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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1913)
14 THE MORNING OREGOXIAN, SATURDAY. JULY 5, 1913 NEW TOD.CT." Holladay's Addition The Very Best in the City For Sale A fine residence; nine rooms, fur nace, fireplace, bath and all conven iences; close In: location choice and certain to Increase In value; terms if desired. Residence, apartment, business, warehouse and manufacturing' sites. THE OREGON REAL. ESTATE CO. Grand Ave. and Multnomah St. Phones E. 67, C 170M IRVINGTON SACRIFICE! $4850 Reduced From $5500 New, seven rooms, strictly high class In every detail; furnace, full basement, laundry trays, hardwood floors, fire place, old cold lighting: fixtures, plate glass windows; lot 60x100 feet; locat ed best section of Irvlngton. one block to Broadway car. Must sell at once. I'hone OWNER. Main CS04. East Broadway Eargain Price $1400 We have a nice lot on this street for the above price. This price Includes hard-surface pavements in and paid for. Terms $500 down, balance can be arranged to suit purchaser. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St- Lumber Exchange Bids;. Mortgage Loans If you have A-l Heal Estate security we can loan you any amount at lowest rates. C ALLAN & KASEIi 722 - 24 Yeon Bids;. Halsey Street Bargain Price $1350.00 We have a nice lot. 50x100. for the above price. Including all street im provements paid for. Can arrange easy terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St., Lumber Kirhaise Bldg. PORTABLE HOUSES ALL SIZES. You will be surprised how cheap you cai. buy a portable house tent. We have one on display. PORTLAND TEXT AM) AWM.G CO, 16 North Front St. Slain 1550. A 1130. Mortgage Loans Improved Property . Only. Commerce Safe Dep. & Mortgage Co. 01 Third St.. Cham, of Com. Bids. MORTGAGE LOANS Our Own Money at Current Hates. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO, Commercial Clnb Bide., Portland, Or. REA1. ESTATE DEALERS. Beck, William a., 315-316 Falling bid. liKUBAKKK, C. L., 317 Kailway Ex. bid. Chapln & lierlow, 332 Chamber of Commerce, Jennings & Co , Main 188. 206 Oregonian. PALMER-JONES CO., H. P., 404-405-40 Wilcox bids. THE Oregon Real Estate Co.. Grand ave. at Mutnomah t. Hrtladay Addition. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lots. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS ON WEST SIDE. GUnelyn Addition, restricted district. In aide 3-mile circle, commands an unob structed view of Tualatin Valley and Mt Hood; walks, surface graded streets and Bull Run water in and included In price, Fourth atruet line runs In front of prop erty, the electrification of which ts now in progress; prices range from $350 up; se lect your lot and we will build to suit you lor small cash payment down. PROVIDENT TRUST CO.. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. BEAUTIFUL. VIEW PROPERTY. On West Side, overlooking the entire city and mountains; 7 rooms, all modern; will sell for $5O0 cash, and easy monthly payments, PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS, Second Floor Selling Bldg. 30 LOTS for sale, cheap; lots 1 to 8 and 35 and 3(1 in block 55. West Portland Park Add. All In one bunch ; taxes and everything clear up to date; will take some property in or close to Spokane In trade ; any reasonable offer will be ac cepted. J. E. Scobln, Rossland, B. C. I ADD LOT SACRIFICE. Fine lot on Elliott avenue, near Haw thorne; worth $3000; our price for quick sale, 2500; $1H0 cash, balance 3 years. GRUSSI & BOLDS, 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. 1 HAVE a lot in the Piedmont district near the park, and one block from the electric car, very good to build yourself a home on, that I would like to sell for 4875 on time. Mr. Burke. Main 7760. TWO choice lots for sale adjoining Gover nor West's palatial home on Ecola Beach In the Summer capital of Oregon. Ap ply Main 7423. SIX beautiful building lots sacrificed by owner, good residence ulstrlct. concrete walks, water, gas, terms. Phone Wood lawn 714. WAVERLY HEIGHTS LOT. $525. On Tibblts st Of course It's a snap, all cash. Fred W. German Co., 832 C. of C Both phones. $500 LOT $50 0. On Minnesota ave., northeast side, 8 blocks from Mississippi ave. carllne. Call 27 5 Pine st. Phone Main 1721. PORTLAND HEIGHTS EXCLUSIVELY. Homes, lots, tracts and acreage. All views, locations and prices. Marshall 4S27 BROOKE. A 3S89. iron SALE Lot on Cleveland av. bntwAA Mascn and Skidmore, $1300. Address P. j. Hunt, owner, Aurora, ur. FOR SALE By owner, lot 60x100, on East 63d, between Broadway and Halsey; terms. fnone beuwooa oo. FOR SALE At great bargain, two lot. 50 x 100 feet each, on Portland Heights, fine residence oiBinci. xv n, uregonian. RAKE bargain; store building 20x40, lot 4 Ox 100; Alberta; iiuu; quicK sale; terms; $33,ooo 135x100. 19th st.. Nob Hill, exclu sive neighborhood,, very choice. phone owner, cast aauw. FOR SALE Six improved lots In Dallas, or., ioou dubiuch vuruer. aaareu av as. Oregonlan. KA RLY acre. 1 block from car. X475 will give deed to Industrious man. Bil- yeu. 31 a in sow. UV1NGTON LOTS OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN A CO. MAIN eoTa, R. T. STREET. IRVINGTON .LOTS. LOTS near car, $375; 5 monthly. Owner, 720 Chamber of Commerce. Main 1160. Fol $alf Ifeacu Property. X1250. NORTH BEACH House. 7 rooms. fireplace, completely furnished, beautiful location, 100x200 feet, on ocean front. Terms to suit. Apply owner, 910 Ch. of Cem. Tel. Marshall 1585. Also 2 vacant lots and some splendid acreage for aale very cne&p. LITTLE GEM. $1500 beach home for $850 this wek only, near ocean and station; 5 rooms, modern, furnished, fireplace, at Ocean Lake Park, Garibaldi Beach. Easiest terms, or will rent for season. Dr. Swain, CHOICE lots. Bay ocean Beach. $200; $20 cash, $5 per montn. s-4 Worcester bldg. For tSalr -Hnu FOR SALE. A new 7-room colonial home, solarium and sleeping porch at a bargain; too large Tor present owner. io, uregonian. &-ROOM house for sale at bargain; must leave city; by owner. 6441 00th av., s. E. REAL ESTATE Fur feale LET THE RENT MONET PAT FOR TOUR HOME. 8-room house, modern. West Side, 13 minutes to the Pos tot rice; $1600. . 4- room house, near good carllne, ma tured fruit trees, excellent view, all mod ern; $2400. 