14 THE MORXIXG OREGOXIAX, THURSDAY. JULY 10, 19i: WANTED REAL K STATE. WANTED LARGE TRACT LOW PRICED ACREAGE. We have some high -class Portland real estate to exchange tor a large tract of low priced acreage. Submit your proposition on actual cash value. Owners only. F. E. TAYLOR CO., Henry Building. & OR S-room bungalow in Rose City Park or Rossmere; must be reasonable and on payment?; we have a client that wants to get settled Immediately. What have you? G. S. Smith Ac Co., 432 Chamber of Com merce. THE best small house and lot, about $(500, all cash, will buy, and pay for; come quickly today to 310 Oak, between 11 and 1. ak for Townsend or Riley. LOT wanted within one block of Sandy Road between r7th and 67th streets. Give lot and blck number and best cash price. AR 20$, Oregonian. WILL exchange carpenter work as first payment on bungalow. AC 206, Orego nlan. VOK PUT TIMPFK LANDS. WANTED. LOANS ON TIMBER LANDS BOND DEPARTMENT COMMERCE TRUST & PAVINGS BANK. PORTLAND. OREGON. TIMBER FOR SALE. 75 million feet of fine grade timber In 15-7, Pacific County Washington. Ad dress W- O. McCaw, Aberdeen, Wash. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M'CRA CKE X. 304 McKay B Id. ONE or two thousand acres cut-over land, on It. R. and near river; easy terms. N 177, Oregonian. CHEAP STUM PAGE Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to railroad spur. No. 75 5th st. FARMS WANTED. FARM WANTED. Wish to buy a farm in the Willamette Valley or in Southwest Washington,, of UK) acres or more; might consider 250 to 300 acres; must be excellent land and good location; will pay all or nearly all cash; In answering, give full particulars. Includ ing price, location, roads, etc. Address P. O. box 1131, Portland, Or. TO EXCHANGE. 1 WILL TRADE FOR ANYTHING BUT A WIFE. And I've one of the best on earth; but T like to trade for anyhing else, because it makes me happy ; I am putting this ad. In because I want to get In touch with real owners, rut agents, who have some thing to trade and who are not 'pikers.' I don't mind getting "stung" once in a while, it makes me careful, and am an easy mutt to trade with If you have what I want. I own a lot of property (all paid for) in Southern Oregon (Klamath country) and Northern California (Butte Valley). All on railroad (new main line). About lOO.tiuO in all. 1 will trade a dollar's worth or the whole cheese. I will sell a part or the whole bunch for real money and give you an opportunity to make a small fortune legitimately, show you how to do It right. I want to do straight, man-to-man business, no haggling or dickering. What have yon to trade? Write me fully and confidentially. I will sure answer your letter. Don't be afraid to give me your real name. If you don't I won't do busi ness. And remember, you are trading with a real owner who don't owe a dollar on his property. Address, with full particu lars, AK 202. Oregonian. BRIDES, ATTENTION. 4 -room corner apartment, artistically and attractively furnished. I am forced to sell. Furnishings new S months ago; ff-i00; terms include draperies and all. Shown by appointment only. Main 6SG9. INCOME FOR VACANT. Flat building, fully occupied, monthly rental, $llo per month. Close in. West bide. A. big bar gain at $12,000. will take free and clear lot worth not over $9000. No inflated values considered. We have clients renting houses In Port land who own good rancnes and desirable acreage they will trade for Portland homes. City Department. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 200 Washington at. Main GSHO. A 6207. 40 ACRES $2000. Located in Cowlitz County, 4h miles from Castle Rock; all tillable land; 10 acres under cultivation ; papered house, 18x30; barn, 40x30, and outbuildings; im plements and horse go with place ; no Incumbrance; will exchange for good 4 or 5-room house near some good carline, price not to exceed $2000; no inflated values considered. KAUFFM ANN MOORE. lli'o Lumber Exchange. 20 ACRES. IS acres In cultivation, 3 Ms acres or chard, 7 acres loganberries ; fine dark loamy soil; running and well water; 7 room house, large new barn; land is close to city and transportation ; price $6000 ; mortgage $200o. Will trade vacant lots or close-in acre tract on carline. GODDARD & W1BDK1CK, 243 Stark St. WANTED. We have a client with about $30,000 worth of high-class, well located Port land property, consisting of warehouse site, houses, lots, etc., which he desires to exchange, all or part, for apartment house site or moderate priced land. What have you? Owners only. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Henry Build i n g. FARM WANTED FOR THE FOLLOWING: $12,000 CASH EQUITY IN SEVERAL PIECES OF A-l CITY PROPERTY ALL RENTED AND YOUR FARM MUST BE A-l OR DON'T ANSWER. SEE HARBOLT. 714 LEWIS BLDG. MARSHALL 4200. A 715S. $ft$50 EQUITY IN SECTION OF LAND IN CENTRAL OREGON", MORTO. $2500, TO TRADE FOR CITY PROPERTY; MIGHT ASSUME SOME. THIS IS CASH MONEY, SO MUST YOURS OR DON'T ANS. SEE HARBOLT, 714 LEWIS BLDG. MARSHALL 420O, A 71 5S. SHERMAN COUNTY WHEAT LAND. 800 acres, first-class wheat land, in the heart of the "wheat belt"; good buildings, good water, convenient to good school and church ; 4 miles to railroad town; will consider exchange for Portland prop erty. J. o. Elrod, owner, 510 Curbett building, iih ACRES near Portland and Base Line road, & minutes' walk from car, all clear; has orchard and is fenced ; price S13O0, $:tu0 down, or will trade for $10iK house and lot and bala nee in 3 years' time. See owner at 204 Failing bidg.. 3d and Wash, sts. $4000 EQUITY FOR $2000 Do you want a real bargain ? Corner lot. SOxluO feet; fully modern eight-room house and sleeping porch; beautiful home, splendid, location ; part trade. A. A FISHER, SI 8 Lumbermens Bldg.-, ROOMING-HOUSE WANTED. Will tmde 5 acres of good farm land, now In crop, unincumbered; valued at $750, for small rooming-house; act Quick. 618 Yeon bldg. S ACRES near Portland and Sandy road, hi mile from carline; good level land with one acre orchard; all cleared and fenced. VVllltrade for a house and lot. See owner, 204 Fating bldg.. 3d and Wash. sts. FAMILY HOTEL, 73 rooms, finest in Port lands high-class location, fine furnishine-H long lease; exchange for good real estate wun income. or particulars call 2 Pine st. Phone Main 1721. 