THE MORNING OREGONIAN, 3IONDAY, JULY 7, 1913. 13 FOR RENT. Furnished Rooms in rrlvate Family. $21' ELtiiANT iTroom rurnished apt., clean, cosy and quiet ; gas ranRe. private bath, phone, nice, large lawn and porch, fruit and shade tree, desirable neighbor hood. Call 12 E 19th. Phone Kast fir4t. NEWLY furnished room In private family. East Side, with or without board; 15 min utes' walk from ltd and Washington sts. by Steel or Broadway bridgea. Call Home phone C 1-70. VERY desirable room, single or double. ! very close in, n minutes business district, very choice location, modern, i easoiiable prices. 309 11th sl. NICELY furnished rooms from $1.50 weekly; easy walking distance phone. 653 Wash ington. WELL-fTRMHH ED airy room, bent bed ever, good accommodations, reasonable, central. 6S6 Everett. LARGE, nicely furnished front room suit able for one or two young men. 452 E. 'ouch, near Sth. F URN ISHED room s, $1.75 per up ; also housekeeping rooms. week and lbtf West FOR RENT To refined man. neatly fur nished room with private family : home privileges. 59 K. 3mh st. $2 WEEK; clean. 12th st. neat, small room. ROOMS. 209 14th st.. modern conveniences, walking d 1st a nrp. Phone Main 3b93. FURNISHED rooms, porches, walking dis tanee; board optional. 50 4 Flanders. 114 ROOMS, doing good business; will sell cheap if taken at once. 211 12th. Unfurnished Room. 4 ROOMS. $10 ; large room, 1&3 Market, near Front. $i; flat, $12. Room With Board. NORTON IA HOTEL. 11th, just oft Washington st. American and European. Beautiful d 1 nin k -room, tearoom and roof garden. Very attractive rates to families and bachelors. MODERN ELEGANT EXCLUSIVE. American and European plan ; near City Park ; convenient to carline. THE HILL. Washington, at 23d st. Residential and Tourists' Hotel. Attractive rates to permanent and transients. Main 76 S 4. FOR Y. M. C. A. MEMBERS Furnished rooms, reasonable in price; flreploof build ing, vacuum cleaned, shower baths, swim ming pool, club facilit ie ; special rates at cafeteria, and 1H other teatures. Full particulars at business of: Ice, cor. Gth and Taylor sts. T E WJAHD HOTEL. MORRISON AND PARK STS. European and American. $2 per day with mals. Rates by the month and week with or without meals very reasonable. New, modern and lireploof. THE VIRGINIA HILL 14th and Jefferson Sts. An exclusive residential hotel, attractive rates to transients or permanent guests. Main 92S3. A 002b. ELTON COURT. Select Family Hotel. Modern rooms with excellent table board, very reasonable rates. 11th and Yamhill sts. PARKVIEW HOTEL. 386 Montgomery st., at West Park, mod ern conveniences ; rooms with or without bath; excellent table service; reasonable rates for regular and transient guests. THE WHITEHALL, 6TH ST. 'A residential hotel, large sun porch; rooms with or without but lis; home cook in (jtableboardap peciul t y. CHOICE single and double rooms, first-class table. 33 N. 17th, one block from Wash ington. LARGE, newly furnished room with board, suitable for 2 or more ; separate beds ; piano, home comforts. 111 11th. Main 6381. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. V4th year; rooms with board, use of sewing-room, li brary. 510 Flanders. Mrs. E. N. Wilson, sup. ROOM and board for young women, walking distance, library, laundry and sewing priv ilege. 3 per week. Phone E. 4732. THE MANITOU, 261 13th st. Excellent table, large, airy rooms. Bummer rates. "J" car at Depot. THE HAZEL Large outside rooms, steam heat. running water; with or without meats; moderate price. 3S5 3d st. THE CALVARD. 452 Morrison, corner 13th t. ; rooms, board optional ; Summer rates. CASA ROSA. 300 Jefferson, room and board for four young men, $25 a month. Room With Board In Private Family. LEWIS LODGE, 723 Prospect Drive. .pion Marn 1007. All the comforts pertaining to a good home for business people who like rest, good meals, fresh air and sleep in g-por.-hes. LARGE, newly furnished room with board, suitable for 2 or more; separate beds, ubo of piano and home comforts; also young man wants room mate. 101 11th st. Phone Main 631. PLEASANT, cosy room, good board for ladies employed. $25 per month ; una of laundry, every convenience. : 602 Vi Ever ett st. LA ROE room with alcove : also small one ; walking distance. 515 Morrison. Phone Marshall 4023. ROOM and board for two nice light rooms, use of piano, easy walking distance. West Side. Phone Marshall 674. IF YOU are looking for rooms, with or without board, price reasonable, close in. Ca 1 1 262 12th st. NICK, comfortable rooms, breakfast, board, hot and cold water, bi.ith. phone. 12o N. 1 Sf h "t., cor. Gl lean. Main 3017. ROOM and board for 3 refined gentlemen. private Southern family. Marshall 5532. 3-MINUTE car service, near garage ; rates reasonable. 753 Belmont st. 241 N. 2 2D ST., well-furnished room, porch and grounds; excellent meals. Main 2071. WILL gentleman who called Marshall 4122 for room and board, cail again ? ROOM and board ; home comforts ; walking distance. 332 10th. Main 6U79, A 2S65. TABLE boarders wanted. 33 2 10th st. cor Market. FIRST-CLASS table board with or without rooms; reasonable. Mar. ;;S47. 09 5 DhvIs GOOD rooms and board; modem, close in. 473 Salmon st. 'Marshall 4273. FRONT room with borti." suitable for two at $5. HO0 14lh. Main 6861. $JO B At H. front parlor for two. modern conveniences. ti litn, near Everett. ,ftOOM and board. 712 Fland'-rs. Main 154 7. Apartment. THE CROMWELL. Fifth and Columbia. 2 and 3-room apartments, furnish; strictly modern and new; references: close waiKing uieiancc; service Xirst-Class. CUMBERLAND. W. Park -i 1",. u, n . '" aim com mo ia its.; very choice 2 and 3-room completely urnished apts.: all modern conveniences. ii. ; f b iTBuinui location, racing tne park: only 5 i kt-0 nam i win uusnif as center ; oest of service; prices reasonable; references. urtA.xyr. t a. .at Marn and Urand ave. New building; nicely furnished 3-room apartments; private bath and private rihrmi" 'r. .-v A- ...... 1 1. 1 .. j . . Phone East 208. the winston! ' 341 14th St.. at Market. New two and tnree-ruom apartments, completely furnished; walking distance; prices reasonable. Phone Main 173W. THE PARKHURST, North 2Uth and Northrup Sts. Homelike furnished 3 and 4-room apart ments; outside rooms; balcony to every suite; all conveniences; ref. Phone M 117S LUZERNE APTS. Cor. 3d and Hail Cozy 2-room furnished apts.; buiiuing new and strictly modern all outside rooms; & minutes to P. O. ; rates very .Mars nail 4 037. SEE the Overton Apartments, furnished and unfurnished, cheapest and best in the city; private phone, bath and electric elevator; no inMnc luiNMB, iiww iiirtiiuscr. lane w rkr. 274 21st .i nd Overton. LINt.OLN APTS., 4TH AND LINCOLN. All outside 2-room furnished apts.. low rates include free light. hat, private phone; a complete noiue. .jcau ana quiet. Janitor service. Mam jju. WELLINGTON APARTMENTS. 15th and Everett 2. 