Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 19, 1913, Page 12, Image 12

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Til 12 JlUKMlr Ult-EJliUiNiA;, lUKSHiVr, ALiilST iy, 1113.
96 acre, nearly all in cultivation; soma
timber; the soil la th best that can b
found In the state ; well fenced and
cross fenced; good springs that never
fail; modern 2 -story residence; Large
barn ; bouse for hired help, and all
other necessary outbuildings; food fam
ily orchard; It Is completely equipped
with tools and Implements, and has a
herd of the very beet dairy cows; sev
eral good horses; It la now making
good money; it la located right close
to Portland and within a few mlnutea
of electric line station; price will be
right; It la impossible to find a better
farm and hard to find one as food. Call
on or write J. E. Smith. 414 Chamber
of Commerce, Portland, Or.
Land cleared and under cultivation;
srood soil, slope, drainage and exposure;
spring water piped to yard and house;
garden and fruit.
S-room house, laying house and Incu
bator; brooder house to accommodate 15Gu;
duck house, feed house and small barn;
BO laying S. C. White Leghorns, 100 pul
lets. 40 ducks. 1 cow, 1 plga, horse, har
nk and light farm wagon with assort
ment of farm tools go with place.
Price 92000; SiGO cash, balance la five
rw. DAVIES & CO.. P Commercial blk.
If you would know the truth about
see the
of prlze-wlnnlnt? products of the fertile
Canadian plains. Full personal Informa
tion free maps and literature yours for
the asking.
I P. THORNTON, Land Agent,
271 Pine St., Multnomah Hotel Bldg.
e-T-t-c r-rc r T " 1 TP V PiRM
Land cleared and under cultivation;
good soil, slope, drainage and exposure;
spring water piped to yard and house;
garden and fruit.
Five-room house, laying-house and In
cubator, brooder-house to accommodate
1300; duekhouse, feedhouse and small
barn; 60 laying 9. C. White Leghorns, 100
pullets. 40 ducks. 1 cow, 2 pigs, horse,
harness and light farm wagon, with as
sortment of farm tools, go with place.
Price, f2G00; cash, balance in flva
C w! DAVIS A CO., 600 Commercial Blk.
An undivided half-Interest In 4S0 tc
In N. E. Oregon; 3-room house, barn for
12-34 head; being farmed; a miles from
R. R.. TeL. R. F. D.. In best district in
Paclfio N. W.; an A-l gn. mdse. point.
Tf this appeals to you write me. Price
SG500. way below value.
Some town. A-l, to trade for store fix
turea scales, etc. L B. C. Fisher, owner,
Linnton, Or.
33 ACRES. 107o.
Partly improved, new buildings, small
orchard, telephone, R. F. D-. mile from
town on railroad, 30 miles from Portland.
The price includes machinery for shingle
mill. .75 cash, balance long time. Serious
sickness compels owner to sell.
302 Dekum bldg.
FOR SALE, at bargain. 15 acres, 10 miles
from court house; good house and barn,
rum, bearing orchard and garden; must
have $M0 down, balance easy. Box 631'.
I have 1 first mortgage, 1 second mort
gage and equity in acre with good house,
total value $3220, which will give for a
residence of same value If clear of In
cumbrance. J. E. Smith, 414 Chamber
of Commerce.
WANT five or six-room bungalow. Rose
City Park preferred : not to exceed $3,
000; will exchange therefor two beautiful
Council Crest lots.
Main 1063. f09 Cham, of Com. A 1277.
4 OR S-room modern bungalow, Hawthorne
or Rose City Park district; will pay $300
cash, J 1000 lot on Portland Heights and
I5M second mortgage. Address H. A, Pel
ton. 525 East 41st N.
EQUITIES bought, houses, mortgages, su
burban property, will exchange for what
you want. United Realty, 20tf Gerllnger
bldg., 242H Alder.
WANT equity In 5 or 6-room bungalow,
modern, and in 15 or20-mtnute limit; must
be a bargain, as I have cash; no brokers
AR r0-. Oregon fan.
WANT Seaside or Portland cottage for 100
acres good land, 30 miles from Portland;
value S3 200. Main S4'.
WANT modern house on Willamette Heights,
must have nice yard and den; owners only.
AK 2SD, Oregonian.
FARM, 3 miles from Oregon Electric; 40
acres; 15 in cultivation; house, barn,
wagon, implements, cow, horses; refer
'ences. V 255. Oregonian.
C. J. M'CKACKEN, 1M McKay Bldg.
Ideal location for tie mill: stream run
ning to railroad spur. No. 83 flth.
Inside vacant business property; also,
apartinent-houe site. We can get you
quick action if propirly located and price
right. F. E. Taylor Co.. Henry bldg.
W ANTED To rent, a good dairy ranch;
well stocked with good Improvements;
rasn rent; can furnish good referencea
Frank Miller. Orchards. Wash, route 1.
V ANTED to rent by two Swiss, good dairy
and hog ranch with good improvements,
about AO milch cows; cash rent; good
references. AR 302. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent ranch to run on shares;
everything furnished; must be about 10
mllrh cows; reference if desired. P 28,
WILL exchange 6-room house and 4 lots 00
xlOO each, all kinds of berries, fruit, etc;
well located, in McMinnville, Or., for
house aod lot In Portland. Call 191 4th.
tWO ACRES In Central Oregon, to trade for
any good real estate in Portland, to
X 10,000.
WEST SIDE, two-flat building, full lot, with
$000 equity, to trade for 5-room unin
cumbered bungalow, or close-In acreage.
Vanduyn & Walton. C13 Cham, of Com.
OWNER has two lots on cor. of 14th and
Ainsworth, ave., clear of Incumbrance, to
trade for modern A or 6-room house and
lot. Tel. Tabor 4471., unincumbered ranch, only 0 miles
from railroad, to exchange for city In
come property, or will assume a reason
able amount. AM 2Sd. Oregonian.
WILL exchange my 150-acre ranch in Clack
amas County, especially adapted for stock
raising, for unincumbered residence ia
Portland. Phone Woodlawn 347d
20 ACRES splendid fruit lend near Apple
da 1?. back of Lyle. Wssh.; cash value,
SIU0O; will trade for city property or
good equity. AK 203, Oregonian.
40 ACRES Hood River unimproved fruit
land, $73 acre; will exchange 10 acres or
all for rooming-house, hotel or house and
lot. AC Oregonian.
TIMBER claim assessed $1200. about 40 per
cent) for automobile, 1113 make pre
ferred; must be In good condition. Ad
dress N 2ii2, Oregonian.
10 ACRES. Improved, at North Yakima,'
worth Ij-mv: mortgage ao. to exchange
for Portland or Oregon property. 5v4
Spalding bldg.
TEN acres, unimproved land, near Mosler,
value $2400, to exchange for property of
equal value la or near Portland suburbs.
P 2iu, Oregonian.
WILL TRADE automobile, first-class con
dition, for building lot; will pay differ
ence. H 289. Oregonian.
WANTED Vacant lot well located In ex
change for electric phaeton, good condi
tion. Phone Marshall 371K.
