THE MORNING OKEGQMAN, FRIDAY, JULY II, 1913. OLD HOPS BOUGHT Foreigners Laying In Supplies on This Coast. MAY BE SHORTAGE AT HOME Contract -Market Firm at 15 Cents Willi Several Dealers Operating. More Activity in California. Europenn Prospects. A Ktrongcr demand lor old hopB of the 1P12 and 1M1 crops has developed within the past few days. As this demand has its origin In England, the inference is that the crop outlook abroad is not what it should be and that the supplies are being laid in gainst any possible deficiency in the coming yield. The. Jacobson croD of 1S3 bales of 1912s was bought yesterday at lv cents and deals were pending for the purchase of other pot lots. In California, where the de mand was equally good. u. 300-bale lot of Sonoma of the 1911 crop changed hands at 12 cents. In the Sacramento section, according to a wire received in the after noon, there were a number of offers of 14 V4 to 15 H cents for the current crop, but hold era asked 16 cents. Many sellers have with drawn their hops there. Unsold stocks in California are now estimated at 1600 bales. Various reports were in circulation as to operations in the contract market, in this state, but much secrecy was maintained as to the persons involved in the transactions. It is known that several hundred bales were obtained during the day and at least three firms wera operating. The price offered and paid was 15 cents. Among the lots signed up were 200 bali-s each of the Walker and Mclaughlin crops, by Lachmund. A feonoma wire reported that hot winds had cut the quantity, but helped the quality of the hops in that section. : .The market was strong, with 15 cents freely offered. A Sac-arr.ento telegram said: 'Vermin are decreasing on account of hot winde. Lice and red spider are on some vines. Few are spraying. Think 100.000 Is lair estimate of crop; rather think less than unore. Contracting at 15 cents, but few interest? r1." The following London cable was received: " last report crop is not so promis ing. 'Weather too cold. Lice neither In creasing nor decreasing. Market unsettled. Imports fchow a decrease, exports an in crease." An Austrian cable said the weather was unfavorable, with lice rapidly Increasing in Bohemia and growers alarmed. A German cable reported little vermin In the yards and the hops fcrward. In Belgium vermin is on the Increase. IAKMER8 'OT PKKSSIXG WHEAT SALES Iealer- Look for i'reer Movement After Harvest pot .Market Iull. Wheat farmers are not pressing sales of the new crop, but-In the aggregate a fair amount of business has been transacted, which Is now showing up. Much of this contracting has beeu dona on the basis of 0 cents, delivered here. The impression prevaljs In the trade that after harvest there will be a free selling movement; of wheat. The spot market is dull and a lit tle easier. Club is quoted, now at 00 to 01 cents. But for the extreme lightness of stocks, prices of old wheat would, no doubt, r-e nearer the new crop level. The barley market is slow, with no con tracting reported. According to Eastern .dvlces large atocks of barley ara -being oar iled by roalsters and dealers and this fact tends to offset the Influence of the bullish crop situation.--- Local receipts, in cars., were reported by the Merchants Exchange as follows: Monday Whfat FI5ur- - HaJ Tuesday 3 1 J 4 "Wednesday ... 'a 2 ' Thursday-...- -4 ' a ' 11 'i o Vear ago .... 10 4 :I Sea'n to date. 121 Oil r,jt 34 4'9 Year ago ... 