10 THE SIOBSIKG OKEOOMAN, TUESDAY. AUGUST 19, 1913. CENTRAL DFiEGO N IS VISITED BY LANE Hop e Held Out to DeschutesNorthwest th" tw-"Ilejr- Settlers Who Present. Their Problems. EARLY PROGRESS AMAZES Automobile Jaunts Taken at Madras and Redmond, Where Assurance Is Given That Every Aid Pos sible Will Be Extended. Franklin K. Lane. Secretary of the Interior, vesterday heard the stories of the settlers on the semi-arid lands of Central Oregon from tnelr own lips, ana himself saw the1 struggle that they are making to create homes in spite of great difficulties. He now knows of his own knowl edge what it means to try to make a home in Central Oregon, and be de clared many times yesterday, in speeches and conversation, his admira tion for men and women whose desire -to be independent has taken and kept them in a country which presents many forbidding natural obstacles against man's permanent occupancy. Direct. Promise Withheld. Secretary Lane made no direct prom ises to the people of Central Oregon. He says it Is too early to do that: that he must wait until he has tbe report of the Government engineers, who. are making a survey of the country with a view to ascertaining its possibilities lor the biggest reclamation project that the country has ever seen. But he did tell the people of Central Oregon that Ms sympathies as a man and an official are with them to the core, and that he will do all in his power to help them In their battle against adverse conditions. "Central Oregon presents the largest body of land that can be made tillable, and that Is as yet In an imperfect state of cultivation, west of the Missouri River," said Secretary Lane on bis re turn to Portland last night. Engineer' Reports Awaited, "Much depends on ttie engineers' re ports. f favorable, I shall be pleased to see the Nation give these people the eid they deserve." Secretary Lane declares that the thing which most impressed him in Central Oregon was the rugged char acter of the people. "Think of people hauling water for the families and stock 12 miles, some of them dragging it up a mountain 1200 feet high," he commented. "And at a time when they might be expected to complain of their lot, "they don't. There was a total lack of lugubrJ.oua ness In the stories they told me to day. They are earnest and hopeful and determined, anything but discouraged. "lou cannot overcome such people. They are bound to win, and I dare say that the boys we saw driving those water-tanks today will be driving their own automobiles in la years or less." President's Message Delivered. "There is a man in the White House at Washington who has made up his mind to a larger constructive pro gramme for the benefit of the farmers of the Nation." This encouraging message from President Wilson was delivered by Sec-, retary Lane, speaking before the peo ple of Redmond yesterday morning. Farmers from the Irrigated and dry farming sections of the Powell Valley and other contiguous districts hall gathered to hear him speak, and greet ed his words of optimism and hope with cheers. "President Wilson has his mind bent on the tariff and currency problems now," continued Secretary Lane, "and when those problems are disposed of he will take up the problem of rural credits, to the end that the lot of the man who is trying to make a home and reaT his family on the land shall be made as easy as possible. Speculator la Fought. 1 "As for me. as Secretary of the In-! terior." he said, "I have no policy ex cept to make It as easy as possible for the home-maker, and as hard as pos sible for the speculative monopolist, whose business it is to get hold of the land and hold it out of use against the home-maker. No one but the home maker is of much consequence to me. "If 1 shall be able to bring the peo ple in the little homes on the little farms more contentment and happiness I shall be exceedingly glad that J waa drafted into this service by the Presi dent." On his arrival at Redmond at 7:30 yesterday morning Secretary Lane was greeted by a large delegation of citi zens, headed by the Redmond band, which played a serenade beneath the window of his Pullman compartment before he had arisen. Automobiles were ready, and the members of the party, 33 In all, were taken to the Powell Valley, a round trip of 20 miles. Agricultural Transformation Seen. Powell Valley lies southwest of Red mond, and In reaching and traversing it three phases of the reclamation problem are presented. First, leaving the town the road crosses several miles of wild, dry land, covered sparse ly with sagebrush and Juniper trees, the condition of all Central Oregon land before being reclaimed. Crossing Dry Creek dry no longer, for Its bed is filled with the waste water from the Irrigation ditches of Powell Valley the fields are green with alfalfa and yellow with grain. The transformation from desert to cul tivated fertility is abrupt. This is the same kind of land, dotted with grain stacks, checkered with verdant patches of alfalfa, as that which is covered with sage and juni per. "Water on the land" has accom plished the transformation, for without it labor is in a measure unavailing. The lava boulders that are strewn over the Juniper and sage land have been piled In neat fences by the set tlers in the Irrigated district. The juniper trees have been converted in to fence posts and fuel. The sage brush has been burned. The fallow land shows rich in color, and the crops that are being gathered are proof of its richness. The third phase of the reclamation problem Is presented by the non-irrigated land on the lower slopes of Pow ell Butte. Here dry farming has been successful. Potatoes show prospects of a good crop, and some fields of wheat have threshed as high as 25 bushels an acre. Dry FarnlDK Limited. "The