THE MORNING OREGONIAN, MONDAY, JULY 7, 1913- 11 JltLTXOMAB COtlJITV .AUDITOR'S REPORT CONTINUED, sajres. etc- , . . Purchase One Typewriter.. Municipal! Jurors. Witnesses, Interpreters. . . . . . , ... , JUSTICES' COURT. Tortlaod Districts Salaries Judges and Clerks Jurors, Witnesses and Interpreters Dockets, stationery, Blanks, etc nent iu unices. Hoard of Pharmacy One-naif "Fne" imposed." Purchase of On n Kaf . . Unearned Feesr-.-.- "' ". Purchasp nt AHrfim. i. t.i 1 S-undry Expense (Towel Service", ' FrVlgh't sind" Ex t narges, etc.). . . ' , 7 press . Multnomah District: - l;ees Justice and Constable. stationery (Dockets) , Jurors and Witnesses Lenta District. Fees Justice and Constable. stationery Jurors arid "Witnesses.- St. Johns Districts Toes .Justice and Constable.. i-'tatlonery , Jurors and Witnesses......... t COUNTY OFFICERS". Aaaessort . . . Salaries ; $ Stationery Car Tickets Purchase of Two Typewriters New Addtngr Machine 1 . 1 very . . . . steals and Lodging for Deputies lieporting Hearing of Protests Before the Equalization Board . Sundry Expense Auditor: Salaries ... Stationery Printing Semi. Annual Report Publishing Semi-Annual Report ..; Board of Health: . . Salaries Stationery, Blanks. ...... i Street Car Tickets Livery and Transportation ruminating Drugs and Medicines ' '. Burials Tubercular Patients t - - - Sundry Expense. County Clerk: . ' Salaries. :'. ... . Stationery. Blank Books, etc . commissioners' Journals and Warrant Registers circuit Court Registers stamped linvelopns, Letterheads, Subpoenas, etc....,... . Recapitulation and Extension, of Tax Roll. ............. . Advertising for Bids :.. Sundry Supplies School Superintendent 1 Salaries. ...... . Salary and Expenses (Truant Of fleer) ................ . Stationery. Blanks, etc Advertising- Teachers' Examinations.-. . . I lxpensa Teachers' Institute, Examinations, etc. - Traveling Expenses School District Boundary Maps... . Sheriff: ; ... Salaries. '. .1 Stationery, Blank Books, etc ...... -- ar Tickets .'. Livery.-.-. Conveying: Prisoners to Penitentiary.............. Purchase of Two Typewriters Purchase of One Safe Expense Serving Processes Sundry Expense (Padlocks, etc.) ..Extradition of F. L. GrossllghL ." s.... Refund Unearned Fees Services of Guard for Mrs. LaFrance (One Month)...... Messages, Telegrams Tax Collecting Department: V Salaries ' stationery Advertising Delinquent. Tax. List 1911 Bond Premium. . Moving safe: . .. District Attorney: I . Salaries. .1 Stationery ............... Car Tickets .. .... ..... Special Agents rtent -Grand Jury Room.. Purchase of Four -Typewriters Transcribing Testimony Inquests Reporting and Transcribing Testimony State Cases.... Printing Briefs Express Charges. . An tome-hlle Hit, etc Hund Allowed -for Arrest and Return of Prisoners. ....... . Tru r el ins; Kxpensps 1 ... ......... . 'Sundry Expense (.Telegrams, L. D. Phones, etc. ...,.. Kuys, Brushes, etc '.'. . ... s ,.- County Coroner: Salary , . . stationery .'.-.. . . , t arts, re- for Deputies. '....".. Special Agent. . ......'....'.--......,..., Autopsies and Examinations. Jurors, Witnesses. Interpreters Transcribing Testimony ..r.. Conveying Bodies to Morgue;-.-:'. Survcyor: Salaries and Mileage:."..'.'......- Stationery ; . . ; '. . . . . . JSoad Viewers. . . .,. ........ Boarding Surveyors (Hood River ' Road) . ..... ..... . ; ... Fruit Inspector: ' ' Salary and Expenses. . .,..,'.. Stationary. ; Treasurer: .."'" Salaries Stationery. Cleaning and Oiling Cdmptograpli Constable: Salaries. ' '. . . .. stationery ;.-..'. : . . Car Tickets. . . . l.ivery. Purchase; of One Typewriter Kent of Office Expense of Arrests, etc Lettering Doors, Padlocks, etc... Telegrams Veterinarian: Salary. . INSTITUTIONS MULTNOMAH FARM. Operation : Sa la l ies y , . . . , Stationery. . . Car Tickets Klectrlo Eights : . . . .t. . .... .i ... . Phone Service and Rental..... .-. w I. ai ndry Work Ambulance Service Groceries and Provisions. ........ .- Meats and Fish Dry Goods. Shoes. Furnishings . Drugs, Medicines and Surgical Appliances Fuel. Cord wood, etc 1 abor and Teaming (Clearing Land) Fruit Trees, Shrubs, etc., Advertising for Bids (Supplies) Prepaid Freight Supplies and Repairs r : First Payment on Contract for Oil-Burner System..'