5- room house, new, every modern con venience, commanding- view, alt street as sessments paid. In Hose City Para; - to SoGO cash, balance monthly . We also own 6, 7 and S-room houses In various residence sections of the city which we will sell for a reasonable casij payment and balance In monthly pay ments PROVIDENT TRUST COMPANY. OWNERS, Second Floor soiling- Bids. THIS exceptional opportunity to purchase a beautiful 5-room modern home with California pergola, porch, full cement base ment, wash trays, finished floors, fireplace, paneled dining-room and plate rail, built in Dutch kitchen, two nice large bedrooms, bathroom, large closets, every inch of space Is used In this little home: the living-room is cheerful and well arranged: lot is 50x100; improvements all in and paid tor; Just think of all this tor only 25 per month including interest. Call E. 8549. XO CASH DOWN. It means more to ua to do business with a good, steady man, having a reg ular income, than to get cash payments. Pay $5 per month and take Immediate possession of the new tt-room bungalow; modern in every way lawn, garden, ber ries and fruit. Close in. East Side; good car service; price $2S0O. -C. W. Davis A Co., 606 Commercial blk. THAT VACANT LOT. - WHY NOT TURN A BURDEN INTO INCOME? WE WILL FURNISH THE MONEY, BUILD APARTMENTS. RESI DENCE OR ANYTHING. PLANS FREE. WE ARE RESPONSIBLE. WE KNOW HOW. TALK TO OUR CLIENTS. SEE OUlt WORK. WILL. GIVE BONDS. L. R. BAILEY & CO., CONTRACTING ARCHITECTS, 324 ABINGTON BLDG. BIG SACRIFICE. Good 7-room house, gas and electric, fine bath, corner lot, 50x100, 2 blocks from 2 car lines, walking distance, on East 13th and Beacon streets; worth $3200; must be sold at once; price S21O0, some terms; nothing like, it in the city for the money. GRUSSI & BOLDS. 318 Board of Trade Bldg., 4th and Oak. DO you want a comfy home? One where rent is ciearea oy renting tnree rooms. I am selling at once for cash complete f urn tunings for five rooms and sleeping porch; delightful location on Park street, opposite the park; only 10 minutes from Postofflce; bargain If taken at once. Call 4004 Park st. $3O50 SACRIFICE $3050 My beautiful modern bungalow. It has all the latest built-in conveniences. Includ ing electric fixtures, shades, gas stove, hot-water heater, linoleum on kitchen and bathroom floors, etc. bee it today. Small down payment, balance easy. Owner, B stay. FOR SALt; o-room modern house, corner lot, 50x100; splendid neighborhood, first class condition; roses and fruit; a good buy, close in ; any reasonable terms ac cepted. Phone Tabor 1S0O. No agent. Price $4500. FOR SALE Modern two-flat house; four rooms each; bath, gas, electricity, laundry traya in basement. Bargain, owner leav ing city. Must sell. 1042 E. Sherman st., near 34 th. Take Richmond car or pbone Sellwood 757. WE BUlLD ON EASY PAYMENTS. WE FURNISH PLANS ANu MONEY AND BUILD YOUR HOME Olt APART MENTS. ETC. TAYLOR BUILDING CO., 606 M'KAY BLDG., 3D AND STARK STS. IRVINGTON HOME For sale by owner, eroins- East: new. 7 rooms, modern; $4100; terms, $500 cash. balance monthly easy payments. 03 7 East 1 1 th N orth, or business phone Main 7o91. r OK SALE 5-room bungalow, modern, 50x 100 feet, pretty lawn, flowers and berries, first-class location, walking distance, at tractive terms ; bargain. Phone, Tabor 1800. No agents. Price $3700. A FINE HOME. IRVINGTON. HALF ITS VALUE. SEV ERAL OTHERS. OAK AND MAHOGANY FINISH. CHOICE. EAST 273. W. H. HERDMAN. WILL sacrifice $300 on price of 6-room strictly modern nouse in Aiameaa park for $1250 caah, balance easy. b62 East sad. North. MY siriciiy modern S-room 1-story home. If it suits you can agree on terms, weav ing city. 909 East 31st st. North. Phone Woodlawn 448. MUST sell new modern 6-room home, 1141 E. 30th iv.; a $3uuu sacriiice lor $2300; easy terms; quick sale; owner leaving town. Call Medford Hotel. IRVINGTON. Beautiful ll-room home la Irvlngton; every modern convenience. East 4416. No agents. IRVINGTON sacrifice; modern, 7 rooms and sleeping-porcn; new iurniture; must sell, $2000 below cost; terms, phone East 6268. $25 DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. New house on 81x248, 30 minutes out, price $075. A. C Marsters. 202 Wilcox ROOMS, modern throughout; 057 E. Goth St., near Sandy road; if you are looking for a beautiful home, see this. Tabor 3507. A 'BARGAIN, by owner, modem 6-room house, close in, goo a residence location. East CI 26. FOR SALE by owner, 5-room modern house; small payment aown. can or aa areas eoa East 20 th st. South. 4-ROOM cottage, garden, flowers, chick ens, furniture. $ioio ; $ioo cash, balance like rent. Call A 1654. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 5-room bungalow, near 36th and Haw thorne. Phone Tabor 4062.. Li" OWNER, new, modern 5-room bungalow. 2 unnmsnea rooms upstairs; easy terms. Phone sellwood 011. zu DOWN, $20 a month buys 4 -room mod- st. N. Woodlawn 2032. R. T. STREET, IRVINGTON HOMES.' IRVINGTON HOUSES OUR SPECIALTY. NEUHAUSEN St CO. Main 8078. For Sale Business Property. THE F. E. TAYLOR CO., REALTY FIRM. have removed tneir place or business from 404-5 Lewis bldg. to the offices formerly occupied by C. K. Henry Co., 83 4th St., ground floor, Henry bldg. $13,000 LOT 59x100, stores and apartments. prominent street, ciose in, west &iue, wen rented. Owner, 324 Worcester bldg. For Sale Acreage YAMHILL RIVER. Five acres, all cleared, planted to 100 nice apple trees 2 years old; splendid soil; five minutes walk from station, 35 miles from Portland; $250 per acre; ad joining property sold for $500 an acre; one-fjjurth cash, any reasonable terms on balance. A. A. FISHER, 213 Luinbermens Bldg. ELECTRIC LINE, eight blocks staTfon; chicken and fruit ranches near Portland; new subdivision, near Gresham; 5 acres, S400 $500. $700; 8 acres. $500. $700: lo acres. $750. $900,- $1000 per tract; best son, free wood, spring water; acreage at Scappoose, Or., $25 to $100 per acre, FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CO.. S09 Y'eon Bldg.. Portland. A IJVELY home site. 6 miles west of city; beautiful view of valley and town. This beautiful 3 acres is one mile from Oregon Electric . it. station, two miles irom city limits; fronts on county road, rocked an me way to .fortiana: on teiepnone ana rural route; price, $2500; terms. Address K. M. Ellis. Box 716, Portland. Or. ST. JOE. 23 acres, part stump and timber; will sell as whole or- cut up in two or three tracts at $135 per acre. There is no bet ter acreage than this In the State of Oregon. One-fourth cash. A. A. FISHER 218 Lumbermens Bldg. 28 ACRES Six acres in clover, five acres pasture, balance small stumps and brush; on the Yamhill River; $175 per acre; one fourth cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent; or will divider in two or three tracts; will price accordingly. A. A. FISHER. 218 Lumbermens Bldg. ACRE HOME AT COURTNEY STATION. Or iron City electric, house, water and fruit. $.50 down, $20 per month. Phone Marshall 1399. 