11 THE 3IORMG OKEUOM.O, TUESDAY, AUUUST 1, 1913. HOTELS AND SIMMER RESORTS. THE MULTNOMAH ilPii (THEUi H of :4iis-sB N.ICLRnASST.MC(L"G.J.KAlIFTlANN mgr. HOTEL OREGON ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. Portland's Newest and Most Magnificent Hostelry. Opened March 4th. 1913. , Five hundred elegantly furnished rooms, nearly all with private baths; 100 specially equipped sample-rooms for the commercial trade. Located on Broadway right In the heart of the city. WRIGBT . DICK1XSOX HOTEL CO. When in Seattle Stop at the Hotel Seattle. Hotel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME. PARK AND ALDER' STS., PORTLAND, OR. In the theater and shopping district, one block from any carline; rates $1.00 per day and op; with bath, $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelius, President H. E. Fletcher, Manager HOTEL MOORE overlooking CLATSOP BEACH, SEASIDE, OREGON OPENED JUNE 1, WITH COMPLETE SUMMER CREW Many new and modem Improvement. Electric lighted. Rooms with or without bath. Hot aalt hatha and aurf bathing. Recreation pier tor fishing. Steam heat and rnnnln, water. Be. food . ap.cl-lty. Grill 0"0R Proprtetor. mmmm inn The Only Krai Mountain Resort with vOTof MOUNTri O OJ3 Coasting! Snow-Shoetag I DOKjKT b. smith. Travel nrfu, 69 FIFTH ex.. POKTUSI), OR. Telephone Marshall 1078. HOTEL MEARS CLATSOP BEACH. SEASIDE, OREGON Electrlo lighted throughout New eon. rrete absolutely fireproof building; tele phono connections, running voter. European plan. Rate 11.00 per day and "Situated In heart of city, corner of Main and BridKt streets. JOHN' A4EAB8. Proprietor. THOMAS A. PARISH DIES Demise or Prominent Seattle Repub lican rolltlctan Sudden. SEATTLE, "Wash., Aug. 18. (Spe cial.) Thomas A. Parish. 62 years old. amember of tha Seattle City Council and formerly State Tax Commissioner. dropped dead of heart disease In his home here Sunday. Mr. Parish, who was prominent in Republican politics In this state, re signed as State Tax Commissioner In 1912 to run for Mayor of Seattle, but was defeated in the non-partisan pri mary by "George Y. Cotterill and Hiram C. GilL He was elected to the City Council at the non-partisan city electlm last Winter. Germany has 15 or 15 air craft factories of considerable size, more than England and Austria combined and almost as many as France. . AfCTTOX SALE Today at the Gilbert Hotel, 167 Taylor street, comer Third street. Furnishings of 45 rooms. Sale 10 A. M. J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer. GEO. BAKER A CO.. 168 and ls Park St.. near Morrison; a line lot of second-hand furniture. Sale at 10 o'clock A. M. MEETING NOTICES. MT. TABOR LODGE KO. 43. A. F. AND A. M A special com , munlcatton is hereby called for 1 o'clock P. M. Wednesday, the 2Hh. to attend the funeral of our late brother. John Smith, which will be conducted from the East tilde undertaktnr Sarlora, E. 6th and Alder sts. Interment at It. gcott Cemetery. By order of the Wor shipful Master. M. R. tfPAV'LDlXG, Sec'ty. ORE GO X COUNCIL, ROYAL aa-JfJ.jk ARCANL'M. meets at the new wtV hall. Roval bulldinV the flmt rA--rf and third Tuesdays of each lX.."fc month at 8 P. M. Visitors cor. dially welcomed. O. O. HALL. Secretary. 629 East 14th street North. MOUNT HOOD COUNCIL. ROT AL AHUA.M.J1. meets this 'J9 Hall. Eleventh street. at 8 t F. M. lllln brethren wel GEO. W. HAZEN secretary. OWLS ATTENTION. Citixens having lolned Order of Owls past year please mail kddresa and name to Box AF Oregonian; lnetallaMon of nest Au gust is. laii. J. W. WILSON. Organizer. DIED. ROTZOLL August 18. at the rwtdenoe. ICS .-. i.m ex., laroilns Rotsoll. aged years, beloved wife of George Rotzoll. Remains at Dunning a McEntes'a parlors. Notice of funeral later. MITCHELL August 18. Charles P. Mitchell aged 31 years. Remains at Dunning A McEnte.s uwiore. aiotlce of funeral ' - r. HOTEL CARLTON ' Fourteenth and Washington Street. Booms, with bath, $1.50 day. Booms without hath, $1.00 day. AU ontside rooms, fireproof construction. Special rates for permanent guests. Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr. Absolut? Fireproof i 10o rooms ....11.10 ft day 200 rooma (with bath)-0s par day 100 rooma (with baUD-ILiO par day Add U-0 Pr dr aboa Prtcaa when two occupy ona roam. VTEY ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT QUEST 3 H. C. rtOWICRS, MUWK GilXEn THIGPEX, im Kn Portland's Famous note.!, Notedfor th Excellence its GuismaEiiropean plan Vi:MW Owned and Opctath) btTHE PORTLAND KOIflCCt "The Hackney Cottage" Beautiful surroundings 'and - the most pleasant spot on North Beach. Home comforts and spring water to drink, and the house is electri fied. Make reservations by mail or wire. Sea View. Wash. v JAMES HACKXEI. Necanicum Inn SEASIDE. OR. Large airy rooms, overlooking ocean; home cooking, home comforts. The most attractive place In Seaside. Also five-room cottage lor rent; fire place; beautiful flowers; ocean view. Also housekeeping apartments. MISS S. DAMAN!. Prop. Sol Due Hot Springs Hotel la the Heart of the Olympic. For descriptive literature, address the Manager. Sol rue, Clallam County. Washington. DTED. WALLACE In this city. August 17. at 470 Columbia boulevard. Earnest Russell Wal lace, aged 29 years, nephew of Sir William Wallace Barrister, of London. England. The remains are at the conservatory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder St. Funeral no tice in a later Issue. BALDWIN In thia city. August IS. Fannie Baldwin, aged 62 years, at ber late resi dence, 12i2 Belmont st. The remains are at the new parlors of J. P. Finley A Son. Montgomery and 6th sts. Notice of fu neral hereafter. 