Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937, July 09, 1913, Page 9, Image 9

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Prlntlne; Room Main 7OT0. A. 601)11
City Circulation Main 7070, A. nt5
Managing Editor Main 7070, A.
(Sunday Editor Main 7070, A B0d5
Composing Room Main 7070, A 60t3
Superintendent Building. .Main 7070. A B0SS
ORPHEUM THEATER (Broadway and Tay
lor) Vaudeville. This atternooo at :io
and tonight at S:15.
PA NT AGES THEATER (Broadway and Al
der) Vaudeville. This afternoon at 2:l
and tonight at 7:30 and 9.
EMPHESS THEATER (Broadway and Tm-v-
hill) Vaudeville. Thla afternoon at 2:10
and tonight at 7:30 anJ I).
LYRIC THEATER (Fourth and Btark
Musical comedy. "The Two Thieves." This
afternoon at 1:15 and tonight at o:30 to
10:45 o'cIock.
tures. H A. M. to 12 P. M.
ington) Continuous ilrst-run pictures,
from 11 A. M.
GLOBE THEATER (Eleventh and Wash
ington) Ooutlnuous first-run motion pic
tures. OAKS AMUSEMENT PARK (Cars trcro
First and Alder) Royal Italian Band and
vaudeville. Afternoons at 2:iS0; evenings
at S P. M.
RECREATION PARK (Twenty-fourth and
Vaughn) Baseball, Portland vs. Venice.
This afternoon at 8:15.
For quickest delivery of The Ore--eronlan
at Summer resorts subscribe
through the followJnjr agents. City
rates. Subscriptions by mall are
payable in advance.
Bay City, Or M. J. Milter
Brighton Beach, Or. . .J. A. Baldwin
rarion. Wash.. , .Shepherd's Springs
Lous Beach, Wuh.. FninV Hochfleld
Mansanlta Beach, Or.Emll G. Kardell
Nahcotra, Wash J. II. Brorrn
Newport. Or..- Georse Sylvester
Ocean Park, Wuh...D. K. Beeehey
Rockaway Beach, Or. .Frank Miliar
Hockinsr Beach. Or..F. I Wllklna
St. Martins Sprlnsra. Wash
Hn. N. St. Martin
Seaside, Or Clark Stratton
fieavlew, Wash .Constable fc Putnam
Tillamook, Or.. ...J. S. Lamar
Wheeler. Or R. II. Cadr
Kienam Off for Denver A. L. Kee-
nan and Mrs. Keenan will leave Sunday
for Denver, where Mr. Keenan goes to
attend a. meeting of the committee on
laws of the Woodmen of the World,
which meets In Advance of the sessions
of the Head Camp, which will be held
at Colorado Bprings July 28. The Kee
nans will travel about to some extent
before returning to Portland. A large
number of representatives from the
Portland Camps will attend the ses
sion of tTie Head Camp at Colorado
Springs. The degree team of Multno
mah Camp, numbering about 20 mem
bers, will go In a body. The represen
tatives will leave Portland for Col
orado Springs July 22. There will be
election of officers, but the main In
terest from Oregon and Washington
centers on the election of Head Consul,
a place now held by Congressman Haw.
ley, and for which J. C. Jones, of Mult
nomah Camp, Is a candidate.
Children To Be Examined. Arrange,
ments have been made to examine the
children whose names have been reg
istered at the Parents' Educational Bu
reau. Wednesday, from 1:30 to S o'clock,
to give parents an opportunity to learn
If there are any defects In their chil
dren that might easily be remedied.
Several babies have been found that
simply required more nutritious food.
Favorable reports are coming in to the
bureau from parents who have followed
physicians' instructions. These tests
are for children from the ages of six
months to 6 years. It is necessary to
register names at the bureau several
days previous to the examination, which
will be held at least once a month here
after. The Bureau Is open to the pub
lice from 10 to 6 o'clock. Rooms 650, 651
and 552, at the Courthouse.
