Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 20, 1913, Page 16, Image 16

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I HAVE a KOOd -M-room brick hotel In
good valley town; price J2,500; a $7000
second mortgage, secured by so acres oi
land. 190 acres of land fn Southern Ore-
iron, heavily umoerea wnn nr mu uot,
price 3CO0. 4 lot In the City of Port
land, price $18GO: and 1 acre In a good
vaiu tnwn nri and with an In
debtedness of only i2a00 against the whole
of said property, which 1 wisn to ex
change for rood Income property in or
near Portland, and might assume a reas
onable amount. J. E. Smith. 414 Chamber
of Commerce, Portland, Or.
V,' ANT modern house on Willamette Heights,
must have nice yard and den; owners only,
" AK -.S:, Oregonlan.
Beautiful 2-story buneajow-deslgn home.
East Tsvlor. near 33d: large r"raa,
absolute- modern. magnificent finlsn.
for example plat glass shelves In the
buffet: fireplace. furnace, fixtures,
screens: will consMer lot or automobile.
82 4TH ST. MAIN it00. A 1163
14 acres. located V mile from Newberg
on good road: good 6-room house, new
large barn, chlcken-ho.-ises and outbuild
ings: all under cultivation, except 1 acre
of timber: 2 acres of ot chard, aiso small
fruits, berries and fine erden:. l. Jin
Ideal suburban farm: p.rlce I64CO wm
exchange this for farm land In Union
County. Oregon. Address all communlca
- - . ' i -i u-aii hrf Or.
nun, iu iwuain .u. "
n a. KOTO c - -
tt-.i.J ... viuir located:
give in exchange 2J acres, well lipprov
springs on place and water piped to House
and barn: best agricultural section in
Ida no. A. -tV. uregumu.
Havf a farm of over CoOO acres, worth
St.'AOOO, as part pajment. Will assume
difference, if priced right. Karra has
neany 3000 acre Summer fahow. gooa
DUilaings, two une .en r" r
plants, L. K. Moore. SI 7 Board or Tra
iA irpr; nar r'xKtln Rock. Wash. : 10
aere. cleared- house and barn, horse avnd
buggy, etc: $2000; exchange, for 4 to 5
rooia modern house up to $2.".0O.
S25 Lumber Exchange.
10 ACRES, near Tigard, on Tualatin River;
S acres under cultivation: 6-room house,
barn and outbuildings; $0000; exchange
for houe in Portland.
3"'S Lumber Exchange.
0xl "0 MABStEFIELD. Or., 11000.
30xl0, Bayocean. Or., $750. t
SCxlGO. Portland, Or.. $60.
All free from incumbrance; pay cash up
to $1150 for 4 or 5-roora cottage, worth
$3500. 511 Gexlinger bldg.
Apple land to exchange for Portland va
cant or improved; this is. clear of in
cumbrance and priced right. See Leonard.
82 Fourth St.. near Oak.
HO ACRES, fine soil, 6 miles railroad sta
tion. SO miles Portland, good road; W
acres tillable. 10 acres cultivated ; school
close; price $4500; Incumbrance 51500;
want Portland home, assume to $lot0; no
agents. East 3703
12 ACRES, good land, near Grants Pass,
3 miles to town. 10 acres cleared, house,
bam, etc.; flOOO saw timber mill ueix;
slenty water. Price $:0OU. want city prop
erty to J750 cash. O. C K. Ellis
A- Co.. SijO Bojtrd of Trade.
FOR SI-.1S 1 block, with income bearlna
butMing. closie in. value $50.uv0, with no
incumbrance; will cxchaaigo for timbet
land; timber must be OK, in one body and
well located. AO Ul. Oregonmn
FURNITURE, hardware and housefurnish
lng stock, new and second hand, estimat
ed at J15.00O to it.0wO. all clear; low
rent: want to exchange, Tor clear real
estate In the Valley, or will sell haf in
terest, G 280, Oregonlan.
CALIFORNIA home. S-room house, located
in South Pasadena, price $6000; 1 have
$2500 equity in same to trade for Port
land property or automobile. Phone H
H", .
20 ACRES, near Reedvllle. all in cultiva
tion; no -buildings: want house and lot as
part payment, balance eay terms; or
v.ill sell, small caa payment down. E 29-.
ONE and half acres, all set out to choice
irulL small 4 -room house, good well, ulce
Iv fenced, on electric line, only a few
. minutes out. to exchange for lot, Irving
ton preferred. AL 3lK. Oresonian.
ih REE new modern East Side houses on
prominent corners; price $14,000; will con
frider West Side flate or residence. Goid
schmldt's Agency, 415 Chamber of Com
merce. WEST SIDE, two-flat building, full lot, with
4O00 equity, to trade for 5-room unin
cumbered bungalow, or clope-ln acreage.
Vanduyn & Walton. M5 Cham, of Com.
OWNER of clear corner lot, high and level,
rssh value $100t; will exchange for gro
ctvrr stock to $1500, if suited. Phone
Wood lawn 2M0.
lttO ACRES Wasco County land, clear of in
cumbrance. 40 acres In cultivation and
the balance partially cleared; price (25.00
an acre. B 2S4, Oregonlan.
OWNER has two lots on cor. of 14th and
Atnsworth ava., clear of Incumbrance, to
trade for modern 5 or 6-room houses and
lot. TeL Tabor 4471.
175.00, unincumbered ranch, only 6 mllea
from railroad, to exchange for city in
come property, or will assume a reason
able amount. AM 286. Oregonlan
TIMBR claim (assessed $1200, about 40
per cent) for automobile, 1013 make pre
ferred; must be in good condition. Ad
dress N 262, Oregonlan.
30 ACRES. Improved, at North Yakima,
worth SShoO; mortgage $750. to exchange
for Portland or Oregon property. 504
Spalding bldg.
I WANT to exchange a dandy little, well
improved farm in Washington County for
a house In city. N 260, Oregonlan.
EAST SIDE, 4 modern flats, good income,
for farm near Hillsboro. Goldseamidt's
Agencv. 415 rhamber of Commerce.
GROCERY stork to exchange for houses and
lots or acreage. What have you? K 2S8,
WANT Seattle property for two $2000 equi
ties In good Portland property and acre
age; will ajvume. Phone tellwood 114.
W ANTED Vacant lot well located in, ex
change for electron phaeton, good condi
tion Phone Marshall ;;71S.
WHAT have you for sr.JVOO equity in Mil
waukee. Wis.. 2-flat, Income t AC 305,
OOD piano for goM horse or horse said
huety. an East 11th North.
FOR SALE or exclnnge. 75x100 in Irving
t on. by o w ner. C 1 6 S.
EXCHANGE Auto for cows, horses or a
clear city lot. Phone Woodlawn 241.
GROCERY and lunches to trade for city
property to $14to. fl'Ki Lumber Exchange.
WANT acreage or farm near Portland for
rooming-house. ). AT SOS. Oregonlan.
i00 1 500 mule for real estate or furni
ture. Swank, fill Northwest bldg.
Horses, Vehicles. Etc.
