THE MORXIXG OREGONIAN, SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1913. PORTLAND, O KEG OX. Entered at Portland, Oregon. Postofflce as aecond-class matter. Subscription Rates Invariably In Advance,- (BY MAIL,) Ially. Sunday Included, one year ......S.OO Dally, Sunday Included, atx months 4.-3 I'ly. Sunday Included, three months . . 2.25 Itally, Sunday included, one month . .75 Dally, without Sunday, one year 6.00 Daily, without Sunday, six months 3.25 Daily, without Kuntlay, three months 1-75 Dally, without Sunday, one month. ..... -60 Weekly, one year 1-gO Sunday, one year -.50 Sunday and Weekly, one year 8.50 CBY CARRIER) Daily, Sunday Included, one year 9.00 Dally, Sunday Included, one month .75 How to Remit Send postotfice money or der, express order or personal check on your local bank. Stamps, coin or currency are at sender's risk. Give postoffice address In full, including; county and state. rontaee Kates 12 to IS pages, 1 cent: 18 to 32 pages 1 cents; 84 to 48 pages, 8 cents; B0 to ttO pages, 4 cents; 62 to 78 pages, 5 rents: 78 to 02 pages, B cents. Foreign post age, double rates. Santera Business Office Verree & Conk lln. New York. Brunswick- building. Chi cago, steger building. San Francisco Office R. J. Bidwell Co.. T42 Market street. European Office No. 2 Regent street S. W., London. PORTTAXD, SATURDAY, JVL.Y 6, 1918. AMAZING CREATURES. The most astounding feature of the confessions of Martin Mulhall is not that they are the truth if they are hut that they should have been made. Mulhall was for about ten years a "field agent" of the National Associa tion of Manufacturers. It would ap pear that his principal duty was to approach Congressmen, harass the labor unions, and make himself useful in various more or less creditable ca pacities. If the National Association of Manufacturers sought in Mulhall a creature who would keep no man's confidence it made undoubtedly a suit able choice. The insidious lobby had a shining armament in Mulhall. But the week's events have brought forth a peer to Mulhall in David La mar, or whatever his name is. Lamar's testimony before the Congressional committee was a most remarkable in cident. It Is conceivable that a man with out conscience and with a shrewd de tective insttnct might have done the bold things Lamar did impersonating Congressmen, soliciting favors from the great moneyed interests for his friend Lauterbach, employing intimi dation and blackmail, and using vari ous daring and original expedients to pluck timorous capitalists but it is all but inconceivable that he would consent to tell about It publicly, ex cept under duress. Lamar appears to have been a will ing and even an anxious witness. The spirit of vainglory was there. "Very likely he enjoyed his distinction as the most dangerous and ingenious sneak in all the world. Mulhall and Lamar are a pair to gether. Mulhall boldly betrayed the men who trusted him, for reasons riot yet divulged, by exposing his own in famy. Lamar has immeasurably com promised one man Lauterbach who trusted him, without any apparent gain, except ah immense and unenvi able notoriety. It is hard to explain such, creatures. Mulhall seems to have had some purpose of revenge and re taliation upon his former employers: but Lamar apparently had no such motive.- A colossal egotism, covered by an elephantine epidermis, seems to be his most conspicuous trait. How much of truth and how much of falsehood there is in the respective tales of these two unblushing tattlers it is not our purpose now to inquire. There is more than enough of fact, undoubtedly. But what a precious twain they are. NOT I.IKE 1856. A long time ago, when the Repub licans had deserted the Whigs, mainly over the question of slavery and its extension to the territories, and after both had been beaten in a Presiden tial campaign, the old party tried in vain to get the new party back. But the Republicans stood pat and never did go back. Abraham Lincoln said about the proposed reunion: Rational men can only entertain It in the strange belief that Republicans are not In earnest for their principles. This mis take must be dispelled. For the sake of their principles, forming their party, they broke and sacrificed the strongest mere party ties and advantages which can exist. There can be no letting down. "Ha who is not for us Is against us, and he who gathereth not with us scattereth." Ex-Senator Beveridge thinks that history will repeat itself and that the Progressives will not go back. But they are going back. They are going back because they expect to have a potent voice in the counsels of the old party. They will not stay if they do not. The nther ilnv Y-Cnvorn.-ir I T H ley in' a speech showed that in St. Louis the Progressive ' vote last Fall was 25,000; Republican, 45,000. In April the Republican vote was 55,000; Progressive. 