Annual Convention Is July 29 The
annual campmeeting and conventions of
the Evangelical Association of Oregon
and Washington will open July 29 and
last till August 6, at the conference
campground, Jennings Lodge, on the
Oregon City electric railway. The con
ventions will consist of . the Sunday
School, Young People's Alliance and
Bible Convention to be followed by the
campmeeting. representatives are ex
pected from all over the conference,
Many will camp on the ground. A com.
mlttee has arranged the programme of
Y. M. C. A. Worker Visits Here.-
John Fechter. general secretary of the
Oakland, Cal., Young Men's Christian
Association, was the guest of H. W
Stone, of the Portland Y. M. C. A., yes.
teraay. Mr. Fechter formerly lived in
Salem and Mrs. Fechter Is now visit
ing her parents in that city. The Oak.
land association Is growing raDidlv.
Two stories are now being added to
Us building through a donation of
50,000 by Wallace M. Alexander, the
Artisans to Havb Picnic. The Artl
sans have planned another picnic to
take place on Council Crest Saturday
July 19. The programme includes bas
ket lunch, muslo by Campbell's Ameri
can Band, .all, Artisans, and other fea
tures. The skating dink has been en
gaged for dancing purposes from 10
to 11 P. M. This picnic, although it is
given lor new members of the order,
will also be open to all Artisans and
their Invited, guests.
Coabtino To Bh Riouuted. Im
pressed by accidents which have oc
curred to children riding on the "coast
ers" which they make from old roller
skates. Chief of Police Clark Issued
an order yesterday, directing nil off!
cers to stop this practice in any place
wnere mere is an incline.
John C. Munk Appointed. John
j. M.unk, or 487 Marguerite avenue,
yesterday was appointed by Purchas
ing Agent Wood, as bill clerk in the
purchasing department. Mr. Munk was
selected from three on the eligible list
or tne juunicipai civil Service Commls
"CATCH-JUT-FAL" Dr. Robert J.
Patterson of Belfast, Ireland, speaks
tonight at 7:45, Centenary Church. E
9th and Pine. This is the public's final
opportunity to near him. No admi3
sion. Silver offering.
Miss Josephine Large, Miss Ce
11a Whitney White and Miss Carrie An.
ton will give a Chamber Muslo Recital
at 717 Everett street, Thursday, July
iu. ax oiau x-. Admission si. on. pay
able at the door.
J. J. Oeder Appointed Administrator.
J. J. Oeder has been appointed admin
istrator of the estate of James I. Snahr.
who died June 30. The estate is valued
at $1526, and three brothers and three
sisters are the heirs.
Oriental Ruos restored to their origi
nal beauty by our wash-cleaning and
repairing experts. Prices moderate.
Cartozlan Bros., importers, Washington
between 13th and 14th streets.
The Members or the Board of the
Catholic Women's League will mee
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at 129
Tenth street. North.
Wanted First-class engraver and
watchmaker. Permanent position. Ref
erences required. F. Friedlander, 310
Washington street.
Willamin-a. a prosperous little city of
600 population, and a large territory
triDutary, nas a good opening for
,'esident attorney.
The Grotto, 251 Yamhill, near Third,
an attractive place to dine; the best o
everything to eat. Hugh Ham, prop,
10 Acres fine red clover near Helve
tla, on united R. R., for sale. P
Green. 516 Ellers Bldg.
DR. Amos has returned from the East.
Dr. Nunn Returned." Medical bldg.
Jcrt TO Hear Probate Case. '
For the first time In the history of
probate proceedings in Multnomah
County a claim against an estate Is to
be heard before a Jury. The claim is
that of Mrs. N. B. Macklin against the
estate of Mary J. Seed. Formerly all
such hearings were before the Probate
Judge. In amending the law so as to
abolish the County Court, elevate
Judge Cleeton to the Circuit bench and
provide for a third County Commis
sioner, the last Legislature failed to
re-enact this provision of probate law.
Mrs. Florence Kellt to Lecture.-
Mrs. Florence Kelly, president of the
National Consumers' League of Amer
ica, will lecture in the East Portland
branch library, East Eleventh and Al
der streets at 8:15 P. M.. Monday, July
14, on "Art and the Stage Child." and
at the North Portland branch library,
Klllingsworth avenue and Commercial
street, Tuesday evening, July 15, at
8:15, on "Young Wage Earners and
Their Changing Future." These lec
tures are free. All are cordially In
vited to be present,
R. Burns Powell in Hospital. R.
Burns Powell, a student In the law
school of the University of Oregon
and a member of the executive board
of the Portland Musicians" Union, was
operated upon tat the Good Samaritan
Hospital yesterday for appendicitis. He
was-reported last night to be resting
easy, and a comparatively speedy re
covery Is expected.
