Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 30, 1913, Page 15, Image 15

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TWO 6-room thoroughly modern flats, close
in, west Bide on Johnson su ; newly tint
ed and painted inside ; $30 per month.
Western Oregon Trust Co., 27- Stark st.
Main 837.
$ 1 s- MODERN 6-room, nice residence loca
tion. West Side; front and back yard and
porches; gas and electricity, pas range
and water heater and linoleum. Phone
Marshall 3397.
6-ROOM flat, 7S Gllsan St., near 23d-st.
car; new, modern, convenient; hardwood
floors, fireplace and furnace, select neigh
borhood. Morgan, Fliedner 6c Boyce, 503
Ablngton bids.
NEW 5-room lower flat; fireplace, built-in
bookcase and buffet, Dutch kitchen, hard
wood floors, furnace; best part of Irving
ton, on llalsey at., near loth st. Phone
Enst 332. .
rLKASANT, modern, 4-room upper flat,
$1 ti; linoleum, tinted, porches, basement,
yard, adults. 7S0 Williams ave. Woodlawn
5 rooms and sleeping porch, tiled bath,
fireplace, oak floors, very fine ; adults.
B or I car. 324 E. 14th N. East 2906
5-KOOM modern lower family flat; fire
place, furnace, f rutt, yard ; 30 minutes'
walk Postoifice. 543 5th st. Main Tutsi,
A U5l.
o-ROOM modern 1 iat, sleeping porch, fire
place, furnace, sua range. 2'J5 i E. 2lst
m. Havtlvrne car. Tabor 1 5W7.
Kt'RMSriEl) and unfurnished 4-room flats
$10 to $ 14. 152 Kast 2uth, cor. Belmont.
M i'S. Beckwlth, flat E-"
NEW modern 6-room cor. flat; rent very rea
sonable; reference. Inquire 675 E. Wash
ington, cor. 13th.
UH-TO-XJATE. furnished and unfurnished;
open-air porch ; free phone ; $ 16 and $20 ;
walking distance. Phone Kast 15173.
FLATS, clusn
Inquire ISO ItUh. st.
Furnished Hats.
S-ROOM modern lower family f iat ; fire
place, furnace, fruit, yard; 10 minutes'
walk Postoff ice; unfurnished, 527. 5(, but
would furnish new with le-ase to desirable
tenant at $40 per month. 543 5th at.
Phone Main 7065, A t)5ol.
$20. COMI'LETKLY furnished modern 3
room flat.
$ii5. 5-room new. modern, completely
furnished flat; seeinjr It means renting it.
572 Mill. Main 6447.
$Jl NICELY furnished 4-room flat 6 blocks
Broadway bridge. 446 Rodney ave. Main
514. Owner, 200 Stark.
MODERN 6-room furnished flat, 8 East 12th
north. Marshall 797, A 7131.
FOUR fine furnished rooms; bath, Dutch
kitchen. 481 Chapman, Portland Heights.
THREE and 4-room flats, furnished or un
f nrnished. East 1710. 664 Williams ave.
NICELY furnished 3-room flat, phone, wa
ter and bath; rent $28.50. 230 i& N. 18th.
Distance, $. e. s:no.
MODERN" 4 rooms, good view, near Russell
and Williams. $22.25. East 4702.
fTRNJSH KD flat, complete, $21. phone
Kast 12 10.
Houwckecping Hoomii.
THE BEAVER, 13th and Marshall sts.
-Furnished for housekeeping; gas range,
electria lights, hot water, bath, laundry
free; $12 per month up; a clean placo;
nest In tho city for the money; short dis
tance from Union Depot. Take S or ltith
st. cars north, get off at Marshall. No
HOUSEKEEPING- rooms, single or en suite;
newly furnished; modern dwelling, porches
and lawn; ibest West Side apartment dis
trict ; clean, light rooms; everything in
cluded ; Summer rates. 635 Flanders,
near 20th.
$1.50 TO $2.75 -week; clean, furnished house
keeping rooms, suitable for 2 or 4; free
heat, laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone E.
8030, 406 Vancouver, 103 Stanton. U car.
THE UPSHUR, 40tUi 20th st. Furnished 2
room apts.. steam heat, light; $17 up.
Main 8.i. Take S. 23d or W car north.
KIC1S clean front furnished housekeeping
room, good locution, $3.50 per week. 294
11th st.
X'U HNibHiiD h. k. rooms cheap. Cambridge
bldg.. 3d. cor. Morrison. Phone Main 946.
THE OILMAN. 1st st., cor. Alder Fur
pished housekeeping rooms, $1.50 week up.
JS'EW furnished housekeeping- rooms; heat,
light, baths, $15. 1102V,, Union.
461 EAST MORRISON, cor. East 8th, neatly
furnished housekeeping suites; reasonable.
LEASE for 9 months, new 6-room furnished
Laurel hurst home. Tabor 2950.
tiENEVIEVE. 445 Columbia st7 niceiy fur
nished housekeeping and sleeping rooms.
Housekeeping Rooms in PrivoteVamily
FIRST-CLASS housekeeping rooms ; also
sleeping porch, heat, lights, bath, phone,
large lawn, desirable location, $2.50 to $4
week, rates by month. 23d, W car from
Union Depot; walking distance to city
proper. o i i oucn, corner j ath.
TWO housekeeping suites, one sleeping room,
light, clean and cool; large yard, shade
trees, with light, phone and bath $10,
fio a- oijo j i n l
S-ROOM furnished apartment, porch, clos
ets, bath, gas range, electric lights, yard,
modern residence ; one block car. Phone
B 1149. 734 E. Madison.
ONE or two front rooms, large, light and
airy, in modern home, close in; might
arrange for light housekeeping; references.
B 201. Oregonian.
TWO clean furnished housekeeping rooms,
hot and coid- water, gas range, bath and
use of laundry tubs. 623 E. Ankeny. Phone
East i'949.
TWO nicely furnished downstairs house
keeping rooms, private home, modern, rea
sonable, phono East 2672. 303 E. 11th
and Oav. phone after 2:30 P. M
SEVEN rooms, furnished for housekeep
ing, suitable for two families, cheap.
Woodlawn 3430.
SM ALL sleeping room, also lArge, well fur
nished room with kitchenette. 321 West
LOVELY front parlor! housekeeping $3.25
week ; others, $2.50; basement suite. $2.
292 10th.
NEATLY furnished 3 -roam housekeeping
suite, first floor, large yard, close in.
44 E. 7th, near Oak.
TWO front furnished housekeeping rooms,
gas. electricity, reasonable; walking dis
tance. 555 5th. Marshall 5758
T O very large housekeeping rooms, walk
ing distance; fine view. Call 633 Mont
gomery. Just west of 16th. -
llHREE furnished housekeeping rooms, light,
telephone and bath, near Broadway brtdce
18. 204 1, Mucmillan st.
HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas range phone
and bath; no children. 70 N. 15th, near
BIO. niry front room, gas range, electric
lights. $2.50 week. 421 jg. Morrison.
-4IO SALMON ST. 2 nicely furnished house-
Keeping-rooms, central; all conveniences.
$9 UPPER part 305 K. 11th st.; 4 rooms;
no children. Main 60:iO cr T.-aB oi
468 YAMHILL, cozy two-room suite, com
"fa . gna range; montn
2 FRONT rooms faolnar parks. $18 month.
Free cooking gas.
ls. 402 Park st.
H. K. ROOMS with private family. 690 E.
Burnsida st.
