Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 20, 1913, Page 11, Image 11

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Prlntlri-Room Mln 7070. A OOOJ
City Circulation Main 7070. A 05
Manaslng- Editor Main 7070. A
Sunday Editor T070. A 0S
Composini-Room Main T070. A aoS
Superintendent Building Main TOT0. A 08S
lor Vaudeville. This atterooon at 2:15
and tonight at 8:1.
PANT ACES THEATER (Broadway and Al
der) Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 2:1
and toe is hi at 7:30 and 0.
EMPRESS THEATER (Broadway and Tam
EIj;) Vaudeville. Thia afternoon at 2:13
end tonight at 7:30 and .
LVRIC THEATER (Fourth and E!ark
Musical comedy. "Maloney's WeddlnJC.'
This afternoon at 2:16 an dtonlsht at
S:0 to 10:45 o'clock.
tures. 11 A. M. to 12 P. M.
ington) Contlnuoua first-run pictures
from HAM.
GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wtlh-Ingto-i)
CoDtinuoua (irst-run motion o c
tures. OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK fCara from
First and Aider) Royal Italian Band and
vaudeville. Afternoons at 2:SO; evenlnaa
at a P. 31.
RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and
Vaughn) Baseball, Portland vs. Los An
geles. This afternoon at 8:15.
For quickest delivery of The Ore
ronian at Summer resorts subscribe
Through the following: agents. City
rates. Subscriptions by mall are
payable In advance.
Bar View, Or E. P. Jackson
Bay City. Or Bf. J. Miller
Bay Ocean. Or.... St. A. Shirley. Jr.
Brlarbtoa Beach, Or. . . J. A. Baldwin
Carson, Wash. . .Shepherd's Sprisgl
Cascadta, Or G. M. Gelaendorfer
Garibaldi, Or C. F. Alexaader
Long Beaeb, Wash Freak Hoehfleld
Maniaaita Reach. Or. Emll G. Kardell
Kahcotta. TVaah J. H. Browa
Newport, Or George Sylvester
Oeeaa Park. Wssk.,.D. EL Beechey
Rockmway Beach, Or. . .Fran at Miller
Rockaway Beach, Or. . .F. H. VVllklaa
St. Martina Spring, Wask
Mrs. N. St. Minis
Seaside, Or... Clark Strattoa
Sea view. Wash. .Coastable A PutaSm
Tillamook. Or J. S. Lamar
Wheeler, Or ...R H. Cady
Wilholt. Or F. W. McLnaa
Club Plans Streetcar Changes. L.
M. Lepper. chairman of the transporta
tion committee of the East Side Busi
ness Men's Club, announced yesterday
the club will undertake to get stop
over transfers for the East Side, and
will take up the matter at the first
meeting In September. Also the club,
he said, will undertake to make a
terminal point at the intersection of
East Water and East Morrison streets.
If this plan works out all the lnterur
ban cars. Including the Estacada,
Gresham and. Oregon City, would run
to the corner of East Water and East
Morrison streets and. transfer pas
sengers to the streetcars operated over
Morrison bridge. Mr. Xiepper explained
that this plan would stop the conges
tion on the West Side caused by the
Interurban cars.
Immigration Mem to Seb Statu.
Headed by J. L. Bricker. general im
migration agent of the Northern Pa
cific Railroad, a party of traveling Im
migration agents on their way to see
the Willamette Valley and Central Ore
gon will pass through Portland today.
They will arrive just In time to make
connections for Albany and Eugene.
Returning tonight they will proceed to
Central Oregon. The return from there
will be made on August 23. After a
few hours in Portland, the party will
depart for Puget Sound. The object of
the trip Is to make the traveling agents
familiar with the Northwest country,
knowledge which will be useful In their
efforts to locate settlers here.
Chamberlain Replies on Dbedqks.
Secretary Glltner, of the Chamber of
Commerce, received a somewhat Un
favorable reply from Senator Cham
berlain yesterday with regard to his
inquiry as to the feasibility of securing
sea-going dredges from the Isthmian
Canal for use on the Columbia River
bar. Major Boggs, chief officer of the
Corps of Engineers, TJ. S. A-, says that
the dredges will not be released for
some time. He says that in all prob
ability the Commission will be able to
dispose of two pipeline dredges and
suggests that this information be con
veyed to ihe Portland Chamber of Com
merce. Auditorium Blue Prints Ready.