8 ACRES 12 miles out. lihh miles Gladstone; A-room house, barn, chicken-house, 04 feet long; price $2730; want house and lot; price about $32.TO: will assume. HIOLE-Y & BISHOP, 2ul Hamilton Bldg. THE F. E. TAYLOR CO., REALTY FIRM, have removed their place of business from 404-5 Lewis bldg.. to the offices formerly occupied by C. K. Henry Co., S3 Fourth st.. ground floor. Henry bldg. WE are In a position to offer you quick action if you have property for exchange. KUPPER & HUMPHRY, 2T 2-21 3 Cham b e r of Commerce B 1 d g. WILLAMETTE SoT Portland 18 miles, sub- stantial improvements, $7000; exchange $."00u equity for unincumbered residence. owner, lOilD Grana, Aorth. A MAGNIFICENT HOME, large, beautiful grounds for sale or will exciianice for busi ness property or a wheat ranch at actual values. AM 1S5. Oregonian. MOTOR BOAT WANTED. Will trade beach lots, well located, at bargain price for small boat. M 20S, Ore gonian. EXCHANGE electric coupe, almost new, for city property. J. W. Watson, 316 Cham ber of Commerce, Portland, Or. Phone Main 1794. & ACRES good land near Golden dale, clear of incumbrance to trade for good motor boat. L 2"2, Oregonian. 5 ACRES, unincumbered, on electric, for house and lot or lots; Alberta preferred ; w 111 assume. AF IS 4. Oregon i an. I HAVE a fine vacant lot. a 112 automobile In good condition, to exchange for a 5 or 0-room bungalow. Phone Tabor 3S26. W E have 3 rustlers working on exchanges; list your property with us. Oregon Homes Co., 207 Railway Exchange. t EQUITY for sale or exchange in bungalow; no agents. Tabor 2550. I WILL exchange my fine home for $15,000 ir - C 293. Oreconian. TO EXCHANGE. SEE HARBOLT SPECIALS. $2300 equity in 6 -room new house In Irvington; value $Go0O, to trade for lots or land. $2S0O equity In 9-room house In Al berta district, corner lot; value $4600, to trade tor email ranch. $4000 equity in $6500 three-family flat bldg.. Alberta district, to trade for small residence or farm. $3500 equity in two houses and 3 lots In Alberta; value $7000, to trade for clear housi or lots. $595 worth cf A-l second mortgages on good city property to trade for small farm same value. $0100 160 acres of A-l alfalfa land, east of Beni, water right paid up. free and clear, to trade for city and assume small mortgage. THE HARBOLT REALTY CO.. INC., 710-71S Lewis bldg.. Fourth and Oak. Marshall 420O, A 715S. 22-ACRE HOOD RIVER APPLE RANCH. One of the best in the valley, located In the heart of the apple belt. The soil is the finest volcanic ash and has the best water and air drainage of any In Hood River Valley. The very best commercial varieties known to grow on soil ; 17 hi acres of 7-year-old trees and 4 acres of 4-year-olds. JS'o waste land, all in or chard. Owner sold last year's crop for the highest price obtained in the valley about IkuO boxes this Fall. Price cash or trade $22,500; will trade equity of $14, 000 for income-bearing property, bonds or first mortgages; no inflated values con sidered, as cash will not buy this place for less. AP 203, Oregonian. HIGH-CLASS Portland" real "estate to ex change for a large tract of low-priced acreage. No i At laced values considered. Owners only. F. E. TAYLOR CO.. Henry Building. lOR T EXT FARMS ACRE of ground and cozy 4-room cottage, newly papered and tinted, hi mile from Evergreen station, Oregon city car. $S. Inquire room 202 Stock Exchange bldg., Sd and Yamhill sts. FOR SALE. Horws, etude, Etc. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR BENT. Second-hand vehicles bought and sold; new wagon and auC beds made to order; livery furnished ta business parties ai special rates. HAW TH Or.iSE STABLE3. 42u Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. GOOD camping outfit, a good team, weigh ing about 2300 pounds, age C and i) years; light farm wagon almost new, with good set of harness; no reasonable offer will be refused, as I have no use for the outfit. 300 E. 10th, near Harrison. FOR SALE 1 first-class team of borset, 5 and t years old. weighing 3000 lbs.; 1 first-class team young horses, weighing 23O0 lbs.; 1 black mare, weighing 150 0 lbs. 2:i6 Russell st. BEAUTIFUL Shetland and Shetland Arabian ponies Will offer for sale at auction, 13 head of very beautiful ponies at my place in Woodburu, Or., Saturday, July 12, 1:UQ P. M. W. W. Binkley. WE have a few delivery -wagons left, going at greatly reduced prices; also heavy lum ber gears at bargain prices; come and see us. 105 Union Ave. N. Oregon Mo line Plow Co. FOR SALE Gentle, fast team, horse S years, mare S years. J. T. Grey. 1 mile south of Milwaukie on river road. Phone Oak Grove Black 603. TEAM, 3G00 pounds, good workers, also team 2500 pounds, cheap. 426 E. Yaijihill street. FOR SALE Fine, gentle bay driving horse, harness, buggy; cheap for cash. Mr. G, 424 Hamilton bldg. THREE hor&es that are a little street sore for sale cheap. Olson Ice Co. Barn, E. 8th and Madison. GENTLEMAN will pay all or half of livery bill for use of good saddle horse; best references furnished. A 207, Oregonian. WILL exchange diamonds for horses. 14 Union ave., corner Ash. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland, O. L. & S. Co. Main 1410. STRONG work horse for a little money. Irvington Stables, E. tith and Sch u y 1 er. HORSES for sale at 88 East 7th st. North. FINE driving horse for sale. Tabor 121. Pianos Organs and Musical instruments. MUST sell fine modern piano immediately. practically new, perrect condition; no offer refused. 715 Wayne st. Main 6280. OWING to death In family, will sell fine piano reasonably. East 3160. Dogs, Bird, I'et Stock. WHAT have you to trade for fullblood Bos ton terrier pup? Call room 11 Cambridge, 3d and Morrison, ask for Hall. AIREDALE terriers to protect your home and family. Laddix Kennels, Estacada, Or. FULL-BLOODED Boston terrier puppies for sale at 2491 Clay st. furniture fur Sale. GREAT CHANCE FOR THOSE STARTING HOUSEKEEPING. OR THOSE WHO NEED SOME NEW FURNITURE; THE ENTIRE STOCK OF PETERS MFG. CO., "BANKRUPT." HAS BEEN ORDERED SOLD IMMEDIATELY. AND NO OTHER SALE CAN COMPARE WITH THIS. CALL AND SEE. 03 FIFTH ST., CORNER PINE. SEE this at once. Complete furnishings for 5 rooms and sleeping porch; delightful location, at 406H Park st; small expense; must sell at once. A SNAP Furniture of six-room house for sale; walking distance. E. 3513. 351 Holla day ave. Automobiles. PROSPECTIVE auto buyers will save con- slderable by looking over our list of cars before deciding. We have one 0-passenger touring car and one roadster of last year's model. Not demonstrators. They are absolutely new and at a price. MICHIGAN AUTO St BUGGY CO., A 5626. Main 3'.G. 514 Alder st. 1911 OVERLAND 30, 5-pass., $330. 1910 Chalmers 30, 4-pass., $675. 1913 Overland 40, roadster. $1)S3. Over 20 cars in stock. Custom-House Auto Co., U. 13 th and Hawthorne ave. HAVE Pierce 10-H. P. motorcycle in first class condition to trade for piano or what have you? Can be seen at 50G Beacon st. Sellwood car. A U TOM OBI LE WANTED. Will give A-l mortgage or real estate up to SliuOO; must be A-l machine or don't answer. Call 714 Lewis bldg. FOR SALE 1913 Indian motorcycle, equipped. Run less than COO miles, $250. AO 204, Oregonian. WANTED Small auto in exchange for Al fine model launch, 24x3, easily worth. $300 fiU2 Main St., Oregon City. Or. MUST sell my new auto, am leaving town ; will sell or trade ; can be seen at 531 Alder. Ask for Elmore car. WILL trado $1000 equity in 5-room house ' for 5-pass. auto ; describe fully, giving make. K 201. Oreconian. 