2 furnishe.d housekeeping rooms: bath.
Ink, gas. 651 E. Morrison.
THREE laiao furnished housekeeping roomi
rent $14.50. Apply 54 E. 16th N.
NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 21a
10th, corner Salmon.
2-KOu.M suite, clean, light and well fur
nished. 412 10th st.
TWO large rooms completely furnished for
housekeeping. 214 13 th.
TWO furnished housekeeping rooms. 79
NICELY furnished, modern H. K. rooms,
$l.i 5 per week up; clean. 2G2 14th ut.
LAROE light front room very reasonable
to permanent roomer. Phone East 18.
FLEA-SAN T 2-room suite for adults, close
in ; beautiful yard. 251 Broadway.
354 SALMON Two very deslrabhs cosy
rooms, furnished for housekeeping.
FOR RENT 7-room strictly modern house
with furnrtce. lawn and cement sidewalks
located cor. 21th and Clackamas. For in
formation ca!l Main 3070.
MODERN 7-room house, West Side, furnace,
fireplace, steel range; rent $40. Adults
only. 42t Harrison st. Main 3739.
ROOMS, fireplace, furnace, yard. 693
Everett. In good order. Sheehy Bros.
6-ROOM modern. 283 Larrabee:East Side.
Key at 2SlVa. Phone Main T762.
MODERN 6-room house, 303 11th st., near
Lincoln Hlg ii S c hool. Ma in 2556.
FOR RENT Modern 5-room house. 171 24th
and Oregon North. Phone Woodlawn 1309.
4-ROOM house, 1457 Union aveT opposite
Woodlawn school, on two cariines, JS.
MODERN 8-room house In Walnut Park;
rent $37. 5o. Phone Tabor 3796.
COTTAGE No. 553 Glisan, near 17th st.
North. Key at 89 N. 16th st.
FOR RENT Modern 8-room house. 752 B.
Purnside st.. $ 30. Main 4643. Tabor 1993.
$40 Modern 8-room house, close in! West
ldc. Main 3SV and Mar. 5442.
NEW 7-room bungalow for rent," cheapif
taken before 1st of August. Tabor 3694.
.6-ROOM house. 412 Hall St.; eauv malkin
distance; nwly painted. Pnon East 6263.
MODERN 6-room house, $0 per month.
Phone Woodlawn 1793.
12-ROOM home for residence only, large
grounds, excellent location; west Blue.
6-room modern house, Marshall, near
5-room cottage, 17 W. Jesup st.
223 Stark St.
Main 3!)2.
A 2392.
Beautiful new modern home in the most
select neighborhood and finest residence
nothing more attractive in Portland ; will
p lease the most exacting; garage if de
sired; refined people only, willing to pay
$o0 per month. ill E. 60th St., near
j-eimont. open ror inspection toaay,
Mr. Kante, 18 Henry bldg. Main 8200.
IF YOU want a nice pleasant home place
with sleeping porch, partly furnished,
shades, carpets, piano and some built-in
furniture, call at 167 E. 29th st., near
Belmont and see it .or phone Routledge
Seed & Flo, Co.. after Sunday. Main 5950,
A 3811.
5 ROOMS, modei n. new, on paved street, $20.
O rooms, sightly location, near car, $23.
room, fine district, $30.
7 rooms, next to corner, $23.
" rooms, Rossroere, $:i0.
Tabor 4409.
FOR RENT for not less than one year, new,
handsome 10-room residence in Ri verdale,
overlooking golf links. 200 feet river front
age. Acuress A.J .;;. Oregonian
FOR RENT 7 -room strictly modern house,
with furnace, lawn and cement sidewalks;
located corner 24th and Clackamas. For
information, call Main 3070.
MODERN 6-room house, SOI Cleveland ave.';
gas, electricity, nice yard, block from car;
no dogs or children. Woodlawn 1576.
MODERN 7-room house. West Side; full
basement, furnace with water coil. Phone
Main 43Q7; A 4889.
FOR RENT 6-room house in good con
dition. 206 Whitaker st. Key at 821
Front st.
7-ROOM modern house; fireplace and fur
nace in Suunyside. Call Clemenson Drug
Co.. Front and Morrison.
a ROOMS, strictly modern, nice location. E.
10th. near Alberta. $18. Phone Wood
lawn 107.
DESIRABLE houses and flats for rent, all
parts city.
Main 5129.
306 Spalding bldg.
Main 7592.
FOR RE NT -Furnished or unfurnished, 10
room house; modern conveniences, fine
view, small rent; two business ladles will
rent four rooms if agreeable. A 3824.
10-ROOM house, 537 Montgomery st., walic
ing distance; beautiful view. Phone A
45S9; call for key at 525 Montgomery
FOR RENT Nice 8 -roomed house, 105 N.
1L" "cu r nuuers anu oiisan. j.aii at
-ROOM new, modern bungalow, 442o" 52d
ave. W-W car. Key next door. Phone
Main 8539.
MODERN 5-room hotse, sleeping porch,
nice lawn, roses, etc.; $22.50-. Inquire 435
Fast 7 th. N., corner Tillamook. I
NICE modern cottage, "West Side, walking
distance, $15. Morris, Main 6976, Marshall
4964. .
$18 5 ROOMS, hall, pantry, bath, gas elec
tricity, nice yard, walking distance. 416
San Rafael st. C 2318.
6 -KOOM cottage; gas. bath, etc.; 759 Union
ave. North, near Fremont; $13.
$17.50 NICE 4-room flat, near Washington
High School. Phone East 2409.
332 17TH, 5-room cottage, bath, gas, rea
sonable. Inquire 446 Clay. M. 6255.
Fnrnihei Houses.
FOR RENT Nicely furnished home, E. 28th
and Hoyt sis. ; all modern conveniences ;
located in a nice district, close to fine
car service; price very reasonable. Phone
East 1701.
NEW modern furnished 5-room bungalow
tor $26 a month rent; water, gas, light and
telephone paid; piano, fireplace, paneled
dining-room, built-in kitchen. Call Thurs
day P. M. after 4 or Friday; take Monta
villa car. 291 E. 73d st. North.
NICELY furnished 5-room cottage, with gas,
bath and piano, $30 per month, includ
ing linen, phone, lights and water. 1316
E. Stark st. Phone Tabor 3361 ; adults
only ; references. Mount Tabor car.
FO R -RENT Furnished froom house at
Firland, on Mount Scott carline, $12 a
month. Phone Main 7954. Ask for Air.
Siiearf m.
COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bungalow,
modernt electricity and gas, $25, with
piano; $22 without. 1505 Oneonta St.,
FOR RENT Well furnished 6-room modern
home to responsible party adults. 329 Sac
ramento st.
MODERN furnished cottage, 5 rooms, gas,
electricity; also 3-room apartments, near
S. P. shops. 614 E. 21st; "WR" car.
FURNISHED 10-room house for rent cheap
408-410 Hall st. Apply R. V. Tufford,
408 Spaldmg bldg. Pnone Main 34 4 1 .
WELL-FURNISHED home, Irvington, piano,
rent low, responsible party. B 1449 and
East 1985.
FOR RENT Furnished house, phone Mar
shali 3451
6-ROOM furnished house, East Side, walking
distance. Inquire 521 Ablngton bldg.
4-ROOM furnished house; some garden, Cap
Itol Hill, $14 a month. Marshall 5821.
4-ROOM flat in concrete building' at 20th
and Sandy road $17.50.
