THE MORNING OREGONIAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 20. 1913. 15 AMUSEMENTS. ROT nvvrt v uxl.K FRIDAY T All! niuiEIU SOW I I H F. f 1 . 1 ( lUlTend Morrison SbSSg Next Sunday Barcaia Mat. Tues Special Mat. FrL WILLIAM A. BRADY PRESEST8 READY MONEY A COMEDT OF LOVE AND ROMANCE Evenlnss: Lower floor. $2. $1.50, ,1; balcony. $1. "3c. 50c Bargain Tuesday Matinee: Lower floor 1. ; balcony, 6 rows Tic, 4 rows 50c, JO rows 25c Special Friday Matinee: Lower floor $1: balcony, 75c, SOc MA1INEE DAILY. Mala . A iota. (CPCVaX, BLANCHE WAIfH Flanagan end fcdwards Bedford And Winchester Charlotte Raven scxoft The Felt Trio Wlnwlow and Duffy Cieoe Mailer Trio Any Matinee Seat. ia WTTTKE oota mm MOXS. O. MOLA8BO Jn La somntiDPu: SIRS. BATTLING NELSON iFay King) 4 Other Headline Acta 4 COOLEST ??wn mm ' k . -... .. and Alder Street WEEK Al'Gl'ST IS. Lottie Mayer, Ulytnc Qneeo. assisted by Vivian Marshall and Ml Water Nvmphe, Tojetti Bennett, Bim berr. Marlon Day. Clayton and JLennie, Alfredo .Maractiall, Billy ManjX Popular prices. LYRIC A Jotoqi Musical Hit, "Maloney'a Wed ding." A side-splitting comedy, interspersed with late mbc uccf-, elaborately staged and costumed. Tueday night. Athletic fontet. FridaT niuht. Chorui C.lrls' Iod- tcfit. Price: Nights, 15c. 26c; matinee, any eat. l&c. COLUMBIA THEATER Wxth and Washington Htm. Open It A. M. to 11 P. M. Perfect Ventilation, Fireproof, Prorrammf. Wednesday to banday MRr-akina- Into the Hie Ieaa-iie" ( Kalem Comedy); "The Lrring Brother" (Pat be Drama): "In and About Calcutta" (Vita- graph Scenic); "Hetter imy-" naarapn Drama); Matt Dennis, Baritone, and Karp's Orrhettra- 10 Adiiir.Jon 10c. Arcade Theaer Washington, Between 6th and Broadway Trail of Steel 2 Reels 75 Scenes Depicting the Earlier Thrilling Battles of the Railroads Against Sav age Obstacles. The Elks' Reunion at Rochester A Vould-Be Detective Comedy. - - The Awakening A Drama of Gripping Scenes. Miss Shattuck In New and Popular Ballads. Attend The Oregon State Fair Salem, September 29 to October 4, 1913 REDUCED RATES OK ALL . LINES For Information Address FRANK MEREDITH, Secretary BASEBALL Recreation Park, for. ViDfba and Twenty - fourth Sta. LOS ANGELES PORTLAND ALUCST 10, 20, 21. 23, S3. 34. Games Beeln Weekdays at 3:13 P. M. Sundays 2:30 P. M. LADIES DAY FRIDAY. . Boys Under 12 Free to Bluchers Wednesday. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Daily or bun day. Per Lin ft. One time l2c himte ad. two consecutive times tie baiue ad. three conutive times 30 barue adi. six or seven conecutlve timea. 56e Tbe abo-e rates apply to ad vert um-meats under -New Today' suid all other classifica tions except the following: <uation Wanted, Male. Mtualiuus Wanted, euaJe. lor rent. Rooms, .private families. Boom and Board, Private 1-amities. Kate en the above classifications la 7 cents a line each Insertion. When one advertiemcut U not run In con secutive leeuea the one-time rate applies. ajx aveiage word couut as one line on cmn advertisements and no ad. counted fur leas than two Hnej. On 'cliarsed" advertisements chance wilt be based on the number of lines appearing in the PlK'i resrdUess of the number of words la each line. Minimum charge, two The Otfvjconlan will accept classified ad vertisements over tbe telephone, providing the advertiser la a subscriber to either phone- No prices will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the follow, lug dav. Whether subsequent advertise ruroik will be accepted eer the phone de pends upon the promptness of pamcnt of telephone advertisement. Mtuatioas Wanted and l'erMnai ad veriircment will not be ac cepted over the telephone. Order for One Insertion only will be accepted for Furni ture for Sale." 'Business Opportunities," "Koomlnv-hoiirieV and "Wanted to Beat." Tbe Oreconian will not ruarantee accuracy or assume reponslhility for errors occurring in telephoned advert i semen ts. Tbe Oreconian will tot be responntble for more than one Incorrect insertion of any advertisement offered for mora than aae time. In "New Todae all ndrertlsementa nee charted by measure only, 14 line to the in. h. Remittances must accompany out -of -tew rders. Advertisements to receive proper clad f .ration must be in the Oretronian office before 10 o'clwk Bt night, except Saturday. C losing hour for The Sunday Oregon lan will be ft o'clock Saturday night. The office will be open until 11 o'clock P. M., sxt aoaL and all axia. received too late for proper cJaasl ftcntlon will be run under heading 'Toe Late to clarify - I lltUll AMTSEMETfl. Peoples Theater West Park and Alder The Management Guarantees Today, Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday An Absolute and Undeni able Feature. The Beaten Path In 3 Reels 100 Scenes A Universal Weekly, Even Better Than Usual. The Sufrragette Tames the Bandit A Full Reel Comedy. Master Gordon Sonle The "Wonderful Local Boy Pianist, and Organ and Piano Music That Is in It self a POSITIVE MUSICAL ATTRACTION Star Theater Washington and Park The Only Exclusive Fea ture Picture Theater in Portland, Presents Today, Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday A Stupendous Photodraraa Parted at the Altar Depicting a Story of Heart Interest That Grips the Very SouL. When the Blood Calls An Exciting and Thrilling Drama. The Ragtime Band A Keystone Comedy, Every Second of Which Furnishes a Laugh. Miss Edith Vernon A Brand New California Nightingale. Pendleton Round Up Septemher 11, 12 and 13 Special trains on O.