DR. Eaton, Eye, Ear. Med. Bldg.
Mt. Hood Auto Stage, East 162. .
City Commission to Be Urged to En.
force Ia w Regarding
Vacant Lots.
Directors of the Irvlngton Club last
night deolded to lead in a movement
urging the new administration of the
city to enforce the ordinance against
weeds in vacant lots. A resolution
will be drawn up and submitted to the
City Commission as soon as possible.
In the vacant lots In the new section
the weed nuisance has become bad
and it is believed that the new weed
ordinance, if enforced, will give re
lief from it.
Other organizations on the East Side
probably will Join the Irvington Club
in the movement.
W. J. Hofmann was appointed chair
man of a committee which will repre
sent the Irvlngton Club at the Rose
Festival reorganization meeting Thurs
day. With him on the committee are
H. M. Haller. F. S. Fields, T. J. Seufert
and S. L. Eddy.
Preparations also were completed at
the meeting last night for the Oregon
Championship Tennis Tournament,
which will begin Monday and will be
closed Saturday, July 19, with an open
air dance on one of the concrete tennis
The following members of the board
of directors of the club were present
at the meeting: W. F. Woodward. H. M.
Haller, F. S. Fields, W. M. Cook. W. J.
Hofmann, T. J. Seufert, S. L. Eddy and
David Stewart.
Chief of Police Clark Restores Traf
fic Officer to Post.
First significant changes in the po
lice bureau since the new city ad
ministration came Into power were
made by Chief Clark yesterday, when
he accepted the resignation of Mrs.
James Sampson, matron, and restored
former Traffic Officer J. O. Portwood
to his former position, after several
weeks on the second night relief.
Mrs. Sampson, who is a sister of ex-
Mayor Rushlight, was appointed sev
eral months ago, when the number of
matrons was Increased from one to
three. The purpose In creating the
vacancy is said to be economy. Chief
Clark believing that three matrons are
not necessary In a jail which accom
modates few women prisoners. Only a
few days ago Mrs. Sampson asked
Judge Stevenson to turn over to her a
homeless woman, because she had only
one prisoner upstairs and needed some
one to help with the janitor work.
About a month ago Portwood stopped
Mrs. Robert ritzsimmons, Now at Pantages, Telia All About Marriage,
Though Now She and Her Pugilist Husband Are "Unhappy."
HY do women marry prizefight
"Because women like ' ex
tremes," answers Mrs. Bob Fitzsim-
mons, who heads the bill this week at
Pantages in "A Bulgarian Romance."
Sometimes the situation becomes too
extreme." So it seems to be in the
case of the Fltzslmmonses, and for two
yearB they have been as extremely un
happy as they were extremely nappy
after a romantic marriage 10 years ago.
I know what you want to ask me,
said pretty little Mrs. Fitzsimmons last
night. The last time I had talk&a with
her. Mr. and Mrs. Boo fitzsimmons
were making the circuit together and
neither she nor I could get in a punch,
for Bob did all the talking. It wasn't
of himself, either. There was just one
thing he was "crazy" about and that
was Mrs. Bob. tie ilKea to ten oi umir
courtship and marriage. When she was
Julia Qifford she was singing the lead
ing role in "Martha." in Chicago. BOD
sat down in front one night and it was
a complete knock-out for him.
"She came down to tne ironi oi toe
stage and I thought she was singing
to- me," Bob used to tell it. "I went
back to meet her and she came right
up to me and said, "How do you do, Mr.
Fitzsimmons; I guess you don't re
member me?" And I said, 'No, I don't.'
