18 "TIIE MORNING OREGOMAK. THURSDAY, JULY lO, 1913. Owners of Kodaks Should Come to This Store for Accessories, Developing and Printing The Most Satisfact6ry Results Are Assured Contract Goods and Groceries Excepted Evsiry n Store Opens at 8:30 a Store Closes at 5:30 Each Day Increased Enthusiasm Is Displayed By Throngs of Eager Shoppers Attending Our Complete Line orBooks Here Recommended by the Social Hygiene Society- of Portland Bookstore Basemfnt Annex Mall Ordera Killed. Womens ..--and ': I' Children's j Hosiery mmi.Sh ow $1.29 Marked Clearance Note the Reductions Women's $1.50 Silk Hose with double grille ''tops.- Medium .weight. In black." V They're the Alta brand and exceptionally fine and durable. Price, pr. Women's 50c Silk Boot Hose with Liple . tops, . heels ' and toes. Seamless - feet. Clearance o Q price, 2 pairs 75; the pr. OiC Women's 35c Lisle Hose with double, tops! Imported. In black, white and tan. ' Clearance nrt price, 2 prs. 55d; the pair JC Women's 50c Silk Lisle Hose with double- tops and soles. Summer weight. In black., white and tan. Imported. Clearance price, O Q " 2 pair, for T5; the pair OOC -Women's 50c - Silk Lisle Hose full fashioned, double tops and soles. In black, white and tan. Outsizes. Priced for Clearance, . 2 A y pairs' S0; single pair at TTnG Women's 50c Lisle ' Hose with elastic ribbed tops. In black only. Outsizes. "We price them o Q for quick Clearance, the pr. 3C Women's . 25c Lisle Hose - plain and "mercerized. Seamless. Also Lace Boot Ifose. In blacky .white and tan. Clearance price, Q 3 pair for 50; the pair at J. OC Children's 1 20c' Lisle Hose fine -ribbed. Seamless feet. In black and tan. All sizes. Priced - 2 pairs for.25; the pair 1 OC Children's 25c Lisle Sox mercer- Special Lot Kay ser Underwear at Prices Seldom Heard Of Throuerh a fortunate arrangement with the manufacturers of KayserKnit TJnder .wear for'women we- have made an, immense special purchase of their sample line of this high; grade and popular Underwear, including Union Suits, Vests and Knicker bockers, and we offer this entire lot in Clearance at almost actual factory cost. "Women should not' delay the purchase of the needed Summer "Weight Knit Under wear, when such "an exceptional opportunity as this presents itself. Come early. There'll be an exceedingly great demand for the garments at such extreme reduc tions as detailed below. " Your Duplicate Cash Sales Checks exchanged for votes at our Voting Booth, First Floor, Main Building, may help to gain for some deserving friend a much needed vacation of one week's duration, in the mountains qr at the beach, entirely at our expense." Inquire at Voting Booth for particulars. - Women '.s 65c Kayser Vests In fine cotton and lisle. Low neck and sleeveless. Plain and J crocheted yokes. Regular and out sizes OcC Women's 75c and 85c Kayser Lisle Vests Some mercerized and some fine gauze cotton. Low neck and sleeveless, with fancy crocheted lace trimming. In regular and out sizes, at C Women's $1 and $1.25 Kayser Knit Union Suits . Also Knit Vests and Knickerbockers. . In plain and mercerized lisle, lawnettes, etc. : All Summer weights. Tight and umbrella knees. Vests fta crochet and fancy trimmed. Clearance at 4C '" Women's $1.50 and $1.75 Kayser Knit Union Suits, Vests and Knickerbockers In fine lawn- ette, florentine plain and mercerized lisle. Hand rocheted edges. In white and pink. The Clearance price of this lot is only, eachJOC Women's $2 Kayser Knit Vests and Union Suits In lawnettes, silk lisles, etc. . Loose and tight knee. Dainty lace and crochet trimmed. Regular and out sizes. It's extremely high-grade Under wear, priced at just about cost for tf f Of Clearance, your choice of the lot at; X tLJ Women's $2.50 and $2.75 Kayser Knit