IV, IV 14. MOTHER Of HARRY THAW, WHO REJOICES IX HIS ESCAPE, AND 6LYHH IS HELD 10 ' TWO PICTURES OF FUGITIVE. STRIKE IS AVERTED BELEGALGOVERNOR Company Reserves Right to New York Attorney-General Pass on Men for Electric or Steam Service. Declares in Opinion That Assembly Has Right. CONCESSIONS ALSO MADE BODY'S ACTION JUDICIAL THE MOJKXJLNU OKiXiUMAA, TUKSUA1. ALliLSt mm PACIFIC Compromise Is Reached on One of Principal Demands Involving N Seniority In Interchange,' With , Fitness Real Qualification. SAN FRAXCISCO. Aug. IS. (Spe cial.) The Southern Pacific Company tonight reached an agreement uu mo Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen and he Order of Railroad Conductors, thus preventing the threatened strike i,a Stithffrn Pacific lines. The right of unlimited interchange between steam and electric service, at the option cf the men. is not granted, the company reserving the right to declare the fitness of the men who en ter the service. Tender certain conditions a limited Interchange between steam and elec trie service is allowed, providing the candidate can satisfy the railroad com pany as to his fitness and experience. Conditions Set Forth. Interchange is allowed under condl , tions fully set forth in the following, , whioh was signed by both trainmen's representatives and the railroad offi cials: First. The company concedes to the organizations the right to negotiate, : maintain and protect, under protective : laws of their organizations, without segregation of committees, schedules covering rates of pay, rules to seniori ty and working conditions governing enginemen. trainmen and yardmen in both steam and electric service. Second. Portions of the Pacific Sys tern in Alameda County and in Ore gon that have been electrified, and any portion of the Pacific System that may hereafter be electrified and any new lines constructed for operation in connection therewith will not be seg regated in so far as it affects the rights of enginemen, trainmen and yardmen in either steam or electric service, or of the system general; com mittees to legislate for and represent such employes and the rates of pay and working conditions provided for in steam service shall apply, subject to agreement provisions. None of the above to apply to street car service. The question of what constitutes street car service to be determined as here inafter orovided. Third. Before an employe in the exercise of his seniority rights is as signed to runs in the electric service from the steam service, or vice versa, the company shall have the right to establish and require such tests and standard of efficiency as it may deem necessary to satisfy itself of the com petency of the employe for the posi tion desired in order fully to provide for the safety of operation of its train It Is agreed that an engineer who has had experience in freight service only going into rlectric service and remain ing therein a number of years, desiring to exercise his seniority In fast steam passenger service, may be required to qualify by first going into steam freight or local passenger service or both on the same district for a reasonable period. Modifications Are Made. Fourth. The above is to be modified only as hereinafter specified, to-wit: On the Alameda County electric lines (tabulated in trainmen's agreement). (a In future, in making promotion "to the position of conductor, article 25, trainmens agreement will be aanerea to and promotion of passenger brake man in suburban service to position of conductor will be discontinued. (b) The rights of main line conduc tors, both freight and passenger, will be-extended to cover suburban service, dating their seniority in suburban serv ice behind the youngest suburban con ductor. (c) The seniority of the trainmen now In the suburban electric service in Alameda County will be confined to that service. Fifth. The determination of what constitutes street-car service as dis tinguished from suburban electric serv Ice to be arrived at by a board of three, constituted as follows One member to be named by that company, one member by the organiza tions, the -third to be selected by the two thus named within two days from date, falling in which the third shall be named by the assistant Commissioner of Mediation and . Conciliation. Said board to convene promptly and arrive at a determination of the question - 11 ' " 1 Tv (fft jz&k.. n&-w? ',? V? 4 w 2rt I .ft WSfir f I v . 'f ' -ri-i i'pVv J VMS J- ABOVE, MRS. WILLIAM THAW WITH MISS CtllVf.T.IK, UAI'GHTER OF IRONMASTER (PHOTO COPYRIGHT BV BU MOWS SERVICKt BB. LOW. PHOTOGRAPHS OF UAK K hlv DAI.L THAW. TAKES AT MAT- . TEA WAN. THAW IS ACCUSED Officials Plan to Extradite Fugitive for Conspiracy. PENNSYLVANIA IS GOAL Mrs Tliaw Joyously Exhibits Note From Son Telling of Intent to Meet Her at Country Home. State's Case Technical. 