Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, August 06, 1913, Image 1

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VOL. L.III. NO. 16,442.
Oregon Again Leads in
Laws for Employes
Female Workers Under 18 to
Quit Before 6 P. M.
Ruling Does Not Apply to Domestic
Service Day of 8 Hours and '0
Minutes Is Maximum Em
ploycrs Get One Concession.
It will be unlawful in Oregon to em
ploy a girl under 18 years of age for
more than eight hours and- 20 minutes a
day. or BO hours a week, after Octo
ber 4, 1913.
It will also be unlawful to keep a
girl under 18 employed after 6 P. SI.,
or to pay a girl from 16. to 18 lesn than
II a day, except In the cases of ap
prentices and learners.
Such was the first ruling of the Ore
gon Industrial Welfare Commission.
The Commission was organized last
June under the law enacted by the last
Oregon Legislature, which provides
that the ruling shall take effect 60 days
after Its adoption.
The ruling is the first instance of
compulsory minimum wage legislation
in the United States. Massachusetts
has a minimum wage law, which Is not
compulsory. California and Washington
have minimum wage laws, modeled
after Oregon's, and Wisconsin and Min
nesota now have similar laws, but the
commissioners of these states were
slower in getting into action than the
Oregon Commission.
Penalties Are Provided.
: The law provides that any employer
who shall violate the ruling of the
Commission shall be subject to a fine
of not less than $25, nor more than
$100, or imprisonment In the county
jail for. not less than ten days, nor
more than three months, or both fine
and Imprisonment, for each offense.
The ruling applies to girls employed
in virtually every capacity except that
of domestic service. Jt includes re
tail and wholesale stores, telephone ex
changes, telegraph offices, hotels, . res-
. taurants, laundries and factories.
For the reason that male minors are
employed at such a diversity of work
and under conditions different from
those . under which girls work, the Com
mission did not Include them in its
ruling. After further investigation
the Commission will submit its recom
mendations to another public hearing.
as was done yesterday, and issue a
ruling applying to them.
Two Procedures Differ.
The procedure of the Industrial Wel
fare Commission in regard to minor
workers, or those under IS, differs from
Its dealings with adult workers in that
no conference is called to consider the
case of the minors. The Commission
makes Its own investigations, decides
on its recommendations, submits them
to a public hearing, at which the is
sues 'involved are open for discussion
from all angles, and then renders its
ruling. In dealing with the cases of
adult -women - workers for adult male
workers are not Included in the scope
of the Commission the Commission
calls a. conference, the recommenda
tions of which It may accept or reject,
but -which in their final form it sub
mits to a public hearing before mak
ing its ruling.
The recommendation of the Commis
sion, as submitted yesterday, was for
an eight-hour day. or 48 hours a week
for girl workers under 18.
Employer Asks Concession.
Rev. Father O'Hara. chairman of the
Commission, presided, and when he
asked for expressions from the repre
sentatives of the various industries.1
SV. P. Olds, of Olds, Wortman & King's
, department store, said that a little 1
more than eight hours was needed, and
. asked for eight hours and 15 minutes.
"We employ 800 women', and only 64
niinors. including boys and girls," said
Mr. Olds. "We have tried to arrange
our day's work so that the public will
" be best accommodated during the
luncheon period, and so that the em
ployes may get streetcars for home be
fore the evening rush. We open at
8:30 and close at 5:30, with three-quarters
of an hour for lunch."
Chairman O'Hara asked if Mr. Olds
desired that minors should work eight
and a quarter hours.
"Yes," said Mr. Olds, "and we believe
that in comparison to other lines of
work in which longer hours have been
established manufacturing. with a
nine-hour lay this Is reasonable. Con
ditions are much better in the stores
than they are in the factories, and the
work is less fatiguing."
Six oCIock Rnllna; Kavored.
Mr. Olds said he ha-d no objection to
the recommendation that the girls
should not be employed after 6 o'clock
as the ruling would apply. to all stores.
"This question of having the day long
enough so that we can give our patrons
proper service st noon is one in which
we are most concerned," he said.