Second-hand vehicles bought and sold;
new wagon and auto beds made to order;
1 ivery furnished to bu&iness parties at
special rates.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
Fhone East 72, B l.lfid.
SEAL brown gelding. 3 years old. weight
ITuO lbs., absolutely sound and true;
blazed face bay marc. 8 years old, weight
150O Iba.. good brood mare - and tine
worker, mulched pair bay geMlngs.
weight 2SOO lb., $ and 10 years old, ex
tra good workers: two sets new heavy
work harness, 3 S -inch nearly new
Mitchell wagon. PLone B 3t'tu.
ONE 6-year-old farm team and harness:
one year-old bay mare: one ft-year-old
iron gray horse; one 0-year-old aorrei
marc; one gray team; one ti- ear-old com
bination mare; all horses guaranteed. E.
SOih and Stark. Phone Tatjor 24i.
A BARGAIN for someone: ont team of
chestnut mares, weight 2100; one mare
and gelding, weighing 2700: one big team,
also thefr harness and wagons, or will
s-ll separate. 41:6 E. Yamhill.
tiOOt team for farm, 2600-Ib. ; 3 single
drivers. 1000 to !20 lbs., cheap. lU-'tl
E. Yamhill at.
SORREL mare, a good driver, cneap. Call
at tar Sand Company. .Barn .No. 3, East
Orh and East Flanders.
A SNAP Good gray team weighing .'00
lbs., age 7 and &. for sale cheap. Call 5o5
Alder st.
WANTED 25 teams for grading. Apply Al
bot l-Forrester Co., S32 Mohawk bldg.
TEAM young mares. Inquire 1751 Derby
t.. KenLon.
WANTED To buy a good cheap single
driving horse; must e gentle. East 3ili.
PASTURE for stook. cios to Portland. O.
I .. A S. o. Phone Main 1410.
HoRsES for sale at hS East 7th sL Nortlt.
FOR ALE Fresh cow, gives 4 gsX I
aay. aeA Laaa st. 1
Dog's. Birds. Pet Meet.
A FT'LL-BLOOD female Collie, a beautiful
smart dog, 1 year old; I wish to sell on
account going abroad, to kind people only;
price reasonable. Call 8S0 Thurman.
100 golden and orange, canaries, finches,
love birds, parrots, seed, cages, supplies.
FOR bALE fap'tz pup 6 months old, $2
Phone Tabor 2S71.
HEALTHY Airedaies for companions and
hunters. Laddix Kennels. Estate da. Or.
Furniture for Sale.
FURNITURE of Sl-room house for SAle
cheap If taken at once. 765 Thurman su
Cheap rent; rooms pay rent.
FOR SALE cheap, furniture of two 6-room
houses; rent $23; owner leaving town;. 360
20th t. North. Main r.lP--,.
AIR. OFFICE MAN. pick up barga.n in ma
hogany furniture: sacrifice price, Mar
shall 713. Fast 2774.
FURNITURE of nice C-room modern house
for ?2.i0; 3 .rooms can be rented. 30 K.
11th North.
FOR SALE at a bargain. ail or part of fine
furniture and carpets of an S-roorn house.
Nob HiM district. Call Muln 41t-4.
FIVE rooms furniture, beat condition; sell
cheap. i East 2Hta N. Phone East 12.2.
FOLDING bed. rocking chairs, Morris chair,
lounge. 1 H7 Vancouver ave. C 32$?k
FURNITURE ten rooms, house for rent;
must be sold before Saturday. 3S0 1st.
WE have several cars that hsve never been
used, but on which a year's depreciation
in price txan been deducted: up to date In
every particular; foredoors, electric lights,
with generator, demountable rims, etc ;
you get the first year at second-hand
price. In used cars we have very attrac
tive offers In
1 o-passenger Chalmer?.
1 Maxwell with delivery body.
1 Peerless with delivery body.
1 33-h. p. Michigan roadster.
1 40-h. p. Michigan roadster.
1 1 40-h. p. Michigan touring car.
Investigate they're bargains.
MAIN JOotf, A 362.
Three of the best bargainst ever offered
In the state of Oregon. If you are Inter
ested call at once, for you will never get
this chance again. 93 North Park. Mar
shall 1069.
nickel-plate, varnish, reflnish, top your
auto; take apart and put together in three
days. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co.,
and-Thurman sts. Main S43. A 52S2.
TO enable us to settle estate we will sell
today one brand new 1913 Stoddard Day
ton automobile costing 41650 for Just ."tJ0
off list ; 110 trades. Call attorneys, H26
Chamber of Commerce bldg.. city.
lVl:i ti-CYLlNDER Mitchell, in perfect con
dition. This car can be bought right, aa
owner Is in -business where he cannot use
it. 266 E. 37th st., near Hawthorne.
5-PASSENGER CHALMERS, newly painted,
overhauled and nickeled; make me cash
offer; If you want an automobile here
is .your chance, am auu, Oregon tan.
1011. S250O ROADSTER, well equipped and
new tire At a verv low urlce If taken at
once. Call Main 1410 or 1013 Board O
Trude, ask? for Huston.
FIVE-PASSENGER automobile, good run
ning1 condition, for sale cheap. Answer
C 311. Oregonian.
FOR SALE One 1012 Reo truck, 1500 lbs.,
first-class condition. Call B 2566 or East
S3 PER MONTH for storage on drained
automobiles in best fire-resisting building.
E. P. Jamison & Co.. J7th and Thurman.
CADILLAC, 4-passenger. painted, eleotrfc
lighted, nickeled, good condition, S550.
Tabor 444.
For sale 20 h. p.
Phone Tabor 434.1.
Flanders for X-50,
BEST 7-passengcr uuto in city, 1700 cash.
Phone owner, Marshall 24. "2.
EXCHANGE Electric phaeton for clear loi
or mortgage. Tabor 10J3.
Automobile Wanted.
WILL trade for automobile S1OO0 equity in
6-room house. In restricted district; hard
wood floors, and beautifully finished;
never occupied; balance $25.00 on easy
terms. Tabor 1147, or V 203. Oregonlan.
WANTED A good second-hand roadster;
must be a late model and in good condi
tion and cheap; spot cash. Phone Tabor
EXCELSIOR motorcycie. with side car, to
trade for light runabout, run two months.
Phone Marshall 5443.
WANTED o-passenger auto, in part pay
ment on modern bungalow, two blocks to
car. AH .'iOl, Oregonlan.
WANTED Good automobile for real estate.
M. J. Collins. 1420 Union ave.
300 EQUITY In lot on 64th st. for run
about; can give clear title. Marshall 5032.
lull INDIAN, 7 h. p.. Presto 110 light,
speedometer, tandem, an extra tube. $125;
1913 Indian, light, tandem, whistle and
tools, $175.; 1013 Indian, fully equipped
like new, $235 ; li 12 Merkel. tandem,
tools, speedometer, new bearings:. $150
bicycles, $5 up. Hamilton & Blocker,
2 1st st. Main 1018.
TWI N cylinder Indian, tandem seat, brand
new, run only 000 miles; fully equipped,
including speedometer; sacrifice owing to
111 health. Can be seen at 200 East 37th.
near Hawthorne ave.