Architect J. H. Freelander, who has
been selected to make the plans and
specifications for the Portland audi
torium, yesterday presented his blue
prints In the office of City Commis
sioner Brewster and they will be in
spected at this morning's meeting of
the Council. The plans are elaborate
and give explicit details of every nook
and corner in the proposed structure. It
Is regarded as a foregone conclusion
that the Mayor and Commissioners will
accept them promptly.
Mrs. James Lyons Buried. Mrs.
James Lyons, who died Sunday, was
raid to rest in Mount Calvery Cemetery
yesterday after funeral services held in
St. Francis" Church. The 'Rosarian
Altar Society met in the Lyons home
on East Fifteenth street Monday night
and offered prayers for the deceased.
Besides the widower, Mrs. Lyons left
the following sons and daughters:
William J. Lyons. Mrs. H. G. Terry,
James A. Lyons, Mrs. Cronan and Frank
L. Lyons.
Rose City Club to Be Completed. A
meeting will be held tonight in
Metcalfs hall, Sandy boulevard and
East Fifty-fourth street, of members
of the new Rose City Park Civic Im
provement Club to complete the organi
zation. T. T. Geer Is the president and
Walter Seaberg the secretary-treasurer.
At the meeting tonight the constitution
and bylaws will be adopted and plans
will be made for future work.
New Orleans Gets Ideas Here.
Delegated to get Ideas on trades schools
Professor Hill, of Tulane University,
New Orleans, La., has been in Portland
the last few days looking over schools
of that character In this city. He was
favorably impressed. The City of New
Orleans recently was given a gift of
11.000.000 with which to establish a
thoroughly modern and up-to-date
trades school.
Ttrell Trips Company Incorporates.
The Tyrell Trips Company was in
corporated yesterday. Under the new
incorporation the "Seeing Portland"
company has taken over from the Grif
fith estate the three sight-seeing cars
operated by the late Mr. Griffith, who
died from hydrophobia three weeks ago,
after being bitten by his dog. The new
company has now five sight-seeing cars.
Mrs. Dcole to Tell or Work. Mrs.
M. E. Dugle, superintendent of rail
road work, will have charge of the
programme at the meeting of the Cen
tral Women's Christian Temperance
Union at J:30 today on the fpurth
floor of the Behnke-Walker building,
corner of Fourth and Yamhill streets.
Mrs. Dugle will talk of her work, and
all are invited.
Earlt Crawford Peaches, direct from
our Ashland peach farm, for putting up
and also highest grade for table use.
H. Jenning & Sons. - Telephone Main
319. Home A 1330.
Velma Beardslet (Gets Divorce. Ob
grounds of cruelty Velma Beardsiey
was allowed a divorce from Alfred
Beardsiey by Circuit Judge McGinn yes
terday. Ice Cream delivered to all parts of
the city. Phone Washington Cream Co.
Dr. George F. Tucker, dentist, re
moved to Broadway bldg.
Dr. Knapp; Selling-Hirsch bid?.
Wldentso or East Bcrnside Subject.
The widening of East Burnside street
from the bridge approach to East
Thirtieth street to 80 feet will be con
sidered at the meeting of the East
Burnslde-Street District Improvement
Association today at 12:30 at the Grand
Union Grilh 386 East Burnside street
It is desired that all property owners
who can should attend and express
their opinion, as several new buildings
are projected. A luncheon will be
served. At this meeting a member
ship roll of the club will be started.
All Interested in the development of
the district are invited to attend and
enroll their names. O. E. Heintx will
preside. Commissioner C. A. BIgelow
and other commissioners are expected.
L. M. Lepper, chairman transportation
committee of the East Side Business
Men's Club, will speak.
Missionaries to Speak in Oreoom.
Rev. T. S. Knecht and wife, of- Sun
bury, -Pa., under appointment of the
board of missions of the United Evan
gelical Church as missionaries to
Cbangsba, China, arrived yesterday and
are the guests of Rev. C. C. Poling, of
the first Evangelical Church of this
city. While In Oregon they will speak
at the following places: Salem, Wed
nesday evening at 8 o'clock; Dallas.
