THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1913, .13 PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATING. X. Stephatl. accordion, side pleating, buttons covered, goods sponged. yS3 Alder. M. 9373. ASSAYEK.S AM) ANALYS1STS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory and ore-testing work. Ifs6 Morrison st. ATTORNEYS. Sargent & Swope. 818 Cham, of Com. Ret erences: Mercnants Nul l Bank. Hartman c J nompson. Bankers. Dorr E. Keasey Co. BOAT Bl'lLUING. O. P. UKAHAM Boatbuilding and repair ing, jiaime ways, loot Abernethy SI- CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old . i an rugs, aj union avo. CELI.rLOlD BUTTONS. BADCE8. THE IRWIN-HOD80.V COMPANY. 92 3th st. Phones Main 312 and A 1254. CHI KOPODISTS. William, Estelle and Dewane Deveny, the only scientific- chiropodists In the -city. Parlors, 802 Oerllnger birtK., S. W. corner -u and Alder. phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Offices, 429 Fliedncr bldg. Main 3473. CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHOX, 121 4th t.; $10,000 equip ment; one-fourth usual charges for ex pert adjustment and baths. Dr. Lehman. 317 Aldington hid., has no $10, 000 equipment; $10 a week; expert work. COAL AM) IVOOl). XilJLEFhEN FUEL CO., East 303. C 3303, for ouu nui watarsoaKea. ALBIXA FUEL CO., green slabwood. for Summer orders, COLLECTION AOECY. NETH & CO.. Worcester bids. Main 1796. No collection, no charge. DANCING. PROF. WAL. WILLSOX'S Dancing School 'uiEuucr uancmg lessons. Hoc; waltz, '"two-step, etc.; guarantee to teach any body who walks how to dance; failure Impossible. 85 3th st. phone Main 7637. HhATH's Dancing School, 109 2d st., bet. Wash, and Stark sts. ; lessons daily; waltz and two-step guaranteed In four lessons; class Friday evening, s to 10 at 109 2d. DRKhb.HA K I NO AN I TA 1LOK1M) "SCHOOL VALENTINE'S ay s tern I ad iesT tailoring, dressmaking taught. 162 Grand ave. EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by specialist. Glasses fitted. Dr. F. F. Casseday. 418 Dekum bldg.. 3d-Wash. , ELECTRIC MOTORS. "MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. H. M. H. Electric Co., 31 First St. North. Phone Main 6210. WE buy, sell, rent and exchange new and second-hand motors; repair work a spe cialty. Western Electric Works. 213 6th. , . ' ADVERTISING AGENCY. KAYE Adv. Co., Inc., Commonwealth Mdg. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. Mitchell, Lewis A'Staver Co., Morrison & 2d. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.. Morrison & 2d. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322-20 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITCETURAL WIRE AND IRON WKS. Portland Wire ar iron Wks., 2d and Columbia. . AUTO AND BUGGY TOPS. TUBRtJILLK BUGGY TOP CO., 2tt 2d st. AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis s staver Co., E. Mor. 2d. Howard Automobile Co., 14th and Davis. N. W. AUTO CO., 617 Wash. Reo. Hudson. AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO., C10 Alder st. ,,.. AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. I' ALLOT & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak Btrcets. k.u:j:ii:d ru Lwi.-n ...... .. . .11.1 H I - ' . . I W ' 1. 1 - . Baggage & Omnibus Transfer, park & Davis. BAKER CONFECTIONERS' SUPPLIES. tRay. M'I.EAN & PERCY, 4th and Glisati. BARBER SUPPLIES. OREGON HARPER SUPPLY CO., 2 Cth St. I.ewls-Stenger Earner Supply Co., 10th A Mor BAR FIXTURES. jBrtinswIck-Balke-Collender Co., 48 Fifth st. BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES SUPPLIES. S.i.,,,-.'oli WftlGHT, 7-th .and Oak, streets. POPE F. P. Keenan 'Co.? 190 4ih street. .K,t"CI-F-s AND SUPPLIES ' DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 247 Ash street. B1LU.4RU AND POCKET TABLES, Pruiiswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46 Fifth BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARP. 13th and Burnslde. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. COFFMANS CANDY CO.. 43 Front street. CEMENT. LIME AM) PLASTER. ' V. T. Crowe & Co., 45 Fourth street. COFFEES, TEAS AND SPICES -LOPSETT & DETERS, 1-11 N Front at po-vn TKA CO, arm 'Snlmon strec? HOURS MAY BE CHANGED AVEJIFARK COMMISSION CONSID ERS MINORS' WORK. Employers Attend Meeting and Will Report Attitude on Proposed Alterations Soon. The Industrial Welfare Commission yesterday adopted resolutions propos ing three changes in the conditions of work for. minors, .as. .follows: ' First, that workers under 18 shall work but eight hours in any occupation; second, that such workers shall not be em ployed after 6:30 P..M.; third, that the minimum wage for minor workers ehall be $1 a day, except for those who are exempted by the commission dur ing apprenticeship. A public hearing for the discussion of these proposals of the commission will be held at the office of the com mission in the Commercial block, Sec ond and Washington streets, Tuesday, August 6, at 10 A. M. The commisslson proposes to have the lunch hour lengthened, for all women and minor workers who are not given a full hour lunch period. At present some employes of this class are given but 30 minutes or less for lunch. It is the opinion of the commission that they should have at least a one-hour rest period at noon. Yesterday's meeting was attended by a number of employers of -women and minors. The employers will report their attitude toward the proposed changes within a week. STRIKEllSGUSSEO EAST SIDE CLUB WIIU APPEAL TO MAYOR. Manager of Oregon Packing Com pany Says Plant Will Close if Relief Is Not Given. Believing that the industrial inter ests of the city are