Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 08, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. LIII. XO. 16,444.
Administration Makes
No Secret of Fears.
Clark Resolution Declared
Openly "Disrespectful."
Recognition of Constitutionalists
Regarded as Certain if Huerta,
Carries. Out Threat to Turn
Deaf Ear to Lind.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. The Ameri
can Government was confronted tonight
by what official Washington regarded as
the most delicate-situation In Its rela
tions with Mexico that has yet devel
oped since armed revolution disturbed
the peace of the southern republic
The threatened rebuff from th Huer
ta administration to the mission of
John Lind, personal representative of
President Wilson, en route to Mexico
City to expound the hopes of the United
States for a suspension of hostilities
and -an orderly constitutional election
in Mexico, drew from Senator Bacon,
chairman of the foreign relations com
mittee, a declaration on the floor of the
Senate today that the present situation
was "the gravest In years, much graver
than confronted us when the Cuban
question was here."
Wilson Shows Displeasure.
The President realizes the gravity of
the situation and manifested today his
displeasure at the attitude of some
members of the minority party in Con
gress, telling- callers that he , believed
certain Republicans would make it dif
ficult for him to handle the situation in
a peaceful manner. " 1
On this account Mr. Wilson Justified
tonight , the strong and emphatic lan
guage of Senator Bacon, who in a de
bate in the Setiate on the resolution 'Of
Senator Clarkj of Wyoming.- Republican,
demanding a general investigation of
Mexican affairs, had referred to the
rsolution . as openly "disrespectful"
tnd "flouting in the face of the Presi
dent" while 'the latter was endeavor
ing to put Into effect a peace policy,
"he resolution finally was forced off the
lay's calendar.
v Intervention Not Demanded,
; President Wilson was unmoved by
advices from Mexico City depicting the
Huerta government as -inimical to Mr.
land's mission. He' let it be known,
koo, that so far as he was able to learn
there was not the slightest, demand
from the American people for. inter
vention, and declined to discuss al
ternatives that might be used in the
rvent that the efforts of the Ameri
' tan Government to help restore peace
n Mexico were rejected.
The President is confidently hopeful
hat a peaceable solution of the Mexi
can trouble can be effected. He made
t plain to callers that until advised of-
ilcially to the contrary he would con
inue to regard as incredible the state
(nents. issued on behalf of President
iluerta declaring Mr. Lind's presence in
Mexico undesirable. While there is lit
tie disposition to doubt the veracity
Sf, the news dispatches describing th
attitude of the Huerta government
Kgainst Mr. Lind, there is hope anion
hther Administration officials that on
mature reflection no such intimations
will be conveyed formally to the Wash
(ngton authorities.
Credentials Omitted Purposely.
The President is known to hold the
opinion that the Huerta administration
would make a vital mistake to refuse at
this stage to receive an envoy from
the Chief Executive of the United
States. even though the emissary
lacked diplomatic status. Mr. Lind. it
was pointed out. purposely was sent
without credentials, so that he might
deal freely with persons of all sections
In Mexico who might inquire as to the
views of the Washington Administra
It Is expected an examination of the
purposes , of the Washington Govern
ment in sending Mr. - Lind to Mexico
will le made on his arrival in the
Mexican. capital. It is known that Mr.
Lind is expected to convey the earnest
wish of the United States Government
for a restoration of peace in Mexico
and will make his representations
largely through the Charge d'Affaires
of the American embassy. Washing
ton officials would be pleased, never
theless. It ne nan me opportunity to
talk -w ith Fresldent Huerta and. outline
in person the friendly, aims of the
American Government toward Mexico
Dennlte Plan Still Lacking.
Should the efforts' of the United
States be balked by open remonstrance
against Mr. Lind's visit, various sug
gestlons for procedure came from offi
cials. but none of thsm reflected any
definite plan. It was pointed out tha
it tne Huerta government refused to
teal with a representative of the Fresi
dent of the United States or turned i
deaf ear to his representation recogni
tion of the belligerency of the Con
stitutionallsts should follow as i
natural consequence.
The thing that hitherto has blocked
any movement to- recognition of the
Constitutionalists has been the realiza
tion tnat the American Government hv
such action would forfeit its right to
naims mr uamages againsv the Huert
(.Concluded on pace 2.)