1911 WINTON 4,6," 7-passenger, splendid condition, best buy in town. Auto Top Co., f25 Alder st. - $150-POUND truck in A-l condition to trade ror 1 or o-pass. car; would pay cash difference. East 207. A BARGAIN In a Maxwell runabout; lots of extras and in fine condition. For infor mation call East 5017. WANTED 1913 5-passenger auto in ex change for first-class lota on carline; cash value $1200. AF 190, Oregonian. 4-PASS.. 4-cylinder, five lamps, top, windshield, newly painted ; cash Phone Woodlawn 205. glass $300, REO, 30 H. P., G-pass. in good condition. $375 cash. Phone East 2652 between 10 and 4. FOR SALE 4-passenger 1912 Stearns Tvnlght automobile. Phone Marshall 3654. MUST sell three new roadsters, $550 each if taken this week. L 198, Oregonian. NICKEL-PLATE your car In 2 days. Port land Pltg. & Mfg. Co. Main 943. A 5282. I'oultry. ONE dozen lay Ins; hens and one dozen small chickens. Rhode Island Reds ; 1 bulldog cheap. m4 4otn ave. i. ait. scott car, Livestock. MILCH COWS FOR SALE. 22, all fresh, but three which are Sorineers. at J. O. Downinc's. half mile north of Hogan, one miie southeast of Gresham. Machinery. FOR SALE. One 12o-vo!t direct current generator, complete, with Held rheostat, ammeter .and circuit breaker. This machine Is In good repair. Address room 2oi Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. A 45-h.p.. 550-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltaRe release and "o-aniiiere over load. I. T. E. circuit breaker, in Al con dition. Addrs room 203 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W., 500-voIt Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat ana circuit breaker, in good condition. .Address room 2U3 Oregonian bldg. FOR SALE. M I scellan eous. RUBBER ROOFING RUBBER ROOFING. We are almost giving this away. And it's brand new stock. M. BARUE & SONS, 240-242 Front St.. cor. Main. THE HOUSE OF A MILLION BARGAINS. MANURE IN CAR LOTS. Stockyards manure in car lots, $1 per ton, f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your orders early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO.. North Portland. Oregon, SAFES Mosler Safe Co., manufacturers; low prices, easy terms; safes opened and reoaired : bargains In second-hand safes. ICS 2d st. Phone Main 7070. FOR SALE Or will exchange for motorboat or good marine engine, one Flanders 20 auto, 4-passenger. Write P. O. lockbox 323. Camas, Wash. SAFES, new and second hand; low prices, easy terms; safes opened, repaired and pairted. PURCELL SAFE CO.,--and PORT LAND SAFE CO., 5 6th St. Main 6309. 10-FOOT cedar launch, cost $200. has 2 H. P. Cushman engine, perfect order. Oak Grove Red SC. WOOD PIPE cheap, 6-inch, 4-inch and 2-inch. Call Columbia 215 or write St. Johns Water Co., St. Johns Or. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co., Wl Park st. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $10 to $65. .NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO.. 2i2 Stark St. NEW roil-top office desk and chair at a bargain. AD 211. Oregonian. ALL kinds choice cherries for sale at 2c and He on trees. HE. 32d St. j EUCALYPTUS portiere. Inquire ltiSa 10th St., room iu. NATIONAL cash registers, get my prices. Povey, 51 hs Wash., basement. Main 60 M. FOR SALE $C5 Singer sewing machine for $25. Call Marshall 2200. DEriBY aesks and office furniture. E. B. Haley Desk Co., 2JO Broadway. Main ?S7. WANT R U MS SC t. Lt.VN EOCS. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co.. 221 Front St., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this line call Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside st. Phone Main 1816, A 1S10. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladies' and men's cast-off clothing and shoes. Call .Main 20S0 234 First. T h eGlobe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 dnys and pay all the cash it is worth. Williams ave. Furniture Exchange. East 630 FAIR DEAL We pay best price for second hand clothing and furniture. Call Main 9272. 60 14 N. 3d. M. Glickman, prop. WANTED Set books entitled "Messages and Papers of the Presidents." AM 205, Ore- gonian. WANTED a lady's diamond ring to karat ; answer immediately. AJ 201, Ore gonian. NEAT kalsomining, $2.50 room, woodwork cieanea, painting, etc. Main 020. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary .Beauty f ariors, 40U jJekum bldg. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 600, A 3606. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur- niture; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682. ELECTRIC blanket, new or slightly used; make ana terms. AJtv iwo, oregonian. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand ciotning. x oq st. PhoneMain 9263 WANTED Good second-hand, two-seated HIGHEST prices paid for ladles' and gents' casiori ciotning. can Marsnau 93?. SECOND-HAND goods bought for cash or taicen in exenange ror new. Tabor 4546. HIGHEST prices paid for cast off clothing and shoes. Marshall 2554. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any Kin a 01 mmiiure. jviain oyoi, A 2445. HE1P WANTED MALK STROXG, ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN WANTED. Apply between 8:30 and 9:30 A. Mi at superintendent's office, 6th floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. TRANSIENT Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS can se cure furnished rooms at reasonable rates In the new fireproof association building, cor. 6th and Taylor sts., and have privi lege of consulting Advisory and Employ ment Department. SALESMAN wanted to handle a first-class stock proposition ; only high-class men need apply; give references in first letter. Robllto Rubber Plantation Co., Sacra mento, Cal. SEVERAL live salesmen to sell the best coal In the'market for established concern having exclusive agency In state. AF 201, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced janitor for Trinity Place Apartments; prefer man and wife; good wages, steady position. Apply 401 Fenton bldg. or phone Main 79. WANTED Planing mill graders for night work; must be experienced. Apply Pe ninsula Lumber Co., foot of McKenna ave.; take St. Johns car. COATMAKEK wanted ; must be steady, so ber and a good workman; married man preferred ; union wages; steady work. D. H. Mosher. Salem. Or. WANTED Experienced fry cook; must be sober and industrious. Weinhard Astoria Hotel, Astoria. Oregon. WANTED Lumber haulers by contract, all Summer s work. See Mr. Okamoto, 1)4 N. Gth, corner Flanders. EXPERIENCED advertising solicitors, com mission. Clyde's Agency, 207 Stock Ex change, Third, at Yamhill. WANTED Experienced driver for single 1 u rnn u re wagon, wen acquainted with city and suburbs. PC 200, Oregonian. WANTED A good washer at the Seaside Laundary. Address Seaside Laundry, Sea side, Or. DUSTLESS clothes lines, bie anartraent house seller; agents wanted. 