MOTORCYCLE sale, second-hand machines
at cost; a few 1912 models at reduced
;il Norrh Broadway.
FOR SAIJ2 or trade for acreage near Port
land, prelerably Kstacaua line, Hariey
Davidson twin br-lt arivo. Pros t oil te and
lamp; A 1 con d i t ion. Wood 1 aw n Rft,
ELEGANT 1013 7-H. P. Excelsior, fine
Presto light and tank, 115 rear seat; just
like new; cost $3uo cash; price $235; $00
down, $1H month. 350 Alder st.
JUST like new, 1013 Twin, Indian, Presto
light, tank, fine rear sat and speedome
ter; cost $:tlti; price 1225, $6l down, $20
monthly. 550 Alder st.
FINE 1012 Twin chain Merkel, rear seat,
fine chape; cost $rO0; price $140; $50
down. $20 monthly. a5 Alder.
1013 READING Standard tandem, $110 Tf
taken before Friday; owner going- iaat.
Doyta Motor Co., 2-d and Thurman.
$125 MOTORCYCLE, used five months;
-ost s-'-ll'. fc.. 7ttj. TaDor ll.
BARGAINS In new and ued motorcycles.
Freer Tool A Supply Co., 1 1 Oak st.
Auto Tires and Accessories.
FOR SALE Portable garage, nearly new.
wire a lor iignts, worn oencn, now locatea
on Marshall and 21st sis. Address 978
Council Crest blvd.
A 45-h. p.. 550-volt Croccer-Wheeler mo
tor, complete, with standard blade starter,
no voltage release and 75 -ampere over
load. L T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l con
dition. Address room 203. Oregonian bldg.
One 123-volt direct current generator,
complete with field rheostat, ammeter and
circuit breakers. This machine is in good
repair. Address room 2iKl, Oregonisn bidg.
A 40-K. W., 5U0-voIt Crocker-Wheeler
generator, complete, with field rheostat
and circuit breaker, in good condition.
Address room 2v'.'t. Oregonlan bldg.
Rambler nutomobli remodeled Into
wood saw; this Is something new; sll
fasonaoje. -f is. inn. .Main e'JtiaJ.
TWO pxol tables and fixtures for sale for
less than half at 710 Union ave. N. In
quire at corner Cook and Union ave., real
estate office.1
FVR SALE 50 H. P. three-phase motor,
w0 R. P. M-. complete, cheap for quick
cash sale. Inquire AT 303. Oregonian.
NEW Derby solid ok. double drawers, dis
appearing typewriter desk; cost $60; wi:l
sll for $40. Call at 207 Oregonian bide.
OPAL ring, surrounded by diamonds, value
$160. for sale or trade for moleskin or
sealskin furs. Marshall 3770.
TYPEWRITERS, ail makes, $lf to $65.
262 Stark st.
ECO ND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-too
desks and chairs. Buaaong A Co, 01
Park st.
6x7 ANTISTIGMAT lens with shutter;
takes fine post card, views, etc; a bar
gain. 101 Fourth st.
5-KOOT roll-top desk: first-class shape; will
sen cneap. fourtn st.
USE BassetCs Native Herbs for rheumatism;
"uc tablets for 25c. All druggists.
NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices.
Povey. 351 5 Wash., basement. Main 0O0.
COMPLETE office outfit cheap, on time,
typewriter desk, $10. 819 Beck MfU.
FOR SALE or trade, canoe, doing good busi
ness. E. Ash. Pbone Main 1633.
FOR SALE A combination houseboat and
launch, tunusneo. t, uru&r, warn, ls.
SAFES, new and second-hand; iow prices,
easy terms ; safes opened, repaired and
painted. PURCELL SAFE CO.. and PORT
LAND SAFE CO., 85 6th at. Main 6300.
SAFES M osier Sate Co.. manufacturers;
low prices, easy terms; safes opened and
repaired ; bargains m second-hand safes
luS I'd st. Phone Main 7676.
SPECIAL sale on filing cabinets, oak and
mahugany ; 40 per cent off. Haley Desk
Co.. -10 Broadw ay, be t w een T ay lor an d
Salmon. Main 3S7.
FOR SALE Cyc. and Oregon reports, 708
hwnng blag,
THREE pool tables, all complete, in good
LEVIN" Hardware Furniture Co., 221
Front sl. buvs second-hand furniture, car
pets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of
any kind. If you have anything In this
tape, can Main ih..
Our buyer calls promptly.
FEATHER BET'S wanted to make Into
feather mattresses: pay cash; feather beds
ana puioivs renovatea. rnonf juDor 14.
I-oiding Mattress Co.. J104 Hawthorne.
Highest prices paid for ladles and menii
cast-uff clothing and shoes. Call Main
2U4 jsi t. Tne uiobe.
WE want to buy $Khh) worth of second
hand furniture In the next 30 days and
pay all the cash It Is worth. Williams-
Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 36.
Y c buy for cash second-hand National Cash
registers and sell them on easv terms. V
J. Macauiey. 354 Burnslde st. Phone Main
IMS, A 1M0.
WANTED Two -nd-hand 7 H. P. Return
Tubular Boilers, fully equipped with full
ironis. etc.; must ue 111 goou conaition.
AN :sOO. Oregouian.
Buyer calls promptly; estimates given.
1S4 1st, near Yamhill. Main 4773,
KALSOMI.VINU, $2. 5 room up: papering
and painting reasonable. Flnlay, Main
FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second-
nanq c:oinmg ana xurniture. can Jiain
wson. -M. tincKmnn, prop.
HIGHEST prices paid for cast-off clothing
- ana snoes. Jdarsnaii i:.4.
NATIONAL rash registar, price must be rea
sonable. Main 60i. a S6.
CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary
Aieauty parlors. 4"J Dekum bing.
WE pav highest prices for second-hand
clothing. 2.'4 3d st. ihone Main 0263.
WE want 410,000 worth of second-hand fur
niture: highest prices paid. Sellwood 16b2.
WANTED Good light oak swivel chair; also
steel cabinet sate, uoroon, Main 44.,
FORD AUCTION CO. pays most cash for
any kind of furniture. Main S95L
Ed germ an. $4.0O.
Lumber pliers, $2.75.
Lath mill men, $2.50 up.
Tie makers, 13 cents.
Carriage riders, $2.50.
fash, door machine man. $3.O0.
Jo mill hands. 12.50 and 12.75.
First cook, $100; second cook, $50; large
log camp.
Cook, lunchroom, $75.
Flunkey, small camp, $35.
Camp flunkeys, $35 and $40.
Loggers. $2.75 to $4.
Ten wood cutters. $1.23 and $1.3? cord.
Man and wife on farm, close In, SOU.
Farm hands, $3'J to 14i.
Man to help haul shlngl bolts. $3.
4 shingle cutters.
Others too numerous to mention here,
222 and 224 Couch, bet. 1st and 2d.
(One of Many.)
Office. Secretary Employment Department,
Y. M. C. A.
Young man. stranger, seeking employ
ment (120 his total rash at-seo If I pay
you $5 for emploment membership. I will
have only $11 between me and starvation.