1 (Continued From First Fare.) issue within 30 days after date of selec tion of third member of said board. Paid determination to be binding on both the company and the organiza tions involved. The company and the organizations will each bear the ex penses of the member named by It. and will bear in equal parts the compen sation and expenses of the third mem ber of the board. All Matters Included. The above five articles constitute an agreement on all matters submitted for mediation at this time and is effective at once. Immediately after the conclusion of negotiations. E. K. Calvin, vice-president of the Southern Pacific Company in charge of operation and construction, said: "The essentials of this agreement are that the company Is endeavoring to pro tect Itself against men going from steam to electric service or from elec tric to steam service upon their senior ity rights without a period of probation to fit themselves for the changed con ditions in the service that they have been away from. The men had asked to be allowed to change from one to the other at their option. This element of danger, namely that of lack of ex perience, was recognized by the medi ator and Is now recognized by the men in entering into this agreement. The peaceful settlement of this controversy is acknowledged by both parties as a distinct step in the settlement of Indus trial disputes. This agreement Is the first one to be brought to a conclusion under the new Newlands act." SEVENTY ADRIFT ALL NIGHT Machinery on Launch Goes Wrong When Craft Is Out at Sea. LONG BEACH. Cal.. Aug. 18. After drifting all night on the ocean be tween tne main land and Catallna Is land, the launch Panama, with 70 per sons aboarU. was towed into Long Beach harbor today. i The little vessel left AvaJon, on Cat allna Island, late yesterday for this port. About five miles out the ma chinery broke and the craft became helpless. The passengers built a fire on the upper deck, but no vessel went to their assistance until early this morning, when the signal was seen by the crew of the steamer Hermosa. which, towed the Panama. that the New York authorities caused the warrant to be sworn out at Pough keepsie. Conspiracy, according to the District Attorney of Duchess County, constitutes an extraditable offense. Close associates to the family indicated tonight that the groundwork of a legal fight in Pennsylvania had already been laid. Dr. Brltton D. Evans, the alienist who testified in Thaw's behalf at the murder trial, held a telephone confer' ence with Mrs. Thaw this afternoon and it was said he would accompany her to Pennsylvania tomorrow. Jhere are to be conferences with counsel and mean time, it is understood. Thaw Is to re main In hiding. Figuratively as well as literally, Thaw left behind him only a cloud of Duchess County dust. Rumors of his passage, descriptions of black automo biles, tales of yacht boardings in Long Island Sound, speckled the day's news. The yacht Endymlon, of George Lauder, Jr.. a distance relative of the Thaws by marriage, found mention in the crop of rumors. After having left Vineyard Haven, Mass., the craft was reported as cruising somewhere in the sound, possibly not far from South Norwalk, Conn.,, repeatedly mentioned as an ob jective point for Thaw had he cared to take to sea. Yacht Is Slow Boat. Inquiry at the New Tork Yacht Club disclosed that the Endymlon was a alow boat and attaches there scouted the Idea that Thaw would have gone aboard. While there was nothing to support the theory that Thaw had taken to the seas, this seemed to those who have followed the case to be the most likely course. Leaving Matteawan, only two routes which did not double back Into New York state lay open to him. One lay north by land to Canada, thence southwest along the border of the Great Lakes and across Lake Erie to a north Jutting nubbin of Pennsylvania The other Is the water route. Aboard ship in the South Thaw could bide his time in comparative safety and make his way to Philadelphia via Delaware Bar and the Delaware River. In view of the fact that entrance might mean a ciash with the immigra tion authorities there the theory was advanced that Thaw's advisers would not have him take any such risk. Search for Arcoaipllrea Keem. Second only to the search for Thaw Is that for Richard J. Butler, Roger Thompson. Michael O Keefe, Eugene Duffy and Thomas Flood, the quintet whose muscle, nerve and skill with au tomobiles did the stop-watch work out side the asylum walls. These five did the "rough work Who was the brains of the plot whether Thaw himself or some astute lawyer will have to be developed later. The description of Butler tallies closely with that of an ex-Assemblyman of the same name from New York City. William Gordon, proprietor of the little hotel at Fishknl landing where the five