TO TRADE 50x120. view lot, close In and
good auto, on small house and lot, close
in. Owner. AN 290, Oregonian.
WANT t:000 residence Immediately; give
farm, timber, lots. Owner, 103O Grand.
I WANT to exchange a dandy little, well
improved farm in Washington County for
GROCERY stock to exchange for houses
and lots or acreage. What have you?
K. 258, Oregonian.
HAVE a large, sightly lot in Alameda Park;
will trade or sell at a bargain. W 292.
ACREAGE or small farm near Portland for
rooml-jg-house, $AKto. AT S03, Oregonian.
WHAT have you to trade for lots in Gold
en dale. Wash. V - Oregonian.
FLANDERS 20. to exchange for what have
you? City only. Phone Tabor 631.
HAVE lots in Klamath Falls to trade for
acres or elty property. AB 2S8. Oregonian.
"We offer one of the best stock ranches
in Eastern Oregon for sale or trade; 7430
acres on John Day River; 200 acres al
falfa land; ttO acres now in, alfclfa pro
ducing 6 tons to the acre, balance finest
grazing lands, controlling Immense range
for stock ; good buildings and full farm
equipment: price J5V.0O0; will sell on easy
terms, or take good property as first pay
ment up to 35,000 and give long time on
113 Chamber of Commerce.
14 acres, located mile from New berg
en good road; good s-room house. new
large barn, chicken-houses and outbuild
ings: all under cultivation, except 1 acre
or timoer; 2 acrea or orcnara, also smaii
fruits, berries and fine" garden: this Is an
Ideal suburban farm ; price $6400; will
exchange this for farm land In Union
County, Oregon. Adores all communica
tions to Donald M. Wall, Newberg. Or.
Have 160 acres with house and orchard;
very little of the land ia cleared, but has
2. 60 0,000 good timber; no debts against
same: win exchange above lor residence
In Portland of same value, but must be
clear of Incumbrance ; in answering, give
full particulars, with phone number if
possible. J. E. Smith, box 1121, Portland,
WOOD and coal business. 5 lots and stable
and grading outfit. 22 horses and com
plete equipment; cash value, $20, W0;
making from $iloO to $750 per month; will
take irrigated land in Idaho, Eastern Ore
gon or Eastern Washington up to $10,000
or Si 2,000. Gto. E. Waggoner, S05 Venn
SloO.000 TO $300,000.
Have a farm of over 5000 acres, worth
fir0.ouO. a part payment, "Will assume
difference, if priced right. Farm has
nea rly oOO acres Hummer fallow, good
buildings, two fine wells with pumping
plants. L, K. Moore, 817 Board of Trade.
20 A., NEAR Tigard. in cult., for house.
u A 4 r. house, at Lents, for acreage.
Restaurant, 11S0O. for house or land.
Acreage, all in cult., for business.
House and lot for auto.
Many more good propositions.
GARLAND & CO., lil 4th St.
FOR SALE U block, with Income bearing
building, close in. value $0.iMm, with no
Incumbrance; will exchange for timber
land; timber must be O K and well lo
cated. AO 801, Oregonian.
120 ACRES, good land, near Grants Pass.
3 miles to town, lO acres cleared, house,
barn, etc.; $1000 saw timber, mill near;
plenty water. Price $3000, want city prop
erty to S2230, $730 cash. O. C. R. Ellis
A Co.. B'0 Board of Trade.
Want five or six-room bungalow. Rose
City Park preferred. Have two beautiful
lots on Council Crest.
Main 1963. 509 Cham, of Com. A 1277.
FURNfTURE, hardware and housefurnish
lng stock, new and second hand, esti
mated at $15,000 to $20,000. all clear; low
rent; want to exchange for clear real
estate In the Valley, or will sell Inter
est. G 26V. Oregonian.
I AM going away and need money; must
sacrifice my beautiful home In Laurel
hurst, furnished, together with my new
underslung auto; will take higher car and
money for my equity. Call Tabor 1S0S.
20 ACRES, near Reedville, all in cultiva
tion; no buildings; want house and lot
as part payment, balance easy terms; or
will sell, small cash payment down. E
2vL". Oregonian.
MUST aell at once or trade for property,
one greenhouse, 75x20. very cheap. 1373
Mtlwaukie st. Sell wood 1570.
Horses. Vehicle. Etc
Second-hand vehicles bought and sold;
new wagon and auto beds made to order;
livery furnlsued to business parties at
special rats.
420 Hawthorne Ave.
Phone East 72. B. 1309.
SEAL brown gelding, 3 years old, weight
1700 lbs., absolutely sound and true;
biased face bay mare, 8 years old, weight
JOCK) lbs., good brood mare and line
worker; matched pair bay geldings,
weight 28 00 lbs., 8 and 10 years old, ex
tra good workers: two sets new heavy
work harness, 3 H -inch nearly new
Mitchell wagon. Phon 3 Soou.
A BARGAIN for someone; one team of
chestnut mares, weight 2100; one mare
aod gelding, weighing 270O; one big team,
also their harness and wagons, or will
sell separate. 420 E. YamhllL
MUST sell one pair of ranch mares, 2000
pounds, true workers, with double har
ness and new farm wagon. 1907 E. Stark
st cor. E. 73d st. Trial allowed.
GOOD team for farm. 2000-lb. ; 3 single
drivers, 1000 to 12o0 lbs., cheap. 1V2'J
E. Yamhill st.
MUST sell two horses and wagons at once
for cash. Call Wednesday -10 A. M. Chica
go Market, 1S7 3d.
SOKE EL mare, a good driver, cneap. Cail
at Star Sand Company, Lara No. 3, East
9th and East Flanders,
A SNAP Good gray team weighing 2200
lbs., age 7 and b, for sale cheap. Call &Oo
Alder st.
WANTED 25 teams for grading. Apply Al-bott-Forrester
Co., 332 Mohawk bldg.
PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O.
L. tS. Co. Phone Main 1410.
YOUNG team of mares, weight SOO0 lbs. 170
Derby St., Kenton. Woodlawn 2320.
TEAM young mares. Inquire 1 7 ol Derby
St., Kenton.
HORDES for sale at s8 East Th St. North.
FOR SALE Six good milk cows, 3 miles
north of Lafayette, Or.
FOR SALE Y'oung family cow, Jersey.
Main 5212.
&0 "BUFF Leghorn pullet, 4 mos. old. bar
gains in other standard breeds. R. Green,
route 1, Beaverton.
PORTABLE chicken-house, li laying hens,
no reasonable olfer refused. 993 East 8th
Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock.
100 golden and orange canaries, finches,
love birds, parrots, seed, cages, supplies.
FOR SALE Spitz pup 6 months old, $2
Phone Tabor 2S71.
Furniture for Sale.
FURNITURE of Vroom house for sale
cheap If taken at once. 763 Thurman su
Cheap rent; rooms pay rerft.
FOR SALE cheap, furniture of two 6-room
houses; rent $23; owner leaving town;. 3y
20th st. North. Main 511-5.