3 and 4 roouia, unfurnished private baths; $20 and up; completely ren ovated; under new management; walking distance; convenient ana oest service. KEELER APARTMENTS, 14TH AND CLAY STREETS. First-class 3-room apartments. unfur nished, private vestibules, bathrooms and phones; references required. ORDERLEIGH S2 Urand avenue. 3-room apartments, completely f urn ished, private baths; new manaKement; modern and con venient: walking distance; best of service rats $15 to $30. THE EVERETT. 644 Everett. Bet. 20th and Ella Sts. Furnished three-room apartments; al! outside rooms; sleeping porch and all mna-'rn con veniwnces ; waiKing distance. THE D E . KXDORF. 20S 16th. near Taylor. Main 4715. One elegant I y furnished 5-room apt. One 5-rorjm unfurnished apt. 1-ROOM ppts., furnished, modern; refer enres. ChomwcU Annex, Cl Columbia. IF vru flat ! wart a furnished or ok at 5;: 5th st. Main unf urnis-'id FOB RENT. Apartments. OUR FREE AUTOMOBILE AT YOUR SERVICE WHEN HUNTING APARTMENTS. Furnished and unfurnished apartments from 2 to 5 rooms, from $13 to 57.50 per month. If you want use .telephone Main 2015. Sundays or A 2015 Evenings call Mr. Balden. Marshall 2290. Our automobiles will call at any address with our agent, who will be glad to show these apartments. References required. We own or control the follow Ins : Cecelia. 22d and Glisan sts. - Claypool, 11th and Clay sts. Fordham, 170 Ford. Hanthorn, 251 12th St., near Main. Hanover, 165 King st., near Washington. Knickerbocker. 410 Harrison, near 11th. Orderleigh, 82 Grand ave. St. Croix, 17o St. Clair st., near Wash. St. Francis. 21st and Hovt sts. Wellington, 15th and Everett sts. MORGAN, FUEDXER & HOY C E. 5O3-506 Abington Bldg. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 2 2d and Glisan Sts. . Walking Distance. very exclusive, elegantly furnished. 4 room apartments; all large, bright outside References Required. Marshall 5162. CARMELITA. Jefferson and 13th sts. 4 and 5 -room unfurnished apartments ; exceptionally well arranged; walking dis tance. Rates Reasonable. References. Modern- TRINITY PLACE APARTMENTS The House of Tone. Largest and finest apart ments on the Pacific Coast. In heart of apartment-house district. New and mod ern in every particular. Apartments f ur n I shed and unfurnished; exclusive bachelor quarters with clu brooms in south wing ; sleeping-porches In every apartment; high class service, njfined clientele; no disao pearing f urn It .ire ; terms reasonable; in spection invited; references required. Phone Marshall 1101. THE WHEELDON ANNEX. Corner Tenth and Salmon Streets. Walking- Distance. Furnished complete, 2. 3 and 4-room apartments; building new and strictly modern; service first-class. HAM.MERSLEY COURT 250 12th, near Main. Newly remodeled, up-to-date, all private baths, electric elevator, all outside rooms, disappearing beds, nicely furnished. . blJck to 3 cariines, 5 minutes walk to postof f ice. bachelor apartments, cared for. cool in Summer, warm in Winter, prices for 2 and 3-room apartments, $23.50 to S.35 per month. You cannot beat this In Port land. Just a few left. Come and Bee them. Phone Marshall 2052. A 292a. THE BARKER, cor. 21st and Irving- sts. This new four-story brick now open ; fur nished and unfurnished in 2. 3 and 4-room suites; reception hall; electric automatic elevator. Holmes disappearing beds, built in buffet and writing desk, gas range. Ice box, plenty of closet rooms; both phones, vacuum cleaner free to patrons. If you want something nice, come to the Barker. Phone A 1744. Marshall 2061. VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Most modern apartments on the Pacific Coast. Furnished complete. Roof garden In connection. Walking distance. References. GLEN COURT formerly The Wheeldon. Corner Park and Taylor. Modern apartments in 2, 3 and 4-room suites; furnished complete; first-class service. In the down town district, but quiet. LUCRETIA COURT. Lucretia st., near Washington and 23d. Most modern unfurnished apartment house in the city; 2 to 5-room apartments. Investigate before deciding elsewhere. Rnffrencea. Manager, Marshall 151S; Jan itor. Marshall 1500. DESIRABLE 3-room apartment or 4 rooms furnished or unfurnished, arranged for 2 bedrooms; very reasonable rent; desirable location, good service, outside rooms, pri vate bath, direct phone. SHEFFIELD APARTMENTS, 2-72 Broadway, cor. Jeffn THE AVALON The nearest to Union Depot ui an cast iae apartments. 3 blocks of Broadway; beautiful furnished 3 and 4 room apts.; all linen, silverware, private phone, bath and sleeping-porches ; Sum mer rates. Phone East 1967. 2S6 Ross. THE WASHINGTON, 689 Northrup 5-room unfurnished apartment with bath and all modern conveniences. telephone, steam heat, gas, electric light, etc. Take W car to 21st and Northrup. Phones Main 4376. A 113 3. LUZERNE APTS. Cor. 3d and Hall Cozy 2-room furnished apts.; building new and strictly modern; all outsido rooms: 8 minutes to P. O. ; rates very reasonable. Marshall 4037. NOKOMIS, 17th and Marshall Walking distance ; new. clean, elegantly furnished, well ventilated outside rooms; private phone, bath and dressing room, $iti and up. Marshall 4 964. PORTNOM AH APTS. 5 days free rent, 4 rooms, sleeping porcn, rec. nail, 2 cios., hardwood floors, bath, phone, etc.; unfur nished. walking distance. East 13th and i a lor. GRACE APTS., 24th and Northrup, 6 large water heat, front veranda and sleeping porh. vacuum cleaner! also 4 rooms fur nihsd. new and strictly modern. MOST complete furnished 2 and 4-room apartments at extra reasonable Summer rates; hardwood floors. The Cheltenham, 255 North HUh st. TAYLOR APTS., 20; 1st st., for rent; modern, newly furnished, 2-room house keeping apts.. centrally located; rents reasonable. Manager's phone M. 55S3. THE WAYNWOOD. 109 NORTH 18TH. 1, 2 and 3-room furnished apartment ior rent, otso z ana 3 unrurnisned apart ments with private bath. Main 8193. SUMMER RATES. 3-room nicely furnished apartment; all iarire, cool, outside rooms: $22.50 : bath phone and on carilne. B 30 41, Tabor 9 3. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS. Third and Montgomery ; new, modern, out side furnished 2-room apartments; eleva tor; close in ; $20 to $30. Main 460. MADISON PARK APARTMENTS, Park St., at Madison. Modern 3 and 4-room furnished apart ments by the week or month. THE SAN MARCO. Nicely furn. and unfurn. 3-room mod. apts.; private bath" and phones; walking distance, -tia up. rnone n;ast 2To. 3-ROOM modern apartment, heat, light, phona and water turnished, S2u.3o. 200 li 2:ui. l block north of Hawthorne. Pbone iirrtS. ioa. NICELY furnished apartment and sleeping, rooms; free bath, nhone. furnace heat. The Elgin Apartments. 2-uS 17th St.. near "J ayior. THE M'KINLEY A P A RTMFA'TS East 7th and Morrison sts, Very central; 2 and 3-room apartments, furnished com- pteteiy; private oaths; from $20 to $21.50. LEEDS APTS., 2. 3 and 4-room furnished apartments, modern and all conveniences, absolutely fireproof, $15 to $30; also single i uoiiie. .iu ai arnet st. KINGSBURY Ford, near Washington st. nmn-cmsB apartments; one uniur nished of 3 rooms, with private bal cony; reasonable rent. ARDMAY TERRACE Exceptionally large living-room (16x20); every convenience, 12th and Harrison sts. PAG H APARTMENTS. Beautiful apartments, furnished and un. furnished. Including fireplace, etc. K. 3566 FLORENCE. 