made their headquarters for two days prior to Thaw's escape. Identified tonight a photograph of the ex-Assemblyman as one of his late guests. The clerk of the hotel bore him out. In New York trace was found of a Butler of the same initials, familiarly known as "Hooks," said of late to have operated taxicahs and formerly to have been a longshoreman. Ex-Assemblyman Butler is said to have been identified with the longshoremen's union. Mrs.' Butler said tonight that her husband was absent from home from Friday afternoon until Sunday night last. She did not know where he bad gone. CONSPIRACY CHARGE IS MADE Thaw to Be Arrested, if Caught, on Warrant Said to Bo Extraditable POCGHKEEPSIE, N. Y., Aug. 18. If Harry K. Thaw has not left the coun try he will be arrested on a warrant charging him with conspiracy and re turned to the Matteawan State Hospl tal for the Criminal Insane. Action with this end in view was taken in special term of the Supreme Court here this afternoon when Justice Jo seph Morschauser issued a writ for the arrest of Thaw, charging him with con spiracy with Keeper Howard Barnum and five other men in making b,s es cape from Matteawi.n. Similar warrants were issued for Richard J. Butler, Roger Thompson. Michael O'Keefe, Eugene Duffy and Thomas Flood, Thaw's alleged accom pllces. Keeper Barnum. the guard who opened the hospital gate when Thaw escaped, has been held without ball for examination Thursday. Justice Morschauser issued the war rants" for Thaw and his five alleged accomplices arter taking the evidence or several witnesses this afternoon. District Attorney Conger says conspir acy la an extraditable charge and that Thaw can be brought back to Dutchess County, no matter to what state he fled. Armed with the warrants. Sheriff Fred Hornbeck and his deputies left here tonight for the eastern part of tne county. The party departed hur riedly and the Sheriff made it known that he had received an important clew which he expected to lead to the arrest of the five accomplices Butler. Thomp son, Uiveeie. Dutry and Hood. The authorities have but meager de scriptions ot the five men, but are tak ing with them a man who believes he can loentiry them. From witnesses to day the Sheriff learned that all of the men wore dark suits and four of them were "clean-looking New Yorkers." Butler la described as being lust un der six feet In height and "ugly look ing. - INVESTIGATION IS ORDERED Sulzer and Glynn Agree on Thorough Inquiry Into'Thaw's Escape. ALBANY. N. Y., Aug.. 18. Harrv K. Thaw's escape from the Matteawan State Hospital, will be the subject of a tnorougn .investigation by the state. Upon this the rival claimants for th. Governorship are agreed. Acting-Governor Glynn announced today thathe had taken steps that would insure the most rigid inquiry. Governor Sulzer advised John n Riley, superintendent of state prisons, at a conference today, that the In vestigation must be thorough. Mr. Riley Issued a statement later declaring his belief that the Identity of those who aided Thaw to flee will be established and that they will be prosecuted. Contention That Impeachment Is Invalid Because Instituted at Ex traordinary Session Is Said to Be Vnfounded. ALBANY, N. Y., Aug. 1$. Lieuten-ant-Governdr Martin H. Glynn is the lawful chief executive of New York State, pending the outcome of Ini peachment proceedings against Gov ernor Sulzer. according to an official opinion rendered today by Attorney General Thomas Carmody to Secretary of State 'Mitchell May. Mr. Carmody holds that the Assembly was within its rights in Instituting impeachment pro ceedings at an extraordinary session. "When the Governor is impeached by the Assembly," says the opinion, "ail of his powers are automatically sus pended until he baa been acquitted or the Impeachment proceedings dismissed by the Court of Impeachment. In the meantime the Lieutenant-Governor acta as Governor. This is the plant Intent of the Constitution. Any other con struction would nullify its express pro vision.". ' Lea-lalatmre la Upheld. With reference to the authority of the Assembly to Initiate impeachment proceedings, tne Attorney-General said: "It is my opinion that if the As sembly was not assembled, either In extraordinary or regular session, it might assemble itself and proceed to the discharge of its power In this re gard. Otherwise the Governor of the state could prevent the impeachment of himself and his friends in office, for crimes, however great, after the adjournment of the regular session of the Legislature, by the simple process of omitting to call the Legislature In session." The activities of the rival Guberna torial camps during the day centered largely on the escape of Harry K. Thaw from Matteawan and the meeting of the Public Building Board to open bids for reconstruction work in the capitol. Solser Maiatalna Secrecy. The policy adopted by Mr. Sulzer of screening his official acts from the public was rigidly adhered to today. Attorney-General Carmody'a opinion with reference to the status of the Gov ernorship and the authority of the Leg. islature lays down these principles: "After the impeachment of the Gov ernor by the Assembly the powers and duties of the office devolve upon the Lieutenant-Governor until liability shall cease. 