1G THE MORNING OREGON! AN, FRIDAY. JTJXY 11. 1913. RKAL E8TATE For tale Acreage REAL ESTATE SALESMAN". I have 60 one-acre tracts close to Port land and electric car. Want a live man to handle this on easy ternm. - Big com mission, liberal contract. Prices from $200 to $000 per acre. T. K. Phillips, 503 Mc Kay bids. NEW ACREAGE SUBDIVISION. NOW $30 AND $400 PER ACRE. Schools, churches, stores; electric depot. Running water, auto roads, phone, R. F. D. WELLER. 202 Bmnres.s Bldg. Mar. 4767. Hosnee t eds. HOMESTEADS We have surveyed some Oovernmeut land suitable for homesteads near R. It. town and plenty of water and near wagon road. Call and see us at Oak Hotel- room 5. Portland, Or. Earhart & Shive 1 y. TWO homestead relinquishments, will make fine bottom land (ana, close to town and railroad, on county road and creek, S4oo each 603 Oregonian bids. A VERY chice G-ucre tract in Riverside Orchard, McMlnnville, Or., wire fenced ttnd all planted in Spitzenburg and Yellow Xewtowu apples and 100 peach trees. 4-year-old treca- Terms. See W. N. Gortnor, McMinnvflle, Or. 11-Ai. KK two-yew iipple orchard, near Gold end ale. Wash., price $2500, part cash, balance eaay terms; this will bear in vestigation. Apply 751 Washington st. For Sale -Farms. fc'AKlT LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will noon b-a completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation ; an army of men are rushing the work that it may be completed in 1914. The land along this new railway Is unsurpassed tor fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms ; no Irrigation; Summer rains ; pea vine and wild grasses to nurse's back; rich oil ; good climate; fine ilrlnking water, beautiful rivers and lakes; wild fruit; fish and game in abundance; thousands will go Into the country when the- railway ia com pleted. We sell the best vallew land in all size tracts at a. low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; over lOO stereopticon views ot Central British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Call week days; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps, government report, field notes and full Information, call or write W. A. Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD.. Paid-up capital, $1,500,000. 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Portland. Or. HOP FARM FOR SALE. 120 acres, situated J 5 miles west of Portland and half way between Oregon Electric and United Railways, 100 acres of which is clear and 60 oflicleared land in hops. Hophouse of two 30-foot kilns; will sell all or one-half, including hop yard. Inquire ot owner, tox 275, Hills boro, Oregon. 20 ACRES, 10 cleared, balance pasture, good soil, over 3 00 fruit trees, small fruits, all in crop, new 7-room house, barn aaid other necessary bldgs. ; spring, cistern, garden and farm tools, horse, cow, chickens, new buckboard, some furniture; depot, docks, stores, 2 miles; school i mile; 40 miles from Portland; price $2750. AV 163, Ore gon ian. FOR SALE. 100 acres on Sand Lake. 120 acres level bottom, stream through place. 50 acres peat cranberry land, 3.50O, 000 feet cedar, 1400 cedar telephone poles; $2 j per acre, trade. Write or phone C. M. Vidito, Tillamook, Or. FOR SALE Farm 50 acres, all in cultiva tion, 2 miles from Courthouse, Oregon Cttv. facing on 2 main country roads, the Mofalla and Highland roads. For prices and terras address A. F. Bally, Route 3, Box 103, Oregon City.. Or. FINE CHEAP LANDS IN WASHINGTON. ALONG THE "NEW LINE." For particulars, write Immigration Bu reau, C. M. & St. P. Ry.. 637 Henry bldg., Seattle. Wash. 200 ACRES, $70 per acre ; 135 acres in cultivation ; house, barn, family orchard. Call 275 pine street. Phone Main 1721. RANCH, HO acres, with buildings; IS miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all cash. By owner, 12 Morrison st. 640 ACRES in Crook County, cheap for cash, well located, close to water, write owner, .las. W ilson. Route 1, Boring, Or. Miscellaneous. "WILL sacrifice any or all these properties, though not incumbered. 160 acres of beautiful farm land. Some buildings and fenced. Splendidly located and excellent land, at $25 per. An ideal farm, 80 acres on the Columbia with magnificent landscape and river view. 60 acres cultivated and the best of land. Fair buildings and spring; $45 acre. One acre, on Oregon City carllne; run ning water and high building site, right at station; $1200. Would sell half acre for $750. Heights bungalow site; not excelled for situation ; close and commands a view of everything. Wrth $2500, will take $1SOO. Understand, these are not mort gaged, but owner does not need them, so will let them go to some one who does. If you have some money and want a farm or building site call me up. Main 6630. WANTED HK.M, KSTATK. "WANTED 100 acres or less improved, near Portland, on good auto road, not over one mile from R. R. station. $200 or less per acre. Write lull description. 703 Lewis bldg. HAVE you a house and lot, Income prop erty, acreage or vacant lots that you must dispose of and your price is right, trade or sate ? Give full particulars in your reply. AR 207, Qreconian. WANT practically new 6-room house in Ir vington ; must be a bargain from owner. Answer, stating price and location. T 1S4 Oregonian. WANT modern house in Irvington; must have 8 rooms and be a bargain. Owners answer, giving location and price. T 183, Oregonian. HOUSE and lot or building site. Portland Heights or vicinity or Irvington. Price must be reasonable. State location, price and' terms. S 182, Oregonlan. WANT 6-room, 2-story house on Irvington or Broadway carllne; give exact location; must be a bargain lor cash. AL 204, Ore gonlan. WANTED 6 or 7-room house; have client with good, clear lot in Laurelhurst as first payment. 301 Lumber Exchange -bldg. Main 3093. .WANT Portland Heights or close-in East Hide residence; have Riverdale acreage part payment. AP 204, Oregonian. 1 want to buy a small coltage about $1500, or a 5 or 6-room bungalow up to $3000; with easy terms. AC 205. Oregoniari. WANT to lease poultry ranch In or near Portland for 2 or 3 years; house must be modern. Main 5554. FOR PA F -F TIM K K K LANDS, WANTED. LOANS ON TIMBER LANDS BOND DEPARTMENT COMMERCE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, PORTLAND, OREGON. - TIMBER FOR SALE. 75 million feet of fine Riade timber in 15-7, Pacific County Washington. Ad dreas W. O. McCaw, Aberdeen, Wash. TWO bedrooms and kitchen, furnished for housekeeping ; electric light, telephone and Darn rree; rent moderate. oUii 4tn st. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CHACKEN, 304 McKay Bid. CHEAP STUMPAGE Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to railroad spur. No. 75 5th at. FOR RENT FARMS 75-A OR E farm near Eugene in good shape; about 0O acres in diversified crop; good house, barn, chicken -house, team, enwx. poultry implements. First-class place fnr dairy and poultry ranch. Rent not so much an object as good live industrious men who will develop and take good care of place. If broke don't answer. Could be bought at reasonable price. Address owner. AF 202. Oregonlan. ACRE of ground and cozy 4-room cottase. newly papered and tinted, , mile from nvergreou station, uregon city car, $8. Inquire nom 2 02 Stock Ex (Than go bldg., .Id and Yamhill sts. t WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED LARGE TRACT LOW PRICED ACREAGE. We have some iuyh-elass Portland real estate to exchange lor a large tract of low priced acreage. Submit your proposition on actual cash value. Owners only. F. E. TAYLOR CO., WISH to buy 30 to 50 acres within 10-mile circle from Portland, give full .particu lars. A N 203. Oregonlan. Henry Building. TO EXCHANGE. ItiO ACRES, aood alley land, 20 an acre. Trade for house or vacant lots in' Port land. Don' E. Keasey & Co., 2d floor. Chamber Commerce Bldg. TO EXCHANGE. 160-ACRE FARM. TRADE FOR YOUR EQUITY. " 160 acres, only $20 an acre; all first-class soil and well fenced, on a good county road ; 80 acres in cul tivation ; ail can be tilled. Here's your chance to trade in the equity in your home on a tine piece of land and be independent. DORR E. KEASEY & CO., 2d Floor Chamber Commerce' Bldg. FARM FOR HOUSE. One of the finest farms in the Rose burg district; 45 acres, all in cultivation and crop, good buildings, all farm imple ments. 7 head registered cows, two heif ers; 8 acres full-bearing orchard, excel lent condition ; family orchard of assorted fruits, 11 acres vetch, 5 acres timothy, 2 oats, about 4000 kale plants, some alfalfa, potatoes, etc. ; R. F. D.. telephone : place will take care of 20 head of cows; this is a snap for some one and a fine home; price $7500 and will take a house in Port land to $350o and the balance at $400 an nually at 7 per cent. SMITH-WILLOUGHBY CO., 90 Fifth St. ---ACRE HOOD RIVER APPLE RANCH. One of the best In the valley, located in the heart of the apple belt. The soil is the finest volcanic ash and has the best water and air drainage of any Jn Hood River Valley. The very best commercial varieties known to grow on soil ; 17 acres of 7-yer-oId trees and 4 acres of 4-year-olds. No waste land, all in or chard. Owner sold last year's crop for the highest price obtained in the valley about 1800 boxes this Fall. Price cash or trade $22,500; will trade equity of $14. 000 for income-bearirjg property, bonds or first mortgages; no inflated values con sidered, as cash will not buy this place for less. AP 208, Oregonlan. HOTEL for valley farm; over 50 rooms, well furnished, ' city of over 800O, In Ore gon; $20,000, clear of encumbrance; don't offer anything but a good farm. Stock farm, 1000 acres, close to R. R. town. 200 under irrigation, fine buildings, 200 head of cattle, 15 horses, farming machinery. $3O.00O; no mortgage; want first-class Portland property. Want a mercantile business up to $20, 000, in good town outside of Portland. L. K. Moore, 517 Board of Trade. FARM TO EXCHANGE. 300-acre farm, well located, 3 miles from good town and railroad, in Yamhill County, 150 acres fine bottom land in cultivation and crop; one new set of build ings, another - set of buildings in fair condition; running water on place; one of the cheapest places in the district; price $70 per acre; will take good Portland property to $10,000, balance long time. SMITH-WILLOUGHBY CO., Main 8770. 90 5th St. DO YOU PAY RENT? Will take good lot, worth $900, for my equity in modern 8-room house and sleep ing porch; Rose City Park district, three blocks from car, opposite new school ; mortgage of $2100 runs 2 years. All im provements in and pa.d for. Property cost $4200. A big bargain at $3000. City de partment. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., , Main 6869. 209 Wash. st. A 6267. MERCHANDISE FARM ; Stock of general merchandise, well lo cated, in good town, doing about $45,000 annual business, stock in gilt-edge con dition and will invoice about $22,000; low expenses: will exchange for good farm well located or wlU consider first-class Portland property. SMITH-WILLOUGHBY CO., Main S770. 90 5th St. WANTED. We have a client with about $30,000 worth of high-class, well located Port land property, consisting of warehouse site, houses, lots, etc., which ' he desires to exchange, all or part, for apartment house Bite or moderate priced land. What have you? Owners onlv. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Henry Building. WANT BUNGALOW OR HOUSE FOR IDEAL 0-ACRE COUNTRY PLACE. Located a short distance from Estacada line ; 10c fare ; less on commutation; 2-3 in berries and fruit; house, barn and chicken-house; good road; will take house up to $4500; no inflated prices considered. LUEDDEM ANN, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. SHERMAN COUNTY WHEAT LAND. 800 acres, first-class -wheat land, in the heart of the "wheat belt"; good buildings, good water, convenient to good school and church ; 4 miles to railroad town; will consider exchange for Portland prop erty. J. o. Elrod, owner, 519 Corbett building. BUNGALOW FOR LOT. $1600 equity in nice 5-room bungalow at $3200. in Hawthorne district; will take one or two lots for equity. GRUSSI & BOLDS. "IS Board of Trade bldg., 4th and Oak. MERCHANDISE WANTED. First-class real estate, mortgages and cash to exchange for good stock of gen eral merchandise; well located ; prefer stock from $18,000 to $30,000. O 205, Oregonlan. HIGH-CLASS Portland real . estate to ex change for a large tract of low-priced acreage. No inflated values considered. Owners onlv. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Henry Building. RESIDENCE IN SPOKANE. 5-room modern bungalow, beautifully located, to exchange for Portland prop erty of $2000 or under. Price $2850; equity $90Q. Box 163, Gresham. - BUNGALOW WANTED. I want a good little bungalow In good district In exchange for my nearly new 7-room home in Irvington. Owner, Main FAMILY HOTEL, 75 rooms, finest in Port land, high-class location, fine furnishings, long lease; exchange for good real estate with income. For particulars call 275 Pine st. Phone Main 1721. THE F. E. TAYl6rc67rEALTY FIRM, have removed their place of business from 404-5 Lewis bldg.. to the offices formerly occupied by C. K. Henry Co., 83 Fourtn st., ground floor, Henry bldg. WE are in a position to offer you quick action if you have property for exchange. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 2-12-213 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WILLAMETTE 80, Portland 18 miles, sub stantial Improvements, $7000; exchange $5000 equity for unincumbered residence. Owner, 1030 Grand, North. A MAGNIFICENT HOME, large, beautiful grounds for sale or will exchange for busi ness property or a wheat ranch at actual values. AM 1S5, Ofcegonian. MOTORBOAT WANTED. Will trade beach lots, well located, at bargain price for small boat. M 208, Ore gonlan. EXCHANGE electric coupe, almost new. for city property. J. W. Watson, 31G Cham ber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Phone Main 1794. MY equity in modern brick apartment house, paying big interest, for bungalow close In. No agents. AF 205. Oregonian SOME line -Portland lots and cash Cor rooming-house. 10 to 30 rooms, acreage or auto AT 206, Oregonlan. 1 DANDY small bungalow, lot 50x100 ft. for rooming-house, auto or what have you " AT 20" Oregoniun. CLhAK lots tor furniture, automobile, or j"u; j inamoer or com merce. Ask for Benedict. $1100 EQUITY, house and 2 lot. VanfAuvr sell cheap, accept motorcycle or vacant ioia. nainem, nu -itn st. 5 ACRES good land near Gold end ale. clea: of incumbrance to trade for good motor boat. L 202. Oregonian. 5 ACRES, unincumbered, on electric, for house and lot or lots; Alberta preferred; will assume. AF 184. Oregonian. WE have 3 rustlers workin&r on phane list ynUr property with us. Oregon Homes o., zvt itanway ixenange. c-wuii 1 moaern bungalow, Sunnyside. sale or exchange. Tabor 3650; 110 agents. LAND Lis. houses and lots to trade for IT. S. Cashier, fctock. P 208. Oregonian. 1 WILL exchange my fine home for $15,000 lots. C 293. Oregonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles Etc- GOOD mill location; 160 acres fine timber joining larger body, near S. P.; also 60 acre farm, tide land; R. R. town 3 miles; will sacrifice either. AV 162, Oregonlan. BEAUTIFUL Shetland and Shetland Arabian pontes Will offer for sale at auction, 15 head of very beautiful ponies at my place in Woodhurn. Or., Saturday, July 12 1 -30 P. M. W. W. Blnkley. WE have a few delivery wagons left, going at greatly reduced prices; also heavy lum ber gears at bargain prices; come and see us. 105 Union, Ave. X. Oregon Moline Plow Co. FOB, SALE Gentle, fast team, horse 5 years, mare 3 yt.ars. J. T. Grev, 1 mile south of Milwaukie on river road. Phone Oak Grove Black 03. FOR SALE Shetland mare pony, 5 years old, dark bay. registered, broken to sad dle and harness; price $150. E. F. Xudd , Centralia. Wash. FOR SALE Fine, gentle bay driving horse harness, buggy; cheap for cash. Mr. G 424 Hamilton bldg. WILL exchange diamonds for horses. 14 Union ave., corner Ash. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O t & S. Co. Main 1 41 0 - FOR SALE Cheap family horse and rubber tired top buggy. 1029 East Yamhill st. HORSES for sale at 6S East 7th t Knrth FOR SALE. HornAl, eui:ln. Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought find sold; new wagon and auCe) beds made to order; livery furnished ta business parties at special rates. HAWTHORKK STABLES, - 420 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. FOR SALE 1 first-class team of horses, & and 6 years old, weighing 3000 lbs.; 1 first-class team young horses, weighing 2300 lbs.; 1 black marc, weighing 1000 lbs. 226 Russell st. STRONG work horse for a little money. Irvington Stables, e. 6tn ana bcnuyier. Piano. Organs and Musical Instruments. MUST Mill fine modern piano immediately. .t-ra-CLicajiy new, peneci cunuuiun, 110 wiicr reruseu. no w ayne st. mam 0-00. OWING to death in family, will sell fine piano reasonably. East 3160. Pogs, Birds, Pet Stock. AIREDALE terriers to protect your home and family. Laddix Kennels. Estacada. Or. FULL-BLOODED Boston terrier puppies for sale at 249 Clay st- Automobiles. IDAHO Irrigated land, with Government water right, long-time payments, no in terest. Level land, rich soil. Southern Idaho land for sale or trade for Oregon land on west slope. ' " Write for free ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET. Security Investment Co.. Rupert, Idaho. PROSPECTIVE auto buyers will save con siderable bv looking over our list of cars before deciding. We have one 5-passenger ' touring car and one roadster of last 1 , year's model. Not demonstrators. They j are aosoiutciy new nuu. m u. pi MICHIGAN AUTO & BUGGY. CO., A 5626. Main 3066. 514 Alder st. WANT AUTOMOBILE. Have customer for good second-hand au tomobile; prefer 5-passenger ; no anti quated models or junk considered; price not t exceed $750. LUEDDEMAN.V, RULEY & CO., 913 Chamber of Commerce. LARGE 7-passsnger Packard touring car; must be sold before Tuesday; owner has left car with us for that purpose and has placed an extremely low price on it. Can be seen at the Pierce-Arrow Sales Com pany, North 14th at Couch. 191 iToTeRLAND 30 5-pass., $530. 1910 Chalmers 30. 4-pass., $675. 1812 Overland 40. roadster. $DS5. Over 20 cars In stock. Custom-House Auto Co., H. 13th and Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE 4-passenger, foredoor Hupmo- bile, slightly used; also foredoor Hupmo bile runabout. Both splendid buys. DULMAGE AUTO CO., 46 North 20th street. SNAP. 1913 runabout, a-pass., 20 H. P., fully equipped, nickel trimmings, liberal terms if desired; for demonstration, S 180, Ore gonlan. 191 2 7-PASSENGER Pierce-Arrow touring car offered for quick sale at a bargain. For further details apply The Pierce Arrow Sales Company, North 14th at Couch. HOUSE and lot to exchange for automobile; truck preferred; value $1500; state par ticulars; answer quickly. AL 201, Ore gonian. HAVE pierce 10-H. P. motorcycle In first class condition to trade for piano or what have you? Can be seen at 506 Beacon st. Sell wood car. FOR RENT 5-ton auto truck for hauling wood or lumber. DULMAGE AUTO CO., 46 North 20th street. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Will give A-l mortgage or real estate up to $I;500; must be A-l machine or don't answer. Call 714 Lewis bldg. FINE 7-passenger Winton for. hire. Mt. Hood roind trio. S(5 Xor car. Marshall 264. 304 Henry Bldg. WANTED To buy 4 or 5-passenger auto mobile ; must be in good condition. Ad dress R 207, Oregonlan. WANTED CITY LOTS I "nave many FIRST- CLASS AUTOS to exenange. atayi, Stark. 1913 7-H. P. EXCELSIOR, fully equipped; a bargain at $200. Roy W. Brown. 4oSfc E. Morrison. WANTED 1912-13 auto; have $700 chattel mortgage to exchange for same. Address S 183. Oregonian. FOR SALE 1913 Indian motorcycle, equipped. Run less than 500 miles, $250. AO 204, Oregonian. WANTED Small auto in exchange for Al fine model launch. 