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About Morning Oregonian. (Portland, Or.) 1861-1937 | View Entire Issue (July 5, 1913)
THE MORNING OREGOXIAN. SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1913- 13 OREGON NATIONAL GUARD CELEBRATES Multnomah Members Solve Practical Problems on Clackamas Range. 3000 WATCH MANEUVERS HiMe Fire and Roar of Artillery Give Realistic Touch to Spectacu lar Programme Held as Part of July Fourth Picnic. Three thousand people participated yesterday in the annual Fourth of July celebration of the Oregon National Guard troops stationed in Multnomah County. The celebration was held at the state rifle range, Clackamas station, and was of a distinct military order, a feature of the day being a field maneuver in which all troops, including field artil lery, participated. Three special trains from Portland carried the large throng to the rifle range, where hostilities in the simu lated battle opened shortly before noon. The problem was one involving a spec tacular frontal attack, the troops be ing divided !n attacking and defensive forces. Blank ammunition was used, and the' volleys of rifle tire and roar of artillery gave the engagement a realistic touch. Definite Problem Worked. The engagement was in no way of the old "sham battle" type, a definite field problem being worked out under modern tactics. Aside from affording a stirring exhibition for the spectators it afforded the Multnomah County cltl-en-soldiers valuable battle practice. The two opposing battalions of ' the Third regiment were commanded by Majors Bowman and Smith, with Cap tain "Welch and Lieutenant Randall in command of opposing field artillery, and Captain Brown in command of the Coast Artillery Corps troops. Following a basket picnic In the grove at the range a field and track meet was held under the direction of the Armory Amateur Athletic Associa tion. The events and winners in this programme were as follows: Mounted section contest, Battery .A, First Field Artillery, O. N. G. Won by first section, time 35 seconds; second, fourth section, in 37 seconds. Military equipment race won by Corporal Sawyer, Eighth Company, C. A. C. Wheelbarrow race Won by Company F, Third Infantry. Blank cartridge race won by tser- geant Hansen, Company C, Third In fantry. , Private Take Honors. Litter bearers' race Won by Ser geant Gallien, Ambulance Company. Obstacle race Won by Private Kich- ardson. of Company C, Third Infantry, O. N. a. 100-yard dash Won by Private Clark, Klghth Company, C. A. C. Time 10 4-5 seconds. Leap frog race Won by two-man team from Eighth Company, C. A. C. Silver, cup- f or j. highest . number of points won by any organization Won by Company C, Third Infantry, with" 21 points: second place to Eighth Com pany, C. A. C with 19 points. The crack Coast Artillery Corps Band played military and popular airs through the day. Dancing in the Quar termaster's depot at the range con cluded the programme. Officials of the day were: Referee, Major Loran A. Bowman, Third Infantry; judges. Captain Hiram V. Welch, . Battery A, and Captain George H. Schumacher, Third Infantry; timekeepers. First Lieutenant Harry O, Hulse, Third Infantry, and Second Lieu tenant Eugene C. Ltbby, Third In fantry. "$700" TURNS TO BRASS Mount Tabor Carmen IMscover "Find" Is Rose Festival Medals. After reporting: the find of $700 Thursday night -and gloating over the reward which they would probably get, Conductor E. Clarke and Motorman P. Sampson returned early yesterday morning to where they had hidden the "sum" at the end of the Mount Tabor carline -and uncovered it, to find that the supposed hoard was only brass souvenirs of the Rose Festival. The souvenirs were in a greasy bag in a corner of the car and had the ap pearance ' of $10 --jpoltWpieoes. They were too excited over their supposed treasure to look at it closely and buried It at the end of the line for fear of belne robbed. When their night's work was done they returned to the plare of hiding and took the supposed gold out. They tore the bag all to pieces in their eagerness and found the supposed . roam to be nothing but the piece which were sold to boost the Rose a estivai. Many of their friends had heard of it oetore tney had uncovered it the sec ond time. They were figuring ,n the line lime tney were going to have with a portion or the sum, which they expect ed as a Toward. Yesterday they were back at work with less vim than on the ia-st trip unursaay night. AGITATORS ARE IGNORED Industrial Workers Active In Oratory and Collecting "Benefits." In spite of the holiday, the tranir of Industrial Worker agitators, who are making- a defunct strike