THREE GEEAT MULTNOMAH ATHLETIC CLUB FOOTBALL STARS COLTS' STRING OF VICTORIES BROKEN va.u a.Aa .FLAY ED THEIR LAST GAMES FOR WINGED "M." TO SECOND PLACE Coin Lober Again Stars at Bat and Tigers Have Slugfest at Ex pense of Hynes and Martinoni. in Field, but Divides Hon ors With Hagerman. FIREWORKS COME IN EIGHTH PORTLAND LOSES, 11 TO 2 BEAVERS . ADVANCE ralete () Seven Hits for Seven Runs In One Inning Spell Rout for Venice and Give Portland Game, 8-0. Hap I log an Banished Pacific Coast League Standings. ., W. 1" PcM W. Lu Pet. Los Angel s 63 43 .S5:5crmento 45 44 .606 Portland... 46 44 .SHIVenlce 46 62 .469 San Fran.. 1 49 .olopakland 44 63 .464 Yesterday's Results. At Portland Portland g. Venice 0. At San Francisco Sacramento 8, San Francisco 5. At -Loa Angeles Oakland . Los Angeles 6. BY ROSCOB FAWCETT. Venice blew up -with a crash In the eighth Inning yesterday and Portland fclid into second place In the Coast League after a long: and tedious up ward climb. The score was 8-0. McCredle's Beavers. In their skull- auggery business of winning; ball names, hopped onto Marksman Griffin in the eighth for seven hits and seven runs. Frlor to that the two teams had been taking: the turns on two wheels in a brilliant twirling: duel between urimn and Hatrerman. Hagerman led. 1-0. up to the blowun. thanks to some sensational support by uiotr ana jjoane. Lobcr again Invaded that flimsy cit adel or sentiment occupied by some few local admirers of Art Krueger, knocking in Portland's first tallv and starting: the finishing; fireworks by his iiuro. consecutive sale clout. In other words, Mr. Printer, give us iiwo Msra mat stocK line: Elmer Lo- oer enjoyed a Held day." Hacerman'a Work Masterly. But 'Rip-' Hagerman must not be iorgotten while the smoke of incense Is Curling UD around the I,nhr shrino Hagerman's box work was masterly. e allowed only four scattered hit. nd while his gratuities were frequent, he twirled a brand of ball calculated to win on most occasions. Zerah Zequel's flinging was naturally Dy me waiaKiava charg in the eighth. Not content with per- """"'s iwo-ii(rm hatting rally to r.o.ualy ine spectators, ilapny Hotran Venice manager, kicked so hard on a V ,1 " ""i" Plate that Umpire Held held up 10 fingers, denoting a $10 me, srowiea: "HauBemitvermisterhn.1-. gan. signifying "beat it,- and stopped the game 10 minutes to give his per sonal attention to removing the other Patsy O'Rourke caught the final in ning in his Inimitable fashion. Lober Starts Batfest. v.. 5 announced above, it was Leber's third hit that started the staccato bat barks. Berry followed with his sec ond hit and some butterflngered brain work by Litschl allowed Hagerman to Zl. Jl. " Dunt ana fllI the bases ..lauuuurne ana uoane each drove in 'olj ana men Jin Rodgers strode to the plate, whacked a two-bagger into left and sent three more hurtling across the registry rubber. th?UinLW.hout. uProar- Hogan had the ball waiting for Doane and disa greed most thoroughly with Hw ruling that Walter slid Iround fiim Always a polysyllabic talker. Hogan thLUt a, and a ew more roar" that would have made a police review in a grand Jury room sound like a ver combs convention ln Rome cata- arrtWay' ISapPY was banished, fj k r?f rs deSht from 1600 fans, and the Beavers proceeded to add two h"UI? on an inflW grounder and a hit by trusty Bill Speas? iK,heS.e! tWo ,defeats of Venice. In col laboration wit h three routs for the heals, have not only elevated Portland to second position in the race but m8h,OVed I"6 Bvers only four full Cr 7 xne score Venice Portland B H O A E B H O A K Baylesa . a'tied VorVAiln01 in T?nVh7 ' 32 12 ICO ....... una .; Portland . Hits " .0000OOOO 0 0 .111O 000O 1 4 .0 10000O7 8 Run.-fh.jk.... .. - " " ' say 2, .. , T uoane, Rodirers. T.ind lB bal base .nlt "odKers. Dout.l xr.. .Z Xotes of 'the Game. nJJlt t"0 sensational catches by Lober and Doans brouKht down storms nf ber for.W."."