-W. R. Sk N. .and North Bank. Inquire of agents (or fur- iner particulars. Circus Two Days THURSDAY 01 , , FRIDAY OO AUGUST A AUGUSr rJ.v'j iliwlri FILLED WITH an CIRCUS WONDERS 375 ARTISTS IN A PROGRAM? OF NOVELTIES A&DTKRILLERS 03 CAGE Z0G& J!f ei cnujtMTr id WONDERFULLY TRAINED ANIMALS 50 CLOWNSR BIGGEST AND GRANDEST CIRCUS IW THE WORLD PARADE fflfiI KCUIM IK TIIST raFMMKt V .MMtmm4aa 1 fUFUIHUl lEtll T sat t.U. 0a SOerckiJliai!oA!l Admlasloa aad Rearrred-Seat Tlcketa aol4 aaow dari at Ml em. a. Clay A Co. Pin More, fllxth aad Morrtaoia Mre.ta at same price chara4 at aaosr Brouada, mm AsrrsiarEJtTS. GIobeTheater Eleveata aaa Waahlaartoa. Today aadBalaace f Wee It SELIC SPECIAL TWO REELS, The Child of the Sea A Romance of tb Llarbtbouss Service. EDI SO DRAMA, Tbe Pied Piper of Hamelin From the Poem by Robert Browning; EDUCATIONAL, First Aid to the Injured COMEDT, Bobbie's Long Trousers lOa ALL SEATS lOtt AUCTION SALE TODAT. Ford Auction House, 211 lat. Furniture. carpsts. ate uai. u i r. a At Wilson's Auction Rous, it 10 A. a rurniturs. 10o-9 First st. alEKTCS'Q NOTICES. - SIT. TABOR LODGE KO. 42 A. F. AND A. M. A SD.clal com munlcatlon is hereby called for 1 Odors, v. m. Wednesday, tbe 20tn to attend the funeral of our late brother. John Smith, which will b. conducted from the East Hide undertaking parlors. eth ana Aioer sts. interment ML Scott Cemetery. By order of the "Wor shipful Master. M. R. PPAULDIXG, Soc'ty, PORTLAND CHAPTER. KO. S. R. A. M. A atated convocation of Portland Chapter. No. 8. wil be held In their hallt West Park and Yamhill streets this (Wed- nesaayj evenins. Auruit 20. lia. at 8 o'clock. Visitors welcome. By order of E. H. r J. A. ALLEN. Seo. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 4, A. F. AND A. M. Stated communication this (Wednesday) evening. 7:30. E. 8th and Burn side. M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. J. H. RICHMOND. See. SAMARITAN" LODGE, NO. 2. I. O. O. F. Regular meeting this (Wednesday) even lng, at d o'clock, at L O. O. F. T.mnle, First and Alder streets. Second decree. Come and hear about our picnic to be bald soon, visitors always welcome. R. O6V0LD. See. OWLS ATTENTION. Citizens having )oin.d Order of Owls past year please mall tddress and name to Box AF 2fta, -Oregoniajl; iustalUtion of nest Au gust 38, Atfio. J. w. wlL.bur, Organiser, .or, REGULAR MEETINO THI3 df'iliiW (Wednesday) evening. East nth yCS&S. and Alder streets. Third de- (iC , .Jj gree. visitors welcome. r"l' W. W. TERRY. Secretary, FCNEBAL NOTICES. DONOVAN At the residence of bis daush ter. 237 Nartilla street, between Ealmon and Main streets, west of Chapman street, on August 17, John A. Donovan, aged ft years, father of Mrs. Frank Zan. Robert M. Donovan. Mrs. M. J. Gelst, Mrs. A. L. Sauvle, Mrs. F. P. Rlgney and Harry Donovan. Funeral rrom tne aoove resi dence at 8:30 A. M. today (Wednesday) Ausunt 20. thence to the Cathedral. Flf' teenth and Davis streets. Services at A A- M. Friends Invited. Interment Mount Calvary Cemetery. VTVIANO Auirust 1". Domenlco VMano, aged 23 years. Foneral services will be held at Di-nnlna A Mcnti chapel Thursday. Auguat 21. at 2 o'clock. Friends invited. interment ttose city cemetery. The deceased was a member of the Dru ids, Italia Grove No. 4, and the L u. u. t. of Keota. Mo. DANIELSON In this olty, August 19, Ames Cecil Danlelson. aaed 3G years. wife of Fred A. Dani.lson. of 90S Dunck ley ave. Funeral services will be bold Thursday morning. August 21, at th. Madeline Church, corner 24th and Siskiyou sts. Friends Invited. Interment 31L cal vary Cemetery. WAKEFIELD In this city. Auaust 18. . Charles w akefiald. aged ST years, son of Mr. ana Mrs. Kooert wakerieia. Funeral services will be held St Dunning A Mo Entee's chapel today (Wednesday). August 20, at 2 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. interment itivervietr ceme tery. ROTZOLL August 1. at the residence. 28S zvortn xweirtn street. Caroline itotzoll. aged 50 years, beloved wife of George Rouoll. Funeral services will be held at Dunning 4s McEntee s chapel Thursday, August SI. at 10 o'elock. Friends re- spsctfully Invited. Interment Rlvervlew cemeter-. WHITTLE In this city, August IS, Mattla j. w nitue. agea su years, oeiovea wire or William L. Whittle Ksmaius forwarded by the Holman Undertaking Company to castio flora, vv aan., wner. runeral serv ice will be held today (Wednesday). In. torment in ins lamiiy cem.t.ry plot. WALLACE The funeral services of the late firnest Kusasll Wallace will be held at the oontervatonr chapel at the F. K. Dun nlng Co., Inc., East Side Funeral Direc tors, 4i i?ast Aiaer at., rriaay. Aug. 2& at P. M. Friends lnvltd. Int.rment HI. scott fara cemetery. HEWITT In this city. Auaust 50. Mr. Elisabeth Hewitt, aged 00 yeara. of 114 East Stxty-ninth street. Funersl from Hoiman a runerai pariora at 3 p. M. today (Wednesday). Interment Mount ncott i'ara cemetery. UTTr,HF:T.TSii.iiBt IS DiiflM fi uii.w.ii ag.a a rasn. jiemaine win oe shlppsd to Corvallls, Or., today (Wednesday) for Interment. Remains may be .viewed at Dunning A McEutee t parlors until 2 r- at. ROTCB At Sh.rwood, Oregon, August 18. csre rtoyce, agea e yeara The funeral services will bo held st the new chapel of J. P. Flnley A Son, Thursday, August 21, st 1 o'clock P. M. Friends Invited. 