3000. The reason given by Mr. Hadley for the change was: The vote of 1912 was one of protest against the methods used by the men in rontrol of. the party, but was not cast with .the Idea of breaking up the party. What vital issue, like the abolition of slavery, do the Progressives repre sent that the Republicans do not rep resent? SINGLE TAX CRUMBS. Exemption of household effects which was approved by the voters in the 1912 election was thought by Mr. U'Ren to be a bill not worth voting for. The exclusion from tax burdens was too small to suit one who believes all personal property and improve ments should be exempt. He there fore urged Jhe voters to defeat the household bili and adopt single tax. But a majority of the voters considered the measure well worth while, and judging from the number of inquiries concerning the effect of the law on taxes collectable in 1913 and' the vol ume or protests directed against re cent attempts to tax household effects the people are still of the same mind. We are now informed by Mr, U'Ren what part of the single tax loaf, in his view, is better than none. He has asked the Secretary of State so reads a Salem dispatch to approve the pe tition form for an initiative measure exempting personal property to the value of $1600. Moreover, we suppose it may safely be inferred that, after a distinct loss in favor during four years' campaigning, single tax in Ore gon is admitted by the ever sanguine U'Ren to be at present hopeless. So we are to consider a J1500 exemption. But as usual Mr. TPRen cannot or will not put out a simple, straightfor ward measure. According to the Salem report it is proposed that one petition on a measure shall serve the purpose of three. The amendment will provide that it shall be resub mitted in 1916 and also in 1918. The people thus are given the oppor tunity to adopt a law and without fur ther activity by opponents are to say whether they like it or not after two years' trial, "and again express ' an opinion after four years' trial. We can hazard several guesses as to the purpose of this peculiar provision. One is that Mr. U'Ren has small faith in its merit himself and wishes to make repeal easy; another is that he hopes a reluctant public will be willing to make an experiment for two years in a matter they would not care to adopt permanently; another is that in the event he deems it worth while to sub mit single tax again in 1916 or 1918 the presence of another tax measure on the ballot will enable the single tax forces to work in an extra affirmative argument in the official- pamphlet in the same way that the law in this re spect was' evaded by them and over ridden in 1912; and another is that Mr. U'Ren is seeking to demonstrate how flexible is the Oregon .system and bring discredit on his own production. A measure that is coupled with some insidious or plausible inducement to gain the favor of the voters will start out with a bad name. MAY THEIR TRXBE INCREASE. A Fourth of July may not only be safe and sane, but it may be made beautiful and impressive, patriotic and Inspiring, joyous and interesting. The remarkable Sunday school parade in Portland yesterday proved that a new and altogether desirable method of celebrating the Day of Independence had been found. There were no loud noise-makers, nor disorderly boys, nor maimed children in that splendid pro cession. There were sober and happy men, good and happy, women, and bright and happy children, all keeping step to the martial swing of patriotic music or raising their voices in unison with the stirring strains of "Onward, Christian Soldier," and all proudly waving the American flag. For they were all patriots, old and young. If the country should be in danger from the onward rush of the forces of Immorality, or indecency or irreligion, they would be the main bulwark of opposition and defense; if perchance the alarums of war should resound throughout the land, they would be the foremost to take up arms and march to the front. A significant aspect of the Sunday school parade is that it was made up largely almost wholly of people who are not often seen in public, or even on the streets. They were the plain citizens of Portland, the home-lovers, the family-conservators, the church goers, the daily workers. They were and are the bone and sinew of the city's manhood and womanhood, its moral fiber, its sterling worth, its homely virtue. Its Christian character. They are all right. The city would not be all right without them. May their tribe their several tribes in crease! SPOILING (GOOD FARMERS. , Referring to the trend of immi grants to the mining and manufac turing communities instead of to the farms, though most of whom have been tillers of the soil, the Chicago Trib une says: Immense areas of undeveloped land in the United States are waiting for pioneers. These aliens have the hardihood and strength to become such pioneers. But they Know notning oi tne opportunities lor farm ing in this country. No one has come to them with the story of the vastness of our natural resources. The private labor agent, who is the high priest, as it were. in tnene mill ana mine communities, finds the Ignorance of the immigrant his chief asset. The State Department could do a great economic service to the country if it undertook to direct this great army of labor, - which is now tha prey of all sorts of unscrupulous agents, to the land which needs them and for which they crave. Tes, we are spoiling good farmers to make poor miners and millhands. We let immigrants crowd into un familiar surroundings in cities, where they breed discontent and fall an easy prey to Socialist and I. W. W. agi tators, when we might scatter them over the farm land to become pros perous and contented citizens. The biggest part of the immigration problem is not restriction, but direc tion of the immigrant to the place where he is needed, where he can best use his energies and where he would most wish to go, if he only knew. But we don't even tell him. RUSSIA- BECOMES PROGRESSIVE. As England and Russia have grown more intimate politically, their com mercial intimacy has also grown. This explains the issue by the London Times of two special Russian supple ments, the second of which was pub lished on June 16, and which have had so large a circulation in Russia that the first was quickly sold out. English capital see Its investment in Russia in increasing volume and Is welcomed. The English people are, eager for knowledge of the internal affairs ,of the r f M.isovit0 EmDire and the superficial impression that it Is a land of Cossacks, anarchists and dumb peasants is wearing away. Since the war with Japan and the subsequent revolutionary disturbances. Russia has been - ..