IG THE MORXENG OKEGOXIAN. THURSDAY, AUCiUST 7, 1U13- REAL ESTATE. l or Sale Acreage. FOURTH STREET IS DOL'BLE-TRACKED NOW. In front of our office and the work of completion Is being pushed; no longer any room for doubt; elec tric cars will soon be running on this line, A small amount of money in vested now in one of our suburban acreage tracts. 30 minutes from Portland on the West Side, will make you a handsome profit in ad dition to providing you with an Ideal location for a. suburban home. Our terms are so easy and the pay ments so small anybody can meet them. THE SHAW-FEAR CO., 102 Fourth St. Main 33, A 3C.0. Homesteads. HAVE a few good homesteads In Western Oregon; must act quick. 420 Lumber Ex change. 2d and Stark. FREE Canadian Homesteads, Alberta. Can ada. We locate you. 43 X. eth at. For Sale Farm. GOOD FARM BUYS. HARGROVE & SONS. CHOICE COUNTRY HOME. This is our choice of any email farm home near the city why? Because it embodies all the features that go to make an ideal country hme. There are acres, all the best of soil, llvinc trout stream, nice, woods, lot of large firs, choicest or chard, macadam road, right on car, large S-room plastered house, one R-room cottage, electric lights; east of the ritv in splendid community: price 570UO. good terms; you are bound to fall in love with this place when you see it. 32i-ACRE WHEAT RANCH. Located S miles from Lexington, OreKon. In Morrow County: 20 acres 275 in cultivation; best of sol), sure crops, fair buildings, good water; price $4000 worth twice that much; winding up an estate. Get busy. 100 ACRES ON WILLAMETTE RIVER. Do von want a farm on the beau tiful Willamette? Here is one of the best; there are 100 acres, 6 acres in cultivation. balance nr and hardwood; all best of soil; fine S-room plastered house, large, line barn and lots of outbuildings; 7o rods of river frontage; boat landing on the place: K mile from Rood town, 1 miles from Orejron Llec trlc 20 miles from Portland; price $15,000, $50uQ cash, balance 6 per cent. 7 ACRES, 4 MILES OUT. This 7-acre tract la all in a high state of cultivation, lies perfectly, no rock; located 4 miles from the city limits on good auto road, right at m tares and school and church : price $21ti0, $tkK cash and balance A per cent. PERFECT TEN" ACRES. This is a perfect-lying 10-acre tract, all cleared, best of soil, no rock; all fenced with woven-wlre; new 4-room plastered bungalow, new barn, new outbuildings; located just fi miles from city limits and priced at only $3SOO, good terms. 70 ACRES FOR $6300. Located southeast of Oregon City and is a good buy; 70 acres. H 1" cultivation, best of soil : 9-room house, two large barns; good bear ing orchard and 4 acres of prunes. Price $00 per acre, $40uO cash. HARGROVE & SONS. N. th near Gilsan. Main 4381, A 7250. ACRES. CASH. $ 5 00 80 acres under cultivation; all fine tillable land; rich, deep mel low soil; will raise 40 bushels of wheat to the acre; fair 5-roora house; place well fenced; on main county road; this is your opportu nity to get a good farm Price $2500, $50t cash, balance 10 years at G per cent. Come in today, as this will sell Quick. DORR E. KEASEY & CO.. 2d Floor Chamber of Commerce. LANC1I SACRIFICED ACCOUNT SICK NESS. Ten acres, near Cornelius; partially cleared, some fine timber; living stream; bearing orchard and lots of berries; smau i harn nnii r h Icken-houses ; implements included in price of $1SOO; steam and electric roads one mile; erm8 Kiven. Address owner. W. C. C ornelius. Oregon 40 ACRES good farming land, about four miles from nainier, ur., near ruuu, o - -irftrf. j acres in fruit, living house and barn . Address P. O. Box 677, Portland. RANCH 60 acres, with buildings; IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner. 1S2 Morrison st. SACRIFU E sale. 160-acre dairy farm, bot tom land, includes crops, stock, machinery, etc. C. R- Bostwick, Blodgett. Oregon. FOR RENT FARMS WILL lease for 5 or T years, my farm. 160 acres, close to Portland; nearly all in . cultivation; running water, good house and barns; cash rent- A 264, Oregonian. WANTED Small dairy or chicken ranch. Must be near Portland and close to car line. Address J. W. K., 335 K. 6th Bt. S. FOR SALE TIMBER L-XJDS. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M CRACKEN. 304 McKay Bldg. CHEAP STUMPAGE. Ideal location for tie mill; stream run ning to railroad spur. No. S3 5th. WILL trade good Portland property for tim ber. Call 203 Empress Theater bldg. WANTED REAL ESTTE. I DON'T want an ornament, just a plain. w.n.Hiim hnm with the value there; larce living rooms downstairs and large bedrooms upstairs; about b rooms; mod ern, not over $5500; Irvington preferred. Owners only. O CrtO. Qregorjanj WANTED To buy improved ranch of about COO acres with modern buildings; must be within 30 miles of Portland and first class; give full particulars when answer ing in first letter; must be priced right; no agents need reply. S 2 43, Oi egonian. WANT 5-room bungalow, have acre 4 blocks from car and 37 acres in Clack amas County; will take an equity. Call ' and see owner at 105 8d st.. room 11. WANTED To buy home. East Side; no pavment dwn; state price and location. N 2H3, Orettonlatv "WANT 4 or 3-room tungaiow, modern, about $1000; $3u down, $15 month. C 1241. Smith. W7 E. IVth N. RESIDENCE, 5 acres. Lewlston, Idaho. Ad dress K 26. Oregonian. MODERN" house and lot. 6 or S rooms, free from Incumbrance. AG 2Mi. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE. , LOTS or acreage sale or trade.. Stark st- at Manhattan Beach for See F. J. Gattrell, 22s PATENT sleeping or shelter tent; will sell patent or trade for real estate. Apply to urvai tiraay, lacoit, v WILL take small car as first payment on 6-room cottage; $2S0O; no Junk. AM 263, Oregonian. feA W MILL, capacity 25 thousand per day, vlil trade for auto or diamonds; mill worth g200P. P 2j1, Oregonian. 6-ROOM cottage, lot 50x12,"., will trade equity, closa in. 2-2 or East li13. for sale Phone East FOR TRADE Improved ,"4 acres. United Railvav for city lot; value $1SU0; mort gage 1700. Owner. AB 2t. Oregonian. GROCERY, will invoice $2500. $600 cash, balance in trade, ha.s a good business. 303 Lumber Exchange. NEW, modern 5-room cottage. Wood mere, for good first mortgage. 5417 69 ih st. S.'U' heast. COTTAGE, new. modern, value $2io, free of incumbrance; exchange for acreage or improved farm. Owner, P. O. box 2064. KX H VNGE new buggy for wood or cow, something T can use. P. O. box 2064. 6-R')OM house for close-in acreage, sen. Main RR24. 