1XNERAL NOTICES. DONOVAN At the residence of his daugh ter. 237 Nartilla sc. between Salmon and Main sts.. west of Chapman St., on Au gust 17. John A. Donovan, aged 86 years, father of Mrs. Frank Zan. Robert M. Don ovan, Mrs. M. J. Geist, Mrs. A. L. Sauvle. Mrs. F. P. Rigney and Harry Donovan. Funeral from the above residence at 8:30 A. M. tomorrow (Wednesday). August 20. thence to the Cathedral. 15th and Davis s'.s.: services it I A. M. Frienda invited. Interment Calvary Cemetery. ' CARLO In thia city, August IT. Mary Carlo, aged 58 years. The funeral cor tage will leave the new parlors of J. P. Finley A Son. Montgomery and 5th sts.. today (Tuesday morning. August 101, at S:4o o'clock and proceed to St. Michael's Church, cor. 4th and Mill sts., where requiem mass will be said at 0 o'clock. Friends invited. Interment ML Calvary Cemfctery. SMITH The funeral services of the late John Smith will be held at the conserva tory chapel of F. S. Dunning. Inc.. East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder St., comer East th st-. at 2 P. M. to--morrow (Wednesday). Aug. 20. Friends in vited. Interment Mount Scott Park Cem etery. MEMPEItS of Clan Macleay are requested to attend the funeral services of tha late clansman. John smith, from F. 8. Dun nlng'a undertaking parlora. East 6th and Alder at, at 2 P. M. Wednesday, Aug. 20. Interment will be st ML Scott Cemetery. A W. Leslie, Secretary. WAKEFIELD In this city. Aug. 18. Charles Wakefield, aged J7 years, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wakefield. Funeral services will be held at Dunning A McEntee'a chapel. Wednesday. Aug. 20, at 1 P. M. Friends respectfully Invited to attend. In terment Rlvervlew Cemetery. WATTS In this city. August IT. John M. 'Watts, aged IS years. The funeral serv ices will be held at the new chapel of J. P. Finlev A Son. Montgomery and 5th sts.. today (Tuesday. August 1 at 2 P. M. Friends invited. Interment at Rlvervlew Cemetery. Servlcea at tha grave private. HOFFMAN August 16. Bertha Hoffman, aged 18 years. Funeral services will b held at Dunning A McEntee'a chapel to day (Tuesday), at 10 o'clock. Friends re spectfully invited. Remains will be taken to the Crematorium. CANUTT In this city. Aug. 18. at her late 'residence, 4842 East C4tn sc. a. js.. taiii. Canutt. aged 86 years. Tha remains wll fee shinned to Colfax. Wash-, tor inter ment by F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side Funeral Directors. ALEXANDER The funeral services of the late Georgia Alexander will be held at the Lerch undertaking parlors. E. 6th and Alder eta Tuesday. August 19, at 1:S0 r. M. FTler.d invited. MOORS August 17th, George Moors, sged 65 years. Remains at Dunning A Mc Entee'a parlors, wher they have been prepared for salpment to McPherson. Kan. HEALT Remains of Carrie L- Healy win be forwarded to Marshall. Minn., today (Tueaoayj, oj ui jl. m. sveiiar vo, PORTLAND ACCORDION f LKAI1NG. K. Stephan, accordion, side pleating, buttons covered, goods sponged. 311 Alder. M.3t. A8SAVERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. 186 Morrison at. ATrORNEVS. Sargent (H. K.) A Swope (F. E.) general practice, notaries-public VIS Cb. of Com. References:- Hartman A Thompson, p' kers. WM. J. ENGLISH, removed to 513 Lumber men's bldg. Main 8714, Marshall (HI. BOAT BUILDING. O. P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repalr- "s. aarine ways, toot Aoernetny su CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST KUU CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs. 153 Union ava. CELL! LOIP BUTTONS. BADGES. THE IRVCIN-HODSON CClilfANY, 12 6th su Phones Main 212 and A 1214. CIUKOPODISTS. William. Estelle and Dewana Deveny, tha only scientific chiropodists in the city. Parlors, 102 Uerlinger biiig.. a. W. comer Id and Alder, pnone Main 1501. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices 4Z Fiiedner bldg. Main 83. CHIROPRACTIC PHlfSlCIANS. DR. M'MAHON, 121 4th at. 810,000 modern equipment. Terms: "trust price for expert adjustment and baths. Main 205. Dr. Lehman, 817 Aulngton bldg., has no $10. 000 equipment; .10 a week; expert work. COAL AND WOOD. t WILL buy you the Hiawatha coal at Edlefsen's. Mine Agt- ALBINA FUEL CO.. for Summer orders, green slabwood. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH A CO.. Worcestor bldg. Main 1784. Ko collection, no chaige 2JANCLYO. LEARN NOW. Prof. Walter WILlson Dancing School. Summer dancing lessons. 25c; waits. ' t'wo-step. three-step and alage dancing taught; morning, axternoon and evening; guarantee to teach any one who waika how to dance; failure Impossible, boi 6th ml Phone Main 7C. tight lady and gentlemen Instructors HEATH'S Dancing Scnool. 10 Id SU. bet. Wash, and Stark sts.; lessons dally: waits m and two-step guaranteed In four lessons; class Friday evening. 