24x5, easily worth $300 502 Main st., Oregon City. Or. 1911 WINTON '7G," 7-passenger. splendid condition, best buy In town. Auto Top Co., 525 Alder St. WA-N'TED 1913 5-passeiiger auto in ex change for flrst-class lots on carllne; cash value $1200. AF 190. Oregonlan. 4-PASS 4-cylinder, five lamps, top, glass windshield, newly painted; cash $300. Phone Woodlawn 2025. REO, 30 H. P., 5-pass. in good condition. $375 cash. Phone East 2652 between 10 and 4. . FOR SALTS 4-passenger 1 1912 Stearns Knight automobile. Phone Marshall 3654. MUST sell three new roadsters, $550 each if taken this week. L 198, Oregonian. NICKEL-PLATE your car In 2 days. Port land P 1 tg. & Mfg. Co. Main 943. A 5282 " l'urniture for Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING, OR THOSE WHO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURE ; THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO., BANKRUPT," HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY, AND NO OTHER SALE CAN COMPARE WITH THIS. CALL AND SEE. 63 FIFTH ST., CORNER PINE. BRIDES. ATTENTION. 4-room corner apartment, artistically and attractively furnished. I am forced to sell. Furnished new 8 months ago; $.100; terms Include - draperies and all. Shown by appointment only. Main 6S69. A SNAP Furniture of six-room house for sale; walking distance. E. 35-13. 351 Holla day ave SEVERAL pieces of furniture for sale cheap. 1502 Elmore. Poultry. ON - hand, 25 White Leghorn baby chicks 2 weeks old 15c apiece; 20 White Pekin ducks, 90c each. Green's Chicken Ex change, 207 Salmon st. Livestock. MILCH COWS FOR SALE. 22, all fresh, but three which are Springers, at J. O. Downing's, half mile north of Hogan, one mile southeast of Gresham. HAVE purchased ranch; wish to exchange improved Portland property, value $1500, or acreage near Portland, unincumbered, for stock acreage, value $3ooO. AL 2O0, Oregonian. 10 FRESH cows. Jerseys, Guernsey Durham, 3 to 6 years old; 4 to 5 gal.; high testers. Woodstock car to 60th ave, Reed College street, walk 3 blocks west, one north. FRESH cows for sale. Inquire Brentwood store, 10 blocks south of Fremont on Mount Scott carllne. " Machinery. FOR SALE. One 1 25 -volt direct current generator, complete, . with field rheostat, amneter and circuit breaker. This machine is in good repair. Address room 03 Oremiau bldg. FOR SALE. A 45-h.p., C5C-voit Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75-ampere over load, L T. E. circuit breaker, in Al con dition. Address room 203 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 50U-volt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 20;; Oregonlan bldg. Miscellan eons. DROP head Singer machine, nearly new, also Universal range and high oven; Real Economy gas range. Call 3S0 Hawthorne ave. SAFES M osier Safe Co.. manufacturers: low prices, easy terms; safes opened and repaired; bargains in second-hand safes. 10S M st. Phone Main 7676. SA FES, new and second hand; low prices, easy terms ; tafes opened, repaired and pairted. PURCELL SAFE CO., and PORT LAND SAFE CO.. S5 5th St. Main 6309. 15-FOOT cedar launch, cost $200, has 2 H. P. Cushman engine, perfect order. Oak Grove Red 36. WOOD PIPE cheap. 6-inch, 4-inch and 2-inch. Call Columbia 215 or write St. Johns Water Co., St. Johns, Or. SECOND-HAND roll-top deskTtwo flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushoiig & Co.. 91 Park st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes, $10 to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. ICE BOX. new lawn mower, hose, some furniture. Telephone C 2558. V 201, Ore gonian. FINE roll-top dosk. swivel chair, very cheap. Hardin, 523 Chamber of Commerce. ALL kinds choice cherries for sale at 2c and 3c on trees. 11 E. -G2d st. NEW roll-top office desk and chair at a bargain. AO 11. Oregonian. EUCALYPTUS portiere. Inquire 168 10th st., room 10. NATIONAL cash registers, get my prices. Povey, 351 Vs Wash., basement. Main 606. FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. RUBBER ROOFING RUBBER ROOFING. We are almost giving this away. And it's brand new stock. M. BARDE & SONS. 240-242 Front st.. cor. Main. , THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Stockyards manure in car lots, $1 per ton, f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO., North Portland. Oregon, FOR SALE Hires Root Beer and soda fountain, counter and stools, two tables, five chairs, popcorn and peanut wagon; cheap. 1101 Belmont. Tabor 4721. FOR SALE $65 Singer sewing machine for $25. Call Marshall 2200. LEHBY desks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co.. 210 Broadway. Main 57. W AN TE D MISC RLLXN EOCs. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this line call Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside st. Phone Main 1816. a 1816. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call Main 2080 234 First, The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash it Is worth. Wtlliams ave. Furniture Exchange. East 636. WANTED Typewriter In exchange for printing; must be good. AB 201, Orego nian. FAIR DEAL We pay best price for second hand clothing and furniture. ' Call Main 9272. 60,B N. 3d. M. Glickman, prop. WANTED Set books entitled "Messages and Papers of the Presidents." AM 205, Ore gonian. W ANTED a lady's diamond rinr to i karat; answer immediately. AJ 201, Ore gonian. "NEAT kalsominlng, $2.50 room, woodwork cleaned, painting, etc. Main 82Q- CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty ParlorM. 400 Dekum bldg. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 606, A 3606. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur niture; highest prices paid. Sell wood 1682. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand clothing. 294 3d st. Phone Main 9263. WANT slLghtly used blue or light suit, about size ou; state price, is 100, uregonian. HIGHEST prices paid for ladies' and gents' caeton! clothing. Call Marshall 393-2. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taken in exchange for new. Tabor 446. HIGHEST prices paid for cast off clothing and shoes. Marshall 2354. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Main 8951. A 2445. HELP WANTED MALR INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A, Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment t$20 his total casn asset) It I pay you $5 tor employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and utarvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 6 mo. ending June 30: Calls for men from employers 1174 Positions filled 1037 Our spfcc lai employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months' full and 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to conauit with the Secretary of the Em ployment Dupartmen THE JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPER. FOR AGENTS A Vn CREW MANAGER, Do vou want to make $5 and over daily and as high as $15 to $20 a day with a crew Get our prices on tne jaeger vac uum sweeper, the new 3 -bellows machine at the cheapest price ever sold on the Coast. Our Portland factory office price aoes tne wortt. jnu aiAXJs -. tm AGENT WILL MAKE A COMMISSION ON "XOU. If you think you can sell any thing, drop in and see us at 701 Rothchild bias. We want aeents in every county. WRITE US. The Jaeger Manufacturing Company. , TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates in the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment pepartment. EXPERIENCED farmer and wife for small mountain farm; must understand care of stock, gardening, poultry ; state exper ience and references; wages $50 and board. P. O. box 108. city. WANTED Automobile salesmen on com mission basis only; .none but experienced need apply. DULMAGE AUTO CO., 46 North 20th street. SALESMAN wanted to handle a first-class stock proposition ; only high-class men need apply; give references in first letter. Roblito Rubber plantation Co., Sacra mento, Cal. RELIABLE single man wanted as milker on dairy ranch, 60 miles out; good wages, board and lodging. Apply room 1125 Yeon bldg. TRAVELING salesman, covering Idaho. Montana and Washington, should see me about Acmegraph as a side line. W. G. Haseltine. 723 Chamber of Commerce. IF YOU want the best proposition in the fire Insurance business, phone or carll room 539 Imperial Hotel, 12 to 2 P. M. - Friday. SEVERAL live salesmen to sell the best coal in the market for established concern having exclusive agency in state. AF 201, Oregonlan. WANTED Plan in? mill graders for night work; must be experienced. Apply Pe ninsula Lumber Co., foot of McKenna ave. ; take St. Johns car. WANTED A bright young office boy, wages $3 per week. Give references and phone. A J 204, Oregonlan. WANTED Lumber haulers by contract, all Summer's work. See Mr. Okamoto, y4 N. 5th, corner Flanders. WANTED A good washer at the Seaside Laundary. Address Seaside Laundry, Sea side, Or. COLORED boy, about 16, to run errands. Apply Mr. Lesser, 329 Oak. Bt., between 9 and 10 A. M. WANTED An experienced farm hand; a permanent job lor a married man; a Ger man or Dane desired. L 183, Oregonian. WANTED Two first-class poultry dressers. Applv poultry foreman. Union Meat Co., 4th and Gleason. WANTED Messenger boy, with bicycle, for grocerv store ; one acquainted with city. Apply 148 3d. SALESMEN, experienced in selling toys and games : give full particulars and territory covered. P. O. Box 672. Glens Falls. N. Y. CITY salesmen for old-established concern ; first-class local references required. Call 10:30 this morning. 41 N. Front st. WANTED Hard candy-maker's helper. Ap ply Modern Confectionery Co.. 13th and Hoyt. WANTED Several young and energetic men to act as assistants to a live solicitor. AP 206, Oregonian. BARBER wanted for Saturday; wages guar anteed. 26C 1st st. TWO fruit men; none but experienced need Apply. Yeon Bldg. Fruit Store. WANVED Live man for established tea and coffee route, Boyd Tea Co., 209 Salmon. WANTED An experienced blacksmith help er at 314 Front st. WANTED Expert cleaner and presser; no other need apply. 127 12th. BARBER for Saturday; wages guaranteed. 212 Main Bt. WANTED Young man. some experience. White Lunch, 284 Washington st. BUSH ELM AN for repair work. clothing etore. Jas. J. Padden, Vancouver. Wash. ST ARCHER and polisher. New Method Laundry. 406 1st., Hoqulam, Wash. BARBER wanted for Saturday. 206 Madi aon st. ' WANTED Competent Japanese cook. Call or phone No. 5, Vancouver Barracks. WANTED Heading sawyer. Apply Western Cooperage Co.. 622 Corbett bldg. WANTED 2 live specialty salesmen at once. Room 501 Empress bldg. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning con test offer. Sarony Studio. M46 Morriton PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio, Dekum bldg. AGENTS Fast seller, something everyone uses; big value. Al Crost, Hotel Hoyt. SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. ior Oreicon. Nat. Casualty Co., 501 Railway Exch. cldg BARBER wanted; steady job. 24az Yamhill. FIRST-CLASS barber wanted, 131 11th st. HELP WANTED MALE. STOCK SALESMEN. Dependable salesmen who want perma nent employment to sell stock in a rapidly-growing local corporation. Refer ences required. Call 1405 Yeon bldg. MATTRE5S makers wanted. Washington Mattress Co., Seattle. Wash. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED YOUNG LADIES FOR TELE PHONE OPERATING WITH OR WITH OUT EXPERIENCE; PAID WHILE LEARNING. APPLY AT THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE" & TELEGRAPH COM PANY (EAST; OFFICE), COR. 6TH AND EAST ANKENY. STREETS, OR MAIN OFFICE, WEST PARK AND ALDER. TELEPHONE EAST 230. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED. Apply seventh-floor restaurant desk, 8:30 to 10:30 A. M. MEIER & FRANK CO., WANTED. For tho concert stage, German-speaking, respectable girl, second soprano or alto, f rw training for talented amateur; good, respectable surroundings and treat ment: must travel and leave city on short notice; tell all in first letter and apply to A 228, Oregonian. SALESLADIES 10 experienced salesladies. The Famous. 165-167 First su Ask for Mr. Jacobson. WANTED Young lady stenographer and bookkeeper; one with soma business ex perience; salary $40 month. If not thor oughly competent, do not apply. 1002 Broadway bldg. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, reliable, accurate girl who will accept steady po sition with opportunity for advancement; must be experienced. 329 Oak st. Mr. Lesser, between 9 and 10 A. M. WANTED Competent maid for cooking and housework, no washing, adults, references required. Call before 12. Apt. 22, Stel wyn Apts. - WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! 5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. compete; PATENT girl lor general housework, indlnavian preferred, phone Main 1198. Srai Take W car. Mrs. A, E. W. Peterson, 3 ott 8 Raleigh st. WANTED Experienced and competent girl to do housework and cooking; wages $35; no washing. Call 705 Davis, foot of King st. Apt. 71. Call before noon. NURSE girl for one child. Experience and references required. Inquire 235- Cornel) road at head of Marshall st. EXPERIENCED waitress wanted. Call any time after 10 A. M. Hongkong Cafe, 107 6th st. NEAT, competent girl for general house work in family of two; must be able to cook ; nico room ; references. 