1q. torment at Mt. Srott Park Cemetery. ITNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. IDWABD HOLMAN, tbe leadtn fn. aeral director, 220 Tuird street, eorocr Sal. luoa. Lady aasUtaal. A Mil. Hata avl. T. 8. DUNNING, INtS East Side Funeral Directors, aia rut Alder St. Kast ait, U Sess. DIN NLNG A MKNTEE, funeral directors, th and Pine. Phone Mala 430. Lad. at. t.ndanc Office of Couaty Cerener. LEHCH. undertaker, cor. East Aida. J Sixth, fast 581. B Lady attendant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING rOMPANV x.1 and Clay. Mala 415. A 2.81. Lady attendant. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, age :Lem. srsod ave. take rjellwofd car. Open ( vis itors daily from A. M. to S p. M. MEMORIALS Pol tland Marble U'irb. t4 4 La. opposlU City HalL Mala U4. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 320 UNION AVENUE, CORNER MARKET STREET. Fksse East 1423, B 231S Horse ambulance (or sick or disabled animajs at A moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cru elty to this office. Open day and nigbt MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 1 Third St, Chasn. ef Com. Bid. MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Owi Money at Carreat Rates. WESTERN BOND st MORTGAGE CO. Commercial Clab HI da.. Portland. Or. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PARK. Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones CITY & FARM LOANS 11000 an! .up at lowest rates. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbrtt Bids-. A 1418. Marshall S3. m S MORTGAGE LOANS. S S Amounts) to Suit, Real Estate Security. rrompt service. GEO. H. THOMAS. ZS7 Oak t- hhb a. Alaawertk Bids. CJTY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount At Current Hates. - JOHN E. CS0NA1T 03 Spaldina Bids. Portland, Or. NEW TODAT. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 3-STORY BRICK APARTMENT UnTTCE WELL LOCATED nUUOL CORNER We are authorized to seU or ex change this three-story Modern brick apartment-house, consisting of 24 apartments. Well located, close in, corner, 150 feet from carline, and a good revenue producer. Owner will sell or exchange equity for close-in vacant property. Jlicrht consider well located Willamette Valley farm. Properties will inflated values will not be considered. . No phone information. Henry Building. HDD'S ADDITION Very swell modern seven-room house. 1are;e attic, four bedrooms, hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, bookcase, buffet, beam ceiling-. Dutch kitchen: ab solutely the beRt-built bouse In Ladd's Addition: lot 40x128; hard-surface all in and paid. A bis snap at 86500; 11500 down and $25 per month. Only one block to Hawthorne avenue, C M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bids;. A 141(1, Marshall S3. Mortgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. M00NEY' Main HO. Room 431 Failles; Bids;. WEST SIDE SNAP 100x100. on the northwest corner Fourteenth and Mill streets, witn g-ood nine-room house, two fireplaces, fur nace, two batbs. street work all paid. For quick sale (22,000; IC000 down and Daiance to suit, C. M. ZADOW 414 Cwrhett Bids;.' A 1416, Marshall 83. MORTGAGE LOANS Liuoiil ui fiwvv w ii u up m i iuvy roi i & irrj on Good Improved City Properties. If T a? aArA J . a 1 a a, you nt?ra niony ctii loasy. uur in suvllment payments are attractive. A. H. BIRRELL CO. 203 McKay Bids.. Third and Stark Sta, Business Property For Sale Improved corner, yielding- stood In come now: leased for five .years; val ues in district rapidly increasing:. Price 17000: terms. AB 298. Oregonlan. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS On haslne i and glow-fro residence properties. Free factory sites, served by rail and river. em uregon tuy. MOODY 1 51V. CO. H. X, Moody. Frea. 101 Chamber of Commerce. Mala 37 KEJLL ESTATE DEAUB9, Berk. Will ism O.. 515-816 Fs.iUn. bid. BRUBAKBR, C I. SIT Railway Kx. blda. lean. dcs jo jnsia jaa. 3ua urc.oaisn. PALMbR-JONE8 CO.. U. P., 04-Od-4OfJ ucux Diatf. REAL iSTATE ""For Sale Lots. . IRVINGTON COTS OUH SPECIALTY. .NEt'HAUSEN CO. MAIV 107. H. K. GOODKl.N'D CO. (ISO 401-2-3 WILCOX BLDG. COR. SIXTH AND WASHINGTON". LARGE COMMISSIOS'-HOIJSB NEEDS If ORE CAPITAL. TO ENLARGE. Wholesale dealers in and shippers 'of potatoes, onions, onion st, nay, era in. etc., dol&ff a larre businsss and Increaslnf to such an extent that find themselves needing more capital; will take In one or two partners with $5000 each; at present nave lour warenousef: mis is a nrsi class legitimate business and will bear thorough Investigation; buslnu im located close to Fori land. Full information by calling at our HIOH-CLAH3 RESTAUR A N'T. ESTABLISHED OVER 0 YEARS. It you are Interested