling of interstate waterpowers, and that it probably be necessary to handle it In an entirely new way. is the opinion of Secretary of the Interior Lane. The Oregon phase of this new situa tion was called to the attention of Sec. retary Lane by State Knglneer Lewis, as they came down the banks of the Columbia on the return from the trip to Redmond Monday. They had been discussing the possi bilities of power development of the river below Celilo Falls, near The Dalles. Xo fixed authority exists that could permit the development of the vast power there. Both the States or Ore gon and Washington are interested in and have a certain authority over the water and power of' tho Columbia, which, as a navigable stream, is also under the Jurisdiction of the Federal Government. Power Commlmttom Snasjested. State Engineer Lewis suggested to Secretary Lane that the solution of the problem could be reached by the for mation of a Federal water and power commission, to have Jurisdiction over all questions where Interstate rights, or the right of any state and the right of the Government, are Involved. "This problem confronts the United States for the first time," said Secre tary Lane, "and some method should certainly be devised for meeting It." To show that the Government Is capable of meeting new situations In new ways. Secretary Lane cited the case of an irrigation project in the Lake Pend d'Oreille district of Idaho, where the Government owns the dam and reservoir, but leases It to a private rompany. The company, however, ts limited in the charges It may make to water-users, as the Government bases the amount of Its leasage on that charge. He cited cases in the Flathead Lake district of Montana and near Helena, as involving: new questions of policy as to the handling of water and power development. Columbia Holds Vast Power. " great power will some day be developed here on the Columbia, whether by tho State of Oregon, the Federal Government, or by private en terprise, acting under certain policies that will Insure the greatest benefit to the user of water or power," lie said. "This Columbia River power, pro duced, as it can be, at a low cost, may be used to pump water to irrigate vast tracts of land now useless." State Engineer Lewis gave as other Instances of the need of a Federal Commission on water and water power the conditions that exist on the Snake River, between Oregon and Idaho, also a navigable stream, and the Jordan Creek irrigation problem. The creek rises In Idaho, and a reservoir in that state is designed to irrigate 50.000 acres In Oregon. HeVlso said that interstate complications are likely soon to arise between Oregon and California over the Klamath River. j "These are just a few of the many problems that will be pressing in the near future." said Mr. Lewis, "that would come under the jurisdiction of such a commission as I have sug gested." Secretary Lane expressed himself as being favorably impressed with the idea of such a commission, whose powers would be parallel to those exer cised by the Interstate Commerce Com mission in the matter of the Country's transportation. Estimate la Prepared. Engineer Lewis has prepared a ten tative estimate which Indicates that 300.000 horsepower may be developed on the Columbia below Celilo falls at a cost of 123.000,000. or about $77 a horsepower. After the power is devel oped he believes that it can be pro duced so cheaply that low tension power may be sold for $7 a year per horsepower. The last Oregon Legislature appro priated J 15,000 for the purpose of mak fng investigations as to the feasibility and cost of the project. The act mak ing the appropriation provided that it, or as much of it us should be neces sary, should be expended under the supervision of a commission composed of the State Engineer and two members each from the Senate and the House. Speaker McArthur appointed Represen tative Abbot, of Multnomah, and Forbes, of Crook, to the commission. Presi dent Malarkey appointed Senators Day, of Multnomah, and Burgess, of Uma tilla. Senator Burgess has declined to serve, and President Malarkey has not yet made an appointment in his place. PERSONAL MENTION. A. T. Van Riper, of Seattle, is at the Carlton. George S. Beatty, of Astoria, is at the Cornelius. Earl Parsons, a Eugene lumberman, is at the Oregon. R. Wlnkleman, a Tacoma merchant, is at the Oregon. W. C Teare is registered at the Im perial from The Dalles. John Conboy. business man of Seat tle. Is at the Multnomah. D. J. Kenny, of Xorth Bend, Or., Is registered at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. E.' C. Kirkpatrlck, of Dallas, are at the Imperial. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Sletten. of White fish. Mont., are at the Annex. B. J. Bamum and A. Wilson have taken apartments at the Annex. Dr. W. L. EUerbark and family, of Salt Lake City, are at the Portland. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Miller are regis tered at the Portland from The Dalles. H. A. Littlefield and H. R. Morris are registered at the Cornelius from Xew bcrg. J. W. Caskell and Charles S. Todd are registered at the Annex from Se attle. Mr. and Mrs. B. Pundt registered at the Cornelius yesterday from The Dalles. John A. Taylor and family arrived from Riverside. Cal., yesterday and are at the Cornelius. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Toben. of Cas per. Wye., registered at the Oregon esterday afternoon. R. A. Bartholomew, of Montreal. Is at the Portland. He is seeing Oregon with a view of locating. Mr. and Mrs. A. Victor and daughter Bessie, of Erlanger. Ky are at the Oregon. They are seeing the West. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Condon, of The Dalles, are at the Carlton. Mr. Condon Is the owner of a telephone line at The Dalles. Mrs. M. Aekerman. her son Herbert and daughter Roso and Miss Eda Mann are registered at the Multnomah from Spokane. Among those staying at the Mult nomah are C A. Luster and his son, of Duluth. Minn. Mr.- Luster is an Iron manufacturer, F. E. ("Pop") Dillon, manager of the Los Angeles baseball team, and the members of that organization are reg istered at the Carlton. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Campbell and child and Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Murphy and child, of Seattle, are at the Port land. They have been at Seaside. Mr. and 'Mrs. B. Geistlich, of San Francisco, and Mrs. Pearl Underwood, of Oakland, are at the Annex. They are touring the Coast in an automobile. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. P. Hamilton and Miss Florence snd Miss Nina Hamilton compose a party of tourists who are at the Multnomah. Mr. Hamilton is a shoe manufacturer of tit. Louis. R- X. Stanfleld, of Stanfteld, is reg istered at the Imperial. He is a lead ing stockman cf that district and was a member of the HouVg of Representa tives of the last Legislature from Uma tilla County. CHICAGO. Aug. "IT (Special.) Miss E. Kelley, of Portland, Or., registered at the Congress hotel today. CASHIERS ARE RETAINED WATER PAYMENT FLAX TO BE DECIDED FRIDAY. Commissioner Daly Issues Statement Regarding Proposal to Make Change. At two meetings yesterday it was decided to retain the cashiers in the three water offices. In the City Hall, on Russell street and at East Alder and East Seventh street. Present at the session were City Commissjoners Daly and Bipelow. Superintendent Dodge and Chief Clerk Seibolt. of the water department; City Treasurer Adams and Mr. Holton. of ttfe bureau of municipal research. Other matters in connection with the change In the making of water payments will be definitely decided at a meeting at 2 P. M. Friday. Because the proposed changes have been the cause of much speculation and of considerable bewilderment, the fol lowing statement was Issued from the office of Commissioner Daly, of the de partment of public utilities, yesterday: For the first time In the hiatory of Port land the water consumers are being iciven a voice rn a measure providing a change in the method of paying water rates. When municipal research experts, now en. gaged In the work: of devising more eco nomical plans tor the administration of the affairs of the city, suprgrsted that a considerable saving could be effected In the Water Bureau by substituting quarterly for monthly payments of water rates the Com missioner gave the matter his attention, was Impressed with Hs possibilities and decided to put the question to a vote of the people. ' Though convinced that the " new plan would save thousands of dollars annually In the operating costs of the "Water Bureau. I was unwilling to adopt the Innovation ar bitrarily, aa realized that there are many persons who might find the quarterly pay ment in advance a strain on their slender finances. In order to ascertain the sentiment of the water-using public, something like CO.000 blank ballots were sent out. These ballots are being received dally by the Water Bureau and as soon as all have been filed a count will be made. The de cision will be guided by the result of this count.'