-o-v. of social and economic reorganization. While persistent agitation has been going on in the United States for pub lic ownership of land under the guise of the single tax, Russia has been Increasing the area held by individ uals, and the people have readily seized the opportunity to become abso. lute owners of the soil. Communal ownership Is being rapidly abolished by the allotment of a separate farm to each member of the commune. The land of the state and the nobles is being sold to the peasants, who now own . three-fourths of the arable land under cultivation. Those who had no taste or aptitude for farming have been enabled to sell their interest in communal holdings and to move to the Industrial centers. The Peasants Land Bund is the means through which peasants purchase land and the de mand of the peasants for land of their own is so great that the surveying staff, though enormously Increased, has been able to satisfy only 40 per cent of the applicants, who number 3,800,000. What the country west of the Mis souri River is to the United States, Siberia is to Russia. In the five years 1907 to 1911, Inclusive, with govern ment aid 417,000 families composed of about 2,000,000 persona have mi grated to free land in Siberia and Central Asia, They have built roads, schools, churches and medical sta tions. They took with them about $33,000,000. realized from the sale of their holdings in Russia, and the gov. ernment has spent $57,000,000 on emigration. This influx of capital has stimulated development in Siberia. Production of grain trebled between 1900 and 1909 and the dairying in dustry Is rapidly increasing exports of butter. Siberia may yet become the world's bread basket. ' Agricultural progress Is helped along throughout the Empire by co-operation in banking, production . and dis tribution. There are. in the villages about 20.000 co-operative banks with a capital of about $250,000,000, of which"the state contributes over J90, 000,000. These banks make loans to aid production and marketing of crops and to build granaries and eleyators. Co-operative societies have been or ganized for gardening, bee-keeping, fish culture and dairying, for breed ing of live stock and for use of agri cultural Implements, both in Russia and Siberia. The butter producers of the latter country have a co-operative society which has an agency in Lon don. This agency In 1908 exported $25,000,000 worth of butter. The co operative societies have combined in the organization of a People's Bank in Moscow to aid their work. There are 6730 societies of consumers for distri bution, the largest of which, in Mos cow, did a business of $2,500,000 in 1912. These societies are combining in federations and the tendency is to affiliate the banks, agricultural socie ties and consumers' societies together, with the People's Bank as the bank for all. We must dismiss from our minds the old impression that rural Russia is a sodden mass of ignorance and pov erty. The progressive movement has reached ltand inspired it with ambi tion and the instinct of self-help and mutual help, which is the beginning of progress. ELIMINATING THE MIDDLEMAN. Judging from a letter written to the Topeka Capital, J. R. Koontz, general freight agent of the Santa Fe Railroad, Imagines that it is proposed to elim inate the middleman by inducing each denizen of the city to go out Into the country and circulate among the farm ers to buy; his butter, eggs, poultry, vegetables and fruit. He says there would be no saving in this method. Of course there would not. It is pro posed that the farmers of each dis trict combine to sell and the consum ers of each city combine to buy farm products without the intervention of middlemen and that the combinations of farmers sell to the combinations of consumers. The place of the middle men would be taken by the managers of these combinations, who would work for the interests of their em ployers instead of striving to depress the price paid to the farmers and to boost the price paid by the consumers, as the middlemen do. Each Individual middleman may riot make a large fortune, but the mischief is that there is a string of middlemen all along the road between producer and consumer. Each must add his expenses and his profit to the price of the goods until they cost the consum" sevefal times what the producer re ceived, with due allowance for freight. This is a wasteful system of distribu tion. Were the middlemen eliminated as such and transformed into producers, farmers would get more and consum ers would pay less for food, and those who are now middlemen would be in creasing the volume of production in stead of decreasing the volume of con sumption by enhancing cost of living. EXCUSING M'REVSOLDS. At least two Eastern newspapers at tempt to minimize the importance of the Caminettl. Incident by asserting that the Attorney-General in ordering a postponement of the trial was mere ly doing in a routine way what Is often done and that the order was not im proper In Itself. Yet the ease -with which continuances are obtained in criminal and in civil trials as well Is one of the recognized weaknesses of American court procedure. Along with trivial motions, technical obstruction and other lawyers' devices for defeat ing Justice, it plays its important part in arousing public outcry against the law's delay. If it be customary and mere routine