.Secretary If you pay S5 for employ
ment membership you will have the Y. M.
C. A., with all Its resources between you
and starvation.
Result Young man Joined association.
In less than a week he had satisfactory
Record for six months ending June 30:
Calls for men from employers 1174
Positions filled KW7
Our special employment membership
guarantees members will secure employ
ment or refund membership fee; gives two
months lull and 10 months' social privi
All young men seeking employment,
especially strangers, are cordially invited
to consult witn tne secretary or tne juoi
ployment Department.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied"!
unmarried men between ages of IS ana Jo;
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and write the English lan
tTuase. For Information aDDlv to Recruit
ing Officer. Worcester building, 3d and
oak ats., yortianq, ur.
MARRIED farm hand, familiar with horses,
to take steady position on large orchard;
wages $56.50 monthly; must be willing to
Invest part of wages In small tract In
neighborhood; small cash payment re
quired; school and store- on premises, Y
205. Oregonlan.
WANTED Salesman for country work in
S. Oregon and N. California; liberal com
missions; experience not essential, if you
want something permanent and good ad
dress Oregon Nursery Co.. Orenco. Oregon
CLYDE AGENCY, established 1896. wants
several advertising solicitors, local pub
lications; cash commission. Slock Ex
change. 3d and Yamhill.
WANTED First-class salesman for large
country general merchandise store as
manager of wash goods department. AR
0 4, Oregonlan.
WILL pay young mau $20 weekly, country
store; must loan me $800; honesty only
rcqlremeuut; give phone In answering.
AM, 21)0. Oregonian.
WANTED Thoroughly qualified herdsman
in certified dairy; must be experienced,
with good references; good wages. AK 20'J,
EXPERIENCED man for small farm, near
Portland ; must buy own supplies and
batch; state wages and particulars. X luu,
BOOKKEEPER Young married man; must
be thoroughly competent; good pay; don't
answer unless yoa can keep books. Y 303,
WANTED Inllat with Oregon license;
good proposition to right man; must be
good operator. AH 240. Oregonlan.
OPENING for young man to learn nursing
and massage. Nisbeth's Sanltorium, 016
Lovejoy sU
MALE piano player: must be good vauue
virie pl.iyer and transposcr; union wages.
Apply T. G. Bligh. Salem. Or.
HAVE money-maker for 2 A-l salesmen,
city or outside territory. Call 10S5 E.
Lincoln st.
CHANCE to learn to operate moving picture
machine: we can place three more men
in theater. 417 Rothchluld bldg.
WANTED A first-class tinner. Valley
Heating & Plumbing Co., Inc., Eugene,
STATION men, good work, good prices, log
ging road, construction. Apply Abbott
Forester Co., 332 Mohawk bldg.
SPLENDID opening for life insurance
agents to represent Security Life Insur
ance Co. Call 324 Board of Trade bldg.
3 GOOD bench carpenters at our Salem fac
tory; experienced mill men only. Apply
Ho5 Oreponiap bldg.
EXPERIENCED kitchen porter In hoteL 23d
and Hoy t.
SALESMEN and diet, mitrs. for Oregon.
Nat Casualty Co., Mil Railway Ex. bldg.
PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest
started, cut Derm ctuaio, jjpk um oiug.
PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con-
W ANTED Experienced bushelmen, men't
' dept.. R. M. Gray, 4th and Morrison,
FREE room rent for painting, papering and
carpenter work. 7S6 E. Yamhill.
WANTED Boy 18 or over. Paris Hat Mfg.
Co., 262 3d. Apply 9 o'clock.
EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors. Room
1. SS5rj Alder St., 0 A. M. to 10 A. M.
BUSHELMAN. all-around tailor; steady Job
for right man. 1?S 13th st-
H ELPER on cakes; nne experienced on
cookies preferred. U23 Wash. St.
WANTED Sfam shovel crew. C 307, Ore
gon ia n.
MAN or )yoy, 18 years old, to help on farm;
milker. Main 59S.
STOCK salesmen- have an excellent propo
sition to offer. Billings, 90S Spalding bldg.
WANTED Elevator boy at 306 7th. St.
DENTIST Licensed In Oregon, who Is cap
abia of taking care of an established practice-.
Address AV 23, Oregonlan.
WANTED A first-class pantry woman with
thorough knowledge of making salads,
sandwiches and dishes for a dairy lunch.
Apply by letter, giving experience and sai
ary desired. X 3t4. Oregonian.
WANTED Stenographer to address en
velopes, fill in names and take little dic
tation; salary to start, oU ; give phon
number and references. AE 502, Orego
nian. WANTED First-class hairdresser and man
icure; must be A-l on hair work; write
at once, experience and salary. Marinello
lhop. Cora Utlrv, Medford, Or.
WANTED Three girls who can swim, to
work in water show, good saiarv. Apply
Cor. E. Mh and Hawthorne ave.
WANTED Two young ladhs. not over 21.
for advertising company. $18, Apply be
tween 9 and 4 P. M., apt. 24, Lincoln
Apts. Don't phone.
AG RE E ABLE elderly woman, a home and
small wages with two women in apart
ments In return for light service as com
panion. Phone A 1732.
EXPERIENCED lady checker for Hotel
Portland kitchen department; must have
good references. App.y or phone Steward
WANTED, by young couple with child, a
good girl pr woman for housework: home
and easy pJace more than wages to right
party. loss Vaughn.
WASTE D Y o u n g la dy tor circular work
and billing; Underwood operator preferred;
salary $40. phone Muln OJjS or call In
person st 26 Front st.
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must understand plain cooking; other help
kept; wages $20. Apply between 10U.U
ard 2. 170 N. 22d St.
WANTED Girl or young woman for gen
eral housework, also to assist with chil
dren; no washing; good home, good sal
ary. Call 5:i0 E. 20th N.
WANTED Experienced trimmers for out-of-lown
position; salary $18 to $J per week.
Apply Bradshaw Bros., wholesale mil
linery, Broadway and Morrison.
Five girls to learn beauty culture; pay
hile learning: position guaranteed. 4o0
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary parlors.
MANY of the best families of the city are
registered with the Domestic service Bu
reau for cooks, general housework and
second girls. ;j6 Central bldg. M. 7667.
WANT experienced girl to do general house
work in country; good wages; no children.
Call room 302 Selling bldg., bet. 10 and
12 A. M.
EXPERIENCED picture and vaudeville
pianist : no matinees except Sunday. Y.
S02, Oregonlan.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position, v lavi 4. 0., Qt Kotn
child bid 4th and Washington.
WANTED Apprentices; paid while learn
ing; also makers and milliners. Apply lo
wengart A Co.
GIRL for general housework, family of four.
good position for the right party. Call
pnone i-eiiwooa isirj.
WANTED Japanese girl or woman to care
for child 3, day and night, old or young,
not married. Phone Sellwood 1008.
WANTED Girl for general housework,
good wages, small family. Apply 7 14
Lovejoy, cor. 22d.
WOMAN of good personality and selling
nnuity to represent large eastern concern,
45 Trinity Place, apt. 12.
BOOKKEEI'ER to work an substitute for
about 10 days. The Campbell Hotel. Mar
shall SSI.
