Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 10, 1913, Image 1

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Police Examination De
clared Irregular.
Officer Says He Delivered $20
to A. P." Armstrong.
Patrolmen Rush to Office of District
Attorney With Offers of Evi
dence Denial Is Made by
School Superintendent.
' Detective Craddock tells of carry
ing a. bribe of $20 from police ap
plicant to A. P. Armstrong.
'Sarafl witness says lie and Captain
Joe Keller had advance copies of
questions In captaincy examinations.
Captain Baty tells how Acting;
Chief Slover proposed to "do politics
for Rushlight" by boosting an ob
scure newspaper.
Patrolman Vroman confirms other
officers who were summoped before
Policemen rushing to District At
torney with 'offers of evidence.
County Superintendent Armstrong
enters total denial of whole trans
action. With Defective Robert Craddock
talking freely before the grand Jury
nearly all day, with police officers
voluntarily rushing to the office of
the District Attorney offering to tell
what they know, and with a big batch
of subpenas out for further Investiga
tion today, the municipal scandal cen
tering at present around County
School Superintendent Armstrong, as
sumed greater proportions yesterday
and began to preach. Into unexpected
Witnesses before the jury Included
Captain Baty, . C. M. Senofsky, Patrol
man C. E. Klingensmith, Detective
Craddock and Patrolman Vroman.
Others who are to appear today are
Captains Slover and Keller, of the
police department. W. A., Tupper. sec
retary of the Civil Service Commis
sion; Robert Armstrong, a brother of
the county superintendent, and a man
named Markham. "whom the police of
ficers supposed to be the campaign
manager for Mr. Armstrong.
Craddock Talks Freely.
The star witness was Detective Crad
dock, who passed several hours In
the grand jury room and is said to
have talked freely.
Discussing . the charge that he - was
the .go-between for Mr. Armstrong,
member of the Civil Service Commis
sion, and tha men who had taken the
examination for appointment to the
police force, the detective is alleged to
have confirmed in detail the previous
statements of Patrolmen Johnson,
Thomson. Vroman, Teeters and Schiller.
The patrolmen said they, were escort
ed by Craddock to the office of County
Superintendent Armstrong, where the
question of their giving money for
high ratings is alleged to have been
First evidence that money actually
had passed was reached with the name
of Patrolman C. E. Klingensmith,
who, Craddock says, gave him $20.
Craddock says he carried the money to
Mr. Armstrong and delivered It per
sonally. Examination Declared Irregular.
With only a hint of solicitation, .the
witness digressed into a discussion of
the alleged irregularity in the exami
nations for captain of police, in .which
he and Keller were the ones who stood
highest and from which Keller ob
tained his appointment to the berth
he now fills. Craddock says that a
copy of the questions was delivered to
him and Keller by Robert Armstrong,
brother of the commissioner, the night
before the examination and that Crad
dock and Keller met at Kellers house
and went over the questions together,
so that they were almost letter-perfect
the following day.
From this the detective passed to
one matter after another, talking
freely of many little occurrences which
have mystified observers of police af
fairs during the past two years. Much
of this digression was immaterial, but
the jurors listened with avidity to
everything, and may make a part of
the information the basis of criticism
in its report, in affairs where Indict
ments are not practicable.
Klluiiensratth Con arms Craddock.
Patrolman Klingensmith, when called
as. a witness, is said to have con
firmed Craddock unhesitatingly re
garding the J20 which Craddock as
serts he delivered to Armstrong.
Patrolman Vroman, after a two-day
search by Special Agent Beatty, was
found yesterday and taken before the
Jury. He confirmed In detail the story
told by Officers Schiller. Thomson
and Johnson about their being taken
to Armstrong's office to discuss the
payment of money.
Another . witness who opened the
eyes of the Jurors was C. E. Baty. cap
tain of detectives, who was called to
tell what he knew about the attempt
(Concluded on Page 10.)
