THE MORNING OREGONIAN, FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1913. Every Woman in Portland Should Bring Her ffurs to Our Dry Cold Air Storage for Positive Protection From Moth On 5th Floor Let Us Store Your Furs Now Before the moths begin their de structive work. Our Cold Stor age Plant offers the most scien-. tific method of absolute protec tion, and our charge is small. Kodaks, Supplies, Developing and Printing We've always fresh and " new stocks here for you. Developing and Printing giv en personal attention by expert formerly in Eastman . factory. Only Merchandise Worthy to Be Sold With the Meier & ..." Frank Co.'s: Guarantee of Satisfaction Is Ever Offered at This Store Store Opens Today at 8:30 Store Closes Today at 5:30 Our 1223d Friday Surprise Combined With Semi-Annual Clearance 20 II Will B ring Thousands of Eager Patrons Here "Very Early Today Every Article Reduced for Mid-Summer Clearance Contract Goods and Groceries Only Exceptions Our Friday Surprise Sales, inaugurated nearly 24 years ago, have become not able events to our thousands" of patrons. In consequence of the s extraordinary bargains offered in our Friday sales, genuine Surprises are anticipated by our patrons each -week, and today we outdo every previous effort at value-giving of the unusual kind. Careful perusal of this page of store news will direct you to many needs and wants at prices that are surprisingly low. Join the eager throngs in an early visit here today. You 11 be well repaid from every standpoint. So Extraordinary Are the Friday Surprises You Should Come Early for First Choice 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. A Surprise for Men $1, $1.50 & $2 Shirts Only 68c Three for $2. 00! Such . an opportunity comes but seldom, and; every -man should supply his Summer Shirt needs todajVat these phenomenal sav ings. Four tables piled high one table of plain and. pleated bosom Golf Shirts, wide variety of neat, striped and figured pat terns, of madras, percale and chambray. One table of Negligee Golf Shirts with soft collars and cuffs to match, and Negligee Shirts with attached collar, mostly sizes 15 and 15i. One table of $1.00 and $l.o0 Oolt and Negligee Shirts. And one" table of $1.50 and $2.00 Golf Shirts, of silk soisette and silk 6 OC mercerized, beautiful patterns, broken lines. Today, .3 for $2.00, each rv Four Large Tables Piled High With These Shirts Juat Inside Morrlaon-St. Entrance.' j 2 Vacations "1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE." Extraordinary Hosiery Prices! 50c Women's Outsize Silk Boot Hose, black only, 3 pairs $1.00; the pair .. -35c 20c Women's Seamless Cotton Hose, .black and tan, 3 for 35; the pair 12V2C 20c and 25c Children Hose, odd sizes and colors; the pair. . . .5 25c Misses' Flat Shaped Seamless Lisle Hose, in black, white and tan, sizes 7 to 8V&, the pair. ... 10c Firat Floor, Main Bulldlns. -1323d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE.'N Dainty K'rchiefs 3 for 19c Women's Kerchiefs, of sheer linen lawn with dainty hand embroidered designs in each corner, packed three assorted patterns in neat paper' boxes, regularly selling for 25c the box, priced for 1223d Friday Surprise at" box, 19. First Floor. Main Bulldinjr. Already Awarded In Our Great Contest of 50 Vacations Free 50 Leading Contestants Today Oscar rielntz ..... ....... .1 1,024 U T. McMahan.' .". .' 10,164 Issie Krlcheosky 9,483 Harry Shulraan '. v. ...... 6,480 John Bauer 6,055 Wardle Kearns 4.560 Harry Hochf eld 4.021 "Bertha Isreal . 3,640 Touis Pruss. . 3,260 Margra'ret Whltt 3,228 T. McMulIen 3,020 Nellie Russ. 2,990 Ida M. Wondry 2.9S5 Helen Bennett 2.960 Roy Dledrich 2.840 Harry Tri. Hamilton 2.821 Clara Clarke 2,665 Thomas Casey i 2,65:? John St. Rayner 2.630 Leon C. Baer 2.451 Ada Conroy 2,450 Mosie Shulman 2.438 Miss M. Maneiett .2.340 George H. Hines 2.260 OeorgV Quinlan...- 2.225 Miss Helen Meaney 2,180 Miss M. OMalley. 