Thursday evening; Hlllsboro, Friday
evening; Portland, St. Johns Church,
Sunday at 11 A. M., Ockley Green
Church, at 3 P. M., and at First Church,
Ladd's Addition, at 8 P. M. They will
sail for China from Seattle August 26
on the steamer Tokahoma.
Cm to Re-Allot Firb Insurance. In
assembling data for use when the City
Commission arranges for the next dis
tribution of the city's insurance. Com
missioner BTewster has discovered that
other cities carry no insurance on their
fire apparatus, although Portland has a
15000 policy on the fireboat David
Campbell and a $17,000 policy on the
fireboat Geo. H. Williams. Both poli
cies were written during the Rushlight
regime. One will expire two years
hence and the other In three years. The
Commission intends giving all the local
fire insurance agencies a portion of the
city's business when the time comes.
Excursionists Dub Friday. Bring
ing 250 Idaho and Eastern Oregon per
son on their way to North Beach points
for a week's outing, a special excursion
train will arrive over the O.-W. R. &
N. line Friday morning In time to con
nect with the steamer T. J. Potter here.
The excursionists will reach the
beaches Friday evening. Those In the
party are from Boise, Nampa. Weiser
and other Idaho cities, and Huntington,
Baker. Pendleton and La Grande in
Oregon. Tickets will be good return
ing until September 6.
Bakery Declared Insanitary. Sani
tary Inspectors Walsh and Biggs made
two visits to the Lohr Bakery and
reported to City Health OfTicer Marcel
lus that conditions there ere Insanitary
In the extreme. The rye bread attracted,
their chler Interest, ror on breaking
the loaves they found many worms.
Molasses and flour kept in the stable
were other things the inspectors re
ported, and the Health Officer served
notice on the bakery management to
clean up things inslanter or shut up
the place.
Scowtowm Wants Sewers. At a
meeting of residents of "Scowtown," In
South Portland, Monday evening, reso
lutions were passed calling on the Ladd
estate to furnish proper facilities for
drainage. The Ladd estate owns the
property occupied by the houseboats,
and conditions in "Scowtown" are de
clared to be not sanitary. The scow
dwellers say they will perform all the
work if the estate will supply the ma
terial. They pay monthly rentals to the
Illinois Society Meets Tonight.
The Illinois Society of Oregon will hold
its regular monthly meeting at Man
Chester Hall, 854 Fifth street at 8
o'clock this evening. Among the num
bers prepared by the entertainment
committee, a short address will be made
by WalteT A. Evans. District Attorney.
All former Illlnolsans are cordially In
vited. .
Railroad Clerk Resigns. Earl R.
Abbett. for four years chief clerk in
the office of John McGulre, superin
tendent of the North Bank road, has
resigned, and after a month's rest will
take up the study of dentistry. Mr.
Abbett has been succeeded by E. D.
Kidde. of Crookston, Minn., formerly
with the Great Northern Railway.
Pennsylvanuns to Visit City. A
party of tourists from Pennsylvania in
a Pennsylvania Railroad special train.
Is to arrive in Portland at 8 o'clock this
morning over the Nqrth Bank. They
will put in the day sightseeing. Their
train will leave for Seattle at 11 P. M.
About 125 are in the party.
Lecture a Success at Oak Point.
The Methodist Episcopal Church at Oak
Point, Wash., was crowded Saturday
evening when Rev. Alfred Bates gave
an illustrated lecture on Yellowstone
Park. At the basket lunch which fol
lowed the sum of 833.45 was netted for
the church.
Oriental, Rugs should not be
neglected, our expert washers and re
pairers restore them at moderate cost.
Cartoxlan Bros., importers, Washing
ton, bet. 13th and 14th sts.
FOR Sale. Dental practic In town of
1000, fine farming country, all electric
equipped; this proposition will stand
closest investigation. Reason for sell
ing. AV 331. Oregonlan.
Learn to Ride. Classes now forming,
private lessons. $2; class lessons, $L
Kramer's Riding School, Sixteenth and
Water Carnival Opens on East Side.!