1U8 qq i0 jjj ADVASCE IX SIGAR IS EXPECTED Lantern Markets Continue to Biae and ..Coast May Follow. There was another 10-polnt advance In sugar prices, in the Eastern states yester day, which makes it probable that Coast prices will be raised today. New York mail advices say of the sugar situation: "The- country Is taking sugar actively on contracts and the refiners are not catching up In deliveries, being taxed to meet the un expected rush. Distributers find the hot weather a strong ally In their business, for aside from the preserving demand there is the consumption of sugar IncMental to the manufacture of ice cream and soft drinks. New business is naturally light; for the trade Is taken care of for some weeks to come a month according to esti mates 'n local quarters. All refiners are firm at 4.50c but this price will not become effective until supplies are further depleted." COOL WEATHER CHECKS FKCIT TRADE Cantaloupes Are Brat Sellers Car of Yellow Peaches I)ue Today. Tho-unsettled weather of the past two iaya noa not helped the fruit trade, tout receipts have been light, and prices have, In most Instances, been well maintained. Cantaloupes have, sold freely, and If the weather turns warmer watermelons will also become active. Peaches, plums and most deciduous fruits were scarce yesterday, but a car each of yellow peaches and plums will arrive today. Five cars 'of bananas were distributed lti good condition, considering the hot weather they have been through. Country Protluce Lines Firm. The country produce market was lightly supplied and firm throughout. Chickens of all sires cleaned up readily at the higher prices quoted on tho preceding day. Coun try dressed . meats were also firm. The egg market has a strong undertone, as the. demand is in excess of the supply. There were no new developments in the butter or cheese markets. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the Northwestern cities yesterday were as follows: ., j ' Clearings. Balances. ortland ?i.7t',o.N4l jjso.ios Seattle S.lS-1.3:so S83.2A0 Tacoma . . 501.001 53,41)4 fcpokane 011.406 x 00,057 PORTLAND MARKET QUOTATIONS. . Grain, Flour. Feed. Etc. WHEAT Track prices: club. 9091e bluestem, 84Dc; red Russian, 89c; valley' sic. ' OATS No. 1 white. $39 per ton; stained and off grade, less. FLOUR Patents, 4.70 per barrel; straights, 14.10; exports, $3.853.9S; valley, 4.10; graham, $4.60; whole wheat, 44.80. CORN Whole, $28.50; cracksd. S28.50 oar ton. MILLSTVFFS Bran, $24.502S per ton; shorts. J28.50ijf27 per ton; middlings. $31 per ton. BARLEY Feed. KS 23.50 per ton; brew int.";iln,; tolled. 27(28 per ton. Ell5tern Oregon timothy, choice, 18tfl9 pit ton; alfalfa. $13 14. Fruits and Vegetables. Local Jobbing quotations: TROPICAL FRUITS Oranges. 14.50 s per box; lemons. $8.50 10 per box: pins apples. 7c per pound. ackNIONS and yellow- 1.101.25 per VEGETABLES Artichokes, 75e per doxen; asparagus. Oregon. 60c3l.oo ner dozen: oeans, 4 (g. 60 per pound: cabbage, lu3c ' 1 " . - per crate; corn JOe per dosen; cucumbers. $1.01.73 per box: eggplant. 2fio pound; head lettuce. 35 aosen; psas, 35o per pound: pep pers, 17 4 6V0j per pound; radishes, 1012c per dozen; rhubarb, l2-0 per pound; spin ach. 75o per box; tomatoes. $1.251. B0 per Kanic. mso per pound. POTATOES New California. lHSo per pound. liKBEN FKUrT Apples new. J1.2B Per box: old, nominal; cherries, 4rl0c per lb.: gooseberries, 4 oc per pound; apricots, $1.25 fol.&O per box; cantaloupes, $1.75ru 2.25 per crate; peaches. 0c$l.llo per box; water melons, l?il3iC per pound: plums, $1.50 per box; raspberries, $11.23 per crate; logan berries. $1.1.25 per crate; blackberries, lOo per pound. Dairy and Country Produce. Local "jobbing quotations: POULTRY Hens. 14c; Springs. 20c: tur keys, live. 1620c; dressed, choice, -426c; ducks. 1012c; geese, young, 12c. EGGS Oregon ranch, case count, 28 (S 24c per dozen; candled, 26 28c per dozen. CHEESE Oregon triplets. 16tso; Daisies, 11c; loung Americas, lgc. BUTTER City creamery butter cubes, 30c per pound; prints, 32c per pound. PORK Fancy. 11 all 140 per pound. VEAL Fancy. 14&14o per pound. Staple utucenet. Local lobbing quotations: SALMON Columbia River. one-pound tails, 3.25 per dozen; halt-pound flats. $1.40; one-pound flats, $2.45; Alaska, plnlf one-pound talis, 85c; silversldes, one-pound tans, si.zo. HONEY Choice, $3.253.75 per lase. .1UTS Walnuts. 18c ner nound: Brazil nuts, 1215c; filberts, 1515o; almonds, 18c; peanuts, S5c: cocoanuts, 00cIl per dozen; Chestnuts, 11c per pound; hick- orynuts. esioc; pecans, 17c: pine, ivvxoc. BEANS Small white. 