menaced by the demonstration being made at the Ore gon Packing Company's plant, the business men of the East Bide and else where held a meeting yesterday, -under the auspices of the East Side Business Men's Club, and decided to appeal lo Mayor Albee and the Chief of Police to have the streets cleared of agi tators. R. D. Fontana. reDresentina Lthe company, said that the packing luiuijmiy o ui u&King lor any as sistance against the strikers, but against the Irresponsible street agi tators who are Insulting the women employed at the cannery. "We have compiled with the require ments of the welfare1 committee," said Mr. Fontana, "ami there la no strike BUSINESS FCRNITUKE HOSPITAL. BOWERS St PARSONS, 100H Front. M. 7443. Furniture Hospital. Packing and shipping. HAT FACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY. 64-68 3d street. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. Best 12 hat on earth for men. LANDSCAPE GARDENING. BETTER landscape and general gardening. SWISS FIX5RAL CO.. East 5870. C 1514. PACIFIC Landscape Garden Company, 513 Rothchlld bids. Phone Marshall 2308. LEATHER AND FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER CO. Es tablished! S58. IS!) Front st. LAUNDRY. JAPANESE Eagle Laundry, cleaning and dyeing. East 3863, C 171)4. 120 Russell t. LIP READING. KINO SCHOOL for the deaf and hard-of-hearlng. 308 Central bldg. MATTRESS FACTORY. MATTRESSES made over and to order; re upholstenng of all kinds. Marshall 2667. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co. Day and night serv. Ice. Phone Main 03, A 2103. MLSICAL. PIANO STUDIO Modern methods. 46! 14th. Main 3S93. Arrangements ' for practice. EM 1L THEILHOKN, violin teacher, pupil Sevlck. 325 Fliedner bid. A 4160. Mar. 1028. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Grover, specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bl. M. -3142. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. IL B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekum bldg. Nervous and chronic diseases. Phone, office M. 348: res. East or B 1028. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney-at-law, late of the U. S. Patent Office. Booklet free. 10JO Board of Trade bldg. R- C. WRIGHT. 22 years' practice, U. S. and toreigti patents. 600 Dekum bldg. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and office near 24th and York sts. Main 3489. PLASTERING PLASTERING C. T. Simmons, 27 years experience; satisfaction guaranteed; re pair work given prompt attention. . tai E. 12th st. Sellwocd 401. . PLATING WORKS. NICKEL, gold and silver- plating. Portland Pltg. & Mfg. Co. Main H43, A 5282. REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES. Built to order, any stse, $7.50 up. P. C. Bed Co.. 64 Union ave. South. Phone East 243. HllIUK STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash. St. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. THE 1RWIN-HODSON COMPANY 92 th st. Phones Main 312, A 1254. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Mon roe & Crissel, 120 Front. M. 640. R. 5429. DRUGGISTS. CLARKE-WOODWARD DRUG CO.. Alder at West Park. DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool & pie Works, 306 Pine at. ' DRY GOODS. FLBISCHXER-MAYgR & CO.. 2Q-7 Ash -st. orr,T, ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STITBES ELECTRICAL CO.. 6th and Pine sts . .Tt"1isa' OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKEY & CO., Inc.. 149 Front street. FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. . . B.r.OB" Milling Co.. Front and Marshall BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & CO.. Board of Trade H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN & WHSB. CO. Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIEST ALLEN & LEWIS (Est. 1S51). 48 N. Front. WADHAMS & CO., 69-75 4th St. HATS AND CAPS. THANH AUSER HAT CO., 53-55 Front Bt. J. H. Klosterman & Co., leading hay dealers. if,iK?- lR, PELTS. WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 53-55 N. Front st. u-i JMtrFjxPEI-TS' WOOL AND rtTRS. " KAHN BROS., 191 Front st. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEFF BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. ' PACIFIC IRON WORKS, East 3d and Burnslde sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON CASTINGS. Complete Stock ot BEAMS, ANGLES. CHANNELS. PLATES. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 8d. J;,THKR ANI SHOE STORE SUPPLIES'. HERTSCHE BROS.. 304 Pine t. ',":, CHAS L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leath er of evry description, taps, mfr. flndlnga. difficulty, but a lot of agitators who never work, but who insult the women who work there constantly, are there to prevent the operation of the packing-house. Their object is to close up the cannery. After these agitators get through with us. they will attack some other concern. We have suffered these insults and annoyances as long as we can, and unless they are stopped and we are allowed to conduct our business we shall close down next Sat urday night. Many decent women and girls are working for us. Some of the girls are from the Washington High School and elsewhere, and they are being insulted constantly by these agitators. We have appealed to the authorities for relief." The agreement made between the Oregon Packing Company and the welfare committee was read. It was signed by Father ' O'Hara, Miss Bertha Moores and A. M. . Smith and the com pany. The sentiment of the gathering was unanimous. that the packing plant should not be. forced to close down because of the street agitator. ,was decided to confer with Mayor Albee and the Chief of Police- today to urge that prompt action be taken. Rep resentatives of many business concerns were present. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage Licenses My81?3 Daniel W. Stevens. M& Sft'n.tFS1 and Hattie Traak, lesal. it , CHrHATFIELD GeorSe O. Couch. -T-ie,?SVn,dBertha s- HStfield. legal MTHE? -w,OOD J Kutcher. Tilla- ? T-t-S)IVj.i?Ba1' and Clara M. Wood, legal, sas' crT-'-m",? w'llla A. Luby. Kan: legal legal, and Agnea M. Koehler. t,PKTERSEN-PERREGAARD Lars Chris tian Lutken Petersen, city. 28, and Ingeborg Perregaard, 25. WRAY-SOMERVILLE S. Frazackerly JVray. city, legal, and Lillian Somerville, le- x,-N'v.B,P,-AUI'D1-XG Joseph Noble. Im TTdi "I- Rnd Gladys Mauldlng, 18. ITH-RAY LeRoy Smith, Lewlston. Mont., 29, and Irene D. Ray, 24. Birth. frr"T the w,fe of Jeph H. Ren te?" West Jessup Btreet. June S; a daugh- rtFO?oENxrTo the w" of Georr Alex Fo WTi r i?SroVn!(tl June 18' a daughter. WILLIAMS To the wife of E. Milton Wil FS'Ut JcltJc treet, July 1, a-daughter. GERHART To the wife of John Allen ?8 aason Thirty-eighth street. June SORENSON To the wife of Bernt Emll dauVlfte"' 1174 Albln avenue, June 15. a .AU.K To the wlfe t Frank Laukat, i:st Going street. June 7. a daughter DODDRIDGE To the wife of Claude Doddridge, t44 Borthwlck street, June 39 a daughter. m?-L?.01Siro the wlf8 of Simon Dubois. lOio East Twenty-eighth street. June 7. a daughter. LA BAR RE -To the wife of Charles W. LaBarre. Id, 4 Portsmouth avenue. July 1 a on. HUNTLEY To the wife of Arthur W 1"i'fv,JiS Prlnce'on street, July 2. a son! FRAZIER To the wife of Clyde W. Fra zler, l.b-' Haven street. July 6, a son. REILLY To the wife of M. Rellly. 167 Graham ave.. June 3. a daughter -?IPPElTo tlle wifa of Henry C. Rippey, 609 East Couch street. June 29 a daughter TAYLOR To the wife of Harry P Taylor 383 East Forty-fifth street, July 4 a son SIRVIS To the wife of John Slrvls, Mon tavllla. May 14, a daughter. George Joseph Convicted. Oeorge Joseph, a North End habitue, was i-onvl.-tcd in Justice Bell's court DIRECTORY SEWING MACHINES. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. New, all makes, factory prices, second hand. $2" up; .machines rented and re paired. Main 9431. 190 3d, near Y'amhill. SHOWCASES, BANK & STORE FIXTURES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., branch Grand Rap Ids Showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch; new and old window display and cabinet work. WESTERN FIX. & SHOWCASE CO.. 10th and Davis. Showcases to order and in stock STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th and Kearney sts.. Just completed new fire-' proof warehouse for household effects, pi. anoj and automobiles; contains .separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rig vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans for mov ing, reduced freight rates on household goods to and from East In through cars. Main 5640. All departments. C. O. -PICK Transfer & Storage Co.. offices and commodious 4-story brick warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed . for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 596. A 296. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Gillian St.. cor. lath. Telephone Main 69 or A 1169. General transfer and forwarding agents. We own and operate two large class A" warehouses on terminal tracks. .Lowest insurance rates in the city. OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. general transferring and storage, - safes, pianos and furniture moved and packed for. shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. 87-89 Front st. Main 54T or A 2247 TYPEWRITERS. $15 TO $63 will buy a Gill rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes to choose from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit: catalogue mailed on request. THE J.. K. GILL COMPANY. Third and Alder Sta. Both Phones. Main S500. A 6008. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; Investigate all makes, all prices. The Typewriter Exchange, 851 "V Washington Bt, New:. . rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. D. C. Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. TYPEWRITERS FOR KENT. RENT A REMINGTON..., - $3 PER MONTH. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. WINDOW SCREENS. SCREEN doora and windows made to order, painted and hung, short notice; porch swings put up complete, $6: repair work, general Jobbing of all kinds.- Sunnyside shop. 1026 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 843. ' After 6 P. M. phone Tabor 2138.. LUBRICATING . OILS. Balfour, Guthrie & -Co., Board of Trade. LOCiGING MACHINERY'. F. B. MALLOHY & CO., 231 Pina St. Loggers & Contractors Mach. Co.. 71 Sth t. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR, Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. S3 Fifth st. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE & CO.. 5th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sts. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER SIMINGTON, Calhoun Co., 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE.. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 2d & Columbia. PAINTS. OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN it CO;, Jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sash and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. p. FULLER CO., 12th and Davis. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 186 First Bt. . PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES. . BASS-HUSTTEP. PAINT CO., 1S4-186 2d Bt. PIPE. PIPE, FITTINGS AND VA-LVES. M. L. KLINE, 84-86 Front St. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 84-S6 Front St. M. BARDE & SONS, 240 Front Bt. .,?R,0,U,ltK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. K EP.DINQ & FARRELL, 140 Front St. c-?9,,i,L'?.K.V,-.KG?8. CALVES.' HOGS. .E,,i-.AuijtT, 4o-4f -i-ront st. r - . i- m 11. It HUMS, Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot- Ankeny st. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. ! w- P. FULLER CO.. 12th and Davia. ' PORTLAND Iron Works, 14th and Northrup. 50-7o cheaper than elsewhere. 24 Union avo. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO.. 68 Front st. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co 172 ls't at MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 gd st. t.nrtl.,A'?l! rD 1ROf WORKS' Portland Wire ; Iron Wka.. 2d , rnlnmhi, yesterday of vagrancy and accepting money from immoral women. He was given a rockpile sentence of three months and a fine of $50. The prin cipal witnesses against Joseph were RfahaZ, ""i. Harry Aldridge and Richard Tennant and P. J. Maher. who have been working for Sheriff Word as white slave investigators. " DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. tnTAND' Ju'y Maximum tempera ture 74 degrees: minimum. 51 degrees. River reading. 8 A. M.. 18.4 feet; change in- last 24 hour. 0.4 foot faI1. Total ralnKfalIn 5la;1 M" none: totaI rainfall ulnhe September 1. 1912. 38.65 inches: norma' .,,'.,, ,nch": deficiency. 5.48 inches. Total sunshine. 10 hour. 11 minutes; possible 15 hours 42 minutes. Barometer -(reduced to sea level) at 5 P. M.. 30.08 inches. . THE WEATHER. v Wind S 1 J 2 3 -s a 5 3 s : : 3 b ; ? ; : 6TATIOK3 State of Weather Baker Boise ........ Boston ...... .V Calgary ..... Chicago ..... Colfax Denver Des Moines . . Duluth Eureka Galveston .... Helena ....... Jacksonville . . Kansas Cltv so 0 $20 72 0 74 0 00 00 00 00 12INW: Clear Clear Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy 6INW 6iW 12-W 760 .00 SB 4IW 8 SO 00 00 00 00 84 0. 80 0. 80 0. 62l0. 8410. 8410. 90i0. 88 1. 87 0. 65 0. 85 0. 7010. 0 W I 4'S 61W 12 N 6'SW 12IW Cloudy uiouay Cloudy 00 -iear Clear 00 00 Clear Clear Clear Clear . . J422'SVV SOilolSE 00 4iW 00 4.S 001 8 SW 00 6NW Klamath Falls .'. Laurier Los Angeles Marshfleld Medford Montreal ....... New Orleans New York North Head North Yakima . , Pendleton ...... Phoenix Pocatello ........ Portland- Roseburg ....... Sacramento St. Louis St. Paul ........ Salt Lake San Francisco . . , Spokane Tacoma ........ Tatoosh Island . . Walla Walla Washington ..... Wenatchee Winnipeg Yellowston Park Clear I 860. .001 8iN ,00 10'W .16 8:W .00 10 N . 0020lNW .00 SE .00 4W 0.001 8!W Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear 64 0. 94 0. 7010. 6010. 800. 88 0. 1104, 90:0 740 8010 880 8610 82 0 9O0 6S;0 780 6810 6410 8410 78i0 880 72)0 8W 6: -NE 10IS 10S SIN Clear Clear Clear 8 NW PC cloudv 00 18 W Clear Cloudy Oil 8!SW 001 6N 02 10iW 00 4SW 00 61NW 00 calm i 18ll8iSH i-t. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. clondv 800. 0020SW j Clear WEATHER CONDITIONS. Except along the Atlantic Coast and the extreme Northwest a marked deerease in pressure has occurred in the laet 12 hours in practically all sections of the United States. Depressions are central over Arl ona, the Central Plains States, Northern Saskatchewan and extreme Southeastern Canada respectively. The pressure , 1. hfh along the North Pacific Coast. Light rain have fallen in Washington. Alberta v. braska. North Dakota, Manitoba, Wiscon sin.. Pennsylvania and on the South Atlantic Coast, moderately heavy rains in the Et Gulf State, and heavy' rain. Ih M?s.ourl Thunderstorm, were reported from Modena Durango. Sheridan, Rapid City and Mem phis. The weather 1b cooler In Eastern Ore gon, Eastern Washington. Northern Idaho. Northern Montana. Alberta, Northeastern Wyoming. Tennessee, the Carolina., the east ern portion of the Middle Atlantic States and Southern New England. It is corre spondingly warmer In Eastern North Dakota lh Ohio alley. Lake Realon and Main.' AMUSEMENTS. MATINEE DAILY. Mala a. A it:. MISS ORFORI and Her WONDERFUL ELEPHANTS. Pat Rooney and Marlon Bent Lamberti, Master Musician Val Harris, Rita Boland. Lou Holts Ida 0'Iay. Songalogne Thos. P. Jackson A Co. and Carl and Lotty Any Matinee Beat. 15c. 1 1 rt a EXPOSITION FOUR WHITE'S ANIMAL CIRCUS "THE TRAINER" 3 Other Headline Act. 3 COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN Broadway and Alder Streets WEEK .Tuly 1 "A Bulgarian Romance." with Mrs. Bob Iltzslmmone (Julia May (ilfford), N. E. Dano, the Viennese Favorite and 15 Musical Comedy Stars; Jos. E. Ber nard St Co.. The Great Marx Duo, La Petite Alva, Sylvester A Vancat Billy Dodge, Paa tageacope. LYRIC SPECIAL FEATURE ARTHUR PELKEY. Heavyweight Champion and TOMMY BURNS Ex-Heavyweight Champion. The New Musical Comedy tlcit, "The Two ThJevee." COLUMBIA THEATER Sixth and Washington Sts. Open 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. "SHENANDOAH," spectacular 3-reel war drama, produced by Kalem Company, with many stirring features. Special music by Orchestra and Mrs. Bush, soprano. "The Wrong Handbag" and "The Walter's Strat egy," two Edison, comedies, complete bill. Admission, 10 cents. O A Portland's Great Amusement Parri Autos That Pass In the Air , 4 P. M. 9:30 P. M. Band and Vaudeville Launches, Morrison Bridge' Cars at First and Alder BASEBALL RECREATION PARK. Cor. Vaughn and Twenty-fourth Sts. .VERNON . PORTLAND ' . JULY 8. 9,-10, 11, IS, 13. Game Begin Weekdnyn at 3:15 P. M. Sundays 2iSO P. M. LADLES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys-Under 12 Free to Bleachers Wednesday. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES Dally or Sunday, Per Line. One time 12c Same add two consecutive time. 22c Same add three consecutive time. 80v Same ad six or .even consecutive time. 50c The above rate, apply to advertisement, under "New Today" and all other classifica tions except the following: Situation. Wanted, Male. . Situations Wanted, Female. For Rent. Rooms, Private Familie. Rooms and Board, Private Famine. ittite on the above classifications is 7 cent, a line each insertion. When one advertisement I. not run in con secutive issues the one-time rate apples. - Six averagre words count as one line on cash advertisements and no ad counted for less than two lines. On "charged" advertisements charge will be based on the nnmber of lines appearing In the paper regardless of the number of words in each line. Minimum charga, two lines. The Oregonian will accept classified ad visements over the telephone, providing the advertiser is a subscriber to either phone No prices will" be quoted over the phone, but bill will be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be aioceprted over the phone depends upon the promptness of payment of telephone ad vertisement. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not he accepted over the telephone. Orders for one Inser tion only will be accepted for "Furniture for Sale."- "Business Opportunities." "Rooming houses" and "Wanted to Rent." The Oregonian will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors occurring In telephoned advertisements. - The Oregonian will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of any advertisement ordered for more than one lime. In "New Today" all advertisements are charged by measure only, 14 lines to the inch. Remittance, mast accompany out-of-town orrrers. Temperature, are above normal in most sections of the United States west of the Mississippi River. Condition, are favorable for generally fair weather Tuesday in this district. FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Fair; northwesterly winds. Oregon and WashingtonGenerally fair; northwesterly winds. Idaho Generally fair. THEODORE F. DRAKE. Acting District Forecaster. MEETING NOTICES. GENERAL RELIEF COMMITTEE, I. O. O. F. A special meeting Is called today (Tuesday) at Oddfellows Temple. 228 Alder st., at 12:30 P. M. to conduct the funeral of Brother J. B. Matthews, of Lake City Lodge, No. 430, I. O. O. F-, of Warsaw. Ind Religious services will be held at Sellwood M. E. Church, the interment will be in Rlvervlew Cemetery. All Oddfellows are in vited to Join with us. J. C. JAMESON. Secretary. MYRTLE CHAPTER. NO. 15. O. E. 6. Officers and members are ro- o.uested to attend the funeral serv- ices 01 our laie sister. Miss Minnie Laura Spauldtng. at the famiiv res idence, 1128 Hawthorne avenue, this (Tues day), July 8, at 11 A. M. By order W. M. JENNIE H. GALLOWAY, Sec. - HAWTHORNE LODGE No 111 A. F. and A. M. Special 'com munication this (Tuesday) even ing. Masonic Temple, at 7:30. Work In the E. A. degree. Visit ing oreinren welcome. C. EMILLER, Secretary. ELLISON ENCAMPMENT. No. 1. I. O O F. Regular meeting this (Tuesday) evening at 8 o'clock at I. O. O. F. Temple, 1st and Alder ts. Golden Rule degree. Visitor, al ways welcome. R. OSVOLD. ' . Scribe. - CORINTHIAN CHAPTER, NO. 54, O. E. S. Stated communication thi. (Tuesday) evening. Masonic Temple, S o'clock sharp. Degree. By order W. M. HENRIETTA M'CABE. Sec. FIVE HUNDRED CARD PARTY br Geo. Wright Relief Corps. Wednesday evening. July . Fifth floor of Courthouse. Admis sion 15 cents. AUCTION SALES TODAY. At Baker's Auction House. 166-163 Park st. Furniture, carpets, rug., etc. Sale at to o'clock. DIED. WILLIAMS In 'this city, July T. Myrtle Williams, a?ed 24 years, 0 months, and 1G diys. The remains are at the new parlors of J. p. Flnley & Son, Montgomery and 5tii sts. Notice of funeral here after. . ROBINSON July 15. ' Thomas Robinson, aged 24 years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors, where they have been prepared for shipment to Denver. Colo. NECHYBA July 7. at Cleone. Or., Karl Xechyba, aged 35 years. Remains at Dunning & McEntee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. FUNERAL NOTICES. RANKIN In this city. July 7. at the family residence. 153 13th st. North. James N. Rankin, aged 75 years 2 months and 1 days, husband of Mrs. Mary J. Rankin and father of Ralph, James, Jesse. Ooldie, Miss Sadie Hanson and Mrs. Alta Irwin. The funeral services will be held at the chapel of F. s. Dunning, Inc., East Side Funeral Directors, 414 East Alder at.,, at 2 P. M. Wednesday, July 9. under the au spices of George Wright Post U. A. R. Friends Invited. Interment G. A. R. Cem etery. KANE- The funeral services of the late James Kane, who died in St. Johns July 5, will - be held tomorrow (Wednesday), July 9. at 2 P. M.. from the new chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co. Members of Court Mt. Hood, No. 1. Foresters of America, and United Artisans are-kindly Invited to attend. Interment Iliverview Cemetery. M'KAHAN In this city, July 7 Nellie G. McKahan, aged 74 years- The funeral services will be held today (Tuesday), at 2:30 o'clock P. M., at the new chapel of J. P. Flnley & Son, Montgomery and 5th sts. Friends invited. Interment at Jtount Scott Park Cemetery. Minneapolis, Minn., and Menominee, Wi... papers please copy. BRYANT In this city. July a. Leona L. Bryant, infant daughter of Elizabeth and the Ute Albert N. Bryant. Funeral serv ices will be held today (Tuesday). July 8, at 11 A. M.. from the new chapel of the Skewes Undertaking Co. Friends are kind ly invited to attenu. Interment Multnomah Cemetery. OSWALD July 6. Frank Oswald -aged 50 years, beloved husband of Mrs. "Catherine Oswald. Funeral will take place from Dunning & McEntee's chapel Wednesday, July 9, at 8:30 A. M. Services at Si. Law rence Church, corner Third and Sherman, 9 o'clock. Friends respectfully invited. In terment Mt Calvary Cemetery. ... LABBE At the family residence. 