.. MULTNOMAH HOSPITAL. Operation: . Salaries ,' Salaries County Physician and Assistant Labor (Carpenters Making Screens) Stationery Car Tickets. . Light and Power , Conveying Patients . Groceries and Provisions Meats and Fish. . Dry Goods, Furnishings Drugs, Medicines and Surgical Appliances . Fuel Oil and Wood ; : Water Rate Advertising for Bids - ....II Gas Regulator Rental Hauling Garbage Insect Exterminator American Vegetable Paring Machine ..I supplies and Repairs. . Insurance , Detention Home: Salaries Labor (Carpenters Building Retaining Wall. Maki Screens ) 1 'arfare. , . . Light.- , : . : Fuel. , Water Rate I-aundry Work ,-. Groceries and Provisions..... Meats and Fish Dry Goods, Furnishings DruBa and Medicines ....;......-.'.....;. Plants, Bulbs, Seeds.... Furniture (Tables, Chairs, etc.) Supplies and Repairs ng 245.9S 94.25 160.30 163.00 1,106.69 200.00 . 12.50 - ' sr.. no X.10 60.00 11.43 8.45 4.00 9.00 14.75 22:10 9.00. 100.00 18.00 3.00 19,388.51 1,648.02 168.30 179.00 '339.50 31.00 37.40 80.25 10.60 3,219.95 82.66 108.50 149.28 849.96 34.50 ti2.70-' 2.50 100.00 146.39 . 20.00 7.00 25,811.06 2,135:48 118.00 78.50 739.89 1,071.83 10.OI 134.40 1,918.63 174.15 236.34 ' 38.79 381.86 47.35 40.00 12I,636.78 516.95 . S36.50 130:60 113.65 140.00 90.00 1,915.70 181.04 100.00 4.50 99.00 "155.20 19,891.54 1,803.06 4,473.53 ' 470.00 7.50 l.'837.S 953.18 19.05 '. 389.41 . -.105.00 . ' S64.60 139.80 . 124.60 . 24.P0 2.7.5 ' ' 48.40 . 1,000.00 ' . 65.30 ' : 321.30 " ' ' 111.25 . 500.00 23.50 .'- ' . '78.06' 48.S0 .' . ' 1,491.00 531.40 350.30 456.20 .1 1,494.85 33.40 . '. ' 69.20 ,: ' . . ' .36.15 . ' .: 804.85 . . 3.60 . 1,315.25 79.64 6.00 6.970.00 163.1 7 451.40 9.76 92.23 40.00 129.75 61.23 42.34 199.98 8,811, 15. 79. 460. " 36, 67. 396. 8,006. 3.651. 476. .666. 1,688. 575. 28. 20. 67. 1.434 1,700, 95. 05 , SO 42 45 45 00 4 ?6 80 05 68 .88 . 20 65 35 02 00 6,630.82 160.30 7,413.22 21.45 55.85 121.00 MILTNO.MAH COUNT V-' AUDITOR'S REPORT COSTIJll'ED. 21,882.58 3,560.39 1,223.06 30,099.27 2,837.12 16,419.82 26,645.63 6,506.42 3.480.76 1,633.60 808.35 1,399.89 6,959.89 199.98 25.071.75 .8,817 2.160 11 48 29. 364. 667. 3,217. m. 1.102 1,0 28. 204. 3 6. 4 120 . 174 641 37 03 . 00 - 00 05: 40 61 15 23 70 98 18 . 27 .80 15 50 00 00 03 86 50 " . "' ' - CIKRE.VT COURTHOUSK BXPEMJSES. Salaries s 10,274.03 Labor (Carpenters Making Wardrobes and Umbrella Racks Fixtures, etc.) '. ; . . : 901.75 Labor (Expense Moving County Officials Into New Quarters). 367.75 stationery. . . ; 198.01 Light and Power. -. ' 2,307 62 Phone Service 458.20 Fuel OH 4.996.44 Jater E61.10 Advertising for Bid3 6.53 Hauling Garbage. . 60.00 PRper Baskets. Cuspidors 284.30 Window Cleaning , 210 00 Overhauling Elevators , 16.00 Sanitary Towels and Fixtures 15.93 Supplies for Engine Room, Janitors, etc 2,479.82 insurance. 115.00 Maintenance'. Transportation , Cremations. Burials. : Money Advanced Filing Suits. CHARITY. 6.251.9r, 489.80 376.00 116.00 20.00 TTto mina H. Conveying and 'Caring for Insane .' ." .' INSANE. Maintenance. Burials. . .. IXDIGET SOLDIERS. t - 946.00 41.00 2,635.58 405.00 23,312.38 6,253.75 . 986.00 3,040.58 ROADS AXD BRIDGES. sa arles Superintendents, Inspectors Supervisors, etc.. salary Motorcyclist. .' ;. Stationer". Car Tickets !! ..-. 'uel Road Oil Aavertising tor Bids (Auto Truck, etc.).."....." Peerless Five-ton Auto Truck Repairs to Automobile and Auto Truck (Tires, etc.)..: Repairs to Road Rollers .. X r. . . I 1 t . . . ....................... -Motorcycle j.-ijcii n .ti supplies ror 1 1 - - . . , . ti 1 1 1 .... ............... SrTrJr'k Top. and Dump Body for Peerless Auto Truck! Supplies and Material for Repairs Damages-to Persons and Property .... Insurance -.........!. . ... . .. . . . , . , . Sandy River BrldKe: Final Payment Account Plans and Specifications , i'' w REAL ESTATE. Purchase of Tract of Land in See. 4, T. IS., R. 3 E. W. M..S Sower Assessment East Stark Street from East Twen- ty-rirst to East ! orty-f ourth Street Trunk No. 2.... Sewer Assessment Sullivan Gulch Sewer Nos. 1 and 2.. Contract for Purchase of Gravel Period of Five Years Retainer Fees, Counsel, in Damage Case of Lombard vs. Multnomah County , . State Fire Protection 11.118.40 3R0.0 65.10 4.50 3,297.77 25.90 4.750.00 - 953.69 401.18 2 5.65 650.00 204.00 743.33 319.00 45.00 351.98 100.00 20.40 306.35 150.00 600.00 336.90 22,963.42 251.98 23,215.40 14,689.39 1,104.60 , 68.00 .4.25 . 