FURNITURE of nice 6-room modern house
for 2T0; 3 rooms can be rented. 30 E.
11th North.
GOOD furniture of 7 rooms, house for rent;
no agents. 307 Market.
Planoa. Organs and Musical Instruments.
Concert sice Hard man, colonial, mahog
any; purchase price S750; leaving city,
will sell $4lo equity for JlSo. Phone A
141. Address A 310, Oregonian. Phone
Main S.V54.
TO enable us to settle estate we will sell
today one brand new 1913 Stoddard Day
ton automobile costing 11650 for Oust K00
off list ; no trades. Call attorneys, 92(
Chamber of Commerce bldg., city.
GAHFOHD 40. &-passenger, for sale cheap;
nickel trimmings. Warner spe-?domter. full
equipment. Phone Tabor Can be
seen at Reliance garage between 2 and 4.
FOUR-PASSENGEK' Hupp, newly painted,
gray and black; guaranteed for one year;
Also light auto delivery, g30.
WANTED A good second-hand roadster;
must be a late model and In good condi
tion and chtap; spot cash. Phone Tabor
lia CHALMERS four-passenger "J" In
first-class condition; run 4600 miles; will
sell or trade for real estate. Phone E.
DELIVERY truck wanted In exchange for
40 acres of fine piling timber in Clack
amas County ; state full particulars. AK
ii)0, Oregonian.
F I VEP ASSENGER automobile, good ma
il ing cond it ion, for sale cheap. Answer
C 311, Oregonian.
WANTED 5-paastmger auto, in part pay
ment on modern bungalow, two blocks to
car. AH 80O, Oregonian.
GAriOLINE traction .wood saw for sale or
trade. What have you? Phone E 464b.
14& E. loth St.
FOR SALE One 1)2 Reo truck, 1500 lbs.,
first-class condition. Call B 2586 or East
FOR SALE Flanders 30, fin condition.
SOOO urea. ru"n iuwt wi.
WILL trade 6-cylIntler auto, splendid equip-
CADIILAC 5-pass, touring car. cash.
OUtf Wash. ,
WE have several cars that hava never been
used, but on which a year's depreciation
in price has been deducted; up to date in
every particular; foredoors, electric lights,
with generator, demountable rims, etc. ;
you get the first year at second-hand
price. Id used cars we hava very attrac
tive offers In
1 5-passenger Chalmers.
1 Maxwell with delivery body.
1 Peer lees with delivery body.
1 S-h. p. Michigan roadster. m
1 40-h, p. Michigan roadster.
1 40-h. p. Michigan touring car.
Investigate they're bargains.
MAIN atXiu, A CoO.
Three of the best bargalnst ever offered
In the state of Oregon. If you are inter
ested call at once, for you will never get
this chance again. North Park. Mar
shall 13'Jtf.
FOR SALE: 2 G-pasaenger Overland auto
mobiles; 1 20 -horse Regal roadster; all
in good condition. Further Information
can be obtained at Howard Automobile
Co., 14th and Davis. Main 45D5, A -0o0.
nickel-plate, varnish, refinlsh. top your
auto; ta Ke apart and put together in three
da&. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co.. 22d
and Thurman sts. Main 043, A
11 PER MONTH for storage on drained
automobiles In best fire-resisting building.
B. p. Jamison & Co., 17lh and Thurman.
Automobiles Wanted.
I HAVE a $12ij equity in a fine East Side
corner lot, and an almost new S300 high
grade player piano, with $50 worth of
music. I will trade either or both for
good late-model automobile. Phone Tabor
ayr, Sunday or Main U10O weekday a.
TWIN cylinder Indian, tandem seat, brand
new, run only 0OO miles; fully equipped.
Including speedometer; sacrifice owing to
ill health. Can be seen at 2tJ6 E. 37th,
near Hawthorn ave.
EXCELSIOR motorcycle, with side car, to
trade for llnht runabout, run two months.
Phone Marshall 5443.
$1200 EQUITY In 2 lots. Mt. Tabor; trade
for auto. Phon E.4648. Res. 143 E.
1.1th St.
WANTED Good automoDlle for real estate.
M. j. Collins. 1420 Union ava.
S100 CASH and clear lot for autc.
Main 4-JW3.
WANTED Good auto for 1 acre, close In,
Tremont. Phone Tabor 631.
MOTORCYCLE sale, second-hand machines
at cost; a few 1912 models at reduced
31 North Broadway.
1813 READING Standard tandem, $110 If
taken before Friday; owner gotn East.
Doyla Motor Co., 22d and Thurman.
BARGAINS in new and used motorcycles.
Preer Tool & Supply Co., 311 Oak st.
Auto Tire and Accessories.
FOR SALE Portable garage, nearly new,
wired for lights, work bench, now located
on Marshall and 21st st. Addresa V78
Council Crest blVd.
A 45-h. p., 530-volt ('nn ker Wheeler mo
tor, complete, with standard blade starter,
no voltage release and 75-ampere over
load. I. T. E. circuit breaker. In A-l con
dition. Address room 23. Oregonian bldg.
One 125-volt direct current generator,
complete with field rheostat, ammeter and
circuit breakers. This machine Is In good
repair. Address room 2oj, Orezonlan. bldg.
A 40-K. W., 600-volt Crocker-Wheeler
generator, complete, with field rheostat
and circuit breaker. In good condition.
Address room 2V3, Oregonian bldg.
LEVIN" Hardware & Furniture Co., 221
Front St., buys second-hand furniture, car
pets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of
any kind. If you have anything in this
line, call Main 9072.
Our buyer calls promptly.
FOR SALE Greenhouse, 20x30, hot water
heat, also 4CK feet 1-lnrh pipe, 150 feet
2-inch .pipe, 125 I-lnch fittings and
about 60 2-inch fittings. Call Columbia
21KK) FEET I. S. m-lnch Roebling piow
steel wire rope, nearly new, anvlt portable
forrce, chocker hooks and sockets, swamp
hooks, etc. Phone B 3060.
SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices,
easy terms; safes opened, repaired and
painted. PURCELL EAFB CO., and pOKT
LAND SAFE CO., 83 5th St. Mam 3U9.
SAr'ES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers;
low prices, easy terms; safes opened and
repaired ; bargains m second -band safes
lOS 2d st. phone Main 770.
SPECIAL sale on filing cabinets, oak and
mahogany; 40 per cent off. Haley Desk
Co.. 210 Broadway, between Taylor and
Salmon. Main S7.
TWO pool tables and fixtures for sal for
less than half at 710 Union ave. N. In
quire at corner Cook and Union ave., real
estate office.
FOR SALE 30 H. t three-phase mtor,
1H0 R. P. M.. complete, cheap for quick
cash sale. Inquire AT ' 33, Oregonian.
NEW Derby solid oak, doubl drawers, dis
appearing typewriter desk; cost $60; wLl
SfK for 40. Call at 207 Oregonian bide.
MUST sell at once or trade for" property,
one greenhouse, 75x20. very cheap. ICiii
Mllwaukie st. Sellwood 1570.