at the plant of the Oregon Packing Company the basis for their propaganda, remained on the Job yesterday and filled the air with oratory, principally In villif icatlon of the constituted authorities and so cieties. No overt acts were committed which called for police interference. The agitators are assiduous in taking collections, which' are said to have amounted to a considerable figure, os. tensibly for "strike benefits." The policy of Chief of Police Clark ij to Ignore the affair as far as possible on the ground that these agitator thrive upon restriction and soon sub side when ignored. Montavilla to Build Clubhouse. Montavilla Board of Trade appointed - committee at the meeting Wednesda night to look up a lot in that subui that will be suitable for a clubhous Representatives of the district east the city limits at Montavilla appear i and asked for aid in getting Bull Ri .1 water and electric lights. A committ was appointed to take up the quest! n of extending water mains into that d rrtct. About 25 families are interest i, tenmore houses are under constructi m in the neighborhood. To bake the paint on Its passenger cra a railroad . in Pennsylvania has built hu oven- in which they can be run. i HOTELS AM) SUMMER RESORTS. &.HOTEL OREGON ' . A . : 1 ill ! 2 1 Portland's Newest and Most Magnificent Hostelry. Opened March 4th. 1911. Five hundred elegantly furnished rooms, nearly all with private baths; 100 specially equipped sample-rooms for the commercial trade. Located on Broadway right in the heart of the city. 113 mm mi ' "Stars a ?3J!? WRIGHT ANNEX HOTEL Washington Street. Corner 12th, PORTLAND, Or. Charles II. Rowley. Mgr. Auto bus meets trains and boats. 150 rooms. Fireproof. Modern. Flrst Class. Both Telephones. Room rate per day, with bah privilege, II, f 1.50. 2; with private bath, $1.50. $3. $2.50, $3. SPECIAL RATES PER WEEK OR MONTH Hotel Cornelius THE HOUSE OF WELCOME, PARK AND ALDER STS., PORTLAND, OR. In the theater and shopping district, one block from any carline; rates $1.00 per day and upj with bath, $1.50 per day and up. Take our Brown Auto 'Bus. C. W. Cornelius, President. H. E. Fletcher, Manager THE MULTNOMAH Vacation Time Bay ocean "The Playground of the Pacific" Northwest." Reservations are now being accepted for season or week end in .the hotel or tent city. Natural attractions in pleasing diversity, excelling; any on the Pacific Coast. Information, rates, reservations at the Portland office, 720 Corbett Bldg. Both phones or S. P. R. R.' agents anywhere. NEW SLATE PICKED McBride for. Mayor, Preston for Senate, Is Offer. EX-GOVERNOR WANTS JOB Two Seattle Aspirants to Honors in Politics Claim Credit as "Pro gressives" "Ideal' Opponent to W. . Ii. Jones Found. SEATTLE, Wash., July 4. (Special.) Herd's a new slate, fresh from the makers and wholly intact: For Mayor Bx-Governor Henry Mc Bride. For Senator Harold Preston. Close friends of Governor McBride know that he would have been a can didate for Mayor in the Gill recall cam paign if Gill had decided to drop out of the fight, but he refused to be drawn into any controversy. It is stoutly -asserted that ex-Governor McBride, who haa been regarded most seriously as a probable Repub lican candidate for United States Sen ator next year, has recently intimated V. i i i Mayoralty nomination were t- . i , . him he would accept It. The f . o i , i - or, however, has been pursu-i- ; t- 'en tenor of his ways as a r a . ! si-'- manufacturer. He ( n vi" -.i Anne H. 1, and though fort-.. j- .-uperior Co .irt Judge, no '.j.tarer jTsriu'es law. .he ilar.-'d Prestoi suggestion Is T.n yr.ors ago, Preston was a ".':;(i, i.- f r .Senator and was beaten ' y t S 'i).it r Lu- 1 Ankeny. There h rias ii.:fn a controversy over the ; st. of t'ie -lefeat of Preston. But tor t. t .nt time was a pioneer in sf ra:w progressive movement, t ie crond of "progressiveness," i in..u imve a right to an exclusive e a v 'TA'y. - l i iiii.i vho figure on Preston as i-i a: 'Ha! candidate want him de- ;-.; u Republican opponent to ,i: i V'iey Lt Jones. They argue ; at -' -would fit in as an ideal . iMI - 'iti !rtte,. would . satisfy the ri'i'. o . :-i lament in the party and v rj.:' ucen his old support :i ri -z .: r state. .iliims Dies at Olympia. ' r- received in this city yes i t- -death Thursday of Jack ti'-I known in Portland. ; ; .d lived for more than 15 va W . s fir ": ' ams died - at Olympia, mg a stroke of paralysis, -- iijro. He was visiting the -aoital in connection with .. r,t of cranberry industry ., i marshes. . Formerly Mr. ' in the automobile -busi- - Mty. The body was taken rr.e in Bellingham, Wash. !