Parliament Act Has Overlooked Pos
sibility cr Virtual Strike
Against Legislation.
LONDON, July 9. A new Unionist
attempt to obstruct the home rule bill
for Ireland was announced in the
House of Lords this afternoon by the
Marquis of Lansdownc, Unionist
When the bill Is submitted to the
Lords for second reading Monday Lord
Lansdowne will move that the House
decline ,tOi proceed with consideration
of it until it Is submitted to the Judg
ment of the country.
If the House of Lords postpones
dealing with the Irish home rule bill by
an adjournment to a date beyond the life
of the present Parliafnent, the Liberal
government will be powerless to force
through its legislation . because the
Parliament act overlooks the possibil
ity of the upper house's giving Itself
a prolonged vacation and going on a
virtual strike against legislation.
Fruit Peddlers Demand Same Priv
ileges Under Same Ordinance.
War is on between fruit peddlers
and peanut venders of the city because
the peanut people are permitted to
stand on the streets In the business
district, while' the fruit peddlers are
forced to keep moving, despite the
fact that both classes of peddlers pay
the same amount of license and have
the same privileges under the law.
The trouble, which has been brew
for some time, came to a head .yes
terday, when the fruit peddlers - ap
peared before City Commissioner Daly
and demanded recognition of their
right to stand on the street corners.
Commissioner Daly Investigated and
found that both the fruit peddlers anil
the peanut vendors have exactly the
same license.
Commissioner Daly announced that
the only solution of the problem he can
see Is to drive them all out of the
business district or change the prdvi
sions of the licenses. The question
will be taken before the Commission
at Us next meeting.
Stefansson and Party Will Resume
Journey July CO.
NOME, Alaska,- July 9. The Cana
dian polar exploration ship Karluk
arrived from "Victoria. B. C, today
with 12 of the scientists who will go
with Valjamur Stefansson into the
Arctic. A few hours later the steam
ship Victoria arrived from Seattle
with Stefansson, Dr. R. M. Anderson,
his lieutenant, and James' Murray,
The expedition will remain here un
til July 20, when the way will be
open to Point Barrow, the Northern
most point of Alaska.
While here supplies will be trans
ferred to the auxiliary boat Alaskan,
which will taka the Southern party,
under Dr. Anderson, from Nome to
Victorialand for scientific research
City Commissioner to Xotify Vacant
Ixt Owners Today.
. With the receipt' yesterday by City
Commissioner. Dieck of a supply of le
gal weed-cleaning notices, to conform
with the new weed ordinance, arrange,
ments -were made for an immediate
campaign to force the cutting of weeds
on all vacant property within the city.
The new law provides that the City
Engineer shall post on vacant property
where weeds are growing a siwrn read
ing "Notice to cut weeks." It the weeds
are not cut within live days the City
Engineer is required to engage men
to do the work and the cost will be as
sessed against the property.
Commissioner Dieck gave notice to
all of the street inspectors and district
engineers yesterday to spot out prop
erty covered with weeds. The notices
will be posted today.
Sightseeing Party of 30 Comes Xear
to Drop of 175 Feet.
ROCHESTER. N. Y., July 9. Thirty
Elks attending the grand lodge re
union here narrowly escaped a drop
of 175 feet into the Genesee River to
night when a. sightseeing car in which
they sat crashed through a bridge rail
ing. At the highest point the bridge
is 212 feet above the river.
The accident was due to the attempt
of the chauffeur to avert a collision
with a runabout driven by a woman.
When the big machine hit the bridge
railing ten feet of the guard crashed
Into the river. The right front wheel
of the big sightseeing car hung over
the bridge and the car had to be jacked
up before the party could go on.
Fruit Trees Stripped and Truck
Gardens Devastated in Ohio.