6.o: large white. 6.90g6c; Lima. 6.30c; pink, 4.15c; Mexican, 6c; bayou. 4.15c SUGAR Fruit and berry. $5.35: Honolulu plantation, $5.80; beet, $5.15; extra C, $4.85; powdered, barrels, 85.60; cubes, barrels, $5.70. COFFEE Roasted, In drums, 18 935a per pound. SALT Granulated, $14 per ton; half ground 100s. $10 per ton; 50s, $10.75 per ion: aalry. $12.50 per ton. RICE No. 1 Japan, Si&SVic: eheapar grades, 4c; Southern head, 564tc CRIED FRUITS Apples. 10c per pound; apricots. 1214c: peaches, 8llc: prunes, Italians. 8 (a 10c: silver. 18c: figs, white ana black, 6'7c; currants, 9c; raisins, looss Muscatel. B'iS'ilc; bleached, Thompson, llc; unbleached. Sultanas, 8Vic; seeded, TH8V4c; dates. Persian, 7 MO 8c per pound; fard, $1.63 per box. FIGS Twelve 10-ounce, 85c: 60 C-ounce, $1.85; 70 4-ounce, $2.60; 30 10-ounce. 12.25; loose, 60-pound boxes. 6ft 7o; Smyrna, boxes, $L101.25; candled. (3 per box. . Provisions. Local Jobbing quotations: HAMS 10 to 12 pounds. 21 22c; 13 to 14 pounds, 21 22c; picnics, 14Vc; cottage roll, 17fcc BACON Fancy, -3031o; standard, 250 26c; English, 2122c LARD In tierces, choice, 14Vic: com pound, 9"4.c DRY SALT MEATS Regular short clears, 143 4' 16c; short clear backs, 12 to IS lbs., 16 & 16 tic; short clear backs, 18 to 25 lbs., liJl-lti'ic; exports, 15(e17c. N BARRELED BEEF Extra mess beef, $20; mess beef. $2U; Plata beef. $U2; rolled boneless beef. $30. BARRELED PORK Best pig pork. $27; pickled pork, $25. Hops, Wool and Hides. HOPS 1912 crop, H16o per pound; 1913 contracts, 15c per pound. PELTS Dry. 10c; lambs, salt shearling, 20&;5c. WOOL Eastern Oregon, 11 16c; val ley, 184fl9c per pound. GRAIN BAGS Selling price. .10c Port land. HIDES Salted hides, 10llc per pound; salt kip, lS&iac; salted calf, 1617c: green hides, lOl&lOVic; dry hides, 2122o; dry calf No. 1, 2Dc; No. 2, 20c; salted bulls 8c. MOHAIR 1913 clip, 31c per pound. Linseed Oil, Gasoline, Etc, LINSEED OIL Raw, . barrels, 68c; boiled, barrels, ole; raw, cases, 64c; boiled, cases, 66c. OIL MEAL F. o. b. Portland works: Car. $35' 3' 10"tOD lotB 3' toa lou TURPENTINE Barrels. 62c: cases. 85a. COAL OIL Cases, 1720V.o; drums and barrels, 10 ix 13 Vs c. GASOLINE Cases. 23o; bulk, 16c. YARD SUPPLY IS SMALL OXLY TWO TjOADS RECEIVED AT XOKTII PORTTjAIiT) . COFFEE OFF AGAIN Market Loses Nine to Thirteen Points at New York. , HeWover Cattle Sell Within Former Range of Prices Conditions in Otlier Iiincs Unchanged. Livestock trading at. the North Portland yards was reduced to small proportions yes terday. About two loads of hold-over cat tle were sold and this was all the business transacted. Except one load of good cows, most of the offerings were of lower quality. Price conditions In general were not changed. The arrivals were the smallest for sev eral weeks, consisting of only las hogs and 50 sheep, which were sent in by George Zimmerman, of Yamhill, and A. Morrow, of Madras. The sales In detail were as follows: ' . Weight. Price. 16 steers 890 $6.50 6 Bteers and cows............. 5io 623 4 yearling beeves 652- s!50 15 cows do:! 6 75 2 cows '. 880 6.25 The range of prices at the yaros was as follows: Choice steors- $7.75!8 25 7.25 7.75 7.007.25 ......... 6.507.25 6.2&c6.50 '. 6. 00 as.'.; 5 FEELING AT CLOSE STEADY Good steers Medium steers ...... Choice cows ........ Good cows Medium cows Choice calves 8.00 & 0.00 "VU "j twvci O.OO(ipT.50 Bulls 4.00 1 6.00 Hogs Light 8.75W.10 Heavy 7.25&S.10 fcheep Wethers 4.004.&0 Ewes 3.004.00 Lambs , 5.00 p 6.00 Omaha Livestock Market. SOUTH OMAHA. July 10. Cattle Re ceipts. 14H5; market, steady. Native steers. $i.2ufc'S.75; native cows and heifers, S5.25 8.00- Western steers. $6&7.G0; Texas steers 5.5Q&7: ranjre cows and heifers. $4 M 0.50; calves. $7&.50. Hogs Receipts. SSO0; market, lower. Heavy, $S.60 S.75 ; light, $8.75 &8.8D: pigs, 86WS; bulk of sales, $S.6548.7j. Sheep Receipts. 