Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 18, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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Wickersham and McCormick
Show Rare Form in De
cisive Matches.
Ex-Champion of Northwest Admits
0-0, 0-0 Is Too Much Kichard
son Put Out by Ixs Angeles
Boy Woman's Play Fast.
OMAHA. Neb.. July IT. Clarence
Griffin and John Strachan, Pacific
Coast tennis champions In doubles,
arrived In Omaha today for the Na
tional Clay court tournament. July
21. They will compete both In the
singles and the doubles. Both play
ers will give an exhibition of their
Same next Saturday at a local club.
Tennis enthusiasts who missed morn
ing or afternoon play yesterday in the
Oregon state tournament may -well
have regrets, for they missed seeing
some of the best tennis ever played In
Portland. True, some of the matches
were one-Bided, but the surprises came
so thick and fast that the one-sided-ness
was forgotten almost.
There was the great showing made
by Wickersham: the unexpected
strength of young McCormick, the Los
Angeles Club representative, though
more strictly an Oregon boy,- his home
being in Ashland; the love defeat of
Miss Stella Fording, former state
champion, by Miss Livingstone, of
Seattle. All these and more proved
upsets on the fourth day that were
welcomed by some and regretted by
The big match In the men's singles
yesterday was that between "Wicker
sham and Goss, and the latter admitted
as he shook the hand of his conqueror:
Oouu Makes Apologies.
"Wick, that's the worst beating I
ever got."
And he was right, for "Wick' beat
the former Northwest champion 6-0,
6-0. It was awful, but had to be, so it
was. That Wickersham is to be state
champion this year many have already
conceded, for his strength, developed
practically in two days' time, has
shown that he is determined to show
his admirers that he still has "the
punch." For, after all, tennis is won
with legs and endurance. And be it
said of Goss that he had too much to
do the day before to be in the best
of condition for a match with "Wick."
Then in the afternoon Wickersham
took his next opponent, H. W. Peters,
the Spokane southpaw, into camp in
one-two order. 6-1, 6-1, and Peters was
playing a wonderful game, but he Is
young, and has lots of time yet. His
serve was powerful, his strokes well
aimed, but Wlckersham's serve was
truer, his first ball more severe, his
strength greater and his Judgment far
superior to that of his opponent.
If Wickersham keeps up his present
gait he should push his way to the
top again this year in the Interna
tional, as he already has shown him
self conclusively Portland's best player,
Women In Fast Piny.
In the morning, among the women.
the match of Mrs. Northup against
Mrs. Ellis, of Tacoma. which the Port
land woman won after three hard, long
sets, was most interesting to see. It
was pretty play and both women were
matched about evenly till the last set.
when Mrs. Northup showed unexpected
strength and took Beveral games in
succession. Through an error, it was
announced in the tennis summary yes
terday that Mrs. Northup was defeated
by Miss Fox. This match yesterday
was nip-and-tuck from start to finish
almost, but Mrs. Northup proved too
strong, too fast and too sure for her
doubles partner.
Of the interesting features of the
tournament one must mention the sur
prisingly strong game which Miss Du
Brille, the Portland high school title
holder, is putting up. In the morning
she defeated Mrs. Wentworth, formerly
Miss Leadbetter. she is a comer
among women, if she stays by the
game, and has proved conclusively
tnat wnen one gets up. at 5 o'clock in
the morning to learn to play the game
ot tennis wurt "tamer and the boys,
one deserves to win. She lost, how
ever, to Mrs. Northup in the afternoon.
3-, v-o, 8-b.
Miss Winifred Bent, of Portland, who
reached the semi-finals in play at
Berkeley's tournament this Spring, has
shown to advantage in the present
state tournament, though she was de
feated yesterday by Miss Fording, a
more experienced and superior judge
or change of court play to meet
opponent's tactics. Miss Bent should
develop a lobbing game.
Seattle Girls Lose.
Though she lost yesterday in the
mixed doubles with Goss, the woman's
champion. Miss Campbell, is playing a
hard game in the doubles with Mrs.
