xxiK MORNING OREGONIAX. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1913- 17 FOR RENT. Rooms AVith Board in Private Family. NIMBLY furnished room, suitable for two persons and excellent board In steam heated flat, splendid location, every con venience; rates very reasonable. Phone Marshall 24SS. FINE couple for one large front room or single rooms for two Kntlenif-n in private Southern family; walKing distance. Mar. r.532. NIOK room, best home cooking, in private family of refined young people; walking distance; -0 and $23 per month; less if 2 in rcom. H 323i. Flats. ATTRACTIVE 4-room lower flat, excellent location, on corner, all modern conven iences gas range, linoleum, with or with out garage. U Maegley St., Williams ave. car. Tabor 3"S. 7-ROOM modern fiat on 10th St.; rent rea sonable. Inquire of Water Melesky. 4-7 Burn do at. Phone Main 32S3. 6TAJI-H EATED flat, & rooms, first-class condition ; good locution, very central; adult?. 564 Couch. 6- ROOM flat, steam heat, hot and cold water, gas range; Summer rates. 5S7 E. Main. MODE KN 5-room upper flat, all conven ience s ; adults. 610 East Madison Bt. Furnished Alats. MOUDUX 6-room flat, newly furnished, ldi-g,: rooms. froniinsr on river, near hrop.'-bvay bridge. This must be seen to h riproiat e. 294"- Margin. r!t I'KTTYHROV E Well furnished 3-room flat, and bath. Beforo 2 o'clock call Mam vj..:;. after Main 3170. 2i 4-ro-jm flat, 7 blocks Broadway bridge. 442 Rodney ave. Phono Mam a!4. NICELY furnished ter ami baih; rent. room flat, phone, :;;tii N. lMh. Apartment n. THIS BARKER, cor, 21st and Irving sts. This now four-story brick now opn; fur nished and unfurnished in 2, u ana 4 room suites; reception hall: electric auto ma tic eievator. Holmes disappearing beds, built-in buffet and wrtiUi desK, gas rang-, ice box. plenty of cbwet roiutis; both phones, vacuum cleaner 'ee to patrons. If vou waut something nice, come to the "Barker. Phone A 1744 Marshall 2001. ETELWYN APTS.. Corner St. Clair and Washington. Largest and most beautiful furnished h It; h-class apartments ; sleeping porches and roof garden; desirable for clubs of 2 and 3 bachelors; hJsh-class service; refer ences required. Phono Marshall 3609. VILLA ST. CLAIR 12th and Tailor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished complete- Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. GLKN COURT. (Formerly the WheeldonL Corner park and Taylor. Modern apartments in 2 3 and 4-room suites ; furnished complete; first-class service. In down-town district but quiet. CUMBERLAND, W. Park and Columbia sts., very choice 2 and 3-room completely fur nished apt). ; all modern conveniences, beautiful loratlon facing the parks; 5 min utes' walk from business center. We al ways maintain our reputation for first class, clean apts., with best of service, at reasonable prices; references required. IIARRIMAX APTS-. 164 Mth St. X.- On or about August 15. one large all modern 4-room apt., furnished, most desirable, with nlcrt sleeping porch. Here is your opportunity to get something pretty nice. It must be seen to be appreciated. Refer ences. Telephone Main 375. THE CROMWELL Fifth and, Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments furnished strictly modern and new; references; close walking distance; service first-class. Ll'CRTSTIA COURT. Situated in an open court on Lucretla st. near Washington and 23d sts. ; new and strictly modern unfurnished apart ments ,2 to 5 rooms; rates reasonable references. Manager Marsh. 1513 ; janl tor, Marsh. 1ojo. ST HE UPSHUR, 2Lh and Upshur sts Fur nished 2-room apts., $10. 18 up ; steam heat, hot and cold water In every apart meut ; public bath, electric lights,, gas ranges, laundry-room, all free. Take ft. 23 d or W" cars north. Phone Main 8.9, THE W AfHIXOTOX, 09 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartment, w ith bath and all modern conveniences, telephone, steam boat, gas, electric light, etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup. phonos Main 4370, a 1 1 33. THK ORLANDO Apartments, corner 2dth and Washington sts. Phone and bath in every apartment, electric elevator, 2 -room apart ments $20 to $30; 3-room apartments, $30 to $45 ; s; rictly first-class in every par ticular; references. Mar. 1S4. THE AVALON The nearest to Union Depot of all Last Side apartments, 3 blocks of Hro;tdw:i ; beautiful furnished 3 and 4 room apts., all linen, silverware, private phone, bath and sleeping porches ; Sum m.r ra te. Phone East 196 i. 25 Ross. DF.S1R ABLE 3-room apartment or 4 rooms furnished or unfurnished, arranged for 2 bod rooms ; very reasonable rent ; desirable location, good service, outside rooms, pri vate bat li. direct phone. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS. 272 Broadway, cor. JefC'n. GRANDEST A East Stark and Grand ave.; n? w building, nicely fur nished ; private r hones and baths. automatic elevator ; moderate prices; walking distance. Phone East 2i'Si. S I ' M M E" R RATES, $--'2.60. Onfl only ; 3-room completely furnished, including bed and tiible linen ; all largo, outside, airy rooms. See this sure. East 1322. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup, 0 large rooms, hardwood floors, private phone, hot water heat, front veranda and Bleeping porch, vacuum cleaner; also 4 rooms fur nished, new and strictly modern. KEELER APTS.. 14th and Clay: beautiful 3 and 4-room unfurnished apartments, new brick bldg.; electric elevators; references. SEE the Overton Apartments furnished and unfurnished cheapest and best in the city; private phone, bath and electric elevator ; no inside rooms; new manager. Take "" car. 274 2 1st and Overton. THE WINSTOX S41 14th st. at Market. New two and three-room apartments, completely furnished ; walking distance ; prces reasonable. Phone Main 1730. UALSEY COURT. !00 Williams ave., nicely furnished 2 and 3-room apts. Private bath and phone, up ; walking distance. E. 32T3. MEREDITH- Modern, newly renovated 3 rooin apartments, $20 and up ; good Jani tor service; walking distance; references. 712 Washington.opp. 22d. Main 7134. MADISON PARK A P A RT MEN f S. Pa-k st., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments bv the week or month. LEEDS APTS.. 2, 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, modern and all conveniences, absolutely fireproof, $15 to $30; also single rooms. 210 Market st. THE LA VIERi 715 "V ayne. one block south of Wash ington, furnished apartments, S to rooms. Main 02 SO. KAMMERSLY COURT. 25 12th, bet. Main and Madison. Private baths, modern, close to P. O. ; bachelors' nnts. cared for, low prices; ricely furnished. Mar. 2052. a 2023. STEVENS APARTMENTS Six rooms," bath and maid's room ; front, bark and sleep ing porches; yard, hot-water heat and telephone. 791 Northrup, near 24th. M O N TO 6 ME R Y A PARTM EN T S Third and Montgomery ; new, modern outside, furnished 2-room apartments ele vator; close in; 520 to $30. Main 9406. THE DEZENDORP. 208 3 6th, near Taylor. Main 4795 One elegantly furnished 5 -room apt One 5-room unfurnished apt. KINGSBURY, Ford nearVashinston sts. M iicn -ciass or1" 1 mexiiH, lurnished furnished. 