'The term 'impeachment' is used in this connection In its ordinary sense and means the presentation of charges. 'The Assembly is not precluded from the exercise of its constitutional pow ers by the fact that at the time the Legislature of which It forms a part is convened in extraordinary session for other purposes." The Attorney-General finds that the claim that the Assembly was without outhority to institute Impeachment proceedings at an extraordinary session "is clearly based upon & misapprehen sion of the nature of the functions of the Assembly when adopting and pre' senting tne articles." He adds: This is in no sense a legislative function; It is Judicial." A Remarkable Sale of You Ought Not to Miss Every Garment New and Dainty. Undermuslins on Tuesday Prices About a Third This is one of those rare occasions in which a store de lights. It is a sale made possible only through extraordi nary conditions where customers obtain remarkable merchandise at but a fraction of the regular cost. ' This sale ranks foremost in its immense economies. Exquisite lingerie gowns, corset covers, drawers com binations and skirts, are priced at astonishing figures. The articles on sale are beautifully modeled, in an im mense variety of styles, of the daintiest, sheerest materials. In order to insure an equal distribution, this sale will not begin until JO A.M. COMBINATION SUITS Manufacturers' showroom samples. Regular $6.00. $6.50 to $9.00. CLEAR AW AY $2.95. Regular $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 and $6.00 combinations. CLEAR A WA Y fl. 95. SKIRTS Regular $8.00, $9.00 to $12.50 skirts. CLEAR A WAY $3.95. Regular $12.50, $13.00 to $16.00 skirts. CLEAR AW AY $4.95. Regular $5.50, $6.50 to $7.50 skirts. CLEARAWAY $2.48. GOWNS Regular $6.00, $7.50 to $9.00 gorans. CLEARAWAY $2.98. Regular $1.75, $2.25 to $2.75 gowns. CLEARAWAY 68c. CLOSED -DRAWER COMBINATIONS Regular $4 JO, $5 JO to $8.00 combinations. CLEARAWAY $223. Regular $2.50, $3.25 to $4.00 combinations. CLEARAWAY $1.23. Regular $1.75, $2.00 to $350 combinations. CLEARAWAY 95c. DRAWERS Regular $1.10, $1.25 to $1.75, CLEARAWAY 48c. Regular $2.00. $2.50 to $2.75 drawers, CLEARAWAY 92c. Regular $3.25. $3.75 to $4.50 drawers, CLEARAWAY $1.48. CORSET COVERS . Regular 75c, $1.25. $2.00 cor set covers, CLEARAWAY 48c. Regular $2 JO, $3.00 to $4.00 corset covers, CLEARAWAY 98c. NEGRO KILLS OLD RIVAL MACK POTTER SHOOTS ALLEN CLARKE, THEN' ESCAPES. Rivalry for Favors of Black Girl He suits in Murder at Union Social CInb. ESCAPED CONVICT CAUGHT Oregon Fugitive Placed Under Ar rest at Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash., Aug. II. (Special.) Ernest L. Beverldge, who escaped from the Oregon State Peni tentiary two days ago, was arrested here last night as he was about to board a train to take him to Vancou ver, B. C, the home of his mother. He was taken by the Vancouver police and on notification being given the Oregon authorities Parole Officer Snodgrass of the penitentiary came to take him back to the penitentiary. Beverldge was arrested eight months ago by Detectives Price and Koyle after ne passed two bad checks. one on Buffum & Pendleton and one on Meier A Frank. The Buffum Pendleton check was for $90. He es caped from the brick quarry at the penitentiary at S o'clock Saturday aft ernoon and cams to- Portland, and later ferried to Vancouver. Beverldge was a chauffeur to sev eral men prominent In the railway world. He was arrested within a month after he had been released from custody on another charge of forgery in Washington State. Millionaire's Widow Xot Accused. DULUTII. Aug. 18. The Coroner's Jury inquiring into the cause of the death of John, McAlptne. millionaire lumberman, who was found in the base ment of his home Friday, today re turned a verdict finding that McAlptne was "murdered by persons unknown." Neither 2irs. McAJplne nor her son. Walking unceremoniously into & room n the rear of the Union Social Club, at SI North Park street. Mack Potter, a negro bootblack, ahot and killed Allen Clarke, another negro. Potter fired several shots from a revolver of small caliber. Placing the weapon against the abdomen of J. E. Patton, the man charge of the buffet in the club, Potter pulled the trigger several times when the bartender tried to block his exit, and holding off Pattpn. made his escape. Early this morning he had not been caught. When Police Captain