I was so scared I said again, 'Ko, I
dont.' "
Fitzsimmons was then on his way to
California to train Jeffries for his
fight with Corbett. He stayed in Chi
cago a week sparring for Julia Qifford
to throw up her hands, and Jeffries
telegraphing every day, crazy at the
delay. At the end of 10 days Julia
Gilford was signed up to match Bob
Fitzsimmons for a life bout and .two
months later they were married in Cal
ifornia. Julia Glfford was a popular girl in
Minneapolis. She had a beautiful.
high-lyrio soprano voice, and had also
shown some talent in art. rienas
were shocked at the marriage of the
aesthetic slip of a girl and the big,
raw Irish fighter.
"All girls from 16 to 20,
I'm told.
Marry for love
This we all know."
sings Mrs. Fitzsimmons at Pantagts.
And Julia Qifford, 18 years old, mar
ried Bob Fitzsimmons "for love." Mora
than that, she is still true to her dream.
"I like him I have never hated him,"
she smiled. "I realize that he Is pop
ular and I don t want to hurt him with
his friends. I couldn't get along with
him: that's all. There were little in
dignities of which I do not care to
speak. Some men wouldn't understand
them, some women wouldn't understand
them, but they were unbearable to me.
"Whisky and Irish don't mix. I
didn't cars if he took a glass of beer
very far and know that
your hose are holeless un
less you wear
The Hose with a positive
guarantee for wear and
Women's, 75c Pair
Men's, 50c Pair
t MS- M USf M f
J 6iovs. ostr mammas
Morrison Street
Opp. Postoffice
an automobile carrying ex-Police Com
missioner C. W. Hodson, and a few
days later was removed from his sta
tion at Third and Morrison streets and
sent to the "graveyard watch." The
transfer was made after the officer
had been taken before the Police Com
mission, which took no action on com
plaints made by Mr. Hodson.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haak to Be Hosts
to Sunday School Pnplls.
As guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Haak,
126 East Fifty-sixth street, the star
drill team of the' Westminster Presby
terlan Church Sunday school will be
entertained this afternoon at a pipe
organ recital at the Haak residence,
The drill team was one of the features
of the Sunday school parade on the
morning of July 4. The class will be
chaperoned by Miss E. A. Duke, whol
is the captain.
The children will meet at the West
minster Church at 2 o'clock. Following
the recital at the Haak residence, there
will be an al fresco party, which will
be In the nature of a lawn frolic. There
will also be a programme of readings
and recitations, following which re
freshments will be served.
Chairman of School Board Chooses
Helping Force.
R. L. 8abin, chairman of the School
Board, yesterday made appointments of
committees on the Board under Its new
organization. The meeting of the sup
plies committee last night was the
first under the new organization.
Members of the committees with
whom Mr. Sabln will serve are as fol
Buildings O. M. Plummer and E. A.
Sommer. '
Finance J". V. Beach and M. G,
Grounds O. M. Plummer and E. A.
Insurance M. G. Munly, J. V. Beach
and R. L. Sabin.
Judiciary J. V. Beach and M. G.
Repairs M. . G. Munly and J. V.
Supplies E. A. Sommer and J. V.
Teachers E. A. Sommer and O. M.
Emphasizes our need of recreation and
we long for Gearhart "By-the-Sea."
Excellent hotel, golf links, tennis, auto
rides, horseback riding-, fishing, bath
ing in surf and Natatorlum, among the
many attractions. Literature at Port
land office, 100 Fourth street.
Edlefsen's fuel is good fuel.
Mrs. Robert Fltsslmmons, MTio
TelU Why Women Marry
once in a while, but I didn't want him
to drink whisky. He promised, but he
wuuiun t Keep nis promise.
"I think fighters are like hlo- ni
mals. When they are dlsDleas,rt th.v
bite. You know how it is: Kio- a
will snap at you when angry, and hurt
jvu, muusn ii loves you. i have seen
iia oi oig men wno were just lik
iignters. Big men are childish. I don't
know why It is, but they are peevish
inning annoyance that a small
t - ttuLiuo. x nave seen a
big man fly to pieces when something
went wrong on the stage, while a
mite man win not oe the least dls
luroea oy ii. nig men seem to be
uvflrgruwn cnuaren.
"What do I think of hasty mar
riages? I think a. hasty marriage is a
calamity. Tell the girls that th rin
adage, 'Marry in haste and repent at
leisure,' holds good. I ought to get a
divorce, but I haven't time. I am not
interested in anyone else, in spite of
io sLoriss mr. r itzsimmons has told
mat j. ion mm oecause or someone else.
i oon l care to marry, and I am too
ousy wim my worK to bother with
divorce. I Irave been making my liv.
ing lor two years and I can still
mKt jt.