-.d by a widow and I.J.M P'"-,. a u--'. H.ver in IM rn i ' " TKORODOGICAI, fepORT. July Maximum temper ve?' "i'n'mum, 6o degrees. A. M., 19.3 feet: change .rj, 3 foot fall. Total rain ' M.). .01 inch; total September 1, 1912, 38.63 rainfall since September 1. , lei'tiency of rainfall since . tucnes. lotal sun- o minutes; possible sunshine, Portlands Famous Hotel Noted for the Excellence ipf lis Guls'me. European plan V ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF. -DICKINSON HOTEL CO. Wfeen In Seattle Stop at the Hotel Seattle. PORTLAND'S GRANDEST HOTEL Absolutely Fireproof 100 rooms........ $1.80 per day 200 rooms (with bath)2.00 par day 100 rooms (with bath)2.S0 per day Add $1-00 per day to above prices when two occupy one room. VERY ATTRACTIVE PRICES FOR PERMANENT GTJEST3 H. C. ROWERS, Manager. GA1SER THIGFEN, Asst Mir. The Shelburne NORTH BKACH. Modern improvements, beautiful dining-room. Now one of the larg est hotels on North Beach; with large airy and sunny rooms. We raise our own poultry. Reasonable rates, and special rates by the week for families. Make reservations by mail or wire. Long distance phone in hotel. Bay tickets to Shelburne Station Trains atop right at door. Address . 8KAVIEW, WASH, T. J. HOARE, PROP. "Ho! for Cascadia Best mountain resort on Coast: best medicinal water, scenery, hunting and fishing; nature's own conservatory of health. Auto or stage from Lebanon or t i v v. nsvine. ... V. ..te or phone. ti. M. GEISENDORFER, . Cascadia. OrtKoi; 15 hours 8& minutes. Barometer (reduced to vj at a f. m.. incnes. WEATHER CONDITIONS. A moderate hlg-h-pressure field overlies the Northwestern states and one of similar cii.mciw overues tne southeastern and Eastern states. Areas of low pressure are . V'1" over Arizona, central Minnesota and Al'berta. respectively. PreclnitjLtinn ha. . . ourred in practically all ot the Northern states from the Pacific Ocean nearly to the Atlantic; also in the Southern states. Heavy J8"8. have 'al'en In North Dakota, where 1.06 inches fell at Moorhead in the last 12 VT ' X-L incnes leu at w llUston. In other nortioDa of the country th ralnf.n wa" generally light. Thunder storms were , 'm moorneaa, uuiutn. Bt. Paul. Buffalo and Pittsburg. The weather is cool er in Saahatchewan, North Dakota. North ern Minnesota, Pennsylvania. Western New ,? .?nd Alabama. It la warmer In nearly all other sections of the country. The conditions are favorable for generally fair weather Saturday in Western Oregon and Southwestern Washington and for un settled weather with showers In the re maining portions of this district. Southeast to aat winds will obtain. ' " THE WEATHER. Wind ?! ? I : ? STATIONS State of Weather Baker ........ Boise ......... Boston ....... Calgary Chicago .. Colfax Denver Des Moines . , Duluth Galveston .... Helena ...... Jacksonville . Kansas City ., Laurier os Angeles .. arshfield ... Medford New Orleans New York ... North Head . North Yakima Pendleton ... Phoenix ..... Pocatello .... Portland ..... Roseburg . . . . Sacramento .. St. Louis .... St., Paul Salt Lake San Francisco Spokane Tacoma 72.0OI 4 SW-'Pt. cloudy 80;O.02) 4 8 Clear 92-0. 00112 SW ICIear 74 O.0S 12 NW'Pt. cloudy 94O.ooil0!sw Clear 74 0.0O . .-. . . Pt. cloudy 92i0.lK 8 SW Pt. cloudy 0.00. 8;S Clear eSiO.2814 NE iCloudy fB 0.01.02 S Clear 700.28(12.W Clear 92 T. I g.E tciear e4O.0O'l2 SW iciear 70 0.16 18: W Rain 80,O.0Of 6 SW Ciear -70O.O0' 4;NW'pt. cloudy S2O.0O' 6 NW Clear 92 0. 00f 6 SW Clear ? 84 O.O0 24 S Clear 62O.10!l2 SB' ICloudy ClAflf. 78:0.00; 4;SW Pt rlonrtv ltll'iO.OOl 4;W ICIear 74;-O.00f 4 SW hClear Pt pifini. .- 78 O.OOI 8 N .1 92 0.00) 8 NW Clear iCl.f lear ICIear Clear 74 0. 12 J2 NW 72 0.01 il2e3W 6SO. 18. 4SW 84! T. i2S 6' S0:O.Ol'r 4;W 90 0.00-1' 4 S 82,0.00). .'r . TO . T flAIC Cloudy Cloudy Rain Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Tatoosh Island - Walla Walla Washington Wenatchet . Winnipeg- ... Yellowstone Park 4 2i6.02'l4 SW FORECASTS. Portland and vicinity Probably talr; Tarlable winds. Oregon Generally fair west, showers in east portion; easterly winds. Washington Showers exoept fair in southwest portion; winds mostly southeast erly. Idaho Showers. THEODORE E. DRAKE, Acting District Forecaster. - PORTLAND ACCORDION PLEATING. K. Stephan, accordion, side pleating, buttons covered. Roods sponged. 383 Alder. M. 0373. ASSAYERS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory ana ore-teeting work. 188 Morrison St. ATTORNEYS. Sargent & Swope. 918 Cham, of Con. Ref erences: Mercnants Aat i nana, Martman & -Thompson. Bankers: Dorr E. Keasey Co. BOAT BC1XDENG. O. P. GRAHAM Boatbuilding and repair- mg. jaarine ways, toot. Abernetny st. CARPET WEAVING. NORTHWEST RUG CO. Rugs from old carpets, rag rugs, 153 union ave. CELLt'LOlD BUTTONS, BADGES. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, 92 fth st. Phones Main 812 and A 1254. CHIROPODISTS. William. Estelle and Dewane Deveny. the y flcientuic cniropoaists in tne cny. Parlors," 802 Gerllnger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. CHIROPODY and -pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. ami, urrices. -' Flleaner bldg. Main 3473 CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIANS. DR. M'MAHON, 121 4th St.; 10.0OO equip ment; one-fourth- usual charges for ex pert adjustment and baths. Dr. Lehman. 317 Abington bldg., has no 10.- w equipment; i.u a week; expert worK. COAL, AND WOOD. EDLEFSEN FUEL CO.. East 303, C S303. for siabwooa not watersoaked. ALBINA FUEL CO., for Summer orders, green alabwood. COLLECTION AGENCY. NETH & CO.. Worcester bldg. Main 1796. No collection, no charge. DANCING. PROF. WAL. WILSON-S Dancing School Summer dancing lessons, 25c; "waltz.' two-step," etc. ; guarantee to teach any body who walks how to dance; failure impossible. 85 V, 5th t. Phone Main 7637. HEATH'S Dancing School, 109 2d st., bet. Wash, and Stark sts. ; lessons dally: waltz and twostep guaranteed in four lessons; olass Friday evening. 8 to IO at -109 2d. DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING SCHOOL VALENTINE'S system ladies' tailoring. u.iu.,iiig iaugnL 10 a irrana ave. 'EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. Treatment by apecialUt. Glasses fitted. Dr. . . noocqo.j. 0 ueKum Diag., 3a-wash ELECTRIC MOTORS. WE buy. sell, rent and exchange new and . ;V " " . repair work a spe- clalty. W estern Electric Works. 213 6th. MOTORS, generators, bought, sold, rented and repaired. We do-all kinds of repair ing and rewinding; all work guaranteed. Phofe Main'fo?-00- 31 NrUl- ADVERTISING AGENCY. BOTSFORD ADV. CO.. Board of Trade bids. KAYE Adv. Co., Inc., Commonwealth bldg. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. JOHN DEERE PLOW CO.. Morrison & 2d. R. M. WADE & CO.. 322-26 Hawthorne ave. ARCHITCETURAL WIRE AND IRON WKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wks., 2d and Columbia. AUTO AND- BUGGY TOPS. pUBRUILLE BUGGY TOP CO.. 200 2d St. AUTOMOBILES. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co., E. Mar. & 2d. Howard Automobile Co., 14th and Davis. N. W. AUTO CO.. 617 Wash. Reo. Hudson. AUTO LAM PS AND RADIATOR REPAIRING. PORTLAND AUTO LAMP CO., BIO Alder st. . AUTOMOBILE SUPPLIES. BALLOU A WRIGHT, 7th and Oak streets. - BAGGAGE CHECKED AT HOME. Baggage & Omnibus Transfer. Park & Davis. BAKER CONFECTIONERS' - SUPPLIES. GRAY. M'LEAN & PERCY, 4th and Glisan. BARBER SUPPLIES. OREGON BARBER SUPPLY CO.. 72 6th St. Lewi.-Stenger Barber Supply Co.. 10th & Mor grunswick-Balke-Collender Co., 48 Fifth st. BICYCLES. MOTORCYCLES ft SUPPLIES. BALLOU & WRIGHT.. 7th and Oak streets. POPS F. P. Keenau . Co.. 190 4th street. . BICYCLES AND SUPPLIES, DAYTON CYCLE CO.. 247 Ash street. BILLIARD AND POCKET TABLES. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co., 46 Fifth st. BREAD BAKERY. Royal Bakery & Conf., Inc., 11th and Everett BREWERS AND BOTTLERS. HENRY WEINHARD, lath and Burnside. CANDY MANUFACTURERS. COFFMAN-S CANDY CO.. 43 Front street. CEMENT. LLME AND PLASTER, F. T. Crowe & Co.. 45 Fourth street. COFFEES. TEAS AND SPICES. CLOSSETT & DETERS, 1-11 N. Front st. BOYn TEA CO.. 209 Salmon street. CLASSIFIED AD. RATES i i Daily or SixBdsj. - Per IIn, One time 12c Same ad two conecuii-o times S2c feame ad tbree consecutive timet 80c bame ad mix or iteven consecutive times. 6ttc The above rat apply to advertiaeniems under "New Today" and all otber ciaMitlca Uou except the fullouinir: .Situations Wanted. Male. Situations Wanted, ITemale. For Kent. Rooms, private Families. Rooms and Boara. Private Families. Housekeeping Rooms, private Families. Rate ou the above classifications is 1 cents a line each Insertion. When one advertisement Is not run In con secutive Issues the one-time rate applies. Six average words count as one line on cash advertisements and no . ad counted for less than two linen. On "charged" advertisements charge will be based on the number of lines appearing in the paper, regardless of the number of words in each line. Minimum charge, two Lines. The Oregonlan will accept classified ad vertisementa over the telephone, providing the advertiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, hut bill will " be rendered the following day. Whether subsequent advertisements will be accepted over the phone depends upon the promptness of the payment of telephone ad vertisements. Situations Wanted