Under the auspices of the East Side
Business Men's Club the Rich Dore
Carnival, with 20 attractions, has i
opened on the grounds on Hawthorne
avenue, between East Eighth and East
Tenth streets, the tents covering more
than live blocks. The carnival Is some
thing new and takes in many amuse
ments, including' a deepwater tank. In
the motordome there are dare-devil
bicycle riders on motorcycles racing on
a track T5 feet in diameter at 75 and
80 miles an hour. Exhibitions in horse
back riding also are being given.
CrvTL, Service Tests Announced.
The United States Civil Service Com
mission announces that on September
13. 1913. the following examinations
will be held in this city: Rural carrier
(male) for the position of rural carrier
at Corbett, Or., from $600 to $1100 per
annum, and for mechanician (male) on
September 15, 1913. for position in the
bureau of standards. Department of
Commerce. Washington. D. C. at $1020
a year. Persons desiring to compete In
these examinations should apply to Z:
A. Leigh, Postofflce Department.
Mrs. Mart Lyons' Funeral Held.
The funeral of Mrs. Mary Lyons, who
died August 15, was held yesterday from
St. Francis Church, ffast Pine and East
Twelfth streets. Interment was made
in Mount Calvary Cemetery. Many
beautiful floral tributes were received.
Mrs. Lyons was 62 years of age and had
been a resident of Portland for 37 years.
She was the wife of James Lyons and
mother of William J., James and Frank
Lyons, and Mrs. H. G. Terry and Mrs.
L. W. Cronan, of Portland.
Former Kansans Urged to Attend.
The meeting in commemoration of
those who were slain in the massacre
at Lawrence, Kan., 50 years ago, will
be held at the residence of Mrs. W.
W. Bretherton, 465 East Twenty-sixth
street, tomorrow from 2 to 4 P. M. All
who have ever resided In Lawrence are
asked to attend. It was originally
planned to hold a picnic at the Oaks,
but the coming meeting was decided
upon Instead.
Sellwood Commercial Club In
corporates. The Sellwood Commercial
Club will meet tonight at the clubhouse
on Umatilla avenue, to complete the
reorganization of the club, elect offi
cers and adopt articles of Incorpora
tion. The club has 80 members. Under
the new organization the club will start
a campaign for the erection of a bridge
across the Willamette Kiver at toeii
wood to replace the ferry operated from
Spokane avenue.
Thibman Is Held; Girl Dismissed.
H. Thleman. a South Bend milk ped
dler, arrested here by Detectives Hell
yer and Howell for passing forged
checks, waived examination In Muni
cipal Court yesterday and was held to
the grand Jury. Mary Gable, the young
woman who eloped with him and was
caught offering one of the checks, was
dismissed, the officers being convinced
that she acted innocently.
Negress Fails to Heed Warning.
Failure of Irene Benson, a North End
negress, to heed a warning recently in
Municipal Court cost her 75 days of
liberty when the old case was re
vived against her yesterday. The
woman also is held to answer a felony
charge of stealing money from the
person of a white man who was found
in her company.
Candy Maker Fined. J. N. Matschek,
candy manufacturer, pleaded guilty in
Municipal Court yesterday to a charge
of maintaining an unsanitary foctory,
and was fined $20. The basis of the
charge was that a quantity of stale and
wormy candy was found in the place,
which It was alleged was to be worked
over. The defendant denied that the
stuff was Intended for use.
$20,000 Wanted
7 Per Cent
On West Side business income property.
Security four times amount of loan.
Absolutely secure. Hammond Mortgage
Company, 423 Chamber of Commerce.
Kqb your horses in new, fireproof.
sanitary stable; $17.50 to $25; free de
livery, light delivery rigs a specialty.
Kramer's Riding School, Sixteenth and
Jefferson streets.
Patrolmen Watch Place Week Before
Arrests Abatement of Prop
erty Possible.
With "the abatement of the use of
property at Fourth and Davis streets
Impending, a bitter fight was made in
Municipal Court yesterday In the in
terests of six women, alleged Inmates
of the place, which is conducted by
Charles Aubrey, a resort-keeper of the
North End. The Jury returned a ver
dict of not guilty.