average for wheat on dry farmed land, however, throughout the Deschutes Valley will be about 15 bushel to the acre. Farmers of the Agency Plains district, who Joined the excursion at Madras, 20 miles north of Redmond, told Secretary Lane that it is virtually Impossible to grow a good grain crop by dry-farming methods, except by Summer-fallowing every other year. They said that it does not pay to try to rotate crops, such as corn or potatoes, with grain, as the Inter mediate crop deprives the ground of j the moisture that Is needed for the grain, and the average returns will not be so large as if grain only had been planted In alternate years. "I have been taken over your valley, and have been given a glimpse of what it can produce." said Secretary Lane to the people on his return to Red mond. "The sight has been beautiful and inspiring. After a month of travel through the valleys of Montana. Idaho and Washington. I can tell you there Is no fairer place In all the Pacific "You are quite young aa a commun ity," he continued, "and perhaps some of you are discouraged with the hard ships and adversities mat you have encountered and must encounter, but the pioneer, man and woman, must al ways suffer and struggle and endure, and make the way for others who are to reap the rich reward. "I have Just come from the Sunny side Valley in the Yakima district of Washington. It had been- 22 years since I first saw that valley. It was a desert then, and no one would have dared prophesy that today land there would be worth 1300 and 1400 and $500 an acre; that It would be the beauti ful place that It is now; that Its peo ple could afford to pass their Winters in California. Tet that is what has happened in that valley, and. although you cannot see it now, that is the pros pect for you here." Secretary Lane said that there Is lit tle that the United States Government can do to bring about the Improved condition which he prophesied, and then he told of President Wilson's at titude toward the farmer, and of the ef fort that will be made to make farm life easier and mort profitable. Hopeful Note Soaaded. "I look forward hopefully to the time when you will be able to borrow money to buy stock lor your farms. Just as the business man is able to borrow money to buy stock for his shelves." "So I say to you, take heart and hope." he concluded. "This is a new section, you have been here but a few years, the railway is Just in. it Is ab surd to judge the future by the pres ent, and I have no doubt that this entire valley will become as bright and bloom ing as the portion of It you have Just shown me." On the automobile trip through Pow ell Valley with Secretary Lane were Governor West: J. N. Teal, chairman of the Oregon Conservation Commission: John T. Whistler, engineer in charge of the reclamation projects proposed jointly by the Government and the state for the Redmond district; and Tom Richardson, personal representa tive of President Piper, of the Portland Commercial Club. The two proposed' projects comprise 90,000 and 60.000 acres, respectively, and If given Federal aid for irrigation will come under the provisions of the Carey of the Redmond Commercial Club who took part in the reception of Secretary Lane, and who furnished automobiles for the Powell Valley trip, were: J. W. Brewer, president; W. S. Rodman, vice-president; J. F. Hosch, Mayor of Redmond; H. H. Palmer, ed itor Redmond Spokesman; W. C. Walker, editor Oregon Hub; D. Malar key.' editor Redmond Enterprise; M. A. Lynch. J. R. Roberts, William Phoenix, John J. Johnson. G. E. Dobson, Z. Talia ferro, G. W. Wells and Frank Sic Caffery. Secretary Lane appealed to his hear ers to make known their appreciation, if by no more than a postal-card, when their representatives In Congress do anything that merits approval. "Washington is full of men called lobbyists, though they do not call them selves that." he said, "whose business It is to throw an atmosphere about your representatives that will make them forget your' Interests, while there Is no one there to lobby for the people.'' He commended the efforts of Sena tors Chamberlain and Lane In the popu lar behalf, and pleaded that their con stituents be "at least as liberal in com mendation as In condemnation." Water IVnare-nn Paraded. Accompanying the excursion from Madras to Redmond and back were the following members of the Madras Com mercial Club, several of them farm ers, who told Secretary Lane of their problems first-hand: H. F. Dletzel. president: C, A. Roasch, vice-president; Lewis Irving, secretary: O. A. Pearce, A. W. Culp. Rev. B. L. Hicks, A. D. An derson. N. P. Paulson, John Robertson, Charles McCalL William Barber, E. L. M liner. The farmers told Secretary Lane of having to haul all the water they use eight to 12 miles, and three of the big tank-wagons were drawn up . at the station when the train reached Madras on the return. The water is pumped from a well on "the flat" near Madras. and is distributed from the O.-W. R. A N. water tank at a charge of 50 cents for 1000 gallons. To get water on the Agency Plains, a tract of level land about 2S miles square, of which Madras is the trading point, it is necessary to drill TOO feet. Secretary Lane made a brief talk at Madras, declaring Ms wish that he were a Moses and could smite the rock and see the water gush forth that Is so sorely needed by you people here." Secretary Lane and a portion of the party were taken from Madras by au tomobile for a 21-mile trip through the Agency Plains, rejoining the train at Gateway, where the elevation is 1765 feet at the rim of the Central Oregon plateau, which at Redmond has an ele vation of 3000 feet. , Among those who took the excur sionists on the trip through Agency Plains were: O. A. Pearce. John Robert son. William Hess, Ben Ashley, Dr. E. A. Long and Dr. Harry Clark. The trip out from Portland was made over the North Bank and the Oregon Trunk and back from Redmond over the O.