332 Lumber exchange, OFFICE BOY Bright boy, grammar school education, excellent luture. AM 207, Ore gonian. WANTED Young man to drive paying laundry laundry route; must know city well. Answer AX 102. Oregonian. DELIVERY boy for grocery store, $1 per uuy. j. kj. xiouk, 003 union ave. Apply hi leniuuus. WANTED An experienced farm hand; a permanent Job for a married man; a Ger man or Dane desired. L 1$3, Oregonian. BRIGHT boy. 18 or 19 years, to learn laun dry worK. faiace jaundry, E. 10th and revere ex. WANTED Two first-class poultry dressers. Apply poultry foreman. Union Meat Co., 4th and Gleason. SALESMEN, experienced In selling toys and covered. T. O. Box 672 O ln Fb 1 1 tsi V TA.iiij 11 i viiu -iiianci a iiciper. Ap ply Modern Confectionery Co.. 13 th and J WANTED Several young and energetic men to act as assistants to a live solicitor. AP zut, oregonian. BLSHELMAN for repair work. clothing store. Jas. J. Padden, Vtncouver, Wash. STARCH ER and polisher. New Method Laundry, 406 1st., Hoquiam, Wash. WANTED Competent Japanese cook. Call or phone No. 5, Vancouver Barracks. WANTED Automobile painter and repair men; give phone No. AK 208, Oregonian. WANTED Young man over IS with bicycle; good pay. 441 Stark st. STRONG boy to work on small farm. Oak Grove Red 36. WANTED Heading sawyer. Apply Western Cooperage Co.. 622 Corbett bldg. JAPANESE dishwasher and kitchen helper. 145 H 6th st. WANTED Experienced tamale once. 411 hi Morrison st. roller at ELEVATQR boy wanted at the Ramapo , Hotel. 14th and Wash. WANTED 2 live specialty salesmen at once. Room 501 Empress bldg. AN experienced collector. ISO Burnslde St., room 20. Call bet. 9 and 11 A. M. WANTED A Japanese to wash dishes at 163 12th and Morrison. BOY 16 years old to deliver circulars. Ap ply 171 3d st. PHOTO COUPON agents, new winning, con test offer. Sarony Studio. B46 hi Morrison GOOD man for farm; good house and wages. Main 218. Tabor 3777. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cutberth Studio. Dekum bldg. SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. for Oregon. Nat. Casualty Co., 5ul Railway Exch. Did. BARBER wanted. 292 First st. " HKLP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, Y. M. C. A- Young- man, stranger, seeking employ ment t$20 his total cash aset If I pay you $5 for employment membership I wiil havo only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all Its resources between you and utarvation. Result Young man joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for 6 mo. ending June SO: Calls lor men from employers 1174 Positions filled 1037 Our special employment membership cuarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two montlis' full aad 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially ixivited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ploy men t Department. FEW SPECIAL WANTS TODAY. Two car loading tallymen, $3. Three planer feeders, 2.o0 and $2.75. Two ratchet setters, city,r$2.75. Carriage riders, city, $2.50. Three sash and door machine men, $2.75 and $3.25. Lumber handlers. $2.75. Teamster, haul lumber, $35 and board. Two box factory men, $2. &0. Night watchman, small sawmill, $35 and board. , x Rough carpenters, $3. Blacksmith, country shop, $3 up. Hotel porter, city, $30, room and board. Man and wife, on farm, $50. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222 and 224 Couch St., bet. 1st and 2d. THE JAEGER VACUUM SWEEPER. FOR AGENTS AND CREW MANAGER. Do you want to make $0 and over daily and as high as $15 to $20 a day with a crew? Get our prices on the Jaeger vac uum b weeper, the new 3-bellows machine at the cheapest price ever sold on the Coast Our Portland factory office price does the work. NO STATE OR CITY AGENT WILL MAKE A COMMISSION ON 1OC. If you think you can sell any thing, drop in and see us at 701 Rothchild bldg. We want agents in every county. WRITE US. The Jaeger Manufacturing Company. BRIGHT YOUNG MAN WANTED. One with some experience in repairing Jewelry. Splendid opportunity for ad vancement. Apply between 8:30 and 9:30 A. M. at superintendent's office, 6th, floor. MEIER & FRANK CO. WANTED By the Union Pacific Life In surance Company of Portland, Or., which has Just been licensed to do business and has a paid up cash capital of $106,000, strong experienced representatives. Over 35l stocknoiders will assist agents get business. Agents who find it difficult to get insurance will find It much easier to work for a local company. Home Office. 12 Broadway. MATTRESS makers wanted. Washington Mattress Co., Seattle. Wash. HELP WAJiTEU FEMALE. WANTED. For the concert stage, German-speaking, respectable girl, second soprano or ulto, free training for talented amateur; good, respectable surroundings and treat ment; must travel and leave city on short notice; ten all in first letter and apply to A 228, Oregonian. WANTED Three lady solicitors for one of the- largest accident and health insurance companies in the United States. Most lib eral commissions and steady advancement. Prefer ladies with insurance or hospital , association experience. Give full infor mation first letter and phone number. E 202, Oregonian. " - t FEMALE help wanted at the Union Laun dry Co., 2d and Columbia sts. WANTED Three neat, intelligent women to take orders for NuBooe corsets; personal training. Call between' V and 12 A. M. NuBone Corset parlors. 202 Broadway bidg. WANTED Young lady for general office work. Quick and accurate at figures and can operate typewriter. Give full particu lars and phone number for Interview. V li)7, Oregonian. SALESLADIES 10 experienced salesladies. The Famous, 105-167 First st. Ask for Mr. Jacobson. WANTED Young lady stenographer and bookkeeper; one with some business ex perience; salary $40 month. If not thor oughly competent, do not apply. 10O2 Broadway bldg. WANTED! WANTED ! WANTED! 5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning; position guaranteed. 