-t0iaUy, "abb"gasted when Lo-J In Portlands favor. Doanes feat was in Plucking a drive by Meloan off the right ? tlO prize y Cheat,n tha' ""hy outoi riluiV ntrlt" b,'".".are cnalked P against "rLrwS,! Berry- but two of them were not and' inn;.T aUde; Hosan Interfered oSce Intl "rr - nlp .to make a clean "teal. ' ,falle1 to cover second on an other occasion. Berry 1. catching great ball and is hitting timely w i.yenlce.i hRd the baae" fu I" the ninth btit could not fathom Hagerman. v,'lh the bases full in the eighth Chad fc drova ,crem" Pst Grtffin. the r.rthV'n" 'UC ,v,ocUy that Umpire Mo Myh " Unabl5 to ""P- Two runs Ohad aV n00- but under the rules ruhndCo;nt.dallOWe1 " "nsU "nd only Hlgglnbotham will likely twirl today, op posing either Koestner or Baum -7!k, T'Ker manipulated two thrilling double plays. Leber was caught at second and Speas at home after Leber's hit in the second Inning. OAKS HAVE EDGE OX AXGELS Krueger's Triple Sends Abies to Bench but Lohman Saves Game. LOS ANGELES. July 10'. Oakland squeezed out a 6-to-5 victory over the Seals today. Harry Abies pitched ef fectively until the seventh inning when he allowed three hits in a row. one a triple by Krueger, which netted the Southerners two runs. He retired in favor of Lohman, who joined the Oaks this week and who held the An gels hltless for the remainder of the game. Umpire Bush attended to the indica tor work single handed, Guthrie hav ing been removed to a hospital early in the day. It is feared he is suffering from appendicitis. Score: v Oakland Los Angetes BHOAE' BHOAE Leard.2... 4 1 2 4 0 Haw'd.2. 3 4 a 4 40 l-ietllng.3. .13 1 1 0 Mitiser,3. 2 0 0 '2 0 Schirm.l.. 8 11 Ol Moore.l 4 0 9 0 C'oy.r if 0 1 0 O'Maanrt.m 8 1 3 0 0 Zacher.m. 3 1 4 OOCliis.l -4 1 O0 Cardner.l. 4 3 13 1 OKrueger.r.. 3 2 3 0 0 .10 0 0O McDonnelH0,olf HKKan- Qrirfin ' P to Grlfffr? rloan. S ba Meloan, Hosp. plres Held and McCarthy. 5 Um" - Ik J ! t J5 I 'zi Guest, ss. .3 12 4 OiJohnson.s. 4 O S 1 l;BoIes.c :i 0 0 4 0' Jackson p. - 2 0 0 10Page..... 1 iG'dwin.t.a. 1 Crabbe,p. . 0 Brooks. t. . l 1 2 0 7 0 0 i 1 0 o o Rohrer.c. 3 Abl"S,p... 3 Lohman, p. 1 O 0 0 0 oooo Totals. . .31 10 27 16 2 Totals. ..32 8 87 12 0 -Diinea ior jacKson ln seventh. tBatted for Metzger In seventh tBatted for Boles In ninth Oakland . . : .3 0 O. 9 0 S 1 0 0 6 . .1 o U 1 2 2 i 1 10 Los Angeles 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 5 V 1 2 1 1 0 3 0 0 8 Runs Lesrd. Hellng. Coy. Zacher 2. Gardner, Howard, Moore, Masgart. Boles Pa?e. Stolen bases Leard, Schirm. Mar ian. Eight hits and 6 runs off Jackson in7 ,nnl"B- S hits and .1 runs off Abies' In G 2-3 innings. Charge defeat to Jackson. oredlt victory to Abies. Three-base hits Krueirer, Howard. Two-base hits Howard 2. baorlflce hits Schirm. Guest, sacrifice flies a.ohrer coy. . Base on balls Off Jackson 4. off Abies 2. Struck out Bv Jackson e. by Abies 1 Double plays Abies to Hohrer to Leard. Johnson to Howard to Moore. Wild fcifiUlf.?.11"0?.- .Hit y Pitcher-Metiger. Time l:5i. Umpire Bush. SEAIiS IiOSE THIRI STRAIGHT Wolves Win In Medley of Hits and Boots, With Teams Erring. OAKLAND, July . 10. In a mixed comedy of hits and errors at Recrea tion Park today the heavy sluggers of the Sacramento Wolves put their third consecutive check on the San Francisco Seals' erstwhile winning streak by a score of 8-5. Hitting was as free as the salt in the ocean, especially during the inree innings before Henley was taken out of the box, and when the smoke rolled away the victory was clinched. It was a day for the long-distance batters. Four three-base hits and one two-bagger helped to pile up the score, while four serious etrors on each side made the fans groan. in the seventh and eighth the Seals made a vain effort to start th again with a few clean hits, but were unable to pas second. .Score : Sacramen San Francisco BHOAE Youns.s... 4 0 2 4 2 Mundorff.r 4 12 0 0 L.ewls.1... 4 11 0 Opharles.S. . 5 1 1 !i 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 10 o j a u a j nnston.m VanB'en.r. 5 2 a A niMna.a i X'w'rthy.2 2 10 OlMcArdie'.i." 2 11 2 0 10 10 -iallinan.3 all i i --v. .. Tennant.l 3 2 IS 0 0C'wrlght,3 Bllss,c 3 14 1 ()3chmidt.c. VVilltams.p 1 0 0 0 0 Henley.p... Liveley.p. 3 10 4 lHughes.p. . 