446:1; market, lower. Yearlings. $5 6; wethers. $44i.4.65; lambs, $1,5018.20. Chicago Livestock Market. CHICAGO. JUW 10 Hnci T? aroln., 000; market, slow, generally 10c under yes- average. nuiK or sales, $s.90 9.05 : light. $8.S0(i 8.174 ; mixed. s.70i& 9.15; heavy, $S.6C n 8.07 Va ; rough, $8.50 to S.70 ; pigs. $7.25 9. " Cattle Receipts, 5500; market, steady to shade lower. Reeve ST u in- T-o-ao steers, $7WS 20: Western steers. $, oii.vncio iiriu .leeaers, a.ogt: cows and heifers. $3.908.50; calves, $SlO.30. Sheep Receipts, 17.000; market, steady to 10c under yesterday's close. Native sheen. SU liff't dr.- v.'.ct... i -ikk yea-rlings, $u.u07.30; lambs, native,, 0.2u SAN FRANCISCO PRODUCE MARKET Prices Quoted at the Bay City for Veeeta bles. Fruits, Ktc. SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. The follow ing produce prices were current here today: Fruit Apples, Gravenstelns, $1.25 1.85; Mexican limes, $8ffll; California lemons, $7 at; common. $4g6; pineapples, " $1.25 a 2.25.. Cheese New, 144 13c; Young Americas. 17 Vic Hay Wheat. $23 25: wheat and oats $21.50022; alfalfa, $14-.601S. Butter Fancy creamery, 2SKc; seconds 2Sc. Vegetables --Cucumbers. 25 40c; green neas. tf4Uc ,1rin, t,An 11..41-. - r - , u 7-1 OK K plant, 63C5J $1.50. ' 8S onions New, red, 65 75c per sack; yel low. 65 75c per sack. -v Potatoes New River whites, $11.50; Early Rose. 75c$l; Oregon, 85c$l; new. $1.251.7o. Eggs Store, 22t4c: fancy ranch, 24Vfcc Receipts Flour. 90 quarters; barley. 2105 centals; potatoes, 1400 sacks; hay, S94 tons. Metal Markets. NEW YORK. July IO. Copper nominal; standard spot, 13.50 bid; August 13 50 14.25; September. 13.65 14.10; electrolytic, 14.5014.75; lake, 14.00 14.70; casting, 14.25!i3)14.50. Tin firm: spot to September, '39.37 39. 67. Lead quiet, 4.30S 4.40. Spelter steady. 5.27 5.40. Antimony nominal; Cookson's, 8.658 75 Iron dull and unchanged. London markets closed as follows; Copper quiet; spot. 60; futures. 63 ls 9d. Tin firm; spot 179; futures, 179- 16s Spelter, 20 10c. Lead. 19 7s 6d. Iroai Cleveland warrants, 55s C4 - Speculative Trading on Exchange Is Very Heavy and Tone Through out Most of Day Is Nervous and Unsettled. NEW YORK, July 10. Prices moved less violently in the market for coffee futures today, but the trading was even more active inaa yesterday, and the tone of the mar ket remained extremelv nervous n nrt tin. settled. The opening was barely steady at a decline of 17 to 33 points, under renewed liquidation, which probably Included selling by some of yesterday's late buyers, who were disappointed at the showing of the European canies by a rurther decline in busi ness. Active realising bv old shorts and some fresh buying was encouraged by re- puns 01 a oener turn in the Balkan troubles, and reports of rather n. hettff but rallies of 20 or 25 'points were barely sustained and the. close was steady at a uei joss or a to 13 points lor the day. July, 8.42c; September, 8.64c; October. 8.74c; De cember, 8.84c; January, 8.88c; March,; May, 9.04c. Spot coffee nominal. Rio 7s, 9o; Santos s. ai-jsc. -Mild coffee dull. Cordova, 13 16 Vic nominal. Raw sugar fitrons. Centrifus-al ' 3 K4 3.61c; muscovado, 3.043.11c; molasses, 2.79 &' 2.860. x Refined strong. Cut loaf, 5.40c; crushed, 6.30c; mould A, 4.95c; cubes, 4.85c; XXXX powdered, 4.76c; powdered, 4.70c; fine granulated, 4.60c; diamond A, 4.60c; oonrectioners' A, 4.46c; No. 1, 4.40c. 1 Sugar A divan ces In East. NEW YORK, July 10 All grades of re fined sugar were advanced 10- cents a hun dred pounds today. UPTURN If. WALL STREET SUCCESSFUIj DRIVE MADE AT STOCK MARKET BEARS. President's Attitude in Strike Trou bio Is Factor Manipulation Iater Erases Gains. NEW YORK. July 10. Affairs virtually were at a standstill today in the stock mar ket. The principal theme was the outbreak of serious hostilities among the Balikan na tions and the consequent depression of Euro Pfa? 