THE MORNING OREGON! AN, TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1913. 11 HOTELS AD SUMMER RESORTS. ii 3 .i; .'-? i;;'Vjf11 Bb"'T from any carline; DEW- - . "ZM-r': .TK. irv.'- IK hi f gl hi mm HOTEL. MOORE overlooking CLATSOP BEACH, SEASIDE, ORECON OPENED JUNE 1, WITH COMPLETE SUMMER CREW Mny new and modern Improvements, Electric lighted. Room with or without bath. Hot unit hatha and surf batHlns;. Recreation pier for fishing;. Steam beat and ruDoinic water. Sea food a apeciulty Grill connections. DAM J. MOORE. Proprietor. THE MULTNOMAH The Only Rent Mountain Resort with vJUT." MOUNT hOOD Coasting! Snow-Shoeing; I UOKSKV B. SMITH. Travel Bureau, 69 FIFTH ST., FORT LAND. OR. Telephone Marshall 1979. MT. VIEW HOTEL At Old Government Camp, Oregon. Located at the eastern terminus of the famous Mt. Hood auto road on the very base of Mt. Hood, at an elevation of 4000 feet. The best view to be had of the moun tain from any of its resorts. Three hours by auto from the city. 35 rooms,' all fitted with hot and cold running water. Head quarters for parties making the ascent of the mountain. Good hunting and fishing. Rates $2.7o per day, $11 per week and $:i0 per month. Parties wishing to make reserva tions call Central at Sandy tlonc distance), ask for connection to Govt. Camp. Auto stage service to and from city. For fur ther Information, write Mt. View Hotel, Govt. Camp. via. Roe, Or. COA l.M AN & MAKONAY, Props. Necanicum Inn SEASIDE, OK. Large airy rooms, overlooking ocean; home cookiiift. home comforts. The moat attractive place In Seaside. Also five-room cottage for rent; fire place; beautiful flowers; ocean view. Also housekeeping apartments. MISS S. UAMA.VX, l'rop. South African Whale-Catch. London Echo. According to the report submitted re cently to the annual meeting of the Durban (South Africa) Chamber of Commerce, there were 111 whaling; com panies at work during the year 1912 on the southeast coast. The five Na tal companies captured 9S1 whales last year. WARNING IS ISSUED No Entries in Land Grant Will Be Recognized. COURTS TO PASS ON TITLE Attorney Keames Is Commended lor Reporting Frauds Prosecution ot Locators Erpected Two Vears' Litigation Is Predicted. United States District Attorney Reames yesterday made public the text of a letter received from Ernest Knae bel. assistant to the Attorney-General, commending him for calling the atten tion of the Attorney-General to the fact that frauds are being- perpetrated on innocent persons by those who profess that they can locate settlers on lands in the Oregon & California land grant, comprising 2.360,000 acres In Ore gon. "Every effort should be made not only to prosecute those guilty of frauds, but also to Inform fully the public, says Mr. Knaebel. Lands May Xot Be Opened. io'i?" act of Congress of August 20, , the letter continues, "it was ex pressly declared that none of the lands reverting to the United States bv virtue of any right of forfeiture shall be or Portland's Famous Jtotel, Noted for the Excellence of its GutsmeEuropearc plan Owned ANDOPERArtDBYTHE PORTLAND HOTEL COL J.KAUITIANN mgr. HOTEL OREGON ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF". Portland's Newest and Most Magnificent Hostelry. Opened March 4th, 1913. Five hundred elegantly furnished rooms, nearly all with private baths; 100 speciallv equipped sample-rooms for the commercial trade. Located on Broadway right in the heart of the city. WRIGHT DICKINSON HOTEL CO. AVhen in Seattle Stop at the Hotel Seattle. Motel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME, PARK AND ALDER STS., PORTLAND, OR. rates $1.00 per day and up; -with bath, $1.50 per day and up. ' Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelius, President. H. E. Fletcher, Manager HOTEL CARLTON Fourteenth and 'Washington Streets. Rooms, with bath, $1.50 day. Rooms without bath, $1.00 day. All outside rooms, fireproof construction. Special rates for permanent guests. Ross Finnegan, Mgr. Victor Brandt, Propr. FORTLANO'S GBANDE8T HOTEJ, Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms fl.Bo per flay 200 rooms (with bath) -12.00 par Jay 100 rooms (with bath)$2.K0 per day Add 10 per day to abov. prlcaa whan two occupy on. room. VERT ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT QUESTS H. O. howers, Hmnr. GAIiVEll THIGPEH, Ant Mgf. The Shelburne NORTH BEACH. - Modern Improvements.' beautiful dining-room. Now one of the larg est hotels on North Beach; with large airy and aunny rooms. W. raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates, and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mall or wire. Long distance phone In hotel. Buy tickets to Shelburne Station Trains atop right at door. Address SEA VIEW, WASH.. T. J. HO ARK, PHOP. HOTEL ME ARS CLATSOP BEACH, SEASIDE, OREGON Electric lighted throughout. New con crete absolutely fireproof building; tele phone connections, running water. European plan. Rates (LOO per day and up. Situated in heart of city, corner of Main and Bridge streets. .TOHX MEARS, Proprietor. Sol Due Hot Springs Hotel In he Hrart of the Olympics For descriptive literature, address tbe Manager, bol Vug, Clallam Count jr. Wastiinetoo. "The