FURNITURE 5 rooms, $50; rent $13.
N. 4th.
NICELY furnishsed 5-room cottage. Call
414, College.
Summer Resorts.
Completely furnished cottage with bath
and sleeping porch at an attractive price.
Can give immediate possession
404 Wilcox bldg. Phones M. 8699. A 2653.
I? OR RENT Seaside. 0-room cottage, well
furnished, fine view of ocean, for August
or balance of season. S. S. Sigel, 383 Al
der st. Main 2183, A 4309.
SEASIDE Modern 7-room cottage, fur
nished complete ; electricity, fireplace,
sanitary plumbing, loo-f t. from beach.
East 5074.
NYE BEACH Furnished cottages, $5.25
per week. M. H. Tower, box 126, Newport,
Or. 1
FOR SALE or rent tor August, cabin or tent
ocean view, also cottage. Address G. O..
box 895 Seaside, Or.
5-ROOM cottage on the ridge at Seaview,
completely furnished, August 1 to 15, $25
F. A. Jackson, Main 8429.
LONG B E AC H, 9 -room cot tage, well fur
nished, ocean front, near station.' Apply
clerk Perkins Hotel. Portland.
5-ROOM cottage. Beach Center, North gooa ocean view. .Marshall 5870.
COTTAGES and tents for rent at Millers
5-ROOM cottage on North Beach, till August
SEASIDE cottage, with all modern conven
lences, situated on board walk. Main 2085.
3-ROOM furnished cottage, best part Nye
Creek. Newport, Or.; $75. Main 1240.
FOR RENT The McMahon cottage, Seaside.
Inquire 1178 Williams ave.
GEARHART, furnished housekeeping rooms,
bath, electricity. Marshall 4916, A 4852.
WASHINGTON-ST. store, near 19th, splen
didly fitted for delicatessen, tancy gro
ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels
and apartments ; very reasonable rrt :
SPACE in modern basement, ventilated
and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and
Alder sts.; suitable for cafeteria, printing
shop, etc. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 5tu
Ablngton bldg.
GOOD business opening- at Linn ton, 8 miles
from Portland ; two good stores to rent;
plate glass fronts; low rates to good ten
ants; $12 and $15. Withrop Hammond &
Co., 423 Chamber of Commerce.
STORE, good location, 60S 1st st., suitable
for grocery and market or other pur
poses; has cold storing e room and two rear
rooms; rent reasonable. 324 Worcester
MODERN store. 16x100, with basement;
Washington, near 12th; fine light and ven
tilation; low rent to good tenant. Loe wen
sou, 401 Buchanan bldg.
FOR RENT Stores, Nos. 248 and 250 Haw
thorne ave., east end of bridge. Apply
Hawthorne Dock Co. Phone East 20ti3.
W. H. WEBB, 605 Yeon bldg. Main 4913.
THREE small stores, Broadway and Wii
liams. Inquire mornings.
Office! '
CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison
st., for rent in Tilford bldg., reasonable
terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone
Marshall 518 between 5 and 6.
OFFICE with private phone. 614 Henry
OFFICE space to rent, $10 a month. 309
Railway Exchange. Ford & Co.
DESK room with use of dk if desired.
603 Board of Trade. Main 0634, A 5070,
Broadway and Morrison.
Portland's prominent thoroughfares;
new modern office, th latest in modern
construction. 1
ROLL-TOP desk, reception-room, phones;
elegantly furnished, $6 per month. 723
Chamber of Commerce bldg.
TO LEASE Oxford Hotel, corner Sixth and
Oak ets. Wilder Bros., Commonwealth
v Manufacturing goods which are in gen
eral demand is a profitable business; if
you can put in your time, either in the
factory or on the road as a salesman, or
as city salesman, and can invest from
$150O to $3000, call to see us at once; we
can place you in a highly profitable busi
ness in an incorporated company wnich
can show you the goods, the outlet and
results; your money to be used in enlarg
ing the output to supply the demand.
O. O. R. ELLIS & CO.,
309 Board of Trade.
Price cut to a ridiculous figure; this
dandy restaurant would be cheap at $1000;
it has a fine location on West Side and
is doing a great business: the fixtures
are strictly first-class; best place in its
vicinity; owner says sell today, and we
will sell it to the first applicant who has
1600 in money. This Is THE BIG JULY
SNAP. (C2b2 618 Yeon bidg.
Here is a great place for someone; doing
about $18 per day cash business now anu
much more in the Winter; $35 rent in
cludes $:t0O0 worth of fixtures, 1 pool and
1 billiard table; stock will invoice about
$14oo; established 3 years ; in one of the
very best little towns near Portland; take
it for what the stock invoices. (C337
618 Yeon bldg.
A good two-story building, located on
a 50x100 lot. in eood railroad town in
Clark County, Washington, with a stock
ot confectionery, ciirars. etc.. 1 nnni ia
bles, good showcases and fixtures, close to
oepot; this would make a good invest
raent for anyone; price $2100. (C341)
ojo 1 eon oiag.
OLD established music business conducted
on successful plans; bst opportunity in
Northwest; 15.000 neoole adiacent: no com
petition except side lines; $4o00 takes the
business exclusive or pianos, lease and
accounts; reasons satisfactory for selling;
good opportunity for young man with
some o us 111 ess experience. A V 247, Ore
One of the very best locations on the
main north and south thoroughfare. East
Side; doin? better than $100 per day
business; automobile delivery, good stock
ana xixtures; price $40UO: will accept un
incumbered real estate in part payment.
iwj x eon utog.
First-class COlintrv hntel rtnnv nnnd
business, including stora and ranch of 145
acre, on road from Portland to Nehalem
Valley, Astoria and Seaside; hotel fully
equipped for Summer tourists; alpo Btage
line from Nehalem Valley to Astoria; no
snis. AaareEs ja Jameson, Jewell, or.
WANT good, energetic man with $500 or
more to invest, and services. In Seattle,
Spokane. Walia Walla, Boise ' and other
territories ; business under you own super
vision. If you are looking for something
better, this ought to appeal to you. Man-
utacturers" Agent, 617 Henry bidg.
AUTOMOBILE school, with high-grade ex
pert teachers. Complete $10,000 equip
ment to tram ior tnis coming vocation.
Not run to make money, but for the good
of men. See or write hudl rf th AU-the-
Year-Round Y. M. C. A. Day and Night
pcnoois, corner oin ana xayior sts.
A fine little place on the East Side,
doing around $15 cash per day business;
low rent, good location; a splendid place
for a lady or man with $355 in money:
you can't go wrong in buying this; no
iraae. .u.3 eis Yeon bldg.
Sell or trade for a 43-room house; steam
heat; electricity and gas; on carline In
district having $60,000 a month payroll;
failing health compels me to sacrifice this.
O 233, Oregon ian.
OPENING for experienced man with $10,000
"r more to invest in operating factory ;
the only one of the kind in ihe North
west; unlimited tfleld for development
with attractive margin of profit. AM
252, Oregonian.
Before closing deal for so-called inter
est in established real estate business, get
auvice ot .rortiana Realty Board.
F. L. PURSE, Secretary.
818 Chamber of Commerce.
HORSESHOEING SHOP, doing $400 month.
8O0 lbs. nails, good stock shoes, tools,
electric and hand blowers ; shop expense
$20 month; $150 buys my half interest;
going to leave city; fire job. C ZZ. Nolen,
474 Davis st.
$300 cash will put you In possession of
a gooa little restaurant, doing up to $10
per day business; very well equipped; one
living room included in rent of $25. Look
this tip (C311. 618 Yeon bldg.