In this line of business, we can iiiow you one of the finest opportunities in Portland; lorateq In the heart of retail business district: never offered for sale before; net profit over 15000 year; rent la reasonable; long lease; finest of equipments; large dining room, up to date In every way. and the mam thing is it can oe bought for S4ioo remember, this Is bo rn-dotvn. old, worn out place, but Is doing a big business every day. Come to our effloe and let us explain. W HQLESALE AND RETATL BAKERY. Old-established business. In good close In location. East Side; net profit for past 3 years $100 a month ; every modern, up to. da to equipment, including automobile delivery; strictly cash business; turns out 1800 to ll00 loaves of bread a day; owner retiring; will eell for 300, half cash, balance lota or close-in acreage; the rest is only 50 a month, with 3 years' lease -If ever yon expect to get la this line of business right. Investigate at once. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY ea West 81de. overlooking the entire city and mountains: 7 rooms, all modern; will sell for S5og cash and easy monthly pay ments PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS. 2nd Floor. Sellluf Bldg. UNUSUAL SACRIFICE. North .Portland, on 21st at., with track- 100xloo comer. $12,500. 50x100 adjoining. 35000. Fine for warehouse or any other par post; strictly confidsntlaL AL 2v, Ore gonian. SNAP, $1000. Full 50x100 lot, 100 feet from Haw thorns ave.; hard surface- streets; trees on the lot. KUPPER HUMPHRY, 312-13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall ltXii A 113 FOR SALE. 100-foot front corner on Cornell road ; east view; bead of Overton; 17300, phone Main 1517. 93x100 CORNER. East 0th St., close In, Hoi lad ays Ada., tor ,oow; tn is is a-, prop erty and a bargain, but we neea money and must sell. Full Information at 70 chamber of Commerce. S6X100 CORNER, East 12th and Division. 10-room nouee on insico portion: gooa business location. For price and terms see I. G. DAVIDSON. 819 Chamber of Commerce, HOUSES FOR SALE AND LOTS FOR SALE, I have a lot near Peninsular Park. . Will av.sllrf (, a mnd(rn bfinaralntsT fmm riir own plans. Small payment down, balance IF you waa to see the home sites for sale on rUnlLiAu n c i n a v-, mvm BROOKE. Dealer in .PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. . uarsnau or a. a&av. BARGAIN Beautiful hslf acre. block tlawtnorne car, un.y eiuuv, term". -ioor 2162, . IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEC HAL' SEN A CO. MAIN 070. LOTS near ear. $37; $ monthly. Owner, iZw vnamoer ox -oLiAiiAcrt. m awn ii,. REAL ESTATK. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON WEST SIDE. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district. Inside 3-mlle circle, commands an unob structed view of Tualatin Valley and Mt. Hood; walks, surface graded streets and Bull Run water In end Included la price: Fourth Street Line runs In front of prop erty, the electrification of which Is now in arogresa. Prices range from 8350 up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you for a small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS. 2nd Floor. Selling Bids. TWO lots with large 2 -room house, nicely furnishel; also, woodshed and 15 fruit trees; cheap for cash. Owner, W. E. -.iat'kscn, 2a ave. South. Lenta. 10'JxlOO. 850u: or ooxlvO, terms cash. Aj 2:'l. Oregonlan. i"5 BUYS GOxlOO in restricted dlstrlct-,ll rssh required. T 261. Qr.gonisn. I or Sale Beach Property. EIGHT beautiful lots, Bayorean Beach, all for 9O0: 1 corner lot. Neahkante, 815U. terms. 324 Worcester bldg. I'er Sale Business Property. FOR SAI.S Splendid business lot In Klam ath Falls, best town In southern Oregon: cheap for cash. Jios. G. Aitken, D.m Ing. N. M. . $16.000 LOT 5xlu0, stores snd apartments: prominent street, close In, West Side; well rented. Owner, 824 Worcester bldg. -Homesteads. HOMESTEADS In Western Oregon. 420 Lumber Exchange. 2d snd Stsrk. LET THE RENT MONET PAY FOR TOUR HOME. 8-room bungalow, bath, cabinet kitchen; new; lot WHOO: good view; 13 minutes to poatoffice; 81530.00. 4- room bungalow, fireplace. Dutch kitch en, bookcases, matured fruit trees; ex cellent view; 3 blocks to car; 824UO.O0. 5- room bungalow; new; oak floors, fire place, furnace, built-in buffet and book cases, Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, lsundry trays, best of construction; Rose City Park; all street assessments paid: 8300.00 cash, balance bonthly. We also own 6. 7 and 8-room houses In various residence sections of th. city which we will sell for a reasonable cash pay ment and balance In monthly payments. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS, 2nd Floor, belling Bldg. TXOK ONLY S20O. One of the finest bungalows in Alberta District, 5 large rooms, a large attic for three more rooms when required, full ce ment basement with wash-trays, fine fire place, paneled dining room with built-in buffet, fine DutcU kitchen, everything built-in. gaa and electricity; full-sized lot with an alley terms only 1200 down, balance $20 per month; hurry If you want this; we sell quickly because we handle nothing but bargaiua. C. DeYOUNG ft CO.. 514 Chamber of Commerce. HiGH-CLASS ONLY $6000 NINE ROOMS. Will sacrifice much belotv cost dwelling In restricted, paved district, with all lm p rove men ts in, steam beat, oak finish and floors, two toilets, enameled kitchen, costly decorations, large lawn, full cement basement, walks and ience; liberal terms, on installment basis, to responsible par ties. Home Install in en. Co- Ul McKay bldg. Main 14i THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME T WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY. BUILD APARTM BNTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FHEB. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK. TO OUR CLIENTS. SEIS OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY A CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, S24 ABtKGTON' BLDG. .NEW, STYLISH BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, most up-to-date In city, re stricted district, beautiful music-room with French doors, 7 -ft. beveled plate glass buffet, hardwood floors, S French mir rors, beautiful mantel, solid brass hard ware, select grain finish, lot BOxloO, 10-ft. parking, block to ear, 15 minutea to city; terms. Phone owner. Tabor 1100. BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-ROOM BUNGALOW. Strictly modem, large attic, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, garg, etc.; elegant OuxaOO corner, east face, splendid location ; improvements paid; cost me $4-o; sacrifice quick sale $.ww, $soi cash; leaving city, V Ore- gonian. ' SNAP. New, modern house of S rooms, on 50x 100 lot, close In, 2 blocks from Sell wood carline. Owner In need of money will sell below cost; $2200; S50O cash. KAL'i'FMANN A MOORS, 35 Lumber Exchange. A REAL SNAP. $2500. Splendid 5-room bungalow; new; 2 blocks from Sandy blvd. ; this la cheap: $20.00 rash, balance to suit. IiUPPER HUMPHRY, 213-13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Marshall ltf3. f"113- FOR SALE New bungalow, 5 rooms, sleep Ing porch. Fatenoe tile fireplace, hardwood floors. 6-ft. tile walls and tile floor in bath and kJtrhen, tile shower, furnace; lot 5-1 x 190: owner leaving city; good bargain. Inquire 41 East Sod, near Oak, or call Tabor S204. OWNER TO BUYER. New 5 -room bungalow; all conveniences; three blocks from car: value etOOO: ye i can buy it for JoOOO; half cash, balance one, two and three years, 7 per cent; no agents. Y 804. oregoniaiu FOR eALE b-rom. modern house, corner lot. buxluO: sDiendld neighborhood, first class condition; roses and fruit; a good buy, close in; any reasonable terms ac cepted. Phone Tabor .00. No agents. rrtce gDw, wm trsoe. HOUbES FOn SM,E AND LOTti FOR SALE. 1 have a lot near peninsular Park. Will build you a modern bungalow from your own pianr. Small payment down, balance monmiy paymenig. a j quo, Oregon i an. 300 CASH buya a neat bungalow on full lot, near Sot n ana cnnton sta it is -worth eJoo, but can be bad at 3550: act now, A & Pou!en, 710 Chamber of Commerce. IF you want to see the homes for aale on l-'Utt i if HLiiini.-y see BROOKE, Dealer In PORTLAND HKIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 4IU7 or A JUtf9. FLATS FOR BALE. Income a month: price $10,500; ele gant modern four-apartment building; fine location; always full; terma Monroe st., near union ava. , owner. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FORCED SALE. i n a. va Tarsi: oiura: a-room d unrtisw teautifu) view; y? for few days; fetched VsOo two years ago. Marshall BROOKE. A S3. IRVINGTON Fine 10-room house, close In. tiara ooa iioors, Tirepiaces, tiiea oatn. beautiful yard; $0000. easy terma Will consider some trade. Main 6S21. stxi Stock Exchange P!Qg. BARGAIN In S-room bungalow, Rose City district, near tn su, auuv; very easy terma Purse St Co.. sl$ Chamber of Commerce. IRVINGTON. $4ti5U New 8-room .ouit and garage; naxawooa noors, nrepice, i ur nace, all bul'.t-ln conveniences; Improve ments In and paid. &5 East 10th st, N. A BUNGALOW. Finest thing in Irvlngton, cheap; don't fall to see It; also 2-story residence. East 273. W. H. Herdman. 3. ROOM house, lot lOOxlOO. on good street: only 7su; sto aown. siu mo.; e per cent Interest, 51J cnamoer ox commerce. Mam WO 5 1. FOR SALE Beautiful home, restricted dis trict. Eut bide, xv ix.. taw a. rosea trees. garage. $4&0. If you mean business, call woodiawn tJ-ROOM cottage, sacrifice $J400. $10J down. balance easy terms, owner leaving city, must sell; no commission to agents. V 276. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM bungalow, full kt, select dlstrtet. all xnoaern convfnirucai, u pnci ana on terms that will interest you. Call Tabor 4469. HOM E for sale, S rooms, bath, sleeping porch, witn or wnnout turniture; easy terms. Oo C. omra u t. v i.ja. FIVE rooms. 50x100 Improved lot, 2 blka to c-vr, rood location, clear title, for $o3o, terms. u'iri, nn -vw .- g c. MODERN S-roora bungalow, furnished. easy terms. -uio, tuui. ssti. leaving city. ' BEAUTIFUL half acre, fine new 7-room house; butiet. nrepxaoe, rurnace. basement; block Hawthorne car; $4600. Tabor 2153. FOR SALE 3-room house and furniture, $'; ground rent $4 month, Peterson, foot Nevaaa ruitoiiw. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Cottage. 6 rooms, $250u- HoUister, 41H Ksllnf i .. a y FOR SALE $2O00: new, modem 3-room bungalow; close In. 214 Ivy st. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEl'HA f?y EN Jfc CO. Main Ifl7g. FOR SALE New, . modern 5-room house, wu riednont. Thone Sell. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECI ALTT. NEUHACSEN A CO. Main 07, NEW. modern 8-room house, lot oualO, at a. n'sssss ! a w tm 1 1 REAL ESTATB (or tSelc -Bou HAVE YOU ABOUT $10? - If you can pay that or nearly that down, will give you a big bargain In a cosy S-room bungalow on a 4-xlou lot, not far south of Hawthorne and between 3Sth and 8fth sta. the price Is less than $--00. it will be wttrth tout while seeing me It you want a home. A, E. Poulaen, 71 Chamber of Commerce. For WANTED. TOUR LOT OR EQUITY IN HOUSE As first payment on acreage Inside 10-mile circle; electric line and station at place; all under cultivation and in crop; two auto roads to city; priced lower than uncleared lana same distance out. tee Spooner. 1005 Wilcox bldg. MY COUNTRY HOME $w3t.H. 1 acre, new 6-room bungalow, hardwood floor, electric lights, phone, furnace, bath, cement wash treys, fruit trees, lots of natural tres. excellent view; 25 minute from Portland on Oregon City electric line, t o Mocks west of Lakewood sta tion, on fine auto road to Portland: fine neighborhood Place has cost me SolOO. I will sell for $4300. This Is one of the nest locations around Portland- Fixtures, draperies and shades go with plso-3. Phone Mllwaukle, Red 4T- J. G. Petera. owner. 40 ACRES. 3 miles to town; R. F. D. ; 14 acres under cultivation; 20 acres open pasture: 6 acres old. fir: sandy loam. 4 springs, water nlped to house and bam hog-tight fence, tn prune trees. 53 ap- nles. new li-room house, new barn; im provements worth $2."mo; price JS'-OO, $1Mh cash, balance on or be tore 1&-1, 6 per cent Interest. see Mr. Damon, cnapin Herlow Mtg. Trust Co., 3d fioor Cham her of Commerce. SPECIAL ATTENTION. Bottom land fronting on the Willamette River, on the Oregon Electric six miles soutn or baiem; in a nign state or cultiva tion. To responsible purchasers who will Improve the property we will sell on terms or notnmg aown ana tne nrst payment in 4 years, at futi per acre, cau on or aa dress, COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, S2 Fourth st., near Oaky 40 ACRES of fine Valley land in a high starve of cul tlvation near Corvallls; no buildings; price $lo0 per acre. To responsible purchasers who will Improve this property we wui sen on terma of nothing down and the first payment in four years; 6 per cent. Interest. au on or aaaress COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, B'J Fourth st., near Oak. KI.T-7TTRK: LINE, elaht blocks of station chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham; 6 aores. $400, $5u0. $700; S seres. $000. $700; 10 aerea, $750. s&00, $lo00 per tract; best sail, free wood, spring water; acreage at fccappoose, ur., to sivu per acre. FtiANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO-, $09 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. ALFALFA LAND. 1 an skim Im alfMlfa all fMTlrea Water ready to turn on, not far from Herm tston ; all tillable land ; price $100 per acre, or will divide to suit: easy terms. See Seachrest. Chanin-Harlow Mtg. A Trust Co., 3d floor Chamber of Com merce. 13 ACRES, OVERLOOKING HAPPY Very best of soil, 10 acres In cultiva tion; an ideal home site, close to church sviiu BViiQui, pnev GODDARD & WIEDRICK. ' 243 Stark St. TEN ACRES. $7o0. $75 cash, balance $10 per month; good soil, nrosperous neighbors. U mile to R. R. station, school and postoffice. C W. Davis it KjO.t quo commercial Diag. FOR PALE, owner, 19 acres. $5500, or will divide; near portland-alem Electric Ry and boat; new house, spring water, trout creek : beaverdam : tool, and croD. cow chickens: part cash, balance easy. James v. jreen, ,iw Vancouver ave., rorimnu. 45 ACRES, 4 milea Irora city limits, U In cultivation: fine auto rota; no churches, stores and school, electric line soon to nulla: orwy per acre ana easy terms; $2000 will handle. HENKLE A HARRISON, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE. 110 acres, part cleared, 18 miles from Portland and close to Oregon Electric; t0 ner acre, terms. Seo Miller. Chapin- Herlow Mtg. A Trust Co., 3d (loor Cham ber or commerce. 1 ACRES three blocks from carline. uuder cultivation and on hard -surfaced road direct into city; soil is deep and fertile. This piece is cheap at $i-j, on easy terms. AN 3u4. Oregonlan. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water, close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15S3. or geliwood 47C JNO. H. GIBSON. OWNER. I WANT to sell five acres lying close to electric line; has some shade trees and running water; soli ts finest loam, 13 feet deep and clear of atone and gravel, price $!; easy terms L 2fr3, Oreconian. HAVE 3 acres on new electric line, all un der cultivation, one Mock from station; $1400, on term. This would sell for at least $KOO0 on the Oregon City line. AJ 803. Oregonlan. FOR SAL'S 1 eere near Stanley, on O. W. P.; good soil: price right, any terms. Must trelL Main LOTS or acreage at Manhattan Beach for sale or trade. See F. J. Gattreil, 2i Htark st. $0 DOWN buvs one acre close in: right at atation on two electric lines: balance $12 n moiun. rrire et-n.'