Mrs. Fitzsimmons is prettier than sha
was three years ago. and she says she
sings better. She declares she can take
care of herself and she is not looking
lor anomer extreme. '
t ' . ' .f,
ave Money on Clothin
Rarely Do You Have Such an Opportunity
All our stock is being cleared out tomake room for new arrivals.
Nationally known men's suits, Kuppenheimer's, Roger- Peet's,
and others. The year's finest in fabric and fashion
er 9.85
The store is full of bargains. Come prepared to buy the best
prices. See the windows for daily features.
Morrison at
"The Btelnbach
Von Klein Attorneys Warned
Not to Quit Case.
Counsel in Polygamy-Theft Case In
timate Only Source of Financial
Aid of Prisoner Alienated
by District Attorney.
When Attorneys J. J. Fitzgerald and
Sam Johnson, representing E. E. C.
Von Klein, intimated in court yester
day that they would not appear at the
trial of their client unless it was
postponed a month and a half or so be
yound July 15, the date which had been
set. Circuit Judge Morrow told them
that they were officers of the court
and that he would make It his busi
ness to see that they are on hand. Mo
tion for an extension was overruled
In two previous cases Circuit Judge
Morrow refused to allow attorneys to
withdraw because of pique occasioned
by refusal of the court to meet the
wishes of lawyers. On one occasion
the judge followed a disgruntled at
torney, who quit in the middle of a
trial, to the elevator and gave him
his choice of coming back to the court
room or going upstairs to the County
Jail. The attorney returned to the
Attorney Johnson said yesterday he
and his associate will appear on the
day of the trial and ask the court to
appoint other counsel for Von Klein.
Attorneys for the defense declare they
are In no position to go to trial, hav-
IMPORTANT NEWS for men in search of the place where the most sensational,
legitimate and
Mightiest Bargain Event
ever held in Portland is now at 266 WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR THIRD,
$15,000 Bankrupt Stock of I. Gevurtz & Sons
Is Now On Sale
at such sensational Bankrupt Prices that you are bound to buy. Time prevents
us from giving all the tremendous Bankrupt Sale Prices. We quote just a few.
HALF PRICE-Entire Stock of Men's Suits-HALF PRICE
All high-grade makes, in fancy mixtures, blacks and blues included, for
merly selling at $15, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40,
Everything marked in plain figures. Select your suit,. CUT THE PRICE
IN TWO and you have the BANKRUPT SALE PRICE.
Entire Stock of Hats, Shoes. Furnishing Goods
All new and up to date, at practically the same tremendous Bankrupt Sale
Prices. All good, honest, legitimate, high-grade merchandise at way lower prices
than you pay ordinarily for junk and' trash. COME AND BE CONVINCED!
ES 266
for $12
to $17.50
At $14.85 we include the popular
regular price $25.
Ralston Oxfords in black and tan.
Regular $5. Now... . $3.85
For that vacation trip Matting
Suitcases, only $1.65
Leather Suitcases only $-1.85
$4, $5 and $6 Silk Shirts, with
collars to match $3.45
The latest in Bulgarian Silk Neckwear a riot of color in fanciful de
signs just arrived 45
Give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
ing had neither money nor time to'
prepare an adequate defense.
3Usnln Charges Ruse.
In reply Deputy District Attorney
Maguire said Von Klein has known
since April of the charges against
him stealing Ethel Newcomb's dia.
rnonds and living polygamously with
her and that he has had ample time
to prepare for trial. He intimated that
the defense merely wants the state's
witnesses, most of whom are from out
side states and here at their own ex
pnse, to become scattered, hoping that
the prosecution will not be able to get
them together again.
In this connection there are rumors
from the County Jail that there have
been several interviews between Miss
Newcomb and Von Klein in which the
prisoner has upbraided the woman as
a "bum pal" and "poor sport." Should
he manage to cajole her into leaving
the state, it is said, the prosecution
would fall flat, as the District Attor.
ney's office could not force her to re
turn. The same would apply to other
witnesses for the prosecution.