3S8 11TIT. and 4 rooms, completely furnished; up date; roof garden: from $27.50 up. DOVER APARTMENTS, 4 rooms, unfur nished, $17. Inquire 387 North 24th. Mar shall 4336. THE ORMONDE Four, five and six-room apartments; modern ; Summer rates. 63b Flanders st.. Nob Hill. Main 251. THE MARLBOROUGH, Nob Hill district 6 room apartment; every convenience. Main .7514. THE Drickston. 44g nth Nicely furnished 2 and 3-room modern outside apts. near Heights. Mrs. F. W. McCune. Marshall 57. DIEL APARTMENTS, furnished. 3 rooms, new. 790 E. Ankeny. phone East 1S06. THE King-Davis. 54 King st.. N., nr. Wash. High-class; references. Both phones. BRYN MAWR APTS.. 185l 15th, near Yamhill; 4-room apts.. newly furnished. THE DAYTON 6 largo rooms, apt., porches, every convenience; low rent. t53 Flanders. iLLi HEB APTS., 4S7 Taj lor 2-room apart ments, well furnished. $17. and up. MAYO APTS.. Union ave. and Sacrament o--New, np-tod ate, reasonable. Phone E 920. HRKMKXIA, 4mm Hall &t.. ileiv bTTildlne. furnished, modern rates. Main 0444 FOR RENT. Apartments, KINGSBURY Ford, near Washington st. for the Summer one daintily furnished 3-room apartment; splendid view of all mountains ; sleeping balcony ; reasonable. M E REDITH Mode rr. . n e w 1 y renovated 3 room apartments. $20 and up; good Janl tor service, walking distance ; reference 712 Washington, opp. 22d. Main 7134. GENEVA APTsTSAN FRANCISCO, 840 Van Ness Ave. First-class modern 2, 3-room, furnished, linen, silver. WILL rent five-room well-furnished modern apartment reasonable to right parties. Apartment 21 205 12th, near Jefferson. THE STANFIELD. New 2 -room apts., light and gas In cluded: $15 up. 204 Potter st. Main 732 Flats. 5-ROOM flat. 7 SO Gilsan st., near 2.'ld st. car; new, modern, convenient ; i.ard wood floors, fireplace and furnace, select neigh borhood. Morgan, Fliedner & Boyce, 303 Abington bid g. $1S MODERN 5-room. nice residence lo cation. Went Side; front and back yard and porches, gas and electricity, gas range and water heater and linoleum. Phone Marshall 3197. 5-ROOM modern fiat, centrally located, on East Side, within short walk of Orego man bldg.: also good car service. Inquire 'Go Chamber of Commerce bldg. 5-ROOM modern lower family f lat ; fire place, f u mace, fuiit, yard ; lo minutes' walk Pos tor flee. 543 5th st. Main 7u0o, A 656 L ONE lower and one upper flat for rent, walking distance. West Side, new and in first-class condition; rent very reasonable. Call 286 Oak. Main 7750. FLAT Upper corner, select neighborhood. six rooms, bath, furnace, fireplace, gas range, hardwood floors. 254 25th. corner Northrup. Apply 875 Northrup. Adults. 7-ROOM modern flat, fireplace and furnace. 440 hi Park sU Main 1430. A 1436, or Tabor 703. FOR RENT For Summer, 5-room flat, fur nished, piano, located at 309 E. 1st st. North, $2U per month. Call E. 2666. 5-iiOOM and bath, steam-heated flat, un furnished. $ 45 monthly. The Giles, 30-7 11th st., near Columbia. A. E. Poulsen. FLAT of 6 rooms and bath, 73i Hovt st. Inquire 130 6th st. phone Main 627S. HOLLA DAY ADD. Walking distance, near 2 carlines. 412 Wasco. East 3805. THREE-ROOM flat; stove; linoleum on floor. $14. 360 Chapman st. 6-room modern flat, choicest location. West Side. Inquire 3 75 16th, corner Yam hill. 5-ROOM modern flat, reasonable. 295 l. E. 21st. Hawthorne ear. Tabor 1597. 6 ROOMS and den. modern, best residence district, use of garage. East 1137. FI VE or six -room flat, close in. West Side. Inquire 52"9 Everett et. 6-ROOM up-to-date upper corner flat. 635 East Madison st. East 234. 4-ROOM modern flat near 23d and Wash ington. Main 3833. A 267G. Furnished Fla t a. 5-KOOM modern lower family flat; fire p.ace, furnace, fruit, yard ; 10 minutes' walk Postoffiee; unfurnished, $2750, but wouid furnish new with lease to desirable tenant at $40 per month. 543 5th st. Phone Main 7005, A fcntfl. NEATLY furnished 3-room lower flat; pri vate bath, fireplace, desirable. 671 Bel mont. East 5043. 3, 4, 5-ROOM flats, completely furnished, walking distance, very reasonable. 300 Chapman st. 4-ROOM furnished flat, phone East 1230. $21.00. UP-TO-DATE, close-In, open-air furnished flat. Phone E. 2173. Housekeeping: Rooms. THE BEAVER, 12th and Marshall sts. Furnished for housekeeping; gas range, electric, lights, hot water, Dath, laundry free; $12 per month up ; a clean place; best In the city for the money; short distance from Union Depot. Take S or loth-st. cars north, get off at Marshall. No dogs. $l..Hi TO $2.75 week; clean, furnished house keeping rooms, auitable for 2 or 4 ; free hea;. laundry, bath, yard, gas. Phone E. t03;t. 406 Vancouver. 203 Stanton. "U" car. THE UPSHUR, 4M6U 20th st,, furnished 2- i oom apis., steam neat, light; $17 up. Main 859. Take "S' 23d or W" car north. iOl EAST MORRISON, corner East oth; neatly furnished housekeeping suites, rea sonable. NEW furnished housekeeping rooms; heat. ifiht, baths, $15. 3 162H Union. THE GILMAN, lot St., cor Alder Furnished ujuocaccyiiiB i uuhib, fl.UU weeK Up. Furnished h. k. rooms, cheap. Cambridge bldg., 3d, cor. Morrison. Phone Main 045. FURNISHED h. k. and sleeping rooms, $1.25 Housekeeping Rooms in Private Fainilv SINGLE housekeeping rooms. $10 per month j luiumucu , moaern a wemng ; best West Side apartment district, clean, light rooms; everything included : walk ing distance; reduced rates. 655 Flanders, near 20th. $1 LARGE, clean, completely furnished troni n. is., room, gas range, electricity, laundry. 2 Grand ave. S..E., corner Ank eny. TWO clean furnished housekeeping rooms, hot and cold water, gas range, bath and use of laundry tubs. t20 Ea&t Ankeny. Eust 2040. TWO or three large, nicely furnished II K. apts.. private bath and porch; adults only. 572 E. 6th. Phone Sellwood 165. $12 3 furnisned housekeeping rooms, ex elusive use of large porch. 614 7th. Main 4529. 331 14TH ST. 3 large. w ell-furnished, down stairs housekeeping rooms; sink, launary. yard, $18 a month. Main ."60S. TWO large, airy rooms, all conveniences. close In, large yard, reasonable to th right party. Marshall 4410. 353 12th st. SUIT front H. K. ; water in rooms, two basement rooms, very cheap; free phone gas, bath. lt5 W. lltii st NICE, clean H. K. rooms, 2 or 3, modern conveniences, nice neighborhood, reason able to right party. 35 East 22d North. THREE newly furnished H. K. rooms, real reasonable; all conveniences. 55 East Pine st. iitNbvibVE, 445 Columbia st., nicely fur nished housekeeping rooms; sleeping rooms. Main 7410. SUITE 3 rooms Walking distant clean, $ 14 per month, e. 545 Morrison st. NICELY fu rn tsh ed mod e m H. TC. room s. $2.25 per week up; clean. 262 14th st. TWO nice furnishea housekeeping- rooms. 226 13th, between Salmon and Main. LIGHT H. K. suite. 475 Main, corner 14tii. Marshall 5833. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms. 678 Gan. tenbein ave.. cor. Fargo. ;'U" or "RS'1 car. THREE connecting rooms, gas and phone 30 East 13th N. N I"E room, first floor, fine location ; also $1.50 basement room. 504 Everett. TWO or three furnished housekeeping rooms. 215 10th, corner Salmon. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, reaaon able. 7S-1 Kearney. Marshall 4337. THREE furnished housekeeping rooms. 45 E. Ash. Phone East 4398. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping-rooms fac" jng park; 405 West Park. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with pri vato family. 690 E . Burnside. $14. $11, $3 PER month for two suite's; basement ; Summer rates. 300 Clay. THREE unfurnished rooms for rent. Apply Lace House Laundry. 26 N. 20th st. Houses. 5- ROOM cot tape, tinted, gas, electricity, wash trays, bath, basement, yard, choice location, paved street, block to car $ls 7B0 Williams ave. Woodlawn 426. NEW, modern S-room bungalow $25 per month or will sell on easy terms. Phone owner. Main 4936. 32D ST., above Thurman, Willamette Heights, desiiable dwelling, rent reduced Phone Main 7909. MODERN 7-room house. West Side; full basement, furnace with water coil. Phone Main 46Q7. A 4S0. EAST SIDE cottage. 7 rooms, bath, base ment, walking distance, $20. Inquire room 301 Dekum blde. $$ PER MONTH, 4-room house, 1457 Union avenue, oppo&ite Woodlawn School Phone Sellwood 771. rjn rvr. x v est eiae, i-room house, porcelain plumbing, cement basement bl2 Market. Phone Main 243, A 4S32. MODERN 6-room house. SOI Cleveland: nice yard, near car, $22.50; no children or dogs; telephone Woodlawn 1576. FOR RENT li-room house. in rood con- dition. 206 w bitaker st. Front st. Key at 621 MODERN 6-room house, close in. 527 East Burnside st. A 5-ROOM cottage. 513 East Burnside, near East 11th. Phone East 1S94. FOR RENT 5-room modern bungalow, $15 A. N- Searle. E. 76th end E. Glisan. TEN-ROOM house for tent at 341 litn st. inquire ti- orotic . oiug, $6 MONTHLY 3-room cottage, Woodlawn. Tno uire 405 Sim Darin t NEW S-room bungalow, oak floors, furnace fireplace, bookcases. SSth and Clinton. 6 ROOMS, fireplace, furnace, yard. 695 Everett. Tn good order. Sheeny Bros. rooms and bi:h. E. 19th N. mli t. Main 627S 1 ttquil . FOR RENT. 12-ROOM residence. ground 100x130, on West Side, for private residence only. 7 -room modern home. 4 large bedrooms; East bide, walking distance. GEO. D. .SCHALK, ZS Stark St. Phone Main 392, A 2392. MOST desirable new home with every mod ern feature, on fine street and In very select neighborhood on Mount Tabor. Ex ceptionally large light rooms, close to car, magnificent view, only high-class refined tenants, yearly lease $45 per month, gar age If desired. J. W. Haste, 618 Henry bldg.. pbone Mam 3200. HOUSES AND FLATS FOR RENT. HACKER & THERKELSEN CO., 300 Spalding bldg. Main 7502. FOR RENT 6-room house on Beacon St.. near Brooklyn School; price $1; near 2 carllna. Apply to E. Willis. 033 East Oth st. Phone Sellwood S7S. DEM RABLE houses and flats to rent, all parts city. NATIONAL REALTY & INV. CO.. Main 5120. 0-ROOM house, partly furnished, cor. East 16th and Morrison; newly renovated. Ap ply Ocden, Scllwood 2U0, or 02 E. Aider. Furnished Houses. 7-ROOM house furnished with mahogany and Oriental rugs, silver and linen. Fresh ly kalsomlned. Telephone Marshall 1400. FOR RENT 6-room furnished house, two months, East Side, close In ; price 4u. Phone East 1448, B 1450. NICELY' furnished h-room house, all mod ern conveniences, very reasonable. 360 Chapman st. HOUSE for rent furniture for sale cheap; easy payments : would lease furnished.; fine yard 6 rooms. C 3621. OR 5 rooms in 10-room house on E. 9th, near Hawthorne; piano. Ca!i 310 E. 9th. Phone East 5051. MODERN 6-room furnished flat. No. 8 East 12th st. N. Marshall 707, A 7131. FURNISHED 5-room modern cottage, ?20; .connected range, gas. 335 1 7th. FURNISHED house for rent, gas, electric light, piano. Phone Wood lawn 3015. FOUR nicely furnished rooms, water and pnoneiree, $22 per month. East 2604. Mummer Resorts. NEW 4-room furnished house, also com pletely furnished house, large enough for two families or rooming-house. Seaside, Or. Inquire Mr. Morse. Main 4040. FOR RENT, for season, exceptionally well furnished 4-room cottago ; all the conven iences of your own home. Inquire of D. C. Baker. Bay ocean, Or. SPLENDIDLY located furnished cottage. Sea view, open for inspection. Apply at cottage or phone Dan Xellaher. East 41S, B 1614. SEA SIDE 6-room modern house, view of ocean, sanitary plumbing, $175 for sea son ; also .".-room house. $75 for season. Marshall 5474. FOR Summer months, 6-room and 9-room cottage, furnished, near Long Beach Sta tion. Ocean frontage. Apply Clerk, Per kins Hotel, Port'and. AT SEASIDE 5-room cottage on the ridge near board walk; unobstructed view, pbone Marshall 4761. NEWPORT 6-room furnished cottaae Nye Crek, $lo0 for season. Phone Main 1 240. GEAR HART Furnished housekeeping apart ment; modorrt conveniences. A 4o52 any time. Marshall 40 10 oven in js. SUMMER RESORT. Cosy 5-room cottage on North. Beach. Phone E. 6380. t C KNlSH ED ROOMS for llgbt housekeep ing. Inquire Ocean Crest apts..- -lock-away. Or. ' GEARHART 5-room cottage to rent or sell cheap; key at Gearhart pos toff ice. In quire Dr. Payne. Marshall 5671. - ROOM cottage, fireplace, piano, running water, Siieiburno station. Mrs. T. J. Hoare, Seavlew, Wash. GEARHART Five-room furnished cottage. Inquire Main 1754. BEACH CENTER 4-room. well furnished cottage, running water. S39 Williams ave. GEARHART furnished 6-room house, $90 for season. Phone Woodlawn 5SU. FREE camping grounds for everybody. S. Slingerband, Ocean Park, Wash. FOR KENT At Seavlew. 7-room furnished hous: fireplace. Marshall 4347. a 5oo. FOR RENT 16x20 furnished tent, floored etc., in beach yard, sea View. Main 1055. CLASSIC Ridge! Beach needs no boosting"; look it up. " 345 Washington St.. city. OCEAN Park cottages for .Tuly or season; furnished. Phone East 47hl . tot R or fie-room cottage Phone E. 403S. A 4-ROOM furnished cottage at Long Beach : Wash. Main 1520. FOR RENT Mayo cottage. Seaside, on board walk, furnished, modern. East 020 Btvro. WASHING TON -ST. store, near 10th, spien didly fitted for delicatessen, fancy gro ceries and liquors; surrounded by hotels and apartment ; very reasonable rent; SPACE in modern basement, ventilated and well lighted. N. W. corner 4th and Alder sts., suitable for cafeteria, printing shop. etc. Morgan. Fliedner & Boyce. 