. O"o. urvnian ONE acre, very best of soil ; good trans portation; $400, $a per month. AC 3tn, Orpeonlan. momn. trice t.-t. S"J. oregonian 2ri ACRES, good soil, $e73; very easy terma AB Oregonian. $3u0 BUYS 13 acres, terms, or trsde for Portland lot. phone East 6193 or B !45. For Sale- Irult Land a ISLE OF PINES, the fruit-grower's para dise In the Sunny South; only I days from New York ; most perfect climate known; It Is an Island of eternal June, with no ex treme of heat, fanned by ocean breezes creating a uniform temperature, and glad dened by fruits, flowers and sunshine the year around; pure and abundant water; cou?hs. colds, rheumatism, fevers and sunstrikes are unknown; splendid up-to. date settlement and wonderful develop ments; exceptionally good class of settlers, mostly American- over uo per cent white: no cold, barren Winters to endure; frost is entirely unknown, and Irrigation Is not required ; enormous profits now being made from growing pineapples and grape fruit of an exclusive quality, for whieh there Is an ever-increasing market always at hand; a small development outlay will produce almost incredible returns; this Is no alluring statement, but is based on actual returns, which can be fully veri fied; prices of land low at present,-but U Is selling rspidly and may be counted on to go to a very high figure. This is the opportunity of a lifetime; take bold of it before it Is too late, and secure for your self a long life of pleasure and Indepen dence on this healthful and attractive is i and; many have already done so. and are delighted with their great good for tune; for further particulars apply to A. J. Wood (general agent, isle of Pines Co.). box 4, 119 12th ave.. Seattle. Wash. For Bale Farsaa. SACRIF1CE SALE. An undivided half-lnterst in' 4?0 ac In N. E. Oregon; 3 -room house, barn for 12-14 head ; being farmed; 3 miles from R. R.. Tel.. R. F. D-. In best district In Pacific N. W. ; an A-l gen. mdse, point If this appeals to you write, me. Price $5500, way below value. Some town, A-l, to trade for store fix tures, scales, etc L B. C Fisher, owner, Llnnton. Or. FOR SALE 144 acres, dairy. stock and fruit ranch, a la miles from R, R. ; deep, black anil, half cleared, good outrange, 7 acres in fruit, mostly prunes, dryer, room house, 2-ttory barn, 04x80; 8 fine horses, 20 bead of cattle, hogs, chickens, hay, grain, wagons. Implements, tools, household goods; price 3wJ; about $4o00 cash ; no agents. C Virkslyst Mehama, Oregon. FOR SALE 40 acres, about 2 milea, on a direct line from Portland; 32 mile on an automobile roaa; rural free delivery, tei e phone line, all level land, about 5fe miles from R. R. station, 10 mlls from electric line; easy to clear, close to good neigh bor and school; worth $60 per acre, can be bougnt ior aoout y its vius, on terma Fee the owner at 4 N. 6th st. ft ACRES on P. E. A E. Electric Small house, nam. ate. loung ore d arc fine garden. Price $2000; easy terma 10 ACRE edjotninr-ebova. New T-roora bungalow; o acres in oronara; nice grove; running stream; 1 W acres strawberries, m acres potatoes, iota of other garden. Cow, 2 pigs, chlskensi all for $23oo; faaif ceso- 504 SPALDING BLDG. IF you want to buy an excellent 80-acre farm, witn stock ana implements, near electric line, lt me show you this bar gain ; only IS miles from Portland. Forbes, I53U Grand ave. Phone Esst 37. FARM LANDS ALONG GRAND TRUNK Pacific in Central Br.usn Columbia, lie Fhaiko a- Callup. 924 Cham, of Com. RANCH, $0 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from portiana, near eiectnc jine: Bargain for all cash. By owner, lit Morrison st. IF you wsnt to buy a farm, see Forbes. lon orana ave. eia. REAL ESTATE. For Sal?- FareWfv. GOOD FARM BUYS. HARGROVE A SONS. 320-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. Located S miles trwm lUexrngton Oregon, In Morrow County, 3J0 acres. T75 In cul tivation ; best of soil, sure crops; fair buildings, good water. P1r 4too; worth twice tnat much; winding up au estate. Get busy. 10O ACRES ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. Do you want a farm on the beautiful Willamette? Herfe is one- of the best. There are 14 acres. SO acres !n cultiva tion, balance fir and hardwood; all best of soli; fine S-room plastered house, large, fine barn and icta of outbuildings: 75 rods of river frontage: boat landing on the place: mite from good town. I miles from Oregon Electric; 20 milea from Portland. Price $14,000; $3000 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. HARGROVB A SONS. 1-- N. 6th m.. near Oiisan. Main 4SS1. A 72G& I WAXT TO REACH THE MAN WHO IS A FARMER. T own ' a splendid!