Hackney Cottage" Beautiful surroundings and the most pleasant spot on North Beach. Home comforts and spring water to drink, and the house is electri fied. Make reservations by mail or wire, aea View. aaih. JAMES HACKNEYe become subject to entry under any of the public land laws of the united States or to the initiation of any right whatever under any of the public land laws." Mr. Knaebel says all those who have applied to the Attorney-General for In formation regarding the lands have been advised that no one can safely make any contract with the railroad company, now in possession of the lands, and that no department of the Government 'has any authority to make any disposition of the lands. Prosecutlona May Follow. "The question of the prosecution of those responsible for frauds has been taken up with the other departments interested." says Mr. Knaebel. District Attorney Reames and Louis Li. Sharp, chief of the field division of the Attorney-General's department, are busy collecting evidence against those who have been engaging In the busi ness of locating people on the lands, which will be In controversy for at least two years. There can be no settlement until the case involving the title to the lands has gone through the Circuit Court ot Appeals at San Francisco and the Su preme Court of the United States on appeal from the decision of Judge Wol verton, of the United States District Court, declaring the lands forfeited to the government by reason of violation of the terms of the grant. FENNE DEFEATS JOHNSON Eugene Cue Expert Wins Three Cushion Game With Portlander. After defeating several of the billiard cracks of the Upper Willamette Valley, Bennie Fenne, of Eugene,- out-classed Walter Johnson, a Portland cue expert. In a handicap three-cushion match last night at Solly's billiard halL Johnson was to have -played 30 points . to the Eugene man's 26, but the best he could do was 28. Last night's match was PORTLAND ACCORDION PLKATTNG. itaphan, accordion, side pleating, button. "re- good, sponged, 883 Alder. M.93T3. CO ASSAVERS AND ANALYSTS MO.' N'TAXA ASSAV nrvin.- t -v.--.-.. nd ore-testing work. 186 Morrison St. ATTORNEYS. Sargean r,i. ' wope f. e.). general tefrVvr;.r. s '""PUD"c- 818 -h- r Com- tererence.: Hartman & Thompson, b'kers. J' f ?.-5GI-ISH- removed to 628 Lumber nen . bldg. Main 3714, Marshall 441. BOAT BUILDING. i?" ?f?iHAM Boa"u"ding and repair- In CARFET WEAVrxo. CABPEXIEE8. tl'.B.FN'N'ETT' carpenter, repairs, altera- XlOnS. O ttV or on t r-a.-r T31 . - --?-Eif!2PJlMON8LBArGES. THR TRWlv t 7 j .i . . . T atn st. Phones Main 312 and A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. " Mrand-A3,H3 O"""" bldsT. S W. corner -o and Atri.r iVmn. - ; . nn. CH Hill ni i peuiciirinB. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices 423 FUedner bldg. Main 3473. CHIItOPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR n.nt- i ' "-i o-. .xu.uuu equip. ".ut jaain aub. 'rnon',,m?n- 317 AblnKton bldg.. has no 110. 000 equipment: lo a week: .inert w,i COAI. AND WOOD. $9 WTT.T. K., .v. - - j UU vii. Edlefsen's. Mine Ag t. Hiawatha coal al ALBI NA PKf r. CO., for Summer orders, green slabwood. COLLECHOX AGENCV. iTiI & CO., Worcestur bldg. Main 17S6. .w..mi, iiu ciiai ge. DANCING. . r , LEARN J'OW" ! " .,Phone Main 1637. Eigbt lady and gentlemen Instructors. 'S111 'iy " WaiS Ui'SSSi iVSi D eriy ',RiLw"1rS: Iearn to da" TO DRESSMAKING ANDAnTtiNG SCHOOL vuiMl,K'S system lrti. dressmaking taught. 153 Grand ave. ' Adv. Co., inc.. Commonwealth bldg. vh.i,Ai?K,IC,;LTI;IUI' implements! pi M WA'"?.taver Co- Morrison A 2d. M' WADE & CO.. 323-? h awthorne ave. PlanJ1 WI,RE AND IRON WKS. t-ortland Wire & Iropyyks.,2d and Columbia RiAMDayBlTocg.O0 2d .t. ,,.,, T AUTOMOBILES. HowW?i" .HWi8 &Staver Co., E. Mor. Ik 2d. Howard Automobile Co.. 14th and Davl.. AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR Ralj ftt jT PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO., 510 Alder .t. r a t t . UD'LE SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak sts. It 1 1 :i: a r' L- .-. .,- .... . : Bagage&Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BRKvB Craj:ro'ERS'8UPPLIES. GRAY. M LEAN & PERCY. 4th and GUsan. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO.. 72 Sth st Lewls-Stenger Barber Supply Co., loth-Mori BAR FIXTURES; ' Brtinswicke-Baike-Collender Co., 4g Fifth St. BICYCLES, MOTORCYCLES 4 SUPPLIES! hhQli. WRIGHT. 7th and Oak .trefta - " J - - .eeiiitii uo., xau 4th street. irvn fa . . ' a . ... ... -. DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 247 Ash street. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. " Brunswicke-Balke-Collender Co., 46 Fifth st. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc.llth and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. : HENRY WEINHARD. 13th and Burnside. COFFMAN'S CANDY CO.. 43 Front street. CASCARA BARK AND GRAPETtd6lT CEMENT, LIME AND PLASTER. F. T. Crowe & Co.. 45 Fourth street. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES. ' CLOSSETT lc DEVERS. 1-11 N. Front st. DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIEsT Monroe & Crissel. 126 Front M. 640. R 6429. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES .Daily or 8 tin day. Per Una. One time ...IS tame add two consecutive time. ....... .tirn (same add three consecutive timet 30 bttuie ad six or neven cunsecutiv times 6t 'ihe above rates apply to auverUMiueitia unUer "Aew Today" aud ail oiucr viMMiiit. nous exveyt tiio toliu wins i biLua uons Wanted, Aiaie. buiutuous VvauLeu. i? ciiiaie. 1 or rtenc, iiuuui., 1'riva.e Families. UiMinu and roard, private Jajniiies. ou tno uoo ve CaaMHtitiMWoiis la : ceLtL a ii-u e eautk Insertion. W iien one aavertAseuucni. is not run tn con mcuuv issues tue vne-iiiuo mie auDies. - bu nvit. worus touui a on una oa casu auvcrLicmiiL ana uo ad runted lox 4UAii two iiues. Oa 'ciuuicd" auvertisements charge will be imeu ou uie uuiuuor oi lines uyoearuix tn iuw uaiHf. rKMxuics tt uie nuiuoar ui Vkoiu in- mcu iiAAc. ftiiiiinium ciui-e, '"lie Oregonian will acuept classified ad vifeuienia over tue teleuaone. iiioviuuii tus auvertUei' i a suosvrioer to eitber uiion o urices :U1 be Quoted over tne yuuue. Out bill vul be reu tiered tbe toiiowini; day. Uucuter kuUbcuutDt advertibeiueuUi wilt bo acvtiHed over me plioiie Ucvuu -ipun Ltxm Uiouipiness ot uameiit ot leieybone ad eitibeinents. tsitiuiiona Warned aud jter sonal auveitiseuieuts will not be accepted ever tbe teieptione. Orders for one inaet Uon ouiy wilt be accepted for "i uxniture ir bale," "ifuatueos," "nuuiniu. Uuu&es" una "Wantvd lo Kent." 'AUe Orejjonian will not guarantee accuracy or HMUiue responttiuiilty tor errors cccurrinji in teiBimoned aavei iiscments. Tbe oretfuniau uiil uot ue responsible for more IbMoi one Incorrect loaerUon of any ail vertisenieut oz ijrred tor Wore liuus one lime. In "Xew Today" all advertisements are cbai ced by Uacasure only, . 14 'ues to tbs inch. ' TTr-t tfconnwpy aot-of-tOWS for a 100 elde bet; A return same will be played later on In the week. Henry Solomon probably will play to night against Walter Johnson in a 60 to 44-point handicap. Fenne will meet the winner of this game for a side bet. INDUSTRIAL TRACT INVADED O.-W. R. & X. to. Extend Spur to Seattle City Limits. SEATTLE, "Wash., Aug. 11. Construc tion will be 'begun at once by the Oregron-Washingrton Railroad & Navi gation Company on a spur track ex tending from Lucile street, near the Seattle Brewing & Malting Company's plant at Georgetown, to Fourteenth avenue South, the city limits, which will serve the industrial tracts recently platted by King County through the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce. A permit has been granted by the Board of Public WTorks for this track as well as for a spur on Bailey street for a connection with the tracks of the Puget Sound Traction. Light & Power Company, over which the Big Four Iron Works In Soutn Park will be served. For months the Chamber of Com merce, various railroad officials and A. L. Valentine, superintendent of pub lic utilities, have been working on a plan connecting, the Industrial tracts with the railroads. So far as Seattle is concerned this is one of the most important railroad extensions that has beep undertaken In a long time. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House, 169-168 Park at., furniture, etc. feale at lO o'clock BUSINESS DIRECTORY EVE, EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Tr5.atment by 'Peclallst. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Cssseday, 41S Dekum bldg. 3d&Wash ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M.-H. Electric Co., 3t First St.. North. Phone Main 9210. . WE buy. sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a ape cialty. Western Electric Works. i!3 6th. JXRNITURHi HOSPITAL. BOWERS & PARSONs7"l00 Front." M.7443. Jumlture Hospital. Packing and shipping. HOUSE MOVING. A. D. Moodie. 103 E. Water st. East 3S28. Latest improved machinery for handling heavy bodies. Brick buildings a specialty. HAT FACTORl'. ' EASTERN HAT FACTORY. 64-66 3d .treat. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. Best 2 hat on earth lor men. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and geueral gardening. SWISS FLORAL CO., East 5370. C 1514. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBR1DGB LEATHER CO. Es . tablished 18oa. Is9 Front St. LIP READING. KING SCHOOL, for the deaf and taard-ot-hearlng. 308 Central bldg. MATTRESS FACTOR. MATTRESSES made over and to order; re upholstering of ail kinds. Marsha!! 2657. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASH Messenger Co. Day and night serv ice. Phone Main 53, A 2153. - MUSICAL. EMIL TH1ELHORX, violin teacher, nupll Sevclk. 826 Flledcsr bid. A 41BU. Mar. I62. - NATUROPATHIC PHYSIClAN&i Dr. Grover, specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 7"3 Oregonian bid. M.3142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYS1CLVSS. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Uekuin bldg Nervous and chronic diseases. Phone office M. 348; res. East or B 1028 PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents procured by J. K. idock, attorney-at-law, late of the U. S. Patent Ollice. Booklet free. 101U Board of Trade bld R. C. WRIGHT. 