SMALL high, class ladies' tailoring business
for sale on account of health, far below
value for quick sale ; orders now on
hand. AS 227, Oregonian.
OPPORTUNITY for energetic man in a
solid store; prefer man used to farm
produce; will pay you $125 month. Call
319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
PARTNER wanted to tend office, checK
wood, etc. ; will pay $100 month salary ;
also large profits. Particulars 319 Lumber
Exchange, 2d and Stark.
FIRST-CLASS cleaning and pressing busi
ness wants a partner that is satisfied
with $25 week on a small investment. 323
Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark sts.
WEST SIDE restaurant at a great bargain;
has good trade and fine location; price
is very low for the business. Call 248 lA
Stark st.
CLEANING and pressing shop in town of
18,000 population, doing fine business,
will sacrifice if taken at once. AM 249,
WANTED To meet man with ability to
take active part in affairs of corporation,
selling and purchasing. Alco Apt., 204.
FOR SALE Dairy lunch and coffee house,
on account ill health. 126 North Broad
way. FIVE-CHAIR barber shop for sale; best
in the city; rent $40; must leave the
city. K 253. Oregonian.
INVESTORS Building & Trust Company's
stock for sale at discount, AO 250, Ore
gonlan. FOR SALE Good, clean stock of groceries
and fixtures; will Invoice, liberal discount
for cash. Phone Tabor 981 or B 1676.
DOCTOR wants good location; capable or
doing surgery and is also a licensed drug
gist. AC 78, Oregonian,
BARBER shop for sale, 3 chairs, baths
cool lease. Address box 295, Tillamook,
I HAVE a market to sell; rood location:
your own price at your own terms Frank
L. Smith, 228 Alder.
PARTNER wanted for old-established of
fice business; rare opportunity; small
amouui reqmreo. 01 1 mmuer exchange.
POOL, cigar and confectionery store; leav
ing town; reasonable. Call 305 E. Afrr-i-i-
EMPLOYMENT agency wants reliable part
ner; will pay active man $200 month. Par
ticulars 2 48 H Stark st.
$125 Paying restaurant; steady trade. Cot
tag Kestaurant, at Lents, on Mt. Scott
GROCERY and confectionery for $1250, with
all fixtures and furniture for family;
worth $3000. Call $03 Lumber Exchange.
BXR SALE Fine business with two green -houses,
30x100, Just completed; $3000. As
toria Florist, Astoria. Q r.
FOR SALE Pool and bill lard hall; good
location; reasonable. Address owner, C.
P. Leonard, J acksonville. Or,
SALE or trade small restaurant, good loca
tion, suitable for man and wife. Write
owner, AT 252, Oregonian.
RESTAURANT man. If you are looking for
a good bargain, call Main 4771.
NICE new restaurant; owner leaving city
muat sell. 391 E. Morrison. East 2453. '
MOVING picture show for sale. Inquire CI
Broadway st.. Mr. Brown.
RESTAURANT ftr sale, good location 213
4th st.
CIGAR, fruit, candy, ice cream store: long
lease, cheap rent. 203 First st-
HALF interest in a good paying restaurant
cook preferred. Owner. A R 251. Oregonian!
DRUG STORE Part cash, balance trade or
CLEANING and pressing shop, established -
LUNCHROOM for sale; a snap, bee owner
at I6ia 6th st. North.
PROFITABLE business for actie man with
$150 to $500. Woodworth. 61T Henry fcldg.
RESTAURANT Nice place, good town, fine
trad e, $ 3 50. Gresham Grill, Gresham, Or.
RESTAUR ANT for sale, cheap, or rent; com
pletely furnished. 80 N. 6th st.
401-402-403 WILCOX BLDG.,
CASH GROCERY. $1000; receipts $15 to
to $20 per day; owner of this place owns
the building and has lots of other property
in this locality; hasn't time to give store
"yper aucmion; receipts can be aouDiea;
cieaneai utue store in the city.
CONFE CVTl?Tv RRT. sTunn n in
eludes 3 living rooms; receipts $13 to $20
on sunuay -iu to irt; nanaies ice
cream, cigars, tobacco. liorht groceries,
etc.; good location and worth the money.
iuuo, west side, chean rent: -4 fine uv
iug-rooms; receipts $30 to $40 day, Sun
day $6Q to $70; all cash trade.
CASH GROCERY, $1300: rent $22; re
ceipts $20 to $25 per day; will invoice
ii)OU; fine clean place.
24 rooms, large room used as pool room
and confectionery; mill and factory dis-
iuci; clearing ou to $aw every montn,
FUEL BUSINESS, $400i; handles coal
wood and ice; receipts $30,000 to $35,000
per year; t line norses, 1 gooa wagons,
office fixtures, etc. ; one of the oldest es
tablished places In city; will consider ex
change for clear city property or close
in acreage.
RESTAURANT, $4000; receipts average
nu per flay; reasonaoie rent, central lo
cation; cost $9o0O to install fixtures, all
in fine shape; we would like to talk to
some good restaurant man on this: we
have the very best reason for selling this
$500 BUYS one-half Interest in Hf-nn lit
tie jewelry and novelty store, clearing the
owner $50 per week, and will do better
with more help.
BARBER SHOP, $5O0; has three chairs,
two steady; busy location, cheap rent ;
receipts average $00 per wook; good bar-
uer can aouoie nis wages nere.
FUEL BUSINESS, old established, worth
$1000; owner called away at once; best
offer takes it; get busy, bargain hunters.
401-402-403 Wrilcox bldg.
One of the very best hardware stores
in tue rsorthwest ; location, good town
and very best farming and fruit district;
stock invoices from $10,000- to $12,000;
S33.O0O business yearly; $5000 to $7000 will
handle same. If you want something
gooa, write me. d. a. Masters, J olden
dale, Wash.
W"e have a f lrst-class confectionery.
cigars and newsstand that is doing a good.
profitable business every day; well
stocked, good f ivtures, including furniture
of 5 rooms, close-in location; will sell
for $3000 or trade for house and lot or
small iu.rm close in or about same value.
o47 18 Yeon bldg.
A good paying garage, with low rent
and best of location ; good for $ 150 to
$200 per month net; owner's health does
not permit mm to run it; will take $ooo
it sold at once; will take automobile for
all or part if In good condition and worth
the money. AO 253, Oregonian.
MEN or women, invest $1000 or more with
our services ana we will place you in a
DORition tvhffrA Villi U l molra t-i- nra than
$250 per month, and you will have entire
charge of the investment; if you are alive
and looking for something good, call at
no lcwis mug., 4tn and oak.
WANT good energetic man with $5o0 or
more to invest and services, in Seattle,
Spokane, Walla Walla, Boise and other
territories; business under your own super
vision. If you are looking for something
oeuer, xnis ougnt to appeal to you. Man
ufacturers' Agent. 617 Henry bldg.
W ANTED A man to do collecting for a
responsible, firm; must take a small in
vestment as good faith, as you will handle
consiueraoie money; 1 need a good man
more than his money. 33 Lumber Ex-
cnange, l'q ana stark sts.
LAWYER, representing best commercial
agencies, will sell practice, with neces
sary up-to-date working library and of
fice furniture, in one of best growing
towns in Oregon, for cash. Address AV
od, oregonian.