OPAL rlrg, surrounded by diamonds, value
lGo, for sal or trade for moleskin or
sealskin furs. Marshall 8779.
6MITH PREMIER typewriter. Just like
new, very cheap; terms. AF 300, Orego-
TYPE WRITERS, all make. $10 to 165.
242 Stark st.
bECOND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-tnp
desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co., Ul
Park st.
VSIZ Bassett's Native Herba for rheumatism;
5tc tablets for 25c. All druggists.
$325 20, 4 H. P., fully equipped mo tor boat,
$150. Main 7000, Fred.
NATIONAL cash registers. Get my prices.
Povey, 331 H Wash., basement. Main 606.
FOR SALE or trade, canoe7 doing good busi
ness. E. Ash. Phone Main 3633.
THREE pool tables, all complete, in good
shape. 1731 Derby st., Kenton.
13-FOOT launch. 4 H. P. Foot of Mad
ison. G. Berg.
NEARLY new gas range and room-size rugs
at a bargain. Call Main 6S40.
FOR SALE Cc Oregon Reports. 70S Sell.
Ing bldg
SLIGHTLY used No. 5 L'nderwood type
writer. 402 Corbett bldg.
FEATHER BEDS wanted to make Into
father mattresses; pay cash; feather beds
and pillows renovated. Phone Tabor 143.
Folding Mattress Co., 1104 Hawthorne.
Highest prices paid for ladies' and men
cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main
21160. 234 1st su. The Globe.
WE want to buy $1000 worth of second
hand furniture in the next 30 days and
pay all' the cash it Is worth. Williams
Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 030.
WE buy for cash second-hand National Cash
registers and sell them on easy terms. W.
J. Macau ley, 354 Burnslde st. Phone Main
1S10. A Ibid.
WANTED Two 2ud-hand 70 H. P. Return
Tubular Boilers, fully equipped with full
fronts, etc; must be in good condition.
- AN 300, Oregonian.
WE do anything and everything; collecting
old bills our specialty. 84 Russell st.
Phon C 1161, room 3. Open day and
Buyer calls promptly; estimates given
1S4 1st, near Yamhill. Main 4773.
WANTED Second-hand one-horsepower mo
tor, single-phase, 00-cyclo, 110- volt, 13O0
R. P. M. AV 328, Oregctilan.
FAIR DEAL, Wo pay brt prices for second
hand clothing and furniture. Call Main
9272. 90 h 3d. N. M. GUckman, prop.
KALSOMINING, $2.50 room up: papering
and painting reasonable. Flnlay, Main
0Wa. A 2778.
HIGHEST prices paid for caat-rf clothing
and shoes. Marshall 2354.
NATIONAL cash register, prlc must b rea
sonable. Main 606. A 5604.
WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur.
nlture; highest price paid. Sellwood lt)VA
CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary
Beauty parlors, 4UQ Dekum bldg.
WE pay hlshest prices for secor.d-haco
clotnlng. 24 3d mt. I'hone Main 82G3.
TRUNK Sample trunk; give description,
sire and price. A -JvO, Oregonian,
FOP.D AUCTION CO. pays most cash for
any kind of furniture. Main 8051.
WANTED Porter. Leighton'a Dairy Lunch,
Its Washington it.
WANTED Painters, first-class stag man.
5.V Williams ave.
BARBER Steady' Job, $13 guarantee""
week. 065 1st SU S.
EXPERIENCED kitchen porter In hoteL 23d
and Hoyt.
WANTED Boy. IS. to work In grocery.
Salmon st. grocery. 450 Salmon su -
(On of Many.)
Offlc Secretary Employment Department,
Y. M. C. A.
TAmng man, sir auger, seeking employ
ment ($20 bis total cash aaset If 1 p7
you $5 tor employment membership, I will
hav only $15 between m and starvation.
Secretary If you pay $5 for employ
ment membership) you will hav the Y.
M. c. A. with all its resources between
you and starvation.
Result Young man joined association.
In less than a week he had satisfactory
Record for 6 mo. ending Jun 30:
Calls for men from employers 1174
, Positions filled 1037
Our special employment membership
guarantees members will secure employ
ment or refund membership fee; gives
two months full and lO months' social
All young men seeking -employment,
especially strangers, are cordially .invited
to consult with the Secretary of th Em
ployment Department.
Cook, country hotel, $75.
Dinner cook, city, $20.
Restaurant cook, out, $17.50.
Kitchen helper, country hotel, $30.
Lath mill men, $2.50 and $2,75.
Planer feeder, 12.75.
Htlckerman, $3.00.
Camp blacksmith $4.00.
General blacksmith, country shop, $3.50.
Mill blacksmith, 3H
Tinsmith, city, $3.00. '
Elevator boy, city, $40.
Large list of other work too numerous
to mention here.
222 and 224 Couch su, bet. 1st and 2d.
LEARN A TRADE U. S. Navy pays well
while teaching machinists, electricians,
carpenters nd other trades, if over 17.
Promotion possible to oer $0 per month
clear. Interesting cruises, steady work.
Must be an American citizen. Apply Navy
Recruiting Station, Railway Exchange
building, Portland Or., or send for free
booklet. "Making of a Man-O'-Warsman.
Address: Bureau of Navigation, box 327,
Navy Department, Washington, D. d
Apply between 8:30 and 0:30 A. U., su
perintendent's office. 6th floor.
m Who are looking for steady work where
they can make a home; plant In small
town 00 miles from Portland wants sev
eral men of this class: wages $2.25 to $4;
pav $2.25 to start. See Damon.
33? Chamber of Commerce.
WANTED FOR U. ARMY, able-bodied
unmayied men between ages of IS and 34;
citizens of United States, of good char
acter and temperate habits, who can
speak, read and writ th English lan
guage. For Information apply to Recruit
ing Officer, Worcester building, Sd and
Oak sts., Portland. Or,
MEN V' ANTED To sell trees and shrub
bery. Free outfit. Experience not nec
essary. Steady work. Commission paid
weekly. No Investment, deliveries or col.
. lections to make. Write for terms. Idaho
Nursery Co., Welser, Idaho.
WANTED First-class operating millwright
for large mill.
X2'J Couch st.
WANTED Salesman for country work In
S. Oregon and N. California; liberal com
missions; experience not essential. If you
want something permanent and good ad -drees
Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco, Oregon.
WANTED Husky boy for packing and un
packing .one-half day each week day,
either morning or afternoon; $5 per week
AI, 207. Oregonian.
WANTED First-class salesman for large
country general merchandise tor as
manager of wash goods department. AR
S04, Oregonian.
WANTED Woman or man and wlf who
would look after apartments for us of
a good furnished apartment. Address
O 201, Oregonian
WANTED Two young men, not over 21. for
advertising company. $18. Apply between
B and 12 A. M. Apt. 24, Lincoln Apt.
Don't phone.
WANTED Thoroughly qualified herdsman
in certified dairy; must be experiencel,
with pood references; good wages. AK. 2'J'J,
WANTED -Cracker-Jack" clothing sales
man ; experienced not experiment. Ad
dress Herman Wise. Astoria, Oregon.