-W. R. 4r N., arriving In Portland at 6:15 P. M. Towns om Roate Do Honor. The Dalles and Hood River Commer cial Clubs greeted Secretary Lane with large delegations aa the train pulled Into their towns on the return trip. At Hood River they wanted the Secretary to make a short address, but the sched ule would not permit. At The Dalles Secretary Lane was presented with a mammoth watermelon, a large canta loupe and fwo boxes of peaches. While the train made its regular stop, the Secretary delivered a two-minute speech from the rear platform. Secretary Lane got almost the first good night's sleep that he has had since leaving Washington, over a month ago. tbe night he entered Ore gon, and the members of his party were rejoiced to see him sleep soundly and long again Sunday night, believ ing that the cool Oregon nights have broken his sleep-drouth. Secretary Lane and party left last night for Hermiston, and will pass the day viewing the Umatilla irrigation projects. Mrs. Lane and Aslstant Sec retary and Mrs. Miller left last night for Medford, from whence they will go to Crater Lake. Assistant Secretary Miller will inspect the Crater Lake National Park and the work that Is being done on highways therein. They will rejoin Secretary Lane at San Fran cisco. Governor Leavea for Klamath. Secretary of State Olcott and State Treasurer Kay went by automobile from Central Oregon to Klamath Falls, where the Desert Land Board, of which, with Governor West, they are member, will hold a meeting, and will go out from that point to Inspect sev eral state irrigation projects, among them those near Bend, Laldlaw, Pais ley and La Pine. Governor West left last night from Portland to join them. The majestic scenery of the Des chutes and Columbia brought exclama tions of surprise and admiration from secretary Lane and members of his party, fresh from seeing many of the famous natural wonders of the West. GRIFFITH OBJECTS TO GUT III GAR FARE Corporation Head Says Com parison With Other Cities Is Not Fair. PORTLAND TERRITORY BIG Major, Commissioners anil President or East Side Club Hear Two- Hour Talk Against Proposed Ordinance for Low Rate. Declaring that if the Cltv Commis sion should force the Portland Rail way, Light & Power Company to ell six streetcar tickets for 25 cents the company's receipts would be reduced by 3387,000 a year. President Griffith yesterday made a protest against a proposed ordinance to change the price of fares. Mr. Griffith talked steadily for near ly two hours in the Council Chamber at the City Hall to an interested audi ence composed of the Mayor, the four Commissioners and L. II. Lepper, presi dent of the East Side Business Men's Club. The club was active in support ing the cheaper fare measure fathered by Commissioner Daly when he was a member of the Council. The East Side organization also favors the proposed cross-town carllne, and Lepper fired several questions at President Griffith. The meeting was merely to hear the power company's side of the case and it is unlikely, according to kit the Com missioners, that any definite action will be taken on the subject for some time. Griffith Extends Olive Branch. Mr. Griffith opened by extending the olive branch to Mr. Lepper's club, say ing It was a good organization and that the plan for a cross-town carllne should be pushed to connect with all the East Side through lines. He declared that while it might be possible for his corporation to sell six tickets for a quarter on some, of the more largely patronised lines, yet It would be Impossible to do It on the en tire system and make anything like a profit. Mr. Griffith made reference to the effect on stock quotations when profits are cut He said his stock In the Rail way. Light & Power Company was quoted at 76 when he bought it, while now the stock dropped to 55. That the cost of living Is higher In Portland than In any city east of the Mississippi waa one assertion by Mr. Griffith. He regarded It as unfair to ask for the same streetcar fares in Portland as those in Milwaukee or Min neapolis. The cities of Mllwoukee and Baltimore, he said, could be placed in side the boundaries of Portland and there would be enough room left for another good-sized municipality. This was mentioned to show that the street cars in some of the cities with which comparison is made do not have to travel anything like the distance covered by the cars" in Portland. Wage Higher In Portland. A" recent decision by Judge Hook, of Kansas, was cited by the street railway chief. The Kansas Judge, he said, forced a streetcar company, then In the hands of a receiver, to pay its employes 20 cents an hour and to raise wages 1 cent a day each year until the men received 26 cents an hour. Mr. Griffith said the Portland company started In by paying Its men 2 cents an hour. Mr. Griffith advocated the greatest publicity. The books of the company, he said, always were open to the city officials and the public. Two years ago he advocated placing a valuation on the corporation's property, but B. S. Josselyn, then president, did not be leve It would be worth while to go to the expense. "The Portland Railway, Light Power Company has reached out and hit every district it could," said the president. "Yet there Is a great preju dice among many citizens against the corporation. There is a regretable tendency to view every statement made by the company's officials as untrue, or only partly true, and the charge often Is made that we are concealing part of the facts." LANE BANQUEJHOPPY ONE (Continued From First Fate.) formal but fltralglitforward discussion of needs and problems of