WILLOW RIVER British Columbia's new
iown or importance on Grand Trunk Pa
cific. For free information write today,
Pacific Land & Townsites Co., 33 Rich
ard street, Vancouver, B. C Agents
Seats 200: eood Edison machln
located on East Side; this is a good lit
tle house and is priced right for quick
sale; price $140o; wiil make good terms
to ngiii p;trty. tuzj oi xeon Dldg.
POOL ROOM, 5 tables, card tables, fixtures
for cigars, tobacco, candies and drinks;
$1800, no trades; business will net 100 per
cent annually; dull season about over;
' buy now. W. C. Kahle. Forest Grove, Or.
FIRE INSURANCE business for sale; large
company; prefers connection with already
established agency; good volume and high
quality business on books. AT 241, Ore
gonian. BIG opportunity for right man with $3000
to $5000 to take Interest in profitable,
legitimate business enterprise, with or
without services. Address AJ 236. Ore
gonian. FOR SALE A No. 1 harness and shoe re
pair shop; more work than one man can
do; reason for selling, old age and
bronchial trouble; compelled to change
climate. Write P. J-Davis, Sutherlin. Or.
EMPLOYMENT business wants a partner to
uiuers mr men ana nandie the cash;
ia now paying daily over all ex
penses. 323 Lumber Exchange, 2d and
omra: sts.
$iO0 Managing partner in manufacturing
. business; Al references required and given
Salary weekly and half profits; must work
9 hours daily; good chance for an honest
worker. 421 Ablngton bldg.
desires competent man to take practice
anu amaii block, a rugs in growing town
and wealthy community. Address Box
12, Umatilla,
F you are interested un a first-class
suburban proposition at a point which
will be the terminals of the Milwaukee
and where water and rail will meet, call
for H. J. Harper, Perkins Hotel.
HIGH-CLASS restaurant; 6ne of the best
located and oldest in city; seats 140; will
stand strictest investigation; $4000; $2500
cash. . 311 Lumber Exchange.
COFFEE and lunch business; owner wants
Hieaay partner; experience not neces
sary; good pay and only $225 required.
319 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
FOR SALE Ladies tailoring establishment,
fully equipped; good town; no stock on
hand; yrlce $200. Care of AV 248, Ore
gonian. HAVE an opening in one of the best small
-businesses in town; only $225 for half;
good for $20 or better per week. Call
2481a Stark st. .
CONFECTIONERY, light groceries, all cash
trade; has 3 living rooms, rent $3 month;
will be just right for man and wife. Call
2486 Stark st.
The only butcher shop in town for sale
cheap; come and see me; write or phone.
Mosier Meat Market.
PARTNER wanted for a solid employment
tuxice duties are easily learned; will
guarantee energetic man $200 month. Call
319 Lumiber Exchange, 2d and Stark.
FOR sale or trade, good restaurant In pros
perous town, also one black Percheron
stallion, by owner. Addresa AV 126, Orfa
gonlan. MILLINERY store must be sold at a ""sac
rifice within the next 6 days; invoice
about $1000; price $550. See J. F. Gll
more, 1133 Jersey St., St. Johns.
CLEANING and dyeing establishment, doing
good business; fine location; for sale rea
sonable; owner going East. A 256. Ore
gonian. DELICATESSEN and grocery; we can say
this place is clearing $275 a month; trial
given before imvestins. See It. 303 Lum
ber Exchange.
LIST your business with us. We have more
applications for business chances and part
nerships than what we have listud. 311
Lumber Exchange.
RETAIL milk route, horse, wagon, cans;
bottles, etc.; net profit $125 above alt
expenses; fine district, excellent class of
customers. Owner, Tabor 22.
SAWMILL, In splendid running order, fully
equipped; for a man who understands the
business this is a splendid opportunity ;
$100 cash. 311 Lumber Exc h an ge.
HAVE patent for most essential sanitary
table utensil ever devised; Canadian and
foreign rights for sale. AT 254, Ore
gonian. FOR SALE Baltimore Restaurant, 821
Main st., Vancouver, Wash., well furnished
w ill sell cheap on account of sickness.
Inquire next door.
$3000 STOCK of general merchandise for
sale; located in a live town; must be cash
deal; best of reason for selling. Address
AV 1o7, Oregonian.
DAIRY lunch, doing $16 to $18 a day; two
can run it; cheap rent; $300. S 226. Ore
gonian. HARDWARE and furniture store doing a
good business; price $1100, rent $25; a
good buy at this price. 303 Lumber Ex
change. WHOLESALE commission house, low rent,
fitted complete; good line of shippers, easy
payments. F 235. Oregonian.
FOR SALE Confectionery. Ice cream and
shelf groceries. $500 if taken this week.
Fhone Tabor 4723.
BARBER shop for sale; l chair, bath, $100;
chance for good barber. Phone Tabor 2312.
BAKERY and grocery' for sale. 581 Savier!
'street. J
r -
WANT a second-hand bowling alley. Phone
Marshall 2710.
WANTED From owner about 21 or 22
light housekeeping rooms; must be good,
cheap and modern, in a first-class loca
tion; state In letter whero place is; also
give phone number. Address M 259, Ore
gonian. 11-ROOM modern house for sale; rooms full
of good tenants: small cash payment, bal
ance trade. Call 473 Main. Phone Mar
shall 5305.
ORCHARD1ST wants to buy jam and jelly
making outfit and evaporating plant,
new or used. AF 252, Oregonian.
WILL buy small fruit and vegetable ran
tiery: must be well located. AG 251, Ore
21 ROOMS, housekeeping, clears $100 per
month, besides elegant home; nicely fur
nished, modern dwelling, lawn and
porches; cheap, easy terms. Owner, 605
37 ROOMS, new, corner brick, modern,
clearing. $150 per month; price $1500;
terms. 3ul Henry bldg.
12 ROOMS, center West Side, good furni
ture; rent only $30; $200 will handle. 301
Henry bldg.
16 ROOMS, good furniture, center West
Side, moneymaker; $300; $125 cash. 3ul
Henry bldg.
THE following is a list of articles found on
the cars of the Portland Railway. Light &
Power Company and turned in at the dif
ferent division points. Owners may secure
same by applying at barns as indicated.
Ankeny barn, July 27, 1913, A 13V: 1
mouth harp, 1 lady's purse, 1 suit, 1 key,
1 basket, 1 fish rod.
Piedmont" barn, phone A 6131: 2" pair
gloves, 1 bottle medicine, 1 knapsack, 1
Sellwood division, July 27. 1913: 1 small
basket, 1 sweater, 1 bundle laundry, 1
lady's coat.
Savier carhouse, phone A 6131: 1 box
mdse.. 1 breastpin. 1 watch fob, 2 chip
baskets. 2 umbrellas.
THE following articles have been found
and turned in at the Union Depot; Found
in main waiting-room. Union Depot, cam
era tripod ; found in main waiting-room.
Union Depot, one raincoat; found on N. P.
train No. 313, July 26. man's overcoat;
found on O.-W. R. & N. train No. 301,
July 27 woman's umbrella; found in main
waiting-room. Union Depot, man's over
coat. STOLEN from Grand -ave. stables yesterday
a sorrel driving horse, brand '101" on
neck under the mane; an open black
bugg-y, red running-gear, tan back and tan
seat; suitable reward for arrest of party.
Notify W. J. Sullivan, 20 Grand ave.