FOR fi7 YEARS. -!
German Doing Menial Work Will
Return to America From Danzig
After Collecting $1,7 50,000.
OMAHA. Aug. 7. Frederick Groos
von Alvensleben, for 27 years a day la
borer today received notice from the
German consulate at Chicago that he
had fallen heir to an estate In Ger
many valued at $1,750,000. "'
Von Alvensleben became estranged
from his family and came to America
nearly 30 years ago. He said today
that he has known he would some day
receive a large inheritance, but ad
mitted that his pride had, prevented
him for 27 yars from accepting an
annuity of $20,000, which has been ac
cumulating in a private bank at Dan
zig. Germany.
When informed of his good fortune,
Von Alvensleben was employed at
menial labor a few miles from the city.
He engaged steamer passage today and
purchased his transportation to Dan
zig. '
Von Alvensleben says that all his
friends are in America, and that he
will return when he comes into full
possession of the estate.
Judge McGinn Says Clients Don't
Have to Educate Lawyers.
Circuit Judge McGinn declared illegal
yesterday the law which requires the
plaintiff in a suit or action to con
tribute $1 towards the' support of the
Multnomah Law Library Association,
which maintains a reference library for
lawyers !n the Courthouse,' and a de
fendant to contribute 50 cents for the
same purpose. The filing fee for a
plaintiff Is $10 and for a defendant
$5, but they are charged $11 and $5.50,
respectively, the difference going to
the library association.
Judge McGinn denounced this ar
rangement as unjust. The question
oame up in passing upon the cost bill
In the case of Edythe Hillenbrand
against Frank A. Clark, proprietor of
the- Clark Hotel, in which the plaintiff
recovered $145 for the loss of articles
from her room after she had intrusted
the key to the clerk. The Judge struck
the extra dollar out of the bill before
approving it.
. He declared it a "burning shame that
clients should have to pay for educat
ing their lawyers." f
Shippers to Raise Funds for Cam
paign by Stamp Sales.
CLEVELAND, Aug. 7.-r-The Depart
ment of Agriculture of Ontario, Canada,
won the President's cup today for the
best display at the apple show con
ducted In conjunction with the Inter
national Apple Shippers' Association.
Tli convention will close Friday. The
next convention will be held in Boston
and the 1915 convention In San Fran
The advertising campaign to be con
ducted by the association to educate
people to eat more apples was ex
plained to the delegates today by U.
Grant Border. The revenue for the
campaign is to be gained, he said;
through the sales of stamps to the
shippers. The following officers were
ieterf todav: President, R. H. Pen
nington. Evansville, Ind.; vice-presi
dent, S. E. H. W. G. Hearty, .Boston;
treasurer. W. M. French, New York;
,.nrv. R.' G. Phillips. Rochester,
N. Y.
English Corporation Believed to Be
After Kinney Properties.
. aw
MARSHFIELD. Or.. Aug. 6. (Spe
cial.) That the Balfour-Guthrie Com
Danv 13 behind the syndicate nego
tiating for the Kinney properties, em
bracing about 1400 acres adjacent .to
Mstrshfield and North Bend, Is indi
cated by the announcement that F. B.
Waite. holder of the largest claims
against Major Kinney, has assigned hi
claims to the company.
. The Kinney properties last week
passed Into the hands of Judge Watters
as receiver and it is presumed that th
English syndicate, represented
Judge Bronaugh and W. J. Wilsey, o
Portland, is planning to acquire rh
property at receiver's sale.
Dixie Creek, Xear Prairie City, Does
Damage to Ranches,
PRAIRIE CITT, Or.. Aug. 7. (Spe
cial.) During . a 'violent electrical
storm here today a water spout struck
the headwaters of Dixie Greek a few
miles north of town-and in a few min
utes the small stream was transformed
into a mountain "torrent, .carrying ev
erything before it. -
Culverts and bridges . were -fcwept
awaw." Several ranches and the public
highway along the stream, were dam
aged. J . . ' -
2 10.000 Men Added by BiH Chang
ing Conditions of Service. . ;
PARIS, Aug. 7. The French Senate
adopted today, by 251 votes ta 37. the
bill introducing three-year active terms
in the French array. The bill was
passed by the Chamber of Deputies on
July 19. .