'hanses. Fear was expressed today tnat the renewal of war would delay the return to the usual channels of Europe's hoarded millions of gold. There was a down, ward movement in sympathy with tho for-?.8n,-,exchanEes' London sold, some Union Paciflo and Canadian Pacific. At home there were no developments on which to base speculative movements and the new crisis in the Balkans was utilized as a. bear argument. Trading, however, was entirely perfunctory. The volume of busi ness foil to the lowest of the year. United States 2 per cent bonds declined again today, the blf price falling y, more to 9U. No large transactions in Government bonds were reported, but it was evident that the refunding provisions of the new cur rency bill had caiiHori Hrm V -1 . .. -.....! Just their holdings. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, per value $1,116,000. United States bonds de clined from 9s to 1 point on call for the week. CLOSING STOCK QUOTATIONS. Reported by J. c. Wilson & Co ' Lewis building, Portland. - ' L,ew, , Closing Amal Copper .. 13,100 64H 68' 64 Am Beet Sugar. 100 22 22 "lti do preferred.. Am Car & Friy. '4,600 300 100 Am Cotton Oil. Am Smel & Rf 1,100 do preferred.. Am Tel & Tel.. Am Tobacco . . . Anaconaa 28 fc7 41 fit 41 27 86 . 41 3&H 2 61 9i 61 . . . . . .... ua u. 600 127 126,!4 126 2UO 214 213 208 u oast A.lne. 100 114H AT&SantaFe 1,500 05 95 95 2 0O 100 S2$ 32 32 do preferred.. Bait & Ohio Brook R Tran.. C & o C N W C. M & St Paul. 200 96 9 96 14 300 92 92 92 34 arooic K TPn.. 500 86 80 86 .. -'oyt iiii 211 51 lk 1 127U 1?7U fTli C. M & St Paul. .500 102 102 102 Central Leather.:- 200 21 2o2 21 Central of N J . . 27 Chlno . . Col Southern . .. Consol Gas ..... D L & W D & R G ' Distilling Secur. Erie General Electric Ot North Ore . . Gt North pf... Illinois Central. Interboro Met .. do preferred.. Inter Harvester. K C Southern . . Lehigh Valley. . Louis & Nash . . Mexican Central M, S P & S S M Mo, Kan & Tex. Mo Pacific National Lead .. Nat Biscuit . : . . do preferred. . N Y Central . . . N Y. Ont W.. Norfolk & West. North America.. Northern Pac . . Pacific Mall Pacific T & T. . do preferred.. Pennsylvania People's Gas . . . Keadinjr 800 33 33 " i'.iOO i29 129 i'960 "25 "24 300 188 138 400 32 31 300 122 122 . 40O 113 112 10O 14 14 5O0 55 54 '"4o6 25 "25 2.50O 146H 145 'i-y "12 300 122 -121 '"soo "36 "30" "3,466 "6" "95 SOO 29 28 2O0 . 103 10 3 700 105 105 "'166 '28 28 33 29 129 392 15 12 24 121 113 14 5-4: 101 . 25 145 130 12 121 20 29 45 112 116 95 28 102 6 Republic S & I. 3.000 18 27 SS 1.800 111 110 110 1O0 1 10i HOSi HO 21.400 137 MB Hi 156 Rock Island Co. 500 1SU 15 38 18 Southern Pac .. 5.90O 92 91 M Southern Ry . . . 1,900 21 Texas Oil Union Pacific . do preferred.. 100 United Rds S F U S Steel Cor. . 26.20O 20 901! IOO 105 105 10r.iA 34,100 146 144 145 81 81 81 53 52 52 SOO 104 104 104 1.400 42 41 300 57 41 60 57 43 do preferred. Utah Copper . . vvaDasn Western Union.. . Westing Elec .. Wisconsin Cent. . Total sales for the day, 165,700 shares. BONDS. Reported by Overbeck & Cooke Co., Board of Trade Building, Portland. Bid. Asked. Atchison general 4s 93 93 Atlantic CoaBt Line. 1st 4s 87 68 Baltimore & Ohio gold 4s...... 90 91 Brooklyn Rapid Transit 4s 86 87 Chesapeake & Ohio 4s 92 93'i CM St P general 4s 99 99 Chicago Rock Island Col 4s.... 53 54 Cal iias 5j 914 U2y. C B & Q Joint 4s 9'! 93" Krie gonarnl 4s 69 Int Met 4s 4 74 75 Louisville a. Nashville unified 4s. 92 93 Missouri Pacific 4s 75 NYC general 3s 80 80 N & W lift Con 4s 92 . Northern Pacific 4s 91 2 Oregon Short Line Ref 4s 87 88 Oregon Ry xav 4s 81 83 Pacific Tel 5s 90 96U Pennsylvania Con 4s 99 99 l'.eading general 4b 94 94 ii St L & s F Ref 4s 67 08 Southern Pacific Ref 4s 89 89 Southern Pacific Col 4s 88 89 Southern Railway 5s 101 10 Southern Railway 4s . 73 73 United Railway Inv 4s 60 ... Union pacific lst-and Ref 4s.... 91 93 United States Steel 5s 98 98 2' West Shore 4s p3C 94 Wabash 4s po 0 50 Wcstlnghouse Electric conv 5s.. 89 90 Wisconsin Central 4s...- 85 g Western Facitic 5s 754 77 United States 2s registered 98 100 United States 2s coupon 98 100 United -States 3s registered. ... .102 . 