Union Suits In silk lisle with embroidered silk yokes. In tight knee or lace trimmed umbrella knee. In regular and out sizes. Priced for rf -m g Clearance at this low price, choice p A 0 August Delineator just arrived, 15c . August Butterick Patterns and Fashion Sheets are here for you. First Floor Patterns " Section, Main . - Building1. $2 on purchase brings any style "Willamette" Sewing Machine to your home, and $1 a week thereafter until paid for. No extras. No. in terest. ' , M ens Underwear for Clearance 'Men's 50c Underwear in Conde Mesh and Fancy Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers. In blue and pink, fancy and plain white mesh. OQ Clearance price, a garment OiC Men's $1 Union Suits in Conde Mesh. Quarter sleeves and ankle length. In white and ecru. 7Q Clearance price, a garment j jC Men's $1 and $1.50 Athletic Un derwear the famous ' ' Gotham ' ' Shirts and Drawers. Sleeveless Shirts and Knee Drawers. . Broken 49c line sizes. We price ,them for Clearance, the garment Embroidery Bands A choice lot of. Embroidery Bands, de- . signed in Baby Irish effects. Odd pieces ;' to close: to 5.0c grades, 15 For Waists 20-inch All -Over Em broidery Baby Irish and Eyelet "Work. $1.25 ' to $2.25 grades, the yard, 69 For Coat arid Waist Trimming white and cream. All-over Venise $3.00 Values 1.98 .$6.50 Values .... . . .... . . ... : . $3.98 " Jf : 1 5c and 20c Kerchiefs 12c 340 dozen Embroidered-Initial and Linen Handkerchiefs for ladies. They're neat and dainty and some are hand-emboid- ' ered. You'll also .find hemstitched 'Kerchiefs, some with pretty long initial and colored border. Regularly 15c and 20c. Clearance, $1.35 dozen, each 12c. v. 65c to $ 1 Kerchiefs at 39c "A clean-up qf Initial 'Kerchiefs in broken-lines. They're all " pure linen, some daintily trimmed with lace edges. Some are slightly soiled. . Clearance price, 3 for $1.10, each 39c. Up To $2.50 Combs and Barrettes at 50c This is the most remarkable, offer ever given to Portland women on Iligh-Grade Combs and Barrettes. They are rich and attractive, fancy stone sets, beautifully designed,. 50c Combs and' Barrettes plain, heavy ones, rapidly growing in pop ularity, for Clearance, 25. First Floor. Sew Bulldlna:. Mail Orders fclllc-1. Men's Socks 12V2c Men's 25c Lisle -Thread Hose in black, tan, navy, helio, gray, cadet, etc. For a quick Clear ance priced,- the pair Men's 50c Silk Hose of pure thread siUc Great variety of colors, plain and self striped pat- O C terns. 3 pairs, SI ; the pair 300 Men's 25c Hose Ajax brand. In black, tan, navy and gray. Seam less. Clearance price, 3 "T pairs for 50; single pair X C Semi-Made Rol?es at 13c Kerchiefs 7c Children's Select Beautiful Curtains Kerchiefs at Clearance Reductions . - - . ... Marked Reductions ' Of : wonderful" , attractiveness .are these Senii-Mad6 Robes ! 'And every woman knows with what - ease and rapidity -these patterns can be- transformed into most stunning gowns, of either simple or' elaborate style. These: Robes come in plain white and white combined with color a fashionable note much in favor. Materials are linen aUd 'voile. There is a 45-inch flouncing for the skirt, the work-running from 9 to 18 inches in width; also the plain material and band for the JJ1 1 7 EC waist. . Regular prices to $18.00. Reduced to P 1 1 J 600 dozen Plain Linen 'Ker chiefs for women, i-inch hem. Regularly 15c each. Clearance 80c dozen. 7c each. ized. - In colors only. Striped tops. Imported. Clearance price, "I 2 pairs for 25d; the pair 1 OC Infants' 25c Lisle Hose with seamless feet. Soft finish. In black, white and tan. Clearance Oi" price, 3 pair 50d ; the pair Store Your Furs Now in Our Cold Storage Plant, the Only One in Portland Bathing Suits, for Men, Women and Children at Reduced , Prices Hotels and Rooming Houses ' 7 t - Stock Up" Now on Toilet Paper A 3-Day Economy-Clearance Sale 4c "Leader" Toilet Paper, each, 3; dozen, 33; case of 200 rolls, $5.29. 