Oregon, the solution of which Is in the hands of the Interior Department. "There has been-almost a continu ous procession of members of the President's Cabinet traveling through the Northwest this Summer, greatly to the edification and pleasure of the public and the profit of the moving picture man." said Mr. Piper. In part. Reviewing In a lightly humorous way the visits of previous secretaries, he continued: "Now we have with us the most prominent, the best loved and the most distinguished of all secretaries the Secretary of the Interior. In his honor there has assembled here this evening a very considerable part of'tde business and commercial citizens of Portland." Governor Expeeta Fair Deal. - In introducing Governor West, tha next speaker, Mr. Piper said that It waa a source of satisfaction to have the address of greeting extended by one who, as Railroad Commissioner, had come in close touch with the pres ent Secretary, then on the Interstate Commerce Commission, and who, from his earlier connection -with the State Land Office, had a very special knowledge of the subjects to be dis cussed with the Secretary. "Up to the fourth day of last March," began Governor West, with cuetomary snappy terseness, "I had always felt like dynamiting the Interior Depart ment. It was a fortunate thing that the President should have chosen such a man for his Secretary of the Interior as Secretary Lane. "We feel that In the past" he con tinued, "we have not received a square deal. But we know that now. we are going to get it," he went on crisply. "It Is hard to do business with an Interior Department by long distance. If some of the other gentlemen in the Department had taken the trouble long ago to come out here and get sand In their eyes and see things for them selves, some of the differences between us In the past would have been settled long ago." The Governor told of having come across cases. In his own experience as an official of the state land office, where legitimate land claims had been held up for 15 years. "The loss In" In terest to the state school fund alone In that time," he said, "amounted to from $150,000 to 3200.000. We took it up with other secretaries and that was the last wa heard of it. Sueh Attention. New t Orrsion. "I want to tell you that we have re ceived more attention from the In terior Department In the last three months than in the five years previous." The Governor went on to tell of talk ing with Secretary Lane yesterday on the train of neglected adjustments of swamp land matters which . previous Administrations had refused even to bother with, and of how the Secretary said they were all things that could and should be adjusted very soon. "He directed," continued the Gov ernor, "land office officials in Port land to take up the settlement of these claims with the state. "And." went on the Governor, "there are many other mere matters of busi ness detail like this between the In terior Department and Oregon that can be settled as speedily. "The Interior Department will al ways find Oregon ready to co-operate with It And we are mighty glad to have the Secretary out here where we can meet him face to face and show him what we have." In Introducing Mayor Albee, who welcomed the Secretary in behalf of the city, Toastmaster Piper caused laughter when he said: "Ton all know that In Portland there has Just been created a restricted district within, which there is to be no Indecent or In flammatory language. I have Invited Mayor Albee to come' here. Just out side " Laughter at the Mayor's expense In terrupted him. "Just outside the pale of the restricted district" finished Mr. "When I read where Secretary Lane had said it, should be made as easy as possible for any citizen to get lands in the public domain for a home and as hard as possible for the speculator to get lands to speculate with, I felt that he had put his hand on the first great land difficulty." said the Mayor. "When I first came to Oregon 1 wanted to take up a land claim my self, but when I noticed how even the officials of the Government encour aged falsehood and dishonesty, I gave It up. I am watching Secretary Lane's future policy with the deepest Inter est "On behalf of Oregon, with Its mil lions of undeveloped resources, its peo ple who stand for a square deal, and who love a man they can honor and respect I welcome Secretary Lane to Portland and Oregon. And I do not want to miss the opportunity to grasp the hand of the Secretary now." Guy Y. Johnson, chairman . of the executive committee of the Commercial Club, spoke briefly. Adolph C. Miller, second assistant Secretary of the In terior, spoke, and then Toastmaster Piper introduced Secretary Lane. Central Oregon Deserving. Speaking of Central Oregon, the Sec retary said that If there was any part of the United States, that deserved well at the hands of the United States, It was the Central Oregon country. He talked of his visit to the interior as the guest of the Commercial Club. It would be his aim and duty, he said, to show Portland, not as an Isolated spot but as the center of the "great North west On the matter of taking up Govern ment land, he said that the primary test was, "Can the man who wants this land use It and will be use It? No one should hold it unless he puts it to use." "The great resources of this desert land were n't known 20 years ago," said Secretary Lane. "The water pos sibilities should be so held that their use will be compelled and will be for the benefit of all. Oregon has not re ceived Its share for reclamation, but Oregon has not always deserved It "I take pride In the fact that Itr was I who discovered and reported to the Interstate Commission that there were 50.000 square miles of land in Central Oregon unreached by a railroad." Talking