Judge, the "midget team" defeating the
beattie girls easily on Wednesday.
McCormick is being conspicuously
mentioned as the man who may meet
Wickersham for the final honors on
Gill and McCormick won another of
their s'pi ctacular doubles games against
Wells and Wilder. The score was 8-6,
3-6, 6-3. Wickersham and Cowing de-
zeateo sn.un ana vv axeman, 6-0. 6-3.
The tiggest singles match of today
win taae place in tne morning at 9:30
so as to give the players every chance
The patronesses yesterday were Mrs.
Lou Is Starr, Mrs. Walter Cook, Miss
Irene Barnes, Miss Helen Barnes. Miss
Verna Barker. Beatrice Portuous and
Jeaniutte wiggms. Yesterday's re
The results of yesterday:
Men's singles Wickersham defeated Goss,
6-0, 6-0; wickersham defeated H. W.
Peters. 6-1. 6-1; Wolfard defeated Fleming
by default; Cowing defeated GUI, 6-2, 6-4;
McCormick aeieatea iticnarason, 6-3. 6-4
S. H. Cooke defeated Wolfard, 6-2. 3-0. 6-4.
Women's singles Miss Livingstone defeat
ed Miss Fording. 6-0, 6-0: Mrs. Northun de
feated Miss Du Brullle, 3-6, 7-5, 8-6; Miss
Du Brullle defeated Mrs. Wentworth, 6-3
6-2; Miss Fording defeated Miss Bent. 6-2.
7 -o ; Miss Livingstone defeated Mrs. Gregg,
o-u. -
Mixed doubles Mrs. Ellis and H. W
Peters defeated Miss Bent and Mr. Gill.
6-0. 3-6. 6-4: Miss Livingstone and Kirk
Smith defeated Miss Gondolfo and Mr. Ed
gar. T-fi, 11-9; Mrs. Ellis and H. W. Peters
dereated Miss Campbell and Mr. Goss, 2-6,
b-o. a-u.
Men's doubles Wickersham and Cowing
defeated Smith and Wakeman, 6-0, 6-3: Gill
and McCormick defeated Wells and Wilder.
s-6. 8-6, 6-3: Wickersham and Cowing de
feated Ferguson and Mersereau, 6-1, 6-2; An
drews and Richards defeated Brewer and
Lewis, 7-5, 6-3; Stewart and Durham defeat
ed Kugar and McAlpin. 3-6, 6-0, 7-5.
Women's doubles Mrs. Judere and Mi
Campbell defeated Miss Gondolfo and Miss
l.andls. 6-1. 6-2: Mrs. Ellis and Miss Thayer
defeated Mrs, Burkhardt and Mrs. Gregg,
6-4, 6-8; Mrs. Northup and Miss Fox defeat
ed MIms Kurts ana juim Morris, B-o, a-z
Miss Livingstone and Miss Fording defeated
Miss Tm Brullle and Miss Bent, 6-3, 6-3.
Men's consolations Durham defeated Sa
bln, 6-2, 8-6, 6-4; Matthews defeated F. M.
DeNeffe. by default; S. S. Humphrey de
feated Prescott, 6-4. 6-4: DeWltt defeated
Setarr, by default; Dr. BUderback defeated
Holbrook, by default.
Women's consolations Mrs. Judge defeat
ed Miss E. Parker, 2-6, 7-5, 6-2; Miss Gon
dolfo defeated Miss Byron, by default: Miss
Kaufman defeated Miss Morris, by default.
Today's Schedule.
8:30 A. M., McCormick vs. Cowing: 10:00
A. M.. Mrs. Northup vs. Miss Livingstone,
Mrs. Ellis and H. W. Peters vs. Mrs. Cook
and Mr. Wickershara. 11:00 A. M., Miss
Du Brille and Mr. Cowing vs. Mrs. Judge
and Mr. McCormick; 1:00 P. M.. Wickersham
and Cowing vs. Gill and McCormick; 2:00
P. M-. Mrs. Northup and Miss Fox vs. Mrs.
Judge and Miss Campbell, Mrs. Ellis and
Miss Thayer vs. Miss Livingstone and Miss
Fording; 3:00 P. M.. Cooke vs. Wickersham,
Andrews and Richardson vs. Stewart and
Durham; 4:00 P. M., Miss Livingstone and
K. Smith vs. winner of Miss Du Brille and
Cowing vs. Mrs. Judge and Mr. McCormick.