Neither had the department stores
any objection to paying girls between
18 and 18 a minimum wage of $1 a day,
vhe said, as that wage Is already paid.
frE. Boenlng. district commercial su-
(.Concluded -Pjt 3.
Vessel Shows Grace and Speed bat
Appears Unable to liaise Stream
When Flames Break.
Portland's new $125,000 fireboat, the
David Campbell, was tried and found
wanting again last night for the third
time within two weeks.
Fire broke out in the plant of the
Western Mantle Works at 28 Front
street at 9:30 last night. Two alarms
were turned in, and the David Camp
bell responded by running up to the
dock in the rear of the building In
which the fire was located, about 175
feet from the waterfront.
The David Campbell remained in this
position a strategic one as long as the
fire did not become general, in which
case she would have been in grave
peril for about 30 minutes, during
which time she was utterly unable to
"raise the vacuum," which Is the tech
nical way of saying that she didn't
throw any water.
However, the Campbell proved her
ability to take care of herself, even
under the most humiliating circum
stances, by gracefully steaming out
into the river after the fire had been
subdued by the engines.
Those who watched the perform
ance last night declare the new fire
boat is in no danger from destruction
from any fire that does not originate
In her own hold.
The fire started last night in the
second story of the two-story, brick
building occupied by the gas mantle
factory. It Is thought from combustion
of acids used in the preparation of
the mantles.
The building occupied by the Good
man Brothers Shoe Company,- 30-32
Front street, caught from the roof
and some damage was done in a gar
ret room. The loss on this building
and its stock, mainly due to the wet
ting, is estimated at about $1000.
The damage to the building occupied
by the Western Mantle Works is about
$700, with an additional loss, of sev
eral hundred dollars on the equipment.
Workers In Engineering and Water
Departments Are Dropped.
Following announcement yesterday
by City Commissioner deck that the
number of employes of the City En
gineering Department Is to be mate
rially reduced, four employes of the
Street Extension ... Department were
notified that they'would bo dropped
from the service within the next few
days. The four are Martin E.-Haus-
mann, Minnie Wohlers and E. I Vin
ton, clerks, and Wilhelmina L. Lind
hard, stenographer.
The cause given for their; removal
Is lack of funds in the department,
shortage of work and a change in the
methods of transacting the business.
Commissioner . Dieck said yesterday
that other changes would be made.
A change in the Water Department
will r.esult in the dismissal of probably
30 employes this morning.
The office force of the Water De
partment now numbers 47. It is said a
plan has been worked out whereby the
number can be reduced to 14.
Business Men's Club Wants City to
Use Space for Fun.
Dancing on the roofs of the docks
which the Dock Commission will con
struct, dancing on a concrete floor
550x200 feet, tand concerts and other
entertainments are some of the things
which the executive committee of the
East Side Business Men's Club pro
poses and which are being urged upon
the Dock Commission and the City
Commissioners. Plans for utilizing tht
roofs of the' docks were outlined -at a
meeting yesterday.
The executive committee of the Busi
ness Men's Club favors dances under
municipal auspices, holding that no
floor is so ideal for proper worship
of the Goddess Terpsichore as a con
crete floor. The roofs are part of the
plans and specifications of the new
nocks, and to date no suggestions other
than this have been put forward for
making use of the space they will oc
It is argued that the river front also
is ideal for band concerts.
Walla Walla Man Leaves $5 to
AYIdow, $10,000 to Keliglous Aid.
WALLA WALLA. Wash., Aug. 6.
(Special.) The will of Campbell Rob
inson, who died last week In Seattle
while on a visit from Walla Walla,
was filed here today.
Ttobinson leaves 10,000 to the First
Baptist Church, $5 each .to his widow
and F. V.. C. D. and Samuel E., three
sons. A life interest In his town home
Is given to another daughter, Lillie M.,
and the rest of the estate goes to
Harry H. Robinson and Myrtle Robin
son, the two youngest children.