procedure for public prosecutors to defer criminal trials that relatives of the defendant who are not witnesses in the case may attend, the Attorney General of the United States ought to be among the first to break the prece dent. But we do not believe it is cus tomary to apply for continuances on such grounds, though it may be said that in no public or private en deavor does personal convenience of the .principals play so important a part in retarding the transaction of busi ness as in court procedure. It is true that orders of postpone ment are not unusual, but we trust and believe they are unusual on such grounds as the order in the Caminettl case was based on. Lack of warning from, his California subordinate as to attempts to suborn or sequester wit nesses, if true, does not relieve the bad position of Attorney-General Mc Reynolds. It does not excuse him to say or imply that he ordered the post ponement without making inquiry into the urgency of the proceedings. Mr. McReynolds has been rebuked in deed, though upheld in words, by the Presi dent. Let us hope that one good may have been accomplished by the inci dent that such routine and customs as defeat the course of Justice may be departed from by the Attorney-General's office. ENGLAND AND GERMANY AGREE. One most significant outcome of the recent negotiations for the settlement of the Balkan war has been the evi dent drawlnar toeether of England nni Germany. The two countries worked nana in nana in tnat arrair, and Ger many has been exerting herself to-convince England of her. pacific disposi tion and that, in being allied with Rus sia and France, England is allowing herself to be used for their selfish ends. Practical evidence of this better un derstanding is the Anglo-German agreement in relation to the Bagdad Railroad. This road, for which the late Marschall von Bieberstein induced Turkey to grant a concession to Ger man capitalists, was designed to ex tend from the shores of the Bosphorus and the Mediterranean to Bagdad and Koslma, It was even proposed to ex tend it to Hamadan, a Persian city in the Russian sphere of influence. By the new arrangement tho twrnlnno nr the Persian Gulf Is to be Kowelt, a Turkish town over which Turkey has recognized a British protectorate. England Is to take over that part of the road which will be within the Brit ish sphere of Persia along the gulf, from Basra eastward, while Germany will complete it to that point. Two English directors are added to the rail-, road's board. This agreement removes the last serious misunderstanding between the two countries. It secures for Eng land German recognition of her pro tectorate over the gulf. It fortifies Germany in her denial of Russian su premacy over the Black Sea.. England has never felt comfortable in joint control over Persia with Russia, and cannot view with equanimity the pros pect that, as Turkey breaks up, all of Western Asia would fall under Rus sian dominion.1 That would give the Muscovites an outlet both to the Med iterranean and, through the Persian Gulf, to -the Indian Ocean. By the new agreement German in fluence in Asia Minor will create a barrier to the Russian advance south ward and England affords a field for German capital and enterprise. The two nations, which have long been foes, now become, partners in at least one great undertaking. Does this pre sage a new alignment of the European powers ? Canada is now discussing a new Issue the naval bill and discusses it with the heat which always char acterizes Canadian politics. The Sen ate having rejected Premier Borden's bill for construction of three dread noughts as a contribution to the Brit ish navy to meet an emergency In im perial affairs. Conservatives point to the British government's hastening of construction on the same number of ships to compensate for the failure of Canada to contribute, as proof that the emergency was real, not imagin ary. Liberals reply that Mr. Borden can build the ships under present law and leave the voters to decide by ref erendum whether they shall be manned by Canadians for Canada's defense or by British seamen as a contribution to the imperial navy; or that, after such a vote, Canada can assume the cost of the ships the moth er country is building. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is accused of disloyalty and of wishing to create a Canadian re public. His supporters reply that, but for party politics, Mr. Borden could have aided the empire with lib eral support. Meanwhile the mother country is building and paying for the ships. It was a hundred years ago last month that the first successful loco motive steam engine, "Puffing Billy," was operated on the colliery railroad of Wylan,. near Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. It was built by William Hed ley, chief engineer of the colliery with the aid of Timothy Hackworth and is still preserved in the South Kensing ton Museum, London. Robert Ste phenson perfected and developed the Invention which Hedley had made. Al ready we .