Consolations schedule:
10:00 A. M.. Miss Kaufman and Miss Po
vey, A. C. Peters vs. Cooklngham; 11:00 A.
M.. Lytle vs. Lewis. Wilder vs. H. Kurti,
Saunders vs. Oberg. Humphrey vs. Prescott;
12:00, Durham vs. winner of Lytle-Lewis,
Mrs. Northup vs. Mrs. Wentworth: 1:00 P.
M.. Holbrook vs. Starr. Kirk Smith vs.
Lentz. winner of Cookingham-Peters vs.
Frohman, Matthews vs. winner of Wilder
Kurtz; 2:00 P. M., Miss Sinclair vs. winner
of Miss Kaufman-Miss Povey; 6:00 P. M..
Mrs. Judge vs. Miss Gondolfo. Dr. BUder
back vs. winner Saunders-Oberg.
Portland Man Hopes to Battle With
Surf for Ten Miles.
SEASIDE, Or., July 17. (Special.)
Attempting a feat never before tried,
Arthur Cavill, of Portland, hopes -to
swim a distance of ten miles in the surf
on Clatsop Beach, landing at Seaside in
front of the Moore Hotel, on Sunday
Cavill hopes to time his arrival at 2.
o'clock and a battery of moving-picture
machines will click the details of his
landing through the breakers. Just at
present the sea is running high at Sea
side, but Civill has tied no strings to
his exploit, which will be performed In
almost any kind of weather, he be
lieves. The start will be made from the
beach below Gearhart. It is said that
none ever before has swum across the
whirlpool, where the Necanicum meets
the sea and this undoubtedly will be
the critical point of Cavill's journey,
and it is probable that his last mile
will be made purely on nerve.
Cavill will be throughly prepared for
the contest by being oiled and rubbed
with blubber while a first-aid boat will
accompany him all the way.
Caldwell Establishes Accuracy Feat
and Leu Makes Good Casts
for Distance.
Three records were established last
night at the fly-casting tournament of
the Multnomah Anglers' Club at the
Oaks. In the one-half ounce bait-casting
for accuracy event, J. L Caldwell
made a score of 96 out of a possible
100; Mr. Leu, In the one-half ounce
bait-casting for distance event, made
an average of 133 feet, and also a sin
gle cast of 148 feet, both of which are
better than the former marks.
A strong wind had to be contended
with, making the long-distance fly
casting with a heavy rod rather diffi
cult, and the marks made did not come
up to expectations. W. E. Carlon was
the winner with a throw of 80 feet.
In the light rod long-distance cast
ing held Wednesday night, W. E. Car
lon established a record of 84 feet.
two feet better than the former mark
held by Claire Godfrey, the Seaside
entry. Results:
Half-ounce balt-castlnr for distance
Leu, average 133 feet; Humphreys. 125 Si
feet; Bock, 108 Vi feet; McFarland. 101 "4
feet; Tyrell, 4Vi leet; Caldwell, 4i teet.
Long-distance, witn a heavy roa w. ja.
Carlon, 80 feet; W. F. Backus, 77 feet;
Cornell, 68 feet; Abrahams and Posten tied
with en feet; Humphreys and McFarland tied
with 60 feet.
Half-ounce bait, casting for accuracy
J. I. Caldwell, DOM per cent; Humphreys,
03 per cent; Bock, 01 per cent: Leu, 904
per cent; Aicr ariana, ov per cent; lyrreu,
88 14 per cent; Backus, 87 per cent; Cornell,
to per cent.