400 414 Dekum bldg. Sanitary Parlors. WANTED Experienced and competent girl to do housework and cooking; wages $35; no washing. Call 705 Davis, foot of King st. Apt. 71. Call before noon. COOKS, $40, $50; chambermaids, city and country, $25 ; waitresses, $25. Others. Howe's Ladies' Agency, 35 270 Wash ington. , THOROUGHLY competent girl or woman for general housework; family of three; must be good cook. Mrs. Charles Car penter, 302 E. 25th. B 3337. NEAT competent girl for general house work in family of two; must be able to cook; nice room; references. 705 Everett st. MANY of the best families of the city are registered with the Domestic Service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 806 Central bldg. M. 7667. WANTED Competent cook to go to Gear hart with private family for Summer; good wages. Apply 245 King st. morn lngs or phone Main 8648. WANTED Short hour waitresses, good pay; must be thoroughly experienced. Apply at once. Cat'n Fiddle, 145 Broadway. SOME make $1 per hour selling our new 15-cent size Silica Paste. Why not you? 433 Stark. WANTED A good-natured, competent and steady girl for general housework. 781) Irving st., apt. 3. Phone Main 7707. GIRL for general housework, $25, Scandi navian or German preferred. 74 E. 29th sL N. Tel. B 2799. COMPETENT young lady stenographer for mercantile office; give experience and state salary expected. B 1S2. Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman to do kitchen work; also plain cooking In private board-lng-house. 88 Grand ave., up stairs. WANTED At once, experienced, competent cook for family of two. Call or phone No. B, Vancouver Barracks. WANTED WANTED WANTED. Ladles to learn, reference, pay while learning. Hair Store, 120 6th. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavi Co.. 609 Roth child bid g . , 4th a n d Wa s hi n g t o n. EXPERIENCED ladies' presser and spotter wanted for fancy dresses. Oregon Dye Works, 361 Burnside MUS. HOWES LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35. ner 4tn. Phone Main S3tf or A 326. WANTED Experienced tamale roller. 411 hi Morrison st. FIRST-CLASS tailoress wanted on ladies' garments. Aronson, 42 Aider, PIANO player for picture show on East Side. AP 205, Oregonian. GIRL wanted for general housework; ref erences. 714 Overton st. WET nurse at once. Phone Casebere (Case beer). Main 1032. A YOUNG girl to pose as artist's model ; give telephone. AM 203, Oregonian. PRINTING firm wants Experienced lady bo iicltor. 511 Bu chanan bldg. VVNTED Girl to work in cafe; easy Job; good wages. 34 N. 4th. FI RST-CLASS second girl; must be experl enced; good wages. Apply 632 Salmon st. MAID for general housework, small family. 273 N. 25th st. WANTED Girl for housework and assist with care of baby. 675 Northrup st. GIRL for general housework. Rose City Park. Phone Tabor 8421. WANTED Experienced seamstress at once. Call 86 West Park st. GIRL for cooking end general hoaisework; wages $30. 751 Hoyt st. GIRL wanted to assist in housework. Phone Tabor 1260. 10S4 E. Morrison. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE, MAKE money writing short stories; big pa:". Send for free booklet; tells how. United Press Syndicate, D 9, San Francisco. WANTED Performers for road show tent. Call Benson Hotel, room 24, 291 hi Morri son, coc. fith. Keeson isros, AGENTS wanted for dustlesa clothes lines, city a 11 u cuuiiu ium uci FISK Teachers Agency secures positions for teachers. 316, Journal bldg. Main 4 3 3. HELP WAVT1TI MISCKT.IANEOCH GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 613 Rothchild bldg. HKIJ WANTKll MISCIAANKOUS. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Expert men teach ers, with $500,000 equipment, moderate fees. Not run to make money, but con ducted by business men to aid young men in securing practical education. Regis ter now. Y. M. C. A., corner 6th and Tay lor SiS. WANTED 100 men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaran teed ; modern college ; tools free ; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Oregon Barber College, 233 Mad ison st. WIRELE&S OPERATORS in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools, complete equipment; best, on Coast. PORTLAND mail carriers, postal clerks. ssiio first year. $100 raise to $1200. Va cations. Portland examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin lnsti tute. Dept 330. E. Rochester. N. Y. THi Moler Barber College, 35 N. 4th st.. 20 years in the business, 57 schools. The only modern school in existence. Term 8 weeks. Tools free. Massage and dyeing a spe cialty. Lifetime scholarship to each student. STENOGRAPHERS, any system, beginners or advanced, quickly trained tor positions guaranteed. 62 Worcester block. Pnone Marshall 2751. S. F. VETERINARY COLLEGE begins Sept. , 15. No profession offers equal opportuni ty. Catalogue tree. C. Keane, Pres., lblS Market st., San Francisco. BARBERS' State Board of Examiners will be in session in this city July 14, 15, 1G, at 167 Vi First st. to examine all tnose hold ing permits. T. M. Leabo, Secretary. LADIES with sewing machines can make from $18 to $40 per week at home; some thing new. I charge a small fee ; hours from 1 to 4 o'clock. 329 Montgomery. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel poet sys tem requires additional help; salary up to 1800. "free book." Pacific States School. McKay bldg., Portland, Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPO N D E N C E SCHOOLS, 503 McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark " sts. Phones: Main 1026, A 4121. Also Headquarters I. C. S.Fraternlty. EXPERT shorthand instruction, private or mail; Gregg or Lindsley-Pitmannic. Main 6021. Wallace MacDonald, 1339 E. 8th N. PRIVATE BUSINESS CO LLE G E Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND, book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4258. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL. 269 14TH ST. M. 3893. EXP. INSTRUC"N. Keister s Ladies Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking. 143 11th st. WTtATinXH WANTKTJ MALE, MuukkrrifiTo inlOrrii. AMBITIOUS young man, 20. high school ed ucation, knowledge of bookkeeping, de sires to locate with general merchandise, gents' outfitting store, in or out of city, where chance of learning business is to be had. M 207. Oregonian. GENERAL office man, age 27, married, lum ber and wholesale grocery experience, now employed but desires a change; lumber or grocery business preferred. C 295, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WANTS TEMPORARY" OR PERMANENT EM PLOYMENT; REFERENCES. N 180, ORE GONIAN. WILL AUDIT, OPEN. CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, install systems. Gil ling ham, auditor, 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. THOROUGHLY experienced bookkeeper and general office man wants position. East 845), room 17. EXPERT accountant wishes small set of books to keep evenings; any line. AM 204, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. MAN