6 ACRES 7 miles west of Portland Court house, near station, ou Oregon Electric; 4 acres cleared, no waste land: will sell for $100 per acre less than adjoining land priced at; no agents. Address Geo. Ed mund, v ancouver. w ann., jtoute j., 6 ACRES close in on electric In Powell Val- ID j, u cam vfa, f u.w nuvvs,, siiauc 4-1 ceo , l 1 T.I1 s--n a tn Bull T. ITfl nian. 280 ACRES logged-off land. H mile from railroad and postofflce; several houses on tract. Apply of owners, Marshall 3B( 604 20 ACRES. 2 14 miles from Ore r on Citv cheap. $2350. Address P. J. Hunt, owner. ONE acre, all cleared, with small house, nn Oregon Electric, near Garden Home; price VIA uv, ici ins, -tilt ui osuumn. $1 DOWN and $1 weekly buys i acre, 23 minutes out. xuiyeu, juam ooxt. REAL ESTATE. For bale Acreage SUBURBAN HOME SITES. WEST SIDE. 30 minutes from the city with the new lnterurban electric ears running by or- before September 1. YOU CAN'T BEAT IT. Oce acre close to station ; graded street and side walk for S30U. $50 down and $7.00 monthly. Any size tract, half to three-quarters of a mile from rail road for $250 to $400 per acre on the most liberal terms. This should appeal to the discriminating buyer. Let us show you. THE SHAW FEAR COMPANY. Main 35 102 Fourth st- A 3500. 10 ACRES $300. $10 DOWN. $5 PER MONTH. Buys 10 acres of logged-off land, one mile from the railroad station, town and the Columbia River. The soil is free from rock and gravel and none of this land , overflows, some of these tracts have run ning streams on them, these tracts are Ideal fur chicken ranches or "dairy pur poses, perfect title and warranty -deed. BELL REAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212 Railway Exchange bldg. 15 ACRES, on Yamhill River, five minutes from St. Joe station ; roads being electri fied; new five-room house, well and pump, new stable, chicken-house, 100 apple trees 2 years old, nine acres cleared, balance pasture with some oak and fir; all level, fine soil ; beautiful maple shade trees around the house- three miles from Mc Mlnnvllle; price $4009; any reasonable terms, monthly or annually. A. A. FISHER. - 21S Lumbermens Bldg. SUM MER homes! te, one acre, with shade trees, electrio line, auto road; $300, $5 per monthfr V 19 2,0 r e g o n 1 a n . Homesteads. TWO fine agricultural homestead relin quishments, close to town and railroad, on county road and creek, $40O each. 603 Oregonlan bldg. REE homesteads. Alberta, Canada, close to new railroad and town; we locate you. 43 Gth st. North. For Sale Farms. FARM LANDS IN CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA, ALONG THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC HIGHWAY. The railroad will soon be completed, giv ing settlers main line transportation; an army of men are rushing the work that it may be completed in 1914. The land along this new railway Is unsurpassed for fruit, mixed farming, gardening, dairy and stock farms; no irrigation ; Summer rains; pea vine and wild grasses to horse's back; rich soil ; good climate; fine drinking water, beautiful rivers and lakes; wild fruit; fish and game In abundance: thousands will go Into the country when the railway la com pleted. We sell the best vallew land In all size tracts at a low price and on unusually easy terms; can give guaranteed title to every acre we sell; over loo stereoptlcon views of Central British Columbia free; everybody welcome. Call week days; will show views evenings by appointment. For maps, government report, field notes and full Information, call or write W. A. Stock ton, district salesman for the NORTH COAST LAND CO., LTD., Paid-up capital, $1,500,000. 824 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. porttanO. or. RANCH AND EQUIPMENT. 860 acres In a body, now used for stock, fruit and dairying: part well cultivated balance In .good timber; three full sets or buildings ana a blacksmitn snop; horses, cattle, hogs, poultry and all nec essary farm and orchard machinery; an extra fine stock ranch, well located as to market, railroads and school ; good shape to divide into half dozen fine farms; want to sell to make partnership settlement. If Interested, come to see me. It's a high grade property at a low price; no com missions, uenry Mays, 3vy lyon street, Albany, Or. NICE LITTLE FARM $3250. 38 acres, - near Gaston, 35 - miles from Portland. 5-room house.- barn and out buildings, 1009 Royal Ann cherry trees 0 years old and fine family orchard: 1 horse, wagon, cart, 1 hog, 20 goats and Implements; $1800 cash; this is good value and Is worth your investigation. Fred W. German Co., 932 C. of C. Both phones. FARM tor sale; the biggest bargain in the v mamette v aney ; 1 acres; 3 miies from railroad; 250 acres clear, 900 acres pasture and Umber, 12,000,000 feet fir tim ber; 4-room house, large bam and out houses; nearly all level land; $20 per acre, terms. V ISO. Oregonlan. ONLY $275 secures small farm; terms; will pay ouyer snare in pronts, guarantee 1 per cent; Ideal climate; good markets; fine Investment whether you ever move on land or not. Write quickly for views and particulars. G. W. Deen, Box 472, Way cross, Ga. FOR SALE Farm 50 acres, all in cultiva tion, z H miles from courthouse, Oregon City, facing on 2 main country roads, the Molala and Highland roads. For prices and terms address A F. Bally, Route 3, Box 193. Oregon City. Or. 170-ACRE dairy farm with 70 cows, eastern part or Muunoman. iz miles rrom Port land, under high state of cultivation, for sale or lease. am isi, Oregonlan. 640 ACRES in Crook County, cheap for cash. wen locatea, ciose to water, write owner. jag. wiison, itoute 1, coring, or. RANCH, 00 acres, with buildings; 18 miles from Portland, near electric line; bargain for all Cash. By owner. 1S2 Morrison st. EXTRAORDINARY sacrifice: Willamette 80. $2100; buildings. orchard, stream. Owner. 1030 Grand, North. FOR SALE or part trade, rood ranch, near Myrtie jreeg. kox ito, Myrtle creek, or. Miscellaneous. SEE ME for ATTRACTIVE HOMES, fruits and flowers. SEE ME for quick sales, best suburb. Box 703, Lents. TO EXCHANGE. 75x100 SUNN YSIDE corner; S-room thor- oucnxv moaern nouse: two blocks from Sunnyslde car; splendid surroundings; great oargain ; win accept part exchange; part cash tor equity; prefer automobile. A. A. FISHER. 21S Lumbermens Bldg. $20,000. Dry goods, shoes and furnishings busi ness; best location In Western Washing ton: average for June $200 day; will take $14,000 In Portland property, balance cash. M. S. Cobb. 1060 E. lath et, N.t Portland, Or. 52-ROOM brick building, good location. East toiae. 