49.1 20th street, July 6, Angelina M. Labbe, widow of the late John Labbe. Friends Invited to attend the funeral services, which will bo held at the above residence at 10 A. M. today (Tuesday), July 8. Interment : Riverview Cemetery. . '.. GIBSON At his lata residence. 251 Broad way, July 4, John W. GiDson, aged 55 years. Friends invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 2 P. M. tomorrow (Wednesday), July 9. Interment Green wood Cemetery. 4 SMITH The funeral services of the late William H. Smith will be held Wednesday. July U, at 10:30 o'clock A. M., at the new chapel of J. P. Flnley A Son. Mont gomery and 5th sts. Friends invited. SPAULDING The funeral services ot Min nie Laura Spauldtng will be held today (Tussday), at 11 o clock A. M., at the family residence. 1128 Hawthorne 'ave. Friends Invited. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading fu neral director, 220 Third street, corner Sal mon. Lady assistant. A 1511. Main 507. J. P. FINLEY & SON, ' FUNERAL SERVICE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. S. DUNNING. INC. East " Side Funeral Directors. 414 East Alder St. East 52, 11 S525. DUNNING & M'ENTEE, funeral directors, 7th and Pine. Phone Main 430. - Lady at tendant. Of lice of County Coroner. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 530 tilen wood ave.; take Sellwood car. Open to vis itors daily from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. LERCH. undertaker, cor. East Alder and Sixth. East 781, U 1888. Lady attendant. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. .Main 4152. A 2321. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELLER CO.. East 108. 0 1088. Lady Attendant. Night Service. MEMORIALS Portland Marble Works, 84 4th. opposite City Hall. Main 3564. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 820 UNION AVENUE. COB . NEB MARKET STREET. Phone East 1428. B SS1&. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled animals at - a moment's notice. . Pricaa reasonable. Report all cases of cruelty to this 'Office. Open day and night. NEW TODAY. WEST SIDE 100x106 FT. CORNER FOR EXCHANGE! AVe have a client with a West Side 100 . xl06-foot corner. In side 50 feet improved with a new, modern apartment-house, un der secured lease for $200 per month. Cor- ; ner vacant. Ideal location for stores. Owner desires to ex-, change his equity for good vacant property. What have you Henry Building Loan Wanted of $80003 years at 6. On improved West Side property Worth $30,000. AK 203, Oregonian Irvington Sacrifice On account of sickness owner must sell this modern house at once, lo cated on . - Broadway near Nineteenth. Price $5750. Including Improvements. Might take good lot as part payment. ' CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. 502 Dekum Bldg. CITY & FARM LOANS $1000 and up at lowest rates. ' C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Blclic. A 1416. Marshall 93. CITY AND FARM LOANS Auy Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CR0NAN 803 Spalding -Bldg:. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at Current Rates. WESTERJT BOND MORTGAGE CO. I C'orainerc-lal Club llltlii., Portland. Or. NEW TODAY. Furnished Tents Sunwt Reach. ,' between Atoria nd Kealde, hat no dunce hall it bch resort where vour chil dren will be afforded everr whole . some amuMrment abolutely free. . Sunset Beach has a most beautiful trail d along the ocean, unmarred y projecting: rocks and treacherous t : Inlots. Back from the beach, -on the gentle slope down to the fresh water lake, is as pretty a piece of turf as you evrr laid eyes upon. Here is a baseball diamond for the : men and boys, a " tennis court for ' the young- ladies and their escorts and a croquet grounds for the ohil- , dren. One of the features of this resort Is thw abundance of clams and crabs on the beach in front of Sunset. , The lake, over a mile in length, - Is alive with tih. . A bathhouse and ' bathing pool in the lake make- swim ming absolutely saf for children. -An attendant is always at hand. Boats on the. lake are free In fact, everything, even the wood for fuel In the Tent Colony at Sunset Beach, . Is free, delivered to your tent. j Kach tent Is ll'xlfi feet and in ' spread on a board platform ' with wood sides. The Tent Colnnv at Sunset is supplied with running wa- -ter for domestic uses. Everj-thing is furnished exoept bed and -table linen, towels and pillows. The Tent Colony is located in the -most beautiful part of the resort, close' to the lake and only a few minutes' walk to the surf. There 1b no dance hall with its rowdy carousals and all-dav Sun day desecration at Sunset Beach. You can take your children to Sun set with absolute safety. It has - n-t one unwholesome feature. Round trl fare to Sunset,- good -for the season, only R4. Two fast 1 trains .each way daily. - It is less ; than a 4-hour , triy., . The tent capacity is limited, no mnke your .