503 Abington bldg. STORE, good location, 6C3 let St., suitable for grocery and market or other pur poses: has cold storage room and two rear rooms; rent reasonuulG. s'J Worcester bldg: . STORE, brick building, Beimont, near Graud ave, HARTMAN & THOMPSON. Chamber of Commerce Blag. ' THIRD-STREET store, excellent" location, pear Morrison et., 20x60 feet, rent rea sonable; will lease. Apply 171 Third sL FOR RENT 16x120. Washington st.. be tween lbtn and litn; reasonable rent. E. J. Laly. 222 Failing bldg. FOR LEASE Corner store on Washington and park sts., reasonable rent. Apply Majestic Theater. "rOK RENT Stores. Nob. 24 S and 250 Haw thorne ave., east ena of bridge. Apply Ha wthorne Dock Co. Phone East 20;3. fcl'ORES for rent, fine East Side location, lrvington district, 21m and Multnomah sts. Call 7o0 Multnomah st. East 6073. HEADQUARTERS FOR STORES A BLDGS V. H. WEBB, 605 Yeon bldg. Main 4013. Office. AX opport unity affords whereby one could get in Morgan bldg., Broadway and Wash ington, rooms most desirable for a dentist. or a specialist tn medicine; the private room neins iar unu waiting-room small. AR 200. Oregonian. CONNECTING offices, overlooking Morrison ft., lor rent in Til ford bldg.. reasonable terms; ask at elevator any hour. Phone Marshall 51S between o and 6. WANTED Small office, partially furnished or unfurnished; advise particulars. AE lfco, Oregonian. ROLL-TOP desk, phones, reception-room. . lights, etc.. $5 per month. 723 Chamber of Commerce bldg. DESK room in fine offices in Board of Trade bldg. ; references. L 1S1, Orego nian. iiOST centrally located office : very reason able; all-night elevator service. ;. d Swet laud bldg.. 5th and Washington sts. SMALL room with desk and rug, 13 per month. 934 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Bt SINKNS OPPORTUNITIES. $500 PUTS you into one of the most sub stantial business offices in the city; bank and highest city references given; you can depend on $400 month, clear; owner will stay with buyer a while; books open for inspection. . Particulars 303 Lumber Exchange. 1 HAVE a market to sell; good location; your own price at your own terms. Frank L. Smith. 228 Alder. PICTURE show, fully equipped: seats 200; well located; own two theaters; must sell one. T A. Tipton, 6-4 Broadway. BAKERY for sale, $400, rent $23, receipts $15 to flS; all cash; brick oven. Phone Woodlawn OOP. RESTAURANT and delicatessen in fine lo cation, with good business. Forced to sell by sickness. Phone Marshall fi938. $500 TO $1000 to Invest, with services, state ' proposition in replying. AC 192, Orego nian. PRESSING parlor, with laundry agency doing a good business ; fine location ; cheap. 324 Yamhill, cor. 6th st- FOR SALE or trade; only laundry in town of 120O; paying well; other interests. E. Dunagan, Stayton, Or. DRUG STORE, established 9 years, in sub urbs; w-111 trade for country store. Ad dress B Oregonian. CIGAR, fruit, candy ice cream store, long lease, cheap rent. 203 First st. CLEANING and pressing shop, established; price $20n; reason for selling. IS 12th st. BARBER shop. 2 chairs. $135 if taken at once; doing well. AV 122, Oregonian. ijENTIST equipment, perfect order, good location.-very cheap. G 1$?, Oregonian. PROSPECTOR, with good mining claims, wants partner. AM 200. Oregonian. ( SHOE repairing shop, pood location. 541 Karl nt., near M II w auktfc. Sellwood car. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. HERE IS A GOOD DEaU I need 500 cash money to use In .busi ness; I will offer to the first man or wom an with that much cash, propertv that will bring 2500 In two years; 1 will give deed and abstract; if you have something to trade that I can turn into cash, will trade ; don' t answer un less you are ready to transact straight man-to-man business; thorough investigation invited. Answer. C 103. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted to take half interest in frosperous mortgage loan, bond and fire nsurance office and take full charge of the office work: long established and best of references; more business than one man can take care of; profits large; "only $750 cash required if good, reliable party; no experience necessary, will teach you the business. Apply of owner, M 1S4, Ore gonian. FOR SALE Barber ane manicuring busi ness, in Vancouver, is. c. is cnairs. 4 manicurists, doing a high-class regular business; good lease, low rent, present proprietor having to leave for Australia, reason for selling; only cash proposition considered. Apply to B. C. Barber's Sup ply Co.. 317 Robson, Vancouver, B. C. HACK LINE FOR TRADE. In city of SOOO in Eastern Oregon; does a business of $20o a month profit; value $4ooo; want property in Portland, West ern Oregon o;- " asblngton, clear of in cumbrance, of cqua I value. O. C. R. ELLIS & CO.. 3Ui Board of Trade. BUY SOMETHING GOOD. A 22-room bouse with 1 2-room apart ments and one 4-room apt. right close in. is not in debt and is making money. sell for part cash and balance to suit. or win take part in trade. Call room 31u, Lumber Exchange bldg. ONLY $275 secures small farm; terms will pay buyer share in profits; guarantee 7 per cent ; Ideal climate; good markets; fine investment whether you ever move on land or not. Write quickly for views and particulars. G. W. been, box 472,. Way- cross, ua. AUTOMOBILE garage and repair shop; also deal in second-hand autos ; books will show that the business wilt pay you $200 montn as partner; ir you aon t unuerstana the business, owner will teach you; doesn't take much money.' Call 323 Lumber Ex change. 2d ana stark sts. DELICATESSEN and grocery, clearing $2S5 a month average), the year round ; in vestigate his books, that's all; no oppo sition, no horse and wagon, $2$00 re quired, which is fully secured in stock and fixtures. 303 Lumber Exchange, 2d and Stark. CAUTION, BUYERS. Baf ore closing deal for so-called inter est lit establishing real estate business, get advice of Portland Realty Board. F. L. PURSE, Secretary, 81S Chamber of Commerce. $300 TO $500 PER MONTH. A manufacturing business for sale that will net you from $300 to $500 per month. A permanent business that will bear clos est Investigation. Particulars 315 Lum ber Exchange bldg. FOR SALE Stock of groceries and fixtures, good location, doing nice business; stock will Invoice $1,100; location has privilege of lease nt very reasonable rent ; cash proposition only would be considered. AT 202, Oregonian. 1 CAN help you with expert advice on sell ing your product or merchandise if it is meritorious, and on a most economical basis. Write full particulars for personal interview. A. D. Manu, P. O. Box 703. Portland. MUST leave city tomorrow, will sell half interest in cleaning and pressing works at a bargain if taken today, both phones and well-established business. See owner. 407 Alder st. IF you are short of money when buylne a uui.mc3B we win lurmsn it. n you must sell your business or lodging-house we will make you a cash offer. C. V. Rvan & Co., 419 Abington bids. Marshall 5012. IF you can invest a small sum of money and devote your time to a going business and would be satisfied with $23 a week, cull at 520 Lumber Exchange building, cor. 2d and Stark. THE best 5-tabl pool and cardroom, with confectionery, in the state for $1800, part terms ; a cash business netting 75 per cent on investment. W. C. K.ahle, Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALEBlacksmlth shop, stock and tools, centrally located and doing good business; price $&0l cash. J. 1. Davis, Baker. Or. ACTIVE man for half Interest in legitimate business that will stand investigation; must have $40tH) and good business repu tation. H. C. Steavens, 72 Broadway. FIRST-CLASS delicatessen, bake shop and lunchroom, lady cannot handle: must have partner or sell oul by 15th; fine location, yood lease. Marshall 4133. CONFECTIONERY, cigar store and ice cream parlors, centrally located on East Side, for sale by owner ; lease. 