EXPERIENCED shipping and receiving
clerk; state In detail experience, age and
phone number. AH 302. Oregonian.
WANTED Dentist with Oregon license;
good proposition to right man ; must be
good operator. A H 240, Oregonian.
MALE piano player; must be good vaude
ville player and transposer; union wages.
Apply i . -r. ringn. fraicm. ur.
TAILORS wanted to work on ladies' Jack
ets. Only first-class need apply. S. Weiss,
147 10th St.
HAVE ' money-maker for 2 A-l salesmen,
city or outside territory. Cail 105 j E.
Lincoln st.
STATION men, good work, good prices, log
glng road, construction. Apply Abbott
Forester Co., 332 Mohawk bldg.
MALE stenographer to go out of city. Must
' be good operator. Apply Guthrie, McDou
gall A. Co.. 514 Lewis bldg.
YOUNG man living at home, to learn furni
ture business. Apply Healey Bros., 13th
and Hoyt.
SPLENDID opening for life Insurance
agents to represent Security Life Insur
ance Co. Call ll Board of Trade bldg.
WANTED Girl for general housework
small family. Tel. M. 2472. Add. 275 N.
2sth st.
WANTED Two first-class salesmen, sal
ary and commission to right party. Apply
402 Wash st.
HIGH-CLASS machinist and automobile man
for out-of-town. Wages no object to right
man. V 273. Oregonian.
WANTED Wood turner, who can do band
sawing and shaping. Frank Schmltt A
Co., E. 8th and Yamhill.
ORGANIZERS wanted:' salary and commis
sion. The raternai rotnernooo. a(
1535, C 2174.
DENTIST Licensed In Oregon, who is cap
able of taking care of an established prac
tice. Address AV 283, Oregonian.
GOOD barber to go to Dayton. Wash. Ap-
?ly to Lewls-Stenger Barbers Supply Co.,
0th and Morrison
WANTED A drug clerk; a registered as
sistant preferred. Addresa AV 305, Orego
WANTED Four line Salesmen; new propo
sition; quick seller; easy money. 611
Henry fcldg.
BOY wanted, ag 17, to learn trade; paid
while learning. Apply Kaufman Hat Fac-
WANTED Boy with wheel! Apply 44
JTrnnt mt
WANTED An experienced finisher for fur
niture store. B 278, Oregonian.
WANTED Coatmaker and bushelman. .Ap
ply Chaa. B. Turlay, 410 Swetland bldg.
WANTED AN errand boy to help in store.
Inqulro 130 10th St.
SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. for Oregon.
Nat. Casualty Co.. 501 Railway Exch. bldg.
WANTED -Steam shovel crew. C 307, Ore-
g on lan.
PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest
started. Cutberth Studlo. Dekum bldg.
WANTED 1 first-class stock salesmen ; x
cellent proposition. 906 SpaMing bldg.
ELEVATOR bov wanted. Apply Lang &
Co.. 1st and Ankeny.
WANTED Boy 10 or over. Parla Hat Mfg.
Co.. 21 d. Apply 0 o'clock.
WANTED Tinner. Apply 572 1st SL this
morning at 7:3Q.
ERRAND boy, with wheel. Adrian-Sweeney
Co.. Park and Morrison.
PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con
test offer. Harony Studio. 146 Morrison.
BARBER wanted; steady job for th right
man. Apply Mr. stone, z5 Hurnsioe.
WANTED Porter in barber shop. 125
:h st.
DISHWASHER wanted at 94 Killtngsworth.
PLAIN SEWING, one or two days; pay in
r oo m rent. 322 H Stark.
WANTED A woman to take charge of pri
vate house. Phone East 6200. .
WANTED Good girl cook wher other help
Is kept. Call 79a Flanders st.
WANTED Girl or woman for general house
work; 3 adults. 4vfr E. Morrison, cor. 15th.
A GIRL to do housework. Good wages. Ap
ply 1009 E. 16th St. N.
WANTED A girl for general housework;
no children. Apply 381 10th st.
EXPERIENCED arm waitress. Acm Res
taurant. 91 N. 6th.
EXPERIENCED receptionist; must be good
saleslady. Cutberth Studio. 801 Dekum bl.
GIRL for general housework. 856 Northup,
bet. and 26th., Mrs. Wm. Ballis.
WAITRESS. Apllu restaurant, 291 Stark sL
Cook, country hotel. $50; two waitresses,
125, room and board; one waitress, a
week, housekeeper, SIS a month; cham
bermaid, country hotel. $25, far paid;
cook. 10 men, $35.
Ladles' Dept. 205 Morrison St.
Apply at desk, 7th floor restaurant, be
tween S.:;t0 and 9:30 A. M.
enced In cooktng and general domestic
science; must be good, convincing talker
and pleasmg appearance; state experi
ence and salary expected. AT S04, Ore-
BRIGHT, steady girl to cook on hop ranch,
from o to 25 boarders; state full partic
ulars and salary expected. Write at once.
Isabell tiiinon, R. F. D. 8, box bu-A, Sa
lem. WANTED Flv bright, capable ladies t
travel, demonstrate and sell dealers; rail
road fare paid; $25 to $50 per week. Call
Velvetina thop, 615 Swetland bldg.. 6th
and Washington.
WANTED Stenographer to address en
velopes, fill in names and take little dic
tation; salary to start, $30; give phon
number and references. AE 202, Orego
nian. v
EXPERIENCED lady checker for Hotel
Portland kitchen department; must have
C'd references. Appy or phon Steward
WANTED Flrst-ciass hairdresser and man
icure; must be A-l on hair work; write
at once, experience and salary. Marin celo
p nop, iora Wiley. Mearora. ur,
WANTED Girl for general housework;
must understand plain cooking; other help
kept; wages $20. Apply between lv:30
and 2. 170 N. 22d st.
5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay
while learning; position guaranteed. 400
414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlor.
WANTED Two young ladles, not over 21.
for advertising company, $18. Apply be
tween 1 and 4 P. M. Apt. 24. Lincoln
Apt. Don't phone
WANTED Girl or young woman for gen
eral housework, also to assist with chil
dren; no washing; good home, good sal
ary. Call 630 E. 20th N.
WANTED Younff girl to do light house
work in four-room flat; two in family.
Phone Marshall 4394 between W and 12
A. M.
MANY of th best, families of the city art
registered with the Domestic Service Bu
reau for cooks, general housework and
second girls. 308 Central bldg. M. 7 tig 7.
tunity to learn both artistic and commer
cial leatures or th Dusinesa. rraiey, sit
AN experienced canvasser to secure subscrip
tion to well-known woman's magazine
salary and commission. Address, giving ex
perience and rererences. v zgo. oregonian.
YOUNG lady cashier for motion-picture the
ater; give full particulars where previ
ously employed and salary received. Ad
dress AO 30 i, oregonian
WANTED A girl for housework and plain
cooking; wages $i0. Call afternoons at 2
o'clock. Take "W" car to 1129 Thur
man st.