Oregon . Entries Make Clean Sweep
or Races Wild Craft Adds to
Excitement of Day.
SEATTLE. June 17. The Oregon Kid,
piloted by Brock and Smith, of Port
land, took first honors in todays fot
latch motor-boat races on Lake Wash
ington, winning the free-for-all 30-
mile race and the 20-mile race for
boats of the 26 - foot class. Another
Portland entry, the Baby Bell, took
first- honors in the 15-mlle' race for
boats of the 16-foot class.
The Poky II of Seattle furnished the
excitement of the day when Chris
Ellngson, the only occupant. was
thrown out of the boat while it was
rounding a curve at full speed without
a pilot. The Poky II ran wild on the
lake, but craft of all kinds made way
for her, and the engine died before
any damage was done.
Sixteen-foot class. -15 miles Baby
Bell. Portland, won in 25 minutes 40
seconds; Red Nose, Seattle, second In
26:23; Potlatch Baby, Seattle, third, in
Free-for-all. 30 miles Oregon Kid,
Portland, won In 48:12; Red Nose, Seat
tle, second In 54:30; H. L. A. third.
Twenty - six - foot class, 20 miles
Oregon Kid, ' Portland, won in 30:10;
Baby Bell, Portland, second In 33:14;
H. L. A. third in 36:01.
Good Card Assured for Clark County
Fair Race Meet.
VANCOUVER, Wash., July 17. (Spe
clal.) The early closing entries for
the fourth annual Clark County Fair
are in and It is found that there are
seven for the 2:25 trot and eight for
the 2:12 pace. Fred W. Booker, speed
secretary, predicts the best race events
ever pulled off in Southwestern Wash
Ington this year. There will be horses
here from all parts of the Pacific North
west and several local ones. The track
is in excellent condition and should be
fine September 8 to 14, during the fair
The following list shows the early
closing entries and the names of the
2:25 trot Katie Guy, owned by C. A.
Witt, Lyle, Wash.; Buford Boy, owned
by Parker Adams, Vancouver; . Song
Sparrow, owned, Dy W. C. Stefi, The
Dalles, Or.; Benton Boy, owned by M.
B. Belknap, Salem, Or.; Zbnelta, owned
oy Dr. A. O. Smith, Salem, Or.; Prince
Seattle, owned by Fred Woodcock, For
est Grove, Or.; General B., owned by
Frank Thomas, Manor, Wash.
2:12 pace Mack N., owned by Bert
Clanfleld, Dallas. Or.; Lena Lou, owned
by N. S. McRae, Vancouver; Majeska,
owned by N. S. McRae; Dan S., owned
by Edward Dennison, Portland; Ab Ben
der, owned by Mrs. M. L. Coovert and
Chester Daniel, Vancouver and Eugene,
Or.; Harold Welcome, owned by W. L.
Knouff. Portland; Hi Hoo, owned by
Fred Brooker, Vancouver.
Secretary of the Navy Swears
Fealty to Tillikums and
Gets Long Name.
Army, Navy and Fraternal Order
3Ien Pass In .Review Before Cabi
net Member, 'Eyes Jjeft'Xight
Aeroplane Flights Feature.
SEATTLE, Wash., July 17. (Special.)
Secretary ot the Navy, Josephus
Daniels, today took the tribal oath,
swore fealty to the Tillikums of Elttaes
and, with the full rites and ritual great
tyee he was raised to a full chief
tainship of the tribe and named Tyee
Hyass Canlm Hiyu Mamook-Poo Cali
peen," which literally translated from
the Chinook means "Great Chieftain of
the big iron flreboat with many shoot
Secretary Daniels had come from the
luncheon in his honor at the Commer
cial Club escorted by Governor Lister,
Mayor Cotterlll, Rear-Admiral Rey
nolds, Colonel C. J. Bailey, of the Coast
Artillery and a staff of Army and Navy
officers, and, without any formality was
ushered into the dim hall in the Arctic
Club, where Tyee Rice, the grana
sachem of the Potlatch standing upon a
shadowy dais and surrounded by tne
chiefs of his council and chief priest of
the Holy Walrus waited to receive him.
