14 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. FRIDAY. JULY 23, 1913. REAL ESTATB or Sale Acrrace 10 ACRES, 300. $10 DOWN, $3 PER MONTH, buys 10 acres of logged-off land, one mil from the railroad station, town and t Columbia Klver. The soli Is free from rock and gravel and none of tn'.s land overflows, some of these tracts have run ning streams on them; thee tracts are Idtul tor cnicken ranches or dairy pur poses: perfect title and warranty deed. BELI, REAL MUTATE COMPANY, 212 Railway Exchange bldg. i:Li.CTR10 LINE, eight blocks station; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham; 5 acres 400. S.Vin. J7(M: 8 acres. ioO. 700: HI crj3, T.0. 000. $10Oi per tract: beat soli, free wood, spring- water: acreage at tfoappoos?. Or.. $5 to $100 per acre. KKVNK M'FAKLAND REALTY CO., .:0 Yeon bldg., Portland. Kjlt SALB 5-ACRK apple tract near Du fir. oreKon. Trees 2 years old. $;175 per acre. Kasy terms good contract, five year cultivation. H. M. WILLIAMS, :4 Hy. Eich. bldg. I HAVE 8 acres that will produce If taken care of; close to electric railway on .fine country road. Location is such that In creased value will follow rapidly on Im provement of ground. Price 1800; easy terms. B 216, Oregonl.m. AN OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU. Xf you have a small amount to pay flown. I can give you good value in an acre of ground near the city for a home. My price Includes graded streets, side walk and water. AB 'SXi, Oregonian. GIBSON HALF ACREsT Good roll, city water, close to carllne, easy terms: will build to suit purchaser. Phone Marshall 15H.", or Sellwood 470. - J NO. H. GIBSON, Owner. CALIFORNIA LAND Send for catalogue. Properties In all counties. Valuable, reli able information. C. N. Wooster Co., Phe lan blrir., San Francisco. CHEAP for cash, 3 lots; small house- good water, garden, berries, etc. Take Oregon City car to Evergreen station, cross bridge. N 210. Oregonian. Homesteads. TWO good homesteads and one relinquish ment In Tillamook Countv; location fee t.0. Call for 1.. J. Hodge, H11V4 1st sc. between 0 and 10 M. A FEW 40 AND SO-acre homestead loca tions on railroad; fine fruit land, near Portland; price $SH and foO and expenses. D S4H. Oregonian. VALUABLE homestead relinquishment, close to town on county road and river; worth S6O00 when patented. 003 Oregonian bldg. CLEANING and pressing works for sale; good business; cash $100. 403 S. Jersey st.. St. Johns. For bale rurids. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation; an army of men are rushing the work that it may be completed in 11)14. The land a Ion this new railway is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; no irrigation; Summer rains; pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back; rich oil; good climate; fine drinking water; beautiful rivers and lakes; wild fruit: fish and game In abundance; thousands will go Into the country when the rali,vay Is com pleted. We sell the best valley land In all size tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; over 100 stereopticon views of central British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Call week days; will how views evenings by appointment. For maps, government report, field notes and full information call or write W. A. Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO.. LTD.. (Paid-up capital, $1,500. 00) 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Portland. Or. I WILL give the use free of SOO acres of food wheat land 2 miles from lone. Or., or one year to any good farmer who has equipments for cultivating at least one half of It In good shape and who will fix up the fences and buildings ,n good shape and pay this year's taxes. There is a fair ly good house and barn on the place, but they need some repairs. Will sell It on long time with small cash payment or will give long lease on it after the tirat year. John S. Beall. Portland. Or. HOP FARM FOR SALE. 120 acres, situated 15 miles west of Portland and half way between Oregon Electric and United Railways, on rural route, milk route and county road; 100 acres of which is clear and 30 of cleared land in hops; hophouse of two 30-foot kilns; will sell all or one-half, Including hop-yard. Inquire of owner, box 273, Hllls boro. Oregon. 2S ACRF.S. 5-room house, orchard, good onion land; creek forms boundary line; good fishing: 8 miles out from Vancouver. Terms or will consider city property as part payment. City phone Alain. 208 or call at HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Real Estate Department, Chamber of Commerce Bids. FARM FOR RENT. STOCK FOR SALE. Farm of 156 acres, 100 clear, balance good pasture, for rent; 20 cows, 10 calves. 4 horses, all machinery. Implements and tools for sale. Four miles of Vancouver. Wash. R. Buetikofer, 2G5 Salmon St., Portland, Or. FOR SALE 22 acres of land, under a high state of cultivation, on Willamette River, 21 miles; from. Portland, for $800 per acre. This can be divided. Will give terms. Call before Saturday at room 103 St. Charles Hotel, for further description. FOR SALE Farm, 119 acres, bottom-land, well improved, seven-room house, large barn and other buildings, plenty water, near railroad; price $22U0. half cash. Sea owner. 267 Oak, room 21. FOR SALE Twenty acres, close TrT near Washougal. five clear, 15 second-growth timber: must- raise money in two days. cash: a bargain. Apply to owner, ST1 East Morrison st. FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON, ALONG THE -NEW LINE." For particulars, write Immigration Bu reau, C, M. & St. P. Ry., 337 Henry bldg., Seattle, Wash. KANCH, 60 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner, 1S2 Morrison su SACRIFICE sale. 160-acre dairy farm, bot tom land, includes crops, stock, machlnery etc. C. R. Bostwick. gloflgett, Oregon. fow .tiv Tmnrg uxi) T I M B E R Want details of timber holdings in various-sized tracts up to 00,0(10,000. which owners would exchange on equitable basis for Portland property: state what you want. AS 212, Oregonian. 11,000.000 sapling fir suitable for ties or piling, on drlvable stream and wagon road, IS miles from Columbia River; soil tilla ble shot-clay; price for short time 6.50 per acre; terms; no commission. Ben Peck. Olympla. Wash. CHEAP TIMBER LAND INVESTMENT. 160 acres. 2 V4 million feet hemlock and spruce: N.. it w., Clatsop County; $3000; 730 cash, balance long time U per cent. AL 227, Oregonian. EIGHTY million tract of fir. one mile from railroad tributary to Portland: small rash payment to responsible party; balance yci ot. as cut. Au a, oregonian. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. M CRACKEN, 804 McKav bldg. CHEAP STUM PAGE. Ideal location for tie mill, stream run nlng to railroad spur. No. 75 5th st. W ANTrll HI KTATC WANTED at once, three houses, one that can be sold lor suo, cash; one lor $20uu cue.ii; one tor . iouu casn. KUPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-13 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. RELIABLE party wants on terms 3 to 10 acres on good road within 35 miles; would like some timber and spring water; no im provements necessary. If you have a real i bargain. write P 241, Oregonian. WANTED Olmsted Or Alameda equities; win exchange clear lots. a 240 Orego nian. TO EXCHANGE. WANT motorcycle twin for equity in f 1n city lot; balance easy terms. S 212, Ore gonian, TO exchange for lumber, new two-room house, furnished, one block from car. C H. Payne. Lewiston. Idaho, box 345. $1000 LOT to exchange for late model run about, phone Main 6199. TO EXCHANGE Pooiroom and cigar store; make me an offer. 274 Holladay. CLEAR lots. Central Oregon town, for light tam hordes. Phone Marshall 30SS. Wl LL exchange bungalow for gooa mort g.igo. ij 214, Oregonian. W ILL or trade a flno lot on 54th near Pivt?ion st. AG 234, Oregonian. WHAT have you to trade for lots in Goldeu dale, Wrsh. ? AJ 23S, Oregonian. WHAT have you to trade for a 5 or 10-acre tnit-t near Reedville? AH 23", Orenonlan. J.V0 AfRES lagged Innd. $17 acre, for clear city propf rty. Tabor 4o;o. WILL trad fine violin, case, etc., cost $r.o. for good kodak. Call Main 7;;0. TWO houses and lots o trade for farm. No a t s. AF 2.". 1 . Oregon i a n. EQUITY modern bungalow, Sunnysfdo; aaie or exchange Tabor 2C50. No agents. TO EXCHANGE. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN OAK GROVE. This home is conceded by many to be the neatest little home on the Oregon City car line; 5-room bungalow, cement sidewalks. electric lights, beautiful grounds: just a little less than one acre, alt kinds of small fruit; price $4500. Ex change for home in the city up to the same value. HARGROVE & SONS, 122 N. 6th St. A FINE bearing orchard to exchange for good wheat ranch or apartment-house; 50 acres: 2ti4 acres In orchard, IS1 acres in full bearing trees 16 years, lo acres In tfpitzenbergs and Keevtowns, in bearing this year, lo- acres river bottom land, bal ance bench land; house, 7 rooms, wind mill, tank, tool, packing, wood, chicken, hog houses, barn; 14 mile to Rogue River, Or.: price S50O per acre; there Is $8000 against it at 6 per cent. Also 110 acres. i mile from Lebanon, Or.; all in culti vation; price $125 per acre; 10 acres in side city of Lebanon; small house, barn, other buildings; price $J000. On both properties there is against them $7::00. at 0 per cent; my equity in all is $20,500: will exchange for good wheat ranch or good apartment-house. Address S. C. Car roll. owner. Rogue Itlver Or. - 5TH ST. PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE. 50x100 lot with two 7-room houses rented for $50; located on 5th street, near College; price $12,OO0. to exchange for . West Side vacant close-in lot or fractional lot. or close-in East Side apartment site or Income property up to $10,000; must be free of encumbrance. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. IRVI.VGTOX COTTAGE. $2950. LAND tot- rooming-house, - rooming-houses for land, $1200 stock of dry goods for lots. HIGLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. WILL TRADE AT CASH VALUATION 280 acres. 3 miles from Morrison; 200 acres cleared, 130 now In crop, balance timber, good farm buildings, new fence now being built; price only $75 per acre; Owner is too old -to take care of place; wants small farm up to $12,000, balance terms. LUEDEM ANN, RULEY & CO.,. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WILL consider $600 cash and $1500 worth In clear acreage for a nice little apart ment house which is always full and making money; balance of $600 can be paid monthly. P 239. Oregonian. HAVE several valuable timber tracts, 6.0U0. 000 to 50.u00.000. to exchange for good Portland real estate; would consider resi dence or income property; might assume; send details. AP Oregonian. SANDY road business lot, corner 32d street and the boulevard; cash or' terms, or will trade for clear residence lots. Tony G. Anderson, 328 Chamber of Commerce building. A BARGAIN Young 10-acre apple orchard in Hood River Valley; will make an ex ceptionally good offer to right party; will exchange for Portland lota. East Side. m ion, oregonian. FOlt SALE, or will trade for auto, $2000 equity in house and lot on best residence street in North Yakima. Address W. W. Roberts. 700 West 12th, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 816 U To EXCHANGE $1600 monthly payment reai estate contract on new modern house for a good flvc-passenger auto. H 235, Oregonian. WANT to trade for clear city vacant, my $0000 equity In three flat buildinzs on West Side (value $10,000. mortgage $4000) now rented for $900. AC 237, Oregonian. HAVE $1000 equity in modern dwelling. Irv- ington district, will trade for clear city vacant. Would pay some cash. AC 234, Oregonian. lzs ACRE at Lents, 4 blocks from car. and 37 acres In Clackamas County to trade for bungalow. See the owner at room 11, 165 14 3d St. WILL trade equity of $600 In modern bun galow. $2800. for lot, stock of household goods; cash $400. E. A. Donaldson, Che halls. Wash. R. F. D. 3. SO ACRES, necessary buildings. $3000: also 40. with substantial improvements. $4000 want residence immediately. Owner, 1030 Grand ave. North. TRADE my $450 equity In Hawthorne lot for automobile or player piano; balance $10 month. 6 per cent Interest. Main 8745 or evenings. Tabor 32S2. HAVE 10 acres of land in Linn County to exchange for cleaning and pressing place, furniture or equity in house and lot. Mar shall 4240. TWO new houses, corner. East Side, lots in part or all. close-in acreage or Southern California property. Goldschmldt's Agen cy, 415 Chamber of Commerce. !a ACRES Hood River fruit land for mod ern bungalow: might assume small amount. 310 Yeon bldg. Marshall 2432. WHAT have you clear to trade for 1911 .Winton six, worth $1300? Phone Main 912. WILL exchange valuable timber claim, clear, for good home, $5000 or $6000. AP 240, Oregonian. TWO houses on 100x100 lot, location good for close-iri acreage. Owner. AL 2J0, Oregonian. rOB SALE. Horses, V eiiiclea. Etc, HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold: new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES. 420 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. JUST IS head horses left: 2 bay mares, 6 and 8, weight 2700; pair brown geldings. 2600, 4 years: pair bays, 3 and 4. 