Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 11, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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    . T11JS MUKiMSti OKiitxOMAA. 'K1DAY. JUJL JU, IVia.
$15.00 Suits $11.75 $25.00 Suits $18.75
$18.00 Suits $13.75 $30.00 Suits $22.50
$20.00 Suits $15.00 $35.00 Suits $26.25
$22.50 Suits. ....$16.75 $40.00 Suits $30.00
...".' 38 .
5 2E- r.- , ' '
Dr. Charles M. Sheldon Would
Negro Pugilist Declares He
Have Protestant Churches
Use in Modified Form.
Never Will Fight Again
in United States.
Straw Hats at Half Price
Schloss Baltimore Clothes Va Off
1.' .
These and Many Other Sensations at Our
1 1
Both Winnipeg and Toronto Active
Contestants for 1915 Convention,
Revival Week Proposed Meet
ings Overflow to Streets.
LOS ANGELES, July 10. The confes
sional in a modified form for Protestant
churches was favored today by Ir.
Charles SI. Sheldon at a session of the
Christian Endeavor convention here to
day. Dr. Sheldon said that for years
in lila Oougregatlonallst churches at
Topeka. Kan., for two hours every Sun
day afternoon he had invited visits
from members of his congregation.
"A man. for example, comes and tells
mo of his troubles with his wife. He
is out of a job, or he is sick. I try to
advise him. Frequently I can tell him
where to get a Job or where to get
money. Sometimes husbands and wives
aro united.
"This is an old idea. But it is one
which young: pastors often Xorget. The
confessional Is one of three things
which make strong the Roman Catholic
Church. , Jt is only human nature to
tell one's troubles. It may be done In
an informal way and bring good re
suits." Canada Invites Conference.
Canada wants the next international
Christian Endeavor biennial conven
tion, and Winnipeg and Toronto began
active campaigns today. Other cities
actively in the fight are Chicago, St.
Eouia and Niagara Falls. The board
of trustees will decide tomorrow.
At tonight's session Rev. Francis
E. Clark, president of the United
Society, appealed for special effort for
future activities beginning February
2. 1914, which date marks the thirtiy
third birthday . anniversary of the
movement. He suggested the setting
aside of a week of revival to ' mark
the beginning of a new epoch in the
progress of the organization.
Efficiency Is Increasing;.
William Shaw, general secretary of
the society, reviewed the society's
progress since the last general con
vention. He said that the society had
started with a rating of 25 per cent
and climbed to 50 per cent, showing an
immediate gain of 100 per cent
The number of delegates on the
ground, estimated yesterday at 10,000,
was further increased by several hun
fl.ds today on the arrival of special
trains from the North. One of these
brought J. S. McDonald, of Toronto,
one of the leading Christian Endeavor
workers of Canada. Thousands at
tended sunrise "quiet hour" services
and sectional meetings in 23 churches,
in the big assembly tent and in a
theater. . Overflow meetings and re
liglous exercises were held on the
Pastors at a conference -discussed
plans for increasing the efficiency of
the church and the spreading of the
gospel through the agencies of the
home, the school and the press.
Sion-Voter Mercilessly Scored.
Dr. Ira Landrith, of Nashville, in an
address before the general meeting,
classed non-voters with the men who
buy and sell . votes.
'"Christianity," he asserted, "would
quickly solve all civic problems if the
Christian voter would only vote like a
Christian." Dr. Landrith said the an
cient belief that good laws could not
be enforced was a fiction of the enemies
of the civic righteousness that is rap
idly losing its potency, and concluded
with the declaration that the man who
did not vote was as bad as the man
who considered his ballot only an ar
ticle of merchandise.
Senate Acts Quickly on Amendment
of Homestead Law,
ington. July 10. Without one word of
objection, the Senate this afternoon
passed Senator Borah's bill amending
the three-year homestead law by pro
viding that homesteaders Instead of
cultivating 20 acres of land, as is now
required, may make improvements to
value of $1.50 for each acre entered
and thus establish their good faith and
acquire patent.