3 rooms with private balcony, reasonable rent. TfTeM7 K I NT.EY A PARTM EN'TS, East 7th and Morrison sts.- rv central 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com-' rlrtely: private bathsj from $20 10 $21. M. THE SAN MARCO." Nicely fur. and unfur. 3-room mod apts. ; private bath and phones ; walking distance. $1 S tip. Phone East 2759 ALCO APARTMENTS. Union and Conch. New furnished mnd rn 2-room upts. Walking- distance. $2" Bl'EXA VISTA. 12;h and Harrison 2 und S-room apart en tj ; best e r v i ce Ap ply on p re m 1 s t a. THE M ARLROROt'GII, Nob HlTistrTct. sx-r.vcm apartment; every convenience. P'.ior.e Main 7516. J I LI AETTE, 2d and Montgomery ; Iris Sd and Mill 2, 4 and 0 rooms; private rnone;2 rooms, furnished or unfurnished. THE nrickston, 44S UtlTNiceiy furnished . ar.it modern outside apts, near Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune, Marshall 57. M,ViO APTS., Union avej and Sacramento New. i! d-to-date, reasonable. Phone East t.iV FLORENCE, 3S 11 TH 3-room aits., completely furnished, to-dare; roof garden; from S25 up. PAGE APARTMENTS, f 1 Pir-n. furnished and un furnished, includlnc fireplace, etc. E. S5bd. FOB KENT. Apartments, OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APART MEN To. Furnished and unfurnished apartments, from 2 to 5 rooms, from $15 to $57. 50 Per month. If vou want one, telephone Main 2oJ5 Sundays, or A 20lj Evenings call Mr. Balden, Marshall 2290. Our automobiles will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show thesa apartments. References iequired. We own or control the following: Cecelia, 22d"and Glisan sts. Claypool, 11th and Clay sts. Columbia, 11th and Columbia. , Fordham, 170 Ford. Hanmorn. 215 12th st.f near Main. Hanover. 1.". King st., near Washington. Knickerbocker, 410 Harrison, near 11th. Orderleigh, S2 Grand ave. St. Croix, l7o St. Clair st.. near Wash. fit. Francis, 21st and Hoyt sts. Wellington, 16th and Everett sts. 1IORUAX, FLIKDXER BOVCE, SOS-o'.Ml Abington Bldg. ' BELLE COURT. Trinity Place. 3 and 4-room apartments, including all the modern up-to-date conveniences ; hardwood floors, tiled bathroom. Dutch kitchen, free phone, artistically papered walls, etc. A place you are glad to call your home. THE BERYL. 095 Love joy st., near 21st; 2 and 3-room modern apartments, with built-in con veniences, disappearing beds, free phone, vacuum cleaner service, refined neighbor hood; large Summer porches; $22 to $35; also one 2-room furnished apartment, $26. Inducements made to pe remanent ten ants. Aoplv on premises or call THE FRED A. JACOBS CO.. Main S'i9. 2tiU Washington st. A 2V7. TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS - The House of Tone. Lartest and finest apart ments on the Pacific Coast. In heart of apartment-house district. New and mod ern in everv narticular. A partments fur nished and unfurnished; exclusive bache lor quarters with clubrooms in south wing ; sleeping porches in every apart ment; high-class service, refined clientele; no disappearing furniture ; terms reason able; inspection Invited; reierenc.es re quired. Phone Marshall 500. CARMEL1TA, Jefferson and 13th Sts. 4 and C-room unfurnished apartments; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. t Rates Reasonable. Modern. References. New. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments ; building new and strictly modern ; service first-class. THE PARKHURST. North 2uth and Northrup Sts. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms; balcony to every suite; all conveniences; ref. phone M. 117b. LUZERNE APTS. Cor. 3d and Hall Cosy 2-room furnished apis., building new and strictly modern ; all outside rooms; 8 minutes to P. O. ; rates very reasonable. Marshall 46S7. BEAUTIFUL, light. 2-room apartments, rent $20 to $24, including heat; walking dis tance, side of Portland Heights, modern in every respect. Marshall 5409. 355 Chapman. NOKOMI8, 3 7th and Marshall; walking dis tance ; new, clean, elegantly furnished, outside rooms, private phone, bath and dressing-room ; $li and up. Mar. 4904. LINCOLN" APTS., 4TII AND LINCOLN". All outside 2-room fur.s apts.; low rates Inciuda free light, heat, private phone. S" or 16th-st. car south. Main 13TT. ROOSEVELT 5 rooms, newly renovated; north porches ; e7l Kearney st. ; $3f and $32.50. Portland Trust Co. or janitor. THE STANFIELD. 2-room apts., light and gas in $15 up. 2l4 Porter Bt. Main 7302. New eluded THE ORMOND Four, five and six-room apartments, modern; Summer rates. U5S Flanders St.. Nob Hill. Phone Main 8231. THE CAMAR, 704 Lovejoy. 3-room fur nished or unf urnlshesd apts., $17 to ?32.50. Marshall 2910. THE BJ ELL AND, 16th and Lovejoy, fur nished and unfurnished. Low rates. Own er. A lM-7, Main 1S07. Janitor. A 1857. NEW 7-room. apartment-house, all modern, $TU00 cash, balance Instalments. 454 11th st. Phone Woodlawn 160. ALPINE AIR. new apartments, nished, one 3 rooms; Heights line. unfur Main WANT to sub-lease attractive 7-room unfur nished apartmenL at reduction. Main 2tt. liOZAN'TA APARTMENTS; for rent, 2, 3 and 4-room apartments 2u and up. DOVER APTS. 4 rooms, unfurnished, $18. limulra 387 N. 24th: Marshall 4330. BRYN MAWR APTS., 185 East 15th, near Yamhill 4-room apts., newly furnished. THE DAYTON Comfortably furnished mod ern 4-room apt, . only $25. 662 Flanders. DI EL APT.. TOO E. Ankeny. three rooms, nowly furnished and modern. East 1SJH, HousektcpHii: l;u THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Furnished lor housekeeping ; gas range, electric lights, hot water, bath, laundry free; $12 per mouth up; a clean place; best in the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or 16th et. cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. $15 MONTH up, newly furnished, bay win dow, housekeeping suites, clean as wax; save carfare, 7 blocks F. O. Gas ranges, hot water, baths, lights, phone, free. De sirable people only. 2Sb 3d St., near Jefferson. fl.50 TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, sultaole for 2 or 4; free heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone E. 6030 406 Vancouver, 203 Stanton. U car. THE UPSHUR, 406 2Cth st. Furnished 2 room apts., steam heat, light; $17 up. Main S59. Take S, 23d or W car north. Kl'ltMSHED housekeeping room, very rea sonable, within walking distance. 3i4 3d st. Main 1140. WELL-FURNISHED home, Trvington, piano, rent low. responsible party. B 1440 and East 1S5J FURNISHED h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 145. THE GILMAN, 1st st., cor Alder Fur nished housekeeping rooms, $1.50 week up. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms; heat, light, baths, $15. 1162 Jrts Union. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. 120 N. 23d. TWO modern furnished housekeeping rooms. 126 N. 23d st. FURNISHED H. K- and sleeping rooms. $1.25 to $1.75 week. Desoto House, 291 2d 401 EAST MORRISON, cor. East tith, neatly f urnlshed housekeeping suite; reasonable. Housekeeping Roems in Private Fa mi! y. 410 SALMON ST. Two nicelv furnished housekeeping rooms; no children; reason able. TWO large clean housekeeping rooms, sep arate, entrance, bath, phone, gas; also sin. gle room. 523 Couch, near 15th St. PRIVATE house, 2 suites of rooms, fur nished; cheap. CaUT E. Morrison st. Phone East 401. TWO or three nicely furnished H. K. rooms walking distaonce : fine location. 