2400; black chunk, 4, 1100; black, 1200, 4 years; balance from 900 to 1150; these are all broke: guaranteed; can be seen. 33 4 Front. Owned by Phil Suetter and F. W. Bail, of Eastern Oregon. 16 HEAD of mares and horses suitable for all kinds of work; a few good delivery horses and a good span of mares suit able for a ranch and also a good, house wagon all arranged for camping; one block north of Hawthorne ave. on East 12th; little barn In the grove. FOR SALE Fine 2600-lb. team matched horses. 7 and 8 years old and sound and true workers anywhere, with almost new brass-trimmed harness, 3-inch farm wagon, complete, $225; trial given. Mrs. Reed, 130 Grand ave. North. TEN head broken, good, reliable horses, at reasonable p.ices. All horses sold on ac count of getting automobiie trucks. Bag Rage & Omnibus Transfer Co., 33 No. Park street. $100 BUYS good family or ranch horse, weighs 1250 pounds, with harness and a good buggy. Call today. Take Sellwood car to Insley ave., walk 6 blocks east to house 7S1. lOOD 3-ton camelback wagon and top; also mountain nacK, in good repair; come quick; cheap for cash. Address 2 33 .Wood st. J. I. Reagan. Fulton car. FOR SALE Handsome 1200-lb. black horse, 6 years old, true worker single or double, $S5; surrey and harness cheap. Mrs. Mor rison. 145 Grand ave. North. FOR SALE CHEAP, one team of inarea weighing 2500 lbs., sound and true; one delivery horse.' weighing 1 200 lbs. ; one mare weighing 1500 lbs. 226 Russell st. GOOD 2S00-lb. team for sale cheap. Call and see them and make an offer. Wood lawn 1374. MUST sell ; $150 takes pair ianch mares, new double harness, farm wagon. 1907 East Stark st. Trial allowed. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O. L. fc S. Co. Phone Main 1410. FOR SALE or trade, 1000-lb. mare, harness and a buggy. Phone Sellwood 17S8. HORSES for sale at 68 East 7th st. North. Pianos, Organs and Musical Instruments. FOR SALE Beautiful upright piano, used only three months, rich mahogany case, genuine ivory keys, full-length music rack, contains dust-proof hinges; stool to match. Original price $375; will sacri fice for only $195. Can arrange terms. 435 Washington. A NEW, high-grade piano, will take a good driving rig in exchange. 511 East Ankeny street. FOR SALE Beautiful organ, flne walnut case, in good condition, cost new $75; will sacrifice for $10. 435 Washington. OWING to death in family, will sell fine piano reasonable. East 3160. Automobile. BARGAIN 7-H. P. Indian motorcycle, fully equipped, - $225; reasonable terms if necessary. Curtis, 191 11th St., between 6 and 7 P. M. FOR SALE Studebaker 20. five-passenger, IV 1 2 model, good condition, cheap. 717 Broadway bldg. Marshall 4276. MUST sell my roadster at once. I mean business; $r75. Best buy in city. Owner, Tabor AUTOMOBILE for sale, must sell at once at sacrifice, 5-paasenger, in good running condition. AF 234. Oregonian. VH 1 lb gas car, 5-passoner, or can fur nish delivery body; $7uo cash. , Phone Tabor iob5 between 2 and 4. FOR SALE. Automobile. SOME BARGAIN. This 5-pass. Pullman, 40 horsepower, 3911 model. This car cost new Just $3100. The owner Is In a hurry to close out and leave the city, so if sold in the next 3 days. It will cost just $700 less than M. the original price. A blind man can see that this is a bargain. This car has been used very little, and Is in tiptop running order. The car is being he'd at the PACIFIC TIRE & SUPPLY CO.. 328-330 Burnslde St. WANTED GOOD AUTO WILL PAY SPOT CASH uui tui inuai ue i ii perieci runiims f order; late model ; good tires and fully I equipped: must De cheap lor cash; give full particulars, naming make, name, ad dress and phone number. D34, Ore gonian. . 1 W - TON Atterbury truck for sale cheap. This truck has been used about eight months. Party who purchased it was un able to pay for it and returned it to us. We have thoroughly overhauled it, new rear tires and -every part which showed any wear we have replaced with new parts. This truck is equipped with two bodies and seats for passengers. We are very anxious to dispose of this and will sell very reasonable. Columbia Carriage & Auto Works, 209 Front 6t. M. 2812. THIS Is the biggest automobile bargain ever offered In Portland: My new 1913 Stod-dard-Dayton ao" touring car. fully equipped with self-starter, lights, speed ometer, top. windshield, etc. Car has not been run 100 miles and is guaranteed hy the factory and local dealers. Cost me $1650. I am compelled to sell Immediate ly and will sacrifice for $ 1250 and give some terms to responsible .party. No real estate trades considered. If you mean business and are prepared to act at once, address Y 239. Oregonian. 1910 OVERLAND 30, roadster, fine condi tion, tires all practically new, original cost $1 100; our price $250. 3911 Maxwell, Jr., 2 -pass., roadster. $175. 1912 Overland 40. 5-pass., fore-door, cost $1650; price $7S3. 1911 Flanders 20. roadster. $325. CUSTOM-HOUSE AUTO CO.. Cor. E. 13th and Hawthorne Ave. PROSPECTIVE auto buyers will save con siderable by looking over our list of cars before deciding. We have one 5-passenger touring car and one roadster of last year's model; not demonstrators. They are absolutely new and at a price. , MICHIGAN AUTO &. BUGGY CO., A 5626, Main 3966. 514 Alder st. 1911 CADILLAC, 5-passenger, 4-door, elec tric lights throughout, electric self-starter and it generates its own electricity; also air pump; all kinds of extras: finest of condition ; if you want this one you will have to act quick. Phone Tabor 651 or call 323 East 44th St. AUTOMOBILE. For sale or trade, one Pope Tribune 4 passenger auto, fully equipped, in good order; will exchange for real estate of about the same value. Inquire at Y. M. C. A. Oarage, East 10th and Mill sts. 1913. REO CAR Perfect condition. Cov ered with one-year guaranteed; electric lighted, electric starter; run less than 900 miles; must sacrifice on account of. leav ing city. Phone Woodlawn 20!). 2 PORTLAND LOTS AND 4 GOOD BEACH LOTS. FREE AND CLEAR OF INCUM BRANCE, TO TRADE FOR 4 OR 5-PASSENGER AUTO IN GOOD CONDITION. AH 235, OREGONIAN. 