Ex-Municipal Judge Tazwell par
ticipated in the trial in behalf of the
defense. It was In a raid on this place
last Spring that the charge was made
by one of the inmates that her dia
monds, valued at $3000, disappeared,
with the Inference that some of the
raiding party had taken them. After
this incident a number of raids were
made on the place, and Judge Tazwell
voiced the opinion that the occupants
were being hazed by the police on ac-
Statistlcs gathered and published by F. L. Hoffman,
the well-known life insurance statistician, show that
More People Commit Suicide
Every Year in San Francisco
out of every 1000 inhabitants, than in
any other city in the United States.
Oakland, California, Is Second
Every Oregonian pays for this high
suicide ratio if he insures in any life
insurance company which does business
in California.
the only Life In
BTtrp.nrfi Company
which does business only in Oregon,
where the suicide ratio is lowest and
general health conditions best, therefore
lower mortality and superior results for
Discriminating Buyers Give Us Preference
Home Office, Corbett Bufldinz, Fifth and Morrison, Portland.
President General Manager Assistant Manager
arj f r Q an application for Life Insurance in
OeiOre I OU lgll any other company, exam- rrrf,tylfp
z ine the surperior service of yUl&UUIUj
Twenty Years
Ago a Man
"How to make an Impression!
Unfailing formula send me
-10c." Thousands of people sent
their dime and received this
answer: "Sit in a pan of
Where would that man get
off now?
Advertising laws prevent
the willful deceiver from prac
ticing such fakes, but
The real merchant is the man
who not only gives you good
values, but adds that touch
which Is so prized by the buy
ing public and which we call
Service Lennon Service.
The Busiest Little Store
M.rrison St.. On. P. O.
C. P. Bern;. Maotfer,
count of the Imputation thrown out
about the diamonds.
All but one of the six women were
arrested In some uptown hotel early in
the morning, after being trailed from
the Davis-street resort by an officer.
Patrolmen N'iles and Hutchlngs kept
watch for a week from a room across
the street before the arrests were
made. The property has been notorious
for many years., being a part of the
old "crib" district
An abatement suit has been prepared
against the owners, but is held in
abeyance under promise of reform. The
bartender in the saloon below is now
under arrest on a charge of maintain
ing a stairway from his saloon to the
rooms overhead.
These are delightful days at Gear
hart. Many entertainment features this
week. Special Interest In golf tourna
ment. Room at hotel for all. Informa.
tlon lQOtt 4th st.
Salmon steak, chicken pie. eggs-
a-ia-oeneaict, roast pork, shrimp salad
peach pie. 186 6th st.
Tonight, free lecture on '1b Consci
ence a Safe Guide?" Music at 7:45;
free lecture at 8 sharp, corner 13th and
Morrison. Come!
Early Fall Showing
of Men's Suits
make one glad the glori
ous Autumn days are just
about here.
The new Fall
Suits and
"Fi Yin's" are
coming in daily.
The new Kuppenhehners the very latest in style
and fabric which we are showing, are the same as
are beginning to appear on Broadway.
You'll like this Fall's 0
models and patterns at. . pJ
Others at Fifteen to Forty
We Give H&C. Green Trading Stamps
"The Steinbach Store"
Morrison at Fourth
. Men! Buy your new Fall suit from
Jimmy Dunn. No profit tacked on to
pay for high ground floor rent. Take
elevator and save 10. Room 315 Ore
gonian bldg.
The relatives of "Wallace P. Dibble,
deceased, wish to thank their many
friends for their kind sympathy and
assistance In their late terrible bereave
ment. MR. AND MRS. C. A. DIBBLE.
10a Fifth St.. Perkins Hotel Block.
No Store in the High-Rent
District Can Sell You Furni
ture as Cheaply as
With Their Low Rent
To Be Entirely Discontinued in the New Store.
Below are listed a few Items picked at random from
this splendid selection of the world's choicest cut
glass ware. Many mors-in the store to choose from:
Rock Crystal Highball Glasses, regular C 1 Q flfi
$30 a dozen, now, dozen D I O.UU
Rock Crystal Wine Glasses, regular 130 a CJO 1 (f
dozen, now, dosen ilvU
Rock Crystal Wine Glasses, regular $32.50 oo CC
a dozen, now, dozen BtJJ
Rock Crystal Champagne Glasses, regular 07 Cf
$42.60 a dozen, now 9ai I iOU
Rock Crystal Water Set. Pitcher and tn
dozen glasses, reg. $48.50, now. set flJltdU
Rock Crystal Sherbet Set. regular $63.00 t JfJ OD
dozen, now. dozen Oi V.VJU
Unusual Price Reductions on the Entire Stock
283-285 Washington St., Bet. Fourth and Fifth Sts.