and wife want position as house keeper and janitor in small hotel, apartment-house or rooming-house ; man has tools and can do carpenter work and re pair, p. O. box 876. Medford. Or. COOK and helper, married couple, wants situation, thoroughly experienced, notei or camp. Edward Shaw, 403 Salmon. Phone Marshall 706. WOULD like a position as superintendent or woods foreman for a logging company; can give A-l references. AN 204, orego nian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished. Marshall 791. A 4910, Portland Waiters' Club. 148 Cth, Portland, Or. G. C. Gerald, manager. CARPENTER Repairing and remodeling a specialty ; also new work. AJ 195, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese; first-class laun dry wash; any kind irons; position private family; city or county. L 185. Oregonian. YOUNG man desires position, office or store, good knowledge of bookkeepings and gen eral office work. AD 210, Oregonian. POSITION by practical logging foreman, might take small interest if agreeable; reference. A 206, Oregonian. NINE years' experience clothing, furnlsn ing goods, city or country. A3 202, Oregonian-. GROCERYMAN, good experience inside or soliciting, city references. AN 20S, Ore gonian. A GOOD, all-around engineer and mechanic wants position; capable of taking charge of plant; good reference. E 204, Oregonian. YOUNG man wants work In garage where he can learn to repair and drive automo biles. AN 207, Oregonian. OUT-OF-TOWN man wants to find night work ; competent as night watch man or any other kind of work. Address 569 1st. CHAUFFEUR, thoroughly experienced all cars, good references, wishes position; go anywhere. AD 212, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AG7ED man wishes to work on farm ; good experienced ; state wages. Ad dress AK 207, Oregonian. POSITION in general store, country town preferred, twelve years' experience in all departments. AV 171, Oregonian. YOUNG man desires position with liquor house ; experienced, good reference. AL 203, Oregonian. KALSOMINE rooms, clean woodwork, $2.50 up; papering, v$rnish, painting; all work first-class, phone Main 2996. PRINTER desires position; ad and job ex perience. Address AC 207, Oregonian. WANTED Position by all around baker. AV 201, Oregonian. A JAPANESE student wants work. AL 197, Oregonian. ftosii an. 199, Orego PORTLAND landscape and gardening, lawns cut. Call Marshall 5694. GROCERYMAN or collector, good city ref erences. An 205, Oregonian. PAINTER wants work, seaside or country, good mechanic. AO 205, Oregonian. NEW COOKS' headquarters and kitchen help. 64; 6th st Main 7524. YOUNG man wants work in or out of city; small wages. AD 213, Oregonian. CARPENTER foreman wishes position; best of references. AK 190. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers, YOUNG lady wants office position, four years' experience bookkeeping; can do stenographic work. Phone Sellwood 822. EXPERIENCED stenographer and asst. bookkeeper desires position Immediately. Phone Sellwood 1020. THOROUGHLY experienced and reliable bookkeeper desires position; understand stenography; references. East 3593. WANTED Office work on private ex change ; permanent or temporary. C 292. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, with experience, accu rate and rapid, desires position. Phone Marshall 2751. COMPETENT stenographer desires pice work or half day's work. Main 12. D re ma k ers. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes appoint ments by day; good references; $3 day. Sellwood 14S0. DRESSMAKER, thoroughly experienced, wishes day work in family. Marshall 4H67. EXPERIENCED talloress wishes work by the day. Tabor 224. PLAIN sewing neatly done; prices 1 ea tolla ble. 26, Hth st. North. Main 7763. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing at home. Main 8630. 292 H Clay St. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants day work. East 3205. DRESSMAKER will g out by the day ex perienced. Phone Marshall 1795. Nurses. MIDDLE-AGED, experienced nurse would like invalid or aged couple to care for; reference. Phone 1737, C 1108; some housework. MUCH-EXPERIENCED nurse with elderly, invalids or companion; reasonable. Main 6975. NURSE wishes more engagements; little housework: terms reasonable; references. Marshall 4992. MIDDLE-AGED would like nurse work for afternoon or evenings. Sellwood 1790. WIDOW 30, girl 3 years, light housekeep ing, widower's family, elderly couple; neat worker; must have home ; small wages ; respectable. A J 208, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper, city or country. 306 First st. Phone 3& 19. room 4. . MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes position as housekeeper for widower; references given. Call at residence, 202 McMlUen st. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Housekeepers. REFINED, middle-aped lady wants posi tion as housekeeper for gentleman with nice home; reasonable wages. K. 104 Oregonian. Domestics. SCANDINAVIAN girl, just come over, wants a place doing general housework. Call titiO Upshur. Phone Marshall 5935. GIRL, IS, wants to assist with housework; will go to beach. Call at 1203 Taylor, cor. 4uth st. YOUNG lady wishes, position, housework, where can be treated as one of family. Woodlawn 110. TWO Finnish girls want general housework. 7.". S Montana a ve. GIRL wants to assist with housework and I go to Seaside, Or. Phone Marshall 44S4. MiscellanecuK. YOUNG pirl wants to assist with housework In family of two, or to be coin 1 an ion to elderly woman ; good home rather than wages; In or out of town. Call 9S1 E. Alder st. LADY wants housework by the day or hour; excellent cook, good laundress and seam stress and f irst-cla?s house cleaner; best rirereno?s. iarFiiau SCANDINAVIAN lady wants work in a hotel with room and board, or second work in private family. Call or address 221 Adams st. PLEASANT home for 2 or more children under school age; prices reasonable. AP 2o4, Oregonian. COMPETENT Swedish girl wants position in private family. Phone East 3058 or call 301 Holladay ave. EXPERIENCED chambermaid or house keeper; must be close in, remember. $20 month. Marshall 439. EXPERIENCED girl for general housework and cooking; would like to to the sea side. Call E. 4379. GERMAN Eirl wants position with private family ; upstairs work preferred. Call or write 1292 E. lamnni st. TWO healthy and attractive women want to go to Alaska, willing and capable of any kind of work. T 176, Oregonian. WANTED Laundry work or house clean ing try day or hour; references. Sellwood 1104. YOUNG girl wishes work of any kind, ex perienced switchboard operator and office work. Address G 201. Oregonian. COMPETENT woman desires day work. Cull Tabor