COLUMBUS. O., July 9. A terriffic
rain and hall storm swept parts of
Columbus and vicinity this afternoon,
doing great damage in the city and
country. Hailstones as large as wal'
nuts were shoveled up after the storm,
which lasted less tnan 10 minutes.
Fruit trees were stripped bare and
truck farms were shorn of the grow
ing crops. .
House Decides on Its
Own Investigation.
Wide Authority,1 However, Is
Given to Committee.
Manufacturer Says He Knows of To
Expenditures for Political Pur
I poses, Except Fund Raised
for Special Exigency.
WASHINGTON, July 9. A lobby In
vestigation of .extraordinary scope was
authorized by the House today to sup
plement the Senate inquiry already un.
der way. ; With the passage "of the
Henry' investigation resolution a spe
cial committee , of seven members was
Immediately appointed by Speaker
Clarke with Representative Garrett, of
Tennessee, as chairman. The committee
will meet tomorrow to make plans for
tpe institution of the probe at once. '
yhile the House investigation was
prompted largely by the allegation of
Colonel M. M. Mulhall regarding the
legislative activities of the National
Association of Manufacturers, the reso
lution as Anally adopted' enlarged the
scope of the inquiry so that all efforts
to control members of the House or to
Influence legislation by any person or
organization will be subject to the in
quisitorial power of the committee. ,
House Committee Appointed.
The Speaker appointed with Chair
man Garrett, of Tennessee, Representa
tives Kline of Indiana, Russell of Mis
souri, Roddenbery of Georgia, Demoy
crats; Willis, of Ohio ana Stafford, of
Wisconsin, Republicans, and Represent
ative Nolan of California, Progressive.
Representatives Kline, Willis and Staf
ford are out rff town and the chairman
telegraphed them tonight asking them
to return at once. Chairman Garrett
expects to begin hearings on Monday. '
The special Senate committee con
tinued today its Inquiry into the activi
ties of lobbyists concerned with the
wool schedules of the tariff bill. ; The,
committee-has not yet begun its probe'
of the Mulhall charges, although all of i
the correspondence . ani documentary
proof has been classified and arranged
for use as soon as the -witnesses are
ready for examination.
: Hearings to Be Open.
Many involved in the Mulhall charges
are in AVashington, summoned to take
the stand before the Senate committee.
(Concluded on Pane 2.)
-............ - - '.
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-Tli Weather.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature,
degrees ; minimum, do degrees.
TODAY'S Kair and warmer; south to west
Bulgarians reported ready to seek
Page 1.
House of Lords has plan to block
ruin. Page 1.
Havana deeply stirred by
death of . police
cniet. i'age .
House decides on separate lobby Inquiry.
Page 1.
Domestic. ,
Mount Tamalpais fire increasingly menac
ing, page 1.
Opera producing rivals seek to enjoin Oscar
Wammerateln. Page 2.
Dr. Clark re-electd president of Christian
Endeavorers. Page 3.
Interstate Commerce Commission criticises
Mellen a management of New Haven.
Page 2.
Dr. Swain now slated for president of Na
tional Education Association. Page 2.
Sex hygiene to be taught In Chicago public
scnoois. iJage x-
Pavific Northwest.
Judge Gatens opens war on psychologist at
Seattle Charities Conference. Page 5.
Warfare of modern day healthy, says Lieu
tenant Colonel Morrison In Oregon-camp.
Page 4."
"Catch-My-Pal" move sweeps Gladstone
Park Chautauqua audience.
The Dalles City Treasurer may be made de
fendant by refusal to cash city war
rants. Page 3.
' - ' Sport.
Coast League ' results:. Portland-Venice
game postponed on account of rain; Sac
ramento -1, tian Francisco 3; Los An
geles 9, Oakland 6. . Page 7;-
North west League results: Portland 11.
Tacoma 5; Seattle 6, Victoria 1; Vancouver-Spokane
game postponed, rain. Page
6. - - . -
Americans In condition to meet Germans at
Tennis today. Page 6.