2.150' Carl Nelson. . . ........ i' 1,985 Bert Garrett 1,980 Isaac Uurkis 1,920 Marion Brehant 1.825 Archie Leonard 1,822 Edna L. Lockwood 1,729 John Seed 1,720 W. R. Kerrig-an 1.680 Miss E. Breckner 1,675 Joe Phutt 1,622 Miss T. T. Kurtz .. . 1.620 Lou Berkley 1,487 Grace Lee 1,462 Oscar Seltzer 1,460 Estelle Ashbaugrh. 1,460 Henry Rosen -. 1,026 Mary E. Lemmon.. 1,025 Louis Kelberbaum , 960 J. B. Adams 952 Sallie Rosencrantz 740 S. Heise......i.... 540 Claude Fryer...... 402 Ml3s Sophie Heiser. .". . 380 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISES SALE. Women Will Want More Than 1 of These Beautiful Dresses at $9.66! The beauty, richness and style of these charming Silk Dresses -will appeal-to ever' well-dressed woman, and there's large variety to choose from. ' They're made of eharmeuse, silk poplin, messaline and taffeta, fashioned after the present mode of dress. You'll find a great many with chiffon or crepe de chine yokes, trimmed with pearl buttons. Some have lace collars and others the ever-favored Dutch necks. The draped skirt so highly popular will be found on some. One of these frocks is just as illustrated. Your - choice of brown, blue, Copenhagen, green, gray, black and garnet, in sizes from 32 to 42, at the phenomenal price of $9.65. Eppo Petticoats, Only 98c If you're looking for a neat and. durable Petticoat, don't fail to see the "Eppo." Made of fine quality soft cotton material, conform ing in style with the narrow skirt. You'll find thqse soft, clinging Petticoats very satisfactory. They're made with elastic belt, fit ting closely at waist and hips, with a short pleated flounce. g q In black only. You may choose them tomorrow for only, y OC "1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE." To $1 Silk Gloves 18c Special lot of women's two clasp, black Silk. Gloves, -with double finger tips, sizes 5 and 5l2 only. Come early for this unprecedented saving. First Floor. Main BulldlnB. Mail Orden I'M led. f 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. " 25c fabric GIoves,Pr.lOc Special lot of 2-clasp Chamois ette Gloves for Women, natural color, sizes 5 and 5y2 only, an un-. equaled offer for Friday only. First Floor. Main Bulldlnsr. Mall Orders Filled. fl223d FRIDAY SinmiSE SALE." Candy Sale! 50c Society Chocolates, lb. 38 60c Marsh. mallows, milk choco- fJ late covered, pound 3S uu upci wuipa, io a(; 25c Assorted Gum Drops, per pound 15 30c Toasted Marshmallows, per pound 20 Idle HflHPmeitt Stnrr. Mall Orders Filled. 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. Shetland Veiling, Yd. 25c An unparalleled offer is this we make for today only, on beautiful soft-finish Shetland Veiling, both in Tuxedo and plain meshes. Summer weight. Pleasing assortment of colors. Regularly $1. Today only, yard, 25S 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. 8500 Yards; of 25c and 35c Ribbons Friday Only, Yard 19c Beautiful fancy warp print and Dresden Silk Rib bons, 5 and 6 inches wide, dainty floral and con ventional designs. Especially suitable for children's hair bows and millinery effects. - 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. 4 Grocery Surprises DELIVERED ONLY WITH OTHER PURCHASES. me Fancy Bnttw uur BUtiernui Drana, reearairaa ui 2c advance per pound, for Friday, the roll, 63c. Naphtha Soap Our Victor Brand, superior to many ex tensivelv advertised brands (limit 14 bars to customer) Macaroni Best Oregon make, regular 10c packages (limit four to customer) Four for 25. 30e Challenge Coffee for Friday Surprise only 2TH. 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. Fine Lingerie Waists $1 Lingerie "Waists, made of voile, trimmed in cotton, cluny, filet and Irish, high and low neck and long sleeves. Also some made with fine tucks, colored embroidered Kobespierre collars and cuffs, Open-front Style. Second Floor. New Bulldlns;. -1223d FRIDAY SIRIM1ISH SAIEA eisers. K 25c, 35c 8c 50c Neckwear 15 c Sample lot including Stock Collars, Jabots and Rabats, plain and fancy; embroid ered and lace-trimmed ef fects. A large variety to choose from. First Floor. Main Building. 