OIKI. WORK wanted Thurs., Fri. ; laundress. Main 717 after 8:30 A. M. LADY caterer will do party work; also Sun day dinners. Phcne Marshall 2594. WOMAN wants work Fri., Sat; references Woodlawn 1611. YOUNG lady, experienced, wishes position, cashier or assistant in office. Main 0."65. LACE curtains, draperies, linen laundered by expert. Tabor 317. LADY wants chamber work. AJ 200. Orego nian. YOUNG girl wants position, housework, pre fers Laurel hurst or Irvington. East G.9i. A WOMAN wants work by the day or hour, only. East 4574. WANTED TO RENT. House. WANTED, MODERN BUNGALOW, UNFURNISHED. Reasonable, preferably irvington, Wil lamette or Portland Heights, close in, by permanent responsible family of 3 adul.s. Address P. O. box 1173. city. FURNISHED house, in good condition, 15 to '20 rooms, north of Morrison, east ol 20th, west of luth; references. AJ 207, Oregonian, 4-ROOM cottage with hi acre or more ground, not over 40 minutes from town; must be close to car. Phone Woodlawn 3432. Rooms. WANTED By lady, room with sleeping porch, rent reasonable, on East Side, pre ferably in Rose City Park. AP 207, Ore gonian. FOB KENT. Furnished Rooms. MIXOOK HOTEL. RESPECT AELE, HOMELIKE. 207 4TH ST. MODERN 21ja 4TH ST. Nice, choice, clean rooms, hot and cold water, private baths, nicely furnished at $3 per week and up; if you want full value for your money Kive us a trial, we can certainly suit you. One call means another. A, N N E X HOTEL. Wasningion jjt., cor. 12th. Walking distance to all; 150 rooms, fire proof, modern, both - telephones. SPECIAL RATES. Daily Weekly Monthly. With bath privilege or private bath. : ANNEX HOTEL. Charles H. Rdwley, Mgr. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; fireploof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilities; special rates at cafeteria, and 10U other leatures. Full particulars at business office, cor. 6th and Taylor sts. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison and Yamhill; re cently opened, every modern convenience, plenty of hot water and heat; beautiful lobby ; rates $4 week and up; with pri vate bath ?.".50 week and up; transient rates $75 and up. Free phone. Main 4226. ROWLAND HOTEL, 207 4th St., nice, clean rooms, hot and cold water, tree phone, bath, $3 week and up; rooms with bath $5 week ; one housekeeping apart ment; sure wu can suit you. Call and be convinced. HoTEL H U C KING H A M , 632 Vs Washington st. Elegantly located, new and modern, all outside rooms; daily, weekly, inonthl rates, with or without private bath, $2.50 up. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms, modern conveniences. Broadway and Taylor, block from Portland Hotel, opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 916. ' HOT EL N E TH ERLAN DS ' 126 13th st., at Washington. Rooms. $3.50 per week up ; umlor per sonal management owner. J. W. Bushong. CENTUAL HOTEL, opposite Pantagcs; mod ern ouLsiue rooms, suitable ior two or threa ; single rooms from $2.5u up ; w itn bath 5 and up; cheapest in city. HOTEL SAVON, 131 Eleventh street. New, modern brick building, steam heated, pri vute bathn, hot and cold water, comfort ably furnished. Transients solicited. HOTEL CONGRESS Beautifully furnished rooms with all modern conveniences, 6ih and M a iji. THE LAURABEE, 227 hi Larrabee. Rooms week up. Erick building, steam heat, hot, cold water, bath, phone, electricity. THE BEVERLY, 1S5 PARK. Furnished rooms, $2 to $4.50 week; transient, 50c to $1.00. HOTEL Edwards. Grand ave. E. Belmont ; rooms 512 mo. and up; $22.50 and up with bath ; absolutely respectable. East 323. NICELY furnished outside room, modern, $o and $1 per week. Land ore. 10th and Jef ferson. Furninhed Rooms In Private Family. NEWLY furnished room In private family. East Side, with or without board; 15 min utes' walk from 3d and Washington sts. by Steel or Broadway bridges. Call Home phone C 1270. AN exceptionally attractive room in steam heated flat, with all con emonces, easy walking distance, reasonable price ; has to be seen to be appreciated. A 4551. NICELY furnished room suitable for 2, opening on large balcony; breakfast board; home privileges. 1093 Denver ave. Phone Woodlawn 3o6S. THREE handsomely furnished rooms in lovely private home; all modern conven iences, splendid location; references. AM 2oG. Oregonian. VERY desirable rooms, single and double, for ladles or gentlemen; six minutes to business district; choice location. 309 11th. FURNISHED rooms, $1.73 per week and up; also housekeeping rooms. 1S9 West Park. 54i YAMHILL, newly furnished parlors, single or essuite, also housekeeping ; rea sonable. Cull bet. 2 and 4, or after 8. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room in good home. Iteferences. Nob Hill- 73S John son st. NICELY furnished rooms, from $2 weekly; eaay walking distance. Phone 055 Wash ington. LARGE front room, well furnished, pleasant and very cheap. 211 12th. NICELY furnished single and double rooms. 78 7 Glisan. Marshall 76 4. WELL ventilated sleeping rooms, 52, $2.50 per week. 206 12th. y NEATLY furnished bedroom, walking dis tance. $1.50 per week. 431 6th st. $2 WEEK up. Good, airy rooms. Attic, S 1 . O. 305 I 2th. SINGLE sleeping rooms, very reasonable. Phone, light and bath. 221 13th st. $2 WEEK, ciean, pleasant room, 2G8 12th st. NICELY" furnished room for gentleman, also a nice double room. 400 Taylor. ROOMS, 269 14th St.. modern conveniences, walking distance. Phone Main 3S93. FO RENT. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. NICE, large front room, well furnished, in new and modern home, 2 double windows, large clothes closet, private lavatory, large front porch, nice yard, well kept lawn, flowers, use of phone and piano, close In, rent reasonable; also have nice sleeping porch separate from room; ho children. Phone East 17S5. Rooms With Board. NORTON IA HOTEL. 11th, just off Washington it. Anierlcan and European. Beautiful dining-room, tearoom, and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan; near City Par; convenient to carline. THE HILL. Washington, at U3d st. Residential arid Tourists' Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and transients. Main iS4. T E A lARD HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American, $j per day with, muals. Hates by the month and wees: w:th or without meals very reasonable. New, modern and tireploof. THE VIRGINIA HILL 14th and Jeilerson Sts. An exclusive residential hotel, attractive rates to transients or permanent gueats. Main l2S3. A 0G2S. ELTON COURT, Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms wj th excellent table board, very reasonable rates. 