GIRL wanted to do general housework,
small family; must be experienced. East
22:i4. 614 Hawthorne ave.
EXPERIENCED typewriter operators to ad
drens envelopes, teroporsry. Apply Wed
nesday morning, 310 Spalding bldg.
Washington bldg., 270 4 Wash., room 35,
near 4th. Phone Main 36 or A 3210.
61'KONO, willing girl for general house
work; wages $:t0. 1022 Raleigh sL Main
e4 1.
WANTED Thorouehly experienced and
competent stenographer; salary $12 per
week. Azores At 214, oregonian.
CHAMBERMAID. $40: cooksv Mattresses.
confectionery clerk. Howe's Agency, 35
2 TO H Was tt.
HOTEL cook. $40: 2 waitresses (out, $40;
chambermaid. $25; clerk, confectionery.
2. (out. 34;a wasnington st. k.
WANTED Experienced waitress. The Hill,
741 Washington st.
WANTED A woman to work for husband's
room and board. 07 Russell st.
WANTED Good girl cook where other help
is kept, call 795 n antlers st.
WANTED Girl or woman for general house
work; 3 adults. 06 E. Morrison, cor. loth.
A GIRL to do housework. Good wages. Ap
ply 1000 E. 10th St. N.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
no children. Apply ssi iuth it.
EXPERIENCED arm waitress. Acme Res
taurant. 01 N. 6th.
EXPERIENCED receptionist; must be good
saleslady. Cutberth Studio. 801 Dekum bl.
BY couple employed, woman to care for
home and child; can evenings.
GIRL for light housework ; small family,
430 Broadway; West Side.
WAITRESS for lunch counter. Apply at
once. Union ' Depot lunchroom.
GIRL for general housework. 650 Northup,
bet. 25th and 26th. Mrs. Wm. Bsllis.
WAITRESS, experienced and steady. Grand
Union, 3S5 E. Bumside.
WANTED 2 lady barbers. 149 2d sL
WANTED 12i hoppickers for well-known
hopyards of T. A. Uvelsly Co., located
as follows: Lake Brook farm, consisting
of 16" acres in hops, also Holmes yard,
consisting of 2H acres, both near Salem;
Independence yard. 50 acres, all located
on the . Oregon Electric Railway; will
have special train for each yard, leaving
Portland on or about September 1, with
special reduced rates; will furnish free
waod. tents, chairs, tables, straw, best
spring water on all grounds and a beau
tiful camping ground, with all conven
iences, such as stores, butcher shop and
bakery ; will pay 50c per box ; yards in
excellent condition; do not wait, as hop
plukeres will be plentiful this year; come
early and make arrangements for tickets
which are on sale at Dorcas Bros.' office,
o42 Worcester bldg.. 5d and Oak sts.,
Portland. Phone Marshall 3216, A 1717;
for benefit of working people office will
be open 7 A. M. until. 5:;;o P. M.
acres, clean crop kilns to xui -auy;
picking commenced Sept. 1. About three
weeks picking; we meet all trains at In
dependence, rent you a floored tent for
75c a week and furnish wood, water and
straw for bedding free; new dance hall
100x30, on ranch ; we pay 50c per box
picked and pay 5 per cent on the dollar
bonus; beautiful camp grounds; largest
hop ranch in Oregon. Write and register
at ont. E. Clemens Horst Co., Inde
pendence, Or.
HOPPICKERS wanted, $1 per hundred
pounds; free camping houses, good water
and wood; fare $L34 round trip; tickets
on tale at office, 3Hl East Morrison st.
Phone East 2453; special train Aug. 25,
To A. M. A. M. Boltis, Brooks, Or.
CALL at Dorcas Bros.' office, 0O2 Worcester
bldg., Portland, Or., for tickets and tents
for The John Morrison Hop Yard at Inde
pendence; free wood, tenia, good water,
store, meat shop, bakery. Faro $1.75
round trip.
Yard at Mission Bottom, Call office at
23TI 2d st.
WANTED Hoppickers. I will b at the St.
Charles Hotel Aug. 20, 21, 23; round trip
$ 1 . 30. Romeo Gouley, growe r.
MAKE money writing short stories; big
- pay; send for free booklet; tells how.
United Press Syndicate. San Francisco. ,
WANTED Hoppickers. Call St, Charles
Hotel, room 203.
GIRL or boy. easy work, $5 to starts with.
212 4 1st st.. top floor.
F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4$:5.
KEISTER'S Ladies- Tailoring College and
School of Dressmaking, 1434 11th st.
269 14TH ST. M'N 3S03. EXP. INSTRUC'N.
KEISTER'S Ladies Tailoring College and
NO EXPENSE to learn electricity, automo
biles, piumofng. Correspondence lessons
furnished; then actual work on contract
lohs : vour work tiavi exnense : SlH stu
dents last year; get free catalogue. UnltedJ
Trade School Contracting Co., Los Ange-N
THE Mohler Barber College will teach you
the trade In a weeks; auols free; send for
catalogue ; 20 years In the business ; 37
schools, a lifetime scholarship given to
each student; special inducements given
to ladies. 4S N. 2d st.
mand. This coming vocation taught at
Y. M. C. A. All the Year Ruund Day and
Night Schools; complete equipment; best
on Coast.
WANTED 100 men and women to learn
barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaran
teed; modern college; tools free; a trade
that you can get In business for yourself.
' Orego'n Barber College. 253 Madison st.
GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men, women;
$65 to $150 month, list positions free.
Franklin Institute, Dcpt, 527 F. Rocbes
ter. N. Y.
SCHOOLS. 55 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and
43 1 ark sts. Phone: Main 126. A 4121.
Also headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity.
ination Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clerks;
salary $vt to $lf0. Free book. Pacific
States School. McKav bid?., Portland. Or.
WANTED Men. 18 to 45, to become Port
land mail carriers. $65 to lOO month; va
cations. AV 217, Oregonian.
instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 425$
LOCOMOTIVE firemen, brakemen, wages
about $100; experience unnecessary. Send
age. stamp. Railway, care Oregonian.
WINDER-CLOTH-me"tafpofiner: factory
agency; territory free. Christy. 332 Lum
ber Exchange.
PIANO kifons to beginners and Interme
diates; $1 for full hour. AS 2tu, ore
course. 5 per month. 303 11th St.
SHORTHAND speed drills, any system, day
ana night. C- w orcester p. oca.
2.1 14TH ST. M N. oV..i. KAf, rnv. .1
WANTED Second-hand set of tinner's tools.
sine wnat you nave, .v am, jrcBmni.
KEISTER'H Ladies' Tailoring College and
School of Dressmaking. 143H 11th St.
GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn
money while learning. 613 Roihchlla bldg.
Bookkeepers and Clerks.
POSITION by good accountant , and of
fice man. capable of opening books and
taking charge of otTlce; would not object
to leaving city; can furnish best of refer
ences and bond. AG Su3, Oregonian.