705 Everett MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework, and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7667. SOME make $1 per hour selling our new 15-cent size Silica paste. Why not you? 433 Stark. GIRL for general housework, $25, Scandi navian or German preferred. 74 E. 29th st. N. Tel. B 2799. WANTED Salesladies. Apply supt. Ham berger's Dept. Store, 145 2d St., 8 A. M. today. . GERMAN girl for cooking and general housework; smalt family. AJ 205, Ore gonian. COMPETENT young lady stenographer for mercantile office; give experience and state salary expected. B 182, Oregonian! MIDDLE-AGED woman to do kitchen work; also plain cooking In private board in g-housesSHGrand ave., up stairs. WANTED At once, experienced, competent cook for family of two. Call or phone No. 5, Vancouver Barracks. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi- Co., 609 Rotn- chlld bldg., 4th and Washington. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35. near 4tn. Phone Main 8836 or A 3266. WANTED Experienced lady checker at once Must have good references. Stead position to right party. O 202, Oregonian. WILLING woman, not over 40, to help light housework. 701 Northrup. WA NT ED A chambermaid. Apply 548 Washington st. A REFINED woman to do Sunday school work ; salary. A 211, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED girl for housekeeping and cook i n g. 595 Marshall st. WANTED A cook. Two In family. Apply 67 North 17 St., call mornings. FIRST-CLASS second girl; must be experi enced ; good wages. Apply 632 Salmon st. WANTED Marker and sorter. Crystal Laun dry Co.. 21st and Sandy road. YOUNG girl, easy work, $5 to start with. 212 First st., top fioor. MAID for general housework, small family. 275 N. 25th st. GIRL for general housework. Rose City Park. Phone Tabor 3421. WANTED Experienced seamstress at once. Call eG'West Park St. LADY barber wanted. 385 Burnside st. HELP WANTED MALE OB FE3IALB, MAKE money writing short stories; big pa?. Send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Syndicate. D 9, San Francisco. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions Cor teachers. 316 Journal bldg. Main 4835. HELT WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Expert men . teach ers, with $500,000 equipment, moderate fees. Not run to make money, but con ducted by business men to aid young men in securing practical education. Regis ter now. Y. M. C. A., corner 6th and Tay lor sea. WANTED 100 men and women to learn barber trade In 8 weeks; position guaran teed; modern college; tools free; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Oregon Barber College, 233 Mad ison st. WIRELESS OPE RATORS in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and N.i5ht Schools; complete equipment; besv on Coast. THE Moler Barber College, 35 N. 4th St., 20 years in the business, scnoois. 1 tie only modern school In existence. Term 8 weeks. Tools free. Massage and dyeing a spe cialty. Lifetime scholarship to each student. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. 15. No profession offers equal opportuni ty. Catalogue free. C. Keane, Pres., 1818 Market St., San Francisco. BARBERS' State Board of Examiners will be in session in this city July 14, 15, 10, at 167 First st. to examine all those hold ing permits. T. M. Leabo, Secretary. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires additional help; salary up to $1800. "free book." Pacific States School, McKay bldg., Portland, Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPO N D E N C E SCHOOLS, 505 McKay bldg., cor. 3d and Stark sts. Phones: Main 1026. A 412L Also Headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity. EXPERT shorthand instruction, private or mail ; Gregg or Llndsley-Pltmannic Main 6921. Wallace Mac-Donald, 1359 E. Sth N. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4258. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 261 14TH ST. M. 3893. EXP. INSTRUCT. Ke is tor's Ladles' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 -11th st. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 613 Rothchild btdg SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. GENERAL office man, age 27, married, lum ber and wholesale grocery experience, now employed but desires a change; lumber or grocery business preferred. C 296, Ore gonlan. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WANTS TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT EM PLOYMENT; REFERENCES. N 180. ORE GON I AiN. WILL AUDIT. OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements. Install systems.' Gilllngham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. . STOCK salesman with several years experi ence, recently arrived in Portland open for proposition with good legitimate pro motion. AH 207, Oregonian. LIVE wire ttenographcr-salesman, at pres ent out of job: who wants him? For par ticulars address T 181, Oregonian. SITUATION wanted as bookkeeper; several years experience; rexerences. A.H. 208, Ore gonlan. IUTUATIONR TVAN'TCf M A LB. liuukkrfpiT. w lid t'tr-rfe. AMBITIOUS young man, 20, high school ed ucation, knowledge of bookkeeping, de sires to locate with general merchandise, gents' outfitting strc, in or out of city, where chance of learning business is to be had. M 207. Oregonian. YOUNG man desires a position as collector and assistant bookkeeper or office work; willing to begin with small salary where there is a chance for advancement; can furnish best of references. Phone East 283S. H. J. Gardner, 420 Cook ave. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and general office man wants position. East 84!, room 17. Miscellaneous. GAS engineer, stationary, auto and marine. Factory and field experience 12 years. Electric lighting and pumping stations, touring cars ana motor trucks, racers and cruisers. P. V. Marshall, 268 Glisan St., phone A 1469. BLACKSMITH wants work, 13 years experi ence as working foreman in shop on car riage, wagon and auto parts ; also general machine forgings. Phone Main 39oi. HOTEL or club manager or steward, 25 years' Eastern and local experience, com petent, economical; best of references. AH 205. Oregonian. HAVE experience, energy, ability and push to offer either as salesman, clerk or in office. Can deliver the goods. AB 200. Oregonlan. WOULD like a position as superintendent or woods foreman for a logging company; can give A-l references. AN 204, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED Japanese chauffeur wants a position as mechanic In private family, 2 years, best reference. AF 203, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791, A 4910. Portland Waiters' Club. 14n 5th. Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. CARPENTER -Repairing and remodeling a specialty; also new work. AJ 195, Ore gonian. YOUNG man desires position, office or store, good knowledge of bookkeeping and gen eral office work. AD 210, Oregonian. GROCERYMAN. good experience inside or soliciting, city xeferences. AN 208, Ore gonian. WA NT ED Staple line for Eastern Oregon, Eastern Washington or Southern Idaho. AH 204, Oregonian. YOU NG ma n wishes to earn his fare back Eiist ; unqualified, references on demand. N 16, Oregonian. A GOOD, all-around engineer and mechanic wants position; capable of taking charge of plant: good reference. E 204, Oregonian. MECHANICAL draftsman wishes position either drawing or shop work. Ab 20 ., Oregonian. CHAUFFEUR, thoroughly experienced all cars, good references, wishes position; go anywhere. AD 212, oregonlan. POSITION in general store, country town preferred, twelve years experience in ail departments. AV 171, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires position with liquor house; experienced, good reference. AL 203. Oregonian. YOUNG attorney would like position with reputable law firm; has practiced one year, j 201, oregonian. KALSOMINE rooms, clean woodwork, $2.50 up; papering, varnish, painting; all work first-class. Phone Main 2996. EXPERIENCED married man wants steady worit on zarm. r -11, uregonian. JAPANESE boy wants position as house work in family. R 203, Oregonian. YOUNG man of good character would like clerical work evenings. J 203. Oregonian. PRINTER desires position; ad and job ex perience. Address AC 207, Oregonian. CH EF wants position in or out of city. X 19. Oregonian. GROCERYMAN or collector, good city ref erences. An 205, Oregonian. NEW COOKS' headquarters and kitchen help. 4 6th st. Main 7324. CARPENTER foreman wishes position; best of references. AK 190, Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED Secretarial position; have a thorough knowledge of office routine, founded on a mastery of shorthand and typewriting, good command of an ade quate English vocabulary and an Insur mountable determination to "make good." Address Marguerite Kerr, Astoria, Or. STENOGRAPHER, experienced In filing and the dictaphone, also shorthand; reference. Main 6097. WANTED Office work or private exchange; permanent or temporary. C 292, Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER with knowledge of book keeping wishes position. AG 206, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer and book keeper; general office work preferred. E 2it'i, Oregohian. COMPETENT stenographer desires piece work or half day's work. Main 12. Dmmn a ken. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes appoint ments by day; good references; $3 day. Sellwood 1480. CUTTING, fitting and designing by the hour; work guaranteed. Main 33t4. DRESSMAKING. $2.50 per day.Work guar anteed. Phone Marshall 1570. Nurse. REFINED, obliging young lady desires po sition as nurse or companion; experienced: best references. Write N. Albert son, 5o8 Davis st. FIRST-CLASS infant's nurse desires position; can take entire -charge; references. O 20 7, Oregonian. NURSE, much experience, care for invalid, elderly or companion ; reasonable. Main 6975. NURSE wants case, any Kind; would travel with invalid ; hospital experience; refer ences. Phone Sellwood 55. EXPERIENCED practical nurse, references; all cases. Phone Sellwood 502. HouMekeiers. WANTED Position as housekeeper to wid ower with children ; . country preferred. Marshall 3480 or write AE 205, Orego nlan. ' MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper, city or country. 306 First st. Phone 3S19. room 4. MAN and wife want care of apartment house for rent. 230 Rusell, room 26. WIDOW lady, 28, wants housekeeping job for widow or bach. A 212, Oregonian. Domestic. SCANDINAVIAN- girl. Just come over, wants a place aoing general housework. Call titiO Upshur. Phone Marshall 5935. FINN girl wants a place. Has no references except on the face; speaks English. Call 42 Fremont st. - Miscellaneous. WANTED Position as head water or man ager in cafe, thoroughly competent. Ad dress C. L. Y., Hotel Gordan. Phone Main 2('2. LADY wants housework by the day or hour; excellent cook, good laundress and seam stress and first-class house cleaner; best r?ferenc3s. Marshall 2740. SCANDINAVIAN lady wants work in a hotel with room and board, or second work in private family. Call or address 221 Adams st. MIDLE-AGED lady wants position in rooming-house or in cafeteria or few hours work somewhere; willing to leave city. R 206. Oregonian. SWEDISH woman with boy 6), wants place to keep house in the country. None with small children need apply. 392 East loth et. North. WANTED To take chargo of apartment house or rooming-houHe; best of references. Main 1006. A 213, Oregonian. REFINED educated English woman wants position in small family to assist with housework. Phone "Stanton," Tabor 4904. FIRST-CLASS pianist, vaudeville, moving pictures or orchestra; also singer. AC 203. Oregonlan. HIGH School girl wants work for the Sum mer as companion or care of child. Willing to go to the beach. Sellw ood 5S3. LADY wants washing and ironing. Phone East 19S0. LADY wants laundry and housework by the day. Main 5251, A 3123. GOOD girl would like general housework 124 East 27 St., North, near Flanders. EXPERIENCED chambermaid or waitress wishes work in or out of city. Main 8043. EXPERIENCED waitress wishes position in logging camp. 292 Larabee. LADY caterer will do party work; also Sun day dinners. Phone Marshall 2594. YOUNG lady, experienced, wishes position cashier or assistant in office. Main 956o! NEAT young girl wants housework. Seaside; references. 511 Glisan st. COMPETENT laundress wishes work by day AE 204, Oregonian. DAY work. Friday and Saturday. Phone Main 4394. LACE curtains, draperies, linen laundered by expert. Tabor 317. LADY wants chamber work. AJ 200 Orego nian. WANTED AGENTS. Do you wish to make money easy ? Call 604 Ellers bids. WANTED TO KENT. Houkcil WANTED, MODERN BUNGALOW, UNFURNISHE D. Reasonable, preferably irvington. Wil lamette or Portland Heights, close in. by permanent responsible family of 3 adul-s. Address P. O. box 1173. city. ' FURNISHED house, in good condition. 