This bill is intended for relief of
r.omestcaders on lands not easily cul
tivated, such as cut-over lands, tim
bered lands or lands that are unusually
When Senator Chumberlain presented
tn. report or the public lands commit
tee, no moved the passage of the bill.
and ii went through in less than a
minute. Senator Borah will endeavor
to have the House committee report the
kill this session and is hopeful the
House rules may be let down ho the bill
can pass, especially since Speaker Clark
is concerned over emigration of Amer
icans to Canada.
(Continued from First Pa Be.)
the latter persists in savinar that Slover
made the proposal to him, and that ho
carried it out with extreme reluctance,
taking consolation, however, in the
fact that it carried with it a promise
mat nis men would be relieved from
the obligation of doing active personal
work for the candidate. In his asser
tion Captain Baty is supported by sev
eral of his officers, who assert that
Acting c.nier Slover was the one who
pressed the suggestion until it became
apparent that the men would not sub
IMNtrtct Attorney Has Plan.
A disposition to limit the field of the
inquiry strictly to the alleged mal
feasance of Mr. Armstrong is being
shown by District Attorney Evans, who
sees in this phase of the complicated
affair the only likelihood of an in
dictable offense. It has been impos
sible, however, to separate the relevant
facts in this matter from other things
wnicn are Hieing brought In by wit
nesses. W. A. Tupper. secretary of the Civil
Service Commission, is under subpena
ana wm De examined today. Accord
lng to statements made by him. hi
testimony will show that the routine
practice in grading papers Is such that
any juggling would, be Impossible under
normal conditions. According , to De
tcctive Craddock, however, the candi
dates aireaoy naa oeen rated When
Commissioner Armstrong turned over a
list to him, with the markings at-
tarhed. and asked him to seo "what
the boys would do.
Edlefsen guarantees sood fuel.
' J'.
"Inside History" of Grat
Strikes May Be Told.
Even McXamara Case May Be Inves
tigated1 MuLhall Reported to
Have Been Threatened and
Guard Is Considered.
(Continued from First Page.)
grant a request from the association to
be represented by counsel. . It decided
also not to turn over the Mulhall
papers to the House special investigat
ing committee until it has finished with
them, although Chairman Garrett asked
for them today. '
Chairman Overman heard a report to
night that Mulhall had. been told to
get out of Washington. Mulhall did not
know; who made the threat. Mr. Over
man said steps would be taken to
protect Mulhall if necessary by -delegating
a deputy sergeant-at-arms to guard
him. .
The Senate committee spent practi
cally all of today on wool. William
Whitman, ex-president of the National
Association of wool manufacturers;
Wlnthrop L. Marvin, its secretary and
Thomas O. Marvin, secretary of the
Home Market Club, all of Boston, were
the witnesses.
Club Teaches Protection.
Marvin testified. that the Home
Market Club had a membership of be
tween 800 and 1000; that it raised about
$17,000 last year and that its object was
to teach the doctrine of protection. He
declared, that one of the club's objects
was the education of the youth of the
country in the principles of protec
tion. He testified that the club had sent
out in 25 years more than 100,000,000
pamphlets containing protective argu
ments, but had. never used "insidious
or Illegitimate means" to influence
legislation. He said he received $5500
a year for his services and had spent
much time in Washington during the
pendency of the present tariff bill.
Senator Reed spent several hours
reading into the records letters and
telegrams between Whitman and S. N.
D. North. The letters were written in
1897 when the Dingley tariff bill was
before the Senate finance committee,
and North, then secretary of the wool
association, was acting as clerk to the
majority members. Ho showed close
relations between Whitman and North,
but Whitman insisted there never had
been anything improper about North's
connection with the Senate committee.
Lamar's Case Being Investigated by
Federal Body.