5-year lease, cheap rent; would ex change for clear property; price $3000 and clear of Incumbrance. Owner, p 191, Oregonlan. THE F. E. TAYLOR CO., REALTY FIRM, have removed their place of business from 404-5 Lewis bldg., to the offices formerly occupied by C. K. Henry Co., 83 Fourth st., ground floor. Henry bldg. WILL trade several highly improved, well located farms in Eugene. Or., district for alfalfa and wheat ranches. Eastern Ore gon. Submit full descriptions. Great western L.ano 00., inc., Eugene, Or. S-ROOM cottage, cash price $3000; will take automobile up to $500 as part or all of first payment; no Junk. AF 187. Orego nlan. $5000 TO $10,000 worth of A-l equities In Irvington homes to trade for good land. See Harbolt, 714 Lewis bldg. Marshall 4200. vVE are in a position to offer you quick action if you have property for exchange. KfPPER & HUMPHRY. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce B 1 d g, $700 EQUITY on $3000 modern 5-room cot tage -in Oakland. Cal., for property in Portland or vicinitv. A-d dress Oregonlan office, Vancouver. Wash. 142S-ACRE well-Improved wheat land to trade for merchandise; R. R. on place; small orchard, good well, town 4 miles. H. j. u ipion, otneno. wasn. TO exchange, a first-class piano for a stan dard typewriter. Address box 56, Arleta Station, city. 5 ACRES, unincumbered, on electric, for nouse ana lot or lots; Alberta preferred; will assume. AF 184, Oregonlan. WE have 3 rustlers working- on exchanses: list your property with us. Oregon Homes to., zu7 Kauway exchange. WILL, exchange my new 7-room and sleep ing porch home in Irvington for a bun galow in good district. phone Main 2574. WILL trade Portland property for cottage at the beach. Owner, Marshall &975. FOR PAt F TTMBKR T.ANDl WANTED. LOANS ON TIMBER LANDS BOND DEPARTMENT COMMERCE TRUST & SAV INGS BANK. PORTLAND, OREGON. TIMBER LANDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. C. J. M CRACKEN. S04 McKay Bid. CHEAP STUMPAGE Ideal location for tie mill, stream run ning to railroad spur. No. 75 5th st. FOR RENT FARMS $10 MONTH For rent, "a four-room house and two acres. 6 blocks from carllne; the house Is plainly furnished; a nice place to raise poultry, near Gresham. Apply to Edward Schiller, at Gresham, or 446 Stark at- . WANTED KE.IL ESTATE. WANTED To buy 5 or 6-room house or bungalow, cost less than $60O0; must be hardwood floors and all modern conven iences and located in best section of Ir vington or Alameda Park; must be under pries. Answer by letter, giving full de scription, price and terms. 634 Tillamook, Apt. 3. BRING In your business openings; we have buyers for every description of stores. 3C3 and 304 Lumber Exchange. OR lv acres, improved, unincumbered, close In, for city property. B 162, Ore Bon ian. HAVE $1000 for first payment on modern home from owners only. K 191, Oregonlon. FOR SALE. Horses, ebfcle, Etc BAY mare, 7 years old, approximate weight 1350 lbs.; roan mare, 7 years old, approxi mate weight 1400 lbs.; bay horse, ii years old, approximate weight 1550, gray mare, 12 years oiu, approximate weiglit ltoO lbs. ; brown mare, 12 years old, approxi mate weight 15 OO lbs.; bay horse, 11 years old, approximate weight 1200 lbs.; gray horse, 11 years old, approximate weight 12oO lbs.; sorrel horse. 10 years old, ap proximate weight 110O lbs. ; brown horde. IO years old, approximate weight lo5o lbs.; bay horse, 10 -years old, approximate weight lluO lbs.; bay horse, 12, years old, approximate weight 1200 lbs.; bay horse, 10 years old, approximate weigat lOOO lbs. 604 Electric bldg.. further particulars. HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE OR RENT. Second-hand vehicles bought find sold ; new wagon and auto beds made to order; livery furnished to business parties at special rates. HAWTHORNE STABLES, 40 Hawthorne Ave. Phone East 72. B 1369. COMPLETE CAMP OUTFIT. Horse, wagon and harness, just In from California; no further use for them; will sell at great bargain. THE MURPHY HORSE & MULE CO.. 240 East SthSt. A TEAM, weight 2300, almost new farm wagon and -harness; outfit can be bougbr right, as the owner is going away; the horses are gentle and good workers, any place, and are extra good travelers, 390 last loth, near Harrison. WE have a few delivery wagons left, going at greatly reduced prices; also heavy lum ber gears at bargain prices; come and see us. 105 Union Ave. M. Oregon Moline Plow Co. HANDSOME general purpose mare, weight about llpO lbs., must be sold at once to settle au estate ; buyer must assure good home. 1029 E. Yamhill st. PASTURE for stock, close to Portland. O. L & S. Co. Main 1410. FOR SALE Black, horse, 7 years old, weight 145Q- pounds. Address V 1S3, Oregonlan. FOR SALE Fine horse for light delivery. A bargain. H 184. Oregonlan. HORSES for sale at 88 East 7th st. iNorth. Piano, Organs and Musical Instruments. $750- AUTOPIANO and music' like new"; owner has lett city and will sacrifice. For particulars pbone rental dept., Meier & Frank, or call ap Apt. 30, N acorn ia. Dogs, Birds. Pet Stock. AIREDALE terriers to protect your home and family. Laddlx Kennels, Estacada, Or, Automobiles. THIS is the greatest automobile bargain ever offered in Portland: My new 1913 "30' touring car of standard make; fully equipped with self starter, electric lights, speedometer, top, windshield, etc ; car has not been run 50 miles and is guar anteed by the factory and local dealers; cost me $1650; I am compelled to sell im mediately; make me an offer. Address D 196, Oregonlan. PROSPECTIVE auto buyers will save con siderable by looking over our list of cars before deciding. We have one 5-passenger touring car and one roadster of last year's model. Not demonstrators. They are absolutely new and at a price. MICHIGAN AUTO 6l BUGGY CO., A 5626. Main 3906. 514 Alder st. $1600 WILL buy my high-grade, 5-passenger touring car, which is in perfect condition and equipped complete; I am leaving city and am forced to dispose of this car In next few days; will give some terms to responsible party. Address C 188, Ore gonlan. LOOK HERE. -1913 runabout, 20 H. P.. 4-cyl., fully equipped; never been run; best buy In city; reasonable terms If desired. AUTO LAUNDRY, 21st and Washington sts. Ask for Smith. FOR SALE New 1913 model "Studebaker" five-passenger touring car, used 1 month, had best care. In first-class condition, like new; cost $1000; owner leaving city ana will sacrifice for $650. AC 191, Orego nlan. HIGH-GRADE 1913. O-cylinder. 