Laundry Tank Utilized by Those
Who Prefer Immersion.
LANSING; Kan., Aug. 6. While
scores of their fellows stood about
witnessing the ceremony. 23- convicts
at" the State Prison here were baptized
in the prison laundry Sunday after
noon. Thirteen of the converts were
A week ago. Sunday 10 prisoners
were baptised by sprinkling. Last
Sunday, however, a huge tank in the
laundry was utilised and the converts
were immersed.
No Compromise Will
Be Considered.
Land's Mission as Mediator
Held to Be Gratuitous.
Official High in Mexican Life Says
People Will Resent Interfer
ence Exciting Reception Is
Not Impossible.
MEXICO CITY,. Aug. 5. President
Huerta tonight reiterated the declara
tion of his policy of "hands off" in re
ply to a question as to what would be
his attitude In case an offer of media
tion should be made by the United
States through John Lind, who is com
ing here as the personal representative
of President Wilson, to act as adviser
to the American embassy.
"I have said publicly," President
Huerta declared, "that I will not ac
cept mediation, or intervention of any
kind, because national dignity and
honor do not allow it. .1 have .de
clared also that I will not treat with
the rebels, and much less will I do so
if doing so involves a flagrant viola
tion of our sovereignty.
"All should be joined in the bonds
of peace, rejecting all suggestions of a
violation of a sovereign and insult
that may be offered to our national dig
nity." Huerta Wilt ot Resign.
Personal friends of President Huerta.
who appear to enjoy his confidence,
vigorously assert that he will not con
sider resigning or any compromise
with the rebels. They say they would
regard as gratuitous the sending of a
representative here by ; the United
States with the announcement that he
is intended ultimately to be, Ambassa
dor, but whose primary mission is to
act as mediator. They insist that if
the United States is sincere in its de
sire to restore peace, the most prac
ticable means to this .end would be the
recognition of the Huerta government.
That any suggestion by Mr. Lind or
any' other foreigner that President
Huerta. shall resign in favor of a pro
visional President or that a compro
mise be effected with the rebels would
be regarded as unfriendly interference
and would be resented by the govern
ment, was the comment of one man
high in official life today. He added
that mediation from the outside was
out of the question.
As simply a personal representative
of President Wilson, this man con-
(Concluded on Page 3.1
1... .............. TTT........T.......,i, T , . ............... . . I
The Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, SI
degrees; minimum, 1 degrees.
TODAY'S Fair; westerly winds.
Huerta reiterates his "hands off policy.
Pagre a.
Balkan conference ignores note of Ameri
can State Department. Page 4.
Democrats' more widely split than ever over
currency bill. Page 1. - -Secretary
Houston says United States meat
supply is ao per cent short. Page 2.
Democrats put on full speed In Senate' in
discussion of tariff bill. Page 2.
Letter In lobby hearing pokes fun at Bryan
- simplicity. Page 2-
"" Domestic.
French poetess, on trial for murder of priest,
said, to be notoriety seeker. Page 3.
Maury I. Diggs defeated In effort to obtain
change of venue. Page 1.
Catholic vereln condemns hymn "America"
as un-American. Page 1.
Mrs. Henry Hutt, divorced wife of artist,
to re-enter society. Page 4.
Armed deputies to guard mines at Calumet,
Mich. Pare 3..
Robbers handcuff mail clerks and carry
away registered packages. Page 3.
Prominent New Yorker was in car night of
Hanan jewel - robbery. Page U.
' Sport.
Coast League results: Portland 2, Venice
1; Los Angeles Oakland 1; no Sacramento-San
Francisco game. Page tf.
Northwestern League results: Portland 2,
Spokane 1; Tacoma 4, Vancouver 3 (16
innings);-Victoria 6, Seattle 0. Page 6.
Willie Ritchie to fight Freddie Welsh at
Vancouver, B. C., September 1. Page 6.
West meets East in tennis play at Chicago
today. Page 7-
Rodgers now tatting .571. Page 7.
Pacific Northwest.
Novice counterfeiter Jailed at Albany.