NEW YORK, July 10. The case of
David Lamar nis impersonations of
United States Senators and Represent
atives in connection with the so-called
Union Pacific conspiracy was placed
before the Federal grand jury today
by Assistant District Attorney Mar
shall. -
All the testimony taken in the case
before the Senate lobby investigation
was given to the Jury and Lewis Cass
Ledyard, one of the principal witnesses
before the committee, was called to
testify in person. His examination was
begun late in the. afternoon and was
not completed.
Other witnesses having knowledge
of the case are understood to be un
der subpena.
Virion Says Overtures Must Come
From Roads.
NEW YORK. July 10. No step was
taken today by the conductors' and
trainmen's representatives towards ar
bitrating their wage differences with
45 Eastern railroads. The union lead
ers assume the attitude that peace
overtures should come from the rail
roads. They disclaim present interest
in developments at Washington, where
next Monday the National Civic Feder
ation proposes to urge modification of
the Erdman arbitration act, amend
ments to which are now before Con
gress. The scheduled meeting for " next
Saturday of the "committee of one
thousand," comprising the local chair-
men of the organization's individual
lodges, is expected to ratify the strike
vote. but. this does not mean an imme
diate walkout.
The issuance of an official strike
order would at least be delayed until
tlje delegates return to their respective
headquarters, and some of them would
require 24 hours o. make the trip.
Secretary Wilson Thinks Arbitration
Aid Will Be Extended. .
WASHINGTON, July 10. Secretary
Wilson, of the Department of Labor,
today conferred with Representatives
of the union shop men and mainten
ance of way employes of Western rail-
funic ns under the pending amendments
to the Erdman arbitration act- The
act now affects, only employes ac
tively engaged in the transportation
of interstate commerce.
This subject will be brought o Pres
ident Wilson's attention Monday, when
representatives of Eastern railroads and
their trainmen call at the White House
for a. conference with the President and
Secretary Wilson.
Secretary Wilson , believes that ulti
mately the arbitration act will provide
for mediation between all striking
wage-earnera and their employers.
Former Pendleton Man. Advances'
$45 and Wakes tp Wlien He j
Reads' It More Closely.
LOS ANGELES. July 10. A check
drawn on "Any Old National Bank"
was used here today to fleece out of
$45 a visitor at one of the sessions of
the International Christian Endeavor
union convention now being held here.
C. J. Jenkins, formerly of Pendleton,
Or., met a stranger, .who told of press
ing need for $4 5 and. offered to give
a check for $885 as security.
Jenkins - let the man have the $45,
but the stranger did not Teturn to re
deem the check. The delegate then ex
amined the check and notified the po
lice when he noticed the "bank" upon
which it was drawn and that it was
rubber-stamped with the name of "The
Inland & Empire Traction" Company,
William Bowman, secretary."
Jenkins Recently Sent to Soldiers'
Home by His Comrades.
PENDLETON, Or., July 10.-(Spe-ciai.)
Charles J. Jenkins, who is re
ported to have been buncoed out of $45
in Los Angeles, formerly vlived here. He
is a Civil War veteran, 70 years old.
He had lived at several times at the
Soldiers' Home in Sawtelle, Cal. He
returned to Pendleton last Fall, but
had only his pension of $36 every three
months, ran short, of money, received
iinanciai assistance from his comrades
in Kit Carson Post of the Grand Army,
and finally Commander S. P. Hutchin
son was authorized to pay his expenses
to Sawtelle two weeks ago
His family lives on a ranch near
Pilot Rock, but his relations with them
had not been happy. . He and hia wife
lived in the Starkey Prairie Country in
Union County, for 25 years, but sold
their place' for $3200.
Mrs. Florence Morgan, of Pendleton,
Taken From Train in Nebraska
on Kidnaping Charge.
. LINCOLN. Neb., July 10. (Special.)
Fleeing with her two children.-aged
i and tj, of whom she had obtained
possession from her former husband,
O. M. Wilson, by a ruse, Mrs. Florence
Morgan, of Pendleton, Or., was arrest
ed today at North Platte, Neb., and will
be brought back to Lincoln on a charc-e
of kidnaping. A writ of habeas corpus
was issued this morning in the Lancas
ter County District Court alleging that
Mrs. Morgan is unlawfully depriving
the two children of their liberty.