The measure adds 210,000 men to the I
peace footing of' the French army,
bringing if up to 800,000., Service in
futuro will begin at the age of 20' in-1
stead of 21.
Little Nation Accepts
' Bryan's Plan.
Year Is Given for Belligerent
Ardor to Cool.
Nations Agree, Pending Discussion
of Differences, Not to Increase
War Programmes Unless
Third , Foe Menaces.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 7. The first of
the international peace treaties em
bodying Secretary Bryan's plans was
actually signed today. It was between
the United States and Salvador, and
soon will be sent to the Senate for
The terms of this convention practi
cally 'are identical with te details of
the International peace proposal sub
mitted by Secretary Bryan to the na
tions of the world.
Twenty-six countries, including most
of the great powers, already have ap
proved the plan In principle, and it is
probable that the signing -of other
treaties will follow In rapid succes
sion. All will be drafted on the same
general lines.
General Peace Advanced.
The text of the treaty follows:
"The Republics of Salvador and the
United States of America, being desir
ous to strengthen the bonds of amity
that- bind them together, and also to
advance the cause of general peace
have resolved to enter into a treaty for
that purpose, and to that end have ap
pointed as their plenipotentiaries the
President of Salvador, Senor Don Fed-
erico Mejla, envoy extraordinary and
minister plenipotentiary of Salvador to
the United States, and the President of
the United States and. the Hon. William
Jennings Bryan, Secretary of State,
who, after having communicated to
each other their respective full powers
found to be in proper form, have agreed
on the following articles:
"Article 1. The high contracting par
ties agree that all disputes between
them, of " every nature whatsoever,
which diplomacy shall fail to adjust,
shall be submitted for investigation and
report to. an international commission
to be constituted in the manner pre
scribed in the next succeeding article,
and they agree not to declare war or
begin hostilities during such investiga.
tion and report.
Five Arbitrators Provided.
Article 2. The international commis-
(Concluded on Page 3.)
B,Mv MWvsB : MW
1 wmkjsa -jimwnMim
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature.
degrees; minimum. 61 degree.
TODAY'S Fair and warmer; northerly
Administration admits gravity of Mexico
situation. Paso 1.
Senator Sherman says trade. with. China has
been lost. Page 5.
Lobby witness teils of money spent in two
campaigns. Page o. - -
Salvador fir3t nation to"' sign Bryan peace
treaty. Page 1.
Forest Service finds way to control beetle
that threatened pine forests. Pace .
Department -of Justice accused of investi-
Cating" judges to inriuence tneir deci
sions. Pace t.
Frawliy committee to seek Impeachment of
.Sulzer. Page 2.
Admiralty 'li.w prevents yroman from owning
icnoonera leit to ner in captain a ww.
Paga a.
Oregon 1915 Fair Commission inspects site
for state building. Page 4.
Laborer inhents $1,750,000 after having re
fus3d $20,000 anr uity for 27 years. Page l.
Court ruling strikes at Dlggs defense.
Evans favorite in Tacoma tennis play.
Page 7.
Fast time made in sensational Grand Cir
cuit, races. Page 7.
Northwestern League results: Portland 4.
Spokane 9; Tacoma 7 Vancouver 3; vic
toria 8, Seattle 2. Page 6.
Coast Leaaue results: Portland 0, Venice - l;
San Francisco 3, Sacramento ; uaaiana
9, Los Angeles 7. Page 6.
Shakeup, involving Bvers. Callahan. Bresna
ban and otner Dig league leaaera ru
mored. Page 6.
Walla Walla defeats North Yakima and
Boise defeats Pendleton. Pago ti.
Pacific Northwest.
Salem is Mayorless and lively Council
meeting; ia anticipated. Page 1.
Emma Goldman " denied right to speak on
Washington University Campus. Page 5.
Booth-Kelly Lumber Company to rebuild
Springfield mill. Page 13.
Japanese woman baby and man murdered
at Salem. Page 11.