Secretary Kneels for Rites.
Kmlarv Daniels knelt before the
throne, his right hand upon the smooth
skull of the sacred walrus and his
knees touching its great tusks. ije
tyees of the council held their tri
bal totems, war bows and spears above
his head, while Tyee Rice uttered the
fateful words of the Chinook accolade.
Thft consecrated fire was then llgnt-
ed in the hollow eye socket of the holy
walrus and Josephus Daniels, tyee of
the Potlatch, with the printer-tormenting
name quoted above, rose to his
place among the chiefs and smoked the
pipe of peace. In a short speech he
urged the business men of the entire
country to take an Interest in politics
and help give the people a clean and
efficient government.
Paying a fitting tribute to secretary
of the Navy Josephus Daniels, more
than 2000 men in marching platoons.
Army. Navy and fraternal orders.
passed the Potlatch reviewing stano
this afternoon in the dress uniforms of
peace and war with "eyes left," while
the Cabinet visitor looked 'on, an in
terested spectator.
Parade Two Miles Long.
The afternoon parade was made up of
two divisions, the first consisting of the
naval force of Pujret Sound and com
plements from visiting warships, the
military forces from North Pacific posts
and the state militia, the second fra
ternal organizations in uniform and the
floats of their societies. The procession,
two miles long, was very properly
headed by Army and Navy detachments,
in honor of the distinguished member
of the National Cabinet.
Thousands upon thousands of per
sons jammed the down-town, streets to
night enjoying the band concert at
Pioneer Place, the children s potlatch
dance at the grandstand, the reception
at the Arctic Club, illuminated night
aeroplane flight along the water
front and the spectacular Japanese
fireworks at the grandstand.
Two successful aeroplane flights
over Elliott Bay and the city were fea
tures of this morning s programme of
the Potlatch. Aviatrice Miss Alys
McKey made the first flight at 10
o'clock, lasting 20 minutes, and TaKasa,
the Japanese aviator, made a flight at
10:30, lasting 15 minutes.
The steamship Senator arrived from
Nome, Alaska, today with $700,000 of
gold bullion, a very appropriate inci
dent in the Potlatch, which is held
every year to commemorate the ar
rival of the first Klondike gold ship in
1897, also with 700,000 In gold dust,
Portland to Have Principal Part In
Seattle Programme Today.
This is the principal day of the Pot
latch celebration at Seattle and Port
land will play the principal part.
Portland's part will be played by
about 50 members of the Royal Rosa
rlans who left here last night on a spe
cial train. In company with them was
the party of officials of the National
Chamber of Commerce who are on a
tour of the Coast and for whom the
Rosarians will act as escort.
The Rosarians, attired in their natty
white uniforms, will participate in to
day's parade. The drill squad will
execute some of its maneuvers. Some
new and stunning steps have been
mastered, for this occasion.
Portland Sends Ten Pupils to Indus
trial Institution at Salem.
SALEM. Or., July 17. (Special.)
About ten Portland girls will be the
first pupils of the State- Industrial
School for Girls, which will open to
morrow in the old Polytechnic School
building on the grounds of the Deaf
and Dumb School. While the building
will accommodate 25 girls, applications
have been made so far for the accom
modatlon of only 15. 4
The school was provided by an ap
propriation at the, last session of the
Legislature. A new building will be
completed next year, probably on a
lot adjoining the site ot tne insane
Mrs. E. M. Hopkins, of Portland, has
been appointed matron of the insti
tution. Mrs. Lola G. Baldwin, of Port
land, and Mrs. Felts and Mrs. Carlton
Smith, of this city, constitute the ad
vlsory board.
Statute Applies to All Companies
With Securities to Sell.
SALEM, Or.,- July 17. (Special.)