12 3 0 13 0 0 1 1 8 0 O 0 1 0 0 11 14 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 luowns.s Z'merman 1 pec'nnier.D 1 IClarke,o... 2 Total. . 33 11 27 18 4 Total. 40 10 27 18 4 Batted for Huahea In fifth. Sacramento o 3 3 O 2 0 0 0 0-i" c ; 0 3 8 0 2 1 1 o iii San Francisco 0 1 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 5 0 O 1 3 2 0 2 2 0 10 nuns Lewis. Moran. Vnnniii-ftn worthy . Halllnan. Tennant -h.i-l. w gan. McArdle 3. Corban. Stolen bases Mo raI'' ,?.f,n.worthy- Schmidt, Xo runs, no hits off Williams, taken out In second, none out, 1 on and 3 balls on batter: nm hits off Henlev ln 3 Innlnn- 9 run. v off Hughes In 2 Innings; credit victory to Lively, charge defeat to Henley. Three-base hits Bliss. Lewis. Tennant a. Turn-huu hit VanBuren. Sacrifice hit Young and Lewis. oarrmco ny nuiiinan. Hase on balls Off Williams 2. off Henley 1. off Lively 2, off oKiiuier , on nugnes 1. ijtrucK out By Lively 1. by Hughes 1. by Decannler 1. Hit by pltcher Tennant by Henley. Double nlavs Kenworthy to Young to Tennant- l .,, r.. nier to Downs to McArdle. Left on bases nacmmtiiin o, &an ranclsco . Time 166 Umpires Finney and Phyle. Baseball Statistics STANDING OF THE TEAMS. National League. W. L. PC! w T. Tr Jew York. .40 24 .671,Plttsburg. . 87 38.493 Philadelp'a 41 29 .58Hoston 33 41.446 Chicago... 413.53218t. Louis 31 45 ,40S Brooklyn.. 35 30 .483 Cincinnati . . 30 48.385 American League. Philadelp'a r5 20 .73:i;Boston 3f3n.B14 Cleveland. 4SJ 30 .20iDetrolt 82 01 3S6 Washington 43 3tt .S44St. Louis 32 B2 3S1 i-incago... 3 .OiSi.New York. . .22 02 .297 American Association. Milwaukee. 61 35 .503MlnneapoIis. 42 40.512 Columbus.. 45 85 .5SSt. Paul .384 450 Louisville.. 45 39 .036 Toledo 37 47 44ci h.ansaa City 44 42 .512lIndianapolui 81 49 .8S8 Western League. Denver.... 53 20 .071 'Omaha Lincoln 44 38 .550Sloux City. Des . Moines. 44 88 .030 Topeka St. Joseph. .43 37 .58Siwichlta. .. . 42 40 .613 .32 47 .405 31 48 .403 81 62 .373 Western Tri-Htt. Bolse. .t. . . . 8 0 l.ono'wallaWalla North . Ya'a.2 1 .667Pendleton 1 2 .833 0 3 .000 Yesterday's Results. American Association T.n.i.Hii m k Columbus. 1-3: Toledo 5. Indiananoll. n' Milwaukee 7. St, Paul 1; Minneapolis 12. Kansas, City 6. T.rTVP.,or? Lasuf.,3t- Joeph 7. Lincoln 8: Wichita 7. Dea MoinPH Tnnsi.. t ci City 1; Omaha 11, Denver 10. Southern League Atlanta 2, Mobile 6: Nashville 4. New Orleans 3; Birmingham 3 Memphis 2; Chattanooga 7, Montgomery 8. Games Scheduled tedsty. Pacific Coast League v.niM o t- land, Bacrlmento at San VrunoUin at Los Angeles. Northwestern League Portland at Ta coma. Victoria at Seattle, Spokane at Van couver. How the Series Stand. Pacific Coast League Portland, n Venice 0 game; Sacramento 8, San Francisco 0; Oakland 1, Los Angelea 2. Northwestern League Portland 3 games. Tacoma 1 game: Seattle 2, Victoria 2. Van couver 2, Spokane 2. i - Portland Batting Avenges. Pacific Coat I Northwestern Ab. H. Av. it. Ti Hlgginb'm 1 719 .311 Melcholr. . 275 83.301 Lober 191 59 .SODIHellmann. . 185 49 297 Lindsay... 227. 70 .308 Callahan. . tt 5 "24 'Jv"o - .... i? i caauey ... James.... 48 14 .292Mahoney . . 45 13 .2S8 173 47 .272 107 20 .271 211 67 .270 187 43 .2R8 247 61 .247 251 50 .233 84 8 .235 142 88 .283 241 49 .203 80 .200 81 15 .184 38 5.189 48 e .iao Korea , 294 S6. 29 Fitzgerald Doane 253 72 .2l4 Gulanl Krapp.... 28 7 .28UMurray . . . . K.rause.... 08 xo .zo&ifcjancroft. . Fisher 172 48 .267 Mohler Chadbour'e 8 99 .261Mays Mongers., aiu i .J.oiU llllams. . Derrick... 2S1 7 .aiivcoltrln . . , Berry 128 80 .234!Rvnes Mccormick 185 38 .205;Peters. . . . West...., 00 6 .15U:Martlnoni." Carson 8 1 .125Stanley Hagerman. 84 4.117 Todd 2 O .0f)O) McCredle.. 