7-passenger touring car; will exchange for 1S12 or 13 Packard or other high-grade roadster and difference In value in cash. Address AS 164, Oregonlan. $i00 TAKES 7-passenger GO-horsepower car, suitable for rent service or stage run ; if you want a good, serviceable car at a great bargain, look this over. W. H. Mll ler, 690 Washington st. WILL sacrifice my 1913 Chalmers 3S 5 passenger touring car for $1500, and will make terms easy if you can make me a reasonable cash payment at once. Ad dress AR 187, Oregonlan. rOK second-hand cars Inquire Powell Ga rage; cars called for and delivered; autos for hire; give ua a triaL East b"th and Hawthorne. HAVE just purchased larger truck and will sell Bulck delivery car for $375 If taken at once. See me today at 690 Washington st. W. H. Miller. JACKSON roadster. 30 H. P., 1011, in A-l shape; must be sold at once. Henry Funk Auto Co. 4-H. P. motorcycle for sale cheap: must sell by July 15. Inquire 651 East 62d st. North. Phone C 3274. Vv ILL give A-l mortgage for good auto; must be either new or nearly new. Call A 7158. $200 BUICK TRUCK $200. Kully equipped, A-l condition, suitable grocery or light delivery. Tabor 4343. NICKEL-PLATE your car tn 2 days. Port land Pltg. & Mfg. Co. Main 943. A 5282. BRAND new Cadillac touring car for $1,100 spot cash. Address E 187, Oregonlan. HUPP . runabout $375. Dulmage Auto Co., 4 6 N. 20th. Furniture for Sale. FURNITURE of 4-room house for sale and - houee for rent; rent $13. Call 957 Mlchi. pun ave. FURNITURE for five rooms for sale cheap. 4SS Gllsan st. GOOD furniture five-room modern flat; rent $17.50. 227H Mill st. Marshall 239. ftl swlil FOR SALE. One 125 -volt direct current generator, complete, with field rheostat, ammetef and circuit breaker. This machine Is in good repair. Address-room 203 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE. A 45-h.p., 650-volt Crocker-Wheeler mo tor, complete, with standard blade starter, no voltage release and 75-ampere over load, 1. T. E. circuit breaker. In Al con dition. Address room 203 Oregonlan bldg. FOR SALE. A 40-K. W-, BOo-voit Crocker-Wheeler generator, complete, with field rheostat and circuit breaker, in good condition. Address room 20a Oregonlan bldg. A SNAP. 12x14 Willamette road enelne 72-ln. boller, with sled and tank ; guaranteed to be In first-class condition ; f. o. b. car jrortianq; act quick. R 1S3, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. MANURE IN CAR . LOTS Stockyards' manure in car lots, $1 per ton. f. o. b. cars. North Portland. Book your oraers early. PORTLAND UNION STOCKYARDS CO. North Portland, Oregon, POPCORN and peanut wagon for sale. This is a very nne wagon, o3 in. long, 34 in. wide. 75 in. hi eh : runs with aasollne en gine. 1101 Belmont. Tabor 4721. Suuuysldc- car. SAFES Mosler Safe Co.. manufacturers low prices, easy terms; safes opened and. repairea; oargains in secona-nand sares. 101 2d st. Phone Main 7070. SAFES, new and second hand : low nrices easy terms; safes opened, . repaired and painted. PL'RCELL SAFE CO., and PORT. iAMJ SAKE CO., 8.1 ith St. Main H3U9. FISHERMEN ! Japanese fish decoy er; no expensive reel or pole needed; lull direc tions for making sent any address, 25c P. O. Box 191. city. TYPEWRITERS, all makes. $lo to $65. NORTHWEST TYPEWRITER CO., 262 Stark St. CHERRIES. Royal Anns and Black Republi. - enns. cneap. xonu lULn St. rnont Marsnaii 04. SECOND-HAND roll-top desk, two flat-top desks and 3 chairs. Bushong & Co., 91 rarK st. A GOOD 5-shelf portable oven, cheap. Call 11 iu itasi zain st. worm. $05 PLUME, very cheap, at lowest price. wo :vvn si. NATIONAL cash registers, get m v orlces Pbvey. 351 Wash., basement. Main ttoo. A 4-H. P. vacuum carpet cleaner for sale oneap. jh? Mississippi ave. USE Basset's Native Herbs for constlpa- umi , U lauicia iwr oc; SI t QTUgglStS. DERBY desks and office furniture. K. B Haley Desk Co., 210 Broadway. Main 5o7, WANTKF MISCRLLANEOUi. LEVIN Hardware & Furniture Co., 221 Front st., buys second-hand furniture, carpets, stoves, ranges, hardware or tools of any kind. If you have anything in this line call Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. WE buy for cash second-hand National cash registers and sell them on easy terms. W. J. Macauley, 354 Burnside st. Phone Main 1S10. A 1816. WE BUY CLOTHING AND FURNITURE. Highest prices paid for ladles' and men's cast-off clotning and shoes. Call Main 20S0. 234 First, The Globe. WE want to buy $1000 worth of second hand furniture in the next 30 days and pay all the cash it is worth. . Williams ave. Furniture Exchange. East 030. WANTED To buy rose petals. 3c per lb.; must be clean. Call 62 S 'i East Main or phone B 1924. FORD Auction Co. pays most cash for any kind of furniture. Majn S951, A 2445. CASH paid for hair combings. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 400 Dekum bldg. NATIONAL cash register; price must be reasonable. Phone Main 000, A 30O0. WE want $10,000 worth of second-hand fur ntture ; highest prices paid. Sellwood 1682. WE PAY highest prices for second-hand lqthlng. 294 3d st. Phone Main 0203. S ECO N D-HAND good s bou gh t f orcash or taken in exchange for new. Tabor 4346. HIGHEST prices paid for cast off clothing and shoes. Marshall 2354. HELP WANTED MALE. INCIDENT. (One of Many) Office Secretary Employment Department, v Y. M. C. A. Young man, stranger, seeking employ ment ($20 his total cash asset) If I pay you $5 for employment membership I will have only $15 between me and starvation. Secretary If you pay $5 for employ ment membership you will have the Y. M. C. A. with all its resources between you and starvation. Result Young man Joined association. In less than a week he had satisfactory employment. Record for year 1912: Calls for men from employers ?2C5 Positions filled 1697 Our special employment membership guarantees members will secure employ ment or refund of membership fee; gives two months full and 10 months' social privileges. Constant demand for CLERICAL, TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL MEN. All young men seeking employment, especially strangers, are cordially invited to consult with the Secretary of the Em ployment Department WANTED Second cook for Summer resort. $0 month. Second cook, country hotel. $60. 4 waiters. $12 to $15 per week. Kitchen helper. $10 to $12. Camp flunkies. $35 to $40. Large list of other work. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT COMPANY. 