Holla-day team of two win grammar school
field meet. Page 6.
Beavers lead Const League In fielding aver
ages, page 7. .
Playgrounds baseball ' league' teami soon to
play. . Page o.
Commercial and Marine.
Wool season In Oregon tearly ended. Page
July crop report Issued by Government la
bullish. Page 16.
Chic&so grain Trade drags, but undertone Is
. firm.' Page 17. .
Stocks close with small net losses after
early weakness. Page 17. -Public
dock deal meets with long debate.
Page 16. .
' Portland and Vicinity.
J ullan M. Browr.eU, assistant manasfer Ore
gon Hotel, dies suddenly. . Page U.
O.-WV R & N.-North Bank bridge rate ad
justed. Page 16.
Admen wheel Berg's new baby buggy. Page
10. - . . .
Weather report, data and forecast, page 13.
Arrests and rain fail to stop pickets. -Page
Last Side croas-clti- car franchise sought.
Pase 16.
Detective Craddock tell of ' carrying bribe
to Armstrong. Pase 1.
Mears' dancing party at Waverly Golf Club
big social event. Page 10.
City Commission works with great, speed at
first- regular ' session. ' ' Page 11. .
Railroad officials' are on trail of Congdon.
Page 12. - '. ,
Lodges and clubs may pay more taxes.
Page '12.
Non-Partlsan Advisory League organizes.
Page 12.
St. Louis AVaiters, Cooks and Bar
tenders Appeal for .. Militia.
ST. LOUIS. July 9 The striklrie
waiters, cooks and bartenders tonight
sent a telegram to Governor Major
besting him to ' send a company of
militia hero immediately - to protect
them from assaults by the police.
The square surrounding- the Mary
land Hotel is filled with a. hnwllnr
mob, and clashes between the "police
and strikers are hourly occurrences.
Ivanoff s Army Retiring
Before Greeks.
Disposal of Dead and Wounded
Now Grave Problem.
Koumanla Ready to Attack Either
Bulgaria or Servla, as May Bes?
Serve to 1 reserve Equilib
rium In Balkans.
LONDON', July 9. Reports from the
scenes of war in the Balkans continue
to be conflicting. This was markedly
emphasized tonight. . a dispatch from
the Dally Telegraph's correspondent at
Uskup, dated Tuesday night, reporting
that there hardly had been any fighting
In the last few days, while Belgrade
dispatches reported further Servian vic
tories and the latest advices from the
Servian capital , asserted that all the
Bulgarians who had invaded Servla had
been driven back across the frontier.
There seems to be little doubt that
General Ivanoff's army Is steadily re
tiring before the victorious Greeks, and
It is reported the Bulgarians have
evacuated both Kavala, where the
Greek fleet is operating, and Dedea
gatch. '
Plea for Peace Thought Probable.
Whether . there is any truth in Vi
enna reports that Bulgaria has applied
to the powers to arrange peaco is not
known but It would appear not unlike
ly, since clearly things are not going
well with the Bulgarians arid the out
break of cholera at many points in the
field of operations', .combined with the
exhaustion of the armies by the fierce
ness of the struggle, is calculated to
make some such solution welcome to
the combatants. ... ,
This is especially so because of the
unciertantly of the policy of Roumania,
which is now reported to be ready to
attack either Servla or Bulgaria, as oc
caslon may demand, in. order-to prevent
a disturbance of the Balkan equi
Dead and Wounded Arc Problem.
The problem of dealing with the dead
and wounded is proving serious. The
nursing resources In Belgrade are woe
fully insufficient and all accommoda
Hons there are distressingly overtaxed.
It is said that the Servians have per
mitted a pause in the operations to al
low the removal of the wounded and
interment of the dead, as well as the
( Concluded on Pae 2.)
Course to Be Called "Personal
Purity" One Woman Member
of Board Opposes.