Page 5.
Accused man at Dallas says mother-in-law
accidentally slain by husband. Page 12.
Three new faculty members appointed at
Oregon. Page 5.
Coos County officials welcome inquiry by
Governor. Page 5.
Lawyers predict tangles in state printing
business. Page J, 2.
Commercial and Marine.
American apple crop will be much less than
last year's. Page 17.
Wheat drops at Chicago on estimate of
record yield. Page 17,
Sharp rise In stocks and better demand for
bonds. Page 17.
Man jumps from deck of liner and dies in
rrver. Page 16, :
Portland aad Vicinity.
McMinnvllle enters ranks of fresh-air towns.
Page IS. -Industrial
commission fixes wages and max
imum hours for girls. Page L
Howard Elliott says he will continue to
boost for Northwest. - Page 10.
Jim Casey again in City J all. Page 10.
Auto speeder sentenced to rock pile for five
days. Page 12.
Glrls, home from school, being entertained
by younger set. Page 10.
W. S. Dun i way. State Printer, dies sud-
denlj Page 9.
David Com p be 11 again fails at waterfront
fire. Page 1.
Beefsteak substituted for bearsteak at Press
Club- dinner. Page 12.
Weather report, data and forecast. Page 13.
Leopard, Kseape l-'rom Circus, Kills
Dog and Hides From Fosse.
RED LAKE FALLS, Minn.. Aug. 5. A
leopard, which has been at large since
escaping from a' circus at Crookston
several weeks ago, attacked the two
children of William .Wageman at his
farmhouse' near "here today. The lives
of the children were saved by the fam
ily dog, a Scotch collie, which charged
the" animal, diverting-its attention while
the children escaped Into the house.
After it had killed the dog, the leopard
escaped into a cornfield.
This afternoon, more than 100 citi
zens, including business men and farm
ers, organized to participate In a sys
tematic hunt for the animal.
Trial in Sacramento
Not Permitted
Judge Says Delay of Year
Would Be Result.
Beginning Made In Selection of
Jury to Try Young Man Accused
of Violation or Federal
White Slave Act.
SAN FRANCISCO, Aug. 5. (Special.)
Strenuous attempts on the part of the
defense to have the trial of Maury I.
Diggs. ex-State Architect, accused of
violating the Mann white slave act,
transferred to Sacramento, were frus
trated today when Judge Van Fleet,
sitting in the first division of the
United States District Court, denied
the motion of Attorney Marshall Wood
worth, for the defense, for a change of
Immediately following the denial of
Woodworth's motion, the impanelment
of the jury was begun. Only 27 names
remained out f the 100 summoned on
the regular term venire, all the others
having been excused either for the
whole or a portion of the three months
term. .
When court adjourned at noon the
box was filled with 12 of the 27 men
remaining on the panel, not one of
whom had been passed.
Mfliy Veniremen. Excused.
More than an hour of the morning
session was consumed with the hear
ing of excuses by the veniremen,
scores of whom were excused on ac
count of interference with business,
family Illness, official connection with
the United States Government and other
reasons. .. .. '
After the hearing if excuses.. Attor
ney Woodworth move'.J that the trial
of Diggs be transferred to Sacramento,
reading a lengthy affidavit made by
Diggs in support of his motion.
The affidavit set forth that the de
fendant invoked his constitutional
right to be tried where the alleged of
fense was charged in the indictment to
have- been committed. It said that
Dlgg's home, relatives and friends were
all in Sacramento and that it would ser
iously hinder and embarrass his de
fense to try htm in San Francisco.
Diggs Has 30 Witnesses.
r The affidavit said that Diggs had 2
witnesses in his behalf from Sacra
mento and ten from Reno. He pleaded
inability to pay the cost of transporta-
(Continued on Page 12.)
'Land of Pilgrim's Pride" Said to
Recall Bigotry, Blue Laws and
Witch Burning.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Aug. 5. (Special.)