22 N. Grand ave. ' FOR sale or trade, good1 restaurant in pros perous town, also one blactc Percheron stallion, by owner. Address AV 126, Ore gonian. ' WANTED Live business man with $3000 cash to buy half interest and take charge of old-established business paying $5000 per year proin. ao -OA, uregomau. PARTNER wanted with 650: rare oddoV tunlty manage office, look after help; I ned a good man more than money ; ref erences exchanged. 423 Abington bldg. PARTNER wanted In office business; can make $.100 per month; $250 required. 519 Henry bldg. BUSINESS OP PORT UNIT IE 8 WANTED WANT a small grocery store with living rooms; rent reasonable and fair business AV 133. Oregonian. A b E W hundred dollars and my services to invest in any good business; no agents. ) oregonian. ROOMIXG-HOUSES. MUST SELL OR TRADE. 12 rooms good furniture, clear; swell lo cation, beautiful surroundings; will sacri fice. Come today after 1 A. M., 653 Wash ington street. KuoluiNG-HOUSE, low rent; Union ave. and Beimont st. HARTMAN & THOMPSON, Cuamber of Commerce Bldg. LEASE and furniture of first-class apt. house for saie, within 3 blocks of P. O. tious-3 has best reputat ion, prices and i-rmt-. fnonc E-ast 4.;.,, a 2-3 2. 0 ROOMS, furniture for sale cheap; rent paid until September; lung tease ; part trade, note! rortoia, 3d and Burnside. 1C-ROOM rooming-house by owner; a suap ir tnKcn now 4U. west farK. LOST AND FOUND. THE following is list of articles found on tne care oi the Portland Rail wi . , L.i lit & Power Company and turned In at the different division points. Owners may secure same by applying at barns as in dicated : Sellwood barn. Phone A 6131. 2 umbrel las. 1 lunch box, 1 handbag. 1 pkg. of let tuce, 1 pair of gloves, 1 card case, 1 purse. AiiKeny barn, juty o. 1913, 2 suit cases n pkg. laundry, 1 pail of lard. 1 hat, 1 package. Piedmont barn. Phone A 6131. 1 belt pin, 1 ring, 1 kodak, 6 umbrallas, & pkgs 1 glove. Savier-st. carhousc. phone A 6131. 1 handbag, 1 purse, 1 pair gloves, 1 pkg. LOST In White- Temple, a small purse containing $10 gold piece and change. Re ward, phone senwooa 11.17. LOST Jul 6, alligator skin purse, on i :ouncii t rest car, cards airs. G. B. Mc- Call. Marshall 1 Co5. LOST Saturday, 2 rings, diamond and Jade. Finder please return to 077 Powell st; reward. D 1 S. Oregonian. LOST Small brown German spaniel dog, long ears, short tail. answers name Brownie. Return Hannah Hotel. Reward. LOST Lady's closed-fare watch and pin, Initials "M. D. Phone Main 5368. Re ward. FOUND Closed-face gold watch. 340 H r rout street, room jo. 2. LOST Collie dog. bor 4796. license 4oS9. Call Ta- SPECIAL NOTICES. Proput-atM invite!. IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon In the matter or i-c ti. uiacRweii. Dankrupt: Advertise inent of sale. I will receive sealed bids for a stock or merchandise consist in ar or clears, to bacco, pipes, confectioneries, candles, etc.. situated- at enn, Oregon, or the inven torled value of $294.65. and fixtures. In eluding 3 pool tables. 1 billiard table and accessories, pertaining to the same, of tne inventoried value of $1962.50. up to una untu 12 o ciock noon on Monday. July 7, 1913, said property being formerly the property of R. G. BlackweJl. Certified check, for ten per cent (10) of the amount offered must accompany eacn 01a. Sale subject to the approval of the court. Inventory of the property may be seen at my office and also at Bend. Oregon, at which latter place the property may be inspected. k. l. sabiN, 7 First St., Portland. Oreson. Dated at Portland, Oregon, the 24th day of June, 1913. OFFICE Q. M. Fort Stevens! Or.. Julv" 5. ll;;. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received at this office until 1:30 P. M. J uly 21, in 1 a, ana then opened, for mov ing and repairing servants' quarters ii rear of buildings 6 and S, 10 and 12. 14 and 16, this post. Further Information may be obtained by h pptyincr at th is of tice. R. F. Cox. 2d Lieut.. C. A. C, Q. M fiPfcClAL NOTICES. fro posada Invited. THE CITY OF PORTLAND, OREGON, OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION OF PUBLIC DOCKS. Public Dock No. 1. Advertisement. NOTICE Is hereby given that the Com mission of Public Docks of the City of Portland, Oregon, will receive sealed pro posals until lo:00 o'clock A. M., July 21, lbl3, at its office, 502 Worcester build ing, Portland, Oregon, for the construc tion of a public ducK, wlUi appurtenances, between 15th and 38th streets, on tne West Side of the Willamette River. PlanB, specifications. proposal blank, form of contract and other information for proposers will be on file in the oft ice of the commission of Public Docks. A com plete set of plans and specification may also be obtained by prospective bidders by depositing with the Commission a certified check for the sum of $5o. which will be returned upon receipt of the plans in good condition. All tenders to be sealed and marked on the outside, "Proposal for construction of public dock No. 1." No proposal or bid will be considered unless accompanied by a check payable to tho order of the City of Portland, cer tified by a responsible bank in the City of Portland. Oregon, for an amount equal to 10 per cent oi the proposal, to be for feited as fixed and liquidated in case the bidder neglects or refuses to enter Into contract and provide a suitable bond for the faithful performance of said work in the event the contract is awarded him. Attention of all bidders Is respectfully called to chapter 61, Laws of Oregon, iy 13. (Session Laws 1113. u. 90 . The Commission of Public Docks re serves the right to reject any and all pro posals. Dated Portland, Oregon, this 30lh day of June. 1913. THE COMMISSION OF PUBLIC DOCKS. By G. B. Hegardt, Sec, IN the District Court of the United States for the District of Oregon. In the master of W. R. Arndt Anna C. Kandy, and Ger- truae Mierwooa, trading as iowa uro eery, bank runt, advertisement of sale. I will receive sealed bids for a stock of merchandise consisting of groceries, con fectioneries, granite and tinware, etc., sit uated at 302 Sixth street, Portland. Ore gon. of the inventoried value of S1U05. 6y and fixtures pertaining to the same of tne inventoriea vaiue or si2y i .oo, up t nd until ll:3o o'clock on Monday. Jui 1013. said property being formerly the property of W. R. Arndt, Anna C. Kandy and Gertrude Sherwood, trading as lowu Grocery. Certified check for ten per cent or tne amount ottered must accompany each bid. Sale subject to the approval of tho court. inventory of the property may be seen at my office, and tne property inspected upon appointment, R. L. SABIN, 7 First st.. Portland, Oregon. Dated ' at Portland, Oregon, tUi 1st day of July, 1123. CALL for bids. School District No. SO, Crook County, Oregon, will receive bids at Metolius, Or., up to eight s) o'clock P. M.. July 21, 1913. for the erection of a three-story, fireproof school building, estimated cost $8500. according to the plans and specifications by Sweatt. Le- vesque & Co., architects, 312 Mohawk building. Spokane. Wash. A deposit of certiriea cnecK, payable to the architects, for $10 will be required from all intending bidders. This check will be returned promptly upon the return of the Diana. etc.. in good condition by the stipulated time. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and the right to waive any Informalities. A certified check of 5 per cent of the amount ot the bid must accomoanv all bids. Plana can be had at the office of the architects, the cnooi Board at Metolius. the Builders' Exchange at Portland. the office of faciric Builder and Engineer at Seattle Dated at Metolius, Or.,, this 25th day 01. june, lui.f. J. A. HOFFMANN. Chairman, ISAAC SERIER, Clerk. PROPOSALS FOR CLOTHING Deoot Ouar termaster's Office. 10W6 North Point at- San Francisco, Cal.. June 17. 1913. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be received nere until iu O'clock A. M .. July 7. 1913, for furnishing at either the Boston. New 1 orK, ruuaaeipiua, jnicago, bt i,ouis, or ban Francisco depots of the Quarter' master's Oorus. collars. ridine cloves. woolen gloves, service hats, buttons, bronze ana em; under snirts and wool stockings, Information on application. W. li. Hart, Acting Depot Quartermaster. DEPOT QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. 10.S rsortn folnt St., ban Francisco. Cal. Jun IS. 1913. Sealed nrooosals. In trinitrate, will be received here until 10:00 o'clock A. M.. July 8, 1313. for furnishing at this depot, beodheets, bedsteads, corn brooms, scrubbing brushes, casters, barrack chairs, stovepipe elbows, mattresses, mosquito bars, napthallne, pillows. pillow, cases, tent pins, tent poles, shovels, music stands and bugles. Information on application. W. H. H art. Acting Depot Quartermaster. Allscellanenus. NOTICE I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wife, Daisv Haves. July 6, 1913. R. B. HAYES. FIXAM'IAL. WE BUILD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS AN U MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME OR APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., C06 M'KAY BLDG.. 3D AND STARK STS. WE will furnish the money at a low rate of interest and save you more than the brok erage of 2 per cent If we do the planning and building for you, it will pay you to see us. L. R. Bailey Co., inc., 24 Abington. WE have clients wanting money at 8 per cent per annum, real estate security. Kin ney &, Stampher. 031-532 Lumber Ex change bldg. CASH PAT D FOR MORTGAGES. Western Bond & Mortgage Co., 416 Commercial Club bldg. FIRST and second mortgages and building contracts bought. B. B. Miller. 4lo Ab ington bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS, notes, contracts, mort gages (1st and 2d), equities purchased. F. H. Lewis & Co., 3 Lewis bldg. $25t0 OR less to loan at 7 p; in farm and city property; ticulars. C 93. Oregonian cent on closc glvta full par LOANS procured on real and collateral sa curity. Nelson Bros.. 804 Lewis bldg. FIRST mortgages for sale; several amounts, $25o to $3;oo. 606 Wilcox bldg. $000 REAL ESTATE mortgage for sate, $500 cash. Phone Eaet 3002. Money to Loan Real Estate. PER CENT MONEY TO LOAN. The Equitable Life Insurance Society will make loans on approved home prop erty to be repaid by fixed monthly in stallments over a period of 10 years, with the additional provision that in event of death of borrower, loan Is cancelled by a policy of life insurance issued there with Interest 6 per cent. These loans are mad- only in the better residence dis tricts and only on improved homes. Others need not apply. Homo Purchase Dep t., Equitable Life. 306 Oregonian bldg. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE "FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. VERY FLEX IBLE CONTRACTS. NO COMMISSIONS. COLUMBIA LIFE A TRUST CO.. 816 SPALDING BLDG. TO LOAN. I HAVE PLENTY OF MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE SECURITIES AT 5 TO 8 PER CENT. EDWARD P. MALL. 300 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. MONEY TO LOAN. Plenty of money to loan on city and . farm property at reasonable rate of in terest. OSCAR W. BRYAN. 508-9 Chamber of Commerce. $lO0o TO SlO.OOO' TO LOAN. Portland City and Farm Property. Current Rates. MALL & -VON BORSTEL. ' 104 Second st., neur Ldrk. LOANS from $1500 to $10,000. on good Port land security. ' HACKER & THERKELSEN. 306 Spalding bldg. Main i592. ON improved city property or for building purposes, 3 to 8 years' time; liberal pay ment privileges; money advanced as building progresses. The Equitable Sav ings & Loan Asociation. 24o Stark st. LOANS on improved and unimproved city and suburban real estate. mortgages bought. W. H. Nunn. 44S Sherlock bldg TO LOAN $30,000 OR LESS. FA RRlNGTON, COMMERCIAL CLUB BLDQ. MONEY" to loan on improved city property, at current rates. Lawyer's Abstract & Trust Co.. room 6, Board of Trade bldg. $1300 TO LOAN on first mortgage city property. S per cent. Apply 515 Ore gonian bldg. PRIVATE party, mortgage money, brokers or owners write O 1 Oregonian. MONEY, any amount, to s per cent. H. Selta & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. $1009 TO $2500 to loan on real estate" to day. Tabor 771. B 169. Oregonian. SHORT term loans on real or collateral security. 207 Oregonian bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS at current rates! lTH. M AX WELL. 316 Chamber of Com m e rc e. MORTGAGE LOANS, any amount, no delay Henry C. Prudhomme, 06 VVUjox bldg. LuANS on real estate, diamonds and jew elry. Wm. Hoi), room 9. Washinttwn bids. jftONKY laned easy terms. Room 206 Gerllnger bldg. $lOO to flO.UOU. $30,000 TO Main 1166. LOAN, will divide to suit. g 12o, Oregonian Monev loaned, real estate contracts &, mtgs bought H. Miley. 2Q4 Gerlinger bidg. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE A. H. HARDING. 313 Ch. of Com. FINANCIAL. Money to Loan Real llmt. J1000, $3000, $10,000. In sums to suit on city property, 7 pet cent. AR 1S2. Oregonian. . . GOOD MONEY FOR YOU on improved real estate security at lowest rate justified. Tonsend & Riley, aio oak. Main 12S3. HAVE $10,000 to loan at 7 per cenr or will divide to suit; want good city or farm property for security. Write, giving loca tion of property, care AN 138, Oregonian WE have money to loan on your real es tate ; nrst mortgages omy. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPANY. 423 Chamber of Commerce. MoNEl to loan on real estate in amounts from $.iU0 to $10,000; quick service, mod erate cnarjres and no unnecessary delays, Cail .yi Chamber of Commerce bldg. SEE US TODAY for loans on improved city property, o 10 per cent, ioo and up. C ELLA R S - M U R T O N CO. , S25 1 eon bldg. $500. $1000 AND upwards on improved real estate. tavoraoie terms; no. delays; no brokerage. John Bain, 37 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS on city property; lowest rates, a.. H. Birreil Co.. 202 McKay bidg.. Third and Stark sts. MORTGAGE LOANS, 6 AND 7 PER CENT. 229 STARK ST. LOUIS SALOMON. STATE FUNDS. 