-! wish to emphasize the tact that 1 have no personal inteerst in the quarterly payment method other than that of a pub lic official who seeks to economize wherever possible In the conduct of public affairs. Whether or not the quarterly plan Is adopted, considerable saving; will be effected in the water bureau by the reduction of the force of clerks now employed. Commissioner Daly has de cided that the accounting; system can be greatly simplified and at the same time made more efficient. Probably a dozen clerks will be dropped from the payrolls soon. Should the quarterly payment plan be adopted, he says, the force of clerks in the water bureau can be reduced to half the present number. The Water Bureau lias decided to turn water into the pipes of the South West Side Water Company, which sup piles that portion of the county south west of the city. One dollar will be charged for the Installation of each tap outside the city limits. Cans of Salmon Alone Do Not a Grocery Make Therefore Mayor Albee Will See That S. Brnan'a "Clroceir-Salooa" License ta Revoked. . WHEN Is a grocery store not a grocery store? (Answer.) When its stock consists only of a few cans of salmon. That Is all the grocery store of S. Brunn, 133 M Aider street contains, except the stock in trade authorized by Brunn'8 possession of a grocery liquor license. . Brunn applied to Mayor Albee soma time ago for a grocery liquor license, which costs only S400 a year, half as much as the saloons have to pay. The Mayor granted the license and recently received reports that the grocery part it Brunn's establishment was only a bluff and that Brunn was selling Ore water all ready to drink, a la saloon. Now yon aren't supposed to sell liquor in a grocery store except when It's bottled, to be carried away. You mustn't drink it in the store When the Major received the com plaints he went out on the job himself. In hts auto. Arriving at Brunn's place he viewed the wee supply of salmon cans which was supposed to make the place a grocery. He also viewed two customers who had been drinking. One protested that he merely had been sampling some of Brunn's liquors with a view to buying a supply for a Marsh field saloon. But he couldn't give the address of the saloon. So at this morning's meeting of the Council Mayor Albee will see that Brunn's license Is revoked. Now you know when a grocery isn't a grocery. PARKS URGED AT ST. JOHNS Four Tracts Recommended and Roadway Is Considered. ST. JOHNS. AugrTlS. (Special.) The St. Johns Commercial Club will con sider tomorrow night the matter of acquiring park and playground tracts, the construction of a roadway to the Monarch Sawmill and the approach to the proposed Interstate bridge across the Columbia River. The committee on parks has recommended the purchase of four park tract and the City Coun cil has appointed a special committee to report on the recommendations. A decision by the Supreme Court, on the widening of Willamette boulevard through Minar'a Addition, la not ex pected until thla Fall. The matter was' submitted aome time ago. but the Judges are taking a vacation. On the result depends the paving of the St. Johns end cf - Willamette boulevard. Portland .has provided for its part of the Improvement. WHALE IS BEACHED Carcass, 85 Feet Long, on Sand at Cranberry Station. MANY VISITORS ATTRACTED All Sightseers at Ocean Resorts to Be Given Chance to See Monster. Disposition of Body May Bo Big- Problem. Ona really and truly dead whale, measuring 83 feet from tip to tip. lies on the sand of North Beach, his exact resting place being at Cranberry Sta tion. on the "Clam Shell" route, which Is seven mile north ot the Rocks. It began to Imbed itself slightly In the sand before lieutenants of "Captain" Ed. Budd, superintendent of the fifth division of the O.-W. R. & S. Co.. got the wires hot with bulletins of the find. In 1893 a huge whale came In at about the same place and his bones were fastened together with wire so the frame could be displayed at the Chi cago World's Fair. At that time the same question confronted the beach populace that is said to be staring; them in the face at present, regarding what should be done to prevent the atmo sphere being permeated with the acrid odor of blubber. The first whale was dissected by a bind of Chinook Indians and all parts disposed of but the bones. It proved a lengthy Job,' and one that g-ave beachers their first view of the king of flsh being reduced to a commercial state. Cap tain" Budd says there has been a rush from all parts of the beach to see the whale and already debates have been started as to how Jonah could have resided within such a denizen of the briny deep. As there is a whaling station on Grays Harbor and steam whalers are An.ra t1 from there everv season, it is (possible the plant will seek to secure the trophy on tne oeacn. dul us re moval will be contested until sightseers