25s 14th. LOT on ft4th st. to exchange for rooming houe or other business. Marshall 6032, TO EXCHANGE. $1500 Six lots, 4 at Ocean Side Lake, Lin coln Co., and 2 in Ingleview, free and clear, to trade for an automobile or equity in house. $S000 Two houses and 3 lots to trade for small ranch to $UGuo. $11.000 Mfg. site in North End with trackage to trade for clear ranch to $75u0. S1S.0OO worth Al city property to trade for a first-class ranch uo to $15,OuO. Might put in other property for highly improved ranch to $25,0t'0. J22.0O0 One of the prize ranches of Hood River, strictly commercial, IS acres 7-year-old and 4 acres 4-year-old. will trade for city property. Have about $3000 cash. $30,Ofro 100 acres close to Clackamas In high state of cultivation. Imp. and stock over $5000. Will take V2 in Central Ore gon or 10 to 20-acre tract close to Port land, j THE HARBOLT REALTY COMPANY, INC. 710-719 Lewis Building, 4Ui anu uan. Marshall 420U A 7138 $43,1HMJ Clear and Improved city property. income SoW per montn, tor nrst class apartment. Will assume. $ 1,500 Lot, Mt. Tabor section, unincum bered, for good 5-room bungalow not over s.n.5oo. $ 3,000 Six full lots and good 6-room house. Oregon City. Want acre age near Portland. $ 3.500 Rose City Park, 5-rornn bunga low, mortgaged for $1750. Want clear lots. $ 2,600 5-room bungalow, lot 90x100. H block from W. W. car. Want house in Rose City Park or Koi-smere. Will assume. We have many good properties for trade on cash bas s. See us before trading. CITY DEPARTMENT. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., Main um.. 209 Wash. st. A G2-17. A BEAUTIFUL 20-acre tract 1 mile from Hlllsboro. lies level, fronting on main road, timber on It will bring $1000 on the stump, no finer soil anywhere, would make a fine Summer home or a profitable truck, patch or berry farm when devel oped, with same goes a 6-room house in Hlllsboro on double lot, total price for both $,V00. Will take $2H0 to $3000 Port land property, balance time. A. E. Poul- sen, 719 Chamber of Commerce. FIFTH-STREET PRUPERT?TO EXCHANGE. 50x100 lot with two 7 -room houses rent ed for $50: located on 5 th street, near College, price $12,000. to exchange for West Side vacant ; close-in East Side apartment site or income property up to $10,000; must be free of incumbrance. GRI'SSI & EOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg.. 4th and Oak. A 10-ACRE, 6-year-old bearing apple orch ard, with peach fillers, within 20 minutes' walk of business center of North Yakima; popuation 1S.0U0; has houee, stable and ell y wr.ter ; will seil at a bargain or ex change for 6 or 7-room modern home in city ; must be good location; am a pro fessional man from the East; here to lo cate. James Ledwich. 5u7 Lewis bldg. INCOME $28 FOR" TRADE. 100 ft. frontage, business property, im proved. Income S2SO month; can be in creased to $340 monthly; furnished apart ments above, value $20,000; would con sider good, clear vacant lots or improved up to $10,000, balance 7 per cent. Owner. Room 301, Gerlinger bldg. 14 ACRES of the finest commercial or chard, beautiful country home site. 1 miles from town; price $0000; ctear of debt : exchange for Portland property. SECURITY DEVELOPMENT CO., 4th and Pine sts. 120 ACRES of good irrigated land 14 miles from Redmond and R. R. ; there are two main Government ditches on this land, with -water in and ready; I hold this land at $0000 and will trade for some income property in Portland. N 241, Oregonian. BROADWAY drive, West Side, close In, 85 f ooc frontage, 3 6-room cottages, been renting for $38 month; rented; good con dition ; will exchange for close-in acre age. Inquire 428 Washington. FOR EXCHANGE Motorboat, 34 ft., glass cabin. 12 H. P., fully equipped, to trade for foredoor auto, vacant lot, player piano or good equity. Address AG 262, Ore gonian. TO EXCHANGE 3 lots at Sea View, Or., for good horse and buggy; horse must be sound and weigh 1200 pounds or over. See owner, L. C. Weir. Milwaukie, Or. bo ACRES, necessary buildings, $0O0; an other 80, with substantial improvements 5 1 5O0; want residence immediately. Own er, 3 0:uj Grand ave. North. FOR EXCHANGE Two mortgages, $423 each, 3 years, 7 per cent, good suburban property. Consider any proposition of same value. Address M 26S, Oregonian. WILL trade eood lots on Coos Bay for din in if -room set. bedroom suit, fumed oak, wax finish; also for range, rugs, kitchen cabinet. D 363, Oregonian. EXCHANGE. House, No. 86 Halsey St., between Broadway-Steel bridge ; will exchange for cheap lots. Northeast Side. 275 Pine St. Main 1721. FOR EXCHANGE Coos Bay lots, close to Maruhneld, overlooking bay, for standard make automobile, runabout preferred ; might pav some cash. D 264. Oregonian. WANTED New modern bungalow in ex change for one or two good building lots; will assume mortgage ; state telephone number. N 23S. Oregonian 13 ACHES in Forest Grove, all in meadow. equity sl.tCO ; $iuut mortgage; trade to; for 3f9 city property- O. C. R. Ellis & Co., Board of Trade. FOR EXCHANGE Cooa Bay lots, close to Marshfield, overiooKlng bay, lor standard make automoDiie. runaoout preierreu . might pay some cash. D 264, Oregonian. WHAT have you to exchange for $625 equity in $Luo modern Dungaiow : rnone own er. Tabor WANTED To trade for standard make vis ible typewriter; will give deed to good lot. H 2oi. Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE Good lot for quarter- sawed wax imisn roll top desk, b zoj Oregonian. SAN FRANCISCO, 6-room modern bunga low for Portland property or rooming house. 51ar. 4U93. WILL trade good clear lots with streets graaed and water tor equity in nouse. Main 493. WILL exchange lot or lots on Coos Bay, beautiful view. for Portland property. What have youl D 2j, Oregonian. WILL trade Astoria lot for automobile. AE Son. Oregonian. HAVE city lots and acreage for small room ing house. K -:t3, uregonian. $2500 STOCK1 in local corporation for house or lots in city, u :i3. uregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE Main 1323. for houseboat. Phone TOR BALE. Horses, Vehicles. Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 7L B 13H9, FOR SALE 1 Studebaker wagon, new: 1 team horses, 8 and 9 years old, 2300 lbs.; 1 tent 14x1$ with 5 ft. wall and camping outfit, can be seen at U. S. Sale and Feed Barn. 24$ Front st. GOOD team mares, weight 2100, harness and farm wagon, suitable for ranch, JlSO. 4104 79th st. S. E. Mt Scott car to Fir land Station. ONE team of well-matched mares, weighing 2700 pounds. One 5-year-old driving mare weighing llOO pounds. Buggy and harness. 226 Russell. FOR SALE One team of first-class horses, 6 and 7 years old, weighing 2900 pounds. One team young mares weighing 2500 pounds. 226 Russell st - $135 TAKES team of ranch mares with double harness: 1 nearly new top steel tired buggy with pole and brake, $65. 