Corporation Commissioner Watson this
afternoon announced that all compa
nies with stocks or bonds to sell, even
though they are not offered at the ores
ent time, come within the purview of.
the blue sky law. Me said that the
only investment companies that are ex
empt are those that have issued and
sold all their securities. All compa
nies, he noias, tnat nave stocks or se
curltles not contracted for prior to
June 3 must live up to the provisions
of the bill.
Mr. Watson also announced that a
number of companies were sending In
preliminary statements and exemption
affidavits, one being virtually a contra
diction of the other.
Copyright Ban SchaSber Be Mars
State Library More Than Dou
bles Number of Volumes."
In Future Books Will Be Sent to
Various Sections of State
for Use in Schools
and by Public.
SALEM, Or., July 17. (Special.)
Having almost doubled the number of
volumes in the library through con
tributions from the Supreme Court li
brary and recent purchases, the State
LiDiary Commission has prepared a
proprannne broadening the scope of the
w,rk, with special reference to educa
tional facilities.
That the counties of the state are
taking an active interest in the Bchool
libraries, which are under the super
vision of the State Library, is proved
bi the receipt this week of $18,000 from
them for the purchase of books. There
is a minimum, levy for this purpose of
10 cents for each child and the total
raised this year is far In excess of that
of any previous ones.
A plan Just adopted by the Commis
sion, embracing the sending of books
from the State Library to public li
braries throughout the state, is de
signed to aid women's clubs and liter
ary societies. The organizations may
ask that groups of books relating to
certain subjects to be studied by them
be sent to the nearest public library,
where the members may obtain the
"It is a big undertaking," said Miss
Marvin, "and it will take time to work
out and put into operation our com-
prenensive plan. But we shall keep
at it until our library will not have
an equal anywhere.
"That there is much Interest in our
plan is demonstrated by the demand
already for groups of books. Two
groups relating to domestic science
have been sent out and there is demand
for more."
Disagreement Expected in Robbery
Case Despite Failure of De
fense to Offer Testimony.
No verdict had been reached at 10
o'clock last night, when the Jury try
ing E. E. C. Von Klein was ordered
locked up until morning by Circuit
Judge Morrow.
Von Klein is charged with stealing
$3500 worth of diamonds from Miss
Ethel Newcomb, after marrying her
polygamously. in San Francisco in Oc
tober, 1311. A disagreement Is ex
pected, despite the failure of the de-
Lfense to call a single witness. The
case was given to the Jury at 1:40
P. M.
The entire morning session of court
was taken up by arguments of coun
sel. Wilson T. Hume, . representing
Von Klein, scored Miss Newcomb as
an adventuress, dwelling with stress
on the fact that she had married after
only a few weeks' .acquaintance. He
declared that the state had failed to
prove her possession of the Jewels al
leged to have been stolen.
Although he refused to testify; Von
Klein says privately the man to whom
Miss Newcomb asserts she married
may have been Jack Lewis, of Cin
cinnati. Miss Newcomb says she never
heard of the Cincinnati man.
Deputy District Attorney Maguire
charged in his address that the defense
in its opening statement had admitted
the presence of Von Klein in Portland
at the time the diamonds were stolen.
He argued that the state had proved
its case absolutely.
Welsh Minister Wins Prize for Story
of Hardships.
SPOKANE, Wash., July 17. (Spe
cial.) A Spokane man has been award
ed the first prize of $50 for the best
story founded on incidents in the life
of a Welsh pioneer in America by the
first international Eisteddfod held at
Pittsburg, Pa., July 2 to 5.
The writer is the Rev. Jonathan Ed
wards, of this city, a pioneer Congre-
Summer Clearance of
Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits
and Men's Furnishings
$20 Suits, Clearance Price ?14.95 $30 Suits, Clearance Price $22.50
$25 Suits, Clearance Price $18.75 $35 Suits, Clearance Price $26.25
Blue, Black, Full Dress and Tuxedo, 15 Per Cent Off
All Straw Hats y2 Price
ArrowandE. & W. Shirts
In Fancy Patterns Greatly Reduced
$1.60 Arrow and E. & W. Shirts; all this Spring's
stock included, in fancy patterns, soft tf i lg
or stiff cuffs. Clearance Sale Price... wl10
$2.60 and $2 Arrow and E. & W. Shirts, all this
season's newest patterns, soft or stiff J OC
cuffs. No reserve. Clearance Sale Priced) 1 lOU
$3.60 Arrow Silk Shirts, soft cuffs, dr if?