1 0 .000 -jr-- . OLD STARS MISSING Multnomah Club Must Fill Big Gaps In Eleven. CLARKE IS ELIMINATED Kliinehart and Hurlburt Also Gone From Back Held and Hickson and Iudlum From 14 ne Recruits Are Philbrook and Shaw. When the annual Fall round-ui of xootoaii talent takes place at the Mult nomah Club, the former unbeatable eleven will present a rather moth-eaten aspect. It will take considerable Datch Ing to bring it back to old-time form. However, several new stars are on hand and Captain Wolff is optimistic. The losses will be heavy particularly in ine DacKtield. Clarke has arone li for professional baseball and is elemi nated, Rinehart has accepted a posi tion as physical Instructor at Jefferson High School, and may not return and nuriourr. is to marry and has promised his future wife not to rtlav aeal and Wolff of the famous collection of cuuege heroes alone remain. , -.. This will mean considerable shifting developing or some new ma terial for the holes. . ConvtU May, Play Back. One of the changes will nrob&hlv h the lifting of Convill from tackle to full ot half. Convill was the star of many games last year and showed hi speea in an places. He did wonderful work on the line and ought to fit in the back field without trouble. He weighs nearly 200 pounds but haa speed and headwork. He did his college starring, as a member of, the Purdue and the University of Utah football teams. Quarter is a matter of delicacy but w.vico. i ri a mrraer Annapolis star, is in Portland and may be the one selected to nil Rinehart's place. "Doo" Shaw, the hero of games two years ago, win return to the squad. This 220 pounder will probably play ln the back field or at one of the tackles. Philbrook, the famous Olympic track athlete Is another line aspirant. He was a tackle on the Notre Dame team ji uur uonsecutive years. Hue Alao to Surfer. The line will also suffer from absences. Both Hickson and Ludlum have announced that they will not play again. Callicrate, the third of the stellar ends, had trouble making his appointments last year but he m'av play. Rupert, the ruddy-topped police star: Dunton, the former Annapolis lineman, and "Tub" Carlson will be among those to return to the front. The Eastern team which will make the trip to the Coast to meet Multno mah is still a guess, but has been narrowed down to the University of Colorado. University of Michigan or Notre Dame. If the latter Is not se cured this year. Manager Stott will at least get a contract for a game in 1914. Notre Due Schedule Heavy. Notre Dame has three games which will take it to extremes of the con- Happy Hogan, Venice Manager, Who Va Banished From Portland-Venice Game Yesterday for Hostile Demonstration Agalast Umpire Held. tinent: the Carlisle Indiana th. r.. Point Cadets and the University of Texas. There Is still a nosslhlnt - game here however, as the hnv. anxious to come. The Western schedule for the Mult nomah Club warriors is still In the making. The dates for the thr. t.u games with Oregon "AErsrlea." th tti versity of Oregon and Washington "Ag. Lgles" are the only ones which have been set down on paper. ' All three will be played on Multno mah Field. The first October 9, Pull man October 25 and Oregon on Thanks giving. The Columbus Club. Willamette TTnt. versity and Pacific University will also be played. N v 'i!Mtjaaajt Bengals Bat Like Champions and Soon Knock One Pitcher Ol'f Mound Williams' Men Play Snappy Ball Despite Outcome. Northwestern League Standings! w. l. pc.! ; w. l. pc. Vancouver 50 34 .6931 Victoria 4144.482 Seattle 51 35 .5H3iTacoma 33 60.432 Portland.. 44 35 .507. Spokane. . . . 29 65.345 Yesterday's Results. At Tacoma Tacoma 11, Portland 2. At Seattle Victoria 6, Seattle 0. At Vancouver Spokane 3-S, Vancou ver 0-1. . TACOMA, Wash., July 10. (Special.) It Is doubtful if the New York Giants in all their glory could have halted the Tacoma Tigers today. The bedraggled Bengals, after having lost ten straight games to the Portland Colts today re volted and got their revenge. The score was Tacoma 11, Portland 2. Nick, Williams sent Hynes and Marti nonl, his star slabmen, against the Fe. lines, but they were not to be denied. They hit curved balls, straight balls. slow balls and fast balls with an utter aoandon and without regard to-the finer laWS Of hnsPhDll Anv 1 V. Tnnlr. good when its