99.22 . 5 4.01) . . 27.80 54.10 773.17 ' S77.35 . 194.28 ' '24.45 .-. -1 9. 49 86.35 . 453.78 3.330.83 ..:.-.: - JAII.g. ...... County: Sal.vrios. ' . stationery , 1 .aundry , l ee.llng Prisoners '. III'.- Drugs and Medicines .......'..... ......- . Blankets, Towels. Mops Supplies (Palls, Soap. Ammonia, etc.) Kelly Rutte: Salaries Superintendent. .Guards; Engineer, Fireman. . I.innton Rock Ouarrvi balanes Superintendent, Guafds." Engineer.. 1,994.05. 28.60. -209. 2R. 6,406.88 57.36 160.62 113.94 , FAIR APPROPRIATIONS. Appropriations for Garden Contest League $ 600.00 Bounties. SCALP BO UN TV. 23.60 Amount Refunded. REFUND OK TAXES. 40.93 Warrants Drawn for Stamps. POSTAGE. 1,800.00 1.412.65 600.00 23.60 40.93 1,800.00 STAMPS USED BY VARIOUS COUNTY OFFICIALS si--t-lf; JA.MAKl 1. 1913. ' 1 Ta Flpnartmant County Assessor. . . .1!" ". . . County Clerk Juvenile Court County Auditor Sheriff's Office District Attorney Superintendent of Schools.. Circuit Court Justice Court. .' County Court , Multnomah Farm Constable's. Office County Coroner County Treasurer. Multnomah Hospital Roads and Bridges County Surveyor . Board of Relief 429.78 137.18 71.24 68.00 66.02 61.32 47.00 45.00 39.00 33.75 1 8.50 .' 16.00 10.60 10.00 ' 4.50 4.00 2.00 2.00 . 2.00 REGISTRATIONS AND ELECTIONS. 3. 312.46 1.030,00 r-l .. 7,970.60 3.312.46 1.030.00 , nrA,i!i j Lumber, for Election Booths.. M essen e-er Safvi.. Coal Oil ' Buildings Rented for Polling 'pi aces! ' " Rist?itfonTf!Vontebr Bf" Tent Blowipg Agains't' i't' Writing Cards Registration Cards and Leaves'.'. ' F?lection!r0,?0.rt.'?n f ne-'ialf f ' Expense' 'of ' City Publishing Notice "of Election'. '. '. '. '."' Meals Furnished " CI eanirrg School house. . ....-..! ' " ; ' Tents) couplings (Frames for Election 1,766.79 1.08 2.55 1.25 29.50 30.35 2,690.87 316.79 82.00 1,410.73 2.10 9.00. 1.75 38.71 S..Vivin," BW COl'RTHOfSK . BUILDING. K,ftKW-?,?vmentCon'Lr?ct Electric ;- and ' Combination E?rt. Payment Contract Bedford" Stone'.' .". inal Payment Repairing Basement Cement ' Floor'.'. West Wlnsr: Advertising for Bids (Ca rpets. Office Furniture) t-art raymcnt Contract Steel Cells for .Inil . Part Payment General Contract for Construction..'! Part Payment Cnnt.. . a!!$ Payment Contract for Trimminer Hardwire!.'!.'! rail x-ayment contract for Telephone Wiring Part Payment Contract for Electric Wirinar.7 . 7.a.yrnent Contract Electric and Combination r lxtures rt Payment Contract Courtroom Furniture! '. '. ! ". ". ". '. tlnal Payment Contract Electric Clocks Mnal Payment Contract for Sash Fixtures . F.f1,""716"1 Contract for Fixed Furniture !" oil? lpa"ment Conf-act Plumbing and Gas Fitting. Part Payment Contract for Professional Services Part Payment Contract" for' pru'mb'in'g' ' ! ! ! .500.000 400.00 109.15 D-t f,il-n'e"J contract ror Heating and Ventilating Ef", Pyment Contract for Concrete Sidewalks..:., final Payment Contract Repairing Steel Rail. etc... Furniture and 1- i-st nr:m Desks.- Book Cases Tables and Chairs ! ! "' Letter and Irfgal Blank Sections '!!!!!!!! rvugs ana carpets Wear-Proof Mats Lettering Doors !!"""' Lining Steel Vault Plate Glass for Desk Tops !. Map Cases Painting and Shellacing Floor Combination Hat, Coat and Umbrella" Stands". '.'.".'. '. meei counters Linoleum (Inlaid) Steel Lockers Mechanical Expert Testing Steel Cells in Jail , ROAD EXPENSES PAID FROM GEN Road District No. l; Division. No. 1 Labor... Material 2 Labor Material !!!"!""." 3 Labor Material !!!!!!! 5 Labor. Material.. . : ' 6 Labor , " Material..... I.... 8 Labor Material !!.'.'.'"!.'! 9 Labor Material 10 Labor Material !!.."."."!!!! 11 Labor Material.... Division No. 12 Labor.. . Material " " '.' ' Pivlsion No. 13 Labor Material Division No. 14 Labor . Material !!.'