-hear predictions that the steam locomotive will pass out of date. The aviator already considers the trav eler on land as much of a mossback even as the automobilist-regards the farmer in his wagon. The nineteenth century was the wonder age of inven tion, tout the twentieth promises to ex cel it. v Martin M. Mulhall, author of the charge of lobbying against the Na tional Association of Manufacturers, is said to have received $10,000 from the newspapers to which he sold his story. Report has it that Richard Barry, who collaborated with him. has sued him for a share of the money. James A. Emery, counsel for the asso ciation, denounces his story as "a tis sue of lies on a slight foundation of truth" and explains its publication by saying: "Failing in blackmail, he re sorted to slander." Whatever be the truth, the lobbying inquiry has dragged into the light some most unlovely specimens of humanity. The completion of arrangements for the sale of Washington and Oregon applea In China. India and the Malay Peninsula calls attention to the great possibilities of an exchange of fruits between the temperate zones of the two hemispheres. In the re gion where agencies are now being estab lished for the sale of American apples ship, ments have long been made from Australia in the early months of the year; the fruit from the Pacific Coast will arrive in the Fall and Winter, when the Australian applea are out of season, with modern steamship service for perishables there is no reason why the world should not be kept well supplied with fruit the year round Springfield Re publican. Why, certainly. Oregon will readily exchange apples with Australia. The Springfield Republican proposes that we taboo the term "white slave" and the Chicago Evening Post seconds the motion. Shall we return to use of the old term "scarlet woman" ? The other term seems to describe the class referred to with fairly rough accuracy, so why be pedantic about it? The parade yesterday was most ap propriate, for the streets had what might be called a Sunday look. Sala ried men and wageworkers took early trains and boats for the country, and the unwonted relaxation will unfit most of them for work today. The parade of Sunday-school chil dren yesterday should be inspiration to Mayor Albee, well toward the head of the column with his class, to make this a" clean city, and it will. The experiment of using camels for transportation in the Arizona desert is to be repeated, but we had been led to suppose that irrigation would ex terminate the desert. Still, the man who. provides in his will that his wife must not marry again should not be Judged too hastily. Who. knows but that his motives might be humanitarian? "David Lamar" must be George Randolph Chester in disguise. Only the creator of J. Rufus Wallingford could Invent such a story. Penal servitude for militants con victed of arson will cause a few to de slst, 'but not many. There Is glory in being a near-martyr. The American flag was torn down In Mexico yesterday. But one day It will be nailed to the mainmast of that Ill starred ship of state. Those who wanted an old-fashioned Fourth got it at Vancouver, for there are the troops and the equipment for proper observance. Spokane will restrain unnecessary noise. Blatant street oratory should be put in the list. But in the light of recent fistic his tory, will all Vancouver continue eat ing regularly? The country's per capita wealth is 10 cents higher. Have you got your extra dime? Is Burleson big enough to throw .j'isk out of the San Francisco post office? Umatilla keeps to her record with a 5,000,000-bushel crop of wheat. - Tes, it was a little quiet, but never theless a glorious Fourth. It might also be said that Mr. An derson was Crossed. Now that the Fourth is over, may we expect the sun? It would seem that Bud was nipped in the bud. SO CURES FOI1 ADVANCED CASES. Mr. Lehman Defend Frlcdmasa'i Claims as Moderate. PORTLAND, July 3. (To the Editor.) Your article, "Facts About .Fried mann," shows an evident desire on your part to be fair, since my letter of June 15 Induced you to write to your correspondent in Rhode Island. The reply of your correspondent, when analyzed, does not to my mind justify the inference contained in the first sentence of your article that my remarks fell wide from the truth. In the first place, your correspond ent admits that the Governor of Rhode Island gave Friedmann permission to practice. In my judgment, the Gover nor knows his power under the law better than your newspaper corre spondent, who may be ever so good a newspaperman and still not know the law better than the Governor of the state, who has at his command - the legal department of the state to guide him in his official acts. As a matter of fact. I repeat that In Rhode Island, after a thorough inves tigation conducted by the Governor and after- Friedmann had treated nu merous cases at the hospitals In Provi dence, the Friedmann Institute of Rhode Island was formally opened, with the sanction of the Governor and the State Board of Health. Your correspondent refers to cases treated In the state sanitarium for con sumptives, and says the superintend ent was bitterly antagonistic to Fried mann. but permitted patients who so wished to take the treatment. This he was compelled to do through Instruc tions received from his superiors, but does It not seem significant that he does not say any of them were the worse for it. I can understand, con sidering his antagonism, that he would not confess to any improvement. The paragraph referring- to Fried mann taking: away suitcases full of bills and checks is certainly a human Interest touch to your correspondent's story. No reasoning man can believe such rot. If a man Is leaving a city, does it sound reasonable to believe that he will take local checks away with him? No. He would deposit them in the local banks, likewise the cash, and take exchange for them. As a matter of absolute truth, and I can prove It, Friedmann never charged more than $100 a treatment, very often $50 or $25, and when the patient was unable to pay, charged nothing. And this will be the policy In all of the Friedmann Institutes to be established. As to the patients who died, your cor respondent charitably admits that some of them would have died anyway. Friedmann never claimed to cure tuberculosis where the lung tissue was so far gone as to make the case hope less, even if all the tubercles were de stroyed. Most advanced cases of tuber-culosis-are complicated with other dis eases, and even if the patient were cured of his tuberculosis, the other ail ments would kill him. The grreat hue and cry that the treat ment Is dangerous is not raised by your correspondent. He Is good enougn to say that while none are better for it, "none are worse." We defy anyone to produce any patient who ever was compelled to give his last money to Friedmann and his assistants. This la but talk, aad talk of the most idle kind, without a scintilla of proof. 