of Alaska, Secretary Lane said that Portland had its share of re sponsibility in the growth of that terri tory which had been closed for five years. He hoped to -see Government owned railroads, and a railroad connec tion from Portland to .Fairbanks and Nome. He expected to see the 65.000.000 acres of Alaska arable land, and Its riv ers developing power to run the ma chinery of its future large cities, to se its reindeer meat being shipped south to the states, and its oil and coal being developed and its copper revolutioniz ing the copper markets of the world. In conclusion the Secretary expressed his deep appreciation of the warmth of the reception which had been accorded him by the people of Portland and Oregon. Those at the banquet: Franklin K. Lane, P. Van DerKar. E. U. Ftper. Charles F. Berg, Oswalt! A'est, Frank E. Smith, K. G. Worth, B. O. Case, Thomas C. burke, K. I. Fuller, John H. Lewis, Frank A. Hyder, John H. Uurgard, Fred Spoorl, C. C. Colt, O. E. Watts, William Hanley, C. W. Borders, C. C. Chapman, Ir. J. H. Neagle, itobert L. Wlthrow, W. H. Wehruns. Calvin 8. White. Famuel White. AnUrewC. Smith. J. W. Koland. K. A. J. Mackenzie. George X. Davis, Clarence E. Moulton, Oaiesby Young-, H. N. L.awrle. Oliver P. Morton, E. Veraleea:, A. H. Devers, John Monluff, D. C. Itenny, U. E. Welter, G. P. Schlosser. William L. brewster, T. D. Honeyman. Julots I- Meier, A. C. Emmons, W. E. Comm. Fred bockley, Eranklln T. Griffith, Frank Irvine, i. C. A Inswnvth, H. L. Plttock. a. N. McArthur. John S. Bradley. E. B. Aldrlch. Dan Kellaher. Milton A. Miller, O. E. Helnta. John F. Carroll, O. H.Filhlan. E. G. Hopson, C. L. McKenna. F. 8. Myers. Frank T. Berry, Tom Richardson, R. W. fchram, Joseph N. Teal. G. W. Klelser, G. F. Johnson, A. I.. Ptephens, C. S. Jackson, W. B. Yost, Adolph C. Miller, Jay Smith, 11. R. Albee, '. J. Smith, Clarence L Reamea, E. A. Vaughan. George M. Hyland. Morlzo Ida. tt. c. W. Cornelius, T.ambert Dunbar, A. B. Weatherford. ' W. G. Gosslln, Edwin Caswell. Marshall S. Dana. R. W. Foster, D. M. Stuart Fred W. Graves, P. H. Kneeland, F. J. Schwankovsky, J. Fred Larson, W. R. Hall, N". Campbell. H. A. Hostetler, Guy W. Talbot. W. M. John. A. C Gage. M. E. Smead, M. C. Banfleld, C. J. McPherson. R. Lutke. ' W. G. McPherson, John A. Lain. William Harder. Paul Wesslnajer, Rodger B. Flnnott, A. E. Buttner, W. F. Burrell, O. M. Plummer, H. A. Calef, L. R. Alderman, J. C. Telll. Wallace R. Rtrubl. Ralph L. Brackett, c. B. Woodruff, R. J. Leo. W. HY Fayle. Dr. Q. St. Breltllng. H. A. Darnsll. Clinton S. Fletcher. I. F. Coffman. J. H. Fletcher. F. 8. Stanley, E. L. Lane, Ou C. Moaer, U M. Lepper, C. W. Oilman, Dr. Henry Waldo Coe, O. E. Freytage, -S. B. Rlcaby. N. C. Marls. John M. Scott, L. T. Keadv, C. W. Stinger, TV. H. Hurlburt. Otto Breyman, . E. P Cannon, E. J. Mauls, A. r. Phew. W. C. Stripling. C. E. Moulton, Oliver Lynch, M. G. Mvnlv. E. T. McCampbell, James M. Phoup. John Manning, Eurene Brookings. M. r. Spencer. Clifford F. Retd. R. S. Ovelman. Frank Barringer. E. L. Harmon. - X D. Le. 0. L. MacGlbhon, Oeorae EnrTehart. C B. Loveland. A. Kinsr Wilson, Martin McLean. Jim W. Wilson, Chas. Feldenhelmer, F. E. Beach. J. P. Plagemann, F. C. Woodward, E. R. Wiggins, Jacob Mortenson, C. T. Wright, F- r. Knapp, C. H. Mayer. T. 8: Townsend, John Van Zante, Old vt on Went s. A. E. Jackson, J. T. R. iiwmu.se n. T. Iwengart. Carlo Mnrstera, R. P. Bain. Jr., . Wan W. Noble, A. E. Human. t- J. Barber. R. E. Prlstow, Rev. D. T. Thomas, P. T-'. Plakely. W. H. Morrow. H. Gordon. Ralnh K. Lee. lohn H. Hst!. K- w-elnbanm. w. P. Hend-rson, H. M. Cummins, Herbert C. Miller, F. Hannan. J. H. Thatcher. V. L. Crlssev, - 1. S. Ball, Harold I,. Wold, w. A. Montgomery, c. F. r.rin. . T. Hugglna, B. F. Wllev. F. W. Fogarty, J. TT. Knrr. c. T. Prunn. " VTeneth Beebe. R. F. Prael. B. . Howard, P. M. T.nderm. R. M. C.nv, w. R. Rover. wrrrl P. Jones, O. B. Archibald. . Pbute. I. . U Sbani, V. f. rrr.ntr. Henry E. L.trrnlm. . T.urdberr. r R. Arund-H. T. W. Vo-.n, , Edward W. Dixon. F. f S'eftler, -Lewi A. McArthur, C. TT. rxtr. .1. P. Pmnsugh. w M. Wstklns, R. C". Mead. vr. A. Rc-Mv W. T. Whlteomh. 'A . H. A vertlt, Georee tl. Cherry. Pe-ry V. Freeman, Frank Menefea. .T. A. Freeman. O. A. Camnbell, John TT. Woodward, H. E. Noble. A. f. rttn. Charlea D. Mahaffle. A. r. Ta-Vn. Tlnrman Trewster, A. .T. M-ranleI. Harry E. Wood. J. . Vefer. Pohert A. Miller. r. TV W-nredy, Fl. L. Pwartn'ander, A. O. 'mv cneea Pmlth. w A.TrMhaw. Tbomas O'Oev. T. T. lllr - waiter C. Sntith, T. . Vernon. T. Vanrbn. T. v T.nnebnrr. William HoII. . W. p-b-ter. T.eon Hlrneh. Oerr xf Cornwall, A. F. EcVbardt. J. C. Cockerham. A. E. DeGolyer. r Badger Game Suspect Admits Her Bad Record. CONSENT DIVORCE IS FOUND Mrs. Jean Brown and Husband, 'Who Live as "Brother and Sister," Will Leave City Man Arrested on Woman's Complaint Kree. "Divorce" by common consent be came a feature of the supposed "badg er game" case which has been under investigation by Deputy Constables Hunter and Nicholson, when the of ficers discovered in the effects of Mrs. Jean Brown, one of the principals, an Indenture, solemnly drawn up by her and her husband. Jack' Ellis Brown, another principal, in which they sol emnly renounced each other. "This certifies." says the novel doc ument dated April 13. "that my hus band and I have agreed to separate and live as brother and slsver. Causes are that we like each other, but quar rel and fight all the time, so. instead of making trouble In the courts we would rather live apart and do as said above." The' agreement is signed by both parties. A bad record of the woman has been received from Seattle, where .It is al leged that Frank Snyder was sent t McNeil's Island for seven yeara for taking her earnings, and that she en deavored to frame an affidavit look ing to his release. There, as here, she admitted a number of adventures by which she" came Into possession of Jew elry, money and other valuablea by playing upon, men she met On one of these occasions, when held under J200 bail at San Francisco for stealing a diamond, she was released on surety furnished by Tom Sharkey, tbe prize fighter. The girl, who is slight and dashing, is a professional dancer and appeared recently at Seattle. The Browns were released by Justice Jones yesterday, with a severe lecture upon the danger of their pursuits, after the officers had represented that noth ing had been found upon which to base a prosecution. A. C. Robinson, the San Francisco business man, who was arrested on Mrs. Brown's com plaint, has been released. All the par ties have left the city or will do so. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND. .Aug. 18. Maximum - tem perature, 71 degrees; minimum, ?4 degrees. Rlvor reading at 8 A. M..' T.l feet; changa In last '24 hours. .2 foot rise. Total rainfall (5 P. M. to 3 P. M.. none; total rainfall since September 1 .1112, 3U.40 Inches; normal rainfall since September 1. 44.78 Inches; de ficiency of rainfall alnce September 1. 1912. .Y3R Inchea. Total sunshine August 18. 8 hours. 4.i minutes; possible sunshine, 14 hours. Barometer (reduced to aea-level at 5 P. M.. 30.13 inches. THE WEATHER. P0L1CEDIGUP P w Wind C e- O lis: j1 CTA1CONI 1tt4 WeatU Bakr Bolae . Bomon Oalirary Chicago Colfax Denver Is Moines. . ruluth Eureka I 28 0 001 S'VW Clear Clear Cloudy .0" s;w on 8'W .oulio sw Ft. clouay 74110 N Cloudy Clear Cloudy Rain -0. .). ... 3 72 0 SB I) . oti 41 w o lnili 00.28 NE .oiII2;n .os;14 E Ss 0 GS0. cloudy Clear 3r Galveston Helena Jaeknonv.Ue Kansas City. . . . Klamath Falls. . Laurler . . Los Angeles ... Marnhfleld Medford Montreal New Orleans. . . New York North Head.... North Head North Yakima. . Pendleton Phoenix Poeatello Portland ....... Rosebers; Sacramento St. Louis St. Paul r. . alt 1-ake Fan Francisco . . . Spokane Tacoma Tatoosh Island. . Walla Walla.... Washington .... Weiser Wenatchee Winnipeg; M u Cloudy 0 .IHl 8 NE Ft. clouay I 86:0 08 NE Clear 10 u 70 0 02I10.SW Pt. cloudy wil 4 SW IClear .00 4,s Pt. cloudy on 8 SW Clear .0flil2;xwiClear 00( 4 NTVIClear ,00 IB NE Clear IMlf 4'SE Clear OOjlBi.v Cloudy t 14'WiClar 7(il) 820 82 0 no 0 2!o. 62 l B2 0 72 O 7R:0 08 0. 80 0. 710 7. fKl'O OOO. 8(1 (I 88. 0. 7 0 .2iill4;NW)ciear .00 4!w (clear . Ool 4!W Cloudy Onl 8 W lclear .001 8 SW Clear OOIO'N (Clear ,O0 8 NW Clear IK) 4.E (Cloud 10'I2.E Cloudy 00,14 NWiClear nO'OOiw Clear Clear 6S 0 ;o ss 0 76 O .00 8.SW .01 4'SW -OO'lOtS Cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Pt. cloudy 6 W IHliO 84 0 77 O SOiO .2 4S 0" 4'SE 00 4 N OoflBjSE WEATHER CONDITIONS. The Canadian hlgh-preaeure field has moved to the lakea region and another sim ilar field is apreadlng Inland over the Pa cific Northwest. Unsettled weather con ditions obtain In Western Canada and the southern half of the t'nlted Statea. there being moderate depressions central over Alberta. Centra! California and Arlsona, reapectlvely. Light rains have fallen along the Oregeon Coaat. In Western Washington, Western Canada, Montana, the Dakotas, Colorado. Kansas, Southeastern Texas, Up per Mlaslsslcpl and Ohio Valleys, Lakes Region. Middle Atlantic States and North eastern Florida. Thunder atorrna were re ported from Dee Moines, Chicago, St. Louis. Louisville, Pittsburg, New York City, Boa .toii, Roawall and Tucson. The weather is warmer. In Interior Washington. Interior Western Oregon, Central California, Alberta, Manitoba, the western portion of the Da kotas and Northern Colorado. It Is corre spondingly cooler In Montana. Southwestern Colorado. New Meklco. Central Texas, Iowa, Northern Minnesota, Kentucky and, tbe St. Lawrence Valley. The conditions are favorable lor gener ally fair weather in this district Tuesday, with higher temperatures except near the coast. FORECASTS: Fortlard and viclnlty Fair, warmer; northwesterly winds. Oregon and Washington Fair, warmer ex cept near the coaat; northwesterly winds. Idaho Generally fair and warmer. THEODORE P. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. OREGON TEAM . IS FIFTH Wolford and Pearson Set Mark at Camp Perry. CAMP PERRY. O., A. 18. (Spe cial.) Record-breaking; marks were re corded in the third day of the National Rifle Association matches here. Per fect scores were made in a number of Instances. Sergeants C. H. Wolford and S. T. Pearson, of Oregon. In the enlisted men's match, shooting as f. team, made it consecutive bullseyes on the 1000 yard range, a new mark In this event. The Oregon first team won fifth prise by scoring ES8 on ten shots at 600 and 1000 yards. The matches were won by the United States Cavalry, which scored 71. Seventy-nine reached the match record set by the Navy two years ago. There were 13 ahead of the Oregonians. Massachusetts, last year's winner, went to 565, the United States Marine Corps to 560 and Maryland beat Oregon 1 point. Oregon defeated the United States Infantry with 558 and the Navy with 657. Washington landed 19th. The Oregon scores follow: Six hundred yards and 1000 yards Sergeant Schwarz, 45, 45: Sergeant Guerin, 46. 46; Sergeant Wolford, 40, 50: Sergeant H. S. Pearson, 44. 60; Ser geant S. Pearson. 47, 48; Sergeant Tay lor, 45, 43. Totals. 