The German Roman Catholic Cen
tral Vereln today added a resolution
condemning the song "America" as 'un-
American and indorsing the "Star
Spangled Banner" as the National an
them. The resolution was introduced
by Paul Prodoehl, of Baltimore, chair
man of the committee on marking his
torical points, appointed by the Mayor
of that city.
The hymn "America,' " said Mr.
Prodoehl, "Is an imposition on the
American public. Far from embodying
the lofty sentiments that are expressed
n the Declaration of Independence and
in the genius of our Constitution, it is
repugnant to American ideals.
"In the first place, it is sung to the
tune of -God, Save the King,' the Brit
lsh National anthem, a country against
which we fought two wars one for
Independence and the other to main
tain it.
"In the second place. America, the
land of civic and religious liberty, is
identified with the 'Land of the Fir
grims" Pride,' the land of bigotry and
intolerance, of blue laws, witch-burn
ing and persecution. Such a song can
not be regarded as the American Na
tional anthem."
Drouth In Middle West Forces Prices
Down in Kansas City.
KANSAS CITY," Mo., Aug. 5. The in
rush of cattle to the Kansas City stock
yards from dry sections of Nebraska,
Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, which
began in earnest yesterday, when 30,
000 head were unloaded, continued to
day, with the- receipt of 16,000 more
For the two days of this week 46,000
cattle have been received 20,000 more
than Monday and Tuesday of last week
and nearly twice as many as were re
ceived at the Chicago stockyards yes
terday and today. Prices were 15 to
25 cents a hundred lower than yester
day, making a drop of 50 cents to $1.25
a hundred in the last ten days.
Commission men said letters and
telegrams from the stockraising dis
tricts were gloomy and indicated that
unless rain came soon, the flooding of
the local cattle market would be con
Washington Democrat Is Arrested
for Deserting His Family.
SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 5. (Special.)
Louis R. Redford, ' secretary-treasurer
of the Young Men's State Democratic
League of Washington, candidate for
the wardenshlp of the Federal peni
tentiary and for years prominent in
the councils of the Pierce County Dem
ocratic party, was arrested by Deputy
Sheriff John W. Roberts today as a
lazy husband. Bail was fixed at
ine iormai complaint, which was
drawn up by Deputy Prosecuting At
torney Steele, recites that two months
ago Bedford deserted Mrs. Iva Bed
ford, his wife, and four children. Nel
son, 10 years old; Freda, 9; Tennock, 8,
and Beldpn Bedford, 6. .
Mrs. Dorothy Lee, mother of Mrs.
Bedford, ' is named as the prosecuting
Portland Attorney, Wife and Two
Friends Have Xarrow Escape.
EUGENE. Or.. Aug. 5. Attorney
Giltner and wife and two friends, all
of Portland, had a narrow and thrilling
escape in the outskirts of this city to
night, when, in crossing the Southern
Pacific track, their automobile skidded
and came to a standstill, facing an on
coming freight train.
-The occupants leaped from the ma
chine before the train struck the au
tomohile. The machine was carried
more than 100 feet and badly damaged
before the train could be brought to a
None of the party was injured.
Sleeper Dreams on Amid AVreckage
" of Demolished Bed.
LA CROSSE, Wis., Aug. 5. George
R. Barber, well-to-do Mindoro business
man. is a sound sleeper.. Last night
there was a terrific storm at Mindoro,
15 miles above here, and a bolt of
lightning struck the room In which
Barber was sleeping, tearing the plas
ter from the walls and splintering the
bed on which he lay.
The landlady rushed to his room, ex
pecting to find him dead, but found
him sleeping and uninjured. When
awakened he complained of unpleasant
dreams. .
Government Administration Re-Established
In Chin Kiang.
SHANGHAI, Aug. 5. Northern
troops,, under command of General Hsu.
inflicted a severe defeat on the Chin
Kiang garrison yesterday. Terms were
then made with General Hsu for the
re-establishment of the government ad
ministration In the town. Late last
night, finding the northerners occupy
ing positions on the Chin Klatig side
of the ChangtBe River, the garrison
attacked the northerners. Two bun
dred northerners were killed. '
Bill Goes to Caucus in
Face of Protests
Savings and Trust Amendment
to Be Opposed.