10U United states 3s coupon 102 IO214 United States 4s registered . .-v. .. 112 14 113Vi United States 4s coupon ..112 .113 Stocks at Boston. BOSTON, July 10. Closing quotations: Mohawk. Nevada Con Nlplssinsr Mines. North Butte Ailonez - 31 V Amal. Copper... 63 A z L & s IS Arizona Com. . 29 B & C C & S M. 60 (North T ake Cal .t Arix 59l01d Dominion Cal & Hecla. ...415 lOsceola Centennial 11 -Quincy C R Con Co 39 (Shannon E Butte Cop M. 10 'Superior Franklin ...... 5jS & B Min... Glroux Con..... 54 HiTamaxack ... 43 14 oS 29 1 43 74 V 5R 1 6 24 2 S Granny Con..... fiiu R S R A M . . . 35 Greene Can 1S!U S S R M ptd 46 Isle Roy (Cap). . S!Utah Con....... 9 Kerr Lake....... 7 Utah Cop Co.... 41 Lake Copper. , . , 3iWlnona 1 c-nitu vi... w 7 1 wctvertne 44 Money, Exchange, Etc. NEW YORK. July 10. Money on call stoady, 2 to 2; last loan, 2: closing bid. 3: offered at 2 ner cent. Time Iqbiii strong: 60 days, 83; 90 days, 45-4 per veni; Bix msumi, u per cent. Close: prime mercantile paper, 6 per cent. Sterling exchange, firm; with actual busi ness In bankers' bills at 94.8315 for 60-day Commercial bills, $4.82. Bar silver. 58 c Mexican dollars. 47c. Government bonds firm; railroad bonds steaay. LONDON. July 10. Bar silver, steady, 26d per ounce. Money. 263 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 4 per cent; for three months' bills, 4 s-164 per cent. SAN FRANCISCO, July 10. Silver bars. 00 la c. Mexican dollars, nominal. Drafts, sight lc, telegraph 3 c. ' Sterling in London, 60 days, $4.83; do. eigne, s.oj. - Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON. July 10. The condition of the United States Treasury at the begin ning 01 Dusiness was: . Net balance in general fund. .... $111,405,823 Total receipts yesterday 2,i65.648 Total payments yesterday ...... , 3.901.S19 - The deficit this fiscal year is $6,443,031 as against a deficit of $7,590,675 last year, exclusive of Panama Canal and public debt transactions. ' Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 10. Cotton, spot, quiet; middling uplands, 12.35c; gulf, 12.60c. Sales, iuu Dates. Futures closed steady, 2 to 8 points lower. July. 12.12c: August. 12.12o: Sentemh.r. 11.67c: October 11.48c; November. 11.43c; December, 11.42c: January, 11.37c; Febru ary, 11.39c: Marsh. 11.47c; May, 11.49c. NEW ORLEANS, July 10. Spot cotton, quiet, unchanged; middling, 12 c Sales London Wool Sales. LONDON. July 10. The demand, was quieter at xne wool auction sales today. Prices were -inclined to he easv and with drawals were frequent. The best grades ui merinos ana coarse crossoreas were un changed, but rates for other nrrs rinl1n 6 per cent. There were 14.000 bales offered. Unfilled Tonnage Decreases. ' NEW YORK, July 10. The unfilled ton nage 01 the United states Steel Corporation on June was 6,807,317 tons, a decrease of 017,00s tons as compared with the pre vious month. Dululh Linseed Market. DULUTH. July 10. Close: Linseed on iracK. i,iiss:-juiy, t.86i .bid; Septem ber, $1.40: October, $1.40. Dried Fruit at New ' York. NEW Y-ORK, July 10. Evaporated apples, firm. Prunes, steady. Peaches, quiet. . Chicago Dairy Produce. CHICAGO, July 10. Butter Unchanged. F.irBH TTnihlttiff,il f ,i-aint. 11 tT-r - -r -o . '- '1- BI 1 LaOCO, Hons at New . York. NEW YORK, July 10. Hops, quiet. CITY TO ESTABLISH GARAGE Central Plant for Housing and Re. pairing Cars Ordered. A -municipal sarajfe for the housing; and repairing: of all the automobiles and trucks owned by the city is to be coiaDiianea ai once, city commission er Daly yesterday prepared a Commis sion rfltinliitinn .....ti - t . . i , ......... jruiuimfiing Agent Wood to advertise for bids for ,uiiu9uiiik ui a uuuaingr suitable for thft fnrR?A It is proposed to have a central hlllMInn . . . . 