.' Division. No. 15 Labor . . Material Road District No. 2: Labor Material : " ' OPERATION ON QUARRIES PAID FROM Kelly Butte: Fuel Oil Oil and Grease Clothing:, . Shoes ,, Drugs and Medicines '..'.!'.!'.'.".'.'.!'.!!'.' Meals for Prisoners and Guards ' Powder. Fuse. Caps Repairs for Rock Crusher Supplies and Repairs Llnnton Rork 0.uarryt - " Labor. and Teaming Clothihgf and Shoes Light : Supplies, and Repairs , 38.22 39,850.00 100.299.00 20.362.00 6.500.00 460.17 7,963.00 13.861.34 12.600.00 1.614.25 49.75 304,00 50.00 4.'000.00 1.387.00 5.710.00 1,000.00 28.70 4.727.25 3.771.05 619.65 2,042.94 77.54 138.46 526.00 62.83 180.85 106.53 200.00 2.635.00 5.398.45 247.50 60.27 4.624.68 8.009.15 K. Btephan, accordion, side pleating, buttons verea, ftoous upon sea. 3S3 Alaer. M. 3TU. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ora-teating work. 186 Morrison st. Sargent & Slope. 918 Cham, of Com. Ref erences: Mercnants Nat'l Bank. Hartman a Thorn pHon, Bankers, Dorr E. Keasey Co. O. P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and reuair- Ing. Marine ways, foot Abernethy st. NO ca ERAL FUND. ....$ Division No. Division No. Division No. Division No. Division No. Division No. Division No. Division No. 1,935.40 68.49 7.18.39 74.58 100.00 9.80 158.15 704.72 24.21 486.50 It. 05 34.75 5 0.00 16.25 66.00 117.50 42.50 148.24 20.88 131.61 283.49 $ 236.S61.75 3,003.89 812.97 109.80 158.15 728.93 501.55 S4.75 82.25 117.60 42.60 169.12 131.61 233.49 320.38 12.00 332.38 GENERAL 5,508.89 FUND 5.508.89 103.' 127. 0 83 S4 5.20 1.402.27 24 380 " 131 61 00 161. 8. IS. 28. 00 40 90 00 2.1S1.2 216.30 . , A, PUBLIC LIBRARY BUILDING FUND. Advertising for Bids (Lighting Fixtures, Furniture)... ' 36.19 Part Payment General Contract for Erection of Library 181,750.00 Part Payment Plans and Specifications 9,300 00 Part Payment Contract for Metal Book Stacks 16,733.25 Urst Payment Contract for Fixtures 1. ..- 8.000 00 First and Final Payment Contract for Carving and Lettering.. -i , 1.274 85 ';,. ROAD FUND WARRANTS DRAWN Road District No. 1: Division No. 1 Labor..... . . $ 2,204.46 Material.. . . .". . '47 23 Division No. 2 Labor 3,140.13 Material 186 87 Division No. 3 Labor 4,999.17 Material ' ss!40 Division No. 5 Labor. ...;.............. 1.234.62 Material .......'. 2!?35.90 Division No, 6 Labor 3,43188 217.094.2 2,251.69 3,327.00 5.084.6 4.170.4 PORTLA1STD BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING. ASSAYERS AND ANAI.YSISTS. ATTORNEYS. BOAT BUILDING. CARPET WEAVINfi. ' iRTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old n ........ Pa ..... I'." 1 - . ... CELLULOID BUTTONS, BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 92 51 h st. Phones Main 312 and A l'J54. CHIROPODISTS. William, Estelle and Dewane Deveny, the oniy scienimc cmropoaists In the city. Parlors. 302 Gerlinger bids'., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. ""i. unices, fr liedner blag. Main 3473. FURNITURE HOSPITAL. BOWERS & PARSONS, 100 V, Front. M. 7443. . Furniture Hospital. Packing and shipping. HAT FACTORY. EASTERN HAT FACTORY, 64-60 3d street. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. Best $'J hat on earth for men. . LANDSCAPE GARDEN I NO. B1TT1K landscape and general gardening. SWISS F1AJRAL, CO.. , East 5:t70. C 1514. PACIFIC Landscape Garden Company, 5T5 Rotnchlld bldg. Phone Marshall . 2308. JLEATUER AND FINDINGS. J. A. STROWBRIDGE LEATHER C.O. tablished 1M5S. lfeu iTont at... -E5- LAUNDRY. JA.PA,NESE Eagle Laundry, cleaning and dyeing. East 3S83, C 1794. luo Kussell at. LIP READING. KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard-of-hcarlng. 30S Central bldg. MESSENGER SERVICE. HASTY Messenger Co. Dav and night aerv lce. Phone Main 53. A. iW3. MUSICAL. CHIROPRACTIC PHY8ICLANS. DR. M'MAJtON. 121 4th St.; 10.000 equip- ...c,.., Viieiuurm usual cnarges ior ex. pert adjustment and baths. Dr. Lehman. 317 Ablngton bldg., has no 10.- eqmpmeni; iu a vreeK; expert work. COAL AND WOOD. BDLEF6EN FUEL CO., East 303. C 3303. for o i u v ouu nu L watersoaKea. ALB1NA FUEL CO., for Summer orders. o' ..11 ninuwuuu. COLLECTION AGENCY. 5JETH CO.. Worcester bldg. jiff collection, no cnarge. Main 1700. DANCING. PROF. WAL. WILLSON'8 Lancing School .u. uMuv-ing lessons, zac; waits, two-step,-' etc.; guarantee to teach any body who walks how to dance; failure Impossible. 