players are hitting, and ine tigers had the appearance of cham plons. Although out of the running after the first four innings, the Colts contested every inch of the game, and the list less winch marked the former encoun ters was not in evidence. Portland started the scoring in the first and at tached another run in the second and it began to look as though it were go ing to be the same old seven and six for the home guard. Three doubles In the third tied up the game, and in the icuirtn inning the storm broke. When Hynes was jerked and Martinoni sub stituted in the second section of this inning he was facing a 6-to-2 score. The Italian nobleman appeared to be less oi a puzzle than his predecessor, and the Tigers kept up a rapid fire ot singles, doubles and triples, which ran the count up to H to 2, before the com bat was oyer. Score: . Portland I Tacoma ti H OAK B H OAS Bancroft. 4 2 6 4 O Frles.m 0 0 1 1 4 0 0 0 Callahan, r 3 1 1 . 0 0 Harbison, s. . 2 1 1 Gulgnl.l. .. 3 0 1 0 0'V.cMullln.3 3 2 0 Mah'ey.m 4 14 0 Ofrutn. 1... .1 s a Petors.l.. 4 0 7 1 0 Nelghb'e.m 3 Mohler.2.. 4 0 3 0 O Hold'm'n.1 5 Murray. c. 4 8 3 3 l!Kurfuss.2. 4 Coltrin,3. 4 0 1 2 0Harris,c. .. B Hynes, p.. 2 3 0 0 0 Glrot.p. . . . 4 3 3 10 2 6 0 0 O 2 8 0 2 9 11 10 10 -vi 1 1 oni.p x x u a v HJastleyV. 1 0 0 00 Totals. ..34 9 24 13 1 Totals. . .37 16 27 11 2 Batted for Martinoni in ninth. Portland 1 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Tacoma : 0 0240203 11 Buna Bancroft. Coltrin, Fries, Harbison 2, McMullin 3. Crum 2. Neighbors 2. Oirot. Stolen bases Crum, Neighbors, Holderman. xt JUble plays Coltrin to.. Peters. Glrot to Harris ty Holderman. Two-base hits Holierman, Harris, McMullin, Neighbors. Three-basa hit Crum. Sacrifice hit Hir; bison 2. McMullin, Gulgnl. Charge defeat to Hynes. Six runs, 9 hits off Hynes ln 3 2-3 Innlnrrs. S run. 7 hits off MaHinAnl in t -. iiii.iiiH. oinicK out uiroi d, Hvnes z. Bases on balls Glrot 1, Hynes 2, Martinoni 3. Wild pitch rMartinonl. Hit- bv pitched ball Callahan bv Girot. Time 1 :3S. Um pire Toman. 1XDIAXS CXDR LYNCH WIN 2 Vanconver Loses to Spokane in First Games AVith Xew Leader. VANCOUVER, B. C. July 10. In an manner "Mike" Lynch sig nalized his appointment a manager ef the Spokane team by taking both games of a double-header by 3 to 0 and 5 to 1 today. The Indians, played with considerable vim behind the vet eran manager, and had the pennant winners completely at their mercy. With Yohe suspended . until Saturday. Lynch made five alterations in his line up, which worked successfully. .uave Kraft, Spokane's veteran "port- Bider," allowed but four hits in the first game, while the visitors hit Hall safely 11 times. Five errors in the evening game resulted in the Canucks' downfall. Schultz held the Indians hltless until the sixth, when a bad boot by Scharnweber and two hits garnered three runs. Doty replaced Schultz ln the seventh, the latter retiring on ac count of a sore arm. Smith was found for six hits, but had splendid support in the pinches. The score: First pame. Spokane Vancouver B H O A El RWOiw Milllon.l.. 8 11 0 0 Heister.S. . 4 0 3 5 0 Wuffll.3. .. 4 1 2 8 0!Bennett,2.. 4 0 4 2 0 Pappa,r... 5 2 2 0 e:Klpp3rt,m. 8 2 4 0 0 Waener.2. S 1 4 7 OlFrisk.l. 3 0 100 Lynch. m.. 4 2 1 0 0Walsh,l... 3 111 10 McCarl.l.. 2 1 l 0 o:Lewls.r. . . 4 10 00 P'z'nions.s 4 10 7 OS'weber.s. . anils Hannah, c. 4 110 OIKonnick.c. 3 0 2 1 9 b.raft.p.... 4 -1 0 0 0, Hall. p 3 0 0 3 0 Total.. 3S 11 27 17 Oi Total.. 30 I 27 13 I Spokane i o 0 0 0 6 1 1 0 3 Vancouver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Runs WuJfli I.vnoh. Kruft Twn-hn.- hits Kraft. Kippert. Sacrifice hits Mil lion, Lynch. McCarl. Sacrifice fly Mil lion. Hit by nltcher Frisk- inrl WnlRh hv Kraft. Bases on balls Off Hall 2. off Kraft 1. Struck out By Hall 1. by Kraft 1. Dou ble plays FitZSimmons to Warner to Mr- CarL l.eft on bases Spokane 11, Vancouver . -xime i:ao. umpire Casey. Second game Spokane Vancouve BHOAE! BHOAE Wuffli.8.. 5 0 Milllon.l.. 5 1 Pappa.r. ..50 Wagner.2. 4' 2 Lynch. m. 3 0 McCarl.l. . 