- located Willamette Valley farm, con taining 1300 acres of first-class soil, adaptable to various uses, such as general farming, dairy ing, stockraising. etc.; over 3O0 acrea now in crop, balance open pasture and timber, watered by - good running creek, several springs and well. Farm ia Improved, baa a good, modern 7-room house. family orchard, three barns, other out bu tidings, etc. all fenced and cross-fenced. Personal property auch as 15 head of cattle, six horses, all kinds of farm ma chinery, wagon a harness, etc; besides the crop goes with the piece. THE PRICE IS $4 PER ACRE. If yon ha-e clear, income bearing property that will show value for the price asked, I will accept it as part payment and give good terma on balance. S. N. STEELE. Owner. 432 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 13-ACRE BARGAIN. Near Greenburg station. 9 milea out on Oregon Electric, 10c commu tation fare to the city; we have a bargain In a le-acre tract.- There are 6 acres In high state cultivation, balance nice body of fir; cord wood enough to pay for place; lies per fectly, no rock, nice firing stream, small nous, barn, etc.. with young orchard and Iota of berries; faces on two county roads and wiu divide nicely into two tracts; price $3500. about 31000 cash, balance long time. S per Trent; buy this property and you will lay the foundation for a enug little fortune. You can still hold your job in the city and work this place. This place is away under value; belongs to non-resident who ia sick and needs the money. HARGROVE & SONS, 123 N. Aih. Main 43S1, A T:3$. If you would know the truth about WESTERN CANADA see the -CANADIAN PACIFIC EXHIBIT of prire-winntng products of the fertile Canadian plains. Full personal informa tion fr3e ma pa and literature yours for the asking. L. P. THORNTON. Land Agent. 271 Pine St., Multnomah Hotel Bldg. A FINE LITTLE FARM IN PROSPEROUS NEIGHBORHOOD. Dairying, poultry and hog -raising. v. erybody is satisfied snd happy. When others do well with modest means yu can do likewise; $500 cash will place you in possession of 10 acres of very pro ductive land. Material for modest dwell ing, barn and outhouses; also chickens, cow, pigs, and an assortment of farm tools Included. You may have four years time, to pay $1300, the balance. Close to Portland; mile to depot, store and school. C W. Davis -fc Co., (M Commercial blk. ALL INDICATIONS -POINT TO A BUMPER CROP. $2ono SHOULD BE CLEARED FROM THE TREES ALONE THIS YEAR. 23 acres, all the very best soil. 10 acres In full bearing orchard, o acres In culti vation, balance In brush, all fenced and croas-fenced; email old house and stable: 4 milea from good town of 0o0 and X mile from K. R. and eleotrio station. The value of the orchard alone la more than the price of foHK for the entire tract. Will exchange for clear city prop erty. 8. N. STEELE. Owner. 412 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 235. OVERLOOKIXO HAPPY VALLEY. Very highly Improved farm of 3 acres, within S milea from center cf Portland; extra rich soil, no gravel, Xce a-room house, plastered, good barn and out buildings; all kinds of fruit and berries; present ownr has lived there 23 ears and hss made money and wants to retiie. Price $6775. but owner wouid take resi dence in S. E. part of city up to 33o0u. GODDAM D st WlKDhlCa 243 Stark tst. FOR SALE 2400 acres, N. E. Oregcon land. gooa improvements, best piace lor bugs and cattle In the West : will take sonve Portland property: might divide this tract to suit. Apply AT 310, Oregonlan. FOR SALE TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER LANDS. BOUGHT AND uLD. C. J. M'CRACKEN. SU4 McKay Bldg. CHEAP STUM PAGE. Ideal location for tie miJl: stream run ning to railroad apur. No. 63 5th. NEED the money, will sacrifice a yellow piue timber claim; a bargain. AS 276, Ore gonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. WE have fine 1300-acre stock and grain farm In the Willamette Valley to rent, with good buildings, on conutry road, not far from warehouse, store and postoffice. on R. R. party must have $240u to pur chase personal property now on farm and roust know how and be willing to work. To such a party will give a good bargain. 8. X. STEELE A CO., 432 Chamber of Commerce. . Phone Maine 253. WANTED TO RENT FARMS, OWNERS. ATTENTION. PROPERTY WANTED. Inside vacant business property; also, apartment-house site. We can get you quick action If properly located and price right. F. E. Taylor Co.. Kenry blag. WANTED To rent, a good dairy ranch; well stocked with good Improvements; caih rent; can furnish good referencea Frank Miller, Orchards. Wsh. route 1. WANTED to rent by two e?wis. good dsiry and hor ranch, w ith good improvements, about 10 milch cows; cash rent; good ref erences. AR 302. Oregonlan. WANTED To rent ranch to run on shares; everyiiilng fumi-hed; must be about 10 milch cows; reference If desired. P 2Sa. Oregonlsn. EXPERIENCED man wants to rent ful' equipped dairy farm; references. P.- E. Goffar, 1756 Dwlght st., Portland, Or. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED -Business property up to the amount of $3.0tH; have o00o cash, rest clear property; would prefj apartment or- 1 J M.I. A. UO ? Bl'jro UIUB. .'is"i -wow REMDENCK lot, within two blocks car.' psved ntreet, bargain only. cash. Buyer, Msin 4i3a. WANVED Runsaiow or lot, good district! mut be bargain. AR 20, Oregonian. LOT wanted, near car. Alberta distne; must be cheap; cash. 10T6 E- JSta st. N.