25S cnapman st. aiarsnau 3133. NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, electric lights, gas, telephone and bath. S!2 South 4th. THREE nicely furnished h. k. range, electric lights, bath, water free. Rent reasonable. rooms, gas telephone S06 4th. 4 ROOMS for housekeeping, private bath, reasonable. Phone Marshall 1043. 414 Mill st.. cor. llth. TWO strictly modern housekeeping rooms, first floor, $20 nionth. 3i2 Columbia. TWO front rooms, nicely furnished, single THREE cozy housekeeping rooms, $12 per juonni. oss reiujfrove. juam o423. TWO frc-nt rooms, facing park; free cooking 40S YAMHILL, two-room front suite, unfur nished, gas range, $12.50 month. r iv.Msncu Housekeeping rooms, upper u n, room nun Kitchenette, me- mum price. -Mam 5oi; aiso single room B E AUTIFUL large room and kitchenette. nioo small sleeping room. 51 west Park tLKM&HED housekeeping suite, walking 2 OR 3 furnished housekeeping rooms, roa sonable. 7S1 Kearney st. TWO or three nice, clean, furnished house kfceping rooms. 2-15 10th, corner Salmon NICE front room and alcove for house keeping. 5S7 Washington st. 2 LARGE furnished housekeeping rooms Phone Woodlawn 022. AT housekeeping and furnished rooms :-r reasonable. 215 lOth st. FOUR large rooms fi corner 9tn. r rent. 474 Weidier, FOR REM. Hon keeping Rooms in private Family. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. $10 per month up; newly furnished ; modern dwelling, porch and lawn; best West Side apartment dis trict; ciean, light rooms; everything in cluded; Summer rates. 055 Flanders, near 20 th. TW O large, clean front housekeeping suites, gas range, fireplace, free water and light, walking distance, $ L' . f o a week. 147 Lowna dale 3L, just off Morrison. T Wo clean furnished nousekeepint; rooms, hot and cold water, gas range and bath; "M,f. laundry tubs. , 029 E. Ankeny. East 532 CLAY ST. 2-room suite, with clothes closet and pantry, cook stove, gas range, phone, bath, walking distance, 2 blocks Jefferson car. No children. BE AUTTFULLY"-furnished front room with use of kitchen for housekeeping, splendid neighborhood, walking distance Phone East 345$. TWO housekeeping rooms with sink, gas and wooa range; no objection to children; $3.25 and $3.50 per week. 382 s Haw- thoine. eoi Union (East Side). FURNISHED H. K. rooms, modern conven iences; price reasonable; walking distance. 44H Columbia. 105 20TH, cor. Flanders, two large, light front rooms on first floor. Houses. NICK HOME ON WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS No. 3 10;; Thurman st.. modern 9-room house, large basement, furnace, fireplace, gas and electricity, beautiful lawns, lots of roses and a magnificent view of the river and mountains. On account of the owner leaving the city, we can lease for one year at $tiU per month. THE SHAW-FEAR-COMPANY. Main 35. 102 Fourth st. A 3 li no. FREE- RENT. I own a Ona new ti-room bungalow; sleeping porch, hardwood floors, fii-t place, all built-in conveniences, large, lljfht rooms, nice porch, etc. ; located in the Hawthorne district; will leas to respon sible party free, providing owner can re tain 1 room and receive 2 meals a day. Ca-I R, B. L., room 11 Ainsworih. bidg. 5-ROOM cottage, good condition and cen tral, 411 11th, near Harrison st. ; rent $22.50. Key at 40l 11th st. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., "lOo Second st. 7- ROOM house, newly painted and tinted, light and airy, fireplace, furnace. 1024 E. loth Bt. N.; rent $1S. A. R. Johnson, owner, 617 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 49, A 72U4. flat, 7S0 Glisan st., near 2-"d-st. car; new, modern, convenient; hardwood floors, fireplace and furnace; select neigh borhood. Morgan, Fliedner &. Boyce, 5u3 Abington bld. 8- ROOM HOU Sic! 70S BORTHWICK ST. , COR. COOK AVE.; STRICTLY MODERN; IMMEDIATE POSSESSION GVEN; RENT $25. CALL HARBOLT, MAR SHALL 4200. WORTH $40, WILL RENT FOR $30; NEW 7- ROOM, SLEEPING PORCH. NICE LAWN; LAURELHURST. MARSHALL 42tK, A 715$. DESIRABLE houses and flats for rent, all parts city. NATIONAL REALTY & INV. CO., Main oia. FOR RENT 14-room house, 445 Morrison St.. corner 12th ; center of the citv. Ad dress Margaret N. Scott, East Glisan and Laaaington court. HOUSES AND FLATS FO RRENT. HACKER & T1IERKELSEN, 300 Spalding Bldg. Main 7592. r OR RENT Newly built, modern, 7-room house, furnace ; Fulton carline. 137 Cor bet t St., cor. Iowa; $16 per mo. Inquire 7 jn. 1st st. pnone Marshall 1S56. VERY attractive, up-to-date 7-room house hardwood floors, sleeping porch, al modern Improvements; cor. 24th and Mar shall. Pnone Main 245S. MODERN 6-room house, 801 Cleveland ave.; gas, electricity, nice yard, block from car no dogs or children. Woodlawn 1576. 5 ROOMS, strictly modern, nice location. lyth, near Alberta, $18. Phone Wood lawn 1U7. MODERN 7-ROOM house, Lovejoy. bet, 23d and 24th, full lot, fine roes. Vanduyn, & v aiton, 010 cnamoer c ommerce. MODERN new S-room bungalow, $25 month, or will sell on easy payments. Phone owner, Main 4H3. COZY 5-room bungalow, basement, new fur. nace, gas range, linoleum, shades, flowers and garden, li.il J. Urant st. Tabor 4443 MODERN 8-room house, fireplace, furnace, gas. electric. 752 E. Burnside, $30. Main 4043. NICE, modern cottage, well located. West Side, $15. Morris, Main 6076, Marshall 4 IMS 4. FOR KENT Modern 6-room house. 825 Wasco, near E. First. Key at grocery BLore. S20' Modern 6-room Louse, just completed. 1 4 blocks to car, close to school and church, walking distance. Call Tabor 30S1 8-ROOM house at 703 Borthwick St7, cor ner coos, to rent ror 2ij; will give pos session at once. t;aii jaar. 4uu, room 714. $2," Modern 5 rooms, East 0th and Hancock Irvington; hardwood floors, tiied bath, gas range, heaU-r. Key 472 Hancock. B. 5.70. $35 '3-ROOM uuuer flat, with sleepir. porch, yard, flowers; something nice. 2 20 i-in ,n., near i-ovejoy. .pnone fcjast oSl'H. UOLLADAY ADD. Modern 5 and 6-room flats; furnn.ee, gas range, heater, lino leum ; walking distance. 2tj0 East 2d st. N TWO 6-room modern flats, upper and lower choicest location. Inquire at 424 Wash ington st.. or 1 ( .i ltjth st. MODERN 7-room house. West Side: full basement, furnace with water coil. Phone Main 46U7; A 4by. $15, S-ROOM house. S43 E. Sth N. J. J Oeder, real estate and rentals, corner Grand ave. and E. Ankeny. FOR RENT 6-room house in Rood con dition. 206 Whitaker st. Key at S2l Front St. FOR RENT $25, 6-room house, cor. E. llth and Washington. 5-ROOM modern flat, 10-minute walk P. O. S2a. Main 7tH5, A 6561. J?'LAT of 6 rooms and bath. 731 Hoyt St. iiiquire 130 Oth gt. Phone Main 0278. FOR RENT 5-room cottage st. N. Phone Tabor 1375. 1024 E. 31st FINE suburban home for lease at nominal rental to riyht party. otU Oregonian bldg FLATS, close in. Inquire 1S9 16th st. 5-ROOM modern cottage, $14. Main 1356. Furn i b wd Ho u ses . MODERN, choice 4-room flat, beautiful! furnished, 2 closets, private veranda, sleeping porch, view, walking distance, $.:0. 