CHICAGO. July 9. (Special) Sex
hygiene will be taught in the high
schools of this city, beginning with
The Board of Education today
adopted a recommendation to make
teaching of sex hygiene part of the
curriculum, making Chicago the first
city In the United States to teach It.
It will be called a course In "personal
It was not without a fight that the
board acted. On motion made by
Trustee Loeb at the school manage
ment committee meeting three welks
ago, Ella Flagg Young, superintend
ent of schools, recommended that sex
hygiene be taught in the high schools
and that lectures be given in the
elementary schools.
Opposition developed and when the
recommendation came before the board
two' weeks ago. It was deferred for
further consideration. An amended
recommendation was . submitted and
adopted today. Before the resolution
was read Mr. Loeb said he had re
ceived commendatory letters from
prominent citizens of the community
who had made a study of the subject.
Among those from whom he received
encouragement were Jane Addams, A.
W. Harris, president of Northwestern
University; Charles R. Henderson, pro
fessor of sociology at the University
of Chicago, and Mrs. M. L. Purvin, of
the Chicago Woman's Aid.
The only members of the board to
vote against the teaching of personal
purity to children of Chicago were
Mrs. John McMahon and Thomas Kelly.
Modification of Homestead Act Fa
vored by Senate Committee.
lngton, July 9. Senator Chamberlain,
chairman of the public lands commit
tee, -today laid before his committee
Senator Borah's bill amending the
three-year homestead law, and after a
brief discussion the bill was unani
mously favorably reported.
This bill seeks to make the three
year law a real benefit to homesteaders
by providing that in lieu of cultivat
ing 20 -acres of land during the third
year of, .residence, homestead ej-s', may
show good faith and satisfy th law by
making improvements oil tfielr land
amounting to for eacfi' acre en
tered. ' .
The merit of the bill was quickly
recognized by members of the commit
tee and no opposition was made to it.
Senator Borah Is gratified at the ac
tion taken today, and " elieves the bill
can be passed through the Senate this
session, though it may not be consid
ered by the House until nVxt session.
With this change. he believes the
three-year homestead law will afford
great relief to all homesteaders.
Big Steamship Line Arranges to Ply
Under Chinese l-'lag.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 9. The Chi
nese flag will replace" the Stars and
Stripes over the ships of one of th
largest freight-carrying steamship lines
in the Pacific the Robert Dollar Com
pany in the event that negotiations
under way are consummated. Under
the arrangements' now pending it will
receive a subsidy from the Chinese gov
Stanley Dollar, a vice-president of
the company, said toflay:
"At the time of the Chinese revolu
tion we were closing arrangements
with the Chinese government to put
our line under the Chinese flag. The
Investigation interrupted negotiations
but they are about to be concluded."
It is said the line will form the nu
cleus of a Chinese merchant marine
and be available to that nation in case
of war.
Workmen Scrub Statuesque "Lady"
on Capitol's Dome.
WASHINGTON, July 9. Freedom.
whose form" surmounts the dome of the
Capitol, made her biennial toilet today.
A score of husky workmen clambered
to the top of the dome and gave Free
dom a bath, using a heavy lather or
castile soap and scrubbing brushes to
remove the dust and grime that had
accumulated on the face and figure of
the lady of the Capitol since her last
ablutions were performed, in the Sum
mer of 1910.
Freedom's jewelry will be replaced.
as the seven platinum tips which aur-'
mount her headdress have been badly
damaged by lightning bolts.
. Several hundred dollars' worth of
precions "metal will adorn her brow
and protect her from the elements.1
Spot Where General Camped In
Colonial Was formally Marked.
. WASHINGTON. July 9. A bronze
tablet marking the spot where General
Braddock camped with his army en
route to Fort Duquesne during the
French and Indian war was unveiled
here today by a committee of the
Daughters of the American Revolution.
Today was the 150th anniversary of
Braddock's death.