1 have In my possession the original hospital records of over 400 cases treated by Friedmann while In America which I am pleased to submit to any ono. I reeat that Friedmann and his dis covery have not and are not receiving a square deal. The treatment and method has undoubted merit, which is admitted by most eminent physicians who are personally opposed to Fried mann's buslnes transactions, if it is the means of saving only part of those who succumb to the great white plague, why not welcome it. The Friedmann treatment shows its greatest efficacy in moderate cases of tuberculosis, and as a preventive it will ultimately be adopted as Jenner's vaccine for smallpox has been. The ad vance and progress In the science of healing is often opposed by well mean ing but self-opiniated members of the profession who later come to hall and acclaim where now they assail and seek to, drown through the disapproba. tion. Each day brings forth new proof, new demonstrations of the true value of Friedmann's wonderful discovery, and the world will benefit from the great and searching tests to which the remedy has been and will be put, and for its ultimate adoption by all who treat tuoercuiosis. The Friedmann institutes will not and do not advertise. Thev n o u strictly ethical as any doctor practicing in Portland today, and they will con tinue in a dignified manner to cure and prevent tuberculosis, as they are now aoing according to Dr. Fried mann's method CHARLES II. LEHMAN. Poets and Inspiration. PORTLAND, July 4. (To the Ed itor.) Your . excellent editorial June 29 on J'The Poetry of the Future" aroused much interest. Optimism is always better than rieanalr nnr art have free inspiration never want ing to observing students of life. But there is a poetry of sadness that is Instructive, if not popular, and often beautiful because it haimr,r,lo drawn from the kingdom of "unquiet nearts- striving upwards. Like Mas senet's "Meditations of Thais," it thrills with noble riprifltlnn t-a , . i. . i Milton was not born "too late" for the service of humanity, yet his saying so yonns a moral. The poets of today will be better ap preciated by our descendants than con temporary critics, if we are to judge the future by the past. Yet it Is dif ficult to draw Inspiration from "steam electricity and gasoline." A songbird is never an owl. and a musician is not necessarily a scientist in any age "Symbolic subtlety" Is noble in the mouth of a Wordsworth or a Kipling, and there are evenings In eternity, not without hope of succeeding mornings when the "truth is wrapped in dark ness," by no less geniuses than Homer Jeremiah, Coleridge and Longfellow. A darkness penetrable to minds with a telescope, so to speak. A FRIEND OF POETRY. Homesteadlng Speculator's Lands. EUGENE. Or.. July 3. (To the Edi-tor- If the people of this state really want to stop real estate speculation, "land sharks" and "grafters," why not put the homestead laws in force on privately-owned land, other than home steads, at taxable values? . The taxes would eat up the Increase in case the speculator -advanced his value above the productive value of the land, and if not the settler would home stead It and make it produce. Every farm would be a homestead. JOSEPH E. TUTTLE. The Petard. PORTLAND, July 3. (To the Edi tor.) Kindly state the origin and lit eral meaning of "Hoist with his own petard." h. A. D. The expression is from Hamlet and means caught in his own trap. The petard was an explosive contrivance set off by a fuse and used in warfare to create a breach In walls or other de fenses. Women and Divorce Salts. BEND. Or., July 2. (To the Editor.) I am interested to know whether the court awards of Portland show more divorces in favor of women than men for the year 1912. . . R. M. G. Women outnumber men as plaintiffs about 10 to 1. A Cherry Colored Eye By Addison Bennett. As I entered the cafeteria In rather an unpleasant frame of mind, with thoughts of a late accident haunting me, I was met almost at the door by the little blonde. She gave me, as usual, a cheery (not cherry) good morning, and at once remarked, "How In the world did you acquire such a picturesque black eye." This, although given in an interrogatory manner, did not seem to be In the way of a question, so I side stepped it by remarking that It was a pleasant day after the rain, and there would more than likely be a large crowd at the ball game, as the Beavers were playing wonderful ball, pennant winning ball, and everybody ought to attend. . "I think," continued the little blonde, "that you are wearing the most pic turesque black eye I ever saw; tell me, did you fall out of bed. or were you kicked by a nightmare?" "My dear girl," I replied in my every day voice, "some people inherit black eyes, some people achieve black eyes and others, like myself, have black eyes thrust upon them. As you seem to be honestly seeking information I will explain to you how I had this black eye thrust upon me. Last