4tiS Hall. NICELY furnished 5-room upper fiat; all outside rooms; 2 sleeping porches; every thing modern; fin view; rent $35. 464 Hall St., near 13, West Side. $20 3-ROOM new, strictly modern flat, completely furnished ; seeing it meats renting it. 574 Mill. Main 6447. FOR KENT, furnished; $25; 3-room bunga low. 1033 Arnold it. Phone Main 3033. Call Lincoln Hotel. Fl'RXiSHED 10-room house for rent cheap. 4U8-410 Hall st. See R. N. Tufiord, 4CS Spalding bldg. M. 3441. FOR RENT, furnished ; $25; 5-room bunga low. 1033 Arnold st. Phone Main 3633. P. all Lincoln Hotel. MODERN furnished cotte, 5 rooms, gas, electricity ; also 3-room cpartmenTs, near S. p. shops. 514 E. 21bt; "WR" car. NICELY furnished 5-room cottage. College. 5-ROOM furnished .house for rent; blocks. Phone Mam 2240. Summer Resorts. SPORTS Join our hunting party to South ern Oregon; competent guides; plenty of deer, good hunting, etc Write C 266, Oregonian. NEAIt KAJ1NIE BEACH. 5-room furnished modern ot-age, accommodating five; fine beach; $12.50 per week. Address E. E. Grit'tith, 74 E. 6Sth St., Portland, Or. CAMPING sites at Manhattan Beach, with piped spring water, 50 cents a week. See F. J. Gattrell, 22b Stark st, for particu lars. GEARHART Furnished housekeeping rooms, bath and electricity, everything Marshall 4016. SEASIDE, modern 7-room Cottage. com pletely furnished, fireplace, electricity ; modern plumbing. East 5074. FOR KENT At Gearhart, 2-room bunga. low, with sleeping porch. $25; Aug. 16 to Oct. 1. Tel. Marshall 173, A QT.48, office. FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeep ing. Inquire Ocean Crest apts.. Rock away, Or. FGH RENT 5-room furnished Gearhart. Phone Main 4143. cottage at Stores. TWO stores to rent at Linnton. the crow ing town, S miles from Portland ; splen- uiu oJt:iiiug5 lot ousiuess; piate irouts, $12 and $15 per month. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANCT, 423 Chamber of Commerce. faroRE. gooa location, 60S 1st st., suitable tor grocery ana marwet or oiher pi poses; nas com storage room and 2 rear rooms; rent reasonable. 324 Worcester D!QS. 1 O fciutits, vs liuams and Skidmore, for rent. 22x60 each, with living-rooms in - puc;i. inquir t iiiiazns ave. FOR RENT Stores. Xos. 24S and 250 Haw thorne ave., east end of. bridge. Apply FOR REST. Store WASHINGTON-ST. store, near 19th, splen didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartments; very reasonable rent; SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted. X. W. corner 4th and Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria, printing Bhop, etc. Morgan,. Fliedner Boyce, 5u3 Abington bldg. HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES & BLDGS. W. H. WEBB, 03 Yeon bldjr. Main 4H13. FOR RE"NT Large store, $15 per month. ti3 First st., near Pine st. Office. AN opportunity for an eye and ear spe cialist -to share reception room with a prominent physician in Morgan bldg.. Broadway and Washington : long lease if desired. Elegant rooms facing north, AJ 2C5. Ore gonial. BROADWAY BLDG. Broadway and Morrison. Portland "a promintnt thoroughfares; . newv modern office, the latest in modern construction. BROADWAY REALTY CO. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED OFFICES; RENT VERY REASONABLE: ALL NTGHT ELEVATOR SERVICE. :t0.I SWSTL.JfND BLDG., 5TH & WASH. STS. ROLL-TOP desk, reception-room. phones; elegantly furnished, $6 per month. 1-d Chamber of Commerce bldg. DESK room in a nice light office in the McKay bldg., SS. 40 McKay blag- DESK room; $10 per month. Both phones; vault, lavatory. 210 Oregonian bids. Al LOCATION for doctor and family. P 2o5, Oregonian. DESK ROOM. Wilcox bldg. Main 1400. TO LEASE. TO LEASE- Oxford Hotel, corner Sixth and Wilder Bros., Commonwealth Oak sts. bldg. BFSINFSS OPPORTUNITIES. MEAT market In good country town, 20 miles trora Portland; own siaughter-nouse, do their own klllincr. also own shod and new five-room bungalow; shop is in best business location in town; will stand strict investigation; will sell on easy terms. Jac3b Haas. 30S Gerlinger bldg. $10 SACRIFICED. Horseehoeinjf shoo doine $40O month; 80 lbs. nails, good stock tools, electric and hand blowers, shop expense $20 month ; $100 buys my half Interest, going to leave city. C. E. Nolin, 474 Davis st. FINE EAST SIDE LOCATION. Restaurant seatlne 54; 25 rooms in con nection: ran fi wold senarate: will bo sold for less than one-third invoice. Phone B 1209 or call r.t restaurant, 303 Hawthorne ave.. East -Portland. Terms. FOR SALE The best restaurant In one of the best towns in the Inland Empire; 35c and up for meals ; doing good business ; rent reasonable and long lease. Am called East and must sacrifice. Address AV 261, Oregonian. WILL form equal partnership with young woman under 30 years old. who is willinz and able to invest $300 and work B hours a aa.v : business win nay you szuu month; references exchanged. M 266 Oresonian. FOR SALE or lease, 50,000 capacity saw mill and nlaninc mill with loKgina: equip' merit and timber, complete equipment throughout; or would sell part interest to practical mill man who would take over management. Address AV 2b. oregonian. CAUTION, BUYERS. Before closinc deal for so-called inter est in established real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE. Secretary, SIS Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Party with capital to take con trolling interest in a young and growing business. Must be capable or assuming management of sales department. P 110, Oregonian. CASH GROCERY, confectionery, cigars, i cream, etc.: cleannjr 5l.0 month above all expenses: nice living-rooms; rent only $20 month; bread sales alone cover all ex penses; price $950. 303 Lumber Exchange. WANTED Someone with $10,000 capital to invest in sawmill business; new proposi tion; mill nearly completed, BO M. capac ity, 5O.000.0imj feet to come to mill. For particulars address AV 281, Oregonian. FOR sale or trade, good restaurant In pros perous town, also one black Percheron stallion, by owner. Address AV 12b, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Sawmill. 20 M. capacity, with fine yellow fir timber, donkey engine, good jocoi trade, goou location. AV zoz, ore gonian. FOR SALE or trade Restaurant, confec tionery ana solt arinKs. clear store, saloon. picture show, express and transfer busi n3ss. See Pennington St Co., 103 N". Jersey st., st. jonns. POOL HALL, 3 tables, almost new, carries a nice stock of cigars, sort drinks, etc. clearing net $150 month above all ex penses, price $1300. Call 303 Lumber Ex change. OLD-ESTABLISHED garage wants a part ner to do office work and hafcdle the ac counts; will pay you $125 month and profits. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and htarc sts. RESTAURANT and pool hali adjoining, in good locality, for sale cheap . this is eood buy for enereetic man who wants good business. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d ana btarK sts. WANTED Office man; office located Portland; salary $100 nionth; party re quired invest $1UOO investment; very profitable; a fine opportunity, o 2t2, Ore gonian. MACHINE and repair shop, auto and electric work, lathes, drill, press, etc. ; everything - or the best and Plenty 01 worn: rent Ilj price only $400. 