11th and Yamhill sts. ROOMS and board at the Calumet for $37.5 pur month ; double with private bath $75 per montn ; rooms, Europt-an, 1 5 and up ; rates by the day and week. 100 Park &L Main 7300. PARK. VIEW HOTEL. SSS Montgomery st., at West Park, mod ern conveniences; rooms with or without bach ; excellent table service ; reasonable rates for regular ana transient guests. THE WHITEHALL. 253 6TH ST. A residential hotel, large sun porch; rooiiis with or wiLhout bat ns; home cook ins ; table board a specialty. THE MAN1TOU, 61 13th St. Excellent tabic. lart;e. airy rooms. Summer rates. " J" car at Depot. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 24th year; ruonis with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. CHOICE single and double rooms, flrst-cias table. 33 N. 1 th, one block from Wasn Ington. LARGE, newly furnisned room with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds ; piano, home comforts. 191 11th. Main ttSl. THE HAZEL Now Changed to family hoteu Special Summer rates. Strictly horns cooking. 3S5 3d st. phone Mat a 7ui4. CAS A ROSA, 300 Jefferson, room and board for four young men, $25 a month. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, corner 13th st. ; rooms, board optional ; Summer rates. Rooms With Hoard In Private lauiily. ATTRACTIVE room, with best of board for young women or married couple who would appreciate pleasant refined home, every convenience, splendid location on West Side ; rates from $5 per week up. Phoua Marshall 243S. LEWIS LODGE, 725 Prospect Drive. Phone Main 1057. AH the" comiorts pertaining to a good, home lor business people who l.ke rest, good meals, fresh air and sleep ina porchea. LARGE, newly furnished room with board, suitable for 2 or more, separate beds, us of piano and home comforts; also you tig man wants room mate. 191 11th sL Phone Main 63 SI. GOOD board and room. Phone B li7Sl or seo Misa Townsend, 753 Belmont; tako "Sri," Mt. Tabor or Aliamead car to 2d, walk one block south. DESIRABLE, well-furnished room; best home -cooked meals ; two refined young men; waiKing distance, pnone iast i". NICE room and two meals for working girl, special Summer rate; you will be pleased if you phone B 3230. LIGHT, pleasant room, with board, walk ins distance, prefer two gentlemen. Phone East 2:i49. t-PLENDlD rooms and board, strictly mod ern, splendid location, prices right. 574 K. Salmon. ON E nicely furnished room, convenient for one or two, with or without board. 474 Salmon st. Marsnau -4io. BEAUTIFUL Summer home, close in; clean, modern, hot and cold water; East Ankeuy car. East 301)0. t55 E. Burnside TWO yourg men for board and room la private lamily. Reasonable, within walk- SINGLE rooms with board in modern home; best home cooking. 2 meals, fins location. $3 per week, A 3732. 547 0th st. BOARD and room for a few more, extra good home cooking; walking distance. 4'J3 East Ankeny, cor. East 10th. NICELY furnished front rooms, suitable for one or two people, with board. 610 Davis, near 21sL st. Marshall 3847. PLEASANT home for lady with mother anl daughter, walking distance, porch. Mar shall 537 1. ROOM and board for two nice light rooms, use of piano, easy walking distance. West Side. Phone Marshall NICE, comfortable rooms, breakfast, board, hot and cold water, bath, phono. 12t N. lath st., cor. Glisan. Minn 3017. GENTLEMAN would like room mate with, good habits, private family, refined home, with comforts. AN 191, Oregonian. ROOM and board in private family ; privileged. E 2t'5. Oregonian. home NICELY furnished room for 2 youug gentle men; good table board. Phone A 5257. ROOM and board for ;; refined gentlemen, private Southern family. Marshall 5552. $23 PLEASANT airy room with board; phone, bath, electric lights. 334 Park. N ICE room, new house, near Mulnomali Club ; 2 meals ; reasonable. Main "219. GOOD room and board, modern, close In. 47J Salmon st. Marshall 4273. TABLE boarders wanted. 333 10th sL, cor. Market. 241 N. 22d st. Two well-furnished con necting rooms, excellent board. M. 2071. $20 EACH, front parlor for two, modern conveniences. 88 17th. near Everett. ROOM and board. 712 Flanders. Main 1547. AnartuientB IONIAN COURT. 670 Couch, one block trom Washington, walking distance. 3 and 4-room modern apartments; all modern conveniences; bet of service ; under new management; reft-rences required. Main 1192. $2o.ro .'(-ROOM and alcove modern fur nished upai tment, second tloor, clean, neat, nice yard, airy roms, heat, light, phone, wattr. furnished. 2r0 E. 2:;d St., 1 block north 1 1 a w t home. East lt78. THE M' KIN LEY APARTMENTS. East 7th and Morrison sts. Very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com pletely; private baths; from $20 to $21.50. LEIJDS APTS., 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, modern and all conveniences, absolutely fireproof, $15 to $30; also single rooms. 210 Market st. " MADISON" PARK APARTMENTS, Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-roo:n furnished apart ments by tlie week or month. STEVENS APARTMENTS Six rooms, balb, and maid's room ; front, back and sleep ing porches; yard, hot-watr heat and telephone. 791 Northrup, near 24th. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery; new, modern, outside furnished 2-room apartments, ele vator; close in, $20 to $30. Main U4tifi. ALCO APARTMENTS. Union arid Couch. New furnished mod ern 2 -room apt s. Walking distance. $22. A l D M A Y T ICR RACE. Exceptionally large living-room f lrix2tf ; every convenience. 12th and Harrison sts. PAGE A PA RTM ENTS. Beautiful apartments, furnished and un furnished, including tirepiiice. etc. E. 33riti. THE ORMONDE Four, five and ajx-room apartments; modern; Summer rates. tfoS KlanccT3 St., Nob Hi:!. p:ione Main S2ol. Txi E Drickston. 44S 11th Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room modern outside apts.. near Heights Mrs. F. W. McCune, Marshall .'7. ' FLORENCE. 3?.S 11TH. 3 and 4 rooms, completely furnished; up to date; roof garden ; from $27.50 up. THE fcTANFIELD. New 2-room apts., light and gas in cluded; $13 up. 204 Porter st. Main 73;2. WOULD rent my furnished apartments for two or three moiuhs ; adults. Main U2". 1-ROOM apts., furnishrd, modern; refer ences. ChomweU Annex, 2lU Columbia. THE King-Davis. 34 King St.. N., nr. Wash. Hish-classj references. Both phones. isR Y N MAWR APTS., lS3East 15th. near Yamhill 4-room apts.. newly furnished. THE DAYTON 0 lare rooms, apt., porches, every convenience; low rent. 6,"s Flanders, ILLIHE3 APTS., 4S7 Taj lor 2-room apart ments, well furnished. $17 and up. MA TO APTS.. Union ave. and Sacram ento New, up-todate. reasonable. Phone E. 1)20. HE RMENI A, 4 n 0 Hal i s"tZ new bu 1 1 ding, furnished, modern rates. Main C444. IF you want a furnished or u nf urnished flat look at 543 3th st. Main 70U3. A 65til.