night I was going up Eleventh street towards my domicile when suddenly there ap peared before me on the sidewalk a large group of citizens, men, women and children. I marveled greatly, for the hour was rather late and Eleventh street Is not usually crowded at that hour of the night. "Looking across the street, back down the street and up the street as far as I could see, I discovered other crowds, and approaching me were 17 policemen. Then I suddenly remember ed reading In The Oregonlan that a cousin of the wife's brother of one of the new Commissioners resides on Eleventh street and Just then I dis covered that the sidewalk was Jump ing up in a most unsatisfactory and unaccountable way. The higher It jumped the higher I stepped and the more warily I dodged, but in spite of all I could do it smote me on the cheek bone; hence this discolored eye." "Did you look In your vest pocket this morning to see how many tooth picks you had cashed away the night before?" queried the little blonde. I knew she referred to another sad oc casion, so I sidestepped again by ask ing her If she had noticed an article In The Oregonlan wherein Miss Brown Eyes was accused of giving "cherry" words of thanks to the customers. She admitted she had and went on to say that I seemed to have cherries on the brain. "Well," said I. "this is not real ly a black eye. Black eyes are pleblan, common, unartlstlc this eye I am toting around with me for the amuse ment of my friends and others is a genuine .cherry-colored eye. 4 "When P. T. Barnum was at the ze nith of his greatness as a museum mag nate in New York City there appeared at the box office One day a tattered In dividual who wished to Bee the great showman. As that gentleman was near at hand and easy of approach he gained speech with Mr. Barnum and said: " 'I have, Mr. Barnum, a wonderful curiosity which would be a great at traction for your museum I have a genuine cherry-colored cat'.' '"Where is this cat?' asked the show man. " 'I have it around at the hotel.' " 'AH right,' replied Mr. Barnum, "Bring It around.' " 'But how about the price for such a wonderful curiosity?" asked the cat vendor. "It was agreed that If the caf came up to specifications and was In reality a genuine cherry-colored feline the showman would pay $250 for It, so the stranger departed, and., going over to the Bowery, he gathered in a stray bar room cat. and, putting It in a sack, went back to the museum. Mr. Bar num appeared, took the stranger with his bag into the private office, where upon the stranger unloosed the sack and out hopped a bob-tailed, one-eyed. ornery-looking black cat. 'There's the cat, Where's my $250?" 'Look here,' said Barnum, 'you can't bunco me with an ordinary black cat.' 'Well,' replied the stranger 'isn't that cat the exact color of a black cherry?' Mr. Barnum saw the joke, coughed up the $250 and thousands and tens of thousands of people flocked to the museum to s the cherry-colored $260 cat." "What has that to do with that black eye? asked the little blonde. . aiy aear, - x went on, --you must no longer accuse me of wearing- a black eye that is a cherry-colored eye, a real, genuine, cherry-colored eye, the only one now on exhibition." "You seem to be quite proud of It.' continued the little blonde, "and quite gay . about it. "But see how artistic It is," I went on, "how very artistic. But few men could acquire so beautiful a black eve. Why, I was so proud of it last night that I Immediately went home, or got home anyhow I was at home pretty soon after the accident and in the way of a celebration I ate up all three of the gold fish from my aquarium." "And this morning," remarked the little blonde, "I suppose you found at least two dozen toothpicks in your vest pocket, each toothpick representing a cherry and each cherry a cocktail and then you drank all the water from that flshless aquarium!" Twenty-five Years Ago From The Oregonlan of July 5, 1888. Mount Hood ablaze. The great illu mination plainly seen in Portland. The ascending party caught in a storm of snow and sleet. In the tower of the big Kamm building there assembled a very interested party, chief of whom was Signal Observer E. J. Glass, who sent heliograph messages to Mount Hood. At 11:07 a light was seen through the telescope to burn brightly about the center of the mountain's western face. Portland's celebration of the 112th anniversary of the Nation's independ ence yesterday was a complete success in every particular. Better weather could not have been made to order neither warm nor cool, part clouds and part sunshine, no rain and no dust. Every able-bodied person participated in the celebration and there was free dom from accident or fire. The parade ended at the Plaza, where Judge George H. Williams delivered the oration. Rev. T. E. Clapp offered prayer and C. M. Idleman read the Declaration of Inde pendence. A fireworks display was given In the evening in Corbett's field, on the hillside above the corner of Eleventh and Montgomery streets. A dinnnr and birthday party was given to Mrs. Mary Royal yesterday at the residence of her son, James Royal, near Mdunt Tabor. "Grandma" Royal was born in 1800. Over 3Cp0 people witnessed a rather unspirlted game of baseball between the Portlands and Willamettes at Clin ton and McCoy's grounds yesterday. the latter winning hands down by a score of 9 to 4. First Day of Week. PORTLAND, July 3. (To the Edi tor.) Is Saturday or Sunday the last day of the week? I know Saturday is the last business day in the week. Is not Sunday known over the world as the seventh day of the week? SUBSCRIBER. Sunday is commonly known as the first day of the week. Terse