1 - . , . u u"uii6 ucie an toe macnines can be kept at night and where they can be cu auu --icLiit;u. watte not in use. The system is expected to saVe tho City a great deal of money. The Ifuildlng to Ja secured first will be for a temporary garage. It is pro posed later to erect a. concrete build ing on some of the property owned by ht-v Hie success of our pa trons and the progress of the city and state are vital necessities of our own success. "VVe feel that our" inter ests and yours are in many ways mutual. . For that reason you will find our service particu larly comprehensive and beneficial. Your account is invited. Lumber mens National Bank Fifth and Stark Sts. Resources 7 Millions The , Canadian Bank of Commerce " head office Toronto, Canada. Established 1867. A general banking; business transacted. Interest paid on time deposit. Letters of Credit and Travelers' Checks Issued. " " -PORTLAND BRANCH, Corner Second and Stark Sts. , F. C. MALPAS, Manager. J.C.WILSON &. CO. STOCKS, BONDS. GRAIX AND COTTON. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. THE STOCK AND BOND EXCHANGE. bAN I RANClSCO. PORTLAND OFFICE: Lewis Building, 269 Oak Street. Phonesi Marshall 4120. A 4187. WE OFFER THE UNSOLD BALANCE OF MORGAN-BUSHONG INVESTMENT COMPANY First Mortgage 7 Per Cent Gold Bonds Dated Apri 1, 1913 Due serially as follows: $10,000 April 1. 1915 $10,000 April 1, 1916 $10,000 April 1, 1917 $10,000 April 1, 1918 $10,000 April 1, 1919 $15,000 April 1, 1925 $15,000 April 1, 1926 $15,000 April 1, 1927 $15,000 April 1, 1928 $15,000 April 1, $15,000 April 1, $15,000 April 1, $15,000 April 1, $15,000 April 1, $15,000 April 1, 1929 $15,000 April 1, 1930 $15,000 April 1, 1931 $20,000 April 1, 1932 1920 1921 1922 1923 1924 Denominations $500 and $1000. Principal and Semi-Annual Interest Payable at the Office of the Security Savings & Trust Company, Trustee, Portland, Oregon This issue of bonds is secured by first mortgage covering the leasehold and eight-story office building now nearing completion at a cash cost of over $500,000, situated at the southwest corner of Broadway and Washington street, with a frontage of 200 feet on Washington and 100 feet on Broadway, in the heart of the business and retail section, of the City of Portland. This building is one of the most favorably located, well' constructed and equipped modern office buildings in the City of Portland. The upper seven floors contain 375 well-appointed offices, the entire grade floor being devoted lo store rooms, etc. A' comparatively large, part of the entire building has been rented for a good period of years to a very desirable class of tenants on a profitable basis. . In view of the large margin of -security over and above the bond issue, location and assured earning capacity of the property, as well as other favor able conditions surrounding the same,, we unhesitatingly recommend these bonds as an unusually desirable investment. "Having already reserved the' larger portion -of the entire issue, we offer the unsold balance in amounts to suit at par and interest, yielding 7 per cent. Descriptive circular, containing detailed information, furnished request. . MORRIS BROTHERS Railway Exchange Building PORTLAND upon TKAVtI.ERH' GUIDE. HAMBURGk AMERICAN Over 400 Ship 1.3O0i819 TON 3 Largest SS.Co , in the WORLD "IMPERATOR' World's larzest nTiln will SAIL. 1KOS1 NEW YORK Saturday July 19, 10 A. M. . - . ii . . i, j auK. y, A J. a. 11. Saturday Aug. SO, A. M. and every three weeks thereaflcr. EnabllnK paasangers to arrive la LONDON and PARIS on alxtn and In HAMBUKQ on seventh day. Books now open for season. LONDON. 1-AKIS. HAMBTJRO. Pres. Grant July 16. U A.M. UXuiperator ..July 19, 10 A.M. Amerlka ...July 23, 9 A.M. Fres. Lincoln July 24. 12 noon fiennsylvanla. .July 31, 3 P. M. Kaierin Aw. Vie. Auk. 2. 9 A.M. Tlmperator Aug. 9. 11 A.M. fKPatrlcia..... .. .Aug. 9, 12 noon I SAinerika Auk. 21, 11 A. M. ItPretorta Aug. 23, 12 noon I2d cabin only. 'Will call at Boulogne. HJJew. tHamburg direct. ITS. S. Pennsylvania and S. 8. Pretoria sail from new pier, font ot 83d St., South Brooklyn. All other sailings In this service front our Uoboken piers. MEDITERRANEAN Gibraltar. Naples and Uenoa Cy Ail steamers of thia service leave from NEW PIEIt. 