and Per sonal advertisements will not ba accepted over the telephone. Orders tor one insor- Making Monday a Day of Extra Interest " Many merchants bend their energies in the direction of making Monday one of the busi-r est days of the week, if not the busiest. Interest focuses on this day And intensifies because of the special importance and general, character of the sales prepared and advertised, either Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Monday . is one of the big days of the week in the large cities, and the examples set by the metropolitan merchants have . been generally followed by the merchants in smaller places. Aiming to expand business healthfully and briskly, it is customary for the stores to offer items of unusual interest and prices that are attractive Readers of THE OREGON IAN who follow these Monday sales announcements have learned from pleasant experi ence that it pays to read the advertisements and attend the sales promptly. If you have not made it a point of heeding the offerings of merchants on Monday do so. You will profit materiallj-. BUSINESS DIRECTORY ECRNITTRE HOSPITAL. Rl'BBEK STAMPS, SEALS, BRASS SIGNS. BOWERS & PARSONS. 100 Front. M. 7443. PACIFIC COAST STAMP WORKS. Furniture Hospital. Packing and shipping. 231 Wash, st. Phone Main 710 and A 2710. " . ,.OHV- " , THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY, - HAT FACTOR a . 92 6th at. hones Main 812. A 1254. EASTERN HAT FACTORY. 64-68 3d street. SEWING MACHINES. Men's soft and Panama hats cleaned. ; : Best $2 hat on earth for men. NEW. all makes, factory prices; second- ' hand, 12 up; machines rented and re LANDSCAPE GARDENING. paired. Main 9431. 190 3d, near Yamhill. BETTER landscape and general gardening. SHOWCASES. BANK A STORE F1XTURKS. -SWISS FLORAL CO., - WESTERN FIX. & SHOWCASE CO.. 10th fc.ast J20. C lol4. and Davis. Showcases to order and in stock. PAtFI.?I?1,5J"L'?2cape garden Company. 513 THE LUTKE MFG. CO.. branch Grand Rap- Rothchild bldg. Phone Marshall 23U8. lds showcase Co.. 6th and Hoyt. R. Lutke, LEATHER AND FINDINGS. manager. ; . J. A STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO-EsT MtRjSLw'ln-dp,atthandntag tabllehed 18uS. 189 Front St.- . ; ; STORAGE AND TRANSFER. " ' - LAUNDRY. PORTLAND Van & Storage Co., cor. 15th JAPANESE Eagle Laundry, cleaning and and Kearney sts., just completed new flre- dyelng. East 3883. C 1794. 120 Russell St. proof warehouse for household effects, pi- anos and automobiles; contains separate LLP READING. fire and vermin-proof rooms, steam-heated KING SCHOOL for the deaf and hard-of- Slor".? Sg.SnS? "fir'Sov- hearing. 308 Central bldg. lnKi reauced freight rates on household ururvrm kfrvice goods to and from East in through car J. MESSENGER ICE. . Main 5640. All departments. HfcSJTpino"eeIMMnCS3-AalSSd ' C- O. PICK Transfer Storage Co.. office. lce- Maln A i15' and commodious 4-story brick warehouse. MUSICAL. separate iron rooms and fireproof vaults Dt . ,T.T . JJ ...y, for valuables: N. W. cor. 2d and Pine sts.; PIANO. STUDIO Modern methods. 469 14th. pianos and furniture moved and packed Main S893. Arrangements for practice. for shipment, special rates made on goods EMIL THEILHORN. violin teacher, pupil In our through cars to all domestic and Sevlck. 325 Flledner old. A 4160. Mar. 1629. foreign ports. Main 596. A 298. T. E. LAWSON. 422 H Morrison. Piano les- OREGON TRANSFER CO 474 Gllsan st . sons during vacation. 50c. Main 6459. cor. 13th. Telephone Main 69 or A S ' : General transfer and forwarding agents. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICLANS. We own and operate two large class "A" r , ,, . ; -.,. warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Dr. Grover specialist In paralysis nervous, insurance rates in the clty chronic diseases. 703 Oregonlan bl. M. 8142. . OLSON-ROE TRANSFER CO.. general OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. transferring and storage safes, pianos and Dr. R. B. Northrup. 415-1H-17 Dekum bldg. urn'tUr mOV.e,dtanvSClf 'imfd'Ke Nervous and chronic diseases. Toam, and auto vans for long-distance Phone, office M. 348; res. East or B 1028. moving. 87-89 Tront at. Main o47 or A 47. PATENT ATTORNEYS. TYPEWRITERS. Patent, procured by J. K. MoeJ wrir a$S8DgoodU..bA'eywr a'macne WA 'fVe'e. ioTJ- otPaTrnad.0hg: ri,4ri,nU R. C. WRIGHT. 22 year.' practice. U. S. THE J. K. GILL COMPANY, and foreign patents. 600 -Dekum bldg. Third and Alder sts. Both phones. Main SoOO, A 60f8. PIPE We are the exchange for the largest type- PORTLAND WOOD PIPE CO. Factory and writer concern on the Coast: investigate: office near 24th and York Bts. Main 8489; all makes, all prices. The Typewriter PORTABLE HOUSES. Exchange. 