GIRL to wait table and do chamber work,
private boarding-houso; also girl lor kitch
en. Main 63&L 111 11th st.
waitresses, chambermaids, housekeepers,
nurses. 2SS Main st. Main 2v:t.
WANTED Refined, capable woman for re
sponsible position. Viavt Co., 6o Both
child bldg., 4th and Washington
GIRL wanted fur general housework in
small family;, plain cooking. 17S 16th at..
cor. Yamhill.
some wages in return for light services.
U. rl. Jones, gen, oei.. lcqii.
yoi;t. woman for few hours' work In din
Ing-room at restaurant, 204 Slark su Call
before 11 A. M. .
THREE waitresses (out), $35, far advanced;
restaurant, SU week; nurse. $45, room and
board, out of city. 843 Wash. St., Rm. 7.
2 WAITRESSES, country, $20; city, $25.
Howe'a Ladies' Agency. 35, 270 Wash
Washington bldg.. 270 Wash., room 15.
near 4th. Phone Main bsjo or a.
WANTED Young girl to assist with light
housework, amlly of two, every evening
a r a 1 HA XT ih at
WANTED Thoroughly experienced and
competent stenographer; salary $12 per
week. Addrexs AG 294. Oregonian.
WANTED Japanese girl for general house
work. Call 2JS Corbett bldg., between 12
and 1 P. M.
G1KL to work for room and board, msrn
Inga and evenings; references. 70O Love-
WANT lady of business ability to take care
of small rooming hous and show prop
erties.' 602 Couch bldg.
WANTED Helpers and apprentices for
dressmaking. Madame Lamoert, 2 Grand
ave. N.
vV ANTED Woman to assist 'in general
housework: good nome. rnone aenwoou i.
COOK, woman, for small restaurant. Apply
alter 4 r". IUJ jrracy Bt ri. j j 1 1 no
WANTED Experienced waitress. Th Hill.
41 Washington st.
WOMAN for pressing and repairing. Orderly
Cleaning woras, ft mm -.j.
WANTED A woman to work for husband's
room and poara. vi rtusaen m.
GIRL for general housework; small family.
S43 13th. .
GIRL to assist In housework, small family;
good home. oM Lovejoy.
A" ANTED A girl to assist with general
housework. Telephone Main 8268L
A HOUSEKEEPER wanted; good wages.
AT 302, Oregonian.
hopyards of T. A. Livesley ft Co., located
as IOUOWS: LtM cruut, c"''B""
of l (JO acre in hops, also Holmes yard,
consisting of 200 acres, both near Salem;
on the Oregon Electric Hallway; will
nave special tram or cn
Portland on or about September 1, with
pciai reuuveu iico, - ..-.
wood, tents, chairs, tables, straw, best
spring water, uu timuuu
tiful camping ground, with all conven
iences, such as stores, butcher shop and
bakery; will pay 50c per box; yards in
pickers will be plentiful thla year;-com
early and make arrangement for tickets
wmcn are on wim .
602 Worcester bldg., 8d and Oak sts.,
Portland. Phon Marshall 3216. A 1717;
for heneflt ot working people office will
be open T A. M. until 5:30 P. M.
1000 HOPPICKERS WANTED to pick 660
acres, clean crop, 22 Kilns to nil aau .
picking commences Sept. 1. About three
weeks' picking; we meet all trains at In
dependence, rent you a floored tent for
7rc a week and furnish wood, water and
straw for bedding free; new dance hall
. lOOxrrO, on ranch; w pay 50c per box
picked and pay 5 per cent on the dollar
bonus; beautiful camp grounds; largest
hop ranch in Oregon. Write and register
at once. K. Siemens xiorsi .u., a it im
pendence, or.
HOP-PICKERS wanted, $1 per hundred
pounds; free camping houses, good water
and wood; fare $1.30 round trip; tickets
on sal at ornce, i East Morrison su
Phone East 2433; special train Aug. 2S,
10 A. M. A. M. BOltlS. 5roOKS. XJT.
CALL at Dorcas Bros.' office. 602 Worcester
bldg.. Portland. Or., for tickets and tents
lor The John Morrison op aru ii inde
pendence; free wood, tents, good water,
store, meat ahop, bakery. Far $L75
round trip.
Yard at Mission Bottom. Call office at
2d st.
WANTED Hopplckera. I will b at th St.
Charles Hotel Aug. . ). 21. 22; round trip
$ 1. SO. Romeo Gouie y, grower.
MAKE money writing short stories; big
pay; s.-nd for free booklet; tells how.
United Press Syndicate. San Francisco.
WANTED Hoppickers. Call room 203 St.
Charle Hotel, V to .
FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for
teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4
GOVERNMENT Jobs open to men. women;
S63 to $130 month, list positions free.
Franklin Institute, Dept. S27 F.. Roches
ter. N.
FCHOOLS. Mch.ay biag.. cor. 3a ana
Stark sta. Phones: Main 1026, A 412L
Also headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity.
ination Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clerks:
salary f SoO to $12oO. Free book. Pacific
States School. McKay piag., fortiana. ur.
WANTED Men, 18 to 43, to become port
land mail carriers, $45 to $100 month; va
cations. AV 217. Oregonian
DAY and night school; special instruction
in arithmetic and business forms. Prof.
Frank Kutohlns, 268 12th st.
Instruction. GREGG SHORTHA.ND. book
keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4 251
WONDER CLOTH metal polisher: factory
agency; territory fr. Christy, SSI Lum
ber Exchange.
THE Mohler Barber College will teach you
th trad In 8 weeks; tool free; send for
catalogue; 20 years In the business; 27
schools, a lifetime scholarship given to
each student ; special inducements given
to ladles. 48 N. 2d st.
"WIRELESS OPERATORS in constant de-
xr.aad. This coming vocation taugnt at
Y. M. C A. All the Year Round Day and
Night Schools; complete equipment; best
on Coast.
WANTED 100 men and women to learn
barber trade In & weeks; position guaran
teed; modern college; tools free; a traJ
that you can get in business for yourself.
Oregon Barber College. 23a Madison st.
GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn
money while learning, ill Rothchlld bldg.
2tJ 14TH ST. M N. 3StX E.X. iMUKUf.-
KEISTER'S Ladies Tailoring College and
Bookkeeper and Clerk.
SALESMAN", experienced, well educated,
young man, wishes position with good,
reliable company; salary or commission
and expenses. No acheme considered.
AP 2W. oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT (Scotchman) thoroughy
experienced bookkeeper and office man
desires position; would go out of th city.
X 26S. Oregonian.
up books, prepare balance and statements.
Install s items. Gillingham, auditor, 414
Lewis blug. Marshall 717.
ACCOUNTS audited, books balanced or
closed, systems revised. B. R. Cheshire,
4VS Main
BOOKKEEPER Competent, rapid,
rate, sober and reliable. AP 300,
WANTED By a man and wife who are
neat -appearing, reliable and congenial,
experienced, a, position running hotel or
boarding-house- both good cooks, or will
take charge of rooming-house. Address
Warren, Oregon, R. F. D.., box 75, car
U as tins.
TRACTORS. Position wanted by practical man as
estimator. draughtsman and de taller;
competent in all classes of construction
work, 288. Oregonian.