LOST In lavatory of Olds A'Kins's store,
Tuesday P. M., silver mesh purse con
taining two $20 gold pieces, one 5 and 3
silver dollars; owner badly in nee.d of
same, offers reward for return. 110 21st N.
Marshall 4157.
LOST A thin brown leather gold-mounted
cardcase, containing cards with owner's
name. John Clark Burgard,- 273 Oak st.,
Portland, Or. Return same and receive
STRAYED 6 ewes and 1 buck sheep;
finder please notify J. T. Stampher,
Oswt go. Or., or phone Main 5440 and
A 4S8L Reward.
IF THE boy who took the bicycle out of
the basement at Wellesley Court returns
the same immediately, no questions will
be asked.
LOST A gold open-faced watch and fob,
with initial M" on back and initials
M. S." fob. Finder please address AN
250. Oregonian. Reward.
LOST 4 rings, Holtz store lavatory, July
19; return to manager or owner. Mrs. A.
H. Laird. 153 13th. A 5192. Reward.
LOST Lady's breast pin, lovers knot with
diamond In center. Return to Imperial
Barber Shop; reward.
LOST July 20 suit box with man's brown
suit, between Washington, Morrison, 2d
and 3d. Reward. Marshall 3148.
LOST A black silk purse, containing gun
metal watch. Liberal reward if returned
to Phone Main 3598 or A 7734.
GOLD bracelet; initials. J. O. pTj reward.
Phone E. 4354 or 575 Vancouver ave.
LOST Gold K. P. charm and fob buckle.
Call Lee Odgers, 306 Oak st. Reward.
Proposals Invited.
LN the District Court of the United States
for the District of Oregon. In the mat
ter of J. F. Hendrick, bankrupt. Adver
tisemnt of sale. I will receive sealed
bids for a s'tock of merchandise, consist
ing of groceries, hardware, drugs, shoes,
dry goods, etc., situated at Cascade Locks,
Oregon. of the Inventoried value of
$3178.37, fixtures pertaining to the same
of the inventoried value of $506.25, one
store building and two frame warehouses
of the value of $300. up to and until 12
o'clock noon on Tuesday. August 5. 1913.
said property being formerly the property
of J. P Hendrick. Certified check-for 10
per cent of the amount offered must ac
company each bid. Sale subject to the
approval of the court. Inventory of the
property may be seen at my office and
also at Cascade Locks, Oregon, where the
property may be Inspected. R. L. Sabin,
7 First St.. Portland, Oregon. Dated at
Portland, Oregon, this 2jth day of July
ON August 15, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon, the
undersigned will receive bids for and sell
J at auction all of the properties belonging
to the Newberg Brick & Tile Company
at Newberg, Or. Bids will be received
at the plant of said company. Bidders
must satisfy themselves before bidding
with reference to titles, etc., and the suc
cessful bidder shall be required to deposit
with the undersigned a certified check
for approximately 10 per cent of the
amount bid, the same to be forfeited in
case he shall fall to complete the pur
chase. The acceptance of such bid and
transfer of property covered by same
shall be subject to the approval of the
court. Prospective bidders may secure
description of the properties included in
the above by addressing the undersigned
at S04 Oregonian building, Portland, Or.
j. jvi. Amoroso, receiver.
SEALED bids received at the office
of the undersigned, 402 Tilford bldg., Port
land, Or., until 12 M., August 0, 1913. for
house and outbuildings situated on lots 1
and 2, block 67, Sellwood, adjoining the
Sellwood school, which house bears the
number of 634 Umatilla ave. Sale will
be for cash. Certified check for 10 per
cent of the amount of each bid, payable
to R. H. Thomas, School Clerk, must ac
company each proposal.
Certified check of successful bidder will
be returned as soon as building has been
removed and the debris cleared away.
Certified checks of all unsuccessful bid
ders will be returned as soon as award
has been made. Board of Directors re
serves the right to reject any and all bids.
Dated Portland, Or., July 25, 1913
R. H. THOMAS. School Clerk.
SEALED proposals will he received at the
office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford
building, until 12 M. Wednesday, August
i. 1913, for the wrecking of the five
houses and outbuildings on the north one
half of block 188, City of Portland, bound
ed toy th and 7th and Market and Mill
streets. Specifications may be obtained
at the office of F. A. Naramore, Supt, of
Properties, 408 Tilford building. A deposit
of $1 will be required for specifications.
Board of directors reserves the right to
reject any and all proposals. Certified
check for $200, payable to R H. Thomas.
School Clerk., must accompany each pro
posal. R, H. .THOMAS, School Clerk.
Dated. July 29, 1913.
SEALED proposals will be received at the
office of the undersigned, 402 Tilford
building, until 12 M. Friday, August 1,
1913, for vacuum cleaner for the Wash
ington High School building. Specifica
tions may be obtained at the office of F.
A. Naramore, Supt, of Properties, 408
Tilford building. A deposit of $1 is re-
quired for specifications.
Certified check for $100, payable to R.
H. Thomas, school clerk, must accompany
each proposal. Board of Directors re
serves the right to reject any and all
R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk.
Dated July 28. 1913.
SEALED bids for the construction of sewers
in the Town of Cathlamet. Wash., will
be received by the Town Council up to
the faourt of 8 o'clock P. M-, August 11,
1913. Bids must specify the completion
of the sewers In accordance with plans
and specifications on file in the office
of the Town Clerk. The Town Council
expressly reserves the right to reject any
and all bids. City of Cathlamet.
W. W. Head, " Town Clerk, Cathlamet,
Date of first publication July 30, 1913
Date of last publication August 2 1918
termaster's office, 1086 North Point st ,
San Francisco, Cal., July 26, 1913. Sealed
proposals, in triplicate, will be received
- here until 10 o'clock A, M., August 11.
1913, for furnishing at this depot or f
o. b. cars, Portland, Oregon, 681 bed
steads and 704 mattresses. Information
on application. Jno. T. Knight, Depot
THE Booth-Kelly Lumber. Co. will accept
propositions, at their office In Eugene, for
the construction of approximated- five
miles of logging railroad grade near Wend
ling. Lane County. Approximate amount of
excavation, 65,00 yards. Bids will be
closed August 10. Profile and specifica
tions cow ready.
U. S.'" ENGINEER OFFICE. 723 Central bldg!
Los Angeles, Cal.. July 29. 1913. Sealed
proposals for dredging at San Diego Har
bor, Cal., will be received here until 11
A. M. August S9. 1913, and then publicly
opened. Information on application. C. H.
MdklnstrA. vucineera. .
Proposal Invited.
Dallas City, Oregon, hereby calls for olds
for the bonds of the city in the sum of
$1 2.0UO, consisting of ia bonds of, one
thousand dollars (.$1000) each.
These bonds bear date of J uly 1, 1913.
and will bear interest at the rate of 5
per cent per annum, payable semi-annually,
principal and interest payable in
United Stat s gold coin at the fiscal
agency of the State of Oregon, In the
City and State of New York, and will ma
ture on the first day of July, 1933.
A com plete certiiied transcript of all
proceedings on the part of the Council of
ralles City in reference to the issuance
and sale of said bonds may be seen upon
application to the Recorder of Dalles
City. A copy of said transcript has been
forwarded to Story, Thomdike, Palmer At.