1967 East Stark st. Trial allowed. GRAY driving team, harness and buggy at sicritlce ; also black 3-year-old, by Lord Kitchener. Wilcox bldg. SOKKKL mare, a good driver, cheap. Call at Star Sand Company, Barn No. S, East 9th and East Flanders. 6-YE AD-OLD black mare, city broke, har ness and rubber-tired buggy; will sell all or separately. Sellwood 1544. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. L. S. ( o. Phone Main 14lO. O. FOR SALE cheap, one bay mare. 1150 to 1200 pounds. S years old, sound. Main 4A83. $450 BUYS team of mares weighing pounds. 512 Gantenbein ave. HORSE for sale. $43. Phone East 530S. HoB-SES for sale at SS East 7th at. North. roffs. Birds, Pet Stock. THOROUGHBRED Scotch collie pup. male. 2 months old, gS.ftO. East 5605. BOYD'S Bird Store. 229 Alder at. ; doss, cages, seeds and supplies. Piano, Organs and Musical Instrument. $75 NEW drophead Singer to trade for phonograph; must be first-class, with rec ords. Phone Wocdiawn :302. FIANO Elegant mahogany upright piano, almost nw; must sell immediately; great est bargain in city. 826 Northrup, apt. D. Machinery. FOR SALE. One 125 -volt direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breakers. This machine is in good repair, aaareu room zito, oregonian bids. FOR SALE. Machinery. FOR SALE. A 45-h p.. 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75-ampere over load. I. T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l "con dition. Address room 20.1, Oregonian bids. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W-. 50-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 2:, Onconian bid:-. Automobile. WE have several cars that have never been used, but on which a year's depreciation in price has been deducted; up to date in every particular; foredoors. electric lights, with generator, demountable rims, etc.; you get the first year at second-hand prioe. In used cars we have very attract ive offers in I 19 3 R. C. H. touring car. 1 5-psssenger Chalmers. 1 Maxwell with delivery body. 1 Peerless with delivery body. 1 33-h. p. Michigan roadster, 3 40-h. p. Michigan roadster. 1 40-h. p. Michigan touring c.r. Investigate they're bargains. MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY CO.. MAIN 3061. A 52B. COR. 16TH AND ALDER STS. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS Will nickel-plate, varnish, refinish. top your auto; take apart and put together in three aaya. f ortiana fiating & JUig. i o., zu and Thurman sts. Main i)4o, A 5182. WILL take a good auto as first payment on my new, modem 6-room house, itara wood floors, fixtures, shades and all mod ern conveniences. Paved street, east front, nice lawn. Phone owner, Tabor tl. SNAP. 1911 Maxwell, .".--passenger, 30-h. p. fully equipped; sacrince for quick sal1. AUTO LEALE RS" CLEARING-HOUSE, 2d and Ankeny. WANTED Seven-passenger 1913 can; must be in eood condition, for stock solid gold high-grade jewelry, value $1 5u0. Address C 25i. Oregonian. FOlt SALE 1013 5-passeneer "Overland :(; run less than 300 miles; am leaving town and must sell. Price $0ix. N -6 Oregonian. POPK-JIARTFORD, good condition; would make over Into a rine truck or delivery wagon A bargain. Phone Main Uu --'. FOR SALE 1D13 Studebaker "25," run only 1200 miles, cash, terms or trade. Phone Marshall 300. $3 PER MONTH for storage on drained automoDiies in oeai i ire -resisting ouuainK. E. P- Jamison & Co., 17th and Thurman. FOR SALE 7 h. p. 1913 motorcycle. Prest- oLite, search light and exhaust horn, t'Zlo cash. Apply to 247 Ash st. CADILLAC 4-pussenger, newly painted. nicHeled, electric lights, good condition; $5tH. Call Tabor 444. 5-PASS. auto, good running condition; trade for lot or mortgage; value $uou. can ut McKay bldg. $225 TAKES Buick "model 10 equipped; new ii res; goo a running uraer. Aior rison st. 1U13 POL E, big 4. fully equipped, $100 cash. Phone East Su. G-PASS. Reo, 1910 model; run very price 5oU. uan -auo Mcitay mag. Motorcycles. 7 H. P.. $350 motorcycle for sale, $150 If taken this week. 24'J 5th. SALESMAN wants to meet party with auto. uud uregonian uiug. BARGAINS in new and used motorcycles. ret-r Tool & Kupply Co., 311 Oak st. Auto Tires and Accessories. DANDY 1912 Merkel single motorcycle. S72.50, $35 down, $10 monthly. 850 Ai der st. SPLENDID Indian single motorcycle, guar anteed rirst-ciass. .trice $a.ou, $53 aown, $R monthly. 350 Alder st. INDIAN motorcycle for sale cheap. Inquire .Powell Garage, n;. dith ana Hawttiorne. Furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING IIOLSK.vEEPlNG. OR THO-SS WHO NERD SOME NEW FURNITURE; THE ENTIRE SVOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO.. -"BANKRUPT," HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY, AND NO OTHER SALE. CAN" COMPARE WITH THIS. CALL AND SEE. FIFTH ST., CORNER PINE. FURNITURE Before buying second-hand goods come ana see wnat you can do here for cash; get posted. William Uads by. 1st and Wash. FURNITURE taken by us In exchange for new can be oougnt or us ror wnat we allowed. Exchange Dept., Wm. Gadsby, 1st and Wash. FURNITURE of 11-room rooming-house. very reasonable, or will consiaer good trade. 435 E- Ankeny. East 4535. LARGE, 2-oven range for hotel or logging camp, good order, $40. W. Gadsby & Sons, 1st and Wash. FOR SALE Newly furnished flat. 6 rooms: very easy terms. 427 6th st. All roll-top decks at one-third Gadsby, 1st and Wash. FOR SALE Furniture for 5 rooms. Cleveland ave, FOR SALE: Furniture of beautiful 5-room flat, modern; close in. Phone East 5438. HOUSEHOLD furniture of 5-room cottage. sell or trade. 5bd Overton st. Miscellaneous. SECOND-HAND brick, office fixtures, win dows, Iron vault, lumber, cheap. Standard Oil bldg.. East' Water and Main ats. Phone East 4622. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains in second-hand safes. 108 2d st. Phone Main V07G. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices, easy terms; eafes opened, repaired and painted. PI KLELL SAFE CO.. and PUKT LAND SAFE CO., S5 5th St. Main C309. SPECIAL sale on desks, tables, chairs and fil in it cabinets. oak and mahoeany Haley Desk Co., 208-210 Eroaaway, be tween Taylor and Salmon. KENYON takedown house for sale cheap, size 18x30, 5 rooms; ideal for Summer use anywhere. F. J. Patterson. 94 Union ave. TINTING $2.50 up; papering and painting reasonable, joe Marshall. Phone Marshall 1907. FOR SALE Two beautiful fur rugs, cougar measures 8 ft. 9 in. length ; black bear. Call B 2559. St.OOND-H AND roll-top desk, two flat-top desks and Z chairs. Bushong & Co., 91 Harc st. i TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $tJ5. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 232 Stark st. BLICKEN'SDERFER Typewriter No. 5 for sale cheap. Apply City Loan Office, SO 3d st- THREE pool tables, good condition, cheap, wan woocuawn tsw. c o, oregonian. FOR SALE Very reasonable, one office safe. 42x24 inches. AR 259. Oregonian. NEW $1. nian. 0 Grafonola; $75. AE 254, Orego AIREDALE terriers to protect your home and family. Laddtx Kennels. Estacada, Or. LARGE roll desk. ?24.50; chairs; size 40 Summer suit, $5. 408 Henry. NATIONAL cash registers: Get my prices. Povey, 351 Va Wasu., basement. Main 6'6. 16-FT. launch for sale. Inquire of H. C. Hinkley, houseboat ft. .Hamilton ave. WAJVTEP MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any Kina. 11 you nave anytmng in inis nuc, call Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladies and men's cast-oil clothing and shoes. Call Main 20 SO. 234 First, The Globe. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macaulv, 354 Burnside st. Phone Main 1816, A 1816. FAIR DEAL We pay best prices for second hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 9272. 60 H N. 3d. M. Gllckman, prop. WANT to buy dry Oregon or Washington maple, ash and alder timber. Alcar Desk Mfg. Co.. 64 1 M acacam road. Portland. KALSOMINIXG, $2.50 room and painting reasonable. 5i:99, A 257S. up : papering Finlay, Main WANTED A one-horse-power electric mo tor and one -small woodturning lathe. Ad dress 2S9 East Morrison. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. 184 1st. near Yamhill. Main 4773, HiGEST prices paid for cast-off clothing and shoes. Marshall 2354. 1 80-ln. by 7 to 10 ft. upright boiler, n a rd. Main 663. NATIONAL cash register, price must be rea sonable. Main 6u6, A 3606. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid, seiiwooa CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 4u ueKum blag. WANTED Indestructible wardrobe trunk for cash and watch. A 2t!. Oregonian. WE pav highest prices for second-hand clothing. 2i'4 8d st. Phone Main 9263. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 951. WANTED To . writer desks. buy, a : two second-hand type 70, Oregonian. ' WASTED MIdCElXANEOUS. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture In the next 30 days and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. HELP WANTED MAIK INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A. Tounfr man, stranger, seeking employ ment $2ti his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership, I will have only $13 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $o for employ ment membership you will have the T. M. c. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 6 mo. ending June 30: Calls for men from employers 1174 Positions filled I37 Our special employment membership gusft-antees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and lo months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department. CiOOD PAY while learning trades In United States Navy. Many different Jobs open to men over 17 who show ability. Enter now for big foreign cruise, Panama Cele bration, San Francisco Exposition. Get in formation and be examined at Navy Re cruiting Station, Railway Exchange bldg., Portland, Or., or write for free booklet. "Making of & Man-O -Warsman." Bureau of Navigation, box 3-6, Navy Department, Washington, D. C YOl'NG MAN to handle detail work of of fice. Must have some knowledge of short hand and typewriting, and be able to keep a simple set of books. Fair salary to start. Good opportunity to right party. Address, giving phone number. C 255, Ore gonian. MEN WANTED to wcrk at steady work in small town, 00 miles from Portland ; $2. '25 per day ; plant has been running for several yern-s and wants more men who will make themselves permanent citizens. See Mr. Damon, with the Chapiu-HerloW Mtg. & Trust Co., 332 'Chamber of Commerce WANTED FOR .17. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36: citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits. who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or, WANTED Competent, liv man of good naoits, experienced in general merchan dising, as floor walker in lare out-of- town department store; answers to l ceive attention must state age expe rience, reference and phona number. J 207, oregonian. WANTED A reliable representative for crook County, fc-aetern Oregon : splenaia field for sale of our goods; liberal prop osition; willingness to work more essen tlal than experience. Address Oregon rvursery Company, Orenco, Oregon. MEN WANTED To sell trees and shrub bery. Free outfit. Experience not nec essary, steady work. Commission paid weeKiy. wo investment, deliveries or col lections to make. Write for terms. Idaho Nursery Co., W eiser, Idaho. WANTED Two stock salesmen to sell stock in hiKh-crade trust comoanv in Montana. none other than experienced men need ap. p:y. witn rcrorences. write sideootham Wilmot. Fiscal Agents, Tod bldg.. Great tails, Montana wan lbD a. good appearing yount man who can talk Swedish to take orders for gentlemen's garments for an old estab lished tailoring firm in Washington; good wages to the right party. Apply to AV zui, uregonian. WANTED by an old-established fraternal order, a man who is competent to organ ize new lodges. The right man can se cure a good contract; state experience in nrst letter, a a ares a A(j L'(5. oregonian. WANTED By a wholesale concern, an of rice ooy. not less than 10 years of age, Reply in own handwriting, stating ex perience, education ana salary expected. cox J L'tii. oregonian. WANTED At once, bank bookkeeper with tnorougn experience on boston Ledger must be accurate and ouick. Under 35 give experience and references. O 20S, Oregonian. AGENTS and salesmen wanted to handle line of goods -where every demonstration means a sale and a good commission. 5b7 vv asn. st. WANTED By a wholesale and retail house, a collector Alth an automobile; position will require alT of your time; references and Dona required. . i '2Go, Oregonian. PARTNER -wanted, cloth hat and cap man ufacturing business; must be good outside man and have little capital. Chicago (Jap Co., B5 ad st.. room 6. WANTED Live, up-to-date man to sell hleh-Krade line of lewelrv on install ments; big money for the right man. Call aiter 4 P. M., at eornett Didg. WANTED Several high-class salesmen for exceptionally eood proposition; not insur ance, stock, real estate or merchandise. See Mr. Colter, 514 Spalding bldg. 25 MORE experienced shoe salesmen wanted at the great shoe sale opening today at Wright's Shoe Shop. 244 Wash. Apply toetore w A. M. WANTED Toune man to work in factory must be willing worker and have good reierences. Appiy o urana ave., o a. ai, EXPERIENCED checker for Portland Ho tel ; best references required. See stew ard. D 270, Oregonian. WANETD Young man stenographer, one with lumber experience. Address AD 2t2, Oregonian. SALESMEN wanted for health and acciden Insurance. Oregon Surety St Casualty Co., A 22 iioard or lraae. A FIP.ST-CLASS salesman wanted for city and country work, good proposition for rijrht party. tau fea1, 3d st., room u. ADVERTISING solicitors, commission, week ly papers; contracts cashed. Clyde's Agency. Stockixcnange bidg. GARDENER wanted ; married men only need apply. Kose oity uemetery, ri. b t tn. WANTED Boy with bicycle or motorcycle, K. S. Ervin & tjo.. seinng oiag. SALESMEN- and dist. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat. casualty co., sui Railway i-xen. Didg, photo COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio, 346 Morrison, EXPERIENCED salesmen to sell high-grade coai. Edietfien ruei t o., L'ttz &taric st. FOUR men to split 4-foot cordwood. furnished. 313 Water at. YOUNG MAN with experience to work in drugstore. B 245, Oregonian. WANTED Barber, Al, $16 guarantee, steady. E. L. Townsend, Independence, Or. BIG pav for 2 boys over 16 with bicycle. 441 Stark st. MAN wanted for porter work and general roustabout. Medford Hotel. WANTED A good, strong boy. Apply Log Cabin Bakery ; PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. Al SOLICITOR for grocery store; good dis trict. Call 910 E. Glisan. HELP WANTED FEMALE. COMPETENT woman for general housework. plain cooking, no children, references, iaac 1"57. . WANTED Girl for general housework, fam ily of 2. Call 412 S2d st., cor. Vaughn., Willamette Heights. WANTED By advertising concern, 2 live young men not over 21 years of age, $1S. Call bet. 4 and 7, Lincoln Apts.. No. 24. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN for conf 3ctionery, ice cream und lunch room. See Penning ton & Co., 103 N. Jersey st., St. Johns. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES AGENCY. Washington bldg., 2704 Wash., room 35, near 4th. Phone Main 6836 or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co., 609 Roth- chi'.d bldg., 4th and Washington. GIRL wanted to do general housework; $15. Call afternoons. Apt. 42, Fordham, 170 ForJ st. WANTED Young woman for filing clerk and to assist In stenographic work, L 261. Oregonian. GIRL to do general housework. 32S N. street. " WANTED Girl for general housework, 3 ir. family. phone E. 1322, mornings. WANTED Experienced dining-room girl In hotel. 23d and Hoyt. HELPERS and apprentices for dressmaking and ladies' tailoring. 280 Park st. FRACTICAL nurse to take care of Infant. 22S N. 20th st. WANTED Girl for general housework. phone Marshall 1676 or A 1676. GIRL for light housework, good home, wages $15. Phone SellwooAj:5. WANTED Waist and skirt help. 14S lSUi street- WANTED1 Competent girl to do general housework, 520 Halsey st., cor East lltb. PLASTERER to figure on work of 7-room house. Marshall 5209. WANTED Woman to work for husband'! room and board. 7 Russell st. W A N T ED Lady 21st. for delicatessen. 112 N. EXPERIENCED girl for cooking and gen eral housework ; good wages. 133 22 d N. ONE first-class dressmaker to take charge J. K. Shop. 423 Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HOTEL cook. $40; chambermaid. wk. ; waitress, country and beach, $35; family cook. $45; second girl, $J0; Italian, French or colored lady. 2 in family, Sumpter, Or.. $30, fare paid ; cafeteria waitress, $S week; 2 waitresses, railroad eating house, $30. Hansen's Employment Office, 34 Washington st. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED. Apply at desk, 7th floor restaurant, be tween 8:30 and :SO A. M. MEIER &. FRANK CO. WANTED High-class lady worker in dress making shop at once; must be capable of taking charge of workroom: good wages to right parties. Address The Hob Nob, 213 Hubbard bldg., or phone Main SSI, Salem. Oregon. WOMAN for stenograpner, bookkeeper and general office work In association. Board, room and $40 per month- K. 2t. ore gonian. LADY musicians for band. Must be experi enced players. Trip of 20 engagements at once with good pay. See W, A- McDou gali, at Graves Music Co. WAN T ED! W ANT ED ! WANTED! 5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 4uu 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary parlors. WANTED Girl for general housework and cooking at the beacn. win return io Portland in September. Address box 23, Gearhart. Or WANTED Competent girl for general housework, must be good cook; to go to Carlton, Or.; wages $;;0 to $o5. Call 1495 Hawthorne ave. Tat or 175t. MaNV of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic .service bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. ao6 Central bldg M. 7667. EXPERIENCED hotel and counter wait resses, $o0. ?40; cooks, nouseKeeper, helper, chambermaid. Howe's Agency, o5 270 Vi Washington. WKLL-EDl'CATED girl about 18 years of age wanted ror oince worn; no expedi ence required ; small salary; permanent position. AG 257. Oregonian. WANTED An undergraduate nurse fur gen. era i i n t v one, with HoHDUai exuerieiico referred. Aonly Nisbeth Sanitarium, B16 Lovejoy st. WANTED Competent girl of 4 for general adults. 7i9 housework; family Kearney. WANTED A woman to work for husband s room and board; small boarcung-noube. 5059. WANTED Girl to do general housework In email family; must be experiences. Appiy 614 Hawthorne ave. EastJi. STRVfir.R a PTTER wanted for relief work AddIv in own handwriting. if to, ore gonian. want Eli Girl for general housework good wages to the rignt partj. o Northrup st., cor. 26th st. WANTED Young girl to assist with gen eral housework. Apply oi . -it i Phone East C06. ST. LOUIS LADIES' AGENCY Cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, . housekeepers, nurses. 288 Main st. Main 21)3!. WANTED Colored maid to look after rest room. Bradshaw Bros., 301 Koyai oiag., Morrison and Broadway. EXPERIENCED infant's nurse. Phone or call Lieut. W. R. Scott, Vancouver car rackp. LADY to work concession at picnic Sunday. Experience not necessary. uarvin, 4th st. WILL give woman home and small wages for care of child. Call afternoon. Minnesota ave. EXPERIENCED girl for general house work ; German or Swedish preferred. 51 Trinity place. WOM.vN for short order work in small home restaurant. Pennington & Co., 103 North Jersey st., St. Johns. GIRL to assist -with general housework; children. 