STENOGRAPH EH, oung man. Just out of
business college, desires position ss sten
ographer; reliable and willing worker; can
give first-class references. W iiOl, Ore
gonlan. SALESMAN, experienced, weil educated,
young man. wishes position with good,
reliable company; salary or commission
and expenses. No schemes considered.
A? 20S, Oregonlan
up books prepare balance and statements,
install svstems. Gillingham, auditor, 414
Lewis bldg. Marshall 717.
EXPERIENCED colored man and wife
warfit positions as cook and houseman;
best references; In or out city. Call East
6775. "
YOUNG man with one year's drug exper
ience, wishes position, city or country. AP
St2, Oregonian. .
ACCOUNTS audited, books balanced or
closed, systems revised. B. R. Cheshire,
408 Main
BOOKKEEPER Competent, rapid. accu
rate, sober and reliable. AP 30O, Orego
nlan. Mi scelianeous).
WANTED By a man and wife who are
neat-appearing, reliable and congenial,
experienced, a position running hotel or
boarding-house- both good cooks, or will
take charge of rooming-house. Address
Warren, Oregon, R. F. D.., box 75, care
Mast His.
ASSISTANT printing pressman wants posi
tion in or out of city; can feed cylinder
or platen presses. Apply A. L. Brock
mann. 171 13th St., Portland, Or.
YOUNG married man wishes position at
anything: experienced meatcutter and gro
cery clerk; can drive auto. E 203. Ore-g-mian.
WANTED By experienced cooks, man and
ife, posit I un as cooks in camp. J. F.
Edwards, 051 E. Morrison sL Phone East
53 T 4.
ELDERLY gentleman wan is position at
tending co v.-a. horses, lawn work; very
handy; good references; lives home. AD
;to, Oreiconlan,
WANTED Position as night clerk, hotel,
city or country; long experience East and
West; thoroughly up-to-date. H. B. Law
rence, Lents. Or.
WANTED Work with private gardener;
have had experience and can produce
good references. H. D., Box tt7. Chehalis,
Wash., Route No. 1.
FIREMAN, hrst-class, capable of taking
charge or heating plant, pipeniting, pumps.
iiooa references. a e. ow, urcgunma.
lUt.M man ai Lenuing acnooi wa.11 1 i
PRINTER All-around man, sober, compe
tent, wants job in country office near
Portland. A. M. Rhoads. Concrete. "Wash.
EXPERIENCED stationary or refrigerating
engineer desires permanent position; ref
erences. 431' Stanton su
EXPERIENCED clothing salesman wants
position; best of references. AO 300, Ore
YOUNG man wants position to work at night
3 or 4 nours. any am a ot war. ab
2'.M, Oregonlan.
SCOTCHMAN, single, wishes situation on
private place, horses, cows and garden;
age a.. A L, uregonian.
FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall
710, A 4010, Portland Waiters' Club. 148S
Mh, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager.
WANT 5. or 6 hours work dally by young
man: stenography preferred. W. C, 12
N. Gth street.
THOROUGHLY experienced paint and var
nish man wants position with wholesale
or retail nouse. A h oi , uregnniin.
resses, chambermaids, housekeepers, house
maids, -as Main su Main
A JAPANESE boy wants a Job between 11:30
A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M. or 5:30 P. M. to
9 o'clock. AK 3U, Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending school wnnts work
lor board and room, aij uregoman.
YOUNO married man must have work; well
educated. AS 270. Oregonlan.
EXPKRJENt'ED cigar man wants work at
once. Main tit, a iji.
MAN wants to work on farm: strong and
healthy. Robertson. Main 717. A 1517.
JANITOR or houseman by experienced man.
W; moderate wages. Al" zw, uregoman.
Bookkeepers and Stenographers.
SITUATION wanted by experienced sten
ocrjphur from the East; rapid and accu
rate in taking dictation and transcribing;
accustomed to responsibility. AS 27S, Ore
gonian. COMPETENT stenographer and bookkeeper,
capable of taking charge of office. AG
31 JO. Oregonlan:
YOUNG lady, with 3 yeurs experience, de
sires position as bookkeeper usd steno
grapher; references. Mar. 4898.
YOUNG lady stenographer, experienced,
wants position; references. AK, 3u3, Ore
gonian. STENOGRAPHER desires temporary posi
tion. D 303, Oregonian.
Dresa maker.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable
price, home or day. 307 loth st. Main
COMPETENT dressmaker wants sewing .at
home. 2024 Clay at. Main V130.
FIRST-CLASS special on gowns, $2.0 per
day. Phone Marshall 120.
DRESSMAKING, fancy and tailored, rea
sonable: references. Marshall 1850.
NURSE will care for nervous patient, in
valid or child in own suburban home.
Phone c sutfi.
N URSE wants cbsrge Invalid or hosplta
position; take contagious cases. East
GOOD practical nurse; doctor's references;
charges reasonable. Main 6937.
YOUNG lady, 35 years of age. would like
position aa housekeeper for man with chil
dren; ran give good reference, AM 301.
BY lady with two children, school age. em-ploj-ment
as housekeeper Jn bachelor or
widower's home. AB 2i3, Oregonian.
EXPERIENCED woman wants- position ss
housekeepor In hotel or apartment-house.
AE 301. Oregonlan.
REFINED widow, with boy 3 years old,
wants to keep house for widower in city;
references exchanged. E 807. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as
nouseaeeper m noiei or rooming-nouse.
Phone .Main 8358. .
EXPERIENCED Norwegian g:rl. general
housework; no washing; wages $3o; a:o
capabla woman, day work, washing.
cleaning. Main 2030.
MIDDLE-AGED woman desires general
housework; no washing; wages $20. Main
2o d 9.
Al ALL-AROUND cook, hotel, city; best
references, G 2J. uregoniaa,
M incel laneous-
KEK1NED lady, employed during the day.
will exchange light services for room and
board In small family; give particulars.
AP 209. Oregon tan. i' Swetliith woman wishes po
sition us cook, general housework or
chamber work. are ot -air.
34J 15th 91. North
mornings for room and board. Phone East
.'Vi'i-Rivvrcn 1 rmm woman wants day
work ironing, washing, cleaning. Phone
casi i.iSi. " -
WOM N wants lmme when she can do
liriit work, for small wages. Main ilt, A
JAPANESE rirl wants work In private fam-
ily; can't 'speak English, but willing to
nam. At .'!. iTPgonian.
JAPANESE woman, plain cook, wants posi
tion, small family, city. .AL 2Sf4, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman with 14-year girl
warn-, housework. Mrs. Hanna, Main Hi,
A 1 51V.
WOMAN wants to do chamber or day work,
Mrs. Martin. Msin 717, A 1517.
WOMAN wants work by the day. Main
717. A J517.
LACE curtains, draperies, linens, laundered
by expert; called for. Tabor 317.
SHIRT WAIST done nicely at home, 15c and
25c. Call East 4lo.
WANTED Work by the hour at 25c an
hour. Call Sellwood 60.
VoI'xg GIRLS wish to learn dressmaking.
Call 66 West Park st.
AMERICAN woman wants dsy work, good
laundress. East zv.
WOMAN wants work, Wednesdays and
Thursdays; references. ooutawn loi 1
WOMAN wants day work, any kind. Phone
Woodlawn 2-60.