The speakers were Representatives
Borland, of Missouri, and Lewis, of
Maryland. Colonel M. F. Gage, mili
tary attache of the British Embassy,
was present as the representative of
the British. Ambassador.
Canyon Dwellers Or
dered From Homes.
Tamalpais Blaze, Whipped by
Sea Breeze, Dangerous.
Men From Army and Navy Assisting
Civilians in Unequal Combat.
Cottages In . Muir Woods
Are Now Burning.
SAX FRANCISCO. July 10. (Tours
day.) -Five men are reported to have
been burned to death today on the
Larkspur side of Mount Tamalpais.
correspondent of the Amoclstnt rrna
talked Tilth men who said they saw the
five carried array on stretchers toward
Mill Valley. They bad not arrived
there at 1 A. M.
SAN FRAXCISCO, July 0. The report
that the Mount Tamalpais tire had
vrept Into the big redwood grove, Muir
Wood, was confirmed here at mldnlsbt.
Immediately a train was assembled
and hundreds of fire flfebters were dis
patched to Join those now striving to
save the big: trees. The ereat arrove Is .
one of the noted show places of the
women and children of Mill Valley are
standing in terrorized groups in the
street tonight, clutching a few of their
most precious belongings, and watch
ing the approach down Blythedale Can
yon of the- Mount Tamalpais fire. The
husbands and . fathers, aided by- 2Q0O
men from the Army and Navy, are bat
tling bravely t0 check the flames. At
another point 800 civilians are right
ing flames.
The fire, which had been considered
no longer dangerous early in the day.
was whipped to action by the afternoon
breezes from the sea, and it raged
down the canyon, leaping the burned
out path of the backfire, until at 9
o'clock it was reported a mile and
three-quarters of a mile from the town.
The wind slackened tonight, which
gave some hope, but dwellers in the
canyon were ordered to abandon their
Day of Anxiety Spent.
Residents of the whole district spent
a long day of extreme anxiety. Anions
itie noteworthy properties threatened
was the contry estate of Ralston Lovell
White, known as the "Garden of A1-"
lah," which is valued at $1, 000, 000. .The
estate today is in charge of Mrs. Wil
liam TIerney, a young woman whoso
husband is with the firefighters. She
refused to leave her duties as care
taker. Three automobiles in the garage were
left to their fate for lack of anyone
to drive them to safety. The valuable
paintings, tapestry and some of the
furniture were removed. Much of the
prize poultry had to be abandoned.
Fire Leaps Over Trench.
The fire in Baltimore Canyon also is
reported to have leaped a trench dug
to halt it. It is said that about 800
civilians are making a desperate stand
against this fire, which threats the
towns of Corle Madera and larkspur.
An entirely distinct fire has started
down Redwood Canyon and is cnarg
Ing on the Muir forest of Sequoias.
Cottages near Muir woods are burning.
Cost Declines 5 Cents a Pound Since
Last October.
NEW YORK, July 9. There was a
break of fully a half cent in coffee to
day, the culmination of heavy selling
which has been in progress for several
months, and which has caused a decline
of S cents a pound in coffee since last
October. The break was followed by
a sharp rally, but closing prices showed
a loss of 11 to 21 points compared with
yesterday's quotations.
Pronounced weakness in the Euro
pean market, lower quotations from
Brazil and reports of a continued flat
trade demand contributed to the break,
which was supposed to effect the liqui
dation of old loans in advance of com
petition and new crop coffee, which is
now beginning to move in some vol
Secretary of Xavy to Be In City July
SO and Again July 2 8..
ington, July 9. Secretary of the Navy
Daniels will visit Portland July 20, on
his way from tne Puget Sound JJavy
ard to San Francisco, and will return
to Portland July 28 on his way to Spo
kane. The Secretary will be at Seattle July
16 to 18 and will inspect the Bremerton
Navy-Yard. He will spend July 13 in
Tacoma; and July 29 in Spokane. .