Mrs. Morgan had obtained possession
of the children, it is said, by calling at
the home of their grandparents and
representing that she wished to take
the children to the country for the day.
When the husband learned of this he
became suspicious and investigation
showed that the former wife and the
children were on thetrain headed for
Wilson was recently indicted on a
charge of bigamy, and Mrs. Morgarrat
tnat time swore that she never was
married to Wilson, and on the strength
of her testimony Wilsoji was released.
Black Man 'Says He Will Carry White
Slave -Case to Highest Courts.
France Undecided as to
What Action to Take.
PARIS, July 10. slack Johnson, ne
gro heavyweight prizefighter, accom
panied by his wife and his nephew, ar
rived today in Paris. The pugilist
drove to several hotels before he was
able to find accommodation. Johnson
said he Intended to make Paris his
headquarters in the - future and that
never on any account would he fight
again in America. He added that he
had arranged for several fights to take
place in Europe In the Autumn.
Referring to his recent sentence un
der the, "white slave" act to serve one
year in the Leavenworth penitentiary.
Johnson . declared he would carry the
case to the highest court, fully confi
dent that a decision ultimately would
be given in his favor.
It is not generally believed here that
Johnson will be deported from France,
but the French authorities have not yet
arrived at any permanent decision with;
regard to that phase of the case.
Officials at Washington Not Sorry
Johnson Will Not Return.
WASHINGTON. July 10. Jack John
son's announcement that he would"
never return- to the United States
caused Department of Justice officials
immediately to consider steps to bring
about the forfeiture of his $30,000 per
sonal bond pending in Chicago for his
appearance in connection with white
slave indictments upon which he has
not yet been tried.
Judge Carpenter, a few davs aero, de
clined to declare the bond, forfeited
until it was clear that Johnson would
not appear when wanted. The Depart
ment of Justice, it is said, probably
win seeK otTiclal confirmation of his
announced purpose not to return and
present the matter again to Judge Car.
penter. Government attorneys ex
pressed no regret over the negro's an
nouncement The negro may not find refuse In
France, in the opinion of many of the
State Department officials. They say
that while probably there Is no nrovl-
sion in the extradition treaty with
France under which his surrender
coma do demanded, the French author
ities, even without a formal snneni
from this Government, may deport
Johnson, as, like most European coun
tries, France is understood to have laws
prohibiting the immigration of a per
son convicted of a crime in his own
Effort to Be Made to Find Who Ad
vised Johnson, to Go to Europe.
CHICAGO. Julv 10. AHststan TI.
trict Attorney Parkin, who had charge
of the prosecution of Jack Johnson for
Violation Of the MAnn law
day that nothing could be done at pres
ent ii compel lorreiture or Johnson s
The negro Is under a $30,000 bond,
which he signed personally, for indict
ments on which he has not yet been
tried. He is also under a bond of $15,
000, signed by a real estate dealer,
which gave him his freedom, pending
the hearing of his case in the United
States Circuit Court of Appeals.
An- investigation probably will be
made bv the DfinHrtmpnt t r i . , ;
(lltfrmjl1A whalhav (.....! x.J
- - . v lllOllBLtKl
Johnson to make this move of leaving
me country, - said Mr. Parkin. "If
Johnson was induced to' go by a sec
ond party, an attempt will be made to
punish the offender."
Resignation Is Refused, Also, and
Incumbent 'Says Daily Presence
Is Not-Required.
STOCKTON, Cal., July 10. Given the
alternative of devoting more time to
his Jutles.or resigning, J. S. Moulton,
for 16 years postmaster at Ripon and
a prosperous business man of thh
country, has refused to do either.
"I told them." detlared the post
master this morning, "that I had giver
the people good service for 16 vears
that they were well pleased with my
cruris, ana iiuti x saw no reason lo
resigning. If the Government doesn'
want me here it can discharge me.
was appointed by the President and
would like to serve out ray term, which
win end m 1815.