SWEDISH girl wants general housework;
reierence. fnone oooiawn km.
WOMAN wants day work Wednesday, Thurs-
EXPERIENCED colored laundress wants
day's work. Call East ftm.
DAY work by reliable woman. Main 14P5.
WANT a place of from one to three acres
with good modern house and on good au
tomobile road, close In to Portland. Would
prefer a long lease. No children. Give full
particulars. : uregonian.
WANTED By a widow, a, furnished house
In good neighborhood to take care of 6
months or year; oest. reierencea.
WANT to rent an acre er two on Rc carline
with modern bungalow. Main 54. oil
Bucnanan bldg.
WANTED To rent, a C or T-rootti modern
bungalow, oy t?ept. 1. call E. u.
WANTED Room by business woman; walk
ing distance. West Side; preferably with
breakfast; reasonable. A J 3o2. Oregonian,
imrustaed smmu,
Nicelv furnished rooms, homelike, re
spectable, clan and modern; hot and cold
water, private baths; Summer rates, $3
per week and up; special attention given
to tourists; give us a call; you will like
it for you get your money's worth and
men some.
Washington at 23d st
Residential and Tourist HoteL
Attractive rates to permanent and tran
sients. Main- 7564.
YOUNG man, rooming Y. M. C. A-, wants
roommate 10 reuuee rooming expenses;
reasonable cost; fireproof builuina. showet
baths, vacuum cleaned, many club ad
vantages; in $5oo.0v0 building. inquire
business office Y. M. C. A., cor. 0th and
myior sis.
FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished
room, reasonable in price; fireproof build
ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim
ming pool, club facilities; special rates at
cafeteria and 10 other features. Full par
ticulars at business office, cor. 0th and
Taylor sts.
11th, between Morrison and Yamhill Re
cently opened; every modern convenience;
plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful
lobby; rates $4 week and up; with private
bath. 15.50 week and up; transient rates.
uc ana UP. v ree pnone. jaain 4--o.
14th and Jefferson Sts.
An exclusive residential hotel; attractive
rates to transien ts or permanent guests-
Main irjbs. a oo.'a.
ROOM4 and board at the Calumet for $37.50
per month; double with private bath, $75
per montn; rooms, European, su and up;
rates by the day and week. 150 Park sc.
Main 3?o.
HOTElj REN WICK Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway
and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel,
opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916.
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 652 Washington
su, cor. Ella; elegantly located, new ana
modern, ail outside rooms; x.v week up
with private bath $5 week up; transient
HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street New
modern brick building, steam-heated, pri
vate baths, not and cold water, comron
ably furnished; transients solicited.
CENTRAL HOTEL. opposite Pantacas;
modern outside rooms, suitable fur two or
three; single rooms from $2.50 up; with
bath $5 and up; cheapest In city.
THE 1.ARRABEE, 227 4 Larrabee Rooms,
$2 week up; brick building, steam heat.
not, cold water, satn, pnone. eiectricny.
MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington
Rooms, $3 week; private bath, $5 week;
corner front suite, $5 week.
HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave.. E. Belmont;
rooms $12 mo. up; $-2.50 and up with
bath: absolutely respectable. East 523.
HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished
rooms, with ail modern conveniences, tttu
and Main.
A NICELY furnished room. Apply The
Desendorf Apts., 2S 10th St. M. 4 . 95.
NICELY furnished outside rooms, steam
heat. $3.50-4 per week. 2&S 10th st.
American and European plan; near City
Park; convenient to carline.
Furnished Boon
! Private Family.
FAM ILV having attractive house near
Multnomah Club offers to congenial peo
ple two connecting rooms having hot
and cold Water; breakfast optional. Phone
A 3070.
NICELY furnished rooms in reflned private
family. Nob Hill, walking distance; prices
according to choice of room. 161 2 2d su
North. Marshall 3063.
NICELY furnished front room, modern,
suitable for two ladies or gentlemen; only
six minutes to business district; choice lo
cation; attractive home. 309 1 1th st.
FURNISHED room in modt-rn hose; refined
German family of two; Nob Hull district.
Marshall 02.
WELL-FURNISHED room in modem home,
large porches, nice lawn, reasonable, on
carline. C 2 St 6.
540 YAMHILL Deslrabie newly furnished
new parlor, single or en suite; small
room $7.
FURNISHED room, private family; board
If desired. 321 Eugene St.
ROOMS in private family; board if desired;
German cooking. S31 Montgomery st.
NEAT furnished, for 2. central, private
porch, bath, phone. 32 N. 11th.
514 6TH ST.. clean, modern and reasonable,
close in. alcove, for thre.
VERY desirable rooms: hfiht. bath, phone,
porches and lawn. 350 Madison at.
$& MONTH Pleasant, light, airy room,
conveniences. VJ.X 23d st.
NICE, clean room, $2; phone and bath. 807
Rooms With Board.
ROOM and board for young woman; sew
ing. Horary anu ihuuujj pi inr;cs, wuik
Ing distance; $3.50 per week. Phone E.
THE MANITOU, 261 13th st.
Excellent table: large, airy rooms; Sum
mer rates. "J" car at Depot.
LARGE, newly furnished room, with board,
suitable for 2 or more; separate beds;
piano, home comforts. ttl 11th. Main 6:iSl.
rooms with board. use of sewing-room, li
brary. 510 Flanderi. Mr?. E. N. Wilson, sup.
THE HAZKI, Now changed to family hotel.
Special Summer rates; strictly home cook
' ing. 385 3d st. Phone Main 7094.
Coxy rooms, with bath; board If de
sired; attractive rates. 710 Wash. M. S05L
Rooms IV 1th Board.
Select Family Hotel.
Modern rooms, w ith excellent tabla
board; very reasonable rates. 11th and
Yamhill sts.
SS6 Montgomery St., at West park Mod
ern conveniences; rooms with or without
tath; excellent table service: reasonala
rates for regular and transient guests.
A residential hotel: large sun porch;
rooms with or without baths; home cook-
tng; table board a specialty
CHOICE rooms, ingie or en suite; first-clsss
table. 33 N. 17th. N
BOARD and room for 3 gentlemen. 201
l'th. cor. Taylor; close in.
Rooms With Board In Private. Family.
BOARD for one or two business men; mod
ern house; home privileges; East Side! ,
walking distance; two adults in family.
B 2:5 3.
ROOM and board for one or two men; pri
vate family; every home comfort; no other
boarder. Fhone Fust 4-iO!.
WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS residence offers
room and board to people desirous of
fttiuBivc aurrounnings. ilain 5o.
FOR RENT Desirable room, and board,
private family, for two young men. 4
N". 20 th.
COMFORTABLE, pleasant room, home com
forts: board optional. Main 3kyA. 35
EXCELLENT board, modern, all horn
comforts; $2V Eaut r.flfto.
ALL the comforts of home, walking dis
tance; home cooking. 57 Trinity Piace.
;il 2JD ST. NORTH- 2 connecting rooms
'excellent board; men preferred. Malnji?.