A GOOD all-around engineer and mechanic
want position; can do all kinds of repair
work, steamfltting and plumbing, also
gasoline engine and electric motors. D
3u4. Oregonian.
POSITION wanted by man 57 years old as
watchman or elevator operator in store,
apartment-house or mill; can furnish high,
ciass reference. Phone Mr. Hedgpeth,
Marshall 254.
A MIDDLE-AGED first-class gentleman,
well educated, used to nursing, wants to
take care of an invalid or sick man; In
the city or outside. X 301, Oregonian
YOUNG married man wishes position at
anything; experienced meatcutter and gro
cery clerk; can drive auto. E 2US, Ore
gonian. WANTED By experienced cooks, man and
wife, position as cooks in camp. J. F.
Edwards, 051 E. Morrison, st. Phone East
ELDERLY gentleman wants position at
tending cows, horses, lawn work; very
handy; good references; Uvea home. AD
S09, Oregonian.
WANTED Position as night clerk, hotel,
city or country; long experience East and
West; thoroughly up-to-date. H. B. Law
rence, Lents, Or.
GROCERY clerk and solicitor, 10 years ex
perience, wishes position, solicitor or
salesman; best references. AN 305, Ore
gonian. POSITION wanted 4y middle-aged man as
night watchman, jarltor or management
of apartment or rooming-house. Phone
nome 1L'. aiain ina.
EXPERIENCED stationary or refrigerating
..tnu na-mt. -.stair Inn rf.
errnces. 422 hi Stanton at.
EXPERIENCED clothing salesman wants
position; best of references. AO 300, Ore
gonian. WANT 6 or 6 hours' work daily by young
- man, stenography preferred. Y. C. 1 W
N. 6th street.
LIGHT work of any kind by middle-aged
German In return for home, small pay. L.
R . Sr2 Stark at.
CHEF, A-l dinner cook and meat cutter,
wants work, cafeteria or restaurant; sx-
b-r and steady. AN Oregonian.
THOROUGHLY experienced paint and var
nish man wants position with wholesale
or retail house. AH uregonian.
JAPANESE boy cook, ha experience, wants
a position in raiuliy. Address i ana. bit
Washington st
MAN and family want lieht work on ranch
or farm for Winter. HelLman, Main 717,
A 1017. -
WANTED By married man. position on
farm; experienced In general farming
and c!nr. AN 29.". Oregonian.
FIRST-CLAPS waiter furnished. Marshall
7IM, A 4110. Portland Walters Club, l4(i
5th, Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, manager.
A JAPANESE boy wants a Job between 11:30
A. M. to 2 o'clock P. M. or 5:30 P. M. to
o'clock. AK 301. Oregonian.
MARRIED GERMAN wants steady position;
do gardening and driv auto; also repair.
AK uregonian
SCOTCHMAN, smtle. wishes situation on
private place, horses, cows and garden;
age 29. AL 218, Oregonian.
YOUNG man attending school wants work
for board and room, i AIj uregonian.
JANITOR or houseman by experienced man,
50; moderate wages. AV uw, I'regonian
JAPANESE waiter, has- experience, wants a
nn.t(nn tw i k W .llv ii YVanhfne-t nn.
MAN recovering from chest injuries wishes
work. James, xanor
CARPENTER foreman wants situation, day
. . J J k-. 13 - mt n.r. Ir
or contract, auucch u wuivvb.
Bookkeeper and Stenographer.
YOUNG lady, with 3 years experience, de
sires position as dook Keeper ana steno
grapher; references. M ar. 4 St'H.
tTP.MM-.HAPHKH with little experience de
sires position; has some knowledge of
DOOKKeeping. J -n'8, mcuwian.
Yfirva ladv stenoxraDher. experienced,
wants position; references. AK 303, Ore
gonian. .
STENOGRAPHER desires temporary posi
tion. D 303, Oregonian.
YOUNG ladv wants position as stenographer.
J 308. oregonian.
LADY wants all kinds of plain sewing or
dressmaking; reasonabl prices. 2$ East
nth st.
FASHIONABLE dressmaking. reasonable
price, home or day. 307 10th su Main
4 05 .
EXPERIENCED dressmaker and talloress
wishes engagements, ynone r.ast
FIRST-CLASS special on gowns, 12.30 Pr
day. Phone Marsnan
POSITION wanted by undergraduate nurse,
experienced, reasonable terms, phone Main
S-l'J or aoaress, iurse, iqq -rm m'n
NURSE wants charge invalid or hospital
. position; take contagious cases. East
REFINED widow, with boy 3 years old,
.-ant. tn rMn house for widower in city;
references exchanged. E 307. Oregonian.
Al ALL-AROUND cook, hotel, city; best
references, G Wti, uregontaa.
COLORED woman would like work by hour,
nuninr. niflin irontnr or care for chil
dren during mother's absence; willing to
travel; best rererences. uenevieve
room 12. phone A 3ti.
REFINED lady, employed dunpx the day.
will exchange llaht services for room and
board in small family; give particular.
A P Ore gonlan.
HOUSEWIVES, let me do your disagree-
able tasks; prices njni, jai.BiBviuwu
anteed. Phone Tabor 4750.
COMPETENT woman wants day work today
and weaneauay, iaunuj.
room 1.
EXPERIENCED Norwegian girl desires
rooking, private iamio . i v.
COOK wants work on farm or In caray.
Address X. 147 Lownsdale st-. Portland.
LACE curtains, draperies. linens, laundered
by expert; caueq ior. iioor on
LADY would car for children in on home.
Sellwood 402L
SHIRT WAIST done nicely at home, 15c and
2rc. Call East t'ia.
EXPERIENCED woman wants work by the
WOMAN wants day work, any kind. Phone
Woodlawn s.-'fio.
EXPERIENCED laundre and house clean
er wishes day work. Wood. awn IMS.
MIDLE-ACJED woman want work by th
day. Main 717. A iat7.
WOMAN wnt work by th day; good
worker. Phon Main
WANTED Two young men and two young
ladle not over .1 ior aavemsmg com -nany.
IIS. Apply after 9 A. M. Apt. 24,
Lincoln Apt. Don't phone.
WANTED By a widow, a furnished hous
fn good neighborhood to take care of C
months or year; best reference. X 24,
faEPT. unfurnished 4 or 5 -room fiat, near
new Broadway carline. East Side; stst
price and conveniences fully. AO 24.
WOMAN, supporting 3 children, wants work
as janltress. housecleanmg. ironing or
washing. Call boS Mississippi ave. Wood
lawn 172.
WANT to rent an acre r two on Sc carline
'lth modern bungalow. Main 5304. 011
nuinanan Dlag.
EASTERN lady wishes housework by the
day. or waiting on table, hone Main
DKESSMAKER desires few more cuatom
ers; S2 a day. Main ."2,"1. A B123.
GIRL to assist with housework evenings
and mornings for room and board. Phon
East 512J.
EXPEkIENCED oman wants houseclean
Ing. 20C per hour, phor.e Tabor
WANTED To rent, a s or 7 -room modern
bungalow, by Sept. 1. Call E. S17.