A postal Inspector recently visited th
Rlpon postmaster and tolcf him that it
woulcl be necessary for him .to remain
In the Doetofflce durins- businpnn hnni-n
When Moulton protested, explanlng that
ne naa competent help in the office and
that his presence was not required
daily, the inspector- declared the rules
Of the riAHtal dpnaTtmnt H 1 A .nt
prehend such a condition and required
an postmasters to put in tneir lull time
Crying babies silenced
Lady Balfour, of Burleigh, Reveals
Secret to Merchants. '.
LONDON, July 10. Lady Balfour of
Burleigh told at a meeting of mer
chants today how to silence crying
babies. She said she had discovert
her method accidentally and always
iouna it successful.
Her suggestion was to lay the babi
with their heads slightly lower than
their feet at a "gradient of about 1 in
12," and they would soon fall asleep.
Features of Iife In the Open.-
"Our Southern Red Deer," "Life and
Sport in Alaska," "Reminiscences qf
an Old-Time Cowboy" and "In the
Rainy Lake Country." are some of the
good features of Sports Afield for
July. . .
' i
The Money -
Sale That Is
New Tariff Act Seems to Inter
fere With Reciprocity.,
Importation of Print Paper From
Canada Affected General De.
bate May Begin. Monday if
Republicans Permit.
WASHINGTON. July 10. That the
provision of the Underwood-Simmons
tariff bill levying a duty, of 12 per cent
ad valorem on print paper valued at
more than 2 cents a pound and not
more than 4 cents a pound may repeal
a portion of the 'Canadian reciprocity
act of 1911 is contended in the analysis
of the measure prepared under direc
tion of Senator Smoot, Republican mem
ber of the finance committee. It it does
not-operate to repeal the law, it is con
tended that there will' be two rates in
controversy on "this grade of paper.
Besides the fluty of 12 per cent ad
valorem, the Democratic bill would im
pose a countervailing tax in retaliation
for export license fee or other charge
imposed by a foreign country.
Reciprocity Act Repealed.
"An interesting point to consider,"
the Smoot analysis sets forth, "is the
effect of the enactment -of this para
graph on the portion of the Canadian
reciprocity act which admits to entry
free of duty paper imported from Can
ada valued at not more than 4 cents a
pound. With respect to printing paper
valued at more than 2 and not more
than 4 cents a pound, it is manifest that
there is a complete repugnance between
the two statutes, for by the terms of
one, the act of 1911, it is free of duty,
and by the terms of the tariff bill, it is
subject to a duty - of 12 per cent ad
valorem. Nor can the two statutes be
construed as to stand together. Under
such circumstances the rule of law is
that the statute of later date must pre
vail over the earlier statute, as being
the latest expression of the legislative
will, and that consequently the earlier
statute stands repealed by Implication."
Bill to Be Reported Today.
Republican leaders will a point
of this on the floor of the Senate.
The tariff bill will be reported to the
Senate tomorrow but the majority re
port favoring the measure will not be
presented by Chairman Simmons until
Monday. If Republican leaders do not
press for more time in which to con
sider the measure, general debate will
begin on Monday also. This question
will be decided at a meeting of the full
membership of the finance committee
tomorrow morning.
BAND GETS $30 0,000.
McClaughrey "Does Not Oppose Suit,
Quarrels Over Money Cause of
Domestic Infelicity.
OAKLAND. Cal., July 10. Mrs. Anita
Baldwin McClaughrey, daughter of the
late E. J. ("Lucky") Baldwin and bene
factress under his will to the amount of
$10,000,000 of his estate, obtained an
Interlocutory decree of divorce from
Hull McClaughrey this, afternoon by
Judge T. W. Harris. Divorce was asked
on grounds of cruelty.
McClaughrey opposition to
the suit. The plaintiff testified that
she and her husband often quarreled
over money matters.