222-224 Couch St. I v WANT, a salesman to come to Regtna, Canada, at once to assist me in selling a high-class real estate Investment. To the man who qualifies I can assure a per manent and highly profitable connection with one of the largest, strongest, and best established corporations In Canada. The position offers a splendid future to the energetic and successful salesman. Ap ply A. M. Parks, Mgr., 64 Western Trust bldg.. Reghia, Saskatchewan, Canada." WANTED By the Union Pacific Life In surance company or .Portland. Or., which has Just been licensed to do business and has a paid up cash capital of $106,000. strong experienced "representatives. Over 350 stocknoiders will assist agents get business. Agents who find it difficult to get Insurance will find It much easier to work for a local company. Home Office. 142 Broadway. EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for 3 bright, energetic young men over the age of 21 years to learn the real estate business: we prefer men acquainted in the city; we will co-operate with leads and assist in closing; while you are learning the busi ness you can easily make 100 Der month. See Mr. Comte, 1002 Wilcox bldg., before :ou morning. WANTED Men for railroad work; location irom Columbia River to Xehalem Valley. Camps first-class in every respect. Work win last tor several montns. COLUMBIA & NEHALEM KIVEP. K. Ft 716 Spalding bldg., or at the work. Wood's Landing or Ross Landing on the Columbia ana b, f. s. k. r. WANTED On farm, all modern conven iences, man and wife, without children, man as gardener and handy man and wife to cook for family; wife must be good cook and both must be competent; give experience, age ana nationality in letter. AV 132. Oregonian. LOCAL representative wanted; no canvas sing or soliciting required; good income assured. Address National Co-Operatlve jteaity" jo v-1494 Marden bldg,. Wash ington, D. C. WANTED Experienced salesmen tn sell well advertised goods. Only first-class men need apply. Good commission. Address ai uregonian. WANTED Cook for sawmill camp of about 20 men; man and wife preferred. Address Fisher Lumber Co., Wahkiacus, v nan. WANTED Well educated young man to learn specialty business; one willing to work? excellent opportunity for rapid ad- vaiiueiiieui. a 1 1 at &.x etarK St. WANTED 2 good solicitors; will advance cajioudco ur . ptu iivs. LidrK xioter, room 221. GOOD outside salesman for family liquor store. tan aiter xu:jo, 253 Washington street. WANTED Good clean college boys, 21 years ot age. to trave; witn unautauqua outfits. Call Marshall 5851. SECOND cook, $00; broiler, $S0; ship Salt j-iuilv luuny. Appiy Dei ore xv a. i . Tur ner, 429 Main st. -:01 EAST MORRISON, corner East 8th; neatly furnished housekeeping suites, rea sonable. WANTED An experienced farm hand; a permanent job for a married man; a Ger man or Dane desired. L 183, Oregonian. MAN for work on small dairy in the city who understands care of cows. AB 181, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED shoe salesman. Apply 380 Washington. FIRST-CLASS cook wanted for Seasoide. Phone Main 7195 or A 6021. PHOTO coupon, best offered, beauty contest started. Cut berth Studio. Dekum bldg. YOUNG man for work on small city dairy. Particulars, R 176, Oregonlan. TvvO men to learn auto repairing and drlv ing. Hawthorne garage, 445 Hawthorne. SALESMEN and dist. mgrs. for Oregon Nat. Casualty Co., 501 Railway Exch. bldg .VAN'lED Two boys over 18 with blcyclos. WANTED Mattress makers. 1249 Macadam frtnri Ta Wo Tiiltrtn t-nt- nnst i TWO barbers wanted for Saturday;. $4 guar- 2 WIDE-AWAKE men for good proposition Can 629 Chamber of Commerce. iiSH WASHER wanted. 94 Klllingsworth ave. i'liulu COUPON agents, new winning con. test off.;r. Sarony Studio, 3464 Morrison. WAiVT man and wife capable of running a chicken ranch. B 170, Oregonian. BOY to work in shipping dept., $6 per week. 129 1st st. BUSHELMAN wanted at Park. once. 172 West BOY to ride wheel and learn hardware busi. Appiy ii uaK st. WANTED Heading sawyer. Apply' Western Cooperage Co.. 622 Corbett bldg. A JANITOR for an apartment house. Ap ply 34$ Gllsan st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Girl for general housework, 2 iu family, light washing; $30. Lieutenant Lentz, Quarters 13. ancouver Barracks. Phone 870. GIRL for general housework, 3 in family, good wages. 60O Thompson st. WANTED Starcher. Lace House Laundry, 26 North 20th st. VAN TED Chambermaid at Hannah Hotel 1 2th and Stark. WANT good girl or middle-aged woman, up to 40, at 701 Northup st. M. Wise. WANTED white woman cook. Cottage Res taurant, 990 Belmont st. GIRL for cooking and general housework; wages $30. 751 Hoyt st. uOOD girl for dining-room work. Call 79 West Park" after 2 P. M. WANTED A Lunch girl. Peerless Cafe teria. 5th. EXPERIENCED girl. Confectionery, 181 3d st. EXPERIENCED waitress; good wages. 413 Washington st. vV ANTED Waitress, S hours straight time. Boston Lunch. 64 6th St. xiRIGHT young lady stenographer: nominal salary to begin. AB 18 2. Oregonlan. THREE young ladles to work in coffee house as waitresses. 26 North 4th. WANTED A girl for general housework. 677 Schuyler iL; Broadway car. HELP WANTED t JBMAT.K. EXPERIENCED POWER MACHINE OP ERATOR WANTED Apply between 8:30 and 9:30, superintendent s office, 0th floor, Meier &. Frank Co. FEMALE help wanted at the Union Laun dry. Co., 2d and Columbia sts. ONE who can do plain and fancy cooking; muat help with second girl in doing part of laundry; must have good recommenda tion; will pay highest wages. Call 9-11 mornings, 5-7 evenings. 819 Madison ave. East. Phone East 1079. WANTED Girl for general housework; must be good Cook, or pleasing disposition, good home. Summer in country at Hood River, balance of time in city; salary $30. Apply Sll Kearney. Phone Main 2005. WANTED Three neat, intelligent women to take orders for NuBone corsets; personal training. Call between 9 and 12 A. M. NuBone Corset Parlors. 202 Broadway bldg. WANTED Gootl plain cook and a second girl to po to beach immediately with pri vate family, good wages. Apply between 12 and 2 or o and 8, lu North 19th, be t ween Flanders and Gllsan. WOMAN to make homemade pies of A No. 1 quality for delicatessen; may work for wages or commission and build Independ ent business. 302 Yamhill. WANTED! WANTED! WANTED! 5 girls to learn beauty culture. Pay while learning ; position guaranteed. 400- ueKum umg. sanitary I'urlors. MANY of the best f ami ties of the city are rcRiaierea wnn me uomestic service Bu reau for cooks, general housework and second girls. 306 Central bldg. M. 7607. EXPERIENCED girl ior cooking and gen eral housework, to go to the beach. Call at 794 Irvington st. at once. A 114s 2. Main 8235. WANTED Refined, capable woman for re sponsible position. Viavl Co.. 609 Rotn child bldg.. 4th and Washington. WANTED StenoeraDher with soma bonk keeping experience. Call today between 9 ana 11 a. m., room 20, llsO Burnside st. WANTED A girl for cooking and general housework ; S grown people; good wages. 