Attorney Pleads Poverty.
In his argument Attorney Johnson
said the District Attorney's office had
managed to induce Mrs. Rena B. Mor
row, the only person upon whom Von
Klein could rely for financial aid, to
withdraw her support of the prisoner.
Mr. Johnson insists that the defense
has no money with which to gather
evidence or obtain the attendance of
This was Johnson's strongest plea
In urging Judge Morrow to delay the
case, but the judge said affidavits pre
sented on behalf of the defendant were
not specific enough to give the court
any idea who are the witnesses desired
dv tne aeiense or to wnai tney are ex
pected to testify. Further, the judge
Bald, Von Klein had been out on ball
in Chicago for several weeks, giving
him an opportunity to get in communi
cation with possible witnesses for the
Attorneys Johnson and Fitzgerald
talked principally of character wit
nesses yesterday.
A Franch scientist has suggested n in
ternational monetary standard whieh hs
claims la adapted to all values now in use.
th" v.ilu of thfr tmMc unit bplny 5 cents.
for $20
to $25
for $30
to $40
white and white and striped serges,
$1.50 Men's Negligee Shirts 95i
Soft and Straw Hats, $2 and
$2.50 kind for $1.35
03 and $6 Trousers '.$3.85
$1.50 Silk Lisle Underwear 85
$3.50 Jersey Knit Coat Sweat
er $1.65
of clothing at saving
Third Street
Tie Xlon
To the man
who stays
in town
The dining-room of
The Portland Is re
freshingly cool and
pleasant these days
and the food is well
Try it today for your
luncheon any time
from 11:30 to 3.
In the evening sit
in the courtyard or
on the open veranda
and hear the concert
by the orchestra
you'll enjoy the good
And you'll see and
meet a lot of nice
people, too; always
there's pleasure and
good cheer at The
Portland Hotel
Owned and Operated by
The Portland Hotel Company
G. J. KAUFMANN. Manager.
K. K. Clarke, Assist. Manager.
MAIN 919
or A-5238
The Large Juicy
Kind For years the Hofbrau-Quelle has
enjoyed a position supreme in the
excellency and delicacy of its
crawfish they are better, bigger
and juicier than ever now order
them for the light lnnch or little
after-theater supper at home.
Sixth and Alder streets.
$6 to $65
Are now In stock. Headquarters for
everything for the All-By-Daylisjht
Way Developing, Printing, Enlarging
Columbian Optical Co.
Place your jewelry, silverware, valu
able papers, etc., in our
where they will be free from danger
Of loss through
and avoid the1 chief cause for worry
It is the best protection and costs
tne least.
BEPOgff &jTRUfo CO.
284 Oak Street, neary BldST.
W. Q.. BUFFINGTON. President.
C. P. SARGENT, Vice-President.
$50,000.00 invested will
give a guaranteed income
of $15,000.00 per year.
For particulars, respon
sible parties inquire by
appointment at Room 775
Multnomah Hotel, Port
land, Oregon, today.
Only one party in the state will
be given the opportunity of
securing this safe investment.
1-1) BUtb St. Better quality Hair Goods.)
112 Switches, 82-lnch, S separata t4.&l
I t Switches, 28-lnch. 3 separata
j 6 Switches, 2-4-inch. 8 separate 1.7M
t S All Rouad 2J-lnch transformation 9.4.M
Gents' Toupees to ordor, 15.0
Ladles Wigs to order... 10 to J20.K
Mali orders carefully attended to. W
mateh hair when others fall. j
The Hair Store. 120 tn St.. Bear Wah
Geary Street, above Union Square
European Plan $1.50 day up
American Plan $3.50 a day up
Now stool and brick structure Third d
d ition of hundred rooms bow building.
ttt modem convenience. Moderate
rates. Cantor of theatre and retail dia
trict. On csntnes transferrins' all over
citr. Electric essataas bmU traiaa aad itMam.
Palo Alto, California
iiinni.n.uiMiini.u A Sci,0i for Bya.
Prepares for college or technical school.
Next term opens Aug. 26. 1913. For cata.
logrua and specific Information address
W. A. 8UEDD, Head Master.
'S! 4t