22 years' practice. V. S. and foreign patents, tioo DeHum bldg. PIPE. Portland WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. PLATING WORKS. NICKEL, gold and silver plating. Portland Pltg. & Mfg. Co. Main 043. A 5282. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DRUGGISTS. CLARKE-WOODWARD DRUG CO. Alder at West Park. S15ID SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool & Die Works, 3U6 Pino st. BI GOODS. FLEISCHNER-MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash at. ELECTRICAL SCPPPLLES. STLBBS ELECTRICAL CO., 6th & Pine sts. . , . FISH, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKL'Y & CO., Inc.. 149 Front .treet. FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. " l. JM.X.JVJ1AN AS. Albers Bros. Milling Co.. Front and Marshall BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & CO., Board of Trade H. M. HOUSER, Board of Trade bldg NORTHERN GRAIN at WHSE. Co., Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN & LEWIS '.Est. lsil), 40 N. Front. WADHAMS & CO.. 69-75 4th St. HAIR GOODS. PORTLAND HAIR GOODS CO. WHOLE3ALB ONLY. 411 DEKUM BLDG HATS AND CATS. THANH AUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front st- ii ay. : J. H. Klosterman ACo-.Jeadlns hay dealers. HIDES. FURS. FELTS. WOOL. TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 63-ai. N. Front St. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS., 181 Front St. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East 3d and Burnside sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete Stock of - ' - BEAMS. ANGLES, CHANNELS, PLATES. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHF BROS.. 304 Pine St. CHAS. L. MASTICK & CO., 74 Front, leather of every description, taps, mfg. findings. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 3d. MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE NO. 48, A F. AND A. M. SDecia.1 commimi- 9yff cation this (Tuesday) evening at 7:H0. E. 8th and Burnside. E. A. Degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, See MOUNT HOOD LODGE U. D., A. F. AND A. M. Special meet ing this (Tuesday) evening 8 P. M. Work in E. A. degree. Port land lodge will pay a fraternal visit. Visitors welcome. Order W. ED C. DICK Sec. DIED. KEKEL In this city, August 11. Julia Kekel. aged 00 years. Beloved wife of John Kekel, 7SG COi-bett st. Remains are at Holman's Funeral Parlors. Announce, ment of funeral later. TURNER August 10, Jessie Turner, aged 22. Beloved wife of W. H. Turner. Re mains at the chariel of Dunning & Mc Entoe. Funeral notice later. FUNERAL NOTICES. WOODRUFF Near HiUsboro. Or., August 8. . Luther W. Woodruft, aged 43 years 4 months and lo uays. Son of Mrs. Pru dence Scheble, husband of Mrs. Bertha L. . Woodruff, ar.d father of Agnes Marie Woodruff, and brother of Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. E. O. Perkins and A. A. Blackburn. The funeral services will be heid at the Conservatory cnapel of F. S. Dunning, Inc., East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Al- . der St., at 2 P. M. ttoday) Tuesday). Friends invited. Interment, Rose City Cemetery. GERSTEL At the residence of hi. daugh- ter, 2S E. 11th St., N., August 10, Monti Gerstel, aged 65 years, 6 months, lather of August, Joseph and Gertrude Gerstel, Mrs. W. E. Leogerwood and Mrs. L. M. Schwartz. Friends invited to attend fu neral services, wnich will be held at Hol - man's funeral panors at 10 A. M. today (Tuesday), August lil. Please omit flow ers. Services at the grave private. BATCH ELLER The funeral services of tne late Mrs. Elizabeth L. Batcheller will be - held at the residence of her son. Dr. J. M. Batcheller, 14 E. Fifteenth st. North, to- morrow (Tuesday, August 12, at 2:H0 P. M., after which the remains will be shipped by the Lerch Undertaking Co. to Freedom, 111., for interment. BATCHELLER The funeral services of the ' late Mrs. Elizabeth L. Batcheller will be - held at the residence of her son. Dr. J. M. Batcheller, 14 E. Fifteenth St. North, to- - day (Tuesday), August 12, at 2:30 P. M, after which the remains will be shipped by the Lerch Undertaking Co. to Freedom, 111., for interment. Friends invited. VAN ALLEN In this city, August 10, at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. V. Stafban, 1919 E. Clay su Funeral serv ices will be held today (Tuesday), at 10 A. M-, from Erickson's chapel, 4(19 Alder st. Interment Mount Scott Park Cemetery. CALLIS August 10, Joseph Callis, aged as. Remains at the cnapel of Dunning dc Mc Entee, where they will be prepared tor smpment to Centerton, Arkansas. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, the leading fu neral director, 220 Tturd street, corner Sal mon, Lady absi.umt. A loll. Main sol J. P. FIN LEY SON. FUNERAL SERVICE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. 8. DUNNING, INC. East Side Funeral Directors, Alder St. Esit 62, B 2525. 411 East PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, S80 Glen wood ave. t take Setlwood car. Open to vis itors dally from 8 A Si. to 5 P. AL DUNNLNG & MENTEE, funeral director, 7th and Pine. Pbone Main 430. Ladjr mt tendant. Office of County Coroner. LERCH. undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781, B 1888. Lady attendant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY, 3d and Clay. Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELLAR CO., East 1088. C 1088. Lady Attendant. Night Service. MEMORIALS Poitland Marble Works. (H 4 to. opooiite City HalL Main, REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES. Built to order, any size, $7.50 up. C. P. Bed Co.. 64 Union ave. South. Phone East 243. SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. New. all makes, factory prices, second hand, $2 up; machines rented and re- paired. Main 9431. 190 3d, near Yamhill. RUBBER -STAMPS,' SEALS. BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP "WORKS. 131 Wash. st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 02 5th st. Phones Main 312. A 1254. SHOW CASES. BANK & STORE FIXTURES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., tith and Hoyt. R. Lutke. manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Coch: new - and old window display and cabinet work. WESTERN FIX. ft SHOWCASE CO., 10th and Davis. Showcase, to order and tn stock. STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co.. cor. .loth and Kearney sts., Just completed new fire proof warehouse for housenold effects, pi anos and automobiles; contain, separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rig vaults: track age for carload shipments; .vans for mov ing, reduced freight rate, ou household goods to and from East in through cars. Main 5640, all departments. C. O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co., office, and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and lireproof vault, for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.: . pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestio and foreign porta. Main 590, A 296. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 474 GUsan St.. cor. 33th. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest in surance tates in the city. PORTLAND TRANSFER & STORAGE CO.. Main tilO. 20G Washington. A 1604. Pianos and furniture moved, packed tor shipment. Special rate, made on good, to domestic and foreign points'. Through car service. Storage, low insurance. OLSON-ROB TRANSFER CO., general transferring and storage, sales, pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. 87-89 Front st. Main 547, or A 2247 TYPEWRITERS. $15 TO 65 will buy a Gili rebuilt type writer as good as new; ail makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to ult: catalogue mailed on request. THE J. t GILL COMPANi". Third and Alder St.. Both phones. Main 8500, A 6008.- WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast-; investigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange. 351 $4 Washington at. NEW, rebuilt second-hand rental, at cut rates. P. D. C. Co.. 231 Stars:. Main 140T. - LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co., Board of Trade. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO.. 231 Pine St. Logger. & Contractors' Mach. Co., 71 5th st. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mtg. Co.. 83 Fifth st. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE & CO.. Sth and Oak. BRAtoHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER S1MINGTON, Calhoun Co.. 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron- Works, 2d & Columbia PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASML'SSKN - & CO., Jobbers, paints, oils, glass, sash -and doors, cor. 2d and-Taylor. W. P. FULLER CO.. 12th and. Davis. PAINTS AND WALLPAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 1S6 First st. PAINTS, OILS,' VARNISHES. BASS-HUETER PAINT CO.. 1S4-1S6 2d St. PIPE. PIPE FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. S4-S6 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE. S-i-86 Front su . PRINTERS AND PUBLISHERS F. W. BALTES & CO., 1ST AND OAK Sli. - PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVERDING & FAHHELL, 140 Front St. POULTRY, EGGS, CALVES, HOGS. HENRY EVERDING, 45-47 Front St. ' ROFB- AND BINDER TWINE. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVElT COLUMBIA DIGGER CO, Foot Ankeny st. SASH. DOORS AND GLASsT W. P. FULLER & CO., 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. Hth and Northrup. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES " COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., 68 Front St. WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 173 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO., 230 2d St. WIRE AND IRON. WORKS. " Portland Wire & Iron Wks..2d and Columbia OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 320 UNION AVENUE, CORNER MARKET STREET. Phone East 1423, B 2315 Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at a moment's notice. Prices reasonable. Report all cases of cru elty to this office. Open day and night. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. 21ST AND WASCO. Holladay's choicest quarter block at a price that will sell It quick. H. P. PALMER-JONES CO., 404 Wilcox Bldg. SEASIDE. T1J,I7ln,g t.n Cottage for balance of season. Bath, toilet, sleeping porch, ec. H P NEW TODAY. HEY TO LOAN on improved city or country prop erty. Ask for Mrs. Ridings. HACKEE. & THEBKELSEN CO. Main 7592. 