851 H ' NEW, rebuilt second-hand rentals at cut PORTABLE HOUSES' rates. P. D. C; Co., 231 Stark. Main 1407. You will b.Arprifhow cheap you TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. can buy a portable house tent. , RENT A REMINGTON. We have one on display. S3 PER MONTH. PORTLAND TENT A AWNING CO., REMINGTON TYPEWRITER COMPANY. 16 North Front St. gfl Broadway. Portland. Or. Main 1550. A. 1150. WINDOW SCREENS. NICKEL, gold and silver plating. Portland screen door, and windows made to order, Pltg. & Mfg. Co. Main 943. A 5282. paTnt?d and hung, short notice: porch REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES. JblngoT'aUkfnd Junnysie Built to order, any size, J7.60 up. P. C. lied shop. 1026 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 943. Co., 64 Union ave. South. Phone East 843. After 6 P. M. phone Tabor 2V58. WHOLESALE AND MANUFACTURERS DAIRY AND CREAMERY SUPPLIES. Monroe & Crissel, 126 Front. M. 4540, R. 5429. DRUGGISTS. CLARKE-WOODWARD DRUG CO.. Alder at West Parle DIES AND SHEET METAL STAMPING. WESTERN Tool Die Works. 30 Pine st. DRY GOODS. F'LEieCHNER-MAYER & CO.. 207 Ash St. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. STTTBBS ELECTRICAL CO.. th and Pine sts i1U, OYSTERS AND ICE. MALARKEY Sc. CO.. Inc.. 149 Front street. FLOUR MILLS. CROWN MILLS. Board of Trade bldg. GRAIN MERCHANTS. Albers Bros. Milling Co., Front and Marshall BALFOUR-GUTHRIE & CO., Board of Trade H. M. HOUSER. Board of Trade bldg. NORTHERN GRAIN & WHSE. CO.. Br.Tr. THE W. A. GORDON CO.. Board of Trade. GROCERIES. ALLEN & LEWIS (Est. 1S.-1), 48 N. Front. WADHAMS & CO.. 69-75 4th St. HATS AND CAPS. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 63-55 Front st. HAY. J. H. Klosterman & Co.. leading hay dealers. HIDES. FURS, PELTS, WOOL, TALLOW. THE H. F. NORTON CO.. 53-53 N. Front St. HIDES, PELTS, WOOL AND FURS. KAHN BROS., ial. Front at. HOP MERCHANTS. M'NEPP BROTHERS, 614 Worcester bldg. IRON WORKS. PACIFIC IRON WORKS. East od and Burnside sts. ALL ARCHITECTURAL IRON. CASTINGS. Complete Stock of BEAMS. ANGLES, CHANNELS, PLATES. KODAKS AND PHOTO SUPPLIES. PORTLAND PHOTO SUPPLY CO.. 149 Sd. LEATHER AND SHOE STORE SUPPLIES. HERTSCHE BROS.. 304 I'ine St. CHAS L. MASTICK & CO.. 74 Front. Leath er of every description, taps, mfl. findings. tion only will be accepted for "Furniture for bale," Rusiness Opportunities,' "Koomlng honse." and "Wanted to Rent.' The Oreoni&n will not guarantee accuracy or assume responsibility for errors occurring In telephoned advertisements. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for more tban one til correct Insertion of any advertisement ordered lor more than ons time. In "New Today" all advertisements are charged by measure only. 14 lines to ths Inch. Remittances must accompany out-of-totro orders. UNCALLED - FOR ANSWERS ANSWERS ARE HELD AT THIS OFFICE FOR THE FOLLOWING ANSWER CHECKS AND MAY BE HAD BY PRESENTING YOUR CHECKS AT THE OREGON I AN OFFICE: A 172 .1S1, 186, 202, 204. B 119, 133. 145, 14S, 150. 151, 15T. 138, 139, 161. 163. 177. IBS. 19. 960. C 171. J S3. 107, 200. J 156. 162. 171. 181, 187. 189. 194. E 119. 157, 171, 178, 201. F 138. 145, 148, I, 16T, 176, 179, 1S1, 1S2. 199. G 133, 149, 1S6, 174. 178, 179. 182, 184, 185, 194. 199. H 102. 139. 143. 146, 164. 167, 167, 176, 172. 177. J 166.- 17. 168. 176. 179. 185, 198. K 171.. 1S3. 1SS. 190. 191. 1. 306. 137. -13fc, 149, 169. 17, 178, ISO, 186. 187. 188. 193. M 148, 150, 170. 182, 184. N IT, 104, 132, 140, ' 142. 1415, 153, 1ST, ..160. 164. 165. 169. 171. 194. 195. O 162, 179, ISO, 193, 194. P 167, 171, 176. 1S5,. 197, 198. R 164. 166, 170, 174, 178, 182, 185. 8122, 138. 148. 139, 140. 102, 153, 169, 170, 111. 179. T 122. 146, 147. 149. 154. 185, 158, 157, 160, 166. 167. 173. 198. v V 117, 131. 149, 168. 175. 181. 183. 192. W 53. 120, 151. 166, 170, 171, 17S, 1T4. 775, 1S2. X 177. ISO. 181. Y 155, 19. 182. 195. AB 148, 151, 163,' 164, 165, 174, 178, 193, 194. AC 138. 160, 171, 172, 180. 190. AO 183. 190. AK 138. 1ST. 174. 183, 197. AF 147. 177. 179. 181, 183. 192. 193, 197. A( 153.. 178. 179, 181, 196, 198. AH 147, 150. 164. 167, 170. 171. 175. 177, 1S8. 195. 197. AJ 148. 150, 164. 168, 109. 172, 182. 183, ISO. 187. AK 170, 176. 183. AJL 136. 145. 146. 151. 158. 161. 167. 168. 169. 172, 173. 175. 177. 178, 179. AM 1S4. 150. 152. 177. 180. 183. 184. 193. AN 145, 158. 175. 181. 1S2, 193, 196. AO 155. 168. 19. 172. AP 87. 138, 162. 164. 174. 194. AR 127. 133, 151. 180. 194. 198. Ad 119. 136. 151. 152, 171. 172. 175. 176, 177. 196. AT 14S. 152. 165. 166, 1S6. 187. 188. 181. 