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE.'N 300 Pairs Stamped Pillow Cases Regularly $1.00 Friday Only 59c A large assortment of pretty designs in French eye let and punch-work patterns, on a splendid quality of pil low case muslin. Art Section. Third Floor. 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISES SALE. 1 000 Children's Wash Suits Go Today at, Each 98c An opportunity that mothers "will eagerly respond to is this offer of 1000 neat and serviceable Wash y Suits for children. They're the sensible garments for Summer wear, and made m neat, attractive styles, either Russian or Sailor, in splendid variety. We display these Suits today, selling' if g regularly to $3. All guaranteed fast gna s While any remain, today only . colors. -The Men's Store. Third Floor. Mall Orders Filled. -1223d FRIDAY SLRPRISE SALE." 25c Jewelry 1 9c A wonderful assortment of Enamel and Gold Front Jewelry, consisting of Ini tial Shirtwaist Sets, Bar Pins, Collar Pins, Links, Tie Clasps, Brooches, etc. 75c and 98c Leather Bags many novel styles, plain and fancy frames, of gilt and nickel. Choose Friday only for 59. First Floor. ir Bulldlns;. Mall Orders Filled. 122.1d FRIDAY SLRPRISE SALE. Children's Barefoot Sandals Ideal for Summer iays cool, comfortable, healthful. Sizes 5 to 8, pr. 59 Sizes 84 to 11, pr. 69 Sizes 1,1 to 2, pr. 79 FRIDAY ONLY. 122Sd FRIDAY SLRPRISE SALE. Mitre d Carpet Rugs 98c From fine Body Brussels, Velvet, "Wilton and Axminster Carpets, we've made these' Mitred "Carpet Rugs; 36 inches square. Your choice,, today .only," ajt, 9Sc. , $1.50 Grass Mats, 3x6 ft. ..... .98 $1.50 Wilton Carpet Foot Stools, ............ .98 Third Floor, Main Building Mall Orders F AleU. f 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. , " 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. These Beautiful Comports Have Many Uses For Olives, relishes and confections, these beautiful Rock Crystal Comports are both useful and ornamental. Stone engraved in dainty floral wreath de 'Mjrn. For today only, we offer these $2 Rock Crystal Comports at 98. First Floor. Main Building:, v" Mall Ordrrs Filled. $5 PARASOLS, $3.29 $2.50 to $3.50 Parasols Today $1.63 Two unusual lots of dainty Sum mer Parasols are included for to day's Surprise Sale. See them in the Fifth Street Window Display. For wider assortment, come to the First Floor, Parasol Department. These' prices in effect today only. Mail Orders Filled at These Surprise Prices 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. Astounding Sale of China 5000 Pieces, of English China in Popular Blue Onion Pattern 4-Inch Fruit Dishes 4V2-Inch Fruit Dishes 4- lnch Pruit Plates 5- Inch Fruit Plates 15 c c 6- Inch Plates 7- Inch Plates 8- Inch Plates 8-Inch' Salad- Dishes Bis Baaement Store. Mall Orders Filled. I!! Telephones Marshall 4600 or A-6101 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. $2.50, $3 and $3.50 Lace Curtains, the Pair at Only Seldom indeed does such an unusual sale occur. "We've grouped all odd pairs of Lace Curtains in one. two and three-pair lots orig inally selling at $2.50, $3.00 and $3J50 and give you unrestricted choice for today only at 98c the pair. Included are curtains of Irish Point, Scrims, Nottinghams and Cable Nets, in vast assortment. Come early if you would participate in this event. , Third Floor. Slain Bulldlnsr. Mail Order. Filled. 1223d FRIDAY SURPRISE SALE. Genuine Spanish Leather Rockers at Only $15.98 . Every home should possess one of these genuine Spanish Leather Rockers, as illustrated. They're large, roomy and handsome, substantially made ' and finished in Mahnganv. Regularlv .2.5 for Friday only 15.98. One to a, Customer None to Dealers. Fourta Floor, Main Building. . i I