Governor Lister will not tamper with Sena,
toral election laws. Page 11.
Felix Diaz, on way to Orient, says he will
be president or Mexico. Page l.
Charles Davenport Taylor, wealthy Nevad&n,
contests alimony order. Page 3,
R. A. - Harris appointed State Printer.
Page 10. '
Secretary of War silent regarding fate of
Fort Walla Walla. Page 11.
Washington bankers conclude business sea
sions of convention. Page 5-
Commercia. and Marine.
Wheat biiyerj hold back, expectins lower
prices. Pago 17,
Slow xp irt demand causes wheat selling
at Chicago, page 17.
Stock market strong, with wide advances in
standard issues. Page 17.
Public dock bonds to be widely advertised.
Page lfl.
Portland and Vicinity.
Women of Woodcraft taken on tour of city
in sightsesing cars. Page 12.
Weather report, data and forecast. : page 17.
Seattle borrows Silverton fresh air plans.
Page 1-.
Polo and temiis chief attractions for society
contingent. Pago 10.
Building rented for municipal garage and
storehouse. Page 16.
Owners of property used for immoral pur
poses to be prosecuted. Page lt.
Jude Stove ison Imposes Jail sentences on
speeders. Page 1X
Lew 3 on toils police by aid of Governor
'Johnson; " Page 13.
Civil Service Commission adopts new rules,
Page 10. m
Judge Stevenson Imposes Jail sentences on
speeders. Page 9.
AH but One of Crew
Drowned in
Wreck Off Cape Carranza,
VALPARAISO, Chile, Aug. 7. The
Chilean . steamer Isadora was wrecked
today off Cape Carranza and all the
members of her crew except one were
drowned. The steamer is a total loss.
The Isadora was a coasting vessel of
729 tons and was owned in Valparaiso.
She w-as built in Dundee in 187.
Court Ruling Arrests
Defense of Diggs.
Status of Women No Excuse
for Unlawful Act.
Sacramento Banker Identifies "Writ
ing of Defendant ii Note to Girl
Telling Her to Deny Law
Was Violated.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 7. Taking
of testimony was begun today in the
first of the Dlggs-Camlnettl trials, that
of Maury I. Diggs, former State Archl
The case was called Tuesday morn
ing In the United States District Court
on an indictment charging violation of
the Mann act popularly known as the
white slave law and ten hours later
the case had fallen Into the full swing
of serious business.
Just before court adjourned Judge
Van Fleet gave a ruling that struck at
the essentials of the case. F. J. Feck.
real estate dealer from -Reno, wliere
Diggs and F. Drew Caminetti, with
Marsha Warrington and Lola Norri;
were arrested, was on the stand. The
defense sought to show the bungalow
they occupied during their stay In
Reno had been rented with no view to
sequestration and concealment.
Secrecy Not Point In Case.
"I don't see," interposed Judge Van
Fleet, "how it can make any difference
to this case if they went there openly
or secretly and clandestinely. Unless
the Government can show that they
went there for the purposes prohibited
by the Mann- white slave traffic act,
then the case of the Government fails.
Even if the women were' public pros
titutes, if tl- ' Jrendajit procured their
transportation, and accompanied them
there for immoral purposes, the case of
the Government would stand." , .
Theodore Roche, of special counsel
for the Government, set forth in the
closing hour of the afternoon sitting
that the prosecution would attempt, to
1. That Marsha Warrington and Lola
Norris, one 20 years old and the other
19, had been frightened by Diggs and
Caminetti, married men, with children,
into leaving Sacramento, lest a scandal
and criminal prosecutions follow.
2. That marriage had been prom
ised after the two husbands had di
vorced their wives.
3. That Caminetti raised the money
(Concluded on Page 2.)
Action Due to Council Ignoring Ap
pointment on - Former Occasion
and Lively Time Expected.
SALEM, Or..',. Aug, 7. (Special. Sa
lem, for the first time In its history as
municipality, is Mayorless.-'.lt will
continue to be without a legal hea'd un
til the Council meets or Mayor Steeves
comes home.