83 H 0th at. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S Dancino-! iaq aai,. uu emrn sis.; lessons dally; waltz and two-step guaranteed In four lessons; class Friday evening, 8 to 10 at 100 2d. DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING 'SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system ladies' tailoring. oressmakjpg taught. 182 Orand ave. EYE. BAR, NOSE AND THROAT Tr"""Lnt by specialist. Glasses fitted. Dr. r. r. maseaay. 41a ueKum bldg.. 3d-Wash. ELECTRIC MOTORS. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented i -i'-"'". uo an Kinas or repair, hjg and rewinding; all work guaranteed. Sk-M" S ,Elect,ric Co" 81 Ftr" North. Phone Main 9210. fieSSJ' kS"ll "nd "Change new and second-hand motors; repair work a sie cialty. Western Electric Works 213 6th PIANO STUDIO Modern methods. 409 14th Main 3S!I3. Arrangements for practice. EMIL TH EILHOM.N, violin teacher pupil Sevlck. 325 Fliedner bid. A 4160. Mar. Itt-'H. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Urvtr, specialist in paralysis, nervous, chronic diseases. 703 Oregonian bl. M. 3142. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS'. Dr. R. B. Northrup, 415-16-17 Dekura bldg. Nervous ana . chronic diseases. Phone, office M. 34S; res. East or B 1028. PATENTS. PATENTS secured or fee returned illus trated guidebook and list ol Inventions mailed rrea to any address; patent se cured by us advertised free In World's Progress; sample- copy tree. Victor J. avails at Jo., isast Washington, D. C. PATENT ATTORNEYS. Patents procured by J. K. Mock, attorney- o-i-io-w, mie oi tne u. s. fatent Office. potiKici iree. toio uoard of Trade bldg. R- C. WRIGHT, sa years' practice. V. S. and foreign patents. U00 Dekom bldg. PIPE. PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and mucc near ;in ana Tiork sts. Main 84S9. PLASTERING PLASTKRIXG C. T. Simmons, 27 years' iin. ; satisxactlon guaranteed; re pair work given prompt attention. 664 g.. xjtn st. seuwooa 4U1. PLATING WORKS NICKEL, gold and silver plating Portland - - - '- mam If j O O RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS. BRASS SIGNS THE lRWlX.HODSOS iMMPAXV. 92 5lh st. l'hones Main 312, A 1254: SEWING MACHINES. iiW, all makes, factory prices; second hand, f.2 up: -machines rented snd re paired. Main 9431. 1MU 3d, near Yamhill. SHOWCASES. BANK STORE HXTVRES. THE LUTKE MFG. CO., blanch Grand Rap ids Showcase Co., 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke. , manager. MARSHALL MFG. CO.. 4th and Couch: new and old window display and cabinet work. WESTERN FIX. & SHOWCASE CO.. 10th and Davis. Showcases to order and in stock STORAGE AND TRANSFER. PORTLAND Van & .Storage Co., cor. 15tU and Kearney sts., just completed new fire proof warehouse for household effects, pl an 03 and automobiles; contains separate fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated piano room, trunk and rig vaults; track age for carload shipments; vans for mov ing, reduced freight rates . on household goods to and from East in through cars. Main ."V640. -All departments. .. C O. PICK Transfer ar Storage Co., offices and commodious 4-story brick' warehouse, separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults for valuables; N. W. cor-2d and Pine sts.; pianos and furniture moved and packed for shipment, special rates made on goods in our through cars to all domestic and foreign ports. Main 506, A ORE-GON TRANSFER CO.. 474 -Gliaun St.. cor. 13th. Telephone Main e-or A 1100. General transfer ' and forwarding agents. We own and operate two- large clas "A" ' warehouses on terminal tracks; Lowest . Insurance rates In .the . city. ., OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.; . general transferring and storage, safes, pianos and . furniture moved and packed for shipment. Teams and auto vans for long-distance moving. X7-80 Front st. Main -547 or A 2247' TYPEWRITERS. lj TO $ti5 will buy a Gili .rebuilt type writer as good as new; all makes. to chooso . from and workmanship guaranteed; terms to suit; catalogue mailed -on reQuest. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY. Third and Alder Sts. ' Both Phones. Main 8500. A 608. WE are the exchange for the largest type writer concern on the Coast; . investigate all makes, all prices. The. Typewriter Exchange. 351 H Washington st. NEW. rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut rates. P. P.- C. Co., 231 Stark., Main 1407. TYPEWRITERS IOR KENT. REFRIGERATORS AND ICK BOXES. Built to order, any size, 17.50 up. P. C. Bed Co.. 84 Union ave. South. Phone East 243. RUBBER STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. 231 Wash, st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. RENT A REMINGTON. -$3 PER MONTH. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 86 Broadway, Portland, Or. WINDOW SCREENS. SCREEN doors and windows made. to order, painted and . hun'g. short notice; porch swings put up complete, Q'. repair work, general jobbing of all kinds. Sunnysid shop, 1020 Hawthorne - ave. - Tabor 943. After 6 P. Jg. phone Tabor 2158.- WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS A r.l'11'DTIflt'a.'n s n . k?vRD ArPV- ,'" Bor1 Tra,3a bldg. Adv. Co., Inc.. Commonwealth hide- lr.Rii'i'i ti-u . . ...... ........ . VUufc kJk?S'ls Staver Co., Morrison A 2d. iOH.N ,PFERB PLOW CO.. Morrison & 2d. . V l- r, Xr t il.. A'-'. K t-1 ..n.l....n. . .. ARTHITTPTl m. r. ... ... . ' Portland Wire A iron Wks., ad and Colum bia. A ITT. . w-v nrr-. inwi..-. D U B Tt TJil. L E BUGQ If TOP r O 20O ? .t Mitchell, Lewis Sc Staver Oo..'p. Mor. & 2d. utn and Davis. Reo. HudEon. Howard liitnmnhn. N. W. AUTO CO. KIT wi.l, AUTO LAMPS AND RADIATOR PORTLAND ALTO LAMP CO., 510 Alder st. II'TAUADII arnn . BALLOT, & WRIGHT. 7th and Oak streets. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. a 5R,. COMTsmONEBS' 8V PPLIKS. R A Y. M'LTCAN & PJE,flCYf -lh and Gllsan. Lewlw-Stenger Barber Supply Co., loth & Mor . . ' --v a . aval. .- . rirunsnick-Balke-CoUender Co.. 4S vift t raSVAt: ?l,Vc;kK 'SUPPLIES. POPh-F. P. Keenan Co.. 1)0 4th treer. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 247 Ash street. Brnnswick-F.alke-Collnder Co., 46 Kifth St. Royal -Bakery & Conf.. Inc.. 11th and Everett ... BREU'SKS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WE1NHARD, 13th and Burnslde. COPFMAVS C A N D Y CO. . .t3 Frnnr 9trt. t K I V. VT I I At 1. t -V- s nw a . F. 1 . Crow ft cfc :o., 47) Fourth ntrt. CLOSSET f AbsvKHBri-ll N. Front ' r. A CO., "lll Sa mon sti-ot DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe A Crissel, 126 Front. M. 640. R. 5428. nRl'UGISTS. CLARKE-WOODWARD DRUG CO.. Alder at West park. . r,,EES?-AXI SHEET METAL STAMPING. WEST ERN Tool & Die Works. 806 Pine st. . DRY GOODS. PLEISCHXER-MA YER & CO.. 207 Ash- st. ,r ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STUBP3 ELECTRICAL CO.. Oth and Pine Sts .,1.H- OYSTERS AND ICE. MALAR R.L Y ar CO., Inc.- 140 Front street. , i'LOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. " .bcrT,.B.r(,s- MtllinS Co., Front und Marshall BALKOLK-GUTHRIE i CO., Board of Trade H. L HOISER, Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN & WHSE. CO. Br. Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. A r T . GROCERIES. ALLEN LEWIS .( Est. 1S51), 46 N. Front. WADHAMS CO.. 6-T5 4th St. HATS AND CAPS. . THANH A USER HAT CO., 53-65 Front St. HAY. '- '. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HIDES, FURS. PELTS. WOOL, TALLOW THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 53-S5 N. PronVVt. HIDES. PELTS, WOOL AND PURS TCAH.V BROS., 191 FronTst 1 ' - ,,T HOP MERCHANTS. " M'NEFP BROTHlHS. i!4 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. But :jd and Burnslde sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON CASTINGS. Complete stock of BEAMS, ANGLES CHANNELS, PLATES. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIFS PORTLAND PHOTO S IP PL, y CO. .140 Sd. CUAS L. MASTICK CO.. 74 Front. Leath er nf every description, taps, mfr find i n ga. LUBRICATLNG OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co.. Board of -Trade. - LOGGING MACHINERY. P. B. MALLORY ac CO.. 2Sl"Plne St. Loggers & Contractors' Mach, Co., 71 6th St. -MEN'S AND WOMEN'S -NECKWEAR, Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co., S3 Fifth st. MILLINERY.