NEWLY furnislied rooms -with or without
board; walking distance. 430 Taylor su
ROOM for one or two gentlemen ; block
from Ladd ave. Phone East 4N42.
FRONT room with board for gtnunuc;
piano. Muln 3H1 10th.
GOOD cr to chiid from three to five
yan C 2:i0.
Former. y the Wfaeeldon).
(Tt.-r I'ark and Tayior.
Modern in 2. 3 an1 4 -room
suiter; fur ..-. sd complete; first-class
I n 'iowTi-t'fi liirrirt hut quiet.
CUllBtHU.'.I'. W.Park and Columbia sts.,
very cht-ic; 2 ar.'l J-room tomp.e'ly fur
nished apli ; a.l rr.'tiern conveniences,
beautiful location faring tne parks; 5 mm
utes' walk Irom business center. We al
ways maintain our reputation for first
clas:. clean apt., with bvst of service, at
reasonaMw price; references required.
3, 4 and i-room i.nfumibhed apartments,
all outside rooms, heat, hot and coid wa
ter, gas range, private bath, laundry room,
phone each apartment, anjjle closet room,
lots of porch room, good service, reason
able rate; W car. References required.
Manager. Mar. 274S, janitor Main 0230.
LUCRET1A COURT, on Lucreua at., be.
Wah. and Everett sts., from 1 to a -room,
unfurnished apartments, including all mod
ern, up-to-date conveniences; hardwood
floors, reception hall, maids rooms, free
phone; rents reasonable; best of service.
Mans g er, M a r. li 13; ' Jani tor. Mar. lO&u.
Uth and Taylor.
Most modern apartments on the PacLflo
Coast. Furnished complete.
Roof garden in connection.
Walking distance. References.
Fifth and Columbia.
2 and 3 -room apartments furnished ;
strictly modern and new; references; dose
walking distance; service first-class.
570 Couch, one block from Washington,
walking distance, 3 and 4-room modern
apartments; all modern conveniences;
best of service; under new management;
references required. Main 1192.
One only; 3-rooin completely furnished.
Including bed and table linen; all large,
outside, airv rooms, bee this sure. Tabor
B 304 L
THE UPSHUR, 2ttth and Upshur sts Fur
nished 2-room apts., $16, 18 up; steam,
heat, hot and cold water In every apart
ment; public bath, electric lights, gas
ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take
23d or W cars north. Phono Main 850.
THE WASHINGTON, 6S0 Korthrup 5-room
unfurnished apartment, with bath and all
modern conveniences, telephone, steam
heat, gas, electric light, etc Take W car
to 21st and Nor thru p. phones Main 4376,
A 1133.
DESIRABLE 3-room apartment or 4 rooms
furnished or unfurnished, arranged for 11
bedrooms; very reasonable rent; desirable,
location, good service, outside rooms, pri
vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD
APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway, cor. Jeffn.
341 14th st. at Market
New two and three-room apartments,
completely- furnished; walking distance;
prices reasonable. Phone Main 1730.
North 20th and Northrup Bts.
Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart
ments ; outside roomu ; balcony to every
suite; all conveniences; ref. phone M. 1175.
.Cor. Jd and Hall Cosy 2-room furnished
apts., building new and strictly modern;
all outside rooms; S minutes to P. O.;
rates very reasonable. Marshall 4637.
GRANDESTA East Stark and Grand ave.
new building, nicely furnished; private
phones and batas, automatic elevator :
moderate prices; walking distance. Phoca
East 20a.
HEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay; beautiful
ft and 4 -room unfurnished apartments, new
brick bldg.; electric elevators; references.
EES the Overton Apartments furnished and
unfurnished cheapest and best In the city;
private phone, bath and electric elevator;
no inside rooms; new manager. Take
"W" car. 274 21st and Overton.
New, modern (just finished. 3 and 4
room apts., furnished and unfurnished.
Jt9 Trinity place, 2. 3 and 4-roora fur
nished apartments; private bath and tele
phone; modern.
GRACE APTS.. 24th and Northrup, 6 large
rooms, hardwood floors, phone, hot water
heat, veranda and sleeping porch, vacuum
cleaner:-new and strictly modern.
Ail outside 2-room fur. apts.; low rates
Include free light, heat, ptfvate phone.
S" or 16th-st, car south. Main 1377.
HAMMERSLEY COURT. 200 12th. beL Main
and Madison. Private baths, modem, close
to P. O. Bachelors' apts. cared for, low
prices; nlceily furnished. Mar. 2o52. A -3
Nicely fur. and unfur. 3-room mod.
apts.; private bath and phones: walking
distance. $ls up. Phone East 27.50.
$lo UP Clean, airy 2-room suite; hot water
light, phone fHe; sleeping rooms. 443,
corner of E. 7th and Hassalo. East 2207.
THE AVALON Nearest to Union Depot of
all East Side apts. Phone East 1007. 2s i
THE BJELLAND. I'ilh and Lovejoj 3 and
4 rooms, unfurnished ; Iow rates. Owner,
A 1 07, Main 1J-07- Janitor, A 1 Sol.
SX0 MODERN 4 or 6-room flat: electricity.
Hiu, iuus,, iii.wemu. on
Morrison. Sunnysidf. Tabor 3708.
NEW, modern 6-room fiat; furniture for
sale; snap. 344 College. Reasonable rent.
Walking distance. Phone Mar. 3&8S.
TWO C-ioom modern fiats, upper and lower;
choicest location. Inquire at 124 Wash
ington St.. or 175 16th st.
FLAT of 6 rooms and bain. 731 Hoyt st
InqWre 130 6th at. Phopo Main 6273.
UPPER east 5-room fiat, 4& Yamhill aL.
opposite new library. Apply 407.
MODERN 3 or 6-room flat, newly tinted In
quire S20 Everett St.. West Side.
4-ROOM modern flat, near 23d and W'ssh
lugton. Main 3b33, A 2676.
MODERN 6-room upper flat, all conven
iences; adults. 610 East Madison st.
WEST SIDE, choice location, u-room upper
flat; attic porches. Main 4220.
EAST BURXSIDE, cor. 12th. modern sing Is
lower flat. 6 large rooms. East 230L
S-ROOM, modern conveniences, very de
sirable flat; garage if wanted. East 1137.
MODERN live and six-room flats, $28 and
$20. Inquire ."J 9 Everttst.
SWELL 6 room flat, all modern conven
iences, all outside rooms.- East 1 $55.
THE DAYTON Comfortably furnished mod
ern 4-room apu wny qq r huiot.
THE ORMANDIE. Nice S-room a part menu
ti58 Flanders. Nob Hill. Vain S201.
4 AND 5 rooms, light and airy, $20 and $30.
Kearney Apts. Phone Marshall 24 S7.
MAYO APTS., 303 Union ave. North
New Up tO Gate, ftawiuic. CaaL 1UU.
3-ROOM unfurnished apartment. 39 Trinity
niEL APT.. 700 E. Ankeny, three rooms,
. and TnnHf-n V . 1 iw
LADY wants lady to shure apartment with
her. Itio mh""""" '
MODERN apartment. 3 rooms, furnished.
FLATS, close In. Inquire 1st 16th sU