have had an opportunity for close in spection. LOXO BEACH, "wish.. Aug. 19. (Special.) Pioneer residents along the boach say that a whale that came ashore this morning at Cranberry Sta tion, measuring 85 feet long, is the fourth to be washed on the beach since the region became a Summer resort. The first was reported In 188S .and was CO feet long. It came ashore on Kllp san Beach. The second floated in the Summer of 1893 and was more than 100 feet long. The skeleton was sent to the Chicago World's Fair. About 15 years ago another washed on the beach at Seaview and a huge bonfire was built around, it and the carcass burned. Men who have been along the Oregon coast recently report that a 60-foot whale's carcass is on the beach between Newport and Wald port and another between Waldport and Vachats. PIONEER M.YRIXER 13 DEAD Captain Z. J. Hatch Once Identified With Stcamboating Here. Portlanders of long residence have been reminded of early steamboat days through the receipt of word that Cap tain Z. J. Hatch died Friday at San Francisco. He was born at Montlcello, X. Y., in 1846, and came to Portland In 1872, first being employed In the en gineering department of the Northern Pacific. In 1874 he waa employed by Captain U. B. Scott and U B. iSeeley as purser of the steamer Ohio, then new and the first light draft carrier on the Willamette. He obtained an interest in the company the following year and others In the corporation were S. H. Brown and M. S. Burrell. The company also built the City ot Salem and Captain Hatch remained in the line until 1879. After a year or two he built the steamer Yaqulna, but she was destroyed by fire the next year. He also built the stern-wheel steamer Coeur d'Alene when mining excitement in the Coeur d'Alene district ran high. On retiring from that un dertaking he formed a partnership with Frank K. Smith and built the steamer Fleetwood, which he took to Puget Sound and she ran there and he retired when the Columbia River A Puget Sound Navigation Company was formed. He completed the Montlcello in 1891. MINOR DEFECTS NOT BARRED Xary Enlistments Aided Though Physical Standard Preserved. Uncle Sam has concluded that young men applying for admission to the Navy are entitled to speedy decisions as to their fitness and hereafter they will not be subjected to delays while official Washington is petitioned for permission to pass one with ingrowing toenails, poor teeth, minor deformities and the like. An order has emanated from the headquarters ot ttie Surgeon General that to eliminate obtaining STEAMER INTELLIGENCE Due to Arrive. Name. From. Date. Bear Los Angeles. . In pert Yucatan ..San Diego. .. . In port Rose City San Pedro. .. .Aug. 20 Breakwater. . . .Coos Bay. . .. . Aug. -1 Eue H. Elmore. Tillamook. . . .Aug. 23 Roanoke .Pan Diego. ... Aug. 14 Alliance Eureka Aug. 2 Bearer L,os Angeles. . Aug. ili Ta Depart. Name. For. . . rate. Bear Los Angeles. .A.ug. 20 Yale . F. to U A. . . Aug. 20 Camino. .. . .. ban Francisco Aug. ;M Yucatan San FranciscoAug. 20 Tamalpals. . . . San Kranclsco Aug. 20 Ylerced ..Los Angeles. . Aug. 21 Harvard S. F. to U A.. Aug. 22 Multnomah. ...San Diego. ... Aug. 23 Breakwater. ...Coos Bay Aug. 23 Rose City. ..Los Angeles. . Aug. . 23 Sue H. Elmore. Tillamook. Aug. 26 Alliance. .... ..Coos Bay. ... .Aug. 26 Roanoke. ..... fin Diego. ... Aug. 27 Beaver Los Angeles. . Aug. 80 European and Oriental Service. Name, From. Data. Crnof Cstle... Antwerp In port Brlsgavta. ... ..Hamburg. ... Aug. 27 Vestalla London Sept. 8 Uckermark . . . . Hamburg.. .. Oct. 1 Nunc For. Date. . Cckermark.... Hamburg. ... Sept. 1 trisgavta. .... .London Sept. 4 Vestalla. ...... Hamburg. .Oct. 8 waivers from the department in men cases the examining surgeons shall ex ercise discretion, being certain always that the defects will not interfere with the performance of duties and that the men will consent to treatment if neces sary. "Officers ot the Bureau are not low ering the standard of physical fitness by any means," said Lieutenant W. H. Toaz, U. S. N., in charge of the Port land recruiting station, yesterday, after receiving the new order. "There are numeroua cases in which men suffer from such minor defects that require a special order from the department be fore they are enlisted, which means time lost in telegraphing. The new system will expedite enlistments and save considerable trouble.". During the present year there have been 18 enlistments in excess of the number for the same period last year. and ten men were accepted last week alone. OPEXIXG OF SLOCGH CRGED St. Helens Citizens Argue for Clian.' ncl for Ships. Commercial Interests of St. Helens have proposed