Councilman Risdor., who has made a
study of the city ordinances, says there
can be no Acting Mayor until the City
Council mebts in regular or special ses
sion. He declares there is doubt even
of a member of the City. Council acting
as Mayor at a special or postponed
meetinsr of that body. .
That there will be a lively time at th
next meeting of the Council Is assured,
Mayor Steeves having declared that he
w-as "punched" by the board recently
when he left the city.. The Mayor ap
pointed Councilman Rigdon Acting
Mayor, but the Council paid no' atten
tion to Mr. .Rigdon, and elected another
man Acting Mayor. This aroused Mr.
Rigdon's ire and he declared he would
not attend another meeting until the
Council apologized to him.
When the Mayor left the city a few
days ago he did not name anyone to act
for him during his absence, and it is
declared the Council cannot name an
Acting Mayor. .
Father Brogan, Football' Star, Uni
versity President in Spokane.
SPOKANE. Wash., Aug. 7. (Special.")
Father James M. Brogan. todaj was
announced as the new president at Gon
zaga University. Father Brogan is the
first student of Gonzaga to become its
president. He studied there during
1892 and 1893. Old football players-will
remember' his playing in the lineup of
the school. -
Father Brogan was born in Ireland
He made his undergraduate studies in
New York, completing them at Gonzaga.
He was professor in the old Gonzaga
College from 1895 to 1898.' He made his
philosophical studies partly in Montana
at the Stl Ignatius Mission. He taught
in Seattle College from 18tl to 1903 and
made his four years of theology In the
Jesuit House of Studies, Montreal, Can.
ada.. Father Louis Taelman, for four
years president of Gonzaga, has been
appointed superior to the. Crow Mission
in. Eastern Montana.' - '
Vhe announcement o- I.. . new pr?i-
dent comes from the superior-general of
the Society of Jesuits, In Rome. .
Scantily-Clad Guests of Hotel Are
Taken From Windows.
ABERDEEN. Wash., Aug. 7. (Spe
cial.) Firemen rescued nearly a dozen
women, from windows of the Aloha Hd-
tel during- a fire here early today.
Most of the women were in night
dresses. One man was overcome by
the smoke,- but revived.
The loss was 14000, of which J2500
was on the building, a two-story
wooden structure. Seven rooms of the
hotel were gutted. The flames were
confined to the rear of the structure.
Smoke had almost overeome the
women when they appeared at win
dows and appealed for help.
The -Field notion store, under the
hotel,' was damaged. The losses ' are
covered by insurance.
Explosion "While Bahy's Food Is Be
ing, Warmed Destroys House.v
STRATHMORE, Alberta. Aug. 7. An
oil stove on which food was being
warmfcd for a baby exploded In a farm
house near here today and cost the
lives of three persons.
The dead -are: . W. Gillingweter, 28
years old, chief clerk in the Canadian
Pacific Railway, department' of irriga
tion, at Strathmore; Mrs. W. Gilling
weter, his wife, and an Infant child.
The, fire spread rapidly and it Is be
lieved the couple met death while at
tempting to save their child., which was
sleeping near the stove at the time of
the explosion. Tne three charred .bod
ies were found beneath the debris.
Wilson Bros., of, Astoria, Submit
Prices to Government.
ington, Aug. 7. Bids were opened by
the Secretary of the Treasury today
for suppling - three self-righting and
self -baiii-ag lifeboats for service at
Astoria, aqd: seven for New York City.
The seven bids submitted included one
frorri Wilson Bros., of Astoria, for $7930,
-the boats to be delivered at . Astoria,
and $2000 delivered at -New York..' The
lowest, bid tvas from the Tuscott Pierce
Engine Co., of -St. Joseph, Miqh., It be
ing $6439 a' boat. .
Department Opens 410,000 Acres in
Oregon to 3 2 0-Acre Bntrles.
ington, Aug. 7. Tile Interior Depart
ment has designated 412.000 acres . in
the dryer eastern portion of Oregon
for entry in 320-acre homesteads inso
far as they are not already entered, re
served or otherwise by law unavailable.
These-lands have been determined to
be non-irrigable in character as a re
sult of field investigations by the Geo
logical Survey and through the compila
tion of information already existing in
the flies of the survey and of the Gen
eral Land Office.