33d at 6. Brooklyn. Take S'Jtta-st ferry S. S. MolLke (12.500 Tons), July 15. 8 f. M. 8. S. Hamburg (11,000 Tons).... ' Aug. 9, 10 A.M. S. S. Moltks , .Aug. 28, 11A.M. S. S. Hamburg. .Sept. 17, 10 A.M. CKXTSES To the I and of the Midnlgtit Sun July and August. ITT" Our Tourist Dept. arranges tours by rail or steamer to all parts of the world. Write for Information HtUKnRr..AMKRiriv . ... 160 Powell St., San Francisco. CaLi uu.,i.i . .. . . . v.. u., - j rj I n St. O.-W. R. & N. Co., Nor. Pa- B 1 A K. I , u U .. l Route. Mllwaulc t Sound R. R., Q thern Railway Ci orsey B. Smith. 69 6th st.. Portland. viregon. EXrKliSS STEAilERS FOB -San J-Tancinco and Los Angeles ' WITHOUT CHANGE. 8. 8. BOSK CITY, Nails 9 A. M., July 11. S. S. BKAVKK .lulv ltf THE SAN FRANCISCO ' PORTLAND 8. a. CO., Ticket Office 3d and Washing ton. With O.-W. R. & N. Co. Ptione Marshall 4500. A 6121. 71 A. particular advan tage of having your account with a Strictly Commercial Bank Such as this, is that it gives you the benefit of specialized effort along certain lines. Here," every department is in charge of an expert under the careful supervision of the officers. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK Surplus and Capital, $2,000,000, Third and Oak Streets. M . A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS trans-Ll- acted on the safest and most accommodat ing lines consistent ;with sound banking. Security Savings and Trust Company Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus - - - - - $1,400,000 Established 1890 First National Bank Capital $1,500,000 Surplus 900,000 Oldest National Bank We.t of tha Rocky Mountains COENEB FIRST AND WASHTNQTON STS. LOS ANGEI.ES AND SAN DIEOO STEAMSHIPS YALE AND HARVARD Railroad or any steamer to San Francisco, the Expo City. Largest, fastest and the ONLY strictly first-class passenger ships on me (.oast. Averago speed 2a miles per hour; cost 2, 000.000 each. SAN I'BANCISCO, PORTLAND I, A. B. S. CO., Slain 6. Frank Bollani, Agent. A 4588. i. iniru treet. COOS BAY LINE ' STEAMSHIP "BKEAIvWATlSIi" sails Irom Albers Dock, No. li. Portland at S A. jrf. June 4. . 14. 19. 24. 29, July 4. a. 14. 19, 24 29. thereafter every five days, s A. M. Freight received dally until 5 P. M. except day previous to sailing, previous day 4 P. M. Passenger lares: First-class, $10; second-class, $7, Including berth and meals. Ticket office at Albers Dock No. g PORTLAND COOS BAY 3. 8. LINE, U H. KEATING. Acent. Phone Main fiHBX. A 6141. Drain-Coos Bay Auto Line Now Daily to Marshfleld. Wire reservations to O. Mattoon. Drain, Oregon. NEW YORK -PORTLAND REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE. Xow Rate. Schvdul T!mb AMERICAN-HAWAIIAN S. S. CO. SIS Railway Exchange BldkV Portland. Or. tliin S7S. A Mlt, I LADD &TILTON BANK ' Established 1859. Capital . Surplus' . Deposits . .$ 1,000.000.00 . . 1,000,000.00 .14,000,000.00 Commercial and Savings Accounts OFFICERS. W. M. Ladd, President. Robert S. Howard Asst Cashier Kdward Cookingham Vice-Pres. J. W. La,id Asst Call ier "V . H. Dunckle Cashier. Waiter M. Cook, Asst. Cashier. Corner Washington and Third Streets. TRAVELERS- GTJUDB. CJ V ffl U C V S.H0RT '"f-6"1 Francisco to IJllC.1 Australia,! 8 diyi vis Honolulu W I U tm nd Samoa, the attractive and pleasant route, winter or summer. Splendid 10.000 ton steamers (classed by British iioydfl 100 Al). $110 HONOLULU Srst-clasa round trip SYONET $300 $325 HAN 0 TOUR SOUTH SEAS $325 Hooojnlu, Samoa, Australia, New Zealand, Tahiti, etc $600 1st class Round th World 2nd class $380 v mtini 5 continents and world's great cities (stop-ovf rs) Honolulu Sailines June 17 July 1. 15, 29, etc Sydney every 28 days, July 1, 29. Aut. Send for folder. Oastinc 6. 8. Co. 673 Market St, San Frsndtca TRAVELERS' GUIDE. San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego Direct S. S. Roanoke and S. S. Elder. Sail Every Wednesday Alternately at P. M. NORTH PACIFIC S. S. CO. 123A Third St. Phones Mala 1314, A 1314,