While House Members Dispute Over
Provisions, Senators Also Have
- Passage at Arms Over
Proposed Legislation.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 5. The Admin
istration currency bill, still further
amended In important particulars,
emerged from the Democratic confer
ence of the House banking and cur
rency committee today over the pro
tests of Representatives Neely. of Kan
sas; Eagle, of Texas, and Ragsdale, of
South Carolina.
At the end of a lively session, - in
which the Democratic objectors prom
ised to carry their fight to the floor of
the caucus next Monday, the Glass bill
was approved by a vote of 11 to 3.
Earlier In the day President Wilson's
currency programme had come in for
open criticism in the Senate. Senator
Hitchcock, Democratic member of the
currency committee of that body, in a
speech directed against the plan for
currency reform at this session, said
he believed "the mere agitation of the
banking and currency question at this
session has been a mistake."
Party Difference Unsettled.
The differences among Democrats of
the' House committee were not settled
by final action on the bill. Besides the
three who voted against it. Representa
tive Wingo, of. Arkansas, expressly said
that he would fight for amendments to
the measure in the caucus.
"At the last moment and without a.y
prevlou f consideration." said Repre
sentative" Neely in a statement tonight,
"a motion was passed authorizing the
chairman to draft an amendment to the
bill authorizing National banks to or
ganize and operate both savings and
trust departments in conjunction with
the other features of the banks.
"This Is an entirely new provision,
exceedingly radical in the changes
wrought in any considered portion of
the bill, and tends to centralization of
power to a high degree. It certainly
should never have been adopted with
out careful consideration."
Open CaotniH Demanded.
Notice was served on Chairman Glass
today that an attempt would be made
by the opposing Democrats to have the
caucus Monday thrown open to the pub
lic It is understood to be their desire
to bring out open discussion on the
amendments defeated in the commit
tee for the legalizing of corn, wheat
and cotton warehouse . receipts S3 the
basis for circulating notes.
' The savings bank and trust company
agreement proposed by Representative
Bulkeley was adopted by a vote of 10
to 4, and Representative Neely's mo
tion to recommend an open caucus and
Representative Wlngo's amendment to
prohibit interlocking banking direc
torates were defeated by similar votes.
In each of these contests. Represen
tatives Neely, Ragsdale, Eagle and
Wlngo voted against the other Demo
crats. The currency bill probably will not
be passed, on by the Republican mem
bers of the House committee until after
It has gone ' through the Democratic
Hitchcock Denies Benefit.
Senator Hitchcock, in' the course ot
his address in the Senate, said:
"It is utterly out of the question to
use this bill as an emergency measure,
because it will take at least a year of
organization to put it into effect after
its passage. Those who think we can
pass it in one week and that on the
following week the country will have
$500,000,000 of additional currency,
with easy credit, are woefully mis
taken." "Advocates of this bill at- this time
evidently go on the theory that if a
business disturbance is to result from
a passage of the tariff bill it can be
cured by creating a banking disturb
ance to last a year or more."
He suggested that the Vreeland act
to meet emergencies should be
amended, but "that we should not un
dertake to revolutionize our whole
banking and currency system in pell
mell haste, which advocates demand."
Owen Ruled Out of Order.
Senator Owen expressed ' surprise at
Senator Hitchcock's attitude of urging
delay "without giving a single reason
for his course."
"The bill presented," he added, "con
tains no new ideas. Every idea in 1
is as old as. the hills."
He had begun to' speak of the ap
proval of the bill by Professor Charles
J. Muller, of Harvard University,
when, on Senator Hoke Smith's mo
tion, the Vice-President ruled him out
of order.
Democratic leaders were stirred by
the clash. Later, Senator Owen se
cured consent to read a letter from
Professor Charles J. Bullock, of Har
vard, commending the general plan of
the bill, and made a short speech for
Immediate legislation, which Senator
Myers indorsed.