7 H. P. 1912 MODEL, chain-drive motor cycle, fully equipped cost $350, in use every day and ready at any time for dem onstration; will take $150 for quick sale. Phone B 3098. IMPORTANT TO AUTO OWNERS, will nickel plate, varnish refinish top. your auto; take apart and put together in 3 days. Portland Plating & Mfg. Co. 22d and Thurman sts. Main 943, A 52S2. MOTORCYCLE sale, - second-hand machines at cost, a few 1912 models at reduced prices. WEST COAST SUPPLY CO., 31 North Broadway. A SNAP on 1911 Winton 6, 7-passenger. splendid condition. Auto Top Co.. 523 Alder st. FOR SALE A 7 h. p. 1912 Indian motor cycle, fine condition; Prest-o'-Lite tank and tandem. Call Leonard. Main 3173. WANTED Late model 5-pass. auto, me dium priced; will give unincumbered city iota, aietcair, aiu i eon Diag. Mar. 2432. v-iv tri-m-m T-iaaa. r lanuci o w in gOOO. running order. Woodlawn 1249. S4$ Mississippi ave. $1000 LOT to exchange for late model run about. Phone Main 6199. $1000 EQUITY Laurelhurst lot for late u passenger auto. Phone Marshall 2432. Dogs, Birds, I'et Stock. AIREDALE terriers to protect your home and family. L addix Kennels, Estacada. Or FOX terrlr puppies for sale. 324 Northup et. Main 7414. furniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. OR THOSE WHO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURE; THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO., -BANKRUPT," HAS EEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY, AND NO OTHER -SALE CAN COMPARE v WITH THIS, CALL AND SEE C3 FIFTH ST.. CORNER PINE. NEARLY new high-grade furniture of 6 room house in Laurelhurst ; mahogany living-room set, oak dining set, white enamel and birdseye maple bed sets, side oven gas range, and water heater; import ed rugs and hangings. Complete for housekeeping, will sell all or part at one half original cost. B 3379. DINING-ROOM set, fumed ak, consisting of table, four chairs, bulfet and rug; must sell before Friday. Phone Main S101. MUST sacrifice to raise money furniture of 5 rooms for $175; good as. new; mission style quarter-sawed oak. 3G4 San Rafael. Machinery. FOR SALE. One 125-volt direct current generator, complete with field rheostat, ammeter and circuit breakers. This machine Is in good repair. Address room 203, Oregonian bldgr. FOR SALE. A 45-h. p., 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75-ampere over load, I. T. E. circuit breaker, in A-l con dition. Address room 203, Oregonian bldg. 8x12 PORTABLE engine with woodsaw out fit complete: will sell entire equipment for $375 or drvlde to suit purchaser. F. B. Mallory Company, 235 pine st. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W.. 50-voU Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 203, oregonian bldg. ONE alternating currant Hobert electric coffee mill; .double peddlstle, for sale at a sacrifice, call 421 Jefferson. Ml seel laneou. IF you have a No. 2 or 3 Oliver Typewriter give your name and address. Special premiums 10 eucn - users. sjr 2dO, . ore gonian KENi'ON takedown house for sale, cheap, I.a 1 CvOA K nn ... (3A 1 oi' ioa-jv, j j "vino , lucoi iur summer use anywhere. F. J. Patterson, 94 Union ave. SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired ; bargains in second-hand safes. lus et. pnone Main 7670. SAFES, new and second-hand; low prices, easy terms: safes opened, repaired and painted PUR CELL SAFE CO.. and PORT LAND SAFE CO., S5 5th St. Main H309. BUILDINGS used for camu nurnoses. rnt. ing $1000. on banks of Williamette River, near Linnton; new; snap. Phone Mar. 3146. 248 Main. COSY 3-room houseboat, bath, hot water, electricity, phone, open fireplace; ideal for couple or bachelors: cheap for cash. O. Y. Club. Sellwood 1767. WI LL trade motorcycle, value $300. Includ ing equipment, for launch or houseboat of equal value. F 233. Oregonian. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co 9t Parle st. HOUtiiSBOAT for sale, f uilv furnished, cheap. Mathieson, 202 Wilcox bldg. or caretaker. Oregon Yacht-Club. FOR SALE Clothing and tailoring fix' tures; good condition, rent cheap. W. Snellman. Aberdeen. Wash. Box 688. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark st. CROCHET bed spread In popcorn pattern. 256 llth St. Call A 4493. DERBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co., 210 Broadway. Main 587. NUMBER 9 Simplex separator, used six months. $65. Parberry. Mllwaukle. Or. NATIONAL cash registers, get mv prices. Povey. 3513 Wash., basement. Main 606. FINE 4-room houseboat, good location, elec - trie lights and telephone. Sellwood 2o. MOTION -PICTURE air outfit. tump. cabinet a i n niHiifn. am ..-v-, oregonian NEW roll top office desk, chair and arm chair at a bargain. AN 236, Oregonian. IS-FOOT launch, new, Brock's 4 H. P. en gine; a bargain. 643 Hood st. ' NEW NO5 OLIVER typewriter, $40. C 32S, Oregonian. - FOR BAUL Miscellaneous. FOR SALE 2 beautiful mahogany plate glass showcases, and 1 large packing case equipped with drawers on both sides; will be sold at a great sacrifice if taken at once. Studebaker Bros. Co., Northwest. 33o East Morrison st. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Stockyards manure in car lots, $1 per ton f. o. b. cars North Portland. Book , your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO., North Portland, Oregon. YOU can rent a visible typewriter, delivered anywhere In the city, ribbons free, 3 months for $4; convenient at home. The Oliver Typewriter Agency, 333 Aukeny st. Main 6273, A 4441. 4-FT. floor cases, plate tops and, oak frames; $22 each; also same 6 and b-ft. o,l a bargain. 208 Hamilton bldg. A FIXE set of cigar and tobacco fixtures cheap. Inquire at 80 N. 6th st. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this linq, call Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE buy for cash second-hand National c&sq registers and, sell them on easy terms. tV. J. Macauluy, S54 Burnside st. Phone Main 1310. A 1816. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2080. 234 First, Th Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash it Is worth. Williams ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WANTED Boathous-e, furnished; give par ticulars and location. Address Miss Bertha Bias, general delivery, city. WANTED 3 H. P. and H. P. D. C. motors; give full description and lowest cash price. AH 234, Oregonian. FAIR DEAL We pay best' prices for second hand clothing and - furniture. Call Main 9272. 60 H N. 3d. M. Gilckman. prop. SECOND-HAND FURNITURE WANTED. Buyer calls promptly; estimates given. 1S4 1st, near Yamhill. Main 4773. TINTING $2.50 up; paperhanging and painting reasonanie. joe juarsnau, pnone Marshall 1907. WANTED Good second-hand bicycle. New York Grocery, llth and Morrison. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 606. A 8606. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Seilwood 1682. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing. 294 3d st. phone Main 9263. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any K-.na oi lurniture. Main &u.i. WANTED 600 duck eggs for hatching. Phone Tabor 3935. WANTED Second-hand bicycle cheap for cash. 224 Washington st. CA.H paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. KELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department. Y. M. C A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment i$20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership. I will nave only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young , man joined association. In lets than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 6 mo. ending June 30: Calls for men from, employers 1174 Positions filled 1037 Our special employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for - CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with the Secretary of. the Em ployment Department. WOODSMEN to cut stave bolta from fir timber; good steady Job. Good pay. Apply 622 Corbett bldg.. 6th and Morrison sts. WANTED An A No. 1 house-to-house soli citor. One who can solicit the lady of tho house as well as the business man Oregon and Washington territory only. Steady work guaranteed to right man. Sal ary to start $25 per week and expenses. Increase according to ability. G 231, Ore gonian. WANTED Bright, energetic young man for automobile salesman; experience not so essential as willingness to work hard and learn the business. If you think you can sell automobiles, reply at once, giving age and qualifications and phone number. Ad dress AB 229, Oregonian. WANTED Steady, ambitious men (or la dies) to sell well-known Orenco trees, roses, etc; experience not necessary. If you are the right person we will teach you the business. For full particulars undress Oregon Nursery Co., Orenco. Or. TRANSIENT Y. M. C A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates in the new fireproof association building, cor, 6th and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. A THOROUGHLY experienced greenhouse glazer; no amateurs. Apply by letter, giv ing name of former employer, age and wages expected. Walter Thompson, 217 Center st., Oregon City, Or. MACHINIST, good automobile repairman, for out of town ; must have electric lljeht and refrigerating plant experience; goou opportunity for right man. Siegelman. Phone Tabor l. WANTED Reliable men, German; give ref erences, age and last employment; will pay good salary. Address R 234, Orego nian. for particulars. WANTED Live salesmen to sell Kenneyy curtainless showers, it sells on sight; will furnish prospects; good pay. For full par tlculars write A 243, Oregonian. WANTED Live, up-to-date man to sell high-trade line of jewelry on Install ments; big money for the right man. Call after 4 P. M. at 207 Corbett bldg. MA N and wife, caretaker and ca terer for Portland Heights Club, 21st and Spring sts., city. Send your application to F. I. Fuller. Electric bldg., city. TWO first-class salesmen to sell our sport ing service; liberal commission; if you are a hustler you can earn large salary. Ore gon Enunciator Co., 83 Fifth st. WANTED A first-class salesman by the largest automobile concern on the Pacific Coast; answer, giving references, age and salary expected. A 242. Oregonian. SHOEMAKER who can turn out first-class nana work. Apply between 7 and 8 A. M. or P. M. onry. The Shoeshop. 431 Alder. WANTED Boy about 1& to learn the auto mobile business. Apply In own handwrlt Ing; ref. required. H 237, Oregonian. WANTED First violin player, first cornet player, single, nonunion men, orchestra experience. J 239. Oregonian. MAN wanted to work traction wood saw on shares or buy on easy payments. Tabor WANTED Car repairers with tools, out of town. $2.75 per day. Flagg & fatandifer JO., wticox Didg. WANTED Dentist, registered In Oregon; must be a good, capable man: good salary; steady position, r 238, Oregonian. PARTNER In well-established bakery bus! ness; only one. in town of 7000 people. A sM4, Oregonian. WANTED A cleaner and presser; must be -nrst-ciass; 10 go out or city; j per weeK. rtoom niic uomeuus notei. WANTED 2 news agents to work on pas senger trains; cash bond required. Apply d-'ii .lonnson st. MAN to' work a portable delicatessen and bakery route on commission ; good Job ror a nusuer. rnone y a r. 413.5. YOUNG man wanted over 36. Call .451 Morrison st. WANTED Barber, with license; no. other need apply. SI 4 Burnslde st. WANTED First-class furniture upholsterer. j. a. tayior co., isi nun st. WANTED 4 shinglers in morning. 34th st. ana oiepnens. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest sianea. uutoen n otuaio, ueKum mag. WANTED Walter. Tennessee Grill, cor. 4th ana Aiaa ison sts. WANTED Experienced fruit packer. Chambers .& Son. 167 Broadway. YOUNG men over 18 with motorcycles or nicycies; gooa pay. 44 1 starK. AN all-around baker wanted for delica tessen. Marshall 4133. WANTED Markers and sorters at Crystal Laundry, 21st and Sandy road. THREE men to cut four-foot cordwood; everyining lurniBoyu. ou water st. BARBER wanted for Saturday; wages guar anteed. 266 First St. GOOD shoemaker. A. Eklund, Pendleton, tjrogon. SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co.. 501 Railway Ecch. bldg. BARBER wanted. 205 Morrison t. HELP "WANTED MALE. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-bodied unmarried men between ages of 18 and 36; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English lan guage. For information apply to Recruit ing Officer, Worcester building, 3d and Oak sts., Portland, Or. LIVE opportunity, Scandinavian salesmen to sell best beach property to colony of own nationality. Best Summer resort. Big profits and prizes. Inquire room 5. Bree den bldg.. 3d and Wash. Phono Main 4112. EI,P WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE " PHONE OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT. THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE A TELEGRAPH COM PANY EAST OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY STREETS. OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 250. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN FOR GLOVE DEPARTMENT. Apply between S :3u and 9 :30 A. M., Supt.'s office, 6th floor. MEIER . FRANK CO. EXPERIENCED WRAPPERS WANTED. Apply between 8:30 and 9:30 A. M. at Superintendent's Office, 0th floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. EXPERIENCED WAITRESSES WANTED. Apply at seventh-floor estautant dosx before 10:30 A. M. MEIER & FRANK. WAITRESS and chambermaid (resort), $20. 2 waitresses (beach), $20 month. 2 restaurant cooks $10 week. -Cook, 8 men, $30 month. Cook, $40 month. Chambermaid, $8 week. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY, Ladies' Dept. 205 Vj Morrison. SINGER WANTED Can use girl singer for illustrated sunxs. must be first-class; willing to pay good "salary for the right party. Address Grand Theater, Marsh field, Oregon. WANTED Competent, elderly woman to do plain cooking and keep house ror tnree &duits in country; fine home; good wages; permanent position ; give phone and ad- uress. r zn, uregonian. WANTED Capable young women to enter tered school. For particulars inquire Miss Rogers, supt., Hoquiam General Hospital. Hoquiarn, Wash. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! 5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 40u- 4i4 Dekum bldg. ban 1 tar y parlors. PIANIST Must have experience playing pictures and vaudeville; evenings only ex. cept Sunday ; state salary expected. AB 230. Oregonian. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7667. WANTED Waitress at Bar View Beach. Phone Main 7141. Call before 11 o'clock today. Ralph Ackley Land Co., 204 Failing bldg., 3d and Washington sts. WANTED Competent girl for general housework; small family; good home and good wages. Apply 4S4 E. 17th N. Irv Ington car. WANTED Experienced girl for second work; must nave references; small tamny. good wages. Apply afternoons, 7S6 John son et . TWO waitresses, country, $35 ; housekeeper. $30. Howe's Agency, 35 270 j, Washing ton st. YOUNG girl to assist with housework ; go home nights. 454 East 23d N. Phone East 227. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, competent cook, call .East 29U4. C 1983. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35, near 4th. Phone Main 8S36 or A 3266. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Vlavl Co., 609 Roth child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED Girl to wash dishes, care for trays and assist cook in sanitarium. Mar shall 2S93. NEAT girl for general housework, small family. Apply or phone Lieutenant Rich ardson, Vancouver Barracks. NEAT, experienced girl for housework; small flat; no cooking. 611 Weldler st. FEEDERS and folders for mangle work. Crystal Laundry, 21st and Sandy road. WANTED Markers and sorters at Crystal Laundry, 21st and Sandy road. GIRL for light housework on farm. Apply Belvedere Hotel. WANTED Two girls to work in coffee house. 26 North 4th. WANTED Experienced girl for confec tionery. 230 Alder. WANTED A woman to do home cooking tor cafeteria. Apply 206 Morrison. THE LAMBERSON. 554 Couch st.. experi enced girl for pantry and dining-room. WANTED Operators and finishers on cus tom pants; steady. 128 2d. room 9. STENOGRAPHER wanted. $30 to start. 703 Board of Trade. GIRL for general housework. 732 East Broadway. LADY barbers wanted; must be good; wages jruaranteed. 12 3d st. oNrth. GOOD short order cook wanted. Apply t 167North 6th, near Union Depot. EXPERIENCED gfrl or woman, not over 40, for light housework. 701 Nor thru p. WANTED Laay barber, 314 Burnslde. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. F1SK Teachers' Agency secures positions for teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835. HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Expert men teach ers, with $500,000 equipment, moderate fees. Not run to make money, but con ducted by business men to aid young men in securing practical education. Regis ter now. Y. M. C. A., corner 6th and Tay lor sts. WANTED 100 men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaran teed; modern college; tools free; learn a trade thut you can get In business for yourself. Oregon Barber College. 233 Mad !sor st. WIRELESS OPERATORS in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Bound Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; bbst on Coast. THE Moler Barber College. 35 N. 4th st., 20 years in the business, 37 schools. The only modern school -in existence. Term 8 weeks. Tools free. Massage and dyeing a spe cialty. Lifetime scholarship to each student. GOVERNMENT CLERK-CARRIER. - Exami nation Nov. 1. Parcel post requires clerks, salary $$00 to $1200. Free book. Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. GOV ERNMR.N'T Jobs open to men, women : $65 to $ 1 O month ; list positions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 327 F, Roches ter, N. Y. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPO N D E N C E SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts. Phones: Main 1026, A 4121. Also headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity. DAY and night school, shorthand, any sys tem, bookkeeping, etc.; thorough work; positions guaranteed. 629 Worcester blk. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 404 Commonwealth bid. Mar. 4258 WANTED Ladles to learn beauty culture. Learn full course in two weeks. Call room 4. 310 Morrison st. EARN $20 weekly while learning the real estate business. Call room 5, Bredon bldg., 3d and wash. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING SCHOOL, 269 14TH ST. M. 3S93. EXP. IN'STRUCN. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 613 Rothchild bldg. Kelster's Ladles' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143Vi llth st. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. fciovb keepers and Clerk. FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper and stenographer desires evening work, aj aa.i, oregonian. BOOKKEEPER wants temporary or perma nent position, AG 235, Oregonian, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. YOUNG man with small amount money, but plenty of energy, wants position or part nership, in good business; would invest; don't object to hard work or long hourj. AS 211, Oregonian. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems. Gill Ingham, auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. YOUNG man, good general office man, bookkeeper, stenographer; local wholesale experience, desires position ; moderate sal ary. Main 3211. YOUNG man would like commercial posi tion, college education, in . the habit of making good. Tel. Y. M. C. A., room S40, 9-11 A. M. MbM-ellaneouo. MAX jupt arrived In Portland wants posi tion. Handy with tools, machinery, gas engines, energetic, reliable. Salary no object if chance to . improve. AC 23S. Oregonian. MARRIED man, with family, experienced in all kinds of farm work, dairying, etc., . wishes situation ; good machinist and teamster. Address AV 230, Oregonian., , MAN, 35, wishes position on private place ; can drive car or horses: familiar with all chore work; reliable. C. A. Brown, S2G Y. M. C. A., Portland. j GARDENER and florist. 