6 per cent. W. E. Thomas. agent Multnomah County, 400 Ch. ot Com. Money to Loan ClioUcis ana Salaries. NEED MONEY? We can procure money for you on short notice and at reasonable rates on your furniture, piano, auto, storage receipts or your plain note. PORTLAND LOAN CO..' 413 Macleay bldg. 4th and Wash, open 9 a.. M. to 6 P. 1C Saturday evenings until 8. SALARY LOANS ON PLAIN NOTES $10 TU $10O CHEAPEST AND BEST PLAL'fl TO BORROW MONEY. ABSOLUTELY No oECUHITY. BUSINESS STRICTLY CuN FIDEN TlAL HoUKS 3 A. M. 'i'O 6 P M. SATURDAY TO 9 P. M. STATE Sr-CU Rl 1 Y CO., oU FAxLING BLDG. MONEY for salaried people and others) upon their own names, cheap rates, easy payments. See me before dealing else where; confidential. D. D. Drake, 32S Henry bldg. ELBY-COT A private place to obtain money 00 watches, diamonds, jewelry, kodaks, pianos, warehouse receipts, etc. 320 Lumber Ex. bldg., 2d and Stark. A DESIRABLE place for ladies and gentle men to borrow money on diamonus and Jewelry at Eastern rates. Diamond Pal ace, n.M Wasnmgton. opp. Owl Drugstore. MONEY loaned on diamonds, watches, "jew elry. pianos and warehouse receipts; strict ly con f i dent ial. Brown Co., room 10, Washington bldg. MONEY for salaried people and others. Quickly and confidentially. Martine, 320 Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark. iv E LOAN money ou diamonds and jewelry at halt the rates charged bv brokers. Marx 6c B'.och. 74 3d st. AlON E Y loantU on dia:uouds and jewelry ; strictly confidential. 141 3d, near A Mar. MONEY sold on installments ; confidential; salaried people, y. A. Newton. Henry bldg. Loans Wanted. FARM MORTGAGES FOR SALE. We can furnish you with absolutely safe first mortgages on improved farms in the best districts of Oregou and Wasn mgton. All titles guaranteed by us and Inter est collected without charge to you. 'Bank and Individual nithevt upon request. referepces fur- THE DE VERBA UX MORTGAGE CO.. 1007 Spalding bldg.. Portland. Oregon. FOR SALE. " $700 first mortgage drawing 7 per cent, covering property m tho City of Port land; l w(U give a reasonable discount J. E. Smith, P. O. box 1131. $33UU Fi RST R E A L EST AT E MORTGAGE for sale ; several amounts from $250 to 2t)0P. Henry C. Prudhomme, Wilcox bid. WANTED $1500 at S-per cent on fine new buugatow. Call 3iy jbcard of Trade blu. Main 7452. A 4401. oo WANTED for one year at 6 per cent interest, 5 pc cent commission, gilt-edge security. Pnone East 3002. $7000 AT S pr cent on, strictly tirst-cas business property, close in. App.y 20 Oregonian bldg. Phone Marshall 322. $2500 FARM mortgage for sale, S per cenu John Bain, 507 Spalding bldg. rCKSO.NAL HA IR-HA1 R -HAIR-HAIR. $12 34-inch switches $6 26-inch switches Hairdresing . Face maasae Shampoo Manicure. 25c, 5 for ........... 12 scalp treatments $4.43 i.yj .25 .25 .2 l.OO o.ou Superfluous hair removed by electrlu needle; guaranteed not to return. Cut hair in any shade ; switch as any length, prices hall. Sanitary Parlors. 4uu 412 Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. GERMAN TRAINED NURSE AND MASSEUSE. Long experience, best references, treat- ments for riieumatlsm and lumbago, ate. massago and batlia. 220 13th at., oetween Main and Salmon. Marshall 50o3. Open Sundays. SCIENTIFIC electric spondylo treatments for all nervous and chronic diseases. Pa ralysis, lung, stomach, bowels, kidney, bladder, pelvic, heart trouble, etc; also goitre, warts, moles. halr removed, tio Buchanan bldg., 2s6 V Washington st. SWEDISH TRAINED NURSE Helsingfors graduate, rheumatism, nervous and stom ach ailments under physician's direc tions; baths, massage. No. 7 East 11th St., second door south from East Ankeny car Hue. Phone East 200, B 1S03. FEBVET & HANEBUT, leading wig and toupe-makers; finest stock of human hair goods; switches from 95c up; hairdressing, manicuring, face and scalp treatments ; combings made up 10 order: 147 7th, near Morrison. Main 546. EIGHT years of unsurpassed success in treating sick men and women of Portland. I use radium, light, beat, every known electrical treatment, baths. massage manipulations and adjustments. Dr. W E. Ma Hoi y, naturopath, SI 2 Rothchlld bldg. HERMAN F. COEUR1NO. of Santa Monica, Cat., requested to communicate with t lis secretary of Elks' Lodge, B. P. O. E., No. IHttf, immediately. DRESS SUITS for rent Keep your clothes cleaned, pressed, buttons sewed on, rips repaired. $1 .5o month ; prompt calls ami deliveries. Unique Tailoring Co., 3oo Stark. MISS STOCKS, treatments general debilit also readings daily. 234 Union ave. N. Woodla wn-Alberta car, cor. Multnomah East 03M. MRS. STEVE N S, IS yrs. Portland's leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her book, palmistry Made Easy," on sale 657 Wil liams ave. MISS PERRY'. Eastern graduate masseuse. New York School of C. and D., treats rheumatism and nervous cases. 290 13th st. lath or J e fferaon cars. Phone M a 1 n 7 6 b 1 . MANICURING, scalp, facial massage, ladies and gentlemen, open Sundays. 326 Stark, street. WANTED Address of Frank Roessler, last seen In Klamath Pa-lls, Or. Notify Wii lia m Roessler, Manes. Colo. LOREN& Nerve Tablets restores lost vitality. 25c per box, 6 boxes $1.25. Stipe-Taylor Drug Co., 289 Morrison at. Rev. Mrs. Coon, spiritual teacher and healer; Circles Tuesday, Friday evenings. Iu6 W. Park, bet. Wash, and Stark. Marshall 0945. BE our own doctor ; chronic disease yields to my methods ; sat isf act Ion guaranteed. Lor a. C. Littie health expert. Tabor 10"o. BOSTON graduate nurse, sanitarium treat ments, medical gymnastics. 3&7 Yamhill St.. up one t light, room 7. i'KEXCH packs will prevent wrinkles and take' away those you now have. Fleur d Lis. 427 East Morrison. CHIROPRACTIC treatments and steam baths for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. 413 Northwest bldg. Open Sundays. Main 3799. SPIRITUAL medium. Rev. May Price. Read ings, healings daily. Circles Tues. 2, Wed and Sun. 8. 3'4 Montgomery. Main 7227. " M A D E OF YOUR COMBINGS ' Switches. 95c; curls and puffs. 73e; San itary Beauty Parlors, 40O Dekum bldg. MRS. S. C. MORRISON Steam baths and massage for rheumatism, lumbago, etc 3 : 13 Madlso n A 44 70. Marsh al 1 390S. MOLES superfluous hair removed Mrs. M P. Hill. 429 Fliedner bldg. Main 3473. EASTERN trained operator gives facial and scalp massage. 1256thst., room 2, MRS. DR. WREN N, spiritual adviser; read ings dally. 34 N. 16th. Mar. 4239, a 7614. BALM OF FIGS. Compound Royal Tonic Tablets. SO 6 Davis st. Phone Main 9213. MANICURING, face and seal p treatment, shampoo. 401 Northwest bid., formerly 3o7. IF you want free expert lega dress P 14, Oregonian. advice, ad- USE Basset's Native Herbs for constlpa tion ; 5Q tablets for 25c; all druggists. L. Mortarty. dead trance spiritual medium; readings daily. 34 N. "Iflth st. Mar. 4239. 4.4 . -r -TtZ