276, 282; grand total, 568. In the surprise fire match with 379 BIG FACTORY FAILURE BENEFITS PORTLAND HOMES Forty-Two of the Very Finest and Latest Improved Player Pianos Ever Made Will Be Sacrificed. in Portland. A firm of bankers found itself the owner of two carloads of latest player pianoa that had been shipped West. Of bourse they were anxious to get their money back. Their representa tive waa sent to Portland, and ar rangements were finally consummated whereby Eilers Music House secured at Its own price two carloads of the very finest and internationally re nowned player ptanos, the famous Solo Autogrands and other Instruments made by the Krell Autogrand Piano Company of America, in its splendid factories located at Connersville, Indi ana. The big company was unfortu nately forced into bankruptcy mainly because of insurmountable difficulties with which it was confronted during the great Ohio Valley Inundation. BANKERS ACCEPT OFFER. Two carloads of the very finest player pianos made by this renowned Institu tion were shipped West. A firm of bank ers In Chicago advanced a large sum of money on the bills of lading covering these two carloads. The bankers' rep resentative finally came to Portland. At the Oregon Hotel he finally accepted the offer made by the management of Eilers Music House whereby the entire two carloads came to us at our own price. LATEST AND VERY FINEST. These player pianos are positively the very finest to be bad. regardless of price. Each lntrument is a model of perfection. Each will, appeal at once to the best posted player pianists. Needless to say that most extraordi nary concessions were offered' In order to dispose of these costly pianos. All question as to the proper title waa also satifactorily disposed of. Now Eilers Music House offers these Instruments for sale. They are to be sold at a lower price than these or similar fine new player pianos will ever again be obtainable. But terms are cash; no pay ments. The high standing, the untarnished reputation of these superb player pianos would be severely Injured If the actual sale prices were published. But Eilers Music House stakes Its reputa tion upon this statement, that these in struments are now offered for sale for less than any dealer In the country has ever heretofore bought new player pianos of such worth at .wholesale from the factories direct. . PRICES nCLl'DE ALL EXTRAS. The prices at which we shall sacrifice these instruments would be considered low, very low. Indeed. If placed on ordi nary pianos. Come prepared to buy for 8355.00 instruments for which ordinar ily more than double this price would be asked, and for as little as 8310.00 we are in position to supply new guaran teed right-up-to-the-minute latest player pianos, which under ordinary cir cumstances will not again be obtain able for less than 8675.00. Everything else for corresponding reductions. Even at these low sale prices a very complete and exchangeable library of music rolls, which also Includes numer competitors. Sergeant H. S. Pearson won fourteenth prize. At the end of the surprise prize match 15 men were tied at 10 bullseyes. Five of these made 15. The final win ner. Robert Spears, made 20 bullseyes In succession. Second, was won by Private J. F. Iaughlin, of Massachu setts, an 18-year-old boy, with 19 suc cessive bullseyes. Spears might have made a more Imposing record as he quit when assured of winning. Summary: Governor's cup match won by Lieu tenant Hawley, infantry, score 244 of possible 250; Major P. A. Wolf, Infantry, second; Sergeant C. Robinson. District of Columbia, third. Surprise fire match Robert Spears, Infantry, won, score 50 plus 10 bulls eyes; Private J. F. Laughlin, Massa chusetts, second; Sergeant Newbold, United States Engineers, third. Individual revolver matches were held this afternoon in which some high scores were made. WOUNDED SUSPECT DIES Inquest to Be Held Today Over Man Shot by Patrolman. With the death at St Vincent's Hos pital, early yesterday, of William Wal ters, suspected highwayman, shot while attempting to escape from Patrolman Martin, investigation of the case has been brought to a head, and a Coroner's Inquest this afternoon will be the first step In fixing the responsibility, wai ters died from the effects of nearly a score of punctures In his Intestines, caused by a bullet from Martin's re volver, rlchocheting from the sidewalk. Detectives Hellyer and Howell have bad the case under investigation and assert that there is evidence to show conclusively that Walters was a crim inal. Whatever action is taken in tne case 'of Patrolman Martin will follow the finding of the Coroner's Jury. . Arcanum Leaders Meet. At noon yesterday the Past Regents' Association of the Royal Arcanum held a largely attended and enthusiastic meeting in tbe ladles' dining-room of the Commercial Club. The annual re port of Charles A. Nelson, the secretary-treasurer, showed the association to be in an excellent condition. Committees were appointed to make CLASSIFIED AD. RATES UaUr or Bandar. Per Line. One tune ........lxe eauie ad. two consecutive time ze una ad. three eoosecutive times Joe fcanie smb. six or aevea consecutive tiaaea. Me 'Itae sMs rates apply te advertisements user - f w Today" and all other classUlca Uoua except the following-! bitoatiooa aml. MAle. bituatloos V anted, remale. I-or rent. Booms, Private Families. Kooma and Board, Private Kamiltes. Kate on tbe above elaaaUicaUoae Is 7 cents a line rsrh Insertion. W hen one advertisement Is not ran la eoat aerutive tseoea tbe one-time rate applies. bix average words count aa one line ea cash advertisements and no ad. counted fur less tban two lines. On 'chnrKed" advertisement charge will be based, on the number of lines appearuxg In tbe paper, resnrdiecm of tbe number of words In each. line. Mlnlmnm charge, twe lines. Tbe Oregonian will accept classified ad vertisement over the telephone, providing tbe advertiser 1 subscriber to either phone. No price will be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the follow ing day. Whether subsequent advertise ments will be accepted over tbe phone de pends upon tbe promptness of payment of telephone