2 O FItzslm's.s 8 1 Hannah, c. 4 0 Smith, p. . 4 O 1 2UHelater.8. 0 2 2 1 8 0 0jBennett,2. 0 0 0Kippert.m 1 1 OlFrisk.l 5 OOlWolsh.l.. 9 OOLewls.r... O 2 Olscharn'r.s 6 0 OIKonnick.c. 2 8 0)Schult.p. - Doty.p. . . . 0 0 4 0 12 0 1 0 2 00 2 16 10 0 10 0 12 8 1 12 0 1 0 0 11 1 0 10 Totals 35 4 27 8 0 Totals. 81 6 27 15 K Spokane o no i o a o i o k Vancouver 0 0 0 O 0 0 1 0 0 1 Runs Wuffll. Million 2. Wairnar 2. Wnl.h Two-base hits Walsh 2. Scharnweber, Waener. Three-base hit Ullllon. Sacri fice hits Lewis, Fltzslmmons. Sacrifice fly Scharnweber. Hit by pitcher Lynch, bj Schults. Wild pitch Schultz. Bases on balls Sohultz 1. Doty 1. Struck out Schulti 1. uoty 2. smith 4. Pitchers' summary Four runs, 2 hits, off Schults In 8 Innings. Left on bases Spokane 7, Vancouver 5. Time 1:35. Umpire Casey. BEES BLANK SEATTLE GIANTS Xarveson Pitches Magnificent Ball While Victoria Bunches Hits. SEATTLE, Wash., July 10. Timely hitting enabled Victoria to win from Seattle, 6 to 0, today. Narveson pitched magnificent ball and held the Giants safe at all stages of the game. Fuller ton held Victoria to six hits, but those came at opportune times and the vis itors walked away with the game. Score: Seattle I Victoria BHOAE BHOAE 8haw.r-8. 8 1 4 0 OlMadden.l. . 5 0 8 O0 Jackson, 1 NI11.2 Stralt.l. . . Cadman.o Brown, 8. Wilson.r. . Klllll'y.m 0 0!Rawlinss.2 4 O 1 31 8 2 1 8 O 1 5 2 1 0 0 0 iSwain.m. . 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 10 0 1 3 13 0 0 4 3 3 11 4 2 0 3 0 8 0 1 10 MeeK.l . . . Alberts, r. Delmas.1. Lamb.3. . 10 0 4 0OIShea,c. Firestone Tires Won First, Second and Third in the Panama-Pacific Road Race, From Los Angeles to Sacramento, July Fourth Not one tire change during complete run of 443 miles on first and second cars in spite of mountains and desert. Only Last Decoration Day, in the great 500' Mile Inter national Sweepstakes at Indianapolis, first and second winners rode to fame and fortune on Firestones. " . . At Tacoma a few days ago in the Montamara Festo races, Firestone Tires won first place in the three big events of one hundred, two hundred and two hundred and fifty miles. Average speed over seventy miles an hour. All these significant victories achieved under severe con ditions of heat, weight and speed, added to a fourteen-year record of leadership, demonstrate conclusively the permanent superiority of Firestones The Tires of MOST MILES PER DOLLAR R. E. BLODGETT, 29-31 N. Fourteenth Street, Portland, Or. Distributor for . The Firestone Tire and Rubber Co., Akron, Ohio "America's Largest Exclusive Ttre and Rim Makers." Ray'ond.s 4 114 HNarveson.n 4 O 0 2 o Fullert'n.p 4 0 0 4 0 Totals 35 6 27 12 41 Totals. SI 6 27 10 3 Seattle 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 Victoria 2 0 0 1 0 0 0 3 0 8 Runs Madden, Meek 2, Alberts. Delmas 2. Home run Delmas. Sacrifice hit Rawl- inss. Sacrifice fly Swain. Struck out Fullerton 4, Narveson 8. Bases on balls Fullerton 4. Narveson 3. Hit by pitched oaii onea, ny f uuerton: &naw, oy Narve son. fassea nan caoman. tliu6 i:40. umpires uataiea ana snacKietora. AMEIUCAX LEAGUE. Cleveland 1, Philadelphia 1. CLEVELAND, O., July 10. Cleveland defeated Philadelphia i to 1 today, Falkenburg- outpitching Plank and Houck. -The hitting of Ryan and Carlsch were features. Score: Cleveland Philadelphia B H OAK! BHOAE Johnston, 1 3 0 15 1 OiE.Murphy.r 5 1110 Chapman.s 4 2 Turner,3.. 1 0 Jackson. r. 3 0 Lajoie.2... 3 0 Ryan.m... 4 8 jraney.l. . 8 1 Carlsch, e.. 8 0 F'kenb'g.p 2 0 2 HOldring.l.. 0 0 0 0 0 18 0 1. UColllns,2. .. o 0IBaker.3. . . 0 OiMcInnls.l.. 0 OiStrunk.m.. 0 OIBarry.a. 0 OILapp.c. . . . 3 OiPlank.p. . . I Houck, p. .. Dailey. .. Schang-.. 10 3 1 2 13 0 0 OOOO 12 2 0 2 7 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 Totals.. 26 8 27 12 11 Totals. .33 7 24 14 1 Batted for Plank in eighth. Batted for Houck in ninth. Cleveland 11000003 1 Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 Runs Johnston. Chapman, Turner, Qra ney, Mclnnis. Two-base, hit Lapp. Sacri fice hits Turner, Falkenberg, Jackson, Barry. Stolen base Graney. Double plays Murphy and Molnnls. Hits Off Plank. 