306 Spalding Bldg. Edward E. Goudey Hrewls BiiUdiiia. MORTGAGE LOANS On bmlsew and close-in residence properties. MORTGAGE LOANS Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 91 Third St., Cham, ot Com. Bldg. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1416, Marshall 92. CITY AND FARM LOANS Any Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CBiONAN PQ2 Spalding Bldg. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at Current Ratea WESTERN BOND A MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Clnb BId- Portland. Or. S S MORTGAGE LOANS. SS Amounts to Suit. Real Kstate Security. Prompt Service. GEO. U. THOMAS. 267 Oak: St.. Room 2. A lu. worth Bldg. CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOOT SCOTT PARK. Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both' phones NEW TODAY. $40,000.00 WANTED for one year only from Sept. 1st, on property assessed for taxation at approximately $100,000 value more than $200,000 will pay Gy2. Pr cent in advance for one year. Prin cipals only. Call on, or address H. E. MOONEY 421 FAILING BLDG. Irvinglon Quarter One of Irvington's chofcest quar ter blocks. Corner Nineteenth and Thompson streets. Street im provements paid. S6000 H. P. PALMER-JONES CO. 404 Wilcox Bldg. rilortgage Loans 6 TO 7 H. E. MOONEY Room 4U1 Falling Bldg. Main 210, REAL ESTATE. DEALERS. Berk. William G., 315-31Q Fallinic bids. BRUBAKER, C. I. 317 Railway Ex. bldg. Jennings & Co., Main lbs. 2utj Oregonian. PALMER-JONEU CO.. H. P., 404-400-406 Wilcox bid-. REAL ESTATE. For Salts Ixils. CHOICE BUILDIXG LOTS OX "WEST SIDE. Glenelyn Addition, restricted district, in side 3-mile circle, commands an unob structed view , of Tualatin Valley and Mt. Hood; walks, surface graded- streets and . ffuu i-tun water in and included in price; Fourth street line runs in front of prop erty, the electrification of which is now In progress: Drlcea ranee from tZaQ ur: select your lot and we will build to suit you for a small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS, . Second Floor belling Bldg. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY. ' On "West Side, overlookine the entire citv and mountains; 7 rooms, all modern; will seti i or ouu casn ana easy mommy pay ments. PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY, OWNERS, 2d floor. Selling- bldg-. WEST SIDE HEIGHTS VIEW PROPERTY. $ioou : Unobstruc table view of city, river and Mt. Hood, on paved street, beautiful homes adjoining, high-class district; will mako eaey terms, 10 per cent cash, or accept part trade, automobile or acreage. J U3, Oregonian. I HAVE one full-sized lot, west exposure, beautiful view property; a choice location for home or Investment; right near car line; will sell cheao on verv reasonable terms. Phone ilr. Osborne, Main 7751) mornings. SGO0. -4Sxl83-ft. lot Estacada carline, near Bell station, oo fare, water mains laid ; no assessments; $5 dowru. $10 per mo.; must sell; a f ras- AnvestmerlCl'" AIL 5i4i3, Oregonian. $750 BELOW VALUE. 62x100 lot on E. 17th st., between Morrison and Belmont, suitable for apart ments, garage or business. See owner, 210 Lumber Exchange. CHOICE corner on E, 9th st. near Broad way, 95x100, Just the thing for apart ments or flats, offered at a sacrifice of $6500 See attorneys at 730 Chamber of Commerct. IF you want to see the home sites for sale on PORTLAND HEIGHTS, see BROOKE. Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 4827 or A 3839. $500 lot near Peninsular Park, 2 blocks from Mississippi avenue car ; most any terms. Security ' Development Co. Main 1721. CHOICE corner lot. Wesf Side, best car serv ice, also two acres cleared land facing Cornell road, suitable for chicken 'ranch. Marshall 3682 or AG 280, Oregonian. 350 BUYS SUxlOO lot. restricted district. price includes graded street, cement side- f waiii ana. euro ana city water; terms cash, no trades. V 224, Oregonian. ONE of Laurelhurst's best lots, blocs; from car; terms; t$ per cent. G 2ti7, Ore gonian. IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAL'SEN 6c CO. MAIN 8078. EASTAIORELAKD SGG2 eauitv for $331 $10O down; near cars. AD 2G9. Oregonian. LOTS near car, $375; $5 monthly. Owner, zu tnamoer or. commerce. Main uoo. CHOICE view lot on West Side. Owner, phone East 4844. 36 LOTS 20 minutes walk, $120,000. 414 Stearns bldg. Tor Bale Beach Property. MUST SELL. New Gearhart cottage on ocean front Just north of hotel, best of surroundings, large fireplace, electric lights, hot and cold water, six bedrooms, very large living room and kitchen, all well and completely furnished a splendid home. E. S. Jackson. 204 Railway Exchange Bldg. WILL sell or trade at bargain. 4-room cot tage, furnished, two lots, city water, at Gearhart, Or. Good increase property. For further particulars, R 281 Oregonian. 8 BEAUTIFUL lots, Bayocean Beach, $800, terms. Owner. 