-reservations now. Onl $:i a week: Store on: the grounds ..where provisions are sold at Port , land prices. For full particulars see Dorr E. Keasey SCo. 2d Floor Chamber Commeree Mlrtjr. PORTLAND INCOME PROPERTY FOR EXCHANGE! AVe have a modern, 3-story, brick apartment-house, well lo cated, 50xl00-ft. cor ner lot, fully im proved. A good rev enue producer. Owner desires to exchange his equity for apartment-house site or other well located Portland realty. What have you? PROPERTIES WITH IWI.ATED VL IKS Wit,!, XOT BK C'O.NSIDKREIJ. 1 HENRY IM'ILDIXK. STORE On Morrison Street between First and Second sts., soon to be vacant. Either large room or will divide. G. H. DAMMEIER 403 McKay Building. Mortgage Loans It you have A-l Real Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & K AS Eli 723 - 24 Yeon B.-dg. Edward E. Goudey tnls Building;. MORTGAGE LOANS ft per cent on out business properties, a pr cent and T per cans on other close-la ban eu and reaudencfc MouriUM, Mortgage Loans Improved Property Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. IrT Third St.. Cham, of Com. Bide CEMETERY BEAUTIFUL MOUNT SCOTT PA11K. Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones ARTISTIC HOMES. COMPLETE PLANS J5. A. H. PABER. ARCHITECT, 360 A INS WORTH AVE. C 2TK1. REAL ESTATE DEALERS. Beck. William G.. 815-316 Failing bldg. BRU BAKER, C. L.. 317 Railway Ex. bldg. Chapin & Herlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce. Jenninss & Co , Main 1B6. 206 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO.. H. P.. 404-40a-40 Wilcox bldg. THE Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. at Mutnomah st. (Holladay Additions REAL ESTATE For Hale Lots. 10 LOTS for sale, cheap; lots 1 to 8 and 83 and 36 in block 53. West Portland Park Add. All in one bunch; taxes and everything clear up to date; will take some property in or close to Spokane in ; trade; any reasonable offer will be ac cepted. J. E. Scoblp. Rossland, H. C. I HAVE a West Side view lot, overlooking the city, walking distance or car service, that will sell at the very low price of $1250, on terms. Mr. Prentiss, Marshall 4753. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. ' Homes, lots, tracts and acreage. Ail views, locations and prices. Marshall 48:17. BROOKE. A 3S39. FOR SALE Six Improved , lots In Dallas, Or., good business corner. . Address AV As. Oregonian. FOR SALE At great bargain, two lots, 30 x 100 feet each, on Portland Heights, fine residence district. R I7. Oregonian. RARE bargain; store building 26x40. lot 40x lt)0; Alberta: $1100; Quick sale; terms; Woodlawn 2077. TWO beautiful cultivated large lots, small house, grand view. 2 blocks cars. West Side, $300 cash, balance terms, about half value. F. McFarland Realty Co.. 3011 Yeon. FINE $600 lot. restricted district. :io0; cash only, no trade. D 106, Oregonian. IRVINGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN & CO. MAIN sola R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON LOTS. LOTS near car. $373; r, monthly. Owner. 720 Chamber of Cumnierce. Main 1J6&. $3 a. Week JR EA L KSTATE For Saie--Lots. CHOICE BUILDINO LOTS OX WEST SIDB. Glcnolyn Addition, restricted district. In. side 3-mlle circle, commsnds an unob structed, view of Tualatin Valley and ML Hood; walks, surface graded streets snd Bull Run water in and included in.prlce; Kourtn street line runs In Iront or prop erty, the electrification of which Is now In . progress ; prices range from f350 up; s- lect your lot and we will build to suit you lor 'small casn. payment down. - PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNEUS. Second Floor belling- ldg. $Sr DOWN. J 10 MONTH. JUOO LOT AND TEXT. One block to Rose city Hark car. near 7oth. 1'T minutes- ride, water, gas, elec tricity, bed, springs, mattresses inoiudod; will show you the lot; also jive bunga low . lor JiOO down. Call ISO Spalding bids. Mr. L.ogan. IRVINGTON LOT BARGAIN. Beautiful lot in choice part of Irving ton at a bargain price; owner leaving town and needs money; part cash, balance easy. R. K. BRYAN. Main 1963. 3HH Cham, of Com. A 127. JJ.Jo l3uxltH. lSith St., Nob Hill, exoiu--sive neighborhood, very choice. . piiua owner, tast li'Ji). PIEDMONT snap, one, two or thr-e fine lots, your own price; terms. AX 1SU, Oregonian. ot oal -Beach I'roperly. H2.-.U. NORTH BEACH House. T rooms, fireplace, completely furnished, beautitul location. luuxiiOU teet, - on ocean front. Terms to suit. Apply owner, mo Ch. ot Com. Tel. - Marshall lCSo. Also 2 vacmt lots and some splendid acraaga for sale very cheap. LITTLE. GEM.. . f!500 bcac.'i home for $S0O this wek only, near ocean and station; 0 rooms, modern, furnished, fireplace, at Ocer.n Lake Park. Garibaldi Beach. Easiest terms, or will rent for season. Dr. Swain 51G Dekum blcig. l-"or Sale 1 louses THIsS exceptional opportunity to purchase a beautiful 5-ioom modern home with t allfornia porgola, porch, full cement base ment, wash trays, finished floors, fireplace, paneled d mint, room and plate rail, built in Dutch kitchen, two nice laiBe bedrooms, bathroom, large , closets, every Inch of Bpace is used in this home; the ltv-lus-room is cheerful and well arranged; lot is iiuxlQO; Improvements all In and . paid for; Just think of all this for only -'o per month Including interest. Call b J300O SACRIFICE $3000. FROM OWNER. , My new 0-room bungalow, with the lat est built-in conveniences. This house was built K months, ago and is as good us new-. If you have JlilHi to pay down g;et this. V.111 leave new .linoleum on kitchen and bathroom, floors, electric fixtures, shades, etc. If you mean business call ll E. Harrison, three blocks south of Hawthorne, between ilUth and -10th. Take Hawthorne car. OWNER'S SACRIFICE. Stylish Sunnyside Bungalow Reception hall, living-room, dlning-roem. 2 bortrooms, bath, Dutch kitchen, built-in fireplace with fancy mantel, bookcases, china closet, full cement basement with laundry trays, full attic, solid brass com bination fixtures; line location, close to Sunnyside cars; $2oO cash, balance small monthly payments to good, responsiule party. For particulars sea owner, 9:6 East Taylor. Phone Bia . H AWTHORNE BUNGALOW J00. b ine 5-room bungalow, gas. eleolricitv, fireplace, beam coiling, panel dimnic-ioom. -buffet, bookcases. strictly modern, -on Arnold st.. near 13. 