7 In 7 Innings: off Houck, 2 In 1 inning. First base on balls Falkenberg 3. Plank 3. Houck 4. Struck out Falkenberg 0. Plank C. Houck 1. Passed ball Carlsch. First on errors Cleveland 1. Left on bases Cleve land 8. Philadelphia f. Time 2:20. Um pires McGreevy and Connolly. Boston 6, St. Louis 2. ST. LOUIS, July 10. The pitching of Rube Foster was too much for the home team and Boston won, 6 to 2. The young right-hander did not give a hit up to the ninth innning, ln which the locals tallied their runs. Up to the final inning but one man reached second base. Score: Boston ' I St. Louis BHOAE BHOAE Hooper.r. . 2 2 1 OOPhotton.m. 3 0 110 Yerkes.2.. 4 1 Speaker.m. 5 3 Lewls.l. ... 4 1 3ardner,3. 3 0 Eng-le,l... 4 o Wasner.s. 4 2 Thomas.c. 3 0 Foster.p..' 4 2 1 2 0 Brief, 1 2 0 11 0 0 2 0 OiPratt.3. . . . 4 0 2 4 0 10 0 Williams.r. 3 12 0 0 3 1 1' Johnston. 1. 4 0 2 0 0 0 0Austln,3. .. 4 1120 2 1 llLavan.s. . . 3 0 3 4 1 lOAgnew.c... 3 0 4 2 1 0 3 0'B'mg'd'er.p 8 0 111 I'Compton: 1 0 0 0 0 Totals. 33 11 27 li! Totals. 80 2 27 14 3 Batted for L&van In ninth. Boston 2 o 0 0 O S 1 0 1 St. Louis o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 Runs Hooper 2. Speaker t, Wagner 2. Brief. Williams Two-base hits Speaker 2. Wagner 2. Three-base hits Williams. Sac rifice hits Terkes. Thomas. Hooper. Double plays Agnew to Lavan. Left on bases St. Louis 6. Boston 6. First on balls Oft Fos ter 3, off Baumsardner 3. Hit by pitcher Brief by Foster. Struck ont By Foster 7. bj Baumgardner 3. Passed balls Agnew. Time l:4o. Umpires Egan and Dlneen. Detroit 4, Washington 2. DETROIT. July 10. Although outhlt today, Detroit defeated Washington, 4 to 2. Hall pitched great ball, striking out ten men and giving only one pass. Score: Washington I Detroit UHOAH BHOAE VTorgan.2.. Foster.S. . Mllan.m. . Gandil.l. . alvo.l; . .. 3hanks.r. . McBrlde.s. Henry.c. .. Hughes.p. 4 3 2 4 0 Rush. 5 0 0 10 1 1 Zrt 12 0 0 0 16 3 0 3 0 0 0 !Vltt.3 2 0 1 5 0 1110 110 0 2 10 0 0 1 10 0 0 0 3 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 110 0 0 0 0 Jrawford.r. 8 Veach,!.... 3 '.iainer.l 1 1 0 OlMcKee.c. .. 1 0 llHlgh.m 0 0 0 0 Henn'sey.2. 0 2 4 0Louden.2.. tian.p CODD Totals. 14 8 24 18 1 Totals. 28 5 27 0 Batted for Hennessey In seventh. Washington .0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 Detroit 3 o 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 ,r RunS'oster, Milan, Vltt. Crawford. Veach. Gainer. Two-base hit Foster, Mor ictory gan 3. Three-bass hit Crawford. Sacrifice hit Hall. Sacrifice fly Hall. Stolen bases Morgan, Shanks. Double plays Crawford to Gainer. Left on bases Washington 6 Detroit 9. Base on balls Off Hall 1, off "" . oy pucner vitt by Hughes Struck out Hall 10. Wild pitches Hail 3 lime 1:45. Umpires HUdebrand and w x.uugniin. j Xew York 2, Chicago 1. CHICAGO, July 10. Manager Frank Chance won his first game in Chicago today as head of the American League club of New York, which defeated Chi. cago, 3 to 1. The run which won the game for the visitors was scored on a sacrifice fly by Rollie Zeider, the for mer utility infielder of the local club, who figured in the trade for Hal Chase. Hartsell and Peckinpaugh singled and Knight was purposely walked. Zeider then filed to Collins and Hartsell scored the winning run. Warhop al lowed the home team but three scat tered hits, only one of which, Russell's double, was clean. Score: - New York I Chlcago BHOAEl BHOAE Danlcls.r. 5 2 0 0 0 Beal.m. ... 3 o 1 00 3 11 0 OIRath.2. . . . 2 0 2 2 0 Cree.I 4 14 O OlLord.3. . . . 4 1 1 JO Hartsell, 2 4 1 3 3 0!Chae.l . .. 3 0 10 0 0 Pec'augh.s 4 2 0 5 0 Collins. r. . 2 12 00 Knight. 1.. 3 2 17 0 0Bodle,l. . . 2 0 0 00 Zelder.8.. 3 0 0 3 OjSchalk.c. . 8 0 6 10 Smith. c... 4 0 2 4 ujWeaver.s.. 2 O 4 7 1 Warhop.p. 2 0 0 1 llRussel.p. . 3 1131 McCon'li.p 2 0 0 1 OiQasteriy. 1 0 0 00 Totals. 34 e 27 17 l Totals. 