collars to match. Clearance Sale PrlceD5'rO
$5.00 E. & W. Silk Shirts, best quality in beauti
ful patterns. No reserve. Clearance o CC
Sale Price OOiOO
gational minister, who has spent 27
years in the Spokane country. Mr. Ed
wards was one of 11 competitors in the
class which he entered. His story
deals chiefly with the Spokane and the
Coeur d'Alene country, with incidents
also of British Columbia and Alaska.
Donkey Flunkeys Sleet Death in
Lumber Camp Near Aberdeen.
ABERDEEN, Wash., July 17. (Spe
cial.) Paul Slkaia and Charles West,
donkey flunkeys, are dead and Jule
Daniels is badly injured as the result
of the breaking of a block at the Coats
Fordney camp No. 1, early this after
noon. The accident was not witnessed
by anyone save a rigging sllnger and
donkey engineer.
The bodies and the injured man were
brought to Aberden late this evening
and will be buried from here. Little
is known of the men. save that they
had been employed at the camp for
some time. Sikala was a Finn, none of
them are married as far as is known.
Visitors From All Parts of Willam
ette Valley Are Expected.
EUGENE. Or.. July 17. (Special.)
Albany, Salem and Roseburg Elks have
sent word that they are chartering
special trains to come to the Eugene
Elks' picnic, which Is to be held next
Sunday on the banks of the McKenzie
River, six miles northeast of Eugene.
Portland Elks in considerable numbers
are also expected to attend.
Plans for the entertainment of the
assembled Elks were virtually com
pleted and approved at a meeting of
the general committee last evening.
Barbecued beef and 1500 fried redslde
trout' will furnish the basis of the
dinner which is to be served at noon.
1 K
North Beach
Steamer Potter leaves daily, except Sunday, 8 :00 A . M. Saturday 1 :00 P. M. Break
fast served a la carte.
Steamer Ilassalo leaves daily except Sunday, 9 :30 P. M.
Excellent restaurant on both boats. Service a la carte. Make reservations Ash-street
Dock or
Third and Washington Phones: Marshall 4500, A 6121
Of Standard Make, Greatly Reduced
$1.60 Munslng Union Suits, in ecru only long
or short sleeves and full length. Clearance V C
Sale Price I70C
$2.50 and $2.00 Munsing Union Suits, colors
white, ecru, blue and flesh: long and short
sleeves, full or three-quarter length. i EJrt
Clearance Sale Price 9JLOU
41.50 Cooper Silk Lisle Underwear; colors pink,
white and blue. Clearance Sale, per a 1 fiC
garment p A VIO
$1 Silk Lisle Underwear, colors pink and white,
longorshort sleeves. Clearance Sale Price,"7fj
per garment jC
blatt- er L,o
The Men's Shop for Quality and Service
Northwest Corner Third and Morrison Streets
and for entertainment there will be
vaudeville, track and field sports, mu
sic and sparring matches. Two motion-picture
concerns of Portland have
asked permission to take pictures of
the event.
Marshfleld to Build Dock.
MARSHFIELD, Or., July 17- (Spe
pfe$lL to tle Outing yi-jL
Wr2 1 k Luncheon (fjffj
XXTta"?- 3 ltd tt C3 4 "Bi " f Ilk W. ft"la i&Zm I C W 111
The Desirable Summer Resort'
of the Pacific Northwest
$3.00 Saturday to Monday
cial.) A public dock and warehouse
for Marshfleld Is to be erected by the
Port of Coos Bay Commission. Some
time ago the Port Commission pur
chased waterfront property for this
purpose. Public docks and warehouses
will be operated at a nominal charge
and will permit the development of thu
"tramp" steamer business.