303 Lumber Exchange. SMALL hotel and livery, new town on Willamette-Pacific Railway. 20 miles wes of Eugene; good business opportunity; easy terms. w. w. witnee, tiugeno, uregon RELIABLE wood business; owner wants a steady, honest partner; experience no necessary; $475 required. Call 248 V4 Stark Btreet. DAIRY lunch, doinp $12 to $15 cay; 2 can run it; free rent until September 1; you: own price If taken this week. L 267, Ore gonian. RESTAURANT and waffle house; $300 cash biivs neat, clean place, dome nice busl ness; dandy place for man and wife. 209 fcaimon st. FOR SALE Corner grocery, good, clean stock and fixtures; will invoice; liberal discount for cash. Phone Tabor 981 or B 1676. ONE of the best established restaurants on West Side for sale, will accept exchange up to one-half value; owner retiring from business. L 2iS. Oregonian. RESTAU RANT-CONFECTIOXE RY Only one in place; eood location: weekly re ceints $50 to $6u; must be sold this week, ?2S0. C F. Cross, Boring, Or. CONFECTIONERY. ice-cream and cigar stora taking in $12 a day average, 4 liv ing rooms; rent $25; $650; terms. Phone Tabor 1550 or AC 257, Oregonian. . WE have some splendid business opportuni ties on our list; if you want a straight deal and a good business, come and see us. 311 Lumber Ex. - FOR SALE Restaurant and furniture for fl rooms, all in good shape and doing a good business; must sell at once. - Call 705 Thurman st. Phone Main 79S9. EXCELL1TNT opportunity for wide-awake man of some, transportation knowledge with well established company. F 267, Orejonian. SALOON with independent license, stock of liquors, elegant fixtures, cash. 303 Lumber Exchange. good $4000 CIGAR STORE orv very busy street. West Side, cheap rent, price only $450, worth 5600. 303 Lumber Exchange. FOR SALE A planing mill, fully equipped, at Hood River; a snap at $1800. A. W. Monosmith, Hood River. Or. I HAVE a market to sell; good location; your own price at your own terms. Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder. ' IF you have a savings account you can get some inside Informaton by addressing box L 266, Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Saloon doing good business ; will trade for real estate. Call phone Main 3633. FOR SALE cheap, good paying restaurant; must sett on account of sickness. Located 2S9 East Morrison st. DRUG STORE in good location on Wash ington st.; price very reasonable. Call 24SV. Stark st. PARTNER wanted In restaurant; come and see what we are doing; little money. 112 X. 6th st. LEANING and pressing business for sale; good opportunity for right party. AF 254, Oretfonian. MOVING picture theater, fine location, no o ppy ition; bargain. 512 Rothc h f Id bldg. IF your business will stand Investigation, list it with us. 811 Lumber Exchange. WANT partner In auto repair shop; trally located. I 255, Oregonian. INVESTIGATED business opportunities, $200 up. See us. 311 Lumber Exchange. RESTAURANT for sale, good location. 213 4th st. POOLROOM and confectionery, $650; this is dirt cheap. P 262, Oregonian. BARBER SHOP. 3 chairs; good business, cheap rent; 4 living rooms. S32 Mfssiesippi. HOUSE and lot. trade for small business. 311 Lumber Exchange. RESPONSIBLE "party will rent babery in -jiy or good town. C OraxoniaA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. AN OPPORTUNITY to get in on the ground iioor of a real proaucmg placer goia mine, with other valuable features to show a man of means who is sincere. This is not a stock-selling' scheme, but a proven and tested property ready for busine&s and equipped for working. Requires $0000 to carry it through to large profits. Prefer an experienced mining man. Promoters need not reply. P. 260, Oregonian. HAVE a seller's contract for $1150. paya ble $20 per month, at 6 per cent inter est, and a sraail bldg., used for otf'.ce pur poses, which brings $15 per month nt, on leased ground. This building has not been vacant in past 2 years and is con stantly in demand.) That 1 will sell for $1joo. I need the money; am forced to sell. X 24o, Oregonian. A SNAP $1400 will buy a business with sales averaging $20 daily; tnree ei lease ; rent very reasonable ; streetor transfer point; two rooms and kitchen, ideal for the addition of a delicatessen store with splendid prospects for patron age. Ask for Mr. Wing. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg: EXPERIENCED photographer who will take active part can secure halt interest In long-established commercial photo graph studio doing a business of ovr.r $12.uOO a year, which can be increased, fullest investigation, permitted provid in good faith is shown; no agents; references exchanged; price $240O. Address B 242, Oregonian. r HERE is an opportunity for a rustling man witn very im;e capital to open a ..puit priced restaurant. Furniture. linoleum and fixtures all supplied. In hote4 of 2x) rooms. rnt of restaurant and furniture free for 3 months; long lease after tht at very reasonable figure. Apply Foster Hotel, 3d and Davis. 60 TO 75 PER CENT PROFIT. If von r lonkine- for an industrial in vestment we can show you one of real 1. merit, manufacturing a product having ample demand and bis profit; worth your investigation; $."tH)0 required." O. R. ELLIS & CO., 300 Board of Trade. WANT good, energetic man with $500 or more to Invest, and services, in beattie, Spokane. Walla Walla. Boise and other territories; business under your own super vision. If you are looking for something better, this ought to appeal to you. Man ufacturers' Agent. 617 Henry bldg. AUTOMOBILE school, with high-grade ex pert teachers. Complete $lu,oo equip ment to train for this coming vocation. Not run to make money, but for the good of men. See or write supt. of the All-the-Year-Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night Schools, corner Oth and Taylor sts. WANTED Capable shoe man to take charge of shoe store in noquiam, v asu. Must have best of references and be ahie to furnish bond. Excellent chance for right man to secure an interest in Hi business. Apply Sunday, August 10, Im perial Hotel, bet. 10 and 2 and 4 and 6 P. M. WANTED Partner. $150 month salary guaranteed; also large profits. 4.,0 Cham ber Commerce. FOR SALE Confectionery, ice cream, to bacco and shelf groceries; invoice mdoui $750; any fair offer will buy this week, as I must leave the city; this is a fine cor ner for a man and wife. 1101 Belmont st. Tabo- 4721. Sunnyside car. REAL estate office, ground .floor, 7 rooms in rear pay ail expenses; $73H commis sions in 2 years; absolute proof; if honest and wide, awake vou can do as well: will trade or sell cheap; Investigate this. P" 27, Oregonian. FOR sale; $125 buys established wholesale produce business and fixtures, best equipped warehouse in the Front st. dis trict; low rent ; retiring from business. X 258. Oregonian. FOR SALE A No. 1 harness and shoe re pair shop; more work than one man can do ; reason for selling, old age and bronchial trouble compelled to change climate. Write P. J. Davis, SutherUn, Or. COUNTRY grocery store with living rooms. Fixtures and stock $1400; $700 will han dle it. Postof fice pays rent. No agent need apply. AV 272, Oregonian. PARTNER wanted for wood and coal bus! ness, manage office, check wood, etc. Sal ary $100 per month, small investment. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. FOR sale cheap, small grocery, cigars and fruits; account sickness, must be sold at once.. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts. FOR SALE Old-established confectionery business. on Last Side; a snap if tauen soon; other business reasons for selling, Apply in evening at 314 Wash. St. PARTNER wanted for insurance and collec tion business. Will pay $15o per month salary. Small amount required. Call 319 Lumber Exchange. CONFECTIONERY and grocery, just the place for man and wife. Will sacrifice for quick sale. ilo& Belmont. Phone J.a bor 2153- $o00 CASH, grocery and confectionery, with living-rooms ; rent o. pam to t?ept. 1 ; goo! buy. By owner. C 25. Oregonian. REGISTERED drUKgist who wishes perma nent connection and financial interest in business, about $lo0". m 2j. Oregonian. PHOTOGRAPH STUDIO, including building. $3a0; fine location; investigate. S 237, Oregonian. PARTNER Employment office good for $200 per month. Fine location. Let us Bhow thlg to you. 319 Lumber Exchange. BARBER SHOP for sale. 1 chair, bath. Chance ror gooa parher, .fnone la bor 1115. WANTED -Baker who wishes to start It business for himself. Tenino Bakery, Te nino, Wash, FOR $550. SALE Grocery and Woodlawn 2663. confectionery. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WANTED. WANTED To rent, bakery; also bakershop with good oven, store and some living rooms. Jfl 20a, oregonian. ROOMXNG-HOE SES. oO ROOMS, best close-in location, rent $4 a room; clean and well furnished; the best-paying house for the price in this ctty, always iiiiea witn good paying, per. man en t roomers. .trice .Juuo, terms, take real estate at market value, even trade. O. C. R. Ellis Ac Co., 309 Board of i raae. 19 BIG. outside rooms, every one filled now and customers waiting; income $156, rent w. a. real live ousiness proposition ana will sacrifice for half actual value; only $250 down; satisfactory reasons. Careful investigation invitea. 421 E. Morrison, 14 ROOMS, choice West Sice location, mod ern house, completely and nicely fur nished, paying $0n a. month over all ex penses. Price $lu50, take clear lot. O. C, R. Ellis & Co., ."09 Board of Trade. 21 ROOMS, housekeeping, clears $100 per month besides beautiful home; elegantly zurnisnea, moaern aweinng; lawn and porches; cheap; easy terms. Owner, bo5 Flanders. ROOMING-HOUSE, 26 rooms. In business district; rent $145. Price $1700. F 261. Oregonian. STOCKS AND BONDS. BOND issue, $100,00 upwards, negotiated. Stocks and bonds bought. Railway, gas. electric, realty. Irrigation, mining. Indus trial and banking corporations organized. Meritorious patents sold. Roenbaum & Co., 2Ui naight bid.;., bear tie. LOST AND FOUND. THE following Is a list of articles found on the cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Company and turned In at the dif ferent division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as Indicated. Ankeny barn. Aug. 3. 1913. A 0131: 1 envelops containing money, 1 book car tickets, 1 ring of keys. 1 umbrella, 1 straw telescope. Sell wood division: 1 yale key, 2 pair gloves, 5 umbrellas. 2 pipe wrenches. Savler-st. carhouse, phone A 6131 : 1 pair gloves, 1 handbag-, 1 pair nippers, 1 umbrella, 2 raincoats. Piedmont barn, Aug. 2, 1913. phone A 6131: 5 umbrellas, 1 pair gloves, 1 brace let, 1 lunch basket. THr, fdllowing articles have been found and turned in at the Union Depot: Found on X. P. train No. 313, Aug. 3, woman's umbrella; found on S. P. West Side train, one raincoat; found on S. P. train No. 20, man's hat. LOST Sterling silver vanity box, "M. E. B." engraved. Call Main 8153, or write Marion Brown, 845 E. Kelly st. Large reward. LOST On Council Crest. Sunday, gold-handle umbrella; name Moylan handle ; re ward. 35Q Montgomery st. Marshall 95S. LOST Coat with book and money order. Return 71 E. 'St.h. receive reward. East 53 24. LOST Coat containing wallet with private paper; liberal reward; return A. J. Cart-wright, 1165 Hassaio. Tabor 3 869. CASH GROCERY", close in. East Side, for sale: this is a bargain; am obliged to leave roriiana. can starK st. LOST Card case, containing lodge cards. Dusiness cares, etc.; reward for return to j. n. xtogcra, st. LOST A white bull terrier with long chain Return to 1 130 Albina ave. Call Wood lawn ISO. Reward. LOST Gold necklace with diamond pend ant. Finder please phone Main 6G60. Re ward, LOST Tuesday morning, red cameo brooch pin; please phone E 92. Reward. LOST Cow, no horns, brown and white Bulzer Bros.. Hillsdale, Or. R 2, box 42. SMALL business, paying handsomely, it, 11 Lumber hvrli v n a LOST AND FOUND. PARTNER wanted for a solid, old-estab lished employment office; will pay month; duties easily learned. Call 248 Stark st. & FECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. SALK OF CITY BONDS. Dalles City, Oregon, hereby calis for bids for the bonds of tne city in the sum of $ 12,00 m, consisting of !Li bonds of one thousand dollars ($1000) each. These bouds bear date of July 1. 1913, and will bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, principal and interest payable it United States goid com at tna fiscal agency of the S.ate of Oregon, in the City and State of New York, and will ma ture ou the first day of July, 1933, A complete certified transcript of all proceedings on the part of the Council of Dalies City in reference to the issuance and sale of said bonds may be seen upon application 10 the Recorder o Dalies City. A copy of said transcript has Leeu forwarded to Story, Thorndike, palmer a Dodge, 735 Exchange building, Eos ton, Mass., who hive been employed by Dalies City to rendu their opinions as to the regularity of all proceedings on the part Of the city on the issuance of these bends, and as to the validity and legality of the bonds, and the city's power to levy and collect sufficient taxes to pay the prin cipal and interest thereof at maturity, end as to whether there is any local law or regulation of taxation and exemption within Dalles City or the county in which said city ia situated which affects or Impairs the city's right to levy a suf ficient tax for the payment f the prin cipal and interest o said bonds at ma turity. AH bids may be subject to the uncon ditional and unqualified opinion of said attorneys upon all matters submitted to them, and no bidder will be held bound bv his bid unless and until said attor neys have rendered their unqualified and uncontLtional opinion in tav or of the regularity, validity said legality of said bor.di, and as to &l other matters submit ted to them as above mentioned. In all other respects the bids must be uncon ditional. The bonds will be furnished by Dalles City and will be prepared under t Buoerv'.Bion and direction of the said 1 torncys and approvea by them as la their forms, regularity and validity. Each bid must be accompanied by certified check for not less than 5 ner cent of the amount of tho bid to be for feited to Dalles City In the event that said bid Is accepted and the bidder shall retuse to complete the purchase of the bonds All bids must be sealed and filed w the Recorder of Dalies city on or before 12 o'clock, noon, the 25th day of August, 1913. The city reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Further particulars will be furnished upon request. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 22d oay of juiy, xuia. . ED HOSTETLER. Recorder of Dalles City. WATERWORKS. Pendleton City, Oregon. July 25. 113 Sealed proposals will be received at the orrice of the v ater Commission or 1 City of Pendleton. Oregon, until 10 o'clock A. M.. Tuesday, August 20. 11 13, for the construction 01 waterworks, consisting 01 a concrete conduit and uiuo line and dis tributing reservoirs. Separate bids will be recetvfld lor the conuuit ana pipe line ind for the distributing reservoirs Plan and specifications may be seen at the of fice of the Water Commission, Pendleton Oregon, or at the office of the Engineer, 30.1 Journal building. Portland. Oregon. Copies of the plans and specifications may be obtained from the Engineer upon acuositinir soO. S2i or which win ue funded when the plans and specifications are returned. The rignt is reserved to re ject any and ail bids. WILL MOORE. Chairman Water Commission. FRANK C. KELSEY. Engineer. SEALED bids will be received by Jno. B. Coffee. County Clerk, Court House, Port land, Oregon, until 10 A. M. of Aug. 12 1913, for dry eoods and drugs for Multno man Farm, ('ounty Hospital and County Jail. Also bids for hardware and supplies ior ferries. JJnajrs. county Jail ana Kelly Butte, of Multnomah County. Specifications may be obtained at the office of tne Board of County Commission ers. Delivery as needed. The riht is expressly reserved to reject any or an Dias. Dated Portland, Oregon. July St, 1913. Board of County Commissioners: RUFUS C. HOLM AN, Chairman. D. V. HART. Commissioner W. L. LlGiTNER, Commissioner, BANKRUPT stock of jewelry and silver ware, now open for bias. C. F. Whitman, trustee, Woodburn. Or. Miscellaneous. TO whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the firm of King & Docney is tnis oay aissoivea ana mat tiuy Kins will continue the business individ uany. is. m. uooney. FINANCIAL. WE furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erase 01 2 per cent if we do the plannin ana ounaing ior you. it win pay you see us. L. R. Bailey Co., Ins., 324 Abington, $4uuO. ."j0OO. $0000. $7500 TO LOAN on im proved city property ; money on hand ready to loan; prompt service. 905 Yeon blag. CASH paid for good first or second mort gages on real estate or sellers' interest in contracts ox sate. i. ii. Xsoble, 316 Lum oermens Plug. $2500 OR LESS to loan at 7 per cent close-in farm and city property; give full particulars. C 93, Oregonian. FIRST and second mortgages and building " contracts bought. E. B. Miller, 410 Ab ington bldg. HIGHEST prices paid for first or second mortgages and contracts. E. W. A. Peake, 507 McKay bldr. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. LOANS procured on real and collateral se curity. Nelson Bros.. S04 Lewis bldff. Money to Lean Real Estate. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Association, 24U Stark st. HAVE $."00 and $700 for two separate real estate loans today at 8 per cent for three years. Call today if you can use either amount. A. E. Poulsen. 719 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2753. MORTGAGE LOANS Any Amount HARTM AN -THOMPSON BANK. HAVE $700 to place at once at 8 per cent on good real estate security. A. E. Poul sen. 719 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 2753. WE have money to loan on your real es tate first mortgage only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. SEE US TODAY for loans on improved city property. 6 and 8 per cent, $300 and up. CELLARS-MURTON CO.. 825 Yeon bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; low est rates. A. H. Blrrell Co., 202 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark st. CASH PAID FOR MORTGAGES. W erf tern Bond & Mortgage Co., 410 Commercial Club Bldg. $122,000 TO LOAN CITY OF FARMS J. O. ROUNTREE, Chamber of Commerce bldg.- WB. will buy gilt-edge first mortgages HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY, 423 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate, mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg. TO LOAN $30,0U0 OR LESS. FARRINGTON. COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDG MORTGAGE LOANS. Real estate security, current rates, 201 S Stock Exchange bldg.. 3d and Yamhill" SEVEN per cent, private party has various amounts for mortgages, p 203, Orego nian. PRIVATE, party will lend $500 to $1000 for G to 12 months; no agents. A 267, Orego nian. . SHORT term loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg. MONEY, any amount, 6 to 8 per cent. H. Seitz & Co., 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay He i-y C. Prudhomme, 806 Wilcox bldg! $1000 TO $5000 to loan on real estate Ta bor 171 or B Iti9. Oregonian. MOX'.'IY loaned, $200 $5C0, $1000. easy terms 208 Gerlinger bldg.. 2d and Alder. $2000 $1500. at current rat-s. H. Y. Freed man, 402 Lumbermens bldg. Money loaned, real estate, contracts & mtes. bought. H. Miley, 204 Gerlinger bldg. MONEY TO" LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HAP.DING, 3IS Ch. of Com MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates L H MAXWELL, 316 Chamber of Corn m erce. $15,000 TO LOAN or will divide; no agents. M. 3441. IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real es tate. 315 Chamber of Commerce. LOANS on real estate, diamonds and jew elry. Wm. Holl, room 9, Washington bid?. TATE FUNDS. 6 per rent. W. E. Thomas, agent Muitnomah County, 400 Ch. of Com. MONEY at 5 per cent on farm or city prou erly: no brokerage. C"3 Oregonian bld." MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 AND 7 PFP CENT-i-OIJLS S X EG MOM- 22Q ST A R W BT FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real Estate. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE TOJ BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIO-NS. COLUMBIA LIFE Sc. TRUST CQ 916 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. T HAVE PLEXJY OF MONET TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE! SECURITIES AT 5 TO S PER CENT. EDWARD p. MALL, 00 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MONEY TO LOAN on good real estate security at reasonable rates. GEORGE DEKUM, 22S Henry Bldg. LOANS from $1500 to 110.000 on good Portland security, HACKER & THERKELSEN. 