6S6 Lovejoy. WANTED An experienced waitress. Miller's Kosher Restaurant, bo oth st. LADY for cashier. Cabaret Grille, 23 N. 2d st. EXPERIENCED waitress. Union Depot dining-room. Apply at once. EXPERIENCED girl or woman to take care of baby from 1 to 6 P. M. 7 SO Kearney. EXPERIENCED woman to care for home; adults employed daytime. Main 1 Za (. HELP WANTED 3IAXE OR FEMALE. WANTED 1200 hopplckers for well-known hopvards of T. A. l-ivesiey & uo., locaiea as follows: Lake Brook farm, consisting of 1 60 acres in hops ; also Holmes yard, consisting of 200 acres, both near Salem; Independence yard, 50 acres, all located on the Oregon Electric Railway; will have special train for each yard, leaving Portland on or about September 1. with special reduced rates; will furnish free wood, tents, chairs, tables, straw, best spring water, on all ground and a beau tiful camping ground, with all conven iences, such as stores, butcher shop and bakery; will pay 50c per box; yards In excellent condition ; do not wait, as hop nirkra will bf oientiful this year: come early and ma:e arrangements for tickets ana tents, wmcn wiu ue on a.ie on after Monday. August 11, at Dorcas Bros.' office, 602 Worcester bldg, 3d and Oak Ktfl Portland. Phone Marshall 3216. A 1717: office will be open H:30 A, M. until 6:30 P. M. WANTED 600 Hopplckers to register for picking 350 acres hops at Wigrich ' Ranch. Independence, Oregon. About 3 weeks' nicking. All conveniences on camp ground. - Bakery, meat market, grocery store, restaurant, large amusement hall, eood water and wood. Soecial train to and from the ranch direct. For further information aonlv at our Portland office, room 411 Lumber Exchange bldg., 2d and Stark sts. phone Main- 3uu, M. A. McCor kle, City Agent. HOPPICKERS wanted for 160 acres of hops, very fine, clean yard, all accommodations. Grocery and meat market, new camp house and tents; cool spring water piped all through shady grounds ; fare, round trip, 70 cents. Inquire 110 Sherlock bldg.. lia ana oak sts. ir-none yi zjam, a o-uj. HOPPICKERS wanted for the well-known BAGLEY HOP YARD, near Hillsboro; 130 acres hops; fine accommodations and loca tion. For particulars call at 612 Worcester bldg.. 3d and uaK sts., or teiepnone Aiain 2963 or A 4913. WANTED Girls between IS and 25 years old to learn comptometer adding machine; good positions provided when course com pleted, call boi spaiaing. WONDER CLOTH for polishing metals; narentt wanted, r.ltv and country. ChristV. factory representative. 332 Lumber Ex change bldg., Portland, Or. HOPPICKERS WANTED. Yard at Mission Bottom. Call office at 233 2d st. FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teacners. ato Journal oiag. .wain two. HELT WANTED MISC3EIiANKOUS. THE Moler Barber College will teach you the trade Jn 8 weeks; tools free; send for catalogue; 20 years in the business; 37 schooU, a. lifetime scholarship given to each student: special inducements given to ladies. 48 N. 2d St. WIRELESS OPERATORS In constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best .on coast. EMPLOYED Christian man. 25 to 35, to Join me in starting profitable business spare time evenings; splendid opportunity. C 267, Oregonian. GOVERNMENT CLERK-CARRIER. Exam ination Nov. L Parcel post requires clerks, salary $800 to $1200. Free book. Pacific States School. McKay bldg.. Portland. Or. GOVERNMENT jobs open to men, women; $65 to $150 month; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 327 F. Roches ter, N. Y. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPO N D E N C E SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sta Phones: Main 1026, A 412L Also headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity. WANTED Someone to take charge of an apartment-house for rent of own apart ment; references required. Main 4175. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual Instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258 WANTED--Men, IS to 45, to become Port land mail carriers. $65 to $100 month; va cations. AV 217. Oregonian, STENOGRAPHERS to take our rapid drills, any system, for positions; day and even ing classes. 629 Worcester blk. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, 26H 14TH ST. M. 3SW3. EXP. INSTRUCT" N. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn m oney while learning. 613 Rothch ild bldg. KEISTER'S Ladies" Tailoring CoKege and School of Dressmaking, 143 11th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED 100 men and women to learn barber trade m a weeRs; position guaran anteed; modern college; tools free; a trade that you can get in business ror yourseix. Oregon Barber College. 233 Madison st. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, install py stems. Gillingham, auditor. 414 Lewis bidg. Marshall 717. WANTED Position as pay roll clerk timeaeeper, young man 30; 4 years' expe rience. Art -w'f oregonian. WA NTED Permanent position, age SO; 10 vears business experience; can keep books. C E C, 621 E. 24th sU South. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE Bookkeepers and Clerks. WANTED -r- Permanent position by young married man with implement or lumber firm; experienced bookkeeper; wouid ac cept moderate salary; best of references. R. E. Walker, Soa Montgomery su Phone Main 77t5. SITUATION wanted by advertiser. Thor oughly practical and competent book keeper and office man, in or out of town or abroad. Speaks German and French, AI references. Apply O 253. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED snorting goods salesman wants position. J 26. Oregonian. M Wei laneotu. WANTED Position as manager of fur, wool, hide and junk business. Will open a paying business for party wishing to back me T will make eood or no pay at all. Address Royal Hotel, E. Morrison. C. C. Howe. TWO honest, middle-aged German farm hands would like to get work on a farm not far from the city ; job must be steady. Apply at Trauimann Hotel, 2U4 Madison st. WAXTlD Cook house by contract at log ging camp or sawmill by man r.nd wife, aged 3y years; experienced. AE 254. Ore gonian. WANTED Work on ranch by married man aged. 30. thoroughly experienced either with grain, stock or fruit. AE 253. Ore gonian. COMPETENT, experienced circular sawmill man, soDer ana rename, wants position h.s mill foreman or mill, yard and shipping. J 270, Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT (certified , wide "experience, is open to engagement with corporation or firm requiring the services of a capable man. AN 257, Oregonian. JANITOR and wife wants position, janitor. First-class apartment experience, engines, pumps and steam heat, etc. B 248, Ore gonian. YOUNG man desires position driving auto mobile for business firm or private party; has had experience. B 246. Oregonian. WANTED Steady Inside job; iar $75; best references. What have you? Q 54, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4910. Portland Waiters' Club. 148 5th, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. RELIABLE, experienced bartender wishes position; no objection to country. D 267, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS Japanese cook wants position, private family ; good reference. Main 9C61. YOUSG man w ants position with reliable firm; four years' experience general office work; references. Box 154, Linnton, Or. YOUNG man, experienced farmer and dairy man, wants position. John West, R 24. U. S. Hotel, Front and Salmon. LIGHT work of any kind by German; good nurse, cook, baker; consider good home, Bmall pay. L. R., 234 Madison St. A YOUNG Japanese wants a position as waiter or bus boy. from 5:30 afternoon. N 242, Oregonian. WANTED Work by first-class carpenter: also cement work. Phone Tabor 22tf7 or write AG 254, Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter work in the country, by day or contract, by 2 up-to-date car penters wishing country work. K 2tiS, Oregonian. GOOD all-around baker wants steady situa tion ; country preferred. AB 24y, Orego nian. YOUNG man, German, experienced gar dener; also a good auto driver; can give references. L 256. Oregonian. i'OUNG man, reliable chauffeur, wants steaay position In private family. J 259, Oregonian. YOL'NG German, man and wife, wants work on dairy ranch. M 2il, Oregonian. CARPENTER and builder wants work, day or contract. Aaare box bi, woodstocK. POSITION by graduate 1913 law class. Uni versity or Oregon. o iu, oregonian. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographer. STENOGRAPHER, 10 years' experience, will consider position with reliable firm ; best of city references. Phone East 3S84. WANTED First-class young lady stenogra pner ana DOOKKeeper aesires position, au dress Rena Booher, Albany, Or. SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper and stenographer; have had considerable ex perience in Insurance. C 256, Oregonian. Frefiff m a faera. NEABEACK & SCHAARAR, dressmaking, home or, day. 3G7 10th st. Main 39oS. COMPETENT dressmaker wants sewing at "uiiic -Ai-ain bow. l Jiay. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker by day; special on gowns, $:50. Marshall 1029. GOOD practical nurse; .doctors' references; moderate cnarges. Alain tsyaT. PRACTICAL and maternity nurse wishes more cases, rnone xaoor 13. . VERY refined young lady would like a position as housekeeper or companion in or out of city. AD 263, Oregonian. COMPETENT woman wants position as housekeeper in hotel; no triflers. O 264, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED women, day work. Main 239. lng, ironing, cleaning. RESPECTABLE elderly woman wants to keep house for widower. C 253, Oregonian. POSITION as second maid, private family, with good city reference. Phone Mar shall 3561. MARRIED lady wishes chamberwork In small hotel. F 26b, Oregonian. TRAINED nurse wishes more engagements; terms reasonable; some housework. Main 6456. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes good situa tion. East 4S50. MATERNITY nurse wants case; light housework. Main 147. PRACTICAL nurse wishes to take care of lady or child. Main 1912. M i&ce llaneous. BOARD and room wanted by refined young lady in exchange tor light housework ad companionship. Phone Main 6119. Room No. 4. A THOROUGHLY competent lady pianist desires position; experienced in orchestra. vaudeville ana soio worK. AV 20, orego nian. MOTHER and daughter take charge of apartment-house. Address 6916 42d ave. S. E- Phone Tabor 2348. VERY capable woman wishes day work fine laundress or substitute cook. Room IO, Marshall 4648. PIANIST Experienced, playing pictures and vaudeville, restaurant or care. it Zos, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants housework by the day. K.. sabo, yo Kusseii st. WOMAN wants work, any kind, by day or nour. Phone t:ast 4Di4. . ANTED Position as chambermaid 01 camp waitress. Inquire A 268. Oregonian, YOUNG girl desires to assist light house work. Phone Woodlawn 943. LADY wants laundry and housework by the day. Main ;2ol, A oiJ.j. LADY caterer will do all kinds work. Phone Marshall 2504. of party DAY WORK by a competent girl. Mar shall 242. WOMAN., wants day work. Call Wood- lawn 623. WOMAN wants work Thursday and Friday references. Woodlawn 1611. NEAT girl works by the hour, ney, E. 123. Mies Keu WANTED AGENTS. WHY don't you seU the Bethlehem 6-point spark plug? Deal; directly with factory agent and start a nice business of ycur own. Write or call 609 Washington st. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. WANTED To rent by youn counle. with out children, 4 or 5-roora bungalow with sleeping porch; must be modern; state lo cation ana rent, in urei letter. w xia. Oregonian. WANTED To rent about Sept. 1, 5 or 6 room furnished or unfurnished modern cottage; will lease for year or more; with garage preferred. East 3 341. FOR or flve-room cottage, strictly modern, lurnished or unfurnished; give location, rental and phone number. H 207, Oie gonian. ' WANTED Good ihouses to rent. HACKER & THE KKE LS E N CO, 306 Spalding Bldg M. 7592. WE can rent your house for you. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., 306 S p aiding Bldg. M. 759 2 . LIST rour house with HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., 306 Spalding Bldg. M. WANTED 6 or 7-room modern house or bungalow; select district. Main 2296. A pa rtmtnl s. WANTED Small furnished flat with sleep ins porch on East or North East Side. 605 1 E. Morrison. . WANTED By elederly man. comfortable room, a basement room, pay $1.50 week. AC 255, Oregonian, WANTED TO REN T. Rooms With Board. WANTED In South Portland, room w ith board, ise of piano and all home com forts: no other boarders; full particulars. V 257. Orcsonlan. YOUNG couple want good homelike place to board and room, north or east sleeping porch. East Side- State terms. . 665 E. Morrison. BOaRD and room wanted by refined young lady in exchange for light housework and companionship. Phone Main 6119. Room No. 4. RuMnes Places. FURNISHED rooming house. Must be clean, and will be kept clean. F 264. Oregonian. FOR RENT. 1-urnlHbed Koonik. SPECIAL SUMMER RATE Si Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modern; hot and cold water, private baths: Summer rates. :t per week and up; special attention given to tourists; give us a call; you will like it. tor you Kt your money's wortu and then some. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireproof build ing, vacuum (.