2557 14 1 Batted for Weaver in ninth. New York 0 1 O 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 Chicago 0 1 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Kuns Hartzell. FecklnDausrh. Chu.. -r, base hits Knight 2. Russell. Hits Oft War hop. 8 In 6 innlnes: off nnn. n 8 innings. Sacrifice hits Rath 2. Bbdle. Sac- rince hies Schalk. Zeider. Stolen bases Daniels,- Collins. Wolter. Double plays Russell to Weaver; Russell to Fchalk to Weaver to Rath. Left on bases New Vnrk 8. Chicago 7. Base on bals Off Warhop 4, off Russell 2. Hit by pitcher By Warhop. Chase, Weaver. Struck out By Warhop 1. by Kussell 5. Time 1:35. Umpires Evans and Sheridan. SAXTA MONICA CARD IS MADE Three Auto Races to Be Run in Pro gramme of August 9. LOS ANGELES, July 10. Three races, two of which probably will be run simultaneously, will make up the programme of the 1913 Santa Monica road race August 9. The list of events as decided by the committee are: No. 1 For cars of 230 cubic Inches or under piston displacement, 101.004 miles. No. 2 For cars between 230 and 450 cubic inches piston displacement. 202.008 miles. No. S Free-for-all, 808.012 miles. It Is planned to start events Nos. 2 and 3 at the same hour, provision hav ing been made for those who enter both contests by permitting cars that finish in the shorter race to continue inv the free-for-all, an aditional distance Of 100 miles. Half of the gross receipts will ba used as prize money. CRISP, GREGORY, PARKIX FREE Oaks Release Veteran Trio and Angels Let Reuther Go. LOS ANGELES, July 10. President Frank Leavitt, of the Oakland Coast League team, released Catcher Crisp and Pitchers Gregory and Parkin to day. Henry Berry, president of the Los Angeles Club, released Pitcher Reuther to cut down to the 20-men limit. - . A rumor has been going the rounds in the East that George Stovall was to be secured to manage the Toledo club of the American Association. President Somers. of the Naps, has been at Toledo for several days, try ing to get the Hens started upwards, and he denies the report. BEARS FINALLY VICTORS YAKS DROP ONE TO WINNERS OF FIRST HALF SEASON. Boise Pounds Osborne and Takes Game, 7 to 3, Pitcher Bonner Aiding With Home Run. Boise kept on beating Pendleton in the Western Tri-State League Thurs day, but Walla Walla got her toes on the percentage ladder by defeating North Yakima. The scores were: Boise 7, Pendleton 3; Walla Walla 6, North Yakima 4. At Boise Osborne was as easy for Boise as the other pitchers. Osborne fanned seven and passed three, allow ing 10 hits. Pendleton was leading, 3 to 2, in the fourth, when three hits and a pass gave the Irrigators three runs. Bonner's homer ln the fifth gave an other and three errors and a stolen base gave the sixth and last in the seventh. Bonner, the Boise pitcher, did well except in the fourth, when he allowed four hits, scoring three. Bon ner made a circus-catch- and- got two hits out of three times up, one a homer The score: i R-H.E.I R.H. E. Pendelton. 3 8 4, Boise 7 10 2 Batteries Osborne and Haworth; Bonner and Gard. At North Yakima the Bears got to Lockhard early and Welch held oft the Braves. The Bears got three in the first and in the fifth two more on a walk and Martini's homer. In the ninth a walk and two singles gave an other. , Lockhard was removed in the eighth for Kile, who went in and stopped the Bears with two on and no scores. The score : R- H. K. ' R. H. E. Walla W..6 13 1(N. Yakima ..4 7 1 Batteries Welch and Brown; Lock hard, Kilo and Taylor. Newport to Get Pheasants. NEWPORT, Or.. July 10. (Special.) The Newport Commercial Club has received word from AVilliam L. Finley. State. Game Warden, that 24 Chinese pheasants will be sent to Newport for liberation next month. There are sev eral valleys where grain Is raised and it is believed that the pheasants will do well. The farmers and Commercial Club will co-operate ln protecting the birds until their number has increased. 4 V) .'4. "iVw VLattndered WHITE rnl T ADC VERTICAL MADRAS' JLAarKE,J STRIPS Van Zandt. Jacobs g Co. Troy. N.V. Learn fo 5snm by For SaleEverj -where Um i naf Plaim. 25c Fancy, 35c. . AYVAD MAW PC CO, Hobok.n. N. J. 1