Tales Pointed Storlea Told by Well-Known Men. Degrees of Reform. Mayor Gaynor. talking of cltv gov ernmbnt in New York recently, had this to say: "V e must not have one reform for the rich and another for the poor. It is as bad for the millionaire to gamble in his club as for the laborer to gamble in a stuss joint. It is as bad to be come intoxicated on champagne as on mixed ale. "Too many reformers, so-called, think that when a man is drunk on Fifth avenue he is ill, and when a man is ill on Third avenue he Is drunk." A Hairline Balance. Representative Pujo was speaking of the currency in Washington recently. "It must balance automatically and delicately, it must resemble the Christ, mas husband," he said. " Oh, John, dear," said this chap's wife, "I'm so sorry you've got all those heavy parcels to carry!' " 'Well, you see,' John panted, re assuringly, -my pocket is very much lighter now." ' Origin of Bull Moose. Senator Finn, of Iowa, in a speech at Pomona, was discussing Theodore Roosevelt's sudden change of attitude toward the Republican party. He gave this very pertinent Illustration: "A man, who had lived all his life In a rural community in up-state New York and had only seen the antiquated little railway which served his small hamlet, stood beside the New York Central tracks shortly after the system had been four-tracked. "There passed by him interorban trains carrying the workmen to and from their work; Pullman trains carry ing the more fortunate in life; the fast mail holding- in its bosom papers of state, letters on business and missives of joy1 or sadness. "He stood there lost In admiration; and he thanked God that he lived In a country that could produce such marvelous system. "Just then a slow freight went by and he' got a cinder in his eye. And what he said of that system thereafter would not be fit for print." When the noisy demonstration had ceased, Mr. Finn drew his parallel on the third-term, third-party candidate. "Now the whole trouble with Teddy I3 that the wire screening which cov ered the smokestack of the steam roller that he had taught Mr. Taft how to use had become somewhat worn, and Theodore got a cinder In his eye at the Chicago convention. "If I had the naming of this new party, I would call it the Cinder party. You would then be relieved of the em-, barrassment of how to address the Cali fornia women of the Bull Moose party. You can't call them Cow Mooses; that would not be polite. But If it were, called the Cinder party, you could call the men Cinderettes and the women Clnderellas." Love and the Neighbors. Apropos of a scandal that had roused Palm Beach during the Spring season, Frederick Townsend Martin said whim sically at a dinner in New York: "Busybodies abound everywhere. Love may be blind, you know, but the neighbors always have their eyes open." First State In the Vnlon. The late Frank S. Black, ex-Governor of New York, was noted for his humor, as well as for his eloquence, illustrated in "The Man on the Barrel Head'' and other speeches. During the Roland B. Mollineaux case Black one day had occasion to deprecate the praiso of a certain wit ness.. . , ' .... "Oh, we can all." he said, "find some viewpoint or other wheretrom to lav ish superlatives. I was once examin ing a young man who had applied to me for the place of stenographer. "'What state are you from?' I asked. "'I'm from this first state in the Union, sir',' he replied. "'New York State, eh?' " 'No, sir; Alabama, sir.' " 'But, said I, 'Alabama isn't the first state in the Union." " 'Alphabetically speaking, sir; al phabetically speaking,' said the young man." Chicago Record-Herald. American Girl la Calm. "The American girl," said Mayor. Ainslie, at a bachelor dinner in Rich mond, "is noted for her beauty and In telligence, and she is also noted for her adroitness. Circumstance can never, confound her. "A typical American girl, young and beautiful, sat with her clear eyes fixed ardently on the orbs of a young man who, seated at her side, poured forth his soul in a declaration of love. "Suddenly the girl's brow darkened. A look of pain overspread her face. With a queenly gesture she silenced tha love-stricken youth. " 'Walt, wait!" she cried. "The next moment the sneeze came, and at once the ardent and tender glow stole back into her eyes,, and. laying; her hand on the young man's sleeve, she murmured: "'As you were., say-in;?. Alfred?'" Sunday Features Keeping Cool A page in colors on how to beat the sun when it finally makes its appearance for a hot spell. Trial Engagements A test is far better than taking a head long leap, says Rita Reese, who has a lot of information and ad vice to give young people with matrimonial inclinations. The Western Spirit The best yet in THEODORE ROOSE VELT'S Chapters of a Possible Autobiography. It deals with thrilling adventures in early days out VTest. Your Wife's Money She should never have to ask for cash, says a writer who claims to be some thing of an authority on the topic. Acting Under Difficulties An account of how. many "slaves of the public" have appeared on the stage under grave draw backs. Paternal Government An inter esting article from a Berlin cor respondent on the turn towards regulation by the state of every action of the individual. Is Your Milkman Sanitary? This is a subject which you should look into, as your health is very much at stake. Home Life of British Royal Family An Englishwoman gives a few close-range glimpses into the domestic realm of King George's household. The Mollycoddles A snappy short tale by Frederick V. Brown. MANY OTHER FEATURES. Order today of your Newsdealer. The weather added to the sanity. . 4