advertisements. titnmtlons Wasted and Personal advertisement will not be ac cepted over the telephone. Ordrr for on Insertion nly will be accepted for "r'nml. tare for Sale," "Business Opportunities." Booming-bonse' and "Wanted to Bent." Tbe Oregonian will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for error occurring In telephoned advertisement. The Oregonian will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement offered tor mar than time. In "Jfew Todj all advertisement are rharged by aaeaaore only, 14 line to the Inch. Remittances annst accompany ant-of-town rder. Advertisements t receive proper classi fication mast be In the Oree-onian office before 10 o'clock at Bight, exoept Satarday. dosing hoar for Tbe Sunder Oregonian -lll be o'dork satardar nlgbt. The offiee will be open until 11 o'clock P. M-. aa uaunl. nod all ado. received too late for proper eiaasl firntlon will be mat under h radios "To Late to claaslfj." i ous special soloist rolls will accompany each instrument in this sale. We shall not decline to sell these In struments to any dealer, but the terma are cash with order or cash within ten days. No Instrument will be sold to be shipped into territory where these fine instruments are represented by other piano merchants. An appro priate bench of the popular combination type, piano seat and player-piano bench in one. will also accompany each In strument sold. Delivery will be made free of charge In the city or instrument will be boxed and delivered at any de pot or boat landing free of charge. An unconditional money-back guar antee will accompany each instrument sold: In fact. If after 30 days trial any Instrument In this sale does not prove in every way satisfactory to the buyer or In every way aa represented, or It Is found that the same grade or quality la obtainable elsewhere for less money. In such event we will not only agree to refund the money that has been paid, but we shall add interest thereto at the rate of aix per cent per annum. This Is positively the greatest piayer piano buying opportunity that wa have ever presented .or that ever can be pre sented. Hence the above unprecedented proposal. SOME ARE VERY ELABORATE. There are thVee superb, largest-size, most' extravagantly, designed and fin ished orchestral grand soloist player pianos in this sale, representing, as stated before, the very acme of player piano perfection. Values such as in the regular retail way are indicated by $12a5.00 and in one Instance at even 81450.00. There are also quite a num ber of the plainer and somewhat smaller-sixed Instruments valued usu ally at 3725.00. Some as low as 3650.00, all of them most beautiful tone qual ity, durable, and complete "88-note" player pianos, all accompanied with music rolls and benches as stated above. All are reduced so ldw In price now that no one will hesitate to buy Immediately because of cost. Do not fall to see them alL WILL BE TAKEN til ICKI.Y. This sale as above will be held at our city salesroom In the Eilers build ing on Broadway at Alder street. Be on hand early to secure choice. There are forty-two instruments and no more. At these astoundingly low prices we know from experience that every one of the valuable instruments will find a quick buyer in short order. This Is an opportunity that will never come again. We know whereof we speak. If not prepared 'to make complete cash settlement make a deposit when select ing the piano, and if balance can be paid shortly it will be considered a sate. In conclusion bear In mind that Eilers Music House, the Nation's larg est and most responsible musical in strument merchants, guarantees every statement and every representation with reference to this hitherto unheard of truly genuine slaughter. Buy one of these player pianos now. You'll never regret it- preparations for the grand council, which it is expected will be organized this Fall. The following- officers were elected: President. Dr. Millard C Holbrook; vice-president, C. H. Moore; secretary treasurer, Charles A. Nelson. The ex ecutive committee will be the present sitting past regents of the ten coun cils in the state. AMrsEMBirrs. MATINEE DAILY. Mala , A 10!. BLANCHE WALSH Flanagan and Edward Bedford and Winchester Charlotte Ravenscroft Tbe Feis Trio Winitlow and Duffy t,ene Mailer Trio aanw BroiaTslAertraet WFEK AUCrST 18. Lottie Mayer. Diving Queen, assisted by Vivian Marshall and Six Water Nymphs. Tojettl A Bennett. Blni berg. Marion A Day. Clayton and Lennle. Alfredo Marschall, Billy Mann. Topular price. Any Matinee Seat. 1 RHRRB bOfctf .HONS. G. MOLASSO In l.a omnamnu:e ' MRS. BATTLING NELSON iFay King) Other Headline Arts t COOLEST IN TOWN LYRIC A Joyous Musleal Hit. "Maloney Wed ding." A elde-sptltttng comedy, interspersed with late song aneeesses, elaborately staged and eoatnnied. Tuesday night, Atbietlo Contest. Kriday night, chorus Girls' Con test. 11-1 res: Night, lie, 6c; matinee, asjr eat, lor. COLUMBIA THEATER tSixtta and Wuhlnrtoa Sta. Open 11 A. M. t 11 P. -ML. Perfect ventilation, fireproof. Programme. Sunday to Wednesday : "Alkali Ike a Gal" (Easanay comedy); "The Turning Point (Pithe drama); "The Alibi" Kalemf drama); aiait lennis. baritone; Karp'a Or chestra. 10c Admission 10c Attend The Oregon State Fair Salem. September 29 to ' October 4, 1913 REDUCED KATES ON ALL LINES For Information Address FRANK MEREDITH. Secretary BASEBALL Reereatloa Park, Car. Vaughn and Twestr-'onrtk Sta. LOS ANGELES vs. PORTLAND AUG l' ST IS, SO. 21, 22, 23, S Game Begin Weekday at 1:15 P. M. Sundays 2:30 P. M. SADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boy Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. TOO I-tTK TO CLASSIFY. GIRL, for aeneral housework; must be good rook, only two In family; no children. Mrs. Jam. 740 Halsey St.