to the Federal author ities that if steps are taken to dredge a bar In front ot the entrance to Wil lamette Slough to a depth of 27 feet, so that deep draft vessels may be nav igated there, a share of the expense will be borne by them. The cost Is estimated at $10,000. The length of the dredged cut will be one mile. In support ot the move it' Is asserted that St. Helens has grown from a town ot 300 population to a city of 2000 in five years: that two sawmills cut 250,- 000 feet in ten hours; that a creosot lng plant, shipyard and other estab lishments are located there, while it Is a distributing center for the Lake and Lewis River territories. In a year, it Is set forth, that 80.000,000 feet of lum ber has been shipped from there and 144 steamers were dispatched with car go. The matter was taken up with United States Senator Chamberlain, re ferred to General Blxby, chief ot en gineers, and in turn to Major Mcln- doe. Corps of Engineers, U. S. A., in charge of the Second Oregon District improvements, who will compile and forward a report. SURVEY DUE XEXT MOXTH Examination of Bar Mill Decide Dredging Question. Before the first week In September ends a crew from the force directed by Major Mclndoe, Corps of Engineers, IT. S. A., will be at work on the Co lumbla River bar, making a second sur vey this season to ascertain what ben efits have been derived in the way of depth from the operations of the creoge cninook, which resumed work there about June 19, after a year's Idleness. The survey will not be as complete as that made each June, because the annual investigation of depths includes a large area inside the bar and on both sides of the main channel, while the forthcoming undertaking will be centered on the bar and have to deal largely with the ranges on which the Chinook has dredged. At it was under stood when the Chinook was returned there that she would be in service about three months to prove whether tne cnannel would be helped by her assistance, the survey is expected to decide whether recommendations be made to Washington that dredging be continued in advance of the comple tion of the north Jetty. TAVO WHEAT SHIPS ARRIVE Wandsbek Gains X early a Month on Thielbek at Sea. In the arrival yesterday of the Ger man barks Thielbek and Wandsbsac to load wheat here for Europe, another example was available of how fortune ravors some vessels in getting away from Santa Rosalia, while others are detained, as the Thielbek was on the way 61 days and the Wandsbek but 35 days. The Thielbek sailed June 19 and the Wandsbek July 15 and the latter was towed Into the Columbia River at 2 o'clock yesterday and the Thielbek at 3 0 o'clock; The Wandsbek Is consigned to M. H. Houser. who also has the Mil- verton, which has been in the harbor since August 7, and the Thielbek will load for Kerr. Glfford & Co. The three are to work cargoes In September and from now on new crop wheat will move more rapidly to tidewater. The British bark Hinemoa has been out from Newcastle, N. S. W since June 9, and the British ship Glenesslin left Santos May is. so they probably will be the next arrivals. PORTLAXDERS TO BUY BONDS Sale of Dock Commission Securities to Be Popular. Inquiries directed to the office of the Commission of Public Docks as to the 81.000,000 bond Issue authorized, of which 8250.000 will be in small de nominations. $200,000 of $100 bonds and $50,000 of $500 bonds, indicate that the $100 bonds will be taken largely on popular sales to Portlanders. Bids are to be opened September 4. The $750,000 issue is for bonds In the denomination ot $1000. Both Issues will be dated September 1 and are payable in 30 years. The rate of interest waa increased to 5 per cent and la payable March 1 and September 1 each year. All legal details connected with the issues, such aa the charter amendment of November 8, 1910. .jo adoption of the commission form of government and records generally having anly rela tion to the Issues, are being passed on by the firm of Storey, Thorndlke. Palmer & Dodge, of Boston. Mass., rec ognized by bond buyers as authorities In such matters. GERMAN" BARK AT ASTORIA Wansbck Makes Good Run Up Xorth and Will Load Grain. ASTORIA. Or., Aug. 1. (Special.) The four-masted German bark Wans bek. Captain Burmeister, arrived this morning. 