5c "Par. Excellent" Toilet Paper, each, 4; dozen, 43cs case of 200 rolls, $6.98. 7c "Chinook'' Toilet Paper. 1000 sheets, pkg. 6ch dozen, -63d; case of 100 pkgs. $4.98. . ... . 10c -"Par-Excellent" -Toilet Paper. 1000 sheets,-pkg Sd; dozen, 83 ; case of 100 pkgs. $6.49. i-V : 15c 'It. King" Toilet Paper, 2000 sheets, pkg. 12 ; dozen, $1.23 ; ease of 100 pkgs. $9.98. ' 0(? "Crystal Rose" Toilet Paper, each, 8cV dozen, 83d; case of 100 rolls, $6.49. -Kirat Floor, Building. Mall Orders i-illud. First Floor Main Building' 3 c ,200 dozen White and Colored Border 'Kerchiefs for children. Splendid quality. Many pretty styles, to . choose from. The dozen 30c. Each 3c. Mail Orders Carefully Filled Tremendous Clearance of Cut Glass Our Immense $20,000 Stock V4 Off $1.25 Nappies, Clearance 94. $2.00 Nappies, 6-inch, S1.50 $2.50 Nappies, 6-inch, 1.88 $3.00 Nappies, 6-inch, $2.25 $2.25 Olive Dish for $1.69 $2.25 Spoon Tray for $1.69 $3.50 Spoon Tray for $2.62 $2.25 $2.75 $2.00 $4.50 $3.75 $3.75 $5.00 Oil Bottles for Vinegar Cruet at Vase, 8-inch, for Vase, 10-inch, at Water Bottle at Water Jugs for Sweet Pea Vases $1.69 $2.06 $1.50 $3.38 $2.71 $2.71 $3.75 $6.50 Fern Dishes for $4.88 $4 Mayonnaise Bowl, $3.00 $4.50 Nappy, 7-inch, at $3.38 $7.50 Nappy, 8-inch, at $5.62 $4.00 Bowls, 8-inch, at $3.0O $5.00 Bowls, 8-inch, at $3.75 $6.50 Bowls, 8-inch, at $4.88 First Floor, Main Building; Mall Orders r Hied. $3.00 Scotch Weave Net Curtains...: $4.25 Scotch Weave Net Curtains $2.25 Cable Net Curtains $3:00 Cable Net Curtains. $3.75 Cable Net Curtains $4.25 Cable Net Curtains 85c' Nottingham Lace Curtains $1.35 Nottingham Lace Curtains.. $1.75 Nottingham Lace Curtains $2.50 Nottingham Lace Curtains 85c Swiss Ruffled Curtains $6.00 Dentelles Afabian Curtains $7-50 India Print Curtains. $2.75 India Print Curtains. . . $3.50 India Print Curtaius $2.50 Scrim Curtains with lace insertions $3.50 Scrim Curtains with edgings . . . . . $0.50 Scrim Curtains with drawn work $5.00 Scrim Curtains, with lace insertion andiedge. $8.50 Scrim Curtains with Cluny lace trimming $12.50 Voile Scrim Curtains with Cluny lace trimming. . $18.00 Pearl Hand-Made Arabian Lace Curtain $27.50 Pearl Hand-Made Arabian Lace Curtain $1.50 Novelty Net Curtain Braid, trimmed $2.25 Plain Net Curtain, hemmed.......! $3.50 Novelty Braid Net Curtain $7.00 Novelty Braid Net Curtain $5.00 Real Cluny Net Curtain $0.00 Real Cluny Net Curtain $7.00 Real Clunv Net Curtain..' '. 02.75 Filet Mesh Curtains $4.25 Filet Mesh Curtains. v. $1.75 Scotch Weave Net Curtains Third Floor. Sl:50 S2.S5 1.15 $1.50 S1.89 2.25 45 ....... 65 88 $1.40 45 S3.00 $1.29 G9 89c SI. 35 $1.75 S2.75 2.75 Sl.OO SG.OO 9.00 ...13.75 95c Sl.OO 1.95 ...... S3.50 2.75 ...... 3.00 S3.50 1.40 2.25 sso Main Bulldins- Those Wanted Pieces or Sets of Furniture Should Be Chosen Now! . AH High-Grade Furniture 25 Per Cent to 50 Per Cent Less Mail Orders Filled Phones Marshall 4600 A 6101 Every Wanted Style Waists And All F avored Materials in This Remarkable Clearance Sale Silk Waists, plain and fancy, jn Taffeta and Mescaline. Wash Waists made with fancy yokes and bands of colored trimming-, also Robespierre collars and long or short sleeves with turn cuffs. - Chiffon Waists over linings of net, silkoline and colored chiffon dressv, semi-dressy and tailored styles. Rejrularly dJO AC selling at from 6.00 to 6.50; specially priced at PJmJ Lingerie Waists made open front and back, Robespierre collars, jigh and low necks. Made of voile and batiste, in dressy AQ and tailored styles. Special i-educed price for clearance V T'O . .v