Keller and Pa trolman Morelock reached the scene of the murder rhere was no one In the club, but a crowd of' 40 negroes were standing in the street. Drawing hi revolver, Keller ordered them all to stand fast, threatening to shoot any one who tried to run. Out of the 40 blacks the Captain found six who saw the shooting. One man broke away and ran. and Keller fired In the air. The shot only gave added speed to the fleeing black. The shooting took place at about 1 o'clock. It was the result of an old rivalry between Potter and Clarke for the favors of Lena Smith, a negresa. who lives at 109 Park street. North A month ago Clarke shot and seriously wounded Potter, who had attacked him with a knife. Clarke was arrested, but Potter did not appear to prosecute. Clarke was freed on the grounds of self-defense. The Smith woman was arrested in a round-up of the negro quarter in which J. H. Reed, owner of the club, assisted tne police. She will be held as a witness. HUERTA HURLS OUT DEFI Continued From Flnt Pis.) was confined largely to official circles tonight and the morning newspapers. none of which published extra editions tonight. There is doubt that the news will be printed locally tomorrow morn ing. In Huerta's official family there are those who. realizing the serious ness of the affair, are endeavoring to place It in a more favorable light Mr. Llnd and the American Embassy offi cials expressed surprise that any gov ernment official had talked of the mat ter and were InclineoVto discredit Senor Urrutia's statement regarding the time limit given the United States to recog nise Mexico. Late tonight Foreign Minister Gam boa said concerning the situation: "Minister of the Interior Urrutia de nies he Issued the statement attributed to him. The Minister of Foreign Af fairs Is the only person responsible for any statement nn business concerning his department." Senor Gamboa's statement was made after, a call on him by Mr. O'Shaugh- sessy. Senor Urrutia a statement was No Liquors No Grocery No Restaurant Si 15 J" Merchandise of J Merit On! No Liquors No Grocery No Restaurant made to a group of newspapermen, in eluding several Mexicans. OFFICIALS ARE IX QUAXDRT Bryan Puzzled on Receipt of Xevrs of Huerta's Ultimatum. WASHINGTON, Aug. 18. Administra tion officials were puzzled late tonight when they received the announcement through press dispatches that Provi sional President Huerta had delivered an ultimatum demanding recognition of his government in Mexico by L'nlteri States. Secretarv Tumulty, at the- White House, road the Associated Press dis patch from Mexico City, received shortly before midnight, stating the In tention of the Jtuerca government ana immediately communicated It to Secre tarv Brvan President Wilson had re tired earlv and waa not awakened. Secretary Bryan said he had received mriv rablesrrams announcing the re jection by the Huerta government of the American suggestions for a peace ful settlement. In the absence of omclal connrma- tln Secretary Bryan said no announce ment would be made by this Govern ment. The Huerta government s rejection or the suggestions' made by the united States for a peaceful solution of tne Mexican revolution reached Washington late today. President Wilson. Secretary Bryan and Counsellor John Bassett Moore, of the State Department, discussed for nearly two hours the dispatches of John Llnd, personal representative of Presi dent Wilson in Mexico, describing the attitude of the Huerta officials. The President and his advisers were plainly disappointed at the turn of events but announced that the Ameri can Government would have nothing to sar tonight. Instead the American communication appealing for a suspen sion of hostilities and a constitutional election, together with the emphatic statement that under no circumstances could the United States recognize the Huerta regime because it was set up by irregular force Instead of consti tutional order will be made public to morrow. In view 'of the rejection of the sug gestions contained in the communica tion presented by Mr. Llnd, its publica tion tomorrow will constitute a reitera tion before the world of President Wil son's ideas as to Constitutional gov ernment in Latin America. In all likelihood today s events mean the end of any dealings with theHuerta officials. Though there waa much talk in official circles of lifting the embargo on arms and permitting the Constitu tionalists to get the munitions of war with which they declare they can soon overthrow the Huerta administration, it Is likely that such a policy will be care fully considered in the Senate before any. action Is taken. The position taken Dy Administra tion officials tonight was that, the United States had done all that a friendly neighbor could do without actually using force. No sentiment exists In tnis country to