September 30, 1913
The Route of the
De Luxe
Rocky Mountain Limited
Tickets, Reservations, Information, etc,
v General Agent Passenger Department
264 Stark Street Portland, Oregon
Phones Main 334; Home, A 2666
"Good Soup will do you good!
Any physician will tell you that.
Scientists agree that soup properly pre
pared is one of the most valuable aids
to digestion and nutrition. And this is
peculiarly true of Campbell's Tomato
Our method of preparing it preserves the
most useful properties of choice tomatoes in
their best condition; and its other nourishing
ingredients blended by the Campbell formula
give this favorite soup a flavor and wholesome
ness distinctively its own.
Prepare it with milk instead of
water for a change and you'll have
the most tempting tomato bisque
you ever tasted. Your money back
if not satisfied.
21 kinds 10c a can
Look for the red-and-white label
Y. M. C. A Day and Night Schools
Sixth mud Taylor.
CourM Fe g Mo, or Courve.
Accounting (Course)
Advertiln 15-00
Algebra 8.00
Aumvlnr (Course) 80.00
Apple Culture No fee
Architectural Drafting; t.o
Arithmetic 2.O0
Automobile (Course) 50.00
Bookkeeping 6.00
Boys School 4 o0
Business Law 2 00
Carpentry and Wood turn in c ........ 10.00
Chemistry 10.00
Electricity l..oo
English for Foreign Men 3.00
RnpiiPh Grammar and Reading S.00
English Literature 3.00
Freehand Drawing ................. 7 Oi)
French S.OO
Geometry 5.00
German 600
History 6.00
Latin 6.00
Machine Design 7.50
Metchanlcal Drafting 7.60
Penmanship 3.00
Pharmacy (Course) 30-00
Physical and Commercial Geography 6.00
Physics 7.00
Plan Reading and Cost Engineering
(Course) 15.00
Plumbing. Shop Practice 13. 0O
Poultry Raising ...No fee
Public Speaking ft.00
Reinforced Concrete Construction.... 2O.O0
Salesmanship (Course) 20 0O
Spanish v . . . . B OO
Shorthand 6 00
Surveying and Mapping 10.00
Telegraphy and Dispatching (Course) 20.00
Trigonometry 5.00
Typewriting 6 OO
Vocal Music 3. On
Wireless Telegraphy (Course) 60.00
Call or send for Catalog.
Similar schools In Seattle. Ticoma. Spo
kane, Oakland, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Wynkoop Bros.
MAIN 2632
We have one car in each
of the five Buick models
for 1913 remaining in
Guaranteed for one year
with full Buick service. '
Howard Auto Co.
14th and Davis
WamhlBjrt. Street. Crmer 12uw
Malm 5081 Pho.ea A 8?1.
Rates per month, one or two
persons In same room, 15 to $23
per month with bath privilege.
$30 to J45 per month with pri
vate bath. ISO to 7S per month
for two rooms with bath be
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1-50 a day up
American Plan $3.50 a day up
New ste.1 and brick atnictara. Third ad
eitioa of hundred rooms now boUdmc
Every modera eotwamieaaeau Mod. rat.
riuii mmmr w " - -
Iriri On HtB. Irurfcmaf M vr
city. Uactnc
First and
Main 165
iro Sixth St. - Better Quality Hair OMd.
112 6witehe. sl-lnch, S separats M
i 7 Switches. iS-lnch. 2 Mparau AJ
S Switches. 2-lnch. S a.p.rats
I B All Round 22-lnch traasforsnatlaa 2
C.nta- Toup.M to ordor
Ldls Win to order . .10 to 0
Mali orders earetully attended to. We
match heir when ethers falL ,
The Hair Store. It tn sU sear Wash.
All Kinds Spanish Cooking-. Best
Wines. Liquors and Beers Served.