Purpose to Run for
President Admitted.
No Peace Until Election, Is His
Report That He Purposes to Promote
Mexican-Japanese Alliance Is
Denied Party to Arrive in
Portland Today.
ASHLAND. Or., Aug. 7. (Special.)
That he is the only logical candidata
for? the Presidency of Mexico at the
general elections in October, was the
assertion of General Felix Diaz on the
station platform, while waiting for his
trainto change engines here this after
noon. General Diaz, with a small party ol
followers, is on his way to Vancouver,
B. C, whence they will sail for Japan
on . what, Diaz says, is a mission of
I am the only person who can recon
cile the contending factions In the com
ing elections," said the nephew of tne
ex-dictator of the southern republic. "I
will be the candidate of the neV Lib
eral Democratic party."
General Diaz made it plainly evi
dent that he believed there could be ho
improvement in the situation in Mexico
until after the coming election.
"What about your mission to Japan?"
mas asked.
. "It is friendly," declared the General.
It has nothing to do with the alleged
Mexican-Japanese pact. That is mere
ly a wild rumor, an exaggeration."
General Diaz refused flatly to dis
cuss relations . between the. Huerta
government and the United States.
Partv Has Special Pullman.
" The " FuTtiian "Larkspur" was re
served ior the Diaz party, which in-
eluded, in addition to the General and
Madame. Diaz, Senorita Maria Obregou,
Jose Romero, first secretary; Fidencio
Hernandez, second secretary: Victor
Manuel Valezquez, third secretary, and
other attaches, among them being Cap
tain Mendoza and Lieutenant Del Rio,
military aides.
General Diaz and several other men
of the party alighted when the train
stopped. They strolled about the plat
form, the General and Lieutenant Del
Rio registered at. the exhibit building
as hailing from Mexico City. Diaz
speaks fair English and writes a bold
hand, but this cannot be aid of sev
eral other members of his party. Some
of them conversed In gestures, and, as
a last resort, Charles Day, operator at
the train dispatcher's office, was sum
moned as interpreter..
General Diaz evaded apy direct ref
erence to international complications
between the United States a--4 Mexico.
Pnrty Changes Itinerary.,
- Jose Ramon, private secretary and
confidential adviser, is near to General
Diaz, and the two ' are inseparable.
Ramon watches every movement of hig
Rumors have it that there is a reason
for the several changes in the party's
itinerary. The Mexicans were sched
uled to arrive in Portland Saturday
afternoon instead of Friday morning,
"and they left San Francisco Wednes- -day
night instead of Tuesday night, as
at first announced.
At Los Angeles the party was con
siderably larger than the one which ar
rived at San Francisco, ani t is said,
the present following of General Diaz
will be somewhat reduced before tha
date of sailing for the Orient.
Mexicans Engage Fleet of Taxlcabs
and Koyai Suite in Portland, v
General Felix Diaz will arrive here
on Southern Pacific train No. IS at
7:20 this morning and probably will
remain "in Portland two or three days.
He has taken passage " on board the
Canadian Pacific liner. Empres of "Rus
sia, which salts from Vancouver, B. C,
next Wednesday.
General Diaz has engaged the "royal
rsuite at the Multnomah Hotel for him
self, Jiis wife and -the members of
his immediate party. Several rooms on
the second floor of the hotel have been
reserved for his aides.
Captain Riley has detailed a number
of policemen to be. at the Union Sta
tion when the J3iaz train arrives. Tha
General has not requested any special
protection. '
Three fast taxicabs have been hired
for use by the Diaz party. They will
convey the General and his party from
the station to the hotel and will be at
their disposal throughout the day. The
General is traveling - in an unofficial
capacity and does not want to be ac
corded any formal recognition by Port
land authorities. He has advised hat
he wants no publicity given his move
ments. 1 1 Drown on Way to Kaiser's Yacht.
' SW1NEMUENDE, Germany, Aug. 7.
Seventeen persons were drowned here
today by the capsizing of a sailing boat
fitted with an auxiliary motor. The
boat was hit by a squall while proceed
ing to inspect Emperor William's yacht
Hohenzollern. Five persons were res
cued. '
u..... ;
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