183, 195, 198. If the above answers are not called for within six days, same will he destroyed. , MEETING NOTICES. WASHINGTON LODGE XO. 46. A. F. AND A. M. Special com munlration Saturdav. Julv o. 12:30 .JV P. M.. East Sth and Burnside. to conduct the funeral of our late brother, E. F. Crosby. Fun eral committee, please take notice. .A full attendance desired. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec. OREGON LODGE NO. 101. A. F. AND A. M. Stated communi cation this (Saturday) evening; at 8 o'clock, Masonic Temple. Ex amination T:3o o'clock. Work in M. M. degrres at 8:30 o'clock. Visiting brethren cordially Invited. By order W. M. - A. J. HANDLAM. Secretary. PORTLAND LODGE NO. 55, A. F. AND A. M. Special communication this (Sat urday) A. M-, 0:30 o'clock, for the purpose of conducting the funeral services of the late Bro. Bees Thomas for Temple Lodse No. T. A. F. and A. M.. of Astoria. Or. Members requested to attend. By order W. M. C. M. ST E A DM AN, Secretary. LUBRICATING OILS. Balfour. Guthrie & Co.. Board of Trade. LOGGING MACHINERY. F. B. MALLORY & CO., 2ol Pine st. Loggers & Contractors' Mach. Co.. 71 5th st. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S NECKWEAR. Columbia Neckwear Mfg. Co.. 83 Fifth st. MILLINERY. B. O. CASE & CO.. 6th and Oak. BRADSHAW BROS., Morrison and 7th sts. NOTIONS AND FANCY GOODS. MILLER SIMINGTON. Calhoun Co.. 45 4th. ORNAMKNTAF. IRON AND WIRE. Portland Wire & Iron Works, 2d & Columbia. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES. RASMUSSEN & CO., Jobber., paints, oils, glass. Mali and doors. Cor. 2d and Taylor, W. p, FULLER CO., 12th and Davis. PAINTS AND WALL PAPER. PIONEER PAINT CO.. 1S6 First St. PAINTS, OILS. VARNISHES. BASS-H U ETTER PAINT CO., 184-186 2d st. PIPE. PIPE, ITrTINGS AND VALVES. M. L. KLINE. 84-86 Front st. PLUMBING AND STEAM SUPPLIES. M. L. KLINE, 64-S6 Front t. M. BARDE & SONS, 240 Front St. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. EVER DING & FARRELL, 140 Front St. POULTRY. EGGS, CALVES. HOGS. HENRY EVERDING. 45-47 Front St. ROPE AND BINDER TWINE. -Portland Cordage Co., 14th and Northrup. SAND AND GRAVEL. COLUMBIA DIGGER CO., Foot Ankeny st. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. W. P. FULLER & CO.. 12th and Davis. SAWMILL MACHINERY. PORTLAND Iron Works. 14th and Northrup SECOND-HAND FURNITURE. 50 cheaper than elsewhere. 24 Union ave. SODA FOUNTAIN SUPPLIES. COLUMBIA SUPPLY CO., S Front St. WALL PAPER. Ernest Miller Wall Paper Co., 172 1st St. MORGAN WALL PAPER CO.. 230 2d t. WIRE AND IRON WORKS. Portland Wire & Iron Wk!., 2d & Columbia, MEETING NOTICES. HAWTHORNE LODGE NO. Ill A. f . AND A. M. Special com munication Saturday morning at 9:30. o'clock. Masonla Temole. for the purpose of conducting tbe xunerai services or our nt hrnth. er, Rees Thomas, of Temple Lodge, No. 7, at Astoria, Or. Services at Crematorium. visiting oretnren invited to attend. C. E. MILLER. Secretary. ILED. HOBSOX In this citv. Jnlv 4 TrrT,o v. Hobson. wife of Clvde S. Hohson. nf SKI 19th st. The remains are at the new par- ui j. mt. rinmy & fton. Montgomery - ana ocn sts. notice or luneral hereafter. HAN'XENT July 3. Bt the residence, in ients, uuy J. Hannont, aged 21 years, be . loved son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Han ncnt. Notice of funeral later. GIBSON At his latn residence. 231 -Rrn.rt way. July 4. John W. Oibson. nrei 5: years. Remains are at Molman's funeral parlors, announcement of funeral later. ELLIOTT July 4. John W. Elliott, aered Kl years. Remains at Dunning & McKntee's parlors. Notice of funeral later. ' FUKEBAL NOTIfE. CROSBY The funeral services of the late Edward F. Brosby will be held at the family residence 092 E. Eighth st. North, featurday, July 5, at 1:30 P. M. Friends invited. The services at the grave will be In charge of Washington Lodge No. 46. A. F. and A. M. Remains at Lerch's undertaking parlors. THOMAS At the family residence ,795 Cor oett at., July 2. Rees Thomas, aged 65 - years. Friends Invited to attend funeral services, which will be held at Holman's funeral parlors at 10 A. M. today Sat urday). July 6. Concluding services at the : Portland Crematorium. GCINES The funeral services of the late George M. Gllnes will be held today Sat urday. July B, at 2 o'clock P. M at the new chapel of J. P. Finley & tion. Mont gomery and Sth sts. Friends respectfully Invited. Interment at Rose City Parte Cemetery. SCHNEIDER July 4. Chris Schneider aged 68 years. Funeral services will be held at Dunning tc McEntee's chapel, Sunday, July 1 o'clock. Friends respectfully in vited to attend. Interment Greenwood Cemetery. HANXEXT The funeral services of Guy F Hannent will be held at the residence at Lents, (iunday, July 6, at 1 o'clock. Friends respectfully invited. Interment lit. Scott Park Cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. MR. EDWARD HOLM AN, tho leading fu. neral director, 220 Third street, corner Sal mon. Laaly assistant. A 1611, Main 607. J. P. KIN LEY it SOX. fL NERAL SERVICE. Lady Attendant. Montgomery, at Fifth St. F. 8. DUNNING. INC. East Side Funeral Directors. 