The custody of the two children, Dex
tra,,aged 2. and Baldwin, aged 9, Is to
be shared py both parents, according
to the terms of a settlement made out
of court. Mrs. McClaughrey is to be
permitted to take them" abroad for
their education. 'It was said Informally
hy the attorneys that Mrs. McClaughrey
made a settlement of $300,000 on her
former husband.
Great Pomp Marks Burial of Cuban
Chief of Police.
HAVANA, July 10. The ceremonies
in connection with the funeral of Gen
eral Armanda Riva, this afternoon, were
marked by great military pomp. Thou
sands of officials and residentsjf Ha
vana followed the escort to the ceme
tery. Many women cast flowers from
Back: Guaranteed Value
Making Portland Talk
v Successors to Salem Woolen
balconies and windows on the coffin,
which was borne on a gun carriage.
Complete order was maintained, but
a feeling of. insecurity and apprehen
sion is still general. The Secretary of
the Interior, Colonel Hevia, has sus
pended all licenses for carrying arms in
the Province of Havana. .
All the prisoners in the city prison
have been closely confined to their cells
as a precautionary measure. The pa
trol of rurales and cavalry is still on
duty in the city.
Dentists to Raise 91,000,000 as En
dowment for Study.
KANSAS CITY. July 10. A resolu
tion providing a commission of 25
members to take charge of raising by
subscription a 11,000,000 endowment for
a National research and scientific foun
dation fund for dentists was adopted
at today's session here of the annual
convention of the National Dental
The object of the fund is to enable
dentists to leave their practice and en
gage in research work. More than
$15,000 has been subscribed toward the
fund at the convention here.
Rochester, N. Y today was chosen
as the meeting-place of next year's
convention. Dr. Homer C. Brown,
Columbus, O., was elected president.
California" Investment Companies
Orfer Substitute to Voters.
LOS ANGELES. July 10 Sufficient
signatures have been obtained to hold
up the operation of the recently-enacted
"blue-sky" law until It can be
passed on by the people at a referen
dum, according to an announcement to
day by officials of the California As
sociation of Investment Companies.
More than 12,000 signatures to the
referendum petition have been obtained
In Los Angeles and San Francisco
alone, it was said. The association
will submit another measure to regu
late stock selling, at the time the act
of the Legislature Is submitted to
popular vote.
Coal Mine Town Half Depopulated.
CHICAGO, July 10. An exodus of
nearly one-half the population of Cher.
M&r Jr .-. .VpsM
fif " JULY If W
0 1 Seattle and Return -
) Aeroplane Flights fe-j!!'" Wi
KrAr Boat Races (x: ti -Jx
-4r J , Great Street Parade V- pfHlr
Everything for Fun
Q$ Information cheerfully given by -tssw1
ZZffi Asent Oj-W. R. & N. :tlrK -
Mills Clothing Co.
ry. 111., that survived the coal mine
disaster three years ago, when more
man 4a0 lives were lost, was reported
to the Cherry relief commissioner here
today. Since the disaster $140,232.25
oi the $300,000 fund contributed to the
sufferers has been distributed to the
An attack of rheumatism does
not guard the patient aeainat a
subsequent attack. On the con
trary a person who has had rheu
matism ia more liable to be at
tacked than one who has not.
Thin blood is a condition always
present in rheumatism. On the
other hand rich, red blood resists
rheumatism. Build up the blood
and the rheumatic poisons will be
driven ut.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills begin
at once to Bend purer, richer blood
to nourish and soothe every muscle,
every ligament and inflamed joint
coverinsr. Our new book, "Build
ing Up the Blood' ' is free on request.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are Bold
by all druggiste, 60c per box, six
for $2.50 or by the -
"Dr. Williams Medicine Company.
Schenectady, N. Y.
Inclose 2c stamp for particulars. Satis
faction guaranteed. Free demonstration
at our office. 9, second floor, 3863 Wash
ington St., Dept. F. Hours 1 to 5 P. M
Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 3271.
Acfntu Wanted. Territory for Sale.