Dodge, 735 Exchange building, Boston,
Mass., who have been employed by Dalles
City to render their opinions as to the
regularity of all proceedings on the part
of the city on the issuance of these bonds,
and as to the validity and legality of the
bonds, and the city's power to levy and
collect sufficient taxes to pay the prin
cipal and interest thereof at maturity.
and as to whether there ls any local law or
regulation ot taxation and exemption
within Dalles City or the county in which
said city is situated which affects or
impairs the city's right to levy a suf
ficient tax. for the payment of the prin
cipal and interest of said bonds at ma
turity. All bids may be subject to the uncon
ditional and unqualified opinion of said
attorneys upon all matters submitted to
mem. and no bidder will be held bound
by his bid unless and until said attor
neys have rendered their unqualified and
unconditional opinion in favor of the
regularity, validity and legality of said
bonds, and as to all other matters submit-
iea to them as above mentioned. In all
other respects the bids must be uncon
ditional. The bonds will be furnished by Dalles
City and will be prepared under the
supervision and direction of the said at
torneys and approved by them as to their
forms, regularity and validity.
Each bid must be accompanied by a
certified check for not less than 5 per
cent of the amount of the bid to be for
feited to Dalles City In the event that
saia bid is accepted and the bidder sha
refuse to complete the purchase of the
All bids must he sealed and filed with
the Recorder of Dalles City on or before
1913 noon, the iioth day of August,
The city reserves the right to reject
mi y una ail diuh.
Further particulars will be furnished
upon request.
Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 22d
uay or juiy, J.U13.
Recorder of Dalles City.
SEALED proposals will be received at th"
oflice of the undersigned, 40 Tilford
buildtnc. until 12 M. Wednesday- AneiiBf
6. 1913, fur stand pipes, hose and reel
ror various schools in School District No.
1. Plans and specifications may be ob
tained at the office of F. A. Naramore
Supt. of Properties, 40S Tilford building
A deposit of 2 is reouired for stp.eit'i ra
tions and plans. Certified check for 10
per cent of the amount of tho proposal,
payable to R. H. Thomas. School Clerk
must accompany each proposal. Board of
Directors reserves the right to reject an
and all proposals.
R. H. THOMAS, School Clerk.
Dated, July 29, 1913.
THE undersigned will not be responsible for
any bills contracted in the name of the
Portland Sanitary Floor Co., unless or
dered over his signature,
1 WILL not be responsible for any debts
contracted ny my wite, Laura Sprague.
a. jh. E-prague.
I WILL not be responsible for any debts
uoniracieu oy my wnc, Airs, v . 1. weene.
ttigneaj. h. ukeenk.
I HEREBY give notice that I will not
De responsible for bills that my wife In
curs. Joe Katzdobler.
AFTER July 21 will not pay any Mrs. N.
aj. x u i fi a uiiia. Iranian m-i. rurgtr.
$50,000 FIRST mortgage notes for sale
amounts $250. $500 and $1000; Interest 8
per cent, semi-annuaiiy. .Notes issued by
ana are direct ooiigation or one of Port
laud's moat repsonsible business men: se
curity. first mortgage on property ap
praised at $170,000; an absolutely high-
grade investment. For particulars address
Connecticut Mortgage Company, 600 Wil
cox bldg.
WE furnish the money at a low rate of
interest and save you moro than the brok
erase of 2 per cent if we do the ulannini
and building for you. It will pay you to
ee us. l-.. ti. cauey io., ins., Ablngton.
CASH paid for good first or second mort
gages on real estate or sellers' interest in
contracts or sate. ii. E. oble, 31tt Lum
bermens bldg.
FIRST and second mortgages and building
coniracis oougui. i. ii. Miller, 410 Ab
ington bide.
MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort
gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased.
F. II. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg.
LOANS procured on real and collateral se
curity. Kelson Bros., 804 Lewis bldg.
Money to Loan Real Estate.
The Equitable Life Insurance Society
will make loans on approved home prop
erty to be repaid by fixed monthly in
stallments over a period of 10 years, with
the additional provision that in event of
death of borrower loan is canceled by
a policy of life insurance issued there
with. Interest ti per cent. These loans are
made only in the better residence dis
tricts and only on improved homes.
Others need not apply. Home purchase
Dept., Equitable Lite. 306 Oregonian bldg.
on real estate security at reasonable rates
in sums from $500 and up.
171 Fourth st.
Between Morrison and Yamhill.
LOANS from $1500 to $10,000 on good
Portland security.
3U6 Spalding Bldg.
- Main 7592.
ON improved city property or for building
purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay
ment privileges; money advanced as
building: progresses. The Equitable Sav
Ings Sc Loan Association. 240 Stark st
City and Farm.
Current Rates.
104 Second St., Near Stark.
HAVE $10,000 to loan at 7 per cent or will
divide Wo suit ; want good city or farm
property for security. Write, giving loca
tlon of property, care AN 158, Oregonian.
ox real estate security.
HAVE $3000 to loan on a first-class farm;
please state full particulars in- first let
ter regarding dwellings, outhouses, etc.
AM 24 8. Oregonian.
$2500 OR LESS to loan at 7 per cent on
close-in farm and city property; give
full particulars. C 93, Oregonian.
LOANS on real estate at current rates.
Mortgages bought. Bold Realty Co.. 206
Alder st.
WE have money to loan on your real es
tate f i rst mortgage onlv.
i i k. nam per or commerce.
TO LOAN From $500 to $1500 at 8 per
cent on improved Portland property. 3o7
Yeon bldg.
MONEY to loan on Improved city property,
at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract &
Trust Co., room ft. Board of Trade bldg.
.$500. $100O AND UPWARDS on improved
real estate. Favorable terms; no delays; no
brokerage. John Bain, 507 Spalding blug.
LOANS on improved and unimproved city
and suburban real estate, mortgages
bought. W. H. Nunn, 448 Sherlock bldg.
$200.UOO TO LOAN in sums to suit; building
loans; lowest rates. W. G. Beck, 315-316
Failing bldg.
TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS.
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.
MONEY" at 5 per cent on farm or city prop
erty; no brokerage. 60" Oregonian bldg.
$lo0, FIRST mortgage only. 03 Chamber
or commerce.
$1000 TO $2500 to loan on real estate to
day. Tabor 771. B lf3f. Oregonian.
Money loaned, real estate, contractu & mtgs
bought. H. Miley. "04 Gerlinger bldg.
A. H. HARDING. 31$ Ch. of Com.
MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates L. h
MAXWELL, 310 Chamber of Commerce.
LOANS on real estate, diamonds and Jew
elry. Wm. Holl, room 0, Washington bldg.
SHOUT term loans on real or collateral
security, 207 Oregonian bldg.
MONEY, arty amount, 6 to S per cent.
H. Sltz A Co., 310 Spalding bldg.
MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delav.
Henry C. Prudhomma, 8Q Wilcox" bldg.
IMMEDIATE loans, any amount, on real es
tate. 315 Chamber of Commerce.
Money to Ian Real Estate.
423 Chamber of Commerce.
We hv-c the following: sums for
immediate investment in Portland
first mort sages;
$ l.ooO at 8 per cent.
$ l.r.oo at S per cent.
$ 3.oo0 at 7 per cent.
$ 3,5o0 at 7 per cent.
5 .Vo0 at 7 per cent.
10.01K at G per cent.
423 Chamber of Commerce.
W E loan money in any amounts from $300
up on real estate in or near Portland. Ws
do business quickly at the right rates
and at moderate expenses to the borrower.
The Western Securtles Co., 73 0 Chamber
of Commerc bld-'
MONEY to loan, any amount, on good real
estate security. Vanduyn Sz Walton, 515
t hamber Commerce, M. 1955.