324 Worcester bldg. For Sale House. $1875. $2500 new, modern 0-room bungalow for $1&75, home broken, terms. Owner, 1090 E. 31et N. Alberta car to E. 30th and Sum ner; then 1 blk. east. It's a corner, block from car. $200 DOWN, $25 per month. Including inter est, will put you in possession of my new 6-room partly modern house; price $2400. Owner, phone Tabor 4809. SNAP. Good 5 -room house on 100x100. full basement and 2 blocks from car, west of Piedmont, $4000. T 251, Oregonian. NEW house for less than cost, near Kenton School, 2 blocks from L car; 5 rooms, modern In every way, make offer; terms to suit you. Hitter, 275 Pine st. Main 1721. WE have three beautiful new. modern Cali fornia bungalows; will sell at great re duction, on your own terms or rent or ex change. Main 4549. FOR SALE or trade, a fine 7-room hnn modern and all conveniences; terms to suit, wooaiawn kvd. SMALL house, lot, $90(j; all furnished; $50 down, iu montn. Boggess & Co., 206 tieriinger Diag., ana Aider. FOR SALE 6-room house and 5-room bung alow, 52d and East Salmon. 220 Henry bldg. $30 DOWN buys 3 acres In Pn .-) i v-t.ii. 3 blocks of station, on Electric line; liv- iii s " " x ape, uregonian. $50 DOWN, balance $25 per month, includes interest, 6-room coitnge, Hawthorne dis trict. F 20, Oregonian. I HAVE lot. Piedmont district; will build to suit ouytjr; biu an payment a own, balance like rent. Y 264, Oregonian. HOLLADAY'S ADD. 7-room house, full lot, ail improvements in, xor cob t oi nouse. lei. j. !4o3. 7 ROOM, modern, Irvington; $4800; terms. ywner, a uregonian. FOR SALE or trade, $10,000 home. 414 Stearns bldg. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN ft CO. Main 8078. NEW, modern 6-room house, lot 50x180, bargain, Woodlawn 1158. FOR SALE New, modern 5-roqm bouse, West Piedmont. Phone Sell. U1U REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses FUR SALE BV OWNEli. - An Ideal Little Countrv Home. - . Mlnui3 From Center of Portland. 1 H: lota and modern bungalow of five ?lt0mand ba:h- furnished, large F1KE VLA C E. Fl RN AC E. full I A E Ai EN T. larga PORCH, nice LAWN. fmst OAR-Ufc-N. shade tred. fruit trees and flow era, cri'cken park. 5uxl OO; arraued for raucy crucken-raiiiinK; all nicety fenced, clean aad pretty, complete with coops and garden tools, I biook from Columbia fark Price right and will pay anyone to investigate. Take St. Johns car, off at asuourn st., inquire at grocery store for v ard s pi ace. lUio Fowler ave. $1950, HOMEHEEKERS. ATTENTION, $1950. -6U0 FOli $1150. 9S5 E. 28TH NORTH. Exclusive and positive bargain; the 5 room modern bungalow, loveiy situated and best plan you ever saw. attractive built-in effects, enameled plumbing, full basement with full cement floor; close to schools, churches, etc. ; one block from car; excellent workmanship and materia 1 ; between two cartines; terms. Owner, 9 S3 East 28th et. North. Aiberta car to 28th street, then one block south YOU'LL BE SURPRISED. LAL'RELKURST SACRIFICE. New, 7-room. strictly modern house, with garage that cost $285; furnace, fire place, hard w ood floors, buffet, bookcases. Dutch kitchen, in fact all latent conven iences; this property cost me $5700, but must be sold at once ; can be bought for $4350, terms can be arranged ; located on Senate street, near 35th. in Laurelhurst. Call Main 7452 or Tabor 3253. or let me take you out In my auto ami show you this snap. OWNER. 316 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. BEST opportunity In town for a new 5-room strictly modorn home for the people who want to start right. . You can hand.e this excellent bargain for only $25 per month. A large living room with fireplace, book- . case, built-in window seat, finished tioois. dining room with plate rail and paneled walls, buiii-in Dutch kitchen, two large bedrooms, three large closets, high cement . basement walls, double constructed, wash trays and electric fixtures. Improvements all in and paid for. Price only $2800. Call East 254a. $2950. SACIi I F1C E. $2050. 6 ROOMS. In Hawthorne District. If you want an up-to-date bungalow for $150 down, balance $U."i per mo. and int.. see mine at once. This must ce sold this week. Built 8 months aso. The lat iu built In Xeatures. Call after o V. M.. 11J8 E. Harrison, a blks so. of Hawthorne ave.. Bet. .jOth and 40th ave. Ride to town, 2 minutes. ' ALBERTA BUNGALOW SNAP. A fine brand new bungalow, just fin ished, is doubly constructed, gas. elec tricity, fine fireplace, Dutch kitchen, con crete porch, brick pillars, etc.; lot 4x 10ti, on E. 2Gth St., one . block from car, price a sinap, only $2050, $3oO cash and 520 per month. If you want a swell, nifty lioms, do not delay to see this. CRL'SSi & BUI-DS. 316 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. BEN TON -ST. SNAP. Good 6-room house, two stories, with 3 bedrooms, electric lights,, f uli cement basement, bath and piped for furnace, located at 408 Benton st., near Dixon, close to Broadway bridge and walking distance ; owner is out of t lie citv ana must sell. We are asking $:7uu, which is a snap, but we want you to look at the place, then make us an offer. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 31 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. THAT VACANT LOl. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS SEE OUR WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS L. R. B A I LEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDIl. NEW STYLISH BUNGALOW. 