414 I'.nmt Alder St. East 63, B 8525. DUNNING M-ENTEE, funeral directors. 7th and I'loe. Jfbone Main 430. Lady h, tendant. Office of County Coroner. PORTLAND CREMATORIUM, 630 Glen wood ave. j take bell wood car. Open to vis itors dally from 9 A. M. to 6 P. M. LEBCR. undertaker, cor. East Alder ana BUtli. East a 1883. Lady attendant. SKEVFES UNDERTAKING COMPANY id and Clay. Main 4163. A gaai. Lady attendant. A. R. ZELI.KR CO., East 1088, C 108 Lady Attendant. Night Service. MEMORIALS Portland Marbie Works t04 4th, oppoHlte City Hall. Main a361. NEW TODAY. ARTISTIC HOMES. COMPLETE PLANS 3. A. H. KABJER. ARCHITECT. 860 A1NSW3RTH AVE. c 3T1. AMUSEMENTS. HEILIG THEATER 11 tli and Morrison This Afternoon 2:45 o'clock Last Time 8:30 o'clock.. LYMAN H. HOWE TRAVEL FESTIVAL MOTION PICTURES Tonight 50r. 35c. 25c. Today. Adults 25o, Children 13c. BAKER THE ATE R Main X. A 5360 Geo. I biktr.Mff. Last two times, today 2:15, tonight 8:S0 Farewell week of eeasjn. The Baker. Players In the famous larce. 'THE GIRL IN THE TAXI" First time In stock. A scream from start to finish. Evenings 2'c, 35i 50c. Mat. Sat. 25c. UATIXtlE DAII-X. lain . A It? 0w MISS IRENE FRAXKIIV Theodore Bendix and Symphony Playera nai Davis, Inez Macauley i to. Fred Watson and Krna Santos Mclntyre and Harty Monui and Wiser Carson lirotbers cents PORTER J. WHITE & CO. in "Scandal." EMMA FRANCIS And Her Whirlwind Arab. 4 Other Headline Acts 4 COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN Broadway and Aldrr Streets WEKK .TTNjr 29 Alisky'fc Hawaiian Sere nade. Belle Oliver, Florenz Trio. Coolant and Cox. tScott Sidney fc Co., Zafredo. Van taesvope. Matinee daily, lac. . Popular pric. Boxes and f irtt row bnlcouy re-; served. Box office open from 10 A. M. lor 10 P. M. phones A 'Zj6t Main Curtain 2:30, ?:15 and 9:10. The American Comic Opera Company - ivlll ' i present "THE JOLLY ROBBER." Tuesday night. Athletic Content. Friday nisbt. Chorus Girls' Contest. Prices Nights, 13c . 26c. Matineet, an v seat, 15c. TODAY LAST CHANCE To See That Wonderful Picture y ' . r In Three Reels, The Tiger Lily AT" THE ' - ; Globe Theater Eleventh and Wejihinjcton. 10 ALL SEATS. COLUMBIA THEATER Sixth and Washington Sts. Open 3.1 A. M. to 11 P. M. Programme: "A . Gamble With Death" fBlograph Drama); "The Story of the Bell" . (Edison Drama); "All on Account "of the; Portrait" .Edison Comedy); Educational Film; Mrs. Brush, soprano; orchestra. Coming July tt. "Shenandoah," great wir drama. ADMISSION, 10 CENTS. , - The Oaks ' OX SU.DAV ALICE GREGG win ride In AUTO IN AIR 4 V. M. ' BAND AND VAUDEVILLE Cars at First and Alder.. Launches Morrison Bridge. . RECREATION PARK. . Cor. Vanghn and TmntT-l onrtk Sts. SACRAMENTO vs. PORTLAND JULY 1, S. 3, 4, 5 AND 8. Games BeKIn Weekdays at SilS P, M. Sundays 2:30 P. M. LADIES' DAY FRIDAY. Boys Under 12 Free to Bleachers ., Wednesday. - jL!"- Matinee Sra: ; BASEBALL OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY OFFICE NO. 820 UNION AVENUE COIU NEB MAHKKI STREET. . . . - Phone East 14Z8. B 2616. . .. Horse ambulance tor sick or dlsablefj animals at a moment's notice. ' Prloa reasonable. Keport all cases of cruelly ..t.' to this office. Osen day and nlgbt- . NEW TODAY. Clackamas Street Bargains' Price $1250 Each We have fotlr lots on this stree.t for the above price. Can arrange 'easy terms. Mall & Von Borstel 104 Serosd St Lumber .Exchange Bldsj. . v What Will You GIVE FOR SIX LOTS AND A HOUSE f Sixtieth and Kast Ash opposite big school and good place tor store.' Casft only. . , . ....- '..'. nw.VKR. 310 ( hsmber of Commeree. FOR RENT elegant 50x100 store, including - flva' floors and basement, long lease, low.: rent; near Fifth -and Washington' streets. See us at once. Suitable f o-r r Hejht manufacturinsr, wholesale or re--tail store. J75 Pine Street, Corner Fourth St.. Edward E. Goudey Lrtris Balldlnr. -- MORTGAGE LOANS i t per eDt on beat business p roper Ua pi' cent ud T per ctnt on otbr clo-ia bou CITY- & FARM LOANS $1(100 and up at lowest rates - C. M. ZADOW 414 Corbett Bldg. A 1410, Marshall 92. CEMETERY EEAUTIFUL MOlIJiT SCOTT PARK. Portland's Perpetual - Care Cemetery. Large. Permanent. Modern. Both phones CITY AND FARM LOANS Auy Amount at Current Rates. JOHN E. CfiONAN . 002 Spaldlns-Hldit. I'ortlandi Or."