306 Spalding Bids. Main 7592. $750rt AT ti per c?nt; must be gilt-edge se- curity. Mam 1106, Mone-y to Luiui Chattels and Salaries. $$$$$$$$$ MO OR MORE LOANED TO ANYONE. We have striven to make this office the best place of its kind in the city. We are now prepared to say that if w can't convince you that our rates are reasonable, considering ex ijens-s. risk, etc, our terms easy. OUR TREATMENT OF YOU FAIR. SQUARE and above board, we won't ex pect you to make a loan. PORTLAND LOAN CO., 413 Macleay Bldg. Open every day and Sai urday evenings until S 1. m. S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ STATE SECURT1Y CO. $ $ $ B R O K E R S SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES. $10 TO $100 CHEAPEST AND BEST PLACE TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL HOIKS. S A. M. TO 6 P. M. SATURDAYS UNTIL 9 F. M. STATE SECURITY CO., :UfL I.MII I Vf tlT 1 wi c c $ $ $ 3 U S FAILING E L B Y COMPANY. A PRIVATE PLACE TO -OBTAIN MONEY ON Diamonds. Watches. Jewelry, Pianos, Etc, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE RATES. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR LADIES. 320. LUMBER EXCHANGE BLDu.. 2d and Sturit Sis. Optn J A. M. to 0 P. M. SATURDAY EVENINGS UNTIL 8 P. M. MONEY for salaried people and others upou their own names, chuup rates, easy payments. See me before ucaliug else where ; confidential. D. D. Drake, 323 Henry bid b. A DESIRABLE place lor ladies and penile- men to uoriow money on aiamouus ana jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace. 3i4 Washington, opp. Owl Drugstore. MONEY for salaried people and ot'-.ers. quickly and confidentially. Martine. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. IM M EDI ATE and confidential loans on fur niture, pianos, autos, warehouse receipts, mortgages bought. Bauer. 2O0 Alder st. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches. jewelry, pianos and warehouse receipts. Brown & Co., room 10. Washington bldg. WE LOAN money 011 diamonds and jewelry at half the rated charged by brokers. Marx jk Bioch. 74 3d st. MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry, strictly confidential. 141 3d. near Alder. MONEY sold on installments; confidential; salaried people. F.A. Newton, Henry bid 9. Loans Wanted. $2500 WANTED. I want to borrow $2500 property in Portland v orLh on business three times tbe amount ; will give first mortgage and good interest, pa able semi-annually. J. E. Smith, 4 1 4 ch amber of Com me roe. WANT a loan on a TOxlOv and S-room house in Laurelhurst. Owner lives In house. Will pay 7 per cent; 1 per cent jrokerage and reasonable attorneys fees. Value of property.. $7000. Aint. loan, $3000. N 234, Oregonian. WANT $4500 on my fine Sunnyside homo from private party, 3 years. 7 per cent; prefer privilege paying $ 1 5u0 oif in iu stailments. N 237, Oregonian. $3500 FIRST mortgage on business prop erty Southeast Portland, concrete stores; building oUxlUO. M 263, Oregonian. b'IKST-CLASS Japanese cuok wants posi tion, hotel or private family; best of ref erence. fs N. bth st., George Yam a shit a. WANT $35irt, 7 per cent, on Al East Side close-in residence property, value $10,0A; no commission paid. E 204, Oregonian. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE; $50.0tKJ. in amounts $2:u to $3300, net 8 per cent. Henry C. Prudhomme, Wilcox bldg. WANTED $40o0 for 3 years at 7 "per cent from, private party on improved city prop erty, close in. Call 414 Corbet t bldg. CAN place your money on gl lt-edge mort gage security without expense to you. R. E. Hine, 408 Yeon bldg. Marshall ,5565. WILL pay 10 per cent for loan of $75 for 6 months. M 270. Oregonian. WANTED $o0ou on city property, by own er. Main 1106 or S 120, Oregonian. FEK.SONAL. HAIR-HAIR-HAIR-HAIR. $12, 34-inch switches $4.45 $6, 26-inch switches l.yo Hairdretsiug .25 Face massage .25 Shampoo . . .25 Manicure, 25c, 5 for l.Oo 12 scalp treatments 5.00 Superfluous hair removed by electric needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut balr in any shade; switches any length. Prices half. Sanitary Parlors, 400 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long- experience, best references, treat ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc.; massage and baths. 226 13th st., between Main and Salmon. Marshall 5033. Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electric treatments for all nervous and chronic diseases. Paralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc. ; also goitre, warts, moles removed. 602 Buchanan bldg., 2863 Washington st. SWEDISH T RA I N E D NURSE Helslngfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; bath, massage. No. 7 East llth st second door south from East Ankeny car line. Phone East 260, B 1&03. FEBVET & HANEBUT. leading wig; and toupe-makers; finest stock of human balr goods; switches from U5c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments ; combings made up to order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 543. MRS. DR. WHEAT LEY HOWE. Indian Herbal Baths. - Phone C 1057, 932" E. 6th st. North,, Take Alberta or Woodlawn car. get off Prescott st. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired, $1.50 month ; prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 309 Stark. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR; asthma, rheu matism, stomach trouble, etc.. cured by mv methods; satisfaction guaranteed- Lo ra C. Little, health expert. Tabor 1673. SPIRITUAL advice, also mental scientist treatments, rheumatism. lumbago. 254 Union ave., north Woodlawn. Alberta car. E 638S. cor. Multnomah. La DIES: Ask for Mme. La Shell's non irritating antiseptic; 20 in box, $1 For sale and guaranteed In Portland by the Heidfond Drug Co., 222 Morrison. MISS PERRY, Eastern graduate' masseuse. New York School of C. and D., treats rheumatism and nervous cases. 200 13th st. 13th or Jefferson cars, phone Main 7Col. EASTERN trained operator gives facial and scalp massage. 125 6th St., room 2, bet, Washington and Alder. LORENZ Nerve Tablet: restore lost vitality. 25c per box, 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison st. Bt-v. Mrs. Coon, spiritual teacher and healer. Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. 106 W Park, bet. Wash, and Stark. Marshall 5945 W. H. KANOUSE. photographer, at' home at St. James' Hotel, 345 1st st. Hours. 11 A. M. to 4 P. M, SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price. Read ings, healings dally. Circles Tues. 2, Wed. and Sun. 3. 3j5 ifr Jefferson. Main 9309. MiSS FRANCIS. Christian Yoga teacher and healer. The Annex. 12th and Washington. Both phones. MADE OF YOUR COMBINGS. Switches, 95c; curls and puffs, 75c. San itary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage . for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 333 Madison. A 4470, Marshall 306S. MOLES, superfluous hair removed. Mrs M. D. HU1. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. Divorce advice free, small fee, experienced lawyer. 404 RothchUd bldg., 2S7 Wssh. BALM OF FIGS, Compound RoviO TonTo Tablets, 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2393. MRS. DR. WRENN, spiritual adviser. Cir cles Mon. Thur. 8, Wad. 2. 34 N. 16th. ELECTRO Swedish massage scalp treat ment. 167 Park. MRS. DR. WRENN, spiritual adviser; read ir.gs daily. 34 N. ltth. Mar. 42:J9. A 7G14. MEDICAL. :sE Bassett's Native Kerbs for rheumatism; uOc tablets for 2."c. All drugg-ista. VETERINARY SCHOOLS. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. No profession offers equal opportunl- 15. ty. Catalogue free. C- Keaue. Pres., 181 Market st., Saa Francisco'.