7 rooms, most up-to-date in city, re stricted district. beautiful music-room with French doors, 7-ft. beveled plate glass buffet, hardwood floors, 3 French mir rors, beautiful mantel, solid brass hard ware, select grain finish, lot 50x100, 10-ft. parking, block to car, 15 minutes to city; terms. Phone owner. Tabor 1900. 9 PER CENT on investment, 8-room house on carline. street paved, electric lights, sewers, water, parlor, dining, kitchen, bedroom, large pantry, toilet, on first floor; 4 large rooms and bath on 2d floor; basement, laundry trays; now rented at $M0 per month; $500 cash required; pos session on so-day notice. W. E. -Jyer, 417 Railway Exchange. FOR SALEPORTLAND HEIGHTS. Strictly modern, 2-story house, lot 50x 100, ' full basement, furnace, Ruud heater, Dutch kitchen, sleeping porch up stairs and kitchen, white enamel, down stairs, papered, 2 porches, lawn, at price less than can be duplicated, terms. Phone owner. Main 8329. NOTHING LIKE IT -EVER SHOWN. A fine improved 120x120, 6-room home, barn, young orchard, extra rich garden spot, and an ideal place for chickens. One block to car. Must be sold. price only $.2500, some cash, balnnce easy terms. See Davies. Chapln-Herlow Mtge, & Trust Co, 3d floor; Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 8-room, modern nouse, corner lot, 50x100; splendid neighborhood, first class condition; roses and fruit; a good buy, close In ; any reasonable terms ac cepted. Phone Tabor 1800. No agent. Price $4500, will trade. FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE. New modern 5-room bungalow, one block from Mitsissippl carline, in Swlnton Addi tion, 1(52 Russell street; shades, fixtures, linoleum. For price and terms call owner. Tabor 3449. IF you want to see the homes for sale ou PORTLAND HEIGHTS, see BROOKE. Dealer In PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Marshall 4827 or A 3 S3 9. I BUILD HOUSES OX'eASY TERMS, $22 TO $30 PER MONTH. INCLUDING IN TEREST, FOR BOTH HOUSE AND LOT MR. BULMER. 286 OAK ST. PHONES MAIN 7750. A 7374. $1800, 150x200, house in fairly good condi tion, right on canine, 12 minutes' ride, 5o fare ; no street assessments : this is fine for chicken ranch. Call 275 Pine st., or phone Main 1721. NEW. modern California bungalow. We: Side; Bull Run water; 20 minutes. 5e fare; for quick sale. $1275; $250 cash, balance terms. Call Hawley Lumber Co., MulL nomah, or phone Main 4549. " PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Beautiful G-room house, built for home, every modern convenience, perfect sweep ing view of whole city; can never be ob structed. $7000, terms. S 233, Oregonian. $25,0u0 GRAIN RANCH, well situated, East ern Oregon, exchaage for Portland prop erty; would assume small amount mort gage. Room 17, 103 & 4th at. Phone Main 5612, A ;612. A SACRIFICE 9-roum modern house, built 2 years ; lots 50x125 ; fine location on Stanton st. ; cost $5500. Few days at $3750; terms. E. R. Markham, 931 Cham ber of Commerce. Phone M. 3069. FOR SALE Highly improved acre, fine 6-room house, just outside city on KIlMngs- " worth ave. ; terms to responsible people. Owner, 925 Yeon bldg. or Marshall 030. A BUNGALOW. Finest thing in Irving ton, cheap; don't fall to eee it; also 2-story residence. East 273. W H. Herdman. ELEGANT HOME. IRVINGTON THIS HOME BEFORE PURCHASING. IT IS A BARGAIN. ZIMMERMAN. 310 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. NEW 7-room bungalow and 15 lots, chicken house and garage, mile east Miiwaukle, Or.; price $3500, some terms. Owner, L, C. Weir, on place. SELECT Holladay 7-room house, corner, ex ceptional value, at $8-"00; $5000 can re main at 6 per cent. Address owner, P. o. Box 82, Portland. FOR SALE Home in Irvington, best loca tion, medium size and price. Owner, phone East 4844. REAL ESTATE. For Sale-B uJnesa Property. 100x106 FEET on Third st, near Sheridan, with two flat buildings and one small dwelling ; Income $76; price $7000; easy terms, inquire 317 Beck bidg. ONE clear Bayocean beach lot, listed at $SOO, for $150 if taken at once, Pbone M. 9166 or 703 Rothchild bldg. $18.000 LOT 59x100. stores and apartments, prominent street, close In, West Side, weli rented. Owner, 324 Worcester bldg. For Sale -Acreage BIG STOCK AND DAIRY FARMS $15, $17.50, $20 and $Z6 per Acre. In Western Oregon, where the foothills meet the valley; beautiful streams, deep soil and abundance of grass. GEO. E. WAGGONER, Exclusive Dealer in Big Tracts. - 805 Yeon Bldg. GIBSON HALF ACRES. Good soil, cit water, close to carline. easy terms; will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or SelJwood 47S. JNO. H. GIBSON, Owner. 13 ACRES, living water, right at the station on Mount Hood Electric, close in; best oi soil; no rock or gravel; $1U0 cash, balance to suit. Price $317 an acre. AT 262, Ore- ' gonian. K BARGAIN 87 acres of iand in Dougia4 Co. lor sale cheap. Address AG 256, Ore gonian. METZGER acre, few minutes walk frorr car; big sacrifice; $4.".o cash. Ask foi Lou Crouch. Metzger station. CHEAP S-roorn house and lot, walkinf distance from town, or trade for cleat lots. O 279, Oregonian. FOR SALE 1 acre near Stanley, on O. W. P ; good soil; price right, any terms. Must sell. Main 8953.