34 days from Eanta Rosalia, In ballast, and Is under charter to load grain for the UnfteA Kingdom. The wansbek was It days in the Gulf of Lower California, being delayed by calms, but when she got outside she struck favorable winds and made a re markably fast run up the Coast. Dur ing nine consecutive days she covered $40 miles a day. On Sunday the Wans bek passed the German bark Thielbek that left Santa Rosalia 18 days ahead of her. Marine Xotes. Movements of Oriental liners reported yesterday showed that the Falls of Orchy, dispatched by the Royal Mail from Portland, had arrived at Hong kong, August IS, and the same day the Den ot Ruthven sailed from Yokohama for Portland, coming via northern ports. To load for San Francisco the steamer Rochelle, which has been under re pairs at the plant of the Vulcan Iron Works, left last night for Rainier. In the latest schedule of the Ham burg-American line the steamer Brls gavla, Is listed to sail today from Yo kohama for this port by way of British Columbia and Puget Sound, and is looked for here September 12. -The Uckermark will sail from Manila for Portland tomorrow, and the Andalusia sails from Hamburg August 28 and is due here In December. With 2.500.000 feet of Japanese oak. loaded at Otaru. the British steamer Baron Napier arrived in the river yes terday morning and reached Banfield's dock last night. She is to begin dis charging there this morning, and when unloaded will take on a cargo of fir for North China. To have her hull caulked in a few places the steamer Sarah Dixon, of the Shaver fleet, was hauled on the ways at the plant of the Portland Shipbuild ing Company yesterday. Martin Hlgley. of the North Pacific SteamsTilp Company, estimated that 200 persons applied for accommodations to California ports yesterday morning. As the steamer Yucatan was sold out Sat urday, there were no berths available. v " ml scrsv ?$lfl To At the office of the San Francisco & Portland fleet the same conditions ex isted, the steamer Bear having been filled last week for her voyage begin ning tomorrow, while the Independent vessels are being sold out equally as far in advance. O. P. Graham said yesterday that" he had no difficulty speeding a 32-foot launch, built for Dr. F. A. Bird, of Kelso, to 18 miles an hour, which had been guaranteed when the contract was let. The craft will be used for carry ing sick and wounded men from Lower Columbia River logging camps to hos pitals, as present facilities are not suf ficiently fast. Coming from San Francisco, the schooner Irene has been towed to St. Helens to load lumber for the return voyage. G. A. Brown, of 832 East Twenty- ninth street, has been complained against to Collector of Customs Burke for having been apprehended in a row boat Sunday night without a light. He carried six persons. The boat is the property of Albert Johnson, employed on Alnsworth dock. United States Inspectors of Steam Vessels Edwards and Fuller have de parted for Yaqulna Bay to reinspect vessels in that district. "Finest water in the world and the cheapest;" was the verdict of- officers of the Norwegian tramp Thode Fage lund yesterday, when Harbormaster Spier ordered a hose connected with the ships tanks to supply Bull nun aqua. Though it was tntenaea to lane all water that could be received, as some of the tanks were full It was estimated less than S000 gallons would be piped aboard, for which the charge is $1.. For the construction of a concrete wall at the Cascade Locks, which was omitted when the canal and locks were built, the Consolidated Contract Company.- of this city, filed a tender of (77,1)30 at the office of Major Morrow. Corps ot Kngineers. U. S. A, where bids were opened yesterday morning. There were seven bids and' the highest was $107,045. Movements of Vessels. pnRTi.txD Aur. 19. Arrived Steamer UiiltnnmBh from Han Francisco: British steamer Baron Napier, from Otaru. Sailed Steamer bue H. blmore. tor i uiainooit. Astoria. Aus. lu. Arrived down at mld nlzht. barkentlne Lahalna. Arrived at -A. M.. German bark Wandsbek. from Santa Rosalia. Arrived at lu A. M.. German bark Thielbek. from Hants Rosalia. Arrived at 10 A. M.. and left up at 2:3o P. M., British steamer Baron Napier, from Otaru. Arrived at 1:1:40 and left up at z P. M., steamer Multnomah, from San Francisco. San Francisco. Aug. 1. Arrived at 9 A. M., steamers Northland and Saginaw, from Portland. Sailed at noon steamer Beaver, for San Pedro; British steamer Rothley, for Portland. Coos Bay. Aug. 19. Arrived Steamer Breakwater, from Portland. Monterey, Aug. 19. Arrived Steamer w. F. Herrln. from Portland. Sailed yesterday, steamer J. A. Chanslor, for Portland. Kuaseo, Aug. 17. Sailed British bark Blrkdale. for Portland. Hongkong. AOs. IS. Arrived British steamer Falls of Orchy, from Portland. Yokohama. Aug. 16. Sailed British steamer Len of Kuthven. for Portland, via Puget Sound. San Pedro. Aug. IS. Arrived Steamer Shasta, from Portland. Sailed Steamer Geo. W. Fenwick. for Portland. Seattle. Wash., Aug. 19. Balled Steam ers