8 to 10, at 109 2d. DON'T b a wallflower; learn to dance prop erly Ringler's Academy. Class and prl vate Instruction daily, tjlfr Morrison. DRESSMAKING AND TATLOKLNG SCHOOL VALENTINES system ladles' tailoring dressmaking taught, Steen, 152 Grand avo. EYE, EAR, NOPE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 418 Dekum bldg. IdaWssh ADVERTISING AGENCY. BOTSFORD ADV. Co., Board of Trade bldg. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell. Lewis as biaver Co, Morrison A 2d. R. M. WADE A CO, 822-26 Hawthorne ava ARCHITECTURAL WIRE AND IKON WKS. Portland Wire A Iron Wks,2d and Columbia AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. DUBTtUlLLE BUGGY TOP CO, 200 2d at AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis A blaver Co, JS. Mor. A Id. Howard Automobile Co, 14th and Davis. AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO, 810 Alder st AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOTJ A WRIGHT, 7th and Oak sta BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage at Omnibus Transfer. Park A Davia BAKER A CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES. GRAY, M LEAN & PERCY. 4th and Gusan. BARBER SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO, 72 th St. Lewl-Stenger Barber Supply Co, lOth-Mor. BAB FIXTURES. Brunswlcke-Balke-Collender Co, 48 Fifth su BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES A SUPPLIES. BALLOU A WRIGHT, 7th and Oak attest. POPE F. P. Keenan Co, 10 4th street. BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES. DAYTON CYCLE CO, IJ Ash street BILLIARD AND POCKJIT TABLES. Brnnswicke-Balke-Collender Co, 4b Fifth sU BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery ec Conf, Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEIN'HARD. 13th and Burnslde, CANDY MANUFACTURERS. ' COFFMAN S CANDY CO, 43 Front street CASCARA BARK AND GRAPE' ROOT. KAU.V BROS, 191 FRONT ST. CEMENT. LIME AND PLASTER. P. T. Crowe A Co, 45 Fourth streeL " COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSETT A DE VERS. 1-11 N. Front SU DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe A CrisseL 1-6 Fronu M. 6(11. R 842. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. F.OWARn HOLM AN, the leading fu neral director, 286 Third atreet, corner Sal musw Lady aasUUtnt. A 1611. Main aOI. i. P. FINLEY A SON. FUNERAL SERVICE, Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. Eaat Side Funeral Director, 416 East Alder8t.liast62, B 52o. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 680 Glen wood ave.; take Sellwood car. Open te vis itors dally from A. M. to 6 p. M. DUNNING A M'ENTEE, funeral directors, 7th and Pine. 1'hone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of County Coroner. LERCH. undertaaer, cor. Ka.t Alder and Sixth. East 781. B 1XS- 1. liy a t trndaoi t. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A t21. Lady attendant MEMORIALS rot t land Marble Works, 264 4th, opposite City HalL Mala 806. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICES NO. 320 UNION AVE LEV CORNER MARKET STRICET. Phone Eat 143, B 251S Horse ambulance for aick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cru elty to this office. Open day and night REAL ESTATE DEALERS, Beek, William O, 815-816 Falling bldg. BRUBAKER, C. L, 817 Railway Ex. bldg. Jennings A Co, Main las. 206 Oregonlan. PALMER-JONES CO, H. P, '404-45-406 Wilcox bldg. ' NEW TODAY. Edward E. Goudey Lewis Building. MORTGAGE LOANS On huilns- mnd clewe-ln rgrideng g properties. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOt5T SCOTT PARK. Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phone CITY & FARM LOANS (1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZAD0W 414 Corbrtt nidjc A 1416. Marshall 92. S MORTGAGE LOANS. - S S Amounts to Suit Real Estate Security. Prompt Service. GEO. 11. THOMAS, 267 Oak St, Room 2. Alaaworth Bldg. CiTY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CB.0NAN 03 Spalding; Bldg. Portlaad, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Oar Owe Moaey at Current Rate. WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO. Commercial Clnh Bldg, Portland. Or. Free factory sites, served by rail and river. West Oregon City. MOODY INV. CO. H. Lk Moody. Frea 10183 Chamber of Commerce. Main ST BUSINESS DIRECTORY ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE buy. sell rent and exchange new and second-hand motors: repair work a ape clalty. Western KleArlo Works. 118 4th. ELECTRIC-MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co.. 81 First at.. North. Phone Main 8210. ' FURNITURE HOSPITAL. BOWERS & PARSONS. 100i Front. M.744J. Furniture Hospital. Packing and ahipplng. HOUSE MOVING. A. D. Moodte. 108 E. Water at. East 1&2S. Latest improved machinery for handling heay bodies. Brick buildings a apeiially. MAT FACTORS. EASTERN HAT FACTORY. 4-8 3d street. Men's soft and Panama bate cleaned. Best $2 hat on earth for men. LANDSCAPB GARDENING. BETTER lanuacape and general gardening. . FLORAL CO, , East 6370. C 1614. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBR1DGS LEATHER CO. Ea tabllaueq Itvjs. lstf Front su UP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard-of-hearlng. 3u Central bldg. MATTRESS FACTORY. MATTRESSES made over and to order: re upholsterlng of all kinds. Marshall 2657. MUSSENOtH SEKVICK. HASTY Messenger Co. Day and night aexv- Ice. Phone Main 58. A 2163. MUSICAL. EM1L THiELHORN. violin teacher, pupil Sevclk, D25 1 Uednar bid. A 416U. Mar. ltl-K. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Grover. specialist in paralysis, nervous, ' chronic diseases. 7t3 Oregonlan bid. M.S14I OMtOl'AilUC PHYSICIANS. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekuta hide Nervoua and chronic diseases. Phone office M. 846: res. East or B 1028 PATENT ATTORNEYS. r'ateiits procured by J. K. Mock, attorney, at-law. late of the U. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. 1010 Board of Tradeybldg. R. C. WRIGHT, 22 years' practice, U. d. and foreign patent 600 Dekuta bldg. Portland WOOD PITE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York at Main 34!sA. PLATING WORKS. NICKEL, gold jand silver plating. Portland t!tff. A Mfg. Co. Main 043. A E282. PAINTING. FOR first-class papering, painting, tinting, reasonable prices, call Main 6(1:6. REFRIGERATORS-AND-ICR BOXES. Built to order, any size. $7.50 up. C. P. Bed Co., 64 Union ave. South. Phone East 243. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DRUGGISTS. CLARKE-WOODWARD DRUG CO, Alder at West Park. DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WES.-ERN Tool at Die Works, 8u4 Pine sU DBS GOODS. FLEISCHXER-MAYER A CO, 10T Ash SU ELECTRICAL 81 PPPL1ES. STUBBS LLtqillLAL CO, ta A pins sin FISH, OVSTERS AND ICR. MALARKiil A CO, Inc. 1 Front street FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albera Bros. Milling Co, l-'ront and Marshall BALFOUR-GUTHRIE A CO, Board of Trade H. M. HOUSEH. Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN A 'WHSK. Co, Br. Tr. T H E W. A. GORDON CO, Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN A LEWIS l&sU 161), 46 N. Front WADHAMS CO, -7i 4th SU HAIR GOODS. PORTLA.Nil HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLESALE ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSaR HAT CO, 3-8 Front st HAS. J. H. Klosterman A Co, leading bay dealer HIDES, FURS, FELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO, 3-6 N. Front su HIDES. PEL I S. WOOL AND FURS. KAH. BROS, il Front ex. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROTHERS, t.14 Worcester bldg. IKON WORKS. PACli'lC IRON WORKS, East 8d and Burnslde at. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON, CASTINGS. Complete Stock of BEAMS, ANGLES, CHANNELS, ' PLATES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHF BROS., 30 Pine U CHAS. L. MAST1CK A CO, 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO, 149 Id. NEW TODAY. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 3-STORY BRICK APARTMENT UniTCE WELL LOCATED nUUdE, CORNER We are authorized to sell or ex change this three-story modern brick apartment-house, consisting of 24 apartments. Well located, close in, corner, 150 feet from carline, and a rood revenue producer. Owner will sell or exchange equity for close-in vacant property. Slight consider well located Willamette Valley farm. Properties will inflated yalues will not be considered. l No phone information. I lijjeasAaaaaai Henry Building. COLONIAL HEIGHTS Fine larg-e six-room modern house, large attic, three large bedro jms. sleeping-porch and den, fireplace, furnace, hardwood floors, pass pantry; lot 60x 100; hard-surfaoe in and paid. Worth $$500. Owner leaving the city, hence the price, $6250; $1000 down and $25 per month. On East Twenty-third, near Hawthorne. Must sell this week. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1419, Marshal! 92 Mortgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. M00NEY Main 210. Room 421 Falling Rldg. $20,000 Wanted 7 on West Side business Income property. Security four times amount of loan. Absolutely secure. HAMMOND MORTGAGE CO., 423 Chamber of Commerce. MORTGAGE LOANS FARM AND CITY Commerce Safe 'Dep. & Mortgage Co. 91 Third St Chaau of Com. Bids. -HKWlNU MACHINES. SEWING MACHINS EMPORIUM. New. all makes, factory prices, second hand. $2 up; machinee rented and re paired. Main 0431. 190 3d. near Yamhill. RUBBER STAMPS. SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS Ml Wash, su Phone Main 710 and A 2.10. THE IRW1N-HODSON COMPANY. 82 5tn au Phone Mala SIX. A 1254. SHOWCASES, BANK A STORK FLXTURES. THE LUTKJ2 MFG. CO, branch Grand Rap lua Showcase Co, lh and HoyU - Lutae. manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Coch: new and old wlnaow display and cabinet worn. WESTERN FIX. A SHOWCASE CO.. 10th and Davia. Showcases to order and in stoca. STORAGK AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van A Storage Co.. cor. 15th and Kearney sts., just completed new tire proof wureooUM for household effects, pi ano and automoolles; containe separate nre and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rig vauits: track age for carload shipments; van for mov ing, reduced frelgnt ratea on household goods to and from Eaat In through cara. Main 6640, all departments. . C O. PICK Transfer A Storage Ce offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse. ' aeparare iron rooma and fireproof vaults lor valuables; N. W. cor. Id and Pmsta.i pianos and furniture moved and pzcaea lor shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic an foreign porta. Main 596. A !. OREGON TRANSFER CO, 474 Gllan at, cor. 18th. Telephcn Main or A 116a. General transfer and forwarding agent We own and operate two large claae A warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest In surance tates In the city. PORTLAND TRANSFER A STORAGES CO, Main 610. 