SEE US TODAY for loans on improved city
property, and 8 per ccait, $300 and up.
TELLARS-MURTON CO., 825 Yeon bldg.
MORTGAGE LOANS on citv property; low
est rates. A. H. Birrell Co., 202 McKay
bldg.. Third and Stark sts.
Western Bond & Mortgage Co.
410 Commercial Club Bidg.
WE will buy gilt-edge first mortgages
423 chamber of Commerce.
lont-y, eatsy terms, small or large
2PH tierMnger. 2d and Alder.
STATE FUNDS, 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas.
-c -t. ..i.v',., a ,. y tun iv , -ty, n. or com.
Mony to Ian Chattel nod Salaries.
T0 TO $100
HOURS ii A. M. TO 6 P. M.
We can procure money for you on shor
notice and at reasonable rates on you.
furniture, piano, auto, storage receipt
or your plain note.
413 Macleay bidg.
4th and Wauli. open 9 A. M. to 6 P. M.
Saturday evenings until 8.
MONEY for salaried people and others
upon their own name, cheap rates, easy
payments. Wee me before dealing else
where; confidentaL u. D. JDrake. 324
Henry bldg.
A private place to obtain money on
watches, diamonds. jewelry, kodaks,
pianos, warehouse receipts, etc
320 Lumber Ex. bldg., I'd and Stark.
A DESIRABLE place for ladles and geutle.
men to borrow money on diamonds anJ
jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal
ace, 334 Washington, opp. Owl Drugstore.
IMMEDIATE and confidential loans on
furniture, pianos, autos, warehouse re
ceipts. Mortgages bought. Bauer, 20t Al
der st.
MONEY loaned 011 ciiamonda, watches, jew
elry, pianos and warehouse receipts; strict
ly confidential. Brown & Co., room 10,
Washington bldg.
MONEY for salaried, people and others,
quickly and confidentially. Martlne, 320
Lumper Ex. bldg.. 'i and Stark.
WE LOAN money on diamonds and Jewelry
at half the rates charged by brokers.
Marx & Bloch. 74 3d st. '
MONEY loaned on diamonds and jewelry:
strictly confidential. 141 fr 3d, near Aid er.
MONEY sold on installments; confidential;
salaried people. F. A. Newton. Henry bldg,
Loans Wanted.
WANTED From private party. $2000 at 8
per cent, on new choice residence, hard -wood
floors and every modern conveni
ence. 207 Oresonian bldg.
$5;o CHATTEL mortgage wanted on $2500
new standard machinery. Phone East
$1200 MORTGAGE for sale. 8 per cent in
terest; real estate security, Al, 2 per cent
discount. Address AG 249, Oregonian.
SEVERAL mortgages for sale, amounts $250
to $3300, mostly 8 per cent. See Henry
C. Prud nomine. Wilcox bldg.
CAN place your money on gilt-edge mort
gage security without expense to you. R.
E. Hine. 408 Yeon bidg. Marshall 55ti5. -
WANTED $5000 on city property, by own
er. Main 1100 or S 12o. Oregonian.
MY client wants $4500 on fine West Sidt
corner. AS 229. Qregonfan.
WANT loan of $:u0 on good chattel secuv
ity for short time. Y 237, Oregonian.
$12 34-inch switches . .$4 4
$G 26-inch switches' 1,95
Fac-3 massage .its
Shampoo ,5
Manicure, 25c. 5 for................. l.Ort
12 scalp treatments 5.00
Superfluous hair removed by electrio
needle; guaranteed not to return.
Cut hair in any shade; switches any
length, prices hair. Sanitary Parlors 400
412 Delium blug.. 3d find Washington.
Long experience, best references, treat,
ments for rheumatism and lumbago, etc..
massage and baths. J2ti 13th at., between
Ha in and Salmon. Marshall ou33. Ope a
SCIENTIFIC electric treatments' for all
nervous and chronic diseases. Paralvsis,
lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder,
pelvic, heart trouble, etc.; also goitre,
warts, moles removed. 602 Buchanan bldg.,
2dt1 Wasiiington st.
graduate, rheumatism, nervous and atom
ach ailments under physician's direc
tions; bath, massage. No. 7 East 11th St..
second door south from East Ankeny car
line. Phone East 2ti0, B 1803.
leading wig and toupe-makers; finest
stock of human hair goods; switches from
95c up; halrdressing, manicuring, face and
scalp treatments; combings made up to
order. 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 548.
CURABLE sickness of every description and
kind treated and permanently cured by
the latest and best up-to-date methods.
Dr. W. E. Mallory, naturopath. 812 Roth
child bldg.
I CANNOT support my boy ,3 years oid in
October, so must adopt him into a good
family with own home. Call or write 625
Cottage Place; Mississippi ave. car to
Aiorna st.
LADIES Something new, better than mas
sage, plaster, etc.; will positively remove
w-rinklps: nersonal instruct i on Ttnn.m i
iTiliL Mnrrmnn '
DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes
cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips
repaired, $1.50 month ; prompt calls and
deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 30 Stark.
MISS PERRY, Eastern graduate masseuse.
New York School of C. m iul rv rr .
rheumatism and nervous cases. 200 13th st
13th or Jefferson cars.phonc Main 76ttL
BE your own doctor; chronic disease yields
10 in y "TiiiuuD , otiuBi.iuuuii Kuaranr
Get an education while getting well. Lor
j. inline. neaiLii expert, i a.Dor lo73.
LORENZ Nerve Tablets restore lost vitality.
Rev. Mrs. Coon, spiritual teacher and heale
Park, bet. Wash, and Stark. Marshall 59j
EASTERN trained operator gives facial a
st alp massage. 125 oth St., room 2, b
Wasntngiou ana Aiaer,
tniriurKACiiu treatments and ste
bums .....H.v.w..., luuiuagu, atC, Ak
Northwest bidg- Open Sundays. Main Zf'X
SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May price. Riftdy
il1T tllini?K fifllv. C(rpl Timo r.ujl
and Sun. S. 304 Montgomery. MaiJi -7&t
BOSTON graduate nuwe, sanitarium trat
ments, medical gymnastics. 387 YaAalll
L., lip "JUT L. W . ' 1 1 1 I
Svwicnes, i5c; curij unj pui f 3, ' 5c ;
itary Beauty Parlors. 40O Dekum bids
MRS. t?. C. MORRISON Steam baths and.
massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc'
Madison. A 447j, .vjarshail ouOS.
IF you want free expert legal advice, a, a
dress P 1S4, Oregonian.
L. Moriai ty, dead trance spiritual maalur
readings daily. 34 N. 16th st. Mar. 4?
iLOLtS, superfluous hair removed. Mrs.
D. Hill. 42-9 Fliedner bldg. Main 347r
Divorce advice ree, small fee, experleT"1
lawyer.. 404 Rothchlld bldg.. 27 '? W.
BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal nic
Tablets. 504 Davis st. Phone Main 2?-
ELECTRO Swedish massage, pcalp treahnt-
t ne tv'rn'j:i. 1 1 mui immi, room - ,
RS. DR. WRENN, spiritual advJser ead
ihs WRENN. spiritual adviser read
ings daily- 34 N. Irtth. M.-r. 4239, i 7G14.
15. No profession offers equal oPortun! -ty.
Catalogue free. C. Keane, pres., 181
Market st., San Francisco.