3th; price a snap, only $30oii; $joo cash and $J0 per month. Let us show you tills snap today GRLTSSI & BOLUS. 818 Board of Trade Bldg.. ath and Oak. THAT VACANT LOT. WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO i Ji?.?1 P ? WK WILL FURNISH THE MO.nE. BUILD APARTMENTS, RESI DE NOT OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE ARB RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK. TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OLE WORK. WILL GIVE BONDS L. R. BAILEY" fie CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, :;2l AB1NGTON BLDG. BEAUTIFUL VIEW PROPERTY. On West Side, overlooking the entire city and mountains; 7 rooms, all modern Will sell for $500 cash and easy monthly jjaymonts. PROVIDENT -TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS. 2d Floor. Selling bldg. ONLY ?(55(5 -H-ROOM SHACK HOUSE 80x100, cultivated lots, water, graded street included, fruit trees, garden etc. -r high and sightly at city limits- close- to good East iiide car service; J0u cash, balance S10 month. Ask for Mr. Logun Mi Spalding bldg. wsjuu.. HELP! ! HELP! ! . 1 Will Help You! ! ! Get a Home (cheap) Stop paying rent stop. ' Ten $ Down, Ten $ Month. Going Fast; Come Quick. See Mr. Howell. Room 1O02 Wilcox Bldg ' Phone Marshall US 4. A NEW HOME FOR YOU. I have four tine lots at Cumberland Park on Mississippi carllne. ' Will build to suit you. On easy .terms. B- 1SS. Ore gonian. YOU can pay for a home built as you want it with the same money you are now pa)-, ing for rent; your payment covers both interest and principal. Good location. ' Phone Mr. Pfister. A T374. NEW. modern California bungalow. West Side; Bull Run water; 20 minutes. 5c fare, for quick sale, 1275; $250 cash, balance .terms. Call Hawley Lumber- So., Mult r.omah, or phone Main 45-19. $3000. ' ; ? 5-room modern bungalow, lot 50x"00 Irvington Heights, near.. Alberta, loo feet from Irvington carllne, some terms. Owner -Woodlawn 151ti. Call evenings. FOR SALE o-roum bungalow, modern OUx 100 feet, pretty lawn, flowers and berr-es first-class location, walking distance at tractive terms; bargain. Phone. Tabor liiOJ. No agents. Price 3:)70O. PARTY" with some capital, willing to build home for thoroughly reliable parties- un usually liberal terms; best localities give phone or address. AR lao. Orego nian. I HAVE a nice 5-room home, half block from carllne, strictly modern and com plete, that I would like to sell on small first payment, balance 22 per month. Mr Malboeuf. Main 77oO. SUPERIOR bungalow, built and occupied by owner,; hot water heated, corner 11 Ix' feti; fruit, garden, fir grove; trade cbnsid- 553 Sumner st. Home Phono C 167S. FOR SALE on Installments, $10 down $10 per month, 5 per cent Interest, S-'room house at Lent 3 blocks from car. In quire SyS'.J. N. 17th st. MY strictly modern b-room Hi -story home It It suits you can agree on terms. Leav ing city, una 31st st- North. Phone Woodlawn 44S. s , r"uu" MUST sell new modern 6-room home 1141 E. 30th N. ; a $3000 sacrifice for '$2300 easy terms; quick sale; owner leavinir town. Call Medfurd Hotel. " NOTHING down. $40 month, new 7-doom modirn 1 hi -story bungalow In Mt. Tabor section, 130 feet from car, 2 fine view lota 100x100. Wwner, AP 199. Oregonian. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 11-room home In Irvington; every modern convenience. East 4416. No agents. SPLENDID HOME! ' Irvington. 9 rooms. 2 baths, oak and mahogany. 730 Halsey st. Very fine, at tractive. East 273. W. H. Herdman. A MODERN 6-room house, lot 60x100 ft., garden and fruit trees, close to school. In Forest Grove, Or. For Information au dress N. W. King, Forest- Grove. $50 CASS, balance easy; nice bungalow- lot 50x100; 20 minutes out; we sell snaps oniy. H1GLEY & BISHOP. 201 Hamilton bldg. FOR ijALL S-room bungalow. Rose City park; modern; for short time $3930- a snap; no agents. AF 191, Oregonian. " PHONE owner East 2750, modern 5-roora bungalow. East 53d and Thompson sts Rose City car. $3500. Easy terms. ' IRVINGTON sacrilice; modern, 7 rooms and sleeping-porch; new furniture; must sell SJOOO below cot; terms. Phone East 2tls" FOR SALE by owner, easy terms, modern bungalow. East 20th near Emerson; no in cumurance. Phone C 22rtO, East 6095 BARGAIN New 8-room modern house would trade for Detroit, Mich., pronertv' 211 E. 7Sth St., N. V opertj. T ROOMS, modern throughout; 657 E 65th st near Sandy road; if you are looking for a beautiful home, see this. Tabor 3597. A BARGAIN, by owner, modem 6-room house, close In, good residence locatloa East 3126. FOR SALE by owner. 5-rooni modern house small payment down. Call or address S55 East 2lth st. South. BY OWNER, new, modern 5-room bungalow 2 unfinished rooms upstairs; easy terms,' Phone Sellwood 911. A MODERN, new, 6-room house; snap"- ' Pldmout district; Grels; $2300 easv terms. Call C 1S01. f ' ea,y R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON HOMES. IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR 6PECI aLTt" NEUHAUSEN & CO. Main SOTS. NEW six-room house . 50x130. at barstln Woodlawn 11.18. Bargain. 0-ROOM house: will take lot as part par nient; walking distance. 838 Eocene st.