26. single, wants position on private place; thoroughly ex perienced, not afraid of work. A-l refer ences. F 224, Oregonian. COOK First-class all-round reliable; good worker; wishes position in restaurant, club, hotel, 2d fried or helper; btst ref erences. P 237, Oregonian. BLACKSMITH wants good, steady job Tn city; no horseshoeing: It) years experience. Sober and steady. E 242. Oregonian. CARPENTER First-class finisher and cabi netmaker. Phone Venable Hotel, room 203. YOUNG married man, experienced meat cut ter and grocery clerk, wishes position. AF 233. Oregonian. YOUNG married man, good habits, wants position driving auto; has drten machine 0000 miles tnis season. Jv ju, oregonian. RELIABLE chauffeur needs position at or.ee ; private preferred. Phone Tabor 43 n. Main 16S4. REAL ESTATE office, experienced in book keeping, general management and sales manship. Apply J 233. Oregonian. B V young married man, position as janitor In nrst-class apartment-house; experienced. H 24. Oregonian. YOUNG married man wishes position on ranch ; references. Phone Lents 2512 or A P 236. Oregonian. JAPANESE chauffeur, good gardener, wants petition in family; reference. AE 2d4, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4910. Portland Waiters Club. 148 5th, Portland. Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. STENOGRAPH ER. age Ho! experienced, rapid, with knowledge of bookkeeping. J 2;1, Oregonian. NEW COOKS' headquarters and kitchen help. 04 Vi Oth st. Main 7524. PLUMBING repaired by skilled mechanic; only 75c an hour. ' Marshall 4971. TWO young men want work on ranch. J. G. Mack, Portland, Or. General delivery. EXPERIENCED fireman wants position; can drive any mEke auto. W 226, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in railroad and commercial correspondence, desires position at once, either permanent or sub. sti tuting. C 2i'7. Oregonian. tsi LNOGRAPHEH, inexperienced : writes shorthand ; can operate typewriter; low wages. Phone Main .S572 forenoons. STENOGRAPHER, experienced in legal work, desires positon; moderate salary considered. East 4246. POSITION wanted by young lady, cashier or assistant bookkeeper, experienced. Main 63S1 COMPETENT ouns lady stenographer; state salary expected. A 245, Oregonian Drmmaken. WANTED Sewing by the day, suits or gowns, $2 per day. 47i Main st. Phone Marshall REFINED, middle-aged woman, position as housekeeper; good cook an,d manager; moderate wages; references. G 237, Ore gonian. COMPETENT dressmaker wants sewing at home. 292 Clay st. Phone Main 8Q:tO. AN experienced infant and child's nurse de sires' position. Willing to leave city. Ref erences. V 234. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker desires sewing at home. 1U9 lSth N., apt. 11. Phone Mrs. Parsons Main 8193. Housekeepers. REFINED, cultured lady wishes position as housekeeper in wiuower's or bachelor's nice home ; good cook. Address AV HO, Oregonian. YOUNG widow lady wants housekeeping 30b lor widower or bachelor. K. 23b, ore gonlan. is U ITS of front rooms, clean and desirable. $2U. 432 Jefferson st. YOUNG lady wants position as housekeeper Call from 1 to 4, Main 4226. room 209. Miscellaneous. WANTED By experienced woman, house work by day or hour, cooking, canning, Ironing or mending. Tabor 317. Gl RL wants position caring for children ; prefer going to beach. Main 7440, bet. 9 and 11 A. M.. 4 to 6 P. M. EXPERIENCED German girl. Housework; sleeps home; wages $30. AK 234, Ore gonian. YOUNG lady, experienced in telephone op erating, wishes private exchange. Phone Marshall 4928. DAY work or hour. 25 cents, first-class work ; honest woman. Mrs. Toman. Main 3G03. NEEDY woman wishes place where she may work for her room for a week. Marshall 2346. Call bet. & and 2 o'clock. POSITION In Summer resort or hotol dining-room or chamber work preferred. Harriet Kobida. ' acolt. Wash. WIDOW wishes position of trust ; capable and willing; references, j T 211, Orego nian. WOMAN needs work; must have it for Fri day and Saturday. Weaver. Main 717, A 1517. STRONG woman wants to work today. Mc Ouire. Main 717. A 1517. WOMAN wants washing, ironing and house cleaning. K. Pabo, 9F Russell St. SWEDISH woman wants waHhtng and Iron ing to take home. Call 427 East 9th st. WANT hotel or light housework, plain peo ple; close in; $20 month. Main 3910. YOUNG lady wants position in doctor's of fice EXPERIENCED woman wants day work toaay. case ;oj. airs. &teai. SWEDISH girl wants second work In private family. Phone Home A 3346. WANTED Housework by the day. Tabor 3351, YOUNG German lady wishes position, good family, perfect tailor. T 212, Oregonian. I WANT washing, Ironing by day. East 3013, room 19. WOMAN would like day "work. E. 3013, room 17. WOMAN wants work Fri. and Sat.; refer ences. Wood lawn 1011. YOUNG lady, experienced, work, confection ery or grocery store. Main 7UW. Miss May, TWO girls from Old Country want house work: speak German. phone Tabor 2671. WANT El -AGENTS. LADIES and gentlemen can start a nico business for themselves in their home town; 100 per cent commission; write for free sample. W. Schwartzenberg, 609 Washington street. WANTE1V-TO RENT. FtnuMh. WANTED To lease for one year with pur chasing clause a substantially built mod ern 5-room cottage or bungalow; view lot; reply, giving amount of rent required, lowest cash price, location and full descrip tive information of the property. Postof flce box 720. RESPONSIBLE couple, no children, want small furnished bungalow, near carline; must be reasonable and in good location ; garden and sleeping porch preferred; state terms and full particulars. S 213, Orego nian. WANT to rent a well-furnished home on West Side or in Irvington for short or long term; small family; no children. Ed win F. James, Majestic Theater. Marshall 2664. FURNISHED or unfurnished house in "pled mont district. Phone Woodlawn 1912 uf ter 6 P. M. WANTED To rent a four or five-room house ; must be reasonable ; references. Mrs. E. W. H.. 452 E. loth st. N.. city. WANTED To rent for oue year, modern unfurnished cottage; must be reasonable rental. R 235, Oregonian. WORKING girl wishes to rent small, fur nished room in respectable neighborhood : I place must be clean. Reply to Box AC 235, Oregonian, WANTED TO RENT. Rooms. TWO young men desire furnished room with sleeping porch; West Side. good neighborhood. 15 minutes car ride. K, -"7. Oregonian. Rooms With Board. FACTORY girl wants room and board, re spectable boarding-house : working people onl"; place must be in a. respectable neiKhborhood, clean and sanitary and food wholesome. Reply to Box AD 241, Oregonian. A GIRL working in factory wants board in private family; cannot pay more than $20 per month ; expects onlv clean ac commodations in respectable neighbor hood, and plain, wholesome food. Reply to Box W 237, Oregonian. VOL NO business man wants room and breakfast with private family in modern. 1 i men c. 1 jij. Oregonian. WANT E D R 00m with boa rd for 2 and child 6 years; nice orlvate family, respect able people. 