-leaned, shower baths. wim ming pool, club facilities: special rates at cafeteria and 10o other features. Full par ticulars at business office, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. " THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th. between Morrison and Yamhill Re cently opened; every modern convenience; ptejity of hot water and heat : beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up; with private bath, J5.5 week and up; transient rates, 75c and up. Free phone. Main 426. HOTEL RENWICK Meal nome for busi nesj people: centrally located; elegant rooms; modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Ma in 91 6. BUCKINGHAM HOTEL, 601' Wash., ele gantly located, fireproof, modern. $10 month up. with bath privileges; S.'O month, private bath; dully, weekly rat.-a. iiuTl'L S WON, 151 Eleventh street New. modem brick buiUJing, steam-heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water; comforta. bly furnished; transients sol icited. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences. Gin and Main. THIS LARRABEE, 227 ,i Larrabee Boom?, $2 week up; brick building, steam heat. hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL EDWARDS. Grand ave,. E. Belmonv; rooms $12 mo. and up: $ii2.50 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East .'123. MADRAS HOTEL. 12th and Washington Rooms, week ; private bath, $5 week; corner front suite. S5 week. HOTEL ROWLAND, 207 H 4Th. HOTEL Ml NOOK. 213Va 4th. furnished Koomg In private Family. IN University Park, a clean, cosy, com fortable room, nicely furnished, all con veniences, 2vO feet from car; price $7.00 month. Phona Columbia doo YOUNG man, rooming Y. M. C. A., wants roommate to reduce rooming expenses ; reasonable cost; fireproof building, shower baihs, vacuum cleaned, many club ad vantages; In $500, 0X buiiding. Inquire business office Y. M. C. A., cor. CLh and Taylor sts. FINE room for one or two gentlemen; very desirable ; private family. 171 16t'i su, bet. Yamhill and Morrison. LARGE connecting rooms, well furnished, running water; very close in ; reasonable. 211 12th st. ONE large room, two closets and sleeping porch, also front room. Marshall -i 5 J. 745 Hoyt St. NICELY furnished front room for rent very reasonable. 330 San Rafael St., between cailir.es. PIEDMONT room wltn sleeping porch, suit able for two; also single room; references required. Wood lawn 884. $6 A MONTH on the Mt. Scott line. Tabor 9. NEWLY-PAPERED, large front room, $J.50 per week. 4ua Jefferson. Call evenings. NICE, large room for one or two, $12 per month. 715 Hoyt. FURNISHED rooms, East Side. $6 month; light and bath. 269 Fargo st. U car. FURNISHED room, all modern conveniences. 344 16th st. N., near Washington. 530 DAVIS, dandy room, two men employed, $6.50 month each. Free phone. Si.N GLE front room, 2 week ; bath, phone ; walking distance. 325 12th st. LARGE, pleasant front room, good neigh borhood, waiting distance, t ianaer at. FRONT room, very pleasant sleeping room; moderate. 2U3 ltn St. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished rooms. gas, bath, pantry. 520 Market. private entrance; $iu. UN FURNISHED room for rent, 11th and Columbia, .fhone Marsnan Jooi. Rooms and ooard. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carline, THE HILL, Washington,- at 23d st. Residential and Tourists' HoteL Attractive rates to permanent and tran&ienis. Main 7554. THE VIRGINIA HILL, 14th and Jetferson sts. An exclusive residential hotel; attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Main 92S3, A 662S. KOOMS and board at the Calumet for $37.50 per montn; aoume. wiiu private diu, per month; rooms, European, $15 and up; rates by the day and week. 150 Park aU Main 7300. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms. with excellent table board : very reasonable rates. lltn and Yamhill sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 8S6 Montgomery st., at West Park Mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL. 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel; large sun porch ; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. THE MANITOU, 261 13th st. Excellent table; large, airy rooms; Sum mer rates. J' car at Depot! , PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION; 24th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room. U brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hotel. Special Summer rates; strictly home cook ing. 385 3d st. Phone Main 7084- LARGE, newly furnished room with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds; piano, home comforts. 191 11th. Main 6381. ROOM with board for young women, sew ing, laundry and library privileges; $3 per week. Phone E. 4732. CASA ROSA, 300 Jefferson st. Large, airy, furnished rooms, with eoard. YOUNG men will find good rooms and hom cooking at 554 Couch st. Summer rates. u2 MORRISON board optional -Rooms en suite or single; ; Summer rates. Rooms Witb Beard in Private Family. VERY desirable room, beautifully furnished, suitable for two or more; separate beds, use of piano and home comforts; good boa-d; $2.50 up. Main 63S1. 191 Bt- ROOM AND BOARD. Nice room and board for 2 men, or man and wife; good home cooking. En quire at 619 E. &th st. South. TWO young ladies to room and board, home privileges. Call at S5 N. 17th St., near Everett. WALNUT PARK Modern home. nice rooms, good table, piano. Call Woodlawn 2025. . TWO elegantly furnished rooms in modern home; nice lawn, porches, on carline, rea sonable. C 2906. . WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS residence offers room and board to people desirous 01 exclusive surroundings. Main 5034. PLEASANT single room with board, best of home cooking, home privileges, walking distance, nice neighborhood. Main q-bv. ROOMS for 2 young men. thoroughly mod ern home, all home conveniences., best of cooking. East 4616. . ROOM and board in Southern iamu. nice light rooms, use of piano ; easy walking riiBtJinrf. Phone Marshall o724. ilOAhu and room in a private modern home, rates for two in room. C05 Davis, near 21st, Marshall 3S47 DANDY room and board; everything rood em; only young people In family. Eaat - 6023. COUPLE with own home will give room and board to one or two children, age A to Tel? partlgglar call mornings. C 2994. -ii 2r c-r v Two well furnished, con- ne ctmg roonis; excellent board. M. 2071. TTTTgHT room, porch, near 21st and Wash.; family of two. Marshall o5,H. in uTH Room and board, 3 meals; walk- OOl il " rtr.tVi -Wain CtlflC ing dis'ano: ,,, PI h ASA.NT frnt room, reasonable. Piano. Main 3S12. '! lth st. use of FIRST-CLASS table board, home cooking. walking distance 4SJ0 Taylor. WOMAN with good home wants child to board. O 256, Oregonian. ROOM and board, modern, walking distance. 332 10th. Main 6670. A 2S65.