--B. O. .CASE & CO.. 5th. and .Oak. . . BR A PSHAW BROS.. Morrison and 7th sts. T NOTIONS AND PANCY GOODS. MILLER SI MING TON. Calhoun Co.. 45 4th. ORNAMENTAL IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire fc Iron Works., 2d & Columbia. Ti0r.'M.,TS' -AND- VARNISHES. RASMLSSEN 4c CO., jobbers, paints, oils. glass, sasi, and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor. W. p. FILLER CO., 12th and Dav-is. ti- .JA1TS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO., 1S.6 First St. PAINTS. OILS. VARNISHES. BASg-Hl'ETTER PAINT CO., 1S4-1S3 2d St. PIPE, PIPE, FITTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. &4-80 Front st. xi Ll0t7Bl.-'"i ANU STEAM SUPPLIES: M. L. KLINE, M-h6 Front St. M. BARDE & SONS, 210 Front St. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. " EVERDIXG & FARRELL. 140 Front st. ,..pol'iLT'V, EGGS. . CALVES. HOGS. HENRY KVERDIN..!. 45-47 Front" t t PE AND BINDER Till XE. Portland Cordage Co.-,; 14th and Northrup. COLUMBIA DiGGKR .CO.-. Foot Ankeny st. AMH AVI, . V - W. P. FI LLER & CO., -lJih. and rDa'vts. ' SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14th and Northrup. 1.' 'f t V 1 1 1, "V.. .... 50C-0 cheaper than elsewhere. .24 Union ave tbVa-.SUPPLY c'o..BV.rFVoJ'nt-s,. VArv . or a. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co.. 17- 1st st MORGAN WALL PAPER-CO.. 230 "d St. "1 1 U- A -v. rn s.- -. TT Poland "wire 2 Trnn-S',. "X" ML'LTNOMAH COUNTY AUDITOR'S REPORT CONTIN I'ED. .i ,. . i . Division No. 8: Labor...., . . , , " Material.. , Division No. 9 Labor F. t A . I .. 1 Division No. 10 Labor..... Material... Division No. 11 Labor. . , . Material. . Division No. 12 Labor.... . . material. . Division No. 13 Labor.... I a r .rl.l Division No. 14 ltbor...'! Material.. Division No. 15 Labor.... Material.. Rand Dtatrlct No. St Labor Material 319 3.711 341 2,461 27R 3,41 8 1,163 1.S07. 405. 1.720. 151 2.259. 77 S67 271 2.7S3 580 2,168 65. 8 .80 .15 .55 .13 .92 .08 28 16 66 90 IS 70 05 40 61 00 00 47 3.751.66 4,052.93 2.737.6S 4,582.00 2.212.44 1.872.56 2.336.88 1.138.43 3,863.63 2.233.47 Kelly Buttet Stationery .'....' Oil and Grease Clothina; and Shoes Drugs and Medicines Meals for Prisoners and Guards Water Rate Kuel Oil . . . Knmisratins' Buildings ....... Supplies and Repairs Llnnton Koclc Quarry: Powder, Kuse, etc Painting- Smoke Stack Light freight Charg-es '. Hood River Road Campi Men's Rock-Pile Shoes OPERATION ON QUARRIES KOAD FUND . . . 43.115.40 $ 43,115.40 30.60 1 27.39 125.56 4.579.40 254.10 696.20 10.00 361. y 89. 2S 7.00 13.16 .25 RECAPITULATION $ 159.26 Road Fund Disbursements Road District .No. 1 Road District No. 2 OperatiotT of Quarries Hood River Road Camp ... ' . RECUMTIXATIOX arlous Funds: General Fund Warrants Drawn Si. Januarv 1913 Public Library Building Fund Wi.irants Drawn Since January, 1913 Road Fund Warrants Drawn Since January 1,' i 91 3 '. 40.S81.93 2.23S.47 6,299.11 .159.26 6.1-S3.45 109.66 139.26 49.573.77 t 630,330.41 21 7. 094.29 49.573.77 GOOD SAMARITAN ROBBED Eugene Doctor nelievcd of $25 and Gold Watch. While playing a Good Samaritan role early Sunday morning. Dr. Charles R. Manley, of Eugene, a delegate to the Christian Citizenship Conference, was relieved of" $25 and a gold watch. The robbery took place in the freight yards of the North Bank road. Dr. Manley had helped some friends on a train and was leaving the depot when he was ap proached by a man who told of a, friend lying seriously Injured in the freight yards. The stranger asked the phy sician to help carry the Injured man to a neighboring hotel. Upon reaching the yards the pair found a man groan: ing on the ground. "What can I do for you?" questioned the doctor, leaning over the groan ing stranger. "Gimme all you got," shot back the "injured" one, drawing a revolver. The doctor complied, then hurried to police headquarters. Dr. Manley formerly was police ser geant in Kansas City, Mo., and has been living at the T. il. C. A during his stay in this city. AUCTION SALKS TODAI. At Wilson's Auction House, at 10 A. M Furi.ltur. leo-S First tu Ford Auction House. 