329 Oak st. DESK room wanted in Lumbermen! building or Railway Exchange, for real estate, mortgage loan business, D 241, Oregonian. l-'OB KENT. furnlKbed1 Room. ANNEX HOTEI Washington st., corner 12th. Walking distance, both telephones. 150) desirable rooms. Fireproof. modern; monthly rate. $15 to $25 with bath priv ilege; $30 to $45 with private bath. Two rooms with bath bet weed $50 to $73. Same rate for one or two persons In a room. Weekly or daily rates are reason able. ' Charles H. Rowley. Mgr. hotel Rowland! hotel miwook. 2074 4fh. 21314 4th. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Nicely furnished rooms, homelike, re soectable. clean and modern; hot and colrt water, private baths; Summer rates, $3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists: rlve n a nnU- vo,. U.-IU .iL- it, for you get your money's worth audi then some. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 4 llth. between Morrison and Yamhill; re cently opened; every modern convenience, plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby; rates $4 week and up: with pri vate bath. $5.."0 week and up: transient rates 75c and up. Free phone. Main 4229. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; firtproof build ing, acuum cleaned, shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and loo other features. Full particulars at business office, cor. Oth ana Taylor sts. HOTEL BUCKINGHAM 6j2Vj Washington st. Elegantly located, new and modern; all outside rooms. $2.00 up, with bath $5. No extra charge for two in room. Free de tached bath and phone. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms, mouern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel. opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street. New, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and co.d water, comfort ably furnished. Transients solicited. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th St.. at Washington. Rooms, $3.50 per week up; under per sonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. THti LARR ABEE. .27 y, Larrabee. Koomi $2 week up. lV-ick building, steam he a., hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; $22.50 and up witb bat h ; absolutely respectable. East 323. MADRAS HOTEL, 12th and Washington Rooms $3 week ; private bath, $5 week; corner f ront suite, $5 week. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, 6tlx and Main. ROOMS, $S to $10, one or two beds. Phons Marshall 1043. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. $fc Large, airy tront room, suitable for on- or two, ail conveniences; on best carlin-a in city; walking distance; in fine residence d. strict. Phone East 4438. $S LARGE airy front room, suitable for one or two; all conveniences; on best carline in city; walking distance; in fine residence district. Phone East 4438. ATTRACTIVE, lipht room, modern, private home for business woman, Nob Hill, walk ing distance; home privileges. Phone mornings, A 4.S5 3 . TWO front rooms, furnished beautifully, modern, can have board if desired. 475 Clay. NICELY furnished rooms from '2. weekly; easy walking distance ; phone. 655 Wash ington. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good home; references; Nob Hill. 733 Johnson BREAKFAST and airy front room, all con veniences, walking distance, svii table for two; $3 per week. Call East 443S. LARGE, front room;?, two beds, always hot water, in walking distance, $15. &90 Jack son. Phone A 5265. TWO neatly furnished rooms, good location. 195 16th st. NEWLY furnished rooms, good location, walking distance. 490 Taylor st. ONE front room, $11 month ; side room, $7. SUS 6th st. TWO furnished single sleeping rooms, $2 per week. 747 Northrup. Mar. 3734. NICELY furnished rooms, board optional, porches, walking distance. 564 Flanders. $6 MONTH Nicely furnished room, also H. K. room, walking distance. 4 48 Columbia. SLEEPING porch, with large front room, kitchenette, free cooking gas. 402 Park st. $1.75 WEEK, clean front room, quiet, nice . locality; close In. 292 10th. SINGLE front rooms very reasonable. Phone and bath. 221 13th st. FURNISHED room for rent. Phone Mar. 2674. A 4.N2S. NICE clean furnished room. 12SH 13th, st. between Washington and Abler. LARGE airy room, good neighborhood, walk ing distance. 699 Flanders st. Booms With Board. NORTON IA HOTEL. llth, just off Washington st. American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Park; convenient to carline. THE HILL, Washington, at 23d st. Residential and Tourists' Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and transients. Main 7384. THE WILLARD HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, $2 per day witH meals. Rates by the month and wee" w ith or without meals very reasonable New. modern and fireproof. THE VIRGINIA HILL 14th and Jefferson sts. An exclusive residential hotel, attractive) rates to transients or permanent guests. Main 92S3. A 0628. ROOMS and board at the Calumet for $37.50 per month; double with private bath, $75 per month; rooms, European, $15 and up; rates by the day and week. 150 Park it Main 7300. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent tablet board, very reasonable rates, llth and Yamhill gts. P AR K V IEW HOTEL, ' 3S3 Montgomery st.. at West Park, mod ern conveniences; rooms with or .without bath; excellent table service; reasonably rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL, 253 tiTH ST. A residential hotel, large eun porch: rooms with or without baths; homo cook ing; table board a specialty. THE MAN1TOU, 261 lilth st. Excellent table, large, airy rooms. Summer rates. "J" car at Depot. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 24th year; rooms with board, use of sewin?-room. li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. THE HAZEL Now changed to family hoteL Special Summer rates. Strictly home cooking 3S5 3d st. Phone Main 7094. LA HG-j, newly f urnisned room with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds; piano, home comforts. 391 llth. Main 63S1. 404 MADISON st.. cor. 10th st. Main 20DS. Rooms and board. Miss Massee. WANTED Four men to board and room with fraternity. Marshall 5970. Room With Board tn Private Family. BACHELORS or middle-aged people to board: newly furnished rooms, home rook ing, walking distance. 487 E. Ankeny. East 2346. 241 N. 22d st. Two well-furnished con necting rooms, excellent board. M. 207 1. $2 EACH, front parlor for two; modern conveniences. S3 17th, near Everett. VERY reasonable for 2 lovely rooms and 2 meals: close In. Marshall 2705. WILL care for child or babv at my home. 616 Mall st. Phone Sellwood 119. 331 14TH Room and board, 3 meals, walk ing distance, $25 mo. Main 5G0S. A