206 Washington. A 1604. Planoa and furniture moved, packed for ablpmenu Special ratea mad on gooda te dom-stlc and foreign points. Trrough car service. Storage, low insurance. OLSca HOD TRANSFER CO, general tra ir.nng and storage, safes, pianos and furni.u.v moved and packed for anlpmenu Teaina and auto varj for long-distance moving. 87-89 Front su Main 64i, or A 224? TYPEWRITERS. $15 TO 866 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms te suit; catalogue mailed on request, THE J.-K. GILL COM PAN 1, Third and Alder SU. Both phones. Main bjOO. A B06. WE are th exchange for the largest type writer concern on tho Coast; Investigate all makes, all prlcoa. The Typewriter Exchange, ajis LUBRIC.TlNO OILS. Balfour. Guthrie A Co, Board of Trans. - ..... i'uiv r T SUW1.U aav. F. B. MALLORY A CO, 231 Pin St. Loggers A Contractors' Mach. Co, 71 8th at MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co, 3 t Htn st M1LL1-NEBY. B. O. CASE A CO, th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS, Morrison and 7th ata NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER S1M1NGTON. Calhoun Co, 4S 4th. ........ r-r- t lunv avn U'lRR. Portland W ire" A Iron W o'rks. 2d A Columbia PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSE.N CO, Jobbers, paint, oil glass, saah and doors, cor. 2d and Taylor. W. P. FULLER CO, 12th and Davia. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO, la First SU . PAINTS. OILS, VARNISHES. BASS-HUETER PAINT CO, 184-laa Id at PIPE, PIPE F1TTLNGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. o4-tt Front SU PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, -8 Front su PRINTERS AND PUBUSBERa F. W. BALTES A CO., 1ST AND OAK 81 J. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDI.S'G A FARKLLL. HO Front su POULTRY. FGGS, CALVES. HOGS. HENRY EVERL1.NG, 45-47 Front su ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co, ltth a$d Northrup. SAN II AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny st SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. iULLER A CO, 13th and Davia. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14tn and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO, 8 Frout at WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co, 172 1st st MORGAN WALL PAPER CO, Id su Portland Wire A Iron Wka, 2d and Columbia NEW TODAY. LAURELHURST SNAP Very swell modern six-room bouse; three "bedrooms, hardwood floors, book cases, buffet, paneled dining: - room, Dutch kitchen, fireplace and furnace; cement floor, laundry trays; lot BOxlOO; fine garage; ' absolutely the biggest snap in Laurelhurxt, at $4400; easy terms. Let me snow you tnis. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corhett Bldg. A 141(1, Marshall J)2 mONEYTO LOAF! on improved city or country prop erty. Ask for Mrs. Ridings. HACKER & THEEKELSEN CO. Main 7592. 306 Spalding Bldg. REAL ESTATE. For 6ale Lot. 60X1UO-FOOT J-OT. $500. $25 CASH. $5 PER MONTH Second m or t rage csn be arranged by responsible party; 23 minutes from Second na Aiufir uj ona ui tus tci. t,aiuu.. bard-surface all tha way to the business t c ii i. fj r. AaurcH v cw, ji rgmn". 1UCAL) H. 711 Si. CITT, RIVERS AND MT. HOOD. tnoOBtniCUDI Vw; pftvvra nrcei, Kwer, atr, vat, etc Take Portland Height car. Many beautiful homes adjoining. To lfin tin fatal all uts h n I ri f n r will nrlAM llftOO PER LOT. Cash or easy terms 10 per cent down and 110 per month. Call Wood lawn 3258, or address AE 2V0, Oreffonian. 93x100 CORNER. East Pth St.. close In. Hoi la day's Add., for J '15 00; this is A-l prop erty and a bargain, but we nee a money and must sell. Full Information at 730 Chamber of Commerce. 68X100 CORNER, East 12th and Division. 10-room house on inside portion: good business location. For price and terms see 1. G. DAVIDSO.X. 819 Chamber of Commerce. 1700 BEIXJW VALUE. MHilW lot on E. 17th St.. between Morrison and lieimont. suitable Tor apart xnenta. 'garage or busiaess. See owner. 210 Lumber Excnange. HOUSES tor sale: and lots for sale. I have a lot near Peninsular Park. Will build you a modern bungalow from your own plans. Small payment down, balance mommy payments, aj av.t, uregoman. IF you wan to see the home sites for sale 0O POHTLA.ND ri tluHT!, see BROOKE. Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 4b21 or A 3839. TWO lots with large 2-roora house, nicely furnish el; also, woodshed and 15 fruit trees; cheap lor casn. owner, W. at. Jackson, 2d ave. South. Lents. I3W EOUITY. $75. In 2 25x100 lots. R2d st., Rose City Park car: balance due $210. A. C. Baker, Troutdale, Or. FOR SALE Lots 21 And 24, block 11, old J on earn ore Add.; price $lu00. terma Ad dress box 67, Rainier, Or. LOTS near car. 13 7i; $ monthly. Owner, 720 Chamber of Commerce. Main list. 100x100. $500; or 50x100, $250; terms cash. AJ 29L Oregonlan. $275 BUYS BOxlOO In restricted district; ail cash required, T 261, Orego&an, REAL ESTATE. For Bade Lots. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS OS WEST BIDE. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district. Insid 3-mile circle, commands an unob structed view of Tualatin Vailey and lit. Hood; waiks. surface graded streets and Bull Run water In and included lo price; Fourth (Street- Line runs in front of prop erty, the eiectrlfication of which is now in progress. Prices range from $30 up. Select your lot and we will build to suit you for a small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY", OWNERS. 2nd Floor. Selling Bid BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY on West Elde. overlooking the entire city and mountains; 7 rooms, all modern; will sell for $MM cash and easy monthly pay ments, -y PROVIDENT TRUST COM PANT, . OWNERS. 2nd Floor, Selling Bid. FOR 6 ALB. 100-foot front corner on Cornell road; east view- head of Overton; $75. Phone Main j.MT. For Sale Beach Property. EIGHT beautiful lots, Bayocean Beach, all for SOO: 1 corner lot, xseanKanie, exv, terms. 824 Worcester bldg. , For Sale Houses. SACRIFICE) SALES No reasonable offer will, bs refused on the following property: 4-room new bungalow, modem and doub ly constructed, on East 24th St.. near Ho! rate, value $2200; price reduced to il WO, but ws want an oner. 4-room bungalow on business lot, 508 Alberta St., near 11th. value w; price reduced to $2100. Make offer. 5 -room new modern bungalow, 10S0 Ar nold su. near E. 36th., value $3500; re duced to 2100. Make an offer. 5-ro3m new modern bungalow, 1010 East 26th near Wygant. value I30OO; price re duced to urzer warned. 6"-room bungalow, 1210 E. Madison st near 41st, value 3000; reduced to walov. Look, at It today, then make an offer. 5-room swell new bungalow, hardwood floors and latest conveniences- Room for 8 mora rooms unstaira. on E. 3Jd lust south of Clinton st., value $4000: reduced to $3650. No reasonable offer refused. 6-room house, 408 Benton St., near mxon, close to ijroaaway oriage. vaiue S40OO; reduced to sooo. ozior wanted. fl-room swell modern bouse with gar age, 1067 Senate at., near 36th. In Laurel hurst, value $5700; reduced to $4700. Offer wan tea. 6-room nice house, on lot BOxlOO. S26 8th st., near Halsey, walking distance, value $0oo0; reduced to $5000. Offer wan tea. 8-roora new and strictly modern home, 101.' 4 bandy boulevard, near &3d., value stwou: reduced to sooo. Migtrt take a lit tle loss. Biggest snap In Laurelhurst. Owners of the above pro pert lea for va rious reasons are compelled to sell, and no reasonable offer will be rejected. Our auiio i your service. GRUSSI c BOLDS, 316 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. SUBURBAN HOME, 1 ACRE. 6-ROOM HOUSE On Oregon Electric, In one of the finest suburban districts of West Side: 1 block from station ; city phone, private water system; oatn, eaower, lavatory, laundry tubs; large front porch; screened-ln back porcn; rooms an large and well arranged good outbuildings, consisting of well house, chicken - house and woodhouse; young fruit trees of selected varieties; berries of all kinds In bearing; lay. of land Ideal and rround unexcelled for a.r- dening; buyer will deal direct with owner and must have at least 41000 cash; price .r- v. j ureguniau. HIGH-CLASS ONLY S60O0 NINE ROOMS. Will sacrifice much below cost dwelling In restricted, paved district, with all Im provements in, steam heat, oak finish and floors, two toilet, enameled kitchen, costly decorations, large lawn, full cement basement, walks and fence; liberal terms, 'on installment basis, to responsible par ties. Horn lnstaiixaenj:.'Ce.y-4Ul McfcLay diui. Aiain i-t it. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE AIU.Ntl, ULILU AfAKTMEMS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WK KNOW HOW. TALK. TO OUR CLIENTS. SES ULK WUKK. WILL, GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING Atu.HntClS, i.'4 AWlNGTON BLDG. NEW. STYLISH BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, most UD-to-data rn citr. re stricted district. beautiful music-room with French doors, 7-ft. beveled plate glass buffet, hardwood floors, 3 French mir rors, beautiful mantel, solid brass hard ware, select grain finish, lot 50x100, 10-ft. parmng, otoca to car, id minutes to city terms. Phone owner, Tabor liwo. fOR SALE S-room, modern house, corner lot, 50x100; splendid neighborhood, first class condition; roses and fruit; a good buy, close in; any reasonable terms ac cepted. Phone Tabor 1600. No agents. rncejwiru, win trace. HAVE 3 acres on new electric line, all un der cultivation, one block from station; $14J0, on terms. This would sell for' at least on the Oregon City line. AJ .tvo, Tjregunian. AT A BARGAIN. Beautiful fl-room residence, mnffarn snrl In first-class condition; 100 by 60 street front- one block to car. Call 226 Shaver, NEW, modern California bungalow. West Side; Bull Run water; 20 minutes, 5c fare; for quick sale. I2T3; 250 cash, balance terms. Call Hawley Lumber Co., Mult- HOUSES FOR SALE AND LOTS FOR SALE. I have a lot near Peninsular Park. Will build you a modern bungalow from your own plans. Small payment down, balance monthly payments. AJ 305. Oregonian. IF you want to see the homes for sals on PORTLAND HEIGHTS, see BROOKE. Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 427 or A 3839. , FLATS FOR SALE. Income $U6 a month; price $10,900; ele gant modern four-apartment building; fine location; always full; term a 3ti3 Monroe st., near Union sve. ; owner. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FORCED SAL Li To save foreclosure; 5-room bungalow beautiful view; $2750 for few days; fetched s.250 two years ago. Marshall 4fe7. BROOKE. A 3839. IRVINGTONj Fine 10-room house, close In, hardwood floors, 2 fireplaces, tiled bath, beautiful yard; $iX00, easy terma Will consider some trade. Main 6S2L 204 Stock Exchange bldg.. 3-ROOM house. lot lOOxlGO, on good street; only $750; $50 down, $10 mo.; 6 per cent Interest. 527 Chamber of Commerce, Main 57S. 1RVINGTON, $4650 New 6-room jiouse and garage; hardwood floors, fireplace, fur nace, alt built-in conveniences; improve-' ments In and jatd. CS5 East 10th at. N. A BUNGALOW, Finest thing in lrvlngton, cheap; don't fall to see it; also 2-story residence. East . 273. W. H. Herdman. WE have three beautiful new, modern Call . fornla bungalows; will sell at great re duction, on your own terms or rent or ex change. Main 4549. 6-ROOM cottage, sacrifice $2400. $100 down, balance easy terms; owner leaving city must sell: no commission to agents. V 27j. Oregonian. 1 HOME afkr sale, 5 rooms, bath, sleeping porch, with or without furniture; easy termf. J46 E. 60th. st. N. C 1733. $1750 A HOME, 4 rooma bath, toilet, wired for electricity, fruit trees, berries, veg etables, flowers. Box 703. Lenta MODERN 6 - room cottage, at your own terms: I am leaving for Europe. See owner, 547 E. 3 2d. Phone Seilwood 5uL 4 TO 6 room houses. $1200 to $220"; $50 to $100 down, bal. like rent. 527 Cham, of Commerce. Main 56e7. FIVE rooms. 50x100 Improved lot, 3 blka to car, rood location, clear title, for $ti00. terma uwner, uxi au ave. ts. is. MODERN 5-room bungalow, furnished, easy terms. B 2078; must sell; leaving city. BEAUTIFUL half-acre; fine new 7-room house; buffet, fireplace, furnace, basement; block Hawthorne car; $4a0v. Tabor 2152. FOR 6ALI3 $2000; new, modern 5-room bungalow; eio-e in. jiite ivy at. NEW 7-room bou in Laurelhurst, $S50U. W. E. Roberts, care Roberts Bros. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN A CO. Main S078. FOR SALE New, modern 5-room house, Wwt Piedmont. Phone Sell. 911. FOR SALE cheap, seven-room modern house, 3it4 bumner st. NEW. modern 6-room house, lot 60x130. at bargain. Wood lawn 1158. " IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN A CO. MAIN 6070. REAL E8TATB MouM- IH lA is one of the choice homes on Haw thorne ave.; cannot be dup.icated for ti money we are asking; new, modern, ii-rootn home, very' beautifully designed with mas sive pressed brick front, nice living room 15x?0. with large coat closet and piate glass doors; a'.K epcdid fireplace, ele gant dining-room Ifexl. with builtMn buf fet. French doors, very handsome aVn with plat glass bookcases, sliding clouded g'.ass doors between livlrg-room and den. The Dutch cabinet kitchen Is a marvel of convenience; S large bedrooms on sec ond floor, and sleeping porch with bath ar.tl lavatory ; mleo toilet on first floor; nice built-in medicine closet; fuil cement basement 3 feet in clear; also cement in basement and laundry trays. The home cannot be excelled In this district lor 3SSO0; our price is JSTOy, with terms $1000 down, balance 7 per cent, easy monthly payments. Owner. T. A. SUTHERLAND, 10S4 Hawthorne Ave. Tabor 2017 or Tabor 45. NEW 5-roora bungalow, with all modern improvements: living-room, witn Tire place; ' window seat, bookcases, dining room walls paneled, built-in Dutch kitchen, wash trays in basement, 2 bedrooms with large closets, street lmpromements ail paid, only $-5 a month including inter est. Call East 2549. For esle Business Property. FOR SALE Splendid business lot In Klam ath Falls, beet town In Southern Oregon; cheap for cash, Thos. G. Aitken, Dem lng. N. M. $18,O0j LOT 5xlC0, stores and apartments: prominent street, close In, West tide; well rented. Owner. 324 Worcester bldg. For SaleAcreage $100. IN CASH. 100. And $1C 00 monthly Invested In ONT3 of our WEST SIDE SUBURBAN HOME TRACTS will Inc. ease faster and earn more money for you in the next three years at the prices we are selling them now than the same amount Invested anywhere you couid place 1L Investigate this lsnd; look it ever; see the graded roads, plank walks, school buildings, stores and lumber yard: ask the people living In the community about the phone service free delivery of mall and merchan dise and the quality of the soli, and you w'll be convinced that we maaa just what we say. Any sized tract fronting en graded road. $2o0 to S5O0 per acre; one tenth of purchase price cash and small pay men ts monthly. The new electric ears will soon tske the pluce of steam on Fourth Street running through this tract and will make the distance only 30 minutes out. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth Street. A 8500- MX COUNTRY HO MA. S-l3lK. 1 acre, new 6 -room bungalow. hardwo-d floor, electric lights, phone, furnace, bath, cement wash trays, fruit trees, lots of natural trees, excellent view; 25 minutes from Portland on Oregon City electrlo line, two blocks west of Lake wood sta tion, on fine auto road to Portland; fine neighborhood. Place has cost me 51''0. I will sell for $4300. This is one of the best locations around Portland. Fixtures, draperies and shades go with place. Phone Milwaukee, Red 47-1 J. O. Peters, SMALL tracts on Germ ant own Road, rolled crushed rocs: all the way to city, only 2V miles west of Willam ette River and 5c car fare; 9 miles northwest of Portland Court House and these in any sired tract from one acre up at $1'W per acre on payments; see us at once. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY, Main 35. 102 Fourth Street. JL 3500. SPECIAL ATTENTION. Bottom land fronting on the Willamette River, on the Oregon Electric six miles south of Sslem; in a high state of cultiva tion. To responsible purchasers who wiil Improve the property we w.il sell on terms of nothing down and the first payment in 4 years, at $l'o0 per acre. Call on or ad dress. COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY, 82 Fourth st., near Oak. 40 ACRES of fine Valley latd in a high state of cul tivation near Corvallis; no buildings; price $16o per acre. To responsible purchasers who will improve this property w will seil 'on terms of nothing down and ' the fir: payment In four years; 6 per cent, inter u Call on or address COLUMBIA TRUST COMPANY. 82 Fourth st., near Oak. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks of station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland: new subdivision, near G res ham ; 5 seres. $400. fooO. $7oo; 3 seres. $5u0. 700; 19 acres. $750, $900, $1000 per tract; best soil, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $25 to $100 per acre. FRANK M' FAR LAND REALTY CO 309 Yeon Bldg., Portland. Xhk ACRES three blocks from carline. under cultivation and on hard-surfaced road direct into city; soil Is deep and fertile. This piece Is cheap at $025, on easy terms. AN 804. Oregonian. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, city water, close to carline; easy terms; will build to suit purchaser, phone Marshall 1585. or Sellwood 476 JNO. H. GIBSON, OWNER. I WANT to sell five acres, lying close to electric line; has some shade trees and running water; soil is finest loam, IS feet deep and clear of stone and gravel. Price 13 ACRES, all cultivated, near proposed new car line from Oregon City, to Portland; easy terms. I. G. DAVIDSON, 819 Chamber of Commerce. FOR something worth while In acreage either as an Investment or to make a home, please communicate with P 302. Oregonian NEARLY an acre, within the city, only 15 minutes' ride; rich, deep soil; on car line; sacrifice. A. B. Slauson, 804 Oak. ' Phone Main 0444 ' FOR SAL1S 1 acre near Stanley, on O. W. P.; good soil; price right, any terms. Must selL Main 2 ACRES, close to electric line, facing hard county road; best soil; southern slope; $Wt0- $14 per month. AE 2S7. Oregonian. LOTS or acreage at Manhattan Beach for sale or trade. See F. J. Gaurell, Stark st. $30 DOWN buys one acre close in; right at station on two electric lines; balance $12 a month. Price $750. AN 303, Oregonlan For Sale Homesteads. RELINQUISHMENT FOR SALE. IOO acres on auto road to Ml Hood ; new house, 20x30, and barn, 2x46; best of land and running water; cheap for quick sale. Address AP 2S3. Oregonian. HOMESTEADS located near Portland ; rich tillable land; timber, water; also, prairie 820 acres; bottom farm, 240 acres culti vated ; $2500; terms. Covey, 267 Oalu room 21. . For Sale Fruit Lands. 8 ACHES on P. E. A E. Electric. Small house, barn. etc. Young orchard, fins garden. Price $2000; easy terms. For Sale FOR the man with a little money here is your chance of a lifetime. I will sell 120 acres of Summer Lake Valley land. Lake Co.. Or., 5 good mares, 7 bead of cati'e, all farm tooia, wagon, back and harness all for $6000. $1000 down and the rest in annual payments of 10 years at 6 per cent. Come and see me, W. A. Ting It y. Paisley, Oregon. FOR FALE 40 acres, about 26 miles, on a direct lme from Portland: 82 miles on an automobile road; rural free delivery, tel cptjone line, all level land, about 6 V miles from R. R- station, 10 miles from electric line; easy to clear, close to good neigh bor and school ; worth $40 per acre, can bs bought for about H its value, on terms. See the owner at 4 N. 6th it. FOR SALE 200 acres, at forks of San and Salmon Rivers; 40 miies from Port land, on Mt- Hood automobile road and ' proposed electric line; one-third under cultivation, one-third good saw timber, balance easily cleared ; house, two bams fencing; good dairy ranch; $30 per acre, one -third cash. E. H. King. 1720 Division it. 10 ACRES adjoining above. New 7-room bungalow; 5 acres In orchard; nice grove; running stream; 1 acres strawberries, 1 Va SA:res potatoes, lots of other garden. Cow. 2 pigs, chickens; all for $-50u; half cash. 504 SPALDING BLDG. STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. 40O acrea 4 In cultivation; $-5 per acra, $2.")tK cash, balance 6 per cent; creek through place, fair buildings, family or chard, rock road, at the head of a little vailey. Yamhill. Co. Geo. E. Waggoner, Yeoa bldg. IF you want to buy an excellent SO-acre farm, with stock and Implements, nesr electric line, let me show you tnls bar gain; only 15 miles from Portland. Forbes, 103 'j Grand ave. phone East 378. FARM LANDS ALONG GRAND TRUNK Pacific in Central British Columbia. Mc Shatko A Gallup. 92i Cham, of Com. RANCH. 60 acres, with buildings; IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. IBS Morrison at. IF vou want to buy a farm, aee Forbes 153 1 Grand ave. Phone East 878.