Umatilla. Watson, for San Francisco: City ot Seattle, for Skagway; Mariposa, for KAUthveitern Alaska. Vancouver. B. C. Aug. 19. Arrived Steamer Niagara. British, for Sydney. Raymond. Wash., Aug. 18. (Special.) steamer John A. uooper jeit at noon vooay for San Francisco. Ban Francisco, Aug. 19. Arrived, steam ers Santa Barbara, from Wllllpa; Saginaw, Northland, from Astoria: , laqua, from Coos Bay; Buckmnn. from Seattle: Barlow (Brit ish), from Baltimore; F. S. Loop, from Everett: Temple R. Dorr. Dorris, from Grays Harbor. Sailed Steamers Santa Monica, for Willapa; Davenport, for Port Oembl: Vaverlrk. for 9att!: City of To The Ycung Eipecfani ftloiher Women of Experience Advise the Use) of Mother's Friend. There is some trepidation in the minds of most women in reeard to motherhood. Ev It'. .";- -( v j sess is often contra- distress. But there need be no such dread in view of the fact that we have an effective rem edy in what is known as Mother's Friend. This Is an external application that has a wonderful influence and control over the muscular tissues of the abdomen. By it- daily use the muscles, cords, tendons and ligaments all gently expand without the slightest strain ; there is no pain, no nau sea, no nervousness ; what was dreaded aa a severe physical ordeal becomes a calm, serene, joyful anticipation. In almost everv communitr there are women who have used Mother's Friend, and they are the ones that recovered quickly. Mother's Friend is prepared after the formula of a noted familv doctor bv the Bradfield Regulator Co- 23S Lamar Bldg., Atlanta. Ga, Write them for their instruc tive book to exrteetant mothers. You will find Mother's Friend on sale by all drug thM at Sl On a bottle. . Tickets on Sale Daily to September 30th New York or Boston Also to Niagara Falls, Thousand Islands, St Lawrence River, Adirondack Mountains, New England, White Mountains, Canadian Resorts, Atlantic Seashore and Jersey Coast Points. Stop ocwr privilege at tilt points feYorMfentral Lines Lakt Short Rj."The WaUr-Uvel Routt" Ask for a copy of enr -Guide to New York CHt." It contains vsl liable and interesting information abet the Metropolis, sent en receipt of five cents in stamps. Address New York Central Lmes Travel Bureau. 1225 La Salle Street Staticn. Chicago. InJvtamnrlnnl mrrmt tar tickets and sleeotnaT earr vauooa, or tor ct informs rmn. call on or arirlrraa oar Portland Office, 109 Third Street W. C Scacbrea. C-oseral Agent. PaaaenBer Dept. Puebla. for Victoria: Shna Tak, for Puget Sound: Fifleld, for Bandon; schooner Lily, for Uznpq.ua. - - ' Columbia River Bar Report. Condition at the mouth of the river at 5 ILL;U Willi! It fA Pennsylvania Lines For rail particulars about sale dates, fares, return limits, diverse routes, etc, apply to Local Ticket Agents, or communicate with F. N. KOLLOCK, District Agent Railway Exchauige Building. 108 Third Street PORTLAND. ORE. Great Northern Railway Summer Excursions to the East Tickets on sale daily until September 30. Going' limit fifteen days from date of sale. Return limit October 31; stcpovers allowed in each direction. Atlantic City and return.. 5111.30 St. Louis and return 70.00 Boston and return 110.00 Baltimore and Washington ui return.. $107.50 New York and Philadelphia and return 108.50 Chicago and Milwaukee and return 72.50 Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo nd return 55.00 Toronto, Buffalo and Niagara Palls and return. .' 92.00 St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth. Winnipeg, Omaha, Council Bluffs, Blaasas City and St. Sot and return 60.00 Go East on the ORIENTAL .LIMITED; leaves Portland daily at .7:00 P. M. Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers to Chicago in 72 hours. Return same tray or any other direct route if desired, vritbout extra charge. Ticket and Sleeping Car Eeservatkms at City Ticket Offica, 122 Third St, or at Depot, 11th & Eoyt, yen Visit GLACIER NATIONAL PARK this Summer. Season June 15 to September 15. Ask for Booklet or interest n roofs. IBP p. M.. smooth; wind, northwest, 30 mtlesi weather, clear. Tides at Astoria Wednesday. High. Low. 2:$ A. M T.5 feet!9y)l A. M.....1.8 feet 3:04 P. M T.9 fet,9:S3 P. M.....1.9 feet Back East Excursions ROUND TRIP from Portland to NewYorki hqso OrPhOadelphia AUO Washington $in75o n Rolf.mnfo 1UI wa wiuuuiviv ) Boston H3 Via New York On many dates in August and Sep tember. Good over Diverse Routes. LIBERAL STOPOVERS LONG RETURN LIMIT Via Chicago or via St. Louis through Pittsburgh Detroit and return .$ 83.50 Pittsburg and return 91.50 Montreal and return 105.09 K. Dickson. City Passenger and Tick et Agt. Telephones Marshall 307L A 228S.