15 to 20 rooms, north of Morrison, east ot 2Mth, west ot 10th; references. AJ 207, Oregonian. kouukk LADY wants furnished apartment, private bath, not over $20 ; permanent ; walking distance. Telephone C 255S or AB 202, Oregonian. W ANTE D Room in pr ivat ef amlly. board optional; north of Wash., west of 19th; references. R 205, Oregonian. bourn m With Bara. WANTED Board by gentleman in German family where German is spoken, within one mile of Post off ice; state particulars. T 12. Oregonian. GIRL wants a quiet place out of town to stay and rest for a couple of weeks; will pay well. AC 204, Oregonian. FOR KENT. .Furnished Rooms. ANNEX HOTEL. , Washington .t.. Cor. 12th. Walking distance to all; 150 rooms, fire proof, modern, both telephones. SPECIAL RATES. Daily Weekly-a-Monthly. With bath privilege or private bath, ANNEX HOTEL. Charles H. Rowley, Mgr. HOTEL ROWLAND, HOTEL MINOOK. 207- 4th. 213 4th. SPECIAL SUMMER RATES. Nicely turnished rooms, homelike, re spectable, clean and modtrn; hot and cold water, private baths; Summer rates, $3 per week and up; special attention given to tourists ; give us a call ; you will nUa it, for you feet your money's worth and then some. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. i."ith, between Morrison and Yamhill; re cently opened, every modern convenience, pieniy of hot water and heat; beautiful lolib -; rates $4 week and up; with pri vate bath, $5.50 week and up; transient rates 75c and up. Free phone. Main 4226. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireploof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and loo other features- Full particulars at business ofCice, cor. 6th. and Taylor sts. rtOTEL BUCKINGHAM, 652 Washington st. Elegantly located, new and moaern ; all outside rooms; daily, weekly, monthly rates, with or without private bath, $2.50 up. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms, modem conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916. HOTEL NETHERLANDS, 126 13th st., at Washington. Rooms, $3.50 per week up ; under per sonal management owner. J. W. Buthong. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street. New, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished. Transients solicited. THE LA KKABEE, 227 Larrabee. Rooms $2 week up. Brick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. THE BEVERLY, 1S3 PARK. Furnished rooms, 2 to $4.50 week; transient, 50c to $1. HOTEL EDWARDS, Grand ave. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; $22.50 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 323. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, 6th, and M a in FURNISHED rooms, 327 6 th Large front, rooms, $15 and $20; modern residence. Furnished Rooms In Private Family. NEWLY iuruishesd room in private family. East Side, with or without board; 15 min utes walk from 3d and Washington sts by Steci or Broadway bridges. Call Home phone C 1270. AN exceptionally attractive room in steam heated Hat, with all con eniences, easy walking distance, reasonable price; has to be seen to be appreciated. A 4551. THREE handsomely furnished rooms in lovely private home ; all modern conven iences, splendid location; references. AM 2O0, Oregonian. VERY desirablo rooms, single and double, for ladies or gentlemen ; six minutes to business district; choice location. 309 11th. FURNISHED rooms, $1.75 per week and up ; also housekeeping rooms. 189 West Park. NICELY furnished room for gentleman in modern flat; home privileges. Phone Main SU28. 464 Jefferson. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good home. References. Nob Hill. 738 John son st. TWO lare, airy rooms, all conveniences, closo in, large yard, reasonable to the right prtj 353 12th st. Marshall 4410. NIC ELY furnished rooms from $2 weekly; elegant location, walking distance. 655 Washington. FURNISHED room In private family ; ref erences. 722 Johnson st. SLEEPING-ROOM suitable for two; beds. Marshall 1043. 414 Mill. COMFORTABLY furnished room, all coti veniences. reasonable. Phone East 443S. FOR RENT Neatly furnished front room-, private family. Phone East 902. WANTED A good dining-room girl at Mrs. Koch s boarding-house. i9 W. Park. FINE sleeping-room; can have use of piano free. 9 East 14th st. South. NICELY furnished single and double rooms.. 7S7 Glisan. Marshall 76 4. WELL ventilated sleeping rooms, $2, $2.50 per week. 266 12th. NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance, $1.50 per week. 431 6th st. SINGLE sleeping rooms, very reasonable. Phone, light and bath. 221 13th st. $2 WEEK, clean, pleasant room,. 268 12th st. NICELY furnished room for gentleman, also a nice double room. 490 Taylor. ROOMS, 209 14th st.. modern conveniences, walking distance. Phone Main 3S93. O'DfurniHbed Room. 2 GROUND floor rooms, $12; some furniture $50. Call barbershop 324 Yamhill st. Rooms With Board. NORTONIA HOTEL, 11th, Just off Washington st. American and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Park ; convenient to carllne. THE HILL, Washington, at 23d st. Residential and Tourists' Hole!. Attractive rates to permanent and traiisipnts. Ma In 75S4. T H E WILLARD HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, $2 per day with meals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. New, modern and fireproof. THE VIRGINIA HILL 14th and Jefferson sts. An exclusive residential hotel, attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Main 92S3. A 6628. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rates, 11th and Yamhill sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL. ' 38 1 Montgomery St., at West Park, mod ern conveniences; rooms with or w ithout ..bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. ROOMS and board at the Calumet for $37.50 - per month ; double with private bath $ 5 per month ; rooms, European, $15 and up ; rates bv the day and week. 150 Park su Main 7300. rii K WHITEHALL, 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel, large sun porch ; rooms with or without baths; home cook ing; table board a specialty. ROOM AND BOARD. WEST SIDE. WALK IN! DISTANCE. ALL CONVENIENCES. MAIN 3158. THE MANITOU, 2tfl loth sL Excellont table. large, airy rooms. Summer rates. "J" car at Depot. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION, 4th year; rooms with boarO, use of sewing-room, li brarv. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, t.up. CHOICE single and double rooms, first-class table. 33 N. 17th, one block from Wash ington LAKO-, newly furnished room with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds; piano, home comforts. 191 11th. Main 63M. THE HAZEL Now changed to f 7m yh ote7. Special Summer rates. Strictly home cooking. 385 3d st. phone Main 7o94. CASA ROSA. 300 Jefferson, room and board for four young men. $25 a month. THE CALVARD, 452 Morrison, corner 13th st. ; rooms, board qptional ; Summer rates. ROOM with board for young woman, w-11-lng distance. Phone East 4732.