HualDe Place.
WANTED to rent, from ten to twenty thou
sand square feet of floor space In good
wholesale district; must be reasons pie.
F 2W9. Oregonian.
formatted xtom.
307 H 4th. 2 IS 4th.
Nicely furnished rooms, 'nomelike, re-
spec table, ciean and modern; hot and cold
water, private baths; Summer rate. $:
per week and up; special attention given
to tourists; giv ns a call; you will Ilk
it. tor yoil fcet your money's worth and
then some. A-
FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished
rooms, reasonable In price; fireproof buiid
ing. vacuum cleaned, shower bath, swim,
ming pool, club facilities; special rate at
cafeteria and 100 other features. Full par
ticulars at businea office, cor. 6th ana
T ay for sts.
HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi
ness people; centrally located; elegant
rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway
and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel -
opposite uryneum Theater. Main tfltk
HOTEL BUCKINGHAM. 632 hi Washington
st., cor. Ella; elegantly located, new and
modern, ail outside rooms; 2.00 week up;
with private bath i week up; transient
CENTRAL HOTEL. opposite Pantages;
modern outside rooms, suitable for two of
three; single rooms from S2.i0 up; wlUfc
bath $5 and up; cheapest in city.
uo'ihL s iVON, l'.il Eieventn street New,
modern brick building, steam -heated, pri
vate bath, hot and cold waier; comforta.
bly furnished; transients solicited.
TllH LAKRABEE, 227V Larrabee Rooms,
$2 week up; brick building, steam heat,
hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity.
MADRAS HOTEL, 12tb and Washington-
Rooms, $3 week; private bath, 43 weeks
corner front suite. 15 week.
HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave., E. Beiznont;
rooms $12 mo. and up; $22.5i and up with
bath; absolutely respectable. East 321.
HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished
rooms, with all modern conveniences. 6ta
and Main.
A NICELY furnished room. Apply Th
Dexecdorf Apta., 20 i 16tn at. M 4795.
NICELY furnished outside rooms, steam
heat. $3.0 14 per week. 2SS 10th st.
Furnished Room in Private 1-amlly.
BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms. 1 block
from Orpheum, hot and cold water, elec
tric lights, open fireplaces, ettu. the height
of elegance and refinement, 150 per
week and up. Everything new. 227 Broad
way. Telephone Main oSL
NICELY furnlshr-d rooms in refined private
family. Nob Hill, walking distance; prices
according to choice of room. 101 2-d at.
North. Marshall Softl.
LOVELY front room, porch, closet and fire
place, new. modern, clean 'and pleasant
home. Board if desired. 62 Everett
near 21st.
NICELY furnished front room. modern,
suitable for two ladies or gentlemen; only
six minutes to business district; choice lo
catlon; attractive home. 30& lith st.
NICE airy room, electric light batn, steam
heat; $1.73 a week. 400 N. 24th; 2d-su
car passes by the door.
ROOMS in private family; board if desired;
German cooking. 331j Montgomery st.
LARGE front room, also room with run
ning water.' 743 Hoyt. Mar. 4753.
VERY desirable rooms; light, bath, phon
porches and laws. SCO Madison it
la MONTH Pleasant, light, airy room; all
conveniences. !2;t 23d st.
314 TH ST., clean, modern and reasonabl,
close In. alcove, for three.
NEAT furnished, for 2. central, private
porch, bath, phone. 32 N. 11th.
&40 YAMHILL Large front room with,
closet. 12; small room. $8; new.
NEAT little sleeping room, phone, bath, etc.,
close in. 321 West Park.
LA ROE, airy sleeping room; convenient;
'.50 per week. 265 12th.
1.1.75 CLEAN sleeping room for gentleman;
close In; beautiful yard. L'51 Broadway.
Boom With Board.
American and European plan; near City
Park ; convenient to carline.
Washington at 23d st.
- Residential and Tourist Hotel.
Attractive rates to permanent and
transients. Main 7584.
614 Everett, Bet. 2oth and Ella Sta.
Furnished three-room apartments, lo
cated in one of the choicest resident dis
tricts; automatic elevator and all modern
conveniences; walking distance.
14th and Jefferson sts.
An exclusive residential hotel: attractlv
rates to transients or permanent guests.
Main W2S.1. A 0ti2S.
RuuiJS and board at the Calumet for 137.30
per month; double, with private bath. 172
per month; rooms. European, 115 and up;
rate by the day and week. 100 Park at.
Mam 7 .J 00.
Select Family Hotel.
Modern rooms, with excellent tabl
board ; very reasonable rates. 11th and
Yamhill sta
3S6 Montgomery t., at West Park Mod
ern convenience; rooms with or without
bath ; excellent table service; reasonable
rate for regular and transient guesta
A residential hotel; large sun porch;
rooms-with or without baths; bom cook
ing; table board a specialty.
THE MANITuL', 261 13th at.
Excellent table; large, airy rooms; Sum
mer rates. "J" car at Depot.
LARGE, newly f urn hi bed room, with board,
suitable for 2 or more; separate beds;
piano, home comforts. 191 11th. Main 638L
rooms with board, use of sewing-room. 11
brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup,
Cozy rooms, with bath; board If de
sired; attractive rates. 710 Wash. M. 8651.
THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel.
Special Summer rates; strictly horn cook
ing. 35 d st. Phone Main 7004.
CHOICE rooms, single or en suite; first-clat
table. 33 N. 1711
Room With Board in Privat Family.
BOARD with room for one or two young
men; home cooking and comports; 20 min
utes by car; $6 week for one or $5 each
ior two. Phone B 2271.
LOVELY room, with board, facing street
fine location, walking distance; home priv
ileges. Best homo cooking; reasonable.
NICE room with connecting bath for 2
refined working girls: best board and all
home provileges; walking distance. Phon
E. r&6.
WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS residence offer
room and board to people desirous of
exclusive surroundings. Main 5K.,
FOR RENT Desirable room, and board,
private family, for two young men. 241
N". 20th.
$20 PER MONTH Desirable for young lady,
room and board in private family, clos
in. East 3.45.
ROOM, board for young man. refined horn,
young people. SO "0 per week. Call 3i
lBth st- N., near Wash. Phone Mar. 1651.
COMFORTABLE, pleasant room, home com
fort; board optional. Main 325
Broadway. ,
ROOM, board for young lady, refined horn.
S5.AU. 32 16th st. N. Mar. 1S5L
NEWLY furnished rooms with or without
board ; walking distance. 480 Taylor st.
FRONT room with board frr gentleman;
piano. Main 3312. SSI 10th.
ROOM and board in private family; reasoa
. ki. Vi.h.ll 14S7. 253 N. 21st mt
24i d FT. N. Two well -furnished, con
necting rooms; excellent board. M. 2071.
ROOMSwith board at 389 Taylor t.; pri
vate bearding-house.
KIceIr fur. and uufur. 3-room mod.
auts ; private bath and phones; walking
distance. 118 up. Phon East 2739.