211 1st. Furnltura, carpets. tc isala at 2 P. M. - MEETING NOTICES. . WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 40. A. F. AND A. M. Scecial com. munlcatlon this (Monday) even ing. 7 o'clock. East Sth and Burn slde. M- M. degree. Visitors wel come, uraer w. M J. H. RICHMOND. Bee. WILLAMETTE LODOE. NO. 2. A. F. AND A, - M. -Stated com munication this (Monday) even ing at 7:30 o'clock. Business of importance ana work In M. M. degree. Visiting brethren wel . W. S. WEEK.S, Fee. DIED. HUC-HHS At' the residence. 214 " Union avenue N., July- 6, Mary Hughes, aged 1 month. 12 days, beloved 'infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hughes.. SFAULDING At her late residence. 112S Hawthorne avenue. Miss Minnie Spaulding, at 10:30 P. M July 3. Funeral notice will be published later... OSWALD In this city July ; Frank 0. wal.l. aKe1 50 years, beloved husband of J r!!", Car"ne, Oswald, of 40S Columbia street Hemains at the chapel of Dun-nln- & McLnrce. Funeral notice later. MATTHEWS At BBS Spokane ave.. July B J- B. Matthews. ah-ed ul years. 10 months. -4 days. The remains at Hemstock's fu neral parlors, 16S7 East 13th st. Funeral notice later.- MEIKLEAt Woodland. Wash.." July 5. D. E. Meikle. aged 51 years. Remains at LrfTch s undenakinjt parlors. Funeral an nouncement later. CL.P.T;in t!,is c,y Jllly 0 William Clark af?fl1 tu. : , . . Dunning McEnteeT C"UPe' R?'nMnSON.r thl" c'ty Jul- s- Thomas i.oblnson. Hemalns at the ehi.ucl of Dunning & Jici.nip.i. . y FUNERAL NOTICES. HILLS in thie 'ci":y. July '.-,,' ,gias N. Hills. at his residence. 27C E. -Sift St.. age n 76 years. Deeeasod .wad a member of u. D., Second Kaiiaus Inly, and Ueorsa . V right I'ost No. 1. U.. A. P.. The funeral services will . be held at the resutem e today (Monday). July 7, at 2 o'clock 1'. M. Interment at jit. (Scott Cemetery. Comrades of the G. A. E invited. SINGEIt Thi funeral of tho late Fred -Mngor. uped 0i years, will taku place to day. Monday. Jiuy 7. from hi lute resi-t-cuce. E. 11th N.. at 1 :;:.) 1-. M., ihcnc t.j tne t oiihregatlonal Church, corner l. ith and .-tanton streets, where services H1 be held at -' p. .M. Friends respecl rully invited to .attend.- Interment Colum bian Cemetery. LABBE At the family Testdence.-. 493 20th street, July o. Angeline M. Labbe. widow of ti e latfl John Laube. Friends invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at .the. above residence at 10 A M. tomorrow cTuesduj July S. Inter ment Riverview Cemeiery. HILLS The funeral services of the lata Silas 1. Hills will be held at his late resi dence. 2ti7 East 31st. st-.. -today (Monday). Jnly 7, at l o'clock P. M. Friends in vited. Interment Mount JScuu Park Conn, tery. SMITH The funeral services of" the late Florence 1.. smith, wile of Clarld mlth. of 7u.', Reed struct, tvill be held today Monday), July s. at o'clock -P. M., at the All Saints Episcopal, Church. 25th and Savler stu. . SPAULDING In this city July 5 Minnie Laura spaulding at her late " resldenca 1128 Hawthorne ave. aged' 3J years; lh funeral services -will be held- tomorrow (TuesdayJ July 8 at -11 o'clock-A. M at her late residence. Friends invited. M'P.EYNOLDS At his residence. Berkeley Addition, July B, Charles R.- McRevnoids, aged 71 years. Funeral from llolman's "funeral parlors at a I'.'M. today (Monday). Interment 1-tlvervlew Cemetery. 11NEKAL DiKECTOHS.. ME. EDWARD IIOLMAN. the leading fu neral diiector, 2'0 XUtrd street, corner Sal mon. Lady assistant. A loll. Main 6u7. '. '. J. P. FINLEY A BON. " i'LNEKAL SEKV1CE.. Lady Attendant. . Montgomery, at Fifth St. V. 8: DUNNING, INC. ' ' East Side Funeral Director. 414 East Alder St. East Sa, B 255. DliNNINO ft M'ENTF.E, funeral director. 7th and fine. Phone Main 430. Lady at tendant. Office of tonnty Coroner. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 530 Glen wood ave.; take bellwood car. Open t vis itors daily from 9 A. M. to s P. M. LERCII. undertaker, cor. East Alder ana Sixth. East 781. .B 1888. Lady attendant. 8KEWE3 UNDERTAKING COMPANY. Sd and Clay. Main 4153. A Lady attendant. A. K. ZELLER CO., East 1088. C. lOSS Lady Attendant. Night SerTlce. MEMORIALS Portland ' Marble Works, S64 4th. opposite city Hall. Main 854.