Justify Intervention or a war. they said, and no foreign government could nsist on the sacrifice by the Lnlted States of thousands of lives and gi gantic financial burdens merely to ad The only interest, it was pointed out, that the United States can have in Mexico Is the protection of lives and property. Financial losses can be met by indemnities, it is believed here, and lives can best be protected by the withdrawal of Americana from the danger zone. To this end, officials are considering the removal of Americans and the payment of transportation tor the destitute. I.lnd and Huerta Confer. MEXICO CITY,1 Aug. 19. Provisional President Huerta and John Lind. the personal representative of President Wilson, were in conference at a late hour during the night following the report that President Huerta would give the United States until midnight to recognize his administration under threat to sever all relations. The na ture of the conference waa unrevealed, but It was characterized as cordial. GEMS STOLEN AT NEWPORT Rhode Island Beach Resort Scene of Daring 910,000 Robbery. NEWPORT, R. I, Augr. IS. Burglars who entered the Herman jewelry store Qui! If! ZEO Stops Itching Instantly And for Eczema In All Forms, Dan- drnfl. Tetter, eta. It's a wonder. Buy a SBo Bottle Today and Prova It. Ai-vl! Ston that violent scratching! There is nothing known that will stop Itching like ZKMO. One application stops it instantly, whether the Itching la on the scalp or on any other part of the body. here some time after the place waa closed Saturday night, obtained jeweis and silverware valued at about $10. 000. but were frightened away whon additional booty worth 8100,000 was theirs for the taking. The burglars picked the lock on the front door and forced the locks on four showcases, which were arranged in the form of a horseshoe. The robbery was discov ered when the store was opened to day. An inventory showed that the miss ing pieces included 12 dozen stickpins.' two diamond brooches and a number of small pieces. In front of a safe, which stands at the back of the store, were found three large Jimmies, a woolen quilt, which might be used to deaden the sound of an explosion, and two suitcases. The police think that the burglars had only begun- operations when they were alarmed and hastily withdrew. The First Application ot ZKMO Will Ston Scalp Itching Instantly, It la Gasrutaetl. Dandruff Is nothing but scaln eczema. and that's why ZEMO stops dandruff ao-solutely. t or tne terrible raw. nerv eczema that drives you wild, keeps yon awake nearly all night for rash, prickly heat and all inflamed, reddened skin on babiea or grown-ups. for itching piles, salt rheum. Tor rawness after shaving, for any and aU sores. ZEMO la a revelation. ZEMO is not s greasy ointment or paste, but a clean, antiseptic solution applied to the skin. Try a bottle to day end your torture. "ZEMO will cure any case of eczema If used according to directions." Dr. G. H. Johnson, Quannah, Texas. nriiccltt. AWArwhAVA -All y TTf n st f So a sealed bottle, or sent on receipt Just an internal dispute In which the x- price oy ti. v . xvose aieaiciue -o. United States is not directly a party i " ",uu " and over which it can have no Juris diction without Infringing . on the sovereignty of another republic which It is by treaty obliged to maintain. Sold and guaranteed In Portland by Woodard. Clarke & Co., Alder and West Park sts., and Skid more Drug Co., 151 Third street. HOW THIS WOMAN FOUND HEALTH Would not give Lydia ELPInk ham's Vegetable Compound for AH Rest of Medicine in the World. Utica, Ohio. "I suffered everything from a female weakness after baby came. 1 bad noma spells and was dizzy, had black spots be fore my eyes, my back ached and I was so weak I could hardly stand np. My face was yellow, even my fingernails were colorless and I had displacement. I took Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound and now I am stout, well and healthy. I can do all my own work and can walk to town and back and not get tired. I would not give your Vegetabla Compound for all the rest of the medi cines in the world I tried doctor's med icines and they did me no good." Mrs. Mast Eaklewine, R.F.D. No. 3, Utica, Ohio. ,. Another Case. Kebo, HI. "I was bothered for ten years with female troubles and the doc tors did not help me. I was so weak and nervous that I could not do my work and every month I had to spend a few days in bed. I read so many letters about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound curing female troubles that I got a bottle of it It did me more good than anything else I ever took and now it has cured me. I fee) better than I have for years and tell everybody what the Compound has done for me. I believe I would not be living to-day but for that." Mrs. HETTIE GKEENSTREET, Kebo, Illinois. I !