707 Flanders. IO YONUG ladles to travel, salary and expenses.- Mrs. West, Berkeley Hotel, 3d anu j. ayior. pet, v ana IO A. M. LADY going East wants permanent nurse to assist 1 n care Of twn h U.1r-n ences required. Apply at once, 655 Hoytst. t ir-u An unuergrauuate nurse, nospi tal experience. Nesbith Sanitarium 616 WANTED Two young ladies, over 21, to omer nurses training; special inducement, wages. Nesbith Sanitarium, 616 Lovejoy. MRS. HOWE'S LADIES' AGENCY. Washington bldg., 270 Wash., room 35. near 4th. Phone Main 8836 or A 3266. WOMAN OR GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSE- VVUKK; $35 MUMH AND MORE IF DE SERVED. CALL AT 333 SHERMAN ST. WANTED A Rood elrl for seneml hnusn work. Apply Mrs. H. E. Noble, 730 Flan- ucra st. EXPERIENCED girl, aeneral housework must be good cook. Willing to go to beach. naiL-ign. Alain S4. WANTED A middle-age woman for house- woric; go home nights. Call 480 Mont g ornery. A SWEDE or German girl for general housework. Phone East 2945 or B 1043. FIRST-CLASS lady cleaner for fancy " opco. vicsuii iyo wurKs, aoi jurnsiae WANTED 5 extra waitresses at Council on juiy 4 ana tsunaay. GIRL for general housework. Main 190. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife to work on mnph near Portland; must have experience; no viiii-jifii. j iu, uregonian. FISK Teachers' Agency secures positions for vini j. oig ouui urn Diug. Alain 4bfO. HELP WAXIKIi MJSC3CLLANEOUI1. WANTED Able, energetic men and women iu represent one ot the largest corpora tions in Xhe sale of domestic electric de vices; 40 per tent Profit and liberal nH ver Using assistance. If you are capable exclusive territory will be given: you are missing something If you overlook .uia. Auun-M m IP, uregonian. SHORTHAND SCHOOL Expert men teach- tB, vnia juu,uuu equipment, moderate fees. Not run to make money, but con ducted by business men to aid young men tn nctui pratucai education. Regis ter now. Y". M. C. A., corner 6th and Tay lor slS. 100 men and women to learn barber trade in 8 weeks; position guaranteed; modern col lege; tools free; learn a trade that you can get in business for yourself. Oregon Barber College, 233 Madison st. WI RELESS OPE RATOR3 in constant de mand. This coming vocation taught at Y. M. C. A. All the Year Round Day and Night Schools; complete equipment; best on Coast. PORTLAND mail carriers, postal clerks. son first year. $100 raise to $1200. Va cations. Portland examinations coming. Specimen questions free. Franklin Insti tute. Dept 330. E. Rochester. N. Y. THE Moler Barber College. 33 N. 4th St., 20 years in the business. 37 schools. The only modern school iu existence. Term 8 weeks. Tools free. Massage and dyeing a spe- via.ii.j'. uucLiiuu suuoiarsuip 10 eacn stuaent. GOVERNMENT positions are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-309, tells how. Write tnla v- T7 r x.- Fo rl Um-lrlno Tl.'o.ul--, D. C STENOGRAPHERS, any system, beginners or advanced, quickly trained for good po sitions, guaranteed. 629 Worcester block. Marshall 2751. GOVERNMENT positions, parcel post sys tem requires additional help; salary up to $1800, "free book." Pacific States School McKay bldg., Portland. Or. INTERNATIONAL CORRESPO N D E N C E SCHOOLS. 505 McKay bldg.. cor. 3d and Stark sts. Phones: Main 1020, A 412L Also Headquarters I. C. S. Fraternity. PRIVATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Individual instruction. GREGG SHORTHAND book keeping. 642 Hamilton bldg. Mar. 4258. SHORTHAND, TYPEWRITING SCHOOL 269 14TH ST. M. 3S93. EXP. INSTRUC'N. GIRLS Learn beauty parlor work. Earn money while learning. 613 Rothchild bldg. Keister s Ladies' Tailoring College and School of Dressmaking, l43Vi 11th st. MltAtlOXS WAX T E l 1A1 bookkrrpfrk Rod Clerks. OFFICE POSITION. A high-grade man, capable of systema tizing, cost accounting . auditing. lc, de sires a position. Uses neither liquor nor tobacco; a rapid an accurate worker. $150 to start. Best leferences. AR 188, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenog -apher. correspond ent, open for posltio 1. city or country, permanent or temporary; lumber experi ence; capable any line; positive! v first class; accurate; rella le; leav message. Arenson's Cash Grocery, Columbia 379. P. H. Gerrells. WILL AUDIT, OPEN, CLOSE OR WRITE up books, prepare balance and statements, inctall systems. Glllingham, auditor. 414 Lewis bldg. Marshall 717. EXPERT flgurer, good bookkeeper, can glv whole or part time ; four years experi ence In wholesale pro try office in Port land. AC 166. OrtgoUan. YOUNG man with three yean experience desires position as bookkeeper 1 a bank; best of 'references. K 10, Uregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkei per, automobile ac cessories, desires ' osition u.- r- mule firm; test references. K !:, ri-e.-man Miscellaneous. vANT Young physician. 26. graduate from Claps A coll eg f. wishes to Join older physician, 'permanent 01 temporary. C ISO, Oregonian. PRIVATE instruction in English, and aritn metic by an expert ; terms reasonable. AD 202. Oregonian. 1 JAPANESE will cook, hotel or restaurant. city or in country; experienceaj p X6, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese! f irst-olass lsun dry wash; any kind irons; position private family; city or county. L 1 S-", Oresnnian. YOUNG man. capable, ir, teiligent and well recommended, wishes employment. O 183, Oregonian. 1 KXPbKliS.l.;o janitor-enriner. umler- BianuB 011 ourner; mar iea; soqter; withes position. Main 7100. 3L1LOING and furniture repairing, scieen work and odd JoLs of an Mvds. j, v Lemon. 225 5th st. Phone Varsha!! 3OS0. PRIVATE lessons in E iglish' Latin Tnd mathematics, experience a mala- teacher O 179, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS waiters furnished Marshall 791. A -4JH0. Portland Va:ter Club l4bV 5th, Poytiand. Or. G. C Gerald, manager YOUNG man with experieru e wants work driving or in garage. K 147, Oregonlan. jOOD experienced brsrd 1-aktr, -wai; it 'posi tion In or out city. ' A 1J. Oi v or.ian. STEADY forenoon wttj-k f-r room and .board or each. AB 18S, Oiogcnian. tfIRST-CLASS Japanes" iC-fk ar,n position in private family. At 1S4. Or,'-gonian. BAKER All-around man. st and sober. S 156. O AliM.-e!lanevu. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN OF 35, WITH ANf UNUSUAL EFFICIENCY RECORD, DEj SIRES CONNECTION WITH LARGfl FIRM, HERE OR ELSEWHERE, WHC IS WILLING TO PAY LIBERAL SAL ARY FOR STRICTLY FIRST-CLAS- SERVICE. EXPERIENCED OFFICf MANAGFR, CREDIT MAN OR AUDITOR 18 YEARS OF BUSINESS TRAINING! WITH LARGEST HOUSES. ADDRESS! AS 1C2. OREGONIAN. WANTED Thoroughly experienced dry I goods man warns position in store in gooui country town; best of references furnished! as to ability and character; wife experi-I enced milliner, will also accept position.! A u j 00, u re so 111 tt.11. COOK All-around man, with wife and year-1 old baby, wlsnes position in boarding-1 house, camp or country hotel, where he 1 can have wife with him; comfortable. I steady place is desired more than bighl wages. v JJSii, uregonian. CAPABLE, middle-aged man. good appear ance, best references, wants work, any I kind ; handy at anything. H 17 U, Ore-1 gonian. COOK and helper, married couple, wants situation; thoroughly experienced hole. I or camp. Edward Shaw, 403 Salmon. l'none Alarsnall TOO. YOUNG man with S2 years' experience in I general mercnanaise store, wants position I as store manager in country town. av 1 lo-t, uregonian. fc-Xr'fclKl ENCED Japanese chauffeur wants position private family car; references W i. uregonian. NEW COOKS' headquarters and kitchen neip. 04 utn st. Main 7524. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. D resume iters. NK ABACK & SCHAARAR. dressmakers: reasonable, home or day. 367 lOth st. Main I SEWINO neatly and reasonably done at 270 ivy st. PLAIN sewing and children's clothes. Room iji. inone Aiarsnau ztiu. DRESSMAKING at home or by day. Tabor 2 -'. EXPERIENCED attendant will take mild mental or nervous case to Seaside. M 155, uregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes care semi-in valid, elderly or companion ; reasonable. Main 67u. TRAINED nurse, makes specialty of nervous ! and mild mental cases, rates reasonable. M I80. oregonlan. Housekeepers. REFINED, middle-aired lady wants nost- tion as housekeeper for gentleman with nice home; reasonable wages. . K. 194. i Oregonlan. Do nicotics. JAPANESE woman cook wants position small family; sleep home. L 1SS, Ore gonian. UiKb wants housework; can speak no Eng. iiwn. 10 r rem out st. Miscellaneous. YOU NO woman, experienced and capable with children, wishes a position as moth er's helper, with a family who would ap preciate ability and worth. AJ 169, Ore gonlan. GOVERNESS Position wanted by an ex perienced teacher, Canadian; would take entire cnarge 01 cniiaren in a no me. A V IdO. Oregonlan. WOULD like 2 or more children to care for under school age ; best care, pleasant home, reasonable. AN 19o, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wishes position at general nouseworn in zamuy ot aauits. can sei:- wooa 795. GERMAN girl. 16 years, speaks no English. wants generalhouse work. 370 North lth. WOMAN would like work Saturday and Monday; references, wooaiawn xbll. vvAiriiNG. cleaning, for today, Friday, Sat- urnuy. r-ast juu. room 11. WANTED Position to cook on ranch by woman with a hoy (0). 209 4th st. WANTED Laundry work or cleaning by tne cay. Auaressc ii. uregonian. YOUNG lady, jack of all trades, wants job. v isi, urcgwnian. YOUNG lady, experienced, wishes position. casnier or assustant in orrice. Alain itooo. LACE curtains, draperies, linens laundered by expert. Tabor 317. WANTED TO RENT. WANT TO RENT IN IRVINGTON OP. WEST SIDE. A well -furnished home, desirably locat ed. Small family, no children. EDWIN F. JAMES. Majestic Theater. Marshall 26S4. WANTED Strictly modern 5 or 6-room house, furnace, fireplace, screens, $30 per month; give location and full particulars. AF 1S5. Oregonian. WANTED 12 to 16-room, modern house for private hospital; will lease. AH 1S4. Oregonian. Rooms. 2 OR 3 H. K. rooms, walking distance to E. 6th and Ankeny. R 178. Oregonian. KtKtm With Bosrs. GENTLEMAN wants room with board, two meals, walking distance; state terms. AE 186. Oregonian. turnjs Place. PC B L1C stenog rapher desires desk room and use of otfice in exchange for services. Yeon bldg. T 136, Oregoiiian. FOR KENT. Iruriushed Rooms. ROWLAND RESPECTABLE MINOOK HOTEL HOMELIKE HOTEL 207 4TH ST. MODERN 213 4TH ST. Nice, choice, clean rooms, hot and cold water, pmate baths, nicely furnished at $3 per week and up; if you want full value for your money srlve us a trial, we can certainly suit you. One call means another. ANNEX HOTEL. Washington ,t.. Cor. 12th. Walking distance to all; 150 rooms, fire proof, modern, both telephones. SPECIAL RATES. Daily Weekly Monthly. With bath privilege or private bath. ANNEX HOTEL. Charles H. Rowley. Mgr. THE HOTEL ARTHUR. 11th, between Morrison end Yamhill; re cently opened, every modern convenience fdenty of hot water and heat; beautiful obby; rates $4 week and up; with pri vate batn $.50 week and up; transient rates $75 and up. Free phone. Main 4226. THE LARRABEE. 227 H LARRABEE ST. Special attention given visitors to World's Christian Conference; cool, mod ern rooms, low rates, just outside the noisy district. L car lets you off at door. HOTEL REN WICK Ideal home for busi ness people; centrally located; elegant rooms, modern conveniences. Broadway and Tayior. block from Portland Hotel. opposite Orpheum Theater. Main 016. CENTRAL HOTEL, opposite Parttages; mod ern outside rooms, suitable for 2 or 3; sing's rooms from $2. Do up; with bath $0 and up; cheapest in city. HOTEL NETHERLANDS. 126 13th st.. at Washington. Rooms, $J.50 per we.k up; under per sonal management owner. J. VV. Bushong. HOTEL SAVON. 331 Eleventh street. New.. modern brick building, steam heated, pri vate baths, hot and cold water, corafort ably furnished. Transients solicited. HOTEL Edwards. Grand ave. E. Belmont; rooms $12 mo. and up; $-2.00 and up with bath; absolutely respectable. East 323. NICELY furnished outside room, moaern, $3 and $i per week. Landore, 10th and Jei ferson. FURNISHED rooms, cheap, clean, well lo cated, $3.50 Pt.rweek- loSfc Fourth st. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. FURNISHED rooms, $1.75 per week and up; also housekeeping rooms, lbO West Park. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms within walking distance. Inquire 391 Harrison. WELL furnished rooms good location, modi ern home. Marshall" 367i. 569 Flanders FURNISHED rooms, porches, walking dis tance; board optional. 564 Flanders. SINGLE or suite, hot water, finest district in city. Marshall 4753. 745 Hoyt st. H'RNJSHEU front room, single or for two: i'hone and bath. Marshall 533. RUE double room, $5 weeklv also one wa Iking dls t ance. 655 W ashington. NICE furnished room in private family; no 529 Everett st. ROOMS. 209 14th st.. modern conveniences. walking distance. Phone Main 39:. $2 WEEK; nice little sleeping room, 263 12th